74943 United Republic of Tanzania Additional Financing and Restructuring for the Second Central Transport Corridor Project SUMMARY OF DISCUSSIONS ∗ Meeting of the Executive Directors January 15, 2013 Executive Directors approved the restructuring and additional credit to the United Republic of Tanzania for the Second Central Transport Corridor Project (CTCP2-AF), in the amount of SDR64.9 million (US$100 million equivalent) on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum (IDA/R2012-0293). Directors expressed support for the more focused objectives associated with the Bus Rapid Transit which would provide a reliable and cost effective mass transit system on the selected corridor in Dar es Salaam city. Directors noted the increased project cost but appreciated assurances that the project remains economically viable. They also welcomed the actions taken to address social safeguards challenges during the implementation. Finally, Directors emphasized the importance of building on lessons learned from a complex project like this both within the Bank and its partners. ∗ This summary is not an approved record.