. ivT~RNATJONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION A.ND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION USTIUCTBD BecM70-l2S FROM: The Secretary March 23, 1970 KJRTBLY OPDAnORAL IIMWIY or BAJIJt AIID IDA PltOPOIID PIOJECTB Amount & Available Information Member State!/ Probable Lender!/ Project~/ Stage of Proceaaing on Procurement 4/~- I. J!ABT!U AFRICA BOTSWANA 32.0 Infraatructure for Appraiaal report being No action (Bank} Shashi minins project prepared; (parallel financing bein& arranged). To be determined Livestock Project bein& prepared No.action (IDA} by Govenmant. (Sweden may finance or join in financing). 1.1 Lobat1e water aupply Pre-appraiaal lliaaion No action (IDA} planned for March. BURUNDI 0.3 (R) Bn9ineering for Appraiael report being No action (IDA} Bujuabura-Lalr.e Nyansa conaidered. road CONGO (Kinshasa} 5.0 (ll) Developaent finance Shareholders' meeting No action (IDA) company being planned to euthori1e further action. To be deterained Rubber Developaent ) No action (IDA) ) Project preparation ) under way. To be determined Lake fi1hing ) No action (IDA) ) East African 42.4 (R) Eallt African Railvaya Presentation to Execu- No action Railways Corp. (Bank) tive Directors scheduled for March 24. East African 10.4 (R) But African tele- Negotiationa aubatanti- No action Poets and Telecom- (Bank) coanmicationa ally coapleted, (SIDA to munications Corp. join in financing), ETHIOPIA 3.1 (ll) BU111Jra a9riculture I Negotiations completed. Contract for bridge (IDA) awarded: $0.16 To be determined Education - II Appraiaal lliaaion No action (IDA) in field. 1/ The Governaent is the propoaad borrower, unleaa otherviae indicated. 2/ The aaount is in milliona of D.S. dollars and ia appro:idllate and tentative. }/ The letter (N) before the project maana that the project i1 a new lietins in the Sllll!llsry; the letter (R) means that the inforaation about the project haa been reTised since the last issue of the Suaaary, 4/ Confined to goods to be fiDaDced by Bank and IDA, Allouota are in millions of U.S. dollara. ~/ Kenya, Tanasnia and U9anda. Distribution: Executive Directors and Alternate• Presidant Preaident'a Council Executive Vice President, IPC Vice Praaident, IPC Departaent Heade, Bank and Ire . / ,.) I.,."" ... ·~ . ·• - ! ••··· Aaoant 6 Available Information Kaber State!/ Probable Lander!/ Pro.teat V _Btia1e of Proc,uaiy on Procur-nt ii_·_ ETHIOPIA (Cont'd)· To be detarained ·Addi.I Ababa watar · · :iawa1ttna cQ11Pletlon of N~ action (Bault) and ,_ra1•. , ...ibility and ......... .ant atudiaa (financed - by lank grant)~ To be detel"llined (R) Melb ladi-Aaibara mrateal report beiq lfo action (Bault/IDA) irri1at1on prepared. To be determined Liveetoalc (Dairy) ~raiaal ldaaion No action (mA) pllllllled for April, To be determined Developaent finance Awaiting reaulta of No action (Bank) ce1111pany Ill propoaal to merge exiatlng developaent finance inatltutiona,. KENYA 6.1 (R) Education II Awaiting Govermaent No action (IDA) approval of draft credit documenta. City of Nairobi 8.5 (R) Water Supply Appraisal re,,ort No action (Bank) being considered, Tana River 29,0 (R) lteaburu hydro- Appraisal mieaion No action Devel. Co. (Bank) ·electric paver in field. (Parallel financin~ poaaible), To be detel'lllined Airport development Government preparing No ·action (Bank) terae of reference for conaultanta for aoclified project. 11.0 (R) Road maintenance Appraisal mission No action (IDA) equipmt in field. MALAGASY 10.0 (R) Port development Appraisal report being No action REPUBLIC (IDA) at Tematave considered. s., (R) Lab Alaotra Appraiaal report being No action (IDA) rice developaant considered. To be determined qricultural credit Project preparation No action (IDA) ander way. To be deterainad (N) Lower Shire Awaiting final report No action (IDA) irriptlon - II of feasibility study. MAURITIUS 4.0 (R) Tea plantation Appraisal miaaion No action (Uncertain) scheduled for Kay. 7.0 (R) ligali-Catuna Appraisal report being No action . (IDA). Hllffl'&Y conaldered. To be deterained Port of Kogadiecio Awaiting coapletion of No action (IDA) final engineering, (Joint and/or parallel financing will be required). 7.0 Bargeiaa-Barbera Awaiting CODpletion of No action (IDA) road final engineering (behg financed by UNDP and African DeYelopaent Bank), ·T• be detend.ned (If) !ducat ion Uneaco project preparation (IDA) miaaion in field. Sea P, l for footnotes!/,!/, J_/ and!/ - 3 - Amount & Available Infol"lllation ~~~~er State!/ Probable Lender!/ !.~ct 1./ Stage of Proceaaing on Procurement !/__ To be determined (R) Irrigation of Rahad Reappraiaal ad.aaion No action ~ (Bank/ IDA) area vith Roaairaa preparing report. (Joint water and/or parallel financing will be required). !_A!l!.A!.I! To be determined (ll) Tobacco dl!Velopaent Appraiaal report being Retroactive financing (IDA) conaidered. of up to $300,000 to be recommended for initial land planning, aerial photography, and atudy. To be determined (R) Highvaya - III Awaiting completion No action (Uncertain) of preliminary engi- nearing and atudy of methoda of construction. 28.0 (R) lidatu hydroelectric Appraiaal miaaion Contract for access (~nlt) power scheduled for April. roads awarded. (Joint or parallel financing poeaible). 7.0 (R) Agricultural Appraiaal report No action (IDA) education being prepared. UC:A~~ 4.0 (R) Tobacco Ne11otiatione eubstanti- No action (IDA) ally completed. 5.0 (R) Education II Uneeco project prepare- No action (IDA) tion mission preparing report; awaiting project documents from Government. 6.0 Smallholders Project preparation No action (Bank) Tea II under way, ZAMBIA 5.4 (R) Cmmnercial Farming Negotiators have been No action (Bank) (Tobacco, Maize) invited. 40.0 (R) Power Develop-nt Appraiaal mission in field. No action (Bank) (Kariba North) Zambia and U.K. consider- ing proposals for organize- tional, financial and legal arrangements. 5.0 (R} Liveatoclt II Consultants' report No action (Bank) being studied. 18.0 Highways III Awaiting completion of No action (Bank) etudiea being carried out under previous loan. See P. 1 for footnotes!/, J:l, 1/ and~ - 4 - Amount & Available Information Probable Lender J:../ Project 11 Bta9e of'Proceaaing on Procurement ii~--- II.. WEST!RH APRiCA To be deteTilined Tea develop111ent Draft feasibility report No action (Uncertain) (West Cameroon) being reviewed. 12.0 (Bank) Roads Loan and credit No action 7.0 (IDA) approved by Executive Directors on February 10. 5.2 (R) Railway Appraisal report being No action (Bank) considered. (Caisse Centrale de Cooperation Economique· to join in financing locomotives). To be determined SEHRY Rice Feasibility study being No action (IDA) prepared. To be determined (R) Port I (Douala- Appraisal mission No action (Bank) Bonaberi) scheduled for April, CI!NTRAL AFRICAN 4.0 Road maintenance Appraisal report No action --- -REPUBLIC -··---------- (IDA) being considered. To be determined .Road construction 0 Feasibility study being No action (IDA) (Sibut-Bambari) prepared, 1.0 Livestock Negotiations substanti- Retroactive financing (IDA) development ally completed. of consultants' Awaiting receipt of services (about $5,000) further information on to be reco111111ended. cos ta. 1.0 (R) Education II Awaiting agreement on No action (IDA) location of project institution. To be determined Telecommunications Reconnaissance mission No action (IDA) in field. To be determined Lake Chad Road Feasibility study No action (IDA) being reviewed. CONGO _(Braz,) 1.5 (R) Pointe Noire-Makola Appraisal report Calla issued for (IDA) road being conaidered. prequalification of bidders. To be determined ·(R) Education Appraisal mission No action (IDA) in field. To be determined Livestock Feasibility studies No action (IDA) development being prepared. To be determined Road construction Detailed engineering No action (IDA) (S1biti-Za11&ga) being carried out by consultants. To be·determined Railway Engineering Feaaibility study No action (Bank) being prepared. 3.5 (R) Road maintenance Negotiations substanti- Consultants' contracts (IDA) and engineering ally completed. being reviewed. To be determined Cotton development Project proposal No action (IDA) under review. See P, l for footnotes 1/, 1/, 11 and !!I - 5 - /\mount & Available Information Member State 1_/ ~robable Lender:±_/ Project 1./ Stage of Processing on ProcurBftlent !!_/__ 2.0 (R) Port of Bathurat Negotiations eubetanti-· No action (IDA) aHy completed. 2.0 (N) Rice Development PAO project identifica- No action (IDA) tion report being reviewed, GHANA 8.5 (R) Cocoa rehabilitation Appraisal report being No action (IDA) prepared. (Barclay's Bank mey join in finsncinp;) 8.0 Power distribution Appraisal mission_ No action (IDA) planned for April/Hay. To be determined Road rehabilitation Awaitinp; Government No action (IDA) and maintenance decision on proposal to appoint conaultante for project preparation. To be determined National Inveatment Awaiting aubmieeion of No action (I!lA) Bank project proposal. lVORY .. COAST -· - . - - . -- - 11.0 (R) Education Presentation to Execu- No action (Bank) tive Directors scheduled for March 24. 6,0 Cocoa development Appraisal report (Bank) beinp; prepared, To be determined Road construction Feasibility studies No action (Bank) - II being prepared. T.lBF.R IA 7.5 (R) Ht. Coffee hydropower Appraisal report No action (Bank) and gae turbines being considered, To be determined Rubber rehabilitation llo action (Rank/IDA) Feasibility studies being prepared by To be determined Power transmission consultants. No action (Bank) and distribution ·MALT 7.0 (R) Road maintenance Appraisal report Retroactive financinp; (IDA) and pre-investment beinp; considered, of up to $0.3 to be etudiee recommended, To be determined Telecommunications Reconnaissance mission No action (IDA) in field, To be determined Livestock Awaiting report of No action (IDA) project preparation mission, To be determined (R) Telecommunications Awaiting report of No action (IDA) reconnaissance mission. NlC.ER 0.6 Agricultural credit Revieion of project No action (IDA) under consideration. To be determined Road construction Feasibility studies No action (IDA) being prepared. NIGtllIA 11.0 (R) Cocoa development Appraisal report No action (Bank) (Western State) being prepared. To be determined (R) Cocoa development Revised project propoeal No action (Bank) (Hidveetern State) being reviewed, -- - - -·---------------·------------ See P, 1 for footnotes 1_/, 11, 11 and~/ - 6 - Amount & Available Information Member State 1/ Probable Lender~/ Stage of Processing on Procurement !!._/___ . To be determined Rubber development ) No action (Bank) (Western State) ) Proposals will be prepared ) and submitted to Bank To be determined Palm oil development) after cocoa project is No action (Bank) (Western State) ) completed, Electricity 15.0 Power tranamiasion No action Corp. of (Bank) and distribution Scheduling of appraisal N:lp:eria (ECN) mission is subject to reorganization of Nip:er Dama 11.0 Additional genera- power sector, No action Authority (NDA) (Bank) ting units Up to 20.0 (R) Roads (Western and Project preparation No action (Bank) Northern) mission in field. N:lp:erian Industrial 8.0 (R) Development finance Negotiators being invited. No action Development Bank (Bank) company (second loan) SEllt:GAL 4.5 (R) Rice development PAO project preparation No action (IDA) (CASAMANCE) report being studied. 2.1 Feeder roads and Design standards and No action (IDA) maintenance scope of transport coordination study being discussed with Government. 1. 5 Telecommunications Awaiting report of project No action (ll)A) preparation mission, To be determined (R) Agricultural Settlement Appraisal report No action (IDA) (Terres Neuves) being prepared. To be determined (N) Education Unesco project preparation (IDA) mission completed field work. SIF.RRA --- LEONE ---------- 5.0 (R) Roads Appraisal mission Retroactive financinp: (Bank/IDA) in field, for detailed enginee!'- inp: of two roads to, be recommended - estimated at $0.6. To be determined Cocoa and rice Feasibility study No action (Bank/IDA) rep:ionsl development and project prepara- tion to be undertaken by consultants in April, TOGO To be determined Cocoa development Feasibility study No action (IDA) being prepared. To be determined Road construction Feasibility studies No action (IDA) beiug prepared, To be determined (R) Cotton development Appraisal report No action (IDA) being prepared, --- --·---------------------- - - ------ See P. 1 for footnotes!/,~/. 11 and!!_/ - 7 - Aiiiount & Available Information ~~Lender ~/ , Stage of Processing on Procurement!!_/~~ III. EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC Papua and 19.5 Upper Ramu Further processing No action !'l~__<_;uin_!'_! (Bank) hydroelectric power deferred to mid-1970. 4.5 (Bank) (R) Highways Appraisal report Prequalification of 4.5 (IDA) being considered. bidders approved: retroactive financing being considered for engineering($0.4), <:IIINA 44.5 (R) Thermal power Negotiations began Invitations to bid (Bank) on March 16. issued for main power plant equipment. China Develop- 18.0 (R) Development finance· Negotiations substanti-· No action ment Corp. (Bank) company ally completed. 12.0 (R) Education Negotiations being No action (Bank) invited. 30.0 Railways IV Appraisal mission No action (Bank) tentatively planned for November. 7.0 International Feasibility study No action (Bank) airport being prepared.by consultsnte. lCI.O Oil port Preappreieal mission No action (Bank) preparing report. 15.0 Taipei sewerage Awaiting completion No. action (Rank) of feaeibility etudy by coneultante. 25.0 Pusri fertilizer Appraisal report being (IDA) and related gas prepared, (Joint supply financing planned with ADR, AID and others), 20.0 Irrigation Rehabili- Appraisal report No action (InA) tation II (Djatiluhur) being coneidered. 12.8 (R) Telecommunications Appraisal report No action (IDA) being considered. 14.4 Estates II Appraisal report No action (InA) being prepared·, 3. O (R) Fisheries Appraisal report No action (IDA) being prepared. To be determined (R) Irrigation rehabili- Appraisal mission No action (IDA) tation III in field, 10.0 Rice seeds production Awaiting results of No action (IDA) coaaultant's study. s.o Education Appraisal report No action (IDA) being prepared, 28.0 Hip;hwaya_ll Awaiting completion No action (IDA) of consultants' feasibility studies (expected in May/June). 3.0 Family planning Reconnaissance mission No action (IDA) preparing report. 10.0 Development finance Miseion's report on No action (IDA) company BAPINDO being prepared. --------·-- See P. 1 for footnotes l/, ~/, 1/ and~/ - 8 - Amount & Available Information Member State ·1; Probable'Lender ii Project 1/ Stage of Processing on Procurement!!._/_·~- KOREA 40.0 {Bank) {R) RSilvaya - III Negotiations completed. Bids for locomotives 15.0 {IDA) being invited ($19.0). 15.0 In-i11ation - Further project prepara- No action (Uncertain) Yon11 San Gang tion required. 10.0 Livestock Appraisal mission No action (IDA) planned for April. 8.0 Seed Production Project preparation No action (Bank) rroposals being considered. 20.0 Development finance Appraisal mission No action (Bank) co.mpany tentatively planned for November. 25.0 Highway construction Feasibility studies ·No action (Bank) being prepared by consultants. MALAYSIA 13.0 (R) Land Settlement No action (Bank) (formerly Part of Appraiaal reports Jengka II) being considered. 8.0 (N) Forestry Bids being invited (Bank)· (formerly Part of for forestry equipment Jengka II (estimated at $2.5): retroactive financing of this equipment ($1.1) and consultants' services ($0.4) being considered. National Electri- 12.0 {R) Power V Appraisal report being Na action citv Roard (NEB) (Bank) prepared. (Part of rroject expected to be financed by suppliers' credits). National Electri- 25.0 (R) Power VI Preinvestment studies No action city Board (NEB) (Bank) reviewed with NEB during appraisal of Power V. (Other external· sources expected to finance part of project). To be determined Telecommunica- Preappraiaal mission No ac~ion (Bank) tions II planned for March/April. To be determined Sabah Porta Awaiting detailed engi- No action (Bank) neering before scheduling appraisal miesion. PHILIPPINES 14.0 (R) Grain storage Appraisal report being No action (Bank) considered. 25.0 Hip;hvaya Awaiting completion of Retroactive financing (Bank) detailed engineering; of foreign exchange appraisal miesion coats of engineering tentatively scheduled (estimated at $0.7) for July • under conaiderati~n. 15.0 (R) National Power Appraisal mission No action {Bank) Corporation - V. planned for November. 20.0 Development finance Appraisal mission No action (Bank) company IV planned for November. See P. 1 for footnotes!/, 11, 1_/ and!!._/ - 9 - Amount 6 A~ailable Information .Probable Lender !/. · hoject.,1/ >-: .Stage· of .Processing on Procurement 4/ --.-----.- - - --· .-·--,·. . . .... SINGAPORE Development Bank 5.0 (R) Development finance Loan signed on of Singapo-re (Bank) company February 25. Public Utilities Up to 10.0 (R) Jurong Power Station Appraisal report being Bide invited for main Board (Bank) Station II considered; (Sup:flier'a equipment; bidders credits expects to invited to offer finan- finance part of p-roject). cial terms;, financin~ plan to be finalized afteT bid evaluation. To be determined Higher technical Awaiting completion of · No action (Bank) Education preinvestment studies (expected.in mid-1970). Industrial Finance 5.0 Development finance Further consideration Corp. of Thailand (Bank) company postponed until late 1970. 12.S (R) Bangkok Port Appraisal report No action (Bank) beinB considered. 4.S Kaaetaart University FAO_project prepara- No action (Bank) ·tion mission planned for April. 25.0 Highways V Consultants preparinB No action · (Bank) detailed enginee-ring and feasibility studies. 30.0 Meklona Irrieation Feasibility report No-action ciiank) II beinl'I prepared. 25.0 (R) Quai Tai Dam Awaiting feasibility No action (Bank) studies, expected shortly. 10.0 Bangkok veter supply Feasibility studies No action (Bank) beinB preps-red. UNITED KINGDOM r.overnment 12.0 Highway& (Suva-Nandi) Awaitina completion !J.f. Y_iJi___ _ (Bank) of detailed engineer- ing; appraisal mission tentatively scheduled for mid-1970. 1.5 (R) Nevue Irrigation Consideration postponed No action (Bani<) until FY 1972. Awaiting completion of feasibil- ity studies. -·- ------------- See P. 1 for footnotes l/, :!:._/, 1_/ and~/ - 10 - Amount & Available Information !:_l_!!!".!>!!_S_!ate !/ Probable Lender!/ Project 1/ Ste9e of ProcaaainR on Procurement!/~~ IV. SOUTH ASIA !-!9~~1STAN 4.2 (R) Agricultural credit Appraisal report being No action (IDA)· prepared. To be ~et,ermined (R) ltunduz-Khanabad Awaiting completion of No action (IDA) irrigation PAO project preparation_; ezpected by July 1970, 3.0 (N) ·1tabul-Airport Awaiting completion of. No action (IDA) improvement progrBID feasibility study; expected in Pall 1970. CEYLON 7.o Power transmission Prelilllinary project No action (IDA) information being studied. To be detemined (R) Tourlam Project preparation No action (Bank) mission tentatively scheduled for April. To be determined (R) Education Project identification No action (IDA) report being prepared i,y Unesco. To be determined Developmenf finance Need for additional No action (Bank) company - III foreign ezchange to be.determined. INDIA 35.0 (R) .\Rricultural credit Negotiations in progress. No action (IDA) in Gujarat 10.0 (R) Hormugao Port Appraiaal report being Contract for dredging (Il>A) prepared. awarded; with payments expected to be about $1.5 million by May 1. Consultants' report on possibility of local manufacture of iron ore loading terminal being studied. 75.0 (R) Industrial imports Negotiators invited. No action (IDA) 40.0 (R) ICICI VIII ) No action (Bank) ) ) 25.0 Agricultural credit ) (IDA) in Punjab ) ) 40.0 ) (IDA) Power transmission ) Appraisal reports - II ) being prepared. ) 26.0 Cauvery Delta ) No action (IDA) irrigation ) ) To be determined Pochampad irrigation ) (IDA) ) ) 5.0 Agricultural ) (IDA) aviation ) 25.0 (R) Expansion of Nangal Awaiting additional No action (IDA) fertilizer plant. information needed (Cochin plant now to prepare appraisal deleted from project) report. See P. 1 for footnotes!/,!/, 11 and~/ - 11 - Amount & Available Information ~.!!"!>!'!:.~ !/ Probable _!:!!nder 2/ Project Y Stage of Proceaai'!I on ·Procurement-_!/~- IND_y._(~p!!_t~ 30,0 (R} Highways II Appraisal miaaioa Ho action (IDA) acheduled for Na1, 60.o Paver tranndaaion l (IDA) - III } Appraisal alaaiona No action } planned for late 1970, 40.0 Telecommunica- } (IDA) tions IV } 10.0 (R} Tava irrigation _ Pre-appraisal· mission __ Ho action (ll)A) preparing. report·, 10.0 (R} Grain storage Appraisal mission Ho action (IDA) in field, (Joint financing with SIDA being diacuaaed), 30.0 Port development Receipt of application No action (IDA) upected in Kay. IRAN 40,0 Highways IV (Benk) Appraisal report No action baing prepared, 15,0 Education (Benk) Agricultural 6.5 (R) Agricuitursl credit Approved by E•ecutive No action Development (B11nk) Directors on February 17, Fund of Iran 60.0 Paver tranamlsaion Appraisal miaaion No action (Bank) and distribution tentatively scheduled for April. 38,0 (R) Telecommunication• Pre-appraisal miaaion Bide being invited for (Bank) preparing report. IIIVitching equipment ($12.0). Industrial 50,0 (R) Development fiaanca Mission preparing report; Ho action 'linin11; and (Bank) company DevP.loJ!ment Hank of Iran NF.P/IL 2.S Biilhvays Appraisal report being - Retroactive financing (IbA) prepared. for consulting aervicea ·being considered. PAKISTAN 3.0 Small industries Appraiaal report No action (Bank) in East Pakistan being prepared, 15.o (R) TelecOlllll\lnicstlona No action (InA) II Appraisal reports 22,5 (R) WAPDA paver being conaidered, No action (IbA) trsnawdssion and diatribution To be determined (R) West Pakiatan RD- action (IbA) Education II Appraisal reports being prepared, 17.o (R) Sui North Gaa Ill No action (Bank) 2,5 (R} ltarnaphuli and Muhuri Negotiations to begill No action (IbA) irrigation and flood on March 23. control engineering - - -- ------------------- ------ ------ See P, 1 for footnotes!/,!/,]/ and~/ • 11 •. Amount & Available Infor11atlon MemE._er State ];/ · Probable Leader y Proj~ct l/ .· ;·.-,,··.:. Btaae of Proceaalug on Procur1111ent 1/__ PAICI_gAN (Cont.' d) · 13,0 . CR) Chandpur tTr19atloa ••aotlationa b•a•n Retroactive financing up (IDA) and flood control on March 16 , to $700,000 being co1111ldered for civil vorka contracts end a mechanical/ electrical contract for reguletora. 10.0 Weat Paldet&11 Appralaal eiaaloa No action (IDA) Righvaya III la field, 17.0 - CR) Eaat Pakiataa Appraiaal report · Retroactive flaaacing up (IDA) t11bwella (ADC) being prepared. to $150,000 being con- (Joint financing aidered for coaeultant vlth S.eden poaalble), aervicae. l.O (R) Karachi port Ne9otlatlcma ellllatanti- No action (IDA) engiaearia, ally completed, Avaltlng propoaela for coaaultlng eervlcee, 5,0 (R) Lahore water npply Appralaal deferred No action (IDA) and aeveraaa II until late 1970, (Sweden aay join in financing), 30.0 (R) Dacca ScnitlN9at ) No action (IDA) lrri9ation and ) flood control ) . Appralaal lliadona ) scheduled for May. s.o (R) But Paldaten ) No action (IDA) tea 11111chlnn:, ) and irription .) 2.0 BPWAPDA Conaultanta Appralaal lliaaioa No action (IDA) tentatively acheduled for Auguat/Septeaber. 8.0 (R) But Pakietan Application being No action (IDA) railvaye II rr,twed in light of f1ndinp of pre- approtaal lliaatoa. 30.0 (R) Weat Paldatan Pinancing plmi being No action (Bank) fertiliser plant II dlacuaaed. 15.0 (ll) larachi port Avaitina detailed No action (IDA) coatructlon enginaering. 15.0 Agricaltaral Appralaal lliaaion No action (IDA) D-alopant Banlt IV being planned. 10,0 (R) PICIC IX Kiaaion preparing No action (Beak) report on need for capital. See P. 1 for footnotes!/,!/, 11 and!/ - lJ - Amount & Available Information Probable Lender~/ Stage of Procaasing on Procurement~'~- 4.0 Sewerage (Micoaia Appraisal report being No action (Bank) and Famaguata) prepared. 6.0 Roede Government preparing No action (Bank) feasibility report. FINLAND 25.0 Highways Timing and content of No actfon (Bank) project being reviewed. Industrialization 25.0 Development finance Appraisal mission No action Fund of Finland (Banlt) company scheduled for mid-1970. GREECE 15.0 Roads Preeppraiaal mission . No action (Bank) tentatively scheduled. 11. 7 (R) Education Appraisal report being _No actiop (Bank) conaidere_d. National Investment -20.0 (R) Development finance Negotiationa substanti- No ·action Bank for Industrial (Banlt) company slly completed. Development (NIBID) ICELAND 4.5 Roads Appraisal mission No action (Bank) scheduled for mid-1970. IRELAND Industrial 15.0 Development finance Appraisal mission No action Credit Company (Bank) company scheduled for mid-1970. _I_~_Q__ To be determined (R) Grain storage Government considering No action (Bank) consultants' proposal for feasibility study. To be determined Irrigation (Lover Government considering No action (Bank) Khalia) consultants' proposal for feasibility study. To be determined Microwave COIIIIIIUDica- Consultants preparing No action (Bank) tions feasibility study. 25.0 Agricultural credit Appraisal report No action (Bank) being prepared. Industrial Develop- 25.0 (R) Development finance Negotiators ·being No action ment Bank of Israel (Banlc) company - III invited. To be determined Highway conatruction Preliminary information No action (Bank) being reviewed. JORDAN 3.S (R) Amman-Zarqa highway Detailed engineering No action (IDA) being completed by conaultants. 3.5 (R) Education Unesco project prepara- No action (IDA) tion mission in field. LEBANON 2.0 (M) Highway engineering ) Retroactive financing (Banlt) ) Awaiting Government's may be recommen~edfor ) proposals for fiDU1cing consultant serv1cea. 29.0 (R) Expresaway conatruction) plan, expected shortly. Mo action (Bank) (Beirut-Tripoli) ) To be determined Irrigation Further preparation No action (Bank) of project being carried out by Govern- ment and consultants. See P. 1 for footnotes!/,!/, 11 end~/ - 14 - Amount & Available Information Member State!/ Probable Lender 1/ Stage of Processing on Procurement ~ ' - - MOROCCO Banque Nationale 1S.O Developaent finance Loan algned on pour le Developpe- (Bank) COIIIJ)any - IV Karch 6 •. ment Economique Credit Immobilier 10.0 (R) Tourism (hotel projecta) Negotiations began No action et Hotelier · (Bank) on March 9. 10.0 Education Uneaco project No action (Uncertain) identification mil!_llion preparing report. Caieee Netionele 7.0 (Bank) (R) Agricultural credit II Application being No action de Credit Agricole 3.0 (IDA) considered. (CNCA) Banque Nationele 18.0 Development finance Further processing No action pour le Developpe- (Bank) company V dependent on rate of ment Economique utilization of previous loans. SPAIN 50,0 Railways - III Appraisal mission No action (Bank) tentatively scheduled for May. 11.8 (R) Education Negotiators being No action (Bank) invited. 12.0 (R) Agricultural Education FAO project prepara- No action (Bank) and Reaearch tion mission in field. SYRIA 15.0 (R) Bighveya - II Project preparation No action (Bank). report being prepared. TUNISIA To be determined Tourism infrastructure Feasibility study to No action (IDA) be prepared. 10.5 (R) Water supply II Appraisal report No action (IDA) being considered. To be determined (R) Family planning Project identifica- No action (IDA) tion report being reviewed. To be determined Road conatruction Coneultant's studies No action (Banlt) being prepared. TIJRKEY 4.0 Livestock (Dairy) Appraisal report No action (IDA) being considered. To be determined Power Awaiting power eector No action (Bank) reorganization legislation. 5.0 Tourism Discuaaiona proceeding No action (IDA) with possible foreign partners and consult- ants. 10.0 (Bank) (R) Education Unesco project prepara- No action 5.0 (IDA) tion mission scheduled for April, 10,0 (R) Iatanbul veter avpply Awaiting feasibility No action (Banlt) and sewerage report (e:ir:pected by May). S.O (Banlt) (R) Fruit and vegetables Appraisal mission No action S.O (IDA) planned for September. See P. 1 for footnotes!/, 11, 1/ and!!_/ - 15 - Amount 6 Available.Information Member State !/ Probable Lender~/ Projeat !/. Stye of Procesalng on Procurement !!_/__ TURXBY (Cont'd) Industrial Bank 30,0 Developee11t.finilnce Appraisal ainion Ro action of Turkey (TSICB) (Bank) company. echaduled for ·late 1970, UNITED ARAB 14.0 Railway i n p r - t Appraisal report being llo action REPUBLiC (IDA) prepared. 26.0 (R) Drainage (Delta) Preaentation to Bsecu- No action (IDA) tiw Dincton acbenled for March 24, To be determined Inland waterway• ) No action (IDA) ) Awaiting further project ) preparation, To be determined Port of Aleundria ) No action (IDA) ) YUGOSLAVIA 40.0 (ll) Roada - IV Regottatora·being invitad, Mo action -- ------- (Bank) To be determined Tourin Appraisal mieeion No action (Bank) scheduled for April, To be determined (R) Multipurpoee water re..ibility report No action (Bank) eupply ..,acted ebortly, To be determined Roads - V Awaiting completion of No action (Bank) feaeibility atudiea. To be determined (R) Development finance Appraisal mission No action (Bank) company in field, VI, CENTRAL AMERICA All!> CAllIBBIWI To be determined (R) Porta Appraieal mission in No action (Bank) field, 15.7 (R) Siquirree-Lf.non Presentation to Bsecutive No·action (Bank) highway Directors scheduled for March 31, Banco Central To be determined Agricultural Credit Awai.ting completion of No action (Bank) project preparation, DOMINICAN To be determined Irriaation ('faque Appraisal deferred No action REPUBLIC ·----- -- (IDA) del Norte) pending C0111Pletion of consultant's atudy, 4.0 l!ducation Project docuaenta No action (IDA) received fr- Govermnant; appraisal miaaion scheduled for April, To be determined Liveatock Awaiting preparation No action (IDA) of project, 8,0 Olomega irrigation Project in abeyance No action (Bank) pendiug enactment of required legislation. Administracion 5.0 AMTEL mq,aaaion Awaiting completion of No action Nscionel de (Bank) program II project preparation, Telecomunicaciones (ANTl!L) 5.0 (N) Paver generation end Project being prepared. No action (IDA) treaa1d.eaion See P, 1 for footnotes!/,!/, ]_I and!!/ - 16 Amount & Available Information .!:fember State !/ Probable Lender l_/ Project 1./ Staae of Proceseina on Procurnent !!/__ To be determined Highway conetruction Proposal for redesigned No action (Bank) project ezpected to be ready by mid-1970. To be determined · (N) Paver tranalli11&ion Consultants' feasibility No action· (Banlc) . and distribution report being reviewed. 4.0 (R) Telec01111Dunicationa Consul tan ta' report No action (Bank) expansion program being completed. s.o (R) Liveatock credit Appraisal report· beina No action (Banlc) conaidered. To be determined (R) Liveatock Appraisal report beillll No action (IDA) prepared. s.o Roads Detailed feasibility No action (Bank) study being carried out vith Canadian aeaietance. 3.S (Bank) Highway (Tegucigalpa- Project to be under- No action 3;5 (IDA) Talanga) taken in two stages:. feaaibility study being prepared. Central Bank 2.6 (R) Livestock credit Credit signed on March 2. of Honduras (IDA) Emrresa Nacional 5. O (Bank) (R) Power tranamiaaion Appraisal report being No action de EnerMia S. 0 (IDA) and distribution prepared. F.lectrica (ENEE) :J/'J1!,]. CA 1. 75 Fsmily planning Appraisal report being No action (Bank) prepared. Jamaica Develop- 5.0 Agricultural credit Preappraiaal mission No action ment Bank (JDB) (Bank) preparing report. 7.0 (R) Education Appraiaal miaaion No action (Bank) planned for April. 5.0 Sewerage (ICingaton) Avaitina completion of ·No action (Bank) feasibility study being carried out with Canadian aeaiatance, !"-~-!~_() Comision Federal 125.0 (R) Power Sector III Loan aigned on de Electricidad (Bank) February 27. (CFE) To be determined Federal Highways - IV Appraiaal report be~nB No action (Bank) conaidered. To be determined Tourism on Pacific No action (Bank) Coast Awaiting preparation of project, To be determined Forest induatriee (Bank) !:IJ~~GUA Autoridad S.25 CR) Port expansion Appraisal report Small amount of Portuaria (Ballk) at Corinto being reviewed. retroactive financing de Corinto to be recommended for conaultanta' services. See P. 1 for footnotes!/, l_/, ]./and!!/ - 17 - Amount & Available Information Mem~.!___Afate !/ Probable Lender J:./ Stase of ProceaainR· on Procurement !!._/ __ ~.!._~GUA (Cont'd) Empress Nacional 15.0 Power expansion Awaiting results of No action de Luz y Fuerza (Bank) progr8111 feasibility study. PANAMA lnstituto de 42.0 (R) Bayano-Las Minas Loan approved on March 10 Recursos Hidrau- (Bank) power projects and signed on March 16. licos y f;lec- tricidad (IRHE) To be determined Fisheries Project identification No action (Bank) report being reviewed. To be determined (R) Tocumen Airport Feasibility study being No action (Bank) discussed with Govern- ment and conaultanta. TRINIDAD & 2.0 Development firiance Appraisal report being No action TOBAGO __ _ (Bank) .company considered. Port Authority 5.0 Port of Feasibility study to No action (Bank) Port-of-Spain be up-dated by Port Authority • To be determined (R) Family planning Project preparation No action (Bank) mission in field. VENEZUELA - -- - - -- -- Corroracton To be determined Orinoco Agriculture Project identification No action Venesolans (Bank) · mission in field. C::uavans R~nco de nesarrollo To be determined (R) Livestock Credit Project preparation No action ,\rrnr .. cuArio (Bank) mission in field. r;_A, NActnnel To be determined (R) Telecommunications Appraiaal miaaion tenta- No action Tf'lefonoR de (Bank) tively scheduled for May. Venezuela (CAN'IV) VII. SOIJ!!I_AKERif..A ARGl'NTlt.:A 25.0 (R) Roads - III Appraisal mission No action ---- ---- (Bank) scheduled for April. F'"rrese de To be determined Railways Railways preparing No action "errocarrileR (Bank) investment program • ..\rrentinos To be determined (R) Meat Packing Project preparation No action (Bank) mission tentatively scheduled for May. 6.0 - 7.0 (R) Livestock III Appraisal report being No action (IDA) considered. BAAZIL 100.0 (it) Highways II Presentation to Execu- Retroactive financing (Bank) tive Directors of part of cost of scheduled for March 31. foreign consultants for detailed engineering to be recolllllll!nded. 10.0 (R) Education Appraisal mission No action (Bank) in field. See P. 1 for footnotes:!/,~/,:}_/ and!/ - 18 - Amount & Available Information Probable Lender!/ Stase of Proceesins on Procurement!/~~ 20.0 Port of Santoa Reports of technical No action (Banlt) and financial consult- ants expected in March. Appraisal mission scheduled for.May. To be determined Industrial finance Project identification No action (Bank) mission's preliminary report being reviewed. To be determined Sao Francisco Awaiting completion of No action (Bank) irrigation feasibility study by conaultante. To be determined (R) Highways III Review of detailed No action (Banlt) engineering planned in May. Central Eletrica 80.0 (R) Marimbondo hydro- Joint financing proposal No action de Pumas (Bank) paver and tranll!Biasion under discussion with prospective lenders. Miners To be determined Iron ore llining and Awaiting fu.rther informa- No action Braaileiras (Bank) transportation tion on rate agreement, Reunidas financial plan and aales contract. Sao Paulo To be determined Sao Paulo veter Awaiting completion of No action State or (Bank) supply and awerage feaeibility studies. Muntcipal:tty Banco do Nordeate To be determined Agricultural credit Appraisal mission No action (Bank) acheduled for end April. Centraia Eletricaa To be determined· Capimbranco ) No action de Minas Garsia (Bank) hydropower ) Feasibility studies ) being reviewed by F.letro Sul To be determined Oaorio ) . consultants. (Joint (Banlt) hydropower ) financing expected). Sao Paulo State To be determined (R) Sao Paulo beltway Project preparation No action (Bank) mission scheduled for April. CHILE 8.0 Port improvement Awaiting Government's No.action (Bank) response on conditions for starting negotiations. 7.0 (R) Third education (Bank) Loana approved· by Execu- tive Directors on 1.5 (R) Vocational March 17. (Bank) training - II 10.8 (R) Road construc- Negotiations began No action (Banlt) tion - II on March 17. COLOMBIA 6.5 (R) Secondary Education Negotiations substanti- No action (Bank) ally completed, Await- ing approval of draft documents by Government. Banco de la 5.0 (R) Develop111ent Pinance Negotiations expected No action Republics (Banlt) Institute to begin early in Private Invest- April. ment Fund See P. 1 for footnotes J_/, 1/, :J._/ and!/ _J '. . - 19 - Amount 6 Available Information Member State 1./ Probable Lender!/ Stap of Procealling on Procurement !!_/__ _ 1 COLOMBIA (Cont'd) Empress Nacional 7.o Telec01lllllllicatiOIIIII AppraiDal miHion No action de Telecomunica- (Bank) tentatively scheduled ciones for Nay. 32.0 (R) Highways _Vl Negotiations.began -- .The Government is seek- · (Bank) on March 23. ing. bids: for ,the- _- . Barranquilla bridge and for part of the paving program. Some contracts may be avarded before loan ia signed. No retroactive financing Establecimiento 18.5 (R) Cali veter 1111PPlY is. ·contemplated. Publico Empresas (Bank) and sewerage• No action Municipalee de Cali Negotiators being invited. Corporacion de 7.0 (R) Bucaraaanga sewerage No action Defense de la (Bank) and erosion control* Heeeta de Buca- ramanf!B Fmoreeaa Muni- 2.0 (R) Palmira veter supply Appraisal report being No action cipalee de (Bank) and sewerage* considered. Palmira Ins ti tu to 5.0 (R) Land settlement Appraisal report being No action C:olombiano (Bank) prepared. de la Reforma A!!raria lnterconexion 52.3 (R) Negotiations substsntially -Bidding for main Electrics, S.A. (Bank) completed.(Parallel civil vorka contract financing arrangements in progress. under discuaeion). ECUADOR 8.0 (R) Development finance Negotiators being 1 No action (Bank) C0111Paniea invited. Port Authority 5.0 (Bank) (R) Port of Guayaquil Appraisal mission No action of Guayaquil 5.0 (IDA) II planned for late 1970. 5.0 (R) Forestry Project preparation No action (Bank) delayed; to be restmed at later date. 2.0 (R) Irrigation Awaiting revision of No action (Bank) (MUagre Calle) feasibility _study. 10.0 Livestock III Appraisal report bein~ No action (IDA) considered. PARAGUAY -- -----·-· To be determined Road improvement Awaiting completion of No action (Bank) feasibility studies and precise identifica- tion of project. Pf.RU 7.0 Education No action (Bank) Awaiting clarification of Government's fiscal l!anco 17.0 Agricultural credit plans and balance of No action A!!ropecuario (Bank) payments prospects. To be determined Livestock Government revising No action (Bank) project. See P. 1 for footnotes!/,!/, 11 and !!_I * These three projects vere formerly reported ea one project described ea "Water supply for medium-sized cities". I V - 20 - Amount & Available Information Memp~_r_§~. Y Probable Lender:!:_/ Project 1/ Stase of Proceaaiaa on Procurement !!._/ __ PERU (Cont Id)_ To be determined (R) Irrigation Projact review lliaaiou No action (Bank) (Chira Piura) achaduled for April, Adminietracion To be determined (R) Power Apprai1al udeaiou No action General de las (Bank) in field, Ueinae Electricae y loe Telefonoe del Eetado (UTE) 6.3 (R) Live1tock Ill Negotiations tentatively No action (Bank) scheduled for late March, See P. 1 for footnotes!/,:!:_/, 11 and!!._/