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Impacts of COVID-19 on Communities in the Philippines (Vol. 1 of 2) : Results from the Philippines High Frequency Social Monitoring of COVID-19 Impacts - Round 2 (English)

The brief outlines the finding from the second round of a high frequency social monitoring survey that aimed to assess the impact of COVID 19 (coronavirus) pandemic on the poorest and most vulnerable rural communities. The survey also aimed to determine the level of understanding and source of information of the communities pertaining to the COVID 19 vaccine. The second round of phone-in survey was conducted April 4-13, 2021 and across National Community...
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Fallesen,Ditte Marie Gammelgaard; Adolfo,Paul Tudtud; Piza,Sharon Faye Alariao; Padua,Maria Loreto; Wilson,Juliette E.; Canlas,Corinne A..

Impacts of COVID-19 on Communities in the Philippines (Vol. 1 of 2) : Results from the Philippines High Frequency Social Monitoring of COVID-19 Impacts - Round 2 (English). Impacts of COVID-19 on Communities in the Philippines Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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