The World Bank ENAP Global Action for Capacity-building in Monitoring and Evaluation (P177237) Concept Environmental and Social Review Summary Concept Stage (ESRS Concept Stage) Public Disclosure Date Prepared/Updated: 09/29/2021 | Report No: ESRSC02326 Sep 29, 2021 Page 1 of 10 The World Bank ENAP Global Action for Capacity-building in Monitoring and Evaluation (P177237) BASIC INFORMATION A. Basic Project Data Country Region Project ID Parent Project ID (if any) World OTHER P177237 Project Name ENAP Global Action for Capacity-building in Monitoring and Evaluation Practice Area (Lead) Financing Instrument Estimated Appraisal Date Estimated Board Date Other Investment Project 9/30/2021 Financing Borrower(s) Implementing Agency(ies) Ecole Nationale Ecole Nationale d'Administration Publique d'Administration Publique (ENAP) Proposed Development Objective Public Disclosure The project’s specific development objective is to improve monitoring and evaluation, capacity, and use in supported developing countries in the Francophone Africa and MENA regions. In doing so, the project will seek to build partnerships with other ECD providers in these regions to generate synergies. This project aims to contribute to the higher-level development objective of the GEI MDTF, namely, to improve monitoring and evaluation frameworks, capacity, and use in supported developing countries for improved evidence- informed policymaking. Financing (in USD Million) Amount Total Project Cost 0.77 B. Is the project being prepared in a Situation of Urgent Need of Assistance or Capacity Constraints, as per Bank IPF Policy, para. 12? No C. Summary Description of Proposed Project [including overview of Country, Sectoral & Institutional Contexts and Relationship to CPF] Sep 29, 2021 Page 2 of 10 The World Bank ENAP Global Action for Capacity-building in Monitoring and Evaluation (P177237) ENAP will provide high quality and relevant M&E technical assistance, trainings, and knowledge sharing activities that target government agencies, civil society organizations, evaluation professionals, parliamentarians, and decision- makers in the Francophone Africa and MENA regions. Specifically, ENAP will strengthen the M&E capacities of individuals and organizations in Francophone Africa and MENA through the delivery of French- and Arabic-language training courses, the provision of technical assistance to client countries and institutions, and hands-on support to selected institutions to improve their M&E systems and functions. ENAP will also generate and disseminate M&E knowledge by creating knowledge products, organizing webinars, panels, and roundtables, and participating in global M&E knowledge sharing events. Lastly, ENAP will implement various accountability, feedback, and learning mechanisms to ensure that lessons learned are incorporated into its future activities. D. Environmental and Social Overview D.1. Detailed project location(s) and salient physical characteristics relevant to the E&S assessment [geographic, environmental, social] ENAP is a public school located in Canada. It will provide high-quality and relevant technical assistance, training, and knowledge-sharing activities that target government agencies, civil society organizations, evaluation professionals, parliamentarians, and decision-makers in developing countries in the Francophone Africa and MENA regions. Possible beneficiary countries could include Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Guinea, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal, and Tunisia. The project component activities that have environmental and social implications are described below, Component 1- Strengthen M&E Capacities of Individuals and Organizations in Francophone Africa and MENA, with a Public Disclosure stronger focus in the Maghreb sub-region initially. The component activities will include the development of French- and Arabic-language M&E training materials, delivery of French- and Arabic-language M&E training for local stakeholders (M&E specialists, evaluators, government officials, and parliamentarians/decision-makers), training-of- trainers sessions, mentoring, hands-on support for evaluations, and support for analytical/research activities related to M&E. COMPONENT 2. Generate and Disseminate M&E Knowledge. This component will include research, analytical activities, documentation of good practices in M&E, guidance notes on French and Arabic M&E terminologies, organization of webinars, panels, and virtual round tables on M&E relevant topics at regional and national levels in Francophone Africa and MENA as well as ENAP participation in global and regional M&E events. COMPONENT 3: Management, Accountability, and Learning. This component will support ENAP program administration, oversight, and the assessments for each event, training, and the entire program. The project is planned to be implemented over three years during 2021-2024. D. 2. Borrower’s Institutional Capacity ENAP is the recipient of the grant and implementing agency for the project. ENAP is a Francophone high education institution of public administration in Quebec, Canada. ENAP has been active on the international scene for over 50 years and has contributed to the reflection and evolution of public administration best practices. Over the years, ENAP has developed an expertise in knowledge and capacity building in public administration. ENAP has developed its international expertise by conducting several major international development projects, implementing interventions Sep 29, 2021 Page 3 of 10 The World Bank ENAP Global Action for Capacity-building in Monitoring and Evaluation (P177237) in over 30 countries, and training thousands of professional, mid-and high-level public managers and executives on the best practices of public management. A dedicated team will be mobilized to develop and deliver the M&E courses and manage other activities under the project. This team will consist of existing ENAP staff, but there’s a possibility that short-term consultant experts may be engaged. The size and composition of the team are to be decided during the grant’s initial execution stage. However, due to the size of the grant and the nature of the project, this team is expected to be small. As a Quebec public university, ENAP is subject to the provincial laws of the Government of Quebec and federal laws of the Government of Canada. The general secretariat and the administration department of ENAP have dedicated professionals who ensure the highest compliance with laws, standards, and regulations. In addition to provincial and federal laws and regulations pertaining to personal data protection, information security, sexual behavior within the workplace, and labor standards, ENAP also complies with its own policies, directives, and standards, including its: • Policy of prevention and fight against sexual violence; • Sustainable development policy; • Policy against harassment, discrimination, and civility; • Code of ethics for employees; • Policy on intellectual property; • Policy on information security; Public Disclosure • Policy on the use of technologies; and • Collective agreements governing working conditions. ENAP has been implementing the above-mentioned policies and rules and has had good experiences in managing relevant issues within the university. II. SCREENING OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL (ES) RISKS AND IMPACTS A. Environmental and Social Risk Classification (ESRC) Low Environmental Risk Rating Low The environmental risk from the grant activities is expected to be low. The grant will not support any activity related to construction or redevelopment of infrastructure. No environmental risk or potential impacts are expected on the biophysical environment, human health and safety, and/or valued environmental components from the project activities. The project activities are limited to the diagnostic assessment of M&E systems and capacity, design of M&E training materials, generation of knowledge products, delivery of online and onsite training, provision of scholarships to selected applicants, organization of learning workshops and events as well as technical advisory support to beneficiary institutions in M&E. Social Risk Rating Low The overall project social risk is rated as low. The project activities are not expected to incur significant adverse social impacts and risks given the range and nature of activities anticipated under the grant. However, there could Sep 29, 2021 Page 4 of 10 The World Bank ENAP Global Action for Capacity-building in Monitoring and Evaluation (P177237) be risks associated with the employment conditions of staff by ENAP for carrying out project activities, potential sexual harassment, and gender discrimination among the project delivery team and beneficiary participants in the potential face to face project activities as a result of people’s interactions in an office environment. However, these risks are considered low. They are largely confined to an office environment and will be reduced with the current COVID-19 context, as training interactions are anticipated to remain largely virtual at least for the early phase of the grant implementation. Key stakeholders involved in the project include ENAP project staff, the trainers of virtual and on-site workshops, as well as the potential participants of the workshops from government agencies, NGOs, think tanks, the private sector, and other agencies from targeted countries. The project will give priority consideration in the training programs to potential beneficiaries who represent underserved demographics, geographies, and sectors, including vulnerable disadvantaged and indigenous groups. The project will ensure broad information dissemination of its training activities and engagement to facilitate broad participation of potential beneficiaries, particularly the marginalized groups, NGOs, and other institutions who may represent vulnerable segments of society for maximum project development benefits. The project is not expected to incur major stakeholder risks. B. Environment and Social Standards (ESSs) that Apply to the Activities Being Considered B.1. General Assessment ESS1 Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts Overview of the relevance of the Standard for the Project: The standard is relevant. The project is focusing on capacity building in monitoring and evaluation. Its activities are Public Disclosure limited to the diagnostic assessment of M&E systems and institutional capacity, design of M&E training materials, generation of knowledge products, delivery of online and onsite training, organization of learning workshops and events as well as technical advisory support to beneficiary institutions in M&E. There are no civil works or equipment procurement involved. These activities are not expected to have significant adverse environmental and social impacts and risks. The capacity-building efforts will have indirect positive environmental effects by supporting the strengthening, monitoring, and evaluation capacity in the beneficiary countries over natural resources, protected areas, forests, and a range of ecosystems, as well as management of (global) environmental issues such as climate change, pollution, waste, and degradation of natural systems, align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The project will not produce any advice on policies, regulations, strategies etc. that could adversely influence environmental management. To maximize its development benefits, the project will ensure broad information dissemination to raise awareness on the engagement of the project activities to facilitate broad participation in the training program. Targeted information dissemination will cover the marginalized groups, such as women, indigenous groups, people with disabilities, and other under-represented groups and sectors so that they can benefit equally from the project training activities. The project will be implemented by staff members of ENAP. There may be potential labor-related issues for the project staff, such as workplace sexual harassment and gender discrimination. However, these risks are considered low. They are largely confined to an office environment and will be reduced with the current COVID-19 context, as Sep 29, 2021 Page 5 of 10 The World Bank ENAP Global Action for Capacity-building in Monitoring and Evaluation (P177237) training interactions are anticipated to remain largely virtual and ENAP has a strong policy in place to address those issues. Since no significant environmental social impacts and risks are expected from the grant activities, the recipient is not expected to conduct further risk analyses than the one carried out in this ESRS or prepare any free-standing instruments to manage the environmental social impacts and risks. An appraisal stage ESRS is also not required. The ESCP will reflect all necessary actions and measures to address any project-related environmental and social risks. Areas where “Use of Borrower Framework” is being considered: Use of Borrower Framework is not considered. ESS10 Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure The standard is relevant. The key stakeholders involved in this project include ENAP who will implement the project, potential partner organizations from around the world who may join forces with ENAP to implement capacity- building activities as and when synergies exist, and the potential beneficiary individuals and organizations from the selected developing countries. The project targets and benefits a range of stakeholders in Francophone Africa and MENA regions: (i) government agencies (including monitoring and evaluation agencies, line and sectoral ministries, and sub-national governments) looking for sustained engagements to resolve or satisfy their M&E capacity needs; (ii) civil society organizations that help strengthen the M&E systems; and (iii) evaluation professionals who need to build their capacity to conduct high-quality evaluations; and (iv) parliamentarians and decision-makers who play an important role in strengthening national M&E systems, without necessarily practicing it on a daily basis. Public Disclosure The project will continue the past efforts of ENAP in stakeholder engagement to improve the design of their capacity development activities. Such engagement includes feedback surveys from participants and internal engagement with the ENAP delivery team, such as after-action reviews with workshop instructors and facilitators. The stakeholder engagement activities will give particular attention and include specific considerations in its TA activity design and information dissemination efforts for potential beneficiaries from underserved and under-represented demographics, geographies, and sectors, such as women, disadvantaged, vulnerable and indigenous groups, youth, as well as institutions who may represent their interests. Further engagement with stakeholders in the broader evaluation community will be facilitated through the GEI Network and other outreach activities, such as evaluation conference presentations and more. In addition to the existing grievance redress mechanism in place at the university, ENAP will establish the following specific mechanisms, to be aligned with ESS10 requirements, to address any grievances under the project. • One member of the project management team will be assigned the responsibility to lead and manage grievance resolution under the project. • All grievances will be registered, classified and the project will keep a grievance log for the record. • Maintain an updated list of SEA/SH service providers, which can be used to refer SEA/SH related complaints. • All grievances will be deliberated and addressed in a transparent and timely fashion. The complainants will be informed of the resolution response in a timely fashion. Sep 29, 2021 Page 6 of 10 The World Bank ENAP Global Action for Capacity-building in Monitoring and Evaluation (P177237) • If the complainant is not satisfied with the resolutions under the project, he or she can continue, at their own liberty, to appeal their cases under legal channels and means available under the laws of Canada or the laws of the beneficiary country where face to face interactions take place. • The project will maintain the GRM users’ identities as confidential and will accept anonymous complaints. The above-planned actions will be reflected in the ESCP, and a description of the GRM and its processes will also be uploaded and disclosed at the ENAP’s website following clearance from the World Bank. Given the nature and scale of the risks and impacts of the project, the elements of a SEP will be included in the ESCP and the preparation of a stand-alone SEP is not necessary. B.2. Specific Risks and Impacts A brief description of the potential environmental and social risks and impacts relevant to the Project. ESS2 Labor and Working Conditions The standard is relevant. The capacity-building activities will be provided through the existing staff of the ENAP and possibly short-term consultant experts if necessary and will be conducted in accordance with ESS1-10. A dedicated team will be mobilized to develop and deliver the M&E courses and manage other activities under the project. This team will consist of existing ENAP staff (direct workers), but there’s a possibility that short-term consultant experts may be engaged. The size and composition of the team are to be determined later, during the grant’s initial execution stage. However, due to the size of the grant and the nature of the project, this team is expected to be small. There could be labor risks involved with project staff members, namely SEA/SH in the office environment. Public Disclosure ENAP will implement its capacity-building activities in accordance with the labor-related policies and procedures of Canada, supplemented by any additional necessary measures to be consistent with ESS2. The project workers will be subject to a code of conduct with provisions to prevent SEA/SH. The project team will assign one team member to take up the responsibility to manage all labor-related issues, within the timeframe specified in the ESCP. ENAP will also conduct training for all its project staff to raise their awareness on possible labor risks and their governing policies as well as procedures related to labor established in ESS2. ENAP will follow its existing grievance redress and recruitment policy, which are in line with the national requirements of Canada and will be supplemented by measures based on ESF provisions, as needed, particularly those in ESS2 and ESS10. The human resource department of ENAP handles any workplace and employment-related complaints. Additionally, ENAP will establish specific mechanisms to address any grievances under the project in total alignment with relevant ESS 2 and 10 requirements and they will be classified as labor grievances to treat them in their own specificity. Labor-related grievances will be classified as such and addressed under the same project GRM. No separate free-standing GRM will be established for labor-related grievances. ESS3 Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management This standard is not relevant. ESS4 Community Health and Safety Sep 29, 2021 Page 7 of 10 The World Bank ENAP Global Action for Capacity-building in Monitoring and Evaluation (P177237) This standard is relevant. There could be sexual exploitation and abuse & sexual harassment (SEA /SH) risks among project staff members, particularly those associated to the interactions between people in an office environment, including staff members of ENAP and project beneficiary participants when in the potential face to face interactions. The project will follow relevant laws in Canada in addressing such issues, complemented by any necessary measures to be consistent with the ESF. Most of the project activities will be conducted virtually through online means which will reduce SEA/SH risks during the current COVID-19 context, which is expected to overlap largely with the grant’s implementation period. Where face to face interactions are planned, ENAP will follow relevant laws of the beneficiary countries and the technical advisory and guidelines issued by World Health Organization for stakeholder engagement in the current COVID-19 pandemic situation ENAP will designate a qualified person to monitor that the above provisions are implemented during project execution, in accordance with the timeframe specified in the ESCP ESS5 Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement This standard is not relevant. ESS6 Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources This standard is not relevant. Public Disclosure ESS7 Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities This standard is not relevant. However, project capacity-building activities are open to all eligible participants in the targeted countries and potential TA beneficiaries could include members from indigenous peoples/sub-Saharaan African historically underserved traditional local communities and/or institutions such as NGOs or other institutions who may work and represent the interests of such communities. Therefore, the project will ensure broad information dissemination on the design and engagement of the project activities to facilitate their participation in the capacity-building programs. ENAP is quite active in this regard and has been offering three Gestion publique en contexte autochtone programs designed specifically to serve the need of Indigenous managers across Québec ESS8 Cultural Heritage This standard is not relevant. ESS9 Financial Intermediaries This standard is not relevant. B.3 Other Relevant Project Risks None Sep 29, 2021 Page 8 of 10 The World Bank ENAP Global Action for Capacity-building in Monitoring and Evaluation (P177237) C. Legal Operational Policies that Apply OP 7.50 Projects on International Waterways No OP 7.60 Projects in Disputed Areas No III. WORLD BANK ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL DUE DILIGENCE A. Is a common approach being considered? No Financing Partners None B. Proposed Measures, Actions and Timing (Borrower’s commitments) Actions to be completed prior to Bank Board Approval: None Possible issues to be addressed in the Borrower Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP): The project will include in the ESCP agreed actions and commitments in compliance with ESS2 on Labor, ESS4 on Community Health and Safety, and ESS10 on stakeholder engagement and grievance redress mechanisms. Public Disclosure IV. CONTACT POINTS World Bank Contact: Fabio Pittaluga Title: Senior Social Development Specialist Telephone No: +1-202-458-9367 Email: Contact: R Jason Thomas Mayfield Title: Senior Operations Officer Telephone No: +1-202-458-5995 Email: Borrower/Client/Recipient Borrower: Ecole Nationale d'Administration Publique (ENAP) Implementing Agency(ies) Implementing Agency: Ecole Nationale d'Administration Publique V. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Sep 29, 2021 Page 9 of 10 The World Bank ENAP Global Action for Capacity-building in Monitoring and Evaluation (P177237) The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20433 Telephone: (202) 473-1000 Web: VI. APPROVAL Task Team Leader(s): R Jason Thomas Mayfield, Fabio Pittaluga Practice Manager (ENR/Social) Maria Gonzalez de Asis Recommended on 28-Sep-2021 at 15:38:46 GMT-04:00 Public Disclosure Sep 29, 2021 Page 10 of 10