CHAIRMAN'S SUMMARY IDA Deputies Meeting Hanoi, Vietnam July 9-11,2004 1. Deputies of donor countries,joined by representatives of borrower countries and observers from other multilateral development banks, metin Hanoi to continue discussions onthe 14th replenishment of IDA resources. The meeting was preceded by a day-long discussion with Asian opinion leaders on critical development issues, particularly private sector development, deepening developmentpartnerships, and accelerating broad-based growth. Participants expressed their sincereappreciationto the Government of the Republic of Vietnamfor hosting the meeting, andfor providing delegates withan opportunityto observe a number of development projects at the conclusion ofthe meeting. This note reflectsthe chairman's senseof the discussions. 2. Participants agreedthat the useof grants in IDA should be anchored inthe assessment of countries' debt sustainability.Participantsagreed that the framework proposedby staff provided a basis fordevelopingthis approach. They askedfor work to test further hypotheses and options with respectto country classification, grant allocation mechanisms and thresholds, and financing of grants. In their discussion of the grants framework, Deputies reaffirmed their commitmentto maintain thestrengthof IDA's finances. Participants encouraged IDAto continue to engage with the International Monetary Fundin further developingthejoint Bank/Fund approach, and with othermultilateraldevelopment banks. 3. Participants discussed the regional development challenges and strategies for IDA14 with the Vice Presidentsfor four of IDA's major regions. They stressed the importanceof supporting country-led Poverty Reduction Strategies and continued effortsto maximize IDA's quality and development effectiveness.There was broad support for a strong replenishment under IDA14, which covers acritical investment periodin the campaignto meet the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)by 2015. Many stressed the importanceof IDA maintaining its global role in an expanded developmentassistanceeffort focusedon the MDGs. Participants had an initial discussion ofcountry financing needs and the financial framework the replenishment, and for requested further work on the composition and dimensions of the IDA14 funding envelope. Participants confirmedtheir intention to address HIPC costs for the IDA14 period, and agreed to review HIPCfinancing further at the next replenishment meetingin October 2004. 4. Participants endorsed IDA's proposed approach to strongerresultsmanagement. They looked forward to some refinementsof the results monitoring system, and agreedto review progress at the time of the IDA14 mid-term review. Participants also supported the case for stronger assistanceto build results-monitoring capacityin IDA countries. 5. Participants welcomedan update by the Chief Economiston the development of a long-run, country-specific frameworkfor the MDGs, incorporating growth, absorptive capacity and the monitoring of aid effectivenessin IDA countries. 6. They agreedto hold their next meetingin Washington DCin October 2004.