(PP1730) 0.25 2016 01 1 2016 01 2.024 1 0.24 31 01 Agence Française de Développement AFD Climate Investment Funds CIF Country Partnership Framework CPF General Directorate of Forestry DGF Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAO Forest Investment Program FIP Forest Investment Program Investment Plan FIP/IP Financial Management FM Gross Domestic Product GDP The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale GIZ Zusammenarbeit GmbH Government of Tunisia GOT Grievance Redress System GRS International Fund for Agricultural Development IFAD Investment Plan IP Japan International Cooperation Agency JICA Multi-lateral Development Bank MDB Project Development Objective PDO Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability Report PEFA Public Financial Management PFM Project Preparation Grant PPG Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest REDD+ degradation; and the role of conservation, sustainable forest management and enhancement of forest carbon stocks Strategic Social and Environmental Assessment of the SESA National Strategy REDD+ Tunisia Dinar TDN World Bank WB Hafez M. H. Ghanem Marie Francoise Marie-Nelly Paula Caballero Benoit Paul Blarel Taoufiq Bennouna 2 9 ............................................................................................... I. 9 ....................................................................................................... 9 ................................................................................ 11 ................................................... 11 ..................................................................................... II 11 ................................................................................. 12 ................................................................................... 12 ................................................ 12 .................................................................................................. 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Ghanem Paula Caballero Marie-Nelly Blarel CD Youssef Saadani ysaadani04@yahoo.fr 0021671848892 0.00 0.25 0.00 4 0.25 0.25 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 2017 2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.15 X X X X 100 % 5 % % % 40 40 80 10 10 20 100 ï‚£ % 5 % 10 5 50 40 100 0.25 [X] [ ] CAS [X] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] X OP/BP 4.01 X OP/BP 4.04 X OP/BP 4.36 X OP 4.09 X OP/BP 4.11 X OP/BP 4.10 X OP/BP 4.12 X OP/BP 4.37 X OP/BP 7.50 X OP/BP 7.60 6 GENDR Taoufiq Bennouna GGODR Fabio Isoldi WFALA Andrianirina Michel Eric Ranjeva GENDR Africa Eshogba Olojoba GCCFL Gerhard Dieterle LEGAM Jean-Charles Marie De Daruvar MNCTN Leila Chelaifa GENDR Marie A. F. How Yew Kin GSURR Markus Friedrich Vorpahl GCCPT Meerim Shakirova GGODR Mehdi El Batti GENDR Oyebimpe Adepoju GENDR Veronica Yolanda Jarrin 7 8 I 1 2010 2000 2 2014 01 27 2013 2014 12 21 2014 10 26 2015 02 06 2015 01 05 3 70% 70% 1.6 14% 40% (FIP) 4 MDBs) (CIF) 2020 2015 250.000 PPG 9 9 5 21% 1.4 35% 5.7 2012 2% 25% 15 7 5 14% 256 27 17 500 2200 6 7 7800 37% 35 20% 8 10 9 2024 2015 1 4 3 2 4 (GOT) 100 10 (CPF) 11 1 2 REDD+ II 1 ;http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EXTSDNET/Resources/Inclusive_Green_Growth_May_2012.pdf http://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/forests/overview#2 2 2013-03-21 ‫تمت المصادقة عليه Ù?ي‬ 11 12 13 14 o III 15 2015 (IP) FIP 16 0.25 (IP FIP 1 17 i ii iii iv v . vi 12 i ii . i ii iv iii . ii i iii . . . FIP / IP REDD + REDD + REDD i ii i iii ii iv 13 0.25 18 (SCF) 100 0.25 0.25 100 100 0.25 0.25 100 0.25 0.25 IV (DGF) 19 (PPG) (PEFA) 2010 20 (PFM) 21 (JICA) 14 22 PDO (i) (ii) 23 1 V 24 VI 25 (i) (ii) i (iii) ii 15 (i) (ii) 26 (P151030) 2015 (DGF) 27 28 29 (DGF) (JICA) 30 i iii ii iv v vi 31 2014 2011 2014 2011 16 15 2011 2006 32 JICA 33 (ii) OP/BP 4.01 (i) 34 OP/BP 4.36 (iii) OP/BP 4.04 35 World Bank 36 (WB) 17 http://www.worldbank.org/GRS www.inspectionpanel.org 18 1 350 150 0 19 20 2 (P157919) 1 2 i ii iii iv v vi 3 4 21 5 i ii iii vi iv 6 i ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ii iii iv 7 i ii 8 (GCF) (MDB) i 22 ii iii (PPP) iv v UN-REDD FCPF 9 10 i ii 11 i ii iii I 12 i ii 23 iii iv 24