RP1206 v13 TheAbbreviated Resettlement Plans (ARAPs) for the Municipal solid waste composting Project in Hoima Municipality (for Project Activities Land and Access th Roads) 16 April, 2012. The Municipal Solid Waste Composting (MSWC) for Clean Development Mechanism (COM) was initiated in Uganda in 2005 as a project under the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) with financial and technical support from the World Bank under the Environment Management and Capacity Buildjng Project-II (EMCBP-11). The first phase involved 9 Municipal/Town Councils of Kabale, Mbarara, Kasese, Fort-Portal, Mukono, Jinja, Mbale, Soroti and Lira. The second phase is to bring on board Eight (8) additional Urban Councils of Gulu, Arua, Tororo, Busia, Entebbe, Mityana, Masindi and Hoima. The Municipal Council was responsible for acquiring the land where the composting plant was constru cted. The purpose of the Abbreviated Resettlement Plans (ARAPs) lis to record and make publicly available the information related to the acquisition of the land for the Environment Management and Capacity Building Project-II (EMCBP-II) composting component to ensure compliance with OP 4.12 on the Involuntary Resettlement. Copies of the said documents are available with the office of the Town Clerk of the above mentioned Municipality. However, copies are also available in the NEMA library (NEMA House on plot 17/19/21 Jinja Road, Kampala) and NEMAWebsite (http://nemaug.org/Clean development mechanism.php). Below is a tabulation of location of the composting site and the land details in the Municipality. Location of land/ Date of Land ownership Comments about composting site acquisition the Land Kalya buh ire-Kibati, 01.07.2008 Lease offer for 1.5 There are no Katugo cell, southern hectares from Hoima encumbrances on ward in Kahoora district land board for the Land and the division, Hoima town. fourty nine (49) years. title is available. Plot Number 552, Bugahya Block 17 Katugo cell, southern 20.10.2010 1.6 Acres from M r. Hoima ward in Kahoora Okuja Dennis were Municipality, division. purchased at Ug Shs Hoima District. 28,000,000. 3.310Hectares Katugo cell, southern ward in Kahoora 14.04.2011 2.3 Acres at Katugo division. cell, southern ward in Kahoora division purchased from Mr. Masumbuko. M. Innocent at Ug Shs 45,000,000 Attached below are the purchase agreements and the land title for Hoima Municipality. .' \ / .-:­ . l?egU[flriVll 23 T HE LAND ACI: ei\J) 227 THE LAND REGULATIONS) 2004 Form 18 Block: ......:.........:..... ...... . ..... .. Pial: FRVJLHV: ........................ _.... folio : ..... ................ .. ..... LaJl eL a( ..~X~~ ...~ . ~~~ .. ~. . ~~.~!#. .. TOWN: I To: HOlMA TOWN .COUNCIL jl.~Q :~:::jj:)~·:14:§;:.::::::: .::::::::·:::::: .. .. .................. .. WIlt•. ..:................ _ ... . '. -. . - . ...... . . c > ~ .~, . ~ ... • ~ ' ~. • - ~. - I '" • .. ~ , - • • • - " i) . a c~v~;a~H dut the lesseeflr.#I¢11 shall HOT, without tbe conscm ofrhe lessor in '.vriting, deal in any way with his or 11<:1" inrcresr in the lalld before the Jeoase 1s cxrcndedw rhe fuHterm til' ...4-9.... year, ; . - _. _ ... - - - '7':"' Clfl a. nd) cove n a nt h ac; b C: ~ 11 fullil Jed; e;''; cepr iu lls m d )' b~ ("'!l ade fa [h e execut ors iJ ( .1dmini st r;J [Ql <' of d. de("ea~ (':d l ess c (~ . itt. Thc r; ffc r is con d itio n~ 1 o n (he terms a n d cond lcio rJ s of dlC lease being accepted w[(hin for ty n ve ddy~ of the <1;) ( ("" of chis offer. 5. !\ccepcJnce sholll be in writing to the commi ss ion and shall be accompanied by [he fo\lovrin g p ~,ymen( s i) p remJUlh • # _ _ . . . ...... .. .. . . ... ... ~. ~ • • • • _ _ • • • _ ~ _ , , • • • , . , G • • • •••• • • • _ . . .. . ... . . ' .. .. . .. . . . ... , ' .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .... . . . .. . .. . ••• .. \ I I; .~l1rv cy and mark s tones iii) prepararion of a lease ...... .J :O.J..OO'~~........,.......... iv) assuranceot title · . -. .. . ..... . ..,. . , .. ... : ... ~ . . ....... .. . .... y '" 20 000::: . .................. .... . ... . . ... . . .. " . .. ............................. . " \' . ' .\ v} regi:; tia.ci bA~f'a:4easc . :....:.;.:. ~.; ~.::: )::\.:. : :,....~ ... .. _ :...:......,.. .. ;.:....,.;.•.;:;....~.p,;.<*)~.~ ....... ......,.: .:.. . ,. ~'i ··v ·J- I' . ..' 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TERM from 1ST MARCH;011 for - 5 - - - years aoo·· ,~-·, -- months at the rent and subject to the covenants and conditions contained or implied in Lease Number bound up herewith and to the Incumbrances (if anyj entered in the Incumbrance Register. Easem en ts PROPRIETORSHIP Date , time SIgnature of Name Mid Addre3s of Proprietor an d Inst . No, Regis trar .:;"[ .10.201 1 HOlf'1A f!;UNiClPAL COUNCil.. OF P.O. Box i49,KoIM,', r.2.55p.M. r •.i57801 '-- "=:==================='====;~~='- Date of issue: %., ..JRD ,': OVEM6ER, "'0"'1 :' i ~ R~nidr<>r nf Tit/~<> Proprietorship-continued Dale. time Signature of Name and Address of Proprietor an d !nst. No . Registrar INCUMBRANCES Dale, time Signature of Particulars and Insl No. Registrar For General Tax Questions call our Toll Free 0800117000 Or log onto URA web portal Ug3nda R aven Ie A uthority http://ura.go.ug Notice OT·2079 Notice Date : 28/10/2011 HOIMA MUNICIPAL COUNCIL Notice Number 0101120176263 KAMPALA CENTRAL DIVISION, KAMPALA CENTRAL OIVI, KLA, KAMPALA Taxpayer TIN NA Section A - Payment Information 1120000429185 Stamp Duty 7070971 28/10/2011 15,000 Total 15,000 .' 'I -::: '., . : ~ •• " • • • I • •: I . ' Authorized Signatur . • T AX ~(r: \ .' F_ ; "'~ . r.::Desi nation of Signatory ; cets Grade 1 Printed Name of Sign.;(5~r:I -C-on;,ct Number Susan Ouma SiGN:............ ............. ................. , ..$,37222 This receipt has been i LsliM'CoT . .__ §nd· _ cm ~nalflofltte .' _ , _ .. " e dmmlssioner/Commissioner . •. . " ­ General P () Box T2T':J 1"101 1 119, I arr" a :~ R which shall or may be or grow to the annoyance, nuisance grievance, damage or disturbance of the occupiers or ~wners of the adjoining lands and properties . '­ I 3. IT IS HEREBY EXPRESSLY declared and agreed as follows:­ (i) that if this lease be enlarged a'l hereinafter provided, the rent herein reserved shall be revisable by the ~ Lessor at any time after the expiration of the first 18 years of the said term and at intervals of not less than 1. . years thereafter, , , ' (ii) that the cost of re-aligning, covering in or protecting any public or pri vate services w hich may be on or pass under or over the sai d land and of any works incidental thereto shall be t~e liability of the Lessee/s. , CERTIFIED-Memorial of thr , 'Ulstrument reglstered Ul ,-4 L3 ! .. 4. When the Lessee/s shall have complied with the building covenant herein and if there not at the time be any existing breach or non-observance on the part of the Lessee/s of any of the covenan 4fJ ~ conditi ons in this lease whether expressed or implied the said tenn shall be enlarged t. o >~ I months from the said 1st day of .,reb the year ~1 \. . automatically and this lease shall thenceforth be read construed as jf the said tem of 49 years and months had been originally granted hereb~ . - . ~ - # IN WITNESS WHEREOF the common Seal of the Lessor has hereunto been affixed and the Lessee s has/have hereunto set his/her/their hand/s caused his/her/their common Seal to be affixed hereto the day and year firsl above written. ~The COMMON SEAL of the Lessor t was hereunto affixed in the presence of us:­ ~ itA TO MBONERAHO ~ ...:; ~ Chairman ~ e COI8tm seal ot the ••1¥ i\SIIM'. ~ . . ... ... ... ;... . . ... .... .... A . . .. ...... . ...... ... .... .... ..... ..... .... . Secretary~~-:-:-:~:-:-:-=-=-:-:~~ HOIMA MUNICIPAL SIGNED by the said Kan1c1pal. eauno1l *_ COUNCIL • hereto aft.iXe_ . . 1 9 SEP 2011 * ih the presence of:­ OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ron. 6ft\1r tro.~",~ •••••••••••••••••••••••• • ~UTHORISED WITNESS :- MATCIl Name ... . ...~ ~~~.~.. S-~.f' .. ~fOr~~~_ ! . .. ·-AG. TOWNCLERK J.~,,~.~... ~.~~.....~~.. . 1 9 SI:P JOU .* Address . . . HO/" lA i. " \, . ~ ~f':." III !l;\L . r 11\ \"'~'- t£..< r A-.t I "~JO<:jr----=:. C~OU ,.\ 1-(\1'-' Occupatlon .. .... ... .... ,...................... . . . ) . \; \"' ; (lL ' ' . - -----­ DRAWN BY:­ The Government Conveyancer, Office of Titles, PO. Box 7061. Ka mpala 1 -..,. ..... .' .. ,1-;,' ~J~l D'O:,b , '