2016/64 Supported by k nKonw A A weldegdeg e ol n oNtoet e s eSrei r e ise s f ofro r p r&a c t hteh e nEenregryg y Etx itcrea c t i v e s G l o b a l P r a c t i c e The bottom line Contextual Design and Promotion of Clean Biomass Stoves: All new technologies, including sustainable energy solutions, are The Case of the Indonesia Clean Stove Initiative introduced into a social context that affects how readily they will be adopted and how they Why does context matter in designing and already available worldwide would be transferable to the Indonesian markets and that LPG users had definitely moved on from wood. will be used. This brief describes promoting clean stoves? experience integrating technical At the time, the team responsible for implementing the initiative and social aspects of clean Clean stoves that accommodate culturally rooted had identified barriers to the adoption of clean stoves in four areas cookstoves in Indonesia and cooking practices are more likely to catch on, that coincidentally also matched those found in a typical power lessons learned in embracing remain in use, and deliver social benefits access project. The barriers were (i) technological (insufficient access complexity and facing realities in to existing clean technologies), (ii) financial (limited investment the field. In 2012, five years after the start of Indonesia’s campaign to con- capacity of stove producers and high costs of the clean stoves for vert millions of households to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), the households), (iii) institutional (low interest in the topic at higher levels Indonesia Clean Stove Initiative (CSI) was launched by the country’s of government; inadequate procurement systems for innovative Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the World Bank. By technologies), and (iv) informational (households unaware of clean then, 54 million starter LPG packages (one burner and one cylinder) alternatives or of harmful side-effects of baseline stoves). had been distributed across Indonesia and had already had a Early field visits and exchanges with local practitioners soon significant impact on the market share of this fuel, largely displacing revealed that although these assumptions and barriers, abundantly kerosene and reducing the use of firewood, or biomass (figure 1). Laurent Durix is an The Indonesia CSI focused on the 25 million households—85 energy specialist at the percent of which were living in rural areas—that had not converted Figure 1. Evolution of primary cooking fuel in Indonesia, 2007–14 World Bank and co-task to LPG and were still relying on traditional stoves and using biomass 100 team leader of the Other Indonesia CSI. as their primary cooking fuel. Such stoves are characterized by 90 Firewood 80 high fuel consumption, low combustion efficiency, and high levels Helene Carlsson Rex, a 70 senior social development of pollutant emissions. Various local initiatives for the diffusion of 60 Kerosene Percent specialist at the Bank, improved stoves had been undertaken since the 1980s, but these 50 Gas/LPG leads the social team for had remained dispersed and small in scale; despite efforts, the rate 40 the Indonesia CSI. 30 of adoption of clean biomass stoves remained low. 20 Veronica Mendizabal 10 Joffre is a sociologist and 0 The Indonesia CSI originally aimed at complete replacement of gender consultant. 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 the traditional (baseline) stove and focused on wood-only users, fol- Source: Task team using 2015 data from Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia. lowing the conventional wisdom at the time that clean technologies 2 C o n te x t u a l D e s i g n a n d P r o m o ti o n o f C l ea n B i o m a s s St o v e s described in the international literature on clean cooking, remained or a controlled lab environment. The status of relations between partly valid, other salient factors added complexity to the situation women and men in the communities targeted by clean stove and posed more fundamental challenges: programs can enable or block the adoption of clean cooking • Cooking is not a standard task. Unlike lighting for reading, alternatives. where the language of the book or the type of paper matters “Cooking is a complex little, cooking methods have evolved differently over time in How was context brought to the core of the project? activity that depends on every country and subregion based on the available foods and fuels (and combinations thereof). Social and gender research yielded achieving an equilibrium “social intelligence” on stove use, strengthening • LPG users and wood users are more similar than one between the cook’s skills, might think. Many households use both LPG and wood for the technical design of the Indonesia CSI the available fuel, and the cooking on a regular basis; they may also use electricity (rice The Indonesia CSI invested in experimental approaches to better stove technology being cookers). It is as if, in the power sector, electrified households still understand end users’ needs and preferences and to assess the used kerosene or batteries alongside grid electricity—but not used.” performance of technologies and products in their intended context because of power interruptions but rather by choice! This implies of use. The goal was to shed light on the social and cultural aspects (i) that the market for clean biomass stoves also includes LPG of technology adoption as complements to technical performance users, and (ii) that a clean stove may not be able to completely tests on emissions and thermal efficiency. The overall objective replace the baseline stove. was and still is to make the clean stoves available in the Indonesian • Biomass stove performance is context variable. If market more responsive to the preferences and needs of end users, properly designed and given similar levels of sunlight, the same thus increasing the probability that they will be used widely and solar panel should provide a similar amount of electricity (and enduringly. therefore a similar supply of reliable lumens for lighting) in two The CSI team had already decided to use results-based financing1 different countries. But a clean stove that technically performs (RBF) for a pilot effort to encourage private sector involvement not well in a dry Sahel environment in which sticks are used as fuel only in disseminating clean stoves but also in promoting their effec- may perform poorly and possibly worse than the baseline stove tive adoption and use by households. For the RBF pilot to succeed, in a wet tropical environment where thicker pieces of wood are time and money would have to be invested in understanding users’ used. A stove that is extremely clean and efficient at simmering adoption decisions and how these should influence the overall may be unable to bring sufficient power for stir-frying or may project design. It was also clear that the task team, most of whose produce such a high level of emissions at high output that the members had an energy background, would need reinforcement gain against the baseline stove may not be significant in the end. from other fields to properly understand these dimensions. Unlike electricity or LPG, wood biomass is not a homogenous In 2013, the Indonesia CSI assembled a team of social scientists fuel: Wood’s consistency varies dramatically with dryness, size, that included a sociologist, an anthropologist, and a statistician species, and how it is prepared for use. coordinated by a senior social development specialist. The interdis- • Cooks are clearly aware of the negative effects of smoke. ciplinary composition of the social team and its close collaboration But they weigh these disadvantages against other attributes with stove scientists and the CSI task team provided complementary necessary for the stove to perform its central function: preparing perspectives and concepts that covered all of the project’s social and food. Few people elect to keep kerosene lamps for reading once technical aspects. The heterogeneous team brought to bear a variety they have better and reliable alternatives, but for cooking the of tools to interpret the complexity of stove adoption. picture is not so clear. • Gender relations have to be taken into account. Cooking is 1. For more on the Indonesia RBF design, see Livewire 2015/46, “Results-Based Financing to Promote Clean Stoves: Initial a very gender-polarized activity that does not occur in a vacuum Lessons from Pilots in China and Indonesia,” listed on the last page of this brief. 3 C o n te x t u a l D e s i g n a n d P r o m o ti o n o f C l ea n B i o m a s s St o v e s The social team conducted research and analysis in 2013 and 2, first figure). When electricity is added as a third fuel (primarily 2014. The qualitative research provided interaction with well over 200 for rice cooking and warming), only 27 percent of households households on Sumba Island and in Central Java, including in-depth were single-fuel users, 45 percent used two fuels, and 28 percent interviews with primary users, case studies, detailed ethnographies used all three fuels every day. of households, and focus group discussions that were organized Each household adopts specific fuels for specific cooking tasks “The Indonesia CSI was with separate groups of men and women to obtain disaggregated depending primarily on their income and location. Nonetheless, supported by a team views about stove preferences and use. A survey of more than 1,400 most households surveyed perform a similar set of cooking tasks, households provided quantitative data that validated and expanded regardless of the combination of fuel used. Boiling water, cooking of social scientists that the qualitative findings. This work has been described elsewhere.2 rice and soup, and deep frying are common tasks performed by the included a sociologist, vast majority of cooks on a daily basis. an anthropologist, and a The research process resulted in a very detailed understanding This finding indicates broad and diversified markets for clean bio- statistician coordinated of patterns of fuel use, user segments, and household spending on mass stoves encompassing 73 percent of households, with specific fuel. Data was also obtained on stove inventories, cooking practices market niches based on locations, income, and cooking tasks (box 2, by a senior social and sequences, and gender roles within the household and in the second figure). development specialist community. to bring context back to The key lessons from the analysis are as follows: How was the accumulated social intelligence the core of the proposed • Women, who represent 96 percent of stove users, want put to work? direct, immediate, and concrete benefits from new actions.” stoves. They want appliances that cook fast and are powerful Sociocultural data were used to develop a (resulting in shorter cooking times), that light quickly and easily, technical stove test that reflects context of use, as that are easy to operate, that can use wood of variable quality, well as a social protocol to validate test results and that last. The attributes sought by users may be overlooked by the development community and stove developers that are The sociocultural information was analyzed and key variables focused more on long-term benefits and common goods such extracted for use in the development of a pioneering laboratory test as health outcomes and environmental impact. But women have of emissions and efficiency that could reflect the context of use and critical time constraints, because their responsibility as cooks is thus be more valid and reliable than prior tests. concomitant and often simultaneous with childcare and other Although so-called universal tests may be able to provide household tasks, not to mention income-producing tasks. If actual certain data (for example, on minimal standards) that could be used adoption and sustained use of clean stoves is the means to in international comparisons, they also mask significant variables broader common goals, women’s preferences and needs must be that come into play when a stove is used in a real household. The properly integrated into the design and promotion of clean stoves. conventional approach is that technical and social testing are not This in turn depends on a sound understanding of the roles compatible and must be sequenced separately. But because the played by women and men in the cooking-fuel system (box 1). social science work is less easily reproduced, is less quantifiable, and • A complex segmentation of fuel use appears, in which can be costly, it often ends up being ignored—with the result that cooking tasks complement fuel availability and income as significant investment decisions are made on the results of tests that key variables. Unlike what was hinted by earlier (binary) statis- merely show how well a stove boils water. tics, the CSI survey showed that half of the households use LPG But what if the laboratory test, while still performed in a con- and firewood simultaneously but for different cooking tasks (box trolled and replicable environment, could also give us a realistic approximation of how stoves would perform when used by real people performing their usual cooking tasks? 2. Eight studies and reports are available at http://www.astae.net/social-gender-support-to-indonesia-CSI. 4 C o n te x t u a l D e s i g n a n d P r o m o ti o n o f C l ea n B i o m a s s St o v e s Box 1. Focus group results: The top 10 features cooks want in a stove In Indonesia, the primary users—women—are far more interested in the functional aspects of a stove than in its appearance or technical rating. Power, speed, ignition, and ease of operation all rated at least 90 percent on the scale of importance. “Indonesian cooks first Share of sample want a stove that does deeming feature the job: powerful, fast, and Stove feature important (%) Comments from focus group discussion easy to ignite and operate. Powerful/fast 99 Speed is a key requirement for women, who have competing household duties and productive activities. But durability, efficiency, Rapid/easy ignition 99 The largest amount of smoke is produced at ignition. and comfort during use Durable 99 Durability is important in peri-urban areas, where the current baseline is considered fragile, lasting also matter.” only a year on average. Fuel-efficient 97 Although firewood is cheap or freely available, households are interested in efficiency. Convenient, easy to 90 Women want stoves that are easy to operate, light, and clean. Heat regulation should be easy. The operate stove should not require constant attention. Less/no smoke 90 Women consider smoke uncomfortable but do not perceive it as a major threat and are not aware of the long-term effect of sustained exposure. Uses any type and size of 90 Women consider stoves that require wood of good quality less desirable, since hard wood has to be firewood purchased rather than collected. Can operate with humid 59 Humidity directly affects combustion, ignition times, and smoke. Women want stoves that can burn wood humid wood with less smoke. The rainy season lasts seven months in Java. Portability 58 Fixed stoves are nontransferable and cannot be resold or given away as household assets, reducing their value once purchased/built. Multiple burners 49 Multiple burners allow cooks to prepare several dishes simultaneously, saving time and using firewood more efficiently. Health aspects were not particularly salient for men or women. Although women cooks did consider smoke to be uncomfortable, they perceived it as an inconvenience rather than a major threat and were unaware of the long-term effects of sustained exposure. Safety concerns centered on the risk of burns to children and the cook, which were seen as more likely with modern metallic stove bodies than with traditional stoves. Another aspect of interest in context was the capability of stoves to operate with humid wood, as the rainy season can last up to seven months in the region. Humidity directly affects combustion, ignition times, and the amount of smoke produced. While price did not rank among the top areas of interest for respondents (it was deemed important by 60 percent of the sample), further analysis showed that price points did have a gender component. Baseline stoves are usually cheap and priced at a level that falls within the scope of women’s discretionary decision making. Locally made clean stoves, which are slightly more expensive, require joint decision making. Imported stoves are generally expensive enough to be subject to men’s veto authority. Wide adoption will not be possible if women are considered passive beneficiaries of improved stoves and if men are not engaged to embrace new technologies. Source: Focus Group Discussions in Yogyakarta and Sumba December 2012 and 2013; Peri-urban survey in Sleman and Bantul districts, Yogyakarta Special Region, December 2013. 5 C o n te x t u a l D e s i g n a n d P r o m o ti o n o f C l ea n B i o m a s s St o v e s Box 2. “Stove stacking” implies a larger-than-anticipated market for clean biomass stoves The survey belied previous statistics on primary fuel use that implied that two-thirds of households in Yogyakarta–Central Java used liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and one-third used firewood. In fact, a strikingly stable half of the households used both LPG and firewood simultaneously across all income groups, as the figure shows. Those households using only firewood tend to be poorer, and those using only LPG richer. When electricity is added to the mix “Half of the households (primarily for rice cooking and rice warming), the survey showed that only 27 percent of households use only one fuel, 45 percent use two fuels, and 28 percent use all three. in Central Java use both The significance of this finding is that the potential market for wood and LPG, often for Household fuel use by income quintile, 2014 clean biomass stoves is rather large, as it covers firewood- different cooking tasks and only users but also joint LPG/firewood users—or 73 percent 100 5% Use firewood only of the households in Yogyakarta–Central Java. But these at different times of day.” 90 51% 51% markets can be quite differentiated, as the expectations of 30% Percent of households 80 a low-income firewood-only user may be very different from 51% 70 50% those of a high-income combined-fuel user who uses the 60 51% Use both firewood and LPG wood stove as a back-up or for specific tasks such as boiling 50 51% water, often 10 liters at a time, for which an LPG stove may 52% 40 lack sufficient power. Use LPG only 30 38% The social assessment also showed that while patterns of 20 45% 51% fuel use are quite differentiated, most households in the 51% 12% 10 19% region nonetheless undertake similar cooking tasks whatever 0 the fuel combination. Breakfast is the most active cooking Quintile 1 Quintile 2 Quintile 3 Quintile 4 Quintile 5 time (lasting 65 to 80 minutes) with the largest variety of (less than $75) ($76>x>$112) ($113>x>$150) ($151>$240) (over $240) cooking tasks. Boiling water, cooking rice, making soup, and Monthly income (US$, 2014) deep frying are the most common tasks. This quantitative information, along with the ethnographic description of each Source: Peri-urban Survey, Yogyakarta-Central Java, 2014. task performed, forms the basis for the typical burn cycle representative of cooking habits in the province (see box 3). Main household cooking tasks at breakfast and dinner 100 Boil water Percentage of households engaging in task Cook rice Deep fry 80 Make soup Stir fry Steam or boil 60 40 20 0 Initial cooking Reheating Fresh cooking Reheating Breakfast Dinner Source: Peri-urban Survey, Yogyakarta-Central Java, 2014. 6 C o n te x t u a l D e s i g n a n d P r o m o ti o n o f C l ea n B i o m a s s St o v e s Box 3. The Contextual Test: performed in a laboratory yet Testing stoves using the CSI-WHT protocol at Yayasan socially relevant to future users Dian Desa’s pilot lab in Yogyakarta Designed to evaluate the performance of cooking appliances in a manner that is both technically and culturally reliable, the CSI Water Heating Test “Baseline (or traditional) (WHT) was developed for the pilot project in Central Java and Yogyakarta stoves took hold over provinces.a It uses information gathered through ethno-sociological study of household cooking practices and confirmed by a statistically valid survey to decades, even centuries. identify common cooking tasks in a given area. To displace them, new To build the technical test, an analysis of how often various cooking tasks are performed (see bar graph in box 2) is combined with household stoves, however efficient observations to determine the cooking duration and power modulations or clean, must offer required for each task using the baseline stove. Two or more representative tasks that involve the maximum and minimum cooking power needed to users at least equivalent satisfy local preferences are then mathematically combined to form the performance.” technical test, or “burn cycle,” that represents common use in that culture and community.b The CSI Water Heating Test is thus a single test that can be performed in a laboratory under controlled conditions (pictured here at the CSI lab in Yogyakarta) and administered in an identical manner for each stove evaluated, while also effectively replicating the range of uses to which Source: Indonesia CSI. cooking appliances are put in the target community. The output of the test can provide a reasonable prediction of each product’s average performance in the community whose cooking practices are reflected in the burn cycle. “Community” as used here does not mean a bounded geographic area (village) or ethno-economic subgroup but rather all those who share the predominant cooking practices identified. Here, social analysis led the team to estimate that the community identified could cover most of Yogyakarta and Central Java provinces—a population of 37 million people. a. The protocol for the CSI Water Heating Test is available from http://cleancookstoves.org/binary-data/DOCUMENT/file/000/000/87-1.pdf. b. Additional details on converting to contextual tests in Indonesia are available from https://collaboration.worldbank.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadBody/15092-102-1-20397/WBT%20 to%20WHT.pdf. To achieve this, the test piloted in Indonesia replicated local protocol was developed to validate the clean stove results under real cooking cycles and integrated these into a water-heating test that household conditions. Between December 2014 and May 2015, the assessed fuel consumption and emissions (box 3). The Indonesia CSI protocol was applied in various locations in Central Java to several team finalized and used this test in 2014 and 2015 to rate candidate clean stoves that had passed CSI’s technical tests for emissions biomass stoves for its first pilot in the country. More than 30 stove and efficiency (described in box 3). In this second phase of the technologies were tested. Of these, 14 technologies from 10 manu- social work, the emphasis was on obtaining comprehensive and facturers, half international and half national, became eligible for the systematic user feedback on stove performance under their own set RBF pilot. As of early 2016, seven technologies, all locally developed of priorities to complement the technical performance tested earlier. and produced, were being deployed. Essentially, the social protocol measured actual stove usability and But the work of the social team did not stop here. Using user satisfaction. information gained in the initial sociocultural exploration, a social 7 C o n te x t u a l D e s i g n a n d P r o m o ti o n o f C l ea n B i o m a s s St o v e s Table 2. Social protocol research questions to gather users’ feedback Topic Questions Fit with cooking environment Does the stove respond to the context in which it will be used? Does it meet specific needs within that context? and social and cultural dynamics How well does the stove fit with kitchen types, firewood quality, cooking practices, women’s tasks and gender roles, intra- “A social test protocol household decision-making, and patterns of fuel and stove use? was created and applied Functionality and usability How does the stove perform on a set of requirements of interest and importance to users when operated in the field under natural conditions? to collect the experience How do people engage with the stove? Which aspects of its operation are easy? Which are difficult or challenging? of users when confronted Are the challenges related to novelty? Need for training? Product design? Or do they stem from the interface between with a new technology for design and context? cooking their everyday Emotional resonance and What is the degree of user satisfaction with specific aspects of operation and design (form, materials, dimensions, end aesthetic response result) and with the overall experience? meals.” What does the clean stove mean to intended users? Source: CSI Social Team. Moving from indirect to direct integration of user needs promotion, in which no training or demonstration was provided to and preferences. Focusing on stove performance using variables testers before they used the stove for the first time, although all directly relevant to users in a given context responds to an important questions were answered throughout the assessment. finding of the initial exploration: Stove promoters (such as the CSI This test design, imitating an off-the-shelf purchase, makes it program or producers of stoves) and stove users often disagree possible to observe users’ first encounter with each stove, identifying greatly on what constitutes an improvement. While the critical specific areas of difficulty and the level of success of users’ own features for promoters might include public goods such as increased problem-solving strategies. The design is also based on the recogni- efficiency and reduced emissions, users in studied sites in Indonesia tion that funding and organizing training or demonstration may not were more interested in improvements with direct short-term always be possible (or affordable) in large-scale interventions, as is benefits, such as faster cooking times, greater ease and comfort, the the case of the Indonesian CSI. ability of the stove to operate with varying biomass moisture and quality, and lower household expenditure. “Do not underestimate the baseline stoves.” The social The social approach used in Indonesia gathered feedback from assessment helped identify specific issues of fit with local contexts. intended users (preponderantly women) on the performance of the Such issues arose chiefly with clean stove designs originally devel- stove in areas of interest to them when cooking at home. It focuses oped for different settings. The results in Indonesia suggested that on functionality, usability, and emotional response to the product, as compared with the local baseline stove (figure 2), clean stoves might exemplified in table 2. require additional physical effort and time for fuel preparation, owing, Each tester was asked to cook a set meal with the eligible stoves. for example, to the smaller firewood lengths and diameters required All ingredients were predefined, measured, and standardized. The by “rocket” stove designs. The additional burdens fall mainly on fuel was locally sourced by the households themselves. An effort women, who are the main cooks. was made to replicate as far as possible a large-scale market-based 8 C o n te x t u a l D e s i g n a n d P r o m o ti o n o f C l ea n B i o m a s s St o v e s The assessment also revealed problems with the ignition perfor- Table 3. Social recommendations emerging from mance of some clean stoves when used in the field, and with their the Indonesia CSI overall speed compared with baseline stoves. Again, such problems Recommendations Integrate the interests of consumers in the design could potentially increase cooking times, thereby overloading on stove design of improved stoves; move from supply- to demand- based stove technology women’s days and possibly worsening their exposure to emissions, Address the differentiated preferences of women “Many new clean as repeated lightings require close presence to the stove (and, for and men stoves struggle to match top-lit stoves, holding one’s face above the stove). Furthermore, the Assess the level of improvements in areas of interest test suggested that when used by local cooks with local biomass and the usability of the to users under field conditions, some putatively clean stoves still left soot on not-so-clean but Ensure functionality pots and emitted high levels of smoke during ignition or reignition. In Simplify to increase usability cheap-and-versatile addition, some specific mismatches in fit between burners and local Use feedback mechanisms to improve design, baseline Keren stove.” pot sizes were observed, especially as the cuisine of Central Java distribution, and outreach requires the use of multiple pots and pans of various sizes. Recommendations Invest in understanding local cooking practices Overall, clean stove designers and sellers need to keep in mind for stove testing Determine and define cooking cycles and incorporate that cooks will compare their products against the baseline stoves these in the lab testing protocol with which they are familiar. In Indonesia, the high-end baseline is Conduct social adoption tests and feed the results the LPG stove, with its immediate lighting, easy power control, and back into testing protocols ability to burn unattended, but with limitations related to fuel cost Share results with stove designers and promoters and availability. On the low end, the baseline in Central Java is the Recommendations Address the differentiated needs of rural and Keren, which is very cheap and versatile, accommodates available on the promotion urbanized populations; consider prioritizing areas wood with minimal transformation, is easy to light, and can simmer of clean stoves that have been exposed to a range of fuels and or provide a high burn with simple repositioning of the burning wood. devices It is also able to handle damp wood once it reaches high tempera- Ensure that the pricing structure responds to the purchasing power of the target groups and to the tures. To be sustained over time, clean stoves must either improve on scope of women’s power to make purchasing or at least match the baseline stoves’ key attributes or provide a new decisions set of services or conveniences, such as those provided by electric Consider conducting a gender audit of selected rice cookers. stoves The method also allowed us to identify ways to increase the Engage community groups in promotion usability of stoves. For example, the tests separated those stoves Conduct awareness-raising campaigns that required only explanation at the point of sale or an improved Involve men/husbands manual from less-intuitive models that would require training, Target additional consumer groups beyond demonstration, or even retrofitting or redesigning to improve their household consumers performance in the Central Java context. This information was shared Recommendations Use mutually enhancing solutions to increase the with stove designers and market aggregators and used as input into on holistic impact of work on clean stoves a marketing and promotional strategy based on the tested benefits approaches to Explore the potential of supporting fuel diversification reduce exposure to and limitations of stoves. Monitor and evaluate impacts indoor air pollution Continue to develop the CSI social testing protocol Source: CSI Social team 9 C o n te x t u a l D e s i g n a n d P r o m o ti o n o f C l ea n B i o m a s s St o v e s Positive actions resulting from the socio-technical inte- Based on results of the social protocol, the CSI team became gration: New designs, better manuals, better training. One involved in the design of stove manuals, many of which had been outcome has been the development of a new stove that works in a put together by stove designers without a typical user in mind. The manner similar to that of the baseline Keren (making it intuitive for new manuals (figure 4), with ample pictures aimed at users with low users) but with specific quality and design features that improve its literacy, focus on explaining key differences with the baseline stoves “Social recommendations emissions and efficiency (figure 3). This new stove, dubbed the Keren that households are used to. are being followed closely Super-II to emphasize its continuity with the original Keren, was The social protocol also showed that the stoves would have to developed under the auspices of CSI partner GERES and in collabo- be properly introduced to consumers. For this purpose, sales agents in the CSI pilot test in ration with a local nongovernmental organization (YDD). Should its would have to be trained. The CSI allocated a significant share of its Central Java.” success be proven, its design features will be made available to local technical assistance budget to such training to make sure that the manufacturers on an open-source basis. primary sales force can properly explain and demonstrate how to operate these new, unfamiliar clean stoves. Figure 2. The traditional “Keren” stove, popular in Central Java: Figure 3. The “Keren Super-II” stove, developed as a result a cheap stove that does not require wood of a set length or of in-context testing: similar in use but stronger and with diameter cleaner results than the baseline Keren Source: Indonesia CSI. Source: Indonesia CSI. being integrated into global discussions on stove testing within the Figure 4. Excerpt from a new 4-page, user-friendly, illustrated Make further stove manual International Organization for Standardization. Laboratory testing connections is without doubt critical, but testing stoves in context can provide new information, highlight inconsistencies and gaps, and bring the Live Wire 2014/28 “Tracking world a generation of clean biomass stoves that work the way cooks Progress Toward Providing expect a stove to work for their own needs. Sustainable Energy for All in East Ensuring that stoves in the market have passed through a series Asia and the Pacific,” by Elisa of tests in the lab to ensure adherence to standards and in the Portale and Joeri de Wit. field to assess user-product interaction can help improve the user experience and encourage adoption. The benefits of improved stoves Live Wire 2015/46. “Results-Based can be realized only if the stoves are widely adopted and regularly Financing to Promote Clean used, which may not happen with one-size-fits-all approaches. Stoves: Initial Lessons from Pilots The Indonesia CSI social team is now working on verification in China and Indonesia,” by Yabei of stove sales under the RBF scheme. The project in Central Java is Zhang and Norma Adams. being scaled up, and the tests, social analysis, and RBF mechanisms Source: Indonesia CSI. extended to new provinces. Further development of the social pro- Live Wire 2016/62. “Toward tocol may lead to using social dimensions as conditions for stoves’ Universal Access to Clean eligibility for subsidized inclusion in the program. Cooking and Heating: Early What’s next? Lessons from the East Asia and Pacific Clean Stove Initiative,” by The methods and practices developed by the Yabei Zhang and Norma Adams. Indonesia CSI in Central Java are being scaled up The World Bank’s Indonesia CSI team is led by Yabei Zhang and Laurent Live Wire 2016/63. “The Lao for wider application Durix. The social team is composed of Helene Carlsson Rex (leader), Veronica Mendizabal Joffre (sociologist), Cecil Cook (anthropologist), and Tig Tuntivate Cookstove Experience: Redefining Through the development of the socially sensitive stove-testing pro- (statistician). Crispin Pemberton-Pigott is the CSI stove specialist, in collabora- Health through Cleaner Energy tocol and the background studies, the Indonesian CSI has produced tion with Iwan Baskoro (GERES). Solutions,” by Rutu Dave and a deeper understanding of how gender and social issues affect the Rema N. Balasundaram. uptake and use of clean stoves and how stoves can be improved to The teams are grateful for support and contributions from the Indonesian better correspond to users’ needs and concerns. The recommenda- organization Yayasan Dian Desa (YDD), led by Christina Aristanti, and to YDD’s tions generated by the program (table 3) are being shared with the team, particularly Prianti Utami. international clean stoves community. Peer reviewers for the CSI social work included Gillian Brown, Jacqueline The social and contextual approach developed in Indonesia Devine, Sarah Keener, and Vanessa Lopez. has generated significant debate and interest, and aspects of it are Get Connected to Live Wire Live Wires are designed for easy reading on the screen and for downloading The Live Wire series of online knowledge notes is an initiative of the World Bank Group’s Energy and self-printing in color or “Live Wire is designed and Extractives Global Practice, reflecting the emphasis on knowledge management and solu- black and white. tions-oriented knowledge that is emerging from the ongoing change process within the Bank for practitioners inside Group. For World Bank employees: and outside the Bank. Professional printing can Each Live Wire delivers, in 3–6 attractive, highly readable pages, knowledge that is immediately It is a resource to relevant to front-line practitioners. also be undertaken on a customized basis for share with clients and specific events or occasions Live Wires take a variety of forms: counterparts.” • Topic briefs offer technical knowledge on key issues in energy and extractives by contacting GSDPM • Case studies highlight lessons from experiences in implementation Customer Service Center at • Global trends provide analytical overviews of key energy and extractives data (202) 458-7479, or sending a • Bank views portray the Bank Group’s activities in the energy and extractives sectors written request to cgsdpm@ • Private eyes present a private sector perspective on topical issues in the field worldbank.org. Each Live Wire will be peer-reviewed by seasoned practitioners in the Bank. Once a year, the Energy and Extractives Global Practice takes stock of all notes that appeared, reviewing their quality and identifying priority areas to be covered in the following year’s pipeline. Please visit our Live Wire web page for updates: http://www.worldbank.org/energy/livewire e Pa c i f i c 2014/28 ainable energy for all in easT asia and Th 1 Tracking Progress Toward Providing susT TIVES GLOBAL PRACTICE A KNOWLEDGE NOTE SERIES FOR THE ENERGY & EXTRAC THE BOTTOM LINE Tracking Progress Toward Providing Sustainable Energy where does the region stand on the quest for sustainable for All in East Asia and the Pacific 2014/29 and cenTral asia energy for all? in 2010, eaP easTern euroPe sT ainable en ergy for all in databases—technical measures. This note is based on that frame- g su v i d i n had an electrification rate of Why is this important? ess Toward Pro work (World Bank 2014). SE4ALL will publish an updated version of 1 Tracking Progr 95 percent, and 52 percent of the population had access Tracking regional trends is critical to monitoring the GTF in 2015. to nonsolid fuel for cooking. the progress of the Sustainable Energy for All The primary indicators and data sources that the GTF uses to track progress toward the three SE4ALL goals are summarized below. consumption of renewable (SE4ALL) initiative C T I V E S G L O B A L P R A C T I C E ENERGY & EXTRA • Energy access. Access to modern energy services is measured T E S E R I E S F O R T H EIn declaring 2012 the “International Year of Sustainable Energy for energy decreased overall A KNO W L E D G E N Oand 2010, though by the percentage of the population with an electricity between 1990 All,” the UN General Assembly established three objectives to be connection and the percentage of the population with access Energy modern forms grew rapidly. d Providing Sustainable accomplished by 2030: to ensure universal access to modern energy energy intensity levels are high to nonsolid fuels.2 These data are collected using household Tracking Progress Towar services,1 to double the 2010 share of renewable energy in the global surveys and reported in the World Bank’s Global Electrification but declining rapidly. overall THE BOTTOM LINE energy mix, and to double the global rate of improvement in energy e and Central Asia trends are positive, but bold Database and the World Health Organization’s Household Energy for All in Eastern Europ efficiency relative to the period 1990–2010 (SE4ALL 2012). stand policy measures will be required where does the region setting Database. The SE4ALL objectives are global, with individual countries on that frame- on the quest for sustainable to sustain progress. is based share of renewable energy in the their own national targets databases— technical in a measures. way that is Thisconsistent with the overall of • Renewable energy. The note version energy for all? The region SE4ALL will publish an updated their ability energy mix is measured by the percentage of total final energy to Why is this important ? spirit of the work initiative. (World Bank Because2014). countries differ greatly in has near-universal access consumption that is derived from renewable energy resources. of trends is critical to monitoring to pursue thetheGTF in 2015. three objectives, some will make more rapid progress GTF uses to Data used to calculate this indicator are obtained from energy electricity, and 93 percent Tracking regional othersindicators primary will excel and data sources that elsewhere, depending on their the while the population has access le Energy for All in one areaThe goals are summarized below. balances published by the International Energy Agency and the the progress of the Sustainab respective track starting progress pointstowardand the three SE4ALL comparative advantages as well as on services is measured to nonsolid fuel for cooking. access. Accessthat they modern to are able to energy marshal. United Nations. despite relatively abundant (SE4ALL) initiative the resources and support Energy with an electricity connection Elisa Portale is an l Year of Sustainable Energy for To sustain percentage of by the momentum forthe the population achievement of the SE4ALL 2• Energy efficiency. The rate of improvement of energy efficiency hydropower, the share In declaring 2012 the “Internationa energy economist in with access to nonsolid fuels. three global objectives objectives, andathe means of charting percentage of the population global progress to 2030 is needed. is approximated by the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of renewables in energy All,” the UN General Assembly established the Energy Sector surveys and reported access to modern universalAssistance The World TheseBank and data are the collected International using household Energy Agency led a consor- of energy intensity, where energy intensity is the ratio of total consumption has remained to be accomplished by 2030: to ensure Management Database and the World of theenergy intium of 15 renewable international in the World Bank’s Global agencies toElectrification establish the SE4ALL Global primary energy consumption to gross domestic product (GDP) energy the 2010 share of Program (ESMAP) relatively low. very high energy services, to double Database. measured in purchasing power parity (PPP) terms. Data used to 1 t ’s Household provides Energy a system for regular World Bank’s Energy the global rate of improvemen and Extractives Tracking Framework Health (GTF), which Organization in the energy intensity levels have come and to double the global energy mix, Global Practice. (SE4ALL 2012). based on energy. of renewable The sharepractical, rigorous—yet energy given available calculate energy intensity are obtained from energy balances to the period 1990–2010 global reporting, Renewable down rapidly. The big questions in energy efficiency relative setting by the percentage of total final energy consumption published by the International Energy Agency and the United evolve Joeri withde Wit is an countries individual mix is measured Data used to are how renewables will The SE4ALL objectives are global, economist in with the overall from renewable energy when every resources. person on the planet has access Nations. picks up a way energy that is consistent 1 The universal derived that isaccess goal will be achieved balances published when energy demand in from energy their own national targets through electricity, clean cooking fuels, clean heating fuels, rates the Bank’s Energy and countries differ greatly in their ability calculate this indicator are obtained to modern energy services provided productive use and community services. The term “modern solutions” cookingNations. again and whether recent spirit of the initiative. Because Extractives Global rapid progress and energy for Energy Agency and the United liquefied petroleum gas), 2 Solid fuels are defined to include both traditional biomass (wood, charcoal, agricultural will make more by the refers to solutions International that involve electricity or gaseous fuels (including is pellets and briquettes), and of decline in energy intensity some t of those of efficiency energy and forest residues, dung, and so on), processed biomass (such as to pursue the three objectives, Practice. depending on their or solid/liquid fuels paired with Energy efficiency. The rate stoves exhibiting of overall improvemen emissions rates at or near other solid fuels (such as coal and lignite). will excel elsewhere, rate (CAGR) of energy will continue. in one area while others liquefied petroleum gas (www.sustainableenergyforall.org). annual growth as well as on approximated by the compound and comparative advantages is the ratio of total primary energy respective starting points marshal. where energy intensity that they are able to intensity, measured in purchas- the resources and support domestic product (GDP) for the achievement of the SE4ALL consumption to gross calculate energy intensity Elisa Portale is an To sustain momentum terms. Data used to charting global progress to 2030 is needed. ing power parity (PPP) the International energy economist in objectives, a means of balances published by the Energy Sector International Energy Agency led a consor- are obtained from energy The World Bank and the SE4ALL Global Energy Agency and the United Nations. Management Assistance agencies to establish the the GTF to provide a regional and tium of 15 international for regular This note uses data from Program (ESMAP) of the which provides a system for Eastern Tracking Framework (GTF), the three pillars of SE4ALL World Bank’s Energy and Extractives on rigorous—yet practical, given available country perspective on Global Practice. global reporting, based has access Joeri de Wit is an will be achieved when every person on the planet The universal access goal heating fuels, clean cooking fuels, clean energy economist in 1 agricultural provided through electricity, biomass (wood, charcoal, to modern energy services The term “modern cooking solutions” to include both traditional and briquettes), and Solid fuels are defined the Bank’s Energy and use and community services. biomass (such as pellets 2 and energy for productive petroleum gas), and so on), processed fuels (including liquefied and forest residues, dung, involve electricity or gaseous at or near those of Extractives Global refers to solutions that overall emissions rates other solid fuels (such as coal and lignite). with stoves exhibiting Practice. or solid/liquid fuels paired (www.sustainableenergyforall.org). liquefied petroleum gas Contribute to If you can’t spare the time to contribute to Live Wire, but have an idea for a topic, or case we should cover, let us know! Do you have something to say? We welcome your ideas through any of the following Say it in Live Wire! channels: Via the Communities of Those working on the front lines of energy and extractives development in emerging economies Practice in which you are have a wealth of technical knowledge and case experience to share with their colleagues but active seldom have the time to write for publication. By participating in the Energy Live Wire offers prospective authors a support system to make sharing your knowledge as easy as and Extractives Global possible: Practice’s annual Live Wire • Trained writers among our staff will be assigned upon request to draft Live Wire stories with series review meeting staff active in operations. • A professional series editor ensures that the writing is punchy and accessible. By communicating directly • A professional graphic designer assures that the final product looks great—a feather in your cap! with the team (contact Morgan Bazilian, mbazilian@ Live Wire aims to raise the profile of operational staff wherever they are based; those with worldbank.org) hands-on knowledge to share. That’s your payoff! It’s a chance to model good “knowledge citizenship” and participate in the ongoing change process at the Bank, uroPe and cenT ral asia 2014/29 all in easTern e ble energy for v i d i n g s u s Ta i n a where knowledge management is becoming everybody’s business. ess Toward Pro 1 Tracking Progr TICE IVES GLOBAL PRAC ENERGY & EXTRACT E SERIES FOR THE A KNOWLEDGE NOT rgy Providing Sustainable Ene Tracking Progress Toward Or 2014/5 1 U n d e r s ta n d i n g C O 2 emissiOns frOm the glObal energy seCt THE BOTTOM LINE ern Euro pe and Cen tral Asia where does the region stand ble for All in East based on that frame- on the quest for sustaina measures. This note is databases—technical updated version of energy for all? The region SE4ALL will publish an has near-universal access to WhyD is this important? ERGY PRACTICE work (World Bank 2014). E G E N O T E S E R I E S F O R T H E E N to of A K N O W L is critical monitoring the GTF in 2015. that the GTF uses to electricity, and 93 percent Tracking regional trends for All The primary indicators and data sources below. goals are summarized the population has access the progres s of the Sustainable Energy progress toward the three SE4ALL Understanding CO Emissions from the Global Energy Sector nonsolid fuel for cooking. track is measured to modern energy services THE BOTTOM LINE to Your Name Here t (SE4ALL) initiativ e Energy access. Access connection despite relatively abundan 2 population with an electricity the share “Internat ional Year of Sustainable Energy for by the percentage of the access to nonsolid fuels.2 hydropow the energy sector contributes er, In declaring 2012 the the population with objectives and the percentage of of renewables in energy established three global and reported about 40 percent of global All,” the UN General Assembly access to modern using household surveys Why is this issue important? 2030: to ensure universal These data are collected and the World Become an author has remained emissions of CO2. three- consumption to be accomplished by in in the World Bank’s Global Electrification Database high energy double the 2010 knowledge share of renewable energy of the Database. relatively low. very Mitigating climate change energy requires services, to 1 quarters of those emissions ent Household Energy rate of improvem global Figure 1. CO2 emissions Health Organiza Figure tion’s 2. energy-related CO2 energy come from six major intensity levels have come energy mix, and to double the share of renewable energy in the of CO s2 emissions sources the global 0 (SE4ALL 2012). Renewab le energy. The question to the period 1990–201 by sector emissions by country consumption down rapidly. The big economies. although coal-fired in energy efficiency relative setting d by the percenta ge of total final energy of Live Wire and countries global, with individual mix is measure LICs evolve les will opportunities to cut emissions of greenhouse aregases used to plants account for just are how renewab Identifying The SE4ALL objectives le energy resources. Data 0.5% picks up understanding of the main sources ofin those a way that is consistent with emis- the overall that is derived from renewab balances published 40 percent of world energy when energy demand requires a clear their own national targets in their ability Other this indicator are obtained from energy 80 percent of differ greatly Residential calculate production, they were again and whether Carbonrates sions.recent dioxide (CO2) accounts for more than spirit of the initiative. Because countries 6% sectors Other MICs Agency and the United Nations. will make more rapid progress by the International Energy China 10% 15% intensity gas emissions globally, 1 primarily from the burning s, some efficiency is contribute to your responsible for more than of decline in energy total greenhouse to pursue the three objective on their Other HICs . The rate of improvement of energy energy sector—defined toexcel elsewhere, depending include Energy efficiency 30% growth rate (CAGR) of energy will continue. of fossil fuels (IFCC 2007). The will 8% in one area while others by the compound annual Energy 70 percent of energy-sector as well as on 41% approxim and heat generation—contributed and compara tive advantages 41 ated Japan 4% energy the ratio of total primary Industry emissions in 2010. despite fuels consumed for electricity respective starting points 20% Russia energy intensity is of global CO emissions in 2010 (figure 1). Energy-related that they are able to marshal. intensity, where measure d in purchas- improvements in some percent 2 the resources and support 7% USA product (GDP) gross domestic practice and career! an at the point of combustion make up the m bulk for the such of achievem ent of the SE4ALL Other consumption to India 19% calculate energy intensity countries, the global CO2 CO Elisa 2 emissions Portale is To sustain momentu transport Road 7% EU terms. Data used to andin are generated by the burning of fossil is needed. global progress to 2030 6% transport fuels, industrial ing power parity (PPP) the International economist objectives, a means of charting balances published by emissions 11% emission factor for energy energy 16% EnergyandSector nonrenewable municipal waste to generate nal Energy Agency led electricity Internatio a consor- are obtained from energy The World Bank and the the waste, generation has hardly changed United Nations. ent Assistance venting and leakage to establish the emissions SE4ALL Global Energy Agency and the sector at the point and over the last 20 years. and heat. Black carbon and methane Managem tium of 15 international agencies Notes: Energy-related CO2 emissions are CO2 emissions from the energy from the GTF to provide a regional of the for regular This note usesanddata domestic provides a system bunkers, Program (ESMAP) presented in this note. of combustion. Other Transport includes international marine aviation for Eastern are not included in the analysis and Extractives Tracking Framework (GTF), which given aviation and available navigation, Other Sectors rail and pipeline transport; perspect include ive on the three pillars of SE4ALL commercial/public World Bank’s Energy on rigorous—yet practical, country and heat genera- global reporting, based services, agriculture/forestry, fishing, energy industries other than electricity Global Practice. not specified elsewhere; Energy = fuels consumed for electricity and Where do emissions come from? tion, and other emissions as has in the opening paragraph. HIC, MIC, and LIC refer to high-, middle-, access Joeri de Wit is an will be achieved when on the planet heat generation, every person defined The universal access goal of countries heating fuels, energy economistare Emissions concentrated in 1 in a handful to modern energy services provided through electricity, fuels, clean and low-income clean cooking countries. cooking solutions” to include both traditional biomass (wood, charcoal, agricultural The term “modern Source: IEA 2012a. Solid fuels are defined and briquettes), and the Bank’s Energy and use and community services. biomass (such as pellets 2 and come primarily from burning and energy coal for productive that involve electricity or gaseous fuels (including liquefied petroleum gas), near those of and forest residues, dung, and so on), processed Vivien Foster is sector Extractives Global refers to solutions overall emissions rates at or other solid fuels (such as coal and lignite). with stoves exhibiting or solid/liquid fuels paired emissions closely manager for the Sus- The geographical pattern of energy-related CO Practice. gas 2(www.sustainableenergy forall.org). liquefied petroleum middle-income countries, and only 0.5 percent by all low-income tainable Energy Depart- mirrors the distribution of energy consumption (figure 2). In 2010, ment at the World Bank countries put together. almost half of all such emissions were associated with the two (vfoster@worldbank.org). Coal is, by far, the largest source of energy-related CO2 emissions largest global energy consumers, and more than three-quarters globally, accounting for more than 70 percent of the total (figure 3). Daron Bedrosyan were associated with the top six emitting countries. Of the remaining works for London This reflects both the widespread use of coal to generate electrical energy-related CO2 emissions, about 8 percent were contributed Economics in Toronto. power, as well as the exceptionally high CO2 intensity of coal-fired by other high-income countries, another 15 percent by other Previously, he was an power (figure 4). Per unit of energy produced, coal emits significantly energy analyst with the more CO emissions than oil and more than twice as much as natural 2 World Bank’s Energy Practice. Gas Inventory 1 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Greenhouse 0.php gas. Data—Comparisons By Gas (database). http://unfccc.int/ghg_data/items/380