The World Bank Republic of Congo COVID-19 Emergency Response Project - Second Additional Financing (P177008) Project Information Document (PID) Appraisal Stage | Date Prepared/Updated: 16-Aug-2021 | Report No: PIDA32355 Jun 24, 2021 Page 1 of 6 The World Bank Republic of Congo COVID-19 Emergency Response Project - Second Additional Financing (P177008) BASIC INFORMATION OPS_TABLE_BASIC_DATA A. Basic Project Data Country Project ID Project Name Parent Project ID (if any) Congo, Republic of P177008 Republic of Congo COVID- P173851 19 Emergency Response Project - Second Additional Financing Parent Project Name Region Estimated Appraisal Date Estimated Board Date Republic of Congo COVID-19 AFRICA WEST 15-Nov-2021 30-Nov-2021 Emergency Response Project Practice Area (Lead) Financing Instrument Borrower(s) Implementing Agency Health, Nutrition & Population Investment Project Republic of Congo Ministry of Health, Financing Population, Promotion of Women and Integration of Women in Development Proposed Development Objective(s) Parent To prevent, detect, and respond to the threat posed by COVID-19 and strengthen the national system for public health preparedness in the Republic of Congo. Components Emergency COVID-19 Response and Health System Strengthening Communication Campaign, Community Engagement, and Behavior Change Implementation Management and M&E PROJECT FINANCING DATA (US$, Millions) SUMMARY -NewFin1 Total Project Cost 3.00 Total Financing 3.00 of which IBRD/IDA 0.00 Financing Gap 0.00 DETAILS -NewFinEnh1 Non-World Bank Group Financing Jun 24, 2021 Page 2 of 6 The World Bank Republic of Congo COVID-19 Emergency Response Project - Second Additional Financing (P177008) Trust Funds 3.00 Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Multi-Donor Trust 3.00 Environmental and Social Risk Classification Substantial B. Introduction and Context 1. The proposed AF2 would support the costs of expanding activities under the COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Program (SPRP) using the Multiphase Programmatic Approach (MPA), approved by the Board on April 2, 2020.1 The primary objectives of the AF are to enable scale-up and strengthen COVID-19 preparedness and response activities under the parent project. 2. Recognizing the global nature of health emergencies, the World Bank Board approved in June 2020 the creation of a new umbrella trust fund program, the HEPRTF.2 The development objective of the Program is to support eligible countries and territories to improve their capacities to prepare for, prevent, respond and mitigate the impact of epidemics on population RoC has been allocated a HEPRTF grant of US$3 million to support its health emergency preparedness, on condition that HEPRTF resources are not used to purchase COVID-19 vaccines. 3. The proposed AF2 will also provide clean energy solutions and climate-friendly cold chain equipment critical for supporting COVID-19 through the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). ESMAP supports countries with improving energy sector performance and governance, enhancing access to modern energy services, increasing the efficiency of energy use, and promoting renewable energy. The program is fully integrated within the World Bank Group’s country policy dialogue and lending programs in the energy sector. ESMAP will support RoC to increase its know-how and institutional capacity to achieve environmentally sustainable energy solutions. C. Proposed Development Objective(s) 1 The World Bank approved a US$12 billion WBG Fast Track COVID-19 Facility (“the Facility�) to assist IBRD and IDA countries in addressing the global pandemic and its impacts. Of this amount, US$6 billion came from IBRD/IDA (“the Bank�) and US$6 billio n from the International Finance Corporation (IFC). The IFC subsequently increased its contribution to US$8 billion, bringing the Facility total to US$14 billion. The AF of US$12 billion (IBRD/IDA) was approved on October 13, 2020 to support the purchase and deployment of vaccines as well as strengthening the related immunization and health care delivery system. 2 Countries that are not eligible for IDA because of arrears are eligible to receive these trust fund resources. Jun 24, 2021 Page 3 of 6 The World Bank Republic of Congo COVID-19 Emergency Response Project - Second Additional Financing (P177008) Original PDO 4. To prevent, detect, and respond to the threat posed by COVID-19 and strengthen the national system for public health preparedness in the Republic of Congo. Current PDO 5. The PDO remains the same. Key Results 6. The PDO remains unchanged as proposed activities are aligned with the original PDO. The AF2 will finance the scale-up of project activities to achieve the PDO and enhance the impact of the project overall. The following intermediate-level indicators have been added to reflect the expanded scale and new activities proposed under the AF2. • New Intermediate Results Indicators: o Country has updated preparedness plans (multi-year and annual) o Country has a comprehensive health sector emergency response coordination mechanism with a functional national emergency operations centre D. Project Description 7. The changes proposed for the AF2 entail expanding the scale of activities, with emphasis on strengthening national preparedness. This will include further support for epidemiological surveillance, laboratory network strengthening, and preparing for service delivery by upgrading the cold chain. The results framework will also be revised through this AF2 to add intermediate results indicators to monitor progress and outputs on HEPRTF and ESMAP activities. 8. The components remain the same, however the allocations will be increased to reflect the additional funding. . Legal Operational Policies Triggered? Projects on International Waterways OP 7.50 Projects in Disputed Areas OP 7.60 Summary of Assessment of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts . Jun 24, 2021 Page 4 of 6 The World Bank Republic of Congo COVID-19 Emergency Response Project - Second Additional Financing (P177008) E. Implementation 9. The institutional arrangements for the parent project will be maintained for the AF2, with the REDISSE IV PIU managing implementation. Other development partners such as WHO and UNICEF will provide technical assistance on programmatic aspects as needed. . CONTACT POINT World Bank Lombe Kasonde Senior Health Specialist Borrower/Client/Recipient Republic of Congo Implementing Agencies Ministry of Health, Population, Promotion of Women and Integration of Women in Development Emeriand Kibangu Directeur des Etudes et de la Planification FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20433 Telephone: (202) 473-1000 Web: Jun 24, 2021 Page 5 of 6 The World Bank Republic of Congo COVID-19 Emergency Response Project - Second Additional Financing (P177008) APPROVAL Task Team Leader(s): Lombe Kasonde Approved By Practice Manager/Manager: Country Director: Abdoulaye Seck 12-Nov-2021 Jun 24, 2021 Page 6 of 6