SFG3413 V5 FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Micro-project title: Construction of a Kindergarten in Artsvaberd Community Micro-project #: TTV - 07 Is the Environmental and Social management plan (ESMP) developed? Yes + No _____ Does ESMP provide a full list of potential impacts and establish adequate measures for their mitigation? Yes + No _____ Conclusion of the Final Environmental and Social Assessment Conclusion Micro-project approved Micro-project rejected (environmental assessment completed) + PART A: GENERAL PROJECT AND SITE INFORMATION INSTITUTIONAL & ADMINISTRATIVE Micro-project number and TTV – 07 Construction of a Kindergarten in Artsvaberd Community title Municipality, community Tavush marz, Artsvaberd Community Scope of site-specific At present, the kindergarten of the community is situated in an old factory, which activity is public property. The sanitary and physical conditions of the building are insufficient. The current building does not have heating, water and sewage systems. The heating of the building is organized using wooden ovens, which is inefficient due to insufficient thermal insulation of the building. The proper windows of the building are missing, instead, polyethylene membrane are used to cover the windows. The toilets and drinking water sources are located outside of the building. The community has nearly 75 children at kindergarten age. Within the framework of Micro-project, a two floor building is proposed to be built adjacent to the building of Community Administrative Office and Cultural Center, at the central part of the community. The kindergarten is envisaged for three groups. Institutional arrangements Task Team Leader: Safeguards Specialist: (WB) Erkin Mamadaliev Darejan Kapanadze (environmental) Sophia Georgieva (social) Implementation Implementing entity: Works Supervisor: Works Contractor: arrangements (RoA) ATDF “ALTERNATIV� LTD “Prizma-VAN� CJSC SITE DESCRIPTION Name of institution Educational Department of Tavush marzpetaran (regional governor office) whose premises are to be rehabilitated Address and site location Address: Artsvaberd Community, Tavush Marz Who owns the land? The land is the property of the Community Artsvaberd. The total land plot is 2000 sq. meter. According to the legal decision of land allocation adopted on16 Sep., 2015 Number N 17 - A the land was allocated for the construction works. Description of physical Community Council Made a decision to allocate 2000sq. meter land plot for the and natural environment construction of a new building. The proposed land plot is located at the central part around the site (see maps of the village and is the property of the Community. There are three buildings next and photo annex 1) to the proposed land plot: Community Administrative Office, Cultural Center building and communal house for military workers which is the property of the Ministry of Defense. The proposed land is not used by any private household; there are no structures, crops, trees or business in the proposed site. The land is surrounded by trees which are not going to be removed for construction works. One of land sides is next to the main road. As the allocated area for the construction is wide, the issue of restricted access to roads and private property and disruption of local traffic is not anticipated. Activities to enhance crossing safety through extra signs/crosswalks will be implemented. The village is supplied with gas. The heating system and hot water in the designed building will be provided using gas boilers fixed on the walls. The external communication systems are very close to the proposed area. The sewage system of the building will be connected to the drainage pipeline (d=200mm) located close to the land plot (nearly 30 meter). The main potable water pipelines are nearly 30 meter far from the proposed land. The main electricity distribution system is 60 meter far from the site and linear cable is proposed to be installed. LEGISLATION National & local Construction of the school building is not subject to the Environmental Impact legislation & permits that Assessment and to the issuance of the expert environmental review conclusion. apply to project activity According to the Armenian legislation, the following permissions are required for this micro-project: (a) land allocation from Local Municipality; (b) construction permit; (c) permission for the disposal of construction waste, and (d) certificate of sanitary inspection Operation of the building requires additional permissions certifying that technical parameters established for electric, gas, water supply and sewage appliances are met. PUBLIC CONSULTATION When / where the public Public consultation was carried out in Artsvaberd Community on 25 April, 2016. consultation process will take /took place ATTACHMENTS Annex 1: Photos and plan of the construction site Annex 2: Copy of an agreement for construction waste disposal Annex 3: Copy of the land allocation document Annex 4: Copy of a Construction Permit Annex 5: Minutes of Environmental and Social Public Consultations PART B: SAFEGUARDS INFORMATION ENVIRONMENTAL /SOCIAL SCREENING Activity/Issue Status Triggered Actions A. Building rehabilitation [ ] Yes [+] No See Section A below B. New construction [+] Yes [ ] No See Section A below C. Individual wastewater [ ] Yes [+] No See Section B below treatment system Will the site D. Historic building(s) and [ ] Yes [+] No See Section C below activity districts include/involve any of the E. Acquisition of land1 [ ] Yes [+] No See Section D below following? F. Hazardous or toxic materials2 [ ] Yes [+] No See Section E below G. Impacts on forests and/or [ ] Yes [+] No See Section F below protected areas H. Handling / management of [ ] Yes [+] No See Section G below medical waste I. Traffic and Pedestrian Safety [+] Yes [ ] No See Section H below 1 Land acquisitions includes displacement of people, change of livelihood encroachment on private property this is to land that is purchased/transferred and affects people who are living and/or squatters and/or operate a business (kiosks) on land that is being acquired. 2 Toxic / hazardous material includes but is not limited to asbestos, toxic paints, noxious solvents, removal of lead paint, etc. PART C: MITIGATION MEASURES ACTIVITY PARAMETER MITIGATION MEASURES (provide costs where applicable) 0. General Notification (a) The local construction and environment inspectorates and communities have been notified of upcoming activities Conditions and Worker (b) The public has been notified of the works through appropriate notification in the Safety media and/or at publicly accessible sites (including the site of the works) (c) All legally required permits have been acquired for construction (d) The Contractor formally agrees that all work will be carried out in a safe and disciplined manner designed to minimize impacts on neighboring residents and environment. (e) Workers’ PPE will comply with international good practice (always hardhats, as needed masks and safety glasses, harnesses and safety boots) (f) Appropriate signposting of the sites will inform workers of key rules and regulations to follow. A. General Air Quality (a) During interior demolition debris-chutes shall be used above the first floor (b) Demolition debris shall be kept in controlled area and sprayed with water mist to Construction reduce debris dust Activities (c) During pneumatic drilling/wall destruction dust shall be suppressed by ongoing water spraying and/or installing dust screen enclosures at site (d) The surrounding environment (sidewalks, roads) shall be kept free of debris to minimize dust (e) There will be no open burning of construction / waste material at the site (f) There will be no excessive idling of construction vehicles at sites Noise (a) Construction noise will be limited to restricted times agreed to in the permit (b) During operations the engine covers of generators, air compressors and other powered mechanical equipment shall be closed, and equipment placed as far away from residential areas as possible Water (a) The site will establish appropriate erosion and sediment control measures such as e.g. hay bales and / or silt fences to prevent sediment from moving off site and Quality causing excessive turbidity in nearby streams and rivers. Waste (a) Waste collection and disposal pathways and sites will be identified for all major waste types expected from demolition and construction activities. Management (b) Mineral construction and demolition wastes will be separated from general refuse, organic, liquid and chemical wastes by on-site sorting and stored in appropriate containers. (c) Construction waste will be collected and disposed properly by licensed collectors (d) The records of waste disposal will be maintained as proof for proper management as designed. (e) Whenever feasible the contractor will reuse and recycle appropriate and viable materials (except asbestos) B. Water (a) The approach to handling sanitary wastes and wastewater from building sites must be approved by the local authorities Individual Quality (b) Before being discharged into receiving waters, effluents from individual wastewater wastewater systems must be treated in order to meet the minimal quality criteria set out by treatment national guidelines on effluent quality and wastewater treatment (c) Monitoring of new wastewater systems (before/after) will be carried out system (d) Construction vehicles and machinery will be washed only in designated areas where runoff will not pollute natural surface water bodies. C. Historic Cultural (a) If the building is a designated historic structure, very close to such a structure, or located in a designated historic district, notification shall be made and building(s) Heritage approvals/permits be obtained from local authorities and all construction activities planned and carried out in line with local and national legislation. (b) It shall be ensured that provisions are put in place so that artifacts or other possible “chance finds� encountered in excavation or construction are noted and registered, responsible officials contacted, and works activities delayed or modified to account for such finds. ACTIVITY PARAMETER MITIGATION MEASURES CHECKLIST D. Acquisition Land (a) If expropriation of land was not expected but is required, or if loss of access to of land Acquisition income of legal or illegal users of land was not expected but may occur, that the Plan/Framework Bank’s Task Team Leader shall be immediately consulted. (b) The approved Land Acquisition Plan/Framework (if required by the project) will be implemented E. Toxic Asbestos (a) If asbestos is located on the project site, it shall be marked clearly as hazardous Materials management material (b) When possible the asbestos will be appropriately contained and sealed to minimize exposure (c) The asbestos prior to removal (if removal is necessary) will be treated with a wetting agent to minimize asbestos dust (d) Asbestos will be handled and disposed by skilled & experienced professionals (e) If asbestos material is be stored temporarily, the wastes should be securely enclosed inside closed containments and marked appropriately. Security measures will be taken against unauthorized removal from the site. (f) The removed asbestos will not be reused Toxic / (a) Temporarily storage on site of all hazardous or toxic substances will be in safe hazardous waste containers labeled with details of composition, properties and handling information management (b) The containers of hazardous substances shall be placed in an leak-proof container to prevent spillage and leaching (c) The wastes shall be transported by specially licensed carriers and disposed in a licensed facility. (d) Paints with toxic ingredients or solvents or lead-based paints will not be used F. Affected Protection (a) All recognized natural habitats, wetlands and protected areas in the immediate forests, vicinity of the activity will not be damaged or exploited, all staff will be strictly wetlands and/or prohibited from hunting, foraging, logging or other damaging activities. protected areas (b) A survey and an inventory shall be made of large trees in the vicinity of the construction activity, large trees shall be marked and cordoned off with fencing, their root system protected, and any damage to the trees avoided (c) Adjacent wetlands and streams shall be protected from construction site run-off with appropriate erosion and sediment control feature to include by not limited to hay bales and silt fences (d) There will be no unlicensed borrow pits, quarries or waste dumps in adjacent areas, especially not in protected areas. G. Disposal of Infrastructure (a) In compliance with national regulations the contractor will insure that newly medical waste for medical constructed and/or rehabilitated health care facilities include sufficient infrastructure waste for medical waste handling and disposal; this includes and not limited to: management  Special facilities for segregated healthcare waste (including soiled instruments “sharps�, and human tissue or fluids) from other waste disposal; and  Appropriate storage facilities for medical waste are in place; and  If the activity includes facility-based treatment, appropriate disposal options are in place and operational H Traffic Direct or (a) In compliance with national regulations the contractor will insure that the construction site is properly secured and construction related traffic regulated. This includes but is and indirect not limited to Pedestrian hazards to  Signposting, warning signs, barriers and traffic diversions: site will be clearly Safety public visible and the public warned of all potential hazards  Traffic management system and staff training, especially for site access and traffic and near-site heavy traffic. Provision of safe passages and crossings for pedestrians pedestrians where construction traffic interferes. by  Adjustment of working hours to local traffic patterns, e.g. avoiding major transport activities during rush hours or times of livestock movement construction  Active traffic management by trained and visible staff at the site, if required for activities safe and convenient passage for the public.  Ensuring safe and continuous access to office facilities, shops and residences during renovation activities, if the buildings stay open for the public. Environmental Monitoring Plan for construction and operation phases. Where How When Why Who What (Is the (Is the (Define the (Is the Activity (Is responsible (Is the parameter parameter to parameter frequency / parameter for to be monitored?) be to be or being monitoring?) monitored?) monitored?) continuous?) monitored?) CONSTRUCTION PHASE 1. Supply of Purchase of the Offices and Checking In the process Ensure ATDF construction construction warehouses of documents; of signing the technical materials materials from material agreements quality of licensed providers suppliers, and for material construction; borrowing sites Inspection of provision Protect human material health and quality environment 2. Transportation Technical condition Routes for Inspection of Unannounced Avoid air and ATDF, of construction of construction transportation roads checks during road pollution Local materials and vehicles and of construction adjacent to the working with dust and Minicipality waste machinery; materials and the hours solid matter; construction construction Movement of Adequacy of the Reduce traffic wastes site and construction loading trucks for disruption included in equipment transported types the agreed- of cargo, and upon routes canopy coverage of of cargo transported transportati in open trucks; on Movement of construction vehicles and machinery along pre-defined routes 3. Generation of Temporary storage Construction Checking Entire period Avoid pollution ATDF, construction of inert and site and base documents; of of the Local waste hazardous wastes (if applicable); construction environment Minicipality separately at the designated Visual locations; Locations observation designated for Timely disposal of waste disposal waste to the formally designated landfills; Hand-over of hazardous wastes to licensed deactivating and processing companies. 4. Accumulation Provision of waste Construction Visual Entire period Avoid pollution ATDF, of household containers on-site; site and base inspection of of soil and Local waste (if applicable) construction water with Agreement with Minicipality household local municipality waste for regular out- transporting of waste 5. Safety of labor Provision of Special Construction Inspection of Entire period Reduce the ATDF Clothes and site the activities of probability of protective means construction accidents for the contractors; Consistency with the rules of exploitation of the construction equipment and usage of private safety means 6. Undertaking Deparkation and Construction Visual Entire period Reduce ATDF, works within the fencing of work site and nearly inspection of disruption of Local settlement site; area construction movement Minicipality around the No parking of work site and construction decrease vehicles and probability of machinery outside accidents work site the way impeding free passage of traffic and pedestrians; No piling and no scattering of construction materials and waste outside the work site OPERATION PHASE 1.Disposal of Regular collection kindergarten Inspection Entire period Maintain good Local household waste and disposal of premises of sanitary Minicipality and waste from household waste kindergarten conditions at periodic generated at operation kindergarten, renovation of the kindergarten to the Prevent kindergarten landfill serving environmental premises Artsvaberd village pollution Annex 1: Photos and plan of the construction site Annex 2: Copy of an agreement for construction waste disposal Non-official translation of the above attached document Appendix 1 Decree The construction waste generated during construction works of a new kindergarten building proposed by Artsvaberd Community, Tavush Marz, will be transported to the waste collection area ‘Bani Khobi’which is situated 2,5 km far from the construction site. Signed and Stamped Head of the Community Volodyan Uzunyan Annex 3: Copy of the land allocation document Non-official translation of the above attached document: Decree 16 Sep., 2015 Number N 17 - A On land appropriation for construction work for new kindergarten building in Artsvaberd Community According to 16th article of law on Local Self-Government of the Republic of Armenia, as well as to the 5th point of 56th Article and 2nd point of 57th Article of Land Code, the community Council of Artsvaberd made a decision to: 1. Allocate 2000 sq. meter communal land plot for construction of new kindergarten building in Artsvaberd For: 5, Against 0, Abstain 0 Signed and Stamped V. Asryan, A. Begyan, N. Duryan, G. Tsaturyan, Yu. Tsaturyan Head of Community Volodyan Uzunyan Annex 4: Copy of a Construction Permit Non-official translation of the above attached document Republic of Armenia Tavush Region, Community Artsvaberd Construction Permit N 2, 15.08.2016 This is given for the Construction Project of the kindergarten building in Artsvaberd Community The design documents are developed by “Inter-Energeia� LLC Artsvaberd Community Head Uzunyan Sealed/Signed Annex 5: Minutes of Environmental and Social Public Consultations MINUTES Of Public Consultations on draft Environmental and Social Management Plan for the Construction of the Kindergarten Building in Artsvaberd Community A stakeholder consultation meeting on the draft Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for the construction of the kindergarten building in Artsvaberd Community was held on April 25, 2016 in Artsvaberd community, Tavush Marz. The announcement for the meeting in Armenian and English languages, including its date and time, was disclosed on the ATDF web page (www.atdf.am) on 20 April, 2016. Information on the meeting day and time was posted on information boards of Artsvaberd Community Administration Office; in addition the Administration conducted telephone calls to ensure participants’ attendance. The public consultation was carried out by ATDF Social Specialist Sonya Msryan and ATDF Environmental Specialist Asya Osipova. 33 participants were present at the meeting, among which 22 women (about 67%). A.Osipova introduced the main purpose main purpose of the consultation and ATDF specialists as well as World Bank requirements and Armenian legislation on conducting environmental and social assessment. She reasoned the need to develop ESMP, specifying that the Micro-project involves construction of a new building. She outlined likely negative environmental impacts related to the Micro-project implementation. These include pollution of air, generation of construction waste and direct or indirect hazards to public traffic and pedestrians by construction activities. She also talked about waste-water management issue introducing that the sewage system of the building will be connected to the drainage pipeline located close to the land plot. Ms. Osipova explained what measures ATDF will apply to mitigate possible negative impacts, including construction waste transportation. It was mentioned that ESMP covers the issue of the transportation and disposal of construction wastes and excessive soil. Since the kindergarten area is not fenced and is located in the center of the Community, A. Osipova talked about safety measures for community members and workers and disturbance to community life due to construction activities. Technical supervisors on monthly basis will keep under control the fulfillment of all the environmental mitigation measures included in ESMP, and report the deviations to ATDF. S. Msryan presented the main provisions of the ESMF concerning to the social aspects of the Project. She emphasized that the project does not involve any resettlement as proposed area of the construction is public property and land allocation document is available. S. Msryan talked also about main socio-economic challenges including engagement of women, youth and vulnerable groups in distribution of benefits. She outlined that these groups should have equal opportunities to be engaged in project benefits. Ms. Msryan explained mechanisms of public engagement and grievance redress mechanism (GRM) to be applied during project implementation. Elected grievance focal point at the community level Arusyak Hayrapetyan was introduced to the community members. S. Msryan explained the purpose of Focal points at local level and welcomed participants to apply to Arusyak in case of questions/feedback or grievances concerning to the project implementation. S. Msryan informed the beneficiaries that they also have the option to contact ATDF directly to communicate their grievance if they are unable to, or do not wish to, go through the PIC grievance focal point. S. Msryan explained all the cannels of grievance submission involving e-mail address, hot line telephone number, postal address and web-site link and outlined that ATDF contact information is reflected on the booklets delivered to the participants, as well as on the information desk to be posted in public visible places in the Community, including Community Administrative Office building. S. Msryan introduced that information on Micro-project details permanently will be available on the information desks, as well as on-going announcements and references. She outlined that these will support to raising public awareness and early identification, assessment and resolution of complaints on Project activities. The participants were welcomed to raise questions regarding to the discussed questions. Following questions were raised by the participants: Chobanyan Alina introduced that they do not anticipated accumulation of waste during operation of the new kindergarten building as one garbage truck is serving the village which is quite sufficient. Currently, the kindergarten operating at the old factory is serving 75 kids. Approximately 17-20 kids have no possibility to attend kindergarten because of limitations of the old building. As they were informed new kindergarten building will serve 90 kids involving 3 groups. Melqumyan Arayik said that creation of job opportunities will strongly support to the Community as the majority incomes of the families are related to military works and agriculture. The letter is not income generating as agricultures has difficulties to realize their products. He outlined that especially the youth has to leave for military works partially because of the unemployment. There are also many people from the community who are protecting the borders on voluntary basis. The Head of Community Volodyan Uzunyan introduced that the Community will strongly supervise the construction works in order to achieve high quality of works and protection of environment. He welcomed the idea to involve workers from the community ensuring that especially vulnerable groups will benefit from those opportunities. The operation of the new kindergarten building will enable to create nearly 5 more jobs in addition to the currently existing ones. The list of participants and photos are attached. List of Participants Photos of Public Consultation