68686 Federal Republic of Nigeria: Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Meeting of the Executive Directors May 8, 2012 Executive Directors approved the Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project credit to the Republic of Nigeria in the amount of US$ 500 million on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum, coupled with a grant from the Global Environment Facility in the amount of $3.96 million and a grant from the Special Climate Change Fund in the amount of $4.63 million (GEF/R2012-0010 [IDA/R2012-0102]). The Directors welcomed the innovative and integrated approach of the project and noted its alignment with the Country Partnership Strategy. Directors took note of the various risks facing implementation, including governance, technical capacity and social environmental issues, and urged very close monitoring to ensure achievement of sustainable results. Finally, Directors emphasized the need for continued engagement with the Government and collaboration across a wide range of public and private actors to secure quality project outcomes, which can hopefully be replicated for other parts of Nigeria and the rest of Africa. The need for gender mainstreaming in impact evaluation of the project was emphasized.  This summary is not an approved record.