Report No. 47829-JO Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Country Environmental Analysis August 18, 2009 Sustainable Development Sector Department (MNSSD) Middle East and North Africa Region Document of the World Bank TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF BOXES ........................................................................................................................................ IV LIST OF FIGURES......................................................................................................................................V LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................................................... VIII ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................................... XI ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ....................................................................................................................... XIII EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................. XV CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION AND RATIONALE ......................................................................... 1 CHAPTER 2. KEY ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN JORDAN ........................................................ 4 2.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 KEY ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES .......................................................................................................... 5 2.3 BENCHMARKING JORDAN'S ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE ........................................................ 16 CHAPTER 3. THE COST OF ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION .......................................... 20 3.1 INTRODUCTION AND MAIN FINDINGS ............................................................................................... 20 3.2 AIR QUALITY................................................................................................................................... 21 3.3 WATER QUALITY............................................................................................................................. 26 3.4 LAND DEGRADATION ...................................................................................................................... 28 3.5 WASTE ............................................................................................................................................ 29 3.6 COASTAL ZONE ............................................................................................................................... 30 3.7 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................. 30 CHAPTER 4. WATER QUALITY ....................................................................................................... 32 4.1 SUMMARY OF MAIN MESSAGES ....................................................................................................... 32 4.2 INTRODUCTION: WATER QUALITY AND WATER QUANTITY ............................................................ 33 4.3 WATER RESOURCES IN JORDAN ...................................................................................................... 36 4.4 STATUS OF WATER RESOURCES QUALITY ........................................................................................ 40 4.5 POLLUTION SOURCES ...................................................................................................................... 46 4.6 INSTITUTIONAL SETUP OF WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT........................................................... 54 4.7 POLICIES AND MEASURES FOR WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT ...................................................... 58 CHAPTER 5. AIR POLLUTION AND ROAD TRANSPORT ......................................................... 68 5.1 INTRODUCTION AND MAIN MESSAGES ............................................................................................. 68 5.2 LAND TRANSPORT IN JORDAN ......................................................................................................... 69 5.3 AIR POLLUTION FROM TRANSPORT .................................................................................................. 77 5.4 PROSPECTS FOR THE FUTURE........................................................................................................... 84 5.5 OPTIONS FOR POLICY REFORM ........................................................................................................ 86 5.6 IMPACT OF POLICIES ........................................................................................................................ 94 5.7 RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................................................................101 CHAPTER 6. INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION.......................................................................................102 6.1 SUMMARY AND KEY MESSAGES .....................................................................................................102 6.2 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................104 6.3 OVERVIEW OF THE INDUSTRIAL SECTOR ........................................................................................105 6.4 ESTIMATING INDUSTRY'S ENVIRONMENTAL PRESSURES ................................................................113 6.5 RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................................................................................128 CHAPTER 7. INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY ASSESSMENT .......................................................131 7.1 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................131 7.2 LEGISLATIVE AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK............................................................................132 7.3 PICKING UP SIGNALS .....................................................................................................................135 ii 7.4 BALANCING INTERESTS .................................................................................................................142 7.5 EXECUTING DECISIONS ..................................................................................................................147 7.6 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................................159 CHAPTER 8. RECOMMENDATIONS ..............................................................................................160 8.7 SHORT TERM ..................................................................................................................................160 8.8 MEDIUM TO LONG TERM ................................................................................................................164 REFERENCES ..........................................................................................................................................168 ANNEXES Annex 1. Water quality data ..................................................................................................175 Annex 2. Water quality: the institutional set-up ....................................................................179 Annex 3: Transport - pollution model: additional information .............................................191 Annex 4. Public environmental expenditure review ..............................................................196 Annex 5: Review of Jordan's Environment Impact Assessment System ..............................211 Annex 6. List of participants to the CEA final workshop .....................................................221 iii LIST OF BOXES Box 1. Priority issues to be addressed by Jordan protected areas policy.................................13 Box 2. Solid Waste Management: recent progress and remaining challenges ........................15 Box 3. Limitation of available water quality data ...................................................................40 Box 4. Industrial treatment standards in Jordan ......................................................................51 Box 5. Overview of recent water policies and strategies in Jordan .........................................59 Box 6. Jordan's new Transport Strategy and the Environment ...............................................71 Box 7. Classifications of industrial sector in Jordan .............................................................106 Box 8. Mining ........................................................................................................................108 Box 9. Overview of the World Development Report 2003 framework.................................131 Box 10. Environmental law no. 52 / 2006 .............................................................................132 Box 11. The Aarhus convention as benchmark for access to environmental information ....137 Box 12. The World Bank policy on the use of country systems ...........................................156 Box 13. Definition: Classification of Environmental Protection Activities (CEPA) ...........197 iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Annual cost of environmental degradation by category in 2006.......................... xviii Figure 2. Simplified cost-benefit analysis of macro-level water quality interventions ...........xx Figure 3. Contributions to air emissions by vehicle type and by pollutant ........................... xxi Figure 4. Abatement cost curve of air pollution from land transport ................................... xxii Figure 5. Abatement cost curves for water toxics ............................................................... xxiv Figure 6. Monthly exceedances of H2S and SO2 monitored .....................................................7 Figure 7. Safe yields and over-abstraction from the eleven non-fossil basins in 2005 .............9 Figure 8. Decline in groundwater level of Amman-Zarqa basin .............................................10 Figure 9. Cumulative area under protection ............................................................................12 Figure 10. Environmental degradation in MENA countries (2006) ........................................19 Figure 11. Annual cost of environmental degradation by category in 2006............................21 Figure 12. Impacts of air pollution ..........................................................................................25 Figure 13. Impacts of water quality degradation .....................................................................28 Figure 14. Impacts of land degradation ...................................................................................29 Figure 15. Impacts of waste collection and disposal ...............................................................30 Figure 16. Water availability in the MENA Region ................................................................34 Figure 17. Current and projected water use in agriculture ......................................................35 Figure 18 Consolidated average annual precipitation in selected meteorological stations .....36 Figure 19 Historical and projected development of Water Resources Supply ........................37 Figure 20 Historical and Projected Development of Water Resources Use ............................37 Figure 21. Streamflow of the Yarmouk river at Adasiya: selected statistics ...........................38 Figure 22 Groundwater Extraction for different uses 1990-2005............................................39 Figure 23. Location of the monitoring stations selected for the analysis ................................41 Figure 24. Electric conductivity in selected surface water monitoring stations (1995-2007) .41 Figure 25. Water resources with different salinity in the Jordan Valley (1995-2007) ............42 Figure 26. E-coli concentrations in selected surface water monitoring stations (1995-2007).43 Figure 27 Section of Zarqa river with King Talal Reservoir and junction with KAC ............43 Figure 28 Groundwater level and electrical conductivity in the Amman-Zarqa basin ............45 Figure 29. Wells with clear nitrate pollution, north-east of Amman .......................................46 Figure 30 Treated wastewater volume and population growth (1994-2006)...........................47 Figure 31 Optimal selection of water saving rates ..................................................................65 Figure 32 Costs and benefits of different policies for improving water quality ......................66 v Figure 33 Structure of the transport sector emission and cost estimation model: ...................78 Figure 34 Emission of CO in exhaust gas, gasoline passenger cars, age 0-35 years ...............80 Figure 35. Contributions to air emissions by vehicle type and by pollutant ...........................82 Figure 36. Abatement cost curve of air pollution from land transport ..................................100 Figure 37. Targets for industry's selected performance indicators over time .......................111 Figure 38. Average MFN import tariffs in the period 2000-2007 (world average=100) ......112 Figure 39. Average MFN import tariffs in Jordan by sector in the period 2000-2007 ..........113 Figure 40. Geographic Distribution of Polluting Industries ..................................................115 Figure 41. Share in total emissions by pollutant type and location .......................................116 Figure 42. Share in total emissions by pollutant type and size of enterprises .......................119 Figure 43. Share of micro enterprises in total pollution in Zarqa and Jordan as a whole......119 Figure 44. Contribution of micro enterprises to water toxics loads (Zarqa and Jordan) .......120 Figure 45. Pollution rank index by industrial sub-sector .......................................................121 Figure 46. Share of emissions for selected grouping of pollutants ........................................122 Figure 47. Standard deviation of pollution shares by pollutant and location ........................123 Figure 48. Air pollution shares by sector in Irbid and Jordan as a whole .............................123 Figure 49. Aggregate pollution ranking of industrial sectors over time ................................125 Figure 50. Cost of achieving a given quality target with different abatement strategies.......126 Figure 51. Abatement cost curves for air pollution ...............................................................127 Figure 52. Abatement cost curves for water toxics ...............................................................128 Figure 53. Water quality: index of dispersion of functions across agencies .........................133 Figure 54. Air quality: index of dispersion of functions across agencies ..............................134 Figure 55. Picking up signal: a conceptual framework .........................................................135 Figure 56. World Values Survey results on general public environmental awareness..........137 Figure 57. Public's confidence in environmental movement ................................................139 Figure 58. ISO 14001 certifications and global compact participants/ 1000 establishments 140 Figure 59. Tariff trends in Jordan ..........................................................................................141 Figure 60. Jordan Air quality limits norms in relation to comparator countries....................143 Figure 61. Index of dispersion of themes across agencies .....................................................144 Figure 62. Governance indicators in Jordan, MENA and the World (2007) .........................148 Figure 63. Public Environmental expenditure as percent of GDP in selected EU countries .149 Figure 64. Total public environmental expenditure by domain for 2002 ­ 2006 ..................150 Figure 65. Average PEE for years 2002 ­ 2006 percent by agency ......................................150 vi Figure 66. Comparison of ministries of environment staffing levels per unit of density ......153 Figure 67. Total Public Environmental Expenditure by domain (2002-2006) ......................208 vii LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Pollutant emissions from vehicles and industries (2004) ............................................6 Table 2. Main sources of emissions and monitoring institutions ..............................................7 Table 3. Typology of protected areas ......................................................................................13 Table 4. Jordan's progress towards environmental sustainability ...........................................17 Table 5. ESI score and rank for MENA countries ...................................................................18 Table 6. Adjusted Net Savings estimated for MENA countries (2006) ..................................19 Table 7. Annual cost of environmental degradation (2006) ....................................................21 Table 8. Estimated PM10 concentrations for the selected urban areas ...................................22 Table 9. Dose-response coefficients for morbidity due to exposure to PM10.........................24 Table 10. DALYs for health effects ........................................................................................24 Table 11. Water Balance by source and use (2005) ................................................................36 Table 12. Groundwater basins in Jordan, sustainable yield, actual extraction (2005).............39 Table 13. Standards for wastewater discharge for a selected number of parameters ..............48 Table 14. Share of total waste water meeting selected water quality norms ...........................48 Table 15. Overview of main effluent characteristics of different types of treatment plants ...49 Table 16. Estimates of wastewater from Industry (2005) ........................................................51 Table 17. Overview of the most important industrial estates in Jordan ..................................53 Table 18. Institutional responsibilities of different ministries involved in water quality ........56 Table 19. Present responsibilities for different types of monitoring .......................................57 Table 20. Preliminary options to reform the water quality monitoring system .......................58 Table 21. Typology of policy instrument for improved water quality ....................................59 Table 22. Overview of key transport sector institutions and their functions ...........................70 Table 23. Passenger car sales tax .............................................................................................72 Table 24. Vehicle fleet and age in Jordan, July 2007 ..............................................................73 Table 25. Estimated annual transport. Million vehicle km/year, 2006 ....................................74 Table 26. Characteristics of road transport fuels in Jordan, 2007 ...........................................75 Table 27. Annual phosphate transport on rail in Jordan. .........................................................76 Table 28. No. of public transport vehicles ...............................................................................77 Table 29. Assumptions on annual mileage by vehicle type .....................................................79 Table 30. Actual and estimated fuel consumption of road transport (tons/year, 2006) ...........81 Table 31. Estimated air emission from road transport, ............................................................82 Table 32. Estimated external costs of road transport air emissions in 2006. Mio EUR/year ..83 viii Table 33. Selected estimates of air pollution damage in 2006 (Million JOD/ year) ...............84 Table 34. Selected air emission and air quality targets in National Agenda ...........................85 Table 35. Estimated vehicle fleet in Jordan, 2011/12 ..............................................................85 Table 36. Selected policy options for reducing transport sector air pollution .........................92 Table 37. Estimated emissions per year for different policy scenarios ...................................95 Table 38. Simplified assessment of vehicular emission in Amman (2006).............................96 Table 39. Estimated cost of emissions for different policy scenarios ( million /year) ..........97 Table 40. Activities and associated costs and benefits ............................................................98 Table 41. Distribution of industrial sectors in Jordan ............................................................107 Table 42. Mining's relative contribution to air pollution compared to other sectors ............108 Table 43. Estimated distribution of pollution pressures from industrial sub-sectors ............117 Table 44. Industry ranking in terms of % of pollution at national level ................................124 Table 45. BOD Loads at JIEC Wastewater Treatment Plants ...............................................126 Table 46: Air quality monitoring responsibilities ..................................................................136 Table 47: Total PEE proportion in GDP and total public expenditure ..................................149 Table 48. Summary of the Jordanian EIA Procedures...........................................................156 Table 49. Summary of main strengths and weaknesses.........................................................159 Table 50. Summary of recommendations by theme, time horizon and lead agency .............160 Table 51. Detailed short term recommendations ...................................................................162 Table 52. Detailed medium to long term recommendations ..................................................166 Table 53. Present responsibilities for different types of monitoring .....................................187 Table 54. Revised monitoring system; preliminary proposal ................................................190 Table 55. List of officials consulted for the development of transport model.......................191 Table 56. 2005 emission factors ............................................................................................194 Table 57. 1990 emission factors ............................................................................................194 Table 58. Pre 1990 emission factors ......................................................................................195 Table 59. Rail emission factors .............................................................................................195 Table 60. Jordan Public Expenditures According to Functional Classification ....................198 Table 61: Jordan public environmental protection expectorer (705) vs CEPA ...................198 Table 62: Public Environmental Protection expenditure (2002-2006, current Million JOD)203 Table 63: Total PEE proportion in GDP and total public expenditure (Deflated) ................203 Table 64: Central Government Expenditure on Environmental Protection (2002-2006) ......204 Table 65: Environmental Expenditure by Independent Public Institution (2002-2006)........205 ix Table 66: General Government PEE by domain during 2002-2006 ......................................205 Table 67: Environmental Expenditure of Municipalities by domain (2002-2006)................206 Table 68: GAM Expenditure on Environmental Protection by domain (2002-2006) ...........206 Table 69: Public Independent Institutions PEE by domain (2002-2006) ..............................207 Table 70: Total Public Expenditure on Environmental Protection by domain (2002-2006) .207 Table 71: Capital Environmental Expenditure by domain (2002-2006) ...............................209 Table 72: Current Environmental Expenditure by domain (2002-2006) ...............................209 Table 73. Summary of the Jordanian EIA Procedures...........................................................212 Table 74. Gap Analysis..........................................................................................................214 Table 75. Proposed actions to sustain the equivalence and acceptability ..............................219 x ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AEWA African Eurasian Waterbird Agreement AFD Agence Française de Développement ANS Adjusted Net Savings ARC Aqaba Railway Corporation ASEZA Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority AWC Aqaba Water Company BAT Best Available Technology BOD Biological Oxygen Demand CAU Civil Aviation Authority CBA Cost Benefit Analysis COED Cost of Environmental Degradation CSC Common Services Councils CV Contingent Valuation DALYs Disability Adjusted Life Years DHS Jordan Demographic and Health Survey EIA Environmental Impact Assessment DOS Department of Statistics EP Environment Protection EPA Environment Protection Act ER Environmental Rangers ESI Environmental Sustainability Index ETC Electrical Training Centre FAO Food and Agriculture Organization GAM Greater Amman Municipality GDP Gross Domestic Product GEF Global Environment Facility GOJ Government of Jordan HCA Human capital approach HDV Heavy Duty Vehicle IIED International Institute for Environment and Development IPPC Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control IPPS Industrial Pollution Projection System IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management JCO Jordan Cooperative Organization JHR Jordan Hejaz Railway JHRC Jordan Hejaz Railways Corporation JIEM Jordan Integrated Ecosystem Management in the Jordan Rift Valley project JISM Jordan Institution for Standards and Metrology JMA Jordan Maritime Authority JNA Jordan National Agenda xi JR Jordan Refinery JS Jordanian Standard JTI Jordan Transport Institute JVA Jordan Valley Authority JVD Jordan Valley Development KAC King Abdullah Canal KTR King Talal Reservoir LDV Light Duty Vehicle LVID License and Vehicle Inspection Directorate MDGs Millennium Development Goals MEMR Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources MENA Middle East and North Africa MIT Ministry of Industry and Trade MoA Ministry of Agriculture MoEnv Ministry of Environment MoH Ministry of Health MoMA Ministry of Municipal Affairs MoPIC Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation MoPWH Ministry of Public Works and Housing MoWI Ministry of Water and Irrigation NA National Agenda NGWA Northern Governorates Water Authority NRA Natural Resources Authority NRH National Rangeland Rehabilitation NWMP National Water Master Plan Pas Protected Areas PTRC Public Transport Regulatory Commission RSCN Royal Society for Conservation of Nature RSS Royal Scientific Society SABEQ Sustainable Achievement of Business Expansion and Quality SWM Solid Waste Management UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund USAID US Agency for International Development VSL Value of Statistical Life WAJ Water Authority of Jordan WHC World Heritage Convention WHO World Health Organization WQO Water Quality Objectives WTP Willingness to pay WUAs Water User Associations xii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report was developed on the basis of a full partnership between the Government of Jordan and the World Bank. USAID joined in the effort by supporting the preparation of the analysis of the industrial sector. On the Jordanian side, the work was undertaken under the overall guidance of H.E. Mr. Khaled Irani (Ministry of Environment), with the support of H.E. Eng. Omar Al-Ma'ani (Mayor of the Greater Amman Municipality) and with the very valuable institutional leadership of the Secretaries General in the different Ministries, namely: Eng. Faris Al-Junaidi in the Ministry of Environment; and, in alphabetical order: Eng. Jamal Abu- Obeid (Ministry of Municipal Affairs), Eng. Farouq Al- Hyari (Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources), Eng. Khaldoun Al-Khashman (former Secretary General of the Ministry of Water & Irrigation), Eng. Muhannad Al-Qudah (Ministry of Transport), Eng. Farouq Al-Hadidi (Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities), Eng. Musa Al-Jama'ani (Jordan Valley Authority - JVA), Dr. Montaser Al- Oqleh (Ministry of Industry & Trade), Eng. Radi Al-Tarawneh (Ministry of Agriculture), Eng. Izz Edden Kanakriah (Ministry of Finance), Dr. Jannat Merza (Ministry of Health), Eng. Muneer Oweis (Water Authority of Jordan - WAJ), Eng. Nasser Shraideh (Ministry of Planning & International Cooperation). A special acknowledgement goes to Ms. Ruba Al Zubi, former Director of Policy at the Ministry of Environment, who coordinated the activities of the inter-ministerial working group and acted as lead technical focal point for interaction with the Bank team. Without her competence, dedication and commitment, this report would not have been possible. Many thanks to Eng. Ahmed Qatarneh (Assistant Secretary General, Ministry of Environment) who coordinated the final stages of the CEA report preparation on the Government of Jordan side. Dr. Saleh Kharabsheh (Ministry of Planning & International Cooperation), acted as main institutional counterpart of the World Bank. Ms. Lina Khouri provided excellent support to the activities of Jordan's working group and of the World Bank's missions. In the spirit of the CEA cross-sector approach to the environment's agenda, the Government formed an inter-institutional working group to facilitate access to data and provide strategic and technical feedback during the various stages of the report preparation. The active participation of the members of the working group, both in terms of process and of substance, was essential for the completion of the report. The working group included (in alphabetical order): Eng. Ayman Abu Khyarah (Ministry of Tourism & Antiquities), Eng. Zaydoon Al- Qasem (Greater Amman Municipality), Eng. Ali Al- Sobuh (Ministry of Water & Irrigation), Eng. Yosef Arabiat (Ministry of Agriculture), Eng. Maysoon Bseiso (Ministry of Health), Mr. Mohamad Khaled Daghash (Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources), Eng. Abeer Haj Hasan (Ministry of Industry & Trade), Mr. Awwad Harahsheh (Ministry of Planning & International Cooperation), Dr. Jamal Mahasneh (Ministry of Industry & Trade), Eng. Saleh Malkawi (Ministry of Water & Irrigation), Eng. Tamara B. Merza (Ministry of Municipal Affairs), Mr. Ayman Odeinat (Ministry of Finance), Eng. Randa Rabadi (Ministry of Transport). Additional important contributions were provided by (in alphabetical order): Ms. Suna Abu Zahra (Department of Statistics -DOS), Eng. Mohammad Al-Alem (Ministry of Environment), Ms. Norma Al Hersh (Ministry of Finance), Dr. Saleem Al- Moghrabi (Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority - ASEZA), Eng. Husain Badarin (Ministry of Environment), Eng. Jabuer Daradkah (Ministry of Environment), Mr. Mohammad Khalaf (Department of Statistics-DOS), Dr. Mohammad Khashashneh (Ministry of Environment), Ms. Suha Mustafa (Jordan Chamber of Industry -JCI), Dr. Mohammad Saidam (Royal Scientific Society), Ms. Ghadeer Saleh (Zarqa Chamber of Industry - ZCI), Eng. Rose Smadi (Amman Chamber of Industry (ACI)), Mr. Ahmad Ulimate (Water Authority of Jordan - WAJ). xiii The final report benefited from the comments of the participants to the wrap-up workshop held in Amman, Jordan on June 24-25, 2009. They represented Government agencies, academia and the private sector, as well as NGOs and are listed in Annex 6. The World Bank team was led by Raffaello Cervigni, Senior Economist, and comprised Dahlia Lotayef, Senior Environmental Specialist, Sherif Arif, Senior Consultant, Lelia Croitoru, Extended-Term Consultant, Helena Naber, Young Professional, Ahmed Shawky, Senior Water Resources Specialist, Amer Jabarin, Lead National Consultant, Gert Soer, (Consultant, Water Quality), Erling Hvid and Henrik Duer (Consultants, Road Transport), Robert Anderson and Nedal Aloran, (Consultants, Institutional Capacity Assessment), Syvie Creger (Team Assistant). Additional contributions were provided by Kanta Kumari (Sr Environmental Specialist), Vladislav Vucetic (Lead Energy Specialist) and Kazi Fateha Ahmed (Consultant). Johanne Holten helped with proof-reading the final draft of the report and the organization of the wrap-up workshop. The USAID team included Dr Amal Hijazi (who acted as focal point), Tarek Tarawneh, Jamal Jaber and Loay Hidmi (Consultants). The peer reviewers in the World Bank are Aziz Bouzaher, Lead Environmental Specialist, and Juan Carlos Belausteguigoitia, Lead Environmental Economist. Financial support from the CEA Trust Fund and from the Danish Consultants Trust fund is gratefully acknowledged. xiv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS Jordan is a small, middle-income, open economy, with a limited natural resources base and active trade flows. As the integration of Jordan in the World Economy progresses, enhancing Jordan's environmental management can not only improve the wellbeing of Jordanians, but also enable the country to better compete in increasingly environmentally conscious markets. To date there has not yet been a comprehensive assessment of Jordan's environmental agenda, particularly in terms of providing indications on how to integrate long-term environmental concerns into the development process. Striking a balance between breadth and depth of the analysis, this report intends to help fill such a gap and to provide insights that can inform the dialogue between the World Bank and the Government of Jordan on a selected number of areas of particular relevance for continued sustainable economic and social development. The report has been prepared by a World Bank team that has worked in full partnership and cooperation with a Jordanian team, led by the Ministry of Environment, and representing a broad cross-section of Government institutions. To achieve its core objectives of identifying key strategic priorities for improved environmental policy across sectoral boundaries, the CEA analyzes sequentially the country's key environmental concerns and their relative priority; the linkages between development and environmental pressure in selected themes or sectors (water quality, road transport), and the capacity of Jordan's institutions to reconcile development and growth objectives. Most of the data and information used for the report have been collected in the period 2007- 2008, although efforts have been made to take into account selected key developments in relevant policies occurred since then. A. FINDINGS Key environmental issues in Jordan Over the last decade, the Government of Jordan has made considerable progress in its ability to reduce environmental degradation, through an improved legislative framework, stronger institutions, and a number of publicly funded projects. Since its establishment in 2003, the Ministry of Environment has: · Spearheaded efforts to improve treatment of industrial wastewater (establishing recently in partnership with the private sector an industrial wastewater treatment plant in Irbid, with plans on the way for the construction of another plant in Zarqa); as well as medical and hazardous wastes (a plant due to start operation at the end of 2009 will treat some 70% of the annual waste flow); · Enhanced the inspection system through updated and comprehensive regulations, soon to be adopted; · Played a key role in the establishment of the environmental rangers department in 2006, which has helped improve, among others, the effectiveness of vehicle inspection; · Promoted, in partnership with local NGOs, public consultations on a range of environmental matters. xv Important challenges remain, however. In spite of the current limits of air quality monitoring, available evidence indicates that in selected hotspots of industrial activity and vehicular traffic, air quality is poor. Transport, power generation and industry account for the bulk of air emissions, particularly TSP, SO2 and NOx. Recent policies on fuel quality (phase-out of leaded gasoline and high sulfur diesel), and diversification of energy sources (with a stronger role given to gas-fired power plants and renewable energy) are important steps in the right direction. At the same time, a 7 to 10% annual growth in the vehicular fleet (where older, more polluting combustion technologies still dominate) is reason for concern, along with continued pressure on air quality from important industries such as mining and cement production. Jordan's chronic water scarcity (available water resources are 133 m3/capita/year including wastewater reuse) has resulted in mining of renewable groundwater resources (with extraction currently 50% above safe yields (2005)), increased salinity, declining water table levels and increasing pumping costs. The 1997 Water Strategy, the 2005 National Water Master Plan (NWMP 2005) and the 2005 National Agenda call for an increase in water supply (expected - according to the NWMP 2005- to reach 1.1 billion m3/year in 2020) and an enhanced role for treated wastewater (expected to reach 200 million m3/year in 2025), especially in agriculture. These interventions will relax to some extent the water quantity constraint, and probably result in improved quality. The cost of the policy mix however, is likely to be high, and there are probably important margins for improvement and cost savings on the demand side, where average returns to irrigation water are in the order of JOD 0.6/m3, far away from the ambitious National Agenda target of JOD 5/ m3 for by the year 2017. Land degradation takes a heavy toll on ecosystem stability and on farmers' income (especially among the poor). Productivity of rangeland, which is a key source of livelihood for most of Jordan's rural poor, has dropped about 50% over the last decade and half, due to overgrazing and the inflow of refugees (and their livestock) from the first Gulf war. The Ministry of Agriculture is attempting to reverse the problem by establishing 84,000 ha of reserves for rangeland rehabilitation. More recently, the Government has included an integrated financial strategy to combat desertification in the Executive Development program 2009 ­ 2011. Biodiversity conservation is an area of significant progress in Jordan, with rapid growth in the land area under protection over the last couple of decades, (expected to reach over 6% of total land area in the country, i.e. double the average of the MENA region), and a model of decentralized Protected Area (PA) management operated through a partnership with NGOs. However, legal issues, conflicting attributions on land use planning and funding constraints will need to be addressed to ensure the longer term viability of Jordan's PA system. Solid waste management (SWM) has been improving in Jordan, with current collection rates estimated at 90% and 70% in urban and rural areas, respectively. With the notable exception of Amman (which accounts for about half of total solid waste generation), safe disposal remains a concern however, since most of the other municipalities discharge solid waste in open dump sites with no lining, leachate management, or biogas collection. Management of hazardous and medical waste is also inadequate, since most of the former (totaling 23,000 tons in 2001 and expected to increase to 68,000 t/year by 2017) is disposed of with no treatment; whereas half of the latter is treated in outdated incinerators located in populated areas, and the other half is mixed with municipal waste in open dump sites. Key issues to be addressed to improve Jordan's SWM system following Amman's example include the need for a more comprehensive and detailed legislative framework, as well for a fully formulated sector xvi strategy and policy. In addition, cost recovery rates will need to improve to alleviate the resource constraint that hinders the SWM system in many municipalities. When benchmarked against standard international indicators of environmental performance, Jordan fares quite well in comparison to other middle-income countries in the MENA region and elsewhere. In particular it has achieved progress on attaining target 9 (environmental sustainability) of the Millennium Development Goals (particularly with respect to access to potable water), it ranks third in the MENA region in terms of the Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI), and second in MENA in terms of Adjusted Net Savings (which measure countries' ability to maintain a balance among natural, physical and human capital). This could be an indication of favorable conditions for focusing the country's effort on the main present and future environmental challenges, provided that there is adequate information on relative priorities across environmental themes, and on key tradeoffs to be addressed to make progress on those priorities. The cost of environmental degradation Environmental degradation inflicts a cost to society, in terms of mortality and morbidity from air and water pollution, foregone income of activities linked to natural resource use (such as agriculture, tourism), and cost of "aversive behavior" (e.g., water filtration, purchase of bottled water to reduce exposure to water-borne diseases). The Cost of Environmental Degradation (COED) in Jordan is evaluated taking into account both immediate and longer-lived impacts of degradation that have taken place in a reference year (2006). Using a range of well-established and internationally accepted methodologies, the total COED is estimated to be in the range of JOD143-332 million, with an average of JOD237 million, or 2.35% of GDP in 2006. If the impact of emissions on global environment is added, the total cost to Jordan and the global community as a whole would be JOD393 million. Figure 1 illustrates the magnitude of impacts estimated for each environmental theme. The most important contributor to the overall damage is air pollution, which is highly localized and accounts for 1.15% of GDP. The impact of inadequate water supply, sanitation and hygiene is the second most significant, representing about 0.81% of GDP. The cost of improper disposal of solid waste ranks third, followed by that of degradation of soil and coastal zone. xvii Figure 1. Annual cost of environmental degradation by category in 2006 1.40% 1.20% 1.15% Selected hotspots of industrial activity and 1.00% vehicular traffic 0.81% % of GDP 0.80% 0.60% 0.40% 0.23% 0.20% 0.11% 0.06% 0.00% Air Water Waste Soil Coastal zone Given data limitations, these estimates should be interpreted as rough approximation; they are likely to be conservative, since several forms of degradation could not be quantified (notably the possible impacts on health of untreated industrial wastewater). The relatively high cost of outdoor air pollution should be interpreted as a signal of degradation in selected road traffic and industrial hotspots (such as downtown Amman, Zarqa, Fuheis, etc.), and not as a reflection of overall poor air quality at the national level. In particular, air pollution does not affect tourism poles such as Petra, the Dead Sea, Jerash, etc. The magnitude of the problem in Jordan is less significant than in comparator countries in the region (e.g., Egypt) or elsewhere (e.g., Peru). Water quality As one of the most water scarce countries in the world, one of Jordan's key priority is management of water quantity. But water quality matters too: poor water quality is a significant social concern because of its effects on human health and productive activities; conversely, water of better quality means that more resources are available to help mitigate the scarcity problem. These are the main reasons why this chapter focuses on the quality aspect of Jordan's water agenda, proposing an integrated approach, in terms of resources evaluated (surface, ground, and treated wastewater), sources of pollution (urban, industrial and agriculture sectors), and range of impacts considered (human health, income of farmers and water consumers). The issue of adequate incentives for better quantity management clearly remains important, but is not addressed in this report, particularly on account of the fact that after the National Agenda, it would appear that the reduction of water-related subsidies and the creation of incentives for allocating water to higher value added uses are being recognized as necessities that public policies will need to address in the future. xviii While significant limitations to data access and availability prevent at the moment a fully statistically representative assessment of water quality, there are a number of important policy indications that can be extracted from existing data. In particular: · Surface water, which appears to be overall of acceptable quality, presented, at the time of data collection, important problems of salinity and bacteriological contamination of a localized nature, which due to impacts on human health and agriculture are of strategic significance. In particular, levels of E-coli and TDS concentrations at the Zarqa junction of the King Abdullah Canal (KAC), - which is located upstream of important irrigation schemes in the Jordan valley- have been in recent years well above the respective quality norms. Improved quality of effluent from the new As-Samra treatment plant might help mitigate the problem. Considering the overall decline of fresh surface water resources observed in recent years and due in particular to the drying up of Yarmouk river base flow, it is possible that Jordan will experience a more general worsening of average quality of surface water. · In terms of groundwater, the evidence suggests a simultaneous trend of declining water tables and increasing salinity in most aquifers, with resulting higher extraction costs (in terms of pumping as well as accelerated well replacement), and the need to use more irrigation water for leaching. Higher production costs and declining yields affect farmers' income, for a share of some 40% of the 2006 cost of environmental degradation linked to poor water quality (not including industrial wastewater impacts). The cost however is likely to escalate in the future, as water tables keep declining, and as increased demand for potable use in urban areas raises the opportunity costs of the additional water required to decrease salinity. Nitrates pollution of aquifers appears of concern mainly in the Amman- Zarqa basin. · Access to sanitation is relatively high (with some exception in rural areas), and the quantity of municipal wastewater collected and treated has been steadily increasing. However, the quality of the wastewater effluent is a reason for concern: about half of the total effluent does not seem to meet national quality norms for pollutants such as BOD (55% of non- compliance) and E-coli (46%). The situation has recently improved with the establishment of the new As-Samra treatment plant, which has the potential to increase compliance rates to 80%; further progress may be expected if the targets of the National Agenda are met, although the cost is likely to be high. · In terms of industrial wastewater, only an estimated 28% of the total effluent is treated (almost 50% excluding wastewater from potash mining, which is likely to have limited environmental impacts). About 40% of industrial wastewater is estimated (net of mining effluents) to be discharged to the public sewer network, but the quality of the effluent is of concern on account of high rates of discharges without licensing, the rather lenient standards for heavy metals and organic toxics, and the considerable rates of non- compliance with applicable regulations (over 30% for ammonia and suspended solids). As for the 60% of wastewater not disposed of in sewers, monitoring of the effluent quality is very limited and does not adequately cover certain toxic substances. Disposal of wastewater through tankers is a widespread practice, virtually unmonitored in terms of effluent quality, and likely to pose health hazards where wastewater is disposed of in un- lined landfills (such as Al-Ekeider), with resulting possible infiltration into groundwater. Current policies seem to focus on centralized treatment plants as the strategy of choice to address the problem. However, there may be important opportunities for reducing the xix overall public and private cost of treatment by encouraging plant-level interventions (both production process and end-of-pipe treatment). In the face of the combined effects of groundwater mining, dwindling surface resources population growth, and policies aimed at promoting industrial development, several of the quality problems reviewed in this report are likely to worsen in the medium to long term, and result in impacts on human health, income and agriculture outputs, well beyond the 0.8% of GDP estimated in this CEA for 2006. The National Agenda establishes a number of targets of increased water supply and enhanced wastewater treatment, which are likely to reduce water scarcity and deliver water quality benefits as well. This report however argues that those programs could be complemented and optimized by considering interventions that could significantly alleviate water quality problems at relatively low cost. Such interventions could include hygiene programs to reduce at-recipient exposure; but more importantly water savings policies (especially in irrigation) that could enable ­if supported by water rights regulation,- on-site increased dilution, bulk-water arbitrages and reduction of polluting concentrations at larger geographical scales . A simplified Cost-Benefit analysis at the macro-level suggests that it might be possible to eliminate up to 80% of the social cost of water degradation (as estimated by the CEA) by optimally combining hygiene programs, enhanced dilution via water savings, and wastewater treatment. Under the assumption used in the CEA (and subject to limited information on baseline concentrations, unit costs and other parameters), this could be achieved by a water saving program aimed at reducing losses in irrigation at a rate of 3% per year, accompanied by hygiene programs targeted at some 80,000 households. Figure 2. Simplified cost-benefit analysis of macro-level water quality interventions 120% 1.2 1.1 100% 1.0 0.9 Share of COED eliminated, rate of norm attainment 80% 0.8 Benefit/ cost ratio 0.7 60% 0.6 0.5 40% 0.4 0.3 20% 0.2 0.1 0% - 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% Rate of annual water savings Share of COED e liminated Atta inme nt of BOD Norm Attainm ent of TD S N orm Ben efit/C ost ratio Air pollution and road transport xx The transport sector in Jordan accounts for a large share of air emissions (estimated at 80% for NOx; 20% for SOx, and 40% for TSP). By developing indicative estimates of transport emissions by vehicle type, fuel and traffic location, both for the reference year (2006) and for a no-intervention future baseline, the CEA helps identify policy options for reducing the environmental impacts of road transport. With a 7 to 10% annual growth of the vehicular fleet, a relatively large share (32%) of older technology (and thus higher emissions) vehicles, a low rate of replacement of old vehicles, and ­pending implementation of recent reforms - low quality fuels (high sulfur diesel), Jordan's transport sector is poised to remain a large emitter in the future, unless suitable policy actions are undertaken. Growth in vehicular emissions might even become more significant if demand (vehicle-km) increase, and/or occupancy rates decrease: these are likely side-effects of per capita income growth, as OECD countries experience suggests. In recent times, the Government has adopted a transport strategy that purports to increase the share of rail in freight transport. Once implemented, this will help reduce polluting emissions from the sector. As part of the CEA, a basic traffic-emission model was developed to assess current and future levels of emissions. The model permits to evaluate the total volume of road transport emissions, as well the associated social damage, which is estimated to be in order of JOD 130 million per year. In addition, the model permits to identify Light Duty Vehicles (LDV) and minibuses, as well as Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV) as the main sources of PM, NOx, and SO2 emissions (with contribution ranging between 60% and 90% of the total); whereas passenger cars appear to be the key source of CO and HC emissions (over 80%). Figure 3. Contributions to air emissions by vehicle type and by pollutant 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% CO HC NOx SO2 PM pass. car motorcycle LDV+minibus HDV bus transit HDV transit coach These results suggest that in order to abate key pollutants such as PM, SO2, HC and NOx, for which quantification of health impacts effects is readily obtainable, both in physical terms (increased risk of premature mortality and of morbidity) as well as in monetary terms, policies should focus on higher emitting vehicles (LDV, minibus, HDV), seeking in the short term to reduce emissions per unit of traffic, and in the longer term, to decouple growth of traffic from growth in population and per capita income. On the other hand, policies to increase the use of public transport or more generally increase occupancy rates (number of passengers per vehicle-km), will have most of their environment xxi benefits in terms of decrease in other pollutants, such as CO, for which monetary estimates of damage are not available in the literature, and which are thus less amenable to being evaluated in cost-benefits terms. The CEA assesses in simple cost-benefit terms the merits of different policy options to reduce, in the shorter term, "monetizable" emissions (PM, SO2, HC and NOx). These options are: · Improvement of fuel quality through phasing out high sulfur diesel. While this option has already been adopted by the Government, the precise phasing out schedule is still subject to uncertainty, so the analysis might help in the implementation phase of the policy; · Improvement of vehicle maintenance through workshop certification and staff training; · Improvement of the environmental quality of the vehicle fleet through stringent environmental requirements to newly registered vehicles The results of the analysis suggest (Figure 4) that sequential adoption of these policies can reduce about 50% of the social cost of air pollution which would occur in a no-intervention scenario; and that this can be done in a fairly cost-effective manner (i.e. with a cost-benefit ratio well below 1). The analysis also indicates that there are wide margins for further, cost-effective, abatement interventions, such as fiscal incentives (e.g., fuel taxation, road charging); and, in the longer term, through reduced demand (per capita or per unit of GDP) for use of the more polluting vehicles (LDVs and HDVs), through modal shifts, improved logistics, etc.) These options were not further analyzed due to lack of data on freight and passenger demand (ton-km and passenger-km), which represent a serious hindrance to the design and evaluation of transport policies, let alone air quality management. Figure 4. Abatement cost curve of air pollution from land transport 1.0 Cost-effectiveness boundaries of additional 0.8 abatement policies Cumulative Cost/ Benefit ratio Fuel quality + Improv vehic maint. Fuel quality + Improv 0.5 vehic maint. + New vehic/ fuel comply EU Fuel quality norms 0.3 - 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Percent abatement of value of baseline emissions xxii In terms of the other, "non-monetizable" pollutants (such as CO), the CEA also provides a preliminary evaluation of the emission reduction that can be achieved by increasing the use of public transport. Based on the goal of increasing the share of public transport in total traffic, which the Greater Amman Municipality has indicated to be 75% for the year 2020, the CEA estimates (using 2006 data) that CO and HC emissions could be reduced up to 60%. However, considering the estimated current level of public ridership is about 40%, the proposed increase to 75% would represent a step change, which is likely to require high level of institutional, financial and political commitment. Industrial pollution On account of its current importance in Jordan's economy (over 22% of GDP), its fast rate of annual growth (12% in recent years), and the lack of an adequate regulatory and enforcement framework, the industrial sector is an important source of environmental pressure in Jordan, and is likely to become more so in the future, especially if the full implementation of trade agreements will result in an increase of foreign demand for Jordanian industrial products. Poor or not easily accessible monitoring data on polluting emissions makes it difficult to evaluate priorities for pollution abatement across sectors, locations, pollutant types, and enterprise size. To overcome this obstacle and provide policy makers with broad indications for action, this chapter proposes to apply international emission coefficients (obtained from the World Bank's IPPS system) to estimate the structure of industry's pollution. The results are subject to obvious caveats linked to the limitations of the methodology, and to some data classification issues, but are found to be in line with the limited empirical evidence available. The following key findings should be used as first indications of areas of policy interest, but they should be revisited on the basis of Jordan-specific industrial emission data as soon as they become available: · The bulk of pollution originates from enterprises located in the Amman and Zarqa industrial districts; the relatively lower share of total pollution in Irbid and Zarqa is associated to advanced forms of localized environmental degradation, which is no less important than Amman's. · While at the national level most of the pollution comes from (larger) industrial enterprises (70% to 90% depending on the pollutant), in Irbid, and particularly Zarqa, micro enterprises are an important source of pollution, accounting for up to 60% of some emissions (i.e. BOD in Zarqa) · At the national level, the chemical, medical and engineering/ electrical sectors account for the larger contributions to most polluting emissions. However, the sector ranking is different when specific pollutant types are considered. In particular, the food supply sector is estimated to be the top air and water polluter; the engineering/ electrical sector has the largest share of heavy metal pollution; and the leather/ garment sector is the top contributor to toxic emissions (particularly water). For virtually all pollutants, the "cleanest" sector is the packing and paper sector. · Pollution shares of industrial subsectors vary by location. The ranking of polluting industries per medium in Amman and Zarqa is similar to that at the national level. For Irbid, however, the ranking is different: leather is the most polluting industry of air and air xxiii toxics and a relatively important contributor to water pollution (BOD). This suggests that efforts to abate pollution should be site specific and take into account local conditions. · Mining is important in terms of air pollution. However, because it is remotely located with respect to urban areas, it is difficult to determine its importance in terms of health impacts. · Projections of environmental pressures for 2012 and 2017 indicate that top 4 polluting industry will remain the same (chemical, medical, engineering/ electrical and construction sectors). Some of the lower rankings may change however, with the plastic and rubber sector poised to become a more important polluter in 2017. · Because of large variations across sectors in unit abatement costs and relative contribution to total emissions, the cost of abatement policies is likely to be very sensitive to the selection of target sectors. As an example, it is estimated that the cost of reaching a given abatement target for all pollutants (e.g., 50% or better) can vary by a factor of up to 3.5, depending on whether or not the optimal combination of abatement efforts across sub- sectors is selected. · A few abatement cost curves are estimated to further illustrate the importance of carefully targeting abatement efforts. In the case of air pollution, some 80% of total emissions can be abated by focusing on the food, chemicals, medical and plastic sectors, at a cost of $4,000/ ton or less; the unit cost of achieving the remaining 20% is estimated to be in the range of US$8,000-14,000. For water toxics (Figure 5), priority should be given to the leather, food, construction and furniture sectors, which have the lowest unit abatement cost and account for 80% of total emissions. The level of abatement attainable at any given unit cost varies considerably from one industrial location to the other. Figure 5. Abatement cost curves for water toxics 1,200 Therapeutics and Medical Plastic and Rubber Chemical and Cosmetics 1,000 Curve for Amman Unit abatement cost (US$) 800 Packing, Packaging, Paper, cartoon, and 600 Stationeries Engineering, Electrical Construction Industries and Information Technology 400 Furniture and Wooden Food, Supplies, Leather and Garments Agricultural and Livestock Industry 200 Curve for Irbid - 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Cumulated pollution abatement Institutional Assessment xxiv The CEA conducts an institutional assessment to evaluate Jordan's environmental governance system based on the World Development Report 2003 framework. This framework identifies three main functions that institutions should carry out to promote sustainable environmental management and long-term human well-being: a) picking up signals on environmental conditions; b) balance interests, and c) execute decisions. The CEA also benchmarks Jordan performance against standards of international good practice, such as the Aarhus convention on access to information, public participation and access to justice; and EU and World Bank procedures for carrying out Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). While legislation has been assigning over time responsibilities for environment-related matters to a number of different institutions, it is only with the environmental protection law (introduced in 2003 and amended in 2006) that Jordan has established an institution (the Ministry of Environment) entrusted with a broad mandate of policy making and coordination of the country's environmental agenda As a result, a complex system of attributions of similar or related functions to different institutions still remains, which weakens the overall effectiveness of Jordan's environmental management because of overlaps in roles and responsibilities (particularly in terms of monitoring, regulation and enforcement). Picking up signals from society relies on monitoring environmental quality, disseminating results, and gathering feedback from society. Air and water quality monitoring suffer from overlapping roles, limited data disclosure and reporting, and particularly in the case of air monitoring, limited coverage across space and time. The general public in Jordan shows interest in environmental matters (according to surveys, more so than in comparator countries in MENA and elsewhere), there are several non- governmental organizations that are engaged in environmental management, and the media contribute towards promoting awareness on environmental issues. However, access to information on environmental quality is limited by lack of comprehensive environmental database, and is restricted by requirements of justification to access. Also, in spite of increased individual cases of public consultation, there is a limited degree of institutionalization of public participation in the development of plans, programs and policies as well as laws, rules and legally binding norms. The ability of Jordan's institutions to balance interests is assessed first in terms of its environmental standards. They compare well to OECD countries for several important air pollutants, indicating a strong importance attached to the environment vis­à­vis potentially conflicting development goals. At the same time, there does not seem to be a mechanism for systematically evaluating trade-offs between economic growth and environmental quality, the enforcement of standards remains problematic, and little effort has been put so far in combining standards with market based mechanisms to balance interests. Integration of environmental concerns into sector strategies has largely consisted in statement of principle with no clear targets and dedicated resources; a structured system to make environmental mainstreaming more concrete (such as Strategic Environmental Assessments, SEAs) would seem warranted. Executing decisions: since availability of resources is one of the main constraints to executing decisions of environmental management, the CEA conducted (for the first time in Jordan) a review of public environmental expenditure (PEER). The PEER showed that public xxv expenditure on environment during the period 2002-2006 amounted to an average of 0.8% of Jordan's total GDP, and formed 2.3% of total government spending. This compares well to a number of EU countries; however the magnitude of environmental degradation (2.35% of GDP in 2006 according to the CEA estimate) might indicate that additional environmental protection efforts are in order. The PEER does not yet provide indications on the quality or effectiveness of the expenditure. It points to a strong bias of public expenditure in favor of wastewater treatment (which accounts for at least 40% of the total). This finding is prima facie at odds with the results of the cost degradation analysis, which suggest that air pollution is a more serious concern than water quality. Within the overall amount of resources dedicated to environmental protection, those available to the Ministry of Environment have particular importance, given the Ministry's strategic role in policy making, coordination, monitoring and enforcement. The CEA finds that although improvements have been achieved since its establishment in 2003, the Ministry remains severely understaffed (as confirmed by international comparisons) and short of equipment. Apart from the special case of Aqaba Special Economic Zone, where environmental protection, along with most other functions of Government is transferred to a local entity (ASEZA), environmental management in Jordan remains quite centralized. Increasing resources and strengthening the capacity of regional directorates within the MoEnv, enhancing their mandates and delineating responsibilities vis-à-vis the units at headquarters and enhancing the environmental capacity of other agencies' local directorates are needed for stronger environmental management at the local level. Finally, the implementation of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is an important form of executing decision. An equivalence assessment between Jordan's system and international best practice systems (World Bank and EU) finds that many features of the Jordanian EA system are compatible with the World Bank and the European EU requirements, though some moderate and significant gaps remain between the systems; and that effective application of EIA procedures is limited by staffing constraints in the Ministry. xxvi B. RECOMMENDATIONS The CEA contains (see Chapter 8 for details) a number of recommendations for action on air quality, water quality and cross-cutting themes, which include the identification of lead and partner agencies for implementation, and a qualitative assessment of expected impacts and likely coordination/ transactions costs. Main recommendations ­which take into account comments and suggestions made by the participants to the CEA wrap-up workshop (see Annex 6)-include: Short term (up to 18 months) Air quality 1. The Ministry of Environment, in partnership with the Greater Amman Municipality, and building on the technical assistance provided by the French development agency, should lead national efforts to accelerate the enhancement of the air monitoring system, including ambient air quality, as well as emission from stationary (possibly giving priority to the likely highest emitting sectors, such as those identified in the chapter on industrial pollution), as well as mobile ones. The geographic coverage should include the major population and industrial centers in the country. 2. Accelerate the phase-out of high sulfur diesel: the decision has already been made by the Ministry of Energy, so it is important to mobilize the resources required for its enactment (e.g., refinery upgrade, etc.). This can decisively contribute to the reduction of SO2 emission, and to a lesser extent, of PM. Options to improve the quality of fuel used by the industrial sector should also be considered. 3. Define an action plan for implementing other key policies to reduce emission per unit of traffic (i.e. emissions per vehicle/km, ton/km), namely enhancing maintenance of vehicles, improving the environmental performance of vehicular fleet through strengthened regulation of imports, and promoting the replacement of older vehicles. 4. Establish Jordan-specific emission factors (based on driving-circle measurement or other internationally accepted methodologies) so as to improve information on the volume and distribution across the vehicular fleet of polluting emissions from road transport. The technical capacity and equipment of relevant authorities (e.g., MoEnv, License and Vehicle Inspection Directorate, etc.) will need to be adequately strengthened. Water quality 5. Enhance the monitoring of groundwater resources by synchronizing the quality and quantity parameters, so as to better evaluate the impacts of accelerated aquifer use on the quality, and availability, of groundwater. This requires establishing a dedicated network of observation wells. 6. Revise and strengthen the standard for wastewater discharged from industries [JS 202/2007], in particular with respect to TDS, heavy metals and other toxic organic materials. Also revise the regulation related to discharging industrial effluents in the domestic sewer network. xxvii Cross-cutting 7. Policy, strategy and legislation · Adopt a strategic approach to inspections, defining in a transparent manner priority locations/ sectors (as opposed to the current one which is primarily complaint-driven); · Based on the results of improved air and water quality monitoring, establish a list (or improve existing ones) of priority pollution hotspots, particularly in Zarqa; · Encourage compliance with environmental regulation through public disclosure of performance of the polluters by the NGOs and the media; 8. Coordination and mainstreaming: · Focus the scarce resources of the Ministry of Environment on core functions of strategy development and follow-up, policy making, environmental advocacy within the cabinet, improved coordination across sectors; limit to the minimum MoEnv direct engagement in project implementation activities, · Improve the decentralization of MoEnv activities and enhance the role of the regional directorates. 9. Awareness, public participation, and disclosure · Improve the application of the EIA system in Jordan, initially through strengthening the existing system, through application of the Jordanian Public Law related to public consultation and disclosure; and through development of standard Terms of Reference (TORs), guidelines for sector EA guidelines and EA reviews, and decision making criteria for the Central Licensing Committee and the EIA Review Committee. 10. Technical Support and Capacity Building · Support compliance with environmental regulation through provisions of advisory services and technical assistance to industries (e.g., on cleaner technologies, processes, energy efficiency, and EMS implementation). Medium term (1 to 3 years) Air quality 1. Establish, as part of the strategic planning of large urban areas (starting with the implementation of Amman's Master Plan) traffic models to optimize the design of transportation system and the related air pollution and congestion reduction benefits; 2. Define ­ in priority pollution hotspots and where not already available - air pollution abatement plans, containing: a) targets for selected environmental improvement objectives, b) a clear assignment of roles and responsibilities for the different stakeholders involved; and ­subject to criteria of financial sustainability and cost recovery, c) incentive mechanisms (including soft loans) to encourage industries to comply with environmental regulation. Water quality 3. Adopt a unified national water law, based on the principles of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and linking water-quality and water-quantity sustainability objectives. xxviii 4. Under the initiative of the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, streamline the national water quality monitoring system, to avoid duplication of efforts and enhance data management. 5. Promote pollution control through a combination of (1) Positive incentives (including soft loans and technical assistance) to encourage the use of cleaner production processes; and (2) gradual phasing-in of negative incentives (pollution levy for industrial emissions exceeding a given standard) to induce firms to meet effluent/ambient standards (e.g., via end-of-pipe treatment). Initially the levy could be linked to level of activity/employment, and later -once adequate monitoring capacity is in place- to emission levels. 6. Conduct a study to evaluate the potential for reducing the social damage of water quality degradation through water saving policies, to be combined with hygiene programs and enhanced wastewater treatment. The mix of policy tools would be defined following criteria of cost-effectiveness and using analytical such as water quality simulation, multi- criteria/economic optimization models, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and water Public Expenditure Reviews. Cross-cutting 7. Policy, strategy and Legislation · Undertake a rapid assessment (based on environmental audits or other tools) of the average and marginal abatement cost by pollutant type and industrial sector, as a basis to better inform pollution abatement policies and programs. · Promote the inclusion of specific targets of environmental improvements in selected sector strategies (starting with the implementation with the recently adopted transport strategy), as well as the definition of responsibilities for their achievement, performance indicators, and the allocation of the required human and financial resources. 8. Coordination and Mainstreaming · Accelerate, through development of the necessary regulation, the adoption of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEAs) as a tool to promote the integration of environmental concerns across sectors. 9. Awareness, public participation, and disclosure · Improve public access to information and participation in environmental matters. To that end, the Ministry of Environment, in collaboration with relevant agencies, might want to revise the environment law no. 52 / 2006, after a suitable implementation time; · Institutionalize the practice of disseminating information, holding consultations, and instituting the right of access to information without justification. This might require amendments to the law regulating access to information (47/2007), to be agreed upon at the cabinet level; · Amend the EIA regulations to allow public consultation and disclosure (starting with distribution of scoping statements to relevant stakeholders); environmental audits; and outsourcing to qualified third parties the inspection of large polluting installations as well as monitoring and follow up of the environment management plans. xxix 10. Technical Support and Capacity Building · Establish a system of accounting of public and private expenditure for environmental protection in adherence to international statistical standards, and explore ways in which the results could be discussed at the cabinet level to evaluate the adequate volume and composition of public expenditure for environmental protection. xxx CHAPTER . 1 INTRODUCTION AND RATIONALE Jordan is a small, middle-income, open economy, with a limited natural resources base and active trade flows, with exports accounting on average for almost 50% of GDP in the period 2000-2005 (compared to about 30% for MENA and the average lower middle-income country). Growth of exports in Jordan has been twice as fast in the last five years as the MENA average; as the integration of Jordan in the World Economy progresses, enhancing Jordan's environmental management can not only improve the wellbeing of Jordanians, but also enable the country to better compete in increasingly environmentally conscious markets. Despite significant progress in the last few years on environmental management, there has not yet been a comprehensive assessment of Jordan's environmental agenda. This Country Environmental Analysis (CEA) intends to help fill such a gap and to provide analytical insights that can inform the dialogue between the World Bank and the Government of Jordan on a selected number of areas of particular relevance for continued sustainable economic and social development. The Country Environmental Analysis (CEA), which is one of the non-lending activities included in the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) for Jordan 2006-2010, is a diagnostic tool aimed at providing the analytical underpinning for integrating the environment into the development process and sustainable development assistance, including not only investment lending, but also policy lending, as mandated by OP 8.60 (Development Policy Lending). Objectives The three main objectives for the Jordan CEA are: To provide a comprehensive overview of Jordan's environmental agenda and an identification of key strategic priorities for policy action; To promote mainstreaming of environment issues into selected key sector policies for improving development and poverty alleviation; To help focus development assistance provided by the World Bank and other development partners on key interventions, at the policy and project level, required to address environmental priorities. Structure This report adopts World Bank CEA corporate guidelines and adapts them to the case of Jordan by structuring the analysis along the three following modules: A. State of the environment and environmental priorities: Chapter 2 sets the stage for the rest of the report by presenting an overview of the current state of the environment in Jordan, discussing progress, highlighting remaining challenges, and benchmarking Jordan environmental performance trough use of standard comparative indicators (ESI, MDG, adjusted savings). Chapter 3 evaluates the cost of environmental degradation for the reference year 2006, thereby providing insights into the overall magnitude of the problem, as well as the relative importance of different forms of degradation. B. Policy analysis. This module undertakes an analysis on current and future pressures on selected environmental themes of sector development; it also discusses the role of sector policies for 1 mitigating those pressures, quantifying to the extent possible broad trade-offs in a cost-benefit framework. The themes/sectors analyzed within this module are a) Water quality1 (Chapter 4); b) Air pollution from land transport (Chapter 5); and c) Industrial pollution (Chapter 6). The reasons why the Bank team and the Government of Jordan have selected these particular areas in this CEA module are the following: · First, relative priority in terms of social impacts: the COED analysis indicates that air and water pollution are the two most important forms of environmental degradation. In the case of air pollution, the selection of the transport and industry sectors for the analysis is natural, on account of the large contribution of these sectors to several key air pollutants (PM, NOx, SO2), and of the fast growth of the vehicular fleet (7% over the last few years). · Second, opportunities for spurring inter-sectoral dialogue and coordination: this applies for example to transport, where several agencies are involved in the regulation of vehicular emissions, fuel quality, the design and management of transport infrastructure, the monitoring of air quality; In the case of water quality, the issue is equally important and perhaps even more challenging: in presence of multiple actors responsible for discrete portions of the water quality agenda, it is easy to lose sight of the integral nature of the problem (which spans across different water types ­ surface, ground, treated wastewater), of the need to look at different sources of pressures (urban development, agriculture, industry), and more generally to address in an integral manner the quantity agenda (that tends to dominate in the public debate and Government programs alike), and the quality agenda (which is important for human health and economic productivity, particularly in agriculture). · Finally, expectations of future growing pressure on the environment. Industry is an important sector of Jordan's economy (accounting for almost 20% of value added), growing fast over the last few years (12% per year in 2000-2006 against the average of 4% for middle-income countries), and poised to sustain or accelerate its growths if the targets of the national agenda are to be met. Relatively little is known of the volume and composition of industrial pollution in Jordan, and so far efforts to engage the private sector in improving the sector's environmental performance have generated limited results. C. Institutional capacity assessment. This module "closes" the CEA analysis, by evaluating (in Chapter 7) the country's capacity to address key environmental challenges (as identified under module A), and to undertake policy actions to enhance environmental sustainability across sectors, such as those discussed in module B of the CEA. Based on the findings of previous chapters, Chapter 8 proposes a number of short- and medium to longer term recommendations. Approach and caveats In the design and preparation of this report, a key concern was how to address the key challenge which is inherent to the nature of CEAs as diagnostic tool, namely its broad ­encompassing nature. The report attempts to address this challenge by stringing a balance between breadth and depth of the analysis, given the time and resource constraints. In particular, on the one hand the report analyzes in 1 This analysis was intended to complement the Water Sector Update study, a separate non-lending activity programmed for FY08, which was designed to focus primarily on issues of water quantity, rather than quality. At the request of the Ministry Planning, the Water sector update has been suspended. 2 more detail the sector themes includes in section B, proposing where possible simple tools for evaluating selected trade-offs in quantitative terms. On the other hand, it purports to cover in a more exhaustive fashion (and thus necessarily less in depth) issues of priority-setting across environmental themes (Chapter 3), and of integration of environmental concerns into the rules and behavior of relevant stakeholders, beyond sector and institutional boundaries (Chapter 7). It has to be recognized that several of the topics covered by CEA could have deserved a self-standing study. As a result, the CEA should not be intended as a substitute for issue-specific analyses and more detailed modeling exercises; but rather as a tool to inform, on the basis of the best evidence that could be mobilized in the report's timeframe, policy makers, donor communities and the general public, on the key issues that need to be addressed in the environmental domain, where necessary through more in-depth and targeted analysis. Most of the data and information used for the report have been collected in the period 2007-2008, although efforts have been made to take into account selected key developments in relevant policies occurred since then. 3 CHAPTER . 2 KEY ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES IN JORDAN .1 2 Introduction Over the last decade, Jordan's economy performed above the average of other MENA countries, achieving macro-economic stability and a gross domestic product (GDP) of about US$2,630 per capita in 2006 (World Bank, 2007a). The economy is mostly based on services (67 percent of GDP) and industry and mining (30 percent). The annual growth rate reached 5.8 percent in 2006 - mainly due to the construction and manufacturing sectors - and is expected to continue at a rate of 6.3 percent in 2007 and 5.7 percent in 2008 (CIA website2, 2008). Economic growth contributed to a decline of poverty from 21.3 percent in 1997 to 14.2 percent in 20023. Moreover, illiteracy among the poor dropped by 41 percent due to the Government's literacy campaigns and "Education for All" strategy, whereas the infant and child mortality among the poor declined by nearly 33 percent4. The socio-economic record is accompanied by significant progress in the environmental sector. This includes: · The establishment in 2003 of the Ministry of Environment (MoEnv), and its gradual strengthening in terms of institutional capacity, legal upgrading, and training; · The adoption in 2006 of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) legislation and regulations (2006); · Efforts to integrate environmental concerns into sector strategies, such as the water strategy and National Water Master Plan (1997 and 2005) and the agricultural sector strategy (2001). · The introduction in the National Agenda (2005) -the country's roadmap and overarching policy framework for the years 2006-2011- of ambitious targets for improved environmental performance related to water, energy, transport, and waste. Despite these positive developments, several pressures remain. A rapidly increasing population (2.5 percent per year; World Bank, 2007a) puts pressure on natural resources, particularly water and arable land. Concentration of population and hence of environmental strain, is likely be particularly acute in urban areas: the Greater Amman Municipality (GAM)'s master plan forecasts a population increase from 2.2 million today to 6.5 million in 2020 (GAM, 2008). Economic growth, particularly through the development of transport and industry, has negative effects on water and air quality. The country's limited water availability often results in unsustainable groundwater use, with consequent declines in the water table and in water quality, which may be further exacerbated by climate change. This chapter reviews the current state of the environment and identifies the main environmental priorities facing Jordan. It analyzes the key accomplishments and challenges for the main environmental areas and natural resources (Section 2.2), and then benchmarks Jordan's environmental performance in terms of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the Environmental Sustainability Index, and Genuine Savings (Section 2.3). 2 See 3 This estimate is based on a poverty line of JOD392/capita/year, or JOD1/capita/day for 2002-2003. It reflects the calorie requirements for Jordanians and allows for actual expenditure on non-food items (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and World Bank, 2004). 4 Based on Demographic and Health Surveys, 1997 and 2002, as quoted by Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and World Bank, 2004. 4 .2 2 Key Environmental Issues 2.2.1 Air Quality Air pollution is one of the most important environmental challenges faced by Jordan (National Agenda, 2005). The country adopted regulations aimed at reducing emissions that have a negative impact on the environment5, setting ambient air quality standards comparable with international standards6 and limiting values for industrial emissions7. The transport sector strategy addresses environmental concerns related to different sub-sectors: for example it includes provisions to reduce impacts from road freight transport and rationalize energy consumption; in the case of air transport the strategy aims at reducing noise and emissions from aircraft by adopting relevant international standards and upgrading national legislation. The revised national energy strategy (2007) sets a target for use of renewable energy of 6 percent by 2020, and emphasizes the need for increased energy efficiency which would reduce energy requirements by approximately 20 percent. Jordan has made significant progress in adopting cleaner fuels in the energy and transport sectors. In recent years, use of natural gas to replace diesel and heavy fuel oil by the power sector increased substantially, reaching 77 percent of total fuel use in 2006. Moreover, in 2008 Jordan started to phase out leaded gasoline and high sulfur diesel in an effort to improve fuel quality to meet the European EURO 4 emission standards 8. Air quality is a problem in low area, high density hotspots of vehicular traffic and industrial activity. Most polluting emissions come from vehicles, industries, and residential activities. Table 1 shows that vehicles represent a significant source of emissions in Jordan. The vehicle fleet is rapidly increasing, at an annual rate of 7 to 10 percent9. Nevertheless, the vehicle fleet is relatively old, with about 33 percent of the vehicles produced before 1990. Old cars are still maintained and used, contributing significantly to emissions10. As Amman and South Amman host about 69 percent of all Jordanian vehicles (AFD, 2006), they represent a major hot spot for air pollution. Emissions from the industrial sector mainly originate from the cement plants in Fuheis and Rashidyia, the industrial area of Hashimyeh near Zarqa, power plants and phosphate and potash industries in Aqaba, and others. Among these, mining is the most important contributor to air pollution, accounting for about 62 percent of the TSP, 78 percent of the PM10 and 39 percent of the NOx generated by industry11. 5 Environmental protection law No 1 of 2003 6 The ambient air quality standards (JS 1140, updated in 2006) provide limits for total suspended particulates (TSP) and PM10 and gaseous substances SO2, CO, NO2, H2S, and Pb (see Institutional Assessment chapter for more details). 7 The standards for emissions from stationary sources (JS 1189, updated in 2006) sets limits for TSP by type of industry as well as gaseous substances (see Institutional Assessment chapter for more details). 8 The EURO 4 standard for passenger cars specify per kilometer emissions for diesel of 0.5g of CO, 0.3g of HC and NOx, 0.25g of NOx and 0.025g of PM; and for gasoline of 1 g of CO, 0.1 g of HC and 0.08g of NOx ( 9 Based on the information provided by the Licence and vehicle inspection directorate and the Ministry of Environment 10 See the Transport chapter for more details on the current fleet. 11 The estimates are based on Industrial Pollution Projection System (IPPS) methodology. See the Industrial chapter for more details. 5 Table 1. Pollutant emissions from vehicles and industries (2004) Source of emissions NOx SO2 TSP a b Road transportation (%) 79 20 39 Other diesel (%) 0 0 1 Air transport (%) 2 1 14 Industry (%) 7 30 18 Electricity production (%) 11 48 29 Total (t) 72,900 123,000 6,500 Sources: AFD, 2006, except for a Average corresponding to emissions ranging from 53,063t (AFD, 2006) and 62,160t (Transport chapter); a Average corresponding to emissions ranging from 24,240t (AFD, 2006) and 25,994t (Transport chapter). Table 2 summarizes the information made available to the World Bank CEA team on the main sources of pollution, monitoring institutions, and pollutants monitored. Most of this information is drawn from AFD (2006), completed with data obtained from the MoEnv. It should be noted that monitoring is undertaken by several institutions, such as MoEnv in Hashimyeh and Ministry of Health (MoH) in GAM, and that there is no centralized repository of information on ambient air quality and emissions. The lack of easily available data makes it difficult to arrive at a comprehensive understanding of the situation. According to AFD (2006), air quality monitoring in Jordan mostly focuses on large industries. In Hashimyeh, monitoring of H2S, CO, and SO2 at Ibn Al-Anbari, Um-Shuriak, and the Electrical Training Centre is performed every hour. Figure 6 illustrates the monthly exceedances relative to existing standards for H2S and SO2 monitored at Ibn Al-Anbari. Data on H2S exceedances are higher than SO2 ones, while both peak during August12. In other areas, however, monitoring is carried out less frequently. For example, it is only performed once a week for the phosphorous plant of Aqaba and only once a month for the cement plant in Rashidya. No air quality data appears to be available in other polluted cities, such as Irbid. This suggests a need for improving ambient air monitoring by making it more systematic where it is now infrequent, and by initiating it where it is completely lacking. 12 Available data show that monitoring was undertaken only during 14 days for November and 23 days for December. This may partly explain the low level of exceedances during these months. 6 Table 2. Main sources of emissions and monitoring institutions Location Main source of Monitoring institutions Pollutants Frequency of emissions (stations) monitored monitoring Fuheis Cement plant MoEnv (RSS) PM10 every 2 days Rashidya Cement plant MoEnv (RSS) NOx, CO, SO2, TSP once a month Hashimyeh Refinery, power MoEnv (RSS), through: SO2, H2S, PM10, CO every hour at Ibn Al- (near Zarqa) plant, steel - Ibn Al-Anbari school for Anbari school for SO2 industries, SO2, H2S, PM10 and H2S a quarries - Um-Shuriak school for SO2, H2S, PM10 - Electrical training centre for SO2, CO, PM10 Remote Phosphate mines RSS PM10 n.a. areasb Aqaba Phosphorous ASEZA (RSS) SO2, NOx, CO, HF once a week acid plant Power plants n.a. n.a. n.a. GAM Traffic MoH (RSS), through: TSP, PM10, Pb n.a. - Ean Jalout School/ Shmeisani. - Civil Defense / Abu Nusair. - Ali Ben-Abi Taleb Mosque/ Marka - Al- Husaini Mosque/ Down Town (City Center). Sources: AFD, 2006, except for a monitored data at Ibn Al-Anbari school. Notes: bincluding Al-Albiad. n.a. = not available. Figure 6. Monthly exceedances of H2S and SO2 monitored 350 312 300 258 250 200 172 179 161 157 150 119 86 85 100 74 65 71 57 54 111 46 50 22 22 18 26 15 16 15 8 0 Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oct- 05 05 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 06 H2S SO2 Source: Data monitored at Ibn Al-Anbari School for November 2005-October 2006. 7 2.2.2 Water Resources With a total renewable water availability of 133 m3/capita13 in 2005, or less than 15 percent of MENA's average14, Jordan is one of the world's poorest countries in water resources. Balancing scarce resources with growing demand is at the heart of water policy in Jordan. The water strategy (1997) and National Water Master Plan (2005) aim at securing a reliable supply of water, particularly for drinking water and irrigation. The groundwater management policy aims at reducing abstraction from renewable aquifers to sustainable quantities. Jordan has several water and wastewater quality standards15 and undertakes three types of monitoring: (i) environmental monitoring of the quality of surface water and groundwater and of pollution sources; (ii) quality control monitoring of drinking water supply and sanitation; and (iii) environmental health monitoring, related mainly to the hygienic control of drinking water and wastewater as well as of other water uses such as bathing and recreation16. Despite the high attention given to improving water management, water scarcity remains a major challenge. Moreover, rapid population growth is increasing water demand, putting additional pressure on the limited water resources. Overall, water resources are expected to decline to about 90 m3/capita by 2025, putting Jordan in the category of absolute water shortage (Ministry of Environment, 2006). Annual water consumption is 941 million m3 (2005 data), of which about 64 percent is used for irrigation17. Water demand is mostly met by groundwater (54 percent), followed by surface water (37 percent) and treated wastewater (9 percent). The high water demand is already met by extracting groundwater well above the safe yields. Total groundwater over-extraction from the eleven non-fossil basins is 148.8 million m3, which is 50 percent above the safe yield of 293.5 million18. Figure 7 presents data on the total abstraction and safe yields of the twelve major basins in Jordan. It can be noted that over-extraction occurs in eight basins and is especially significant in Amman- Zarqa, Dead Sea, Azraq, and Yarmouk19. In particular: · Amman-Zarqa is the country's largest renewable groundwater basin. Total extraction is 148.6 million m3, representing 170 percent of safe yield. · Yarmouk basin is second in size and is recharged in the relatively high rainfall mountain areas in northern Jordan and southern Syria. Total extraction is 51 million m3, or 128 percent of safe yield. 13 Ministry of Water and Irrigation, The amount includes the quantity of recycled wastewater. 14 The average water availability in MENA is about 1,200 m3/capita (World Bank, 2003) 15 These are the Jordanian Standards 2002/1991 on industrial wastewater; 1145/1996 on uses of treated sludge in agriculture; 286/2001-4th edition concerning drinking water; 893/2002 on water reclaimed domestic wastewater. See more details in Chapter 6. 16 See Chapter 4 for more details on water monitoring. 17 See Chapter 4 for more details. 18 Other sources report different figures on over-extraction. For example, the Ministry of Environment (2004) reports that over-extraction of groundwater accounted for 226 million m3 in 2003. JICA (2001) estimated a groundwater budget deficit of 130-145 million m3 for 1988, and the MoWI National Water Master Plan estimated a deficit of 104 million m3 for 2002. The differences between these figures are likely due in part to the different methods used for calculation, and in part to the different reference years. 19 A trend analysis of water consumption during 1998-2002 shows that groundwater abstraction in these basins reached the peak during 1991-1993, corresponding to the influx of refugees after the first Gulf crisis (Annex 1). 8 · Azraq basin supplies water to Amman Municipality. Total water extraction is currently 58.2 million m3, or more than 240 percent of safe yield. · Dead Sea basin supplies the highest share of industrial needs, especially for the potash industry in the Dead Sea region. Total extraction from this basin is 91.2 million m3, or about 160 percent of the safe yield. Groundwater over-exploitation leads to declining groundwater levels, decreasing the base flow and spring discharge and drying up springs. The MoWI monitors groundwater levels through observation wells20 distributed all over Jordan. Figure 8 shows data on the groundwater level of Amman-Zarqa basin during 1968-2007. The water table declined from 50 m to about 84 m during this period, corresponding to about 0.87 m per year. From 1992 to 2007, however, the groundwater table declined about 23 m, which is equivalent to a drop of 1.5 m per year. This suggests that groundwater overexploitation has worsened in recent years, an issue which needs to be addressed through an improved water management. Figure 7. Safe yields and over-abstraction from the eleven non-fossil basins in 2005 160 140 120 100 million m3 80 60 40 20 0 Jordan River Valley Yarmouk Jordan River Side Amman-Zarqa South Wadi Araba North Wadi Araba Sarhan Hammad Azraq Jafr Dead Sea -20 Wadis Basins Safe yield Over-abstraction Source: Based on MoWI data quoted in Chapter 4. 20 According to the National Water Master Plan (NWMP) a total of 117 observation wells are equipped with automatic recorders. Manual measurements are taken at irregular time interval from 81 well sites, of which 55 wells are observation wells for static water levels, while 26 are production wells suitable for dynamic level recording. In 2002, there were 198 observation wells in Jordan, of which 80 for the A7/B2 aquifer, while the others for the remaining aquifers. 9 Figure 8. Decline in groundwater level of Amman-Zarqa basin Time 0 09/01/1968 09/01/1970 09/01/1972 09/01/1974 09/01/1976 09/01/1978 09/01/1980 09/01/1982 09/01/1984 09/01/1986 09/01/1988 09/01/1990 09/01/1992 09/01/1994 09/01/1996 09/01/1998 09/01/2000 09/01/2002 09/01/2004 09/01/2006 -10 -20 Groundwater level (m) -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 Note: the figures refer to Observation well AL1041 Source: based on MoWI data Another important issue is the deterioration of water quality, which is closely linked to water scarcity. The high demand for the limited water supply often leads to decreasing water quality: (i) for domestic use, through an intermittent water supply provided to elevated tanks; and (ii) for agriculture, due to increasing water salinity caused by groundwater overexploitation. Moreover, the rapid growth of the industrial sector often results in discharge of untreated water in natural water bodies. Chapter 4 provides a thorough analysis of water quality aspects and Chapter 6 discusses the industrial sector, as a major source of water and air pollution. 2.2.3 Land degradation Jordan's agricultural area covers about 247,400 ha21, or 3 percent of the country's total land. Agriculture accounts for 3 percent of the country's GDP (World Bank, 2007a) and employs about 58 percent of the rural population22. In 2002, about 19 percent of the rural population was poor (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and World Bank, 2004). As most of the rural poor depend on agriculture, this sector is critical for socio-economic development in rural areas. Rangelands, defined as areas receiving less than 200 mm of rainfall annually, cover more than 90 percent of the total land or 8.1 million ha. About 7.1 million ha of this area belong to Badia and the rest is steppe (FAO, 2001). Most rangelands are located in the arid zone, where livestock is the major source of income for local communities. Here, lands are usually overgrazed by nomadic and semi- nomadic flock owners from late winter to midsummer. The most productive rangelands are located within the 100-250 mm rainfall zone, and are represented by steppe grassland and brush. In this zone, barley is cultivated for hay, as rainfall is rarely adequate to produce a reasonable crop and limited vegetative growth is common (Ministry of Environment, 2006). Sheep and goats form the major part of the country's livestock herd, with 2.5 million heads (DOS, 2006b). Nearly 40 percent are found in Mafraq governorate, which includes the major part of the 21 Including the area covered by crop fields, vegetables, and trees (DOS, 2006). 22 The proportion is based on an agricultural population estimated at 560,000 in 2005 (FAOSTAT database) and a rural population of about 959,000 in the same year (World Bank database). 10 country's Badia. Unsound management practices such as uncontrolled grazing and inadequate land tenure have resulted in severe rangeland degradation in Jordan23. Such degradation is reflected qualitatively through the decrease in the most palatable and nutritious plants and soil degradation; and quantitatively, through a lower vegetative cover. Most of the rangelands are now characterized by poor structural stability of soils and vulnerability to erosion (Ministry of Environment, 2006). Despite the wide consensus concerning rangeland degradation, only a few efforts to estimate the decrease in rangeland productivity have been undertaken. The Ministry of Environment (2006) estimates that rangeland carrying capacity decreased by 70 percent over the last seventy years24. Junaidi and Abu Zant (1993) and AOAD (2006) report data on rangeland productivity in specific years. A comparison across these studies show that fodder productivity of steppe declined from 200 kg dry matter (DM)/ha in 1990 to 83 kg DM/ha in 2006, meanwhile that of Badia region decreased from 80 kg DM/ha in 1990 to 40 kg DM/ha in 2006. Moreover, AOAD (2006) reported the actual productive area of rangelands in Jordan at 4.1 million ha, which is nearly 50 percent of the total area of rangelands. Several development projects were undertaken for rangeland rehabilitation. According to FAO (2006), the Ministry of Agriculture established 29 reserves covering 84,400 ha in all regions, with the aim of protection, water harvesting, re-planting, re-seeding, and grazing control. The Ministry also carried out development projects in specific areas, such as the Hamad basin, aiming at water development for livestock, animal production and health, and range development and management. The Ministry is implementing the National Rangeland Rehabilitation Program using a participatory approach involving the stakeholders. The range directorate also implements micro-projects to encourage private range development, water harvesting and fodder production. In addition, the Jordan Cooperative Organization is carrying out a program of planting fodder shrubs and improving grazing in communal lands allocated to those cooperatives by the Ministry of Agriculture. 2.2.4 Biodiversity and protected areas Jordan covers four different bio-geographical zones: the Mediterranean, Irano-Turanian, Saharo- Arabian and Sudanian Penetration, which endow the country with a rich variety of plant and animal life. The country is home to more than 2,500 wild plant species from 700 genera, of which approximately 100 are endemic, 250 are rare and 125 are very rare (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, 2003; UNEP et al., 2000). The rich biodiversity suggests Jordan's high potential for the development of nature tourism, as illustrated by a high number of tourists visiting Dana and Azraq nature reserves. Overall, it is worth noting that tourism is an important sector at national level, accounting for 10% of Jordan's GDP (Government of Jordan, 2004) and having a positive balance, with receipts 2.6 times higher than expenditures (Ministry of Tourism, 2007). Biodiversity is an important element of the country's vision on the environment. At the regional and international levels, the Government of Jordan has ratified the following conventions: the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Convention to Combat Desertification, the Ramsar Convention, the Convention on Migratory Species, the World Heritage Convention, the African Eurasian Waterbird Agreement (AEWA) and the Regional Convention for the Conservation of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden Environment. Jordan is also party to the IUCN and UNESCO Man and Biosphere Program through a national committee. 23 The damage was intensified by the influx of more than one million refugees in addition to hundreds of thousands of sheep and goats crossing the borders from Iraq following the Gulf War. As part of the Gulf war compensations, the United Nations Compensation Committee (UNCC) has awarded Jordan a sum of US$160 million for rehabilitation of the rangelands of the Badia region which were severely affected by the Gulf war (United Nations Compensation Committee (UNCC), Governing Council, Claim). 24 However, the report does not explain how the estimate was calculated. 11 Biodiversity in Jordan is however exposed to several threats such as an accelerated pace of development and investment, population growth including forced regional migration (recently from Iraq), lack of coordinated land use policy, lack of understanding and appreciation of the economic and social value of biodiversity; and limited financing. These factors are likely leading to declining biodiversity in certain sites. Jordan's vision for Protected Areas (PAs) is captured in its Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, 2003). There are currently 7 legally constituted PAs extending over 1,143 km2, or 1.3% of Jordan's land area25. Most of this area is located in the desert. The process of PA establishment has started in the mid 1940s, but it has significantly accelerated over the two decades (Figure 9). Figure 9. Cumulative area under protection 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 KM2 600 400 200 - 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Years A further 10 PAs, covering about 4,500 km2 are proposed for establishment (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, 2003; UNEP et al., 2000). They would increase the PAs to about 6.4% of total land area country, which would compare favorably with MENA average of 3% (in 2004). Among them, 4 PAs are expected to be legally designated through the ongoing World-Bank executed and GEF-funded, Jordan Integrated Ecosystem Management in the Jordan Rift Valley project. These PAs, constituted as national parks or national wildlife reserves, come under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Environment. An additional 23 forests and rangeland reserves extend over 600 km2 and fall under the ownership of Forestry Administration, Ministry of Agriculture. Table 3 summarizes the different type of protected areas. 25 The World Bank (2008a) reports that protected area in Jordan was about 11% of the country's land in 2004, as opposed to MENA's average of 3% for the same year. The available information does not provide any explanation on the differences in the estimates for Jordan (11% vs. 1.3%). 12 Table 3. Typology of protected areas Type of area Number of areas under Area (KM2) % of Jordan protection Legally constituted protected areas 7 1,143 1.30% Proposed for establishment 10 4,500 5.12% Forests and rangeland reserves 23 600 0.68% Non protected areas 81,680 92.90% Total 40 87,923 100% Jordan is making good progress towards meeting its vision for PAs. In 2004, the Ministry of Environment accorded the legal remit, approved by the Council of Ministers, to the non- governmental organization Royal Society for Conservation of Nature (RSCN) to establish, develop, and manage PAs. RSCN has built on their positive experiences from the Dana and Azraq PAs to advance the agenda of PAs. These experiences have been the hallmark of the country's fame in conservation. Overall, Jordan has been very successful in terms of the approaches and methodologies applied to biodiversity conservation at site level. Key elements of success include: · Incorporating scientifically and socially proven methodologies into PA management. · Involving local people and other stakeholders from the outset in the designation process of PA boundaries, as a means to gain the confidence of the stakeholders. · Successfully use an incentive driven approach rather than regulatory approach to PA management by using income generation programs in PAs, as a vehicle for engaging local communities, and changing their attitudes related to some ecologically damaging practices. · Introducing private sector and business planning approaches to the marketing and management of its nature-based enterprises ­ particularly the use of ecotourism as a strategy to improve local economy and livelihood strategies while conserving biodiversity has been successfully applied in PAs. · Establishing a database of ecological and biodiversity related data and linking it to PAs management through GIS and remote sensing technology. To consolidate the results achieved and further proceed towards sustainability of the PA system, Jordan will need to address a number of key issues related to the PA legal status, to land use planning, clarification of institutional roles, and mobilization of adequate resources. These are discussed in more detail in Box 1. Box 1. Priority issues to be addressed by Jordan protected areas policy a) Legal and Policy Context for Protected Areas. Jordan does not, as yet, have an officially endorsed policy on PAs. There is a draft policy framework that was produced under the auspices of the Ministry of Planning in 1996. The legal context for PAs is also inadequate. While the Environment Protection Act, through its by-laws, guides the legal provisions for PA development and management, there are still significant legal deficiencies which are not addressed by these by-laws, particularly related to land-use planning and land tenure26. There is an urgent need for a clear set of policies, grounded in legal provisions, to provide a frame of reference for the PAs' future. This should provide a context for PAs in relation to development priorities in the country, including priorities related to land-use provisions. As part of the policy development, there is also an urgent need for awareness and advocacy programs for decision makers to reflect the importance of biodiversity, especially in 26 This policy work has been initiated by the ongoing World Bank executed and GEF funded Jordan Integrated Ecosystem Management in the Jordan Rift Valley project. 13 terms of the economic and social benefits it provides. b) Land use planning and institutional mandates. There is an institutional overlap of mandates with regard to land-use and land-use planning, and a lack of clarity with regard to the designation of PAs. This challenge is especially evident in the Jordan Rift Valley where much of the critical habitats of importance for biodiversity are situated and which is also the major development corridor for the country. Within this valley the mandates, priorities and interests of key entities such as the Jordan Valley Authority, Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA), the Natural Resources Authority, Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, and Ministry of Environment, sometimes overlap and the demands can be conflicting. While the Government's priority to pursue an investment driven agenda may be valid, it is critical that this be undertaken with due regard to the natural resources base of the Valley, its carrying capacity and an understanding of the consequences of irreversibility associated with habitat conversion or degradation. It is essential that decisions are made on the basis of adequate information and within a broader policy and legal context. As a priority, there is a need to develop a land use planning system, with particular attention to good public consultation and enforcement processes. Such a system would provide a guiding planning framework within which the different institutions would operate. There is also need to strengthen the institutional capacities of the Ministry of Environment and the challenges facing the longer-term strategic positioning of RSCN to ensure that the long-term stewardship of the issues facing PAs is effective. c) Budgetary resources. Budgetary resources to manage the PAs and the expansion of the PA network are critical to ensure that biodiversity in these parks is conserved. RSCN has already established some financing mechanisms, including the endowment fund Jordan Fund for Nature, and ecotourism and other socio-economic programs to meet the recurrent costs associated with the management of PAs. For example, the Jordan Fund for Nature has about $7 million and is expected to increase to $9 million (World Bank, 2007d). The endowment is currently invested in the financial market and the generated revenue stream supports the core expenses of RSCN, including the running costs of some PAs. These mechanisms are not however sufficient to meet the needs for managing PAs. Additional funds are needed to ensure that biodiversity can be conserved effectively. There should be concerted efforts to expand the suite of tools for raising financing, including for example development offsets, e.g., debt for nature swaps. 2.2.5 Solid waste Jordan currently generates an estimated 1.5 million t of municipal solid waste annually27. Due to population and consumption growth this quantity will grow to about 2.5 million t/year by 2015. About 55%-70% of waste is organic. Waste collection rates are estimated at 90% in urban areas and 75% in rural areas. About 50% of waste is disposed of in 16 open dump sites without lining or leachate and biogas connections. The exceptions are Russeifah and El Ghabawi, in Greater Amman which account for 50% of total waste. Voluntary burning of waste or through aerobic decomposition (self ignition) in open dumps are common ways of waste disposal. The most significant health impacts and risks are associated with the open dumps around the large cities of Amman, Zarqa, Irbid, Madaba, Tafila, Ramtha, Middle Shuma, and Aqaba. Scavengers are permitted to segregate waste and take away recyclable materials. Jordan also generated about 23,000 t of hazardous and chemical waste in 2001. This quantity is expected to increase to about 68,000 t/year in 2017. Hazardous and chemical wastes are currently disposed untreated with municipal waste in open dumps. Jordan further generated about 5,330 t of medical waste in 2004. About 53% of this waste, mostly from public health care centers, is treated in outdated incinerators located in populated areas, while the remaining 47% is also mixed with municipal and hazardous waste in open dump sites (National Agenda, 2005). Solid waste management (SWM) is regulated by Environment Protection Law No.1 of 2003 and its executive regulations: No.27 of 2005 for municipal waste management and No.24 of 2005 on hazardous waste management. However, these regulations only describe general responsibilities and 27 The data used in this section is based on World Bank, 2008b, unless otherwise specified. 14 principles and are disseminated on the MoEnv website. There are gaps in criteria for identifying municipal and hazardous wastes and the procedures used in various international and legal instruments such as in Basle Convention. The detailed specifications and standards to establish sanitary and hazardous landfills are also lacking. Until the mid 1990s, waste management was not seen as a pressing issue by the Government, which focused on investments in water resources and wastewater management. There was more emphasis on waste collection carried by each of the 99 municipalities or by their private contractors. Waste disposal and management is entrusted to the 21 Common Services Councils (CSC), except in Russeifah and El Ghabawi in Greater Amman. CSCs were established in 1980 to serve a group of municipalities and achieve a more controlled management of disposal sites, thus reducing environmental impacts and public complaints. However, these councils still lack the human, technical, and financial capacity to be able to manage even the existing open dump sites. With the approval of the Jordan National Agenda in which waste management is a priority, the situation is now changing and the Government of Jordan is determined to address solid waste issues on a par with waste and wastewater issues. As of April 2008, only a draft policy on municipal waste management had been developed by the MoEnv. Responding to the five objectives in the Government National Agenda for Sustainable Development in the waste sector, this draft policy calls for (a) minimizing the generation of municipal waste; (b) reusing, recycling, and compositing of municipal waste; (c) encouraging the implementation of pilot projects for sorting and segregating waste and replicating the successful ones; (d) proper disposing of municipal waste in sanitary landfills; (e) increasing environmental awareness and capacity building; (e) extending the coverage of waste collection and waste sorting; and (f) addressing the economics of waste management, enlarging private sector participation in waste management, and taking advantage of the Kyoto Protocol's Clean Development Mechanism. Despite the lack of a well-defined policy, a supporting legal and institutional framework, and necessary waste planning, there have been achievements in many Jordanian cities, and in particular in the Greater Amman Municipality (GAM). The MoEnv and the Mayor of GAM provide strong leadership to ensure a successful SWM in GAM, an example to be replicated in other governorates. A rigorous, but expensive waste collection effort (costing about JOD25/ton in GAM) is improving the cleanliness of streets in the main Jordanian cities. Jordan has one of the best solid waste cost recovery rates in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), thanks to an effective system of collecting household tariffs via electricity bills, and a recent increase in the tariff (from 14 JOD to 20 JOD per household per year). Nevertheless, SWM revenues do not currently cover SWM costs, with an estimated financing gap of about JOD8 million in 2007. The private sector is now involved in recycling municipal waste for GAM. The Government of Jordan is pursuing a number of initiatives aimed at strengthening solid waste management in Jordan, at the policy and institutional level, as well as on the investment side; to ensure long-term success, these initiatives will need to be scaled up, extended to better cover issues such as medical and hazardous waste, and supported by an active cost-recovery policy. Main initiatives underway and key remaining challenges are further discussed in Box 2. Box 2. Solid Waste Management: recent progress and remaining challenges The Government of Jordan is pursuing a number of reforms aimed at establishing an environment conducive to sound SWM in Jordan, beginning in the GAM and the Middle Region: At the policy and legal levels: The Ministry of Environment in consultation with representatives of the sector ministries, CSCs, and civil society is completing the development of a SWM policy. The Ministry is also receiving technical assistance from the EC to prepare a draft framework law and waste regulations compatible with EU directives. 15 At the institutional level, the Government is taking steps to restructure the SWM sector in the municipalities and CSCs. Such restructuring will be carried out first in the GAM with the assistance of the World Bank through its forthcoming Amman Solid Waste and Carbon Finance project (see below) and of USAID through its Sustainable Achievement of Business Expansion and Quality (SABEQ) program. In terms of investment, the Government is attempting to attract increased private sector investments and foreign technology and know-how in the collection and disposal of hazardous and medical waste of the Middle Region. A public­private partnership will be established with an international operator during mid-2008 for a 30 year BOOT for the collection, transport, treatment and disposal of medical and industrial waste with an investment level of US$ 20 million. The operator will be provided with a 3 ha site in El Ghabawi landfill for installation of an incinerator and for physical, biological and chemical treatment of waste, and with a 6 ha site for hazardous waste landfill in Swaka, 150 km south of Amman. The operator will be responsible for collecting fees from industrial and medical installations. The Government also intends to provide a guarantee for a US$18 million World Bank loan to the GAM, which is expected to be approved in late 2008. The project will enhance GAM capacity to develop private sector participation in MSWM in Amman; environmentally upgrade and expand the existing municipal solid waste landfill to meet the city's disposal needs up to 2014 and generate electricity while mitigating GHGs through a waste to energy CDM project; and improve the cost effectiveness of the existing municipal solid waste collection and transport system and improve overall cost recovery. Building on achievements and reform measures to date, the following additional actions will be required: · Establishing a comprehensive legal framework that sets up legally binding principles and requirements to ensure a gradual adoption of an integrated SWM. Regulatory guidelines and standards for implementation should be flexible and adaptable to local conditions with community participation. Incentive systems, cost recovery and risk guarantees should be clearly defined. · Strengthening the institutional framework with clear roles and responsibilities for action at the regional and local level, taking into account the formal sector of private operators and investors, CSCs and municipalities, and supported by a strengthened human capacity on SWM. A regulatory function for compliance with the EIA provisions and environmental standards should be reinforced at the MoEnv to protect public health, and environmental resource quality. · Preparing master plans for the collection and disposal of municipal, medical and hazardous waste in the urban and peri-urban areas to deliver effective and affordable management services to the local community, using simple and efficient technologies. · Gradually improving the cost recovery mechanism to cover the financial costs of the existing and upcoming SWM contracts, in a socially acceptable way. This will assist the Government of Jordan to successfully progress in the integrated SWM approach and to solve the persistent problem of SWM throughout the country. .3 2 Benchmarking Jordan's environmental performance 2.3.1 The Millennium Development Goals Adopted by the UN members in 2000, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have become a universal framework for development agreed by all the world's countries and leading development institutions. The MDG system comprises 8 goals associated with 18 targets and 48 indicators of sustainable development. Jordan's report on MDGs achievements (MoPIC and UN, 2004) reflects the country's progress on the environmental sustainability goal, in reference to its 3 targets and 7 indicators (Table 4). Overall, the country achieved the target on access to safe drinking water by 2002. The targets of integrating the sustainable development principles into country's policies and programs and improving the lives of 100 million slum dwellers can be potentially achieved. Available data suggest good progress particularly on forested land, areas protected for biodiversity, and access to improved water source and to safe sanitation. 16 Table 4. Jordan's progress towards environmental sustainability Target 9: Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs and reverse the loss of environmental resources Indicator 1990 2002 State of goal State of achievement supportive environment Proportion of land area covered by 0.44 0.84 Potentially Weak but forests improving Land area protected to maintain 0.14 0.44 biodiversity GDP per unit of energy use (as proxy 0.63 0.56 for energy efficiency) Carbon dioxide emission per capita 2.2 2.3 Target 10: Halve by 2015 the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water Proportion of population with 92.8% 97% Achieved Well developed sustainable access to an improved water source Target 11: Have achieved by 2020 a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers Proportion of people with access to 48% 60.1% Potentially Fair safe sanitation Proportion of people with access to 72% 76.2% secure tenure Source: MoPIC and UN, 2004 2.3.2 Environmental Sustainability Index It is interesting to compare Jordan's environmental performance with that of other countries. Several environmental sustainability indices can be used for this purpose. The Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) evaluates the environmental sustainability relative to paths developed by other countries. It was developed by the Yale Center of Environmental Law and Policy in collaboration with CIESIN at Columbia University. It is a composite index of 21 indicators that cover five broad categories of environmental pressure: environmental systems, reducing environmental stresses, reducing human vulnerability to environmental stresses; societal and institutional capacity to respond to environmental challenges and global stewardship. One weakness of ESI is that it gives equal weights to all its sub-components, thus assuming a uniform distribution of environmental pressures across countries28. In reality, countries may be vulnerable to different pressures: some are vulnerable to water scarcity, while others to ecosystem losses. Thus, ESI scores are meaningful if used to benchmark the performance of countries facing similar environmental constraints. Table 5 presents the ESI scores and ranks for MENA countries. With a few exceptions mentioned in the table notes, these countries have two common features: (i) desert covers more than 50% of each country's land; and (ii) they are either water stressed or water scarce. In 2005, Jordan ranked the 84th out of 146 countries in terms of ESI. It occupies the 28 see more discussion in World Bank, 2005. 17 third position among MENA countries, after Israel and Oman. The higher ESI score compared to other MENA countries may suggest the country's relatively greater capacity to address the environmental stresses it faces. Table 5. ESI score and rank for MENA countries Country Score Rank Israel 50.90 62 Oman 47.90 83 Jordan 47.80 84 Algeria 46.00 96 Morocco 44.80 105 United Arab Emirates 44.60 110 Egypt 44.00 115 Syria 43.80 117 Libya 42.30 126 Lebanon 40.50 129 Iran 39.80 132 Saudi Arabia 37.80 136 Yemen 37.30 137 Kuwait 36.60 138 Source: Yale Center for Environmental Law and Policy at Yale University and Centre for International Earth Science Information Network at Columbia University, 2005. Notes: The desert covers more than 50% of the land in all countries except for Syria and Lebanon. 2.3.3 Adjusted Net Savings Adjusted Net Savings (ANS), known also as genuine savings, is another sustainability indicator. Building on the concepts of green national accounts, it measures the true rate of savings in an economy after taking into account investments in human capital, depletion of natural resources and damage caused by pollution29. First, estimates of capital consumption of produced assets are deducted to obtain national savings. Current expenditures of education are then added to net domestic savings as an appropriate value of investments in human capital. Next, estimates of the depletion of a variety of natural resource are deducted to reflect the decline in asset values associated with their extraction. Finally, pollution damages ­ mainly health damages due to urban air pollution - are deducted. Genuine Savings = Gross national savings ­ Depreciation of Fixed Capital + Education expenditure ­ Depletion of natural resources ­ Pollution damages The World Bank estimated ANS for six MENA countries. Table 5 shows that Jordan ranks second in MENA, after Morocco. Jordan's good performance is mainly due to a very low value of natural resource depletion and a relatively high expenditure in human capital. The ANS estimate is negative for the other countries. This is mainly because Egypt, Iran and Syria have a high level of energy depletion (Table 6) while Lebanon has a negative value of gross national savings. 29 World Bank website: 18 Table 6. Adjusted Net Savings estimated for MENA countries (2006) Country Gross National Consumption of Education Depletion of Adjusted Savings (1) Fixed Capital Expenditure natural resources net savings (2) (3) and pollution (1-2+3-4) damages (4) Morocco 35.0 10.5 6.5 1.5 29.4 Jordan 13.8 10.2 5.6 2.1 7.1 Egypt 22.1 9.8 4.4 26.9 -10.2 Lebanon -4.5 11.9 2.5 1.5 -15.4 Iran 40.7 11.0 4.4 57.3 -23.2 Syria 17.6 10.3 2.6 33.8 -24.0 Figure 10. Environmental degradation in MENA countries (2006) 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 % GNI 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 Iran Syria Egypt Jordan Lebanon Morocco Energy Depletion Mineral Depletion Net Forest Depletion CO2 damage PM10 damage The fairly good environmental performance of Jordan when measured through the indicators reviewed above can be interpreted that, compared to other countries in MENA and elsewhere, there are favorable conditions for focusing the country's effort on the main present and future environmental challenges. What is likely to be needed is adequate information on relative priorities across environmental themes; and good insights on how to best address priority issues through cost effective policy interventions across relevant sectors. The rest of the CEA addresses these issues, starting in Chapter 3 with the analysis of the Cost of Environmental Degradation. 19 CHAPTER . 3 THE COST OF ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION .1 3 Introduction and main findings This chapter estimates the Cost of Environmental Degradation (COED) from anthropogenic sources in Jordan, focusing on water, air, land, waste and coastal zone30. The overall COED is estimated within a range of JOD143-332 million, with an average of JOD237 million, or 2.35% of GDP in 2006. It is recognized that natural factors also contribute to deteriorating environmental quality (as in the case, for example, of seasonal winds contributing to the concentration of particulate matter in the air); however the report does not analyze these factors. Figure 11 and Figure 12 illustrate the magnitude of impacts estimated for each environmental category. The most important contributor to the overall damage is air pollution, which is highly localized and accounts for 1.15% of GDP. The impact of inadequate water supply, sanitation and hygiene is the second most significant, representing about 0.81% of GDP. The cost of improper disposal of solid waste ranks third, followed by that of degradation of soil and coastal zone. Annex 2 provides detailed calculations for each category of damage. It should be noted that several estimates suffer from data constraints. In some cases, the absence of local information imposed the use of benefits transfer from international studies. This is the case of valuing the impact of urban air pollution on the quality of life, the impact of forest degradation on tourism, the effect of improper waste collection and the degradation of the Aqaba gulf. In other cases, data limitations were so severe that some losses could not be estimated at all. The major issues not covered by this study include: the impact of pollutants other than PM2.5, PM10 and SO2 on health; the impact of PM2.5 and PM10 on health in polluted areas other than Amman, Zarqa, Fuhais, Rashadeia; the impacts of SO2 in polluted areas other than Zarqa; and the impacts of untreated wastewater in areas other than Zarqa and Rimal El Zahabia El-Hassan on environment and health. Because of these reasons, the overall COED estimate should be regarded as an order of magnitude, which most likely underestimates the true value of damage. It would be desirable that the exercise be repeated at regular intervals of time, to make use of new data as it becomes available and to capitalize on accumulated knowledge. 30 An earlier study (World Bank, 2005) estimated the COED in Jordan at JOD205 million, or 3.13% of GDP in 2002. Important methodological and empirical differences between the two studies make a direct comparison of their results difficult. 20 Figure 11. Annual cost of environmental degradation by category in 2006 1.40% 1.20% 1.15% 1.00% 0.81% % of GDP 0.80% 0.60% 0.40% 0.23% 0.20% 0.11% 0.06% 0.00% Air Water Waste Soil Coastal zone Table 7. Annual cost of environmental degradation (2006) Sector Minimum Maximum Mean % of GDP (mil JOD) (mil JOD) (mil JOD) Air 29.1 200.3 114.8 1.15 Water 76.8 89.2 83.1 0.81 Waste 20.6 25.2 22.9 0.23 Soil 10.7 10.7 10.7 0.11 Coastal zone 5.9 5.9 5.9 0.06 Total 143.1 331.3 237.4 2.36 .2 3 Air quality In selected areas such as downtown Amman, Zarqa, Aqaba, Fuhais, and Rashadeia, degradation of air quality is an important problem. While particulates of less than 10 microns (PM10) are thought to cause substantial health damages, Pope and others (2002) show that even smaller particulates (PM2.5) have the largest health effects. Sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (Nox) may also have important consequences, as they can react with other substances in the atmosphere to form particulates. This section estimates the costs associated with: - adult mortality related to cardiopulmonary diseases and lung cancer caused by long-term exposure to PM2.5; - infant and child mortality related to respiratory diseases caused by short-term exposure to PM10; - all-age mortality related to exposure to SO2; 21 - all-age morbidity related to exposure to PM10, such as chronic bronchitis, hospital admissions of patients with respiratory problems, emergency room visits, restricted activity days, lower respiratory infections in children, and general respiratory symptoms. The above impacts are estimated for GAM, Zarqa, Aqaba, Fuheis and Rashadeia; exception is SO2 which impact is estimated for Zarqa only. Valuation is based on the following steps: 1. Identification of pollutants and measurements of concentration Table 8 presents the average PM10 concentration estimated for the selected areas and the main sources of information. As GAM accounts for about half of the country's population, we illustrate below the main steps to estimate the average PM10 concentration for this area: (i) The Al-Husseini station in downtown Amman is selected as a reference for what is likely to be the highest concentration of PM10 throughout Amman. Downtown Amman corresponds to Al-Madeenah which is only one of the 27 districts of the GAM. The Ministry of Health has been conducting measurements of PM10 concentration at Al-Husseini over the period 2002- 2007. The average annual concentration of PM10 over this period is estimated at 124 g/m3. (ii) The PM10 concentrations for the other districts are estimated by using the PM10 concentration in Al-Madeenah and a specific scaling factor (varying between 0 and 100%), reflecting the potential impact on reference PM10 concentration (i.e. concentration measured at the Al-Husseini station) of wind, topography and traffic in each district, based on local expert opinion (staff of the MoEnv and GAM). (iii) The average PM10 concentration in GAM is calculated based on the PM10 concentration and the population density in each district. The weighted average concentration for GAM as a whole is estimated at 67 g/m3. Table 8. Estimated PM10 concentrations for the selected urban areas Location Estimated average Notes/Sources PM10 concentration (g/m3) GAM 67 MoH for data in Al-Husseini, annual average 2002-2007 Zarqa 95 RSS for MoEnv for 2003-2004* Fuheis 58 MoEnv, annual average 2004-2006 Rashadeia 54 MoEnv, annual average 2003-2006 * based on observations taken every other day, as reported by MoEnv. 2. Estimating the population exposed For each GAM district, exposed population is estimated by multiplying total resident population by a coefficient of exposure. The latter reflects the proportion of total population which spends most of the time in the district where they reside and is based on expert local opinion (staff of the MoEnv and GAM). The average total exposed population in GAM is the sum of the exposed population in each district and accounts for 64% of the total GAM population. In absence of more information, the proportion of exposed population in the other areas is assumed to be equal to that in GAM. 22 3. Establishing dose-response coefficient The impacts of PM10 and PM2.5 on mortality are estimated by using the following relative risk (RR) functions provided below (Ostro, 2004). The impacts of PM10 on morbidity are based on dose response coefficients from Ostro (1994) and Abbey (1995)31 which are presented in Table 9. As PM2.5 data are not available for Jordan, we approximate them by converting PM10 levels using a factor of 0.6 (Cohen and others, 2004). We use a threshold level (baseline concentration) of 10 g/m3 for PM2.5 and of 20 g/m3 for PM10, given by the WHO air quality guidelines (WHO, 2005). a. For mortality related to short-term exposure of children under 5 years: RR = exp[ (x-x0)], where ranges between 0.0006 and 0.0010; x = current annual mean concentration of PM10 (g/m3); x0 = baseline concentration of PM10 (g/m3). b. For cardiopulmonary mortality related to long-term exposure of adults over 30 years (Pope and others, 2002): RR = [(x + 1)/(x0+1)] where ranges between 0.0562 and 0.2541; x = current annual mean concentration of PM2.5 (g/m3); x0 = baseline concentration of PM2.5 (g/m3). c. For lung cancer mortality related to long-term exposure of adults over 30 years (Pope and others, 2002): RR = [(x + 1)/(x0+1)] where ranges between 0.08563 and 0.37873; x = current annual mean concentration of PM2.5 (g/m3); x0 = baseline concentration of PM2.5 (g/m3). The morbidity health endpoints considered are chronic bronchitis, hospital admissions of patients with respiratory problems, emergency room visits, restricted activity days, lower respiratory infections in children, and general respiratory symptoms. 31 Ostro (1994) reviews air pollution studies worldwide and Abbey and others (1995) provide estimates of chronic bronchitis associated with PM10. 23 Table 9. Dose-response coefficients for morbidity due to exposure to PM10 Annual Health Effect Dose-response per 1 ug/m3 coefficients annual average ambient concentration of: Chronic bronchitis 0.9 PM10 (per 100,000 adults) Respiratory hospital admissions 1.2 PM10 (per 100,000 population) Emergency room visits 23.5 PM10 (per 100,000 population) Restricted activity days 5,750 PM10 (per 100,000 adults) Lower respiratory illness in children (per 100,000 169 PM10 children) Respiratory symptoms 18,300 PM10 (per 100,000 adults) Source: Ostro (1994) and Abbey (1994) for morbidity coefficients. 4. Estimating the health effects The health effects of air pollution are converted to Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) to facilitate comparisons with health effects from other environmental factors and between mortality and morbidity using a common indicator. Table 10 presents the number of DALYs per 10,000 cases of various health end-points. Based on the total number of cases estimated in the areas considered, morbidity accounts for 5,634 DALYs and mortality for 7,557 DALYs, totaling 13,191 DALYs. Table 10. DALYs for health effects Annual Health Effect DALY lost per 10,000 Total DALYs cases a Mortality 80,000 7,557 Chronic bronchitis (adults) 22,000 1,892 Respiratory hospital admissions 160 29 Emergency room visits 45 162 Restricted activity days 3 1,649 Lower respiratory illness in children 65 590 Respiratory symptoms 0.75 1,312 Total 13,191 Source: a World Bank (2005) for mortality and Larsen (2004) for morbidity The cost of adult mortality is based on the human capital approach (HCA) as a lower bound and the Value of Statistical Life (VSL)32 as an upper bound, thus obtaining a wide range. The cost of morbidity and that of child mortality under five is estimated based on HCA only, due to data scarcity 32 The valuation uses a VSL of US$3.5 million, adjusted for GDP per capita differences at PPP between US and Jordan, based on an earlier study of Gayer, Hamilton and Viscusi (2000) who estimated the VSL to avoid a statistical cancer case in US within the range of US$3.2-3.7 million. More recently, Viscusi and Aldy (2003) conducted a meta-analysis of more than 60 studies estimating mortality risk premiums and 40 studies of injury risk premiums and estimated the VSL within the range of US$4-9 million in US, using labor markets data. Thus, the VSL estimate applied in this study can be considered conservative. 24 in Jordan concerning the willingness to pay (WTP) of individuals to avoid pain and discomfort. Thus, the cost of mortality and morbidity associated with PM2.5 and PM10 lies within JOD15-158 million. In addition, the cost of treating illnesses and the value of lost work days is estimated at JOD7 million. Overall, the total cost associated with PM2.5 and PM10 lies within JOD22-166 million (1). The cost of mortality due to exposure to SO2 ranges within JOD4-32 million33 (2). Adding up (1) and (2), the value of health impacts associated with PM10, PM2.5 and SO2 is estimated at JOD26-198 million, averaging to JOD112 million. Impacts on landscape value. In addition to its impacts on health, air pollution also reduces visibility and the aesthetic value of landscapes. Data on such impacts are not available in Jordan. A Contingent Valuation (CV) study of urban households in Rabat-Salé, Morocco, found a WTP for a 50% reduction in air pollution of about 67- 82 Dirhams/hh/month (Belhaj, 2003; quoted by World Bank, 2005). About 10% of this figure is thought to reflect the cost of discomfort from air pollution (the rest being impacts on health). Adjusting for GDP per capita differentials between Morocco and Jordan, the cost of discomfort in the urban areas of Jordan reaches JOD2.7-3.3 million, averaging to JOD3 million. Overall, the damage costs associated to air pollution average to JOD115 million, or 1.15% of GDP. Figure 12. Impacts of air pollution 33 See Annex 2 for the detailed calculation. 25 .3 3 Water quality With very limited water availability and a steadily growing population, Jordan faces the challenge of unsustainable water use with consequent decline in water table and water quality. This section estimates the impacts of inadequate water supply, sanitation and hygiene on health and avertive behavior, and the effects of surface water pollution and of groundwater overexploitation. Impacts on health. Inadequate water supply, sanitation, and hygiene cause health damages in terms of mortality and morbidity cases due to water-borne diseases, such as diarrhea. Valuation uses the Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) approach, assuming that a death of a child under the age of five represents a loss of 33 DALYs (WHO, 2006). - Mortality (children under five). The total number of child deaths in 2006 was 4,112 (UNICEF website34). The Ministry of Health (MoH) reports no child deaths due to diarrhea in Jordan. A recent MoH initiative aimed at accurately collecting health data through local dependencies in each governorate reported 1,886 under five deaths, or 45% of the total under five deaths at national level. The significant sample size suggests that the results of this initiative are quite representative for the overall country. The data also reported that intestinal diseases represented just 26 cases, or 1% of the reported under five deaths. Applying the same rate at the national level35 and considering that 88% of total cases are due to inadequate water supply, sanitation, and hygiene (Hutton and Haller, 2004; WHO, 2002), we obtain 47 child deaths, or about 1,500 DALYs. - Morbidity (all ages). The population of children under five totals about 714,000 (DOS, 2006), with a diarrheal prevalence of 2.12-3.12 episodes per child per year (DHS, 2002). Given an average duration of diarrhea of 4 days, an avoidance ratio of 88% (Hutton and Haller, 2004; WHO, 2002) and a severity weight of 0.12 (WHO, 2006), the losses due to under five child morbidity correspond to about 1,700 ­ 2,500 DALYs. The diarrheal incidence reported for the rest of the population is quite low (see Annex). The total loss due to water-borne diarrheal morbidity is estimated at 1,800-2,600 DALYs. Based on the Human Capital Approach (assuming that 1 DALY is equal to GDP/capita), the total damage cost of mortality and morbidity is about JOD 6.7 million. In addition, the medical cost of treating diarrhea and the time spent by caregivers are estimated at JOD19.2-27.8 million36. Overall, the impact of inadequate water supply, sanitation and hygiene on health is about JOD25.9-33.5 million, averaging JOD30 million. Bottled water. To avoid or reduce the impacts of inadequate water supply, sanitation, and hygiene, some households purchase bottled water. The total quantity of bottled water annually purchased is estimated at 42 million liters. The net cost of bottled water is considered a conservative proxy for the 34 35 WHO database reports that under five diarrhea mortality accounted for 10.7 per thousand live births in 2000. At the same time, the under five mortality rate declined from 30 to 27 per thousand births from 2000 to 2006. Assuming that diarrhea-caused mortality rate declined at the same proportion, it would be 9.6 in 2006. This would correspond to about 1,462 deaths, or 36% of the total under five deaths at national level. Despite the likelihood of unreported cases, this figure seems considerably overestimated. Because of that, we choose to rely on the MOH estimate. 36 It includes the cost of hospital visits (based on unsubsidized cost at private hospitals of JOD8/visit), the cost of medicines and Oral Rehydration Therapy (JOD11/episode), and the opportunity cost of caregivers time (JOD8/ day). More details are provided in the Annex. 26 damage to health that would otherwise occur. It is assumed that only 75% of the bottled water is consumed to avoid such damage, while the rest is due to other preferences (Sarraf and others, 2004). Using the local market price of JOD0.2-0.3/liter, the annual expenses made to avoid health damages reach JOD11.2 million. Filtering and cleaning equipment. As with bottled water, the value of the imported water filtering and cleaning equipment is assumed as a conservative proxy for the potential damage to health. Based on DOS (2006), the annual cost of such equipment is JOD7.2 million. Overexploitation of groundwater. The overexploitation of groundwater in 2006 leads to a declining water table and an increased risk of groundwater salinisation in future years. The cost of the declining water table is measured through the incremental cost of pumping from a deeper level and the cost of well replacement37. Based on the actual groundwater exploitation of 414 million m3 and a decline of water table of 1.13 m/year, the increased cost of pumping water from a deeper level is JOD170,000/year, with a present value of JOD2.7 million (t = 25 years, r = 4%). The cost of building public and private wells to replace those affected by overexploitation is JOD4.9 million. Overall, the estimated cost of groundwater overexploitation is JOD7.6 million. Reduction in agricultural yields in the Jordan Valley. Data from the FORWARD38 project indicate the economic losses per dunum (0.1 ha) of agricultural land due to the deterioration of water quality. Based on a total agricultural area of 200,000 dunum and an average loss of JOD58/du, the losses in irrigated agricultural production reach JOD12.3 million. Pollution of springs and wells. There are 17 unprotected sources for municipal drinking water supply in Jordan, of which 9 have experienced bacteriological pollution problems, mainly from septic tanks and poor sanitation. Using the cost of water treatment of JOD0.13/m3 and a total yield of wells and springs of39 22 million m3, the total cost of water pollution is estimated at JOD2.9 million. Pollution from industrial wastewater. Data reflecting the impacts of untreated industrial wastewater from Zarqa and Rimal El Zahabia QIZ are not available in Jordan. We thus assume that the cost of treating wastewater reflects partially the real damage caused by industrial wastewater. Overall, the annual cost of establishing and operating industrial wastewater treatment plants is estimated at JOD9.2 million. Soil erosion in King Talal Reservoir. The sedimentation has reduced the storage capacity of the King Talal Reservoir by 625,000 m3 per year (Numayr, 1999). In turn, this reduces the capacity to optimally regulate inflows and outflows according to water availability and water needs in the Jordan Rift Valley. Based on the lost storage capacity and a cost of downstream water salinization of JOD 0.2-0.3/m3, the Present Value of the annual loss due to reservoir sedimentation in 2006 (t = 25 years, r = 4%) is about JOD2.4 million. Overall, the damage costs associated to water pollution, groundwater overexploitation and inadequate water supply, sanitation, and hygiene average to JOD83 million, or 0.81% of GDP. 37 It should be noted that the cumulated impact of groundwater overexploitation carried out each year contribute to reducing water availability for future generations, hence to water resource depletion. However, the objective of this section is to estimate the impacts on present and future generations of water overexploitation occurring in 2006 only. Thus, the valuation does not incorporate the opportunity costs of water depletion. 38 Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Jordan Valley Authority, Water Quality in the Jordan Valley, Volume V: Economic Analysis, Crop Budget Spreadsheets by Stage Office and Water Quality, 2000. 39 Data provided by RHD, Ministry of Health and WAJ. 27 Figure 13. Impacts of water quality degradation King Talal Reservoir Industrial 3% wastewater pollution 11% Impacts on health 36% Reduced agricultural yields 15% Groundwater overexploitation 9% Springs and wells Avertive behaviour pollution 22% 4% .4 3 Land degradation This section estimates the annual costs of rangeland and forest degradation. These estimates are based on conservative assumptions used in absence of accurate data. Rangeland degradation. Rangelands in Jordan have suffered continuous deterioration and denudation as a result of unsound management practices and socioeconomic pressures. The growing demand for animal products led to overgrazing which is mostly responsible for decreasing fodder productivity. In theory, reduced fodder productivity may lead to reduced feed for livestock as well as to displacement of rural population to other areas. Available data do not suggest however that overgrazing is responsible for any major displacement from rural areas in Jordan40. Therefore, this section is limited only to valuing the impact of rangeland degradation on fodder losses for livestock. It is estimated that about 17,705 t of forage (barley equivalents) is annually lost to overgrazing41. Valued at a price of JOD200/t of barley, the annual cost of forage loss is about JOD3.5 million. Forest degradation. The limited areas of Jordan's forests are valuable for recreation and tourism. More than 2 million residents visit them every year (Jordan Agenda 21). Large areas of forests are still threatened by pests, misuse and pressures resulting from energy shortages in rural areas. No study related to the WTP of local tourists for improved environmental quality is available in Jordan. However, Huybers and Bennett (2000) found that British tourists are willing to pay a premium of around US$70 per day for "unspoiled" versus "somewhat spoiled" destinations and "somewhat 40 Despite the decreasing fodder productivity, FAOSTAT data indicate that agricultural employment rose by 15% during 1990-2000 (from 491,000 to 567,000 people) and declined by only 1% during 2000-2005 (from 567,000 to 560,000 people). As agricultural employment accounts for only 9% of the total population - i.e. 58% of rural population, which represents 17% of the total population in 2006 (World Bank database) - the decline in agricultural employment during 2000-2005 does not suggest any significant displacement of rural population due to rangeland degradation. Even if such displacement had taken place, it is most likely that it was driven by other factors such as better job opportunities in urban areas. 41 See Annex 2 provides for detailed calculations. 28 spoiled" versus "very spoiled" destinations. Adjusting this result for GDP per capita differentials and applying it to the 2 million local tourists visiting Jordan's forests, the cost of forest degradation is estimated at JOD7.2 million. Overall, the damage costs associated with soil degradation average to JOD11 million, or 0.11% of GDP. Figure 14. Impacts of land degradation Rangeland degradation 33% Forest degradation 67% .5 3 Waste Municipal waste collection. The cost of inadequate waste collection is usually estimated through the individuals' WTP for improved waste collection. No such study has yet been conducted in Jordan. However, Altaf and Deshazo (1996) estimate the mean WTP for improved waste collection in Pakistan at about 8.14 rupee/household/month. Blore and Nunan (1996) estimate a similar WTP for eliminating the drawbacks of living near a solid waste landfill in Bangkok, Thailand. Applying Altaf and Deshazo's estimate to about 25% of households in Jordan by adjusting for GDP per capita differentials gives a total cost of JOD2.4-3.1 million. Improved disposal practices. The volume of municipal waste generated annually in Jordan is estimated at 2 million t. About 60% of it is disposed in the Ghabawi landfill, and the rest is assumed to be improperly disposed of. At a unit cost of proper disposal of JOD8.4/t, the total cost to dispose properly the waste is estimated at JOD6.8 million. Hazardous waste in Tuba. The degradation cost due to untreated hazardous waste is estimated through the cost of treating this waste in Tuba (cost-based approach). The annual production of hazardous waste in Tuba is about 27,500 t. At a cost of JOD300-440/t of waste, the annual cost of treatment varies within JOD11.5- 15.3 million. 29 Overall, the damage costs associated to waste average to JOD22.9 million, or 0.23% of GDP. Figure 15. Impacts of waste collection and disposal Waste collection 12% Improper disposal Hazardous practices waste in 30% Tuba 58% .6 3 Coastal zone Aqaba is Jordan's only access to the open sea. The shoreline of Aqaba supports a highly diverse marine environment including coral reefs of global importance. They represent a very diverse ecosystem, where more than 150 species of hard corals are flourishing (Jordan country study on biological diversity, 1998). The development of shipping, industry, and urban centers along the coast threatens to degrade significantly the environment in which this ecosystem thrives and negatively affect tourism. There is no study assessing the impacts of development on the marine environmental quality in Aqaba. Applying once again Huybers and Bennett (2000)' estimate the 152,000 international tourists in Aqaba leads to a degradation cost of marine environment of about JOD5.9 million, or 0.06% of GDP. .7 3 Conclusions This chapter identifies air pollution and water quality as the main environmental priority areas at national level. Air pollution in urban areas such as GAM and Zarqa, represents a challenge, mostly as a result of high emissions level from transport and industry. Addressing this problem should be based on a clear understanding of these sectors. Chapter 5 provides a comprehensive overview of the pollution impacts of the transport sector. Inadequate water supply, sanitation and hygiene are the second most significant priority, mainly reflected through groundwater overexploitation, pollution from industrial wastewater and high avertive expenditures. The analysis suggests that there is a strong relationship between the country's water scarcity and the deterioration of water quality. A thorough analysis of the major issues related to water quality in Jordan is provided in Chapter 4. 30 There is need to address these environmental issues through policies and institutional reforms that create the right incentives for administrators to effectively enforce policies and for polluters to comply with regulations. This would not only reduce the environmental degradation, but would contribute to sustaining the economic growth in the country. For example, improved biodiversity conservation in protected areas could increase tourism revenues, while a better rangeland management could improve the livelihood of rural population depending on livestock agriculture. Chapter 6 provides a comprehensive assessment of institutions and policies linked to environment and suggests recommendations to improve sustainable development and growth in Jordan. 31 CHAPTER . 4 WATER QUALITY .1 4 Summary of main messages As one of the most water scarce countries in the world, one of Jordan's key priorities is management of water quantity. But water quality matters too: poor water quality is a significant social concern (as discussed in Chapter 3), because of its effects on human health and productive activities; conversely, water of better quality means that more resources are available to help mitigate the scarcity problem. These are the main reasons why this chapter focuses on the quality aspect of Jordan's water agenda, proposing an integrated approach, in terms of resources evaluated (surface, ground, and treated wastewater), sources of pollution (urban, industrial and agriculture sectors), and range of impacts considered (human health, income of farmers and water consumers). The issue of adequate incentives for better quantity management clearly remains important, but is not addressed here, particularly on account of the fact that after the National Agenda, it would appear that the reduction of water related subsidies and the creation of incentives for allocating water to higher value added uses are being recognized as necessities that public policies will not be able to avoid in the future. The main messages of this chapter are as follows: · Surface water, which appears to be overall of acceptable quality, presents important problems of salinity and bacteriological contamination of a localized nature but possibly with a strategic significance, particularly at the Zarqa junction of the King Abdullah Canal (KAC), which is located upstream of important irrigation schemes in the Jordan valley. The overall decline of fresh surface water resources observed in recent years (and due in particular to the drying up of Yarmouk river baseflow) might have significant implications for quality of surface water. · In terms of groundwater, the evidence suggests a simultaneous trend of declining water tables and increasing salinity in most aquifers, with resulting higher extraction costs (in terms of pumping as well as accelerated well replacement), and the need to use more irrigation water for leaching. Moreover, the salinity of many groundwater resources is rapidly approaching the limits for drinking water supply, making the provision of drinking water more expensive in future because of the additional desalination required. Higher production costs and declining yields affect farmers' income, for a share of some 40% of the 2006 cost of environmental degradation - estimated in Chapter 3- linked to poor water quality (not including industrial wastewater impacts). The cost however is likely to escalate in the future, as water tables keep declining, and as increase demand for potable use in urban areas raises the opportunity costs of the additional water required to lower salinity. · Access to sanitation is relatively high (with some exception in rural areas), and the quantity of municipal wastewater collected and treated has been steadily increasing. However, the quality of treated wastewater is a reason for concern: about 50% of total wastewater treated does not seem to meet national quality norms for pollutants such as BOD and E-coli. The situation has recently improved with the establishment of new As-Samra treatment plant; further progress may be expected if the targets of the National Agenda are to be met, although the cost is likely to be high. · In terms of industrial wastewater, only 28% of the total effluent is treated (50% excluding wastewater from potash mining, which is likely to have limited environmental impacts). About 25% of industrial wastewater is estimated to be discharged in the sewer network, but the quality of the effluent is of concern on account of high rates of discharges without licensing, and low rates of compliance with applicable regulations (over 30% for ammonia and suspended solids). As for the 30% of wastewater not disposed of in sewers, monitoring of the effluent quality is limited and does not include important toxic substances. Disposal of wastewater through tankers is a widespread practice, virtually unmonitored in terms of effluent quality, and likely to pose 32 health hazards where wastewater is disposed of in un-lined landfills (such as Al-Ekeider), with resulting possible infiltration in groundwater. Current policies seem to focus on centralized treatment plant as the strategy of choice to address the problem. However, there may be important opportunities for reducing the overall public and private cost of treatment by encouraging plant-level interventions (both production process and end-of-pipe treatment). · In the face of the combined effects of groundwater mining, dwindling surface resources, population growth, and policies aimed at promoting industrial development, several of these quality problems are likely to worsen in the medium to long term, and result in impacts on human health, income and agriculture outputs, well beyond the 0.8% of GDP estimated in this CEA for 2006. · The National Agenda establishes a number of targets of increased water supply and enhanced wastewater treatment, which are expected to reduce water quantity pressures and deliver water quality benefits as well. This report however argues that those programs could be complemented and optimized by considering interventions that could significantly alleviate water quality problems at relatively low cost. Such interventions could include hygiene programs to reduce at- recipient exposure; and particularly water savings policies (especially in irrigation) that could enable on-site increased dilution, and, if accompanied by water rights regulation- bulk-water arbitrages and reduction of polluting concentrations at larger geographical scales. · A simplified Cost-Benefit analysis at the macro-level suggests that it might be possible to eliminate up to 80% of the social cost of water degradation (as estimated by the CEA) by optimally combining hygiene programs, enhanced dilution via water savings, and wastewater treatment. Under the assumption used in the CEA (and subject to limited information on baseline concentrations, unit costs and other parameters), this could be achieved by a water saving program aimed at reducing losses in irrigation at a rate of 3% per year, accompanied by hygiene programs targeted at some 80,000 households. · There are a some key institutional constraints that will need to be overcome to design and implement cost-effective water quality polices: o First, the legislative and regulatory framework could become far more effective if organized and systematized in a comprehensive framework ("water code") that would resolve conflicting attributions of roles and responsibilities, and cover strategic areas currently not adequately regulated (such as integrated water resource planning and definition of quantity and quality objectives); o Second, monitoring of water quality should be improved, both in terms of organizing and sharing the information already available (essential for properly establishing baselines and trends), and, looking forward, in terms of rationalizing the current system where several agencies collect similar or related information, but with limited or no scope for integrated analysis, reporting and provision of input for policy design and evaluation. In addition, water quality monitoring should be fully extended to toxic substances (e.g., pesticides, endocrine substances, toxic industrial effluents), which are currently measured in a very incomplete manner or not at all. . 4 2 INTRODUCTION: WATER QUALITY AND WATER QUANTITY With a total of renewable water resources (including recycled wastewater) of 133 m3/inhabitant, Jordan is the most water scarce lower middle income country in the world, and one the water-poorest countries in the MENA region (Figure 16). 33 Figure 16. Water availability in the MENA Region Source: World Bank, 2007 This severe scarcity implies that adequate management of water quantity is a key issue in Jordan's overall development agenda. In environmental terms, water scarcity is an issue of great significance because it might generate pressure on renewable (surface water and shallow aquifers) and non- renewable resources (fossil aquifers), thereby jeopardizing in the long term the environmental sustainability of the development process. The topic of Jordan's water quantity management has of course been heavily researched, and is the subject of a large number of reports by the World Bank and other institutions. Some of the factors that have been leading to increasing pressure on scarce water resources (such as pricing policies that might discourage water savings in agriculture) have been the subject of intense debates. In recent times, the National Agenda has recognized the need to modify such an incentive structure and gradually decrease subsidies to agriculture (from an estimated 2.7% of GDP in 2004 to 1.5% in 2012, and 0.5% in 2017), while at the same time increasing their productivity (with targets, in 2012 and 2017 respectively, of JOD 2.5 and 3.5 in agriculture GDP for each JOD spent in agriculture subsidies ­against the level of JOD 0.81 in 2005), and enhancing the returns of agriculture per unit of water (from less than 0.5 JOD/ M3 to JOD 3.6 and 5 in 2012 and 2017). Since water-related subsidies are estimated to account for about 50% of total agriculture subsidies, achievement of the National Agenda's target will presumably entail a significant reduction of water subsidies; and, to be sure, a sizeable reduction of the expected share of agriculture in water use -particularly in comparison with the estimates obtained from MoWI and based on the National Water Master Plan (Figure 17). 34 Figure 17. Current and projected water use in agriculture 700 600 500 Million Cubic Meters 400 300 200 100 0 2005 2012 2017 National Agenda Water Masterplan Note: the National Agenda (NA) figures have been calculated by combining the NA's targets for the reduction in the agriculture subsidies to agriculture GDP ratio, the increase in the returns per unit of water, and the growth of GDP. The figures associated to the water master plan have been obtained by exponential interpolation (R2=0.93) of the irrigation water use projected for 2010, 2015 and 2020. The present report focuses on a different environmental dimension of water management, namely water quality, which appears to be a topic less heavily researched than water quantity, and where therefore there is a wider scope to add value to the existing stock of knowledge. Nevertheless, it is very clear that there are strong linkages between the quality and the quantity aspects of water management. On the one hand, overuse of water leads to deteriorating quality as there is less resource to dilute the concentration of substances harmful to human health, to productive activities and to the environment in general. On the other hand, management of water quality might alleviate the quantity problem (for example through treatment practices that enable re-use of waste water); or it can exacerbate it, insofar as poor quality water creates incentives for increasing pressure on cleaner, but vulnerable water bodies such as fossil aquifers. This chapter will not address directly the causes of water scarcity, or the policy options to ameliorate it. It will however emphasize the ways in which inadequate water quantity management contributes to the quality problem, and, conversely, how improved water quantity policies (particularly on the demand side) can improve water quality, and along with it, the health, income and overall well-being of Jordan's people. The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. Section 4.3 briefly summarizes key features of the water resource situation in Jordan, in terms of climate, hydrology, and current and projected water balance. Section 4.4 reviews the available evidence on current status and recent trends of quality of surface, ground, and treated wastewater. Section 4.5 discusses the significance of different sources of water pollution. Section 4.6 analyzes Jordan's legal and institutional set up for water quality management; finally, section 4.7 discusses policy options to improve water quality. 35 .3 4 WATER RESOURCES IN JORDAN Jordan's climate is characterized by low average precipitation (104 mm per year), highly irregular distribution of rainfall throughout the year, and a relatively large variability of yearly precipitation events (the coefficient of variation of at a sample of 25 meteo stations varies between 30 and 45%). Figure 18 Consolidated average annual precipitation in selected meteorological stations 700 mm/year 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1937 1939 1941 1943 1945 1947 1949 1951 1953 1955 1957 1959 1961 1963 1965 1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 Note: the figure displays the consolidated average annual precipitation of 25 meteo stations. The negative trend is visually evident in all but two of the stations, and is statistically significant in eight stations (source JMD and WAJ). Potential evaporation largely exceeds precipitation, and streamflow of wadis and rivers is often intermittent, with only a permanent spring-fed baseflow in a number of wadis in the Western part of the highlands. All this makes it for semi-arid conditions and poses challenges for both water quantity and quality management. In the face of an historical trend of declining rainfall (Figure 18), climate change is expected to result in increasing temperatures (up to 4 ºC for the Mediterranean area by end of the century) which are likely to increase evaporation and further exacerbate Jordan's main water management challenge, namely a chronic scarcity of resources available. 4.3.1 Water Balance The largest source of water is groundwater (more than half of the total), and the most important user (over 60%) is agriculture. Table 11 provides an aggregated water balance for the year 2005: Table 11. Water Balance by source and use (2005) Municipal Industrial Irrigation Others Total Surface water 74,700 4,500 265,200 7,000 351,400 Groundwater 209,600 33,800 254,800 7,900 506,100 Treated wastewater 0 0 83,545 0 83,545 Total 284,300 38,300 603,545 14,900 941,045 Source: MoWI The historical development of water resources supply is presented in Figure 19, along with projections for 2010, 2015 and 2020 (MoWI, 2007). The graph shows an almost constant use of groundwater resources at a level close to 500 million m3/year. Projections of future water supply entail a significant decrease of groundwater extraction, in order to reduce over-extraction and deterioration of aquifers. To compensate for a decline in groundwater use, surface water use is supposed to increase from about 350 million m3/year to somewhat more than 400 million m3/year. 36 However, the persistent decline of the baseflow of Yarmouk river may make it difficult to reach such a target. Additionally the total of treated wastewater and desalination resources will need to increase from 85 million m3/year in 2005 to 300 million m3/year in 2020. This will have a considerable impact on the general quality of water resources. Figure 19 Historical and projected development of Water Resources Supply 1,200 1,000 800 desalinized water wastewater 600 groundwater illio 3 ear surface water 400 m n m /y 200 0 1995 2005 2015 2020 Source: MoWI Figure 20 shows the historical development of water resources use for different water use categories and the predictions of use until the year 2020 (yearly reports on water resources MoWI, MoWI website). Figure 20 Historical and Projected Development of Water Resources Use 1,200 1,000 800 others industrial 600 municipal 3/year irrigation 400 illionm 200 m 0 1995 2005 2015 2020 Source: MoWI Municipal water use has remained constant at a level of about 240 million m3/year until the end of last century and has been steadily increasing since then; a further increase towards 400 million m3/year in 2020 is expected. Industrial use is expected to increase from almost 40 million m3/year at 37 present towards 100 million m3/year in 2020. Agricultural water use will remain constant at a level between 500 and 600 million m3/year. It should be noted that agricultural use is climate dependent; in wet years agricultural use will increase, in dry years it will decrease. Actual per capita municipal water use is not exactly known as available data on unaccounted for water (WAJ website) does not differentiate between leakage losses and administrative losses. Assuming that leakage losses represent half of the unaccounted for water, per capita municipal water use has been fairly constant during the last 10 years. It was 115 l/capita/day in 1995 and 113 l/capita/day in 2005. 4.3.2 Key features of surface and groundwater Surface water: the discharge of the Yarmouk river, traditionally by far the largest source of fresh surface water in Jordan, has been declining (Figure 21) from about 375 million m3/year 40 years ago to less than 100 million m3/year at present. This decline is expected to continue as confirmed by the data of the last two years. The main reasons for this decline are the growing exploitation of surface and groundwater resources in the upstream areas, particularly in Syria, but also in Jordan. Figure 21. Streamflow of the Yarmouk River at Adasiya: selected statistics Total Yearly Flow of Yarmouk River at Adasiya total yearly flow 600 600 trend line 500 500 million m3/yea 400 400 25.0 m3/s 300 300 20.0 200 200 15.0 100 100 10.0 0 0 5.0 1964 1971 1977 1983 1989 1996 2005 0.0 se g dev ay n m r n p apr c au l mb not ju oc a ja ju fe Source: MoWI Groundwater basins and aquifers Table 12 presents the different groundwater basins and indicates the maximum sustainable yield and the actual water extraction from the eleven basins for each of the four main categories of water uses (municipal, industry, agriculture and others) for the year 2005. 38 Table 12. Groundwater basins in Jordan, sustainable yield, actual extraction (2005) Basin Municipal Industrial Irrigation Others Total Safe Yield Rate of over- extraction Yarmouk 8.8 0.2 41.4 0.6 51.0 40.0 27% Jordan River Side Wadis 24.4 0.0 1.8 0.0 26.2 15.0 75% Jordan River Valley 7.4 0.3 20.5 0.5 28.7 21.0 37% Amman-Zarqa 77.8 7.1 60.4 3.3 148.6 87.5 70% Dead Sea 49.8 13.2 26.1 2.1 91.2 57.0 60% North Wadi Araba 0.4 1.2 3.7 0.2 5.5 3.5 57% South Wadi Araba 0.0 0.2 8.7 0.0 8.9 5.5 62% Azraq 22.4 0.3 35.2 0.3 58.2 24.0 143% Sarhan 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.1 1.0 5.0 -80% Hammad 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.8 8.0 -90% Jafr 6.5 6.2 9.0 0.5 22.2 27.0 -18% Mudawara & Disi 11.5 5.2 47.1 0.0 63.8 n.a n.a Total 209.6 33.8 254.8 7.9 506.1 418.5 Source: MoWI It is clear from the table that over-extraction takes place in all non-fossil groundwater basins except the smaller Sarhan, Hammad and Jafr basins; the weighted average of the over-extraction rate is 50%, with peaks of 70% and 143% in the Amman-Zarqa, and Azraq basins, respectively; over- extraction is leading to a rapid lowering of the groundwater table and subsequent deterioration of groundwater quality. This will be further discussed in section 4.4.2: Figure 22 Groundwater Extraction for different uses 1990-2005 600 500 illio u ic e rs 400 M nC b M te 300 65% 200 57% 53% 50% 100 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 irrigation municipal industrial others Source: MoWI The historical development of groundwater extraction for different uses is presented in Figure 22. The total amount of groundwater extraction has remained fairly constant at around 500 million m3/year. Groundwater extraction for municipal use increased from around 140 million m3/year in 1989 to around 210 million m3/year in 2005. Groundwater extraction for agricultural use (mainly on 39 the highlands) decreased in the same period from around 320 to around 250 million m3/year, i.e. from 65% to 50% of the total. .4 4 STATUS OF WATER RESOURCES QUALITY This section provides an overview of current conditions and recent trends in water quality, based on the data that it was possible to mobilize within the CEA preparation time frame. While the quantity and the quality of the data acquired is broadly sufficient to provide indicative information to policy makers, the dataset built for the study does not have the coverage of relevant variables across space and time that would be needed to formulate more detailed recommendations for action at the specific project level (see Box 3 for details). Box 3. Limitation of available water quality data The information utilized in this chapter largely relies on data extracted from databases handled by MoWI (WIS, LIMS) and RSS. Access to the underlying raw data has been very limited, due to the disclosure policies of these institutions, which are at present quite restrictive. Some of the historic data does not exist in electronic format and could only be acquired after a cumbersome researching of (not-well-organized) paper archives. Another limitation is the fact that ­perhaps due to the insufficient number of trained staff- reporting of water data does not typically include the application of standard statistical methodologies, such as seasonality, trend analysis, and spatial analysis. Regarding surface water, data on quality has been measured since the start of the development of the Jordan Valley in the early 70s and the construction of the King Talal Reservoir (KTR) in 1977. However, there is no properly organized central database that collects all the available information on surface water quality. Also, a large part of the data is not available electronically. As a result, for the CEA surface water quality data has been collected from different sources, the laboratories of the Jordan Valley Authority (JVA) and the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ), the yearly reports prepared by the Royal Scientific Society (RSS) for the Ministry of Environment (MoEnv) and for the JVA, and from the EMARCU real time network. Within the limited CEA timeframe, it was not possible to fully cross-validate information coming from these different sources. Groundwater: in addition to the general issue of limited access to raw data (discussed above), in the case of groundwater a further constraint is the layout of the groundwater observation network. In very few observation wells data is available on both groundwater quality and water levels. Selection of neighboring wells can, for the present purposes, overcome these limitations and help illustrate the relationship between water extraction, water level and groundwater quality. However, a more complete analysis of causes and effects and of detailed management implications would require simulation models that include water quality. Such models are not operational until now; or at least there is no publication documenting their use. 4.4.1 Surface water While overall quality of surface water appears to be acceptable, there appear to be important problems of salinity and bacteriological contamination of a localized nature. The data provided over the last 4 years by RSS for the Ministry of Environment and the JVA, together with the data from the EMARCU real time observation network, are the most regularly measured and complete, and seem to be the best option for data analysis. However, most of the relevant measurements started only in 2002 or later. The data available from the earlier periods is not complete and less adequate for statistical analysis. The data used for the analysis is presented in tabular form in Annex 1. Figure 24 and Figure 26 show the historical behavior of the two most important parameters for water management, the electric conductivity and the E-coli concentrations for a selection of 6 stations, the location of which is illustrated in Figure 23. 40 Figure 23. Location of the monitoring stations selected for the analysis Surface-water salinity Figure 24 clearly shows that the salinity of fresh water resources (KAC tunnel, KAC Deir Alla, Wadi Hasa) has only increased slightly during the period 1995-2007. On the contrary, the graph shows a clear increase in salinity of the water flowing into KTR for the last 4 years42. Obviously this has its consequences as well for the salinity of the KTR outflow and the salinity in the southern part of the King Abdullah Canal (KAC). The main origin/cause of this increase in salinity is not clearly known. Possible causes may include: (A) a dry weather spell (less rainfall runoff to mix with wastewater effluent), (B) increased salinity of groundwater feeding the baseflow of the Zarqa river, and (C) increased discharge of saline industrial wastewater into the sewerage system. Figure 24. Electric conductivity in selected surface water monitoring stations (1995-2007) S/cm 3000 2500 101 KAC tunnel 2000 105 KAC Deir Alla 107 KAC Zarqa junction 1500 100 KTR inlet 600 KTR outlet 1000 515 Wadi Hasa 500 0 96 97 98 99 01 02 03 05 06 95 00 04 07 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Source: combined data of MoEnv, WAJ and JVA) The graph also shows that with the exception of wet periods, such as 1996-1997 and 2002-2003, the salinity of the southern part of the KAC (KAC Zarqa junction) comes very close to the salinity of the water flowing out of the KTR. Due to the lack of fresh water resources in the Northern part of the Jordan Valley, the water coming from KTR is not mixed anymore with fresh water, as was the case in the early 90s. 42 The inflow of KTR is for the larger part treated wastewater originating from As-Samra WWTP, blended with rainfall runoff. 41 Even though the overall salinity may not have increased much for most surface fresh water resources, the impact of salinity on irrigation is considerable. This is mainly due to the repartition of different sources of fresh water and mixed wastewater effluent, which has consequently been changing towards a higher contribution from more saline water resources. This is well illustrated by the example of the Jordan Valley north of the Dead Sea (Figure 25). Figure 25. Water resources with different salinity in the Jordan Valley (1995-2007) 250 million m3 200 Yarmouk river 150 Mukheiba wells 100 from Lake Tiberias 50 side wadis King Talal Reservoir 0 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 fresh water resources -50 for irrigation pumped to Zai -100 Source: JVA The figure clearly shows that the contribution of fresh water resources is declining and the contribution of blended wastewater effluent (KTR) is slightly increasing43. At the national level, expectations are that the contribution of fresh water will further decline. A realistic scenario will be that in 2020, maximum 35% of the irrigation water will be fresh water and the average salinity will mount to 1,800 S/cm, coming close to the internationally-accepted standard for irrigation water (1,500 mg/l 2,350 S/cm). The relatively high salinity of irrigation water has two important implications: a) a number of high value added and salinity-sensitive crops (e.g., strawberry, beans, onion, banana) may not be grown, and b) for the remaining, more salinity-tolerant crops, higher salinity requires more leaching water and hence lower output per cubic meter (for example, an increase in salinity from 1000 S/cm to 2000 S/cm might cause some 20% reduction of gross margins and even larger reductions in farm income). Surface-water bacteriological pollution Figure 26 shows the historical development of E-coli concentrations during the period 1995-2007 for 5 different stations. It is noteworthy that concentrations have reached high values during the period 1996-2000 in various stations. After the year 2000, E-coli concentrations have remained, with the important exception of the KAC Zarqa junction station, largely within the ambient standards for discharge of wastewater into streams, wadis or water bodies (JS 893/2002) and also within the standards for re-use of wastewater for irrigation of fruit trees. 43 The proportion of fresh water for irrigation was 66% in 1995 and declined to 55% in 2007. Combined with the increase in salinity of the various sources, the average salinity of irrigation water was 1,630 µS/cm in 2007, compared with 1,310 µS/cm in 1995. Expectations are that the contribution of fresh water will further decline. 42 Figure 26. E-coli concentrations in selected surface water monitoring stations (1995-2007) 1.0E+06 MPN/100 ml 1.0E+05 1.0E+04 101 KAC tunnel 105 KAC Deir Alla 1.0E+03 107 KAC Zarqa junction 100 KTR inlet 1.0E+02 600 KTR outlet 1.0E+01 1.0E+00 05 06 07 00 01 02 03 04 95 96 97 98 99 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 20 20 19 19 19 Source: combined data from MoEnv, WAJ and JVA Figure 27 Section of Zarqa river with King Talal Reservoir and junction with KAC Local contamination King Talal reservoir King Abdullah Canal With the notable exception of the station KAC Zarqa junction, the observed water quality is well within the standards for re-use for irrigation of cooked vegetables. In particular, the E-coli concentration in KAC Zarqa junction is more than 10 times higher than the E-coli concentration at the outlet of KTR, even though this is basically the same water source. This indicates strong contamination of the water on the way from KTR outlet to the observation point in the KAC. The connection between KTR and KAC is an open channel, and hence several types of wastes (cesspit sludge, household grey water, dead animals, etc.) are dumped in the canal (see Figure 27). There are a number of important implications of poor bacteriological quality at the KAC Zarqa junction: since water is used downstream for irrigation of the southern part of the Jordan Valley (about 8,000 ha), a) farm workers may be exposed to health hazards; and b) the quality of vegetable grown in the area (tomato, aubergine, cucumber, etc.) may be negatively affected, although it was not 43 possible to find data corroborating such hypotheses. To prevent any further risks, the authorities may want to consider building a pipeline from KTR to KAC. Other pollutants There is no indication of pollution with heavy metals, pesticides and other organic pollutants in the surface waters; measurements of such pollutants, when done, yield results consistently below the applicable quality norms. Other chemical components of interest, mainly for irrigation, such as boron, do not exhibit values above the acceptable limits. It should be taken into account however that the present monitoring system is mainly focusing on measuring standard components/pollutants, such as chemical composition, nutrients, microbiological parameters and physical parameters, and not on toxic pollutants. Very few measurements have been done on toxic substances (pesticides, others) in groundwater and surface water. This is partly due to the limited laboratory capacity in Jordan; in particular, some of the chemical components that are considered in Europe to be priority hazards (whose emissions should be completely banned) cannot be measured (or not with a sufficient g accuracy) in the Jordanian state laboratories (WAJ, MoH, RSS). 4.4.2 Groundwater The available evidence indicates a simultaneous trend of declining water tables and increasing salinity in most aquifers, with resulting higher extraction costs (pumping, well replacement) and hence lower revenues for agriculture. Nitrates pollution appears of concerns mainly in the Amman- Zarqa basin. In order to overcome the limitations of the available groundwater data (see Box 3 on page 40 for details), the status of the groundwater in Jordan and the development of water quality over the last 15 years has been evaluated by analyzing the water level and water quality data of 26 representative wells, which cover the most important aquifers and groundwater basins of Jordan. The wells and their location are listed in Annex 1. As mentioned in Box 3, of these 26 wells, only two have both water quality and water level measurements; the problem was overcome by choosing wells close to each other, which delivered at the end seven combinations of wells (one for each relevant groundwater basin), where water level and quality could be analyzed jointly. Salinity A trend analysis of water levels and electric conductivity is presented in Annex 1 for selected wells in the Amman-Zarqa basin (AL), the Dead Sea basin (CD), the South Wadi Araba basin (EA), the Disi basin (ED), the Azraq basin (F) and the Jafr basin (G). The level data provided for the Hammad basin was rejected as there were doubts about its quality. All selected basins, with the exception of the South Wadi Araba basin, show a marked clear decline of groundwater levels, accompanied by an equally clear increase in electric conductivity. Incidental checks with other observation wells in the same basins show that the picture presented in Annex 1 is indicative for the general situation in the analyzed basins. Level changes are different in the different groundwater basins and on different locations, increases in electric conductivity are more or less strongly related to the decline in groundwater level, but the trend is clearly visible in all (apart from one) investigated basins. Due to dearth of accessible data, it was not possible to quantify the trend properly for the complete area of all groundwater basins in Jordan, but the measured changes in water level in some basins (35- 45 m in the Amman-Zarqa basin and 60-70 m in the Dead Sea basin) and the measured changes in electric conductivity (in the worst observed case in the Amman Zarqa basin, the electric conductivity 44 changed from around 800 to around 5,400 S/cm in just 25 years; the changes in the Dead Sea basin are less dramatic) are quite impressive and are reasons for due concern (see Figure 28 for an illustration in the Amman-Zara basin). It is obvious that groundwater resources are being depleted rapidly and indisputably because of that the quality of groundwater resources is undergoing a worrisome deterioration. This may spread over a large part of the available resources. Figure 28 Groundwater level and electrical conductivity in the Amman-Zarqa basin 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 0 4,000 -10 3,500 Electrical conductivity (proxy for salinity), µS/ cm 9E-05x y = 108.45e 2 R = 0.9032 -20 3,000 Ground water table level, meters -30 2,500 -40 2,000 -50 1,500 -60 1,000 -70 500 -80 2 y = -2E-07x + 0.0108x - 193.35 2 R = 0.9737 -90 - AL1041 LEVEL AL1230 EC Expon. (AL1230 EC) Poly. (AL1041 LEVEL) Note: the trend lines are only meant to enhance the readability of the diagram; but do not entail any suggestion that future values of salinity or groundwater table level can be obtained by simple extrapolation The average decline in the groundwater table from the 16 wells for which level data were provided has been 1.13 m/year. The average electric conductivity of the 12 wells for which quality data were provided was 760 S/cm in 1975 and 1,660 S/cm in 2005. While the limited size of the sample does not permit a full-blown, statistically representative analysis at the national level, the evidence shown clearly indicates the magnitude of the problem, and its foreseeable future trend. Because of the decrease in groundwater level and the increase in salinity, groundwater wells may become either unproductive, or salinity may rend the abstracted water unusable. In its yearly report of 2006 (WAJ, 2006), WAJ reports approximately 100 private wells that needed rehabilitation (other than simple cleaning and replacement of screens). Of these wells, approximately 75% needed deepening as the dynamic groundwater level dropped below the bottom of the well. The loss of well capacity is stronger in the private sector than in the public sector, as public-sector wells are developed over the whole depth of the aquifer, contrary to most private wells which are just drilled over the minimum possible length. Nitrates Additionally an analysis has been made of the nitrate content in the different wells. In the wells analyzed for the Amman-Zarqa basin, nitrate contents can be significant and in some wells surpass 45 the limits for drinking water quality (values op to 140 mg/l). In all of the other analyzed wells, nitrate contents are between 0 and 45 mg/l, with a geometric mean of about 10 mg/l, and hence are fully within the aforementioned limits and are relatively stable. Apart from the Amman-Zarqa basin, there is no reason for immediate concern. Figure 29. Wells with clear nitrate pollution, north-east of Amman With regard to the Amman-Zarqa basin, the map in Figure 29 shows that some of the observed wells (green stars on the map) are close to the As-Samra WWTP. Their high nitrate content is most probably caused by a leakage from the treatment plant. Further toward the east the figure shows another well with high nitrate concentrations, but the satellite images do not indicate its source of pollution. The extent and the trend of the nitrate problem are not clear, but where the Amman-Zarqa basin contains semi-confined aquifers, and since it has more than 3 million inhabitants, the nitrate pollution should be a reason for concern and should be properly monitored. .5 4 Pollution sources 4.5.1 Urban Wastewater Access to sanitation is relatively high (with some exception in rural areas), and the quantity of municipal wastewater has been steadily increasing. However, the quality of the treated water is a reason for concern: about 50% of total wastewater treated does not meet national quality norms for pollutants such as BOD, E-coli. The situation has recently improved with the establishment of new As-Samra treatment plant; further progress may be expected if the targets of the National Agenda are to be met, although the cost is likely to be high. A rather large percentage of the urban population, around 94%, has access to sanitation (WHO, UNICEF, 2003). For the rural area the percentage is 85%. According to the same report, around 63% of the total population has access to centralized public wastewater collection and treatment systems44. However, this applies mainly to the urban population; only a limited percentage (3%) of the rural population is connected to sewerage networks. In rural areas, wastewater is discharged to septic tanks, cesspits, latrines, etc. or directly to natural water bodies and the soil, in case there is no form of sanitation. Treated urban wastewater is in general discharged to open water bodies (wadis) (94%) and collected in reservoirs (85%) or is directly reused for irrigation close to the treatment plants (6%) (FAO/RNE and WHO/EMRO, 2003). Most of the wastewater discharged to the wadis collects in the relevant 44 Statements in the National Action Plan 2007 on the increase of connection rates suggest that this is only 58%. 46 dams/reservoirs, but a smaller-yet-significant part is pumped directly from the wadis for (legal and illegal) reuse in irrigation along the wadis. Water resources contamination is caused by: a) insufficient treatment of wastewater discharged to the wadis; b) leakage of sewerage networks; c) septic tanks with improper design (single chamber) and insufficient maintenance; d) open- bottom cesspits that leak to groundwater; e) direct-and-illegal discharge of wastewater (by the vacuum tankers) to adjacent water bodies and wadis; and f) direct-and-illegal reuse of treated wastewater. No data is available on the modality of sanitation for those areas that are not connected to central sewerage systems. It is believed that cesspits and latrines, because of their relatively low costs, are the most widespread systems in these areas. Despite an average population growth of 2.5%, the total production of water for municipal uses (not including industry and tourism) has been fairly constant during the period 1995-2004, at a yearly level of approx. 240 million m3. Only in the last two years, production has increased. Background studies to this report estimate that a maximum of 70% of the municipal water use may return as treated wastewater, an amount equal to almost 200 million m3 (year 2005). When water use increases (due to population increases), more wastewater will be produced accordingly. By mid 2007, Jordan had 22 functional municipal (public) wastewater treatment plants, with a total installed capacity of 312,000 m3/day. Fourteen of these plants were older than 10 years. In total, the 22 mentioned plants treated about 107 million m3 of wastewater in 2006. After the new As-Samra treatment plant has come into operation at the end of 2007, it is estimated that the amount of wastewater collected and treated should have increased to approx. 120 million m3 per year, but the exact data on its performance is not yet available45. In addition to the 23 public plants currently in operation, there are at least 13 other (usually smaller) domestic wastewater treatment plants operating, mainly at/for hospitals, universities, Queen Alia airport, industrial estates, etc. Their total installed capacity was of around 12,000 m3/day in 2006: only a fraction (around 4%) of the capacity of the municipal plants. Figure 30 Treated wastewater volume and population growth (1994-2006) 6,000,000 120 million m3/year 5,000,000 100 4,000,000 80 population 3,000,000 60 2,000,000 40 1,000,000 20 0 0 population 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 wastewater treated Source: WAJ The amount of wastewater collected and treated in the municipal WWTPs has steadily increased (Figure 30), and at a rate exceeding population growth: i.e. from 14.3 m3/capita/year in 1994 to 19.6 45 The total capacity of the new As Samra WWTP is 267,000 m3/day, enough to treat all wastewater from the Amman-Zarqa area. The plant is at the moment only used half capacity (two of the four production lines). The reason is not exactly known, but may be related to operational costs or other operational issues. It seems that MoWI/WAJ has not yet established a clear policy on phasing out the old As-Samra WWTP. 47 m3/capita/year (which is equivalent to 54 l/capita/day, about half of the estimated per capita daily water consumption). The increase in per-capita wastewater collected and treated briefly stagnated in the early 2000s, but has been more significant during the last 4-5 years due to increased investments. Data from 2005 and 2006 (MoEnv, 2005; MoEnv, 2006) show that the quality of the effluent is generally unsatisfactory. According to JS893/2002, the performance of all the older biofiltration (trickling filter) treatment plants is deficient with respect to BOD, suspended solids and E-coli. Two of the four relevant plants are largely overloaded, unacceptably shortening the reaction time; the other two work below design capacity, but it is unclear if the design of the plants is optimal. Of the eight treatment plants that work with waste stabilization ponds, only two, Aqaba and New Aqaba are working well, the other six perform unsatisfactorily with regard to BOD (average of around 170 mg/l BOD5), suspended solids and E-coli (geometric mean of 37,000 MPN/100 ml). Two of these plants ((old) As-Samra and Mafraq) are heavily overloaded, but maintenance is deficient as well (ponds are not properly cleaned, etc. (field visits made in November-December 2007)). Of the nine activated sludge treatment plants, eight produce effluent with good (<25 mg/l BOD5) and one with reasonable (25-60 mg/l BOD5) BOD contents (all meet the relevant standards). Three of the activated sludge treatment plants do not reduce sufficiently pathogens; the average E-coli values of their effluent are considerably larger (geometric mean of 28,000 MPN/100 ml) than the norm. Also three of these plants do not respect the TSS norms. Table 13 gives a brief overview of the most important standards for wastewater discharge. Table 13. Standards for wastewater discharge for a selected number of parameters parameter Unit discharge to groundwater cooked vege- fruit trees, field crops, streams, wadis recharge tables, parks, roadsides industrial & water bodies playgrounds outside city crops and and roadsides limits and forest trees within city landscapes limits BOD5 mg/l 60 15 30 200 300 TDS mg/l 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 TSS mg/l 60-120 50 50 150 150 phenols mg/l 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 Total-N mg/l 70 45 45 70 70 E-Coli MPN/100 ml 1000 2.2 100 1000 - Table 14 evaluates the share of treated waste water that does not meet selected national standards: this is 45% in the case of BOD, and 60% in the case of E-coli (for cooking vegetables). Table 14. Share of total waste water meeting selected water quality norms BOD E-Coli (for cooked vegetables) Share meeting norm 45% 61% Share not meeting norm 55% 39% Total 100% 100% It should be noted that the Jordanian Standard for BOD (60 mg/l BOD5) is less restrictive than for example the EU standard which allows only 25 mg/l BOD5; where in 2006, 70% of the treatment plants met the Jordanian standard for BOD, only 45% met the EU standard for BOD. When the new As-Samra treatment plant will fully replace the old one, more than 80% of Jordan's treated wastewater would comply with the relevant standards; however, in the absence of recent measurements of the effluent quality of new and old As Samra wastewater treatment plants, it is difficult to assess the degree to which such quality targets are being attained. 48 There is also some concern about the presence of high phenol concentrations in all treated wastewater. Phenols in (too) high concentrations can damage irrigated crops. It is usually considered to be an indicator of uncontrolled semi-diffuse pollution from a multitude of industrial and commercial sources (iron industry, smithies, and car wash installations). It could also be related to washing out of the air of phenol in vehicle exhaust gasses or be related to burning of organic materials in general. No investigations are known for Jordan that determines the origin of phenols in wastewater. This warrants efforts for cause attribution and possible mitigation. Looking forward, there are two avenues to improve the relatively poor quality of treated wastewater. First, the situation is likely to improve considerably once the new As-Samra activated sludge wastewater treatment plant will be fully operational. The plant currently collects 40% of the wastewater of the Amman-Zarqa area, treats the wastewater up to modern standards (below EU norms) and is expected to reduce salinity of the wastewater reaching King Talal reservoir by 14% according to its design. Monitoring data are not available yet, but the new plant is expected to make a significant difference as to the wastewater situation in Jordan and as to the reuse potential. The violation of environmental norms will be reduced as the new treatment plant is supposed to deliver low E-coli concentrations in its effluent. This is important for the quality of water in the Zarqa River, which (as the largest perennial stream close to Amman) enjoys constant public attention. Secondly, the situation might further improve by re-considering the mix of treatment technologies currently in use (rather than only expanding the overall treatment capacity). At present approximately 52% of Jordan's wastewater is treated by conventional methods (47% activated sludge and 5% biofiltration) and 48% by using some form of waste stabilization ponds. The results of treatment with respect to effluent quality (average selected parameters in 2006) are summarized in the following table, sorted by type of treatment and concerning public WWTPs. Table 15. Overview of main effluent characteristics of different types of treatment plants BOD5 EC phenol TSS total N E-coli mg/l µS/cm µg/l mg/l mg/l MPN/100ml stabilization ponds 148 1,689 44 163 83 1.26E+04 activated sludge 32 1,641 40 56 49 8.72E+02 biofiltration 63 1,476 44 85 71 3.06E+05 extended aeration 6 1,364 51 15 7 7.20E+00 Source: MoEnv While the effluent quality of activated sludge and extended aeration plants meets by and large applicable Jordanian standards, there are important problems with the other technologies. On the one hand, the mostly older biofiltration (trickling filter) plants do not perform well with respect to BOD, TSS, total N and E-coli (the latter should at least be below 1000 MPN/100 ml). More importantly, the performance of the stabilization ponds is dismal in general (particularly with respect to BOD and suspended solids, but also E-coli which such plants are supposed to tackle well), with only a few exceptions, mainly because of overloading, but also because of inadequate design and lack of maintenance of these plants. The amount of suspended solids indicates that most of the BOD is in insoluble forms and that the treated water is therefore not directly suitable for irrigation. On the other hand, O&M costs of the stabilization ponds are very low, from 0.02-0.13 JOD/m3, contrary to 0.08-2.20 JOD/m3 for activated sludge and biofiltration plants (WHO-CEHA, 2005; data for the year 2001), mainly depending on the size of the plant. In addition to poor quality of the treated water, waste stabilization ponds are also subject to considerable water losses due to evaporation and leakage. Such losses in the (old) As-Samra treatment plant are estimated by WAJ at 35%, although it should theoretically be less, rather around 49 15% (Kunz, Radke & Jaar, 2007). Activated sludge treatment plants normally do not loose more than 5% of the treated water. It can be calculated that the water saving potential by eventually replacing the stabilization ponds by activated sludge treatment plants is as much as 20 million m3 per year. Such savings will also in general lower the average salt content of the effluent (average around 1,035 mg/l, which is high per the international standards) by approx. 15%. On account of poor performance on both counts (poor treatment quality and high evaporation losses), the general policy in Jordan is now to abandon waste stabilization ponds and replace them by activated sludge treatment plants. In general, this policy appears reasonable, although -on account of relatively high O&M costs (especially when energy prices are high) and frequent advances in treatment technology, it should be periodically revisited. Whatever technological improvement will be adopted, it will be essential that new treatment plants will not be overloaded again and will be properly maintained and operated. Only under these conditions it will be possible to obtain effluents with considerable lower BOD, suspended solids and pathogen content; and as a result, less eutrophication in receiving water bodies and (as most effluent is used again for irrigation), a better performance of modern trickle irrigation systems and a wider potential for reuse for (supplemental) irrigation. Activated sludge systems produce more sludge than waste stabilization ponds, and reuse of this sludge in agriculture (after composting) can be a valuable option, provided that the industrial pollution is better controlled (preferably at source) to ensure that the sludge is not loaded with heavy metals and organic toxic pollutants. 4.5.2 Industrial wastewater As discussed in more detail in chapter 6 of this report, mining, manufacturing and construction industry contribute to some 20% of Jordan's GDP, employ 16% of the Jordanian work force and accounts for a sizeable portion of total exports. In 2006 there were almost 13,000 industrial enterprises in Jordan, of which 2% are medium and big enterprises, 6% are small enterprises and 92% are micro enterprises. The likely impacts on human health and the environment in Jordan's industrial hotspots (especially along the Zarqa river) have been reasons for concern for the Government, NGOs and the general public for quite some time. Although there is limited analysis to quantify those impacts, abundantly available literature on similar situations in other countries indicate that the cost of uncontrolled industrial pollution can be very high. Table 16 provides indicative estimates of the distribution across sectors and disposal modes of industrial wastewater. Of the approximately 26 million m3 of wastewater produced by industry in 2005, about 30% is treated before discharge. In terms of modality of disposal, 17% is released into the sewer network, 32% into irrigation canals, and a small fraction (6%) is disposed of using tankers or other methods. The bulk of industrial wastewater comes from mining activities, which however, as observed later in the chapter, are unlikely to constitute a major health hazard. Enterprises located in Zarqa account for 65% of the remaining wastewater. 50 Table 16. Estimates of wastewater from Industry (2005) Type of Industry Water Wastewater Share of Disposal of wastewater consumption treated in (million m3/ (million m3/ total sea sewers irrigation other year) year) wastewater Mining Dead Sea Potash Company 10.8 10.8 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% Other Mining 9.6 4.8 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% Aqaba fertilizer complex 3.2 1.6 100%(a) 100% 0% 0% 0% Zarqa industrial zones 15.0 7.5 65% 0% 52% 31% 17% Other industrial zones 2.3 1.2 80% 0% 17% 83% 20% Cement 0.4 0.2 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% Power Generation 1.9 1.0 0% 0% 60% 40% 0% TOTAL 43.2 27.0 32% 46% 17% 32% 6% Note: the table assumes that an average of 50% of water consumed by industry is returned as wastewater, except for the Dead Sea Potash Company (a): According to information provided by ASEZA, in compliance to environmental protection regulation nr 21 and to the requirement of the international treaties signed by the GOJ, no wastewater of Aqaba's phosphate company is disposed of in the sea Sources: WAJ, MoEnv, Water Data Bank Project, USAID In general, wastewater discharged from industries should comply with Jordanian Standard 202/1991 (JS 202/1991), which is however extremely lenient. It allows for example discharging water to the environment with up to 3000 mg/l TDS and is not linked to the quality and other characteristics of the receiving body. It also only sets (rather lenient) limits for heavy metals and does not set limits to endocrine substances and other toxic organic materials. Moreover the standard has intrinsic internal conflicts. For instance it says that the quality of receiving water bodies should not be negatively impacted and at the same time allows a TDS value in the effluent of 3,000 mg/l. The standard is obsolete and need to be thoroughly revised. It only applies to discharges to the environment and does not seem to apply to discharges to the sewerage system. To better address different wastewater quality issues, it is useful to analyze the manufacturing enterprises which discharge in the public sewerage network, separately from those which do not. Other industrial activities of significance for water pollution are mining and power generation. Industries discharging into the public sewerage network Pollution from this group is of concern for at least three reasons: a) considerable rates of discharges in the sewers without licensing; b) significant rates of non-compliance with discharge regulations; c) inadequacies of those regulations. As the entity in charge of the public sewerage network, WAJ is responsible for licensing industries that discharge into the network. The quality of all discharges needs to respond to the norms fixed in the "Instruction for disposal of commercial and industrial wastewater to the public sewerage system of the year 1998, Water Authority of Jordan". This instruction does not have the status of Jordanian Standard, but is similar in its set-up (see Box 4). Box 4. Industrial treatment standards in Jordan In Jordan there are no official pretreatment standards; the only legal instrument is the "Instructions for disposal of commercial and industrial wastewater to public sewerage network of the year 1998, Water Authority of Jordan". This instruction falls short of being a standard; however it contains clear instructions on prohibited substances (solid objects, limits for all relevant parameters such as inflammable or explosive substances, any toxic material that could interfere with the treatment process, solids or liquids with a pH out of the range of 5.5 to 9.5, liquids with a temperature higher than 65oC, etc.). It also gives the maximum allowed concentrations for a number of substances/parameters, such as oil & grease, 51 cyanide, phenol compounds, sulfuric compounds, chlorinated organic solvents, chemical cleaning compounds, heavy metals and radioactive substances. Any commerce or industry discharging to the sewerage network will need a license and need to submit certain details on the treatment and production process. The relevant company can be obligated to install end-of-the-pipe treatment facility when the standards per this instruction are not being met. There are some 46 industries licensed by WAJ to discharge wastewater into the public sewerage system. These include 25 food industries, seven textile and clothing industries, four pharmaceutical industries, three cleaning industries, three chemical industries, two mineral industries, one leather tanning plant, and Jordan's oldest large power plant, the Al-Hussein Power Station. While the WAJ-licensed enterprises are considered to be the most important in this category, there is evidence suggesting that they represent only a fraction of the total. In particular, a USAID-financed study (CDM, 2005) indicates that in Zarqa 96 enterprises discharge into the public sewerage network, which is a significantly larger number than the 46 licensed by WAJ, and which suggests that of the 5,000 enterprises present in the area there are probably even more discharging without a license. WAJ itself reports that the minimum requirements mentioned in Box 4 are often violated in the 46 licensed industries. As an example, percentages of non-compliance with aforementioned indicative pH standards are around 20%, non-compliance with ammonia 33% and with suspended solids 30%. Moreover, the higher-bound values occasionally reach numbers several orders of magnitude above what is acceptable. This is not an acceptable situation from an environmental and health point of views and an effort should be made to enforce simple rules and methods of treatment on industries. In this context it should be remarked that the situation may even be worse than indicated above; for instance, dangerous substances completely banned by the EU under its Water Framework Directive (meaning zero effluent concentration) are not even measured/monitored (let alone tackled) in Jordan. It should be noted that there are programs underway to reduce industrial pollution at the source. However, due the (lack of) monitoring data it is not clear if these programs have started to yield positive results. Whatever the doubtless good intentions of the `Instructions'; these are mainly meant to protect the sewerage network and the functioning of the public wastewater treatment plants. Although the strict implementation of the `Instructions' would alleviate some environmental and health hazards, these "Instructions" are not explicitly meant to reduce pollution of the environment or protect water resources. A typical example is the salinity of wastewater discharged to the public sewerage network. There is no limitation in the instructions for salinity, even though increased salinity would make the final effluent of the wastewater treatment plants less suitable for use in irrigation. It should also be noted that the "Instructions" may need to be based on monitoring both the water usage of the facility as well as the effluent concentrations, so as to avoid a situation where the facility abides by the effluent standards simply by using more water to dilute the effluent. Industries not connected to the public sewerage network The companies included in this group comprise large size manufacturing enterprises (potash and fertilizers), three cement factories and the Jordan petroleum refinery, as well as mining and power generation activities (further discussed below). In addition, the group includes a number of industrial estates assembling several enterprises. Considering that the industrial estates for which data is available (Table 17) are estimated to discharge some 0.7 million m3 of waste water (over 10% of the total effluents discharged out of the sewer network, excluding mining), industrial estates as a whole (i.e. including those for which discharge data is not available) are probably a non-negligible component of this group. 52 Table 17. Overview of the most important industrial estates in Jordan Source: CDM, 2005 Most of the industrial estates have wastewater treatment plants or plan to build one soon. Consolidating a number of industries into industrial estates has many advantages from the environmental point of view, because it becomes easier to control pollution (although for larger factories, control at source tends to be more cost-effective). In the past WAJ was responsible for the licensing and monitoring of some 150 industries not connected to the sewerage network and believed to be discharging industrial wastewater in other recipient media. A few years ago, this responsibility was transferred to the Ministry of Environment (MoEnv). However, MoEnv seemed not to be ready for this task at that time and has only recently started to make an inventory of all relevant Jordanian industries in the framework of an upcoming integrated environmental licensing. As a result, industries in Jordan are only partially stored in a MoEnv database; for the time being this covers 130 industries in the Zarqa area and 20 in the Al Hassan Industrial estate (a small fraction of the total 20,000 establishments, but a more significant share of the 2,000 establishment with more than 9 employees). MoEnv started monitoring 20 larger industries (not discharging to the public sewerage network) on compliance with industrial wastewater discharge norms. Results of this monitoring have not yet been published. These will be tested on standard chemical and physical parameters, nutrients (N, P, BOD, COD, etc.), microbiological parameters, and heavy metals. A considerable problem is reported for industries not connected to the public sewerage system that dispose of their wastewater using tankers. The USAID-financed study mentioned above (CDM, 2005) suggests that such wastewater disposal is fully uncontrolled. As far as not recycled on site, the wastewaters are either transported to one of the two sites in Jordan that receive industrial wastewater (Ein Ghazal pre-treatment facility on the border of Amman and Zarqa, and the Al Ekaider waste disposal site, northeast of Amman close to the Syrian border) or are disposed of illegally. Although the quantity and origin of the wastewater is registered at these sites, the quality of the disposed wastewater is never measured. From Ein Ghazal, the water flows largely untreated (the plant basically removes larger solids only, hence primary treatment) towards the old As-Samra treatment plant. In the Al Ekaider waste disposal site there is no treatment at all; water is let into unlined basins where it either evaporates or joins the groundwater (Nawar, 2006). As far as known, there is no clear investigation of the effect on the treatment process in As Samra. Groundwater and soil in Al Ekaider are expected to be polluted, but no observations are available. 53 Mining and power generation With a 2% share of GDP, phosphate mining is the single most important industrial branch in Jordan, and is also a very large generator of wastewater (9.6 million m3 from the Eshidiya, Hasa & Abiad, and Al-Ruseifa mining locations). There is little information nevertheless on the effluent quality, other than indication of contamination stemming from solid waste in Russeifa (now dormant). Also of importance and by far the largest water user in Jordan is the Arab Potash Company. The Company, operating since 1982, takes concentrated brine (the sodium chloride in the Dead Sea water is deposited during the evaporation process and potassium chloride remains in the brine) from specially-constructed compartments in the southern part of the Dead Sea and processes the brine to potash which is mainly used to produce fertilizers. The fresh water used for the processing is discharged to the Dead Sea. The power sector is estimated to generate some 2 million m3 of wastewater per year (or 7% of the total industrial wastewater). A significant share of that (about 25%) comes from the Hussein Thermal Power Station; a fifth of its discharge is RO brine water with a conductivity of 13,000 S/cm (CDM, 2006), channeled into public sewerage system and contributing significantly to the salt content of the As-Samra WWTP effluent. The plant is in the process of upgrading its treatment plant to produce effluent up to Jordanian Standard 202/1991 and reuses or evaporates the remaining effluent. No information is available for the other power stations. 4.5.3 Other sources of water pollution Two other sources contribute to a lesser extent to contamination of water resources. In agriculture, the per-hectare use of fertilizers and pesticides is estimated to be relatively low (12 kg/ha in the case of pesticides) in comparison to international averages, and there is no strong evidence of residues of pesticides in surface and underground water, and no violation of the acceptable limits for drinking water supply. However, given persistent rumors that pesticides are present in drainage water in the Jordan Valley, further scrutiny of the issue may be warranted. In the case of solid waste, the fact that most disposal sites are not lined suggest that leachate may infiltrate into aquifers that provide groundwater for drinking and irrigation use. There is evidence in the literature of increased levels of dioxin and furan in human milk samples. A statistically significant relationship with the location of the land-fill sites has been found (Alawi, 1996b). It seems that a more thorough investigation of the impact of solid waste disposal practices on groundwater quality is justified. .6 4 Institutional Setup of Water Quality Management 4.6.1 Legal Background The effectiveness of Jordan' water quality management is hampered by the lack a comprehensive and over-arching legal framework. Jordan's system of water quality management is characterized by a large number of legal provisions (see Annex 2 for details) that have been adopted often on ad-hoc basis, i.e. whenever a specific problem arose and needed to be solved. In general the existing regulations are adequate, even though they may need some upgrading in individual cases. In particular: · The Underground Water Control By-Law of 2002 is a by-law with the character of a regulation. It is directed towards the control of extraction only; yet the chapters on groundwater protection are missing in this by-law. It is advisable to include such chapters and give the by-law the status 54 of regulation, preferably under a to-be-launched Water Code that would give legal substance to such a regulation. · The Criminal Code articles referred to in Annex 2 seem superfluous; with regards to penalties there is enough to hold on in the other legislation; · In general, most regulations are weak on reporting and self-monitoring, which are indispensable tools to control potential pollution. A more systemic and far-reaching problem is the lack of a uniform framework law for water (Water Code) that should regulate issues such as property of water resources; restrictions to private rights; the definition of water uses; water rights and water use and discharge permits; cadastre of water users and polluters; protection of water resources, aquifers and river banks; execution of construction works related to water resources; penalties; the role and rights of water users; institutional responsibilities for the implementation of the law and regulations, etc. Such a law would make the institutional responsibilities of different government entities and their inherent tasks more clear and set a framework for adequate water (quantity and quality) management. Apart from the aforementioned functions, a Water Code would be of great value to establish a planning framework for water resources quantity and quality management. This would include making an inventory of environmental pressures, defining the status of water quality, defining water (resources) quality objectives and preparing planning documents (strategies and action plans) to improve water quality, and redefine roles and responsibilities of the three main institutions in charge of water management, namely MoWI, WAJ, and JVA. Industrial discharges are governed by the Industrial Wastewater Standard of 1991 and the aforementioned WAJ instruction for discharge of commercial and industrial wastewater to the sewerage system (and to some extent by the Water-Reclaimed Domestic Wastewater Standard). The WAJ Instruction should acquire the status of standard. The Instruction adequately covers prohibited substances (inflammable and explosive materials, materials that block the sewerage system, etc.), ranges of physical properties (e.g., pH) and allowable concentrations of a number of chemical substances that can be discharged to the public sewerage system. The instruction is far less precise where it comes to toxic/dangerous substances in the wastewater that can influence the treatment process or otherwise will pass through the wastewater treatment plants and be emitted to the environment. It is mentioned that emissions should not harm the treatment process or otherwise endanger the environment, but this is not worked out quantitatively. For the control of such substances, Water Quality Objectives (WQO) should be defined as was mentioned before in the Section on the Water Code. Such WQO can be achieved by applying Best Available Technology (BAT) in industries with regard to effluent control processes. As further discussed in section 4.7.1, the application of BAT should take place in the framework of Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC), where water, solid wastes and air emissions are controlled in an integrated manner. In terms of standards, the Drinking Water Standards are up to date; the Water-reclaimed Domestic Wastewater Standards are in themselves adequate. However, where properly operated wastewater treatment plants with secondary treatment would usually produce effluent with BOD5 values below 15-20 mg/l, the limit of 60 mg/l in the standard is unnecessarily high and discourages proper operation of the treatment plants. This is in particular the case for the waste stabilization ponds treatment plants; field observations show that quite a few of them are heavily neglected. The required monitoring of the treatment process does not distinguish between large and small treatment plants; for small treatment plants, the costs of the required monitoring are prohibitive and 55 could amount to 5 JOD/m3 wastewater treated. An adaptation of the monitoring requirements is necessary. 4.6.2 Institutions and Responsibilities At least four institutions have institutional attributions related to water quality management: the Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MoWI), the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ), the Jordan Valley Authority (JVA), the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Ministry of Environment (MoEnv). The roles and responsibilities of the different ministries are described in detail in Annex 2, and have been summarized in Table 18. Table 18. Institutional responsibilities of different ministries involved in water quality Competences with respect to water quality management Council of MoWI WAJ JVA MoH MoEnv Ministers Legislation and other regulatory aspects prepare water (quality) legislation elaborate regulatory documents establish water quality standards and norms exercise international co-operation Water quality policy prepare policies approve policies supervise implementation of policies implement policies Licensing and control establish limits of water use per user issue licenses for water use issue licenses for water discharge 2 establish boundaries of sanitary protection areas control compliance with licenses and illegal discharge take legal action in case of non-compliance Planning and implementation of plans prepare plans analyse the state of the environment define water quality objectives prepare list of measures define priority measures prepare implementation plan approve plans supervise implementation of programmes implement plans decide on incentives for pollution alleviation measures Operation operation of wastewater treatment plants operation of other emission measures Monitoring, data management en dissemination plan and supervise monitoring activities collect data and information process and store data synthesize data and prepare reports disseminate information and promote public partiicaption the respective entity has full responsibility the respective entity is involved only for discharge to public sewerage system 2 should for discharge others than public sewerage system It is clear from the table that there are several overlaps in responsibilities and some necessary responsibilities are not assigned to any of the mentioned entities. In particular, the presence of multiple black dots on any given row suggests that the responsibilities overlap and that they should be clarified/ separated. The main areas of overlap include: 1. The preparation of legal and regulatory documents. This overlap of responsibilities has most probably resulted in not having a Water Code and a regulation for water resources protection. 2. Licensing and control of licensing. In the framework of IPPC, licensing should rather be under MoEnv with obligatory consultations of MoWI bodies. 56 3. Planning and implementation of measures has some overlapping functions; these should be coordinated; there should be a National Master Plan for the Abatement of Water Resources Pollution with one government entity in charge and full involvement of other entities. 4. Particularly serious is the issue of overlapping monitoring. It is not per definition wrong that all involved entities are executing part of the required monitoring, but for efficiency reasons, data should be properly exchanged, not measured twice or several times by different entities. 4.6.3 The monitoring system An extensive overview of the water quality monitoring system is given in Annex 2. The main issues for the annex are briefly discussed here. There are basically three types of monitoring in Jordan, the environmental monitoring of the quality of water resources and of pollution sources, including the monitoring of wastewater returning to the environment; the quality control monitoring implemented by the agencies responsible for water supply and sanitation; and the monitoring related to environmental health issues. Environmental monitoring is executed by those entities that are responsible for the water resources, such as HSC, WAJ, JVA and MoEnv. Part of this monitoring is outsourced to RSS which has appropriate research capacity to do so. There is a certain overlap between the different monitoring programs; coordination between the different entities has just started and still needs to score effect. The monitoring system is rather simple in the sense that a limited number of parameters are measured every time monitoring takes place; there are no adapted frequencies for different parameters and the concept of baseline surveys followed by limited specific monitoring has never been applied. Moreover, the number of parameters is rather limited, up to maximum 20. The quality control monitoring (of the production process) is executed by WAJ and the other public or private entities responsible for the operation of the drinking water supply and sanitation system. With regard to water resources there seems to be some confusion within the responsible entities on whether certain monitoring belongs to environmental monitoring of water resources, environmental health monitoring, or quality control monitoring. A better demarcation between these types of monitoring seems necessary. Environmental health monitoring is mainly the responsibility of by MoH. However, MoEnv does have monitoring elements in its program that come close to environmental health monitoring (control of drinking water at the tap and control of wastewater effluent) that should rather be the responsibility of MoH. It is necessary to drawn a more clear line here between environmental monitoring and environmental health monitoring. The responsibilities for the different types of monitoring are presented in Table 19. Table 19. Present responsibilities for different types of monitoring 57 Clear overlaps exist in monitoring of surface water resources, quality control monitoring, and environmental health monitoring. A simplified and more effective monitoring system could be considered, along the lines presented in Table 20, and discussed in further detail in Annex 2. Clearly this reform proposal is preliminary; it would need more investigation and, above all, discussions among the different monitoring entities. Table 20. Preliminary options to reform the water quality monitoring system .7 4 Policies and measures for water quality management 4.7.1 Policy instruments Interventions to improve water quality can be classified in three broad groups (Table 21). First, there are interventions that reduce polluting concentrations by treating effluent water or controlling their disposal; these include the collection and treatment of wastewater from municipal and industrial discharges, the improvement of landfill management to prevent infiltration into groundwater of wastewater discharged from tankers, and the treatment of spring water. Next, there are interventions that reduce concentrations by increasing the amount of water available for dilution. These include policies to increase supply (water storage, desalinization of sea water, conveyance schemes), as well as policies that encourage, through improved demand management, the re-allocation of existing water for increased dilution. Finally, there are "at-recipient" interventions that do not affect the quality of the water available for different uses, but reduce the exposure of potential users to contaminated water through behavioral change. 58 Table 21. Typology of policy instrument for improved water quality Delivery mechanism for quality Unit costs Ease of enhancement targeting A. Effluent removal Wastewater collection and treatment Reduction of polluting concentration High Easy through transformation of the load Industrial pollution control Same High Medium Treatment of spring water Same Medium Medium Improved landfill management Prevention of leachate infiltration Medium Easy into groundwater B. Increased dilution Mobilization of additional water Reduction of polluting concentration High Medium resources through increased water dilution Water savings/ demand management Same Low to Medium medium C. At recipient interventions Hygiene programs Prevention of water-borne diseases Low Medium through behavioral change Water policies in Jordan have been using over time different mixes of these instruments, but with a strong focus on interventions to increase supply (Box 5). While mainly motivated by the priority of reducing Jordan's chronic water scarcity problem, these interventions also tend to deliver water quality benefits. In several cases, however, water policies have not addressed explicitly the strategic linkages between water quantity and water quality. Box 5. Overview of recent water policies and strategies in Jordan Water policies in Jordan have traditionally been concentrating almost exclusively on what is perceived as the biggest problem: the balancing of scarce but relatively constant water resources and the ever growing demand for water. A Water Strategy was adopted in 1997 by MoWI and supplemented with different water policies for irrigation, groundwater management, water utilities and wastewater management. The Water Strategy aims at securing a reliable supply of water (in quantity and quality terms) mainly for drinking water supply and irrigation in Jordan. In general this is thought to be met thru maximum augmentation of water resources, protection of existing water resources, and improvement of the distribution and allocation efficiency in both the water supply and the irrigation systems. It equally formulates proposals to ensure Jordan's international rights on water resources shared with its neighbors. The Groundwater Management Policy mainly aims at reducing abstraction from renewable aquifers to sustainable quantities. There are some paragraphs on protecting the groundwater by means of protection zones, but the policy fails to make the link between water quantity and water quality and does not envisage an integrated quantity-quality management. The Irrigation Management Policy details the long-term objectives laid down in the Water Strategy. It has a number of chapters that set policies for the role of Irrigated Agriculture, its sustainability, the development of water resources, adaptation to modern technology, on-farm water management, irrigation water quality, administrative issues, public awareness, water pricing, regulations and research and development. With regard to water quality it is stated that wastewater should be treated to the extent that is fully reusable in agriculture, and salinity should be adequately monitored. The Wastewater Management Policy sets the framework for the development of adequate wastewater collection and treatment. It declares wastewater as a water resource to be used for irrigation and aims at treatment processes that enable unrestricted reuse of treated wastewater in agriculture. It also provides directives for end-of pipe treatment of 59 industrial wastewater, charging wastewater treatment costs to the producer of wastewater, separation of collection systems, identification of point sources of pollution, use of river basin management approaches and a number of other wastewater related issues. With respect to water quality management, the existing policies do not entail modern concepts such as Integrated Water Resources Management (IRWM) and Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC). An upgrade of policies and strategies within the framework of a new Water Code, National Water Master Plan and River Basin Management Plans is recommended. This Section discusses the potential for applying these different interventions in Jordan, as a way to introduce the discussion of their comparative merits conducted in section 4.7.2 below through a simplified cost benefit analysis. Wastewater collection systems and treatment plants The National Agenda envisages a total investment of 363 million JOD for urban wastewater collection and treatment. This will allow connecting 12% more of the population to centralized sewerage systems (up from 58% to 70% of the population), and produce an extra 20-25 million m3 (treated) wastewater per year. At the same time efficiency of collection and treatment will be improved significantly (reduction of evaporation, leaking losses, etc.), which may deliver another 20 million m3/year. The investment will therefore be around 8-9 JOD/m3. On top of that, the considerable improvement to the wastewater effluent quality would improve the suitability for reuse in irrigation and also would reduce the adverse health effects. Improvement of wastewater collection and treatment will increase the availability of water resources mainly for irrigation. Where at this moment approx. 120 million m3/year of treated wastewater is produced, this amount is estimated to increase to 200 million m3/year in the year 2025. Reaching the aforementioned figure of 70% of the population connected to centralized sewerage systems, the options of collecting and treating wastewater in the conventional centralized way may have been largely exhausted. It is estimated that, due to economic feasibility, a maximum connection percentage for centralized sewerage and treatment systems in Jordan would be close46 to 75%. Industrial pollution control The direction that seems to prevail on industrial pollution control is to promote centralized collection and treatment. However it has long been proven that control at source - through in-factory technology switch (cleaner production), or through end-of-pipe treatment - is typically more cost- effective and there is no reason to believe that this would be different for Jordan. It appears that existing plans to build centralized wastewater treatment plants for a number of more or less adjacent industries (CDM, 2005) might have overlooked the potential of at source treatment, which of course would entail addressing issues of willingness to pay and incentives (i.e., incremental economic benefits) for industries. Of course, such pollution prevention needs a policy framework and technical regulations. It is strongly advised to adopt the principles of Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) and of 46 The remaining wastewater is however by no ways lost, but could be captured and reused locally through decentralized approaches of wastewater separation, "grey water" treatment and reuse (so called "dual networks"), etc. These can be developed through a decentralized modality involving a Public-Private Partnership, with major participation of the end-beneficiary communities (benefiting from the reduced pollution and/or from the increased useable water). Recent studies in Germany clearly indicate that this is an option for peri-urban areas as well; in this context, the Jordanian Government would be well advised to seriously study the issue of centralized vs. decentralized and corporatized wastewater collection and treatment, in the form of a National Sanitation Master Plan. 60 Best Available Technologies (BAT) as they are used in Europe47. The advantage of using IPPC is that the effluent is not transferred from one sink to another; the advantage of BAT, provided it is constantly upgraded, is that it helps avoid that ­as industrial output increases-, pollution increases in the same proportion. IPPC and BAT should be properly embedded in new industrial pollution abatement regulations. Without having more information on the existing industries, their outputs, their production technology/process and their financial arrangements, it is difficult to predict the costs of introducing IPPC and BAT for the industrial sector. Further studies are therefore needed, in particular to identify cases where BAT might induce excessive costs, and where therefore exceptions may be warranted (provided that the resulting environmental damage is acceptable). An important issue is to prevent the increase in wastewater salinity beyond what is technically necessary. This is of particular importance for Jordan as, due to the general water scarcity, all wastewater is supposed to be reused, mainly for irrigation. This is not an issue of quantities of water (industrial wastewater with high salinity is only a small fraction of the total amount of wastewater produced), but rather of quality. As was estimated above, the salinity of the wastewater produced in the Amman-Zarqa area can be reduced by at least 10% if desalination brines are not discharged to the sewerage system or open water bodies, but disposed of in an alternative way. The extra costs of this will most probably be largely offset by the higher outputs from agriculture. BAT could also include the avoidance of salinity accumulation and the use of process water desalination before discharging wastewater to the environment or to public sewerage systems. Additional treatment of spring water In a number of groundwater basins, groundwater is contaminated due to lack of proper sanitation and infiltration of domestic wastewater into the aquifer (The Jerash area is known for this, but the problem is not limited to this area). This manifests itself in insufficient bacteriological quality of spring water (for instance, inferred by the increased trends of E-Coli). At the recipient side, there are two remedies/solutions to this problem: (i) tackling the sanitation issues through improved hygiene, in the framework of community action/participation; and (when this delivers insufficient results); (ii) the application of extra water treatment in the form of ultra- or nanofiltration. Such filtration would cost about 0.20-0.30 JOD/m3, on top of the already existing exploitation costs. In the Jerash Pilot Area of the USAID Pollution Prevention for Environmental Health Protection (P2EHP) Project, the improvement of hygiene has proved to be cost- effective. Upgrading of landfills Measures need to be taken to ensure that landfills do not pose potential pollution risks. The Government of Jordan has already started to upgrade the landfills as such. The new landfills will need protection against leakage into the soil and towards the groundwater, and groundwater observation wells need to be installed to validate the absence of such leakage. All newly planned landfills meet these conditions, whereas the existing landfills that do not, will/should be gradually closed. Another important issue is to close existing landfills for depositing wastewater trucked in by tankers (such as Al Ekaider waste disposal site). All wastewater should be treated properly before discharging it to the environment, before evaporating it, before discharging to the public sewer or before reusing it in irrigation, under reigning systems of standards and instructions. 47 The EU concept of BAT includes considerations on the affordability of the technology in the context of the country to which BAT is applied. In this sense, BAT in Jordan could mean something different from BAT in Western Europe or the USA. 61 Exploitation of additional water resources As water resources are scarce in Jordan, maximum increase augmentation of water resources is an important instrument in the water policy and could have a positive impact on water quality as well. It should be stressed however, that the possibilities to further increase the conventional water resources at an economically-acceptable cost are very limited. The most promising option is to further increase the quantity of good quality treated wastewater, which will over a longer period of time yield 50-100 million m3/year, also depending on the population growth. Another option is to develop the Red Sea- Dead Sea Canal which will most probably yield another 600 million m3/year of fresh water resources, but this option will take at least 15 years to realize. Furthermore there are limited options to desalinize brackish groundwater (60 million m3/year) or desalinize water from Karameh dam (30- 40 million m3/year). When such measures are fully exhausted, desalination of seawater will be the only available augmentation option. Water demand management Where the development of new water resources has, with exception of large scale projects such as the Red Sea-Dead Sea Canal, almost come to an end in Jordan, water demand management becomes an ever more important issue. In irrigation, large savings on water (losses) are still possible, thus increasing the economic output per each m3 of water used. The formation and empowerment of Water User Associations (WUAs), and developing and scaling up the "Irrigation Advisory Services", are two key instruments toward reducing the irrigation-water demand without compromising the agricultural output. Irrigation efficiency (output/ m3 of water), particularly for seasonal crops, is still low and experiences in a number of ongoing projects prove that it can be improved by 30-40%. Soil-less cultures can further improve irrigation efficiency and savings of as much as 60% are feasible. With regard to economic performance (expressed as gross margin per m3 of water used), at present the average is around 0.60 JOD. The National Agenda establishes for 2017 the fairly ambitious target of 5 JOD/m3.Data collected from different types of farms in the Jordan Valley suggest that indeed higher outputs are feasible, at least 1 JOD and in some cases more (3-4 JOD/m3). Such improvements can only be reached through institutional changes that include among others the formation of WUAs and efforts to increase farmers' knowledge of the irrigation technologies through research, extension and knowledge transfer. To increase the gross margin at a rate of 5% per year from the present 0.60 JOD/m3 as envisaged here, it is estimated that an intensive R&E (coupling the notion of "Irrigation Advisory" with the notion of "Agronomic Advisory") would be needed, i.e. at least one well trained extension agent per 50 farmers. Assuming that there are around 10,000 farmers in Jordan, at least 200 extension agents are needed at an estimated annual cost of 4 million JOD, including research and logistics. With approx. 400 million m3 water used in agriculture, this would add up to 12 million JOD/year. With regard to drinking water supply, large savings are possible as well. The unaccounted-for-water was still at 45% in 2005, and could (according to experiences in other countries) be reduced to 25% over time, provided that the due investments are made in network rehabilitation, and O&M is improved. Where half of the unaccounted-for-water may be administrative, a saving of 10% is feasible on the middle/long run. It is estimated that a complete rehabilitation of leaking networks may request investments amounting to roughly 30% of the average investments in drinking water supply made over the last decade or so. In addition, O&M costs need to be increased by at least 20% to maintain properly what has been achieved with the rehabilitation. 62 Another option for water demand management is the in-house recycling of water resources. Separation of "black, yellow and grey" water and the reuse of the latter could (when applied to all households) generate water savings of about 50%. It is difficult however to determine the exact costs of such a measure. Given the large initial investment cost, the Government would probably need to provide households with adequate financial or fiscal incentives. 4.7.2 A macro-scale cost-benefit analysis of alternative options Provisional cost-benefit analysis at the macro-scale indicate that it might be possible to eliminate up to 80% of the social cost of water degradation by optimally combining hygiene programs, enhanced dilution via water savings, and wastewater treatment. The evaluation of the cost environmental degradation conducted in Chapter 3 indicates that poor water quality inflicts to society an annual cost of about JOD 82 million/year (or 0.8% of GDP). This cost is likely to increase in the future, on account of population growth, dwindling surface water and escalating cost of extracting groundwater of acceptable quality. For example, preliminary estimates conducted in the CEA background report indicate that over the next decade the annual degradation cost linked to increased groundwater and surface water salinity might double with respect to the value estimated in Chapter 3 COED analysis. Since the options for improving water quality reviewed previously (section 4.7.1 above) differ widely in terms of unit costs and of their ability to deliver benefits in terms of human health, agriculture income, etc, this section proposes a simplified evaluation of the optimal mix of interventions that could reduce over time the cost of water quality degradation. A detailed analysis of specific interventions would have required an amount of data which is currently not readily accessible in Jordan (see Box 3 above), as well as the use of dedicated water modeling tools that go beyond the scope of a CEA. Instead, this section proposes the use of a simplified analysis that could deliver useful, albeit approximate, insights to policy makers. The proposed approach couches the problem in terms of a few parameters indicative of water quality conditions of relevance for human health and agriculture (e.g., BOD, TDS), and evaluates the optimal mix (i.e., featuring an aggregate Benefit-Cost ratio higher than 1) of a few key interventions (hygiene programs, increased dilution via water savings, and treatment), which would help reduce baseline concentrations towards the existing water quality norms, thereby reducing the cost of water degradation estimated in Chapter 3. More specifically, the macro level analysis consists of the following elements: · A mass balance of the pollutants load (product of flow and concentration) was carried out in order to obtain the average, across water bodies of different qualities, of in-stream concentrations of BOD and TDS. In the no-intervention baseline, those averages exceed the relevant quality norms, and this was assumed to be explaining the bulk48 of the water degradation cost evaluated in Chapter 3; · A simple water saving program -implemented through enhanced irrigation efficiency- was introduced in the analysis, using the unit costs discussed in section 4.7.1 above, and assuming that the water resources thus "freed-up" could become available to increase dilution (i.e. reducing average concentrations); · The mass-balance approach was re-applied to the new composition of water flows resulting from the program, to estimate the resulting reduction in concentration; 48 On account of the very limited information on its health impacts, pollution from industrial sources was not included in the analysis. 63 · A simple, linear "dose-response" function was assumed to quantify the benefits obtained as a result of the decrease in concentration; as a first approximation, it was assumed that the reduction on the different types of social costs (health impacts, consumption of bottled water, decline in agriculture productivity, etc.) is proportional to the reduction in the gap between actual BOD and TDS concentrations, and their respective norms. · Where concentrations after increased dilution still exceeded the norm, the residual loads were removed through treatment, using unit costs indicative of an upgrade from primary to secondary treatment technology, and giving priority to the population already connected to the sewer network; · Finally, on account of the their low unit (per household) costs, and of their ability to deliver results specifically in terms of reduced mortality and morbidity from poor water, sanitation and hygiene, at recipient hygiene programs were introduced in the analysis, adopting unit costs figures derived from international experience Results The results of the analysis indicate (Figure 2) that a program supporting average water savings of 3% per year, implemented over a 10 years period, and accompanied by at recipient hygiene programs49, could eliminate up to 80% of the 2006 cost of water degradation at favorable Benefit Cost ratios (i.e. exceeding 1). With a cost of some JOD50-60 million, such a program would save water losses (particularly from irrigation uses) for some 100 to 150 million m3/year (a final target gradually achievable over 10 years), and would yield a "triple dividend": · limiting the current mining of groundwater, · enabling in-stream dilution through "water-quality arbitrage", thus diluting salinity loads (TDS) and reducing the gap between actual concentration and TDS norms; · enabling full attainment of BOD norm 49 With an assumed cost of $10/ household, an targeted on the basis of current levels household exposure to morbidity related to water, sanitation and hygiene 64 Figure 31 Optimal selection of water saving rates 120% 1.2 1.1 100% 1.0 0.9 Share of COED eliminated, rate of norm attainment 80% 0.8 Benefit/ cost ratio 0.7 60% 0.6 0.5 40% 0.4 0.3 20% 0.2 0.1 0% - 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% Rate of annual water savings Share of COED eliminated Attainment of BOD Norm Attainment of TDS Norm Benefit/Cost ratio At the estimated optimal solution (rate of saving of 3% of the irrigation water demand/year), marginal benefits (avoided COED) equal marginal costs (hygiene plus water savings), whereas: · with lower rates of water savings/year (e.g., 1%), the forgone benefits (i.e., a high residual cost of water degradation) will exceed the cost of the program; · with higher water savings/year (e.g., 5%), the program costs will be prohibitively high and hence will not be offset by the accrued benefits (i.e., the reduced COED) In the present analysis, the optimal combination of interventions includes hygiene and water savings, but not enhanced wastewater treatment, which ­if included- would push the cost benefit ratio above 1 (see Figure 32 for an illustration). Adding water savings to hygiene helps reduce the cost water degradation from 10 to over 80%, at a small marginal cost (measured by the increase in the cost/ benefit ratio). On the other hand, further reductions of the cost of degradation might be possible, but the required expansion of wastewater treatment would be too costly in comparison to the benefits accrued. 65 Figure 32 Costs and benefits of different policies for improving water quality 2 Hygiene Programs + Cost/ Benefit Ratio Dilution + Treatment 1 Hygiene Programs Hygiene Programs + Dilution 0 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Inaction Share of COED abated Assuming a 3.0% annual rate of water savings Caveats and follow-up step The exercise presented in this section is clearly a simplification of reality, in so far as it does not take into explicit account the spatial dimension (or the political economy) of water management and water re-allocation across uses. It also relies on a limited amount of information on water quality, and of its relationship with human health and agriculture income. The main message, however still holds: namely that, along with ambitious (and costly) programs of water supply increase and enhancement of wastewater treatment, the Government might want to consider water savings as an effective alternative to deliver water quality benefits. To provide policy makers with more specific and robust indications, the exercise conducted in the present context as a pilot could be enhanced and expanded along the following lines: · A "water quality model" would need to be developed, calibrated and validated, in order to duly simulate the water quality processes in space and in time (especially for "non-conservative parameters" such as BOD and E-Coli for which a simplified mass balance cannot be precise), and including a detailed simulation of the linkages with changes in the volume of different water bodies; · The relationships between changes in polluting concentrations and impacts such as health, agriculture productivity, and cost of groundwater pumping need to be evaluated in more detail; · The Cost-Benefit analyses could be expanded by using more precise information on unit costs, and by including an explicit algorithm (i.e. linear programming) to determine both the selection of alternative interventions and their "dosage" (i.e. how much water saving, how much treatment, how many households receiving hygiene programs, etc.), so as to maximize net social benefits with respect to a no-intervention baseline, and subject to the constraints of technology, water balance and public funds available. 66 4.7.3 Institutional measures Whatever the policy mix selected for improving water quality, it is important that this be supported by adequate action on the legislative, regulatory and institutional front, ideally within an over-arching management framework (Water Code) along the lines indicated earlier (section 4.6.1 above). In particular, water arbitrages and re-allocation of water across uses requires an improved legal framework regulating use, particular groundwater. The implementation of the Underground Water By-Law 85-2002 has slightly improved the overexploitation of groundwater resources by approx. 20 million m3/year. However, as this is only a fraction of the total overexploitation ­ which is close to 140 million m3/year ­ the impact on the decline of groundwater level and quality is minor. Some aquifers are already nearing depletion and much of the groundwater in it is becoming unsuitable for drinking without expensive treatment. To avoid the escalating costs and management problems due to groundwater over-extraction a radical change in the groundwater-extraction policy is needed. There are basically three ways of achieving this. The first is to radically banish groundwater extraction above the safe yield and hence reduce the present extractions to sustainable levels. This needs additional regulation (the present regulation prohibits new drilling and extraction but has no handle to reduce extraction to safe-yield levels) and strong enforcement. The formation and empowerment of Water User Associations can be a potent enforcement tool, although it might be more challenging in the highland, where farms typically have individual (ground-)water resources. The second is to let groundwater consumers pay not only the service and private-exploitation costs of water abstraction, but also bear (as a conservation signal) the scarcity/social cost of the water resource50. This social cost is one order of magnitude higher than the current highest tariffs (0.06 JOD/m3). Such costs may be prohibitive for agriculture and therefore politically not viable. The third is to develop and scale up the "Irrigation Advisory Services", as needed to support the farmers on how to reduce the irrigation water losses (namely: non-beneficial evapotranspiration plus non-recoverable return runoff/seepage/percolation waters), thus rationing the on-farm groundwater diverted without compromising the crop output. This third option can be a win-win from the farmers' perspective, because saving the water losses could be translated in saved pumping costs (being a private gain). None of the three aforementioned approaches will probably solve the groundwater over-extraction in the highlands on its own. A well-targeted combination of the three may reduce the use of groundwater in irrigation on the highlands by as much as 60%. With the exception of the third option (which can be a "win-win pragmatic" remedy), the two other options are of a "normative" notion, hence essentially requiring stringent enforcement. 50 That "social cost" is as least as high as the cost needed to replace one m3 of groundwater with an alternative source such as desalinated sea water, brought to the same location, to which the damage caused by overextraction (including from increased salinity) should be added as well. 67 CHAPTER . 5 AIR POLLUTION AND ROAD TRANSPORT .1 5 Introduction and main messages The transport sector in Jordan accounts for a large share of air emissions (estimated at 80% for NOx; 20% for SOx, and 40% for TSP). By developing indicative estimates of emissions by fuel type, fleet component and traffic location, both for the reference year (2006) and for a no-intervention future baseline, this chapter helps identify policy options for reducing the environmental impacts of road transport. With a 7 to 10% annual growth of the vehicular fleet, a relatively large share (32%) of older technology (and thus higher emissions) vehicles, a low rate of replacement of old vehicles, and ­ pending implementation of recent reforms - low quality fuels (high sulfur diesel), Jordan's transport sector is poised to remain a large emitter in the future, unless suitable policy actions are undertaken. Growth in vehicular emissions might even become more significant if demand (vehicle-km) increase, and/or occupancy rates decrease: these are likely side-effects of per capita income growth, as OECD countries experience suggests. A simple traffic-emission model is used to estimate the total volume of road transport emissions, and indicates that the resulting social damage is in the order of JOD130 million per year. In addition, the model permits to identify Light Duty Vehicles (LDV) and minibuses, as well as Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV) as the main sources of PM, NOx, and SO2 emissions (with contribution ranging between 60% and 90% of the total); whereas passengers cars appear to be the key source of CO and HC emissions (over 80%). These results suggest that in order to abate key pollutants such as PM, SO2, and NOx, for which quantification of health impacts effects is readily obtainable, both in physical terms (increased risk of premature mortality and of morbidity) as well as in monetary terms, policies should focus on higher emitting vehicles (LDV, minibus, HDV), seeking in the short terms to reduce emissions per unit of traffic, and in the longer term, to decouple growth of traffic from growth in population and per capita income. On the other hand, policies to increase the use of public transport or more generally increase occupancy rates (number of passengers per vehicle-km), will have most of their environment benefits in terms of decrease in other pollutants, such as CO and HC, for which monetary estimates of damage are not available in the literature, and which are thus less amenable to be evaluated in cost- benefits terms. While recognizing that the government is developing a wider range of policies and actions that will improve the environmental performance of road transport (including GAM's recent establishment of a company to promote public transport), the CEA evaluates in simple cost-benefit a subset policy options which could reduce, in the shorter term, "monetizable" emissions (PM, SO2 and NOx). These options are: · Improvement of fuel quality through phasing out high sulfur diesel. While this option has already been adopted by the Government, the precise phasing out schedule is still subject to uncertainty, so the analysis might help in the implementation phase of the policy; · Improvement of vehicle maintenance through workshop certification and staff training; · Establishment of the light rail Zarqa-Amman 68 · Improvement of the environmental quality of the vehicle fleet through stringent environmental requirements to newly registered vehicles The results of the analysis suggest that a sequential adoption of these policies can reduce about 50% of the social cost of air pollution which would occur in a no-intervention scenario; and that they can do so in a fairly cost-effective manner (i.e. with a cost-benefit ratio well below 1). The analysis also indicates there are wide margins for further, cost-effective, abatement interventions, such as fiscal incentives (e.g., fuel taxation, road charging); and, in the longer term, through reduced demand (per capita or per unit of GDP) for use of the more polluting vehicles (LDVs and HDVs), through modal shifts, improved logistics, etc. These option are not further analyzed due to lack of data on freight and passenger demand (ton-km and passenger-km), which represent a serious hindrance to the design and evaluation of transport policies, let alone air quality management. In terms of the other, "non-monetizable" pollutants (such as CO), the CEA also provides a preliminary evaluation of the emission reduction that can be achieved by increasing the use of public transport. Based on the goal of increasing the share of public transport in total traffic, that the Greater Amman Municipality has indicated to be 75% for the year 2020, the CEA estimates (using 2006 data) that CO and HC emissions could be reduced up to 60%. However, considering the estimated current level of public riderships is about 40%, the proposed increase to 75% would represent a major change, which is likely to require high level of institutional, financial and political commitment. .2 5 Land transport in Jordan 5.2.1 Key institutions Transport in Jordan is to a large extent undertaken by private operators and private companies. Private car ownership is rapidly increasing, and private operators are present both in public passenger transport and in freight transport. The framework for the transport sector is strongly regulated by Government. At state level a number of institutions are responsible for transport research, legislation and regulation, monitoring and enforcement, infrastructure planning and implementation and public transport. Municipalities are responsible for municipal infrastructure and traffic management. The main actors in the transport sector and their functions are presented in Table 22 below. 69 Table 22. Overview of key transport sector institutions and their functions Institution Functions Ministry of Transport · Devising the general policy for transport and overseeing its implementation in coordination and cooperation with all related parties. · Regulating and monitoring the road freight transport sector and its services, as well as issuance of necessary permits for individuals and companies operating in the sector. · Regulating and monitoring the freight transport by rail sector and its services as well as issuance of necessary permits for operating in the sector. · Setting freight transports' fares and tariffs until the sector was liberalized from the tariff system. · Following up on the implementation of technical rules, and approved specifications, measurements and standards, in accordance with enacted legislation. · Following up on the implementation of bilateral transport agreements concluded between the Kingdom and other states as well as international treaties to which the Kingdom is party. · Representing the Kingdom at regional and international bodies concerned with transport issues, and keeping up with their activities. · Preparing the necessary researches and studies for developing the sector, and issuing periodic bulletins and reports on its activities. · Establishing a databank for transport sector. · Handing of all other functions related to the sector Public Transport · Implementing the Governments public transport policy; Regulatory Commission · Organizing public transport network; · Grating licenses and cancelling them if the law is violated; · Designating the locations for public transport facilities; · Upgrading public transport services; · Conducting studies to determine public transport needs. PTRC was established on 16/11/2001 under the Public Transport Temporary Law for Passengers No. (48) for the year 2001. The law was revised and became No.(39) for the year 2006. Ministry of Energy and Principal role of MEMR is to define and assist in implementing national energy Mineral Resources policy and MEMR has the responsibility of securing the countries energy needs from different foreign sources. The procedural policy of MEMR is aimed at attracting private sector (international or local) involvement in the form of either direct investment or through the implementation of projects on a BOO or BOT basis. The main objective of MEMR is promoting and developing different energy resources and overseeing the energy sector operating companies. Ministry of Public Responsible for planning, designing and maintaining public, rural and agricultural roads, Works and Housing including ensuring road safety measures. Aqaba Special Among other things attract and facilitates investments in infrastructure, ports etc. in the 70 Institution Functions Economic Zone Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) Jordan Transport Conducting transport sector research, particularly on traffic safety Institute Ministry of Environment Vehicle emission monitoring campaigns Road transport standards and regulations Trainers program for Environmental Rangers Environmental Rangers Enforcement of environmental regulation, including vehicle emissions Drivers and Vehicle Drivers and vehicle licensing Licensing Directorate Vehicle inspection Municipalities (e.g., Municipal infrastructure and traffic management GAM) Jordan Institution for Responsible for standardization, metrology, conformity assessment, market surveillance, Standards and accreditation, information and related areas, including vehicle emission standards Metrology Aqaba Railway Public rail operating corporation Corporation, Jordan Hejaz Public rail operating company Railways Corporation Civil aviation Civil Aviation regulator authority Jordan Maritime Marine transport regulator Authority With respect to air emissions from the transport sector key regulation includes fuel quality requirements and vehicle emission standards. The fuel quality is regulated by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The vehicle emission standards are regulated by Jordan Institution for Standards and Metrology and enforced through Drivers and vehicle licensing directorate. In recent times the Ministry of Transport has adopted a new sector strategy that contains important provisions aimed at improving the sector's environmental performance (Box 6). Box 6. Jordan's new Transport Strategy and the Environment Jordan has recently adopted a new transport strategy (2009-2011) which contains a number of objectives of relevance for the improvement of the sector's environmental performance, including: a) Develop the institutional and regulatory framework for the road freight sub-sector; b) Promote the efficiency and quality of the trucking industry (logistics and operations) 71 c) Increase the share of public transport in total road traffic d) Promote (including through incentives to public transport companies) the modernization of the bus fleet and evaluate technological options for clean public transport e) Encourage the phase-out of small scale public service to save fuel and reduce traffic congestion. As part of the implementation of the strategy, the Government envisages several specific projects which are likely to generate important environmental benefits, such as · The establishment of a service center in the Amman Development Corridor, aiming at lowering congestion and reducing the entry of heavy trucks into downtown Amman; · The creation of a light rail system between Amman and Zarqa to promote mobility among these two key economic areas in an efficient and environmentally friendly manner Source: Ministry of Transport The size and composition of the vehicle fleet is influenced by the costs of vehicles, including taxation. This includes import duty, sales tax, registration fee and the annual license fee. Private passenger cars are heavily taxed, particularly through import duties. Import duties range from 100-200 percent of the pre duty value, depending on the value of the car and the specific accessories, including active and passive safety equipment, AC and others. The sales tax depends of the size of the engine. Table 23. Passenger car sales tax Size of engine in cc Tax in % of car value < 1000 0% 1001-1500 4% 1501-2000 7% 2001-2500 10% 2501-3000 13% >3001 16% Source: PTRC, interview July 2007 Commercial heavy duty vehicles is levied a custom duty of 30% of the estimated price and 16% of the total value including customs duty as sales tax. 5.2.2 Road transport The vehicle fleet Jordan is experiencing a rapid growth in the vehicle fleet, and currently the annual growth rate in the fleet is 7 to 10%51. The car ownership is around 100 cars/1000 inhabitants, which is almost double than the average of comparable MENA countries (Morocco, Tunisia, Syria), although still quite lower than the OECD average (about 500 cars/1000 inhabitants in 2003). The composition of the vehicle fleet is presented below. 51 Information provided by the Licence and vehicle inspection directorate 72 Table 24. Vehicle fleet and age in Jordan, July 2007 Fleet data Passenger Public Other Light Heavy Public Other Motor Total cars transport Minibuse duty duty transport buses Cycles Minibuse s vehicles vehicles Buses s Car model year 2000- Gasoline 142,284 1,963 144,247 Diesel 1,863 3,436 44,441 6,430 456 810 57,436 1990-1999 Gasoline 215,515 345 215,860 Diesel 2,143 3,952 77,464 15,006 249 442 99,256 -1989 Gasoline 157,565 513 158,078 Diesel 1,332 2,457 63,077 25,672 345 614 93,497 Total 515,364 5,338 9,845 184,982 47,108 1,050 1,866 2,821 768,374 Source: Information provided by the License and vehicle inspection directorate The vehicle fleet in Jordan is relatively old, approximately 1/3 of the vehicles are produced before 1990. According to information provided by the License and Vehicle Inspection Directorate the withdrawal of old vehicles is very low, and old vehicles are being repaired and kept in an operational standard. Because of the dry and warm climate there seems to be virtually no limitation to the technical life of vehicles, and as repair and basic maintenance costs are low compared to the price of younger vehicle, cars keep being repaired52. This means that even though the fleet is rapidly increasing, old cars are generally not being scrapped and are expected to be around for many years. According to the License and Vehicle Inspection Directorate maintenance of vehicles is rudimentary as many workshops are not qualified to undertake thorough maintenance of modern cars, and many mechanics lack formal training. Vehicles are often only maintained to keep them running, while proper adjustment of the engine is not undertaken. This has strong bearing on emissions 5.2.3 Road infrastructure There is little information on traffic volumes on the road network. The main road network in Jordan is functioning and allows for efficient road freight transport north-south and between the main ports and border entries. Within the large cities traffic is however regularly congested during peak hours, indicating that the road capacity is reaching its limits. It is however not clear to what extent the congestion problems are due to inefficient traffic management and regulation. The widespread use of small roundabouts and shortage of traffic lights is likely to cause cues in intersections even at fairly low traffic volumes. Improved traffic regulation and management might significantly increase the capacity of parts of the urban road network in the large cities. 52 Approximately 200-250 newly imported vehicles are registered daily, whereas only approximately 15 vehicles are cancelled. Information provided by the Licence and vehicle inspection directorate, July 2007 73 5.2.4 Road transport There is no regular monitoring of the road transport in Jordan. Based on vehicle fleet data and indicative information about the average annual kilometers per vehicle the road transport can however be assessed in terms of vehicle km/year. Table 25. Estimated annual transport. Million vehicle km/year, 2006 Model Passenger Public Other Light Heavy Public Other MC Total car transport Duty Duty transport bus minibus minibus Vehicle Vehicle bus 1990 7.156 601 296 3.657 1.286 78 75 23 13.171 1989 3.151 200 98 1.892 1.540 38 37 5 6.962 Total 10.307 801 394 5.549 2.826 116 112 28 20.133 Source: Table 24 and own calculations These estimates are based on assumptions on the annual km per vehicle and should therefore be regarded as indicative rather than exact. Passenger cars are assumed to drive 20.000 km/year, light duty vehicles 30.000 km/y, Public transport minibuses 150.000 km/y, other minibuses 40.000 km/y, public transport busses 110.000 km/y, other busses 60.000 km/y and heavy duty vehicles 60.000 km/y. These assumptions have been discussed with the vehicle inspection (passenger cars), GAM, PTRC and selected bus and minibus drivers (p.t. busses and minibuses) and a large transport company (HDV). 5.2.5 Transport fuels The main part of Jordan's fuel for the transport sector is produced on Jordan Refinery. A minor share of gasoline and diesel is imported. The domestic production has a fairly low quality in the sense that only leaded gasoline and diesel with high sulfur content (0.85%) is produced. 74 Table 26. Characteristics of road transport fuels in Jordan, 2007 Fuel Quality Octane Amount sold in Price, Comment 2006 (in tons) JOD/liter Gasoline Regular leaded 0,1 g lead/liter , 87 517,000 t 0.43 Produced in Jordan 0,06% S Super leaded 0,2 g lead/liter, 95 178,000 t 0.604 Produced in Jordan 0,026% S Unleaded 95 48,000 t 0.64 Imported Diesel Normal diesel 0,85% S 845,000 t 0.315 Produced in Jordan Light diesel 0,05% S 510,000 t 0.315 Imported Sources: Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources: meeting July 3, 2007 and "Energy 2007 - Facts and figures". Pb and S content: Jordan refinery laboratory tests, April and May 2007, provided by Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Diesel fuel sales data for 2006 provided by PTRC. Please note that difference in data sources results in difference in fuel sales estimates in table 2.5 and table 3.1, respectively. Oil products are priced according the following principles: · Heavy fuel and jet petroleum is not regulated but priced according to market principles · Diesel, kerosene, LPG and heavy fuel for electricity generation is subsidies · Currently the petroleum products are regulated on a cost plus basis, meaning that the whole production on Jordan refinery is cost plus based. The specific prices ensure that a cross subsidy is provided from gasoline to the subsidized oil products. Since February 2008 all fuel stations have phased out leaded gasoline and fuel price regulation has been abolished. 5.2.6 Rail transport There are two existing railways in Jordan, the Jordan Hedzan Railway, and the Aqaba Railway Corporation. Both are publicly owned. Jordan Hedzan Railway is narrow-gauged and run a few weekly passenger trains between Amman and Damascus, and freight trains upon request. Furthermore the company offers tourist and school trains upon request. The Aqaba Railway Corporation is transporting phosphate from Jordan's three phosphate mines to Aqaba harbour. By far most of the rail transport takes place on the Aqaba rail, and the main activity concerns phosphate transport and is presented in the table below. 75 Table 27. Annual phosphate transport on rail in Jordan. Mines Sheidyeh Abiad Hassa Total No. of trains/year 1025 182 649 1856 Phosphate 1000 t /year 1066 391 1010 2467 Source: Ministry of Transport Ministry of Transport wants to vitalise the rail sector in Jordan, and several rail development projects have been investigated, including · A new light rail system between Zarqa-Amman for passenger transport between the three cities · Upgrading rail from Amman to the Syrian border with a branch from Mafraq via Irbid to the Israeli border · Rail from Zarqa to the Iraqi border · Upgrading of the rail from Zarqa to Aqaba 5.2.7 Public transport Public passenger transport on road is based on three modes of transport: · Public transport by buses · Public transport by minibus, which are busses with less than 30 passengers · Service cars, which are ordinary passenger cars which operate defined routes and carry passengers on these routes according to fixed rates All of these public transport modes operate lines in cities, between cities or to destinations in neighboring countries. The designing of routes and the licensing of the operators of the individual is the responsibility of the PTRC; bus fares for buses, minibuses and service cars are also regulated by the PTRC; however as far as Amman's public transport is concerned, a reform of the regulatory system is being introduced. The number of public transport vehicles is presented in Table 28. 76 Table 28. No. of public transport vehicles Service cars Minibuses Buses Jordan total Operating urban lines 591 1487 714 Operating inter -city lines 3676 2941 295 Operating international lines 1075 2 39 Amman Governorate Operating urban lines 349 548 404 Operating inter-city lines 3211 542 232 Operating international lines 624 0 33 Irbid Governorate Operating urban lines 154 131 63 Operating inter-city lines 245 820 18 Operating international lines 193 0 3 Zarqa Governorate Operating urban lines 55 232 121 Operating inter-city lines 96 519 1 Operating international lines 185 2 2 Source: PTRC, July 2007 .3 5 Air pollution from transport Detailed estimation of emission of different pollutants from transport is a very demanding task. It requires detailed mapping of transport and traffic patterns, and detailed information about emission factors from different vehicle categories and other transport modes, which are not available for Jordan. Such an estimation of emissions is outside the scope of this report, and a relatively simple model has therefore been developed to provide a rough estimate of the air emissions from the transport sector. The purpose of developing this model is twofold: · To estimate the current air emissions from land transport · To estimate the effects of selected policies on the reduction of emission levels. In this chapter the calculation tool is presented, followed by the main findings. This analysis complements previous estimations undertaken in Jordan in the context of the first national communication of the UN Climate Change convention (the second communication is being finalized), as well as other technical analyses53. 53 ETI, August 2006 77 5.3.1 Estimation model of air pollutants from transport A simple spreadsheet model has been developed for estimation of emission of air pollutants from road and rail transport in the whole of Jordan and in the large governorates. The estimation of emissions is based on international emission factors, selected to obtain a fair representation for Jordan. The purpose of this exercise is to establish a tool that can link the activities in the transport sector, in terms of number and quality of vehicles and their use, to the air pollution from the sector, and also to provide indications of the emissions in the largest cities/governorates. Existing estimations of transport sector emissions (e.g., for the national reporting under the UNFCCC) have been based on fuel sales, and are not linked to the specific vehicle fleet and its activity. The linking of vehicle fleet and transport activities to the emissions allows the model tool to provide estimations of the environmental impacts of selected policy options. The model is kept as simple as possible for practical reasons, to ensure transparency and to allow for simple analyses of policy measures. The model structure is illustrated in Figure 33: Figure 33 Structure of the transport sector emission and cost estimation model: A. Input data A.1 Transport data: A.2 Emission data: 1. Data on average road transport in 1. Emission factors for vehicles distributed on km/year/vehicle, distributed on modes of transport modes (car, bus, truck etc.), fuel (gasoline or diesel) (car, bus, truck etc.). and vehicle age 2. Data on the vehicle fleet distributed on vehicle 2. Emission factors for rail types (car, bus, truck etc.), fuel (gasoline or diesel), 3. Alternative emission factors reflecting improved and grouped according to age fuel quality (lead, sulfur), alternative fuels, specific 3. Data on rail transport in ton km. vehicle technologies (filter) 4. Valuation of emissions, USD/kg of pollutant B. Calculations: Calculation of total emissions and associated costs C. Results: - Annual transport in vehicle km. and estimated fuel consumption - Annual emissions of pollutants: CO2, CO, HC, NOx, SO2 and Particles - Valuation of annual emission in EUR/year The model allows assessment of the effects of changes in a few key parameters, for instance: · the fuel quality (lead, sulfur content) · the emission characteristics of the vehicle fleet, e.g., reflecting the age of the fleet · the growth rate of the vehicle fleet 78 5.3.2 Main assumptions The existing gasoline cars are generally assumed not to be equipped with catalytic converters, and likewise are existing diesel vehicles assumed not to be able to meet present EU emission norms. An important reason for this being the relatively low quality of diesel fuel and the leaded gasoline that dominated until February 2008. The different types of vehicles are assumed to drive annual distances indicated in Table 29: Table 29. Assumptions on annual mileage by vehicle type Passenger car Minibus LDV HDV Bus Km/year 20,000 40-150,000 30,000 60,000 60-110,000 Note. Buses and minibuses distinguishes between public transport (high mileage) and other use (low mileage) These assumptions are based on information provided in discussions with the Drivers and Vehicle Licensing Directorate on passenger cars, GAM and a number of selected bus and mini-bus drivers on the annual km. for public transport busses and mini-buses and the Nabresco transport company on HDV annual kilometers. Emission per kilometer driven is estimated on the basis of pollutant- and vehicle-specific emission factors (see Annex 3 for details). The age of a vehicle does not in itself determine its emissions, as this to a large extent is determined also by the level of maintenance of the vehicle. In the estimation of emissions it is assumed that vehicles of models from 1990 and onwards (post 1990) on average have the same emission factors as European vehicles from 1990, i.e. before catalytic converters became mandatory. Vehicles older than 1990 (pre 1990 models) are assumed to have 20% larger emission on average on selected emissions than the post 1990 models. This relationship is assumed for CO, HC and PM emission and is founded on a simplified analysis of a selection of the Drivers and Vehicle Licensing Directorates monitoring data from vehicle inspection. Based on the monitoring results the relationship between age and emission does not seem to be very strong, but a linear regression of selected pollutants reveals a correlation. This is illustrated for CO emissions monitored by the vehicle inspection from gasoline passenger cars of different age (0-35 years). The result is presented in the figure below. 79 Figure 34 Emission of CO in exhaust gas, gasoline passenger cars, age 0-35 years 12 10 8 y = 0,1593x + 0,2386 CO 6 R2 = 0,2441 Linear (CO) 4 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Source: Data provided by Drivers and Vehicle Licensing Directorate, June 2007 The future air emission from the transport sector consists of the emission from the present fleet (minus the cars that are scrapped) plus the emission caused by new vehicles to be registered. Emissions from these newly registered vehicles will depend on the environmental requirements for these vehicles, e.g., that all new vehicles should meet present EU standards. The methodology applied in this estimation is simple and the result subject to uncertainty. While data on the vehicle fleet is fairly detailed, Jordan traffic data and emission factors are lacking, giving rise to uncertainty. However, the results can be compared to a study undertaken by ETI in 2006. The ETI study assessed the air emission from transport in Jordan, using the COPERT III model, which base the estimation of emissions on the fuel consumption. Comparing the results of these two different methodologies (fuel consumption versus number of vehicle-kilometers) provides an indication of the uncertainty involved. The results are presented in Table 31 below. 5.3.3 Modeling results The model estimates the fuel consumption and the emissions of selected air pollutants by using standard factors for fuel consumption and emissions for different vehicle types per vehicle km. Fuel consumption for road transport The model calculations are based on a number of assumptions, and the results should therefore be used with some caution. The realism of the model results, however, can be tested by comparing the real data on fuel sales with the estimated fuel consumption. This will offer an indication on the reliability of the results, also to some extent for the results on air emissions. In table 3.1 the actual sales of diesel and gasoline in 2006 in Jordan and in the selected Governorates is presented. In table 3.2 the fuel consumption in 2006 estimated by the COWI model is presented to allow comparison. 80 Table 30. Actual and estimated fuel consumption of road transport (tons/year, 2006) Amman Irbid Zarqa Jordan Governorate Governorate Governorate ACTUAL SALES Diesel 719,092 161,805 170,289 1,440,581 Gasoline 456,766 81,844 66,454 717,063 ESTIMATED CONSUMPTION Diesel 667,807 160,274 133,561 1,442,860 Gasoline 364,833 87,546 72,967 729,665 Source: Source: PTRC, 2007; own calculation The estimated fuel consumption seems to be fairly accurate compared to the actual fuel sales of for the whole of Jordan. The difference is larger when looking at individual governorates. There may be several reasons for this, partly because the fuel is not necessarily used in the governorate where it is sold (the vehicle may be on route to another city), partly because there are no exact data on the number of vehicles operating in each governorate and their annual kilometers. Air emission from road transport Air emissions from road transport have been estimated by use of international emission factors and estimated transport in vehicle km. per year for different modes of transport. Emission factors from vehicles in a driving circle is not available for Jordan. Only measurements on emissions from vehicles in idle mode is available, but such data provides little or no information about the emissions from the vehicles when driving and the engine loaded. The German Ministry of Environment publish generally recognized emission factor for vehicles in European countries, specified according to the age and type of vehicle and the fuel used. These emission factors have been used for Jordan54. To reflect the conditions in Jordan the German emission factors for vehicles produced before 1990 have been used for the existing fleet55. For the oldest 30% of the vehicle fleet 20% higher emissions of CO, HC and PM has been assumed. For new vehicle equipped with catalytic converters the European 2005 emission factors have been used. These emission factors assume that the new vehicles use unleaded gasoline and that diesel vehicles have access to low sulfur diesel. Annex 3 contains the specific emission factors used in the model. The estimated emission of selected air pollutants is presented in Table 31. 54 The German emission factors have zero emission for PM for gasoline cars. There are large uncertainties on PM emission from gasoline cars, but generally low or no emission factors are assumed. This may however underestimate the real emissions of PM in Jordan, in view of the age of the present fleet. 55 There may be a risk or exaggerated emissions if vehicles produced after 1990 have better environmental performance even without being equipped with catalytic converters, and for diesel vehicles even when using low quality diesel. 81 Table 31. Estimated air emission from road transport, CO HC NOx PM SO2 Pb t/year t/year t/year t/year t/year t/year COWI estimate 160,000 37,950 62,160 5,450 24,240 122 ETI Air Quality - - 50,014 3,053 25,241 - Monitoring Program Sources: own estimates and Air Quality Monitoring Program in Jordan, Ministry of Environment. ETI 2006 In addition to the overall volume of emissions, the model permits to identify the relative contribution, by pollutant, of each vehicle type. The results indicate (Figure 34) that Light Duty Vehicles (LDV) and minibuses, as well as Heavy Duty Vehicles (HDV) are the main sources of PM, NOx, and SO2 emissions (with contribution ranging between 60% and 90% of the total); whereas passengers cars appear to be the key source of CO and HC emissions (over 80%). This finding has important implications for the design of abatement policies, as it will be discussed in section 5.5. Figure 35. Contributions to air emissions by vehicle type and by pollutant 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% CO HC NOx SO2 PM pass. car motorcycle LDV+minibus HDV bus transit HDV transit coach As the calculated emissions rely heavily on the emission factors used the specific results should be used with some caution. Comparison with the ETI study indicates results within the same order of magnitude, bus at the same time also that there are significant uncertainties. 5.3.4 Economic impact of air pollution Estimation based on "Heatco" values 82 The economic impact of air pollution from the transport sector is not included in market prices - these costs are called external costs - and therefore not included in GDP and other economic indicators. This does not mean that the costs are not real - it means that the costs have not been internalized in market prices and therefore must be assessed separately. The external costs are estimated by use of emission values, which attach an external socioeconomic cost to each ton of pollutant emitted. No emission values specific for Jordan have been identified, and other sources have therefore been used. The main source on transport sector emission valuations used in this study is EU "Heatco"56 study. The Heatco values include human health costs, loss of crop and material damage caused by air pollution. The values presented for European countries have been adjusted to the situation in Jordan based on GDP57. World Bank estimates for 2004 GDP in Jordan and EU countries have been used. The value of lead (Pb) pollution is not included in the Heatco study as Pb has been phased out in European gasoline for approximately 20 years. In order to be able to include Pb emission a Danish source on the value of Pb pollution from power plants has been identified and used58. The results are presented in Table 32, and suggest an annual value of some 140 million euro/ year (or JOD130 million). Table 32. Estimated external costs of road transport air emissions in 2006. Mio EUR/year Emission Jordan Amman Irbid Zarqa HC 3,0 1,5 0,4 0,3 NOx 13,8 6,3 1,5 1,3 PM Urban 83,7 39,7 9,5 7,9 PM Rural 15,6 7,4 1,8 1,5 SO2 7,8 3,6 0,9 0,7 Pb low value 0,3 0,2 0,0 0,0 Pb high value 8,4 4,2 1,0 0,8 Total costs, low Pb value 134,0 63,3 15,2 12,7 Total costs, high Pb value 142,1 67,3 16,2 13,5 Note: Pb low only include direct affects, Pb high include accumulative effects. Source: consultants' calculations The socioeconomic costs of emissions from railway transport are estimated 3 mio EUR/year, i.e. less than 1% of the total cost of emissions from the transport sector. 56 Developing Harmonised European Approaches for Transport Costing and Project Assessment, deliverable 5, February 2006. See 57 Monetization is likely to rely on transferred estimates adjusted by use of Purchasing Power Parity. See Ken Gwilliam et al. Reducing Air Pollution from Urban Transport, World Bank 2004, p. 159 58 EVA -a non-linear Eulerian approach for health-cost externalities of air pollution. M.S.Andersen et al., NERI, 2007, p.18 83 These results are sensitive, among other factors, to the valuation coefficients59 used, and to the way in which European values are transferred to Jordan60; nevertheless, they are broadly consistent with the order of magnitude of air pollution damage estimated in Chapter 3, although through a different methodology. Considering that the latter refer only to a subset of pollutants (PM, SO2) and of geographic locations, the HEATCO-based figures , once adjusted as appropriate and expressed in terms of purchasing power parity (Table 33), are similar, although some 15% higher than Chapter 3 estimates. This suggests that COED estimates are likely to be conservative, since they are supposed to quantify the impact of all emission sources, not just transport. Table 33. Selected estimates of air pollution damage in 2006 (Million JOD/ year) Jordan as a Selected whole hotspots Heatco values Based on GNI (only road transport emissions) All pollutants 127.89 80.80 PM, SO2 only 107.10 60.80 Heatco values Based on PPP (only road transport emissions) All pollutants 306.00 193.33 PM, SO2 only 256.26 145.48 Cost of Air Pollution (COED analysis, all sectors) 126.80 5.3.5 Need for improved data This study clearly reveals that there is a need for improved data on Jordan transport sector in order to enable more precise estimates of the air emissions from the transport sector. Such data would also allow for other important transport sector analyses (e.g., on congestion and transport economics). The most important information concerns: · Transport data, including traffic counting, data on modal split etc., and the development of transport models that can estimate transport and traffic in Jordan and in the large cities · Emission factors for Jordan, reflecting the specific conditions of the vehicle fleet in Jordan and monitored in realistic driving cycles. Specific Jordan valuation factors would also be beneficial. A more developed transport modeling environment and preparation of realistic emission factors would enable municipal and governmental authorities to asses with higher precision the current emissions and the effects of alternative policies and measures, e.g., to mitigate the emissions, improve public transport and reduce congestion. .4 5 Prospects for the future The Government of Jordan aims to reduce the air pollution from the transport sector, and the National Agenda outlines selected objectives. The objectives that there will be an improvement of diesel and gasoline quality in the coming years, and that an increasing share of the vehicle fleet will have better emission performance than the present fleet. Furthermore, great emphasis has been put on reducing the emission of particulate matters. 59 For example, a well know EU study undertaken in the context of the CAFE program (which focuses on air emissions in general, not only from the transport sector, provide a different set of coefficients. See: 60 Table 32 transfers European values to Jordan taking into account differences in per capita GDP, but not differences in purchasing power parity (PPP). 84 Table 34. Selected air emission and air quality targets in National Agenda Current Target 2012 Target 2017 CO Concentration in 4,32 3,0 2,0 vehicle emission, pct volume HC PPM in vehicle 520 400 300 emission Diesel S Sulfur level in PPM 1500 350 200 PM Microgram per m3 165 60 20 in downtown Amman Source: National Agenda Some of the key expected developments relevant to the air emission from the transport sector are presented in this section. 5.4.1 Transport sector development Based on the present 7% annual growth in the vehicle fleet a simple scenario for the vehicle fleet in Jordan by the end of 2011 has been prepared. The table below presents the key figures. Table 35. Estimated vehicle fleet in Jordan, 2011/12 Passenger Public Other LDV HDV Public Other MC Total car transport minibus transport bus minibus bus Existing vehicle fleet Gasoline 515,364 2,821 518,185 Diesel 5,338 9,845 184,982 47,108 1,050 1,866 250,189 Vehicles registered 2007-2011 Gasoline 207,461 1,136 208,596 Diesel 2,149 3,963 7,4465 18,963 423 751 100,714 Estimated vehicle fleet 2011/12 722,825 7,487 13,808 259,447 66,071 1,473 2,617 3,957 1,077,684 Source: License and Vehicle Inspection directorate and own calculations The present vehicle fleet growth rate in Jordan indicates a rapid growth in road transport, and thus in the emissions of pollutants from the transport sector unless changes take place. 85 5.4.2 Fuel quality improvement The Government of Jordan has decided to ensure that the fuel quality is gradually improved over the coming years. After the 4'th expansion of the Jordan Petroleum Refinery all Jordan diesel and gasoline must meet the quality standards required for meeting EURO 4 norms. Phase 4 is expected to be completed by 2012. In the meantime the fuel quality will gradually be improved, partly through liberalization of the marketing of petroleum products. On June 5, 2007, the Government of Jordan decided to prioritize light diesel for the transport sector. In March 2008 the present concession for the Jordan Petroleum Refinery Company was terminated and a liberalization of the sector will take place: · 4 competing petroleum product marketing (purchase, storage and wholesales) companies and one company for LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) will initially be allowed. Distribution of oil products is already liberalized. These companies can import products and purchase products from the Jordan refinery. More companies may enter the market after an interim period (e.g.,3-4 years). · A strategic partner will be identified and help to modernize and develop the refinery following a tendering procedure. The strategic partner will be selected by December 2008. · After licensing and modernization of the refinery the product quality should be improved during the coming 4 years. · All filling stations started from 2008 to offer unleaded gasoline only. If these decisions are implemented according to plans, the quality of fuels will gradually improve and ultimately meet European standard. If sufficient low sulfur diesel is provided at the filling stations, the improved quality will allow new diesel vehicle with particle filters to function properly in Jordan. Since March 2008 leaded gasoline has been phased out, allowing new gasoline cars with catalytic converters to function. .5 5 Options for policy reform 5.5.1 Key transport air pollution challenges The main challenges for the reduction of transport air pollution in Jordan can be summarized as follows: Fuel quality is poor. The leaded gasoline and the high sulfur content in diesel causes emissions of SO2, particulates and lead, but is also an obstacle to cleaner vehicles as adequate operation of these require unleaded gasoline and better diesel quality. Rapid growth in vehicle fleet and traffic levels. Jordan is experiencing a rapid increase in car ownership and in road traffic, and particularly Amman and other large cities will face increasing congestion and air pollution problems. This rapid increase in car ownership is taking place even though car taxation is high compared to most other countries. At national level car ownership is 100/1000 inhabitants and must be expected to increase with growing GDP. OECD experience suggests that a further effect of GDP growth might be the increase in passenger-km and/or the reduction of occupancy rates, which will further increase, ceteris paribus, air emissions from road transport; 86 Existing vehicle fleet is relatively old and has high emissions. The average lifetime of a vehicle is long due to the climate in Jordan, relatively low maintenance and repair costs and high costs for new vehicles. The Renewal of the existing vehicle fleet will therefore be very slow (only around 3000-4500 vehicles are scrapped annually according to the vehicle inspection). Low quality of car maintenance. Most auto workshops are not staffed with trained mechanics and do not possess the necessary equipment and knowledge for ensuring proper control and maintenance of vehicles. Only the basic maintenance is undertaken, ensuring that the engine works, but not that the engine is adjusted correctly to minimize fuel consumption and emissions. Lack of awareness of air pollution. The public awareness of transport air pollution is limited, and neither workshop or vehicle owners are aware of the importance of proper maintenance to reduce pollution. Increased awareness is a precondition for public acceptance and participation in mitigating measures, particularly as these often will come at a cost. Transport management could be improved. Traffic management, particularly in Amman and in and between other large cities, could be improved to optimize the flow of the traffic and to reduce congestion. Improved public transport could also help to limit the growth of transport by private car. 5.5.2 Key policy options The results of the traffic-pollution modeling reported in section 5.3.3 suggest that in order to abate key pollutants such as PM, SO2, HC and NOx, for which quantification of health impacts effects is readily obtainable, both in physical terms (increased risk of premature mortality and of morbidity) as well as in monetary terms, policies should focus on higher emitting vehicles (LDV, minibus, HDV), seeking in the short terms to reduce emissions per unit of traffic, and in the longer term, to decouple growth of traffic from growth in population and per capita income. A wide range of policy measures that could meet those objectives could be considered. While recognizing that, with the new transport strategy, the government is developing a wider range of policy directions that will reduce emissions from road transport (see Box 6 for details), this section focuses on a sub-set policy options which could in the shorter term, "monetizable" emissions (PM, SO2 and NOx). These options are61: 0. Improvement of fuel quality through phasing out high sulfur diesel. While this option has already been adopted by the Government, the precise phasing-out schedule is still subject to uncertainty, so the analysis might help in the implementation phase of the policy; 1. Improvement of vehicle maintenance through workshop certification and staff training; 2. Improvement of the environmental quality of the vehicle fleet through stringent environmental requirements to newly registered vehicles These options are further discussed below. Improvement of fuel quality to meet international fuel quality standards 61 Another option which could be considered is the use of compressed natural gas for transport. This will normally result in lower emission of most pollutants, including NOx, CO, CO2 and PM61, whereas HC emission is likely to be at the same level or even higher than for diesel and gasoline vehicles. Due to data constrained, this opportunity is not assessed here. 87 Implementation of the decisions on improvement of the fuel quality will by itself reduce emission of selected pollutants and is a pre-requisite for significant emission reductions in the long term. Reducing the sulfur content in diesel will reduce the emission of SO2 and the emission of particulate matter from diesel vehicles will also be reduced. Furthermore low sulfur diesel is a precondition for the use of particle filters on diesel vehicles. The widespread introduction of unleaded gasoline will reduce lead pollution and allow large scale introduction of gasoline vehicles equipped with catalytic converters. The Government has established a 4 year plan which will ensure gradual implementation of cleaner diesel during the period 2008-12. A very important aspect of the plan is that even though high sulfur diesel will continue to be dominating for a period of time, low sulfur diesel are planned to be available on all filling stations from 2008, and thus allow cleaner vehicles with particle filters to operate without restrictions on fuel supply. Unleaded gasoline is available and substituting leaded gasoline on all filling stations from March 2008. Improvement of vehicle maintenance To establish an auto workshop the staff is required to be trained and certified mechanics. High staff turn over, as well as changes in workshop ownership, however, is in practical terms undermining the formal staff qualification requirement. According to the Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Directorate and other sources the reality is that many workshops are staffed with untrained mechanics, and that most workshops only offer rudimentary maintenance. The key task of the workshops is to repair vehicle and keep them running, not to fine-tune the engine to minimize fuel consumption and emissions. The objective of this proposed policy measure is to improve vehicle maintenance by upgrading workshops and improving the qualifications of the workshop staffs. This will be obtained by introducing: · a renewed workshop certification system, and · mandatory training programs for workshop owners and mechanics. This will ensure that all registered workshops comply with certain minimum standards, and that the staff has sufficient qualifications to properly maintain and adjust the vehicles. The training program should be developed in detail, but initially it is expected to be of 1 week duration. Development and implementation of training courses could be undertaken within the framework of existing vocational training institutions. The workshop certification and the staff training requirement should be mandatory, and compliance ensured within e.g., 3-5 years. To ensure rapid implementation, the training courses could be offered for free during the first 2 years, after which participants would be required a fee. Improvement of the environmental quality of the vehicle fleet Most of the newly registered vehicles are used vehicles, imported from other countries. The new vehicles typically do not meet existing EU emission standard and are not equipped with catalytic converters or particle filters as this will require better fuel quality. In view of the rapid growth of the vehicle fleet there is a strong need to improve the environmental performance at least of the new registered vehicles. It is difficult to improve significantly the environmental performance of the existing vehicle fleet, even though some improvements can be obtained by better fuels and better maintenance. It is easier to obtain significant improvements for the imported new vehicles. With the current growth rate the newly registered vehicle will become a large 88 share of the fleet - e.g., more than 50% in 6 years, and an important contributor to air emission if nothing is done. The objective of this proposed policy is to ensure that newly registered vehicles have less emission than the existing fleet in order to: · slow down the growth of emission arising from the vehicle fleet growth, and · in the long term reduce emissions if and when old vehicles are scrapped in larger numbers. This is obtained by introducing strict environmental requirements on vehicles that are to be registered in Jordan. Only fairly new vehicles should be imported, e.g., only vehicle less than 10 years old and the vehicles should meet the EU norms valid for the model. This means that a 1997 car should meet the EURO II norms and a 2001 car should meet the EURO III norm. Generally this could be controlled by testing whether the catalytic converter is functioning before the car is registered. It should be noted that a precondition for this policy measure is that sufficient amounts of low sulfur diesel and unleaded gasoline is available to meet the demand from the newer vehicles. To speed up the scrapping of the oldest parts of the vehicle fleet a scrapping premium could be offered to vehicle owners scrapping vehicle of more than 20-25 years of age. This would provide an incentive to remove the oldest and probably most polluting, vehicles. This option will however be very costly to the vehicle owners and may be difficult to implement politically. Is has therefore not been analyzed further. In addition to this first set of policies, other can be considered, which aim at reducing emissions via improved traffic management or and through reduction of volume of traffic per capita or per unit of GDP. Based on the previous discussion (section 5.3.3 above), it is likely that these policies will yield much of their benefits in terms of the other, "non-monetizable" pollutants (such as CO). This set of policies includes: 3. Strengthening of transport management and planning 4. Promotion of public transport Strengthening of transport management and planning Amman and other large cities are increasingly faced with congestion problems, particularly during peak hours. Congestion results in in-efficient traffic flows and increased pollution. Energy consumption and emission in urban areas may be reduced by means of traffic management measures. For the public transport this mainly involves introduction of bus priority measures, and for the car traffic optimization of traffic signal systems may have a substantial impact. Also the improvement of traffic flows through regulation of on-street parking, network re-organization, improved signing and marking etc. may contribute to the improvement of efficiency and to the reduction of emissions. For example, the MoEnv has conducted an assessment of the effects on traffic of replacing roundabouts with underpasses and found the resulting reduction in emissions to be significant. Based on international experience, bus priority measures may reduce the energy consumption and emission by around 5%62, and optimization of traffic signals in urban areas may reduce energy consumption and emissions in road traffic by around 10%. Currently the authority on road and road transport is distributed between Government agencies and the municipalities. For instance are municipalities responsible for road infrastructure development and maintenance, whereas public transport is the responsibility of the PTRC, which is a state body. 62 Reducing Air Pollution from Urban Transport, Ken Gwilliam, Masami Kojimand Todd Johnson 2004 89 This may make it more complicated to develop and implement integrated transport planning, which include issues ranging from infrastructure and traffic management to public transport provision. Generally with better traffic management and more efficient traffic flow and with larger shares of the passenger transport covered by public transport energy consumption for transport is reduced. However, and at the same time, if more capacity is available on the roads more people tend to use their cars and thus increase car traffic. The net result of these effects can be estimated by traffic modeling, which is currently not available in Jordan; thus, this option has not been assessed in quantitative terms. Promotion of public transport Experience from other cities show that the modal split between private cars and public transport may be affected by a number of measures, including: · Improvement of the public transport (additional services, higher frequencies, public transport priority, improved service quality, improved correspondence between lines, efficient mass transit lines in main corridors etc.) · Restrictions/ pricing of travel by private cars (parking restrictions, road/parking pricing etc.) In order to achieve significant modal shift a comprehensive package of such measures is required. In some cities (such as Stockholm and London) a reduction in private car traffic has been achieved in the central areas of around 20% by a package of measures. Several public transport rail projects have been developed. Particularly the proposed light rail for Greater Amman area might contribute to the transfer of passengers from car to rail. There is, however, still a great potential for improving the public transport. Experience from other cities show that the development of high-quality public transport - combined with the supporting regulation - may result in a significant increase in the use of public transport. The energy consumption per passenger kilometer in public transport is normally substantially lower than in individual car traffic - typically around one third - and cities with a high share of public transport therefore consume substantially less energy in the transport sector. In addition, light rail or other electricity-based means of public transport do not contribute to the local in-street emissions and may therefore have an important impact on urban air quality. The GAM is currently preparing a master plan for the city which includes ambitious modal shifts from private cars to public transport. The study team was in April 2008 informed about key objectives on this issue, namely to reduce the private car share of passenger transportation from current 60% to 25% and to increase public transport from present 40% to 75%. Without the availability of a detailed and complex traffic model for Amman it is not possible to assess in detail how such a modal shift could be obtained and what the effects in terms of traffic, congestion and environmental impacts would be. It should be noted that such a major modal shift will require a very strong package of measures, including strong restrictions on private car usage, to be successfully implemented. In the absence of any traffic modeling results about the master plan, the effect of attaining GAM's targets on air emissions has been assessed through were simple and indicative calculations (Table 37). Finally, significant emission reduction can be achieved through policies promoting 5. Information and awareness. Information and awareness of the air pollution from transport, and the social costs that this inflict on Jordan, is important to ensure that the relevant actors are engaged in mitigating the problem and accept the policy actions taken by Government. Most policy measures to reduce the emissions from the transport sector will come at a cost to state Government, municipalities, industries or households. To implement regulation and policy measures 90 that induces costs to the population or other stakeholders it is important to ensure at least some understanding of the reason behind the policies. The effects of increased information and awareness have not been assessed. The main features of the policy options discussed above are summarized in Table 36. 91 Table 36. Selected policy options for reducing transport sector air pollution Policy option Implementation steps Costs Benefits 0. Improved fuel Time schedule for Import liberalization, Require unleaded Implementation of Increased costs for Reduced quality meeting EU fuel specification of import gasoline and light the planned imported fuels, environmental costs, quality standard fuel quality. diesel available on all upgrading of Jordan increased refinery costs reduced maintenance filling stations refinery costs of diesel engines 1. Improved Establish plan and Develop vocational Offer free training Establish regular Training course Reduced vehicle procedure for training program incl. course for a three inspection procedure development, training environmental costs, maintenance renewed auto curriculum for year period and for control of courses, upgrading of better operation, workshop mechanics mandatory workshop workshops, higher rates lower fuel costs and certification certification in 5 certification for regular maintenance longer life for years vehicles 2. Improvement Only allow import Vehicles must meet Premium for Extension of the Increased costs for Reduced of the vehicle of vehicles reasonable emission scrapping of pre 1990 truck tax exemption import of more and environmental costs, fleet meeting relevant standards to pass bi- passenger cars statement better vehicles, public lower fuel and EURO emission annual inspection funding of tax maintenance costs norms incentives for vehicles 3. Strengthen Traffic Implementation of Restriction on private Long term Prepare traffic Reduced transport management plan traffic management car usage (parking infrastructure plan management, public environmental costs, management and for Amman plan and road charging) (both road, rail, light transport , and reduced congestion planning (GAM) for better rail) (MoT) infrastructure plans, and travel time traffic flow implementation of plans 4. Promotion of Public transport Assessment of present Implementation of Introduction of Purchasing and Reduced congestion public transport plan for Amman structure (service cars) improved public better quality busses possibly subsidizing and environmental (GAM), including transport network and other public public transport costs, revenue from transport modes equipment and usage parking and road charges 5. Information Develop a public Information campaign Include Costs of developing Reduced and awareness awareness and on vehicle environmental driver and implementing environmental costs, information maintenance and behavior in drivers Information campaigns improved vehicle campaign about pollution directed to licensing training maintenance 92 transport air vehicle owners and courses pollution workshop 93 .6 5 Impact of policies The environmental impacts and costs and benefits related to the selected policy measures are discussed in this section and assessed in quantitative terms to the extent possible. 5.6.1 Environmental impacts of policies The expected environmental effects of the selected policies is estimated by comparing a baseline situation in 2011/2012 without any policies implemented (Business as usual) with the situation if the specific policy is implemented. In the table below, the 2006 emissions from the transport sector as estimated in this study is presented, followed by the 2011/12 baseline forecast. This time horizon has been selected as this is the time frame for the implementation of the single most important policy measure, the improvement of the fuel quality. Each of the 5 suggested policies are then presented, assuming that the preceding policy is implemented. This for instance means that policy 2, Improved maintenance of old vehicles, is introduced on top of policy 1, Improved fuel quality. In this way it is possible to see the emission reductions obtained by each policy measure individually. The emission reductions obtained by introducing the individual policies are in most cases estimated conservatively, i.e. under-estimating the potential emission reduction. Basically the reason for this is lack of detailed information about the situation in the transport sector and to avoid over-optimistic policy assessments. The specific assumptions used for the estimations presented in the table include: Policy 0, Improved fuel quality: all gasoline is assume unleaded, all diesel is assumed low sulfur (0,035%) Policy 1, Improved maintenance: Only the vehicles produced before 1990 are assumed to benefit from improved maintenance. However, in reality also younger vehicle models might reduce emission if better maintained. Policy 2, Improvement of the vehicle fleet: Only the effect of introducing environmental requirements to new registered vehicles is included. The possibility and the effects of speeding up fleet renewal e.g., by offering a premium to the scrapping of old vehicles is not taken into account Policy 3, Strengthen transport management and planning: Only the effects of introducing a Light Rail System in Greater Amman Area (Zarqa-Amman) is included, as the specific effects of better traffic management has not been assessed. Policy 4, Promotion of public transport: Only a very simplified assessment of the likely effects of reducing current car usage and increase bus usage to reach 25%/75% distribution of modes between cars and public transport. Policy 5, Information and awareness: The effects of this policy have not been assessed in quantitative terms. However, the importance of this measure should not be under estimated as awareness often is a precondition for acceptance and successful implementation of more specific environmental measures. 94 Table 37. Estimated emissions per year for different policy scenarios CO HC NOx PM SO2 Pb t/year t/year t/year t/year t/year t/year COWI estimate for 160,000 37,950 62,160 5,450 24,240 122 2006 No policy baseline 224,000 52,080 85,270 7,380 32,270 171 (Business as usual) Year 2011/2012 0. Improved fuel 224,000 52,080 85,270 5,820 1,370 0 quality 1. Improved 214,000 49,800 85,270 5,540 1,370 0 maintenance of old vehicles 2. New vehicles and 167,000 37,000 73,900 4,300 1,000 0 fuel quality comply with EU norms 3. Light rail Zarqa- 165,000 36,700 73,600 4,000 1,000 0 Amman1 4. Promotion of Not assessed, see Table 38 public transport 5. Information and Not assessed awareness 1: Assessment of the effects of the light rail is based on CDM PDD, MoT of Jordan, 2005 Using 2006 data, Table 38 evaluates the likely effects of promoting public transport in Amman from the present share of 40% of the passenger transport to 75% of the passenger transport. The share of transport by private cars is reduced from present 60% to 25% as indicated in the draft master-plan of Amman. This should be regarded as a simplified "what-if" calculation, and not an assessment of the objective or realistic phasing-in of the public transport. The modal shift will result in reduced car transport in Amman and increased bus transport. In the calculations presented in Table 6.2 all new buses are assumed to meet European 2005 emission standards. Furthermore it is assumed that for each passenger km. transferred from passenger car to public transport the energy consumption is reduced by 2/3. 95 Table 38. Simplified assessment of vehicular emission in Amman (2006) CO HC NOx Emission from busses and cars t/year t/year t/year COWI estimate for Amman 2006 68.800 15.450 10.040 75% public transport in Amman 2006 29.350 6.600 7.000 Source: Own calculations. The table indicates that significant reductions of the emissions can be obtained if a large share of the passenger transport is shifted from cars to busses, and if the quality of the new busses needed to meet the increased demand is of a high environmental quality. As there is no traffic model data available the specific results should be take with caution and only be regarded as indicative. 5.6.2 Costs and benefits of policies The external costs associated with the emissions indicated in Table 36 are presented in Table 39. 96 Table 39. Estimated cost of emissions for different policy scenarios ( million /year) Total HC NOx PM SO2 Pb COWI estimate for 134-142,1 3,0 13,82 99,3 7,8 0,3-8,4 2006 Year 2011/2012 No policy baseline 182-193,3 4,1 18,9 134,3 10,7 0,4-11,8 (Business as usual) 0. Improved fuel 142,9 4,1 18,9 105,9 0,4 0 quality 1. Improved 137,5 3,9 18,9 100,8 0,3 0 maintenance of old vehicles 2. New vehicles and 105,8 2,9 16,3 73,1 0,3 0 fuel quality comply with EU norms 3. Light rail Zarqa- 105,4 2,9 16,3 72,8 0,3 0 Amman 4. Promotion of Not assessed public transport 5. Information and Not assessed awareness The emission reductions obtained by the different policy measures will reduce the external costs caused by the emissions. The policy measures may also give rise to other benefits, for instance in the form of reduced maintenance costs for vehicles or reduced congestion in the large cities. On the other hand the proposed policies will also have a cost side, in terms of public or private investment or operation costs. The activities and the associated costs and benefits are briefly presented in the table below. To the extent that quantification of costs and benefits is outside the scope of this project only qualitative indications are provided. 97 Table 40. Activities and associated costs and benefits Policy option Costs, quantified Other costs, not quantified Benefits quantified Benefits not quantified 0. Improved fuel General assessment General Specific Environmental Reduced quality (0,05% S of additional costs assessment of refinery benefits: maintenance in diesel and for unleaded additional costs upgrading costs of diesel 39-50 million 0,005 g lead/l gasoline: 0,01-0,02 for low sulfur costs in engines because JOD/year fully gasoline USD/l13 : diesel: 0,005-0,01 Jordan of low sulfur implemented USD/l63 : content 10-20 million JOD/year fully 10-20 million implemented JOD/year fully implemented 1. Improved Development of Training courses: Increased man- Environmental Better vehicle vocational auto 1500 participants hours at workshop benefits by operation, maintenance workshop a year, 250 JOD for improved upgrading pre 1990 lower fuel costs certification training (fee plus time) service ½ man- vehicles: and longer life courses + Regular each: hour/ vehicle/ for vehicles inspection of year: 0,4 million certified workshop: 5,4 million. JOD/year 5 million JOD/year 0,2 mio. JOD JOD/year 2. Improvement Higher purchase Extension of Environmental Lower fuel and of the vehicle price for newer the truck tax benefits by maintenance fleet vehicles: Average exemption importing only costs for 300 JOD/ imported statement. vehicles produced vehicles passenger car and after 1997 and Premium for LDV, 1000 complying with EU scrapping of JOD/imported HDV: norms pre 1990 18 million JOD/year passenger 31,7 million 63 Refining Strategies and Options for Lead Phase-out and Sulfur reduction, World Bank 2003, p. 15, see , and Removal of lead from gasoline: Technical considerations. WB 1998 98 Policy option Costs, quantified Other costs, not quantified Benefits quantified Benefits not quantified cars. JOD/year State expenditure 3. Strengthen Prepare transport Prepare public Prepare long term Investment Reduced Revenues from Reduced transport management plan for transport plans for infrastructure plan costs environmental costs parking and congestion and management and Amman and other Amman and other ( road, rail, light by implementation road charging travel time planning large cities: large cities: rail): of the Zarqa-Amman light rails 0,1 million JOD 0,1 million JOD 0,1 million JOD 0,4 million JOD 4. Promotion of Purchase of new Regulation of Reduced Reduced public transport busses, private car environmental congestion and operational usage costs travel time subsidies 5. Information Develop a public Information Include Implement Reduced Improved and awareness awareness and campaign on environmental campaigns environmental vehicle information vehicle driver behavior in costs maintenance campaign about maintenance and drivers licensing and improved transport air pollution directed training courses 0,2 million traffic flow pollution: to vehicle owners JOD and workshop 0,1 million JOD 0,1 million JOD Source: COWI assessment 99 The first three of the policy options considered are easier to evaluate in benefit-cost terms, since they deliver much of their benefits in terms of reduction of pollutants for which monetary valuation coefficients are readily available (PM, NOx, SO2, HC). By combining the information on benefits (value of emission reduction, Table 39) and on costs (Table 40) of these options, it is possible to construct an abatement cost curve, which plots the cumulative cost-benefit ratio in relation to the share of baseline (no-interventions) emissions progressively eliminated. The results of the analysis suggest (Figure 36) that sequential adoption of these policies can reduce about 50% of the social cost of air pollution which would occur in a no-intervention scenario; and that they can do so in a fairly cost-effective manner (i.e. with a cost-benefit ratio well below 1). The analysis also indicates there are wide margins (shaded area in the figure) for further, cost- effective, abatement interventions, such as fiscal incentives (e.g., fuel taxation, road charging); and, in the longer term, through reduced demand (per capita or per unit of GDP) for use of the more polluting vehicles (LDVs and HDVs), through modal shifts, improved logistics, etc. These option were not further analyzed due to lack of data on freight and passenger demand (ton-km and passenger-km), which represent a serious hindrance to the design and evaluation of transport policies, let alone air quality management. Figure 36. Abatement cost curve of air pollution from land transport 1.0 Cost-effectiveness boundaries of additional 0.8 abatement policies Cumulative Cost/ Benefit ratio Fuel quality + Improv vehic maint. Fuel quality + Improv 0.5 vehic maint. + New vehic/ fuel comply EU Fuel quality norms 0.3 - 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Percent abatement of value of baseline emissions 100 .7 5 Recommendations Based on the findings of the analysis illustrated in this chapter, in this study the following key recommendations are in order: · Improved information and data, to allow better assessment of transport activities and transport emissions, particularly - implement monitoring and counting of traffic in key transport corridors and areas, - develop new emission factors for Jordan vehicle fleet or assess existing emission factors for applicability to Jordan - develop new valuation factors for emissions from Jordan's transport sector or assess existing valuation factors from other countries for their applicability to Jordan · Focus pollution abatement efforts on the components of the vehicular fleet that are likely to contribute the most to core pollutants (PM, NOx, SO2): these are LDV, HDV and minibus. · Implement the five policies discussed in this chapter to achieve significant emission reductions. Most importantly, the phase-out of "dirty diesel" should be accelerated. · Increase awareness and information about transport sector air pollution: even though the benefits of these actions are not estimated, they are likely to be an essential precondition for other policy measures to mitigate transport sector air pollution. · Environmental benefits often go along with benefits in terms of reduced congestion and faster transport. These benefits play at least as important a role and should be taken into account. It is outside the scope of this chapter study to assess these benefits, but experience shows that by the largest benefits obtained by measures that increase transport sector efficiency through better public transport and better traffic management is the reduced congestion and saved travel time. Also reduced numbers of accidents significantly can contribute to the benefits of such measures. · Better coordination between public authorities involved in the transport sector is needed to help efficient transport planning and implementation of plans. Since more authorities are involved a close cooperation is needed to ensure that plans are founded within the relevant organizations, which plans are implemented and that continuity is provided. 101 CHAPTER . 6 INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION . 6 1 Summary and key messages On account of its current importance to Jordan's economy (over 22% of GDP), its fast rate of annual growth (12% in recent years), and the lack of an adequate regulatory and enforcement framework, the industrial sector is an important source of environmental pressure in Jordan, and is likely to become more so in the future, especially if the full implementation of trade agreements results in an increase of foreign demand for Jordanian industrial products. Poor or not easily accessible monitoring data on polluting emissions makes it difficult to evaluate priorities for pollution abatement across sectors, locations, pollutant types, and enterprise size. To overcome this obstacle and provide policy makers with broad indications for action, this chapter proposes to apply international emission coefficients (obtained from the World Bank's Industrial Pollution Protection System ­ see Hettige et al (1995) to estimate the structure of industry's pollution. The results are subject to obvious caveats linked to the limitations of the methodology, and to some data classification issues, but are found to be in line with the limited empirical evidence available. The following key findings should be used as first indications of areas of policy interest, but they should be revisited on the basis of Jordan-specific industrial emission data as soon as they become available: 1. The bulk of pollution originates from enterprises located in the Amman and Zarqa industrial districts; the relatively lower share of total pollution in Irbid and Zarqa is associated to advanced forms of localized environmental degradation, which is no less important than Amman's. 2. While at the national level most of the pollution comes from (larger) industrial enterprises (70% to 90% depending on the pollutant), in Irbid, and particularly Zarqa, micro enterprises are an important source of pollution, accounting for up to 60% of some emissions (i.e. Biological Oxygen Demand, BOD, in Zarqa). 3. At the national level, the chemical, medical and engineering/ electrical sectors account for the larger contributions to most polluting emissions. However, the sector ranking is different when specific pollutant types are considered. In particular, the food supply sector is estimated to be the top air and water polluter; the engineering/ electrical sector has the largest share of heavy metal pollution; and the leather/ garment sector is the top contributor to toxic emissions (particularly water). For virtually all pollutants, the "cleanest" sector is the packing and paper sector. 4. Pollution shares of industrial subsectors vary by location. The ranking of polluting industries per medium in Amman and Zarqa is similar to that at the national level. For Irbid, however, the ranking is different: leather is the most polluting industry of air and air toxics and a relatively important contributor to water pollution (BOD). This suggests that efforts to abate pollution should be site specific and take into account local conditions. 5. Mining is important in terms of air pollution. However, because it is remotely located with respect to urban areas, it is difficult to determine its importance in terms of health impacts. 6. Projections of environmental pressures for 2012 and 2017 indicate that top 4 polluting industry will remain the same (chemical, medical, engineering/ electrical and construction sectors). Some of the lower rankings may change however, with the plastic and rubber sector poised to become a more important polluter by 2017. 7. Because of large variations across sectors in unit abatement costs and relative contribution to total emissions, the cost of abatement policies is likely to be very sensitive to the selection of target sectors. As an example, it is estimated that the cost of reaching a given abatement 102 target for all pollutants (e.g., 50% or better) can vary by a factor of up to 3.5, depending on whether or not the optimal combination of abatement efforts across sub-sectors is selected. 8. A few national abatement cost curves are estimated to further illustrate the importance of carefully targeting abatement efforts. In the case of air pollution, some 80% of total emissions can be abated by focusing on the food, chemicals, medical and plastic sectors, at a cost of $4,000/ ton or less; the unit cost of achieving the remaining 20% is estimated to be in the range of US$ 8,000-14,000. For water toxics, priority should be given to the leather, food, construction and furniture sectors, which have the lowest unit abatement cost and account for 80% of total emissions. The level of abatement attainable at any given unit cost varies considerably from one industrial location to the other. Recommendations. The government may want to consider the following recommendations (further details, including on implementing agencies) are provided in section 6.5 and in Chapter 8). In the short term: · WAJ may want to revise and strengthen ­using a cost of regulation" analysis- the standard for wastewater discharged from industries (JS 202/1991), in particular with respect to TDS, heavy metals and endocrine substances and other toxic organic materials (see Chapter 4 for further details). · WAJ and MoEnv may consider enhancing the information and knowledge base on industry's environmental impacts, by strengthening existing emission monitoring systems; MoEnv in particular could consider as introducing ­where absent- stack emission monitoring for air pollutants, in priority sectors such as food, chemicals, and leather/ garments. · MoEnv's inspections could be focused on priority sectors for the different type of pollutants (such as those identified in this report), rather than being primarily complaint-driven. · MoEnv could prepare and issue pollution abatement guidelines, with priority given to top polluting sectors, such as food supplies (for air and water emissions), the engineering/ electrical sector (for heavy metal pollution); and the leather/ garment sector (for toxic emissions) In the medium term, it is recommended that: · The Ministry of Environment leads a concerted effort towards developing for each industrial district (Amman, Zarqa, Irbid), an air and water pollution abatement plan, which would aim at minimizing, by adequate selection of target industries, the cost of reaching selected environmental improvement objectives. · To help meet the targets of the pollution abatement plans, the Government could consider a combination of (1) Positive incentives (including soft loans and technical assistance) to encourage the use of cleaner production processes; and (2) gradual phasing-in of negative incentives (pollution levy for industrial emissions exceeding a given standard) to induce firms to meet effluent/ambient standards (e.g., via end-of-pipe treatment). Initially the levy could be linked to level of activity/employment, and later -once adequate monitoring capacity is in place- to emission levels. · Revisit and modify the current structure of fiscal and trade incentives (tariffs), to ensure that some of the most polluting industries are not favored in comparison to other, relatively "cleaner" industrial activities. · Finally, the establishment of new industrial activities should be subject to strict licensing requirements, in line with Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) principles, and discouraged in existing pollution hotspots. 103 .2 6 Introduction The industrial sector is one of the main pillars of Jordan's economy. It accounts for 15% of the total workforce, and -with about 22.5% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (JCI, 2007)- is also the single largest contributor to GDP, followed by finance, real estate, and businesses (18.6%), transport and communications (18.1%), the Governmental services sector (14%), and the trade, restaurants and hotels sector (11%). The last three decades witnessed a remarkable growth of the industrial sector, from less than 500 registered industrial factories ­ mostly small, family-owned enterprises - to about 20,000 establishments nowadays. Manufacturing is the main sub-sector, accounting for 19% of GDP. In recent times, industry has been one of the main engines of growth: it grew by 21.4% in 2000 and 25.8% in 2006 (MoIT, 2008), primarily thanks to the manufacturing sub-sector, which grew by about 12% per year - an extremely high rate compared to other countries in the region, such as Lebanon (4%), Morocco (4%) and Egypt (3%) (UNIDO database). This growth was strongly supported by the Government's three-track policy, including: protection of manufacturing enterprises by a combination of low tariffs on inputs and high tariffs on imported final products; substantial public expenditures to build and maintain infrastructure in support of small and medium industries, such as industrial estates, roads, power and the Port of Aqaba; and encouragement of industrial exports by promoting bilateral agreements with neighboring countries. However, industrial development has been accompanied by several problems. Many production processes still lack the necessary technological and technical know-how, and it is common practice to import used or written-off machinery, plants, and spare parts from Europe and Southeast Asia. There is also little recognition among the management of companies and organizations in various sectors, of the importance of clean production, energy thrift, and environmental protection and of the economy's vulnerability to the availability of commercial energy sources. Industrial pollution has become an area of growing public concern in Jordan, especially with respect to air emissions from the cement industry in Fuheis and Rashidyia, the oil refinery and power generation station near Zarqa, power plants, and phosphate and potash industries in Aqaba, among others. There is already indirect evidence that industry is one of the main contributors to overall polluting emissions; as discussed in Chapter 2, industrial activities are estimated to account for some 30% and 20% of national SO2 and TSP emission, respectively. In addition, localized forms of severe environmental degradation (air, and particularly water) are largely the result of industrial activities, as in the case of Zarqa or Irbid. Currently, pollution monitoring is either undertaken unsystematically or not at all, limiting understanding of the magnitude of the problem (see chapter 2 for further details). In addition, institutional enforcement of environmental regulations in industrial activities is weak, being undertaken on a complaint basis, instead of being priority-based. Since further expansion of the industrial sector is likely to increase pollution levels even further, it will be increasingly important to provide policy makers with information on the overall magnitude of industry's environmental pressures, and on the relative contribution of different subsectors to total pollution (at the national and local levels), and to find cost-effective pollution control options. This chapter aims to bridge this gap by: proposing a methodology to quantify the main environmental pressures from industry at the national and local levels in Jordan; providing estimates of relative contributions to pollution; and proposing ways to evaluate cost-effective options for pollution reduction. As a first-time effort to quantify the environmental pressures at national and local levels, the estimates obtained are subject to several methodological and empirical limitations. As such, they should be regarded as indicative measures of environmental pressures, and perhaps more importantly, as illustrations of an overall approach to policy making based on priority setting and economic reasoning. The results obtained should clearly be further refined and validated to better inform decision making. 104 The reminder of the chapter starts with an overview of the industrial sector and the associated policy context (Section 6.3). It then provides indicative estimates of the current and projected pollution pressures from the main industries based on the Industrial Pollution Projection System (IPPS) model and analyses the most polluting sub-sectors, their relative ranking and general trends; estimates the pollution abatement costs and discusses the most cost-effective options for pollution reduction (Section 6.4). Finally, it provides some recommendations to enhance industrial pollution control and reduce environmental pollution (Section 6.5). This information should help decision-makers to prioritize their monitoring activities and pollution abatement efforts, and help promote a more efficient allocation of resources. .3 6 Overview of the industrial sector 6.3.1 Sector description The industrial sector consists of a heterogeneous mixture of manufacturing and conversion activities, ranging from transforming raw materials into refined products such as phosphate, cement, plastics and glass, to those with highly finished end-products, such as food processing and chemical industries. According to MoIT, the industrial sector currently counts about 20,600 establishments and employs around 190,100 workers. Amman, Zarqa and Irbid account for about 82% of total establishments and 91% of the workforce employed by industrial enterprises nationwide. In terms of number of establishments, the bulk of Jordan's industrial sector consists in small family-owned enterprises. During 1998-2006, employment in the sector has grown by about 10% annually, with highest peaks exceeding 20% in 2003 and 2004. The industrial sector in Jordan can be classified according to the nature of activity and the size of industry (Box 7). Table 41 provides the distribution of the main industrial sub-sectors in Jordan (except for mining) in terms of number of enterprises, registered capital, employment and exports. According to the JCI (2007), the industry counts about 12,800 enterprises, with a total registered capital of JOD2.2 billion and about 176,000 employees64. Micro enterprises generally dominate the sector (87% of the total number), with the Engineering, Electrical and IT having the largest representation, followed by furniture and wood, and construction. As expected, industrial enterprises dominate in all the other aspects, with Leather and Garments leading in terms of employment (31% of total employment) and exports value (37%), and Engineering, Electrical and IT in terms of registered capital (35% of total). JCI does not provide any information on the mining sector, because it is not geographically in Amman, Zarqa or Irbid and it is not classified according to the same size categories. Thus, this sector cannot be compared to the others according to the criteria mentioned in Table 41. Mining is however crucial when assessing the overall volume of pollution loads, and more specifically air pollutants (Box 8, on page 108). 64 According to MoIT, the industry involves about 190,100 workers. The source of discrepancy between the JCI and MoIT estimates is twofold: (1) the MoIT databases include electricity and water related industries while the JCI's does not; (2) all enterprises must register with the MoIT, but not necessarily with the chambers of commerce, suggesting that the JCI's figure is an underestimate. 105 Box 7. Classifications of industrial sector in Jordan In Jordan, the national classification of industrial sub-sectors has been determined by a decree issued by the Jordan Cabinet on August 13, 2005 to cover all industrial enterprises operating in one or more industrial activity. This classification is partly different from the United Nations international standard industrial classification - the International Standards for Industrial Categories (ISIC) - that provides a standard set of economic activities classifying entities according to the activity they undertake. The ISIC categorizes industries into mining, transformational industries and power generating industry. The Jordanian industrial classification system combined some of the International Industrial Categories based on certain similarities. The result was the following national industrial categorization system: 1. Leather and Garments 2. Therapeutics and Medical 3. Chemical and Cosmetics 4. Plastic and Rubber 5. Engineering, Electrical Industries and Information Technology 6. Furniture and Wooden 7. Construction 8. Food, Supplies, Agricultural and Livestock 9. Packing, Packaging, Paper, Cardboard and Stationeries 10. Mining The Jordan Chamber of Industry's65 Law for the year 2005 adopted a formal definition of the size categories of industrial enterprises working in industry solely based on the registered capital size and the labor size. The law defines and classifies enterprises according to the following types: Industrial Enterprises: any enterprise that employs 10 or more Jordanian employees subscribed to the Social Security Corporation, and has a registered capital of JOD30,000 or more; Micro Enterprises: any enterprise that employs less than 10 Jordanian employees subscribed to the Social Security Corporation or has a registered capital less than JOD30,000. A committee with representation from the public and private sectors was formed to further study this issue based on the Trade and Industry Law No. 18 for the year 1998, and the Chamber of Industry Law No. 10 for the year 2005. This committee developed size categorization criteria that are also based on the registered capital size and the labor size; however, it defined two additional categories. In September 2005, Cabinet of Ministers approved the categories summarized below (Ministry of Industry and Trade's The General Framework of National Industrial Policy-2008): Type of industrial establishments Labor Registered Capital Handicrafts 1-9 less than JOD30,000 Small 10-49 more than JOD30,000 Medium 50-249 more than JOD30,000 Big more than 250 more than JOD30,000 106 Table 41. Distribution of industrial sectors in Jordan Exports Value No. of Enterprises Registered Capital (million JOD) No. of Employeesb (000) (million JOD) All % of All % of All % of % of Sub-Sectora Industrial Micro enterprises total Industrial Micro enterprises total Industrial Micro enterprises total 2006 total Leather and Garments 244 864 1108 9 164 11 175 8 55 9 64 36 925 37 Therapeutics and 53 46 99 1 162 3 165 7 6 0 6 3 255 10 Medical Chemical and Cosmetics 188 207 395 3 314 10 324 15 11 1 12 7 297 12 Plastic and Rubber 116 151 267 2 52 7 59 3 4 1 5 3 32 1 Engineering, Electrical 323 4053 4376 34 769 28 797 36 25 9 34 19 459 18 Industries and IT Furniture and Wooden 85 2556 2641 21 12 26 38 2 4 6 10 6 31 1 Construction 152 2002 2154 17 165 23 188 8 8 7 15 8 52 2 Food, Supplies, 334 798 1132 9 338 17 355 16 15 3 18 10 333 13 Agricultural and Livestock Packing, Packaging, 185 430 615 5 110 12 122 5 9 2 11 6 148 6 Paper, Cartoon Total 1,680 11,107 12,787 100 2,088 136 2,224 100 137 38 176 100 2,531 100 Source: Jordan Chamber of Industry, 2007 Notes: a. JCI study did not provide details on the mining sector; b. includes both Jordanian and non-Jordanian workforce 107 Box 8. Mining Mining and quarrying contribute about 3.3% of GDP (year 2005). Mining is based on extraction of vast reserves of raw phosphates and potash and, more recently, on their semi-processing. Jordan's main exports are primarily mineral-based resources and their derivatives, such as fertilizers, bromine, and magnesia. They generate more than 30 percent of total export earnings. Exports of phosphates, potash, fertilizers, and related products amounted to $412 million in 2001. With production in 2001 of some 5.9 million tons, Jordan is the world's third-largest supplier of raw phosphates. Phosphate mining is controlled by a joint stock monopoly, the Jordan Phosphate Mines Company (JPMC), established in 1935. Production of rock phosphates averages about 3.7 million t per year. Known reserves are adequate for decades of production at current or even higher levels. The phosphate export earnings of JPMC in 2001 reached $189 million. JPMC has also achieved some success in developing downstream activities, such as fertilizer production. The Arab Potash Company (APC) has grown steadily since its inception in 1956, boosting its basic potash production (2 million t in 2001), expanding its downstream activities and foreign exchange earnings ($192 million in 2001). Both as APC and through its holding company, Jordan Dead Sea Industries Company (JODICO), the company is developing fertilizers and chemical projects. The mining sector is not geographically located in Amman, Zarqa, or Irbid and so could not be compared with the other sectors in terms of water, toxics, and metals pollution. However, the sector appears to be an important one in terms of air pollution. Using the IPPS methodology, we estimated mining's contribution to air pollution in terms of TSP, PM10, CO, NOx, SO2, and VOC (Table 42). Mining appears to be the major polluter in terms of TSP, SO2 and NO2 and PM10. Mining is generally remotely located from major residential centers or human activities. It is thus difficult to determine how much the sector's contribution to air pollution affects urban centers. Mining centers located relatively close to urban centers include Nippon Jordan Fertilisers Company (NJFC) in Aqaba, the Eshidiya mines (125 km north-east of Aqaba) and the Jordan Phosphate Complex (15 km south of Aqaba). Available data on employment by mine indicate that Eshidiya mines alone employ about 1250 people, accounting for about 12.5% of total employment in mining at national level. On a proportional basis, we can then attribute a similar share of the total air pollution from mining as affecting the urban centers. Table 42. Mining's relative contribution to air pollution compared to other sectors Pollutants Mining Other sectors a Total TSP 65% 35% 100% CO 2% 98% 100% SO2 50% 50% 100% NO2 51% 49% 100% VOC 3% 97% 100% PM10 78% 22% 100% a including Leather and garments, Therapeutics and medical, Chemical and cosmetics, Plastic and rubber, Engineering, electrical Industries and IT, Furniture and wood, Construction, Food, supplies, agriculture and livestock, Packaging and paper. 6.3.2 Institutions and stakeholders This section provides a summary of the main institutions and other actors with a stake in industrial development and policy. A broader discussion of the institutional, legislative and governance framework relevant to the environment (including the roles of the general public, NGOs, etc.) is contained in the institutional assessment chapter of the CEA (Chapter 7). Ministry of Environment The Ministry has different departments in charge of inspection, legislations, policies, licensing and permitting. Of main relevance to Industrial Pollution Control are the Directorates of Policy and Development, the Directorate of Monitoring and Assessment, the Directorate of Management of Waste and Hazardous Substances, the Directorate of Licensing and Guidance, and the Directorate of Inspections and Control. 108 The Cleaner Production and Best Available Technologies Unit, affiliated to the Licensing and Guidance Directorate has a mandate for coordinating with the various directorates as it relates to support licensing and permitting based on better technologies according to international practices resulting from applied research conducted by a variety of organizations. The department is also responsible for verifying that permit applications contain proposed guidelines for the utilization of water, power, and other natural resources including the proposed techniques for the minimization of waste generation and disposal, and for preparing and availing documents related to cleaner production and the best available technologies from the relevant sources such as the EU, BREF, UNIDO, USEMPA and other. This Unit represents the Ministry on the management board of the Cleaner Production Program. The Licensing and Guidance, Inspection and Control and, Monitoring and Assessment were only recently established based on the recommendations of the EU Funded Institutional Support to the Ministry of Environment on Environmental Management and Legislation Project, and do not have the capacity nor the necessary resources to function properly and play the role they were established to play. Ministry of Industry and Trade According to Government of Jordan's law number 18 for the year 1998, the Ministry takes on the responsibilities of regulating the industry by type, classifying it, registering it according to an internal regulation, and preparing the programs and studies that work on developing the industry and increasing its competitiveness. The Ministry also takes on the task of regulating the internal and external trade, monitoring it, and preparing the studies and the agreements that protect the interest of the country and the citizen. The Industrial Development Directorate of the Ministry has no environmental responsibilities per se, but it does however set the industrial policy in terms of growth and development, which has a direct impact on industrial pollution. Jordan Industrial Estate Corporation The JIEC is a quasi-governmental corporation established in 1984 with public and private ownership. Its role is to contribute to the development of Small & Medium Industries (SMIs) by providing comprehensive and integrated industrial estates, to increase support and encourage the sector, and to increase investment opportunities in industry. One of its main goals is to promote Jordan's industrial development by providing a suitable home for both local and foreign industries. JIEC owns and manages 5 industrial estates. Given their pollution monitoring capacity, it is vital that the Ministry of Environment better coordinate data management with the JIEC. It is evident that current coordination between the two entities is minimal. The Sampling and Analysis Section at the Ministry could benefit significantly from the data available at the JIEC, and both entities could cooperate in formulating actions for industrial pollution control given the technical capacity that is available at the Ministry. Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation Jordan Enterprise Development Corporation (JEDCO) was established by a decree of the council of ministers in 2003 to legally replace the Jordan Export Development and Commercial Centers Corporation. The overall goals of JEDCO are: Trade Promotion, Export Development, and Enterprises and Companies Development. Jordan Investment Board The Investment Laws of 2003 and Investment Promotion Law of 1995 established the Jordan Investment Board as a governmental body enjoying both financial and administrative independence. The creation of this organization came about as a result of the Government's realization of the importance of increasing foreign direct investment to Jordan, and enhancing 109 local investment in a bid to create new job opportunities, increase national exports, and the need for the transfer of technology. Industry Sector Non-Governmental Organizations The key non-governmental players in the industrial sector are the various Chambers of Industry, namely the Jordan, Amman, Zarqa, and Irbid Chambers of Industry. In general, the Chambers of Industry are more concerned with the sector from a private sector and investment context. Of all the Chambers in Jordan, only one has made reference to environmental issues in its mission statement. Being a key player in the sector, environment has to be given a more significant weight in the Chambers' roles and responsibilities and in terms of providing support to the Ministry of Environment. The significance of the various chambers is that they could be a very effective tool in the implementation of any industrial pollution control mechanism and/or policy to be adopted by the Ministry. They can be viewed as the link between the governmental bodies and the industries themselves, and should be effectively utilized in the implementation of any national plans for pollution control. Jordanian Association of Manufacturers of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Appliances (JAPM) The Jordanian Association of Manufacturers of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Appliances (JAPM) was established in 1996 as a dedicated sector-specific association and is the representative body of the unanimity of manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and medical appliances which is one of the key sectors of the Jordanian economy. JAPM is a voluntary non- profit association which has a member base of almost all pharmaceutical companies in Jordan. The Jordanian pharmaceutical industry which is primarily an export driven industry provides quality, safe and effective pharmaceuticals at affordable prices for millions of people worldwide. Jordan Furniture Exporters and manufacturers Association JFEMA is a non-profit association established with the core purpose of being the sole representative of the Jordanian furniture exporters and manufacturers on the local, regional and international levels through delivering a wide spectrum of needed services including: Sector promotion and marketing, export readiness consultation, networking, work force training, and maintaining information systems. Jordan Investors Association of Amman Industrial Estate Investors Association of Amman Industrial Estate was established as a private, independent and non-profit organization whose aim is to expand, support and encourage economic, industrial and investment opportunities at the Industrial City, Sahab and at other Industrial Cities. 6.3.3 National Agenda and policy context The National Agenda (NA) outlines the Government vision for Jordan's economic development in the next decade. The NA first phase (2007-2012) focuses on creating employment opportunities by promoting export-oriented and labor intensive industries, education, infrastructure and legislation regulating political life. The second phase (2012-2017) focuses on gradually upgrading and strengthening the industrial base, and preparing the ground for the development of high value-added sectors in the knowledge economy. The National Agenda proposes also target performance indicators for the development of the following sub-sectors: apparel, pharmaceuticals, minerals, iron and steel, furniture, food and beverage, tourism, healthcare and IT services. Overall, Figure 37 suggests that the year 2017 will witness a sharp rise in the industrial sector output (2 times compared to the current situation), export value (2.8 times) and cumulative employment (1.5 times). Most of the increase in the sector output and exports are due to the development of the `apparel' sub-sector, while the surge in employment is mostly a result of 110 `apparel' and `tourism'. In fact, while employment in most sub-sectors is increasing, it is declining in `minerals', and stagnating in `iron and steel'. Figure 37. Targets for industry's selected performance indicators over time 450% 383% 400% 350% 296% 300% % change 250% 202% 250% 200% 153% 150% 100% 146% 100% 50% 0% Current 2012 2017 Sector Output (JD) Exports (JD) Cumulative employment Source: National Agenda (2007). Note: The percentages are calculated based on cumulated values of outputs, exports and employment for the sub- sectors considered by National Agenda. The National Industrial Policy (NIP), currently under preparation by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, aims at boosting the competitiveness of the industrial sector locally and internationally. The NIP goals are: · to develop the industrial sector by 7-9% annually, during the period 2008-2012; · to increase the volume of exports by 10%; · to increase employment opportunities available in the sector by 8% annually. The NIP comprises 11 axes meant to represent an integrated system of policies leading to a more sustainable economic development. One of these axes specifically lays down a general environmental policy, aiming at: · preserving the environment · contributing to achieving sustainable development · urging industrial institutions to abide by environmental legislations, measures, and standards, · adopting environment-friendly practices and policies, · offering financial and technical support for these enterprises to implement the programs that would improve its environmental performance. The main proposed mechanisms to achieve these objectives include (1) providing technical support in treating water and industrial waste, (2) providing the necessary legislative and institutional framework to benefit from the environment fund yet to be established, (3) laying down policies and legislations that enable the private sector to develop and implement programs 111 and techniques to protect and improve the environment, (4) encouraging the establishment of clean development projects, (5) promote national industries' competitiveness by adopting environmental practices and policies, (6) activating the role of the industrial sector in the national and environment trade committee, and (7) enhancing the participation of the industrial sector in various technical committees. No specific targets of improved environmental performance have however been set by the proposed policy, and no institutional responsibilities have been defined. Trade Policy. Jordan is a relatively high trade-protected country, compared to the average of low- middle income countries, although its average tariff level in the period 2000-2007 has been lower than in the rest of the MENA region (Figure 38); the average tariff on manufacturing has been over 2 and half times and over 3 times larger than the low-middle income average, in Jordan and in MENA, respectively. The manufacturing sector has enjoyed higher levels of protection than the Jordan's economy as a whole, with (un-weighted) average of 17% compared to 10%. Figure 38. Average MFN import tariffs in the period 2000-2007 (world average=100) 350% MFN, Weidghted Average (2000-2007), Worrld=100 300% 250% 200% 150% 100% 50% 0% MENA Jordan Low and middle All countries income economies Total Trade Manufacturing Source: Calculation on Most Favored Nation (MFN) tariff data from UNCTAD, Trade Analysis and Information System It is noteworthy that manufacturing tariffs have been significantly higher (Figure 39) than the average (both in Jordan and in low-middle income countries in general), in sectors that account for two thirds of Jordan's manufacturing employment and exports, such as leather/ garment, electrical products and food; and probably for a large share of polluting emissions as well (see the estimates contained in section 6.4). 112 Figure 39. Average MFN import tariffs in Jordan by sector in the period 2000-2007 - 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 TOBACCO PRODUCTS TANNING AND DRESSING OF LEATHER; LU WEARING APPAREL; DRESSING AND DYEIN FURNITURE; MANUFACTURING N.E.C. OTHER NON-METALLIC MINERAL PRODUCTS COKE, REFINED PETROLEUM PRODUCTS AN FABRICATED METAL PRODUCTS, EXCEPT M ELECTRICAL MACHINERY AND APPARATUS MOTOR VEHICLES, TRAILERS AND SEMI-T RUBBER AND PLASTICS PRODUCTS FOOD PRODUCTS AND BEVERAGES PAPER AND PAPER PRODUCTS RADIO, TELEVISION AND COMMUNICATION TEXTILES MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT N.E.C. Jordan OTHER TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT Manufacturing Average BASIC METALS PUBLISHING, PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION OF RECORDED WOOD AND OF PRODUCTS OF WOOD AND CO CHEMICALS AND CHEMICAL PRODUCTS Low-Middle Income MEDICAL, PRECISION AND OPTICAL INST Manufacturing OFFICE, ACCOUNTING AND COMPUTING MA Average As part of the Government's economic openness policy, the situation is poised to change. Jordan signed several trade agreements, such as the Great Arab Free Trade Agreement (GAFTA), the Agreement on the establishment of Qualifying Industrial Zones in Jordan and the US-Jordan Free Trade Zone Agreement. In spite of differences among these agreements, they all aim at establishing free trade zones, reducing customs to the lowest levels, and broadening the scope of trade. While implementation so far appears to have been slow66, these agreements will create a new climate for the Jordanian industrial sector and place it in a free competitive environment. Signing these agreements can be considered a success, but will also pose a number of challenges related to establishing the appropriate legislative environment, providing the sector with the necessary technical and financial support to restructure itself and face international competition; and enhancing the sector's environmental performance. .4 6 Estimating industry's environmental pressures 6.4.1 Methodology Quantifying the pollutant loads from industry encountered several problems. First, no complete list of pollutants emitted in Jordan is available. Therefore, this chapter estimates the pollution load for a selected group of air, water, and land pollutants for which sufficient information is available. Second, pollution monitoring is not carried out on a systematic and comprehensive basis. For example, except for the wastewater quality data taken by the Water Authority of Jordan and Jordan Industrial Estates Corporation, available information is based on surveys rather than comprehensive field measurements. Third, monitoring equipment is either not available or obsolete and trained personnel on industrial sites is usually lacking. Fourth, the air quality data reported by the Royal Scientific Society and the Ministry of Health are ambient air measurements and not stack emissions. Although such readings can give indications of pollution in areas close 66 In the manufacturing sector, in 2007 -i.e. three years from the 2010 phase-out deadline MFN tariffs were on average some 50% of their 2000 level 113 to industries compared to more distant areas, they cannot be attributed to industry alone, as they represent the cumulative result of emissions from all sectors (e.g., industry, transport, etc.). Given the lack of a complete set of actual pollution measurements, this chapter uses the Industrial Pollution Projection System (IPPS) developed by the World Bank (Hettige et al (1995) to provide initial insights on relative priorities for pollution abatement. IPPS is a rapid assessment tool for estimating pollution loads to help develop appropriate policies for industrial pollution control. The IPPS estimates and rankings provide the relative contribution of the industrial sub-sectors to the overall volume of pollution per medium (e.g., air, water, land). The IPPS model combines data from industrial activity (such as production and employment) with information on pollution emissions to calculate pollution intensity coefficients per unit of industrial activity67. We apply this model to project the evolution of pollutant loads for 2012 and 2017, based on the estimated employment growth during these periods. The IPPS coefficients are available for the following pollutants: · Air pollutants. Sulfur dioxide (SO2); nitrogen dioxide (NO2); volatile organic compounds (VOC); and particulate matter, both total suspended particulates (TSP) and particulate matter smaller than 10 microns (PM10). · Water pollutants. Biological oxygen demand (BOD) and total suspended solids (TSS); · Toxic substances (released in air, water and land); · Heavy metals (released in air, water and land). To estimate the pollution load for each industrial sub-sector, this chapter uses employment data and the Lower Bound (LB) pollution intensities by medium, after merging the intensities of the major categories according to the ISIC code, to conform to the 10 major sectors in Jordan. An aggregated pollution load for air was estimated through a weighted average of four pollutants only, with weights reflecting relative contribution to health damages and other externalities, and obtained from the EC "Clean Air for Europe (CAFE) Program68"­ that is, SO2 (with a weight of 16%), NO2 (14%), VOC (2%) and PM10 (68%). The aggregated pollution intensities were then used to estimate pollution loads using the formula: PI *TEM PL = 1000 * 2204.6 where PL = Pollution load in t/year TEM = Total number of employees PI = Pollution intensity in pounds per thousands employees per year 2204.6 = Conversion factor from pounds to tons 67 Pollution intensities have initially been calculated with data available in the United States from the U.S. Manufacturing Census and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The basic calculation took manufacturing information on output value, value-added, and employment, then matched it with the USEPA database on pollution releases on a plant-by plant basis. Pollution intensities were then calculated as the total amount of releases divided by the manufacturing indicator (i.e., output value, value added, or employment). The employment-based indicator (kilograms of pollutant per unit of employment) has been shown to be the most stable across different technologies and across both developed and developing countries (Dasgupta and others, 2002). 68 114 6.4.2 Classification challenges Figure 40 shows the geographic distribution of polluting industries in Jordan. It should be noted that the quantification process was subject not only to data scarcity problems, but also to classification discrepancies. Because the JCI categories do not include the power generation and the water and wastewater treatment plants, these sub-sectors were not included in the analysis. As several power stations, such as Al-Hussein Thermal Power Station, Rihab and Samra are located in Zarqa, the estimates tend to underestimate the real pollution pressure in this region. Figure 40. Geographic Distribution of Polluting Industries Another problem is that some of the larger industries (e.g., the Jordan Petroleum Refinery, Intermediate Petrochemical Industries, and others) are located in Zarqa but registered in the Amman Chamber of Industry. Ideally, the analysis should attribute their pollution to their actual location. This was only possible for some of these industries, however. Some large industries ­ such as the potash and the phosphate industries ­ could be removed from Amman estimates but could not be added anywhere else, for lack of specific information. This resulted in underestimating pollution loads in areas were these industries are actually located. 115 Third, the JCI classification system for industries includes the refining sector as part of the chemicals and cosmetics sectors. To better understand the role of the refining sector, the IPPS was re-run after separating "petroleum refineries" (ISIC code 353) from "chemicals industries" (ISIC code 352). The estimated pollution load produced from the refineries was then added to the pollution loads in Zarqa area. Fourth, for the reasons indicated in Box 8 on page 106 emissions from mining were estimated separately, and not included in the results presented below. This should not be interpreted as implying that emissions from mining are unimportant (in fact in the case of air pollution they account for the bulk of it); but simply that on account of most mining plants' remote location they are unlikely to be part of priority setting problems in the industrial hotspots of Amman, Zarqa or Irbid. 6.4.3 Results: the estimated composition of industrial pollution Table 43 presents the estimates of the relative contribution of each sector to pollution, by location and medium. These results permit to analyze the structure of industrial pollution in a number of different ways, and in particular to answer the following questions. a) What are the industrial locations that contribute the most to pollution? Enterprises located in Amman contribute the most to pollution (the un-weighted average is 77%); Zarqa ranks second, and Irbid third (Figure 41). This confirms that several highly polluting industries concentrate in Zarqa, resulting in shares of total emissions higher than the corresponding employment share, particularly in the case of heavy metal emissions in air and land; and in general in an (un-weighted) average share of emission of 14%, compared to 9% of Irbid, in spite of the fact that the latter has a larger share in employment (about 17% against 13% of Zarqa). Figure 41. Share in total emissions by pollutant type and location 100% 100% Expexted90% 90% Zarqa share80% 80% 70% 70% Expected Irbid Share 60% 60% 50% 50% 40% 40% 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0% BOD TSS ToxLand MetWat Air ToxAir MetAir MetLand ToxWat Amman Irbid Zarqa Amman empl share Irbid empl share Note: the figure indicates the band of "expected" emission share of Irbid and Zarqa based on the respective share in total industrial employment It is important to emphasize that the methodology utilized provides estimates of pollution emissions, and not concentrations. Hence the relatively smaller share of total pollution attributed to Zarqa and Irbid does not imply a lower priority for pollution control action in these areas: in fact in these locations there are particularly serious situations of environmental degradation which are linked to higher concentration of pollutants in air, water or land, and .which demand immediate policy attention. 116 Table 43. Estimated distribution of pollution pressures from industrial sub-sectors Region Sectors All Enterprises Air (a) Water Toxics Metals BOD TSS Air Water Land Air Water Land Leather and Garments Industry 13% 2% 1% 11% 43% 6% 0% 0% 0% Therapeutics and Medical Sector 14% 1% 27% 17% 10% 19% 8% 17% 5% Chemical and Cosmetics Sector 25% 2% 46% 29% 18% 33% 15% 30% 9% Plastic and Rubber Sector 10% 1% 19% 12% 8% 14% 6% 13% 4% Engineering, Electrical Industries and Information Technology Sector 6% 1% 0% 16% 4% 15% 43% 12% 50% Amman Furniture and Wooden Sector 2% 0% 0% 7% 0% 1% 2% 0% 0% Construction Sector 1% 0% 1% 7% 8% 8% 26% 23% 31% Food, Supplies, Agricultural and Livestock Sector 28% 92% 5% 1% 8% 5% 0% 5% 1% Packing, Packaging, Paper, cartoon, and Stationeries Sector 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Leather and Garments Industry 21% 4% 1% 14% 49% 8% 0% 0% 0% Therapeutics and Medical Sector 6% 1% 11% 5% 3% 6% 2% 5% 1% Chemical and Cosmetics Sector 29% 3% 57% 29% 16% 33% 9% 25% 5% Plastic and Rubber Sector 11% 1% 22% 11% 6% 12% 5% 9% 3% Engineering, Electrical Industries and Information Technology Sector 7% 2% 1% 17% 3% 17% 33% 11% 36% Zarqa Furniture and Wooden Sector 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 3% 0% 0% Construction Sector 4% 1% 5% 18% 18% 20% 49% 48% 54% Food, Supplies, Agricultural and Livestock Sector 21% 88% 4% 1% 5% 3% 0% 2% 0% Packing, Packaging, Paper, cartoon, and Stationeries Sector 0% 0% 0% 3% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 117 Region Sectors All Enterprises Air (a) Water Toxics Metals BOD TSS Air Water Land Air Water Land Leather and Garments Industry 73% 43% 10% 60% 91% 47% 0% 0% 0% Therapeutics and Medical Sector 2% 0% 7% 2% 0% 3% 2% 4% 1% Chemical and Cosmetics Sector 12% 4% 57% 14% 3% 21% 12% 29% 7% Plastic and Rubber Sector 4% 1% 20% 5% 1% 7% 4% 10% 2% Engineering, Electrical Industries and Information Technology Sector 3% 3% 1% 9% 1% 11% 39% 13% 43% Irbid Furniture and Wooden Sector 1% 0% 0% 3% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% Construction Sector 1% 1% 3% 7% 3% 10% 42% 43% 46% Food, Supplies, Agricultural and Livestock Sector 4% 48% 2% 0% 0% 1% 0% 1% 0% Packing, Packaging, Paper, cartoon, and Stationeries Sector 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Leather and Garments Industry 21% 4% 1% 17% 56% 10% 0% 0% 0% Therapeutics and Medical Sector 12% 1% 24% 14% 7% 16% 6% 14% 4% Chemical and Cosmetics Sector 24% 2% 48% 27% 14% 32% 13% 29% 8% Plastic and Rubber Sector 10% 1% 20% 11% 6% 13% 6% 12% 3% Engineering, Electrical Industries and Information Technology Sector 5% 1% 0% 15% 3% 15% 40% 12% 46% Jordan Total Furniture and Wooden Sector 2% 0% 0% 6% 0% 1% 2% 0% 0% Construction Sector 2% 0% 2% 8% 8% 10% 33% 28% 38% Food, Supplies, Agricultural and Livestock Sector 25% 90% 5% 1% 6% 5% 0% 4% 1% Packing, Packaging, Paper, cartoon, and Stationeries Sector 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Source: percentages calculated based on IPSS model. Note: (a): estimates of air pollution shares refer to a weighted average of 4 polluting emissions (PM10, VOC, NO2, SO2), using weights obtained from the EU Clean Air for Europe (CAFÉ) program. 118 b) What segments of the industrial sector contribute the most to pollution? Industrial enterprises account for the bulk of polluting emissions, ranging from 70% to 90% of the total, depending on the type of pollutant (Figure 42). This is not surprising, since they account for almost 80% of employment. It is worth noting that in the case of heavy metal emissions into air and land, micro enterprises account for some 30% of the total, which is considerably larger than their share in total employment. Figure 42. Share in total emissions by pollutant type and size of enterprises 100% 100% 90% 90% 80% 80% 70% 70% 60% 60% 50% 50% 40% 40% 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0% TSS BOD Air ToxLand ToxWat ToxAir MetWat MetAir MetLand Ind Enterprises Micro Share of empl in industrial enterprises c) Does the contribution to pollution of micro enterprises vary across locations? While at the national level micro-enterprises contribute relatively little to pollution (the un- weighted average of shares across pollutant is less than 20%), in Zarqa they play a much more important role, with an un-weighted average close to 40%, and a significantly larger share - compared to the national average- of emissions of BOD, toxic pollutants in water, and ordinary air pollutants (Figure 43). Figure 43. Share of micro enterprises in total pollution in Zarqa and Jordan as a whole BOD ToxWat Air ToxLand ToxAir MetLand MetAir MetWat TSS 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% Zarqa National 119 Note: pollutants are sorted in decreasing order of difference -between Zarqa and the national average- of the share of micro enterprises in emissions The larger role played by Zarqa's micro-enterprises in pollution is clearly linked to differences in its industrial structure, where in general micro-enterprises account for over 50% of total employment (the national average is about 20%); in the case of water toxic emissions, micro- enterprises in the top emitting sector (leather and garment), account for 40% of total emissions (compared to 10% at the national level ­ see Figure 44). Figure 44. Contribution of micro enterprises to water toxics loads (Zarqa and Jordan) 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% 20.0% 40.0% 60.0% Leather and Garments Industry Construction Sector Chemical and Cosmetics Sector National Zarqa Plastic and Rubber Sector Average Engineering, Electrical Industries and Information Technology Sector Food, Supplies, Agricultural and Livestock Sector Therapeutics and Medical Sector Furniture and Wooden Sector Packing, Packaging, Paper, cartoon, and Stationeries Sector Zarqa Micro National Micro National Large Zarqa Large d) What are the sectors that contribute the most to pollution? In general the answer will depend on the type of polluting emission being considered: different sectors will be the most important contributors to air, water or land pollution. However, some preliminary information on the overall environmental pressures exerted by different subsectors might be obtained by constructing a simple ranking index, normalized to vary between 0 and 1, which measures the frequency of high polluting rankings in the score of each subsector. The closer the index is to 1, the higher the number of times a given subsector is among the top polluters for all media (air, water, land, etc.;); the closer the index is to 0, the lower the number of times that the subsector is a significant polluter for the different media. Such an indicator can provide information on the overall polluting ranking of subsectors, but not on how much any subsector is more polluting than another. 120 Figure 45. Pollution rank index by industrial sub-sector Normalized Rank Index - 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 Chemical and Cosmetics Therapeutics and Medical Engineering, Electrical Industries , IT Construction Leather and Garments Plastic and Rubber Sector Food, Supplies, Agricultural and Livestock Furniture and Wood Packing, Packaging, Paper, cartoon, and Stationeries Figure 45 illustrates the results of estimating such an overall ranking index. The chemicals, therapeutics and engineering sectors tend to have high polluting ranking across the different media; conversely, the food, furniture and paper sub-sectors tend to have relatively lower pollution rankings in the different media. In terms of contributions to the different media, Figure 46 suggests that the food and chemical sectors are the top air and water polluters (accounting for some 50% and 75% of the total, respectively), that engineering and construction are the top emitters of heavy metals in the different media (with an un-weighted average of over 60% of the total); and that the leather, chemical and therapeutic sectors are the most important contributors to toxic emissions (with an un-weighted average of over 60% of the total). Packing and packaging appear to be the "cleanest" industry across all media. 121 Figure 46. Share of emissions for selected grouping of pollutants Air Water 30% 50% 45% 25% 40% 35% 20% 30% 15% 25% 20% 10% 15% 10% 5% 5% 0% 0% Food, Chemical Leather and Therapeutics Plastic and Engineering, Construction Furniture and Packing, Food, Chemical Therapeutics Plastic and Leather and Construction Engineering, Packing, Furniture and Supplies, and Garments and Medical Rubber Electrical Wooden Packaging, Supplies, and and Medical Rubber Garments Electrical Packaging, Wooden Agricultural Cosmetics Industry Industries Paper, Agricultural Cosmetics Industry Industries Paper, and and cartoon, and and and cartoon, and Livestock Information Stationeries Livestock Information Stationeries Technology Technology Heavy Metals Toxics 40% 30% 35% 25% 30% 20% 25% 20% 15% 15% 10% 10% 5% 5% 0% 0% Engineering, Construction Chemical Therapeutics Plastic and Food, Furniture and Packing, Leather and Leather and Chemical Therapeutics Engineering, Plastic and Construction Food, Furniture and Packing, Electrical and and Medical Rubber Supplies, Wooden Packaging, Garments Garments and and Medical Electrical Rubber Supplies, Wooden Packaging, Industries Cosmetics Agricultural Paper, Industry Industry Cosmetics Industries Agricultural Paper, and and cartoon, and and and cartoon, and Information Livestock Stationeries Information Livestock Stationeries Technology Technology Note: the charts present a weighted average of sector contributions to air emissions (see Table 43 for details) and un-weighted averages of contributions to toxic emissions (into air, land and water), water pollutants (BOD, TSS), and heavy metals emissions (into air, land and water). 122 e) Does the relative contribution to emissions of sectors vary across locations? By analyzing the differences, in relation to the national average, of pollution shares of the different sub-sectors, it is possible to conclude (Figure 47) that Irbid has a significantly different composition of pollution emissions compared to Zarqa and Amman. The standard deviation of emission shares across sectors (vis-à-vis the national average) is particularly high in the case of air emissions, BOD and toxic emissions (into air, land and water). Figure 47. Standard deviation of pollution shares by pollutant and location 25% tandard deviation fromJordan average 20% 15% 10% 5% S 0% Air BOD Air Tox Land Tox Water TSS Water Air Metal Land Tox Metal Metal Irbid Zarqa Amman In particular, in the case of air emissions (Figure 48), most of the difference is explained by the much larger share (over 70% compared to a national average of 20%) of emissions attributable to the leather and garment sub-sector. Figure 48. Air pollution shares by sector in Irbid and Jordan as a whole 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% 20.0% 40.0% Food, Supplies, Agricultural and Livestock Sector Chemical and Cosmetics Sector Leather and Garments Industry Therapeutics and Medical Sector Plastic and Rubber Sector Engineering, Electrical Industries and Information Technology Sector Construction Sector Furniture and Wooden Sector Packing, Packaging, Paper, cartoon, and Stationeries Sector Irbid Jordan Total 123 f) Will the relative contribution of sectors to polluting emissions vary over time? Table 44 presents the projected environmental pressures, based on the employment growth rates planned by the National Agenda for 2007-2012 and 2012-201769. For the sectors for which the National Agenda did not specify any figures, the average employment growth rate of the industrial sector as a whole was taken: 14.2% for the first period and 4.9% for the second period. Table 44. Industry ranking in terms of % of pollution at national level Air Water (BOD) Water (TSS) Current 2012 2017 Current 2012 2017 Current 2012 2017 Leather and Garments 3 3 3 2 2 2 6 6 6 Therapeutics and Medical 4 4 3 4 3 3 2 2 2 Chemical and Cosmetics 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 Plastic and Rubber Sector 5 5 5 4 3 3 3 3 3 Engineering, Electric., IT 6 6 4 4 3 2 7 6 6 Furniture and Wood 7 7 6 5 4 4 7 7 7 Construction 7 8 7 5 4 4 5 5 5 Food, agric., livestock 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 Packing, Packaging, Paper 8 9 8 5 4 4 7 7 7 Total Toxics air Toxics water Toxics land Current 2012 2017 Current 2012 2017 Current 2012 2017 Leather and Garments 2 3 4 1 1 1 5 5 5 Therapeutics and Medical 4 3 3 4 5 3 2 3 3 Chemical and Cosmetics 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 Plastic and Rubber Sector 5 4 5 5 6 7 4 4 4 Engineering, Electric., IT 3 2 1 6 7 6 3 2 1 Furniture and Wood 7 5 6 7 8 8 7 8 7 Construction 6 6 7 3 4 5 5 6 5 Food, agric., livestock 8 7 8 5 3 4 6 7 6 Packing, Packaging, Paper 8 8 8 7 8 8 8 9 8 Total Metals air Metals water Metals land Current 2012 2017 Current 2012 2017 Current 2012 2017 Leather and Garments 6 7 7 6 7 7 7 7 6 Therapeutics and Medical 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 Chemical and Cosmetics 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 3 Plastic and Rubber Sector 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 Engineering, Electric., IT 1 1 1 4 3 1 1 1 1 Furniture and Wood 5 6 7 6 7 7 7 7 6 Construction 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 Food, agric., livestock 6 7 6 5 6 6 6 6 5 Packing, Packaging, Paper 6 7 7 6 7 7 7 7 6 Total 69 These are: therapeutics and medical (1.3 for 2007-2012 and 1.6 for 2012-2017), engineering (1.7 and 1.8), furniture and wood (1.9 and 1.1) and food industries (1.9 and 1.1). 124 By applying the same aggregate ranking index to the projected evolution of polluting emissions, one can obtain information about the change in overall relative pollution importance of the different subsectors. Figure 49 suggests that overall there will be no change in the 4 top ranking polluting subsectors, which will continue to be ­throughout 2017- chemicals, therapeutics, engineering, and construction sectors. Figure 49. Aggregate pollution ranking of industrial sectors over time 2005 2012 2017 0 1 2 3 ank 4 ggregate R 5 6 A 7 8 9 10 Chemical and Cosmetics Therapeutics and Medical Engineering, Electrical Industries , IT Construction Leather and Garments Plastic and Rubber Sector Food, Supplies, Agricultural and Livestock Furniture and Wood Packing, Packaging, Paper, cartoon, and Stationeries 6.4.4 Validation of results To validate the IPPS analysis, the IPPS estimates for BOD loads were compared with the measurements made by the Jordan Industrial Estates Corporation (JIEC) of BOD loads at its wastewater treatment plants. JIEC has a biological water treatment plant (Activated ­ Sludge) in each estate to treat and reuse water in restricted agriculture (see Table 45). The total biological load per day is approximately 2 t/day, or about 720 t/year, most of which is due to the high concentration of food enterprises. Given the 47 enterprises employ about 5000 people, this is equivalent to about 0.14t/employee. The IPPS methodology applied to the Food, Supplies, Agricultural and Livestock Sector resulted in an estimated 2,637t BOD load associated to some 16,200 employees, averaging about 0.16 t/employee. It thus appears that the actual measurements are in the same range as the IPPS estimates. Some results can also be compared with estimates from other studies. For example, the 2002 study for "Tuba Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Central Facility" estimated the hazardous liquid waste70 at 18,530 t/year. For comparison, the aggregated liquid pollutants (i.e. BOD, TSS, ToxWat, and MetWat) estimated using the IPPS are 17,500 t/year. Here, too, the IPPS estimates can be seen to be comparable. 70 It represents the total load of waste oil from refineries collection, emulsions, halogenated oils, wastewater organic pollutants, laboratory wastes, flammable wastes, solvents, halogenated solvents, chemical waste and oil from army and public transport. 125 Table 45. BOD Loads at JIEC Wastewater Treatment Plants Designed Hydraulic Designed Biological Actual Biological Industrial Estate Load Load Load Abdullah II 670 m3/day 990 kg/day 1346 kg/day 3 Al-Hassan 500 m /day 285 kg/day 255 kg/day Al-Hussein 670 m3/day 450 kg/day 368 kg/day Source: Jordan Industrial Estates Corporation 6.4.5 Prioritizing pollution abatement efforts The pollution estimates presented above provide a number of clues which can help the Government prioritize pollution abatement efforts. Depending on the environmental quality objective at hand, the Government could focus efforts on selected sectors and enterprise sizes. For example, reduction of water toxics emissions in Zarqa will most likely require action on the leather and garment sub-sector, with emphasis on micro-enterprises. Naturally, a further key element that needs to be taken into account, in addition to the relative share of emission by location and pollutant, is the cost of abatement, which is likely to vary across types of emission and industrial sub-sectors. Here again, Jordan-specific unit abatement costs were not readily available within the CEA time frame. As a result, the IPPS abatement cost coefficients were used to obtain some preliminary indication on cost-effective strategies for pollution control. A first type of analysis (Figure 50) was undertaken to evaluate the overall cost of reaching a given environmental quality objectives under different abatement strategies. For illustration purposes, the quality objective was expressed as reduction by 50% of emissions across a sub-set of pollutants for which unit abatement costs available in the IPPS dataset (PM, VOC, Sox, NOX ­combined in a single "air pollution" aggregate- BOD, TSS, Water Toxics, Air Toxics, Water Heavy Metals). Figure 50. Cost of achieving a given quality target with different abatement strategies 400% 350% 300% 250% 200% 150% 100% 50% 0% Best Worst Best Worst Best Worst Best Worst Zarqa National Amman Irbid 126 With a simple linear programming model, the least cost combination of abatement effort across sub- sectors was identified (the "best" strategy), and then compared to a strategy that achieves the same objectives but at the highest cost. This "worst" strategy is up to 3.5 times (in the case of Zarqa) more expensive that the best strategy, suggesting a wide range of cost savings that could be seized by selecting "smarter" pollution abatement strategy. To illustrate in more specific terms the importance of adequate selection of pollution control strategies, national and local level abatement cost curves for air pollution (weighted average of PM, VOC, SO2 and NOx emissions, Figure 51) and water toxics (Figure 52) were estimated. Figure 51. Abatement cost curves for air pollution 14,000 Curve for Furniture and Wooden Irbid Packing, Packaging, Paper, cartoon, and Leather and Garments 12,000 Stationeries Industry Abatement cost per unit of weighted air pollution (US$) 10,000 8,000 Construction 6,000 Plastic and Rubber Chemical and Cosmetics Engineering, Electrical 4,000 Industries and Therapeutics and Medical Information Technology Food, Supplies, 2,000 Agricultural and Livestock Curve for Amman - 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% In the case of air pollution, at the national level some 80% of total emissions can be abated by focusing on the food, chemicals, medical and plastic sectors, at a cost of $4,000/ ton or less; the unit cost of achieving the remaining 20% is estimated to be in the range of US$ 8,000-14,000 (i.e. 2-3 times more expensive). However, to confirm the location specific nature of optimal abatement efforts, for Irbid only some 30% of total emissions can be abated for costs in the lower end of the range (US$ 2-4,000/ ton); higher levels of emission reduction are likely to cost considerably more than the average national cost. The abatement cost curve for Amman lies below the national curve, suggesting more potential to abate at lower costs. For water toxics, priority should be given to the leather, food, construction and furniture sectors, which have the lowest unit abatement cost and account (at the national level) for 80% of total emissions. In Irbid, lower cost abatement undertaken in the leather sector would reduce some 90% of emissions; less than what could be obtained in Amman (about 60%). 127 Such abatement cost curves, which could be refined on the basis of field surveys of actual abatement cost and developed in greater detail (e.g., at the level of single subsector if technology is highly variable from one firm to another) represent a useful tool for decision making. The actual level of pollution control could be determined on the basis of an estimate of the marginal cost of pollution, so that the optimal level of abatement would be the one where marginal benefits equates marginal cost. Alternatively, given a fixed abatement budget (public or private), the optimal strategy would be to finance pollution reduction projects along the abatement cost curve (i.e. selecting first the projects ­ or sectors, as in the case illustrated above-with lower unit abatement cost), until the budget is exhausted. Figure 52. Abatement cost curves for water toxics 1,200 Therapeutics and Medical Plastic and Rubber Chemical and Cosmetics 1,000 Curve for Amman Unit abatement cost (US$) 800 Packing, Packaging, Paper, cartoon, and 600 Stationeries Engineering, Electrical Construction Industries and Information Technology 400 Furniture and Wooden Food, Supplies, Leather and Garments Agricultural and Livestock Industry 200 Curve for Irbid - 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Cumulated pollution abatement .5 6 Recommendations As a rapidly growing, insufficiently monitored, and incompletely regulated sector, industry is likely to increase, in the absence of adequate policy action, its impact on Jordan's air, water and soil. The Government may consider the following actions to help industry improve its environmental performance. 6.5.1 Short term · Information base. Enhance the information and knowledge base on industry's environmental impacts. This would include the upgrading or expansion of existing emission monitoring systems (e.g., the water emission monitoring system managed by WAJ and the Ministry of Environment); as well as introducing ­where absent- stack emission monitoring for air pollutants, gradually, and 128 starting with sectors that are likely to contribute the most to air pollution, such as food, chemicals, and leather/ garments. Key implementing agencies would be MoEnv and WAJ · Standards. For the reasons discussed in the water quality chapter, WAJ may want to revise and strengthen the standard for wastewater discharged from industries (JS 202/1991), in particular with respect to TDS, heavy metals and endocrine substances and other toxic organic materials (see water quality chapter for further details). The process of introducing new quality norm (to be led by WAJ in partnership with MoEnv and with the Chambers of Commerce) should be based on a "cost of regulation" analysis, to evaluate the cost that different industries would incur to meet the proposed standards. · Inspections. The Ministry of Environment could consider scaling and especially focusing its inspection efforts, adopting ­if necessary through amendments to the inspections regulations- a strategic approach that would target priority sectors for the different type of pollutants (such as those identified in this report), rather than being primarily complaint-driven. · Guidelines. MoEnv could prepare and issue pollution abatement guidelines, with priority given to sectors that in the previous analysis have been found to be important contributors to total pollution, such as food supplies (for air and water emissions), the engineering/ electrical sector (for heavy metal pollution); and the leather/ garment sector (for toxic emissions). 6.5.2 Medium term Pollution Abatement in Priority Industrial Sectors This report has provided preliminary indications on pollution abatement priorities across sectors, pollution types, locations, and enterprise size. Using such indications as starting point, the Ministry of Environment, in partnership with the Ministry of Industry and with the Chambers of Industry could establish a targeted, and location-specific, program to support pollution abatement, which could entail the following steps: · Consolidate the information already available on the concentrations of different pollutant types (and integrate it with rapid assessment where lacking), in order to define a list of hotspots in each industrial districts of Amman, Irbid and Zarqa; · Estimate current ranges of emissions by pollutant type, based on information already available in the Ministry of Environment, WAJ, and other institutions, to be integrated as needed by targeted surveys to ensure representativeness across locations and industrial sub-sectors; · Undertake a rapid assessment (based on environmental audits or other tools) of the average and marginal abatement cost by pollutant type and sector; · With those elements, define, for each industrial district, an air and water pollution abatement plan, which would aim at minimizing, by adequate selection of target industries, the cost of reaching selected environmental improvement objectives (e.g., reduce by 50% emissions of toxic substances in water by a target year). The objectives of the pollution abatement plan could be attained through a number of different means, including: · Enhanced enforcement of existing standards for emissions of different pollutants, such as the WAJ instructions for disposal of industrial wastewater into the public sewerage network (see the water quality chapter for details); or Jordanian standards 1189/2006 (air emissions from stationary sources); as well as expansion of standards (based on a "cost of regulation" analysis) to currently unregulated pollutants, industrial subsectors, or manufacturing process. 129 · Provision ­through the Environmental Fund being implemented by the MoEnv or other sources- of grant or concessional financing to pollution abatement investments meeting priority requirements (in terms of location, target pollutant, industrial sub-sector) defined in the pollution abatement plan. · Promote pollution abatement through a combination of (1) Positive incentives (including soft loans and technical assistance) to encourage the use of cleaner production processes; and (2) gradual phasing-in of negative incentives (pollution levy for industrial emissions exceeding a given standard) to induce firms to meet effluent/ambient standards (e.g., via end-of-pipe treatment). Initially the levy could be linked to level of activity/employment, and later -once adequate monitoring capacity is in place- to emission levels. For water pollution, the levy could be charged by WAJ (in the case of emissions in the sewerage network), or by MoEnv (for emission into other recipients). · Establishing a program of voluntary compliance, possibly to be associated with tax deductions for enterprises meeting the objectives of firm-specific environmental improvement plans (to be certified by an independent third party); · Setting up a color-coded system of mandatory disclosure of selected polluting emissions, with the aim to create public pressure towards improved environmental performance of non-complying enterprises. Either of the programs suggested above (voluntary compliance and mandatory disclosure) could be led by the MoEnv in partnership with the Chambers of Commerce. · Revisit and modify the current structure of fiscal and trade incentives (tariffs), to ensure that some of the most polluting industries are not favored in comparison to other, relatively "cleaner" industrial activities. This process should be based on a comprehensive assessment undertaken by MoEnv in partnership with the Chambers of Commerce, Ministry of Industry and Ministry of Finance. Licensing of new industrial establishments To prevent further environmental deterioration in industrial hotspots, licensing of new industrial establishment should be subject to strict licensing requirements, in line with Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) principles, as laid out in the EU program "Institutional Support to the Ministry of Environment", and carefully weighing environmental costs against employment or income benefits. For some particularly serious situations (such as parts of the Zarqa industrial district), the Government could consider establishing a moratorium on new licenses, until certain targets of environmental improvements are met. 130 CHAPTER . 7 INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY ASSESSMENT .1 7 Introduction This chapter evaluates Jordan's capacity to address key environmental challenges and undertake policy actions to enhance environmental sustainability across sectors, by: i) Assessing the environmental governance system in Jordan based upon the World Development Report 2003 (WDR) framework (see Box 9 for details). ii) Benchmarking Jordan's environmental governance system and institutional capacity vis a vis comparator countries, and with a particular emphasis on international systems (such as the World Bank's) as yardstick for the EIA process. iii) Developing recommendations for improving the effectiveness of governance structure and strengthening the institutional capacity as needed. The methodology for conducting the institutional assessment included reviewing key documents and legislation, and holding consultations with stakeholders during a two weeks field visit, with additional follow up email interviews conducted in the ensuing few weeks. A public environmental expenditure review was also undertaken to evaluate the amount and composition of resources for environmental protection, and a review of environmental assessment process was carried out. Box 9. Overview of the World Development Report 2003 framework The WDR 2003, "Sustainable Development in a Dynamic World: Transforming Institutions, Growth and Quality of Life" identifies three main functions that public sector institutions should carry out to promote sustainable development. First, institutions should be able "to pick up signals" from society on preference for environmental quality. Picking up signals includes activities such as monitoring environmental quality and setting priorities for action; public disclosure of information; mechanisms for public participation; and the effectiveness with which these mechanisms inform policymaking; and assessing demand for effective management of environmental priorities. The second function of environmental institutions is "balancing interests" of different stakeholders in order to come up with decisions. Finally, institutions are responsible for "executing decisions": this third function refers to the public sector's ability to follow through on mandates and commitments in order to improve environmental outcomes. The rest of the chapter is structured as follows. Section 7.2 sets the stage by presenting an overview of the main governmental institutions responsible for environmental protection and the laws and regulations under which they operate. Section 7.3 analyses the ability of institutional setting to pick up signals from society about environmental needs and problems through monitoring of environmental quality, public disclosure of information, and participation of the general public, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector in environmental management. Section 7.4 discusses the mechanisms for balancing interests including environmental standards in effect in Jordan, environmental management at the sub-national level, horizontal and vertical coordination issues between institutions, and the ability of sector strategies to reconcile environmental and development objectives. The last function of institutions­ executing decisions ­ is reviewed in Section 7.5. The section presents the results of the public environmental expenditure review for Jordan. It also discusses the human and financial resources of the ministry of environment, the role of judiciary in the institutional setting, and reviews the environmental assessment process in Jordan and benchmarks it against two widely accepted systems of environmental assessment: the World Bank and the EU. 131 Finally Section 7.6 contains the main conclusions and recommendations of the institutional assessment component of the CEA. .2 7 Legislative and institutional framework 7.2.1 Legislative Framework Jordan has an extensive web of laws and regulations pertaining to environmental protection and management. Jordan's first law pertaining to environmental protection was issued in 1995, and establishes the General Corporation for Environmental Protection (GCEP), an autonomous body reporting to the ministry of municipal and rural affairs and the environment. In 2003, interim law no. 1/2003 was issued and led to the replacement of GCEP by the ministry of environment, and it was ratified in 2006 as law no. 52 with a few modifications (see Box 10 for an overview of law no. 52/2006). Box 10. Environmental law no. 52 / 2006 The environmental protection law no. 52/2006 sets the definitions and outlines the main responsibilities and functions of the ministry of environment. As per the law, the ministry is responsible for setting Jordan's environmental protection policy, monitoring activities, coordinating national efforts for environmental protection, and preparing environmental contingency plans. Article 7 of the law assigns the ministry of environment with the environmental monitoring and inspection responsibilities, and grants its employees the right to enter any facility for inspection needs. Articles 8, 9, 10 relate to marine environment. Article 13 sets the requirements for conducting environmental impact assessment for projects. The law also calls for the establishment of environmental protection fund (articles 16 and 17); and sets fees for violation of its provision, terms for delegation of authority, and the operation of environmental non- governmental organizations in Jordan. Finally it lists the regulations that should be issued in accordance to the law. Of the required 12 regulations set by law; the following regulations have already been issued: marine and coastal environment; environment protection from pollution in emergency cases; air protection; nature reserves and national parks; management, transport and handling of harmful and hazardous substances; management of solid wastes; environmental impact assessment; and soil protection. Before 1995, environmental matters were regulated by a number of sectoral legislation pertaining to agriculture, health, water, and energy. The majority of these articles stayed in force after issuance of Jordan's environmental protection laws, even though by legal tradition in Jordan the articles of a new law supersede those of a previous one unless the older is a special law. For example, articles in agriculture law no. 44/2002 regulate the protection and utilization of forestry resources; public health law no. 54/2002 assigns the ministry of health with the responsibility to monitor and regulate potable water and wastewater treatment and disposal; and the municipalities' law no. 14/2007 assigns the municipalities with the responsibility of solid waste collection. The multiplicity of legal provisions governing different elements of environmental agenda attributes responsibilities to different actors, and this weakens the system as a whole. Inconsistencies and rapid changes in the regulatory framework indicate a response-driven management style. Most of the regulations and institutions reflect a sectoral approach in environmental management, while environmental management policies do not always complement policies within other sectors. In the case of Aqaba Special Economic Zone, the environmental legal framework is clearer due to the special status of the ASEZ law and the memoranda of understanding between ASEZA and various national agencies. Overlap in roles and responsibility is significant, especially in the domains of water and air quality. The historical sedimentation of legislation on environmental matters has led to a situation 132 where multiple agencies carry out similar or related activities in the same domain. The point can be graphically illustrated by computing a simple "attribution dispersion index", normalized to vary between 0 and 1. The index is based on a review of the applicable laws and regulations, conducted to identify the attribution of water and air quality functions to different Government agencies. When all agencies are involved in any given function, dispersion is highest, and the index is equal to one. When the function is concentrated in only one agency, there is no dispersion, and the index is equal to zero. Figure 53 and Figure 54 illustrate the results of the analysis for water and air quality, respectively. In the case of water quality there is high dispersion of roles for monitoring, sanctions and standard settings; in the case of air quality, for monitoring and regulation. On the other hand there is no dispersion in the case of water service provision (the sole responsibility of WAJ), and of standard setting in the case of air quality (which is attributed to the MoEnv). Figure 53. Water quality: index of dispersion of functions across agencies Sanctions Monitoring Standard Settings Financing Service provision R&D Regulation Policy making Inspection Public Awar. Infrastructure constr. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Note: if responsibilities are concentrated in one agency = 0%, if dispersed across all agencies = 100% 133 Figure 54. Air quality: index of dispersion of functions across agencies 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% Monitoring Regulation Reporting Sanctions Public Awareness Policy making Standard Settings Note: functions concentrated in one agency = 0%, functions dispersed across all agencies = 100% Upgrading of the legal framework is under way, but the process should be extended beyond the scope of action of the Ministry of Environment. The ministry of environment has recently conducted a legal framework gap analysis and a legal master plan was developed with assistance from EU to enhance Jordan's environmental legislative framework. The gap analysis noted weakness in the quality of existing legislation including conflicting articles, deficient internal structure of laws, insufficient use of proper and precise legal language, and non-compliance with fundamental rule-of- law principles. A review of the regulations confirmed the need for a legal upgrade, as most of the regulations proved general in nature and lacking the specificity required to enable transparent and predictable enforcement. The legal master plan sets a timeframe for a number of relevant regulations to be issued by the MoEnv, including: updated environmental impact assessment, strategic environmental assessment, access to environmental information, environmental liability and integrated permitting, among others. It presents a schedule for drafting the regulations based on their priority and available resources. The planned regulations reflect the identified legal gaps and are anchored in the National Agenda and the environmental strategy implementation plan of the Ministry of Environment. If properly developed, they would result in stronger environmental management framework; however, most of the tasks included in the legal master plan have medium or high priority, which may not make for a simple sequencing of activities and prioritization of regulatory efforts. The issuance of the above regulations will require coordination with the relevant institutions. Moreover, the ministry of environment has initiated public consultation on its most recent regulations that are in draft form, and it would be desirable that such practice continues as additional regulations are prepared. Jordan should strive towards achieving integrated environmental legislative system, through the introduction, as discussed in Chapter 4 above, of framework legislation such as a water code. However, such a step will require coordinated effort by the Government agencies with responsibilities in water management. 134 7.2.2 Institutional Framework The ministry of environment was established in 2003 as Jordan's lead institution for environmental management, with one of its responsibilities to coordinate national efforts to protect the environment (see Box 10 for details of the MoEnv's responsibilities as per EPL 52/2006). However, the coordination and policy setting responsibilities are not precisely defined, and reliance is made on issuance of regulations to further define these responsibilities, especially in terms of the processes to be followed for coordination and policy setting purposes. In spite of law 52/2006 attributing to the MoEnv's primary responsibility for environmental protection, many other agencies retain their environmental responsibilities and structures. Environmental sections and departments are present in a number of institutions such as the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, Water Authority of Jordan, and Ministry of Health, among others. However, full advantage is not being made of these departments for wider environmental mainstreaming, and there is a risk that environmental issues get concentrated within these departments and do not reach other areas of the agencies' work. Institutions that do not have dedicated environmental departments often resort to naming environmental focal points, whose responsibilities are often not sustainable. Those Government agencies that do not have a dedicated environment section or department (such as ministries of industry and trade, tourism and antiquities, transport, education) resort, upon need, to naming a focal point for environment ­ whose responsibilities often include liaising with institutions on issues that pertain to both their respective agencies' mandate and the environment. In several cases, the responsibilities of environmental focal points need to be clarified and/or strengthened. .3 7 Picking Up Signals The first function of institutions according to the WDR (2003) framework is picking up signals on environmental issues and priorities. As illustrated in Figure 55, this entails a circular process of exchange of information between stakeholders, in particular between citizens and the Government. Both acquire information on environmental conditions, either through direct observation or by means of scientific monitoring. Citizens need access to data collected by the Government to improve their understanding of environmental issue, so that they can provide feedback on priorities and voice their concerns. Figure 55. Picking up signal: a conceptual framework This section looks at the institutional framework in Jordan in terms of its ability and effectiveness in picking up signals: through monitoring (using as examples air and water quality), and from society, by discussing the roles of the general public, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector in environmental management. Good practices established by the World Development Report (2003), as well as Aarhus Convention for Access to Information, Public Participation, and Justice are used as 135 international benchmarks for public participation, while monitoring practices are compared to EU and other international experiences. 7.3.1 Water quality monitoring Water quality monitoring suffers from some confusion over types of monitoring as well as overlap in responsibilities on the ground. Monitoring is performed at different levels and for diverse purposes by the institutions involved, which shows clear overlap in monitoring of surface water resources. The different types of monitoring (environmental, quality control and health monitoring) have already been discussed in Chapter 4, along with the significant degree of overlap in roles and responsibilities among institutions. Overlap in responsibilities leads to some gaps in environmental monitoring of surface and ground water resources. Despite the large involvement of all potential monitoring entities, the monitoring of surface water resources has some shortcomings, including deficiencies and overlaps in the monitoring program that consume scarce funds. For example, there is repetition in monitoring of well-known standard chemical and physical parameters that does not contribute towards additional gains in water resources management and protection, as well as a lack of flexible measurement of toxic parameters such as heavy metals in reservoir sediments and toxic organic components. Also, monitoring of the environmental status of surface waters (biodiversity, saprobic indices), which may be of interest for a limited number of water resources is not carried out. Finally, groundwater quality monitoring is not well integrated with quantitative monitoring. There is limited dissemination of results of monitoring program and the multiplicity of agencies and databases further complicates access to information by the general public. The water authority of Jordan publishes annual report with aggregated results of its monitoring efforts, the same is true of JVA, and some monitoring results are channeled through the department of statistics. The Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Health offer limited dissemination of information to the general public. Requesting information from the monitoring agencies is made more difficult by the lack of a harmonized database for environmental monitoring, thus data is kept in varying formats at the monitoring institutions. 7.3.2 Air quality monitoring There are several types of monitoring for air quality that are performed to various degrees and in different locations by various institutions. See Table 46 for overview of the monitoring responsibilities for ambient air quality and air emissions, as well as air quality monitoring in ASEZA. Table 46: Air quality monitoring responsibilities Monitoring Type MoEnv MoH ASEZA RSS DVLD* Environmental Rangers 1. Ambient air quality X X X X 2. Air Emissions monitoring from: 2.1 Stationary sources X X X X 2.2 Mobile Sources X X X X * Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department Air quality monitoring is limited in scope and geographic extent. Chapter 3 suggested that air quality is one of the top environmental issues facing Jordan. Despite the relatively large number of institutions nominally in charge, actual air pollution monitoring focuses primarily on ambient air 136 quality in industrial and vehicular traffic hotspots and has limited coverage over space and time, particularly in Amman were there are few air monitoring stations with sparse records and short time series. The Ministry of Environment with support from the French Development Agency is embarking on developing a network for air quality monitoring. This would be an excellent opportunity to review the institutional responsibilities on the ground ­ who is doing what ­ in terms of monitoring, to avoid overlaps and ensure cost effectiveness of resources used. 7.3.3 General public The public in Jordan shows interest in environmental matters; however, its ability to access information and participate in decisions on the environment is limited. According to the World Values Survey, the general public in Jordan has a positive attitude towards environmental protection. As illustrated in Figure 56, approximately half of the respondents (51%) elected to give priority to environmental protection even if it resulted in slower economic growth, a higher proportion than in comparator countries in MENA and the Mediterranean regions. Figure 56. World Values Survey results on general public environmental awareness 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Turkey Canada Jordan Spain Egypt Morocco Iran [2000] Saudi Algeria [2001] [2000] [2001] [2000] [2000] [2001] Arabia [2002] [2003] Protecting environment Economy growth and creating jobs Other answer Source: World Values Survey (2001) ( Access of the public to environmental information and public participation in Jordan is improving but falls still short of meeting the standards (Box 11) of the Aarhus convention. Box 11. The Aarhus convention as benchmark for access to environmental information The Aarhus Convention provides the framework for benchmarking Jordan's access to information and public participation progress which are discussed in this section. The Convention's access-to-information pillar consists of two portions: the first one concerns the right of the public to seek information from public authorities and the obligation of public authorities to provide information in response to a request, and the second part concerns the right of the public to receive information and the obligation of authorities to collect and disseminate information of public interest without the need for a specific request. The public participation pillar is divided into three parts: i) participation by the public that may be affected by or is otherwise interested in decision-making on a specific activity; ii) public participation in the development of plans, programs and policies relating to the environment; and iii) public participation in the preparation of laws, rules and legally binding norms. 137 Right to seek information from public authorities In 2007, Jordan issued an access to information law, though it deviates from best practices established by the Aarhus Convention. Law no. 47/2007 gives the right to every Jordanian to access information available with the public sector. The law sets a time limit of 31 days for a response following the submission of the information request, defines categories of information that may not be accessed, and calls for issuance of regulations pertaining to the different articles of this law ­ which are still to be issued. However, unlike the Aarhus Convention, which explicitly states that no justification for the information access should be requested, the law requires that requests for information be justified. The Ministry of Environment has plans to develop an access to information law which may be an opportunity to bring access to environmental information closer to best practice established by the Aarhus Convention. The legal master plan document, developed by the Ministry of Environment to guide its legal upgrading effort, acknowledges the benefits of public participation towards environmental management, as well as the right of the Ministry of Environment to prepare an access to information regulation according to its environmental law and separate from Law no. 47/2007. It notes at the same time that any such regulation will refer solely to the information for which the Ministry of Environment is a holder (this will exclude environmental information held by other ministries such as MoWI's water quality data). Obligation of authorities to collect and disseminate information The availability of publications varies across environmental themes and institutions, and requires strengthening. Several institutions issue regular publications detailing their work and providing environmental information, such as the Water Authority of Jordan annual report, and the department of statistics' environment in figures booklet with data provided from relevant institutions. The Ministry of Environment has not issued such publications, and publications detailing air quality data and real time data availability are limited, though ASEZA is implementing a monitoring program which will include provision of real-time information to the public on air quality through monitors in downtown Aqaba. Public participation There are shortcomings in the three components of public participation process as defined by the Aarhus Convention. Regarding the first part, the institutionalization of the EIA process has provided more opportunities than previously available for public participation. However, as discussed in section 7.5.4 below on environmental impact assessment, the process has its limitations since public consultations are limited to the scoping sessions which themselves are often by invitation, and there is no dissemination of scoping statements or environment impact statements, even though it is a legal requirement in ASEZA. Public participation in the development of plans, programs and policies as well as laws, and regulations is increasing; however, it requires institutionalization. There are a few recent examples of public participation in the development of policies and legislation, for example: the Greater Amman Municipality and the Ministry of Environment have recently resorted to posting their key documents and legislation on the internet for public comment, and the Legislation and Opinion Bureau launched in 2007 a site for gathering feedback on legal drafts. The Ministry of Environment recently developed its internal procedures for developing or updating environmental strategies, which could be a good entry point for public consultation ­ by including the requirement within the procedures for disclosing the drafted new or updated policy for public consultation and comment. 138 7.3.4 Non-Governmental organizations Jordan's public has confidence in its environmental movement, as indicated by the results of the World Values Survey, with over 60% of respondents indicating confidence in the environmental movement (Figure 57), a larger share than in comparator countries such as Morocco, Iran or Spain. This suggests the existence of a favorable climate for further expanding the work of NGOs. However, key conditions need to be met to enhance the NGO effectiveness in contributing towards Jordan's environmental agenda, such as capacity, funding, and most importantly access to information and public participation (as discussed in previous section). In addition, NGOs may be strengthened by institutionalizing their relationship with the Ministry of Environment through more systematic outsourcing of activities such as awareness raising and education campaigns. Figure 57. Public's confidence in environmental movement 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Egypt [2000] Turkey Jordan Canada Morocco Spain [2000] Saudi Iran [2000] [2001] [2001] [2000] [2001] Arabia [2003] A great deal or quite a lot Not very much or not at all Source: World Values Survey Jordan has a varied environmental non-governmental sector and significant grass-root environmental activity. There are eighteen environmental NGOs in Jordan that vary in their size, capacity, membership, and environmental theme of choice. Most of these work at the national level, though a few also work with local communities. In addition, many community based organizations are involved in environmental issues as evidenced by data from the UNDP-GEF Small Grants Program which, since its inception in Jordan in 1992, funded 145 projects with an average financing of $30,000. Of these, 53% were implemented by local cooperatives. Jordan's non-governmental sector contributes towards the environmental agenda. NGOs in Jordan work towards raising environmental awareness, mobilizing funds and providing technical assistance to communities and industries. In recent years, NGOs played a role in mobilizing public opinion to influence policy. Some NGOs are represented on Government committees such as the EIA technical review committee. The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) is mandated by the Government to manage nature reserves. The Ministry of Environment is reaching out to NGOs. Even though all of the NGOs are registered with the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Environment issues special regulations that mandate licensing environmental NGOs as such and regulates their operation. In recent steps, the 139 Ministry of Environment has been holding regular meeting with representatives from NGOs working in the environment. Though positive, any such relationship with NGOs should be institutionalized in order to ensure its sustainability. Academia and research sector in Jordan also contributes towards its environmental agenda; however, their participation needs to be institutionalized. Academia and research institutions contribute towards the environmental agenda through their research facilities, and some institutions have memoranda of understanding to provide services to Government agencies. They are also often represented in various committees established by the Government which allows them to contribute to strategic and policy setting; however, this process is not always consistent. Media contribute towards promoting awareness on environmental issues in Jordan. The daily newspapers regularly publish articles pertaining to environmental issues, and press releases by environmental agencies. The most prominent topic is water; however, air pollution, biodiversity, climate change and other environmental issues are represented. 7.3.5 Private sector Private sector entities are showing increasing interest in the environment, but they are likely to be a small minority. For example, the Jordan Industrial Estate Corporation (JIEC), home to over 450 industrial enterprises, set environmental objectives within its institutional strategy and issued an environmental guide for its industries. There has also been an increase in the number of ISO 14001 certifications and the number of enterprises participants in UN Global Compact. ISO survey showed that by December 2006, 39 establishments in Jordan have been ISO 14001 certified71, and nine entities in Jordan are participants in the Global Compact. Nevertheless, the ratio of ISO 14001 certified establishments compared to total number of establishments in Jordan is small. Similar comparison across the region, places Jordan in middle ranking, with Morocco, Qatar and Tunisia leading in the ratio of ISO 14001 certified enterprises (Figure 58). Figure 58. ISO 14001 certifications and global compact participants/ 1000 establishments 80 ents 70 No. per 10,000 establishm 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Algeria Lebanon Syria Jordan Kuw ait Tunisia Qatar Morocco ISO 14001 Global Compact Note: Data for number of establishments is extracted from UNIDO: INDSTAT3 ISIC Rev.2 database. Studies indicate deficiencies in legislative framework, lack of incentives, and limited environmental awareness efforts as main factors contributing towards limited environmental initiative by the private sector. A study conducted within the chemical sector in Jordan showed that environmental regulation had a negative effect on firms' adoption of environmental innovation strategies, and an assessment of corporate environmental responsibility in Jordan indicated an 71 International Organization for Standardization. 2007. The ISO Survey of Certifications ­ 2006. ISO, Switzerland. 140 absence of pressures on firms from the media, stakeholders, and consumers to improve their environmental performance.72, 73 Tariffs on environmental goods are higher in Jordan than the world/developing country averages; however they are lower than the overall national average. Since most developing countries typically depend on imports for increasing their use of clean technologies, import tariffs might be a significant factor in determining private sector's attitude towards investments in environmental protection. In 2005, Jordan average tariffs for environmental products74 averaged 7%, while those for climate friendly technology were 12%, against an overall average of 8% for Jordan's total imports. While Jordan's tariffs on environmental goods followed the overall national trend of decreased tariff protection (Figure 59), they remain higher than the average for developing countries (5%), OECD (1%) and the world (3%). In the MENA region, Jordan ranks mid-range, charging lower tariffs than Algeria and Morocco, but higher than Egypt and Tunisia. Figure 59. Tariff trends in Jordan 25 20 Tariff rates (percentage points) 15 Climate Friendly Technology 10 5 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Envrionmental Products Climate Friendly Technology Total Trade Source: Data on tariffs were provided by UNCTAD and the WTO through the World Integrated Trade Solution system. Further decrease in tariffs on environmental products might help remove barriers towards wider adoption of clean technology by Jordan's private sector. However, additional incentives are likely to be necessary to affect private sector behavior in a significant manner (through regulation or market mechanisms). The use of non-punitive instruments (such as using public disclosure of performance of the polluter by NGOs and media) may improve private sector performance and encourage implementation of environmental management systems (EMS). 72 Hindiyeh M. 2007. Assessment of corporate environmental responsibility in Jordan. Prepared for UNDP project "Launching the UN Global Compact". 73 Eiadat Y, Kelly A, Roche F, Eyadat H. 2008. Green and competitive? An empirical test of the mediating role of environmental innovation strategy. Journal of World Business. 43: 131 ­ 145 74 The present analysis is based on the definition of environmental products resulting from combining the OECD and APEC list. See: 141 .4 7 Balancing Interests This section analyzes the ability of Jordan's institutions and organizations to balance competing interest in environmental management. First, it looks at standards which are one way to summarize in a few numbers trade-offs between environment and development objectives. Next, it discusses the ability of institutions in charge of different sector development agendas to cooperate towards better environmental sustainability (thereby balancing diverging interests), particularly by looking at the way in which sector strategies address environmental concerns. 7.4.1 Environmental standards Jordan Institute for Standards and Metrology (JISM) is the main agency responsible for issuing standards in accordance to standards and metrology law no. 22/2000. Technical committees consisting of relevant agencies and experts are established by JISM to develop specific standards, and the draft standards are shared with all relevant organizations for comment before its final approval. Often affected sectors are represented in the technical committee, such as representatives from the industrial sector being part of committee for setting standards on air emission limits. The committee approach contributes towards balancing interests of different parties; however, draft standards are not published for public feedback. Several environmental standards cover issues pertaining to water and air quality in Jordan. There are four main standards pertaining to water and wastewater: 1. Jordanian Standard 286/2008. Technical Regulations on Drinking Water. 2. Jordanian Standard 893/2006. Reclaimed Domestic Wastewater. 3. Jordanian Standard 202/1991. Industrial Wastewater. The standard sets norms for the release of industrial wastewater to the environment 4. Jordanian Standard 1145/2006. Uses of Treated Sludge in Agriculture. In addition to the above, although not a formal standard, WAJ issued instructions for disposal of commercial and industrial wastewater to the public sewerage system (1998). In terms of air quality, there are two sets of standards: 1. Jordanian Standard 1189/2006: maximum allowable limits of air pollutants emitted from stationary sources. These standards set emission limits for total suspended particulates by type of industry as well as gaseous substances, and define acceptable measurement methods. 2. Jordanian Standard 1140/2006: Ambient air quality standards provide limits for ambient air quality for particulates (TSP and PM10) as well as gaseous substances (SO2, CO, NO2, H2S, and Pb). A comparison between Jordanian ambient air quality standards and those of other countries, show that Jordanian standards are comparable in terms of stringency with those of Europe, US, Japan and China. Figure 60 shows a comparison of ambient quality standards for main parameters with selected countries. The index used for comparison is based on ranking of individual parameters according to stringency, i.e. for a parameter that is the most stringent in the group of countries, the index takes the value of 1; if the standard is the least stringent, the index takes the value of 0. The overall un-weighted average for Jordan is 0.4; i.e., there are 60% of the norms analyzed that are less stringent in Jordan than in the other countries considered. However, Jordanian standards are quite stringent for pollutants with strong health impacts, such as lead, PM2.5, and CO. Jordan's standards tend to be less stringent for SO2 and NO2 at 94% percentile rank (indicating that 94% of 142 standards compared are stricter than those of Jordan). The implications that can be drawn from the exercise are: a) in establishing air quality standards, Jordan seems to have accorded high priority to the environmental health impacts of air pollution; b) it is not clear, however, that the implications in terms of cost of compliance for emitting sectors (i.e. transport, power, industry) have been taken into account in the "balancing interests" process. Figure 60. Jordan Air quality limits norms in relation to comparator countries Notes: 1 = Jordan standard is most stringent of the group, 0= Jordan's standard is the least stringent. Standards used for comparison: EU, US, Japan, WHO, China (residential, commercial and industrial areas) Sources: Study no. 1 A comparison of EU air quality pollution policies and legislation with other countries. Series: Environmental measures and enterprise policy. European commission. January 2004 (with modifications) and Jordanian Standards JS 1140: 2006. Even though the standards for air and water quality are adequate, monitoring and enforcement systems require improvement. As discussed in the sections on water and air monitoring, there are overlapping institutional responsibilities that lead to deficiencies in monitoring. Such overlap exists also in the enforcement of the standards. The standards themselves do not specify the institution that is responsible for monitoring and enforcement; rather these responsibilities are specified in relevant institutional and sectoral laws. Standards for air and water quality have been updated periodically since their introduction; however, they need to be also responsive to new developments and country needs. Fragmentation at the national and regional levels results in no single institution being able to take enforcement actions effectively. The directorate of inspection and enforcement as well and the environment regional directorates conduct separate inspections, issue warnings and enforce temporary closure through the environment rangers. In view of lack of measuring equipment and inspection manuals, inspections are based on ad-hoc complaints and are usually conducted visually. Inspection at the national and local level resulted in temporary closure of 66 installations in 2007 and 13 in 2006 for small and medium enterprises for lack of compliance. Jordan's legislative framework focuses on command and control instruments to achieve these standards, with limited opportunity for use of economic and community based instruments. The use of economic and community incentives have been instrumental for attaining environmental quality in a number of countries (Switzerland, Czech Republic, Sweden, Denmark and USA). Evidence suggests that economic instruments have lower costs to industry (in the USA NOx and SO2 trading schemes resulted in 40% emissions' reduction and in savings estimated at 43% of the compliance costs that would have been incurred under a uniform plan), and minimal impacts on significant competitiveness effects. EU experience suggests that good legislation is the start in 143 lowering emissions, although a number of other drivers contribute towards lower emissions as well, including: voluntary agreements; best practice; integrated technology; and resource consumption and economic considerations. 7.4.2 Institutional Coordination Another dimension of the "balancing interest process" is the ability to reconcile sector development priorities with the objective of managing the resulting pressures on the environment. One way to look at it is to examine the coordination of Government entities on environmental topics; the second is to look at how sector ministries internalize environmental concerns into their activities. Concerning coordination, the issue is of particular significance in Jordan, on account of the high dispersion of environmental responsibilities across institutions, already discussed in section 7.2 above and further illustrated in Figure 61, which shows the index of dispersion of themes across agencies. The index answers the question: "how many agencies are working on a particular theme?", if all agencies are involved on a given theme, the index scores 100% (i.e. maximum dispersion of agencies across this theme), if only one agency is working on a given theme, then the index scores 0% (i.e. minimum dispersion). Figure 61. Index of dispersion of themes across agencies Water quality/Resources Air Quality Hazardous material Solid Waste Industrial sector Noise Biodiversity Medical Waste Protected areas Soil / desertification Environmental emergency Marine environment 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Note: if responsibility of an environmental theme is concentrated in one agency the index is = 0%; if dispersed across all agencies =100%. The degree of dispersion was measured for the institutions whose work is relevant to the environment (ASEZA, ministries of environment, water and irrigation, agriculture, health, Jordan Valley authority, and water authority of Jordan) by reviewing their relevant legislation and counting the themes and functions for which they are legally assigned responsibilities. Water resources and water quality, followed by air quality and hazardous material seem to be the most dispersed themes across the reviewed institutions. The high dispersion of water theme across agencies may be a reflection of the importance that is accorded by the Government towards this 144 theme. At the same time, it increases the need for coordination between the institutions to ensure a cost effective resource use and decrease any areas of overlap. Current mechanisms for coordination largely rely on inter-agency committees and memoranda of understanding. In the face of such a strong need to harmonize actions of many different actors, the environment protection law assigns to the Ministry of Environment the role to coordinate national environmental protection effort. In practice, institutional coordination in Jordan has been mostly taking the form of multi-agency committees established for specific purposes (e.g., updating a strategy). Given that they are by definition temporary, committees do no guarantee longer term institutional commitment. In terms of the specific tasks, their effectiveness largely depends upon the skills, commitment, and particularly, the level of seniority (and hence of decision making authority) of the persons attending. Memoranda of understanding (MOUs) might help formalize cooperation arrangements for environmental protection, thereby increasing its stability and effectiveness. Their use could be expanded, although they are unlikely to guarantee the same type of institutional coordination incentives that would derive from legislation or regulation. 7.4.3 Environmental and sectoral strategies Strategies might be important vehicles for integrating environment across sectors, to the extent that they include a solid analysis of the problem, a shared vision and objectives, targets for enhanced environmental performance, and allocation of resources to reach such targets. This section briefly reviews selected strategies, first those explicitly aimed at promoting the environmental agenda; and then the strategies of sectors that have important implications for environmental sustainability. Environment Strategies Environmental strategies developed by Jordan over the past twenty years have been instrumental to articulate the country's vision and objectives; their impact on the ground remains to be evaluated. The initial strategies (e.g., National Environmental Strategy (1992) and National Environmental Action Plan (1995)), tried to identify and list the environmental issues facing Jordan, and guide the Government's environmental policy. Jordan also developed a number of strategies and action plans as a result of its global commitments, such as the National Agenda 21 (2001), National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (2003), the National Strategy and Action Plan to Combat Desertification (2006), and National Implementation Plan for Persistent Organic Pollutants (2006). A main issue that faces Jordan is prioritizing across the various issues identified in the various environmental strategies. In 2007, the MoEnv through a process of internal deliberations and consensus, developed its Environmental Strategy Implementation Plan 2007 ­ 2010 (ESIP), which builds on the ministry's strategic objectives and its functional areas, it also links and derives its program/activities from the National Agenda and the previously developed environmental strategies and efforts. For each of the seven strategic objectives of the MoEnv, the ESIP spells out policies, program/activities for each policy, and performance indicators. However, outcome based targets are not set, and the performance indicators are more output than outcome based, which is a result of the ESIP project based approach. Sector development strategies Most sector strategies acknowledge the importance of environmental mainstreaming, but few of them define measurable targets, assign responsibilities, or create defined institutional coordination mechanisms for addressing environmental concerns. Sector development strategies have direct and indirect impacts on the environment; balancing interests would require that they take the environmental dimensions into consideration. Many of Jordan's recent strategies recognize the 145 significance of the linkages between sector development and the environment. However, most of them typically set the general direction and define broad action plans, but they do not set measurable targets and indicators for environmental mainstreaming. A notable exception is the National Agenda document, which sets specific targets for environmental quality; however, for some parameters, the indicators and targets might be too ambitious and may require a revision. 7.4.4 Mainstreaming environment into sectoral development Previous sections have argued that up to now efforts to integrate the environment into the development process have had limited results: coordination mechanisms tend to be ad-hoc, and sector strategies define principles rather than specific instruments for mainstreaming. In the face of limited results of previous environmental mainstreaming efforts, Jordan would benefit from more systematic and formalized processes, such as strategic environmental assessment (SEA). As Jordan is facing increased environmental challenges, integrating environmental concerns into national development plans and sector strategies is gaining utmost urgency. The ministry of environment, as the agency legally designated with the protection of Jordan's environmental resources, needs to find ways to work closely with other sectoral institutions, for many of which environment is not a main priority in comparison to their direct areas of influence and work. Strategic environmental assessment has been identified as one of the tools for mainstreaming environment and ensuring public participation in the development of strategies and plans. An overview of several EU countries shows that SEA is a legal requirement in many of them, with the term being widely used to refer to a systematic process to analyze the environmental effects of policies, plans and programs. SEA could be used in combination with other tools to achieve optimal results in mainstreaming environment. The Ministry of Environment is developing with assistance from the EU a Strategic Environmental Assessment Framework (SEA). This framework would enhance the environmental mainstreaming process and further strengthen the role of MoEnv as a coordinating institution for environmental protection and promoting sustainability. Applying the SEA helps to promote integrated environment and development decision-making and increases and formalizes coordination across sectors, thereby helping Jordan move away from the ad-hoc approach to environmental integration which currently characterizes much of the interaction between MoEnv and other ministries. Application of SEA system in Jordan would bring it in line with the international best practices, established by the Aarhus Convention, since the SEA process is recognized as one of the means to give expression to the requirement of the convention to public participation with regard to plans, programs and policies, as well as with the provisions of protocol on strategic environmental assessment (SEA) to the UNECE convention on EIA in a transboundary context, a protocol which is open to all United Nations members. The Ministry of Environment should take the lead in applying SEA system in Jordan, and should build demand for environmental quality to enhance its application. Building demand for environmental quality could be achieved through systematic monitoring, analysis and public disclosure of environmental information and establishment of indicators with associated monitoring and evaluation that could be easily monitored on a regular basis and which would be relevant within the Jordanian context in order to establish continuity and have the ability to monitor changes in quality over time. Efficient application of SEA in Jordan requires capacity development within the ministry of environment as well as the country for carrying out the SEA, data availability, and funding. 146 .5 7 Executing Decisions Executing decisions is the last function of environmental institutions, which follows the picking up signals from society and balancing interests. Decisions are executed through regulations, taxes and enforcement. This section discusses the executing decisions aspects of the environmental management framework in Jordan. First, it presents the results of the public environmental expenditure review as a way to assess the volume and composition of public resources assigned to execute environmental protection decisions. Second, it discusses the resources assigned to the Ministry of Environment and the constraints to their effective use. Next, it analyzes the effectiveness of the environmental impact assessment (EIA) process, since this is a key vehicle for executing decisions on environmental quality. Finally, the role of the judiciary in enforcement and conflict resolution is discussed. The enabling environment: the quality of public sector action The effectiveness of environmental management in any country is influenced by its broader institutional and governance framework. In Jordan, the quality of public sector action compares well with the rest of the MENA region, thereby creating a favorable context for environmental management. According to a recent World Bank study on structural reform indicators75, Jordan fares well on the two aggregated governance indicators: quality of public administration and public sector accountability. Figure 62 shows that Jordan has the highest score in the region (34%) in terms of public sector accountability (against a MENA average of 20%), and scored 54%, well above the MENA average of 47%, in terms of quality of public administration. 75 World Bank. 2008. MENA Economic developments and prospects 2007: job creation in an era of high growth. 147 Figure 62. Governance indicators in Jordan, MENA and the World (2007) Public sector accountability index (percentile rank, 2007) World 50 40 Jordan Morocco Kuwait 30 Algeria Bahrain Egypt Iran MENATunisia UAE 20 Yemen Oman Qatar 10 Syria Saudi Arabia Libya 0 80 Quality of administration index (percentile rank, 2007) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 ia o in ia ia A an en an t d ya ia E t ar an yp b ai cc N A rl is ra er yr ra em at w rd m ib o Ir E U g ro n lg ah S W Q iA u M L O E Jo u K Y o A T B M d au S Note: the figures are expressed in percentile rank Source: World Bank (2008) The performance of Jordan's public sector as a whole represents an opportunity for improved environmental management; but it also points to the need for getting the relatively younger environmental institutions up to speed with the rest of the public sector. 7.5.1 Public environmental expenditure review Jordan's public expenditure on environmental protection is significant, but concentrated on wastewater management, and handled by relatively few institutions. A review of the public environmental expenditure ­PEE (conducted for the first time in Jordan in the context of this CEA) shows that total PEE during the period 2002-2006 amounted to an average of 0.8% of Jordan's GDP at real prices, and 2.3% of total government spending (see Table 47). Annex 4 provides the methodology of the public environmental expenditure review. 148 Table 47: Total PEE proportion in GDP and total public expenditure Variable 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 GDP at market prices (JOD bn) 6.879 7.354 8.32 9.231 10.409 Inflation rate as measured by % change in GDP deflator 0.9 2.1 3.1 3.2 5.18 Deflated GDP (JOD bn) using GDP deflator 6.818 7.203 8.070 8.945 9.896 Total PEE at market prices (JOD bn)* 0.042 0.090 0.071 0.076 0.075 Deflated PEE (JOD bn) 0.042 0.088 0.068 0.074 0.072 % of PE of the GDP (%) 0.61% 1.23% 0.85% 0.83% 0.72% Total government expenditure at market prices (JOD bn) 2.396 2.810 3.181 3.539 3.912 Deflated government budget (JOD bn) 2.375 2.752 3.085 3.429 3.720 PEE as % of government spending 1.7% 3.2% 2.2% 2.2% 1.9% * PEE includes central Government finance, public independent institutions, municipalities, and Greater Amman Municipality. Differences in classification systems warrant caution in cross-country comparison; however the first indications from the PEER exercise would suggest that Jordan's public environmental expenditure as percent of GDP compares well to the EU. For a selected group of EU countries in 2005 the PEE represented 0.5% of GDP (Eurostat 2008), though some countries showed a higher public environmental expenditure as percent of GDP such as Denmark which from 1994-2005 had public environmental expenditure of over 1% of GDP (see Figure 63). In spite of the fact that efforts were made to organize the Jordan PEER as much as possible in accordance to EUROSTAT guidelines (see Annex 4 for details), a fully fledged comparison would require that all public expenditure be classified according to the CEPA nomenclature, which is only partially mirrored by the way in which environmental expenditure is defined by the Government Financial Statistics Manual adopted in 2001 by the Government of Jordan. Figure 63. Public Environmental expenditure as percent of GDP in selected EU countries In spite of the wide array of environmental priorities identified in environmental and sector strategies, a large share of public environmental expenditure is related to wastewater management. Figure 64 indicates that expenditure classified as wastewater management accounts for 40% of the period's total PEE; however, the actual share is likely to be higher: due to differences in the level of details applied by different ministries to the classification of their expenditure, MoPIC (which accounts for 24% of total PEE), classifies 90% of its own PEE as "nec" (not otherwise classified). Casual inspection of MoPIC detailed budget data suggest that most of the expenditure 149 handled by MoPIC (which consists of loan or grants from international development agencies) is in fact related to waste water treatment. Figure 64. Total public environmental expenditure by domain for 2002 ­ 2006 Waste water Management Environnemental Protection n.e.c. Waste management Protection of biodiversity and landscape Pollution abatement R&D Environmental Protection 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Mn JD Source: calculation based on records of the MoF, GBD, GAM and CVB (2000-2007) Average expenditures for 2002-2006 show that the Water Authority of Jordan has the highest proportion of environmental expenditures (41%), where expenditure is mainly on wastewater networks and treatment (see Figure 64). For the same reasons summarized above, the real share is likely to be higher, since the PEE attributed to the ministry of planning and international cooperation (24%), are typically executed by the relevant sector agency, which would be WAJ in the case of wastewater treatment. Average annual expenditure for GAM formed 20% of all Jordan's average PEE, of which over 90% is on solid waste management. The ministry of environment and ASEZA accounted for 2% each of total Jordan's public environmental expenditure on environment. Figure 65. Average PEE for years 2002 ­ 2006 percent by agency ASEZA MOE MOMA 2% 2% 5% MOAg 6% WAJ 41% GAM 20% MOPIC 24% Notes: 1. Total for above is 99%, average PEE for the Higher Council for Youth, JVA, Petra Regional Authority, and MoF support to NGOs account for the remaining 1%. 2. PEE for GCEP (2002) was combined with PEE for MoEnv (2003-2006) as the institution that succeeded GCEP. These results contrast with data from EU, where major expenditures are on non-core domains. Non-core domains include: energy, transport, agriculture, civil protection, consumers protection, and urban areas. Wastewater constitutes less than 10% of total public environmental expenditures. 150 Public environmental expenditure contribution to research and development is low at less than 1%, leading to a more limited role of research institutions in environmental policy setting. In contrast, the average contribution of EU member states in 1997 to research and development formed 8% of all expenditures on environmental domains (Eurostat 2008). The vast majority of the environmental expenditure in Jordan (87% between 2002 and 2006) is capital expenditures: in other words, the majority of environmental expenditure in Jordan is intended to lay the ground for future prosperity, since current expenditure generates "well-being" in the present while capital expenditure lays the groundwork for future prosperity. The results of cost of environmental degradation identify the issues of air quality and water quality as priority environmental issues. This does not contradict the results of the PEER, since the high expenditure on environmental protection can be related with low environmental quality (the situation makes expenditure necessary) and also with high environmental quality (that has improved over time as a result of the public environmental expenditure). As such, it is possible that the reason behind the low contribution towards degradation of solid waste and wastewater issues is the high public expenditure that has been accorded to these issues. Jordan's public environmental expenditure is in line with the Government national priorities as indicated in the National Agenda and in the different plans of the key agencies such as the MWI, MoEnv as well as GAM. Interpretation of PEER results The first PEER conducted in Jordan in the context of the present CEA should be considered as an initial step towards a system of more structured (and internationally comparable) accounting of national efforts for environmental protection. Such a more comprehensive system could provide important information on the adequacy and effectiveness of resources mobilized for the environment, but it should include, in addition to the PEER: · An estimate of private expenditure for the environment: not all efforts to improve environmental quality are (or should be) undertaken by the public sector. End-of-pipe or process investment undertaken by industries to reduce air or water emissions are an obvious example; · A set of headline indicators of environmental quality at the national level, measured at regular intervals, made available to the public, and presented in easily understandable ways. Even if cause-effect relationships might be difficult (or inappropriate) to establish, a trend of increased environmental expenditure (private and public) accompanied by deteriorating or not improving environmental quality would provide broad indications that public and/or private efforts should be scaled up, restructured in terms of composition across themes, or improved in terms of quality or cost-effectiveness. What the present PEER can already indicate is that: · Jordan's public expenditure as percentage of GDP is sizeable, especially considering that it is at the high end of the range of EU PEE: this confirms the Government's commitment to improving environmental quality (although it does not demonstrate the cost effectiveness of the intervention financed); · The large share of PEE assigned to wastewater management suggests that the Government has given priority to treatment as a strategy to improve water quality. As discussed in Table 66, there may be options (such as water saving policies) with lower unit costs and multiple social dividends, that could be explored to increase the environmental benefits per JOD spent; · Looking at the results of the COED analysis (Table 68), the national Government and GAM will probably need to scale up their efforts to improve air quality. While good progress can be made 151 with interventions at zero or low cost for the public budget (e.g., in the case of transport, better regulating vehicular inspection and fleet quality), it is likely that at least in the early stages the process of reducing emissions will need to be incentivized and sped up with public funds. Ultimately the mix between public and private funds will be the result of political decisions, but some re-allocation or environmental spending in favor of air quality management might be unavoidable. 7.5.2 Resources available to the Ministry of Environment The Ministry of Environment has demanding tasks but limited resources to carry them out. Previous sections of this chapter have highlighted that the current institutional set up requires a great deal of coordination across ministries to improve environmental quality. In the face of a sizeable amount of public funds mobilized for environmental protection (section 7.5.1 above), the effectiveness of their use is likely to depend upon the ability to coordinate different actors, and more generally, to provide overall policy direction to Government action on the environment. The question is then: does the Ministry of Environment -as entity charged with those coordination and policy direction functions- have enough human and financial resources to carry them out effectively? Since its establishment in 2003 the Ministry of Environment underwent an institutional capacity development and reform process. The MoEnv institutional review recently conducted with EU assistance (2006-2007) identified several priority areas for further institutional growth and effectiveness, including strengthening its leadership and management role and the core functions of the ministry, build capacity of new directorates, reorganization and strengthening of regional directorates, and cooperation with local government, private sector, and NGOs. The ministry is currently in the process of implementing those actions, and it is too soon to expect tangible results. However, the constraints imposed by resources available are significant. In particular, MoEnv is understaffed when compared to countries with similar GDP per capita. A cross-country review of staffing levels at ministries of environment (Figure 66) shows that, after controlling for relevant factors such as per capita GDP, population, and land areas, the Ministry of Environment in Jordan is highly understaffed. This is particularly striking if one considers that the staffing levels in the comparator countries are typically inadequate as well76. 76 Such comparison provides a rough picture as it does not take into consideration the numbers of professional versus administrative staff, as well as the environmental management framework within the countries i.e. the responsibilities of other institutions with environmental mandates. 152 Figure 66. Comparison of ministries of environment staffing levels per unit of density Sources: World Bank data, CEAs for (Bangladesh, Pakistan, El Salvador, Colombia and Peru), New Zealand Ministry of Environment website, EU Institutional Strengthening project for Jordan. The figures are expressed in terms of number of staff per unit of density (population/ land area). The institutional strengthening component of the EU capacity strengthening project reviewed the staffing levels at the Ministry of Environment, and recommended to increase staffing levels by 50 employees to reach 150 staff. The ministry received approval for recruiting 31 additional staff which will ease to some extent the under-staffing situation. The Ministry of Environment budget for capital expenses has increased, as well as its predictability since it is based on National Agenda action plans. A review of the MoEnv budget for year 2007 ­ 2010 shows that the Ministry of Environment devotes a significant portion of its budget to environmental quality monitoring, support of the environmental rangers department, waste management, protection of biodiversity, pollution abatement, and wastewater management issues. Internal coordination within MoEnv could be improved. Another constraint that appears to hamper MoEnv effectiveness is the limited internal coordination between units within the ministry, particularly among the licensing, monitoring and inspection directorates, and also between the regional directorates and headquarters. In an effort to improve coordination the MoEnv instituted planning and monitoring meetings which allow for directors of different directorates to share information. Additional steps that could be undertaken to improve coordination include: issuing internal processes that provide details of coordination linking more units horizontally; including detailed coordination requirements in staff job descriptions; increasing and involving to a larger extent regional directorates in MoEnv activities; and promoting the formation of task forces involving multiple directorates as a way to better address issues and tasks that cut across strict unit boundaries (for example air quality). 7.5.3 Environmental management at sub-national level Environmental management framework in Jordan is centralized, with most of the decisions emanating from institutions located in Amman, though ASEZA is an example of local level environmental management, since ASEZA has powers comparable to those of the MoEnv. 153 Limited resources and centralized processes contribute towards weak local environmental management capacity at the governorate and municipal levels. In Jordan's governorates, environmental management is undertaken by the regional directorates of the MoEnv, local municipalities and the environmental rangers' regional directorates. MoEnv's six regional directorates have limited role in environmental management at the local level due to lack of staff and need for additional capacity and equipment including information technology and monitoring and inspection equipment. For example, there is 5 staff in Zarqa Governorate's regional directorate ­ a major industrial hotspot, 7 staff in Balqa and 11 in Irbid governorates. Capacity of municipalities varies in terms of environmental management. Municipalities are responsible for solid waste collection, pest control, public health, slaughterhouse monitoring and management of urban green areas. Different municipalities vary in their environmental management capacity: Greater Amman Municipality has an environmental department and an environmental section in each of its 27 districts, and is responsible for operating Jordan's largest solid waste landfill, while smaller municipalities have limited environmental capacity due to lack of staff and resources. Establishment of environmental rangers will strengthen the environmental management framework and the enforcement capacity, but makes the need for coordination and environmental legislation review more acute. The environmental rangers department, which forms a separate division under the public security directorate, was established in 2006, and currently has 400 staff. A memorandum of understanding between MoEnv and the public security directorate governs the operation of environmental rangers, and will stay in force until a law or regulation governing their operation is issued. Since the environmental rangers are responsible for the implementation of all environmental legislation ­ not specific to the environmental protection law ­ it is essential that legal articles are revised to eliminate any potential conflict or contradiction. Coordination should be strengthened between regional directorates of different ministries and local NGOs. Coordination of MoEnv directorates in governorates with governorate level authorities and municipalities seems to be in general rather limited. The MoEnv could assist with the capacity development for the municipalities. 7.5.4 Environmental Impact Assessment review The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a key tool to ensure that decisions taken at the legislative and regulatory level are actually executed and built into the design and implementation of development projects. The purpose of the EIA review conducted as part of the CEA is to: i) assess the current status of EIA procedure and practice in Jordan; ii) carry out a diagnostic review of the national EIA system, determining the similarities and difference between the national EIA system on one hand and the World Bank and the European Commission (EC) on the other; and iii) propose recommendations and an action plan to improve the national EIA system to make it compatible with the World Bank EIA requirements. The reason for comparing Jordan's EIA system to those of the World Bank and the EU is motivated by the intention to benchmark Jordan's system against two widely accepted EIA systems at the international level, and measure the acceptability of the national EIA system to be applied on the ground using the 11 operational principles approved by the World Bank Board of Directors in its Operational Policy 4.01 for the use of country systems (see 154 Box 12 on OP 4.01 and use of country systems). A complete report on this assessment is attached in Annex 5. 155 Box 12. The World Bank policy on the use of country systems The Bank's environmental and social policies are designed to avoid, mitigate or minimize adverse environmental and social impacts of projects supported by the Bank. However, the specificity of these policies creates difficulties for borrowers attempting to mainstream them within their own legal and administrative frameworks and their own development programs. In 2002, recognizing the importance of country ownership and institutional capacity building, the Bank shifted its focus towards increasingly integrating environmental and social safeguards into country systems to facilitate their application and build local capacities. In 2005, the Operational Policy (OP) 4.00: piloting the use of borrower systems to address environmental and social safeguard issues in Bank-supported projects was approved. Over the past two years, the Bank piloted the use of borrower systems in Bank-supported projects, and initial results indicate successful application of country systems for environmental assessments for three cases in Egypt and for one in Tunisia. The legal basis for EIA is established in the environment protection law (EPL) no. 52/2006. It is implemented through its EIA regulations no. 37/2006 and its five annexes. These require that the project proponent would hire a national consulting firm to conduct the EIA and prepare an EIA report. It also assigns full authority to the Ministry the Environment through its department of Licensing and Guidance (which included the EIA section) to arrange for screening, control and follow up on the EIA process and its implementation. The approval of an EIA is a pre-requisite for any subsequent license or permit by any or all other relevant authorities that may be required prior to construction. All development projects, regardless of EIA classification, must adhere to the air emission, water, wastewater reuse; industrial and municipal discharges' Jordanian standards. The essential elements of the Jordanian procedures are summarized in Table 48. The results of the equivalence assessment showed that many features of the Jordanian EA system are compatible with the World Bank EA Policy (OP 4.01) and the European Commission (EC) EIA Regulations no. 97/11. These features are in (i) screening, (ii) scoping; (iii) the EIA report content, (iv) the content of the environment management plan, (v) provisions for appeal; and (vi) requirements for monitoring and follow up. The assessment also showed that the parallel EIA system established by ASEZA is very similar to OP 4.01, and includes the provisions for public consultation and disclosure of EIA reports. Table 48. Summary of the Jordanian EIA Procedures Stage Activity Initial Filing · The Project Proponent completes a Project Information Form (PIF) of the intended project and Screening and submits it to the Ministry of Environment for screening. · An Inter-ministerial Central Licensing Committee reviews the PIF, and after conducting site surveys determines if the project is classified as: o Category I projects for which an EIA report is required o Category II projects for which an initial EIA is only required o Category III for which no environment analysis is required · The decision is publicly displayed for 2 weeks. Scoping The Ministry issues legally binding guidance on the scope of the Assessment · Proponent prepares a ToR, after a mandatory public consultation. · An Inter-Ministerial Technical Review Committee (TRC)77 reviews and approves the ToR. 77 As per the EIA regulation no. 37/2005, the Technical Review Committee consists of the representatives of the following agencies: ministries of environment, planning and international cooperation, municipal affairs, health, agriculture, industry and trade, energy and mineral resources, water and irrigation, tourism and antiquities, and public works and housing, in addition, to representatives from NGO and academia. 156 Stage Activity Technical · A complete EIA is submitted to the Technical Evaluation Committee which evaluates: Evaluation o Its general conformity to the ToR; o The methodologies used, the scientific validity and legal value of the evidence presented; o The soundness and compatibility of the impacts with respect to environmental protection, the content of the environment management plan (EMP), standards, and other references. · The TEC reports its finding to the Minister of Environment. Decision and · The Minister reviews the Committee's report and notifies its decision to the Proponent and Approval publishes it within 45 days. After this period, or if no decision is posted, the EIA is deemed to have been accepted. · If the EIA is rejected, the proponent has 15 days to appeal to the Minister of Environment which establishes a three person independent committee to review the decision. Licensing · Upon approval of the EIA report, the proponent receives an environment license to proceed. Monitoring · The Ministry of Environment is required to follow up on the implementation of the Environment Management Plan and reporting the results of monitoring. Disclosure of · The Ministry can make available to the concerned parties and upon their request the (non EIA confidential) information related to the EIA There are however significant and moderate gaps between the national EIA system and the Environment Assessment Policy (OP 4.01). The significant differences are that the national EIA system does not (i) assess indirect, cumulative and associated impacts (ii) use regional or sectoral environment assessment, (iii) require the involvement of the stakeholders (affected groups and NGOs) and continued consultations throughout EIA preparation and (v) carry out disclosure and accessibility of the EIA reports to the public. There are also moderate gaps such as: (vi) addressing trans-boundary and global concerns is not required; (vii) requirements for compliance with international agreements is not included in the EIA regulations though Jordan is signatory to a number of international treaties and conventions, (viii) National standards and guidelines do not explicitly reflect international good practice (such as the World Bank's Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook); (ix) and there are no requirements for the use of independent advisory panels for highly risky and contentious projects. The MoEnv is currently developing a set of new regulations to improve its overall EIA process and content through a new organizations structure, and a review of its EIA executive regulations and the enactment of new regulations for environmental compliance and control. However, the EIA system suffers from administrative, technical and management shortcomings. There is a serious shortage of trained human resources in the MoEnv and in the six regional environmental directorates for EIA administration and management. There are no established criteria, guidelines and rules for reviewing EIA and making decisions on approval/disapproval of the EIA reports. There are neither standard terms of references (TOR) for preparing EIA reports in specific nor comprehensive sector guidelines and the content and quality of the EIA reports indicate generally that the requirements in the EIA regulations no. 37 are not often met, and that the quality of these reports is variable. There is no follow up on the implementation of the EMP as required by the EIA regulation, because of lack of staff, resources and manuals for inspections, and there are no fines for not conducting an EIA. Furthermore, the track record for monitoring and enforcement is still evolving. There is fragmentation at the national and regional levels to the effect that no single institution can take enforcement actions effectively. 157 Despite its recent establishment, the MoEnv continues to make considerable progress towards institutionalizing the EIA system in Jordan. USAID and the EC are providing technical assistance to the MoEnv on environmental management which also include strengthening the EIA system. One of the major shortcomings is the limitation of consultation to only the scoping stage, and the disclosure of the EIA reports is limited to the project proponents and specifically authorized by the Minister of Environment. In ASEZA, public consultation is required even after scoping and the EIA reports are supposed to be made public though ASEZA management does not disclose the reports for fear that national consulting firms will resort to plagiarizing existing reports rather than conduct the needed research and analysis required. Public consultation and disclosure are however permitted in Jordanian legislation, namely Town and Country Planning law no. 79/1966 and its amendment, allows consultation and disclosure of local and regional master plans. Projects co-financed by the international financial institutions and donors require full consultation and dissemination of the EIA reports to public locations in country. The MoEnv has also expressed its full support to amend the EIA regulations in order to require public consultations throughout the EIA process and widely disclose the EIA reports. The improvement of the EIA process should be realistically implemented over the short and medium terms, taking into consideration MoEnv's limited human and financial resources. The first recommendation is to consolidate and strengthen the present EIA system using existing laws and regulations followed by changes and reforms of these regulations once the consolidation phase is successfully implemented and verified. Annex 5 includes a proposed action plan to address the identified gaps to achieve equivalence and acceptability for using the national EIA system in the World Bank operations. USAID has agreed through its Sustainable Mechanism of Business Expansion and Quality Program (SABEQ) to support the preparation of sector EIA guidelines and generic TORs for key sectors, develop format, criteria and guidelines for reviewing EIA reports and improve compliance monitoring through training and preparing inspection manuals. The MoEnv will take the necessary measures to amend the EIA regulations to allow public consultation and public disclosure, environmental audits, and to modify the list of projects for which an EIA is required as to include construction and operation of landfills, wastewater treatment plants and desalination plants. The MoEnv has requested that the World Bank continues to provide overall guidance and quality control to strengthen the EIA system as to achieve full compatibility with the World Bank EA policy. 7.5.5 Role of the judiciary Jordan has an independent and impartial judiciary system on par with some EU countries, as evidenced by the Judicial/Legal Effectiveness Index78 (JLEI) in which Jordan's score of 67% is the highest among Arab countries measured, as well as on par and in some cases higher than the average for non-OECD and European countries. Legislation stipulates the role of courts in the settlement of environmental cases. Environment protection law no. 52/2006 specifies the cases for which violators may be referred to court for legal action, while Aqaba's environmental regulation no. 21/2001 specifies the Aqaba court of first instances as the court responsible for environmental issues in addition to its authorities and is responsible for adjudicating environmental offences. Nevertheless, recourse to judiciary for upholding environmental rights by citizens and NGOs is limited. 78 JLEI (Judicial/Legal Effectiveness Index): Percentage firms in the country giving satisfactory ratings to questions on judicial independence, judicial bribery, quality of legal framework, property protection, parliament and police effectiveness. 158 Jordan's access to justice could be improved following good practice defined in the context of the Aarhus Convention. Access to justice is the third pillar of the Aarhus Convention, and it provides a mechanism for the public to enforce environmental law directly, by recommending a number of actions that countries should achieve to ensure access to justice in environmental matters, including: ensuring availability of independent and impartial review bodies; developing clear rules concerning rights of individuals and NGOs to judiciary access for environmental violations; and establishing mechanisms to provide public with information on access-to-justice procedures. .6 7 Conclusions This chapter has analyzed the way in which Jordan's institutions pick up signals, balance interest and execute decisions on environmental management, highlighting progress and remaining challenges, and has identified the main strengths and weaknesses of the system, which could be summarized in Table 49. Table 49. Summary of main strengths and weaknesses Strengths Weaknesses Legal and · Existing environmental legal framework that · Gaps in formal laws accompanied by institutional continues to evolve and improve. multiplicity of sometimes conflicting set up · Establishment of MoEnv with clear role to legislation. set policies and coordinate action to protect · Emphasis on command and control the environment. instruments with little legal framework for applying economic incentives. Picking up · Increase in seeking public feedback on key · Lack of a system of homogeneous, results- signals documents, and the GOJ drive towards e- focused indicators of environmental quality. government. · Weakness in environmental monitoring · Public interest in environmental matters and systems. positive attitude towards the environmental · Lack of meta-database of monitoring movement. information that is easily accessible to the · Varied environmental NGO and CBO base. public. Balancing · Good base of standards for environmental · Lack of mechanism to determine priorities interests quality and established participatory among the environmental sectors. mechanism led by JISM for issuance and · Lack of sustainable and systematic updating standards. mechanism for mainstreaming environment · Several non-environmental ministries have into sectoral and developmental plans and environmental sections within their strategies; lack of target of improved organizational structure. environmental performance in sector · Strong planning tradition and current policies/ strategies emphasis on linking government action plans · Weak coordination mechanism between to ministries budgets. institutions responsible for environmental management. Executing · Favorable environment as measured by · Centralized governance system compounded decisions governance indicators on quality of public with top down organizational culture administration and public sector · Limited human and financial resources in accountability and an independent and Ministryof environment impartial judiciary system. · EIA process, though well established, suffers · MoEnv's willingness and capacity to from administrative, technical and improve its performance. management shortcomings. 159 CHAPTER . 8 RECOMMENDATIONS The present concluding chapter proposes selected priority recommendations to enhance the overall effectiveness of Jordan environmental management. Recommendations are classified (Table 50) in accordance to their time horizon (short term, i.e. actionable within 18 months and medium to long term -actionable within 1 to 3 years); environmental theme (air quality, water quality, cross-cutting); and according to the agency which is likely to lead the implementation of the proposed action (Ministry of Environment or other agencies). The recommendations­which take into account comments and suggestions made by the participants to the CEA wrap-up workshop (see Annex 6) - are evenly split between single theme and cross- cutting; and between lead implementation responsibility (with the Ministry of Environment as leader in about half the cases). Table 50. Summary of recommendations by theme, time horizon and lead agency Short Term Medium- long term Total Theme MoEnv Other MoEnv Other Institutions Institutions 1. Air quality 2 2 1 1 6 2. Water quality 2 4 6 3. Cross-cutting 7 6 2 13 Total 9 4 7 7 27 The rest of this chapter discusses the specific recommendations proposed for the short (section 8.7) and the medium to long term (section 8.8). The key features of each of the recommendations (including roles and responsibilities, as well as qualitative assessments of coordination costs and expected impacts) are summarized in tables at the end of each section. .7 8 Short term 8.7.1 Air quality Enhance air quality monitoring, including improved coordination arrangements · The Ministry of Environment, in partnership with the Greater Amman Municipality, and building on the technical assistance provided by the French development agency, should lead national efforts to accelerate the enhancement of the air monitoring system, including ambient air quality, as well as emission from stationary (possibly giving priority to the likely highest emitting sectors, such as those identified in the chapter on industrial pollution), as well as mobile ones. The geographic coverage should include the major population and industrial centers in the country. Promote integration of the environment in development processes · Accelerate the phase-out of high sulfur diesel: the decision has already been made by the Ministry of Energy, so it is important to mobilize the resources required for its enactment (e.g., refinery upgrade, etc.). This can decisively contribute to the reduction of SO2 emission, and to a lesser extent, of PM. Options to improve the quality of fuel used by the industrial sector should also be considered. 160 · Define an action plan for implementing other key policies to reduce emission per unit of traffic (i.e. emissions per vehicle/km, ton/km), namely enhancing maintenance of vehicles, improving the environmental performance of vehicular fleet through strengthened regulation of imports, and promoting the replacement of older vehicles. · Establish Jordan-specific emission factors (based on driving-circle measurement or other internationally accepted methodologies) so as to improve information on the volume and distribution across the vehicular fleet of polluting emissions from road transport. The technical capacity and equipment of relevant authorities (e.g., MoEnv, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Department, etc.) will need to be adequately strengthened. 8.7.2 Water quality · Enhance the monitoring of groundwater resources by synchronizing the quality and quantity parameters, so as to better evaluate the impacts of accelerated aquifer use on the quality, and availability, of groundwater. This requires establishing a dedicated network of observation wells. · Revise and strengthen the standard for wastewater discharged from industries [JS 202/2007], in particular with respect to TDS, heavy metals and other toxic organic materials. Also revise the regulation related to discharging industrial effluents in the domestic sewer network. 8.7.3 Cross-cutting Focus the action of the Ministry of Environment given the limited financial and human resources, and enhance the effectiveness of its action · Focus the scarce resources of the Ministry of Environment on core functions of strategy development and follow-up, policy making, environmental advocacy within the cabinet, improved coordination across sectors; limit to the minimum MoEnv direct engagement in project implementation activities; · Adopt a strategic approach to inspections, defining in a transparent manner priority locations/ sectors (as opposed to the current one which is primarily complaint-driven); · Improve the decentralization of the MoEnv activities and enhance the role of the regional directorates; · Support compliance with environmental regulation through provisions of advisory services and technical assistance to industries (e.g., on cleaner technologies, processes, energy efficiency, and EMS implementation). Improve public participation and develop guidelines to improve the EIA process · Improve the application of the EIA system in Jordan, initially through strengthening the existing system, through application of the Jordanian Public Law related to public consultation and disclosure; and through development of standard Terms of Reference (TORs), guidelines for sector EA guidelines and EA reviews, and decision making criteria for the Central Licensing Committee and the EIA Review Committee. Encourage the fuller integration of air and water quality improvement objectives into sector policies · Based on the results of improved air and water quality monitoring, establish a list (or improve existing ones) of priority pollution hotspots, particularly in Zarqa. 161 Table 51. Detailed short term recommendations Theme Area Recommendation Lead Participating Coordination Expected Agency agencies costs Impacts 1. Air quality Enhance air quality Accelerate the implementation of the air quality monitoring MoEnv MoEnv, MoH, High High monitoring, including system, in cooperation with GAM and building on technical GAM and improved coordination assistance by the AFD, including ambient air quality, as well relevant arrangements as emission from stationary and mobile sources (possibly municipalities. giving priority to the likely highest emitting sectors, such as those identified in the chapter on industrial pollution). The geographic coverage should include the major population and industrial centers Promote integration of Accelerate the phase-out of high sulfur diesel: the decision has Ministry of MOPIC, MoEnv, Low High environment in already been made by the Ministry of Energy, so it is important Energy Ministry of development processes to mobilize the resources required for its enactment. This can Finance decisively contribute to the reduction of SO2 emission, and to a lesser extent, of PM. Options to improve the quality of fuel used by the industrial sector should also be considered. Define an action plan for implementing other key policies to MoEnv Ministry of Medium High reduce emission per unit of traffic, namely enhancing Transport, maintenance of vehicles, improving the environmental Drivers and performance of vehicular fleet through strengthened regulation Vehicles of imports, and promoting the replacement of older vehicles. Licensing Directorate Establish Jordan-specific emission factors (based on driving- Drivers and MoEnv, Ministry Low Medium circle measurement or other internationally accepted Vehicle of Transport methodologies) so as to improve information on the volume Licensing and distribution across the vehicular fleet of polluting department emissions from road transport. The technical capacity and equipment of relevant authorities (e.g., MoEnv, License and Vehicle Inspection Directorate, etc.) will need to be adequately strengthened 2. Water quality Enhance environmental Enhance the monitoring of groundwater resources by MoWI WAJ, MoEnv, Medium High monitoring and tools to synchronizing the quality and quantity parameters, so as to JVA support decisions better evaluate the impacts of accelerated aquifer use on the quality, and availability, of groundwater. This requires establishing a dedicated network of observation wells Promote integration of Revise and strengthen the standard for wastewater discharged WAJ MoEnv, Ministry Medium High environment in from industries [JS 202/2007], in particular with respect to of Industry, development processes TDS, heavy metals and other toxic organic materials. Also Chambers of revise the regulation related to discharging industrial effluents Commerce 162 Theme Area Recommendation Lead Participating Coordination Expected Agency agencies costs Impacts in the domestic sewer network. 3. Cross-cutting Focus the action of the Focus the scarce resources of the Ministry of Environment on MoEnv MoEnv Low High Ministry of Environment core functions of strategy development and follow-up, policy given the limited financial making, environmental advocacy within the cabinet, and and human resources, and improved coordination across sectors; limit to the minimum enhance the effectiveness MoEnv direct engagement in project implementation activities. of its action. Adopt a strategic approach to inspections, defining in a MoEnv MoEnv, MoH Low High transparent manner priority locations/ sectors (as opposed to the current one which is primarily complaint-driven); Improve the decentralization of the MoEnv activities and MoEnv MoEnv Low Medium enhance the role of the regional directorates. Support compliance with environmental regulation through MoEnv MoEnv, RSS, JCI Medium High provisions of advisory services and technical assistance to industries (e.g., on cleaner technologies, processes, energy efficiency, and EMS implementation). Improve public Improve the application of the EIA system in Jordan, initially MoEnv MoEnv, ASEZA Low High participation and develop through strengthening the existing system, through application guidelines to improve the of the Jordanian Public Law related to public consultation and EIA process disclosure; and through development of standard Terms of Reference (TORs), guidelines for sector EA guidelines and EA reviews, and decision making criteria for the Central Licensing Committee and the EIA Review Committee. Encourage the fuller Based on the results of improved air and water quality MoEnv Ministry of High High integration of air and water monitoring, establish a list (or improve existing ones) of Industry, quality improvement priority pollution hotspots, particularly in Zarqa. Chambers of objectives into sector Commerce policies 163 .8 8 Medium to long Term 8.8.1 Air quality Enhance environmental monitoring and develop tools to better analyze the environmental implications of development policies · Establish, as part of the strategic planning of large urban areas (starting with the implementation of Amman's Master Plan) traffic models to optimize the design of transportation system and the related air pollution and congestion reduction benefits; · Define ­ in priority pollution hotspots and where not already available - air pollution abatement plans, including targets for selected environmental improvement objectives, and containing a clear assignment of roles and responsibilities for the different stakeholders involved; and ­subject to criteria of financial sustainability and cost recovery, incentive mechanisms to encourage industries to comply with environmental regulation. 8.8.2 Water quality Enhance environmental monitoring and develop tools to better analyze the environmental implications of development policies · Under the initiative of the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, streamline the national water quality monitoring system, to avoid duplication of efforts and enhance data management (a simplified preliminary suggested monitoring schedule is presented in Chapter 4 and further discussed in Annex 2). · Conduct a study to evaluate the potential for reducing the social damage of water quality degradation through water saving policies, to be combined with hygiene programs and enhanced wastewater treatment. The mix of policy tools would be defined following criteria of cost- effectiveness and using analytical such as water quality simulation, multi-criteria/economic optimization models, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and water Public Expenditure Reviews. Promote integration of the environment in development processes · Adopt a unified national water law, based on the principles of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and linking water-quality and water-quantity sustainability objectives; · Promote pollution control through a combination of (1) Positive incentives (including soft loans and technical assistance) to encourage the use of cleaner production processes; and (2) gradual phasing-in of negative incentives (pollution levy for industrial emissions exceeding a given standard) to induce firms to meet effluent/ambient standards (e.g., via end-of-pipe treatment). Initially the levy could be linked to level of activity/employment, and later -once adequate monitoring capacity is in place- to emission levels. 8.8.3 Cross-cutting Enhance environmental monitoring and tools to support decisions · Undertake a rapid assessment (based on environmental audits or other tools) of the average and marginal abatement cost by pollutant type and industrial sector, as a basis to better inform pollution abatement policies and programs. 164 Improve public access to information and participation in environmental matters · Improve public access to information and participation in environmental matters. To that end, the Ministry of Environment, in collaboration with relevant agencies, might want to revise the environment law no. 52 / 2006, after a suitable implementation time. · Institutionalize the practice of disseminating information, holding consultations, and instituting the right of access to information without justification. This might require amendments to the law regulating access to information (47/2007). Further consolidate and strengthen the EIA process to approximate it further to international best (such as the EU and World Bank OP4.00) · Amend the EIA regulations to allow public consultation and disclosure (starting with distribution of scoping statements to relevant stakeholders); environmental audits; and outsourcing to qualified third parties the inspection of large polluting installations as well as monitoring and follow up of the environment management plans (as illustrated in further detail in Chapter 7 and Annex 5). Enhance mainstreaming of the environment in the development processes and establish a mechanism for determining environmental theme priorities and monitoring their progress of achievement · Accelerate, through development of the necessary regulation, the adoption of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEAs) as a tool to promote the integration of environmental concerns across sectors. · Promote the inclusion of specific targets of environmental improvements in selected sector strategies (starting with the implementation with the newly adopted transport strategy), as well as the definition of responsibilities for their achievement, performance indicators, and the allocation of the required human and financial resources. · Establish a system of accounting of public and private expenditure for environmental protection in adherence to international statistical standards, and explore ways in which the results could be discussed at the cabinet level to evaluate the adequate volume and composition of public expenditure for environmental protection. 165 Table 52. Detailed medium to long term recommendations Theme Area Recommendation Lead Participating agencies Coordination Expected Agency Costs Impact 1. Air quality Enhance environmental Establish, as part of the strategic planning of large urban GAM Ministry of Transport, Low Medium monitoring and develop areas (starting with the implementation of Amman's Public Transport tools to better analyze Master Plan) traffic models to optimize the design of Regulatory Commission the environmental transportation system and the related air pollution and implications of congestion reduction benefits. development policies Define ­ in priority pollution hotspots and where not MoEnv Ministry of Industry & High High already available - air pollution abatement plans, Trade, Chambers of containing: a) targets for selected environmental Industries, Development improvement objectives, b) a clear assignment of roles and Zones Commission responsibilities for the different stakeholders involved; and ­subject to criteria of financial sustainability and cost recovery, c) incentive mechanisms (including soft loans) to encourage industries to comply with environmental regulation. 2. Water quality Enhance environmental Streamline the national water quality monitoring system, to MoWI WAJ, MoEnv, JVA, High High monitoring and develop avoid duplication of efforts and enhance data management MoWI, MoH tools to better analyze (a simplified preliminary suggested monitoring schedule is the environmental presented in Chapter 4 and further discussed in Annex 2). implications of Conduct a study to evaluate the potential for reducing the MoWI MoEnv, WAJ, JVA Low Medium development policies social damage of water quality degradation through water saving policies, to be combined with hygiene programs and enhanced wastewater treatment. The mix of policy tools would be defined following criteria of cost-effectiveness and using analytical such as water quality simulation, multi-criteria/economic optimization models, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and water Public Expenditure Reviews. Promote integration of Adopt a unified national water law, based on the principles MoWI MoEnv, WAJ, JVA High High environment in of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and development processes linking water-quality and water-quantity sustainability objectives Promote pollution control through a combination of (1) WAJ MoEnv, Ministry of High High Positive incentives (including soft loans and technical Industry, Chambers of assistance) to encourage the use of cleaner production Commerce processes; and (2) gradual phasing-in of negative incentives (pollution levy for industrial emissions exceeding a given standard) to induce firms to meet effluent/ambient standards (e.g., via end-of-pipe treatment). Initially the levy could be linked to level of activity/employment, and later -once adequate monitoring 166 Theme Area Recommendation Lead Participating agencies Coordination Expected Agency Costs Impact capacity is in place- to emission levels. 3. Cross-cutting Enhance environmental Undertake a rapid assessment (based on environmental MoEnv Ministry of Industry, Medium High monitoring and tools to audits or other tools) of the average and marginal Chambers of support decisions abatement cost by pollutant type and industrial sector, as a Commerce, DOS basis to better inform pollution abatement policies and programs. Improve public Revise the environment law no. 52 / 2006, after a suitable MoEnv Gov. and non-gov. Medium High participation and access implementation time stakeholders to information Institutionalize the practice of disseminating information, Information MoEnv Medium High holding consultations, and instituting the right of access to Council information without justification. This might require (when amendments to the law regulating access to information established) (47/2007). Strengthen EIA process Amend the EIA regulations to allow public consultation MoEnv - Low High and disclosure (starting with distribution of scoping statements to relevant stakeholders); environmental audits; and outsourcing to qualified third parties the inspection of large polluting installations as well as monitoring and follow up of the environment management plans Enhance Accelerate, through development of the necessary MoEnv Inter-ministerial Medium High Mainstreaming regulation, the adoption of Strategic Environmental committee environment in the Assessment (SEAs) as a tool to promote the integration of development processes environmental concerns across sectors. and establish a Promote the inclusion of specific targets of environmental MoEnv MoEnv, MoWI, MoH, High Medium mechanism for improvements in selected sector strategies (starting with MoT, MIT, MoMA determining the implementation with the newly adopted transport environmental theme strategy), as well as the definition of responsibilities for priorities and their achievement, performance indicators, and the monitoring their allocation of the required human and financial resources. progress and achievement Establish a system of accounting of public and private DOS DOS, MoEnv, MoH, High Medium expenditure for environmental protection in adherence to MoWI, ASEZA, MoF, international statistical standards, and explore ways in MoPIC, MoA, MoMA, which the results could be discussed at the cabinet level to GAM, WAJ, JVA evaluate the adequate volume and composition of public expenditure for environmental protection. 167 REFERENCES Abbey, D. 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Water quality data Tabular overview of surface water quality over the period 1995-2007 Below is a choice of 10 monitoring stations out of a total amount of approximately 25 where water quality has been measured. Some of these stations are close to each other and basically measure almost the same water at relatively short distances, other stations measure only a limited amount of parameters (e.g., no microbiological). The first six stations are the most important stations with regard to irrigation water quality; the two stations on the Jordan River are added for statistical purposes only; the water is not used because of its high salinity and relatively minor quantity; the last two stations are examples of wadis more to the south that are assumed to have unquestionable bacteriological quality. The table below is a composition of data from the Jordan Valley Authority, the Water Authority, the EMARCU real time network and the data measured by RSS for MoEnv. The numbers in red are reconstructed, using relations between the three different bacteriological measurements of total coliform, fecal coliform and E-coli. It is considered that E-coli is the most adequate parameter as indicator for bacteriological pollution. It is also related to the various Jordanian standards. 175 Water quality data for 10 main monitoring stations in Jordan - average annual values (arithmetic mean, geometric mean for coli data) station parameter 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 101 KAC tunnel EC 822 919 955 967 1024 1002 1104 1000 804 969 965 972 1150 pH 8.32 8.18 8.42 8.13 8.46 8.38 8.30 8.21 8.16 8.40 8.00 8.36 8.20 total coli 9.2E+03 1.2E+04 9.4E+03 9.3E+03 1.3E+03 1.0E+03 3.5E+03 1.6E+03 2.8E+03 7.9E+01 2.2E+03 fecal coli 2.1E+03 1.3E+03 5.2E+03 1.1E+03 6.6E+02 6.6E+02 7.5E+02 4.6E+02 9.9E+02 7.9E+01 3.5E+02 E-coli 1.4E+03 1.7E+03 1.4E+03 1.4E+03 2.8E+02 3.4E+02 7.4E+02 2.5E+02 4.9E+02 1.9E+02 1.7E+02 105 KAC Deir Alla EC 940 927 961 970 1039 1066 1130 1109 978 909 1026 974 1059 pH 8.25 8.20 8.70 8.19 8.24 8.38 8.32 7.73 8.29 8.06 8.18 8.28 8.30 total coli 6.7E+03 2.3E+04 8.8E+03 1.9E+03 1.1E+03 1.6E+03 2.2E+03 9.0E+03 4.5E+03 2.4E+03 2.3E+03 2.1E+03 fecal coli 1.5E+03 2.3E+03 1.9E+03 2.6E+02 2.4E+02 2.1E+02 3.1E+02 2.4E+02 1.1E+03 5.0E+02 E-coli 2.0E+02 1.8E+02 2.0E+02 2.1E+02 2.1E+02 2.1E+02 2.1E+02 1.6E+02 3.4E+02 1.7E+02 2.9E+02 8.6E+01 3.0E+02 107 KAC Zarqa junction EC 2003 1927 1415 1514 2190 1919 2028 1710 1830 1490 2131 2428 2390 pH 8.03 9.00 8.39 8.04 8.30 8.33 8.39 8.18 8.30 8.21 8.15 8.19 8.19 total coli 5.3E+04 2.8E+04 1.5E+04 1.5E+04 5.0E+04 7.4E+04 2.7E+03 1.5E+04 7.9E+03 1.6E+04 7.4E+03 1.3E+04 fecal coli 4.0E+03 2.2E+03 4.5E+03 1.8E+03 4.9E+03 2.1E+03 3.3E+03 2.5E+03 2.0E+03 9.0E+03 1.3E+03 1.4E+03 E-coli 1.6E+03 2.4E+03 2.8E+03 2.8E+03 1.7E+03 8.4E+02 3.2E+03 2.8E+03 5.0E+03 3.6E+03 1.7E+03 1.5E+03 1.0E+04 203 KTR Hwarat EC 1646 2112 1793 1952 2342 2391 2385 1873 1726 1999 2221 2450 2440 pH 8.10 8.11 8.05 8.14 8.29 8.27 8.30 8.24 8.20 8.22 8.18 8.33 8.20 total coli 5.1E+04 3.1E+04 9.2E+03 2.9E+04 2.2E+04 2.2E+04 1.5E+03 1.7E+04 1.7E+04 1.4E+04 4.9E+03 2.5E+04 2.2E+04 fecal coli 6.9E+02 4.8E+02 2.0E+03 9.7E+02 9.3E+02 1.8E+03 1.5E+03 3.3E+03 1.7E+03 5.0E+03 9.2E+02 3.9E+03 2.8E+03 E-coli 1.6E+03 2.7E+03 1.6E+03 100 KTR inlet EC 2035 2003 1767 1974 2207 2030 1930 2010 2664 2677 2460 pH 7.79 8.10 8.36 7.98 8.12 8.16 8.11 7.89 7.91 8.02 8.04 7.99 8.01 total coli 2.2E+04 4.7E+04 1.3E+05 6.5E+04 2.2E+05 2.0E+03 1.2E+04 6.5E+03 4.2E+03 2.5E+03 2.6E+03 fecal coli 6.3E+03 3.2E+04 5.7E+03 1.3E+04 3.4E+03 6.4E+03 1.1E+03 2.4E+03 8.0E+03 E-coli 9.3E+03 2.2E+04 6.4E+04 3.1E+04 1.1E+05 5.9E+02 5.0E+03 3.1E+02 1.4E+02 1.9E+02 2.4E+02 600 KTR outlet EC 2043 2065 2050 1905 2031 2003 1982 2100 1607 2067 2264 2429 2340 pH 7.77 7.84 8.16 7.71 8.10 7.99 7.83 7.73 7.86 7.84 7.79 7.73 7.73 total coli 7.0E+04 3.4E+03 1.6E+03 5.5E+03 1.6E+05 7.5E+05 2.8E+03 9.0E+03 3.0E+03 3.8E+03 2.4E+03 1.3E+03 1.5E+04 fecal coli 2.7E+03 1.4E+02 2.0E+02 2.2E+02 1.6E+05 1.0E+04 1.2E+02 3.0E+01 6.8E+02 7.5E+02 1.6E+02 4.6E+03 E-coli 5.6E+03 2.1E+02 6.1E+01 3.8E+02 1.3E+04 6.1E+04 1.6E+02 4.9E+02 2.1E+02 1.7E+02 1.2E+02 1.6E+02 1.2E+03 401 JR Majame EC 5223 7143 6690 6659 7573 6896 6322 6963 5691 5884 5647 5518 4940 pH 7.86 7.86 7.90 7.87 7.64 7.69 7.53 7.60 7.81 7.89 7.82 8.05 7.26 total coli 6.4E+03 1.6E+04 fecal coli 5.1E+02 E-coli 1.1E+03 4.8E+02 409 JR KH bridge EC 6220 7110 7120 6270 8810 7460 7575 8092 5583 6483 7900 9745 8300 pH 7.86 7.85 7.90 7.87 7.64 7.69 7.53 7.60 8.02 7.90 8.08 8.02 8.02 total coli 1.1E+04 1.3E+04 8.0E+03 2.1E+03 2.4E+03 2.4E+02 fecal coli 4.4E+02 4.5E+02 4.9E+01 E-coli 4.6E+03 5.4E+03 3.2E+03 8.0E+02 5.0E+02 4.9E+01 510 wadi Ibn Hammad EC 1006 1049 1009 1010 1000 978 1015 1020 1021 954 982 1003 1010 pH 7.66 7.91 8.12 8.14 7.89 7.64 7.72 7.89 7.89 8.02 7.84 7.70 7.68 total coli 1361 fecal coli E-coli 101 515 Wadi Hasa EC 642 748 762 746 693 692 725 725 836 763 740 754 820 pH 8.26 8.26 8.27 8.45 8.54 8.32 8.25 8.26 8.18 8.37 8.43 8.35 8.15 total coli 1.0E+03 fecal coli E-coli 1.4E+02 176 Overview of groundwater wells used for the analysis of groundwater quality According to the Ministry of water and Irrigation, the wells are representative for the respective groundwater basins (with are marked in the station code with the first two letters). This does not mean that they represent exactly the average condition of the aquifer or groundwater basin. DATA Station Station_Name Level Quality AL 1005 DP4 Farouq Shlaif (PP144) x AL 1022 DP16 NRA (PP144) x AL 1037 DP_30 (Amman-Zarqa Basin) x AL 1041 Wadi Dhulai_TW6 Observation Well x AL 1230 Hashimiya_3 x x AL 1926 A'qib Dam_1 (Khaldiyeh) x AL 2715 Hashimiya_2 x AM 1027 Jreya_3 x CD 1075 Qastal_7 Observation Well x CD 1085 Qastal_17 x CD 1119 Suwaqa_6 x CD 1132 Suwaqa_2 Observation Well x CD 3305 Suwaqa Dam_1 Observation Well x EA 1004 Rahma_3 x EA 3009 S. Wadi Araba Basin x ED 1204 Q'a el Disi MW-4 Observation Well x ED 1307 Qa'alGhal S-7 x ED 1515 Qwaira_3 x ED 3070 CW6 Observation Well x ED 3071 CW11 Observation Well x F 1029 Awsa_2 x F 1043 Azraq_12 Observation Well x G 1038 Jafer_19 x G 3081 Jafer_1 Observation Well x H 1012 Ruwayshed_2 x x H 2017 Iraqi Armi M2 (H4) x 177 Trend analysis of selected groundwater observation wells Groundwater levels and electric conductivity in the Amman-Zarqa basin Groundwater levels and electric conductivity in the Dead Sea basin 0 1,250 0 7000 Electric conductivity Electric conductivity Jan-68 Jan-73 Jan-78 Jan-83 Jan-88 Jan-93 Jan-98 Jan-03 (mS/cm) Jan-68 Jan-73 Jan-78 Jan-83 Jan-88 Jan-93 Jan-98 Jan-03 (µS/cm) -10 6000 -50 1,000 -20 5000 -30 -100 750 -40 4000 -50 AL1041 LEVEL 3000 -150 500 CD1075 LEVEL -60 AL1230 EC 2000 CD1132 LEVEL -70 -200 250 1000 CD1085 EC -80 water level (m below water level (m below -90 surface) 0 -250 surface) 0 Electric conductivity and nitrate content in the JV Side Wadis basin Groundwater levels and electric conductivity in the Azraq basin 1,500 50 0 750 Nitrate Electric conductivity Jan-68 Jan-73 Jan-78 Jan-83 Jan-88 Jan-93 Jan-98 Jan-03 Jan-68 Jan-73 Jan-78 Jan-83 Jan-88 Jan-93 Jan-98 Jan-03 concentration (mg/l) (µS/cm) 1,200 40 -5 600 900 30 -10 450 600 20 -15 300 AM1027 EC F1043 LEVEL AM1027 NO3 300 10 -20 150 F1029 EC Electric conductivity water level (m below (µS/cm) 0 0 -25 surface) 0 Groundwater levels and electric conductivity in the S.Wadi Araba basin Groundwater levels and electric conductivity in the Disi basin 0 1500 0 1500 Electric conductivity Electric conductivity Jan-68 Jan-73 Jan-78 Jan-83 Jan-88 Jan-93 Jan-98 Jan-03 Jan-68 Jan-73 Jan-78 Jan-83 Jan-88 Jan-93 Jan-98 Jan-03 (µS/cm) (µS/cm) -2 1200 -20 1200 -4 900 -40 900 -6 600 -60 600 E1406 LEVEL -8 300 -80 300 E1307 EC EA3009 LEVEL E1515 EC water level (m below water level (m below EA1004 EC -10 surface) 0 -100 surface) 0 Groundwater levels and electric conductivity in the Jafr basin Groundwater levels and nitrate content in the Amman-Zarqa basin 0 3000 0 140 Electric conductivity Nitrate Jan-68 Jan-73 Jan-78 Jan-83 Jan-88 Jan-93 Jan-98 Jan-03 Jan-68 Jan-73 Jan-78 Jan-83 Jan-88 Jan-93 Jan-98 Jan-03 (µS/cm) concentration (mg/l) -10 -4 2500 120 -20 100 -8 2000 -30 -40 80 -12 1500 AL1041 LEVEL -50 60 AL1037 NO3 -16 1000 -60 40 AL1230 NO3 G3081 LEVEL -70 -20 500 G1038 EC 20 -80 water level (m below water level (m below -24 surface) 0 -90 surface) 0 178 Annex 2. Water quality: the institutional set-up Legislation and standard governing water quality management in Jordan The core legislation that governs water quality management is the following: Institutional aspects: i) The WAJ Law 18 of 1988 that defines the mandate of the Water Authority of Jordan. The law is implemented by WAJ. With respect to water quality, ii) The Jordan Valley Development Law 19 of 1988, amended by Law 30 of 2001, which defines the mandate of the Jordan Valley Authority. The law is implemented by JVA. iii) The MoWI Bylaw 54 of 1992 that defines the functions and organization of the Ministry of Water and Irrigation. The law is implemented by MoWI. iv) (Temporary) Public Health Law 54 of 2002, which defines the mandate of the Ministry of Health with respect to the monitoring the environmental health aspects of water resources, drinking water supply and wastewater collection and treatment. The law is implemented by MoH. v) The Environmental Protection Law 52 of 2006 that sets the framework for environmental management. It also defines responsibilities of the Ministry of Environment and can therefore equally be considered as an institutional regulation. The law is implemented by MoEnv. Implementation laws and regulations: vi) The Underground Water Control By-Law 85 of 2002 which was later adopted as Temporary Environment Law 12 of 2003. The law confirms that the underground water is property of the state and regulates all uses of underground water, including the drilling of extraction wells. The law does not have any provisions related to water quality (protection zones, etc.). The law is implemented by MoWI. vii) The Criminal Code, article 457 and 458, which instigate punishment for those who contaminate water. It seems that there is an overlap with the relevant chapter of the new Environmental Protection Law of 2006. viii) The Wastewater Regulation 66 of 1994, which regulates the modalities of connecting households and estates to the public sewerage system. The regulation is implemented by WAJ. ix) The Management, Transportation and Handling of Harmful and Hazardous Substances Regulation 24 of 2005. The regulation authorizes the Ministry of Environment to establish an inter-ministerial commission that sets rules for permitting and handling of hazardous substances. It will improve emission of such substances to the environment, including water. The regulation is implemented by MoEnv. x) The Soil Protection Regulation 25 of 2005. The Regulation gives the Ministry of Environment (in consultation with the Ministry of Agriculture) the authority to provide instructions that prevent pollution and degradation of soils. The implementation of the Regulation will indirectly contribute to the protection of (underground) water resources through avoidance of pollution through the soil vector and impacting on groundwater recharge. The regulation is implemented by MoEnv. xi) The Management of Solid Waste Regulation 27 of 2005. The Regulation gives the Ministry of Environment the authority to provide instructions for the establishment and management of solid waste dumps and exercise control on its implementation, which could be very beneficial for the protection of underground water resources. The regulation is implemented by MoEnv. xii) The Natural Reserves and National Parks Regulation 29 of 2005. The regulation gives an opportunity to enhance conservation of water resources in special restricted areas. The regulation is implemented by MoEnv. 179 xiii) The Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation 37 of 2005. The Regulation assesses the risk of (water) pollution for construction projects and other developments and therefore enables the prevention of pollution of water resources. The regulation is implemented by MoEnv. Standards: · Jordanian Standard 202/1991. Industrial Wastewater. The standard sets norms for the release of industrial wastewater to the environment. · Jordanian Standard 1145/1996. Uses of Treated Sludge in Agriculture. · Jordanian Standard 286/2001-4th edition. Technical Regulation Drinking Water. · Jordanian Standard 893/2002. Water-Reclaimed Domestic Wastewater. · The Instruction for disposal of commercial and industrial wastewater to the public sewerage system of the year 1998, Water Authority of Jordan, which gives guidelines for industries on what they can discharge to the public sewerage system and what not. The Instruction is not an official Jordanian Standard but in practice serves as such. Roles and Responsibilities in water management The MoWI Bylaw of 1992 very briefly mentions that the Ministry of Water and Irrigation shall take full responsibility for water and sewage; it refers to the WAJ Law of 1988 and the Jordan Valley Development Law of 1988 and its amendments and gives the Ministry the supervising responsibility on all authority given to WAJ and JVA in aforementioned laws. This authority includes planning, projects and water policy. There are no further details on these responsibilities in the general articles, but the articles on the functions of the respective directorates give some further indications of the Ministry functions. These functions include: · To prepare a strategy for the water sector and formulate long term plans and programs to secure the Kingdom's water requirements at all times and for various uses. · To conduct studies pertaining to the development of water resources and its preservation and protection from pollution, to the quality of water and emissions and solutions for the treatment, and to economic, social and demographic feasibilities related to the water strategy, plans and programs. · To collect and store water-relevant data and establish a computerized Water Information System in order to analyze the information pertaining to the water sector and its development. · To prepare and execute projects for improvement of water availability and quality, prepare relevant budgets, follow up on water expenditures, and follow up on disbursements from local and foreign loans, grants and technical aid. · Prepare draft laws, regulations and instructions pertaining to the Ministry's tasks. · Educate and inform the population with regard to the conservation of water consumption at houses, factories and agricultural fields, as well as the preservation of the environment. The WAJ Law of 1988 & Amendments vests the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ) with a clear mandate to manage the water resources for drinking water supply and protect them from contamination by establishing sewerage systems. In particular, the WAJ should: · Survey the different water resources, conserve them, and determine ways, means and priorities for their implementation and use, except for the irrigation uses. · Plan and program the development of municipal water use and sanitation and develop and exploit water resources for this purpose, including digging of wells, desalination, etc. 180 · Direct and regulate the construction of public and private wells and the extraction of water from these. · Develop and operate public wastewater collection and treatment systems. · Develop standards and other regulations to preserve and protect water resources and supervise their implementation. · Develop and implement technical specifications for construction of drinking water supply and wastewater treatment systems. · Issue permits for professionals working in the water supply and wastewater business and assist in their qualification. · Regulate the uses of water, prevent its waste, and conserve its consumption. According to the Jordan Valley Development Law of 2001, the Jordan Valley Authority (JVA) is responsible for the development of all water resources in the Jordan Valley, including its protection and conservation and the carrying out of all works to realize these tasks. More in particular, JVA should: · Carry out studies required for the evaluation of the water resources including hydrological, hydro-geological and geological studies, drilling of exploratory wells and the establishment of observational stations. · Plan, design, construct, operate and maintain irrigation projects and related structures and works of all types and purposes including dams, hydropower stations and related works, wells, pumping stations, reservoirs and water delivery and distribution networks, as well as surface and subsurface drainage works, flood protection works, and roads and buildings, needed for operation and maintenance. · Settle disputes arising from the use of water resources. · Organize and direct the construction of private and public wells. · Develop, protect and improve the environment in the Valley and perform necessary works to achieve this objective, to prepare plans (both Master and Detailed Plans) for the lands outside the planning boundaries of the municipalities. The Temporary Public Health Law of 2002 mandates the Ministry of Health (MoH) to monitor potable water on its health aspects. This monitoring extends to the water resources used for drinking (water in the distribution network and water at the tap). The Ministry also has a control task with respect to the technology used in the water supply system. Moreover, the Ministry should control the quality of treatment-plant effluent water and the technology used for the sewerage system. The Environmental Protection Law of 2006 gives the Ministry of Environment (MoEnv) the executive authority to protect the environment in all aspects. In the general articles of the Law, water is not explicitly mentioned as a responsibility of the Ministry, but it is defined as part of the environment (soil, water and air), and thus these articles apply to water as well. The Ministry will therefore have the following tasks with respect to water: · To prepare standards and specifications related to water resources. · To monitor the status of water resources. · To issue instructions with respect to the protection of water resources, related to a multitude of human activities. · To monitor public and private corporations for compliance with set standards and instructions. 181 · To coordinate national efforts for environmental protection, make awareness, prepare emergency plans, issue publications, etc. The Law forbids the dumping of harmful substances in any form into the waters of the Kingdom and the storage of such substances in the vicinity of water resources and invests the Ministry with police functions, executed by a special branch of the Ministry, the Environmental Police. Moreover, the Law enables levying environmental fees by the Ministry related to any form of emission and opens the possibility to enforce adequate pollution abatement technology to public and private companies. A regulation for the protection of water resources is foreseen in the Law, but has not yet been prepared by the Ministry. 182 Description of the water quality monitoring system Existing monitoring networks An overview of the existing monitoring networks is given in the table below. object number of parameters number of operator remarks stations samples in 2006 1A environmental monitoring of water resources surface water, KAC, 6 KAC chemical, physical, nutrients, 250 WAJ sources of DW supply, wadis, reservoirs 6 wadis microbiological effects of effluent 2 reservoirs discharge surface water, rivers 30 chemical, physical, nutrients, ? RSS, on behalf of JVA monthly frequency, microbiological actually less surface water, rivers 30 chemical, physical, nutrients, ? JVA monthly frequency, microbiological actually less surface water, rivers 13 8 in-situ parameters: temp., pH, EC, DO, continuous; RSS EMARCU network Turbidity, TP, TN and COD, transmission once per hour possible surface water rivers 22 chemical, physical, microbiological 120 RSS on behalf of MOE sampling every two months surface water rivers ? chemical, physical, microbiological. heavy ? MoH surface water used for metals drinking water supply surface water, dams 10 chemical, physical, microbiological 57 RSS on behalf of MOE sampling every two months surface water, dams 25 chemical, physical, nutrients, pathogens ? JVA surface water, dams 15 chemical, physical, nutrients, pathogens ? RSS, on behalf of JVA groundwater ? chemical, physical, nutrients, ? WAJ wells and springs microbiological groundwater 10 chemical, physical, microbiological, 60 MoE drinking water production chlorinated pesticides wells groundwater ? chemical, physical, nutrients, ? MoH wells used for drinking microbiological, heavy metals water supply 1B environmental monitoring of pollution sources (treated) industrial 55 chemical, physical, As, B, nutrients, NH4, 330 WAJ wastewater discharged COD, BOD, TDS, TSS to the public sewage network treated industrial 20 chemical, physical, microbiological, 80 RSS on behalf of MOE WAJ monitored before but wastewater discharged phenols, heavy metals, nutrients stopped the monitoring to the environment or reused effluent of urban 33 chemical, physical, microbiological, 131 RSS on behalf of MOE wastewater treatment phenols, heavy metals, nutrients plants 2B operational monitoring of drinking water supply drinking water in the ? chemical, physical, microbiological 31,000 WAJ tap water sampling stations pumping stations, are random rerservoirs, network and at the tap drinking water in the ? chemical, physical, microbiological 6,800 NGWA tap water sampling stations network and at the tap change drinking water in the ? chemical, physical, microbiological 108,893 Miyahouna tap water sampling stations network and at the tap are random DW treatment stations many samples for DW treatment stations drinking water at the 18 chemical, physical, microbiological, VOCs, 400 AWC wells, in the network heavy metals, pesticides and at the tap 2C operational monitoring of wastewater treatment plants influent and effluent of 20 WAJ BOD, COD, basic chemical, 500 WAJ urban wastewater 20 private microbiological, nutrients treatment plants influent and effluent of 1 BOD, COD, basic physical-chemical, 48 NGWA Irbid WWTP urban wastewater microbiological, nutrients treatment plants influent and effluent of 2 BOD, COD, basic physical-chemical, 72 AWC Aqaba WWTP urban wastewater microbiological, nutrients treatment plants 3 environmental health monitoring drinking water 20 chemical, physical, microbiological, heavy 120 RSS on behalf of MOE frequency between 1-6 metals, pesticides times per year, depending on parameter drinking water ? pathogens 20,000 MOH water tankers ? pathogens 10,000 MOH surface water, tourist 5 chemical, physical, heavy metals, 20 RSS on behalf of MOE sampling 4 times per year, resorts microbiological summer season effluent wastewater 22 pathogens 360 MOH treatment plants 183 The table is divided into three parts. The first part represents the environmental monitoring of the quality of water resources and of pollution sources, including the monitoring of wastewater returning to the environment, regardless whether this environment are surface waters, open water, irrigation fields or evaporation ponds. The second part represents the quality control monitoring executed by the water supply and sanitation operators to control drinking water quality, the influx of wastewater into the public sewerage network, and the functioning of wastewater treatment plants. The third part represents the monitoring related to environmental health issues (as far as water is concerned). Operational monitoring necessary to control the processes of drinking water treatment, storage, distribution and wastewater collection and treatment is considered to be part of the industrial process and is not discussed here. It may include as many as two hour measurements of a number of parameters in the larger drinking water treatment plants and in a number of sites within the larger mechanical wastewater treatment plants. One larger plant can easily generate 40,000 analyses per year. The three branches of monitoring are discussed separately hereafter. Environmental monitoring of water resources and sources of pollution Environmental monitoring of water resources is implemented by a number of different agencies. Surface waters, rivers, wadis, canals and dams are monitored by the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ), the Jordan Valley Authority (JVA), the Ministry of Environment (MoEnv) and the Ministry of Health (MoH). MoEnv and JVA (partly) have their monitoring programs outsourced to the Royal Scientific Society (RSS), mainly because MoEnv has no laboratory capacity and the laboratory capacity of JVA is limited. The aforementioned monitoring networks exist of approximately 60 different stations, the majority of them in the Jordan Valley and its side wadis. The typical monitoring frequency is between 4 and 12 times per year. The data in the different databases indicate that the monitoring of some of the networks is rather irregular, not according to the planned schedule and below the planned frequency. The contracted monitoring programs executed by RSS are the most regular in this sense. Typical parameters include the standard chemical and physical parameter sets, microbiological parameters, nutrients and in some cases heavy metals. Apart from aforementioned monitoring, RSS operates a real time monitoring network of 13 stations, which, on the basis on continuous sampling, produces data on 8 in-situ parameters with a frequency of once per hour (less when parameters do not change significantly). Despite the large involvement of literally all potential monitoring entities, the monitoring of surface water resources is deficient. The programs with the higher frequencies in theory (WAJ, JVA) lack funds and usually skip quite some of the planned measurements, long-term historical data series (longer than 10 years) are not available in electronic form and existing bases of raw data are not accessible for third parties, even not for those who pay for the execution of the monitoring programs (MoEnv, JVA). There are also large overlaps and redundancies that unnecessary consume scarce funds and there are clear deficiencies in the design of the programs (endless repetition of well-known standard chemical and physical parameters that does not contribute anything to neither the management nor the protection of the resources and a lack of (flexible) measurement of toxic parameters such as heavy metals in reservoir sediments and toxic organic components (pesticides, others). Also, monitoring of the environmental status of surface waters (biodiversity, saprobic indices), which may be of interest for a limited number of water resources, lacks completely. 184 Groundwater is monitored by WAJ, MoH and MoEnv. The main institution that monitors groundwater on a large scale is WAJ. MoH and MoEnv make health control and environmental checks respectively on the groundwater resources, but their monitoring program is limited to the main wells used for drinking water supply. WAJ registers the basic water quality analysis of each well that is drilled in Jordan at the moment of drilling. However, most of this data is not stored in an electronic database and regular follow-up measurements of water quality only takes place in about 200-220 wells, roughly twice yearly. Monitoring takes place at varying intervals; some wells are monitored once a year, others more frequently. Parameters are usually limited to the standards chemical composition, pH, EC or TDS, nitrates. Pesticides and other organic toxics are measured occasionally, but there concentrations are usually lower than the standards for drinking water supply. The same holds for heavy metals. From investigations in the database (WIS) it is clear that groundwater quality monitoring is not well integrated with quantitative monitoring. Where in groundwater there is a strong relation between groundwater extraction, levels and groundwater quality; these parameters should be measured in an integrated way. This is particularly true for water levels and water quality parameters; these should basically be measured at the same location and observation well. This is however hardly the case; it is difficult to find wells that have at the same time water level and water quality observations. This hampers the analysis of the development of water quality MoH measures groundwater quality in 120 selected wells that are used for drinking water supply. A set of chemical-physical parameters is measured, as well as microbiological parameters and heavy metals. Also MoEnv measures the groundwater quality in 10 selected wells; these wells represent important groundwater extraction well fields, serving drinking water supply; parameters measured a set of chemical-physical parameters, microbiological parameters, nitrates and chlorinated pesticides. Quality control monitoring of drinking water supply and sanitation Quality Control Monitoring of drinking water supply is executed by WAJ, as responsible legal entity for drinking water supply and sanitation. Some of the monitoring is also implemented by the public or private entities responsible for the water supply of Irbid (Northern Governorates Water Authority (NGWA)), Amman (Miyahouna) and Aqaba (Aqaba Water Company (AWC)). These entities all have their own laboratories, but some of them also outsource laboratory analyses to WAJ. To control water quality for the consumer, WAJ analyzed almost 31,000 samples in 2006, mainly for pathogenic germs. Of these samples, 98.8% complies with the Jordanian water quality standards. This is a respectable result, amply above the norm set by WHO at 95%. Pathogenic germs included in the analysis in the WAJ laboratory are (among others): Total coliforms, Fecal coliforms, E-coli, Pseudomonas, Fecal streptococcus, Clostridium, Nematodes, Giardia, Cryptosporidium and Helminth eggs. Moreover, WAJ analyzed the physical-chemical characteristics of almost 30,000 samples of water before and after treatment (WAJ, 2006). The physical-chemical parameters include i.a. Chlorophyll-a, odor, BOD5, COD, PO4, P-tot, NH4, NO3, N-tot, EC, DO, pH, a series of heavy metals, TDS, TSS, turbidity, temperature and residual chlorine. Occasionally pesticides, VOCs and herbicides are analyzed. The number of samples seems to be in excess by a factor two of what is required by the Jordanian Standard 286/2001 [JS 286/2001]. It is therefore assumed that some of the monitoring reported by WAJ is operational monitoring. NGWA is responsible for the water supply of the city of Irbid. It monitors water resources (wells and springs), the distribution network, process stages of the treatment plants, and the effluent of 185 wastewater treatment plants. In the year 2006, almost 1500 samples were taken for chemical analysis, 5100 samples for microbiological analysis and 200 for biochemical analysis. Again the number of samples seems larger than required by Jordanian Standard 286/2001, which would amount to approx. 700-800 samples per year. Operational monitoring is probably included in this sampling as well. Miyahouna is responsible for the water supply and wastewater collection in the Amman Governorate. It monitors raw water sources, such as the King Abdullah Canal at different locations and the wells and springs used for the drinking water supply of Amman. It also monitors the drinking water treatment process at the 3 treatment plants (Zai, Wadi Al-Seer and Russeifa, and the water quality in different parts of the distribution system. All together, Miyahouna collects and analyses more than 100,000 samples per year. Miyahouna reports as main problems with the monitoring system (MoWI et al, 2007); overlaps with WAJ monitoring, locations are not sufficiently prepared for sampling, frequencies and type of testing is not well regulated in the respective regulations, and there is a lack of cooperation from customers in issues of access to sampling points. The large amount of samples reported by Miyahouna, makes believe that this is mainly operational monitoring, not quality control monitoring. There is no information available that separates these two types of monitoring. AWC is responsible for drinking water supply and sanitation in the Aqaba Special Economic Zone, which mainly comprises the city of Aqaba with approx. 100,000 inhabitants. It takes approximately 400 samples per year of drinking water in the distribution network and at the tap. Analysis of E-coli, Helminth eggs, of a large number of physical-chemical parameters as well as heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides and VOCs are all included. As almost all wastewater in Jordan is being reused the quality control monitoring of wastewater treatment plants normally takes place according to the Jordanian Standard 893/2002 (JS 893/2002) which sets minimal quality control monitoring requirements for operating and monitoring parties. Depending on whether the plant is mechanical or biological, operating parties are required to monitor most parameters eight times or four times per month. For monitoring parties this is two or one time per month. All operating parties (WAJ, NGWA and AWC) are executing their monitoring as if they where monitoring, not operating parties (and therefore do not take sufficient samples). There seems to be no clear idea about the difference between operating and monitoring parties. The required parameters are in general respected. From the information acquired, it seems that there is sufficient quality control monitoring of drinking water supply, but that quality control monitoring of treated wastewater needs readjustment. Environmental health monitoring With respect to water, environmental health monitoring relates mainly to the hygienic control of produced drinking water and to direct use by the population of water resources, such as bathing and recreation. Due to a high degree of drinking water supply to the population (In the year 2005, 97% of the households in Jordan was directly connected to the public drinking water system (WAJ, 2006)), control of the drinking water supply on hygienic aspects takes mainly place by sampling from the sources, the distribution network and the tap. Apart from quality control monitoring by the drinking water supply companies (operators), the main responsible for this type of monitoring is the Ministry of Health (MoH). Approximately 20,000 samples are taken every year to exercise this function (WAJ, 2006). The Ministry reports less than 1% not compliant with Jordanian standards, a better figure than WAJ reports. 186 Another aspect of this monitoring is due to the intermittent character of the drinking water supply in Jordan. With very few exceptions in the winter period only, water supply in Jordan is intermittent; water comes for approx. 8 hours once or twice a week. Due to this, particularly for households where the frequency is even less and those who cannot afford to build large storage reservoirs, water is often supplied by tankers. MoH does frequent sampling of these tankers; approximately 10,000 samples are taken each year. Approx. 2% of the samples doe not comply with the Jordanian standards for microbiological parameters. Apart from aforementioned, MoH also controls the quality of the effluent of treatment plants. It takes one sample per month from treatment plants that use stabilization ponds and two samples per month from mechanical treatment plants, conform the Jordanian standard for reclaimed domestic wastewater JS893/2002 (as monitoring party!). Next to this there are visual inspections on the well- functioning of treatment plants and the use of reclaimed wastewater for certain types of crops. The responsibility for the quality control of bathing and recreation water is with MoEnv. Five traditional bathing places are monitored on chemical-physical and microbiological parameters once per month in the summer (bathing) season. Apart from this MoEnv also exercises quality control of drinking water and of treatment plants effluents. The amount of samples for drinking water supply (120) is very modest compared to the amount of samples collected by MoH (20,000). The monitoring program for wastewater is about the same order of magnitude: 114 (MoEnv) vs. 360 (MoH) samples. Validation of the national water quality monitoring system Responsibilities From the aforementioned, it is clear that there is a considerable overlap, but also redundancy, in water quality monitoring activities. This is partly due to a somewhat chaotic institutional development of the water quality sector over the last 10-15 years, partly to unclear or misunderstood institutional mandates and partly to unclear objectives as for the justification of monitoring programs, parameters and frequencies. The three causes are obviously interrelated. The overlap in monitoring becomes even clearer from Table 53: Table 53. Present responsibilities for different types of monitoring Clear overlaps exist in monitoring of surface water resources, quality control monitoring, and environmental health monitoring. 187 In order to discuss who should be involved in what monitoring, a short overview needs to be given of core responsibilities of the different ministries and entities. MoWI is responsible for the management of water resources. It should therefore dispose of adequate information on quantities of available water resources and its quality aspects. In this sense it is logical that MoWI executes the main monitoring on water resources. This said, it should be noted that MoWI has an institutional weakness in the sense that it confides water quality monitoring to WAJ and to a less extent to JVA, which are both executive water supply agencies that manage, use and pollute water resources. This presents a well-known conflict in the sense that worldwide experience shows that the adequate stewardship of water resources is difficult to combine with water industry functions of WAJ and JVA. For the sake of water quality it might therefore be wiser to trust water quality monitoring to an independent (of any water use) third party such as MoEnv. A separate water resources body would also be a good monitoring entity, but it does not exist in Jordan. In the case of Jordan, control functions regarding the water industry (drinking water supply and wastewater treatment should in general not be entrusted to the same Ministry (MoWI) that is responsible for the water industry, but rather to independent Ministries, such as MoH and MoEnv. To some extent this is already the case, but WAJ (part of MoWI) still plays a double role; on the one hand it is still drinking water supplier and operator for all but the largest three cities, on the other hand it controls the quality of water supply; the same holds for wastewater treatment. The role of WAJ would become clearer if all operation of drinking water supply and wastewater collection and treatment would be outsourced to third parties (private companies, private-public partnerships or municipalities) and WAJ would resume the role of supervising body. The operators assigned by the Government for the operation of drinking water supply and wastewater collection and treatment (NGWA, Miyahouna, AWC, the future private-public operator of the new As-Samra WWTP, etc.) should limit themselves to purely operational monitoring. It is not clear if this principle is at the moment well understood. MoWI/WAJ is also clearly responsible for the monitoring of industrial effluents that enter the public sewerage network under responsibility of WAJ. MoH is responsible for all monitoring that concerns health aspects. This clearly applies to the monitoring of drinking water before it is consumed by the population, regardless whether it is distributed by the respective drinking water supply operators or delivered by water tankers. It should also apply to bathing waters, where MoH is however not active. It is doubtful whether MoH monitoring should also extend to groundwater and surface water resources themselves; there seems to be a large overlap here and it seems sufficient that MoH monitors drinking water after it has past treatment, i.e. directly before it is delivered to the consumers and in important storage reservoirs on its way. Also the role of MoH in the control of WWTP effluent should be reconsidered. Where the responsibility for wastewater treatment and its quality control is the responsibility of MoWI/WAJ and almost all wastewater is reused, the role of MoH would be much more effective in controlling whether the water is indeed used for the purposes indicated in the Jordanian Standard 893/2002 and is properly handled by those responsible for its re-use. Partly this is already done, but it should be more clearly become a major responsibility of MoH. MoEnv is responsible for all monitoring that is linked to environmental issues. This includes the general quality of water resources (groundwater and surface water), wastewater returning to the environment and all pollution sources that emit to the environment. The definition of emission to the 188 environment should eventually include industrial wastewater that is reused on the industrial compound for irrigation purposes. Regarding the monitoring of the quality of water resources there is definitely a (responsibility) grey zone that may be very difficult to resolve. On the one hand, MoWI needs certain information to enable proper management of quantity and quality aspects of water resources; on the other hand MoEnv needs a detailed overview of the existing quality and its trends to enable environmental policy-making. In EU countries this problem has largely been solved by the integration of environmental and water ministries that took place over the last 10-20 years. In the Middle East, with its scarce water resources, such integration is not likely and other solutions have to be found. A major component of any solution is however to co-ordinate properly, avoid overlaps and fully exchange data. Even though a start has been made in 2007 through the Royal Commission on Water, much remains to be done. With regard to the monitoring of WWTP effluent, a strong overlap exists between WAJ, MoH and MoEnv. This needs to be sorted out in order to increase the efficiency of the monitoring system. Basically WAJ should take the quality control monitoring of the urban WWTPs, but only for those it does not operate itself. One could imagine a division of tasks between MoH and MoEnv, where MoH concentrates on microbiological parameters and MoEnv on the other parameters. This should also be properly discussed. Other considerations, such as existing monitoring systems that work more or less adequate, knowledge of staff in the different institutions, existing laboratory capacity and quality, should also be reviewed when discussing the required monitoring system. Due to the fact that Jordan is a country of limited financial resources, in any case overlap of monitoring should be avoided! Monitoring parameters Most probably due to the ease with which such parameters can be measured (no sophisticated laboratory or field equipment is needed), standard chemical and physical parameters form the bulk of the monitoring observations. For most water resources and effluents, there is obviously no need to repeat measurements of chemical composition and a number of physical parameters (pH for instance), every time a sample is taken. Also, where certain parameters score consequently below the limit of detection (heavy metals, pesticides), or below the limit of concern (SO4, boron, CU, Fe, Mn, etc.), there is obviously no reason to repeat them all the time and they can be left out or the frequency of their measurement can be reduced. Monitoring frequency Following the aforementioned, monitoring frequency should be maintained more flexible. It is necessary to introduce the concept of baseline survey. These are extended surveys that cover eventually up to hundred parameters, but are executed only every five years or so over all monitoring sites; as a vertical element, the baseline survey can eventually include seasonality as well where this is relevant (surface water e.g.). Based on the outcome of the baseline survey, the parameters to be measured in each monitoring point and their frequency will be set. The best examples of this way of working are at the moment the monitoring requirements of Jordanian Standard 893/2002, where rather different frequencies are used for different parameters and the monitoring program executed by RSS on behalf of MoEnv, where there are different frequencies for different parameter sets and for different stations. The latter lacks however the basis of a baseline study and more diversity could be introduced (like leaving out certain parameter for a 189 longer period, etc. All this needs to be studied in more detail, but it is estimated that in this way at least half of the present monitoring costs could be saved without disposing of less essential information, saved money which then could be used to increase the quality of the monitoring (extra parameters, less data gaps, etc. All the above considerations should lead to a revision of the present monitoring system. Such a system could take the form as briefly described in Table 54. Please note that the schedule is preliminary it needs more investigations and above all discussion between the different monitoring entities. Table 54. Revised monitoring system; preliminary proposal Laboratory facilities A review of laboratory facilities is not subject of this study. It is sufficient to indicate that basically seven (groups of) laboratories are at this moment available (and being used) for water quality analysis. The groups usually exist of a central laboratory and a number of small regional laboratories (except in the case of JVA and RSS which have only a central laboratory. Three of these are operational control laboratories (Miyahouna, NGWA, AWC), the other four are used for measuring the quality of water resources, for quality control and for the control of pollution sources. These are the laboratories of WAJ, JVA, MoH and RSS. MoEnv does not dispose of own laboratories but uses the laboratory of RSS. All mentioned laboratories have quality control systems in place that include exchange of samples with external laboratories as well. The grade of sophistication is somewhat different between the laboratories, but all seem to have reasonable to good working conditions (physical space, training of staff, management, etc.). None of the mentioned laboratories dominates the complete range of all possible water quality analysis, but all are able to make measurements of standard physical-chemical parameters, microbiological parameters, heavy metals and the most common types of organic toxic pollutant. 190 Annex 3: Transport - pollution model: additional information Table 55. List of officials consulted for the development of transport model Name Title, Affiliation Institution Abdel Majeed Khabour Director of Zarqa Directorate MoEnv Adnan Zawahreh Director of Inspection and Enforcement MoEnv Ahmad Rusan Director of Administrative Services MoEnv Ahmed Qatarneh Director of Licensing and Guidance MoEnv Ahmed Uleimat Head Environmental Monitoring &Impact Water Authority of Jordan Assessment Division Ali Abadi USAID funded Jordan Industrial Manifest MoEnv Project Ali Suboh Environment protection directorate MoWI Al-Sharifeh Nawzat Bint Ali UNCC Project Legal Advisor MoEnv Ayman Sulaiman ASEZA Coordinator, Air Quality Monitoring Bashar Abbadi, Head of Planning and Studies GAM Bassam Hayek Director of Environment Research Center RSS Batir Wardam Assistant manager- Environmental Claims Unit MoEnv Danuta El Ghuff Task Manager Development and Regional EC Delegation Jordan Cooperation Eman Balqar Local development and investment department MoMA Eng. Enas Ahed MoEnv Salt regional directorate MoEnv Esam Al-Faqir Director of Financial Services MoEnv Fadi Sharaiha Executive Director Royal Marine Conservation Society Faisal Abu Sondus JREDS Projects Manager Faraj Fayad Directorate of Monitoring and Assessment MoEnv HE Bilal Bashir ASEZA Commissioner for environment HE Faris Al-Junaidi Secretary General MoEnv HE Khaled Irani Minister of Environment MoEnv Heinz Schweinbenz Director of Transport Greater Amman Municipality Henri Masson Team Leader - Institutional Strengthening of MoEnv the Environmental Directorates in the Governorates of Jordan ­ EU project Hussein Badarin Director of Monitoring and Assessment MoEnv Hussein Shahin Nature protection directorate MoEnv Islam Maghayreh JSCDBD Secretary General Issa Shboul Media advisor MoEnv Khalaf Al-Oglah Director of Irbid MoEnv Directorate MoEnv 191 Name Title, Affiliation Institution MoEnv Khaled Majali Project Management directorate Khaled Nassar JSSD Director General Lt. Colonel Mohammad al Deputy Environmental Rangers Majali Major Fawaz Elfayez Chief of Administration and Personnel Environmental Rangers Mazen Khalel ASEZA Director, Directorate of environment Mohammad Alam Monitoring and Assessment Directorate MoEnv Director of Environment and General Sanitary GAM Mohammad Amayreh Dept (EGSD)/ Mohammed Amawi Component leader: removal of Government Sustainable Achievement of constraints on private sector competitiveness Business Expansion and Quality (SABEQ) ­ USAID funded program Mohammed Khashashneh Director of Waste Management and Hazardous MoEnv Substances Munjed Al-Sharif Director of Queen Rania Al-Abdullah Center Jordan University of Science for Environmental Science and Technology and Technology Nayef Rawshdeh Head of Multi-Transport Ministry of transport Omar Abu-Eid Environment and Energy Focal Point EC Delegation Jordan Omar Shabsough Cities, villages and central buildings planning MoMA department Ra'eda Ouran Regional planning department MoMA Raji Hattar Chief Projects Officer Aramex Randa Rabadi Head of Road Freight Transport Ministry of transport Raouf Dabbas Advisor MoEnv Ruba Al-Zoubi Director of Policy and Development MoEnv Saleh Jaradat Planning department MoMA Saleh Kharabsheh Director of Projects Department MoPIC Salim Moughrabi Head of the Environment Impact Assessment ASEZA Sana'a Labadi Director of Outreach MoEnv Talat al Dabbas Director of Salt regional directorate MoEnv Tamara Bakir Head of environment department MoMA Head of Environment section GAM Thaer Abbadi; Wijdan Rabadi Director of Cost and Pricing Department Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Yehya Khaled Director General Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature Zaidoun El-Qasem Eng., Amman Master Plan Department Greater Amman Municipality Zaki El-Ayoubi Director General Jordan Chamber of Industry 192 List of Data used in Transport model Fuel sales in Governorates, 2006. PTRC 2007 Number and age of public transport vehicles, PTRC 2007 Public transport vehicles distributed on routes, PTRC 2007 Phosphate transport by train and diesel consumption 2006, Ministry of Transport 2007 Vehicle statistics according to registration year and vehicle category, Drivers and Vehicle Licensing Directorate, 2007 Vehicle inspection emission data, Drivers and Vehicle Licensing Directorate, 2007 Distribution of Jordan population by Governorates by end 2004, Department of Statistics, Population and housing censes 2004 The Transport Sector in Jordan. Ministry of Transport, Annual Report 2005. 193 Emission factors used in the Transport model Road emission Table 56. 2005 emission factors Emission Fuel pass. Car LDV HDV urban bus coach motorcycle Germany CO diesel 0,275 0,318 1,303 2,401 1,557 [g/VehKm] Germany CO gas 2,716 10,787 11,064 [g/VehKm] Germany CO2 diesel 170,969 245,997 685,63 951,946 869,188 [g/VehKm] Germany CO2 gas 185,583 250,959 98,71 [g/VehKm] Germany Fuel diesel 53,848 77,479 215,946 299,826 273,76 [g/VehKm] Germany Fuel gas 58,451 79,042 31,09 [g/VehKm] Germany HC diesel 0,053 0,058 0,36 0,708 0,47 [g/VehKm] Germany HC gas 0,181 0,538 1,865 [g/VehKm] Germany NOx diesel 0,519 0,715 7,03 9,906 8,796 [g/VehKm] Germany NOx gas 0,214 0,786 0,328 [g/VehKm] Germany PM diesel 0,04 0,071 0,161 0,28 0,203 [g/VehKm] Germany PM gas 0 0 0 [g/VehKm] Table 57. 1990 emission factors Country Emission Fuel pass. Car LDV HDV urban bus coach motorcycle Germany CO diesel 0,513 1,149 2,216 7,009 2,239 [g/VehKm] Germany CO gas 13,19 34,109 15,21 [g/VehKm] Germany CO2 diesel 207,54 280,109 753,526 974,722 937,573 [g/VehKm] Germany CO2 gas 224,476 298,764 104,682 [g/VehKm] Germany Fuel diesel 65,367 88,223 237,331 306,999 295,299 [g/VehKm] Germany Fuel gas 70,701 94,099 32,971 [g/VehKm] Germany HC diesel 0,102 0,233 0,934 2,574 0,764 [g/VehKm] Germany HC gas 2,941 4,643 5,303 [g/VehKm] Germany NOx diesel 0,622 1,074 10,639 12,718 12,419 [g/VehKm] Germany NOx gas 1,668 2,673 0,177 [g/VehKm] Germany PM diesel 0,172425 0,3762 0,656925 1,682925 0,6726 0 [g/VehKm] Germany PM gas 0 0 0 0 0 0 [g/VehKm] Jordan SO2 diesel 14,28 14,28 14,28 14,28 14,28 14,28 g/l diesel S% 0,85 Jordan refinery Jordan SO2 gas g/l gasoline Jordan Pb diesel 0 g/l diesel Jordan Pb gas 0,12561 0,12561 g/l gasoline Pb% 0,12561 Source: HBEFA Handbuch, German Ministry of Environment Http:// 194 Table 58. Pre 1990 emission factors Country Emission Fuel pass. Car LDV HDV urban bus coach motorcycle Germany CO diesel 0,6156 1,3788 2,6592 8,4108 2,6868 [g/VehKm] CO Factor 1,2 Germany CO gas 15,828 40,9308 18,252 [g/VehKm] Germany CO2 diesel 207,54 280,109 753,526 974,722 937,573 [g/VehKm] Germany CO2 gas 224,476 298,764 104,682 [g/VehKm] Germany Fuel diesel 65,367 88,223 237,331 306,999 295,299 [g/VehKm] Germany Fuel gas 70,701 94,099 32,971 [g/VehKm] Germany HC diesel 0,1224 0,2796 1,1208 3,0888 0,9168 [g/VehKm] HC factor 1,2 Germany HC gas 3,5292 5,5716 6,3636 [g/VehKm] Germany NOx diesel 0,622 1,074 10,639 12,718 12,419 [g/VehKm] Germany NOx gas 1,668 2,673 0,177 [g/VehKm] Germany PM diesel 0,20691 0,45144 0,78831 2,01951 0,80712 0 [g/VehKm] PM factor 1,2 Germany PM gas 0 0 0 0 0 0 [g/VehKm] Jordan SO2 diesel 14,28 14,28 14,28 14,28 14,28 14,28 g/l diesel Jordan SO2 gas 0 0 0 0 0 0 g/l gasoline Jordan Pb diesel 0 0 0 0 0 0 g/l diesel Jordan Pb gas 0,12561 0 0 0 0 0,12561 g/l diesel Source: HBEFA handbuch, German Ministry of Environment Http:// Table 59. Rail emission factors Passenger Freight Emission Fuel g/ g/tonne km CO2 diesel 20,83 21,08 CO2 elect 58,30 60,70 NOx diesel 0,40 0,40 NOx elect 0,24 0,25 VOC diesel 0,13 0,13 VOC elect 0,06 0,06 VOC is assumed to be a proxi for HC PM diesel 0,23 0,19 PM elect 0,31 0,26 SO2 diesel 0,09 0,09 SO2 estimated as for road transport SO2 elect Source: External costs of transport in Central and Eastern Europe, OECD 27-28 May 2003, p 76-77 195 Annex 4. Public environmental expenditure review According to the World Bank Environment Strategy Paper (Lundethors & Swanson, 2003), the public environmental expenditure is defined as expenditure by public institutions for purposeful activities aimed directly at the prevention, reduction, and elimination of pollution or any other degradation of the environment resulting from human activities, as well as natural resource management activities not aimed at resource exploitation or production. In 2003, five international organizations namely: the United Nations, European Commission, International Monetary Fund, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the World Bank has circulated the final draft for the "Handbook of National Accounting for Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting 2003". The handbook contained detailed revision of the United Nations Handbook of National Accounting known as ­ System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting (SEEA). The main feature of the handbook is the provision of a common framework for economic and environmental information, allowing a consistent analysis of the contribution of the environment to the economy and of the impact of the economy on the environment. The main purpose of the handbook is to meet the needs of policy makers by providing indicators and descriptive statistics to monitor the interaction between the economy and the environment as well as serving as a tool for strategic planning and policy analysis to identify more sustainable development paths (UN, 2003). The environmental protection accounts aim to measure what is being done to protect the environment, in terms of environmental protection and management activities, products to protect the environment and expenditure on these goods and services. These types of environmental protection activities intended to restore the environment are defined in details in the classification of environmental protection activities and expenditure (CEPA 2000). The full classification of environmental protection activities (CEPA) generally classifies these activities into environmental "domains" which are protected for example air, water, soil and groundwater, biodiversity and landscape. In other words, the CEPA is a generic, multi-purpose, functional classification for environmental protection. It is used for classifying activities but also products, actual expenditure and other transactions. The classification unit is often determined by the units of the primary data sources that are being classified and by the presentation formats used for results. The compilation of environmental expenditure accounts requires determining environmental protection activities and their output of environmental protection services by categories of CEPA. Environmental protection activities are production activities in the sense of national accounts. The CEPA is designed to classify transactions and activities whose primary purpose is environmental protection. The management of natural resources (for example, water supply) and the prevention of natural hazards (landslides, floods, etc.) are not included in CEPA. Resource management and prevention of natural hazards are covered in broader frameworks (for example, SERIEE (Eurostat, 1994) or the OECD/Eurostat (1999) environment industry manual). Separate classifications (for resource management for example) should be set up which, together with the CEPA, would be part of a family of environment-related classifications. Box 1 shows the Classification of Environmental Protection Activities (CEPA) for environmental protection expenditure domains. A major part of this part of the study was devoted to the explanation of these definitions. 196 Box 13. Definition: Classification of Environmental Protection Activities (CEPA) 1. Protection of ambient air and climate 2. Wastewater management 3. Waste management 4. Protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water 5. Noise and vibration abatement 6. Protection of biodiversity and landscape 7. Protection against radiation 8. Research and development 9. Other environmental protection activities 9.1 General environmental administration and management 9.2 Education, training and information 9.3 Activities leading to indivisible expenditure 9.4 Activities not elsewhere specified Jordan Environmental Expenditure The public environmental expenditure in Jordan has been reported in the "General Government Finance Bulletins" for the years 2002-2005. It has been prepared according to the functional classification definitions stated in the Government Financial Statistics Manual (GFS) adopted by the Government of Jordan in the year 2001. The Jordan environmental protection functional classification is based on the European system of collecting economic data on environment which was issued by the EUROSTAT. The improved version of the European statisticians and accountants that adopted a common classification of environmental protection activities was replaced in 2000. The EUROSTAT functional classification which has been adopted by Jordanian Government in 2001 is referred to as "the Classification of Functions of Government (COFOG)". The European (COFOG) is a central classification of national accounts. It classifies General Government transactions according to purpose and thus permits the identification of actual or imputed expenditure made in connection with particular functions or to achieve particular purposes. The function of environmental protection in the COFOG is based upon the Classification of Environmental Protection Activities (CEPA). The COFOG includes a full division dedicated to environmental protection. Within this division 6 groups are distinguished: · 05.1: Waste management · 05.2: Wastewater management · 05.3: Pollution abatement · 05.4: Protection of biodiversity and landscape · 05.5: R&D environmental protection · 05.6: Environmental protection not elsewhere classified Table 60 shows the functional division of the public environmental expenditure in Jordan coded based on the functional groups of expenditure which correspondence to the above mentioned COFOG which is also based on the Classification of Environmental Protection Activities (CEPA). The table also shows the division of the 6 groups of expenditure into current and capital. 197 Table 60. Jordan Public Expenditures According to Functional Classification code Functional Code Functional Group Current Capital Total Division Expenditures Expenditures 705 Environmental 7051 Waste protection management 7052 Wastewater Management 7053 Pollution abatement 7054 Protection of biodiversity and landscape 7055 R&D Environmental Protection 7056 Environmental Protection n.e.c. Total 706 Housing and 7061 Housing community development Amenities 7063 Water supply Total 710 Social Protection 7106 Housing Total As indicated above, the above breakdown in table 1 of the COFOG is based upon the EUROSTAT system and the CEPA 2000. The links between the classification system and the categories of expenditures used in COFOG and CEPA are presented in Table 61. The comparison in the table helps to understand which expenditures are included. It can be concluded from the comparison that all domains in Jordan PEE is included in the CEPA. However, Jordan PEE lacks the kind of details included in the CEPA. The lack of details in the Jordan PEE resulted in filing many items of expenditures on environmental protection into category 705.6 not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.) Table 61: Jordan public environmental protection expectorer (705) vs CEPA Corresponding domains in Classification of Jordanian functional classification definitions as stated Environmental Protection Activities (CEPA 2000) in the Government Financial Statistics Manual (GFS) adopted by the Government of Jordan in the year 2001 7051 Waste management: 3. Waste management This group covers the collection and treating waste. Which includes the following: 3.1 Prevention of pollution through in-process · The collection and treatment of waste, including modifications monitoring and regulation activities. 3.2 Collection and transport · The recycling and composting, the collection and 3.3 Treatment and disposal of hazardous waste treatment of low level radioactive waste, street 3.3.1 Thermal treatment cleaning and the collection of public litter. The 3.3.2 Landfill collection of litter includes all types of litter either it is 3.3.3 Other treatment and disposal 3.4 Treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste 198 Corresponding domains in Classification of Jordanian functional classification definitions as stated Environmental Protection Activities (CEPA 2000) in the Government Financial Statistics Manual (GFS) adopted by the Government of Jordan in the year 2001 performed selectively or collectively. It also includes 3.4.1 Incineration the transportation to treatment and disposable 3.4.2 Landfill locations; 3.4.3 Other treatment and disposal · Treatment of waste refers to any process designed to 3.5 Measurement, control, laboratories and the like change the physical, chemical, or biological character 3.6 Other activities or composition of any waste to neutralize it, render it non-hazardous, safer for transport, amenable for recovery or storage, or to reduce it in volume. A particular waste may undergo more than one treatment process; · Activities and measures aimed at eliminating or reducing the generation of solid waste; · Activities related to treatment of hazardous waste which comprises the processes of physical/chemical treatment, thermal treatment, biological treatment, conditioning of wastes, and any other relevant treatment method. Disposal of hazardous waste comprises landfill, containment, underground disposal, dumping at sea, and any other relevant disposal method. 7052 Wastewater management 2. Wastewater management This domain consists of activities and measures aimed at 2.1 Prevention of pollution through in-process operating sewage systems and treating wastewater. This modifications includes the following: 2.2 Sewerage networks · The prevention of pollution of surface water through 2.3 Wastewater treatment the reduction of the release of wastewater into inland 2.4 Treatment of cooling water surface water and seawater; 2.5 Measurement, control, laboratories and the · The collection and treatment of wastewater including like monitoring and regulation activities. Septic tanks are 2.6 Other activities also included; · Activities aimed at the operation of sewerage networks, i.e. the collection and transport of wastewater from one or several users, and also rainwater, by means of sewerage networks, collectors, tanks and other means of transport (sewage vehicles, etc.), including maintenance and repair. · Wastewater treatment to reclaim wastewater to a level that meets applicable environmental standards or other quality norms. This may include the different types of treatment (mechanical, biological, and advanced treatment) 7053 Pollution abatement (Protection of ambient air, soil, 1. Protection of ambient air and climate water and climate) 1.1 Prevention of pollution through in-process · This domain consists of activities and measures aimed modifications at protection and remediation of air, climate, soil, 1.1.1 for the protection of ambient air groundwater, reduction of noise, vibration and 1.1.2 for the protection of climate and protection from harmful radiation. These activities ozone layer 199 Corresponding domains in Classification of Jordanian functional classification definitions as stated Environmental Protection Activities (CEPA 2000) in the Government Financial Statistics Manual (GFS) adopted by the Government of Jordan in the year 2001 also include activities and measures aimed at the 1.2 Treatment of exhaust gases and ventilation installation and management of anti-noise facilities. air These may be screens, embankments or hedges. They 1.1.3 for the protection of ambient air may consist of covering sections of urban motorways 1.1.4 for the protection of climate and or railroads. ozone layer · Activities and measures aimed at controlling the level of noise and vibration: installation and operation of 1.3 Measurement, control, laboratories and the stationary measurement and monitoring sites or mobile equipment in urban areas, observation like networks, etc. 1.4 Other activities · Grants, loans and assistants to support activities aimed at pollution abatement. 4. Protection and remediation of soil, groundwater and surface water 4.1 Prevention of pollutant infiltration 4.2 Cleaning up of soil and water bodies 4.3 Protection of soil from erosion and other physical degradation 4.4 Prevention and remediation of soil salinity 4.5 Measurement, control, laboratories and the like 4.6 Other activities 5. Noise and vibration abatement (excluding workplace protection) 5.1 Preventive in-process modifications at the source 5.1.1 Road and rail traffic 5.1.2 Air traffic 5.1.3 Industrial and other noise 5.2 Construction of anti noise/vibration facilities 5.2.1 Road and rail traffic 5.2.2 Air traffic 5.2.3 Industrial and other noise 5.3 Measurement, control, laboratories and the like 5.4 Other activities 7. Protection against radiation (excluding external safety) 7.1 Protection of ambient media 7.2 Transport and treatment of high level radioactive waste 7.3 Measurement, control, laboratories and the like 7.4 Other activities 200 Corresponding domains in Classification of Jordanian functional classification definitions as stated Environmental Protection Activities (CEPA 2000) in the Government Financial Statistics Manual (GFS) adopted by the Government of Jordan in the year 2001 7054 Protection of biodiversity and landscapes 6. Protection of biodiversity and landscape · This domain covers activities for protection of 6.1 Protection and rehabilitation of species and biodiversity and landscape. This includes measures habitats and activities aimed at the protection and 6.2 Protection of natural and semi-natural rehabilitation of fauna and flora species, ecosystems landscapes and habitats in addition to the protection and 6.3 Measurement, control, laboratories and the rehabilitation of natural and semi-natural landscapes. like · Measurement, monitoring, analysis activities which are related to protecting biodiversity not classified 6.4 Other activities under the preceding items. · Maintaining or establishing certain landscape types, biotopes, eco-zones and related issues (hedgerows, lines of trees to re-establish `natural corridors') have a clear link to biodiversity preservation · Grants, loans and assistants to support activities aimed at protecting biodiversity and landscapes. 7055. Research and development 8. Research and development · This domain covers activities related to management and operation of public institutions in the areas of 8.1 Protection of ambient air and climate applied and experimental research targeted towards 8.1.1 Protection of ambient air the protection of environment 8.1.2 Protection of atmosphere and · Grants, loans and assistants for supporting applied and climate experimental research targeted towards the protection 8.2 Protection of water of environment which are implemented by non- 8.3 Waste governmental institutions such as universities and 8.4 Protection of soil and groundwater research institutes. 8.5 Abatement of noise and vibration · Basic research identified under article 04107 is excluded 8.6 Protection of species and habitats 8.7 Protection against radiation 8.8 Other research on the environment 7056 Environmental Protection n.e.c- Other 9. Other environmental protection activities environmental protection activities · Activities refers to all environmental protection 9.1 General environmental administration and activities which take the form of general management environmental administration, management, operation, 9.1.1 General administration, regulation support and supervision on activities like public policy and the like formulation, coordination, planning and budget 9.1.2 Environmental management preparation related to environmental protection. · This domain also include implementation and 9.2 Education, training and information preparation special standards related to founding 9.3 Activities leading to indivisible expenditure services for environmental protection; and 9.4 Activities not elsewhere classified · Producing and disseminating public information and technical documents and statistics related to environmental protection. 201 Presentation and interpretation of PEER analysis Governments' spending on environmental protection varies from time to time as a result of several factors including environmental priorities, budgetary constraints, emergence etc. Despite the existence of the public expenditure directory in Jordan since 2001, public environmental expenditure has been reported in summary only as part of the general Government finance bulletin for the period 2002-2006. Thus the MOF team in full collaboration with the consultant staff reclassified the General Government Expenditure of the public independent institutions and the municipalities for the period 2000-2006 using the budgetary classification that classifies public expenditures based on its functions as portrayed in Table 60 above. The purpose of conducting the PEER analysis is to show how the extracted results can be used on an aggregate level and how important and useful are the different variables, different environmental domains and the sectors concerned. The analysis and interpretation can also improve the approach to the information that the decision-maker can use to take a decision. The following analysis of PEE covers three types of public environmental expenditure according to the spending agency: 1. Public expenditure of the central Government finance; 2. Public expenditure of the "public independent institutions"; and 3. Public expenditure of municipalities all over Jordan including Greater Municipality of Amman (GAM). The analysis of data produced on environmental expenditure accounts is presented according to: 1. Total Public Environmental Expenditure as a percentage of GDP; 2. Analysis by individual sector: public expenditure for environmental protection in relation to total public expenditure; 3. Comparison of the different sectors: this covers the percentage distribution of the financial burden for environmental protection amongst the different Government sectors; 4. Comparison of the different environmental domains: for example, the percentage distribution of the financial burden of environmental protection amongst waste management, wastewater treatment, etc.; 5. Analysis by environmental expenditure variable: for example, capital expenditure for environmental protection versus current expenditure Total Public Environmental Expenditure as a percentage of GDP A relevant figure in the PEE analysis is the proportion of public expenditure for environmental protection from the total of gross domestic product GDP. Table 62 shows the proportion of total public environmental expenditures (PEE) to the total Government expenditures (TGE) at current prices during the period 2002-2006. The ratio of the PEE to TGE over the five-year period varied from a minimum of 1.4 percent to a maximum of 2.6 percent in 2003. 202 Table 62: Public Environmental Protection expenditure (2002-2006, current Million JOD) Public Bodies 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Central Government Finance 16,643,790 19,697,810 19,527,840 29,921,881 40,330,438 Public Independent Institutions 14,108,743 58,490,879 34,342,933 22,059,170 13,027,794 Municipalities 2,952,468 3,507,401 2,362,524 4,415,806 4,453,667 Greater Amman Municipality* 7,588,650 8,320,550 14,486,300 18,932,020 16,437,000 TOTAL Public Environmental Expenditure 41,293,651 90,016,640 70,719,597 75,328,877 74,248,899 (PEE) Total Government Expenditure (TGE) 2,977,826,500 3,457,445,00 3,852,437,70 4,270,459,80 4,712,500,00 0 0 0 0 Ratio of PEE to TGE 1.4% 2.6% 1.8% 1.8% 1.6% Source: Ministry of Finance, except data from Greater Amman Municipality However, to have a real sense of the expenditure figures, the values in Table 63 were adjusted to inflation rates published by the Central Bank of Jordan (deflated). The ratios depicted in Table 63 show that the total PEE during the period 2002-2006 amounted to an average of 0.8 percent of the total GDP at real prices (deflated prices). While for the same period the PEE formed 2.3 percent of the total Government spending as indicated in Table 63. Table 63: Total PEE proportion in GDP and total public expenditure (Deflated) Years 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 GDP at Market Prices (JOD bn) 6.879 7.354 8.32 9.231 10.409 Inflation rate as measured by % change in GDP deflator 0.9 2.1 3.1 3.2 5.18 Deflated GDP (JOD bn) using GDP deflator 6.818 7.203 8.070 8.945 9.896 Total PEE at Market Prices (JOD bn) 0.042 0.090 0.071 0.076 0.075 Deflated PEE (JOD bn) 0.042 0.088 0.068 0.074 0.072 % of PE of the GDP (%) 0.61% 1.23% 0.85% 0.83% 0.72% Total Government Expenditure at Market Prices (JOD bn) 2.396 2.810 3.181 3.539 3.912 Deflated Government Budget (JOD bn) 2.375 2.752 3.085 3.429 3.720 PEE as % of Gov. spending 1.7% 3.2% 2.2% 2.2% 1.9% Source: Central Bank of Jordan, Monthly Statistical Bulletins, different issues There are no statistics on the proportion of PEE to the GDP in the neighboring countries in order to make comparisons. However, available statistics from other countries show that the ratio of PEE as a proportion of the GDP in some of the EU countries is slightly above 1% of the GDP, while in countries like Magnolia the average expenditure represented less than 0.5% 79 (Magnolia Environment Monitor, 2002). Some countries made a real progress in term of spending such as Poland. Environmental expenditures in Poland have increased from 0.5 % of the GDP in. 1985 to 1.1 % in 199580. However, the reference does not specify the types of environmental activities of which the expenditures increased. 79 World Bank, Mongolia Environment Monitor, 2002 80 Päivi Keskitalo, Electronic Publications of Pan-European Institute 5/2006. 203 Analysis by individual sector Table 64 shows the actual spending on environmental protection according to the records of the Ministry of Finance for the period 2002-2006. In terms of total spending during the studied period, the table shows that the highest spending was by the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation which amounted to 63 percent of the total spending on environmental protection followed by the spending made by the Ministry of Agriculture which reached to 16 percent and the Ministry of Municipalities at 14 percent. The table also shows that the total value of spending on environmental protection was increasing during the studied period. In nominal terms, the environmental expenditure of the general Government increased by 59 percent from 2002 to 2006. Table 64: Central Government Expenditure on Environmental Protection (2002-2006) Ministry 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Ministry of Environment - 770,447 971,584 952,044 2,993,012 Ministry of Municipalities 2,797,990 3,477,745 3,147,201 4,663,932 4,010,564 Ministry of Agriculture 3,460,707 3,610,063 3,667,217 4,098,111 5,568,524 Jordan Valley Authority/Environmental Studies 90,637 62,464 61,629 75,679 78,355 MOF support to Jordan Environment Society 20,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 MOF support to Jordan Combating Desert Society 20,000 20,000 16,000 16,000 10,000 MOF support to Royal Society for Conservation of Nature 20,000 200,000 180,000 180,000 240,000 MOF support to GCEP 450,000 - - - - MOF support to Royal Society for Marine Conservation - - 16,000 24,000 25,000 Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation 9,784,456 11,532,091 11,448,209 19,892,115 27,384,983 TOTAL 16,643,790 19,697,810 19,527,840 29,921,881 40,330,438 Total Government Expenditure (TGE) 2,396,200,000 2,809,800,000 3,180,500,000 3,538,900,000 3,912,200,000 % of Expenditure on Env. Protection by Central Gov. 0.7% 0.7% 0.6% 0.8% 1.0% Source: MOF, General Government Finance Bulletins, 2002-2007 In 2007, there were forty one independent public institutions in Jordan each having its own independent budget. A separate budget bulletin is issued every year for these institutions that contains all the expenditures under the different domains. These bulletins follow the traditional budgetary classifications but it does not include a functional classification for environmental protection spending by these institutions as in the case of the general Government finance. According to the General Budgetary Department (GBD), the standard environmental functional classification according to the Government Financial Statistics Manual (GFS) of 2001 will be adapted starting the current financial year of 2008. For the purpose of CEA, the MOF reclassified the actual expenditures of these institutions based on the functional classification included in the directory of 2001. Table 65 includes the main five public independent institutions that have a significant spending on environmental protection. The table shows that the total spending on environmental protection by these institutions amounted to JOD 144.6 million representing 6 percent of the total spending by all independent institutions in the country. The Water Authority was the leading institution in terms of spending on environmental protection. The figures show that 95 percent of the environmental spending was on water authority projects such as wastewater networks and wastewater treatment followed by spending of the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority which amounted to 4 percent of the total spending. 204 Table 65: Environmental Expenditure by Independent Public Institution (2002-2006) Institution 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Water Authority 12,295,003 57,307,627 32,642,733 21,834,860 12,853,917 Authority of Petra Region 145,000 202,432 142,200 129,750 99,000 Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority 1,093,740 980,820 1,558,000 1,170,000 1,372,000 General Corporation for Environment Protection 575,000 - - - - (GCEP) The Higher Council for Youth - - - 94,560 74,877 Total Environmental Expenditure (PEE) by Indep 14,108,743 58,490,879 34,342,933 23,229,170 14,399,794 Inst. Total Expenditure by Independent Institutions 418,926,50 476,945,00 498,537,70 529,659,80 541,800,00 0 0 0 0 0 Proportion of PEE to total expenditure Indep Inst. 3.4% 12.3% 6.9% 4.4% 2.7% Source: Calculation from the General Budgetary Bulletins for Public Independent Institutions, 2000-2007 The Greater Municipality of Amman (GAM) is one of the major public independent institutions that has its own budget and not included in the bulletins issued by GBD. The GAM records show that the total spending on environmental protection for the studied period 2002-2006 amounted to JOD65.8 million which was mainly spent on solid waste collection and processing. In addition to support from the MOF, other municipalities and villages around the country also obtain significant support from the Bank of Cities and Villages for different types of activities. The total support provided by the Bank for covering environmental protection expenses amounted to JOD17.7 million during the period 2002-2006. Comparison of the different domains Reporting the expenditures by environmental domain provides a general indication of a country's financial efforts directed towards that domain. This type of classification can give an indication of the type and level of service that the country provides for the different environmental domains (for example, wastewater and waste management) and the relative importance that it assigns to the domain in relation to other services. Table 66 shows that the total expenditure by the general Government on environmental protection on the six domains amounted to 126 million JOD during 2002-2006 of which 77 percent of the expenditure is classified under domain 705.6 (not elsewhere classified). Table 66: General Government PEE by domain during 2002-2006 Functional classification Code 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Waste management 7051 0.80 1.55 1.48 1.21 1.81 Wastewater Management 7052 - - - - - Pollution abatement 7053 - 0.02 0.06 0.07 0.07 Protection of biodiversity and landscape 7054 3.48 3.64 3.68 4.11 5.58 R&D Environmental Protection 7055 - 0.14 0.25 0.30 0.24 Environmental Protection n.e.c. 7056 12.36 14.34 14.06 24.23 32.64 Total 16.64 19.70 19.53 29.92 40.33 Source: Abstracted from the General Government Finance Bulletins, 2002-2007 As indicated earlier, municipalities also receive support from the Cities and Villages Bank (CVB). This support is considered as a transfer from the central budget to all municipalities in Jordan. Table 205 67 shows the functional classification of environmental expenditure by all municipalities received from the CVB. The table shows that out of a total of 18 million JOD received from the CVB over the studied period, 52 percent were spent on waste management and 22 percent on wastewater management. Table 67: Environmental Expenditure of Municipalities by domain (2002-2006) Functional classification Code 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Waste management 7051 1.65 1.52 1.43 2.32 2.52 Wastewater Management 7052 - 0.70 0.41 1.49 1.33 Pollution abatement 7053 - - - - - Protection of biodiversity and 7054 0.79 1.09 0.32 0.40 0.38 landscape R&D Environmental Protection 7055 - - - - - Environmental Protection n.e.c. 7056 0.62 0.28 0.27 0.29 0.28 Total 3.06 3.59 2.43 4.50 4.51 Source: Calculation from the records of the Cities and Villages Bank (CVB) 2000-2007 The Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) has an independent budget from other municipalities. Table 68 shows the major domains of spending on environmental protection made by GAM. The table shows that the total spending of GAM on environmental protection during 2002-2006 amounted to JOD65.8 million of which 93 percent was spent on waste management in terms of waste collection, landfills, incineration and other treatments. Table 68: GAM Expenditure on Environmental Protection by domain (2002-2006) Functional classification Code 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Waste management 7051 6.84 7.33 13.60 17.87 15.29 Wastewater Management 7052 - - - - - Pollution abatement 7053 0.43 0.53 0.60 0.65 0.70 Protection of biodiversity and landscape 7054 0.33 0.47 0.29 0.41 0.45 R&D Environmental Protection 7055 - - - - - Environmental Protection n.e.c. 7056 - - - - - Total 7.59 8.32 14.49 18.93 16.44 Source: Calculation from the records of GAM 2000-2007 Table 69 shows that the total expenditure on environmental protection by the major five public independent institutions during 2002-2006 amounted to 144.2 million JOD of which 96 percent was spent on wastewater management mainly by the Jordan Water Authority (WAJ). According to the latest annual report issued by WAJ, the Authority spent a sum of JOD 104 million on wastewater projects during the period 2000-2006. The report states that this spending on wastewater projects has raised the percentage of served population from 55 % in 2000 to 61% in 2006. 206 Table 69: Public Independent Institutions PEE by domain (2002-2006) Functional classification Code 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Waste management 7051 0.67 1.01 1.30 1.07 1.20 Wastewater Management 7052 13.34 57.18 32.64 21.83 12.69 Pollution abatement 7053 - - - - - Protection of biodiversity and landscape 7054 0.12 0.17 0.14 0.13 0.07 R&D Environmental Protection 7055 0.15 0.13 - - - Environmental Protection n.e.c. 7056 0.32 - - - - Total 14.60 58.49 34.08 23.03 13.96 Source: Abstracted from the General Budgetary Bulletins for Public Independent Institutions, 2000-2007 Table 70 shows the total PEE by all public institutions in Jordan classified by domain during 2002- 2006. The table indicates that the total PEE on all domains during the studied period amounted to JOD354.14 million. The expenditure over this period has increased by 44 percent from JOD 41.9 million in 2002 to JOD75.24 million in 2006. The table shows that spending on waste management and on other environmental protection services has increased significantly over the period. Table 70: Total Public Expenditure on Environmental Protection by domain (2002-2006) Functional classification Code 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Waste management 7051 4.17 5.27 11.32 15.63 13.61 Wastewater Management 7052 13.34 57.89 33.05 23.32 14.02 Pollution abatement 7053 0.43 0.55 0.66 0.72 0.77 Protection of biodiversity and 7054 4.71 5.37 4.44 5.05 6.48 landscape R&D Environmental Protection 7055 0.15 0.27 0.25 0.30 0.24 Environmental Protection n.e.c. 7056 19.11 20.76 20.81 31.37 40.12 Total 41.90 90.10 70.52 76.38 75.24 Source: Abstracted from the General Government Finance Bulletins, 2002-2007 Figure 67 indicates that of the total of the total JOD354 million spent on environmental protection by all public institutions 40 percent were spent on wastewater management followed by environmental protection items not elsewhere classified (37 percent) and then waste management (14 percent). The three domains that received the lowest expenditure were Protection of biodiversity and landscape (7 percent), pollution abatement (1 percent) and research and development (less than 1 percent). 207 Figure 67. Total Public Environmental Expenditure by domain (2002-2006) Wastewater Management Environmental Protection n.e.c. Waste management Protection of biodiversity and landscape Pollution abatement R&D Environmental Protection 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Million JOD Source: Calculated from the records of the MOF, GBD, GAM and CVB (2000-2007) Analysis of environmental expenditure variables One of the main objectives of the PEER is to investigate the demand and supply of environmental protection services. The way the PEER is structured allows several indicators to be derived from the accounts. In addition to the above analyzed indicators, two main basic aggregates of the expenditure on environmental protection, namely the current and capital expenditure, are also compared. The two aggregates can also be related to national accounts aggregates such as GDP and gross fixed capital. These relationships indicate the importance of environmental protection expenditure as a share of the overall resources and uses of the economy, and thereby the efforts made by the society to reduce pollution. Table 71 and Table 72 below, present the capital and current environmental protection expenditures per domain of all public institutions in Jordan. The importance of studying both types of expenditure is that the current expenditure generates "well-being" in the present time while capital expenditure lays the groundwork for future prosperity. It is clear from the comparison that the vast majority of the environmental expenditure on Jordan was on capital or investment. In other words, the majority of environmental expenditure in Jordan is intended in laying the grounds for future prosperity of the coming generations. 208 Table 71: Capital Environmental Expenditure by domain (2002-2006) Functional classification Code 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Waste management 7051 2.27 3.87 9.60 11.08 12.09 Wastewater Management 7052 11.62 53.02 27.35 17.92 7.51 Pollution abatement 7053 - 0.02 0.06 0.07 0.07 Protection of biodiversity and landscape 7054 2.99 3.47 2.70 3.05 4.41 R&D Environmental Protection 7055 0.15 0.27 0.25 0.30 0.24 Environmental Protection n.e.c. 7056 15.87 17.47 17.46 28.07 36.65 Total 32.91 78.13 57.42 60.48 60.96 Source: Abstracted from the records of the MoF, GBD, GAM and CVB (2000-2007) Table 72: Current Environmental Expenditure by domain (2002-2006) Functional classification Code 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Waste management 7051 1.89 1.39 1.72 4.55 1.53 Wastewater Management 7052 1.72 4.87 5.69 5.41 6.51 Pollution abatement 7053 0.43 0.53 0.60 0.65 0.70 Protection of biodiversity and landscape 7054 1.72 1.90 1.74 2.00 2.07 R&D Environmental Protection 7055 - - - - - Environmental Protection n.e.c. 7056 3.24 3.29 3.35 3.30 3.47 Total 8.99 11.97 13.10 15.90 14.28 Source: Abstracted from the records of the MoF, GBD, GAM and CVB (2000-2007) Conclusions and recommendations · The PEER can be a useful tool to establish the relationship between expenditure and the state of the environment which can be investigated with supplementary information on the overall context of a country. High expenditure on environmental protection can be related with low environmental quality (the situation makes expenditure necessary) and also with high environmental quality (that has improved over time as a result of the PEE). · Due to the absence of statistics on environmental protection expenditure in the MENA region, it is hard to compare Jordan' position in expenditure on environmental protection in comparison to the other countries. However, available statistics on the ratio of PEE as a proportion of the GDP in some of the EU countries shows that the ratio is slightly above 1%. In other words, Jordan's spending as a ratio of GDP has been higher than some countries of the EU. · The trend in PEE should be interpreted with caution: if, at some point in time, all areas of Jordan is covered with wastewater networks then no further environmental protection on that item will be required for years to come. Therefore, in the long run the trend in environmental expenditure may be downward sloping. · Since the GOJ will apply the functional classification system for environmental expenditure starting this year, it is recommend to classify the expected expenditures into two digits to allow for considering further details in environmental expenditure. This will help in providing a clearer image of PEE and therefore improves the accuracy of the analysis and the decision making process. It is worth mentioning here that many difficulties faced the team in preparing the PEER due to the lack of the proper and detailed classification of environmental expenditure. In addition, there is a lack of capacity in conducting this kind of analysis properly at almost all of the 209 different involved public institutions. This calls for designing a special training program for all public institutions involved in environmental protection in the country. The program should benefit from the experience of the European System and the new UN system that can be adapted to Jordan. · The above analysis shows that the public environmental expenditure is in line with the Government national priorities as indicated in the National Agenda and in the different plans of the key ministries such as the MoWI and the Ministry of Environment as well as GAM. As a result, Jordan's Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) rank has improved over the last six years from 4.99 in 2001 to 6.36 in 2006 on a scale of 10. The new rank puts Jordan at a highest position in the MENA region after Oman despite the fact that many of the MENA countries suffers from the same environmental challenges especially water scarcity. 210 Annex 5: Review of Jordan's Environment Impact Assessment System I. Introduction: 1. As part of the third pillar of the CEA, an assessment of the national EIA system in Jordan was performed whose purpose was to (a) assess the current status of EIA procedure and practice in Jordan; (b) carry our an EIA diagnostic review of the national EIA system, determining the similarities and difference between the national EIA system in one hand and the World Bank and the European Commission (EC) on the other; and (c) propose recommendations and an action plan to improve the national EIA system so that it can be made compatible with the World Bank EIA requirements. II. Assessment of the National EIA System 2 The legal basis for the EIA is established in the Environment Protection law #52 (EPL) for the year 2006 which superseded an interim EPL #1 of 2003 creating the Ministry of Environment. The later also abolished the General Corporation for Environment Protection (GCEP) which was created by EPL 12 of 1995. All these laws are considered framework laws under which regulations, directives and other environmental legislation should be subsequently prepared. An essential provision of Laws #1 of 2003 and #52 of 2006 is that "The Ministry shall be considered as the competent authority for the protection of environment in the Kingdom, and the official and national authorities shall be bound to implement the instructions and resolutions issued under the provisions of this law and the regulations issued in accordance therewith, under penalty of legal responsibility provided for therein and in any other legislation." In this regard the Ministry of Environment has two concurrent mandates: a conventional mandate for policy and legal development and coordination, and a regulatory agency for follow up monitoring and control of the environmental regulations through the Environment Police which was renamed as environmental rangers. A major change between the activities of GCEP and that of the Ministry of Environment is that the former primarily concerned itself with the promotion of environmental protection, whereas the Ministry aims to have a much stronger and proactive role in policy and legal formulation as well as monitoring and enforcement. 3. Procedures for Environmental Impact Assessment in Jordan were initiated by GCEP under Article 15 of the 1995 EPL and completed by the Ministry under Article 4 of EPL#1 of 2003, and subsequently by EPL #52. This article empowered the General Corporation for Environmental Protection (GCEP) to develop procedures and measures for EIA. An EIA Directorate was established within GCEP. This Directorate was responsible for administering the EIA system, and for coordinating the licensing of development activities. EIA studies were conducted on an ad hoc basis, primarily under the requirements of international agencies, and there were no guidelines, regulations and standards governing the EIA process. This situation was reversed with the enactment of subsequent EPLs and there was a remarkable progress since 2003 in order to institutionalize the EIA system in Jordan 4. The EIA regulations #37 of 2006 and its five annexes were enacted in response to EPL #1 of 2003 and subsequently to EPL #52 of 2006. These require that the project proponent would contract with a national consulting firm to conduct the EIA and prepare an EIA report. It also provides full authority to the Ministry of Environment through its department of Licensing and Guidance (which included the EIA section) to arrange for screening, control and follow up on the EIA process and its implementation. The approval of an EIA is a pre-requisite for any subsequent license or permit by 211 any or all other relevant authorities that may be required prior to construction. All development projects, regardless of EIA classification, must adhere to the air emission, water, wastewater reuse; industrial and municipal discharges stipulated by the Jordanian Institute for Standards and Metrology. The essential elements of the Jordanian procedures are summarized in table 1 below: Table 73. Summary of the Jordanian EIA Procedures Stage Activity -The Project Proponent completes a Project Information Form (PIF) of the intended project and submits it the Ministry of Environment for screening. -An Inter-ministerial Central Licensing Committee reviews the PIF, and after conducting site Initial Filing surveys determines if the project is classified among: and Screening 1. Category I projects for which an EIA report is required 2. Category II projects for which an initial EIA is only required 3. Category III for which no environment analysis is required -The decision is publicly displayed for 2 weeks. The Ministry issues legally binding guidance on the scope of the Assessment Scoping -Proponent prepares a ToR, after a mandatory public consultation. - An Inter-Ministerial Technical Review Committee (TRC) review and approve the ToR. - A complete EIA is submitted to the Technical Evaluation Committee which evaluates: · its general conformity to the ToR; · the methodologies used, the scientific validity and legal value Technical Evaluation of the evidence presented; · the soundness and compatibility of the impacts with respect to environmental protection, the content of the environment management plan(EMP), standards, and other references. - The TEC reports its finding to the Minister of e Environment. -The Minister reviews the Committee's report and notifies its decision to the Proponent and publishes it within 45 days. After this period, or if no decision is posted, the EIA is deemed to Decision and have been accepted. Approval -If the EIA is rejected, the proponent has 15 days to appeal to the Minister of Environment which establishes a three person independent committee to review the decision. Licensing Upon approval of the EIA report, the proponent receives an environment license to proceed. The Ministry of Environment is required to follow up on the implementation of the Environment Monitoring Management Plan and reporting the results of monitoring. Disclosure of The Ministry can make available to the concerned parties and upon their request the (non EIA confidential) information related to the EIA 5. Although not required by the EIA legislation, complementary measures were also taken in practice to strengthen further the national EIA system. These measures included (a) the requirements for most projects in category II to prepare an EIA report similar to Category I projects; (b) the enlargement of the 10 members of the technical review committee to include four additional members from universities and NGOs as de facto permanent members; (c) the approval of the Technical Review Committee of the TOR of the EIA before and after scoping and (d) consultation with the stakeholders after scoping and during the preparation of the EIA. III. Assessment of the ASEZA EIA System. 6. In parallel to the national EIA system, a similar EIA system is in place for the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA) which was established by Law No. (32) of the year 2000, to 212 manage the economic and social development of the Aqaba region. This Law assumes the powers of the Ministry of Environment for the protection of the environment and a special environmental protection regulation No 21 of 2001 was developed with the assistance of the World Bank as an executing agency for the GEF financed Gulf Environment Action programme which includes articles on EIA. ASEZA EIA procedures are similar to the national one in Table 1, except that the ASEZA Environment Regulation Directorate substitutes for the Central Licensing Committee and the Technical Review committee respectively for screening, scoping and the technical reviews of the EIA process, and that the ASEZA Commissioner for the Environment is responsible for the approval of the EIA and providing the environment license. One distinguishing feature between the ASEZA and the National EIA systems is that the former requires consultation with the stakeholders during the EIA preparation process while the later only limits consultation to scoping. Also the disclosure and dissemination of the EIA report is allowed in ASEZA regulations (but is not practiced), whereas disclosure is only limited to the concerned parties and upon request by the project proponent for the national EIA system. IV. Diagnostic Review of the National EIA System 7.In order to elevate the image of Jordan in the international arena for environmental protection in general and for establishing a harmonized platform on EIA in particular to facilitate foreign direct investment and donor support, two mutually compatible assessments were undertaken. The first one was to determine the similarities and difference between the national EIA system in one hand and the World Bank operational policy (OP 4.01) on environment assessment and EIA guidelines in European Council Directive 97/11/EC, on the other. This was necessary in view of the Jordan's Association Agreement with the EU which requires several measures for harmonizing the national environmental management system with the one of the EU. Such an assessment is an update of a study undertaken by METAP in 2000 and complements also a study financed by the EC on the "Concordance on Environmental Legislation in Jordan Compared with the EU legislation". The second assessment was a safeguard diagnostic review to assess the ability of the national EIA system to deliver the World Bank's requirements from the equivalence between the two systems (World Bank and Jordan's EIA systems), and acceptability of the national EIA system to be applied on the ground. This assessment used the 11 operational principles approved by the World Bank Board of Directors in its Policy 4.0 for the use of country systems in EIA and in line with the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness of March 2005. 8. A comparison between the Jordan EIA system and the system of the World Bank and the EC showed that: · Many features of the Jordanian EA system are compatible with the World Bank EA Policy (OP 4.01) and EC 97/11, namely in (i) screening, (ii) scoping; (iii) the EIA report content, (iv) the content of the Environment Management Plan, (v) Provisions for Appeal; (vi) Requirements for monitoring and follow up. · The EIA regulations for both the national and ASEZA systems describe the screening methods on the basis of three categories of project types: Category I for which an EIA is mandatory and is similar to category A projects of OP 4.01 provided that additional projects such as water and wastewater and solid waste are added. Category II which may result in less severe environmental impact and requires an initial EIA whose description is not fully defined. This category of projects resembles category B projects of OP 4.01 and Category III projects with minor environmental impacts which do not require an environment analysis. 213 o The regulations #21 /2001 for the EIA and Environment Audit for the Aqaba Special Economic Zone (ASEZA) is compatible with World Bank OP 4.01 (Environment Assessment) with minor modifications. However the EIA regulation #37 pertaining to the national EIA system requires additional features to be compatible with the two systems. Some guidelines and sector guidelines and criteria for screening and for EIA reviews other than those which exist, are required. · The most important difference is in the public consultation during the EIA process and in publicly disclosing the EIA reports. There is limited consultation during EIA process beyond scoping (except with ASEZA) and there is an absence of documentation for public consultations. Furthermore, there is a limited disclosure of the EIA report, and in the case of ASEZA in which the EIA regulations require full disclosure of the EIA report, this is not implemented for fear of plagiarism by the national consulting firms. A. Equivalence Assessment 9. Table 74 summarizes the results of the gap analysis between the national EIA system and the operational principles of the World Bank Operational Policy for the use of country systems in EIA. Table 74. Gap Analysis Rating of Gaps between Operational Principles of the World Bank Operational Policy (OP 4.00) on the Use the National/ASEZA of Country Systems EIA systems and the OP 4.00 No Gaps exist for the · Environment and social soundness of projects, and integration of environmental corresponding principles and social aspects of projects · Assessment of potential impacts (physical, biological, socio economic, human health and safety). · Analysis of Alternatives · Analysis of positive and negative impacts and preparation of environment management plan · Use of independent expertise for the preparation and review of the EIA · Linking environmental measures with economic and financial feasibility · Use screening for sub-projects in programs Moderate Gaps exist for · Trans-boundary and global concerns are not required the corresponding · No specific requirements for compliance with International Agreements although principles Jordan is signatory of International Treaties and Conventions, are part of the Constitution · National standards and guidelines were not based on the Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook of the World Bank · No specific requirements for the use of independent advisory panels for highly risky and contentious projects Significant Gaps exist · Screening of projects does not include indirect, cumulative and associated impacts for the following (except with ASEZA) and use of regional or sectoral environment assessment is not principles required. · No involvement of stakeholders (affected groups and NGOs) and continued consultations are required throughout project preparation (except with ASEZA) · Public Disclosure and Accessibility of the EIA report are not required (except with ASEZA) B. MoEnv's Current and Proposed Measures to Improve the EIA System 10. The MoEnv is currently developing a set of new policy and regulations to improve its overall EIA process and content. The proposed changes included: 214 · A recently new organization structure was developed in collaboration with the EC funded institutional Support to the MoEnv 81 in which three new directorates were established and provide inputs to the EIA process: ­ Directorate of Licensing and Guidance consisting of the 7 staff and which includes the EIA department consisting of 2 staff only. This directorate is responsible for undertaking environmental impact assessment studies and implementing an integrated and single media licensing for applicable enterprises in line with the new proposed Regulations on EIA and Licensing. The EIA section manages the EIA process on behalf of the MoEnv, prepares the necessary documentation required for the project proponent for EIA, organize and follow up on the review of the Central Licensing Committee and the Technical Review Committee and maintains permanent contacts between the project proponent, and prepare the environmental clearances to be signed by the Minister ­ Directorate of Monitoring and Assessment consisting of 4 staff. This directorate is responsible for monitoring the impact of pollutants (air, water, groundwater, soil and waste) and providing information about the current environmental status and to ensure its availability for decision making processes. The directory could provide valuable information on the base line date for project proponents and for the central licensing committee in which the director is a member and for the technical review committee (see recommendations). ­ Directorate of Inspection and Enforcement consists of 4 staff members. Its responsibility is to verify the compliance and penalize violators for non compliance of installations with the environmental laws and regulations. The Directorate is also required to coordinate directly with the Licensing and Guidance directorate regarding the EIA and licensing conditions, though this has not occurred yet. · Draft revisions of the following regulations were also prepared on the basis of pertinent aspects of EU directives, Regulations and Decisions for the following two pieces of legislation: ­ Revising EIA regulations #37 into EIA regulations and licensing to ensure effective preventive environmental protection. The revised regulation is based on an integrated licensing of all major polluting activities in Jordan in harmonization with the EU IPPC Directive (96/61/EC) and provided a revision the entire process with a revised list of licensable activities) through the EIA stage (developmental) and licensing stage (operational). ­ Regulations for Environmental Compliance Control to regulate the monitoring, inspection and enforcement rights as to ensure compliance of installations and industrial vehicles with environmental standards and obligations 11. In order to further strengthen the EIA and licensing system, the MoEnv signed in February 2008 a memorandum of Understanding with the USAID -funded Sustainable Mechanism of Business Expansion and Quality programme (SABEQ) to (a) develop and implement an integrated environment and licensing system; (b) Identify and document the current environment and licensing system; (c) Study best international practice for Environment and Licensing; and (d) Develop and support the implementation of the new licensing system. It is expected that SABEQ will develop the integrated environment and licensing system based on the recommendations of the CEA and taking 81 Support to the Implementation of the EU-Jordan Association Agreement Programme- Institutional Support to the Ministry of Environment of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on Environmental management and Legislation., PM documents No 30047- 06-RP-006(A), November 2005-2007 215 into consideration the draft revised regulations supported by the EU. This will ensure that the MoEnv will receive technical support from SABEQ to remove over time the moderate and significant gaps described in table 2 above. C. Acceptability Assessment 12. In reviewing the implementation practices, track record and institutional capacity of the MoEnv, its regional directorates and ASEZA, the EIA system suffers from administrative, technical and management shortcomings. 13. There is a serious shortage of trained human resources in the MoEnv and in the six regional environmental directorates for EIA administration and management. MoEnv has 2 staff members in its EIA section, to process 1000 applications annually for screening by the Central Licensing Committee, and 25 EIA reports for review by the Technical Review Committee. This is in clear contrast with ASEZA, in which 4 environment specialists process 15-20 EIAs annually. The EIA section of the inspection and guidance department has a budget limited to JOD 60,000 per year to pay for honorarium for members of the Central Licensing System and for the Technical Review Committee. It also collects the following fees for screening and EA review which are transferred to the Ministry of Finance JOD 750 for Category I projects, JOD 50 for Category II projects and JOD 25 for Category III projects 14. The screening and review process are based on the expert opinion of its committee members. There are no established criteria, guidelines and rules for reviewing EIA and making decisions on approval/disapproval of the EIA reports. The screening guidelines of 2007 for the "selection of the sites for development activities" is mostly based on determining allowable distances for specific installations, and taking also into consideration in article 21 other regulations and legislation (such as water resources) without specifying the necessary requirements in these regulations. 14. There are neither standard terms of references (TOR) for preparing EIA reports in specific nor comprehensive sector guidelines, as each proponent submits its own TOR for approval to the Central Licensing Committee. This has led to poor quality of EIA reports, encouraged project proponents to pay less for the preparation of EIA reports using consulting firms that provide the cheapest financial offers and forced experienced consulting firms to sacrifice quality and performance at the expense of low price and of not losing EIA contracts. 15. A review of sample of scoping and EIA reports of their content and quality indicate generally that the requirements in the EIA regulations # 37 are not often met, and that the quality of these reports are variable. For example, while the project description in the EIA report is adequate, the environmental impacts and their mitigating measures are qualitatively described; there are several shortcomings on the quantitative treatment of alternatives, which are often not analyzed from economic and financial point. In addition the EMP lacks costs for implementing mitigating measures; monitoring and institutional measures are often neglected. The EIA reports are also variable in quality. The overall quality of EIA reports for energy and cement projects are reasonably good. EIA reports in the industrial sectors (such as fertilizers) are generally weaker and there is also emphasis on «thick Annexes» of textbook types, mostly to impress the project proponent and the MoEnv. The comprehensiveness and quality of the EIA reports improve whenever the project is co-financed with international organizations or the project is for large infrastructure and financed by the Government. One of the possible reasons is that the EIA costs for project co-financed by international organizations are higher, whereas local industries tend to finance EIA reports with consulting firms that would price the lowest costs. The technical review committee has refused EIA reports because 216 of poor quality such as the EIA report for the cement factory in Karak. Similarly ASEZA has rejected an EIA report on energy in Aqaba. 16. The track record for monitoring and enforcement is still evolving. There is fragmentation at the national and regional levels to the effect that no single institution can take enforcement actions effectively. The directorate of Inspection and Enforcement as well and the 6 environment regional directorates conduct separate inspections, issue warnings and enforce temporary closure through the Environment Rangers. In view of lack of measuring equipment and inspection manuals, inspections are based on ad-hoc complaints and are usually conducted visually. Inspection at the national and local level resulted in temporary closure of 66 installations in 2007 and 13 in 2006 for small and medium enterprises belonging to the private sector for lack of compliance with the environmental law # 52 of 2006. Written warnings were provided to 154 installations in 2007 and 28 in 2006 mostly to SME, hospitals and industries mostly from the private sector. Fines vary from JOD 100-500 (or 1 week-30 days in prison) for non compliance with noise levels (Article 12 of law 52/2006) and from JOD 100-1000 (1 week -30 days in prison) for emission of pollutants (Article 19), however fines are not collected because the Environment Fund is not functional yet. There is no follow up on the implementation of the EMP as required by the EIA regulation, because of lack of staff, resources and manuals for inspections, and there are no fines for not conducting an EIA. V. Local Mechanism for Redressing Grievances 17. A positive aspect of the Environmental law is that it allows any citizen and/or any organization to report to the MoEnv and its regional directorates violations regarding emissions and nuisances. MoEnv has established a hot line (# 552- 8563) in the department of Inspection and Enforcement which receives, follows up on complaints and dispatches them to the necessary authorities. Complaints are resolved within 1-2 weeks by the MoEnv or within 1-2 months by sector ministries. In the case of EIA reviews, there is a three member appeal committee appointed by the Minister to review the decision in case the EIA report is rejected by the Technical Review Committee. 18. The general public in Jordan is becoming increasingly active in the environmental field, as a result of its increased awareness about environmental issues. Also, the media is also contributing largely to this increased awareness and to change in behavior. All the major newspapers carry out reports on environmental activities, and do not hesitate to bring to the public the major violations undertaken by the Government or by the private sector. 19. There are 25 local NGOs that are increasing involved in environmental and natural resources protection. Two of these NGOs are actively involved in the EIA process namely the Jordan Environment Society (JES) and the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN), the former is also a member of the technical review committee. Both NGOs have successfully used the EIA process to challenge Government projects that would negatively impact the environment and nature reserves 20. There has been several instances where the NGOs and in particular the JES, succeeded in retracting the MoEnv decision for approving EIA's reports and for issuing the environmental permit. For example, upon public pressure, the environment permit for the cement factory in Fuhais was retracted, because of the use of shale oil as a source of fuel. Also JES succeeded in stopping the import of slags from Iraq because it may have contained hazardous materials. Two years ago, the permit for the construction of a hospital was stopped by the Prime Minister because the hospital was situated in the "Scandinavian Forest" in Baqaa governorate. 217 21. There have been cases where the EIA reports were approved and environment permits issued despite objections from NGOs and the press. One of these cases was the Dibeen Tourist Project to be financed by the Jordan Dubai Capital at a capital cost of JOD 142 million. This project was to be erected on lands belonging to the Social Security Corporation, and which were used as a park with facilities including lodging, restaurant, shops, and children's playground. The project with an initial area of 48.3 ha, borders the Dibeen Nature Reserve which was established with assistance from GEF funds. The EIA was prepared by a national consulting firm on the basis of an MOU signed between the RSCN and the Jordan Dubai Capital, and subsequently approved by the Technical Review Committee and the environment permit was issued. As a result of 16 NGOs objection and press campaigns, the master plan was revised after negotiations with RSCN. The project area was reduced to 25.7 ha and the capital cost was accordingly decreased to JOD 70 million to build a 50 room hotel and 80 residential units. However the hotel will still be located in Dibeen forest area neighboring the nature reserve, which according to some NGOs, is not in compliance with the Jordan's law for agriculture no. 44 for year 2002. VI. Public Consultation and Disclosure 22. As stated in paragraph 8, the EIA regulations require public consultation only at the scoping stage, and the disclosure of the EIA reports is limited to the project proponents and specifically authorized by the Minister of the Environment. In ASEZA, public consultation is required even after scoping and the EIA reports are supposed to be made public though ASEZA management does not disclose the reports for fear that national consulting firms "cut and paste" EIA reports. Public consultation and disclosure are permitted in the Jordanian legislation, namely Public Law # No 79 of 1966 related to Town and Country Planning and its amendment # 29/1979 which allows consultation and disclosure of local and regional master plans. Projects co financed by the International Financial Institutions and donors require full consultation and dissemination of the EIA reports to public locations in country. MoEnv expressed its full support to amend the EIA regulations in order to require public consultations throughout the EIA process and widely disclose the TEC decision and the EIA reports. VII. Recommendations 23. Despite its recent establishment, the MoEnv continues to make considerable progress towards institutionalizing the EIA system in Jordan. However improvement of the EIA process should be realistically implemented over short and medium term, taking into consideration MoEnv's limited human and financial resources. The recommendations proposed would be based first on the consolidation and strengthening of the existing EIA system using existing EIA laws and regulations followed by changes and reforms of these regulations once the consolidation phase is successfully implemented and verified. The following general recommendations are proposed for the consolidation phase. They were discussed at a consultation workshop on March 10, 2008 which included 23 representatives from the MoEnv, ASEZA, sector ministries, private consulting firms, NGOs, and the EU and USAID. 218 a. Apply the Jordanian Public Law related to public consultation and disclosure. b. Upgrade the regulations of the Jordanian EIA system to the ASEZA EIA standards, including environmental audits c. Prepare standard TORs, comprehensive sector EA guidelines and EA reviews, and decision making criteria for the Central Licensing Committee and the Technical Review Committee d. Establish concrete working procedures and guidelines so that the three departments of Licensing and Guidance, Monitoring and Assessment and Inspection and Enforcement collaborate together and coordinate with the regional environmental directorates so that environmental assessment procedures are complied with at the national and local levels e. Be strategic in prioritizing the inspection and control program at the national and local levels, using risk health assessment and degradation of water resources as primary objectives f. Outsource the inspection of large polluting installations as well as monitoring and follow up of the Environment Management Plans to a third qualified party in the same manner as the MoEnv is outsourcing the water quality monitoring to the Royal Scientific Society (RSS), the natural reserves to the Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature and the EIA training to the Jordan Environment Society (JES). VIII. Proposed Action Plan for the Gaps Filling Measures 24. The following actions are proposed to address the weaknesses (gaps) to achieve equivalence and acceptability for using the national EIA system in the World Bank operations: Table 75. Proposed actions to sustain the equivalence and acceptability Actions to be taken Legal basis By Whom Develop sector EIA guidelines and generic TORs that will Article #2 of the EIA SABEQ, Department include the analysis of cumulative, indirect, trans- regulations #37 allows of Licensing and boundary and global impacts, methods for public issuance of a MoEnv Guidance (DLG) and consultation and the use of the World Bank PPAH instruction Minister of Handbook. TOR should be developed first for the (Taalimat). Environment following sectors: solid waste, water and wastewater treatment, power plants, transport and industrial state, natural resources and biodiversity protection Prepare a sample format for the content of the EIA report Annex 4 of ASEZA ASEZA and DLG for Category II project using the ASEZA model regulations #21/2001 Modify the list of projects for category I screening to Article 4 B of the EIA Minister of include : landfills, water and wastewater treatment plants, regulations allows the Environment and DLG large hotels, desalination Minister of the Environment to require the project proponent to conduct and EIA for projects not specified in categories I and II Amend Articles 9 B and Article 18 of the Environmental Use as interim, article 12 of MoEnv legal office, Regulations to allow public consultation and public the EIA regulations which DLG, Minister of disclosure allows the MoEnv to require Environment and additional conditionalities Council of Ministers after the EIA is approved Develop environmental criteria in addition to siting, for Article #2 of the EIA SABEQ, Department screening and licensing regulations #37 allows of Licensing and issuance of a MoEnv Guidance (DLG) and 219 Actions to be taken Legal basis By Whom instruction (Taalimat) Minister of Environment Develop a format, criteria and guidelines for reviewing Article #2 of the EIA SABEQ, DLG and EIA reports for revised Categories I and II projects regulations #37 allows MOE issuance of a MoEnv instruction (Taalimat) Require the project proponent operator after the EIA Article 12 of the EIA SABEQ, DLG and approval to: (a) submit to the department of enforcement regulations allows the MoEnv and control, an annual progress report of the MoEnv to require additional implementation of the EMP and (b) collaborate with a conditionalities after the EIA third party verificator (to be contracted by MoEnv) for a is approved spot check review of the EMP during construction and operation Sustain the progress made and continue to improve the DLG assisted by a EIA process. team of independent a. Carry out annual review of the quality of EIA for consultants and a core category I projects introduce corrective measures group of trainers from for sustaining the improved EIA process; the local universities b. Train a core group of EIA trainers (local EIA and research institutes consultants and EIA reviewers at MoEnv) and in Jordan and supported by USAID c. Train MoEnv, regional environment directorates, and the EU EIA consultants and reviewers, media, and sector ministries Improve compliance monitoring: SABEQ with a. Prepare inspection manuals for the Inspection assistance from the and Enforcement department as well as for the department of regional environment directorates Inspection and b. Train the Department of Inspection and Enforcement and the Enforcement (I&E) as well as the regional Minister of the environment directorates on the use of the Environment inspection manuals for SME c. Prepare TOR for outsourcing the inspection of the large polluting industries as well for monitoring the follow up on the EMP, and contract to a national firm accordingly d. Develop a database on compliance status on: (i) maintenance of environmental registers, (ii) implementation of agreed compliance actions; and (iii) monitoring actions taken against those who are not in compliance 220 Annex 6. List of participants to the CEA final workshop Name Institution Rose Smadi Amman Chamber of Industry Ahmad Barqawi Assabil Newspaper Munther Badiyad Department of Statistics Rami Dabbas Drivers and Vehicles Licensing Department Danuta El-Ghuff European Commission Delegation Zaydoun Nsour Greater Amman Municipality Mohammed Jarrah Irbid District Electricity Company Ghaida Abu Rumman Isra University Abdallah Attieh Jordan Chamber of Commerce H.E. Mohammed Al Rajeb Jordan Chamber of Commerce Anas Khasawneh Jordan Chamber of Industry Sayyed Khattri Jordan Environment Society Adnan Khdair Jordan University for Science and Technology Jamal Abu-Ashour Jordan University for Science and Technology Ala'a A. Rezeq JREDS Danika Hijazi MEDSTAT Lubna Qaryouti Ministry of Agriculture Mahmud Abu Sitta Ministry of Agriculture Nedal Gharaiebeh Ministry of Agriculture Roal Issa Ateyat Ministry of Agriculture Suleiman Abbadi Ministry of Agriculture Mohammed Dabbas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Mohammed Daghash Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Dua'a Anani Ministry of Environment Mohammed Afaneh Ministry of Environment Abdullah Hyassat Ministry of Health Reem Al Riwees Ministry of Health Abeer Haj Hasan Ministry of Industry and Trade Mahmoud Shiyyab Ministry of Interior Ahmad Al Jazzar Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation Awad Hararsheh Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation Saleh Kharabsheh Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation Sahar Al-Barari Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities Asma Hwary Ministry of Transport H.E. Mohammed Qudah Ministry of Transport Naghem Soub Ministry of Transport Mohammed Al Momani Ministry of Water and Irrigation Saleh Al Ouran Ministry of Water and Irrigation Sami abri Baj Rangers Mohammad Mosa Royal Scientific Society Mohammed Yousef Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature Dr. Amal Hijazi USAID Iman Rifai Vocational Training Susan Kilani Water Authority of Jordan Adnan Budeiri Water Conservation Society Ahmed Shawky World Bank Gert Soer World Bank Hussein Shafa'Amri Zarqa Chamber of Industry 221