The World Elank 1818 H Street N.W. (202) 477-1234 International Bait for Reconstruction and Developrr ent Washington, D.C. 20433 Cable Address: INTBAFRAD International De ia opment Association U.S.A. Cable Address: INDEVAS November 13, 2013 H.E. Henrik Bramsen Hahn / OFFICIAL Ambassador ) DOCUNEN S Embassy of Denmanc Kabulj Afghanistan Dear Ambassador Hahn: AFGHANISTAN Afghanistan Rec )nstruction Trust Fund (Ref: TF050576) Fi fteenth Amendment to Letter Agreement We refer tc the Lei ter Agre ement dated June 27, 2002, between the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark, on the on. part, and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ("IBRD"), !.nd the International Development Association (collectively, the "Bank"), on the other part, as imei,ded to date (the "Letter Agreement"), pursuant to which the Government of the Kingdom of E enmark has made available to the Bank the sum of fifteen million United States dollars (US 15,000,000) and three hundred seventy one million eight hundred forty one thousand anl for r hundred ninety seven Danish Kroner (DKK371,841,497) as a grant for the purpose of contribul ing to the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (the "Trust Fund"). We acknowledge the intc ntion of the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark to increase its contribution to tl- e Ti st Fund by an additional ninety six million seven hundred seventy thousand Danish Krcner 'DKK96,770,000) (the "Additional Contribution"). After the Additional Contribution h; Ls leen eceived by the Bank, the aggregate contribution to the Trust Fund will be four hundreJ sixty ight million six hundred eleven thousand and four hundred ninety seven Danish Kroner (D KK468,611,497) and fifteen million United States dollars (US$15,000,000). The Additional Contr butiin shall be provided in accordance with the schedule below: Date Amount in DKK On or before December 20, 2013 18,000,000 (Expression of preference to National Solidarity Project) On or before December 2(1, 2013 40,770,000 (No expression of preference) On or before December 20, 2014 38,000,000 (No expression of preference) Without prejudic- t) th: provisions of paragraph 7(a) of the Annex to the Letter Agreement, we acknowle dgc the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark's preference, as set out in the table above. [he Bar k will use its discretion to ensure that such amount from the Additional Contr bution s apports he Project under the Trust Fund. Upon receipt of t ie f ands the Bank shall convert them into United States dollars. H.E. Henrik Bramsen H ihn - 2 - TF050576 All the :erms an d condil ons of the Letter Agreement that have not been amended hereby shall remain unchanged and in fi ill force and effect. We propose tha this An iendment to the Letter Agreement shall, upon confirmation in the manner indicated belov, consti ute an agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Bank. This amendment to the Letter Agreement shall become effective upon signature by bcth partios I ereto. It is the Bank's policy to make publicly available the Letter Agreement and any info rmation related thereto, including this amendment. By confirming below, Government of the Kinj !do n of Denmark consents to disclosure of this amendment letter after it has become effective. Sincerely yours, Rob . Saum Country Director, Afghanistan South Asia Region CONFIRMED AND AGREED: GOVERNMENT OF TPH KI NGDOM OF DENMARK B y: Name: _________-o Title: Date: ROYAL DANISH EM13ASSY - KABUL File 3.F.Kabul.1 No. 227/13 NOTE VERBALE 1 he Roy d Danish Embassy in Kabul presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foieigi Af airs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, and has the honor to inform the lafter that H.E. Henrik Bramsen Hahn, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of De nmark to Afghanistan, will be out of country from 8 to 23 November, 2013. I)urng ie period of the absence of H.E. Ambassador Henrik Bramsen Hahn as ment oncd at ove, Mr Peter Grabow Kolding, Deputy Head of Mission will be acting as Charl;6 d'Affi ires ad interim from 8 to 21 November, 2013. Then, ft >m 22 November until the arrival of H.E. Henrik Bramsen Hahn in Kabul on 2 4 Nover iber, 2013 Mr Soren Jacobsen, Minister Counsellor for Political & Military Affaiis/Denniark's Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan, will be the Chargi d'Affa res ad it terim of the Royal Danish Embassy in Kabul. The Ro 'al Danish Embassy in Kabul avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministr of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan the assurances of ts highest consideration. Kabul: Novemnbcr 07, 2013 Protocol De,arl men: Ministry of [oreign Affairs Islarric Repi bli: of ,fghanistan