80710 COMMITTEE ON GOVERNANCE AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS’ ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS FROM: The Secretary, Committee on Governance and Executive Directors’ Administrative Matters Minutes of Meeting held on Friday, September 14, 2012 at 2:37 p.m. in the Board Room Present Committee Mr. Yang (Chairman) Ms. Garcia Ms. Hoven Mr. James (Alternate) Mr. Manao Ms. Morin Mr. Prasad Mr. Talat Other Executive Directors and Staff Messrs./Mmes. Ahmed, Alkhudairy, Aviel, Bonaccorsi di Patti, Cumenge, Dentana, Elfaki, Gordon, Han, Hasan, Hassan, Ito, Kearns, Mihaylova, Mohamed, Mozayani, Mukai, Nanu, Pamuksuz, Pant, Peters, Schmitter, Schneller, Solomon, Speer, Sycheva, Szczuka, Takamura, Treffers, Viggiolo, Vumendlini-Schalk, Wang, Zang and Zhukovskyi Officers and Staff Messrs./Mmes. Bermingham, Chytla, Danilova, George, Hennrich-Hanson, Lal, Lui, Mantovanelli, Marmolo, Miranda, Nash, Sevimli, Sirtaine, Suleymanov, Tamir and Baechli (Committee Secretary) World Bank Policy on Access to Information - Experience in the First 18 Months of Implementation 1. The Committee discussed the report entitled World Bank Policy on Access to Information: Experience in the First 18 Months of Implementation (COGAM2012-0011). The Committee reported highlights and conclusions of its discussion to the Board (COGAM/GS2012-0008). Board Effectiveness Reforms 2. The Committee considered the proposals contained in the Board Effectiveness Reforms paper (COGAM2012-0012), which builds on previous Board Effectiveness discussions and the results of the Board Self- Assessment of 2012. The Committee reported the highlights and conclusions of its discussion to the Board (COGAM/GS2012-0007). Record of Previous Approvals 3. The Committee recorded its approval of the Minutes of the meetings held on July 27, 2011 (COGAM/M2012-0001), February 13, 2012 (COGAM/M2012-0002), March 7, 2012 (COGAM/M2012-0003), April 25, 2012 (COGAM/M2012-0004), October 5, 2011 (COGAM/XM2012-0001), October 24, 2011 (COGAM/XM2012-0002) and December 2, 2011 (COGAM/XM2012-0003). 2 Other Business 4. The committee selected Ms. Marta Garcia as Vice Chair. Date of Next Meeting 5. The Committee was scheduled to meet on September 26, 2012. Adjournment 6. The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.