66944 IDA15 IDA’s Commitments, Disbursements and Funding in FY11 International Development Association IDA Resource Mobilization Department (CFPIR) February 2012 ACRONYMS AFR Africa Region CRW Crisis Response Window DPO Development Policy Operation DSF Debt Sustainability Framework ECA Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region EAP East Asia and Pacific Region HIPC Heavily Indebted Poor Countries IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IDA International Development Association GNI Gross National Income LCR Latin America and the Caribbean Region MDRI Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative MNA Middle East and North Africa Region PBA Performance-Based Allocation PRSC Poverty Reduction Support Credit SAR South Asia Region SDR Special Drawing Rights Table of Contents SUMMARY OF IDA’S OPERATIONS IN FY11 ................................................................................... i I. OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................................. 1 A. IDA Eligibility and Resource Allocation Mechanism ........................................................... 1 B. Countries that did not Receive Financial Assistance from IDA in FY11 .............................. 2 II. COMMITMENTS ................................................................................................................... 2 A. Overall Trends ...................................................................................................................... 2 B. Commitments by Region....................................................................................................... 3 C. Commitments by Type of Lending Instrument ..................................................................... 4 C.1. Investment Operations.................................................................................................... 4 C.2. Development Policy Operations..................................................................................... 5 D. Commitments by Financing Terms ....................................................................................... 5 D.1. Credits ............................................................................................................................ 5 D.2. Grants ............................................................................................................................. 6 E. Largest Recipients of IDA Commitments ............................................................................. 7 F. IDA15 Commitments for Regional Projects ......................................................................... 9 H. IDA15 Recommitments under the Cancellation and Recommitment Policy ..................... 10 I. Sector and Thematic Focus of IDA Commitments .............................................................. 11 III. DISBURSEMENTS.............................................................................................................. 13 A. Overall Trends .................................................................................................................... 13 B. Regional Distribution .......................................................................................................... 14 C. Largest Recipients ............................................................................................................... 15 D. Undisbursed Balances ......................................................................................................... 17 E. Disbursement Ratio ............................................................................................................. 17 IV. FUNDING ............................................................................................................................. 17 Tables: Table 1: IDA15 Grants by Traffic Light ........................................................................................ 6 Table 2: IDA Grants by Region, FY03-FY11 ............................................................................... 7 Table 3: FY11 Largest Recipients of IDA Commitments ............................................................. 8 Table 4: Largest Recipients of IDA15 Commitments ................................................................... 8 Table 5: Largest Recipients of IDA15 Commitments for Grants.................................................. 9 Table 6: FY11 Largest Recipients of IDA Disbursements .......................................................... 16 Table 7: Largest Recipients of IDA15 Disbursements ................................................................ 16 Charts: Chart 1: IDA Commitments by Lending Instrument, FY03-FY11................................................ 5 Chart 2: FY11 IDA Commitments by Major Sector .................................................................... 12 Table of Contents (Cont’d) Chart 3: FY11 IDA Commitments by Major Theme ................................................................... 13 Chart 4: IDA Disbursements by Lending Instrument, FY03-FY11 ............................................ 14 Chart 5: FY11 IDA Disbursements by Region ............................................................................ 15 Chart 6: Undisbursed Balances as Percentage of Project Portfolio, FY03-FY11........................ 18 Chart 7: IDA Investment Disbursements and Disbursement Ratio, FY03-FY11 ......................... 18 Annexes: Annex 1: FY11 IDA Borrowers .....................................................................................................21 Annex 2: IDA Commitments by Region .………………………………………………….……..22 Annex 3: IDA Commitments by Major Sector …………………………………………………..23 Annex 4: IDA Commitments by Major Theme .………………………………………………….24 Annex 5: IDA Commitments for Investment Operations by Sector .…………………………......25 Annex 6: IDA Disbursements by Region…………………………...... .........................................26 Annex 7: FY11 IDA Commitments and Disbursements by Country .…………………………....27 Annex 8: List of FY11 IDA Operations by Region and Country.………………………………..30 Annex 9: IDA15 Commitments for Regional Projects.…………………………………………..43 Annex 10: IDA15 Pilot IDA Crisis Response Window Projects .……………………………......48 Annex 11: IDA15 Recommitments under the Cancellation and Recommitment Policy .………..53 SUMMARY OF IDA’S OPERATIONS IN FY11 ï‚· Total IDA commitments, comprising credits and grants, amounted to SDR10.4 billion in FY11, up from SDR9.5 billion in FY10. The increase in FY11 commitments reflected the back-loading of country allocations from the first two years of the IDA15 period. New operations totaled 230 in FY11, compared to 190 in FY10. Total IDA15 commitments reached SDR28.8 billion, the highest ever for an IDA replenishment period. ï‚· Credits to four countries (Myanmar, Somalia, Sudan, and Zimbabwe) remained in non-accrual status at the end of FY11. The total outstanding principal for these countries was USD3.1 billion, equivalent to 2.5 percent of outstanding IDA credits. ï‚· By region, Africa received 43 percent of total IDA commitments in FY11. South Asia had the second largest share, with 39 percent. Exclusive of IDA hard-term credits, which were allocated only to three countries (India, Pakistan and Vietnam), Africa received 50 percent of total IDA15 replenishment resources. ï‚· By lending instrument, commitments to investment operations increased to SDR9.1 billion in FY11, compared to SDR7.9 billion in FY10. Development Policy Operations (DPOs) decreased slightly from SDR1.5 billion in FY10 to SDR1.3 billion in FY11. This represented 13 percent of total commitments in FY11; the share for the entire IDA15 period was 17 percent, significantly down from 24 percent in IDA14. ï‚· By financing terms, commitments for IDA credits totaled SDR8.6 billion in FY11, representing an increase of 12 percent over the SDR7.7 billion committed in FY10. Grant commitments in FY11 totaled SDR1.8 billion, slightly up from SDR1.7 billion in FY10. Grants accounted for 17 percent of total commitments in FY11. ï‚· By sector, commitments to infrastructure projects remained strong in FY11, constituting 42 percent of total commitments, a considerable increase from about 37 percent in FY10. With 23 percent of total commitments, Law and Public Administration was the second largest sector. The support for social sectors – Education and Health; and Social Services – amounted to 20 percent of total IDA commitments in FY11. ï‚· Total disbursements decreased to USD10.3 billion in FY11, down by 10 percent from USD11.4 billion in FY10. IDA’s disbursement ratio (investment disbursements in FY11 as percentage of undisbursed investment balances at the start of FY11) decreased to 22 percent in FY11, down from 25 percent in FY10. I. OVERVIEW 1. This paper provides an update of the sources and uses of IDA resources during FY11, the third and last year of the IDA15 replenishment period (FY09-11).1 As customary, the focus of this annual paper is on the major developments in IDA’s commitments, disbursements and funding during the reporting period (fiscal year). In addition, the paper also provides, where appropriate, historical data to illustrate long-term trends in the use of IDA resources. Finally, as this was the last year of the IDA15 replenishment period, the paper highlights important developments for the IDA15 period as a whole. 2. This section provides a brief overview of IDA eligibility criteria and a short description of principles underlying the IDA resource allocation system. Section II presents major developments in IDA commitments. Section III discusses FY11 IDA disbursements; and Section IV briefly describes the sources of IDA funding. A. IDA Eligibility and Resource Allocation Mechanism 3. Eligibility for IDA financing is based on a country’s relative poverty, and lack of creditworthiness for market-based borrowing. The relative poverty is measured by a country’s GNI per capita against the operational cutoff for IDA eligibility that is updated annually (USD1,165 in FY11). Creditworthiness is measured by a country’s access to IBRD lending and other commercial sources of capital. In FY11, a total of 79 countries were eligible for IDA assistance. Of these, 63 were IDA-only borrowers, and the remaining 16 were IDA/IBRD blend countries (Annex Table 1). 4. Most IDA15 resources were allocated to active IDA eligible countries through the Performance-Based Allocation (PBA) system.2 While the PBA system annually determines the volume of new IDA resources for each country, IDA country allocations are managed within the three-year IDA replenishment period. In particular, the resource allocation system allows for some front- and back-loading of allocations within a replenishment period in order to meet country-specific circumstances and operational needs. 3,4 In advance of the final year of the 1 The sources of data on the use of IDA resources are Business Warehouse, SAP, Loan Kiosk, CFPIR databases, and CFPIR staff calculations.. 2 Important exceptions to the PBA include allocations for regional projects, arrears clearance, exceptional allocations for natural disasters, and IDA hard-term credits. For details on the mechanics of IDA’s PBA system and exceptions to the PBA formula see Annex 1 in "Additions to IDA Resources: Fifteenth Replenishment. IDA: The Platform for Achieving Results at the Country Level.‖ February 28, 2008. 3 Front-loading of resources is allowed up to 30 percent of the relevant year’s allocation in the first two years of a replenishment period. Back-loading of resources, up to a maximum of 100 percent, is allowed in the second and third years of a replenishment period. Small countries (with populations of less than 1.5 million) can frontload by a higher amount given the small size of their allocations. Capped-blend countries (i.e. India and Pakistan) can also choose to frontload higher amounts as long as they stay within their three-year cap of allocations (see ―IDA’s Performance-Based Allocation System: Simplification of the Formula and Other Outstanding Issues‖, October 2007). 4 Greater degree of frontloading of IDA15 resources (of up to 50 percent) was allowed under the IDA Financial Crisis Response Fast-Track Facility (IDA FTF), endorsed by the Board in December 2008 (see “Proposal for an IDA Financial Crisis Response Fast-Track Facilityâ€?, December 2008). 2 replenishment period, if IDA resources are not likely to be used in a particular country, then these resources are returned to the general pool and allocated using the PBA system. Also, in the third year of the replenishment period, if more resources become available in some countries because country-specific circumstances preclude their effective use, then they can be re-allocated within certain limits to better performing countries in the same region (or across regions) to optimize the use of IDA funds. It is important to note that in light of the built-in flexibility in the management of IDA resources discussed above, changes in the annual level of IDA commitments (as well as in the annual commitments per capita) may reflect operational flexibility (front- and back-loading of IDA resources), in addition to underlying trends in country performance. B. Countries that did not Receive Financial Assistance from IDA in FY11 5. Of the 79 IDA-eligible countries, IDA resources were committed in 72 countries in FY11 compared to 66 countries in FY10 (Annex Table 8). The remaining 7 countries fell into one or more of the following categories: (i) countries with loans and/or credits in non-accrual status; (ii) small, mainly island, economies that do not have operations every year; and (iii) countries where IDA country dialogue did not lead to any commitments in FY11. 6. Credits to four countries —Myanmar, Somalia, Sudan, and Zimbabwe — remained in non-accrual status at the end of FY11. At June 30, 2011, these IDA credits in non-accrual status amounted to USD3.1 billion, representing 2.5 percent of total outstanding IDA credits.5 II. COMMITMENTS A. Overall Trends 7. Total FY11 IDA commitments, comprising credits and grants,6 amounted to SDR10.4 billion, up by 10 percent from SDR9.5 billion in FY10 (Annex Table 2). The total for the IDA15 period was SDR28.8 billion,7 compared to SDR21.4 billion in IDA14.8 The number of new 5 See The World Bank Monthly Financial Report: June 2011, page 10. 6 The commitment figures normally also include IDA guarantees; however, there were no IDA resources committed towards guarantees in FY11. IDA guarantees are not committed every year, and the amount approved varies by fiscal year (from the lowest amount of SDR41 million in FY06 to the highest amount of SDR269 million in FY09). 7 This figure includes commitments of SDR508 million for hard-term credits. These credits are not part of IDA’s regular allocable resources. Hard-term credits are financed from the 7 percent charges-related volume discount on IDA grant allocations, and are invested in relatively high return credits to creditworthy IBRD/IDA countries with per capita income below IDA’s operational cut-off for IDA, but with an active IBRD lending program. For details, refer to “Implementation Note: Lending at “Hard Termsâ€? in IDA14,â€? April 2005. 8 Note that this paper includes the FY09 grace period commitments of SDR0.5 billion (funded out of IDA14 commitment authority) in the total amount of IDA15 commitments. For details on the grace period operations, please refer to ―IDA’s Commitments, Disbursements, and Funding in FY08‖, IDA/SecM2009-0271, May 8, 2009. 3 operations totaled 230 in FY11, compared to 190 in FY10.9 The average size of FY11 operations was SDR38 million, slightly down from SDR43 million in FY10. Commitments to IDA-only countries amounted to SDR7.0 billion in FY11 (up from SDR6.6 billion in FY10), while commitments to blend countries amounted to SDR3.4 billion in FY11 (up from SDR2.9 billion in FY10). B. Commitments by Region 8. AFR: Commitments for the Africa region (AFR) reached SDR4.5 billion in FY11, slightly lower than the SDR4.7 billion in FY10 (Annex Table 2). Africa’s share in total commitments in FY11 was 43 percent, down from 49 percent in FY10. Exclusive of hard-term credits, none of which were committed for AFR, the region received 50 percent of total IDA15 commitments.10 By country, Ghana (SDR419 million), Ethiopia (SDR412 million), Nigeria (SDR373 million), the Democratic Republic of Congo (SDR341 million), and Kenya (SDR333 million) were the largest recipients of IDA commitments in FY11.11 These five countries together accounted for 42 percent of Africa’s FY11 IDA commitments. 9. SAR: IDA commitments in the South Asia region (SAR) amounted to SDR4.1 billion in FY11, 36 percent up from SDR3.0 billion in FY10. SAR’s share in total commitments increased to 39 percent in FY11, from 32 percent in FY10. The region’s annual average share during the IDA15 period was 34 percent, higher than the average share of 29 percent during IDA14. By country, Bangladesh received the largest share of total commitments in the region in FY11 (SDR1,401 million). India and Pakistan followed with SDR1,331 million and SDR839 million respectively. These three countries together accounted for 87 percent of IDA’s total commitments in the SAR region in FY11. 10. EAP: IDA commitments in the East Asia and the Pacific region (EAP) amounted to SDR1.0 billion in FY11, slightly down from SDR1.1 billion in FY10. EAP commitments accounted for 10 percent of total IDA commitments in FY11 (slightly lower than the 11 percent in FY10). The annual average share of EAP in total IDA commitments during the IDA15 period was 10 percent; lower than the annual average of 13 percent in IDA14. By country, Vietnam continued to be the largest recipient in the region (SDR814 million), accounting for 78 percent of the total EAP commitments in FY11. 11. ECA: IDA commitments in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region (ECA) amounted to SDR422 million, slightly higher than the commitments of SDR406 million in FY10. ECA’s share in total IDA commitments in FY11 amounted to 4 percent, the same as in FY10. The annual average share of ECA commitments in total IDA commitments during the IDA15 period remained the same as in IDA14 (4 percent). By country, Uzbekistan was the largest recipient of IDA commitments in FY11 (SDR117 million), followed by the Kyrgyz Republic 9 The total number of operations excludes IBRD/IDA blend operations, supplemental DPOs, and additional financing of investment projects related to cost overruns and restructuring. 10 This reflects the objective of IDA to provide at least 50 percent of its financial assistance for AFR, provided the performance of individual countries warrants it. The calculation of the share for Africa includes resources for regional projects, Pilot Crisis Response Window, etc., but excludes resources committed as hard-term credits. 11 The commitment amounts include countries’ commitments for regional projects. 4 (SDR92 million) and Azerbaijan (SDR55 million). Together, these countries accounted for 63 percent of the region’s FY11 IDA commitments. 12. MNA: IDA commitments in the Middle East and North Africa region (MNA) amounted to SDR79 million in FY11, lower than the commitments of SDR138 million in FY10. MNA’s share in total IDA commitments in FY11 remained at 1 percent, the same as in FY10. The annual average share of the region in total commitments was 1 percent during IDA15, lower than the annual average share of 3 percent in IDA14. By country, the Republic of Yemen (SDR76 million) remained MNA’s largest recipient (the only other recipient being Djibouti), accounting for 95 percent of the total IDA commitments to the region in FY11. 13. LCR: IDA commitments in the Latin America and the Caribbean region (LCR) amounted to SDR298 million in FY11, almost twice the SDR156 million committed in FY10. The region’s share in total IDA commitments correspondingly increased to 3 percent in FY11 (from 2 percent in FY10). The region’s average annual share during the IDA15 period remained at the same level as in IDA14 (2 percent). By country, Bolivia received the largest share of commitments in the region in FY11 (SDR102 million), followed by Honduras (SDR72 million), Haiti (SDR52 million), and Nicaragua (SDR33 million). Together, these four countries accounted for 87 percent of the region’s total IDA commitments in FY11. C. Commitments by Type of Lending Instrument C.1. Investment Operations 14. The share of investment operations in total FY11 commitments was 87 percent (up from 84 percent in FY10). The average share of investment operations during the IDA15 period stood at 83 percent, significantly higher than the annual average of 76 percent in IDA14. Commitments for investment operations amounted to SDR9.1 billion in FY11, compared to SDR7.9 billion in FY10, an increase of 16 percent (Chart 1 and Annex Table 2). Most of this increase is attributable to the cumulative back-loading of IDA resources for investment operations from the first two years of IDA15 to FY11. Commitments for investment operations averaged SDR8.0 billion during IDA15, representing an increase of 47 percent over the annual average of SDR5.4 billion in IDA14. This was due to the larger IDA15 resource envelope and IDA’s ability to scale up its deliveries. By region, SAR received the largest share (45 percent) of total IDA commitments for investment operations in FY11, followed by AFR (40 percent), EAP (9 percent), ECA (4 percent), and LCR (2 percent) (Annex Table 2). 5 Chart 1: IDA Commitments by Lending Instrument, FY03-FY11 12 10 Total 8 SDR billion 6 Investment 4 DPO 2 0 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 C.2. Development Policy Operations 15. The share of DPOs in total FY11 IDA commitments stood at 13 percent, lower than the 16 percent share in FY10; and the corresponding average share of 17 percent in IDA15 was significantly lower than the 24 percent share in IDA14. Total commitments for DPOs stood at SDR1.3 billion in FY11, down from SDR1.5 billion in FY10. This is well below the 30 percent threshold for DPOs set out in the IDA15 Replenishment Report.12 The lower share of DPOs was driven mainly by the decline in DPOs in SAR (92 percent) and ECA (71 percent). Commitments for DPOs averaged SDR1.6 billion per year during IDA15, representing a 5 percent decline compared to the average annual commitments of SDR1.7 billion in IDA14. D. Commitments by Financing Terms D.1. Credits 16. IDA credits accounted for 83 percent of the total IDA commitments in FY11, slightly higher than their share of 82 percent in FY10. Commitments for IDA credits totaled SDR8.6 billion in FY11, representing an increase of 12 percent over the credits of SDR7.7 billion in FY10 (Annex Table 2). For the IDA15 period as a whole, credits amounted to SDR23.6 billion, representing an increase of 41 percent over the IDA14 credits of SDR16.7 billion. Of IDA15 total credits, hard-term credits amounted to SDR508 million.13 This was 12 See "Additions to IDA Resources: Fifteenth Replenishment. IDA: The Platform for Achieving Results at the Country Level.‖ February 28, 2008. 13 As mentioned above, hard-term credits are aimed to compensate IDA for lost charge income due to grants by investing the funds in relatively high return credits in blend-terms countries. In accordance with provisions of the ―hard terms‖ lending window that was established in IDA14, a volume discount of 7 percent is applied to all 6 almost twice the total hard-term credits of SDR256 million during IDA14. The hard term credits were committed to India (SDR241 million), Pakistan (SDR150 million), and Vietnam (SDR117 million). D.2. Grants 17. In FY11, IDA grants continued to be provided based on a country’s risk of debt distress. This risk is assessed on the basis of the joint IMF-World Bank debt sustainability framework (DSF) for low-income countries. Under the framework, grant and credit shares for eligible countries are assigned according to the ―traffic light‖, as follows: 100 percent credits for ―green light‖ countries (i.e., countries with low risk of debt distress); 50 percent credits and 50 percent grants for ―yellow light‖ countries (i.e., moderate risk of debt distress); and 100 percent grants for ―red light‖ countries (i.e., high risk of or in debt distress). 18. The number of grant-eligible countries (―red‖ plus ―yellow‖ light countries) decreased from 35 in FY10 to 34 in FY11 (Table 1). Of the 34 countries eligible for IDA grants in FY11, IDA grants were committed in 32 countries. ―Red‖ and ―yellow‖ light countries accounted for 63 percent and 34 percent of total commitments for IDA grants in FY11, respectively.14 For IDA15 as a whole, the corresponding shares for the ―red‖ and ―yellow‖ light countries were 65 percent and 34 percent.15 Table 1: IDA15 Grants by Traffic Light Of which Countries Committing IDA No. of Countries Grants IDA15 Grants, USD million IDA15 Grants, SDR million Traffic Light FY09 FY10 FY11 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY09 FY10 FY11 Total FY09 FY10 FY11 Total Red 26 22 19 22 19 18 1,650 1,758 1,798 5,206 1,087 1,147 1,143 3,377 Yellow 14 13 15 12 11 14 902 915 936 2,753 599 590 606 1,794 Subtotal 40 35 34 34 30 32 2,552 2,673 2,734 7,960 1,686 1,737 1,749 5,172 Memo Item: Timor-Leste 1/ 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 25 32 1 3 16 21 Other 2/ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63 63 0 0 41 41 Total 41 36 35 35 31 33 2,554 2,678 2,822 8,054 1,688 1,740 1,806 5,233 1/ Timor-Leste is an exception to the debt-distress-based grant eligibility criterion. The country is eligible for grants as per the IDA15 replenishment agreement (see "Additions to IDA Resources: Fifteenth Replenishment", March 2008). 2/ IDA grants to regional institutions. grant allocations to help finance foregone charge income on IDA grants. In IDA15, the resources from this 7 percent charges-related volume discount were made available on hard terms to three creditworthy IBRD/IDA countries with per capita income below the operational cut-off for IDA, but with an active IBRD lending program (India, Pakistan, and Vietnam). 14 The remaining 3 percent were accounted for by commitments for IDA grants to Timor-Leste, and IDA grants for regional institutions. Timor-Leste is an exception to the debt-distress-based grant eligibility criterion. The country is eligible for grants as per the IDA15 replenishment agreement (see ―Additions to IDA Resources: Fifteenth Replenishment‖, March 2008). 15 The remaining 1 percent was accounted for as in footnote 13. 7 19. In FY11, IDA grants accounted for 17 percent of total IDA commitments, representing a slight decrease from the 18 percent share in FY10. For IDA15 as a whole, IDA grants accounted for 18 percent of total commitments, lower than the 22 percent share in IDA14. Total IDA grants amounted to SDR1.8 billion in FY11, slightly higher than the SDR1.7 billion in FY10 (Table 2). Total IDA15 grants amounted to SDR5.2 billion, representing an increase of 11 percent over the IDA14 grants of SDR4.7 billion. By region, AFR continued to be the largest recipient of IDA grants, receiving 69 percent of total grant commitments in FY11, followed by SAR (14 percent), EAP (5 percent), ECA (4 percent), MNA (4 percent), and LCR (3 percent). During the IDA15 period, AFR received 70 percent of total IDA grants (slightly higher than the share of 69 percent in IDA14). SAR, the next largest recipient of IDA15 grants, received 13 percent (significantly lower than the share of 19 percent in IDA14). Table 2: IDA Grants By Region , FY03-FY11 SDR million FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 Africa 749 901 914 835 1,010 1,437 1,300 1,119 1,249 East Asia and the Pacific 10 10 66 59 50 66 36 88 89 Eastern Europe and Central Asia 17 22 51 88 48 38 35 51 71 Latin America and the Caribbean 0 13 33 52 46 30 40 109 59 Middle East and North Africa 9 0 2 0 1 47 112 138 79 South Asia 127 242 192 218 299 403 166 234 258 Total 912 1,188 1,258 1,252 1,455 2,021 1,688 1,740 1,806 Percent Share FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 Africa 82% 76% 73% 67% 69% 71% 77% 64% 69% East Asia and the Pacific 1% 1% 5% 5% 3% 3% 2% 5% 5% Eastern Europe and Central Asia 2% 2% 4% 7% 3% 2% 2% 3% 4% Latin America and the Caribbean 0% 1% 3% 4% 3% 1% 2% 6% 3% Middle East and North Africa 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2% 7% 8% 4% South Asia 14% 20% 15% 17% 21% 20% 10% 13% 14% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% E. Largest Recipients of IDA Commitments 20. Overall, the ten largest recipients of IDA commitments in FY11 accounted for 63 percent of the total IDA commitments (Table 3). Four countries (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Vietnam) each received SDR0.8 billion or more in FY11. 8 / Table 3: FY11 Largest Recipients of IDA Commitments * Country (USD million) (SDR million) Bangladesh 2,175 1,401 India 2,072 1,331 Pakistan 1,292 839 Vietnam 1,280 814 Ghana 651 419 Ethiopia 630 412 Nigeria 580 373 Dem. Rep. of Congo 543 341 Kenya 520 333 Tanzania 420 275 Top 10 Countries 10,162 6,538 All Countries 16,269 10,447 */ Includes country commitments for regional projects. Table 4: Largest Recipients of IDA15 Commitments * / Country (USD million) (SDR million) FY09 FY10 FY11 Total FY09 FY10 FY11 Total India 956 2,578 2,072 5,606 597 1,668 1,331 3,596 Bangladesh 1,097 828 2,175 4,100 699 543 1,401 2,643 Vietnam 1,149 1,429 1,280 3,858 767 940 814 2,522 Pakistan 1,610 300 1,292 3,201 1,063 201 839 2,103 Nigeria 1,360 890 580 2,830 880 569 373 1,822 Ethiopia 1,175 890 630 2,695 789 574 412 1,775 Tanzania 783 943 420 2,145 519 614 275 1,408 Kenya 525 614 520 1,659 352 403 333 1,089 Ghana 550 433 651 1,634 361 282 419 1,062 Dem. Rep. of Congo 535 460 543 1,538 353 302 341 995 Top 10 Countries 9,739 9,365 10,162 29,266 6,380 6,096 6,538 19,014 All Countries 13,595 14,550 16,269 44,413 8,913 9,456 10,447 28,815 */ Includes country commitments for regional projects; and excludes IDA guarantees. 21. For IDA15 as a whole, the ten largest recipients of IDA commitments accounted for 63 percent of the total IDA15 commitments (Table 4). Of these ten largest recipients, six 9 countries were in AFR (Nigeria, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kenya, Ghana, and Democratic Republic of Congo), and three countries in SAR (India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan). 22. By country, the ten largest recipients of IDA grants in IDA15 were the Democratic Republic of Congo (SDR995 million), Ethiopia (SDR722 million), Afghanistan (SDR429 million), Burkina Faso (SDR376 million), the Republic of Yemen (SDR315 million), Côte d’Ivoire (SDR251 million), Nepal (SDR215 million), Rwanda (SDR211 million), Burundi (SDR185 million), and Haiti (SDR157 million). Together, these ten countries accounted for 74 percent of the total IDA15 grant commitments (Table 5). Table 5: Largest Recipients of IDA15 Commitments for Grants */ Country (USD million) (SDR million) FY09 FY10 FY11 Total FY09 FY10 FY11 Total Dem. Rep. of Congo 535 460 543 1,538 353 302 341 995 Ethiopia 462 350 288 1,100 310 224 189 722 Afghanistan 198 197 262 657 134 130 166 429 Burkina Faso 180 130 274 584 118 85 172 376 Yemen 165 205 117 487 107 132 76 315 Côte d'Ivoire 200 155 30 385 130 102 20 251 Nepal 39 163 131 333 26 105 84 215 Rwanda 110 145 70 325 72 93 46 211 Burundi 115 87 82 284 76 56 53 185 Haiti 40 122 78 239 26 79 52 157 Top 10 Countries 2,044 2,013 1,876 5,932 1,351 1,307 1,198 3,855 All Countries 2,554 2,678 2,822 8,054 1,688 1,740 1,806 5,233 */ Includes country commitments for regional projects; and excludes IDA guarantees. F. IDA15 Commitments for Regional Projects 23. IDA commitments for regional projects amounted to SDR735 million in FY11, accounting for 7 percent of the total IDA commitments (Annex Table 9). This was 66 percent higher than the corresponding commitments of SDR444 million in FY10. The number of new regional operations totaled 23 in FY11, compared to 8 in FY10. Overall, 29 countries benefited from participation in regional projects in FY11, of which 21 countries were in AFR. For IDA15 as a whole, IDA commitments for regional projects totaled SDR1.6 billion, accounting for 5 percent of total IDA15 commitments, and representing a 34 percent increase over the IDA14 total for regional projects of SDR1.2 billion. 10 G. IDA15 Commitments under the Pilot Crisis Response Window 24. The Pilot Crisis Response Window (Pilot-CRW) was created to help IDA-only countries respond to the impact of the global crisis.16 Out of 79 IDA countries, access to the Pilot-CRW resources was granted to 56 non-oil exporting IDA-only countries.17 It was funded through the redeployment of unused arrears clearance funds set aside during IDA15, internal resources, and additional donor contributions.18 In FY10, IDA commitments under the Pilot-CRW amounted to SDR582 million, spanning 35 countries in six regions and covering 48 operations19 that were at least partially funded by the Pilot-CRW (Annex Table 10). Pilot-CRW resources that were not used before the end of FY10 were carried over to FY11 to fund Pilot-CRW projects appraised before June 30, 2010, and scheduled for approval in the first quarter of FY11.20 The IDA commitments funded out of this carry-over comprised 20 new operations in 21 countries and amounted to SDR342 million, representing 3 percent of total IDA commitments in FY11. Overall, IDA commitments funded out of Pilot-CRW amounted to SDR923 million (3 percent of total IDA15 commitments), spanning 46 countries in six regions and covering 68 new operations during FY10-FY11. AFR was the largest recipient of Pilot-CRW commitments (63 percent), followed by SAR (19 percent), EAP (6 percent), LCR (4 percent), ECA (4 percent), and MNA (3 percent). H. IDA15 Recommitments under the Cancellation and Recommitment Policy 25. As part of the Bank’s Investment Lending Reform,21 which aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of investment lending, and in order to facilitate project restructuring to help countries use their scarce resources more effectively, in FY10 the Bank introduced a new policy on cancellation and recommitment of IDA resources.22 Under this policy, cancelled IDA balances from ongoing operations were made available for recommitment to other purposes in the same country. Following this new policy, 3 countries in FY10 and 19 countries in FY11 were able to cancel IDA balances from ongoing operations in their portfolio and recommit them to other purposes (Annex Table 11). The FY10 and FY11 commitments funded out of these cancelled resources (or recommitments) amounted to SDR13 million and SDR337 million respectively, and together accounted for 1 percent of the total IDA15 commitments. 16 See Proposal for a Pilot IDA Crisis Response Window. November 23, 2009. 17 Blend countries and four IDA-only countries that were significant net oil exporters (Angola, Chad, Republic of Congo, and Nigeria) were excluded. 18 See ―IDA’s Performance based Allocation System: Review of the Current System and Key Issues for IDA16,‖ May 2010. 19 The total number of CRW operations in FY10 and FY11 excludes additional financing of investment projects related to cost overruns and restructuring. 20 See ―Update on IDA’s Pilot Crisis Response Window,‖ September 13, 2010. 21 For description and list of components underlying the Investment Lending Reform, see ―Moving Ahead on Investment Lending Reform: Risk Framework and Implementation Support,‖ September 3, 2009. The implementation of the reform began in November 2009. 22 See ―Cancellation and Recommitment of IDA Resources‖ – Operational Memorandum, December 3, 2009. 11 I. Sector and Thematic Focus of IDA Commitments23 26. By broader sector groupings, support for infrastructure24 remained strong at 42 percent of total IDA commitments in FY11, a considerable increase from about 37 percent in FY10 (Chart 2 and Annex Table 3). Within infrastructure, Transportation continued to account for the largest share (22 percent), followed by Water, Sanitation and Flood Protection (11 percent), Energy and Mining (7 percent), and Information and Communication (3 percent). Overall, IDA commitments in sectors that directly or indirectly support private sector growth, defined as including infrastructure, industry and trade, and finance, accounted for 49 percent of total IDA commitments in FY11, up from 45 percent in FY10 (Annex Table 3). For the IDA15 period as a whole, support for infrastructure accounted for 38 percent of total IDA commitments, a large increase from about 33 percent in IDA14. Social sectors, which include Health and Other Social Services, and Education, accounted for 20 percent in FY11. For the IDA15 period as a whole, social sectors accounted for 25 percent of total commitments, slightly higher than their share of 23 percent in IDA14. The remainder of total IDA’s commitments in FY11 went to Law and Public Administration (23 percent), and Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry (8 percent). For the IDA15 period as a whole, Law and Public Administration accounted for 20 percent of total IDA commitments (compared to 26 percent in IDA14), and Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry accounted for 10 percent (compared to 8 percent in IDA14). 27. It is important to note, however, that the actual amount of IDA resources used by countries to support different economic sectors is often significantly larger than the commitments that are specifically mapped to these sectors. This is because many economic sectors may also benefit from the resources that have been classified under related sector codes, as well as other investments that are directly related to this sector and are also under the oversight of the respective Sector Board. For instance, IDA’s support to the agriculture sector can be estimated as the sum of: (i) total IDA commitments for project components specifically coded as ―Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry‖; (ii) total IDA commitments for project components coded as ―Public Administration – Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry‖, and ―Agro-Industry, Marketing and Trade‖; and (iii) IDA commitments for other investments related to agricultural production under the oversight of the Agriculture and Rural Development (ARD) Sector Board (e.g., coded as ―SME Finance‖, ―Microfinance‖, ―Rural and Inter-Urban Roads and Highways‖).25 If these additional components are taken into account, then IDA’s support to the agriculture sector increases from 8 percent (as provided above) to 15 percent of total IDA commitments in FY11. 23 Note that a project is classified into up to five sector and thematic categories, to which IDA commitments are pro-rated based on their percentage shares. There are currently 73 sector codes and 82 theme codes in the Bank that are used for project classification. These sector and theme codes, in turn, are grouped into 10 ―major sectors‖ and 11―major themes‖ (see list in Annex Tables 3 and 4). The purpose of sector and theme coding is to facilitate reporting of Bank activities by sectoral and thematic cut at the corporate level. Sector codes are used to indicate which part of the economy is supported by the Bank intervention, while theme codes are designed to capture Bank support to corporate priorities such as Millennium Development Goals or global public goods. For more information on sector and theme coding, please refer to OPCS website on Sector and Theme Classification. 24 This is comprised of four major sectors: Energy and Mining; Information and Communication; Transportation; and Water, Sanitation and Flood Protection. 25 See ―Implementing Agriculture for Development. World Bank Group Agriculture Action Plan: FY2010-2012‖, July, 2009. 12 For IDA15 as a whole, IDA’s support increases from 10 percent (as provided above) to 17 percent. 28. By theme, support for private sector growth and economic development—which consists of support to Financial and Private Sector Development, Trade and Integration, and Economic Management – accounted for 25 percent of total IDA commitments in FY11 (slightly higher than the 23 percent share in FY10) (Chart 3 and Annex Table 4). Within this theme grouping, Financial and Private Sector Development accounted for 15 percent, followed by Trade and Integration (10 percent), and Economic Management (1 percent). The remainder of IDA’s support in FY11 went to Rural Development (19 percent), Human Development (12 percent), Urban Development (12 percent), Social Protection and Risk Management (11 percent), Public Sector Governance (11 percent), Environment and Natural Resources Management (7 percent), Social Development, Gender and Inclusion (3 percent), and Rule of Law (0.4 percent). For the IDA15 period as a whole, support for private sector growth and economic development accounted for 24 percent of total IDA15 commitments (slightly higher than the 22 percent share in IDA14). Of this, Financial and Private Sector Development accounted for 15 percent, followed by Trade and Integration (6 percent), and Economic Management (2 percent). The remainder of IDA15 commitments went to the other eight themes, with Rural Development, and Human Development accounting for the largest shares of 20 percent and 17 percent, respectively. Chart 2: FY11 IDA Commitments by Major Sector Information and Finance 1% Communication Industry and 3% Trade 6% Energy and Mining 7% Water, Sanitation and Flood Health and Social Protection 11% Services 13% Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry 8% Transportation 22% Education 6% Law and Public Administration 23% 13 Chart 3: FY11 IDA Commitments by Major Theme Economic Environment and Management 1% Natural Resources Urban Development Management 7% 12% Trade and Financial and Integration 10% Private Sector Development 15% Social Protection and Risk Management 11% Human Development 12% Social Development, Gender and Inclusion 3% Public Sector Rural Governance 11% Development 19% Rule of Law 0.4% III. DISBURSEMENTS A. Overall Trends 29. IDA disbursements amounted to USD10.3 billion in FY11 (Chart 4 and Annex Table 6), down by 10 percent from USD11.4 billion in FY10. Disbursements for investment operations increased by 1 percent, and disbursements for DPOs decreased by 40 percent. 14 Chart X: IDA Disbursements by Lending Instrument USD billion Chart 4: IDA Disbursements by Lending Instrument 14 USD billion 12 12 Total 10 10 8 8 Investment DPO 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 B. Regional Distribution 30. AFR accounted for the majority of IDA disbursements in FY11 (Chart 5), representing 48 percent of total IDA disbursements, and lower than the region’s share of 51 percent in FY10. AFR’s disbursements for investment operations decreased by 3 percent while disbursements for DPOs decreased by 42 percent (Annex Table 6). By country, Ethiopia (USD733 million), Tanzania (USD500 million), Nigeria (USD426 million), and Ghana (USD395 million) accounted for the largest share of disbursements in the region. 31. SAR accounted for the second largest share of IDA disbursements in FY11, at 29 percent (and up from 26 percent in FY10). By country, India represented the largest disbursements of USD1,189 million in the region in FY11, followed by Pakistan (USD772 million) and Bangladesh (USD436 million). 32. EAP’s share of total IDA disbursements in FY11 was 12 percent, a decline from 14 percent in FY10. By country, Vietnam continued to account for the largest share of disbursements in the region (USD961 million), 78 percent of total EAP IDA disbursements in FY11. Indonesia followed with disbursements of USD85 million. 33. ECA, LCR, and MNA accounted for 6 percent, 3 percent, and 2 percent of total IDA disbursements in FY11, respectively. 15 Chart 5: FY11 IDA Disbursements by Region MNA LCR 2% ECA 3% 6% EAP 12% AFR 48% SAR 29% C. Largest Recipients 34. Overall, the ten countries with the largest amounts of IDA disbursements in FY11 together accounted for 58 percent of total disbursements (Table 6). The five largest recipients – India, Vietnam, Pakistan, Ethiopia, and Tanzania – each received USD0.5 billion or more in FY11. 35. Table 7 shows the ten largest recipients of IDA disbursements during IDA15. These countries accounted for 60 percent of total IDA15 disbursements. India (USD3.5 billion) was the largest recipient, followed by Vietnam (USD2.9 billion), Ethiopia (USD2.4 billion), and Pakistan (USD2.3 billion). 16 Table 6: FY11 Largest Recipients of IDA Disbursements* Country (USD million) India 1,189 Vietnam 961 Pakistan 772 Ethiopia 733 Tanzania 500 Bangladesh 436 Nigeria 426 Ghana 395 Congo, Democratic Republic of 265 Nepal 238 Top 10 Countries 5,915 All Countries 10,265 *Excludes country disbursements for regional projects Table 7: Largest Recipients of IDA15 Disbursements (USD million)* Country FY09 FY10 FY11 IDA15 Total India 1,052 1,283 1,189 3,525 Vietnam 681 1,227 961 2,870 Ethiopia 915 715 733 2,363 Pakistan 848 698 772 2,318 Nigeria 348 1,091 426 1,864 Tanzania 419 808 500 1,727 Bangladesh 376 375 436 1,186 Ghana 129 391 395 915 Uganda 301 332 231 865 Democratic Republic of Congo 317 282 265 863 Top 10 Countries 5,387 7,201 5,908 18,496 All Countries 9,203 11,433 10,265 30,902 *Excludes country disbursements for regional projects 17 D. Undisbursed Balances 36. Total IDA undisbursed balances amounted to USD44 billion at the end of FY11, compared to USD37 billion at the end of FY10. The ratio of undisbursed balances to total project portfolio increased to 64 percent in FY11 from 59 percent in FY10 (Chart 6), reflecting in part a large increase in annual commitments for investment operations during IDA15 (Annex Table 2).26 E. Disbursement Ratio 37. IDA disbursements remained strong at USD10.3 billion in FY11, although lower than the level of USD11.4 billion in FY10. The IDA disbursement ratio for investment operations (calculated as the ratio of IDA investment disbursements in a fiscal year to IDA undisbursed investment amount at the start of the fiscal year) decreased to 22 percent in FY11 from 25 percent in FY10, reflecting in part a large increase in commitments for investment operations in FY11 (Chart 7). IV. FUNDING 38. In IDA15, the total expected commitment authority amounted to SDR28.5 billion, the highest replenishment funding in the history of IDA.27 Out of this total expected commitment authority, an amount of SDR27.3 billion (as of April 18, 2011) was made available for commitment during the IDA15 period. This amount included SDR16.1 billion of new donor contributions, SDR5.4 billion of internal resources, SDR3.2 billion of donor compensation for the MDRI debt forgiveness, SDR2.4 billion in transfers from IBRD and IFC, and SDR0.2 billion from carryover funds. 39. Towards the end of the IDA15 period, Executive Directors approved the use of up to SDR0.7 billion of IDA16 internal resources during IDA15, in order to bridge a temporary funding gap due to potential delays in the receipt of some donor commitments.28 This increased the total envelope available for commitment at the end of IDA15 to SDR28.0 billion. 26 IDA commitments and disbursements follow the same long-term trend, with rising annual commitment levels of IDA translating into rising disbursement levels over time. Annual disbursement levels will usually lag the annual commitment levels by a number of years because it can take up to a decade for newly approved credits and grants to disburse fully, reflecting in particular the extended implementation period for some investment projects involving complex procurement, engineering or institutional development requirements. 27 ―IDA16 Commitment Authority Framework (FY12-FY14) and Transition from IDA15 to IDA16‖, April 28, 2011. 28 This constituted a temporary cut in IDA16 commitment authority to be reversed upon donors’ fulfilling their outstanding commitments under IDA15. 18 Chart 6: Undisbursed Balances as Percentage of Project Portfolio 45 80 Total Undisbursed Balances ($billion) Undisbursed Balances as Percent of 66.3% 65.2% 65.5% 65.8% 67.5% 63.4% 62.6% 63.8% 59.1% 60 Undisbursed Balances Project Portfolio 30 $44.3 40 $35.1 $36.7 15 $32.5 $26.4 $28.8 $23.7 $25.4 $26.1 20 Percent of IDA Portfolio 0 0 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 Chart 7: IDA Investment Disbursements and Disbursement Ratio, FY03-FY11 9 0 26.7% 25.3% 25.1% 8 23.9% 24.7% 24.2% Investment Disbursements, 22.0% 0 Disbursement Ratio, % 7 21.4% 19.4% 6 0 USD billion 5 0 4 $8.2 $8.3 $7.3 $6.3 $6.5 $6.2 $6.3 3 0 $5.3 2 $3.9 0 1 0 0 FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 19 40. Of this envelope of SDR28.0 billion, IDA commitments amounted to SDR8.4 billion in FY09,29 SDR9.4 billion in FY10,30 and SDR10.1 billion in FY11,31 resulting in the full use of IDA15 resources and successful completion of the IDA15 period. 29 Excluding: (i) IDA14 grace period operations of SDR0.5 billion, and (ii) recommitments of SDR0.1 billion for Ethiopia, Nepal, and Senegal; and including: (iii) HIPC Debt Initiative grant of SDR30 million to CÈ?te d’Ivoire, and (iv) one-fourth of IDA’s guarantee of SDR0.3 billion to Nigeria. (For guarantees, only one-fourth of the approved amount is counted towards the use of commitment authority). 30 Excluding recommitments of SDR19.2 million for Kyrgyz Republic, Yemen, Senegal, and Nepal. 31 Excluding recommitments of SDR336.7 million for 19 countries (see list of countries in Annex Table 11). 20 ANNEXES 21 a/ Annex Table 1: FY11 IDA Borrowers Africa Africa (continued) Eastern Europe and Central Asia (continued) Angola Senegal Kyrgyz Republic Benin Sierra Leone Moldova Burkina Faso Somalia c/ Tajikistan Burundi Sudan c/ Uzbekistan b/ Cape Verde b/ Tanzania Cameroon Togo Latin America and the Caribbean Central African Republic Uganda Bolivia b/ Chad Zambia Dominica b/ Comoros Zimbabwe b/, c/ Grenada b/ Congo, Democratic Republic Guyana Congo, Republic East Asia and the Pacific Haiti Côte d’Ivoire Cambodia Honduras Ethiopia Kiribati Nicaragua Eritrea Laos, People's Democratic Republic St Lucia b/ Gambia Mongolia St Vincent and the Grenadines b/ Ghana e/ Myanmar c/ Guinea d/ Papua New Guinea b/ Middle East and North Africa Guinea-Bissau Samoa Djibouti Kenya Solomon Islands 4-c Yemen, Republic Lesotho Timor-Leste 6-b Liberia Tonga South Asia Madagascar Vanuatu 5-c Afghanistan Malawi Vietnam b/ Bangladesh Mali Bhutan Mauritania Eastern Europe and Central Asia India b/ Mozambique Armenia b/ Maldives Niger Azerbaijan b/ 6-c, 2-d Nepal Nigeria Bosnia-Herzegovina b/ 7-c, 3-d Pakistan b/ Rwanda Georgia b/ 8-c, 1-d Sri Lanka São Tomé and Príncipe Kosovo 9-c, 4-d a/ There are 79 countries on this list. Of these, 63 are IDA-only countries and 16 are blend countries. b/ Blend Countries. c/ Non-accrual status. d/ Guinea came out of nonaccrual status to IDA on April 21, 2011. e/ As per the Ghana Non-Concessional Borrowing Policy Paper (IDA/SecM2008-0274, May 7, 2008), IDA credits to Ghana during FY11 were on blend terms. 22 a/ Annex Table 2: IDA Commitments by Region (SDR million) IDA13 IDA14 IDA15 FY03 FY04 FY05 c/ FY06 FY07 d/ FY08 e/ FY09 f/ FY10 g/, h/ FY11 i/ Africa 2,824 2,856 2,574 3,216 3,776 3,573 4,906 4,651 4,486 Investment Operations 2,221 2,220 1,836 2,300 3,152 2,470 3,773 3,718 3,619 Development Policy Operations 603 637 739 916 623 1,103 1,132 933 868 East Asia and the Pacific 396 620 687 728 820 1,129 831 1,085 1,040 Investment Operations 324 548 611 654 618 1,021 469 870 779 Development Policy Operations 73 72 76 74 202 108 363 215 261 Eastern Europe and Central Asia 436 376 338 354 284 286 253 406 422 Investment Operations 256 288 262 288 218 248 214 233 372 Development Policy Operations 180 88 76 66 66 39 39 173 51 Latin America and the Caribbean 113 234 174 175 134 192 134 156 298 Investment Operations 49 115 63 168 102 192 115 141 228 Development Policy Operations 64 119 111 7 32 0 18 16 70 Middle East and North Africa 157 100 49 253 144 167 112 138 79 Investment Operations 157 100 49 253 144 134 112 138 34 Development Policy Operations 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 45 South Asia 1,555 2,060 1,956 1,771 2,698 1,734 2,678 3,020 4,121 Investment Operations 1,096 1,801 1,397 1,162 1,860 1,337 2,237 2,811 4,105 Development Policy Operations 459 259 559 609 838 397 441 209 17 Total 5,480 6,246 5,779 6,496 7,856 7,081 8,913 9,456 10,447 Investment Operations 4,103 5,071 4,217 4,824 6,093 5,401 6,919 7,910 9,137 Development Policy Operations 1,377 1,174 1,561 1,672 1,762 1,680 1,993 1,546 1,310 Memo Items: IDA-only countries 4,134 4,546 4,091 4,999 5,302 5,808 7,036 6,592 7,018 Blend countries 1,346 1,700 1,687 1,497 2,554 1,273 1,877 2,864 3,429 IDA Grants b/ 912 1,188 1,258 1,252 1,455 2,021 1,688 1,740 1,806 Investment Operations 858 932 833 953 1,143 1,273 1,240 1,420 1,551 Development Policy Operations 54 256 425 299 312 748 448 320 255 a/ Excludes IDA Guarantees. b/ For FY03-05, includes IDA post-conflict grants and IDA grants under IDA13 agreements. c/ Includes IDA recommitments in India for SDR271.9 m (USD410 m) and Maldives for SDR7.9 m (USD12 m). d/ Includes a postponed operation of SDR245 m using IDA13 allocation. e/ Includes IDA recommitments in Bangladesh for SDR44.2 m (USD70 m), Nicaragua for SDR10.7 m (USD17 m), and Uganda for SDR28.8 m (USD46 m). f/ Includes IDA14 grace period operations for SDR496 m (USD809 m); and IDA recommitments in Ethiopia for SDR87.5 m (USD137.5 m), Nepal for SDR19.7 m (USD30.9 m), and Senegal for SDR6.8 m (USD10.0 m). Excludes IDA commitments of SDR30.5 m (USD45.5 m) for Côte d'Ivoire HIPC Debt Initiative grant (P079620). g/ Includes IDA recommitments in Kyrgyz Rep. (SDR1.4m), Yemen (SDR9.2m), Senegal (SDR6.6m), and Nepal (SDR2.0m). h/ Vietnam was reclassified from an IDA-only borrower to blend status on Dec. 22, 2009. IDA-only countries' commitments include Vietnam projects approved before December 22, 2009 (SDR277.4 m). i/ Includes IDA recommitments of SDR336.7m for 19 countries. For list of recommitments by country, see Annex Table 11. 23 a/ Annex Table 3: IDA Commitments by Major Sector (SDR million) b/ c/ d/ e/ f/ g/ Sector FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry 526 317 673 530 617 1,227 789 861 Education 796 600 649 1,064 785 1,080 1,353 679 Energy and Mining 439 549 652 742 895 1,382 812 748 Finance 407 254 194 318 292 259 513 118 Health and Other Social Services 867 882 706 1,254 574 1,311 1,371 1,408 Industry and Trade 126 520 518 292 273 357 232 599 Information and Communication 54 87 46 98 10 97 52 266 Law and Public Administration 1,562 1,469 1,899 1,834 1,813 1,722 1,726 2,380 Transportation 854 725 712 938 1,165 883 1,500 2,282 Water, Sanitation and Flood Protection 615 377 447 786 656 596 1,107 1,107 Total 6,246 5,779 6,496 7,856 7,081 8,913 9,456 10,447 (Percent) FY04 FY05 b/ FY06 FY07 c/ FY08 d/ FY09 e/ FY10 f/ FY11 g/ Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry 8% 5% 10% 7% 9% 14% 8% 8% Education 13% 10% 10% 14% 11% 12% 14% 6% Energy and Mining 7% 10% 10% 9% 13% 16% 9% 7% Finance 7% 4% 3% 4% 4% 3% 5% 1% Health and Other Social Services 14% 15% 11% 16% 8% 15% 15% 13% Industry and Trade 2% 9% 8% 4% 4% 4% 2% 6% Information and Communication 1% 2% 1% 1% 0% 1% 1% 3% Law and Public Administration 25% 25% 29% 23% 26% 19% 18% 23% Transportation 14% 13% 11% 12% 16% 10% 16% 22% Water, Sanitation and Flood Protection 10% 7% 7% 10% 9% 7% 12% 11% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% a/ Excludes IDA Guarantees. b/ Includes IDA recommitments in India for SDR271.9 m (USD410 m) and M aldives for SDR7.9 m (USD12 m). c/ Includes a postponed operation of SDR245 m using IDA13 allocation. d/ Includes IDA recommitments in Bangladesh for SDR44.2 m (USD70 m), Nicaragua for SDR10.7 m (USD17 m), and Uganda for SDR28.8 m (USD46 m). e/ Includes IDA14 grace period operations for SDR496 m (USD809 m); and IDA recommitments in Ethiopia for SDR87.5 m (USD137.5 m), Nepal for SDR19.7 m (USD30.9 m), and Senegal for SDR6.8 m (USD10.0 m). Excludes IDA commitments of SDR30.5 m (USD45.5 m) for Côte d'Ivoire HIPC Debt Initiative grant (P079620). f/ Includes IDA recommitments in Kyrgyz Rep. (SDR1.4m), Yemen (SDR9.2m), Senegal (SDR6.6m), and Nepal (SDR2.0m). g/ Includes IDA recommitments of SDR336.7m for 19 countries. For list of recommitments by country, see Annex Table 11. 24 a/ Annex Table 4: IDA Commitments by Major Theme (SDR million) b/ c/ d/ e/ f/ g/ The me FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 Economic Management 156 58 104 64 71 147 284 224 96 Environment and Natural Resources Management 363 354 283 248 348 483 396 442 688 Financial and Private Sector Development 644 1,163 896 1,176 1,037 1,045 1,389 1,394 1,552 Human Development 1,141 1,037 1,100 961 1,718 1,008 1,796 1,854 1,261 Public Sector Governance 678 1,178 939 1,269 1,214 1,426 1,127 726 1,189 Rule of Law 65 77 59 171 71 42 9 14 40 Rural Development 696 617 1,018 917 1,149 1,043 2,087 1,692 1,939 Social Development, Gender and Inclusion 529 806 418 497 615 544 389 287 275 Social Protection and Risk Management 694 304 471 576 598 294 502 1,106 1,132 Trade and Integration 107 321 216 370 378 372 263 590 994 Urban Development 408 330 274 249 657 677 670 1,128 1,281 Total 5,480 6,246 5,779 6,496 7,856 7,081 8,913 9,456 10,447 (Pe rce nt) FY03 FY04 FY05 b/ FY06 FY07 c/ FY08 d/ FY09 e/ FY10 f/ FY11 g/ Economic Management 3% 1% 2% 1% 1% 2% 3% 2% 1% Environment and Natural Resources Management 7% 6% 5% 4% 4% 7% 4% 5% 7% Financial and Private Sector Development 12% 19% 16% 18% 13% 15% 16% 15% 15% Human Development 21% 17% 19% 15% 22% 14% 20% 20% 12% Public Sector Governance 12% 19% 16% 20% 15% 20% 13% 8% 11% Rule of Law 1% 1% 1% 3% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% Rural Development 13% 10% 18% 14% 15% 15% 23% 18% 19% Social Development, Gender and Inclusion 10% 13% 7% 8% 8% 8% 4% 3% 3% Social Protection and Risk Management 13% 5% 8% 9% 8% 4% 6% 12% 11% Trade and Integration 2% 5% 4% 6% 5% 5% 3% 6% 10% Urban Development 7% 5% 5% 4% 8% 10% 8% 12% 12% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% a/ Excludes IDA Guarantees. b/ Includes IDA recommitments in India for SDR271.9 m (USD410 m) and Maldives for SDR7.9 m (USD12 m). c/ Includes a postponed operation of SDR245 m using IDA13 allocation. d/ Includes IDA recommitments in Bangladesh for SDR44.2 m (USD70 m), Nicaragua for SDR10.7 m (USD17 m), and Uganda for SDR28.8 m (USD46 m). e/ Includes IDA14 grace period operations for SDR496 m (USD809 m); and IDA recommitments in Ethiopia for SDR87.5 m (USD137.5 m), Nepal for SDR19.7 m (USD30.9 m), and Senegal for SDR6.8 m (USD10.0 m). Excludes IDA commitments of SDR30.5 m (USD45.5 m) for Côte d'Ivoire HIPC Debt Initiative grant (P079620). f/ Includes IDA recommitments in Kyrgyz Rep. (SDR1.4m), Yemen (SDR9.2m), Senegal (SDR6.6m), and Nepal (SDR2.0m). g/ Includes IDA recommitments of SDR336.7m for 19 countries. For list of recommitments by country, see Annex Table 11. 25 a/ Annex Table 5: IDA Commitments for Investment Operations by Sector (SDR million) Sector FY03 FY04 FY05 b/ FY06 FY07 e/ FY08 f / FY09 g/ FY10 h / FY11 i/ Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry 433 448 238 537 434 486 1,047 638 776 Education 648 577 389 369 733 728 930 1,227 616 Energy and Mining 321 422 475 572 589 655 1,138 684 604 Finance 102 345 118 114 251 194 145 281 78 Health and Other Social Services 809 715 698 540 1,054 522 1,085 1,140 1,323 Industry and Trade 90 43 403 383 179 101 240 139 427 Information and Communication 35 39 49 16 95 1 95 46 264 Law and Public Administration 531 1,054 783 1,166 1,116 949 852 1,196 1,704 Transportation 748 848 720 704 880 1,133 831 1,482 2,250 Water, Sanitation and Flood 385 583 344 425 762 631 557 1,078 1,095 Protection Total Investment Operations 4,103 5,071 4,217 4,824 6,093 5,401 6,919 7,910 9,137 of which Social Sectors c/ 1,457 1,292 1,088 908 1,787 1,250 2,015 2,367 1,939 d/ Infrastructure 1,490 1,890 1,588 1,717 2,326 2,420 2,621 3,290 4,213 (Percent) FY03 FY04 FY05 b/ FY06 FY07 e/ FY08 f/ FY09 g/ FY10 h / FY11 i/ Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry 11% 9% 6% 11% 7% 9% 15% 8% 8% Education 16% 11% 9% 8% 12% 13% 13% 16% 7% Energy and Mining 8% 8% 11% 12% 10% 12% 16% 9% 7% Finance 2% 7% 3% 2% 4% 4% 2% 4% 1% Health and Other Social Services 20% 14% 17% 11% 17% 10% 16% 14% 14% Industry and Trade 2% 1% 10% 8% 3% 2% 3% 2% 5% Information and Communication 1% 1% 1% 0% 2% 0% 1% 1% 3% Law and Public Administration 13% 21% 19% 24% 18% 18% 12% 15% 19% Transportation 18% 17% 17% 15% 14% 21% 12% 19% 25% Water, Sanitation and Flood Protection 9% 11% 8% 9% 13% 12% 8% 14% 12% Total Investment Operations 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% of which Social Sectors c/ 36% 25% 26% 19% 29% 23% 29% 30% 21% d/ Infrastructure 36% 37% 38% 36% 38% 45% 38% 42% 46% Memo Item: (SDR million) Development Policy Operations 1,377 1,174 1,561 1,672 1,762 1,680 1,993 1,546 1,310 Total Commitments 5,480 6,246 5,779 6,496 7,856 7,081 8,913 9,456 10,447 a/ Excludes IDA Guarantees. b/ Includes IDA recommitments in India for SDR271.9 m (USD410 m) and Maldives for SDR7.9 m (USD12 m). c/ Includes two sectors: Health and Other Social Services; and Education. d/ Includes four sectors: T ransportation; Energy and Mining; Water, Sanitation and Flood Protection; Information and Communication. e/ Includes a postponed operation of SDR245 m using IDA13 allocation. f/ Includes IDA recommitments in Bangladesh for SDR44.2 m (USD70 m), Nicaragua for SDR10.7 m (USD17 m), and Uganda for SDR28.8 m (USD46 m). g/ Includes IDA14 grace period operations for SDR496 m (USD809 m); and IDA recommitments in Ethiopia for SDR87.5 m (USD137.5 m), Nepal for SDR19.7 m (USD30.9 m), and Senegal for SDR6.8 m (USD10.0 m). Excludes IDA commitments of SDR30.5 m (USD45.5 m) for Côte d'Ivoire HIPC Debt Initiative grant (P079620). h/ Includes IDA recommitments in Kyrgyz Rep. (SDR1.4 m), Yemen (SDR9.2 m), Senegal (SDR6.6 m), and Nepal (SDR2.0 m). i/ Includes IDA recommitments of SDR336.7 m for 19 countries. For list of recommitments by country, see Annex Table 11. 26 a/ Annex Table 6: IDA Disbursements by Region (USD million) b/ c/ d/ e/ f/ FY03 FY04 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 Africa 3,242 3,292 3,995 4,003 3,852 4,848 4,302 5,866 4,909 Investment Operations 1,685 2,352 2,707 2,752 2,889 3,093 3,351 3,851 3,730 Development Policy Operations 1,556 940 1,287 1,252 963 1,755 951 2,015 1,178 East Asia and the Pacific 774 857 685 755 853 1,111 1,254 1,613 1,238 Investment Operations 607 709 563 650 671 852 1,107 993 866 Development Policy Operations 167 148 122 105 182 259 147 620 372 Eastern Europe and Central Asia 590 446 617 457 480 527 492 538 585 Investment Operations 258 298 398 344 395 422 402 384 405 Development Policy Operations 332 148 220 113 84 105 90 154 180 Latin America and the Caribbean 322 323 440 261 158 159 180 215 322 Investment Operations 204 260 230 190 123 136 152 188 203 Development Policy Operations 119 63 211 71 35 23 28 26 118 Middle East and North Africa 153 183 178 216 194 137 183 188 185 Investment Operations 153 178 178 216 194 137 156 188 116 Development Policy Operations 0 6 0 0 0 0 27 0 69 South Asia 1,954 1,835 3,035 3,218 3,043 2,379 2,792 3,014 3,027 Investment Operations 1,317 1,455 2,208 2,334 1,908 1,708 2,163 2,601 3001 Development Policy Operations 636 380 826 884 1,135 671 630 413 26 Total 7,035 6,936 8,950 8,910 8,579 9,160 9,203 11,433 10,265 Investment Operations 4,224 5,251 6,284 6,485 6,180 6,347 7,331 8,206 8,321 Development Policy Operations 2,811 1,685 2,666 2,425 2,400 2,813 1,872 3,228 1,944 Memo Items IDA Grants 137 751 1,200 1,228 1,284 2,616 2,193 2,097 2,244 Investment Operations 83 367 584 819 1,027 1,367 1,789 1,553 1,743 Development Policy Operations 54 384 616 409 257 1,250 404 544 501 a/ Excludes IDA Guarantees. b/ Includes disbursements for IDA HIPC Debt Service Grants for Cameroon (USD16 m). c/ Excludes disbursements of USD124 m from Bosnia Trust Fund. d/ Excludes disbursements of USD16 m for Côte d'Ivoire HIPC Debt Initiative grant (P079620). Excludes disbursements region include disbursements HIPC 27 m for Côte d'Ivoire HIPC Debt e/ The DPOs for the Africaof USD27 m for Côte d'Ivoire of US$Debt Initiative grant (P079620). Initiative grant (P079620). Excludes disbursements region include Côte d'Ivoire of US$ 27 Initiative grant (P079620). f/ The DPOs for the Africaof USD3 m fordisbursementsHIPC Debt m for Côte d'Ivoire HIPC Debt Initiative grant (P079620). 27 Annex Table 7 Page 1 of 3 ` Annex Table 7: FY11 IDA Commitments and Disbursements by Country a/ Commitments Disbursements b/ Per Per Per Total Total Total Capita Capita Capita (USDm) (SDRm) (USDm) (USD) (SDR) (USD) Africa Africa Regional Projects c/ 976 NA 615 NA 375 NA Angola 120 6.5 74 4.0 4 0.2 Benin 120 13.4 77 8.6 83 9.3 Burkina Faso 220 14.0 138 8.8 159 10.1 Burundi 67 8.1 44 5.3 109 13.1 Cameroon 59 3.0 38 1.9 34 1.7 Cape Verde 20 39.6 13 25.3 10 20.2 Central African Republic 57 12.8 37 8.3 11 2.4 Chad 52 4.7 34 3.0 15 1.4 Comoros 2 2.7 1 1.8 6 9.5 Congo, Democratic Republic of 260 3.9 166 2.5 265 4.0 Congo, Republic of 10 2.7 6 1.7 24 6.5 Côte d'Ivoire 0 0.0 0 0.0 77 3.7 Eritrea 0 0.0 0 0.0 7 1.4 Ethiopia 630 7.6 412 5.0 733 8.8 Gambia, The 12 7.0 8 4.7 9 5.2 Ghana 605 25.4 390 16.4 395 16.6 Guinea 78 7.7 50 4.9 89 8.8 Guinea-Bissau 23 14.4 15 9.6 11 6.6 Kenya 490 12.3 315 7.9 189 4.7 Lesotho 33 16.0 21 10.4 38 18.5 Liberia 100 25.2 64 16.2 51 12.9 Madagascar 42 2.1 26 1.3 87 4.5 Malawi 271 17.7 171 11.2 67 4.4 Mali 163 12.5 103 7.9 138 10.6 Mauritania 23 7.0 15 4.5 25 7.6 Mozambique 413 18.0 267 11.7 172 7.5 Niger 232 15.2 147 9.6 42 2.7 Nigeria 535 3.5 343 2.2 426 2.8 Rwanda 151 15.1 98 9.8 162 16.2 São Tomé and Príncipe 4 25.8 3 16.6 0 2.2 28 Annex Table 7 Page 2 of 3 a/ Annex Table 7: FY11 IDA Commitments and Disbursements by Country (continued) Commitments Disbursements Per Per Per Total Total Total Capita Capita Capita (USDm) (SDRm) (USDm) (USD) (SDR) (USD) Senegal 158 12.6 100 8.0 155 12.4 Sierra Leone 38 6.7 24 4.3 61 10.7 Tanzania 420 9.9 275 6.5 500 11.8 Togo 65 9.8 42 6.3 59 9.0 Uganda 345 10.5 218 6.7 231 7.1 Zambia 210 16.2 137 10.6 90 7.0 Total 7,004 4,486 4,909 East Asia and the Pacific Cambodia 68 4.6 45 3.1 46 3.1 Indonesia 0 0.0 0 0.0 85 0.4 Kiribati 20 204.0 13 132.6 0 0.0 Lao People's Democratic Republic 45 7.1 29 4.5 56 8.9 Mongolia 66 24.0 43 15.5 60 21.8 Papua New Guinea 101 15.0 65 9.6 11 1.7 Samoa 10 55.9 7 37.1 3 17.1 Solomon Islands 3 5.8 2 3.9 4 7.1 Timor-Leste 25 22.1 16 14.0 4 3.2 Tonga 10 96.2 7 64.6 8 75.1 Vanuatu 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 Vietnam 1280 14.7 814 9.3 961 11.0 Total 1,627 1,040 1,238 South Asia d/ South Asia Regional Projects 140 NA 90 NA 0 NA Afghanistan 262 8.8 166 5.6 138 4.6 Bangladesh 2139 13.2 1378 8.5 436 2.7 Bhutan 25 35.5 17 23.7 36 52.0 India 2072 1.8 1331 1.2 1189 1.0 Maldives 12 38.8 8 24.6 9 29.5 Nepal 253 8.6 162 5.5 238 8.1 Pakistan 1292 7.6 839 4.9 772 4.6 Sri Lanka 205 10.1 132 6.5 209 10.3 Total 6,400 4,121 3,027 29 Annex Table 7 Page 3 of 3 a/ Annex Table 7: FY11 IDA Commitments and Disbursements by Country (continued) Commitme nts Disburse me nts Pe r Pe r Pe r Total Total Total Capita Capita Capita (USDm) (SDRm) (USDm) (USD) (SDR) (USD) Eastern Europe and Central Asia ECA Regional Projects e/ 21 NA 13 NA 5 NA Albania 0 0.0 0 0.0 30 9.4 Armenia 37 12.0 24 7.7 53 17.1 Azerbaijan 86 9.8 55 6.2 49 5.6 Bosnia-Herzegovina 10 2.7 7 1.7 110 29.3 Georgia 52 11.7 34 7.8 64 14.6 Kosovo 33 18.4 21 11.9 6 3.5 Kyrgyz Republic 136 25.6 89 16.6 70 13.1 Moldova 67 18.8 42 11.9 75 20.9 Montenegro 0 0.0 0 0.0 3 5.0 Serbia 0 0.0 0 0.0 18 2.5 Tajikistan 32 4.6 21 3.0 69 10.0 Uzbekistan 181 6.5 117 4.2 32 1.2 Total 655 422 585 Middle East and North Africa Djibouti 6 6.7 4 4.4 3 3.6 Egypt, Arab Republic of 0 0.0 0 0.0 3 0.0 Iraq 0 0.0 0 0.0 34 1.1 Yemen, Republic of 117 5.0 76 3.2 144 6.1 Total 123 79 185 Latin America and the Caribbean f/ Latin American Regional Projects 27 NA 17 NA 4 NA Bolivia 160 16.2 102 10.3 49 4.9 Dominica 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1.2 Grenada 0 0.0 0 0.0 5 48.9 Guyana 14 18.6 9 11.8 0 0.5 Haiti 78 7.8 52 5.2 93 9.2 Honduras 111 14.9 72 9.7 119 15.9 Nicaragua 51 8.8 33 5.8 42 7.3 St. Lucia 15 87.2 10 56.4 10 58.0 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 5 45.8 3 30.2 0 3.8 Total 460 298 322 Ove rall Total 16,269 10,447 10,265 a/ List of count ries includes count ries t hat graduat ed from IDA, but where IDA project s are st ill disbursing. b/ Excludes disbursement s of USD3 m for Côt e d'Ivoire HIPC Debt Init iat ive grant . c/ Commit ment s for Africa regional project s were provided t o t he following 21 count ries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cent ral African Republic, Chad, Congo, Democrat ic Republic, Congo, Republic of, Côt e d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, São T omé and Príncipe, Sierra Leone, and T ogo. d/ Commit ment s for Sout h Asia regional project s were provided t o t he following 3 count ries: Bangladesh, Bhut an, and Nepal. e/ Commit ment s for Europe and Cent ral Asia regional project s were provided t o t he following 2 count ries: Kyrgyz Republic and T ajikist an. f/ Commit ment s for Lat in America regional project s were provided t o t he following 3 count ries: Grenada, St . Lucia, and St . Vincent and t he Grenadines. 30 Annex Table 8 Page 1 of 13 Annex Table 8: List of FY11 IDA Operations by Region and Country (SDR million) of IDA Total Country Project Name which Amount Grant Africa Africa Regional West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program (WAAPP) 59.4 29.7 Projects Second Phase of the Central Africa Backbone Program 9.8 9.8 First Phase of the West Africa Regional Communications 36.1 0.0 Infrastructure Program East African Community Financial Sector Development and 10.5 10.5 Regionalization Project I ACBF Regional Capacity Building Project 16.3 16.3 West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program (WAAPP) 54.6 31.2 West Africa Regional Fisheries Program 3.9 3.9 Third Phase of the Central African Backbone Program - Republic of 9.4 0.0 Congo Project Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project II (Phase II) 18.6 9.3 Regional Trade Facilitation Project - Phase II 17.5 4.8 First Phase of the West Africa Regional Communications 56.8 56.8 Infrastructure Program Additional Financing for East Africa Trade and Transport Facilitation 18.6 0.0 Project** Second Addditional Financing for CEMAC - Transport and Transit 70.7 0.0 Facilitation Project Additional Financing for the Regional and Domestic Power Markets 174.6 174.6 Development Project West Africa Regional Fisheries Program (Phase - I) - CSRP Project 1.3 1.3 First Phase of the Inter-Zonal Transmission Hub Project of the West 25.9 9.9 Africa Power Pool (APL3) Program Central African Backbone Program Adaptable Program Financing 31.0 14.0 Project - 1.B Subtotal 615.0 372.1 Angola Water Sector Institutional Development Project 74.1 0.0 Subtotal 74.1 0.0 Benin Additional Financing for National Community-Driven Development 8.0 8.0 Support Project** Agricultural Productivity and Diversification Project 20.0 16.1 Support to Protected Areas Management Project 3.3 3.3 Benin Emergency Urban Environment Project 31.6 0.0 Supplemental Financing for the Sixth Poverty Reduction Support 14.0 14.0 Credit ** Subtotal 76.9 41.4 31 Annex Table 8 Page 2 of 13 Annex Table 8: List of FY11 IDA Operations by Region and Country (continued) (SDR million) of IDA Total Country Project Name which Amount Grant Africa Burkina Faso Additional Financing for a Transport Sector Project ** 10.7 10.7 Additional Financing For a Competitiveness and Enterprise 12.8 12.8 Development Project Bagre Growth Pole Project 71.0 71.0 Mineral Development Support Project 20.9 20.9 Second Additional Financing for Health Sector Support and Multi- 22.8 22.8 Sectoral AIDS Project Subtotal 138.2 138.2 Burundi Emergency Energy Project 10.2 10.2 Fourth Economic Reform Support Grant 16.1 16.1 Additional Financing for the Financial and Private Sector 5.2 5.2 Development Project Additional Financing for a Road Sector Development Project** 12.2 12.2 Subtotal 43.7 43.7 Cameroon Urban and Water Development Support Project - Additional 18.9 0.0 Financing Cameroon Sanitation Project - Phase 1 18.6 0.0 Subtotal 37.5 0.0 Cape Verde Sixth Poverty Reduction Support Credit 6.4 0.0 Additional Financing for the Road Sector Support Project 6.4 0.0 Subtotal 12.8 0.0 Chad Local Development Program Support Project - Phase 2 16.3 7.3 Additional Financing for Urban Development Project 17.4 7.8 Subtotal 33.7 15.1 Comoros Economic Governance Technical Assistance Project 1.2 1.2 Subtotal 1.2 1.2 Congo, Growth with Governance in the Mineral Sector Technical Assistance 33.1 33.1 Democratic Project Republic of Additional Financing For Health Sector Rehabilitation Support Project 50.9 50.9 Establishing Capacity for Core Public Management Project 19.2 19.2 Second Additional Financing for Health Sector Rehabilitation Support 18.6 18.6 Project Additional Financing for High Priority Roads Reopening and 40.0 40.0 Maintenance Project Second Additional Financing for Emergency Social Action Project 4.2 4.2 Subtotal 166.0 166.0 32 Annex Table 8 Page 3 of 13 Annex Table 8: List of FY11 IDA Operations by Region and Country (continued) (SDR million) of IDA Total Country Project Name which Amount Grant Africa Congo, Support to Economic Diversification Project 6.4 0.0 Republic of Subtotal 6.4 0.0 Central African Third Economic Management and Governance Reform Grant 5.8 5.8 Republic Additional Financing for the Emergency Urban Infrastructure 15.8 10.8 Rehabiliation and Maintenance Project Agro-Pastoral Recovery Project 15.1 6.8 Subtotal 36.7 23.4 Ethiopia Agricultural Growth Program 99.3 27.5 Additional Financing to Protection of Basic Services Program - Phase 275.4 161.7 II Project** Additional Financing for Irrigation and Drainage Project** 37.1 0.0 Subtotal 411.8 189.2 Gambia Growth and Competitiveness Project 8.0 8.0 Subtotal 8.0 8.0 Ghana Oil and Gas Capacity Building Project 24.2 0.0 Seventh Poverty Reduction Support Credit 141.0 0.0 Local Government Capacity Support Project 112.1 0.0 Ghana Skills and Technology Development Project 44.9 0.0 Second Land Administration Project 32.1 0.0 Third Agriculture Development Policy Operation 36.0 0.0 Subtotal 390.3 0.0 Guinea Reengagement and Reform Support Grant 49.6 49.6 Subtotal 49.6 49.6 Guinea-Bissau Emergency Electricity and Water Rehabilitation Project 8.7 8.7 Biodiversity Conservation Project 1.3 1.3 Emergency Electricity and Water Rehabilitation Project 1.4 1.4 Third Economic Governance Reform Grant Development Policy 4.0 4.0 Financing Subtotal 15.4 15.4 33 Annex Table 8 Page 4 of 13 Annex Table 8: List of FY11 IDA Operations by Region and Country (continued) (SDR million) of IDA Total Country Project Name which Amount Grant Africa Kenya Kenya Coastal Development Project 23.8 0.0 Total War Against HIV and AIDS Project 35.0 0.0 Informal Settlement Improvement Project 65.0 0.0 Kenya Transport Sector Support Project 190.8 0.0 Subtotal 314.6 0.0 Lesotho Additional Financing for the Integrated Transport Project 10.2 4.4 Third Poverty Reduction Support Grant and Credit (PRSGG-3) 11.2 10.2 Subtotal 21.4 14.6 Liberia Reengagement and Reform Support Program III 7.5 7.5 Liberia Electricity System Enhancement Project 6.5 0.0 Additional Financing for Economic Governance and Institutional 4.5 0.0 Reform Project Additional Financing for Emergency Monrovia Urban Sanitation 2.6 0.0 Project** Liberia Road Asset Management Project 43.1 0.0 Subtotal 64.2 7.5 Madagascar Additional Financing for Third Environmental Program Support 26.0 0.0 Project Subtotal 26.0 0.0 Malawi Additional Financing for Irrigation, Rural Livelihoods and Agricultural 8.6 0.0 Development Project** Financial Sector Technical Assistance Project 18.1 0.0 Mining Governance and Growth Support Project 16.1 0.0 Additional Financing for the Second National Water Development 75.8 15.8 Project Energy Sector Support Project 52.4 40.4 Subtotal 171.0 56.2 Mali Additional Financing for Rural Community Development Project 7.5 0.0 Governance and Budget Decentralization Technical Assistance 7.7 0.0 Project Fifth Poverty Reduction Support Credit Development Policy 44.5 0.0 Financing Urban Local Government Support Project 43.2 0.0 Subtotal 102.9 0.0 34 Annex Table 8 Page 5 of 13 Annex Table 8: List of FY11 IDA Operations by Region and Country (continued) (SDR million) of IDA Total Country Project Name which Amount Grant Africa Mauritania Skills Development Support Project 10.2 0.0 Second Additional Financing for the Second Mining Sector Capacity 4.5 0.0 Building Project Subtotal 14.7 0.0 Mozambique Health Commodity Security Project 25.7 0.0 Maputo Municipal Development Program II 33.0 0.0 Spatial Development Planning Technical Assistance Project 13.6 0.0 Water Services and Institutional Support Project 24.4 0.0 Seventh Poverty Reduction Support Credit 54.1 0.0 PROIRRI Sustainable Irrigation Development Project 44.9 0.0 Additional Financing for the Roads and Bridges Management and 26.3 0.0 Maintenance Project II ** Education Sector Support Project 45.2 0.0 Subtotal 267.2 0.0 Niger Second HIV/AIDS Support Project 12.8 0.0 Urban Water and Sanitation Project 57.7 0.0 Niger Safety Net Project 44.5 0.0 Second Growth Policy Reform Credit 32.1 0.0 Subtotal 147.1 0.0 Nigeria Growth and Employment in States Project 102.5 0.0 Public Private Partnership Program - First Phase Project 73.7 0.0 First Lagos State Development Policy Operation 128.1 0.0 Partnership for Polio Eradication Project - Additional Financing 39.0 0.0 Subtotal 343.3 0.0 Rwanda Seventh Poverty Reduction Support Development Policy Financing 67.8 45.5 Third Community Living Standards Credit 3.9 0.0 Skills Development Project 19.3 0.0 Transport Sector Development Project 6.8 0.0 Subtotal 97.8 45.5 São Tomé and Public Resources Management and Governance Reform 2.7 2.7 Príncipe Development Policy Grant Subtotal 2.7 2.7 35 Annex Table 8 Page 6 of 13 Annex Table 8: List of FY11 IDA Operations by Region and Country (continued) (SDR million) of IDA Total Country Project Name which Amount Grant Africa Senegal Public Financial Management Technical Assistance Project 9.6 0.0 Fifth Poverty Reduction Support Development Policy Financing 26.5 0.0 Tertiary Education Governance and Financing for Results Project 63.9 0.0 Subtotal 100.0 0.0 Sierra Leone Fourth Governance Reform and Growth Development Policy 6.4 0.0 Financing Financial Sector Development Plan Support Project 2.6 2.6 Additional Financing for Extractive Industries Technical Assistance 2.6 2.6 Project (a/k/a Mining Technical Assistance Project) Additional Financing for Rural and Private Sector Development 12.7 12.7 Project Subtotal 24.3 17.9 Tanzania Backbone Transmission Investment Project 101.5 0.0 Eighth Poverty Reduction Support Development Policy Financing 75.8 0.0 Zanzibar Urban Services Project 25.0 0.0 Development of the National Statistical System Project 19.3 0.0 Additional Financing for Energy Development and Access Expansion 17.2 0.0 Project** Additional Financing for Transport Sector Support Project 36.4 0.0 Subtotal 275.2 0.0 Togo Private Sector Development Support Project 8.4 8.4 Fourth Economic Recovery and Governance Grant 18.0 18.0 Agriculture Sector Support Project 5.8 5.8 Additional Financing for Emergency Infrastructure Rehabilitation and 9.5 9.5 Energy Project Subtotal 41.7 41.7 Uganda Eighth Poverty Reduction Support Development Policy Financing 65.9 0.0 Transport Sector Development Project 47.4 0.0 Electricity Sector Development Project 74.1 0.0 Financial Sector Development Policy Credit 30.9 0.0 Subtotal 218.3 0.0 36 Annex Table 8 Page 7 of 13 Annex Table 8: List of FY11 IDA Operations by Region and Country (continued) (SDR million) of IDA Total Country Project Name which Amount Grant Africa Zambia Additional Financing for the Increased Access to Electricity Services 13.6 0.0 Project Second Additional Financing for Road Rehabilitation and Maintenance 9.9 0.0 Project** Additional Financing for the Malaria Booster Project 19.1 0.0 Second Poverty Reduction Support Development Policy Financing 19.3 0.0 Irrigation Development and Support Project 74.7 0.0 Subtotal 136.6 0.0 Total 4,486 1,249 East Asia and the Pacific Cambodia Higher Education Quality and Capacity Improvement Project 15.7 7.9 Ketsana Emergency Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Project 26.4 13.2 Agribusiness Access to Finance Project 3.2 1.6 Subtotal 45.3 22.7 Kiribati Kiribati Road Rehabilitation Project 13.0 13.0 Subtotal 13.0 13.0 Lao People's Seventh Poverty Reduction Support Operation 6.4 6.4 Democratic Poverty Reduction Fund Project II 15.8 15.8 Republic Additional Financing for Health Services Improvement Project 6.4 6.4 Subtotal 28.6 28.6 Mongolia Second Development Policy Financing 19.7 0.0 Mining Infrastructure Investment Support Project 16.0 0.0 Additional Financing for the Sustainable Livelihoods Project II 6.8 0.0 Subtotal 42.5 0.0 Papua New Rural Communications Project 10.0 0.0 Guinea Flexible and Open Distance Education Project 3.2 0.0 Urban Youth Employment Project 10.1 0.0 Small and Medium Enterprise Access to Finance Project 13.9 0.0 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Project II 27.4 0.0 Subtotal 64.6 0.0 37 Annex Table 8 Page 8 of 13 Annex Table 8: List of FY11 IDA Operations by Region and Country (continued) (SDR million) of IDA Total Country Project Name which Amount Grant East Asia and the Pacific Samoa Samoa Post Tsunami Reconstruction Project 6.6 0.0 Subtotal 6.6 0.0 Solomon Second Amendment to the Financing Agreement for the Solomon 2.0 2.0 Islands Islands Rural Development Project** Subtotal 2.0 2.0 Timor-Leste Second Chance Education Project 3.2 3.2 Road Climate Resilience Project 12.7 12.7 Subtotal 15.9 15.9 Tonga Tonga Post Tsunami Reconstruction Project 3.3 3.3 Energy Sector Development Policy Financing 3.4 3.4 Subtotal 6.7 6.7 Vietnam Higher Education Development Policy Program - Second Operation 32.2 0.0 Public Financial Management Reform Project 9.2 0.0 Additional Financing for Coastal Cities Environmental Sanitation 42.5 0.0 Project** Hospital Waste Management Support Project 96.1 0.0 Haiphong Urban Transport Development Project 112.1 0.0 Third Program 135 Phase II Support Development Policy Financing 31.8 0.0 Urban Water Supply and Wastewater Project 126.1 0.0 Da Nang-Quang Ngai Expressway Development Project* 90.2 0.0 Second Public Investment Reform Development Policy Operation* 167.0 0.0 Mekong Delta Water Resources Management for Rural 100.9 0.0 Development Project Additional Financing for Vietnam Avian and Human Influenza Control 6.2 0.0 and Preparedness Project Subtotal 814.4 0.0 Total 1,040 89 South Asia South Asia Strengthening Regional Cooperation for Wildlife Protection in Asia 24.9 2.0 Project Strengthening Regional Cooperation for Wildlife Protection in Asia 1.4 0.0 Project Nepal-India Electricity Transmission and Trade Project 63.5 9.7 Subtotal 89.8 11.7 38 Annex Table 8 Page 9 of 13 Annex Table 8: List of FY11 IDA Operations by Region and Country (continued) (SDR million) of IDA Total Country Project Name which Amount Grant South Asia Afghanistan Additional Financing for National Emergency Rural Access Project** 25.5 25.5 ICT Sector Development Project 31.8 31.8 Irrigation Restoration and Development Project 61.7 61.7 Afghanistan New Market Development Project 14.0 14.0 Second Sustainable Development of Natural Resources Project 32.8 32.8 Subtotal 165.8 165.8 Bangladesh Additional Financing for the Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and 49.4 0.0 Restoration Project Employment Generation Program for the Poorest Project 96.4 0.0 Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project 779.3 0.0 Private Sector Development Support Project 78.0 0.0 Emergency Repatriation and Livelihood Restoration of Migrant 25.3 0.0 Workers Project Identification System for Enhancing Access to Services Project 123.0 0.0 Health Sector Development Program 226.4 0.0 Subtotal 1,377.8 0.0 Bhutan First Development Policy Credit 16.5 0.0 Subtotal 16.5 0.0 India Bihar Kosi Flood Recovery Project 148.8 0.0 Maharashtra Agricultural Competitiveness Project 65.9 0.0 Second Additional Financing for Mizoram State Roads Project** 8.6 0.0 Additional Financing for Tamil Nadu Empowerment and Poverty 99.0 0.0 Reduction "Vazhndhu Kaattuvom" Project PMGSY Rural Roads Project* 636.3 0.0 Rajasthan Rural Livelihoods Project 106.7 0.0 Additional Financing for Uttarakhand Decentralized Watershed 5.1 0.0 Development Project** Kerala Local Government and Service Delivery Project 128.1 0.0 Biodiversity Conservation and Rural Livelihoods Improvement Project 9.8 0.0 National Ganga River Basin Project* 123.0 0.0 Subtotal 1,331.3 0.0 Maldives Additional Financing for the Pension and Social Protection 7.6 7.6 Administration Project and Amendment to the Original Financing** Subtotal 7.6 7.6 39 Annex Table 8 Page 10 of 13 Annex Table 8: List of FY11 IDA Operations by Region and Country (continued) (SDR million) of IDA Total Country Project Name which Amount Grant South Asia Nepal Additional Financing for Road Sector Development Project 48.3 4.2 Enhanced Vocational Education and Training Project 31.9 12.9 Additional Financing for the Poverty Alleviation Fund II Project 41.4 41.4 Urban Governance and Development Program: Emerging Towns 16.0 7.2 Project Kabeli Transmission Project 24.0 6.7 Subtotal 161.6 72.4 Pakistan Third Additional Financing for Highways Rehabilitation Project** 85.7 0.0 Additional Financing for the Earthquake Emergency Recovery 198.6 0.0 Project Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and\ FATA Emergency Recovery Project 163.9 0.0 Additional Financing for the Second Improvement to Financial 15.6 0.0 Reporting and Auditing Project** Additional Financing for Punjab Education Sector Project 32.1 0.0 Additional Financing for Sindh Education Sector Project 32.1 0.0 Tertiary Education Support Project 192.2 0.0 Flood Emergency Cash Transfer Project 79.5 0.0 Additional Financing for Third Partnership for Polio Eradication 26.1 0.0 Project Sindh Skills Development Project 13.4 0.0 Subtotal 839.2 0.0 Sri Lanka Small and Medium Enterprise Development Facility Project 37.8 0.0 Second Additional Financing for Road Sector Assistance Project 63.6 0.0 Second and Third Additional Financing for Community Livelihoods in 30.3 0.0 Conflict Affected Areas Project Subtotal 131.7 0.0 Total 4,121 258 Eastern Europe and Central Asia Central Asia Central Asia Hydrometeorology Modernization Project 13.4 10.1 Subtotal 13.4 10.1 Armenia Second Development Policy Operation* 13.4 0.0 Community Agriculture Resource Management and Competitiveness 10.3 0.0 Project Subtotal 23.7 0.0 40 Annex Table 8 Page 11 of 13 Annex Table 8: List of FY11 IDA Operations by Region and Country (continued) (SDR million) of IDA Total Country Proje ct Name which Amount Grant Eastern Europe and Central Asia Azerbaijan Water Users Association Development Support Project* 48.9 0.0 Additional Financing for the Judicial Modernization Project *** 5.8 0.0 Subtotal 54.7 0.0 Bosnia- Additional Financing for Health Sector Enhancement Project 6.5 0.0 Herzegovina Subtotal 6.5 0.0 Kyrgyz Additional Financing for the National Road Rehabilitation (Osh- 6.7 3.0 Republic Batken-Isfana) Project Emergency Recovery Project 46.4 21.1 Additional Financing for Disaster Hazard Mitigation Project 0.7 0.7 Second Additional Financing for Health and Social Protection Project 15.3 6.9 Second Additional Financing for the National Road Rehabilitation 10.0 4.5 (Osh-Batken-Isfana) Project Additional Financing for Second On-farm Irrigation Project 9.4 4.2 Subtotal 88.5 40.4 Georgia Second Development Policy Operation* 26.5 0.0 Additional Financing for the Regional and Municipal Infrastructure 7.7 0.0 Development Project* ** Subtotal 34.2 0.0 Kosovo First Sustainable Employment Development Policy Operation 4.3 0.0 Program Agriculture and Rural Development Project 12.8 0.0 Additional Financing for the Financial Sector Strengthening and 4.3 0.0 Market Infrastructure Project Subtotal 21.4 0.0 Moldova Disaster and Climate Risk Management Project 6.8 0.0 Governance E-Transformation Project 12.7 0.0 Strengthening the Effectiveness of the Social Safety Net Project 22.9 0.0 Subtotal 42.4 0.0 Tajikistan Second Additional Financing for Community and Basic Health Project 2.0 2.0 Fifth Programmatic Development Policy Financing 6.4 6.4 Second Dushanbe Water Supply Project 10.1 10.1 Social Safety Net Strengthening Project 2.1 2.1 Subtotal 20.6 20.6 Uzbekistan Syrdarya Water Supply Project 57.2 0.0 Health System Improvement Project 59.6 0.0 Subtotal 116.8 0.0 Total 422 71 41 Annex Table 8 Page 12 of 13 Annex Table 8: List of FY11 IDA Operations by Region and Country (continued) (SDR million) of IDA Total Country Project Name which Amount Grant Middle East and North Africa Djibouti Rural Community Development and Water Mobilization Project 3.8 3.8 (PRODERMO) Subtotal 3.8 3.8 Yemen, Private Sector Growth and Social Protection Development Policy 45.0 45.0 Republic of Grant Public Finance Modernization Project 7.6 7.6 Health and Population Project 23.0 23.0 Subtotal 75.6 75.6 Subtotal 79 79 Latin America and the Caribbean OECS Eastern Caribbean Energy Regulatory Authority Project 3.6 0.0 Countries Regional Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project 13.1 0.0 Subtotal 16.7 0.0 Bolivia Strengthening Statistical Capacity and the Information Base for 31.9 0.0 Evidence-Based Planning Project National Roads and Airport Infrastructure Project 69.7 0.0 Subtotal 101.6 0.0 Guyana Improving Teacher Education Project 2.8 0.0 University of Guyana Science and Technology Support Project 6.2 0.0 Subtotal 9.0 0.0 Haiti Emergency Development Policy Operation 20.3 20.3 Additional Financing for the Urban Community Driven Development 19.9 19.9 Project Post-Disaster Partial Credit Guarantee Program Support Project 2.0 2.0 HT Cholera Emergency Response Project 9.9 9.9 Subtotal 52.1 52.1 Honduras Fiscal Emergency Recovery Development Policy Financing 49.6 0.0 Nutrition and Social Protection Project 2.3 0.0 Second Land Administration Project 20.5 0.0 Subtotal 72.4 0.0 42 Annex Table 8 Page 13 of 13 Annex Table 8: List of FY11 IDA Operations by Region and Country (continued) (SDR million) of IDA Total Country Project Name which Amount Grant Latin America and the Caribbean Nicaragua Improving Community and Family Health Care Services Project 14.0 7.3 Public Financial Management Modernization Project 6.6 0.0 Social Protection Project 12.8 0.0 Subtotal 33.4 7.3 St. Lucia Hurricane Tomas Emergency Recovery Project 9.7 0.0 Subtotal 9.7 0.0 St. Vincent and Hurricane Tomas Emergency Recovery Project 3.3 0.0 the Grenadines Subtotal 3.3 0.0 Total 298.2 59.4 Overall Total 10,447 1,806 * Blend operation of IBRD/IDA. **Supplemental DPOs /Additional financing of investment projects related to cost-overruns and restructuring. 43 Annex Table 9 Page 1 of 5 Annex Table 9: IDA15 Commitments for Regional Projects of which of which Total IDA IDA Total IDA IDA Approval Lend. Amount, Grants, Amount, Grants, FY Region # Proj. Project ID Project Name Date Instr. Participants SDR m SDR m USD m USD m FY09 AFR 1 P106369 Regional Communications 09/30/08 APL 15.3 15.3 24.0 24.0 Infrastructure Program (Phase 2): Rwanda 15.3 15.3 24.0 24.0 Rwanda Project 2 P099833 Economic and Monetary 12/04/08 SIL 31.9 11.5 50.0 18.0 Community of Central Africa - - - - - Regional Institutions Support Project a/ 3 P108583 West and Central Africa Air 02/25/09 APL 10.8 6.1 16.0 9.0 Transport Safety and Security Benin 6.1 6.1 9.0 9.0 Program (Phase II-B) Senegal 4.7 0.0 7.0 0.0 4 P100406 Lake Victoria Environmental 03/03/09 APL 57.4 0.0 90.0 0.0 Management Project II (Phase I) Kenya 19.1 0.0 30.0 0.0 Tanzania 20.7 0.0 32.5 0.0 Uganda 17.6 0.0 27.5 0.0 5 P112688 Eastern Africa Agricultural 06/11/09 APL 60.3 0.0 90.0 0.0 Productivity Project Ethiopia 20.1 0.0 30.0 0.0 Kenya 20.1 0.0 30.0 0.0 Tanzania 20.1 0.0 30.0 0.0 6 P111432 Regional Communications 06/25/09 APL 101.4 0.0 151.0 0.0 Infrastructure Project - Phase 3 Malawi 13.5 0.0 20.0 0.0 Mozambique 20.9 0.0 31.0 0.0 Tanzania 67.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 7 P105654 Additional Financing for the 06/30/09 APL 116.7 116.7 180.6 180.6 Southern African Power Market Congo, Democratic 116.7 116.7 180.6 180.6 Project Phase I Republic FY09 Total: 7 393.8 149.6 601.6 231.6 44 Annex Table 9 Page 2 of 5 Annex Table 9: IDA15 Commitments for Regional Projects (continued) of which of which Total IDA IDA Total IDA IDA Approval Lend. Amount, Grants, Amount, Grants, FY Region # Proj. Project ID Project Name Date Instr. Participants SDR m SDR m USD m USD m FY10 AFR 1 P114935 Additional Financing for the OMVS 08/27/09 APL 54.8 0.0 85.0 0.0 Felou Hydroelectric Project Mali 27.4 0.0 42.5 0.0 Senegal 27.4 0.0 42.5 0.0 2 P108368 Central African Backbone 09/24/09 APL 17.0 10.6 26.2 16.3 Adaptable Program Financing - Cameroon 6.4 0.0 9.9 0.0 Phase 1.A: Communications Central African Republic 4.8 4.8 7.3 7.3 Infrastructure and Technology Project Chad 5.8 5.8 9.0 9.0 3 P106063 West Africa Regional Fisheries 10/20/09 APL 29.1 5.8 45.0 9.0 Program (Phase I) Cape Verde 3.9 0.0 6.0 0.0 Liberia 5.8 5.8 9.0 9.0 Senegal 9.7 0.0 15.0 0.0 Sierra Leone 9.7 0.0 15.0 0.0 4 P115259 11/05/09 SIL 138.6 42.8 217.0 67.0 Additional Financing for CEMAC - Cameroon 95.8 0.0 150.0 0.0 Transport and Transit Facilitation Central African Republic 42.8 42.8 67.0 67.0 Project 5 P117593 11/12/09 APL 19.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 Eastern Africa Agricultural Uganda 19.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 Productivity Project 6 P096407 Abidjan-Lagos Trade and 03/23/10 APL 141.7 20.5 228.0 33.0 Transport Facilitation Project Benin 46.6 0.0 75.0 0.0 Ghana 74.6 0.0 120.0 0.0 Togo 20.5 20.5 33.0 33.0 7 P111556 East Africa Public Health 05/25/10 SIL 42.0 9.9 63.7 15.0 Laboratory Networking Project Tanzania 10.0 0.0 15.05 0.0 Kenya 15.5 0.0 23.50 0.0 Uganda 6.6 0.0 10.10 0.0 Rwanda 9.9 9.9 15.01 15.0 LCR 8 P117087 Organisation of Eastern Caribbean 12/15/09 APL 1.5 0.0 2.3 0.0 States (OECS) E-Government for St. Vincent and the 1.5 0.0 2.3 0.0 Regional Integration Project Grenadines FY10 Total: 8 443.7 89.6 697.2 140.3 45 46 Annex Table 9 Page 4 of 5 Annex Table 9: IDA15 Commitments for Regional Projects (continued) of which of which Total IDA IDA Total IDA IDA Approval Lend. Amount, Grants, Amount, Grants, FY Region # Proj. Project ID Project Name Date Instr. Participants SDR m SDR m USD m USD m FY11 9 P118316 Lake Victoria Environmental 06/13/11 APL 18.6 9.3 30.0 15.0 Management Project II (Phase II) Rwanda 9.3 0.0 15.0 0.0 Burundi 9.3 9.3 15.0 15.0 10 P112456 Regional Trade Facilitation Project - 06/14/11 APL 17.5 4.8 27.5 7.5 Phase II Ghana 12.7 0.0 20.0 0.0 Benin 4.8 4.8 7.5 7.5 11 P122402 First Phase of the West Africa 06/21/11 APL 56.8 56.8 92.0 92.0 Regional Communications Burkina Faso 14.2 14.2 23.0 23.0 Infrastructure Program Guinea 21.0 21.0 34.0 34.0 Gambia 21.6 21.6 35.0 35.0 12 P125915 Second Addditional Financing for 06/23/11 SIL 70.7 0.0 112.0 0.0 CEMAC - Transport and Transit Cameroon 70.7 0.0 112.0 0.0 Facilitation Project 13 P121354 Additional Financing for East Africa 06/23/11 SIL 18.6 0.0 30.0 0.0 Trade and Transport Facilitation Kenya 18.6 0.0 30.0 0.0 Project 14 P124844 West Africa Regional Fisheries 06/28/11 APL 1.25 1.25 2.0 2.0 Program (Phase - I) - CSRP Regional Institution 1.25 1.25 2.0 2.0 Project 15 P114782 Additional Financing for the 06/28/11 APL 174.6 174.6 283.0 283.0 Regional and Domestic Power Congo, Democratic 174.6 174.6 283.0 283.0 Markets Development Project Republic 16 P094919 First Phase of the Inter-Zonal 06/29/11 APL 25.9 9.9 41.9 16.0 Transmission Hub Project of the Ghana 16.0 0.0 25.9 0.0 West Africa Power Pool (APL3) Burkina Faso 9.9 9.9 16.0 16.0 Program 17 P116542 Central African Backbone Program 06/30/11 APL 31.0 14.0 50.0 22.5 Adaptable Program Financing Chad 18.6 8.4 30.00 13.5 Project - 1.B CAR 12.4 5.6 20.00 9.0 47 Annex Table 9 Page 5 of 5 Annex Table 9: IDA15 Commitments for Regional Projects (continued) of which of which Total IDA IDA Total IDA IDA Approval Lend. Amount, Grants, Amount, Grants, FY Region # Proj. Project ID Project Name Date Instr. Participants SDR m SDR m USD m USD m Central 18 P120788 Central Asia Hydrometeorology 05/26/11 SIL 13.4 10.1 20.7 15.6 FY11 Asia Modernization Project Kyrgyz Republic 3.9 0.6 6.0 0.9 Tajikistan 3.9 3.9 6.0 6.0 Central Asia (institution) 5.6 5.6 8.7 8.7 OECS 19 P101414 Eastern Caribbean Energy 06/16/11 APL 3.6 0.0 5.6 0.0 Countries Regulatory Authority Project St. Lucia 1.8 0.0 2.8 0.0 Grenada 1.8 0.0 2.8 0.0 20 P117871 Regional Disaster Vulnerability 06/23/11 APL 13.1 0.0 20.92 0.0 Reduction Project St. Vincent and the 6.9 0.0 10.92 0.0 Grenadines Grenada 6.2 0.0 10.0 0.0 South Asia 21 P121210 Strengthening Regional Cooperation 04/07/11 APL 24.9 2.0 39.0 3.0 for Wildlife Protection in Asia Bangladesh 22.9 0.0 36.0 0.0 Nepal 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 22 P126193 Strengthening Regional Cooperation 06/17/11 APL 1.4 0.0 2.25 0.0 for Wildlife Protection in Asia Bhutan 1.4 0.0 2.25 0.0 Project 23 P115767 Nepal-India Electricity Transmission 06/21/11 SIL 63.5 9.7 99.00 15.0 and Trade Project Nepal 63.5 9.7 99.00 15.0 FY11 Total: 23 734.9 393.9 1,163.2 626.3 IDA15 TOTAL 38 1,572 633 2,462 998 a/ A borrower is a regional institution. There are four countries that contributed a part of their allocations to finance this project: Cameroon (SDR6.7 m), Chad (SDR1.2 m), CAR (SDR1.0 m), and Congo, Republic of (SDR1.7 m). 48 Annex Table 10 Page 1 of 5 Annex Table 10: IDA15 Pilot IDA Crisis Response Window Projects Of which Of which Commit Date, Su Lend. # IDA Commit IDA Commit CRW Country Proj ID Project Name from CRW Approval ppl. Instr. Proj. Amt, USD m Amt, SDR m Grants Amt, Amt, SDRm SDRm FY10 Africa Benin P117287 Sixth Poverty Reduction Development 04/29/10 DPL 1 30.0 19.6 6.5 0.0 Policy Financing Burkina P117278 Tenth Poverty Reduction Support 06/29/10 DPL 1 90.0 59.6 13.2 13.2 Faso Grant Comoros P120631 Emergency Crises Response Project 06/01/10 ERL 1 5.3 3.5 1.0 1.0 Democratic P120898 Additional Financing for the 06/18/10 Yes ERL 1 40.0 26.5 26.5 26.5 Republic of Emergency Urban and Social Congo Rehabilitation Project Côte d'Ivoire P120810 Additional Financing for Côte d'Ivoire 06/17/10 Yes ERL 1 50.0 33.1 9.9 9.9 Emergency Urban Infrastructure Project Côte d'Ivoire P117281 Third Economic Governance and 05/04/10 DPL 1 90.0 58.8 9.8 9.8 Recovery Grant Gambia, The P120783 Third Education Sector Project in 06/29/10 Yes SIL 1 5.5 3.7 3.7 3.7 Support of the Second Phase of the Education Sector Program - First Additional Financing Ghana P115247 Social Opportunities Project 05/20/10 SIL 1 88.6 58.4 31.3 0.0 Guinea- P114937 Second Economic Governance Reform 06/29/10 DPL 1 6.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Bissau Development Policy Financing Kenya P103037 Kenya Electricity Expansion Project 05/27/10 SIL 1 330.0 217.4 19.7 0.0 Kenya P111546 Kenya Youth Empowerment Project 05/04/10 SIL 1 60.0 38.7 19.4 0.0 Lesotho P112817 Second Poverty Reduction Support 03/30/10 DPL 1 25.0 16.2 6.6 3.3 Credit and Grant (PRSCG-2) Liberia P121770 Additional Financing for Urban and 06/29/10 Yes SIL 1 20.0 13.6 13.6 13.6 Rural Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project Liberia P121686 Youth, Employment, Skills Project 06/24/10 SIL 1 6.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Malawi P121065 Additional Financing for Third Social 06/30/10 Yes APL 1 14.0 9.5 9.5 0.0 Action Fund Project (Phase II) Malawi P117238 Third Poverty Reduction Support 06/08/10 DPL 1 54.0 35.6 9.2 9.2 Development Policy Financing Mali P117270 Fourth Poverty Reduction Support 06/03/10 DPL 1 70.5 46.5 10.3 0.0 Credit Mauritania P119900 Additional Financing for the Urban 06/25/10 Yes APL 1 25.5 16.9 10.3 0.0 Development Project 49 Annex Table 10 Page 2 of 5 Annex Table 10: IDA15 Pilot IDA Crisis Response Window Projects (continued) Of which Of which Commit Date, Su Lend. # IDA Commit IDA Commit CRW Country Proj ID Project Name from CRW Approval ppl. Instr. Proj. Amt, USD m Amt, SDR m Grants Amt, Amt, SDRm SDRm FY10 Rwanda P113241 Sixth Poverty Reduction Support Grant 03/30/10 DPL 1 115.8 73.9 19.0 19.0 São Tomé P113113 Additional Financing for the Social 05/04/10 Yes SIL 1 2.1 1.4 0.7 0.7 and Príncipe Sector Support Project Senegal P117273 Fourth Poverty Reduction Support 06/01/10 DPL 1 43.0 28.4 6.2 0.0 Development Policy Financing Senegal P101415 Transport and Urban Mobility Project 06/01/10 SIL 1 55.0 36.3 3.3 0.0 Senegal P109986 Water and Sanitation Millennium 02/16/10 SIL 1 55.0 34.2 3.2 0.0 Project Sierra Leone P121052 Youth Employment Support Project 06/30/10 ERL 1 20.0 13.7 13.7 6.2 Sierra Leone P121056 Supplemental Financing for the Third 06/11/10 DPL 1 7.0 4.7 4.7 0.0 Governance Reform and Growth Credit Tanzania P120930 Tanzania Agriculture Sector 05/28/10 Yes SIL 1 35.0 23.1 23.1 0.0 Development Project - Second Additional Financing Tanzania P120881 Second Social Action Fund Project - 06/04/10 Yes SIL 1 35.0 23.1 23.1 0.0 Additional Financing - Additional Credit II Tanzania P055120 Transport Sector Support Project 05/27/10 SIL 1 270.0 177.9 10.0 0.0 Tanzania P111153 Tanzania Strategic Cities Project 05/27/10 SIL 1 163.0 107.4 6.6 0.0 Togo P121067 Additional Financing for Community 06/29/10 Yes ERL 1 8.7 5.8 5.8 5.8 Development Project Togo P117282 Third Economic Recovery and 05/20/10 DPL 1 16.3 10.7 2.8 2.8 Governance Grant Uganda P115563 Uganda Health Systems Strengthening 05/25/10 SIL 1 130.0 85.7 19.8 0.0 Project Subtotal 32 1966 1292 350 133 East Asia and the Pacific Lao People's P118814 Sixth Poverty Reduction Support 06/14/10 DPL 1 20.0 13.3 6.7 6.7 Democratic Operation Republic Lao People's P120909 Lao Uplands Food Security 04/27/10 ERL 1 10.0 6.6 6.6 6.6 Democratic Lao People's P102398 ImprovementProject Road Sector Project 03/25/10 SIL 1 27.8 17.9 5.7 5.7 Democratic Republic Mongolia P119825 Multi-Sectoral Technical Assistance 06/28/10 TAL 1 12.0 8.0 4.8 0.0 Project Samoa P118636 Economic Crisis Recovery Support 05/12/10 DPL 1 20.0 13.2 13.2 0.0 Credit 5 90 59 37 19 Subtotal 50 Annex Table 10 Page 3 of 5 Annex Table 10: IDA15 Pilot IDA Crisis Response Window Projects (continued) Of which Of which Commit Date, Su Lend. # IDA Commit IDA Commit CRW Country Proj ID Project Name from CRW Approval ppl. Instr. Proj. Amt, USD m Amt, SDR m Grants Amt, Amt, SDRm SDRm FY10 Eas te rn Europe and Ce ntral As ia Moldova P112625 Economic Recovery Development 06/24/10 DPL 1 25.0 16.6 7.4 0.0 Policy Financing Tajikistan P120834 Additional Financing for Energy 05/06/10 Yes ERL 0 15.0 9.9 9.9 9.9 Emergency Recovery Assistance Project** Tajikistan P117692 Fourth Programmatic Development 06/23/10 DPL 1 25.4 16.9 5.7 5.7 Policy Financing Subtotal 2 65 43 23 16 Latin Ame rica and the Caribbe an Haiti P120895 Infrastructure and Institutional 03/18/10 ERL 1 65.0 41.9 16.1 16.1 Emergency Recovery Project Honduras P115592 Social Protection Project 06/29/10 SIL 1 40.0 26.5 12.3 0.0 Nicaragua P119709 Additional Financing for Fourth Roads 06/01/10 Yes SIL 0 39.3 26.0 9.4 4.5 Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project** Subtotal 2 144 94 38 21 Middle Eas t and North Africa Djibouti P120190 Additional Financing for Djibouti 06/10/10 Yes SIL 1 2.9 2.0 2.0 2.0 Urban Poverty Reduction Project Republic of P117949 Social Fund for Development Phase IV 03/30/10 SIL 1 60.0 38.7 25.0 25.0 Yemen Project Subtotal 2 63 41 27 27 South As ia Afghanistan P120669 Additional Financing for Strengthening 06/02/10 Yes SIL 1 49.0 32.0 32.0 32.0 Health Activities for the Rural Poor Project Afghanistan P121805 Additional Financing for Strengthening 06/23/10 Yes SIL 1 20.0 13.1 13.1 13.1 Higher Education Project and Amendment to the Development Grant Bhutan P090157 Second Urban Development Project 04/29/10 SIL 1 12.0 7.8 2.3 0.0 Maldives P114463 Economic Stabilization and Recovery 03/04/10 DPL 1 13.7 8.5 1.0 0.0 Credit Nepal P120538 Additional Financing for Social Safety 05/26/10 Yes ERL 0 47.8 31.5 29.5 14.3 Nets Project** Nepal P117417 Second HNP and HIV/AIDS Project 04/20/10 SIM 1 129.2 83.1 28.4 13.7 Subtotal 5 272 176 106 73 FY10 Total 48 2600 1705 582 288 51 Annex Table 10 Page 4 of 5 Annex Table 10: IDA15 Pilot IDA Crisis Response Window Projects (continued) Of which Of which Commit Date, Su Lend. # IDA Commit IDA Commit CRW Country Proj ID Project Name from CRW Approval ppl. Instr. Proj. Amt, US$ m Amt, SDR m Grants Amt, Amt, SDRm SDRm FY11 Africa Benin P121104 Additional Financing for National 07/06/10 Yes SIL 0 12.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 Community-Driven Development Support Project** Burkina P121033 Additional Financing for a Transport 09/30/10 Yes SIM 0 16.0 10.7 10.7 10.7 Faso Sector Project** Burundi P122217 Emergency Energy Project 09/30/10 ERL 1 15.4 10.2 10.2 10.2 Cameroon P121027 Urban and Water Development Support 09/28/10 Yes SIL 1 28.7 18.9 18.9 0.0 Project - Additional Financing Central P117616 Additional Financing for the 09/28/10 Yes ERL 1 23.9 15.8 6.7 6.7 African Emergency Urban Infrastructure Republic Rehabiliation and Maintenance Project Central P120534 Third Economic Management and 09/17/10 DPL 1 8.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 African Governance Reform Grant Republic Ethiopia P113032 Agricultural Growth Program 09/30/10 SIL 1 150.0 99.3 57.2 27.5 Gambia, The P114240 Growth and Competitiveness Project 09/30/10 SIL 1 12.0 8.0 3.4 3.4 Guinea- P120910 Emergency Electricity and Water 07/23/10 ERL 1 12.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 Bissau Rehabilitation Project Lesotho P119443 Additional Financing for the Integrated 09/16/10 Yes SIL 1 15.0 10.2 3.4 1.7 Transport Project Liberia P117279 Reengagement and Reform Support 09/30/10 DPL 1 11.0 7.5 4.1 4.1 Program III Malawi P121120 Additional Financing for Irrigation, 09/20/10 Yes SIL 0 12.7 8.6 8.6 0.0 Rural Livelihoods and Agricultural Development Project** Mali P121057 Additional Financing for Rural 09/30/10 Yes SIL 1 11.2 7.5 7.5 0.0 Community Development Project Mozambique P121060 Health Commodity Security Project 09/30/10 SIL 1 39.0 25.7 25.7 0.0 Mozambique P120546 Water Services and Institutional 09/30/10 Yes SIL 1 37.0 24.4 17.2 0.0 Support Project 52 Annex Table 10 Page 5 of 5 Annex Table 10: IDA15 Pilot IDA Crisis Response Window Projects (continued) Of which Of which Commit Date, Su Lend. # IDA Commit IDA Commit CRW Country Proj ID Project Name from CRW Approval ppl. Instr. Proj. Amt, US$ m Amt, SDR m Grants Amt, Amt, SDRm SDRm FY11 Uganda P101232 Eighth Poverty Reduction Support 09/30/10 DPL 1 100.0 65.9 26.4 0.0 Development Policy Financing Zambia P121325 Additional Financing for the Increased 09/22/10 Yes SIL 1 20.0 13.6 6.8 0.0 Access to Electricity Services Project Zambia P120723 Second Additional Financing for Road 10/14/10 Yes APL 0 15.0 9.9 6.4 0.0 Rehabilitation and Maintenance Project** Subtotal 14 540 359 236 87 East Asia and the Pacific Mongolia P117421 Second Development Policy Financing 10/18/10 DPL 1 29.7 19.7 19.7 0.0 Subtotal 1 30 20 20 0 Easte rn Europe and Ce ntral Asia Kosovo P112227 First Sustainable Employment 09/30/10 No DPL 1 6.3 4.3 4.3 0.0 Development Policy Operation Program Kyrgyz P123044 Emergency Recovery Project 09/30/10 ERL 1 70.0 46.4 10.4 5.0 Republic Subtotal 2 76 51 15 5 Latin Ame rica and the Caribbe an Guyana P110018 Improving Teacher Education Project 10/14/10 SIL 1 4.2 2.8 1.2 0.0 Subtotal 1 4 3 1 0 South Asia Bangladesh P122014 Additional Financing for the 09/24/10 Yes ERL 1 75.0 49.4 32.7 0.0 Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and Restoration Project Sri Lanka P121328 Small and Medium Enterprise 09/07/10 FIL 1 57.4 37.8 37.8 0.0 Development Facility Project Subtotal 2 132 87 71 0 FY11 Total 20 783 519 342 92 IDA15 TOTAL 68 3383 2224 923 380 ** Supplemental DPOs / Additional financing of investment projects related to cost overrruns and restructuring. 53 Annex Table 11 Page 1 of 2 1/ Annex Table 11: IDA15 Recommitments under the Cancellation and Recommitment Policy Of which Of which Date, Lend. IDA Commit IDA Commit Recomm Country Proj ID Project Name Suppl. # Proj. Recomm Approval Instr. Amt, US$ m Amt, SDR m Grants Amt, Amt, SDRm SDRm FY10 Easte rn Europe and Ce ntral Asia Kyrgyz Republic P119227 11/19/09 Yes Additional Financing for Emergency Energy Assistance Project ERL 1 4.0 2.6 1.4 0.7 Subtotal 1 4 3 1 1 Middle East and North Africa Yemen, Republic of P088435 Second Port Cities Development Project 05/25/10 No SIL 1 35.0 23.1 9.2 9.2 Subtotal 1 35 23 9 9 South Asia Nepal P120538 Additional Financing for Social Safety Nets 05/26/10 Yes ERL 0 47.8 31.5 2.0 1.0 Project Subtotal 0 48 31 2 1 FY10 Total 2 87 57 13 11 FY11 Africa Africa Region P125915 Second Addditional Financing for CEMAC - 06/23/11 Yes SIL 1 112.0 70.7 21.0 0.0 Transport and Transit Facilitation Project Burkina Faso P119662 Bagre Growth Pole Project 06/21/11 No SIL 1 115.0 71.0 10.1 10.1 Burundi P123119 Additional Financing for a Road Sector 04/05/11 Yes SIL 0 19.0 12.2 3.3 3.3 Development Project Chad P123501 Additional Financing for Urban 06/07/11 Yes SIL 1 27.4 17.4 17.4 7.8 Development Project Ethiopia P121727 Additional Financing to Protection of Basic 02/22/11 Yes SIL 0 420.0 275.4 10.4 6.1 Services Program - Phase II Project Ghana P117924 Seventh Poverty Reduction Support Credit 01/20/11 No DPL 1 215.0 141.0 10.0 0.0 Ghana P122796 Third Agriculture Development Policy 05/26/11 No DPL 1 57.0 36.0 4.5 0.0 Operation Niger P117286 Second Growth Policy Reform Credit 06/23/11 No DPL 1 52.0 32.1 1.5 0.0 Rwanda P118101 Skills Development Project 03/29/11 No SIL 1 30.0 19.3 1.3 0.0 Senegal P123673 Tertiary Education Governance and 05/26/11 No SIL 1 101.3 63.9 21.1 0.0 Financing for Results Project Tanzania P125824 Additional Financing for Energy 06/07/11 Yes SIL 0 27.9 17.2 17.2 0.0 Development and Access Expansion Project Subtotal 8 1177 756 118 27 54 Annex Table 11 Page 2 of 2 1/ Annex Table 11: IDA15 Recommitments under the Cancellation and Recommitment Policy (continued) Of which Of which Date, Lend. IDA Commit IDA Commit Recomm Country Proj ID Project Name Suppl. # Proj. Recomm Approval Instr. Amt, US$ m Amt, SDR m Grants Amt, Amt, SDRm SDRm FY11 East Asia and the Pacific Vietnam P116353 Higher Education Development Policy 11/30/10 No DPL 1 50.0 32.2 6.9 0.0 Program - Second Operation Vietnam P106235 Da Nang-Quang Ngai Expressway 05/24/11 No SIL 0 143.0 90.2 11.9 0.0 Development Project Vietnam P119077 Urban Water Supply and Wastewater 05/24/11 No SIL 1 200.0 126.1 44.1 0.0 Project Subtotal 2 393 249 63 0 Easte rn Europe and Ce ntral Asia Armenia P120028 Community Agriculture Resource 03/22/11 No SIL 1 16.0 10.3 0.7 0.0 Management and Competitiveness Project Azerbaijan P125741 Additional Financing for the Judicial 06/07/11 Yes SIL 0 9.2 5.8 5.8 0.0 Modernization Project Subtotal 1 25 16 6 0 Latin Ame rica and the Caribbe an Bolivia P122007 National Roads and Airport Infrastructure 05/05/11 No SIL 1 109.5 69.7 6.1 0.0 Project Honduras P126158 Nutrition and Social Protection Project 06/16/11 Yes SIL 1 3.6 2.3 2.4 0.0 Subtotal 2 113 72 8 0 Middle East and North Africa Yemen, Republic of P094755 Health and Population Project 02/22/11 No SIL 1 35.0 23.0 16.2 16.2 Subtotal 1 35 23 16 16 South Asia Afghanistan P122235 Irrigation Restoration and Development 04/28/11 No SIL 1 97.8 61.7 18.3 18.3 Project Bangladesh P118708 Health Sector Development Program 05/26/11 No SIM 1 358.9 226.4 24.7 0.0 India P088520 Biodiversity Conservation and Rural 05/17/11 No SIL 1 15.4 9.8 9.8 0.0 Livelihoods Improvement Project India P119085 National Ganga River Basin Project 05/31/11 No SIL 0 199.0 123.0 55.7 0.0 Pakistan P118779 Tertiary Education Support Project 03/24/11 No SIL 1 300.0 192.2 16.4 0.0 Subtotal 4 971 613 125 18 FY11 Total 18 2714 1729 337 62 IDA15 TOTAL 20 2801 1786 349 73 1/ The policy on IDA cancellations and recommitments is effective for cancellations made on or after October 23, 2009. IDA15 recommitments prior to this policy amounted to SDR114.0 million in FY09 and SDR6.6 million in FY10. ** Supplemental DPOs / Additional financing of investment projects related to cost overruns and project restructuring.