73397 RESULTS AND PERFORMANCE OF THE WORLD BANK GROUP 2012 AND WORLD BANK GROUP MANAGEMENT COMMENTS CHAIR’S SUMMING UP ∗ Meeting of the Executive Directors October 23, 2012 Executive Directors discussed the report entitled “Results and Performance of the World Bank Group 2012� prepared by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) together with the World Bank Group (WBG) Management Comments. Directors welcomed the IEG report’s effort to distill the findings of recent evaluations in the current global development context. They also welcomed Management’s broad agreement with IEG’s overall findings and the steps the WBG is undertaking to further enhance the impact of its interventions. Directors concurred that several areas warrant greater attention including enhanced synergies within the WBG; project quality-at-entry and implementation support; crisis preparedness; sustained dialogue with clients; and quality of analytical work. They emphasized the importance of learning from IEG assessments, Management’s self-evaluation, and impact evaluations to effectively address today’s development challenges. Directors noted that the IEG Report provides a balanced picture of the WBG activities and recognizes the recent achievements of each WBG institution. They welcomed the assessment that the Bank had responded to the global economic crisis in 2008-09 with speed and volume. They noted Management's efforts to address a weakening of outcome ratings for investment lending, and emphasized the critical importance of ensuring quality and results of Bank support to countries. They proposed finding appropriate ways to report on the results of country engagements and focusing on selectivity given the flat budget environment. Directors encouraged Management to accelerate the planned shift towards a results culture in the institution including through appropriate staff incentives, strengthening implementation and monitoring and evaluation systems with adequate resources, alignment with the Corporate Scorecard and modernization agenda, and working towards a “solutions Bank�. Directors noted that IFC development outcome was stable overall despite a challenging operating environment; and MIGA made progress in diversifying its portfolio and reducing the financial sector concentration of its guarantees. They appreciated that IFC remained committed to IDA countries and its continued efforts to better mitigate the higher risks associated with projects in these countries through recent initiatives. They noted that recent IFC internal evaluations show that development effectiveness ratings for advisory services have improved consistently over the past few years. Directors welcomed the ongoing efforts of IEG and Bank Group management to prepare joint guidance for assessing country program results. They also underscored the importance of strengthening the implementation of the Management Action Record. ∗ This summary is not an approved record.