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Shock waves : managing the impacts of climate change on poverty (English)

Climate change threatens the objective of eradicating poverty. Poor people and poor countries are already vulnerable to all types of climate-related shocks—natural disasters that destroy assets and livelihoods; water borne diseases and pests that becomemore prevalent during heat waves, floods, or droughts; crop failure from reduced rainfall; andspikes in food prices that follow extreme weather events. Such shocks can erase decades ofhard work and...
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Bangalore,Mukund Ram; Hallegatte,Stephane; Bangalore, Mook; Bonzanigo,Laura; Fay,Marianne; Kane,Tamaro; Narloch,Ulf Gerrit; Rozenberg,Julie; Treguer,David Olivier; Vogt-Schilb,Adrien Camille.

Shock waves : managing the impacts of climate change on poverty (English). Climate Change and Development Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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