E4294 Expanding Community Approaches in Conflict Situation in Three Southernmost Provinces in Thailand The Environment and Social Management Framework and Operational Guidance of Environmental Safeguards 1. Introduction 1.1 Project Overview The Proposed Expanding Community Approaches in Conflict Situations in Three Southernmost Provinces in Thailand (ECACS) would seek to respond to communities and sub-districts demand by contributing to responsive service delivery in the conflict affected areas of Southern Thailand through participatory approaches and by further enhancing the capacity of local governments and selected civil society organizations. 1.2 Project Objectives: The project development objective is to contribute to confidence-building between communities and sub- district authorities in southern Thailand through participatory local development approaches in six sub- districts, and through capacity building of selected local government officials as well as selected civil society networks and organizations. To this end, the Project will seek to: 1. expand participatory community development planning in six sub-districts to cover sub-district development planning in partnership with local government agencies; 2. enhance the capacity of local authorities to undertake participatory local development activities; and 3. strengthen civil society organizations and civil society networks to engage in dialogue on policy issues and in activities related to a peaceful resolution of the conflict. 1.3 Project Description: The proposed project will consist of four components. Component 1: Community and Tambon Block Grants (US$2,290,000, Recipient Executed) The project will expand the coverage of Village Development Grants (VDGs) from 27 villages in six sub- districts (tambons) that received grant support in the pilot phase to cover all 43 villages in these sub- districts. Three cycles of block grants will be provided to 43 villages and six sub-districts (tambons) to finance priority needs identified by local communities at the communities and at the sub-district levels. Village level grants All villages in the six selected sub-districts will receive Village Development Grants (VDGs, approx. US$8,000 -10,000 per year), the use of which will be determined by community-level participatory processes. The Village Development Planning (VDP) and sub-project prioritization processes will emphasize the inclusion of the poor and vulnerable (women and men). Trained village facilitators will work closely with villagers to help them develop proposals for consideration at a village meeting for sub- project selection. Planning, prioritization and execution of sub-projects would be undertaken by villagers. Proposals would be prioritized through a voting process, drawing on criteria that would encourage 1 inclusion of conflict-affected households, youth and unemployed. Special capacity building will be provided for poor and vulnerable groups to effectively participate in planning, prioritization and implementation processes Sub-district level grants The Project would also provide three rounds of grants at the sub-district level (US$30,000 per grant) that would help six target tambons to implement cross-village activities. These grants would be based on Tambon Development Plans (TDPs), which would be developed through inclusive processes in which village representatives would participate at the sub-district level. Plans would take into consideration village-level development plans developed under the Project, and would seek to encourage inter-village activities that would also foster local authorities’ engagement with communities. Component 2: Peace-building Partnership Fund (US$800,000, Recipient Executed) Strengthening civil society organizations and networks for building trust and peace. Building directly on the accomplishments and lessons of the pilot phase, the Project would focus strategically and in a sustained manner on strengthening the capacity of (i) four networks (40,000 per year for the Civil Society Council of the Southernmost Thailand (CSCS), and The Women Network of the Three Southern Provinces, the Youth Network and the Natural Resource Management Network), and (ii) approximately ten civil society organizations (10,000 USD per grant), of which five would be organizations that have demonstrated potential during the pilot phase, all of whom are working on issues related to peace- building, addressing grievances and aspirations of the local population, and demand for good governance. This component would also provide financing for the four networks to undertake “peace dialogue” events on key issues such as decentralization, education, role of women and peace, youth and peace, and justice. This support for peace dialogues would aim to strengthen the voice of civil society and social accountability in the conflict-affected areas. Component 3: Project Management and Learning (US$1,110,000, Recipient Executed) This component would finance project management costs of LDI, including administration and logistical support for project implementation, consultants, monitoring, reporting and communications. LDI will maintain a project office in Pattani, with a dedicated team working full time on Project activities. This will include a Project manager, coordinators for each of the components, provincial coordinators, village facilitators, M&E personnel and administrative staff. In addition, this component will support learning exchange among communities and local government. An annual south-south learning visit on key issues to other conflict-affected areas in the region, such as Aceh, Mindanao and relevant areas of Myanmar, will also be organized. Based on lessons from the pilot phase, LDI will strengthen its communication, publications and information dissemination efforts. In this regard, LDI will conduct a series of lessons learned workshops, and will produce a number of publications, as well as videos (in collaboration with the national Thai Public Broadcasting Service), with a view to increasing awareness in other parts of Thailand of the challenges confronting communities and development projects in the conflict-affected areas. 2 Component 4: Implementation Support, Technical Assistance, Evaluation and Knowledge Management (US$490,000) As during the pilot phase, the World Bank would continue to provide enhanced supervision, select technical assistance, and evaluation support to the Project. Activities would include: a) Provision of technical assistance to stakeholders, including with respect to conflict-sensitive participatory methods, conflict monitoring, fiduciary capacity, M&E, and communications;; b) Conduct rigorous applied research and project evaluation efforts; c) Facilitate access to and linkages with relevant international experience; d) Financial management, procurement and safeguards supervision; e) Information dissemination among interested stakeholders and awareness raising of key policy issues and project lessons. This would include a series of semi-annual reflection workshops with policymakers and interested development partners arranged through the Institute of Security and International Studies of Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. 2. Policy and Regulations 2.1 World Bank’s Safeguard Policies The World Bank has a number of safeguard policies, which includes among others environmental protection. The objective of these policies is to prevent and mitigate undue harm to people and their environment in the development process. These policies provide guidelines for the World Bank and the implementing agency staff in the identification, preparation, and implementation of programs and projects. A safeguard screening for this project shows that the World Bank’s Operational Policy (OP)/Bank Procedure (BP) 4.01 - Environmental Assessment (EA) is triggered. EA is a process whose breadth, depth, and type of analysis depend on the nature, scale, and potential environmental impact of the proposed project. EA evaluates a project's potential environmental risks and impacts in its area of influence; examines project alternatives; identifies ways of improving project selection, siting, planning, design, and implementation by preventing, minimizing, mitigating, or compensating for adverse environmental impacts and enhancing positive impacts; and includes the process of mitigating and managing adverse environmental impacts throughout project implementation.1 The project will provide support for small-scale basic infrastructure construction and livelihood project, which impacts cannot be determined until the details have been identified and may result in temporary, minor and site-specific impacts on environment. Due to the small scale infrastructure/activities, the project has, therefore, been assigned an Environmental Assessment Category B. Similar to other CDD type projects, location and design of the eventual sub-projects are not known at project appraisal. As a result, framework approach has been adopted and Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) has been prepared as safeguard instrument for an effective management of environmental and social issues inline with OP/BP 4.01. The negative list and environmental screening mechanism of sub- projects has been designed to ensure that activities with environmental impacts are made ineligible. 2.2 Environmental Regulations The project will finance small-scale basic infrastructure construction and livelihood project. It is highly unlikely that regulatory full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Initial Environmental 1 http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/PROJECTS/EXTPOLICIES/EXTOPMANUAL/0,,contentMDK:20064724~m enuPK:64701637~pagePK:64709096~piPK:64709108~theSitePK:502184,00.html 3 Evaluation (IEE) would be required. Activities carried out in sub-project infrastructure/ construction and/or rehabilitation shall comply with applicable domestic laws and regulations. 3. Experience under the pilot phase During the pilot phase, 107 sub-projects were implemented of which 15 concerned simple and small scale rehabilitation or repair of existing community infrastructure. No negative environmental or social impacts were identified during the pilot phase. Facilitators and the Village Implementing Committees used the safeguards screening forms and collected all required/ relevant documents for private and government land donations. In addition, relevant information including on entitlements of affected people was provided to the communities, and discussions held and agreements reached at community meetings were properly documented. With regard to environmental safeguards, the Project consulted and worked with WB safeguards specialists in identified possible environmental risks for small scale sub- projects. Where necessary, mitigation measures were identified and implemented, e.g., providing the oil trap containers for income generating activities of women’s cooking groups, relocation of organic fertilizer production area to a distance away from the public water way to avoid the adverse impact to surface water quality. A beneficiary assessment was carried out at the end of the pilot phase including consultations with beneficiary communities to identify key project achievements, challenges faced and lessons learnt, including about implementation and effectiveness of safeguard measures. The findings of the beneficiary assessment were used in the design of this phase of the project. Beneficiary communities confirmed that no significant negative impacts occurred or remain unaddressed. While overall safeguard performance under the pilot phase is positive, some issues were found of the pilot that should be improved. They include: • Disclosure of all key documents at the community and sub-district levels. Under the pilot phase, potential impacts of subprojects were discussed and mitigation measures identified at the Community Implementation Committee in presence of affected people. Although minutes were taken and attached to the subproject proposals, they were not disclosed to community members. Under this phase, minutes of all discussion with regard to subproject impacts and mitigation measures will also be displayed at the community centers and sub-district office to improve transparency. • More safeguards training for the village implementing committee members and local technical specialist team. During the last pilot phase, the safeguards training were provided to the PMO staff including facilitators to implement and monitor safeguards issues. The project would like to expand the safeguards training for all village implementing committee members and sub-district implementing committee members, and the local technical specialists who provide technical support to all the sub-projects. This ESMF continues to apply the approach that was found to be adequate under the pilot phase but will also employ additional measures to address the minor gaps identified as lessons learnt. 4. Objectives of the Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF) It is anticipated that there will be no significant impacts under this project as sub-grant amount is small (about 10,000 USD for village level sub-projects and 17,000 USD for sub-district level sub-projects) and will support only small scale infrastructure such as small health care center, child care center, drainage system, etc. Nonetheless, under this project, as experience in the last 4 phase of the Project, it is difficult to identify the sub-projects in advance. The Project, therefore, has developed the ESMF in order to: i) establish procedures for screening all proposed sub-projects for their potential adverse environmental and social impacts; ii) identify and disqualify subprojects that are likely to cause significant environmental or social impacts; iii) specify measures for managing, mitigating and monitoring those minor environmental and social impacts that may occur during project operation; and iv) outline training and capacity-building arrangements needed to implement the EMF provisions. 5. Guiding Principles • The Project should comply with World Bank environmental and social safeguard policies. • The Proponent should cover the subproject environmental and social costs. • The Project Office should assign competent staff and consultants that shall ensure Project environmental and social concerns are addressed. • All Project staff/facilitators/consultants are oriented/trained in the various environmental and social safeguard procedures. • All Project staff/facilitators/consultants work closely with local government units in charge of local regulations, environment and social issues to ensure that the project comply with government regulations and have no adverse environmental and social impacts. • Maximum participation of all stakeholders in the environmental assessment and compliance monitoring is encouraged. • Complementation with other projects of the government especially in environmental protection and institutional strengthening should be pursued. • Periodic Project progress reports should also contain the status of compliance with environmental conditionality. • Beneficiary communities would be assisted so all negative impact on the livelihood of beneficiary community members or anyone who may be affected by the project, without regard to the scope of OP 4.10 and 4.12, will be addressed under the project Operational Manual or Resettlement Policy Framework. 5. Sub-Project Environmental and Social Safeguards Screening and Review Process In order to avoid that significant environmental or social impacts occur that beneficiary communities cannot adequately manage and mitigate, the project developed a list of prohibited activities/items (Negative List) that cannot be financed by the project has been developed as presented in Annex 1. This will be integrated in the full list of negative projects to be developed as part of the project’s Operations Manual. Environmental and social safeguards requirements have been integrated into the overall sub- project planning and approval process to minimize adverse impacts. This is to ensure that screening and assessing the potential impacts of a proposed sub-project will be undertaken before sub-project approval and that measures are in place to mitigate possible negative impacts. Key steps in the process are described below: Step 1: Sub-project identification Presentation of negative list: Before a sub-project’s approval, trained facilitators will inform the 5 communities of potential environmental and social risks associate with the sub-project, raise awareness of communities about the need for protection of the environment and social, and gather information on areas where the sub-project will be implemented. In particular, it will be emphasized that no subprojects that may result in significant environmental or social impacts would be supported under the Project. If the sub-project is found to include activities that may result in large-scale, significant and irreversible impact on environment and income streams of any people, as specified and amended from time to time in the negative list, it will not be implemented. Step 2: Sub-project design Sub-project proposals will be developed by beneficiary community with the technical support of local technical specialists and project facilitators. The environmental and social screening or environmental assessment (EA) (if required) will be carried out to identify potential negative environmental and social impacts, which will be described in sub-project proposals together with mitigation measures. Environmental and social screening checklists for the typical small-scale infrastructure and building rehabilitation sub-projects are provided in Annex 2. The environmental and social screening shall be done as part of the sub-project proposal development. The Project Review Committee that comprises PMO staff and local technical specialists will review the filled screening sheet together with subproject proposals. Once subproject proposals are approved, the trained facilitator will brief the community as to the condition attached to the approved proposal as well as measured to address them, including regarding mitigation of environmental and social impacts, if relevant. If needed, an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) shall be developed by the beneficiary communities which will be attached to sub-project proposals. This EMP should include costs of the mitigation measures to be applied as well as the staff responsible for its implementation. The items and cost of the EMP should be included as part of the total project cost and cost items in the sub-project proposals and any subsequent contracts for works (where relevant). Construction works shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications, and requirement of the regulatory units of the government including construction permit or operation permit (if required). The EMP shall be followed strictly. The Project facilitator and village implementing committee will conduct regular monitoring during the project implementation. This EMP should include measures to address issues that may not be covered under OP 4.10 or OP 4.12 – indeed, an EMP may be developed even where no environmental impacts are anticipated if social impacts not covered or addressed by RPF or participatory measures described in OM to address OP 4.10 occur. Where land need to be acquired or private assets will be damaged or lost, communities will be assisted to develop mitigation measures as per provisions under Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) of the Project. Step 3: Sub-project implementation The implementation of mitigation measures as well as the monitoring and inspection of potential environmental risks is the responsibility of the PMO staff and the village implementing committee. Training and awareness raising activities will be conducted to ensure that communities are aware of sub- projects environmental and social risks and to ensure they will take actions to mitigate these risks and to increase their capacity to ensure that contractors comply with obligations in terms of environmental and social protection under subproject EMPs. Training sessions on environmental and social protection will be conducted for the PMO and facilitators by the World Bank social and environmental specialist. In addition, safeguards training will also be provided to the village implementing committee prior to the implementation of the sub-projects. 6 Monitoring of EMP will be conducted by PMO and village implementing committee on a regular basis according to the project’s Operations Manual. 7. Requirements for Clearance Issuance Environmental clearances will have to be secured from the sub-district administrative office prior to all construction works. Potential negative impact on livelihood as described in the sub grant proposals should be reviewed and the adequacy of mitigation measures be confirmed, before sub grants are approved. 8. Coordination, Supervision and Monitoring LDI will coordinate with all concerned agencies with regard to safeguards related issues and clearance. The project technical working group will monitor the project every six months. Because the Technical Working Group comprises of representatives from relevant agencies working in the conflict affected provinces, this technical working group will provide support and guidance throughout the project timeframe. The World Bank will conduct the Project Implementing Support Mission (supervision) every six months. 9. Capacity Building The World Bank safeguards staff will provide training and refreshing training for LDI staff and VICs and Sub-district Implementing Committees at the initial stage of the project as well as at the mid-term review mission. 10. Ethnic Minorities and How the Project Meets the Requirements under OP 4.10 Since Malays are ethnically the majority in the project area (they make up about 80% of the total population in the area), a separate safeguard instrument was not developed under this project to comply with OP 4.10 and instead the policy requirements are incorporated in the overall project design. Project preparation addressed all requirements under OP 4.10. A beneficiary assessment was carried out at the end of the pilot phase which included free, prior and informed consultations with beneficiaries of this phase of the project and the assessment of their socioeconomic, ethnic and cultural characteristics. Project beneficiaries confirmed that no significant negative impacts occurred or remain unaddressed under the pilot phase, and expressed support to this phase which they feel will continue to empower them and enhance transparency and accountability of local governments. The Village Implementing Committee that comprises representatives of various social and ethnic backgrounds proved to be a useful vehicle to ensure that the views and interests of ethnic minorities are adequately reflected in project implementation, and will continue to be used under this project. Local government officials appreciated the continuing project support which will help improve the relationship between community members and local governments, and between different social groups within the same communities. Based on the findings of beneficiary assessment, the following will be carried out during implementation to ensure all requirements under OP 4.10 would be met. The participatory Social Assessment (SA) will be carried out as part of the participatory planning process at the community level that targets all sub- groups. The participatory SA will begin with self-identification of the ethnicity of beneficiary communities, to be followed by participatory assessment of issues facing the communities and measures to address them. In the community where diverse ethnic groups reside, representatives of minority ethnic 7 groups will be elected to be members of the Village Implementing Committee. Grievance mechanisms will be developed and its effectiveness be monitored to ensure that negative impacts that may occur will be duly addressed transparently and equitably. Beneficiary communities will be assisted by LDI, the implementation agency, whose facilitates will monitor subproject implementation, advise communities to identify and address negative impacts, and document performance in subproject implementation including regarding safeguard issues in the project file. Subproject proposals will be developed by communities, under the support of LDI, which will include a summary of participatory SA and address all requirements of IPP under OP 4.10. Subproject proposals will be developed by beneficiary/ affected communities and their copies made available locally. 8 Annex 1 Negative list of prohibited subproject investments 1. Purchase of weapons. 18. Projects requiring physical relocation of 2. Purchase of chainsaws and explosives. people. 3. Financing of sawmills. 19. Projects requiring land acquisition or 4. Purchase of pesticides, insecticides, asset loss greater than 10% of total land herbicides, asbestos and other potentially owned or assets owned. and dangerous materials and equipment. 20. Infrastructure building inside natural 5. Purchase of motorized fishing boats and habitats and existing or proposed other related equipment. protected areas, buffer zones, wetland or 6. Road rehabilitation, road surfacing, track expected to lead to significant negative upgrading or construction of new road into environmental or social impacts. natural habitats, protected areas or tiger/ 21. Likely to create loss or damage to wildlife breeding areas. cultural property, including sites having 7. Use of funds for purchase or compensation archeological, historical, religious, of land. cultural and unique natural and aesthetic 8. Consumption items or events. value. 9. Financing activities that have an alternative 22. Likely to create adverse impact on prior source of committed funding. physical resources such as air quality, 10. Purchase or repair of vehicles. water resources, water quality, ground 11. Financing of recurrent government water resources/ quality without expenditures (salaries for government and mitigation measures for the sustainable LGU staff). use of the resources. 12. Construction or repair and buying of 23. Forestry operation, including logging, equipment for government offices and harvesting or processing of timber places of worship. products 13. Financing of political and activities. 24. Likely to create adverse impacts on 14. Salaried activities that employ children biological resources, human use value younger than 16 years. and quality of life values. 15. Financing activities that unfairly exploit women or men at any age. 16. Financing international travel. 17. Use of mangrove or coral reefs as building materials. 9 Annex 2: Environmental and Social Screening Checklist Environmental and Social Safeguard Form S.1 Name of the Sub-Project: ___________________________________________________ Organization: _____________________________________________________________ ACCESS PATH or TRACKS (For use of pedestrians and light vehicles including motor bikes) Assessment {Put only one tick (√) in each row} NO Negative Minor Impact; Mitigation Potential Impacts Impact; Minor Plans Mitigation Mitigation Measures NOT Measures Required Required Need for land acquired through (i) donation, (ii) purchase, (iii) govt. Loss of homes, other assets or land Damage to cultural/archaeological sites/properties Increased landslides during and after construction Pollution during construction activities Risk of accidents involving construction materials, pollution of water courses and agricultural lands Pollution from ancillary activities like preparation of asphalt, crushing of aggregate, concrete mixing, etc. Increased erosion downstream of channels being crossed Obstruction of natural flow of water Disruption of aquatic ecosystem during construction due to excessive sediment, discharge of waste concrete or accidental spillage of oil & grease to nearby water bodies Noise due to increased traffic Increased risk of accidents due to increased and faster traffic Loss of wildlife habitat which may have established during years of neglect Uncontrolled increase and improper location of micro economic activities Entry of migrants Impact to Indigenous people; effect on food gathering and other domestic work during construction and operation. Design is sensitive to gender needs Negative reaction to public due to poor information. Risks of occupational health and safety of workers Impact on social cohesion, cultural values and other social issues that are not covered under OP 4.10 or OP 4.12 10 Environmental and Social Safeguard Form S.2 Name of the Sub-Project: ___________________________________________________ Organization: ____________________________________________________________ BUILDINGS (School, Market Sheds, Village Multi-Purpose Centers, Grain Drier and Warehouse, etc.) Assessment {Put only one tick Potential Impacts (√) in each row} Mitigation NO Negative Minor Impact; Plans Impact; Minor Mitigation Mitigation Measures NOT Measures Required Required Need for land acquired through (i) donation, (ii) purchase, (iii) govt. Loss of homes, other assets or land Removal of vegetation Damage to cultural/archaeological sites/properties Dust generation during construction activities Increased noise due to construction activities Potential for spread of water-borne diseases due to improper siting of ancillary facilities Public and property damage due to structural damage caused by substandard materials, nonconformance to project design or damages due to wrong siting (prone to landslides, floods, ,etc.) Generation of solid waste during operation Uncontrolled increase and improper location of micro economic activities Impact to indigenous peoples Building design is sensitive to gender needs Negative reaction to public due to poor information. Risks of occupational health and safety of workers Impact on social cohesion, cultural values and other social issues that are not covered under OP 4.10 or OP 4.12 11 Environmental and Social Safeguard Form S.3 Name of the Sub-Project: ___________________________________________________ Organization: ____________________________________________________________ DRINKING WATER SUPPLY (Community ponds, open wells, piped supply or gravity schemes, etc.) Assessment {Put only one tick (√) in each row} NO Negative Minor Impact; Mitigation Potential Impacts Impact; Minor Plans Mitigation Mitigation Measures NOT Measures Required Required Need for land acquired through (i) donation, (ii) purchase, (iii) govt. Loss of homes, other assets or land Submergence of new areas Damage to cultural/archaeological sites/properties Safety hazards during construction Visual blight and dirt due to improper disposal of material Increased breeding of mosquito in case of inadequate drainage near water abstraction point / locations Pollution of water from leaves, dust and other nuisance due to open surface Unnoticed contamination by wastes in case of faulty layout Obstruction of natural flow of water Uncontrolled increase of micro economic activities Impact to women from construction works and inconvenience in the use of river downstream for domestic work. Impact to indigenous peoples from construction works and inconvenience in the use of river downstream for domestic work. Benefits will be shared by all community members Design is gender, age and ability sensitive Negative reaction to public due to poor information. Risks of occupational health and safety of workers Impact on social cohesion, cultural values and other social issues that are not covered under OP 4.10 or OP 4.12 12 Environmental and Social Safeguard Form S.4 Name of the Sub-Project: ___________________________________________________ Organization: ____________________________________________________________ IRRIGATION & WATERSHED MANAGEMENT STRUCTURES (Rehabilitation/construction of water retaining structures, rehabilitation/construction of new drains, erosion protection, etc.) Assessment {Put only one tick (√) in each row} NO Negative Minor Impact; Mitigation Potential Impacts Impact; Minor Plans Mitigation Mitigation Measures Measures NOT Required Required Need for land acquired through (i) donation, (ii) purchase, (iii) govt. Loss of homes, other assets or land Reduced downstream water availability Flood regime change Water logging Pesticide/Toxic compound presence Excess nutrient concentration / Eutrophication Increased Salinity Changes in Structure of soil Saline drainage Increase in Local erosion close to construction site Stream morphology and regime change Pollution from disposal of sediment accumulated in channels/structures Sedimentation Damage to cultural/archaeological sites/properties Drainage of water bodies Use of water channels as wastewater drains Incidence of diseases such as Dengue, Malaria, etc. Obstruction of natural flow of water Impact to women from construction works and inconvenience in the use of river downstream for domestic work. Benefits will be gender equitable Impact to indigenous peoples from construction works and inconvenience in the use of river downstream for domestic work. Public and crop damage due to improper siting of project Negative reaction to public due to poor information. Risks of occupational health and safety of workers Impact on social cohesion, cultural values and other social issues that are not covered under OP 4.10 or OP 4.12 13 Attachment for all Sub-Project Proposal Social and Environmental Impacts Type of Impact Yes No Comment 1. Land – Does the Sub-Project require land? 1.1 If “Yes”, state how much land Ha 1.2 Was an alternative design explored to decrease/avoid land take 1.3 If yes, how much land was required in the alternative Ha design? 1.4 How is this land provided: Donation Long-term lease Willing-seller-willing-buyer Available government land Involuntary acquisition 1.5 Is documentation attached in case of donation, purchase, or use of Government land 2. Involuntary Resettlement 2.1 Are there losses of shelter? 2.2 Are there losses of income sources and other assets? List no. of households How many households are affected? affected: 2.3 Are there available resources to compensate them at Describe source of funds: replacement value? Source of funds? 2.4 What other resettlement benefits are committed to the Briefly describe other affected families? benefits: 2.5 Have the affected household agreed to the relocation? 3. Cultural Property Any negative impacts on cultural property such as sites, historical buildings etc 4. Environmental Impacts Attach sub-project specific check-list with - Possible negative impacts and - Proposed mitigation measures Safeguard Forms for specific checklists to complete Comments: 14 ANNEX 3 Chance Find Procedures for Culturally Significant Artifacts In case culturally valuable materials are uncovered during excavation, the following Chance Find Procedures shall be followed: • Stop work immediately following the discovery of any materials with possible archeological, historical, paleontological, or other cultural value, announce findings to LDI representative and notify relevant authorities; • Protect artifacts as well as possible using plastic covers, and implement measures to stabilize the area, if necessary, to properly protect artifacts; • Prevent and penalize any unauthorized access to the artifacts; and • Restart construction works only upon the authorization of the relevant authorities. 15