. CHAIRMAN'S SUMMARY 38383 IDADeputiesMeeting Athens, Greece December 13-14,2004 1. Deputies of donor countries,joined by representativesof borrowercountriesand observersfromother multilateral developmentbanks, met in Athensto continuediscussionson the 14` replenishment of IDA .resources. Participantsexpressedtheir sincereappreciationto the Government of Greecefor hosting the meeting. This note reflectsthe chairman's sense of the discussions. 2. Participantsagreed on IDA'spolicy framework forpovertyreduction, and the overall themeof the report, working together with other developmentpartnersto achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Core objectivesinclude stimulatingsustainableand equitable economicgrowth, reducingthe debt vulnerabilityof IDA countriesthrough theallocationof grants,implementinga frameworkfor monitoringand managing IDA results, and strengtheningIDA supportfor the private sector. Participants also welcomedthe decision to fully disclosethe performance ratings that inform the allocation of IDA resources. 3. There was consensusthat IDA'spolicy framework should be underpinnedby a strongIDA14 replenishmentto maintain IDA's key role in the financing of developmentand the global effort to reach the MDGs. 4. Participantsagreedthat debt sustainabilitywill be the basis for the allocationof grantsunder IDA14. They agreed that thejoint Bank-Fund Debt Sustainability Frameworkfor low-income counties will provide the analyticalunderpinningfor IDA14 grants. Inparticular,they endorsed moreprudent debt thresholds, the approach for allocatingIDA grants, and the proposalfor dealingwith their financial cost. Bank staffwill report back at the mid-term reviewonthe implementation (including theshare of grants) and reassessmentof the debt sustainabilityframework, as well as the feasibilityof a facilityto assist borrowers confrontingexternalshocks. 5. Participantswelcomedimprovementsin collaboration amongthe World BankGroupinstitutions and with externalpartnersto promote private sectordevelopment in IDAcountries. Key elementsof the enhancedprogram includesupport for improved investmentclimatesin IDA countries, innovative support for small and medium enterprises,and better and affordableaccessof poor people to privately- provided basic services. 6. ParticipantsendorsedIDA's effortsto strengthen statisticalcapacityin client countries. Such efforts are crucial for the IDA14 Results Management System agreedby the participantsin Hanoi, as well asforthe client countries' effortsto monitorprogress toward the MDGs. 7. Participantswelcomed enhanced IDA action on three issues emergingfromthe "Working Together" agenda: IDA's role in conflict-affectedand post-conflictcountries;improved supportfor small states; and the developmentof indicatorsof harmonizationto encourage concrete actionsby all development partners. 8. Participantswere provided with recommendations from nongovernmental organizations that had commentedon anearlier draft of the IDA14report, and agreed that NGO recommendations will be included as appropriate. The final draftof the report will be sentto the participantsfor confirmation. 9. Donors agreedto a replenishmentthat representsa 30 percentincrease of commitment authorityover IDA13. They agreedthat, in additionto commitmentsmade in Athens,consultationswere still neededin some.capitalsto encouragefurthercontributionsto closethe remainingfinancing gap,leadingto a final meeting to concludethe replenishmentwithin two months.