Page 1 Guizhou Cultural and Natural Heritage Protection and Development Project Environmental Management Plan Prepared By: The World Bank Loans Guizhou Cultural and Natural Heritage Protection and Development Project Office With assistance from: Guiyang Hydropower Investigation Design & Research Institute China Hydropower Engineering Consultation Group Corporation September 18, 2008 E1912 V3 Page 2 ii Introduction Preparation of the Environment Management Plan of Guizhou Cultural and Natural Heritage Protection and Development Project is based on the Environment Impact Assessment Report for the project and follows the requirements of the World Bank. This EMP contains the mitigation measures for impacts to be introduced in the construction phase and operation phase. It is the action plan for the environment management and monitoring program in construction phase and operation phase. This EMP mainly includes the following chapters: z Background and objective z Environment impacts and mitigation measures z Environmental management institution z Environmental monitoring plan z The communication, record keeping and reporting arrangement z Budget for the EMP Page 3 1 Table of Contents 1 FOREWORD.....................................................................................................................1 1.1 P ROJECT B ACKGROUND ..................................................................................................1 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT.........................................................................................5 3 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT..............................................................................9 3.1 E NVIRONMENT M ANAGEMENT O RGANIZATIONS ..............................................................9 3.2 E NVIRONMENT S UPERVISION O RGANIZATIONS ................................................................9 4 POTENTIAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES.........................................10 4.1 I MPACTS AND M ITIGATION M EASURES AT S TRATEGIC L EVEL .........................................10 4.2 G ENERAL M EASURES FOR E ACH S ITE ...........................................................................12 4.3 S PECIFIC M ITIGATION M EASURES .................................................................................13 5 TRAINING PLAN ...........................................................................................................17 6 ENVIRONMENT SUPERVISION PLAN......................................................................25 7 ENVIRONMENT MONITORING PLAN......................................................................26 7.1 O BJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................26 7.2 M ONITORING INSTITUTION ...........................................................................................26 7.3 I MPLEMENTATION OF MONITORING ................................................................................26 7.4 E NVIRONMENTAL M ONITORING P LAN ...........................................................................26 7.5 M ONITORING R EPORTING S YSTEM ................................................................................29 7.6 E NVIRONMENTAL M ONITORING AND A CCEPTANCE R EPORT OF S UB - PROJECTS ................29 8 ADJUSTABILITY AND FEEDBACK SYSTEM ...........................................................30 9 BUDGET FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EMP...................................................31 10 PROMISES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EMP ...............................................33 Page 4 1 Foreword Project Background Guizhou is in the southwest China and often recognized as a country-side province because of its large rural population and under-developed economy. Poverty reduction thus has become a priority of the social economic development strategy in this province. The Guizhou Provincial Government has adopted ambitious policies to promote the province’s diverse natural and cultural heritage tourism resources for the economic benefit of the people of Guizhou. The Provincial Government also recognizes the need to balance the economic benefits from the tourism development with environmental protection and heritage conservation. The proposed Guizhou Cultural and Natural Heritage Protection and Development Project is intended to exploit the briliant resource of cultural and natural heritages in Guizhou Province in a sustainable manner to promote the economic growth and create employment oppertunities, so as to improve the living conditions of the people in locality. The EMP is developed on the basis of the characteristics of construction and local environment, and the laws and regulations, including the Environmental Protection Law of China , the Temporary Published Regulation of Environment Protection Regulation , the Management Regulation of Construction Items Environmental Protection , the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control Law of China , the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of China , the Solid Waste Pollution Prevention and Control Law of China , the Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Law of China , and the principle of sustainable development. This EMP is aimed at avoiding, mitigating or minimizing the adverse impacts on the environment during the stages of construction and operation. The principles followed in the preparation of the EMP are cleaner production, standard compliance and control of maximum load. In addition, the EMP has provided viable institutional arrangements for environmental monitoring, reporting, supervision, and management. To the best extent, the EMP is intended to reduce the impacts at source, so as to effectively control the pollution and achieve cleaner production. On the basis of the environmental pollution characteristics, the EMP focuses on the mitigation measures for the impacts on the ecological environment, surface water environment, ambient air, acoustic environment and solid waste. Besides, the impacts are analyzed in three levels, from strategic level, to common component level and to specific component level. The factors taken into account in the process of EIA development are listed in the Table 1.1-1. Page 5 1 Table 1.1-1 Environment Impact Assessment Factors Stages Factors Construction Social environment: economy, culture and minority groups; Eco-environment: soil erosion, terrestrial plant and wild life; Water environment: SS, DO, COD Cr BOD 5 and NH 3 -N Ambient air: TSP and NO 2; Acoustic environment: the noise of construction equipment. Solid waste; Visual and landscape impacts. Resettlement Social environment: economy, culture and minority groups; Eco-environment: soil erosion, terrestrial plant and wild life. Operation Social environment: economy, culture, minority groups and tourism; Eco-environment: terrestrial plant and wild life; Water environment: SS, DO, COD Cr BOD 5 and NH 3 -N; Ambient air: NO; Acoustic environment: traffic noise; Solid waste. The environmental quality standards applicable in the EIA are listed in the Table 1.1-2 Page 6 2 T a b l e 1 . 1 - 2 A p p l i c a b l e E n v i r o n m e n t Q u a l i t y S t a n d a r d s o f t h e S u b - p r o j e c t S i t e s C o n s t r u c t i o n s i t e s I t e m s S u r f a c e W a t e r Q u a l i t y S t a n d a r d s ( G B 3 8 3 8 - 2 0 0 2 ) A m b i e n t A i r Q u a l i t y S t a n d a r d s ( G B 3 0 9 5 - 1 9 9 6 ) U r b a n R e g i o n a l E n v i r o n m e n t a l N o i s e S t a n d a r d s ( G B 3 0 9 6 - 9 3 ) E c o - e n v i r o n m e n t a l i m p a c t a n d s o i l e r o s i o n T i a n l o n g f o r t r e s s c u l t u r a l h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n I I I 2 2 J i u z h o u f o r t r e s s c u l t u r a l h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n I I I 2 2 A n s h u n C i t y G u a n l i n g n a t i o n a l g e o l o g i c a l p a r k h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n I I I 1 1 B a s h a v i l l a g e c u l t u r a l h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n I I 2 2 D u l i u j i a n g D o n g c u l t u r a l h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n I I 2 2 D a n z a i M i a o c u l t u r a l h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n I I I 2 3 J i u z h o u a n c i e n t t o w n h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n I I I 2 2 Y a n g a s h a n a t i o n a l c u l t u r a l r e g i o n h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n I I I 2 1 L o n g l i a n c i e n t c a s t l e h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n I I I 2 2 B a l a r i v e r M i a o c u l t u r a l h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n i n K a i l i r e g i o n I I 2 2 Q i a n d o n g n a n p r e f e c t u r e B a l a r i v e r M i a o c u l t u r a l h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n i n K a i l i r e g i o n i n L e i s h a n r e g i o n I I 2 2 T h e e c o - e n v i r o n m e n t p r o t e c t i o n s h o u l d e n s u r e t h e k i n d s o f r a r e a n i m a l s a n d p l a n t s d o n o t d e c r e a s e a n d k e e p t h e i n t e g r a l i t y o f e c o s y s t e m . T h e w a t e r a n d s o i l c o n v e r s a t i o n s h o u l d k e e p t h e s t a b i l i z a t i o n o f s o i l e r o s i o n t y p e . Page 7 3 T a b l e 1 . 1 - 2 A p p l i c a b l e E n v i r o n m e n t Q u a l i t y S t a n d a r d s o f t h e S u b - p r o j e c t S i t e s C o n s t r u c t i o n s i t e s I t e m s S u r f a c e W a t e r Q u a l i t y S t a n d a r d s ( G B 3 8 3 8 - 2 0 0 2 ) A m b i e n t A i r Q u a l i t y S t a n d a r d s ( G B 3 0 9 5 - 1 9 9 6 ) U r b a n R e g i o n a l E n v i r o n m e n t a l N o i s e S t a n d a r d s ( G B 3 0 9 6 - 9 3 ) E c o - e n v i r o n m e n t a l i m p a c t a n d s o i l e r o s i o n X i j i a n g M i a o c u l t u r a l h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n I I 2 2 Z h a o x i n g D o n g c u l t u r a l h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n I I I 2 2 S a n b a o v i l l a g e c u l t u r a l h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n I I I 2 2 S h a n m u r i v e r c u l t u r a l a n d n a t u r a l h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n I I I 1 1 S h i d o n g c u l t u r a l h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n I I I 2 2 S a n m e n t a n g c u l t u r a l h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n I I I 2 1 E t h n i c m i n o r i t i e s c u l t u r e a n d h i s t o r y m u s e u m I I I 2 2 L i p i n g t o u r i s m i n f o r m a t i o n c e n t e r I I I 2 2 J i a n h e t o u r i s m i n f o r m a t i o n c e n t e r I I I 2 1 X i n g y i n a t i o n a l g e o l o g i c a l p a r k a n d D i n g x i a o G u i z h o u d r a g o n h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n I I I 2 2 Q i a n x i n a n p r e f e c t u r e W a n f e n g l i n s c e n i c s p o t c u l t u r a l a n d n a t u r a l h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n I I I 2 2 Page 8 4 T a b l e 1 . 1 - 2 A p p l i c a b l e E n v i r o n m e n t Q u a l i t y S t a n d a r d s o f t h e S u b - p r o j e c t S i t e s C o n s t r u c t i o n s i t e s I t e m s S u r f a c e W a t e r Q u a l i t y S t a n d a r d s ( G B 3 8 3 8 - 2 0 0 2 ) A m b i e n t A i r Q u a l i t y S t a n d a r d s ( G B 3 0 9 5 - 1 9 9 6 ) U r b a n R e g i o n a l E n v i r o n m e n t a l N o i s e S t a n d a r d s ( G B 3 0 9 6 - 9 3 ) E c o - e n v i r o n m e n t a l i m p a c t a n d s o i l e r o s i o n B u y i c u l t u r a l a n d n a t u r a l h e r i t a g e p r o t e c t i o n I I I 2 2 T o u r i s m i n f o r m a t i o n d e v e l o p m e n t f o r i n t e r n a t i o n a l t o u r i s m c o l l e g e o f G u i z h o u n o r m a l u n i v e r s i t y I I I 2 2 G u i y a n g C i t y G u i z h o u t o u r i s m c a p a b i l i t y d e v e l o p m e n t I I I 2 2 Page 9 5 The pollutant discharge standards are listed in the Table 1.1-3 Table 1.1-3 Pollutant Discharge Standards of Sub-projects Items Discharge standards Waste water The waste water must be disposed and reused in the area with the water quality standards class II and III Exhaust gas Forbidden to build air pollution sources Noise The noise in construction phase and operation phase should be limited to 55dB in daytime and 45dB at night Description of Project The Project components is proposed to be included and supported by the World Bank loan distribute in Guiyang city, Anshun city, Qiandongnan prefecture and Qianxinan prefecture. A summary of project components and cost estimation, organized by region, is provided in the below table. Table 0-1 Summary of Project Components and Cost Estimation Region Sub-projects Construction sites Construction contents Tianlong fortress cultural heritage protection Tiantaishan Tianlong fortress of Tianlong town, Pinba county Pathway, drainage system, garbage collection and transport station, power facility, folk house maintenance and protection, demonstration folk house construction, tourist information center, fortress culture exhibition hall, non-material culture heritage protection and training. Jiuzhou fortress cultural heritage protection Yunshan village, Benzai village and Jiuxi village of Qiyanqiao town, Xixiu district Pathway, car park, fire fighting system, drainage pipe, garbage collection and transport station, public toilet, river improvement, public symbol system, folk house maintenance and protection, demonstration folk house construction, museum, tourist information center, ancient building repair, non-material culture heritage protection and training. Anshun city Guanling national geological park heritage protection Tanshan of Xinpu village, Guanling county Ancient site exhibition facilities, exhumation site exhibition, trias ichthyosaur exhibition hall, rock and green area of trias park, scientific work station, tourist information center, public symbol system, exhibition pathway, car park, garbage collection system, public toilet, training and education. Page 10 6 Region Sub-projects Construction sites Construction contents Biasha village cultural heritage protection Biasha village, Congjiang county Pathway, car park, sewage treatment station, drainage system, fire fighting facility, garbage collection system, protection and repair Lusheng ground, planting tree, power supply alteration, folk houses protection of Miao Duliujiang Dong cultural heritage protection Zenchong village and Xiaohuang village, Congjiang county Pathway, car park, water supply facility, drainage system, sewage treatment station, fire fighting facility, water environment improvement, garbage collection and transport system, public toilet, planting trees, folk houses protection of Dong, Xiaohuang traditional culture exhibition center, public symbol system, non-material culture protection. Danzai Miao cultural heritage protection Shiqiao village, Danzai county Pathway, car park, water supply facility, drainage system, fire fighting facility, garbage collection system, public toilet, water environment improvement, village environment improvement, paper manufacture workshop site protection, familial paper manufacture workshop protection, folk hotel construction, ancient village gate repair, public symbol system, tourist information and service center. Jiuzhou ancient city heritage protection Jiuzhou town, Huangping county Ancient street rehabilitation, drainage system, sewage treatment facility, garbage collection and transport system, folk and ancient building maintenance, fire fighting facility, public symbol system, non-material cultural heritage protection and training. Yangasha national cultural region heritage protection Wubao village, Balang village and Wenquan village of Guanme town, Raohao village of Nanzai town, Liuji village of Nanjia town, Jianhe county Pathway, car park, water supply and drainage system, weather bridge, sewage treatment facility, fire fighting facility, garbage collection system, public toilet, folk houses and village gate repair, village environment improvement, planting trees, stannous embroidery exhibition center. Qiandongnan prefecture Longli ancient city heritage protection Longli ancient city of Longli town, Jinping county Pathway, drainage system, sewage treatment facility, fire fighting facility, folk house repair, water environment improvement, village environment improvement, public symbol system, tourist information and service center, non-material cultural heritage protection. Page 11 7 Region Sub-projects Construction sites Construction contents Bala river Miao cultural heritage protection in Kaili region Jidao, Huaienbao, Longjing of Kaili city Pathway, car park, weather bridge, water supply and drainage system, sewage treatment facility, fire fighting facility, garbage collection system, public toilet, power supply alteration, folk house and ancient building repair, minority culture and tourist information center, tourism service facility. Bala river Miao cultural heritage protection in Kaili region in Leishan region Langdeshangzai, maomaohe, nanmeng, jiaomeng of Leishang county Pathway, car park, fire fighting facility, garbage collection system, public toilet. Xijiang Miao cultural heritage protection Xijiang town, Leishan county Pathway, car park, drainage system, sewage treatment facility, fire fighting facility, garbage collection and transport system, public toilet, folk house and typical building repair, tourist information center, village gate, landscape platform, folk performance ground, Timbal and Lusheng ground, non- material cultural heritage protection. Zhaoxing Dong cultural heritage protection Zhaoxing, Tang’an, jitang, xiage of Zhaoxing town, Liping county Street, pathway, riverbank, water supply and drainage system, sewage treatment facility, fire fighting facility, garbage collection system, medical station, folk house repair, demonstration folk house construction. Shanmu river cultural and natural heritage protection Shibing county Road, pathway, car park, bridge, port, water supply and drainage system, sewage treatment facility, garbage collection and transport system, public toilet, electronic monitoring system, emergency assistance facility, public symbol system, management office building. Shidong cultural heritage protection Shidong town, Taijiang county Pathway, car park, water supply and drainage system, sewage treatment facility, garbage collection and transport system, public toilet, folk house and ancient building repair, minority craft exhibition hall, information center, public symbol system, river bank protection, non-material cultural heritage protection. Page 12 8 Region Sub-projects Construction sites Construction contents Sanmentang cultural heritage protection Sanmentang village, Tianzhu county Pathway, water supply and drainage system, sewage treatment facility, garbage collection and transport system, folk house and ancient building repair, ancient stele and port protection, tourist information center, management office building, folk culture and performance ground, non-material cultural heritage protection. Ethnic minorities culture and history museum Kaili county Minority culture museum, car park, landscape improvement. Liping tourism information center Liping county Tourist information center Jianhe tourism information center Jianhe county Tourist information center, car park, water supply and drainage system, garbage collection and transport station, public toilet, planting trees, non-material cultural heritage protection. Xingyi national geological park and Dingxiao Guizhou dragon heritage protection Dingxiao development area of Xingyi county Fossil museum and square, training items. Maling river canyon and Wanfeng lake national scenic spot cultural and natural heritage protection Xingyi county Pathway, gate, bridge, car park, river bank, water supply and drainage system, sewage treatment facility, public toilet, garbage collection and transport system, folk house repair, ancient tree protection, village environment improvement, performance ground, Buyi culture center, tourism service center, non-material cultural heritage protection and training. Qianxinan prefecture Buyi cultural and natural heritage protection Zhenfeng county Pathway, water supply and drainage system, sewage treatment facility, planting trees, performance ground, folk houses repair, demonstration folk house construction, Buyi culture center, non-material cultural heritage protection and training. Page 13 9 Region Sub-projects Construction sites Construction contents Guizhou cultural and natural protection development center Guizhou Normal University Guizhou cultural and natural heritage protection and development center Guiyang city Guizhou tourism capability development Guizhou Tourism Agency Capability building. Institutional Arrangement Environmental Management Organizations The responsibilities of environmental management organizations are given in table 3.1-1 below. Table 3.1-1 Responsibilities for Environmental Management: Organization Responsibility Guizhou Tourism Bureau y in charge of managing the environmental protection work and conducting feasibility study on projects; y overall responsibility for preparation and implementation of the EMP; y coordinating the environmental management work among government departments and construction units; y providing guidance to construction unit on environmental management. Guizhou Provincial Project Management Office y in charge of daily works on implementation and management of environment action during design and construction; y reporting to guizhou Tourism Administration on implementation of the EMP. Sub-project Office of prefecture and city y in charge of daily works in implementation and management of environmental protection measures during operation. Environemntal Monitoring Station y environmental monitoring in construction and operation phases. Environment Supervision Organizations The responsibilities for environmental supervision are given in table 3.2-1 below. Table 3.2-1 Responsibilities for Environmental Supervision Organization Responsibility Guizhou Environmental Protection Bureau y Project environmental supervision and administration. y Supervise the implementation of the EMP; y Enforce applicable laws, regulations and standards; y Coordinate the environmental protection effort between departments concerned; y Check and supervise the construction, completion and operati on of Page 14 10 environment facilities; y Guide the municipal and county EPBs to carry out environmental management. Environmental protection Bureau of Guiyang City, Qiandongnan Prefecture, Qianxinan Prefecture and Anshun City y Supervise the construction unit to implement the EMP and enforce applicable regulations and standard; y Coordinate the environmental protection effort between departments concerned; y Check and supervise the construction, completion and operation of environment facilities thin their jurisdiction scope. Potential Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impacts and Mitigation Measures at Strategic Level The Strategic EA has identified the following components that would cause potential impacts at provincial level. Table 4.1-1 presents the summary of the recommendations for mitigating these impacts. Table 4.1-1 Recommendation from SEA Issues/Risk Activity or Feature of Policy or Plan Recommended Action Responsibility Timing/Phase Ecology and Biodiversity y Infrastructure development in geo-parks; y Active nature-based tourism proposed in scenic areas (e.g. trekking); y Provide visitors guidance on appropriate behaviours to minimize impacts on flora and fauna and the fossil resource; y Training for tour guides so that environmental awareness and education are a key part of the message to visitors. Provincial PMO; Cultural Bureau; Tourism Bureau, Construction Bureau Operation phase Landscape and Visual Impacts y Construction of hotels, restaurants and entertainment venues within and outside classified scenic areas y Include Landscape and visual impact assessment in EIA procedure in Guizhou. Provincial EPB; Provincial Cultural Bureau Feasibility Study Phase Surface Water and Groundwater Contamination y Domestic wastewater discharge from y Hotels and guesthouses should be equipped with septic tanks as a Provincial PMO; Tourism Bureau Feasibility Study Phase and by the operation of Page 15 11 homestay accommodatio n and restaurants in rural areas minimum form of biological treatment of domestic wastewater; y Residents and visitors to rural villages should be encouraged to boil all non-bottled water. the project Environmental Awareness y Promotion of tourism at classified geo- parks and scenic areas under Plans coupled with a general lack of understanding of the concept of eco-tourism y Institutional training at provincial, prefecture/municipal and county levels to ensure that environmental considerations are incorporated into development plans; y Develop site specific environmental awareness booklets for private operators and guides, who can pass on relevant information to tousit groups; y Educate local communities about the importance of natural resource conservation. Tourism Bureau; Cultural Bureau Feasibility Study Phase Built Heritage Damaged or Destroyed y Restoration of built heritage and architecture; y Construction of new tourist infrastructure such as car parks, accommodatio n, restaurants; y Construction of ecological and cultural museaum y Create a Cultural Heritage Advisory Commission to provide expertise for the effective sustainable management, conservation and preservation of built heritage; y Develop building and restoration standards for minority villages. Cultural Bureau; Construction Bureau; Tourism Bureau Feasibility Study Phase Page 16 12 General Measures for Each Site There are potential impacts that are considered common in each project site. The mitigation measures are given in Table 4.2-1 below. Table 4.2-1 General Mitigation Measures for All Sites Issue/Risk Mitigation Measure Responsibility Design Phase Visual and landscape impact y Design should be in accordance with relevant standards as well as aesthetics ideas; y Local communities involvement in the design stage. Provicial PMO; EIA team Design team Odour y Keep the WWT facilities away from sensitive receptors. Design team Noise to sensitive receptors y Keep pathway away from sensitive receptors; y Keep parking lots away from sensitive receptors. Design team Construction Phase Solid waste y Mud and solid waste from construction should be collected; y Excess materials should be collected and disposed in designated sites; y Materials and spoil should not be stored near rivers; y Clean temporary construction site and remove temporary buildings; y Spoils should be compacted and covered in stockpile areas. Contractor Surface water y Septic tanks should be provided in the workers’ camp; y Construction wastewater should be collected in a sedimentation tank; y Dredging exercise should be carefully scheduled to avoid high flow season. Contractor Soil erosion y Re-planting trees; y Minimize area of construction; y Loosen compacted soils. Contractor Air pollution y The construction site should be sprayed with water at least twice per day; y Powder materials should be covered in windy days. Contractor Acoustic environment y Low-noise equipment should be used; c onstruction hour s not from Contractor Page 17 13 10 pm to 6 am;construction traffic should be kept from residential areas. Operation Phase Solid waste and sludge y Put garbage cans for tourists; y Collect garbage from tourist centers; y Sludge should be transported to the county landfill for disposal. Tourism Bureau; Constructio Bureau; Cultural Bureau Wastewater discharge y Wastewater from hotels and tourist centers should be collected to the WWT facilities. Tourism Bureau; Construction Bureau Specific Mitigation Measures The environmental assessment of each site has identified a series of specific suggestions for mitigation measures at several sites. Given the special nature of the site or the specific investment that may cause significant impact, the sites identified to use specific mitigation plans are the Guanlin National Geo-Park, Xingyi National Geo-Park, Wanfenglin National Scenic Area and Shamu River National Scenic Area. Table 4.3-1 Mitigation Measures Specific for the Sites in Design Phase Site Impacts Mitigation Responsibility Guanling National Geo- Park Visual impact Impact on fossil resource y Architechtural style or color the exhibition hall of Triassic ichthyosaur and the rock and green area of trias park in the core area should be consistent with the surrounding environment; y Siting of the exhibition hall of Triassic ichthyosaur and the rock and green area of trias park should be carefully selected and confirmed by archeological investigation. Design team and EIA team Design team and Cultural Bureau Xingyi National Geo- Park Visual impact Impact on fossil resource y Architechtural style or color the exhibition hall of Triassic ichthyosaur and the rock and green area of trias park in the core area should be consistent with the surrounding environment y Siting of the exhibition hall of Triassic ichthyosaur and the rock and green area of trias park should be carefully selected and confirmed by archeological investigation. Design team and EIA team Design team and Cultural Bureau Page 18 14 Wanfenglin National Scenic Area Impact on eco- system Risk of Over- development y Sites for recreational activities should be carefully selected to avoid ecologically sensitive areas; y Construction Bureau representatives should be included in provincial and regional development planing since consultation suugests that they are unware of plans being proposed by other government departments within the protected areas under their jurisdiction. Design team Provincial PMO Shamu River national Scenic Area Risk of Over- development y Construction Bureau representatives should be included in provincial and regional development planing since consultation suugests that they are unware of plans being proposed by other government departments within the protected areas under their jurisdiction. Provincial PMO Table 4.3-2 Mitigation Measures Specific for the Sites in Construction Phase Site Impact Mitigation Responsibility Guanlin National Geo-park Damage to Fossil Resource y A procedure of construction management associated with fossil protection should be established ; y Construction activity should be immediately stopped if any cultural property is found and the regulatory department should be informed to assess the property. Construction should not be continued without the permission of the regulatory department on cultural property; y Access road to the construction site should be carefully selected to avoid the sensitive areas potentially having fossils resource; y Educational program should be provided to the contractor on the importance of the protection of the fossile resource; y Competent contractor should be selected to undertake Contractor Provincial PMO Cultural Bureau Page 19 15 the works so as to minimize the impact on the fossil resource. Xingyi National GEO-park Damage to Fossil Resource y A procedure of construction management associated with fossil protection should be established; y Construction activity should be immediately stopped if any cultural property is found and the regulatory department should be informed to assess the property; y Construction should not be continued without the permission of the regulatory department on cultural property; y Access road to the construction site should be carefully selected to avoid the sensitive areas potentially having fossils resource; y Educational program should be provided to the contractor on the importance of the protection of the fossile resource; y Competent contractor should be selected to undertake the works so as to minimize the impact on the fossil resource. Contractor Provincial PMO Cultural Bureau Wanfenglin National Scenic Area Impact on ecology y Educational programes should be provided to construction team on environmental protection in scenic area; y Workers’ camps should be away from the Nahui river; y Spoils and solid wastes should be collected and stored in a designated site away from the Nahui river and transported out of the site regularly; y Construction site for the recreational camps and sites for bull fighting, etc. should be fenced and minimized to reduce the disturbance on the ground vegetation. Provincial PMO Contractor Shamu River National Impact on surface water y Construction activities for the Niejiayan Bridge and the Contractor Page 20 16 Scenic Area port should be scheduled to concentrate on low flow season; y Construction sites for the underwater works for the Niejiayan Bridge and the port should be dammed to minimize the disturbance of the river sediments; y Construction of the deck of the bridge should be well managed to avoid falloff materials into the river; y The construction solid waste arising from pier construction should be collected and conveyed to designated place for safe disposal in timely manner. Table 4.3-3 Mitigation Measures Specific for the Sites in Operation Phase Site Impact Mitigation Responsibility Guanling National Geopark Impact on fossil resource y Enhance environmental awareness by posting signs and provie training to tour guides; y Control the number of tourists to the core area; y Education programes should be provided to the tourists on the importance of the heritage protection. Management of Guanlin National Geopark Xingyi National Geopark Impact on fossil resource y Enhance environmental awareness by posting signs and provide training to tour guides; y Education programes should be provided to the tourists on the importance of the heritage protection. Management of Xingyi National Geopark Wanfenglin National Scenic Area Impact of wastewater and solid waste Impact on eco- system y Wastewater and solid waste collection system should be provided in each of the recreational camp; y Treated effluent from the WWT facilities should be reused for grassland or forest irrigation which is remote from surface waters or important groundwater aquifers; y Boundary of each camp should be clearly indicated in posts; Management of the Wanfenglin National Scenic Area Page 21 17 Health risk Sludge management y Enhance environmental awareness by posting signs and provie training to tour guides; y The visitors should be banned from entering into the area applied with treated effluent with posting warnings; y Excess sludge from the WWT facility should be transported to the landfill in the county for landfill. Shamu River National Scenic Area Impact on eco- system Impact on water environment Health risk y Enhance environmental awareness by posting signs and provie training to tour guides; y Treated effluent from the WWT facilities should be reused for grassland or forest irrigation which is remote from surface waters or important groundwater aquifers; y The visitors should be banned from the area with treated effluent using posting warnings. Excess sludge from the WWT facility should be transported to the landfill in the county for landfill. Management of the Shamu River National Scenic Area Training Plan The general training plan for contractors and the public is listed in the Table 5-1. The environmental protection officials of the World Bank Project Office, the experts of Guizhou Environmental Protection Bureau, related universities, the EIA units and environmental supervision units can be invited to help carrying out the training plan. The training cost has been included in the operation and management budget. The detailed training program for each component is listed in the Table 5-2. Table 5-1 Overall Training Plan Trainin g Objecti ve The personnel of World Bank Project Office of Guizhou Tourism Bureau, the sub-project offices Contractor The Public in Sub-project Site Page 22 18 Trainin g Objecti ve The personnel of World Bank Project Office of Guizhou Tourism Bureau, the sub-project offices Contractor The Public in Sub-project Site Training Content y Policy of cultural and natural heritage protection and development of the World Bank y Introduction of cultural and natural heritage protection and development projects y International heritage program y Introduction of regional heritage management cases y Innovation and practice of scenic area managment y Repair and rebuilding technology of ancient buildings y Environmental protection content and mitigation measures y Environmental protection measures in operation phase y National and provincial laws, regulations and requirements of environmental protection and water and soil conversation y Environmental protection measures in construction phase y Repair and rebuilding technology of ancient buildings y Protection measures for cultural and natural heritage y Environmental risk emergency scheme in construction phase y Relationship between cultural and natural heritage protection and the lives of local residents y Significant of tourism development and participation y Methods to take part in the cultural and natural heritage protection and tourism development y Training of restaurant service and sanitation knowledge y Basic knowledge of cultural and natural heritage protection and environmental protection y Environmental risk emergency scheme in operation phase Table5-2 Training Plan for Each Component Construction sites Phase Training object Personnel Training content Cost( ) Tianlong fortress cultural heritage protection Preparation phase Environmental protection management personnel of project office 2 , , , , , , , 4,000 Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 3 , , , , 6,000 Operation phase Environmental protection personnel and local public deputation 4 A BCDEF 8,000 Jiuzhou fortress cultural Preparation phase Environmental protection management 2 , , , , , , , 4,000 Page 23 19 heritage protection personnel of project office Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 3 , , , 6,000 Operation phase Environmental protection personnel and local public deputation 4 A, B, C, D, E F 8,000 Guanling national geological park heritage protection Preparation phase Environmental protection management personnel of project office 2 , , , , , , 4,000 Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 4 , , , , 8,000 Operation phase Environmental protection personnel and local public deputation 3 A BCDE 6,000 Biasha village cultural heritage protection Preparation phase Environmental protection management personnel of project office 2 , , , , , , , 4,000 Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 3 , , , , 6,000 Operation phase Environmental protection personnel and local public deputation 4 A BCDEF 8,000 Duliujiang Dong cultural heritage protection Preparation phase Environmental protection management personnel of project office 2 , , , , , , , — Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 3 , , , , 6,000 Operation phase Environmental protection 4 A BCDEF 8,000 Page 24 20 personnel and local public deputation Danzai Miao cultural heritage protection Preparation phase Environmental protection management personnel of project office 2 , , , , , , , 4,000 Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 1 , , , , 2,000 Operation phase Environmental protection personnel and local public deputation 2 A BCDE 4,000 Jiuzhou ancient city heritage protection Preparation phase Environmental protection management personnel of project office 2 , , , , , , , 4,000 Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 3 , , , , 6,000 Operation phase Environmental protection personnel and local public deputation 3 A BCDEF 6,000 Yangasha national cultural region heritage protection Preparation phase Environmental protection management personnel of project office 2 , , , , , , , 4,000 Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 2 , , , , 4,000 Operation phase Environmental protection personnel and local public deputation 3 A BCDEF 6,000 Longli ancient city heritage protection Preparation phase Environmental protection management personnel of 2 , , , , , , , 4,000 Page 25 21 project office Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 2 , , , , 4,000 Operation phase Environmental protection personnel and local public deputation 3 A BCDEF 6,000 Bala river Miao cultural heritage protection in Kaili region Preparation phase Environmental protection management personnel of project office 2 ,, , ,, , , 4,000 Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 2 , , , , 4,000 Operation phase Environmental protection personnel and local public deputation 3 A BCDEF 6,000 Bala river Miao cultural heritage protection in Kaili region in Leishan region Preparation phase Environmental protection management personnel of project office 2 ,,,,, , , 4,000 Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 2 , , , , 4,000 Operation phase Environmental protection personnel and local public deputation 3 A BCDEF 6,000 Xijiang Miao cultural heritage protection Preparation phase Environmental protection management personnel of project office 2 ,,,,, , , — Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 2 , , , , 4,000 Page 26 22 Operation phase Environmental protection personnel and local public deputation 3 A BCDEF 6,000 Zhaoxing Dong cultural heritage protection Preparation phase Environmental protection management personnel of project office 2 ,,,,, , , 4,000 Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 2 , , , , 4,000 Operation phase Environmental protection personnel and local public deputation 3 A BCDEF 6,000 Shamu river cultural and natural heritage protection Preparation phase Environmental protection management personnel of project office 2 ,,,,, , , 4,000 Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 2 , , , , 4,000 Operation phase Environmental protection personnel and local public deputation 3 A BCDE 6,000 Shidong cultural heritage protection Preparation phase Environmental protection management personnel of project office 2 ,,,,, , , 4,000 Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 2 , , , , 4,000 Operation phase Environmental protection personnel and local public deputation 3 A BCDEF 6,000 Sanmentang cultural heritage Preparation phase Environmental protection management 2 ,,,,, , , 4,000 Page 27 23 protection personnel of project office Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 2 , , , , 4,000 Operation phase Environmental protection personnel and local public deputation 3 A BCDEF 6,000 Xingyi national geological park and Dingxiao Guizhou dragon heritage protection Preparation phase Environmental protection management personnel of project office 2 ,,,,,, 4,000 Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 2 , ,, 4,000 Operation phase Environmental protection personnel and local public deputation 2 A BCDE 4,000 Wanfenglin scenic cultural and natural heritage protection Preparation phase Environmental protection management personnel of project office 2 ,,,,,, 4,000 Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 3 , ,, 6,000 Operation phase Environmental protection personnel and local public deputation 4 A BCDE 8,000 Nachan Buyi cultural and natural heritage protection Preparation phase Environmental protection management personnel of project office 2 ,,,,, , , 4,000 Page 28 24 Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 2 , , , , 4,000 Operation phase Environmental protection personnel and local public deputation 3 A BCDEF 6,000 Guizhou cultural and natural heritage protection and development center Preparation phase Environmental protection management personnel of project office 1 ,,,, ,, 2,000 Construction phase Contactor and environmental supervision engineer 2 , ,, 4,000 Total 153 298,000 Training Program A: 1) Policy of cultural and natural heritage protection and development of the World Bank 2) Introduction of cultural and natural heritage protection and development projects 3) International heritage program 4) Introduction of regional heritage management cases 5) Innovation and practice of scenic area managment 6) Repair and rebuild technology of ancient buildings 7) Environmental protection content and mitigation measures 8) Environmental protection measures in operation phase Training Program B: I. National and provincial laws, regulations and requirements of environmental protection and water and soil conversation II. Environmental protection measures in construction phase III. Repair and rebuild technology of ancient buildings IV. Protection measures for cultural and natural heritage V. Environmental risk emergency scheme in construction phase Training Program C: A. Relationship between cultural and natural heritage protection and the lives of local residents B. Signification of tourism development and participation C. Methods to take part in the cultural and natural heritage protection and tourism development D. Training of folk diet business and sanitation Page 29 25 E. Basic knowledge of cultural and natural heritage protection and environmental protection F. Environmental risk emergency scheme in operation phase Environment Supervision Plan The environmental protection supervision plan is listed in the Table 6-1. Table 6-1 Environmental Supervision Plan Phase Institution Content Objective Feasibility study phase Guizhou Provincial Government; Guizhou Environmental Protection Bureau; The World Bank; Local government; Local Environmental Protection Bgency y check the outline of EA y check the EA report y check the EMP y ensure the sufficiency and correction of assessment content y ensure the consideration of major and potential environment problem y ensure the feasibility of the implementation of the EMP Design and construction phase Guizhou Provincial Government; Guizhou Environmental Protection Bureau; Local government; Local Environmental Protection Bureau; Local Cultural Relics Bureau y check the primary environmental protection design and the EMP y check the environmental recovery of temporary land occupation and vegetation y check the mitigation measures for noise and dust, decide construction time y check the emissions of air pollutants y check the effluent and disposal of domestic sewage and waste soil y recovery of borrowing and disposal yard y check the disposal of sullage y check the existence of underground cultural relics y implementation of environmental protection progress y ensure the regions meet the environmental protection requirement y decrease the impacts on surrounding environment and implement relevant environmental protection laws and regulations. y prevent the pollution of the rives y prevent the destroy of landscape and land resource, avoid soil erosion. y ensure the disposal of sullage y prevent the cultural relics from damage. Page 30 26 Operation phase Guizhou Tourism Bureau; Local Environmental Protection Bureau; Local Tourism Bureau y check the implementation of the EMP in operation phase y check the implementation of monitoring plan y check whether the environmental sensitive spots need further mitigation measures y check whether the environmental quality of sensitive spots meets the requirement of standards y enhance supervision and establish emergency scheme to prevent emergent accident or mitigate the impact y implementation of the EMP y implementation of monitoring plan y protect environment y enhance environmental management and protect public health y ensure the discharged sewage meet the requirement of relevant standards Environment Monitoring Plan Objective The EMP will be taken both in the construction and operation phases for the purpose of timely and comprehensive understanding of the change of environmental quality, the impact scope and trend. Monitoring institution The environmental monitoring in construction and operation phase should be carried out by the environmental monitoring stations of the construction sites which should be the certified national environmental monitoring units with sufficient equipment and technology to undertake the EMP. The management units of the sub-projects will contract local environmental monitoring stations for the routine environmental monitoring and the cost will be included in the operation and management budget. Implementation of monitoring According to the prediction results of environmental impact, choose the sensitive spots which are most likely impacted as the monitoring points. The monitoring contents are acoustic environment, ambient air environment and surface water. The monitoring and analysis methods conform to the Environmental Monitoring Technical Specifications promulgated by the State Environmental Protection Administration. The evaluation standards are in line with those in the EIA. The EMPs for construction and operation phases are listed in the Table 7-2. Environmental Monitoring Plan The EMPs have been developed for each type of construction work for both the construction and operation phases. The following metrix is the summary of the type of work contained in each project site, which can be used to implement the respective EMPs. Page 31 2 7 T a b l e 7 - 1 M e t r i x o f W o r k s i n E a c h S i t e T y p e o f W o r k s Tianlong Fortress Biasha Village in Congjiang County Guizhou Cultural and Natural Protection Center Jiuzhou Fortress Nachan Buyi Duliujiang Dong in Congjiang County Shiqiao Ancient MuManual Paper - making in Danzai Jiuzhou Ancient Town in Huangping County Yangasha Miao in Jianhe County Longli Ancient Castle in Jinping County Balahe Miao in Kaili County Balahe Miao and Xijiang Miao in Leishan County Xijiang Miao in Leishan County Zhaoxing Dong in Liping County Shidong Miao in Taijiang County Sanmentang Dong in Tianzhu County Guanlin National Geopark Xingyi National Geopark Wanfenglin National Scenic Area Shamu River National Scenic Area S o l i d w a s t e c o l l e c t i o n a n d t r a n s f e r 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 W a s t e w a t e r c o l l e c t i o n a n d t r e a t m e n t f a c i l i t y 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 P a r k i n g l o t 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 P u b l i c t o i l e t 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 P a t h w a y 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 R i v e r c o u r s e r e g u l a t i o n / d r e d g i n g / b r i d g e c o n s t r u c t i o n 9 9 9 9 9 9 P u b l i c b u i d i n g c o n s t r u c t i o n 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 F o r e a c h t y p e o f t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n w o r k l i s t e d i n T a b l e 7 - 1 , t h e E M P h a s b e e n d e v e l o p e d i n T a b l e 7 - 2 b e l o w . T a b l e 7 - 2 G e n e r a l E n v i r o n m e n t a l M o n i t o r i n g P l a n T y p e o f W o r k s A s p e c t s M o n i t o r i n g P a r a m e t e r s M o n i t o r i n g L o c a t i o n s M o n i t o r i n g T i m i n g a n d F r e q u e n c y C o n s t r u c t i o n P h a s e S o l i d w a s t e c o l l e c t i o n a n d t r a n s f e r A i r T S P O n s i t e o f s t o r a g e t a n k s , r o a d s i d e s , e t c . T w i c e N o i s e L e q ( A ) O n s i t e o f s t o r a g e t a n k s , r o a d s i d e s , e t c . T w i c e W a s t e w a t e r c o l l e c t i o n a n d t r e a t m e n t f a c i l i t y A i r T S P O n r e s p e c t i v e c o n s t r u c t i o n s i t e s T w i c e Page 32 2 8 N o i s e L e q ( A ) O n r e s p e c t i v e c o n s t r u c t i o n s i t e s T w i c e P a r k i n g l o t A i r T S P O n r e s p e c t i v e c o n s t r u c t i o n s i t e s T w i c e N o i s e L e q ( A ) O n r e s p e c t i v e c o n s t r u c t i o n s i t e s T w i c e P u b l i c t o i l e t A i r T S P O n r e s p e c t i v e c o n s t r u c t i o n s i t e s T w i c e N o i s e L e q ( A ) O n r e s p e c t i v e c o n s t r u c t i o n s i t e s T w i c e P a t h w a y A i r T S P r o a d s i d e T w i c e N o i s e L e q ( A ) r o a d s i d e T w i c e R i v e r c o u r s e r e g u l a t i o n / d r e d g i n g / b r i d g e c o n s t r u c t i o n W a t e r S S L o c a t i o n o f d r e d g i n g w o r k s / b r i d g e c o n s t r u c t i o n s i t e T w i c e P u b l i c b u i d i n g c o n s t r u c t i o n A i r T S P , P M 1 0 , N O x L o c a t i o n o f c o n s t r u c t i o n s i t e , a n d r o a d s i d e T w i c e N o i s e L e q ( A ) L o c a t i o n o f c o n s t r u c t i o n s i t e , a n d r o a d s i d e T w i c e O p e r a t i o n P h a s e W a s t e w a t e r c o l l e c t i o n a n d t r e a t m e n t f a c i l i t y W a t e r e n v i r o n e m n t C O D c r , B O D 5 , S S , N H 3 - N I n l e t a n d o u t l e t o f t h e t r e a t m e n t f a c i l i t y Q u a t e r l y P a r k i n g l o t A i r N O x , H C B o u n d a r y o f p a r k i n g l o t Q u a t e r l y N o i s e L e q ( A ) B o u n d a r y o f p a r k i n g l o t Q u a t e r l y Page 33 29 Monitoring Reporting System Two levels of reporting will be carried out: · Annual Reporting on progress in implementation against the measures and commitments set out in this EMP, by the Provincial PMO, reporting to PLG and the World Bank; · Detailed Quarterly reporting on the implementation of the individual policies and plans that are part of the EMP, by site managers, to the Municipal PMO and relevant government agencies (e.g. reporting on Health and Safety to the Safe Manufacture Supervision Bureau), and in turn to the Provincial PMO. Provincial PMO reporting will include: · A description of progress against the schedule of construction; · Analysis of the environmental monitoring data submitted by the local environmental monitoring units; · Analysis of any evidence for the strategic environmental impacts ; · Progress in the implementation of training plans; · If there are public complaints, the substance of the complaints, and recommended solutions to achieve public satisfaction; · Description of any additional investments at new sites, and the environmental impacts assessment procedures that have been taken during preparation of the new investments; · Updates to the EMP and plans for its implementation over the following year. Site Management / Municipal/county PMO reporting will describe progress in detail against the measures set out in the individual plans and policies of the site (e.g. health and safety policy, construction management plans, site waste management plans etc.), in addition to the monitoring parameters set out in Table 5-2 . Reports will be submitted to the local EPB and the Provincial PMO. Environmental Monitoring and Acceptance Report of Sub-projects According to the Management of Environmental Protection in Construction Projects for Check & Accept Completed Project (the State Environmental Protection Administration, 2001) , the sub-projects should prepare the environmental protection acceptance report within three months after completion. This report should focuss on identifying whether the project has met the environmental requirement in the operation phase. The report should be submitted to the Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau for review and approval. The implementation institution should make efforts to solve any problem immediately, if the project does not meet the relevant requirement. Page 34 30 Adjustability and Feedback System Based on the examination and monitoring reports, the Guizhou Environmental Protection Bureau will decide whether further mitigation measures should be implemented or the effect of environmental management should be improved. The World Bank Project Office should consult with the Guizhou Environmental Protection Bureau and the World Bank to decide whether the EIA group should carry out further additional environmental assessment or public consultation, if the implementation of the EMP deviated from the plan or major environmental impact has been found during the examination and monitoring of the project. The amended (preliminary) EIA report and EMP should be submitted to Guizhou Environmental Protection Bureau for countercheck and approval, and then submitted to the World Bank finally. The revised EMP should be referred to the construction unit and implement institution and put into effect. Figure 8.1 The Sketch Map of Environmental Management Plan Page 35 31 Budget for the Implementation of EMP The cost of the EMP will be brought into the total investment and operation costs. The budget for the implementation of the EMP is listed in Table 9-1. Table 9-1 Budget for the Implementation of the EMP Construction site Training ( ) Environmental management and monitoring ( ) Subtotal ( ) Tianlong tunbao cultural heritage protection 18,000 40,000 58,000 Jiuzhou tunbao cultural heritage protection 18,000 50,000 68,000 Guanling national geological park heritage protection 18,000 40,000 58,000 Biasha village cultural heritage protection 18,000 40,000 58,000 Duliujiang Dong cultural heritage protection 14,000 50,000 64,000 Danzai Miao cultural heritage protection 10,000 40,000 50,000 Jiuzhou ancient city heritage protection 16,000 40,000 56,000 Yangasha national cultural region heritage protection 14,000 40,000 54,000 Longli ancient city heritage protection 14,000 50,000 64,000 Bala river Miao cultural heritage protection in Kaili region 14,000 40,000 54,000 Bala river Miao cultural heritage protection in Kaili region in Leishan region 14,000 40,000 54,000 Xijiang Miao cultural heritage protection 10,000 50,000 60,000 Zhaoxing Dong cultural heritage protection 14,000 50,000 64,000 Shamu river cultural and natural heritage protection 14,000 40,000 54,000 Shidong cultural heritage protection 14,000 40,000 54,000 Sanmentang cultural heritage protection 14,000 40,000 54,000 Xingyi national geological park and Dingxiao Guizhou dragon heritage protection 12,000 40,000 52,000 Wanfenglin scenic cultural and natural heritage protection 18,000 40,000 58,000 Nachan Buyi cultural and 14,000 50,000 64,000 Page 36 32 Construction site Training ( ) Environmental management and monitoring ( ) Subtotal ( ) natural heritage protection Guizhou cultural and natural heritage protection and development center 6,000 10,000 16,000 Total 284,000 840,000 1,114,000 Page 37 33 Promises for the Implementation of the EMP Page 38 34