HUDP (Loan 4751): Procurement plan for the remaining contracts ( 湖 南 城 市 发 展 项 目 剩 余 合 同 的 采 购 计 划 ) Updated: 13 July 2011 (all awarded contracts have been deleted from this table) - 2011年 7月 13日 更 新 , 所 有 已 经 授 予 的 合 同 均 已 从 表 中 删 除 Estimated Cost Bank 预算金额 Procurement BD BD Selling/ BER Contract No million Review Bid Opening Start Date End Date susud 合 同 号 Description 描 述 million Method Submission报 Advertise Submisson Award Remarks 注 释 编号 CNY (Prior/Post) 开标 开工 完工 USD 采购方式 标书 登广告 报评标报告 签合同 百万元人 前 /后 审 民币 百 万 美元 PC1 Component Draft drawing and technical Planned specifications have been completed. 20.37 2.99 NCB/civil work Post 20/06/11 20/07/11 20/08/11 30/08/11 20/09/11 10/10/11 28/05/12 计划 Changsha UDIC is currently getting approval from the municipal Changsha Jiefangyuan landscaping government on the design details. 1 HN-Cor-CS-LS-1a 长沙解放垸绿化工程 Once approved, the bidding documents Actual will be submitted to the WB for review 20.37 2.99 NCB/civil work Post 实际 asap. 标书草稿已经完成。长沙城投目前正 在将设计方案报市政府批准。一旦批 Planned 15.62 2.29 NCB/civil work Post 20/6/11 20/07/11 20/08/11 30/08/11 20/09/11 10/10/11 28/05/12 Changsha Nantuoyuan landscaping 计划 2 HN-Cor-CS-LS-1b Ditto. 同上。 长沙南拓垸绿化工程 Actual 15.62 2.30 NCB/civil work Post 实际 Planned 0.67 0.10 Shopping/goods Post 25/03/11 1/08/11 - - 15/08/11 20/08/11 28/09/11 This is a direct shopping package. 计划 Changsha UDIC 长沙城投 - Changsha UDIC is currently waiting for HN-Cor-CS-Eq-1 (refer 3 Procurement of computing the WB's formal approval. *notes,见注解) equipment 采购计算机设备 Actual 是一个直接采购合同,长沙城投正在 0.67 0.10 Shopping/goods Post 实际 等待世行对该合同的正式批准。 Planned 18.00 2.64 NCB/civil work Post 17/10/10 13/05/11 13/06/11 25/06/11 15/07/11 20/07/11 31/12/11 计划 Zhaoshan landscaping works 4 HN-Cor-Zhao-LS-2 昭山绿化工程 Actual 18.00 2.64 NCB/civil work Post 13/10/2010 13/05/11 13/06/11 20/06/11 实际 Planned 11.00 1.61 NCB/ civil work Post 4/07/2011 5/08/11 5/9/11 20/09/11 30/09/11 9/10/2011 30/06/12 Zhuzhou suburban landscaping 计划 Preparation of bidding docunment is in 5 HN-Cor-ZZ-LS-3b 株洲郊区段绿化工程 Actual progress. 正在编写招标文件。 实际 Planned 57.00 8.36 NCB/ civil work Prior 01/03/11 20/05/11 20/6/11 10/07/11 20/08/11 01/09/11 30/06/12 Zhuzhou suburban road 计划 6 HN-Cor-ZZ-RD-3b 正处评标阶段。 株洲郊区段道路工程 Actual 30/03/11 21/05/11 28/06/11 实际 Planned 20.70 3.03 NCB/ civil work Post 4/07/2011 5/08/11 5/9/11 20/09/11 30/09/11 9/10/2011 30/06/12 计划 Zhuzhou County landscaping Bidding document is still to be finalized. 7 HN-Cor-ZZ-LS-4 株洲县段绿化工程 招标文件尚未最终定稿。 Actual 实际 PC 2 Component - Additional Treatment Capacity of 40,000m3/day and Odor Removal PC2 子 项 目 : 利 用 剩 余 贷 款 增 加 的 工 程 Planned 10.00 1.47 ICB/Goods Prior 25/05/11 20/07/11 2/08/11 15/08/11 30/08/11 10/9/11 31/12/11 计划 WWTP odor removal 8 HN-WWTP-EQ-M1 招标文件正按世行意见修改。 厂区除臭工程 Actual 10.00 1.47 ICB/Goods Prior 30/05/11 实际 TA Component - Technical Assistance 技 术 援 助 服 务 Planned 3.74 0.55 QCBS Prior 28/10/10 28/03/11 28/04/11 30/05/11 15/07/11 1/08/11 30/05/12 计划 Dyke operation, maintenance 9 TA02 training & capacity building 已完成财务评审,正在合同谈判。 大堤维护、运行培训和能力加强 Actual 3.74 0.55 QCBS Prior 12/10/10 4/2011 31/05/11 实际 Newly added contract for Xiangtan PMO 湘潭项目办新增合同 Road safty, lighting and dyke Planned 15.00 2.31 NCB Post 1/7/2011 30/7/11 30/8/11 10/9/11 20/9/11 25/9/11 30/5/12 improvement works in Xiangtan 计划 10 HN-Cor-XT-Ci-M1 湘潭道路安全、路灯以及大堤护 Actual 坡改善工程 实际 Planned 6.31 0.96 NCB Post 1/7/2011 30/7/11 30/8/11 10/9/11 20/9/11 30/9/11 10/2/12 Lighting works in Zhaoshan Section 计划 11 HN-Cor-Zhao-Ci-M1 昭山段路灯工程 Actual 实际