(not for public use} ! INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT Secl1 61- 282 FRON: The Secretary December 18, 1961 IBRD RESOLUTIONS OF EXECUTIVZ DIRZCTORS (and Certain Decisions) Further to the lis t of 11 RESOLUTIONS OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTCRS (Al!D CI:RTAIN D::CISIOiiS) 11 issued on February 15, 1960 (SeeN 60-6) and on November 25, 1960 (Sed'1 60- 221), attached is a supplementarJr list of all resolutions a nd certain decisions a dopted by the Executive Directors of the Ban:..: from November 8, 1960 to December 6, 1961. Distribution: Executive Directors and Alternates ,.. I President Vice Presidents ,.. ~~ JC Department Heads Legal Department (19) ,~ Secretary ' s Office (5) Secretary, International iionetary Fund - 58 - RESOLUTIONS OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS ( Cont 1 d) Number Approved 60- 44 Adding a net-v Section 6 to the Regulations Relating to Executive Directors and Alternates adopted pursuant to Section lL. of the By-Laus of the Bank. November 8, 1960 60- 45 Arrangements vrith International Developroont Association. November 8, 1960 Investment in Special Reserve (Decision - 1'160-11) November 8, 1960 60- 46 Approval of Loan to Kingdom of Norway (Tokke Expansion Project) in the amount of $25, ooo, ooo . December 1, 1 960 60-47 Approval of Loan to The Japan Develop- ment Banlc (Thir d KaH-asaki Project) in the amount of ~~6,000, 000 to be guaranteed by Japan. December 1 6, 1960 60-48 Approval of Loan to The Japan Development Bank (Second Sumitomo Project) in the amount of ~~7 , 000, 000 to be guaranteed by Japan. December 16, 1960 60-49 Approval of Loan to Republic of Peru (Aguaytia-Pucallpa Road Project) in the amotmt of ~~5 ,500,000 . December 16, 196o 61- 1 Approval of Loan to Nacional Financiera, S . A. (Irrigation Program) in the amount of ~?lS , ooo,ooo to be guaranteed by United Hexican States . Janu35,000, 000. August 8, 1961 61- 31 Approval of Loan to l'·iortgage Bank of Finland Oy(Woodworking Projects - 1961) i n the amount of t>25,ooo,ooo to be guaranteed by the Republic of Finland August 8, 1961 61- 32 Resolution Authorizing $100,000,000 Principal amount of T~ro Year Bonds of 1961, Due September 15, 1963, and the Sale Thereof. August 8, 1961 61- 33 Redemption of S"t-riss Franc Bonds of 1952. August 8, 1961 Devel opment Advisory Service (Decision - N61- 8) August 8, 1961 Study of Financial Relationships Bett·reen Bel gium and Congo (Deci sion - 1161- 8) August 8, 1961 Col ombia - Request for Bank ' s Good Offices (Decision - 1'161-8) August 8, 1961 December 18, 1961 - 62 - RESOLUTIONS OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS(Cont 1 d) Nllinber Approved 61-34 Approval of Loan to Republic of Colombia (Road Project) in the amount of (.19,500,000. August 15, 1961 61-35 Approval of Loan to Territory of Trinidad and Tobago(Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission Project) in the amount of ~:> 23, 500 ,000 to be guaranteed by United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. August 15, 1961 61-36 Approval of Loan to Banco Central de Costa Rica (Second Industrial Equipment Project) in the amount of ~) 3 , 000,000 to be guaranteed by Republ i ca de Costa Rica. September 5, 1961 61-37 Approval of Loan to the Volta River Authority (Volta Project) in the amount of ~>47 , 000, 000 to be guaranteed by Republic of Ghana. September 7, 1961 61-38 Approval of Loan to Republica of Costa Rica (Highuay Project) in t he amount of C5,5oo,ooo. October 12, 1961 61-39 Approval of Loan to India (Sixth Railway Project) in the amount of (~50,000 , 000 . October 12, 1961 61-40 Approval of Loan to National PoVTer Corporation (Angat Project) in the amount of C34,ooo, ooo to be guaranteed by Republic of the Philippines . October 12, 1961 61-41 Rede~tion of Swiss Franc Bonds of 1951. October 12, 1961 61-42 Authorizing the Borrouing of 100 million Swiss Francs from the S-vriss Confederation. October 12, 1961 61-43 Increase of Authorization for Priva te Sale of Portions of Loans . October 24, 1961 61-44 Approva l of Loan to Republic of Peru(HighHay Naintenance and Improveme nt Project) in the t amount of ...:10, 000, 000 . November 2, 1961 61-45 Nembership of Syrian Arab Republic and Subscription of United Arab Republic. November 2, 1961 61- 46 Approv al of Loan to the Developnent Bank of Ethiopia(Second Development Bank Project) in the amount of f:r2,000,000 to be guaranteed by t he Empir e of Ethiopia. November 21, 1961 Project Study-the Philippines (Decision - 1161-10) November 21, 1961 De cembe r 18, 1961