Policy, Research, and External Affairs WORKING PAPERS International Economic Analysis and Prospects International Economics Department The World Bank June 1990 WPS 452 Modeling Investment Behavior in Developing Countries An Application to Egypt Nemat Shafik This model of investment behavior takes into account certain characteristics common to developing countries, such as the oligopolistic structiure of markets, putty-clay technology, the inelastic supply of nontraded capital goods, and financial re- pression. The Pobcy, Research, and 1xtemaal Affairs ('Compl x d;sinbutc- l'K I i' rkiig I'apers todissrrsunatc the fiund np of work in progesa and to encourage the exchange of ideas amnng Ildnk sad ' r rJ1 lthcr n:rcsled in dcNclop,ment issues These papers carry the names of Lhe aui2cirs, reflect onlv %heir siews, and should hc, .u ' Qi , ;d d-rrding Ihc rindings, intcrpreLauons, and conclusions are the authors' own The) sh;ud nt hw, a tn1s.t ,, L.- ' , J li l ll:K If l) .rsD . s artanagercnt, or an) of us member crounines Policy, Research, and External Affairs International Economic Analysis and Prospects WPS 452 This paper - a product ol' the Inteniational Economic Analysis ane Prospects Division, Intemational Economics Department --- is part of' a larger el'i'ort in PRE to undenstand the detenminants of private investment in developing countries. Copies are available f'ree fronm lhe World Bank, 1818 If Street NW, WashingtonDC2(0433. Pleasecontact Joseph Israel, roomii S7-2 18, exension 31285 (66pagcswithfigures and tablcs). Investment functions are notoriously difficult to goods anti the quantity ol' capital available to the estimate, particularly in developing countries. private sector appears to be a more realistic Shafik presents a model of the determinants of proxy. private investment that takes into accouilt common characteristic.s of a developing Shalik tests thk, model economctrically for economy. Egypt, using the re:ent literature on cointegration and error correction to avoid Firms' decisions about investment are spurious regression.; and to estimate the long-run outcomes of the oligopolistic structure of' mar- equilibrium relationship between investment and kets, putty-clay technology, the inelastic supply its determinants. of nontraded capital goods, and financial repres- sion. These factors resulh in an importait role She discisses thv limit of'testing l'or markups, interTal finanicing, demand, andl tYie econometricldly whe her thc govemment cost of investment goods -- defined, not as the "cro\wids in" or "cro"ws out" private investment interest rate, but as the price outcomiie f'romii the anid lIC imnposxsibilitv of conistructing the interaction of supply and dernand in thie market countcrfactual. It is not possible to conclude fbor capital goods. xsihthercro%k ding out or in occurred at the nmacrocconomlic level ( to accept the alternative Bly conistructinig an index of thc rclative piice h\ potthesis) bu. it is po.;sibIe to draw conclu,ions of' investmrn,t goods, it is possible to pros i(le a a1bout \N hat did nlot happen (the null hypothesis). more meaningful indicator of' the true cost of' capital to the firm under a repressed finiancial 'I'Tle model also provides a framework for svstem. In an econonmy with a well-functionlint nalyzing tie cffects of,zovernment policy by credit market, the Keyncsian equilibrium condii- considering explicitly thlc role of a number of tion equating the marginal efficiency ol'inxcst- possible instrumalnts suchi as the exchange rate, ment with the interest is likely to hoid. But tItIe quantity of credit ava lable to the private under financial repression or ihere credit sector, and the composition and financing of' the markets are impcrfcct, ltlC interest rate is not a governiminlt budget. Future research may choose true reflectioni of the cost of capital to tie firm. to test otiher cmpiricail pro ies, such as protec- Instead, a Lombinlatioln of' the price of investenict tioiI, w,%ilitin Ihie same fram \work. Thc PRE Worki]`z Pa)Cr SCriCs (IISeCII1TteS thI tidIJIngS ol s ork uIILdr ' a! \In the Bank's Policy. Research, and External Affairs Complox vAn ohjectis k of tei sceios is to ct Lhece fin,linrs out quR kl,, C% Cn if presentation, are less than fullv pT lished. The findinfgs, interp)reiatitns. WILd oIx IL ;S10nI in theI OWS cr jld` nOt neSes aril\ represent official Bank pToli y. IProd -, ai:h,- Pk