ZAMBIA CHAIRMAN'S SUMMING UP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Annual Progress Report and IDA-IMF' Staff Joint Assessment Meetingof Board of Executive Directorsof IDA June 15,2004 The Executive Directors discussed the first Annual Progress Report on the implementation of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) preparedby the Government of Zambia,and the JointStaffAssessment(JSA) of thePRSPProgressReportprepared by the staffs of the IMF and IDA. Directors.welcomedthereportcommendingtheGovernmentonthecountry'srecent growth performance, and welcomed the progress made towards achieving educational outcomes, nutritional results, sanitation, and the fight against major epidemic diseases, especially malaria andHIV/AIDS,whilecautioningthatmoreprogressneeds to be madeinimplementingthe PRSP. Directors also encouraged the authorities to continue the participatory this regard. DirectorswelcomedtheGovernment'scontinuedefforts to improvetheinstitutional arrangements to deliver public services, combatcorruption,andincreasetheefficiencyand transparency of thepublicexpenditureandfinancialaccountabilitysystems.Theynotedin particular, the negative impact of fiscal slippagesandextra-budgetaryexpendituresonthe availability of public resources towards poverty reduction expenditure programs. Directors noted the need to put in place an effective monitoringandevaluationsystem to monitorPRSP implementationprogress. They noted that the country has taken several steps to improve public managementsuchasMediumTermExpenditureFramework(MTEF)andActivityBased Budgeting (ABB). Directors urged the Government to deepen public sector reforms in order to enhance fiscal management capacity andto ensure efficient and moreeffectiveuse of budgetary resources. The need to accelerateprivate sector development was also mentioned. While Directors were encouragedby the results in agriculture whichhas led to improved food security, they stressed the vulnerability of this sector to various shocks including droughts and price fluctuations. Directors concurred with staff that a lot .remains to be done to improve infrastructure facilities in themaintourismareasand to promotemining.SomeDirectors encouraged the Bank to develop innovative mechanisms to address infrastructure financing in cooperationwithIFCandMIGA.Theimportance of financial sector reform was also emphasized. Some Directors asked the Bank to ensure a prompt review for HIPC completion point, along with thesuccessfulimplementation of the PRSP. Finally, Directors concurred with the staff that the PRSP continuesto provide a credible poverty reduction frameworkfor continued IDA concessional assistance to Zambia.