INDIA: COUNTRY PARTNERSHIP STRATEGY 76906 CHAIR’S SUMMING UP Meeting of the Executive Directors April 11, 2013 Executive Directors discussed the joint IBRD/IDA/IFC/MIGA Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for the Republic of India for the period FY13-17 and supported its alignment with India’s overarching development goal of faster, sustained and more inclusive growth, as detailed in the 12th Five-Year Plan (R2013-0050[IDA/R2013-0071, IFC/R2013-0086, MIGA/R2013-0021]). Directors supported the CPS’s overarching goals and its three engagement areas: integration, transformation, and inclusion. Directors noted the challenges related to sustaining rapid economic growth over the long term. They acknowledged that the drive to alleviate poverty and achieve results in India is central for the World Bank Group’s global poverty reduction goals, and called for the CPS activities to be carefully focused to help achieve these goals. They welcomed the CPS’s emphasis on global poverty reduction and shared prosperity goals, while highlighting the need for effective monitoring and evaluation of progress towards these goals. Directors acknowledged the Government of India’s new country-led selectivity criteria and welcomed the strategy’s focus on low-income and special category states which combined are home to half of India’s poor people. Directors asked for continued attention to environmental sustainability, particularly in energy sector development and agricultural productivity. They encouraged the team to incorporate lessons learned from the Global Monitoring Report on rural- urban dynamics to avoid negative impacts on the achievement of Millennium Development Goals. Capacity building was an important area of focus within the CPS noted by Directors, particularly in sectors like infrastructure, manufacturing, and health. They encouraged greater efforts to promote private participation in infrastructure and expanded capacity to manage and sustain key infrastructure investments. Directors underscored the importance of mainstreaming gender and environmental issues into World Bank Group activities. They encouraged greater emphasis on women’s economic empowerment and improvement of women’s situations, with indicators incorporated in the results framework. Directors looked forward to the upcoming gender assessment and the operationalization of its findings during the CPS period. Directors were pleased to note the strong collaboration among IBRD, IDA, and IFC in the CPS and encouraged exploring a broader role for MIGA. They recognized that IFC’s catalytic role in the private sector - especially in low-income states - will complement the IBRD/IDA program and achievement of results. Directors encouraged continued collaboration and coordination with other development partners to leverage the resources the World Bank Group can provide. They also supported greater South-South collaboration and regional integration efforts.  This summary is not an approved record.