V1te5n,0:ys4t I I <.\ ' ., V .NI ik ess , Iii_ iu, ,,Ii Tia\} e Report E10052 S) C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ii..r Ftju -an Provincial ; Higlhway Project EA Category A Environmental Impact Statement 6 of 6 September 1992 This report has been prepared by the Borrower or its Consultant RECEIVED 930OCT 12 AM a'I0It a A.tA. Tlhe Action Plan For Land Requisition And Reset;.lement For Quanzhou-Xiamen Expressway Section of' Fuzhou-Xiaimen Highway Volume T (two volumes in Lotla l) Fuj iani Prov inci71 I iral ;or:3'.t utr i.t Of Fuzhou-Xiamen-7.hangfzhou Ext)res.sway f-:o-;t.r*L!w. in September 1993 The Action Plan Por Land Acqui6ition And Resettlement Por The Quanzhou-Xiamen Expressway Section Of Puahou-Xiamen Highway I General 1.1 The Project Description The Quanzhou-Xiamen Expressway Section of Fuzhou-Xiamen Highway is the southern part of the proposed Puzhou-Xiamen Expressway connecting Puzhnu Economic Development Zone and Xiamen Special Ecnnomic.Zone and the "Economic Development Zone in the Delta in the southern part of Pujian. The.expressway sectinn acts not only as an important collecting and distributing route for maritime cargoes at ports of FuJiian. but also as a window to the ouitside world. It begins at Xifiu near K185+286 on the existing * Puzhou-Xia-men Highway in the nnrtheast of Quanzhni (:C ty abouit ten kilometres from the city centre and terminates at Guanlintou Village in Xinglin District about nine kilnmetres far frnm Jioei Town in the northwest of Xiamen City to connect National Highway No. 319 there. The section '.f expressway trar.sverses two cities .Quanzhoii and Xiamen) and six counties/districts and towns including Licheng, Jinjiang, Nan'an. 'ong'an. Jimel. Xinar)in. The Quianzhou-Xiamen Expressway wifth cnopletely closed interchanges and fully-cnntrolled accesses is P1.441 Ka in length with a design speed of 120 Km/h and a sitbgrade width of 26 meters. In the middle of the road, a 3.0-meter-wide medi:-m strip will be constructed with'two 7.5-meter-wide traffic Lanes on both sides. The width of the hard shoulder and the earth shco;lder is 2.5 meters and 0.75 meters wide resper-'tvely. Outer edge is 0.75 meters wide with an average depl.h fir riIl of the s'ibxrade c"f 3.7 meters. Along the alignment there is 14.4 Km-Jtarig snrt soil foundation, accotinting for 18X nf the total length. aa.m'ng which 9.0 Km will be treated by means of sacked sarid drains. plastices drainage, st irred cement pi'les, pre i.adiLdng an4 replacement *of light material for drainage and consolidation. Along this sec-tinn of freeway there are two extra large bridge with a total length of 2515 meLers. thrce large bridges "t'ith a total length of 732 metersi 2 meditim bridges (1t'11 meters in total), 44 small bridges with total length t)f 118R meters. 292 elal verts totalling 12016 metersF,- intcrchanaes. 44 grade separations (2736 meters in length), 145 lnnderpasses anid * Tedestrian nvercrossings in tntal lengtt.lg nf T7i6 meters. The tLotal investmcint In the project is RMIi 2 7444 billion yuan. TIe. anticipated vnmmrnceme:l-L .r ,!e. 2.7 Km ;srig trial s#rLinri was started it; Nnvember 19' f"r testing alterr!aLIve so50t ;reatmenL under rnc Provitict. : tsw;l f inacictr. St ,. '; Prwvide guidance and test daa. for the f(lt 1-scale cotinnLritreton with a cnnstrutction perind *if 15 onnths. TIthe ru I-srcal cnnstructitin of the road was schediulec at. the end .,r March. 1994. with a cnnstruction perind nf 42 months. 1.2 Description nf Land Requisition and Resettlement 1.2.1 Outlinie of the Geography and Rcennmy along the Aiignment Based oti the principle or "away but not far from and cinse :. 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Action Plan For Land Acquisition And Resettlement ror The Quanzhou-Xiamen Expressway Section Of Fuzhou-Xiamen Highway I General 1.1 The Project Description rhe Quanzhou-Xiamen Expressway Section of Fuzhou-Xiamen Highway is the southern part of the proposed Fuzhou-Xiamen Expressway connecting Puzhnu Economic Development Zone and Xiamen Special Ecnnomic.Zone and the "Economic Development Zone in the Delta in the southern part of Fujian. The.expressway sectinn acts not only as an important collecting and distributing route for maritime cargoes at ports of Fu.iian. but also as a window to the ouitside world. It begins at Xifui near K185+286 on thie existing Fuzhou-Xia-men Highway in the northeast nf Quanzhmi City about ten kilometres from the city centre and terminates At Guanl intou Village in Xinglin District about nine kilnmetres far frnm Jimei Town in the northwest of Xiamen C-ity to connect N;ational Highway No. 319 there. The section isf expressway t.ransverses two cities (Qtianzhotu and Xiamen) and six counties/districts and towns including Licheng, Jinjiang, Nan-ar.. long'an. Jimei. Xinglin. i'he Quianzhou-Xiamen Expressway 'with cnmpletely closed interchanges and fuliy-control led accesses is 81.441 Km in length with a design speed of 120 Km/h and a sitbgrade width of 26 meters. In the middJe of the road, a 3.0-meter-wide med in:m strip will be constructed with'two 7.5-meter-wide traffic lanes on both sides. 1'he width of the hard shoulder and the earth shr,;ilder is 2.5 meters and 0.75 meters wide respcr-rively. Outer edge is 0.75 meters wide with an average depth *f fill of the st:b)rade 'if '.7 meters. Along the alignment there is 14.4 Km-jing sn rt soil foundation, ac.counting for 1BX of the tntal length. amiang which 9.0 Km will be treated by means nf sacked sand drains, plastics drainage, st1irred c-ement pi-les. pref.iiadirg an d repI acemcnL oif light material fnr drainage and consolidation. Along this section of freeway there, are two extra large bridge with a total length of 2515 meters, thrce large bridges vith a total length of 732 metersi 2 medium bridges 11511 meters in total), 44 small bridges with total len,th oif t In meters. 292 cilverts totalling 12016 meters, 6 intercthanges. 44 grade separations (2736 meters in length), 145 landerpasses anid tredestriarn vercrossings in tntal lengt.il of 27t16 meters. rhe Lotal investment in the prnjecL is RM. 21 7444 bill ion yuan,t. 'ine. anticipated tnmrsvncemezt 1i f '. 2.7 Km ;;g trial secLinri was started in; Nnvember f9'! fur testi ng a ; terra A! ive if L so' -r.?-amen t. under -nc vri.viiict-. w:aw;l fnaticiiit. StJ ,s '; provide gtuidarice and test data for thb f'll I-scale on-si.r'etion with a cnnstrieti on perind 'if 1S mwriths. TIre rfu l-scaIe cnnstructicin of the road was schediulec at thie end nfI March. 1994. with a cnristruc.tion period of 42 monthes. 1.2 D6saription of Land Requisition and Resettlement 1.2.1 Outline of the Geography and Bcenomy along the Aiignment Based on the principle or "away but not far from and ci..se t 1 ~.. but not entering cities and towns"in the expressway route selecting, It's decided that the starting point shnuld be located at Xifu near K185+286 on the existing'Fuzhou-Xiamen Highway in *the northeast suburbs of Quanzhou City, about 10 Km away from the downtown areas. The route stretches southeastward along the eastern part of Quanzhou City to cross over Jinjiang River at Chenzhou, 6 KM in the southeast suburbs of Quanzhou and goes along the northwest part of Jinjiang City, Anhai Town and Shuitou Town. After going through the border between Cizao Town and the southeast fringe of Guangqiao l'own and passing by Shuitou Town, the route turns westwards to go along the northern fringe nf 'Maxiang Town and the southern part of Tong'an Cnunty to end up at Guanlintou in the northwest of Xinglin District of Xiamen City, connecting with National Highway No. 319 there. If it 'oes 3 KM further northwestward along NationaJ Highway Nra. 319. it wilJ iiitersect National Highway No. 324. In the expressway route selecting, the principles have been observed to keep the' alignment near the cities and towns instead of going through them and the efforts have been made to ensure that the alignment will be located near the hills so as tn acquire less fertile farmland and demolish few dwelling buildings. Although the cnnstruction nf the expressway requires much land, yet there is relatively less fertile farmland to be acquired and a small quantity of demolition and resettlement so far as the total land acquired is concerned. (Details can be seen in the map attached.) Quanzhou and Kiamen are the areas where economy is well developed in Fujian Province. In the road influence area. Lhere are 7 cities and couinties Miamen prnper,.Tong'an County. 'Nan'an County, 'Jinjiang City,/Quanzhou proper. Shishi City and.Hui'an County) with a land area-accounting for 4.7% of the total Iatlvc areas of Fujian province and a population accounting for 17.54% of the total. However, its gross oUtptit value of indtistry and agriculture accounts for 23.5% of the province( calculated on tk'! basis of constant price of 1990). What's m're, this area is famous homerc.-&n of overseas Chinese. In Taiwan. there are 9 million immigrates, accounting 44% of .;f; vopulation nr Taiw.ln and 5 million overseas Chinese; among whom 660.000 are ii-:Tng in Hongkong and Macao. accounting for 1/;0 of the tntal overseAR Chinese in the country and 1/2 of the province respectively. Suich an advantage gives an impetus to the rapid development nf individual proprietorships. joint-ventures and rura; alnterprises. At present, .-the agricut I tiral econr3my in the area has been developed --from single product economv intoj tjie industrial structture of diversifiecd economy. including agrictultture. industry. btuilding b'usiness, transport industry and commerce. More and more peasants become the labourers, engaging in both agriculture and industry. More and morc self-empinyed persrns appear who abandoned farming for Du.ciness. atep by step. tnese farmers are leaving their 0.45 mu of *farmland on -average and getting fairly well-off. 1.2.2 The Incidence of Land Acquisition - (1) the expressway main line: K0+000--Kli*950 and K15+700-- 2 . .7. ,.,.. . -. o ~ ~ -j ._-.s ~~aatW W w W~~~. wrr.1~~~~. K81+441; Trial Section (constructed in advance): K12+950--K15+700) (2) A Class I. link road between Niushan at Wuling and Shedian in JinJiang: KO+000--K6+300 (3) Six interchanges and ramps at Xifu, Wuling Niushan, Puli, Luntou, Hou'an and Tiancuo. (4) Xifu(ih Quanzhou) and Tiancuo(in Xiamen) administrative stations, Puli Service Zone and the toll booths at the six interchanges and the terminal of the expresswav. (5) Five tunnel administration offices. (6) Diversion of river courses and realignmient of roads, construction access roads, materials yards and casting yards. etc. 1.2.3 the amount of land acquisition, demolishing and resettlement. The amount of land requisition, demolishing and resettlement for the Quanzhou-Xiamen Expressway Section can be seen in the attached tables for details. (1) the amount of land to be acquired and the quantity of buildings to be demolished 9565.3 mu land will be acquired, among which 8606.5 mu of land is cultivated fields: 90910 square meters of buildings will be demolished. including 385 dwelling houses, tntalling 63768 sq.m: 3 schools. total-ling 1251 sq.m; 65 factories, totalling 241.24 sq.m; 115 livestnck sheds with a total area nf 1767 sq.m. And 2463 tombs are to be removed or relocated. (2) population to be affected Along the whole alignment. 15504 people will he affected by land requisition and house demolishment, However, a. only 1195 individuals will be affected by the building. demolishment, among whom (1) 893 persons are economically active, and (2) 302 persons are not economically active: b. only 13075 individuals will be affected by the la-nd acquisition, among whom (1) 9820 persons are economically active, and (21 3255 persons are not economically active: c. 999 individuals will be affected by bnth building demolishment & land requisition, amnng whom (3) 730 persons are economically active. and (2) 269 persons are not economically active: d. 235 individuals will be affected by losing other economnic fotndations, among whom (1) 174 persons are economically active, and (2) 61 persnns are not economically active; Among the four items mentioned above: a. 4889 persons are engaged exclusively in farming: b. 6005 persnns are engaged in both industrial and agricultural production and in both commercial and _agricultural activities: - c. 723 persons work for the enterprises and institutioi¢'. 3 : d. 3887 persons have no ability in economic activities. (3) Expenses for the land acquisition and resettlement The total expenses for the land acquisition and resettlement is about RMB 104.657 million yuian, of which: a. RMB 16.753 million yuan will be paid as compensation to the individuals; b. RMB 77.334 million yuan will be paid as compensation to the collective units: c. RMI 7.430 million yuan will be reimbursed to the state- owned enterprises and institutions: d. The handling charges for the land acquisition and resettlement will be RMB 3.140 million yiuan. (4) Resettlement Tt is expected that 10725 labnurs will be affected by the land acquisition alnng the whole alignmient. The manpower relocation will be carried ollt through land replotting, development of township enterprises and recriuitment of workers for the state-owned enterprises. The details are as follows: a. 3391 persnns will continue with their work in agriculttiral production: b. 3494 persons will be engaged in both industrial and agricultujral activities; c. 723 persons will still remain in the enterprises and institutions: d. 3117 persons will transfer from agricultur-e to the employment in the enterprises and institutions. K . 2. The Basic principles observed in the land acquisition and resettlement The land acquisition and resettlement for the Quanzhnu-Xianen Expressway Section of, Fuzhou-Xiamen Highway will he executed nn the premise of scientificalness and rationality of the constructiott project and on the principle of econmnization ont land-use, relatively centralized management of land. unified planning with due consideration for all concerned and exploitation and development of land resources. so as to make rational use of the land resouir-ces. At the same tim.e. the land acquisition and the resettlement. shouild he carried oiut on the basis of the laws cnncerned to make compensations and deal %ith the rehabilitatinn work practically and realistically in combination with the absorptive capacity nf the constrtwtinn project. In this way, the jiust rights and interests of the affected people can be protected and the rational comtpensatitons and appropriate resettlement be made to -create an excellent environment fdr t.he rural community development and alleviate burden of the units to be relocated. so as to ensure that the project will-be implemented without a hitch and the eronomy along the alignment will be developed fastly and the people living along the route will be getting well nff.. 3. The legal basis for the Approval of the Construction Project - and Compensation for the Land Acquisition and Resettlement 3.1 Basis for the approval of the construction project 4 The Approval Of Engineering Peasiblilty Study Report On the Quanzhou-Xiamen Expressway Section Of Fuzhou-Xiamen Highway by SPC and the Approval Of the Preliminary Engineering Design for the Quanzhou-Xiamen Expressway Section Of Puzhou-Xiamen Highway by MOC provide basis for the canstruction of the Quanzhou-Xiamen Expressway Section of Fuihou-Xiamen Highway. 3.2 Legal.basis for the compensation for the land acquisition and resettlement The Law Of Land Administration Of P.R.C. Regulations For The Implementation 0f Land Administration Of P.R.C. Fujian Provincial Land Administration Regulations. (Details can be seen in Appi-ndix 1-3) 3.2.1 Basis of calculation for the total. cost of the land acquisition and the scope of application nf the cnmpensation, fees (1) Basis of calculation fnr the tot.al coist of the land acquisi tion In accordance with the stipulations in the Fujian Provincial l,and Administration Regulations, the tortal eost of the land acquisition consist of land cnmpensal.inn fees, standing crops compensation fees and resettlement subsidies. the basis nf calculation of whicih is as folInws : Land Compensatinn fees = 5 t annual ou1tptut value of the acquired land (ytian/mut) Standing Crops Compensation = 0.5 X anntia.i niutput value nf the acquired land (yuan/mu) Resettlement Sutbsidy = 2 : annual oujtpiut value of the a.cquired land * farm popilation J tnt.al amnilt nf the cLiltivated land (yuan/mu)- (2) rhe scope uf applicalt.itn *f t.he compeprisation fees, land Compensation fees and resettlement1. subsidy: In accordance with the stipmii;u.l.itons itr the RP'j ian Provincial Land Admoinistration lRegulatinrs. tthe government.s at township level will be in charge of the sp-rific work itl cnnection with the land administration. ar,d ipaking overall planning and arrangement for the expenditure of. the iand Compensation fees and resettlemeni subsidy. Such a ftnd Wi iwi be used mainly for tLhe development of township enterTprises t. provide employment. opportunities For the suzrp lis 1lahmir anid the subsistence allowances for the individutals who al-e unable t., wnrk. However, a prnpi3rtion nf the f.und should be kept as a. subsidy for ihe establishment ot the villagn et.uLcrprises. thit development of aquacul ture. the construct.ion *t. mini i:ciiistrjia.l estates, the reclamation nf wasteland and. t.h.- improvement of the lnw-yield farmland. Suich a .fnd wiI. be :l0rocaLed by adnpting program evaluation and review technique. -s4i a; to a.ijust or keep the balance of the develnpmental levels between t.he ric-n villages and poorer ones. lIt adei LiTI. such a ttndn can oe ;sed to enable the affected villages toi deveiop theiir productinn and provide npporttinities for the employment. In the areas with maritime resources, the compensation may be snent orn laid reclamation frnm the sea to increase the laniVarea for c,iltivation and create more 5 f* . *. --- .. : - : : opportunities to absorb more labour into the new employment. As for the use of the compensation fees, the administrative organizations at village level will obtain the corresponding right of eminent domain for durable means of production. Compensation fees for the standing crops and the properties on the acquired land will be paid directly to the orisinal land users and the owners of the properties in accordance with the ascertained losses. 3.2.2 The principles in the selection of temporarily borrowed land for the construction project and the duration of time, the basis of calculation for compensation as well as the scope of application of the compensation fees The borrowed land here bears a double meanings, one refers to the borrowed land designated in the design documents, while the other refers to the borrowed land to be designated after the successful contractors put forward the construction organization. As for the formal one, the location, the scope and amount have been determined, while the latter remains to be determined. In view of this, the borrowed land in Appendix 7 is only the design data, and the report will give a concise description of the principles in the selection of the borrowed land, the basis of calculation for the compensation fees and the scope of application of the compensation. (]) The principles to be followed in the selection of the borrowed land' should be the ones which facilitate the construction activities, acquire less cultivated land and away from the properties on the grnound. At the same time. such tprinciples should be in compliance with the local national comprehensive development plan. (2) The scheduled cnnstruction period fnr the Quanzhnu-Xiamen Expressway Sectinor is 36 mnnths. T'he borrowing time will depend on the purposes of the borrowed Jand. As for the borrowed land tused as borrow sites, waste banks and a biflding yard frnr the constrtuction of structural engineering, generally speaking, the borrowing time may be short. being ahoit :0.5--2 years. As for the borrowed land used as living quarters and admini'stration offices of the construction units, the parking lots fnr the construction plants, the store depnrts. casting yards. constructiorl access rnads and quiarries, the. borrnwing time may be long. being more than 2 years. Whereas the rtural economy has been -develoning very qulickly in these years, and the farmers have bui I t a lot nf ne.w hotuses, thie contractnrs can rent the idle hnuses from tthe rarmers foir their living quarters and administration nffices. Tn addition, every effnrt shniold be made to cnnnect the constructinn access roads witth the local rnad netwnrks ut save. a lot of ey.perases for the borrowtd land. (3) The expenses fnr the bnrrnwed -land ccnsEsLss of the borrowed land compensation and the necessary expenses for the reclamation operation. The borrowed land compensation will be paid annually at the rate of 10% *of .the cost for the land acquiisition, and the lump-suir subsidy *for the reclamationi operation of the borrowed land will be paid at.the rate of 10% of - C-.-. -*-. the cost for the land acqitsition. Also, the cnntractoirs are required to clear away such construction wastes as stone chips, etc. when. they return the borrowed land for the original land users to conduct the rehabilitation work of farming. (4) The standing crops compensation fees and the expenses for the reclamation operation of the borrowed land, provided that the reclamation operation is required, will be paid to. the original land users, and the other fees will be used as a subsidy for the development of the collective economy and resettlement. 3.2.3 The compensation standard for housing removal In compliance with Clause 15 of the Puii.an Provincial Land Administration Regulations, "ttte compensation ror the properties nn the acquired land will be made in acencrdance with the ascertained losses." The governments at municipal, coiunty and district level along the route will take respnnsibility for the surplus or deficits of *the expenses for reqtuisitinn demolishing and resettlement, at the same time, they will exercise the unified leadership of the work and accomplish the compensation for the land acquisition and resettlement through tn the end according to the construction program. However. the specific compensation standard will be .formulated by the governments at municipal, county and district levels in accordance with the actual conditions. On the whole, the compensation for hoising removal is determined by adopting "Replacement Price Method" 1. The houses to be demolished will be divided into several kinds in accordance with their types and grades sn as to determine the unit cost (yttan/sq.m) reqtiired fnr the re- establishment of the houses true to tile type and in ILhe same grade. 2. The quality level nf the houses to be dtInmolished will b1e determined, taking into account the life exprraittrl 'and damaged connditions. 3. The base price (yuan/sq.m) nf the net. v;:::;e aof the hemses to be demolished will be determined. The base price of the net. value of the h.n:ses (yiian/sq.m) = Replacement unit cost s quality level 3.2.4 Compensation standard for the remova, of power potles, tel ecommun icat i on pn I es The compensation will be made in accordance with the compensatinn standard fnrmuilated by the agencies-in-charge of the units to be relocated. 3.2.5 (:nmpensation stanlarri fnr the other pruperties on the ground Within t.he ROW, there are a lost of kinds e?r properties on the ground. mainly ineluidi n-, tombs. brriek-kilns, putmpi Tng stations, wells and enclosures, etc. As for the properties on the ground, there are not any regulat-ions for t.ne r:impensatinn. The mtinicipal and county gnvernments will take responsibility for the surplus or deficits nf the expenses for requisition demolishing and resettlement, and the local*governments wi 3 l make rational compensation standard. * ~ ~~~~~ 7 ,~~~~- ., 3.3 Other Po-licies and RegulatiDns Since the expressway is an Infrastructure project beneficial to the society and plays and important role in. promoting the economic development, Fujian Provincial Government decides that in the land acquisition and resettlement. yarious local taxes and reserve funds will be exempted and the agricultural tax and the grain tax paid to the State in kind shall be timely cancelled after verification. 50 of the occupancy tax of the cultivated land collected at a rate of 2 yuan per sq.m. will be delivered to the Central Government. As for the remaining part, no occupancy tax will be levied. 4. Resettlement Subsidies and Methods 4.1 Resettlement subsidy A tntal of RUB 2skG.a million yuan of resettlement stibsidies is made available for the resettlement prngram alonrg the whole line. The details can be seen in the following Table. I Region I Resettlemnt Subsidy IR.IB 10,00 YUAN) I *I I. ILicheng District of uamnzhou City I 326.6 I I iinians City 964.2 I I I~~~~~~" I In'a comty I 30.1 1 ITong'an County I S2.2 1 I + I I Jimei District of Xia.m City 1 147.0 I Xinglin District of Xiamn City I 14.9 Itotal. i 2354 1 4.2 Resettlement methods 4.2.1 rhe resettlement nf the labour and t'he disabled individuals affected by the land reqtuisition In puirstuance of the relevant stipiulatirons in the FuJiian Provincial I,and Administration Regulatiobs, the aparopriaie arrangements should be made for the resettlement of the surplus labour and penple's daily lire resulting from the lanrd acqulisit.izii, rr the project. Aithotugh the land acquisiti on involves many tnwns and villages along the route, yet the iand to he acquired as a proportion n. the. total cult.ivated land in the areas is relatively low, accounting for alitctit 2.3k with less inriuence due to the fact that the land-to be acquired. ftr the ROW is ii Lthe shape of a belt. Since the reform and the qpen-dnor policy were put into effect, the State has granted i-lJot of preference treatments to the coastal areas, - thus giiikg an impetus to the rapid growth of economy in the area with ailot of township enterprises, joirit ventures, foreign-owned enterprises *~~~~ - . *-' .. :..,. . fi,.<, ,;= and individual ownership enterprises. A great ntumber cif farmers have abandoned the agricultural production and have been transferred to work in the township enterprises and they are now engaged in both agricultural and industrial activities or in the * commercial activities. Some of them have become operators engaged in the industry, commerce, and trade. Such being the case, it's * ery easy to solve the problem of resettlement. On the basis of the aforementioned conditions, it's decided that the following measures will be taken to resettle the surplus labour resulting from the land acquisition after the consultation with the municipal, county governments.along the route. ReadJustment of land In pursuance of the stipulations in the L.aw of Land Administrat.ion of P.R.C and the Fujian,. Provincial Land Administration Regulations, " The land in the ruiral a,-eas and in the siuburbs of towns and cities, except for the land under the ownership by the State, is under the community ownership. The governments at various levels should maintain the socialist public: ownership of land and carry out such a policy of treasuring the land resources and making rational use of the land." Generally'speaking, the cultivated land in the rural areas is allotted in accordance with the grain ration and the numbers of able-bodied persons in each family. The crnps land fnr the production of grain ration is allntted according tn the quality of. the cultivated land and number of the family members. The contracted farmland is allotted in accordance with tihe number of able-bodied persons in each peasant hnoisehold. Tl'e contracted farmland is a task assigned by the State tn the ritral c'ollective economic nrganizations and part nf the grain yielded shonild be sold to the State. In recent years, most of the manphawter has been transferred to work in the township enterprises and *thier non- agricultural sectors due tn the rapid growth of t.lie townshipj enterprises along the rnute. As a resulL, t1e -contrarted farmland has. tn be etiltivated in the spare time. Especially arter the government lifted the c.ontrol on the grain price. mnsr. (f tne farmers are purchasing grains- from the grain markets with their income from the non-agricultural prodtuction. What's more. snme.of them simply leave the contracted farmland in the care cof the specialized households for agrictiltiaraL procluctiotn. And the agricilt.ural activities are showing a tendeti,y towards the ecnnomy of scale. Arter the land acquisition. the farmers Iivin- al uint ih routice will lose their land mnre or less. As fuer I.ti,? !Ieasai". households who lose their land for thn produiction of provisinns fnr themselves, the- township gnvernments will read.iust tLls, cigitiracted farmland of the farmers wnrking in t.hr tnwnship eriterprises, and real lot the farmiand to those wri r.se tine farmland for the production of provisions rfr them%eiv'es. As fnr those farmers working in the township enterprises, noi readjustment of land will be made for them. As for those peasant households engaged exclusively in the agricuuliural prostuctirn, additional contracted farmland will be provided to them. After 9. - - the land readjustment,, most or the labouir affected by the land acquisition will be resettled properly wlthotit any inftiuence oin their level of income. Resettlement through the development of land * resources and agriculture-related sideline occupations and township enterprises In pursuance of the stiptulations in the Fujian Provincial Land Administration Regulations, when the land is acquired for the construction project, the land user should pay the land compensation fees and reset.tlement subsidies to the original land users to develop the production, to resettle the surptlis labour resulting from the land acqllisition and arrange for the people's daily life. , The cost of the la.nd azcquisitinr for all-kinds of land for the Quanzhou-Xiamen Expressway i s RMI 8000 yuan per mu on average, to be suied as tihe special purpnse funds. The original land users slhntuld he granted exemption from the agricultural tax *and grain tax paid tn lhe State in kind after verification. Part of the growth fund wi II he used for the development nf the township enterprises. the assistance to the technical innovation of the rural enterprises. so as to promote the wide application of scientific technology in the rural areas and to expand the production capacity, to absuirh the sturplus laboutir into new jobs. Also, part of this fund can be utilized to provide subsidies to those who can nnt be p laced in empinyment. As for the acquired land which is tinder the cnllective ownership, a certain proportion of the index of land tutilization (normally no t great than 10%) can be alrirLted tl t.he villages frnm which the land is acquired to give aid to} t.iem in an effnrt tn develnp their second and tertiary industries arid to absorb the ltocal stirpius labour in the new employment. Employment Ltirn,a:h rutral-urban migration Besides the above twn ways, accnrding to C:lause 21 nf Fujiar Provincial Land Administration Regulation. tthe. Pujian prnvincia.l government will cnnsider Iri give some sperial indexes of rural- urban migratitin to those itnits whose lands are acquired se as to offer some empinyment eipprartbinities to a few surplus labnurs. The local city and county g..verriments along t.he route and their labotir divisionns are itn char7e e.f mA.king nverall plans tn recruit these [abours- in nearby state-owned enterprises. During the construction period of ttie 0xpressway. the Iocal governments will establish the tertiary ind:ist.ry along the route. A small part of the surpitis lahours wilil i,- emploiyed in Lhie Lertiary industry nr the Service Quarter nV r.he expressway after thle. construction is completed. 4.2.2 Oemolishment andi r.-moval nf biaildi,tgs (structures) To ensure the siuccessru;l cnnstritctinn of the expresswav, the buiIdings (structure%) ana aii the facilities within the area under requiisition must. he demolished and removed within due period.l' The construction tinit will pay the-compensation fee for structure demnlishment and reuoval and the land requisition fee for house rebuilding andwill make lump-sum contracts with each ,10 --.,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . city (county) government along the route. The fund for this purpose will be allotted as lump-sum in April, 1993. The city and county governments will make subcontracts with all, the township governments in April. 1993 and allocate the expenditure for land requisition and resettlement to them. It is expected that the individuals relocated will receive the compensation in May, 1993. The relocated peasants themselves should demolish and remove their houses and build new houses in the vicinity according to local town planning. Most of the peasants will be ahle to build their new houses first and then demolish old houses and remove .to new ones within the time specified in the contract.' For priority project, if the houses are asked to be demolished in a shnrt, period, the construction unit may consider to give some subsidy for overtime work or temporary resettlement in transitional period. Besides compensation for demolishment and removal of buildings, the expressway constrtiction tinit will give factories. schools and hospitals some moving expenses or subsidy for production stop according to concrete condition. These units relocated themselves should move and select site for rebuilding. Local governments and their land adminstratinn bureaus shotild help to apply for land tn rebuild factnries, schools and all other facilities to resume production and open school as soon as possible and shoulld ensure the people relocated will continuie to work in their previous units. If the dwelling hniuses of those who work in government .nrganizatinns, institutinns and state-owned enterprises are demolished and -removed, the expressway construction unit will pay the compensation at replacement price to relevant units so that they can purchase new houses r3r apply for land to land administration departments to,, btiid their new ,lotises. Usually, new houses wi I he purchased or biuilt first and then the dwellers will mnve in within 15 davs after they are noticed. S. Expenditure for land requisitinn atid resettlement 5.1 According tn the arrangement on Fu iian Prnvin i.cl Government abnut the land requisition and resettlement fnr cnnstruction. of Quanzhoti-Xiamen Sect i nn Of Fuzhou-XiaMe:- Zhangzhou Expressway, the city and coLinty (district) goverriments alnng the route will contract the expenditure of land reqllisitinii and resettlement. rhe contracts will be made in April, 1993. Trhe amnunt of the land to be reqtuisitinned or borrowed and tne contract price are listed in the fnllowing t.able. The contract price eonsists nf -r'mVayensatinn *for land requisition,. compensation for land bnrrow, compensation f or resettlement, farm land occutpation tax, and su:bsidy frr tho differences between par price and negotiated price of grain. The former three items of the price will be given to. individuals Xr collective units according to ownership. iFncluding the cost fnr- rebuilding, public facilities and the development fund for labour resettlement. For the latter twn items, the expressway construction unit will go through all the formalitLes specified by the relevant government divisions. -11 '', ~~~~~~~~~. .- . , :-' . :'_. ;: '_ '"i'- ,. . .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l r b --.s Iqumntityoflandu I I * I -. ,1 contraet1priC9 I IRegion I requlsition I borrov I CRB 10.000 YUMN) I I _ '-- I. . I .I . I Licheng District of OWhou.C1ty I 1089.2 1 177.9 1 1647.1 1 - ~~I t . I I . I JinJiLflr City I 2725.6 I 377.1 2930.7 1 1 1 I I .I- I. .INn'an County 1 1420.1 1 112 1 1499.2 I ITog'an Comty 2714.3 1 6.5 1 2711.9 I 'f- ---I -'I I Jimei District of Xiamen City I 1058.9 1 231.2 1 1133.5 I 1 + I I I Xinglin District of Xiaumn City 1 547.2 1 93 1 543.2 1 1 1 I I .1 Itotel I 9665.3 1 1561.7 I 1045.7 I 5.2 Compensation for requisitioned or borrowed land exceeding the amount specified in the contract 1. the comprehensive compensation for land requisition (yuan/miu) (contract price - cnmpensatinn for land borrnw in the contract) / amount of requisitioned land in the contract 2. the compensation for land borrnw: Rased on the comprehensive compensation for land requisitinn. the calculation is the same as that in the contract, i.e. (1) the compensatinn for borrowing the land which needs i-eclaiming (yuan/mu) = the comprehensive r-nmpensatinn f.r land requisition 2 10% : (tenuire + 1) (2) the compensation for borrowing the land not needine reclaiming (yuan/mu) = the comprehensive compensation for la-d requisition 2 lOX 5.3 Subsidies for enterprise removal and produtseiorn stop Moving expenses of enterprises and stubsidies for rorduction stnp described in Clauise 4.2.2 are generally taken from the contract price by local city and cotnty gnvernmneTts. If such losses are quite heavy, the expressway cnnstrucrtion unit will prnperly subsiclize these cities nr coniirities and the subsidies will be taken from reserve ftind. 5.4 Reserve F'und According to The Estioatinn and goidget.-making Regulations drawn lip by MOC in 1992 aid takin- the situaLior itt Piijian province into accntitrt. the tot- i reserve fund is 7.1I9 million ytiat, whtich will be mainly tused fosr unexetcted costs w'lthin t.he estimation of the approved preliminary design. setting-out of riglit-of-way and disposi rig Af' fi tstanding matters. 5.5 Maintenance Cost oF Land Maintenance cost of land, i.e. maintenance cost for land requisitinn and resettlement, equal to 3 percent of total la-i. 12 3 . -: .St '-.-7t-.. -. . . ~. .- - .- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~.- .-._:,.-. r- - * - . - *' - '* ' : X,. 7 :'- requisition fee, is taken from the contract price and mainly used for the-costs for administrative works concerning land requisition and resettlement. The maintenanrce cost for the administrative organizations below county level will be allocated by the government resettlemerit *ffices at city and county (or district) level. 6. The Scheme and Procedure for Carrying Otit the Action Plan 6.1 scheme Quanzhou-Xiamen Expressway is one of the mainr projects in Fujiin Province during the Eighth Five-year PlaT1 perirod. The project is broad in scale and deals with .a wide range of the society, involving 18 townships in 6 coutjites (or districts). A lot of land must be requisitioned. Compensation. resettlement, land adjusting, township planning and develoipment of local roads, pnwer, communication and irrigation sheiuld be considered as a system engineering. lo ensuire the successful construction of the expressway and tn let local gnvernments play positive roles, the Provincial Governmerit decided that the land requisition and resettlement should be tinder utnified leadership and direction and be fulfilled in one step. The expenditure for land requisition and resettlement will be contracted to city governments along the route and then subcontracted tn each county, who will organize resettlement office to ensture the qquality tvf resettlement and speed tip the prngress of resettlement and will be responsible for land.requisition and resettlement works in the area under its jurisdiction. 6.2 prncedure (1) survey of compensation standard - lProvincial Directoralte Office of Rxpressway C:ristriuction. aco.nmpanied by Fujian Provincial Land Administration i3ureau and Conmmunications Planning & Design Instir.dke. made a sitrvey on the stattis quo nf land ard compersati,ii standa-ci of btuilding relncation in each connty along the rouste from Januiary tn April, 1992. As far as the status quto nf land is corc-erried, they col lected such data as total area oif Farmland. the average area of f'armiand per capita as well as type. growing area. per mu yield, selling and buying price of erirs from departments of statistics, agriculture, land admi[nisL.Pa *Lion and supply a:nd marketing cooperatives-. Based on theso data', the annial otitpiut valne nf the reQuisitinned land anrd tne unit price of compensa. i on for land requisi t i rni are calcit i.ted. The *.nmp-nsation for building demolishmen.t and remnval is got compared with that in other projects which are being constructed in the cities, counties and districts in that perind. According to the survey and ca!^-::l.atinn and taking the iniified standard of the provincial major prniect in this area, the average compensation for land reqasisition and structures adhering to the requisitioned land is shown as follows: 13 U -~~~~~~ * . .,- ---.-.. . ; .- ----., --7- . - . : . - ,W,.- - -.. :_._ =-. . - .............................-.--. ..... I I I item I it unitpricel I I I ICRMm We n) I rmrks I lmnrewuisition fee I m I 0X) I Iland bwrowfee I I ISm CIase5.2.2fo rdtalis. I Ibuildi I sq. I 150 I I I I longon.Iitchi I Has. 1 400 1 Ifruit I I I i I I Ibanana IOS. 10 I I Itree I I-I I I * I others I Nos. 1 60 1 I . ~~I-I - II Itoab I 1a. I 1tO included in land rquisition md bo-w reies. I (2) Establishment of *the organizations for land requisition and resettlement The organizations for land requisition and resettlement werre established during April and Octnber, '1992. See the eighth section of this report for detailed arrangements. (3) Setting-out of right-of-way The setting-out of right-n -way should tie carried out before land requisition. More than one hundred and thirty penple organized by Provincial Directorate Office staked nt'L the right-of-way during November. . 1992 to March, 199'3 in 6 roadside counties (18 townships). The design institute played the lead in the setting-nut accompanied by the persnnnel responsible for laid reqiuisition from relevant couinty nffices nf expressway construction. 'The land administration butreals at. different levels checked the right-of-way in the area tinder their jurisdiction. The major works included *n-the-spot lnration of pile, making a clear distinction of right-of-way, checking and verifying the amount of the land to be requtisitioned and Lhe structures tn be relocated as well as waking clear tie respnnsibility and compensatinn st.andard. (4) Sutrvey and verification of-requisitiornea land and removed structures As snon as the setting-out was finished. to prepare for the signing of contracts fnr land.requisitinr, arnd resett.mc.r;t., accompanied by- county and township iffir-es of expressway cnnstruictinti and local village committees. !.hie .njian Provincial CPDI measured and verified tie amnunt of t.e reqitisi.tioned land and the quiantity of the structures adhering Li the requisitioned land. The data were summed lip in an uniried site-check sheet and then were signed and submitted to county resettlement offices. Tt was completed in March. 1993. - (5) Signing nf cnntracts The local governments will contract and be responsible *r *- . -14 -. - - z . .................... | i ' ,;: b jje-_ - * ~%†=fi the land requisition and resettlement of Quanzhow-Xiamen expressway. It is scheduled-that the Provincial Directorate Office of Bxpressway Construction will make contracts with each county government in the early April of 1993. The subcontracts between counties and townships will be made before April, 1993 and then the subcontracts between the townships and the villages will also be made. The governments at different levels will be responsible respectively fnr land requisition and resettlement in the area under their jurisdiction and transfer the land on time. The contracts for demolishment and removal of structures adhering to the requisitinned land shoild be made between -the county, tnwnship or. village .-gover'nments and the owners. All the formalities for land reqtuisition will- be approved and&gone through by the end of April. 1993. (6) Demolishment and removal , After the contracts among governments at different levels are signed and all formalities are gnne through, the structures adhering tn the requisitioned land are scheduiled to be demolished and removed during April to October, 1993. The properties will be removed by the nwners in principle. The resettlemerrt organizations will be in charge of disposing of those ownerless properties. After tLhe . httildings and other properties are demolished and removed within specified time, their owners will receive proper compensaLion. (7) Resettlement The reestablishment nf' hniuses wi l bin done by the nwners at fixed places according to local tonwtn planning. 'I-he relncation of hnuses of city dwellers will be. ar-anged by resettlement organizations by t.he end of October, 1993. After land requisition, the contradictinn of uinhalan'ed land distributtinn will occur, which shouid 6e resolved by land re-distrinution. Land redistribution shnoild be- finished h. -.,re the enTd nf June. 1993 so that some nf sturpluts labours r-arn he settled dnwn. The other stirplus labours will be emnloyen'- township ente.rprises. If there are stili surplus labours, lny may be recriuited in state-owned enterprises thrntogh rural-|:-:in migratinon by Incal governments and labotur rh-:nartments. (8). Inspection P'ujian Provincial Land Administra'-.irzn Atiirea,i. Conys.strrmctinn - Commission and Direci.orate Office *f ;-pr-essway 1'Tisi-.r;uiction, accompanied by the relevant ritv. V-imnty (.Xr- district) governments, will make an inspecrt.ion n.V fand reqtuisiLion and resettlement tto see Ef it. is in r-1nformir,y w;h PtIujian Provincial land Administration liegul.Ltiin- and LIte lump-suim contracts of land recma isi .iri atid reset. : ment and w.t i i dispose of outstanding prohiems i.o -feguaard I h' im,.Leres.s 'i' the twfo parts in the contracts. (9) Tiansfer of the land Organized by each city, county '.cistrict) resettiement office, the -original users 'of the laxnd should transfer all right-of-way along the route to. constrltction unit in December. 1993 so- that the contractors of the project can begin the site .15 ~~-*; , . * * itzp - ; * a _.~ .-b. - e&;......... - * ... . . _ _ .......* - _ _. preparation so as to ensure that the construction could be started on tiie. 7. Resettlement Management System lt is necessary to bring resettlement under unified leader-hip and management so as to ensure successftil execution of land requisition and resettlement . A resettlement management system at four levels has formed for the Quanzhou-Xiamen expressway constrtuctinn. (1) decisinn-making system lhe provincial, city, cnunty and township governments are the decisinn-making nrganizations responsible for putting into effect variouis policies for land requisition and resettlement. (2) coordinating system The leading groups of expressway construction have been formed at provincial, city and county (district) levels by. the heads of the planning, uirban construction, land administration. commuinicatinns, labour, grain, water conservancy, power, postis and broadcasting departments responsible fnr coordinating and smooLt.hing different relations of each resettlement system, subsidizing for resettlement, disposing of pnlicy concerning land reqtuisition and resettlement, etc. (3) enforcement system The Directorate Offices of Expressway Construction at provincial, city, county and tnwnship levels are in charge of the executitnn nf land requiisition and resettlement within the area tinder their j'urisdiction. If necessary, they will allocate and I.ransfer sr.aff from nther departments at the peak period of land requisition and resettlement to strengthen the resettlement organizatinns and ensure the land for expressway construction. (4) working agencies See the eighth part *f this report. R. The Institutional Framewnrk, Staff and Duty nf the Woirking Agencies A. At Provincial level The Rnzineering And Technology Divisinn of Pujian Provincial Diirectorate Office of Expressway Construc.tiorn is the organizatioirt responsible. ror organizing and managing land requisition and resettlement for the whole Quianzhou-Xiamen expressway project. Staffed by thiree persons, it performs such duties as fnilows: (1) nased on design redline map of right-of-wa-. organizing field setting-uuL, demarcating bnundaries and verifying the amouttnt of the requiisitioned land and the qutantity of the strtietuires adhering to land. (2) raising expendituire. working otut resettlement plani. supervising resettlement progress. allocating funds according to resettlement progress to each city. cnunty, auditing the use and dispensation of compensation. (3) making resettlement contracts, receiving requisitioned land, taking care of whole land inventory. (4) organizing and coordinating the works concerning land 16.: -~~~~~~~~ .. -. . requisition and resettlement accompanied by provincial Land Administration Bureau and Construction commission, taking responsibility for guiding, supervising and inspecting the work performed by the. organizations for land requisition and resettlement at city and county levels. B. At city level Quanzhou and Xiamen branches of Directorate Office of Expressway Construction consist of the leaders from the twn governments, the communications, land administration, urban construction and other departments at city level. The leaders from the two governments will be the directors of the directorate branches and the leaders from the communications and other departments will be the depdty directors.- Under the two city directorate branches, two offices will be set up staffed by ten persons respectively. They will be responsible for (1) taking the tasks from provincial Directorate Office of Expressway Construction and fulfilLing them. (2) the works concerning land requisition and resettlement in the area under their jurisdiction; helping the Engineering and Technology Division Of Provincial Directorate Office of Expressway Construction to guide, coordinate, supervise and inspect the resettlement in the area under their jurisdiction; helping construction teams to acquire or borrow pits and quarries, to establish temporary power lines, water lines and roads for construction and to begin site preparation. (3) disposing nf civil disputtes occurred in the expressway construction. (4) supervising and inspecting the enforcement Of construction plans formulated by the Provincial Directorate Office to ensure the rate of construction progress and the quality of the project; reporting any important problems to the higher level in time. C. At county(district) level The Offices of Expressway Construiction at county (district) level are the enforcement bodies for land requisition and resettlement and consist of the staff from communications. land administration, public security and other department7s organized by the county (district) government. Each office at county (district) level consists of 3--5 persons and about -30 persons are needed for the whole alignment. They will be responsible for (1) taking the tasks from the Directorate Office and ftulfilling them. (2) the works concerning land requisition and resettlement in the areas under their. juirisdiction. including checking and verifying the amount of the requisitioned land and the quantity of the relocated&.buildings, allotting compensation fees amon- townships, helping construction teams with their work and daily life and controlling the prices of local building materials required for expressway construction. (3) safeguarding construction site in the areas under their jurisdiction. disposing of civil disputes occurred in the expressway construction. - - - .. _. A. * ~ LI (4) leading the Office of Expressway Construction at township level to enforce resettlement action plan according to schedule. *. D. at township level The Offices of Expressway Construction at township level are the working agencies for land requisition and resettlement in the relevant townships consisting of staff *from land administration, public security and other departments organized by township government. Each office at township level consists 'of 2 persons and about 36 persons will be involved for the whole alignment. They will be responsible for: (I) the works concerning land requisitinn and resettlement In the relevant townships, including *checking,. authenticating, summing up and submitting the-amotunt of reqtlisitioned land and the. relocated buildings, allotting compensation fees among villages and working out the plans for resettlement. (2) safeguarding construction site in the area under their jurisdiction, disposing of civil disputes occurred in the construction period and helping construction teams with their daily lives. (3) fulfilling the tasks for land requisition and resettlement and providing the land for connstruiction nn time. 9. Monitoring Program for the Land Acquisition and Resettlement for the Expressway Proiject The land acquisition and resettlement fnr the Expressway deals with a wide range of the socinry and influences more people. whereas, an integral' action plan for the land acq,tisition and resettlement should be formulated priar to the commencement nf the land acquisition and resettlement. H'wever. the progress depends on the performance - qiiality. Therefore, in the implementation of the land acq4uisition and resettlement, the continuotus follow-up work is required, tr-. aim of which is to carry out the land acquisition and rese!.' !-ment in a planned and more effective way; scI thal. the apprta can be wade of the progress of the land acqtuisition anjcirese.e'.tlement. *At the same time, the policies and procedures seL snLt in I?AP can be tested by way nf practice to see whether or noL the gzrials can be achieved as expected. On one hand, the policies cast he readjusted on the basis of the findings, on the other hand. these findings will provide valuable experieTnces for the next constructiOn proiect so as to improve the policies cnncerni ng LhIF land acqiiisit,ion and resettlement. 9.1 Mechanism and Staffing for Mnnit..r.nc 1. Mechanism applied in Lhe monitnrina In order to carry otlu the land acquiisiticin and resettlement smoothly, a four-level management system has been set up for the Quanzhou-Xiamen Expressway Section (Details can be seen in the Organizational Chart of Land Acquisition and Resettlement for the Quanzhou-Xiamen Expressway Section). The agencies in charge of the land acquisition and resettlement are responsible not oinly - ~ ~ g~ - .. .,,,..S -. - -~~~ ~~ 1-W _ ' :2~~~~~~~~~~~fSSg,~-; *-. . --. ........ _ for -the execution of RAP, but also for. the execution of the monitoring program. The higher authorities will supervise the * agencies at a lower level, and vi.ce versa, i.e. the Provincial Directorate Office will exercise supervision over the Directorate Offices at the municipal level, and the mtinicipal Directorate Offices will be responsible for the supervision of the offices at the county/district level. The offices at township level, which is under the supervision of the offices at county/district levels, will have supervision nf the villages involved. However, sometimes, the supervision may be exercised by bypassing the immediate leadership. The stipervision exercised by the higher authority over the* offices at a lower level includes the investigation' nf the contracts signed between the administrative units at different levels, the execution of contracts, payment of compensation to the individuals, the relocation of the houses and the resettlement of the people requirning employment. etc. 2. Staffing for the supervisory body The Bngineering Department of Fujian Provincial Expressway Construction Directorate Office will be responsible for providing 3 persons for the provincial supervisory body. The Directorate Offices at the mtunicipal level will assign 3 persons from the Directorate Offices for the stipervisory bodies to take responsibility fnr the land acquisition and resettlement. And each supervisory body at cn!irity/district/tnwnship levels along the route will be staffed with 2 persons from their offices at different levels respectively. 1he main work of *these personnel is to exercise the supervisi on over the wnrk of the exectitive agencies under their direct jutrisdiction. The work of the land acquisition and resettlem6nt will be divided tip and part of it will be assigned to a certain persons and all the personnel in the supervisory bodies at difrerernt levels will be under the decentralized management. In Lois way, various relations may be smoothed. It's estimated that 57 persons are needed for the supervisory bndies at variousi levels for Qiianzho.u-Xiamen Expressway Sectinn. 9.2 The formulation of the mntsitoring program The organization for the. land acquisitinn and resettlement was established diuring April-October, 1992 for the Quanzho'r- Xiamen Expressway Section. 1'hat means - that the monitoring mechanism came into being with the estab ;ishment oif t).e organization. In the process tuf measuiring and checking the amouint of the acquirei land and the quantity. of the other properties within the HOW cnnducted by PP(PI)1 with the l)irectorate Officpes at coutnty level and the relative township.reset.tlement offices as well as the l'r.al village administrative bgiards, Ptjimar; Provincial Expressway Construction Directorate Office, 'the Provincial supervisory body, was involved in th'e supervision to * collect all village names in connection with the land acquisition and resettlement along the route (attached behind) and the basis data concerning the land acquisition'and resettlement. The cher-li and authentication of the amount of land to be-acquired along ti:- 19 .4. -. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. s-*', '- -.. :- --E .,~t4- ~~~~~~~~; -~~~~~~~~' whole line was completed in March, 1993. Working on the basis of a series of questionnaires and the compensation fees,. a Monitoring and Evaluation Form for the Land Acquisition and Resettlement was prepared. by the provincial supervisory body (See the attached). After that, the supervisory bodies at various levels got involved in the work gradually. In April, 1993, FPECDO signed contracts with each prefecture (municipal) government involved for the land acquisition and resettlement, requiring that the relevant prefectures and cities should sign contracts with the related counties, districts and towns by April, 1993, then the relevant towns wilI sign crontracts with the villages involved. Thus it is reqtuired that before the. contracts for the land acquiNCition and resettlement between- the administrative units at various levels can be signed, the provincial supervisory body should make an examination of the contracts so as to ensure the adequacy of the contracts to safeguard the interests of both parties and tn remedy any faults in the cnntracts; The demolition work of the properties on the acquired land will be undertaken during April--October, 1993. At that time, the supervisory bodies at variotis levels will be fully engaged in the monitoring. *The supervisory bndies at mutnicipal, cousnty and district levels will make an on-the-spot investigation of the locations for the houses to be relocated and make sure whether the land for the reconstruction of the hnuses is available. In June, 1993, the provincial supervision body will issue Monitoring and Evaluation Forms to eacth towns along the alignment, and then these Forms will be retransferred to the villages involved. These .towns will be responsible for the summarization of the completed Forms, which should be submitted to the supervisory bodies at provincial/municipal level by Auigutst. Irn the- mid Augiust, 'the provincial supervisory body wi Il condtict the sample survey on 15X of the villages with the s;Lpervisory bodics at miinicipal , crounty and district levels, highI iwthting the payment ofr the compensation to the individtuals and thte incnme restnrat`ion of the affected people. Since the readijistment nf land and the employment requiire time, therefore, the prnvinrial supervisory body witl instruct the suipervisnry bndies at ir;wer levels lo suibmit the periodical reports on the resettlement. Meanwhile the provincial stupervisory body wilI cunduict non-per i nd i cal prnbabi I i ty samp I es nn'the spot, in which the investigators wi I I not only discutss the problems about the rcsettlemcr;L and compensatiosn packages with the township or village officials. but. also inquiire of the affected people abouL the land replotting .and Rvailability Or the compensation f,nr the resettlement er the labnur. Also, the prnvincial supervisory bo-dy will ask the execultive agencies at varinios levels to waste no tism1 t- absorb farmers intit new jnbs. If there should be a time lag, subsistence ailrowances.should be provided itntil new employment is found. 9.3 The Methods and Field of Investigation 1. Paying a field visit to the project affected.. people to keep abreast of their attitudes towards the constrMuction project ~~~~ -~ ~~2 S:r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ X ;- Or~~~~ . and resettlement, as well as their complaints. 2. CnIlecting tht information on the payment of the compensation fees to the affected people, resettlement, new employment, reconstruction of houses and land redistribution. 3. Inquiring of the land acquisition and resettlement agencies at various levels to make sure whether or not the compensation is retained and for what purpose it is applied. However, the compensation fees may exceed the planned budget. In this case, the investigator should make sure what causes the excessive expenditure and with what funds it is paid. If there is a universality in the excessive expenditure, the departments concerned shintild be called in for consultation to find out the causes. If necessary, the compensation- standard should be readtusted with the range of the absnrptive -capacity of the project. 4. As for those who lnse their land and whn need new employment, the investigator should make sure if they are resettled on time. If they are not resettled for the time being, the subsidies should be provided to maintain their living standard. 9.4 Settlement of the Existing Problems A series nf problems may appear in the process of the supervision of RAP by the supervisory bndies at va-ious levels. The purpose of the supervision is to make a better job of the land acquisition and resettlement. Therefore, once a problem is f'ound, the nature of the problem shonild be analyzed and ascertained so as to decide which executive agency should be responsible for the settlement nf the problem then the supervisory bndy at the correspornding level should find a way tn solve it. 9.5 Thle Evaluation of the Monitoring Activities In the process of t'he. execution tf RAP, the supervisory bodies at various leveLs shoiuld condtit-L a crontinuous fol low-up study and take a series of measures fo,r the finrdings of the investigaticns. whereas the supervisory body is cJosely combined with the aLgencies responsible for the land acquisitiont and resettlement. the monitoring activities taken by the stipervisnry bodies at prefecture, municipal, couinty at:.i district levels will he evaluated by Fuiian Provincial l.and Anministration Bureat, Fujian Provincial Constru:ctiion Commission and Fujian Provincial *Rxpresswav Cnnstructinn Directorate Offime together wilh Lthe rei!evar) lea 81 piF"l&ti I4 Lt'vefWlkleI t S atL utJielecture. BlurtLeiCice J' : s t tk% 3r..- er.n. of-. .--d acquictic ".A * roFtt1PmPnt. fonr the whole iine-is comnleted. so as to settle all the remaining problems and restore the original living staidard of the affected people as quickly-as possible. In this way, the Rxpresswav will become a pro.ject which brings benetit to the people. At the end of September, 1994, the report on the compleLed resettlement will be forwarded to . the. World Bank, Ilcarly indicating how the project affected people are res6ttled .21 : :;-"--; _: -,--. . 4 - - . and how funds are utilized to develop the village/township enterprises and any other local development program. 10. Progress and Schedule (3) January--April, 1992: survey on the compensation standards. *(2) September, 1992: determination h1- t-tie compensation standards. (3) April--October, 1992: establishmerit 01o t,he organizations for land requisition and resettlement. (4) November, 1992--March, 1993: setting-ult. nt' right-of-way. (5) March, 1993: verification and authentic.ation of the amount of the requlisit ioned land and quantity af the buildings to be demolished and removed. (6) April, 1993: signing of contracts and stibcnntracts for land requisition aid resettlement. (7) April--October, 1993: demolishment and relocation along the whole alignment. (8) Juine--October, 1993: completion nf resettlemen.t. (9) December, 1993: transfer of right-of-way along the whole rotite. (10) March, 1993: stubmission of the Action Plan and the attached figures and tables to the Wnrld Rank. (11) May, 1993: submission of the revisec Actinn Plan and relevant figures and tables Lo t.he World Bank. (12) September, 1993: submission of the Action Plan and the attached figures and tables which have been revised according to the variation of.design to the World Bank. (13) September, 1994: submission of the-repnrt on completed resetttlement to the World Bank. 22 .* -. f?ECEIVED 930CT 12 I.',10: I I The Action Plan Fdr Land RequlsiLlon And ResetLLement For Quanzhou-Xiamen Expressway Section Of Fuzhou-Xiamen Highway Volume [l (two volumes in total) Fujian Provincial Directorat.e Ofifice Of Fuzhou-Xiamen-7.hangzhou Expressway Construct ion September' 1993 Content I. Attached tables and figures (1) Tables Table I Sumarv of Land Requisition for Quanzhou-Xiamen Expressway Project Table 2 Summarv of Buildings Demolished and Relocated for Ouanzhou-Xiamen Expressway Project Table 3 tummary of Coieensation for Quanzhou-Xiamen F ' Expresswav Project Table 4 Sumnary of the Population Affected by the Ouanzhou-Xiamen Expressway Project Table 5 Summarv of the Resettlement for Quanzhou-Xiamen Expressway Project Table 6 Summarv of Resettlement Management ExPense for F' oianzhou-Xiamen Expresswav Project Table 1 A Statistical Table for Land Requisition and Resettlement at TownshiP Level for Quanzhou-X amen. ExPressway Project Table 8 The List of the Rdministrative Villages along the , - Route of the (uanzhou-Xiamen ExPressway Section of Fuzhou-Xidmen Htgnway (for Lard Requisition and Resettlement) Table 9 Monitoring/EvaIuation of Land Fequisit ion and Resettlement for iuanzhou-Xiamen ExPresswav At V1 I lage Level Table i10 Monitoring/Evaluation bf Land Requisition and Resettlement for Quanzhod-Xiamern Expresswav Mt Township Levei (12) figures Figure i The institutional Framework fo- LaCC ;W.At:;'!±. and Resetttement Management- Figure 2- The Plan Contracted 11s of QuarerIz4u-A i bie Ea.es;- way Alignment Table I Sinwry or land Resquisition for Ounzhou-Xiamn Ixpresmy Project ite. present area anid population the land to be requisitioned average fars land per cpita region __rq land population cultivated non-ultivated total before requisi- aftereuisi- deeini) _____________(a) (person) land (m) lan (mu) tion (/Persn) tion (t on) ratio U) two towns and townshps in 2906 79945 1029.0 60.2 1089.2 0.363 0.351 3.306 Lichens District seven towns and townships in 199623 527179 2365.2 360.4 2725.6 0.378 0.374 1.068 JinJiang city .__ . __._._ . one township and a farm in 44775 100915 1163.1 257 142U.1 0.444 0.432 2.703 Ibn'an county five tovns and townships In 157001 237187 2454.1 260.2 2714.3 0.6f2 0.652 1.511 Torg'an coumty _ . two towns and townships in 72811 72369 1047.9 21.0 1068.9 1.006 0.992 1.392 Jimi District _ ___ one town In Xinglin District 19733 38211 547.2 547.2 0.516 0.502 2.713 total 522903 105580B 8806.5 958.8 9565.3 0.495 0.487 1.616 _ _ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a ; 1 ! . r >~~~~~ Table 2 Sumary of Buildings Dewolished and Relocated for Lzanzhou-Xia.en Kxpressway Project buildinss others item. dwelllngsagricultural and enter- for use of Public tombs prise bulIdings (.2/Has.) facilities (.2/Mas.) total house region r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mict ions region \dwelling agricultural enter- scool hospi- other (.2) belonging owner- 0u2/place) houses buildings prises tals to sb less two towns and townships in 19123/131 118/9 1423B/21 567/2 34044/163 309 781/7 Lichens District . seven towns and townships in 16246/80 101/4 7516/30 23863V114 1210 1269/6 Jinjiang city | -|- --- -__ one township and a far. in 12328167 212/8 1208/2 684/1 14432/78 638 2566/15 t4an'an county five towns and townships in 10786/63 653Y45 584/1 12023/110 145 96/1 Tong'an county two towns and -townships in 1964/17 180/20 580/11 2724/48 53 Jimei District . ane town in Xinglin District 3321/27 503/28 . 3824/55 108 total 03768/385 17B7/115 24124 6W 1251/3 / 2463 4712/29 ; / ~~~~~~~~~~~~.; r 3 L 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Table 3 Su&eary of Compensation for Land Resquisition and Resettlement of Uuanzhou-Xiamen Expressway Project (unit; ten thasnd yun) .____ _ coqxpensation for land requisition and resettlement individuals collective units costs of Continmuicy state- resettle- region crop fruit mans of means of requisitioned owned power & total ent tree livelihooci subtotal praduction or bomrwed subtotal enter- communica- adminid- and office land prises tions Lrtion (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (8) (9) 00 00 two towns and townships in- 37.1 Z21.8 341.1 WD.0 54.5 894.4 948.9 126.9 171.3 1647.1 ,49.4 136.5 Licheng District seven towns and towLships in 92.9 138.8 30.0 491.7 17.1 22_3.1 2217.2 221.8 2930.7 87.9 180.7 Jinjiang city I . . ____ __ __ -, -- I . ____ one township and a farm in 148.4 29.2 M.8 u 322).4 AI'v.5 1126.5 10.3 39.9 1409.2 45.0 103.6 Han'an county five towns and townships in 92.5 70.9 173.1 33B.5 8.8 2320.0 2328.8 46.6 2711.9 81.4 155.1 Tong'an county tvo towns and townships in 36.5 12.7 40.9 90.1 898.4 898.4 145.1 1133.6 34.0 54.3 Jimei District __ ____ . one town In XinslIn District 18.6 10.5 57.3 86.4 452.7 452.7 _ 4.1 543.2 16.3 33.8 total 325.0 183.9 1217.2 1727.1 80.4 7892.2 7972.6 137.2 628.8 10465.7 314.0 664.0 Reurks: 1. Item (3) Includes eivil structures. tactories, shops and others. 2. Item (5) includes factories. shops and others. 3. [tea (8) includes state-owned enterprises. shops and others besides hospitals and schools. 4. Item 01) u Item ( 0 3X 5. Item 0 = I Iten (1 (2) + () Ix5% + I ten (3) + (5) + (8) Ix171 . t t! ; s! r. I V . Table 4 Su_ry or lhe Powulation BY the Affected UnAAou-Xlamn BweSmy Project Item population to be affected (prson) .t_ t.a _ by buildins d mishaent by land requisition by bui Iding d.olh isnt by linsfng other \__________ _________ ____._____ and land reascisition ewlouent basis . region having fixed having no having fixed having no having fixed having no having fixed having no having fixed having no __________________________ tncome fixed income incom fixed ine Income fixed income inoe fixedi inm income fixed in o tvo tovns nd toships in 328 88 119B 33U 239 60 6? 17 1830 501 Lichenm District _ __. ven toiin and tovnships In 172 57 3900 1098 160 do 63 26 4295 1241 Jinjilan city one,towimhip and a fare in 153 75 1025 521 132 76 7 4 1317 676 Ibn an county fivetowns and tohips In 145 54 2311 873 1)0 39 2565 9(6 [weg an coimty two ton and townships In 27 10 672 243 35 13 37 14 771 m2 . Jimi District _. __ | one town In Xinglin District 68 18 716 190 55 15 _ . 839. 223 total 893 302 9820 3255 730 219 174 61 11617 3887 ; ; '-'1 fl , ,* r. pi I I i~ I ' Table 5 Smry of the Resettlemnt of Qumnzhou-Xinen ipre _w Project resettlement of labors ites__ after adjusting land, after adJusting land, labor in labors continuing labors concr tly enterprise subtotal region siwle agriqultural erged in second activities xersonm) profssion (person) (Person) (pson) to ptown ¶and townshiPs in 113 731 568 1412 Lilcheng D)istrict seven tonns and townships in 983 1752 1142 3877 Jinjians city _____ one township and a farm in 561 273 30 1134 Nan'an county five towns and townships in 1019 510 788 2317 Tong'an county two towns and townships in 438 101 164 703 Jimei District one town In Xinglin District 277 127 155 559 total 3391 3494 3117 10002 Z . . ; i's1 ,751 ^ i t~~~~~~~~I 9. Table 6 Sunry of Resettl nt baeent Exp of Iuanzhcu-Xiabn lxpressway Pro3ect (unnit: 10.000 yuan) coaensation at county level Including Item cowoensation - total of at the town for state-ownei ror power. divelopuent towns and reiarks region or township telecoaz- Iund at counties provisional mu costs or land level enterprises nication county level administration Licheng District 1091.8 126.9 171.3 257.1 1647.1 13B.5 27.9 Cuanzhou Jinilang city M07.0 221.8 632.9 2930.7 180.7 68.8 city Nan'an county 1124.7 10.3 39.9 324.3 1499.2 103.6 35.3 subtotal 4292.5 137.2 433.0 1214.3 6077.0 420.8 132.0 Tong'an county 1999.4 46.6 5.9 2711.9 155.1 72.4 XIaen Jitei District 730.5 145.1 258.0 1133.6 54.6 28.0 city Xinglin District 409.0 4.1 130.1 543.2 33.8 14.1 subtotal 3138.9 195.8 1054.6 4388.7 243.2 114.5 tota l 7431.4 137.2 628.8 2268.3 10465.7 664.0 246.5 KJ j ;1 ' '1 I I- . 1.4 10.7 6 40245 A StaLlaLkcal Table For land lleqlitlin and Resettlement At Toiindlp level For Ihand Xiasamen &mmmmiaw PNJet UIen*MivmThie.l.rhengI)istricLl.Ih1lunxita City --- Table 7-1 tomf E total arm (aw. Km) -are of cultivated land (an) swrms wen of cultIvatAd luWi pe cwita Cm) statlatla ________ 14.079 ism___156 0.530 before pmlto P m asrlwitual papulat.iui atlur totAlI ___________________ ~~~239 4 5694 3 omtrurtin annua warems Ine awlcultural I[mm. nan-aglcultwal Incme WIt per capita (yun) 116 2175 - 3150 atatlatlct, ~ ~ ~~9~wrf~ th win road lI In r~md total statistim 10 7_____y ___ ______ __ ________ 4.94 laavi,t .2cultivated lawd others _ ___total eaPVrmu requISM W.. 795.021.2 316.2 Uasiari~~¶vlpld - - ~cultivaudland -A otura_____ total _____ ____ 3J~~~~~~~~~~~.4 46.2 __ _ -136.6 ____ civil buildina eillnter _ _r_ otsm buildlrs I too Wl!Ž!dm .~pIae - ihc tawllitles tea. Q11 ~~~~as -. has~~~~~~~~~~~~dsotm dw Flom (SIM ---~~~ - _ 4 _ _-4 arcs (saw. n) 13549 8 2 2529 ___103 1902 31 7 Item ntmbr or rmilIki populationml hvn frma avlcultzre 121 ~~eula- ~ ~ ~~olyho.use to be affected - ~49 pe3e23t tmldar ____63 bohhouse and land affectedut9 -?-. 3fin Ic frombet . II, to be ...... tio'n ~~(memi hoI _ 29 _ _ tabs . ______ mdA total I..... 79 SIB or__ _ __ __12____ __ __ _ arrecfM thu horn loalir cultivateod land 210 1Q29 peole uwins sef limd ncm (jim) 3n1 outsid, or th ofw otheni oUw (o;;nt baisI 63TVo right-of-way Litoe ~219 11392 jttal (PM m 161'.~ total 2K1610. It .__ _ __ _ p wpulatlon_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I.notoLdiws rcalttlnw by buiiidinv dui&.Ishamnt ______253____ rmttlatlerl ctInuins to ho o,wmd In awir-ulturf ___________________ 77 or labor ro stlins wnrkins Intenrswiuia --- .. . . __ .3__ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _- ho iwmaid In both imuhrtr, nl.rczlun____ 310_____ ___ * ... abands~~~~~ng agiutr or ndmtry --.-..*--- 521 buildiuai = todk accustIon private 313.2 12 ___ 16.4 15.3 27.5 _____ _____ 10.1 214.0 - collectIve -- ~~~~~~37.9 I-- -- 2. 55- -756I 'or state- j 4. _____tte __ _1. 1.4 ..21 . 27.8 0.2 45.5 _ _ _ 110.197. 3J. 2 citmec 4.91 ROmwim*s Cmphonmtion ror tombs In lncluird! In the land requisItIon rees and vilII paid ta Individuls trot that Fm. A, 1ll I air II 1 !0 .fI ! /1 I;1 1 LIPI:IRI' 1 1 I. * I _onhui Tom. Lichdw District, iluho City . _ ________ ___ Tdle 7-2 total aa (s. ki) a or cultiated lanid (u) am_w n of cultivated lad per caita (ma) township luad ____________ - - 31~~~~~.733 13494 - .210 statistics _iciult.l l ale _ ___ Oth _____totl_ _erstotal befamr population (PI4smN) 3 .8- _- 4____ __ _ expram WWI aver^w ines aricultural e ___ non-lcultwsl Ineom , = ___________________ total __on_ _____- per caPita o) 783 2ZII 234 Muiwplnth min read I Dik road total . (toqmulmlpliu _________ 4.41 _ __._. .__ ___ 4.4 S ^aItler - ---__ __ ___ _ -n -a:_ __ _ln o d___-- -...*......._ ._- _=____ _ ... law- culivatod I ad - 0 er total. cemt_1i( 234.0lnr u 39.0 273.0 teuiuii . I _ cultivated land others total .___ laIfoWo bul) _ ___ 37.8 _ 3.5 41.3 . . _ _ __ . ___- ilUI - facIties taoudinm oti_s. tuflhtral i t iatms _ = collectivo private __ | __ _ = i: lut - .k others [_ |others __ |s i O thers 11_ rae,$ q,tit,@k.j i ____ 2 3 I2 2 i - 1- _tl _ _ __Wm _ _0 55 674 34 7 11(1 _ 25 5_4_ _10 ______Ites_ __ .___ __ nmCer or rfai fiee . population tnrr wicultW, 6 _______ ____euini - _ i° ~_ 11___ --J ll - plenhvn - -_ _ _ .- _ ____ tI~~~~~gnliMm o ourrc d24 U a..- rixed Ieo frmInds"t 37 on Pua IR's both home and land arrecteid 28 liii fla 7 tam ot44 to he ___ __subtotal 52 23D tvo.a --mm - 1~o 541 afrectrAd the hom loina cultivatd land . 97 497 .eopihaviwn ro rixdin I_ outaide oa the losing other ewloymnt basis 5 2_ _.Z __ ridht-ofaw subtotal liZ _. __ SR _ total (mmrsn 721 total = _ 154 721 - - ____ _ _. not needing rsettlina by bulgdins deso ishent _ 70) _... roesttlemnt mLfwingJ L w inged in acrcAur. _. _ ;__.____.__- .. ._ at la1 fre stavilm vrimn In entrlIss Z7 to o ased Inbolhhnt trytendhrl6 W _ _ _ _ _ J - - - - - . - ___ absnm~ning aeritlro fo irw*tr e f r ___ .--__ _-_ _47 .__- . -100 -.-... l__ bildhe |is 14 | 4|4 t 183|9 | O; | 1416-- - - P eqwlof 14 l~~~~~~~~~I__ *ent lai a. *tm |dt Item ~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~.. ~~~~~ ~~~ land to be teaporay nn-awicultiasi it_1 tler ier tdwel IsIaudn*h 11d rzulsriten r-vl w l hoald tO m (TOPleaS rres tit,;e ladetr. oh%sbo hom I ___ _occupation enrrss prIvate %83.6 U.S _ __ _ 0.4 8.8 __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __3__ . 0. col lective' * - 16.6 2__ Z.1 14.6 243 curqi 182 4.0 o003 83-'.8 - ' _____ '1 m) miAtatal 8. ... _ _ _ _ 248 0.4 4.C __ _ 8.8 9.3 209.1 45 _ _ __ _ _ . Irn 2~~~~~_ ~14.1 .contiuncyT 51.6 Ouw. ensetion far tods Is Include In thu land requisitfon ream and wiIII paid to individaim tram tint ton. . ., ~~~~~~~~~~~~1* ' I .s I . : ' ' i' : . ~~~~~~~I /m , !i!Iiill' FIr(Ct:.LO Cidian'Td w , Atnilang jbty. l um City _ __ . _ _ _ _ Table 7-3 statistics tov~ed~ip land total are. (a'w. buD ores or 01tot ed wo ocultivated I d invuags u tlvate l Wer ita ) wr papxicultwlpowuatlo othuu toI_. e2lprflssvay i a_ -I _ a_ricultai I nonwnicultuiu Income tobl _ auction per apita n _ _410 il90 n ubtienaes i l ; th ;.95 m in road link r51 __ to_ _. lain ._ cultiated b___ _ ___ __. _t __ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ 6 . k=al-l-dh w ~ WullIe e !iildins3__;gidr .___.................v... __ido 2.. - ll eninlitls ___.......____-- p° _ ns srloul I tIi aI sbate-od coI lectivo, -ri- - ______ 1 Iiit _ }at lJ~ othr, aap o|i -co~ 717 bUzren- _in r-- ____ reL qusn! Ityto.s :121._._ LLZ . .._ _ 3 4 L|-43--~Z __-_I . srea (qu. in 5991 __. 2.2 . 525 06 5_ 1J _ ______ Item_ niader of families .pUilatlan __pe vn w 24__ only hn.&qom to be affected 12 ________ 64 * ~~otm fr. fttr boUrt ome anaOrd land affected 20 I = 7 from r 3 ___, to b _ stl.__.__E11__ _ wotte . _ 2 . .......... _ _.___a_ __ 4U7 aiTetd Uw bouses elosyn cultivated land 107 __ 53? | pwlo haviny no fl yd Incao Ipanwn 252__a;__ outaIid or theb lming otbr.r wloynt basis ____ . 41 _____ 1Ycn building I to_._ 115 575 -tol rli 749 ],,ttl,17_ _ 79__ ____.____ _____ to_ _. _ _ _74 7_ ~~~Itee .. __.._____ ___ population ___._______ ___ not needng rtewttllnm by bouIldIng dmllabmont -_ _ .. ... ..__ 42 . .. _..__ _ __ - resettlewatt clntinuins to be aumed In aulcultawe _ ______- __ ___ It2 -____ _ --_____ Of labo force sta,worix ng in entmwriin _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ 0. __ ______ l_____ -___ .~ 1to ie en It Inaitn s and aitlwewo __._._._____ pate ___ ning wrleuXttre ficr ni _ ___-_---_....._____ Idn and to W ,, , t land to be t Y 'no ctr private U.9 | __|___ 7.9 | 8.4 11||5.3 Iti.3 | ___ _ _ _ 2 .2 | 13D.0 _ ...1...0 reo- clletie -_ -- |3|- 17.1 _____ 37.4 _ 370 _ _- --|--__421.5 Wm10.000a - -1 114 -W -45 yani amdtotal 89.9 __ *__o_ 125.0 8.4 h t5.3 16.3 a7.4 37.0 _ -____2_ r2.2 _.5 '{ 6- ~~~~~~~17.0 cant' imec 44._ _1___ .__ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ an arrimud thwen.Itlon f losiabi ncultivatd I land reuiiIo fe mid wil haIvtomidovirlxefrmit. fern F' F . , , . I .I ., t~~~~~~~ued of th oigFh ilyotbi Chwh_ Ton ,Jm ony = mCt Table 7-4 total am (M. km) wea of cWtivated lwd (m) el arm of ailtiata luId npe capita (m) .tonhlP INA____ _____ .462 _ sb~~~~~~~~~~~~~uIutiwa isltli: s _____ lchul WPlto tia befre population (M"ni ___ _- _. _- total cwatm ati amiwl averap, tac- -a ricultwral Inca. nan-awlcultwal Ircmo ______ total_ __ _ ____ _ qricultl capita (Yl . 9 1178 qwqmnw,je,wth min road lIrk raid totalI statiats ,pnnl . ________._- __ __ ._ _______ ._vd baf to bcultivated lmnd aiJi total - -- 34.S -~34.8 5.5 _____ **~ 40.3 - cultivated lard ot2utotal . rM taitmd(sul 3.0 ___.__________ _inn $ Ycn__ ___________ ____ 3.0_________ _______ __ ._ ___ __ . 3.0 _._ __ _ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~._ _____...............bl ................§X... .. .__ ... __ _ tul Idli. I tw e lvii uli nidlr,ap. stened ooi leot(na ____.__ .................. _ _ulIdlm It tm~tIijs n wi - aM state O" . col lective priwate bce NUnl"~ rT2lw iz4th i aKi lAIv%{rt*k mm Ot_ _C ouw IngZCl ..... wd__ .._ __. wd Ida trim atho dios am otior ri oet o ibss1 __ _ e. dt I _ .1 _ __ trII ________ Item m____w_ or irat.i ife. populatlan avclio21 resettlae ut eoniy howl to be nafeetd In3_______ _ _ _r t . both humas and lard arfectod f-- rim both____ I to be "___ itotal ofn aktotat 4 offetdl the hms losIns cultivated ln -. -Q:l _ _____- . Ano at _ c _- _ tao t s i ins other wa t ________ _a_s_i__ __ rWiat-of-isv muitatotal do 0 Lot, (peru'nI S P.__=__ ___I_.__ total _i __ not m5.A.rdi 'ttblra by buildhwdm alsivimit -_____ ___ remettlmnt, coLinuira to _ e e_md In uurlc'aitur _ _ _._16 Of lab. fA sta vrkirn In e.terprlsu - . . - . I- to be ewapsed In beth ldandtry and wricublte _ o -. t rabie in I citr rar wintry I . s lta be teorwy nmonicultural ~~~~ fclinm a ctre hp coo ailaiers IWtob ladw othea uiAtntab Iona gjvatec acciastian private ___ _______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1.4 1.4 collective U ~S ii 31.9 =~~~~~ . I -~~~~~~~~~~~~ I~~ iu.0 udtata _ _ - _ _ _ _ 1.4 30.8 .. 1.1 __ _3133 1:3catsec 1.6 Lfe..h: lCownamtin fwr tebs Is- bncludod In the lard requisition fees ard vi II paid to individids frim that fer. p p. S .1~~~~~~~ Ulimardt Ton. Jin.inmw County. IuJ city Table 7-5 towuhip la total We (SW. km ae or cultivated lid (w) 0 vauw am or cultivated led per cmits (M) fltatiaLi(~ * . 21.3 17284 * *_* * _ .. ..__ 0.244 rNO. pepltlatm (pwrso) awicitural population oth__s total 46123 2489 ______ 7696 expr_wY --l sver_. _ __ _ _ri_ ultwal in ____ _t_ - al _ _ WM__ =- _c per capita (vIan) 33Z_ 1967 2Z99 aem. _verng~ in.us' _ ._._culti Income non-amicul mi road I Irktro - a. statistic% . -- _m rion -3ri__ 3rd _ 9tobl _ _. artar ~p l ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ a ar ~~~~~land to ha cultivted lwi othts total expre.auy reusfi~t med (mi)cltved.- ________________ 33~~~19.2 4.5 343.7 coemxuctlnuti __________________ _i twp0rIFnn cultivated land others = total ._....__ _______ on (.11 5. . l _.___________9 __ _ tu Iidim _____ _ _ __ ____l Id____ oths building if-c ei buildinus - _ _ onteiwlu. b i**c --i I ities toms i,e A- awl lhi hlZIiWial state-owod col lective private . ______ ~ ~ iiup~ f~jInaps otkeCsraem sii aid'x * M lt oth fs b,o -km -U.- reei- qnntityibs.l 4 It0 __ meCaum 391 - _________ Item moer of raii i Population . r opcuitwe . ththe.botsu only hom to be afrected 3 12 .i rr inistnrY 113 U .- nlan" o pie both hie andi lan arfected 6 on (poiui inr rrou both 577 to be _f_ sitnl i4 or . . _ stotal _ 7S arreced the ho u cultivated 1 I 4 __ c pe hl lvife no ild li np _l 164 autside r tire losing other ewlounet tasis g ..._ an riutrt-of-tsa sittael I. IU total ipersnm) 917 ._ __ __ _ total in8 917 _ _ . _ .... _____. ...... _. - Iteo ___ . __.__.___.__ _ i___ __ m __| not needimg resettlIng by building dmilmt 1_ resottleomt cntinuing to b enmued in wricultwae _- 34 of labor ram f ityng 1wking I enterprises 113 ____. | to be ami In both Industry ad ricultrre __ _ 43 ___ __ ___ _ _ _Ir_a_ _ h idn _1___ _. _ .... ...___. Item amicuitral - __ -land to be teuay rimiitl "ling uIdIS uwWe sho whw haia ous e..lt land etoem others . oiotal ____ ____ y ptock ocuxetion private 4.8 _ . _ - - - 11.7 _ . ___ 1.7 13.2 _ _ _ Collective __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _33.3 30.6 M__ _ _ _ 3.9 J=u) M.oatal 4.8 _ _ _ _ _ .11.7 M.3 39.5 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. _ _ _ _ 3 . Rtil; . 9.1 contime6CY 16.1 Remik: lwution for toi Is Inclid In thlaned ruwi.ltio ees and will pold to individals tr that rie. il i . n rc isLIL amrt . I q , ~~~~~~~At. ,zMbi,p LO l rOl 'krlhJI iSM CXPr1u2 ~rJCCt Clao Toar, JinJiAn ntumty. 4uwwho City Table 7-6 tota______land__ _ am (SW. km) Wmn of cultivated land cw) *vor W or cultivated lard pa capita (u) t _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ __ _2___ _ 741 _ _ __ __ _0.253 statistics .ariultuma pulation _ _ berom population (person) B7412 pplto * exprcsmw_l _ _ Inwe aicultural __ non_ _i__lt_ _ I__ total ______ _ per__ p pita .n) __ _ _in_ __ a flewth win road I ink; road total atatiatics t55 9.05 arter l;md t?tjoned (ml _______________cltivated land otUers total exprumy r it9s cttiatd laed _ __ co_2tructin ____altinted_bfi__ t U U 37 l r cul Utiv St d IBId other _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ -___=__ ___ .__ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ iI ____ buiIdins oth clvi_. _uldj. _.___ __ _____ _.._ . nowic building iles cvil bu-ldir _ , an i pubik rwcilities teds home YIi teaR ; jlcltur iatate-ovd col loctivo private t tw- m"Im -I d0 *ohw sat howia others MIMSp others Sd I"mI±-c otE oiai es amd - _ ce fiA ts- o t.we rlo .mttiyObs.) 3 1l _ 2 sat Wnum ', =) 52 =65 G Ite" m_ or r Isilies fpulaon r- wricultwe 9 _ _.houa_u only hoan to be affected 6 34 _ _ frm. iw ia 7 . 52 N~ula- vjJtt ie both ham d landf arrected _ lOt fr riSmd i Vr both 720 tobe i#__ btotal 2I 135 I-toZ_ , 1715 arrftod the u - losins cultivated lud 410 199Q at people having no fie inxaso (an) 426 outxida or the losing othr eoloymnt basis _ _ 14 _ _ Yn rijht ofr-vay itotal 413 2006 total (arson) 2141 total 439 2141 _ - - Item ___u_ _ poplation __ not neodirg resetti_ng by building_ boll_tZ7 rsottleont continuing to be enoie In wsicu twu e57 of labor fwort stayint b i . n _ _ng'_n ent__wls____ 52 to be engiaed In both indstry and iwiculturo ___795_-_- *9 abanding aricultwer for Indtry ____ _ __ ___, 2U4 . ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ buildlim , .dt O *7m~i i~ Item lwd to be tewm~~~~~~owo an otha.iulum 1I ng ractaris shep ool hosital others requisitioned n qmtarise ohrsubtotaI | privat 98.7 | 0.8 14.3 _ 27.2 -. 9.0 | SO.U _ prvt --- . . .- - .-- . ... frollnetivo - - . .. 611.2 2.7 . 613.9 (l0.d x-N i I - I - - 1 - -r -- .- - - -_ _ _ _ 1 - ' _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - r -- 1-- - MAN) subtotal 98.7 0.8 14.3 L--- 27.2 1 B1.2 1 2.? _ _ _ =9.0 - 71. -, 23.5 cotiic 53.9 Remrho: Compensation for teds Is Included In the lad requisition ferm and vil paid to iadivlduls Vrm tiat foem. A' Sta9.i.tic.l Table F'or lAid Re-quisition and Ro.ttlemmnt AL Toiumhip 1,evI F?or Omnpjio-Xiom lFxprww P'roject lnuanm Toim._JInJlarm fbuinty..- QmlkmnJ City ____________ Table 7-7 tawnshlp lan total arm (u. kg) awon or cultivatad lwad (an) awvef utvae la cpta (a atatlatlav ________________ ~~~~~~ ~~~~56.0 3152_ __ _ _ _ 0.46 _5_ before - poputson (Pu,ml wuicultural p'opulaLium otheWs *total marmi aveo iim aricultua ima 1619icltr4 1446 total per capita (yunm) 65 196 54 statlatica ewr~~~~~~eg t mfn road I11r* road _ ______ total ___ M pY __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _2.3 2.3 _ _ _ _ pxpraiiway ~ ~ lmiInhncultivated land others tnuia____ coprta cLmy rc i-___________ 75 _ _ __ 163 2 to.or xy Ifal cultivated land tta' otal ____ buildines____ @4kam.___ bulildim ct ivil I uildiwe en_______atwrprise. Pohl_e_r___I_it___tus___ I I acq"ltaussl stt-ie collective private l faliost im two ~~~I Il ivpsW aoe- shp tes fec- shows othe roefa- shps otiass nd=ol hmpi- Itu a m quetit(NO I I 1111 II I arm m (sm. al 34 2442 Jj .1410 item mabel of fannIles population frrwwaicoltuwm Is peo ple hawim _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ only home to be affeced 11 go frmm Iwas 9 M y ~both hame an land arrecred C qa- ie n 5 to_ _b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I L0 on *(pe-u ) 175 arrvert,xl homum kltuu cultivated mad 23 135 or pecl lavive no riut incin L_(rsmI. 5 cUL4talortinfUi llmira Ueualoymttbasies 3 13 ¶r'1n - _ .. - iHAL-cf-imm__ subatotal 36 148 total (Pa ) 322 total 3?7 __ 235 I'. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1polaition . not neodips rewtt[Wa by buitdi,u doolstimntn _________________ 13 _ _____ rwnMmmLe'n continuing to be mapsd in wriculture ____t _____ of labor orce stayim worklne In esiterwims______________ 9 to ho aerswd In both inekatr mad wicultwr __ __ 71 _ ___ ahne*ins wliculLure frw imiaLry __ ___ _ _ _ item S______I ___ltnldiau-- ... lend to he tlwar annmraultsl owo Il ais iI4ie sh psId ol al rloem quisiti'me' lau oa m' ia ta iwxxm ljv actris ios aioi mka occupuLion. private 30.7 __ _ .6 . 8.1 Li collectIve ___ -- - - - 123 M . .3 (10.000_ _ _ _ YaMn subtatal 39.7 _ __ 35.6 - - - IIj 183 _ _ Li 54.5 8.1 centieMacy Z2.9I Noun.: mowation ror Loads Is ImUdItad In the land requisition fees ad willI pild to Indivl6mls Irre that fees.. A Statistical Table For Lid Requisition nd Ramttl.mt At Towiship owel For Gmuhou-Xigi 11mma Projwct 3oiken Tnw. Jinjian Cowiy. btmndiu City Table 7-5 tohip lnil total awea (uw. ka) wee of cultiuvtd lard () d Wm ot coltita lad For capita _m) statistics wiutm ouainOh Gg befre poulation rIuOn) _ wrltal poultion olbrs a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~~~~~~~~45621 11405 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e my Mannusl averaw incrme saiculturl i_c noanicultmal hem toal ________________ poi-caper ait n l 494 1153 1647 statnrtw lenstth m_in road lirk rod tdal after __ __ ______ ____ 5.55 5.5 land to be cultivated land beothers ttabl expreaumy I'equiitined (ml Ms-_ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _an__ _ cultivated land othmws to _ ___ - _ _______ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ ___ Z__61______ _ ___________ __ bIl diuuw _________________detkuu ___u_dm building itoa _ civil buidldin_ _ enteprise licsfilitis tL ds,-elli- ag;lujaitr stato- C collective private_ nd Iv i t | I i e~~~~~~~~~~ww P |M otli tre sfP oti a; shmPs |otln s schoo |Fl i>t 9 relo- qunt,ty,lyks1. 4 T I 36 ca_d area (su.a) 3=3 __ ._= _=__ ,______ Item rnuer of r.ail.s population Pwole miir frs wiculttwe ___ 21 _ Poeula- tbah onIy h_ui to be aff_cted -_ 4 25 tiand iN fr1 u _ _ 3 tton ri-or-aY both how, and land arrected ti__l_- fri both 487 to be __ sbtotal 4 25 io _ 4P_)_ . total 73s affected te hous losing cultivated land 157 U or p lephoow in no rimsd Incme rc) 1I4 outsido or the losing other t;wloyunt bils I 5 __I_ ¶fn right-of-wvs subtotal 8S4 total (pe 919 -_____ total 162 919 _ ___ _ - it... ___-__._ poplatian _____ not nooding resttling by buildii i,l "1ih t. Z0_ _ __ _ ___ resottleAnnt continuing to be uiped in wlirulture 1i5 of ltubr 1.11 'otailim vuki, in rinnis, _ ___ _____D____ _____ ______ to be c.w14l in bnih undatry mld wai.atwn-n ____ _ _ ___ 144 ab= min6 g wiculturn r,r inml:ry 311 bui ldlifoN 1Cm ag fjMl I crop land to be leaerd iam iblom Amngf factorie-nshms school hoiwiptal others requisitioned enterinla * g ~lJ tock occoptim1 private .5.7 Co2_ 0 4. U '.6 _ _____4.1 34.4 collective 461.R 4 21J.8 4i (lO aMtotal 5.7 | _ 4.0 . I _| _ I r20.6 461.8 21.8 _ | 4.1__ It 1 15.5 conthgency |7.5 -W l- : ¢'§1 we *^ 1z, I 6.,t,j,,t t_ s1 .4........................ , _ I.- t ...j :@ r_..III I I 0- ._...? V.I . e.. A Statistical Table ?ea lam) Requisition NWd Ruamttle.mL kdia Tm,i. Jin.lianna QmLot t t)mnidmu I:L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __Y_ __ _ _ _ _ _ Table 749 LOWSShiP lNd ~~total weo3 t21w. km.) ame or cultivated land Cmvernwm am of cultiatui 1wd pw cnita CMi) _______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____Oa.__U_391CR 0.352 statistics esivuitxai population otiu stta befwa ~~~poulation (perso )- 621 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ oxpr(amy ~ Waal awuersi mov wficuitirnl Incm no icultiwal incem . oa prCapita Lyta) NO _ _ I.li _ slatistlesercgsiy La= mis red _____ ikread ___ _total land LQ u. cultivated ________________a_ requiitigned mi) - . 223 ____ 223 cOnstiuct ion i¶l~~~~~~~~~~~~F ~cultivated land oUrn tauta cuuitna~~~~~i~~m mu) ~~~79 3-.2 _______ ~~~~~~~~buzlIdinesobg buildlim It"m ___ _____oecpi Public racilitics tots JImmim dli ag~imUA"I utt- jC.Ollectivo Frivatebe I I q~ 17shp. aJuu ueriul UsT reob- qwmtitvt.im.l 3 ___ I3___ momdw e Laqj. a) 3_ _ _ _ _ T IZI1 7 _ __ _ _ _ tljpjies~vys only luxsm to be arrectod 2 14 rxdIrrO. iristiT 19 _____ affeirtsid the hNunn ____f_x_cultivted_lard ___ 48 of____ _ peole lwuhw fn d b lnio (pixuo 136 outsIdle ot* the losing other ewloygmnt bails _________ 16 a rfRhit-or-way sutitl l 50 total (veron)52 _ _ _ _ _ ~~~~total _ _ _ 0 522_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jim ____________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~population not nooding mmca.LtlIng by buildln irmtdns hdimwil.I -- __ .- rew.1.1.rsnt. cantinuin toli aweate in agicunlture 39 or labor irwm stayim you-Ki In aim*pri-w ____ 1 ____ to ha uaupus' In both im~stry and awlculLtr MI__ _ ) _ but Idlns Ibm arclt,lIland to be temora non- wicuItawal private 4.9 I __ 0.7 19.2 __ -7.6 _____ -I3 colsutatla ___4__ 12 . 1708 39.3 I______ I- 4.9 -~~~~ 0.7 ~7.0 - - _ cantluoy i6 eiswl*s lime utimn irwboW. Is Include In thn land rmqisition reas and villI paid to indIvicdals from that fees. 4 ,ft' 11 l I I , ill Im11j p is '1l Al: Shiltoiu Towi. Nan'i iCwmty. Ulatou City Table 7-10 tonship inio Lotal s (qu. ) _ ars of cultivated lud (ms) avorue s of cultivated lid per cwPita (Ml statisti is - 115.W1) 41175 ____ nwicultual populatin . other total birw_ PnPulatin(Po 72990 2ti37 9a77 annnw l sa incom awicullul irncc non-ricultaral inci total ___________l per capita _yn) ? _24 Wi _ __ lamth ~~~~min read lif& roaid tOtal stat.ist.ics tatist .iM W! ffy 9.725 lil oi9.725 _ _ 1a"1 r9 ultivated larxl othrs _total 0tl. it. _. ________.__ ntinn . __~~~~~h _ __ _ ___ __ ______ tcvt7cy lUKi ~~~~~~cultivated land o thers -total . ._ _. _____ azen tul _ ._ 7dlr =___16____.____ otl=_ _- _ _ _ in~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~bildir,lD others_ _ buildin Il civil buildir enttdes c41 ___- pu.blic riacities irn ~~ ~ j~~jtzrul ~~state-owinod collactivo .Private - und _______ i Iivetlu &r- i shops others Others L ie sholi hImPi- others b-eloing lw - rela- quantitylNos.) 571 8 2 = -I __ _ 13 .rm...... .a 212 l _ _______. . __ _. _Item a tberor railies population in. from uricultw_ 614 only h-iims to b affected 25 _0S _r__ _ 19 _-__ t W 1t-orwy both huo and land affected 32 n- fria both 394 to be _ __ subtotai 57 378 __ _ uitolal 1027 arrectd th bowos losins cultivated land 207 or Ple bing n rixd imw (pwum) -_ outaldi or the losing othe eulowr,t basis 2 II I ridt-or-way utotal 299 1239 total (plranil 1617 ._ _ _ ___ total 266 1__ 1i7 __ _ ______ _ _. ..______ __ ittm __ .___.u __ __ _ p lation _____ nt needing restttlIf by buildirng dewrll ahant __ _______ i_ __ ____ rual.tlarnI acmtinufg l to b rewud In wrrcultUre .3 or iser r1rri StIaying tolM in ateWiSs 19 ____ tn ho rupswd in both inlitry and airiultum _ 27_ abanduinlg rwicultu for in=ustry Z3_ z ...... . . ..._iuli4........... .. .._....__. _. ....... _ ... ..___.__._. nun-mviczltuaul Item Crops________ ud tioubeenlrandes othwrs toa .Oist § li zns | g=-| ig=oc |ractarios shops sool hospital others ws xtisitiwod tnonwic| fKKNN twe- [Jvqstock ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oocupst.ion private 139.2 3.2 16.1 ___ ___35.9 __________ 39.5 229.9 cul latave ____ _____10137.4 29.7 ;37I (10,01),;- - -l 3Z___ - -g ____ - - __35.9 -_ -- _____ - - -----. --- iua) subtotal 136.. 2 2 .11 _______35.9 807.4 29:7 ____ _ 39.5 _ 14157.0 32.8 contioarc 1 77.9 , . Romres: IS_duatlon ror toobs Is included In the land requiastion few and will paid to individaslI from tht r.evs K-wvlomg l'ar. Nim'nin LWamLv, Ilwnilax ity;L Tabl 7-1i total ami 6qu. kul wo of cultivated laid 001 ava m r or cultivated laid per capita (a. utaL-tistla --.Z1Miif1.1 berom ~~~plp atE Ia Piswicuitwal Ppqulation other oa ad awgr m iw arlc-ultural 1mm nwlcultwal ____________ per rApita (sonn 711 500_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * length win road link road total atat.i.tlon wi _ __ _ _ _ _ aftor __ __ __2.53 __ __ _ __ __2834 l&ow fahp; (i cultivated land -oth -- total --- - conntruaction- _ __ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t" ~~~~~~~clivated land athrm total ____ ____________________ ~~~~24 26 _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ clvii bulIdl,ia ___________ cntbuildrwtatoe won (mi . ml 76 13 Item na~~~~~~~dar o thaulem populathon rio.he a-m clte 1 - Puand a iint eafcedI);p- fxd~. ro lm 3tr toM.I an ri y both bmmairnm land afrected Ca__ _ _ __ _ _~un frrs both Is tobab sub__ mtotal 10 58__ _ __ mtotal 290 affuctacd then howi. clemm culLlvated land 52 -~or meope luvira no fixed imw (poiso) 85 Outslide or the losins othwr cwloviumt blusi MYn - - right.-or-wy u*t.otal 52 31b tota I (Smu. 375 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~total 62 3 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Item ______populatIon______ not. neodiws rewettlii hrinb bul ldins drAu,likmrnt 45 ____ _____ n'netLlou.nt continuing to bho ewwmip In nasricultiro 1h ___ oWr labor lorca MauRveiorkidrx In .mt.rwinm I Lo boe voutwd In bxnth Irw&in"r and rI,lw aiun*mliw agricultum for inhiatu 57 buildings item inlcatia ln to bo cmy nnw-cli hulImlveuml Cri~j id dn lIe ops lanod others subitotal private 48.8 12.5 2.0 ______3_ 3 collective .2F03 . _____ M*5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~111.3 10IO3 (10,1Kl10 ta 48.8 10.3 ______ 1. ~ . 71210 3- .I ~~~js,of~~~~~~~~ ~11.0 continsc 25.7 Rewwrm: lomuxiutlon tor tnua Ia Inclu&d In the land requsitfon erow ad willI paid to Indivliduals ti. tOat tee. ii. owisii p Aveori Wwwwmnzioaai vm.xprommwy 'ro.et Habitm To'm. Tcwt'mn tOuLy. Xtiteif liti ____ _______ Table 7-12 ftosal arms Ui. kmn) aro or cuiLivuatd land ia) avar= mm oruaiivatedod mpuw capita CMi berwe populatirm (PM=) aul~wcuitwal voulatlon other taotaI bororo population (~~~~~~~~~~rnuin) ~~297( - 7442Z198- annual averreIncbom asriruitural Income non-awlcultural hnca. totalI par mp Ila (stin) 1(1)0 482 1482 statlatles th m~~~~~~~~uin raid l ink road total artw I M IN- - 7.031 o - 7.03 liwwoay Igad cultivated land others total M.=OOt~1~?.Iarc - -110 3- 113- bui ldinw Ur bul lpain buldnimntrrietepu- . blir. frilitim ab lotw.' ilwa I Ig If f- 11 Im" mstote-aunc coll :Intvn private.b g=Cm llw*tQck r- dom oth rs r- shop other shope othes schoo hamwi- others Ien5gu rnIo-1 qrntityWos.) ID I____ ars wt. ml 1434 51 - - lteu1 numlr or rasilIlis ropulaticut Irlrom wlcuiltwo -6 triin- 1haauo t h arocedpa fixed ircutwo -- --9 im raL-r wa both huom nd land atTnuiu' 2 ice_Iip- ~ rsboth ISO (hiNt ___ iwb~~"ttoli___ ID 0 on _____ ZibtLb arrmr.tud fho hot. lesIo cultivatod land 114 578 paiphvn fie inon p-sm - -- outside or th Ionim othe ewloymnt bauls ra. Hright-va-y sitotal 114 578 total (parson 529 ______ ~~total -- 124 62 _ _ -.a..- not.nainrmtigb building dkwlshwmnt _ __27 - -- re.'Lt Ingot. c~~tontinuing to ho cenegd in awric-ubturo PI oF' alabr romn' staving working In mwtrpiqmn_____ ____ 17 . ~ .-- to be mwwd in both indirntry and_agriculturo 91 . atanvutinm Sriculturo ror lnehIu___ __ 104 uam ~ ~ I~jI;w~I hal ldirw school hospital others __ Lc~~twarary non-awicultural private 21.5 0.8 21.3 4356 ..icv __ - _ ......J479. 41J.'4. -. . itmal uaittotal 21.5 __ ~0.8 21_ 2 .3 470.3 4U'.4 1 rn OL. ~~~~~~~~~17.4 3A Eonraa w ntlm for tad. Is inciuded in the land requisition foe and vi II paid to Individuials fr-ee that ree. At. Tav,lup l,oyal For Ikam,ie.*r ImrIC lqr r 1 a ! I IUI lbxlarim Town. TopesnlnwiLy. Xisu.m. City7 T*blo 7-13 .. _. _ ........... .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. . _... ..__...,. . . ...............hbzTt.rrr t,xnsIi1_Tbo71 total nrm L(n. hm) ann cV cultivated land (mu avsc wrm or cultivated lami par cmita tMl teiiiahip lan .-6.00423 04 atatlatlcu - - -_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ bierm population (_) ricultural population others total ONPrOFM_ _ GM__ ____ 53 11037 _ 7000 eaYstruetion anna avers_ incom aricultiral Incme non-aricultwal Inrm- total __ ____________________ pwr copita Isuanl __s___o -_ _ 1340 z t ath in rwd link road total starL4trcel 1 =¢s hr1P 5.744 5 S.744 land to be cultivated land othos total apr.mu1 rwquls t,oned 1S1 -2 ___________________________________125 co nstruction- - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ - - Cultivated lard thau total _ __ rtio ___-__.___ ____ __ 60_ . _ _________ _ bull dlnws ________________ ______b d___ other buildira Item d vii ilbIdings soterprias Pu_blic rwilities tabs home ~~hi~llltw imitura stte-owned collective private vesi ieptkl es shatp others s thops o E i- o tlv b ,blew ______,u,ea_W. al 8 =S __ _ .__ 11=111 =Z = = = =.==9_5= _ _ SS _ _ _ i ______ _ nushOr or ruwaml . _ populationnpol rn ro.in-icuitai 24i2_ _ n- - olai people having -r rclr 4 - Ihe mawy only hios to bo arrt:lid 8 42 Fr.m lniAtAS 46 . tgion la- rIwIl-ur-wa aboth Wm and land aTrecLod II _ _ _- rixod inc oea- POPUrI Va,.uifl in.. _____________________ L~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~t a frra both 494 tobe _b_e is ---_ 0totoj _ _ _. __ - It) Or t total 782 affrected he km" losing cultivawted lad 193 _ _ 939 ,t e_ or- having no Fivd Income (parson) _ E_ outaido or tip- losing othr ewloymot balis __ _ . Yon rWit-or-wy Smtjal 193 939 total (I ani 1 total 211 104. . ._ . _ Ito. . .. population not neding rmti i y b _uidin dmilihwt 31 ___*- resottlemwit antinui to bo cem .u In agriculture ___ _186_________._._ ._ of labor (crm taylm jwkimr in terprims .___ _ -_._ 4* to ha mraued In both lnitr and agriculture ___ 139 aanming auriculture -or Iuimtry ______._ 310 ___ ___ builIdiwa . --ne-rai.u Item land to ln _A t e ethonons wia,ltut privatn 411.3 | 2.l 1- - | 22.3 _ _____Z _ | | - _ 1.4 - 13.. collective 1 U.1 ZIA_____ 2. ran )~ subtotal 401.3 j 2.1 22.3 60. 16 ______ - ei:L-I 17.8 contima | 34.9 . Resit Cltelmtion ror toes Is includad in the land reulsition fa aNd will paid to Individuls frm that fees. i i a. a. cn rue or am s . on lid ROWEL l.mmL * At 'roai p In cl For C)jmo bXiwir I-mp my Prject lion Tmin. ra'an wnity, Xiam ni itr Table 7-14 * total area (sw. ki) ars or cultivated laId Cmi) awe am or cultivated land p capita (m) ___t_c__ l 62.0l0 27916 _.77_ bofcr population ( - aslcultral population _______total exnfio_y 35____ _444 499 _ __ _ _ 35943 eipw t a ..- - - - . _ s_ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ___. ._ __ _ __ _ cotrurtinn icultaumr avE in wrl al income non-wicultwal inc Ltobl coestruetion spLa(no) aomua __ __ _ _ per apila Cyimni 500 31U 100 statistics jl5 ¢th in rind I Ink rnod ' total arter __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _3.51 law ~~~~~~cultivated lad____ Uu_________ oa exprio_mu othws totaI eonstrutio291.3 19.3 30 tewrr lpnd cultivated land othI total 217 _ 217 l _uIdinl others civil buildings enterprises _ _______. building Ito. pubic facilities thm am ~~ a~~¶rljtural state aime c lletie Private . and I ivs| t orIes _.~I otlhr othwrs Sri m o-s ots oti beonin b_ rl qmtnity"&.)3 am ("W. w 178 __. Item nuatr or families poulation fn am'iculttre 96 only hmm to he arrected ~~~prople loving -r wciue9 W r~ol a.e ob fece _________ ixod Inom from nIMMEry 9 ......a _ _ ___._ ._ __ __ __ __ e _...._ _ _ Nu rTg*>r. cboth hoeand land afre-tedI - fi bt1 to ie _____ bmAtotal _ on (Pso) ________ 24 _ affectedI the hins las culivaing ited land 7n 370 P hi_baving nrix_ ig_ _p__ 13il outside of the losing other edoyment biss _. _ - 1 right-of ray sutotal 72 371 total (parin) 371 total 72 370 1 item 1..._ poulation nrt noWding resoeUling by building domolialmnt __ _ ___ --_. _ _ - reetLlmnt continuing to bh enrsed in aicultur_n 79 or ilaw Inm n stayIn workin In enterprises ____._ U ________ ____ ___ to ba i In both lndm$try and agriculture - 85 .:____ _aboninn aFricultwre or Industry - - - . - .7 _ _ _ _ buildinws _ _ n-rlr ,tm aicultural . r land to la, b IP nhonriculL o s I . _ _ . i h _sn| a:hool hospital othrs requisit.iennd entepris_s private~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ocpto prIvate .__ |_2.7 _ 10.6 L _:1_ _ 13.3 cal- bcoileetlve ---______________ ---|-----|37.9 78.1 _ |_ _ _ 316.11 * ~~~~(10.01)0 yuan) s|total 2.7 | - - 10.6 237.9 78.1 _ - t -.3 . 10.0 . I6.9 1 1; Remiks: UCnemtion for tombs Is included In the land requisitIon fres ad wiIl Paid to Individcalas 1ro that ree. * ¢ A StaListiChl Tablo For land Rqwisition and Resottlommt At ToImslip level For (hazo-XIam LNwas Project Xlke mTn. Tnr'an Coumty. Xlaan City * Table 7-15 vnshp land ____total area i(u. k) wans of cultivated laid (xi a1wo of cultivated lad pr caita (NJ Statistics 833am .1 St*tl.A 'oulation 'p l . wicultwal population ot_eti total ber _ p_pulation Ipe_nn43402 * 721 U123 exnutrucion annual aver Ineom aiiultwal _ncm_ non-uricultual income total _____________________ pr capita EsmnI 8-0 153 1l03 statltlamexP alawIth min road . lInk road total afterl.si t pT t~ IRS) 3.52 _ . _ _ 3.52 oiqre.qwy ~ ~ la?tlnF d t) - cultivatcd lad atlus total ex ' resuisl tl_n__ (ul 34_.7 21.3 0 _ __ _ . teqmr y d cultivated lard others total __O_______or_(a 181 ______ ._ _ _ 1_1 ._________________ buildings o_ hes ._ _. buli il Ila civil bulldi!ng stste______nterprism pblic racilties tiS iml agi iwa ntate-evc collective private a I _ __ at - i 1do|ss oti s shwa and I_ fac 1 . toicenn toaIf 1g a_l rle wmLty0u.)l 8 1 ___.__ 3I _ _I aWes (_ _. . 92 _2 5 __. .. _ -__ ___________ t Iiteln m m_____ __ nuber of familIes pGOUlatIon flem in-ilt _p_ 155 .mlyh stobe arrsld 3 - 19 people otimr rimt ary to eainl.- vilintr fixed incm Lion rs,mt-ou-aY bnth hesa and lwa arrfeted 5 31 trion (pe, from both 9 to lot __ __ __ a tota I 8 50 __ __ _ Adtotal _ __ 523 affected the I ur. lsa cultivake lan 118 0 e having no fi iucm ..) _w. _____._ outlsfin of tUr lunsr oUter euslowunt. bwls i!Yn rightlofvay subtotal Ila . 9 total (s ) 679 ..__ ... tolA 126 5719 _ __ .__ __ _________________ .tem ________ po ulation not. ntain. remettIlng by bualldinx dli ish=nt 15 rnttleannt - . continuing to be enuatd in waicuture 2D4 or labor rco staying vorking I tenises ___ 10a to b e w4wd in both imistry and avicudture 1 ____-_ 152 . _ _ . . _ _ _ .__._. .... _ ahunasming agriculturn rf ln,si... __ _ 14Z _____ 1- fnctorbuiliansao a dzlioqt Ita: - a larn to be teqrar non-sr t 1 sa IIveatock eccwtlon _. _ . iI-k ____. ti_ _ . _ ___ _____ ___ . -. private 14.7 _ -. 12.5 . t _ Z.z col lective 8.8 _| 1 - _ 281.9 f1.2 -|-- cO statq-t , (El.000- I- -!--- - -- - - - 6. 2 =----- - mn utetal 14.7 48 12.5 2'1.9 6.2 I i __ _ _________*________________________|____ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ -.__ .1__ emrks: LUoweatlon for tds ia inelslW In thE JIand requisition fets and will paid to individjals from tEt fees. A A Statisticl Table For land Ilcquiriticn wd RtttlcmL - At TOnship laVel For (nOu-XaIn sy ProJoet Xtqmio Toem. Tem'an Cunts. Xim city *_- Table 7-16 toemeleip .~ tobtl arma (squ. a) urea of cultivated lwd (31) uverarea r cmltivated lmd por capita (m -AowuLP land 63.500 3516S.2 0.831 statistics_ . . population person ri4lctuwa population others total i___nrn _________l nl _ 41162 t51 41913 t ticn auwval averam irna aewcultwal Inucom non-agrioultl inme _ _____ __ otal. _. ._ . __ru __._t_.___ per capit (Yuan __99_ 159 10.. mtatiat.m -y ewib min read I Ink read total stafttst r t) 5.U6 m 5.846 afterw rewitt7o°nesi IIUn cultivated ld_ tws _ total tXIiactf I_____ ______ _____603__3 153.6 756.9 ocrwtructlon _ . a culivated land others total _ _ _ ______________ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~99.5 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 99.5 _ _ bu.ldim_ othes bulidlort Item civil bulIdin | entelme |Ilic facilities tob r e_ ~~ agj¶~~jtAral ~~state-owned col lective Private arid . __ _ j ~FU~Iote [jj ewm oar| others _ t 9- there ac -____ item_ or Ia aieaS PeWatirn rr ricultwe 464 threa (aqua. .3 5c4nly _hosst_ea_ _ I pe r vin __rr_ ind_s __ t unla- rvt o5% I both ou and ld arfetod . 9 38 Ice rrim both 94 to boe. subtotal 27 t3_7 i on ___ __ puteotle __ __ afrected tho heeng. l-im cultivated land 136 _6 people uiins no rixed Ints! pse) 225 autbdn or thn losang cther eploymtn heels _ , _ . rit-ht-ov s zbtotl I 138 US _ total (Forson) SI5 total 163 UtS __ ____ _- Item papulation not neindl,E recIlttlI by buiildinwi ditu,ldm mL ___. 71 re.wUnUlam, ceatfrultiw to be htarewd In arficulture _ .3_1___ __19_. ___ 9 __ .. _ __ or labor reeve stayviw vekiwm in entlrrilsen __ _ 22 to be we_ d In both Industry and aeRicultue _____ 43 _ ab lm aeri, wl,ulLure fir inatry 95 ___________ bulldinme twnu ri-lctzl item a~~I?jI~~6 tartorirs ~Jw; neuieml hanpltal otJr requIsimparary iot No pueral itm land to 6!~~~~~~~~crw lndahes atoa - 1-f 4 tg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ftols i - -Elxi ho--Ita oter | n s | t private 85.3 4.3 25 11_ _ 25.8 _I ______ ______ _ 335.4 collective _ _ _ _|D.S| m579.7 ||.8 - 8_5._ Yun ttl 85. .3 25.8 5s.7 35.8 7u . . costs 22.6 cetlgecy 481. Remrks: Cituticn for toas Is Includid In the land rewisition rees and wvI paid to individbals frm that fees. 9~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , I n ! ~,i JI -:Ijin. I.:; I' II 41 !. . I - w S C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t ~.i it 1 forl I b '.j iU I o II - 1lNI 1. pI !M i I INIl 1.1, Iblmi Tos. Jinol Dtstrlatl. Xfaan City _______Table 7-17 total uena~ . km bl area of cultivated land (.u avran Wm of cultivateod i pIr eita (M) dtatistit c Fspulation IP"sonl avicultanal population ether total beforeo population (Perni gm)3715 4885 3SE cuil.ructln wwanul averase Incno walcultturl Incn non-aicultfral incofm total contrwil_ on per eapIta tman) 50 37U 96D fateIrLcm th omln road lIlk roed total afra,r "M 1S , - 5.24? .__________- 5.247 ___ lawd t *. cultivated lan others _ total exn tI am rMOa 75u8. 21.0 779.5 _ _ constr Srt.nn _ teUO rInd cultivtd land othes total __ _; __ * n (t18IU.59 42.61 ________________ _ 2i1.2 _ _ ____8 5 _lvii bulldli~s _______________ntaibulinss_ o_____ biul dinr I ta civi l ilul ldins _ nterprise _611 bl i fIc litie tob m billdins ItU -o ai i state-owned ol lective Private puii ii. laLaes ts prvt __._._ _ _____ i llve = faaei |dsn others shws btj h | eoiiw |rm refMj. qimntity ) I 17 _ _ _ 23 II |_ i __=_=J = t _ L = ___ Mib area ( MMMqM. . 196 35E __ -- - _____________ Itee _________ nadms, of fu IIs PoIulation free oaricultue 440 pooplo havl,ns ~ - t _ q only hso to be afrected 7 37 from inristry 39 Ima- rithI Mjn. 1--48 w- fixed Income ff-s-bot pan _r lan-o-ay both iandla f 10 -- 48rjtexF (pedm O5 both __ to bo _1___ sind t _ _ =7 85 ____ sibtotaIl 585 arffeate thI wmws losirR cultvatedla lad 114 orZ poople havini no fixed inmew (Pewm) 213 out.aiii or the leimi other ewlowynt w is 11 51_ n ri,h't-or-awy aijitotal 125 713 total (putawl 798 ___i_ -- ola _ I4i2 _ 798 _ ___ ____ __t___2____-. itm - -.p o_.lation_____ ____ _ nlo needing resettling by buildiro &=Illishrot -__ __ 27 -_-__ _- .restl.lnts. cnntinuins to ba snnged in agriculture or labor rfom staingm wrkins in enterprIses 39 _ _ ____ to bo onagod in both InrAetry and agriculturo 79 P3_ aa6int; agrlculturo ror lIrAatry- ._ _ _ 1134-_ _ _ ____hlbuIldinrs iles faetrio aagbapnirc | scol hihospital then roquisitlaio ctt_prioam raim ~~lJvQOtnck ocw'atlo private 23.5 - 2.7 |_ | 8.7 |£.6 11____._ _ _ _ _ li7.5 col iotive ____L1l_ 597.0 738 . - 1on n _ _ _ _ _ _l _ _ 5.6--1 --t- (l0") subtotall 2- . 1 2.7 1___ 8.7- 597.0 72 L .41.- I rmp o 2Z.5 rontif I ]iZ5 ioaurks: ompa twl fror tod, Is includd In the land reuisitlon fees and will paid to individaIs from that fes ..; .:.~~~ ~ ~~~ r,/!.! .4 l. . tY IYI At I i 1Iil n oI ' url:Io IL 1iiii PU'I lt, k:. Ihtmnkou Ton, Jiltol Dlstrictl. Xialn CiLy Table 7-1 toeahip lwd total area (m. km) Wm of cultivated land ui) avto wre of cztiatad lid tt capita (m_) statistics 70.MD 36811 _.1.0____ il6fitCt pqetloulation IraIcuitl spoplation othes total _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1565 m cuItrtut.ln nwul avera Inom_ aricultuiraI l Iacoaso un-aricultral intm tota4 ___________ parw eapita (Yuan) 894 401 12= .thLiatlrn t a I~th _main ra _ link rtl total sbtisU slXtt mJ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~1.3 .~_ ._ _ ___ _. ~~~~~~~lmd LO * ttlit!tivaa Iland tthes14m _____(__ _ . .4 _ _ _ _ _ _ ,___ _ _ _ M___ _ . _ _ _. _ultivated lawl Oth _.s total civil buildiwa, t__t __ bu lldniq Item pubil rc. _._._ts ,__ cnombsisea _li istl ldin It l IiIltAwn l state-omn col lective private _ uad _-_ . to_ I otqk shops men | IPS others shops Others _ -Jh¶i- ioit bel_ing cm-- re qtmntitOwm.) fr _-- ---- - I-,E - a _irn itco2 n - m of families pcpulation people rvigiculre 28 tbe how. only oNem to beo afrectoed _eoplo_havin_ r.. indutry 2 ton I ua Wn y both how and land arfectod _lui -nca. frboth so __ to bo __ __ a attaxi or__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m otal ISO .__ ._ar_.____or affected thno ,om losing cultivated land 61 p._3 hapeopl vin gn rixed ir (wrsan) 67 nuabfin or tue lusiri o r floWn bou _ _ _ __ _ _._ Ia t righl.-r-y su"total _ _ l 3 total sn.11 Zi3 total 61 253 I____ population _________ not needins rn?ttlini by buildins damollsihut __________ ______ resattleunt conLinuing tn be engaed In aricultwro ____- --- __ . _ 102 _ _ __ of labor lo n n s4iyrvring In enterprisem 2_-________ to be eme in both inuatry and xrlcultare _Z alnuinrig ao cultun for inlatry _ _- - _ S) _ _______. =_ huiIdinsar __ ___ ___ _. r.-_icul Item a tg u raolr land to betal hsilinK lrom racole sho nduool houvlal ollym rrqulaalLioncd entorprmu private - - I I I _. . 9 _ .9 _ collective _ - I 221.6 ____ -I=- saTIn~ antantq- - _ ___ r -§ (r0.Um0) "total -___ __|_ .__. 2216 - -- - I '5 elpp 0f 7.1 c0ntiu rny 11.8 J Ra.ms2: CUtolnmaon for Is i8 nelud in the laIn s iition rem anwd will paid to individuals rr. that feQ. I .i~ i~, i, * Or lard I1e"laitil udl mttleme t a <. A ft X ,..1 I las 1 tLel For Osin -Xian Eares Project Xinulin Town. lineUn Oistrict, XIln City Table___1_ tohp land total Wue (M. kl wr of cultivated lad (a) averme w. of cIutivted IJi per cpita (11a sbtatlat54.000 . 0.516 btfurt at miwltami povulation others = total berore lmul________ 35197 3014 38211 annml avee n I asricultral wnwo rnonasultwal ln tobl .______________________ per emits (uan) 612.4 911.6 1531 statistics th .min road link rld total arter __ __ ___3__ __4_ __1_ 3.461 . ldisStewed cwoultivated lard othes total requOi&Wdct a 547.2 S47.2 tuPera¶Y= pEd cultivated lad _ t_e __total ea(ruYY 93 g.0 Sb bul Idinao holidlaw ~~~~~~civil huilldliw palltallti t hm bioulding Itee |1dns st atr-ovned collertive private tis m ad X:; LL ___ iorles i others shape |ots sdol 1i-i0ters bteal_ing| red qmt/luam oso. 27 _I I3E T , Itell nuAr of lilz Plw___twin fra aricwlt 377 , -rule only iAes to ffet e IS 8so find P_ln r__ _ _t_ 2 5 0 Vpl both hause ad low arfecedw 12 70 thu f ram both 2_________0 __ to bo subtotal 27 156 ath lad 8bpo arffcted the hot. losing cultivated lad I56 ON poople h__ _ no fTind in___e _____ 223 outalda of the losing other elont bads is ____ _. rIiht-of-uy edAtotal 158 906 total a ) 1062 total 185 1062 it" poplation not neeIng remtti Ins by buiIding dmolihmnt 68 rrnttleent contiming to bo euwed In awiculture 2 or labor frce stalna rIng In entrprlses 212 to be esawd In both Indattn and aicultAre 127 abadoning ariculture fr Indatry 155 - = o~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~uilIdins_ It" 1ul2ltLral land to be nonlcultaal ans nss factorles |shoe school h|opital |aothemln rrws sitid landenterurise Oths Xtl prlvate 49.8 7.5 18.6 |---- --75_9 I__ | (10.900 mn) atotal 49.8 | 7.5 |__*| 18.6 419.2 3 |15_ ___ _ ulr- $ 16.2 contlc 33.8 Remss lCom_ tlon for tank is Inlu in th lad requisition r ad ill paid to lndlwldmal from tht fto. The List of the Administrative Villages along the Route of the Quanzhou-Xiamen Expressway Section of Fuzhou-Xiamen Highway (for Land Requisition and Resettlement) Table 8 I Lichen. DistriCt ocf OuanZhCO1 Oit%o I I -IhII I njf I msh C i ev NeAC o ti I *# A I . I _ I I Oleniiong I huanirvi rihu >t ngiAng Xineji * hi aon Donow I *I I - I nrolne I I ?luraocuj i4J1ahu *H@usg LO u t I r I I I I%anjanw Citv(of 0.n.%ezu. Cio .e¶' aV naiwueJ CS%I Maine of tCwnsfhP Name of Villges I I I u No lcli an I|lec. Liushe ri Xt.sno nLindian Chidimen | n I z Xikoene I S ut...X hngou I Xiarq I SIoCogHBa I nama I tanrcuc Stou NUJSOrn LiC3uo SutaI g 1 ! II I ow zho I *.IlI I npn0ftheu .1iRPu Dawra !heli I yaqeono Guant Ian I II I Guaokhu I Gue- an She d T man 1 * Neiicena I Cevue Ganezhe Kiafari Gushan Tin.. Noushang I I anhed i 1t5hano I e N.e a enIchun I I _ Name of tow=shIP I Name of vI I I aes StUitOU IiSn.anolin Put Xchen L mnf,u Laoke h I icOnanong For I I ITone'an County of Keanmen Cit I I INteme Of tenh IP i- Name Of vilIlages*-I * I tlicuo I iiOOf. shailfetig Xmna Liantane Zenecuo' teshan I I I pliane I Zencg IIn Ntongxi Naiguan FNacuC I . I tt-onegtaneg I Sanzhone K Iadun Da I area Lone Juedone Lone JueN Shlxu~an | I I *I Xilaneqa I VaOtOu Putouz *(P Kiasheteo eVgO I . . S~ ~ IJim.i District or Xiamen City I I I I Name of tonsh IPs I Nam. of vl lages I .;,# ~~I I * ' 1 |IHouxt I V arnn. I Dangzha IO Ci gaLa - | Geaakou -I Sanshe Tleshan *1. I *1 I : I Xlnel In District of Xiamuen CitY I Nsmeof t h IP | N_m of VilIlages I Xlnol in E xiting Jln.un Olanchanog I ; , :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monitoring/Evaluation of Land Requisition and Resettlement for Quanzhou-Xiamen Expressway At Village Level Table 9 Name of Vi lIge 5 a I Name of TownshiP I I ITotal fund received (Yuan) I . I iFund retained for develoPment (Yuan) 1 | IBudgetary shortfalls (Yuan) I I ISPecify whether there is addit!orial funds Provided by village ard other I I source of funds, if anys state how much for each : I II I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I 1 I If there is other resettlement subsidy (for individuals) specified in the I Icontracts, state how much : I II I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I State the deve Iopment P Ian f inanced by' the fund reta ined for- develIopment: II II I I Compensation for croPs (Yuan) I * -I.. II ICompensation for structures Per sq. m. (Yuan) I I I . I | Total number of Persons requiring new iobs I I . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~I , I INumber of iots given bY various p private I townshiP I I. I I I 1 tYpe of enterprises I I I IAverage age of Persons | mate 5 female I Irequiring new jobs . I ! I &mber of PeoPle Yet to be given jobs: I Monitoring/Evaluation of Land Requisition and Resettlement for Quanzhou-Xiamen Expressway AL Township Level Table 10 I I IName of rownship I I INumber of wiltages affected I I I .I .I1 ICwoensation received (Yuan) I I ICoPensation disbursed (Yuan) I I I I I ICompensation retained (Yuan) I I Budgetary shortfalls (Yuan) I I I I ISPecify whether there is additional funds Provided by townshiP and other | ,source of funds, if anvy state how much for each I I I I I ..I *1 I I I. I I I State the development Plan financed by cowPensat ion retained I ^ ~~I .I I I - I ..I. I I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. I ! S II* Institutional 'ramwork for Land Requisition and Resettlement IVnagemenLt ol (JuHmrvu-Xiamu, F roobrww dUmLrix:Liin U -tisio)n-kilinx t;SvtH. CoxtdinmLing XSY%Lp biallmtr!¢"n. ',-.41i' 'A-irK llsim;N i Popwle'% Gover_renL ol tuiian Province Iv _ _i_i_n Provincial leading (roup F-I IFuiinn 'rovintial lIirteai! Urfire I- I fwinneri u amd TeimoIiw Division | _- ; - - - | * - - J | *. ... _ ... ... . w ' ~~13 psm) I Uuanzhou I|'1i-. I Ie's tkivernPnnits. I I-[ City 4.euding -r--s t ----1 Iiireit;aL, *;ILIt U !Vel I i:iLwri I Xiamn Iamu L0 pws ro 1add . -_....g a;0WSISr I Lichte District I I .liniiana Cityv I I IHn'an L ou nl.v I r ---_--I _ I IJPAeW liovrnmmenLs al 1- --i CoUnlylI)isLriitl.J l.wlinv T-;XWX I 1 )iJ;r,aItj* -i l it'-wi i. I Hlongan t.nunt. I ' -' f CcwunWDti%sri:L lweerl t -i L:mu:v lDistrictI lffices I JDjiEe; I};lmmI District. I I3 IJ5 Pmns for sach) Xingl in Dist.ric:i. I ----- I People's tiovernants or 18 towns or townships [ T -- - --- - 1Torn and Towshp Offic .e ',12 pr;s fw ea). - rLN IW OF -1AZ0XIAMF*7 srEcaENr 01 -UIJAI10-XlAWfFJ JIlFrW F QIJAITJ5OU .. PLA VILW gJ u IR |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ADI W .Af&tS¢ rz '11 IAuruuu~'t' 4.)~;L:; 0 1~ .0 A I urnAA.% ~%(d rBi,,, | ^X4AM L4 c X SM X IN _ O V -10 1\ R . . I )4* q . ( V lR ' I CA 1. P R 0 F 1I i- M AP ( V i T A l : . C R4 : l G4- / \ o' \/ \~~~~/ *... I \ X ,G., , co xo.j , ' . . . ........ -...... ........ .. . . . O~~~~~ * IflflflIJ§ Il 31 t . i :3 R !3 .a, x , ,8 & _ _ _ _ .~~~~~~~ .. A ± .& - U *3 A-ANXWO -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-. -~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..... Ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t ~~~~~~~~~aj~~~~~~~~~~~~~v 4+u12ojI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1~~K CO)~~~~~~