DoemMof The World Bank FM OMFCIAL USE ONlY eot NW P-6215-CA MENORANDUM AD RE3CONENDATION OF TME PRESIDENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL BANM FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVEPMT TO THE MEECUTIVE DIRIECTORS ON A PROPOSED LOAN IN AN AMOUNT EQUIVALENT TO $380 MILLION TO THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHI FOR A NATIONAL HIGHWY PROJECT MARCH 22, 1994 MI CRORAPH I CS Report No: P- 6215 CN Type: MOP This document has a restricted ditibun and may be and by recpies only In the perfonance of thdr offcial dutes Its contents may not otediws be disclosed wibout World a authorizatio. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of March 1994) Currency name - Renmiabi Currency unit - Yuan (Y) - 100 Pen $1.00 - Y 8.70 $0.115 - Y 1.00 FISCAL YEAR January 1 - December 31 WEIGHTS AND NEASURES 1 meter (m) - 3.28 feet (ft) 1 kilometer (Ikm) - 0.62 mile (mi) 1 square meter (ma) - 10.76 square foet (eq ft) 1 square kilometer (kml) - 0.4 square miles (sq mi) 1 hectare (ha) - 0.01 km1 - 2.47 acres (ac) - 15 mu _ mu - 666.7 Jq m - 0.0667 ha 1 kilogram (kg) - 2.2046 pounds (lbs) 1 metric ton (m ton) - 2,204 pounds (lbs) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS EA - Environmental Assessment EAP - Environmental Action Plan GO, - Government of China GOVAI - Gross Output Value of Agriculture and Industry IRIP - Interconnecting Roads Improvement Program MOC - Ministry of Communications NTHS - National Trunk Highway System FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY CHINA NATIONAL HIGHWAY PROJECT Loan and Proiect Summary Borrower: People's Republic of China Beneficiaries: Hebei Province and Henan Province Amount: $380 million equivalent Terms: 20 years, including 5 years of grace, at the Bank's standard variable interest rate Financinx Plan: Local Foreign Total -- ($ million) --------- Hebei Provincial Government 252.8 7.2 260.0 Henan Provincial Government 139.6 2.8 142.4 Central Government 112.3 - 112.3 IBRD - Hebei Province - 240.0 240.0 IBRD - Henan Province - 140.0 140.0 Total Financina 504.7 390.0 894.7 Economic Rate of Return: 24 percent Poverty Categorv: Not applicable Staff Apaisal Report: Report No. 12552-CHA Maps: IBRD 24851, 24852, 24853, 24944 This document has a restricted distinbution and may be used by recipients only in the perfmance of thdir official duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Bank authorization. MEMORANDUM AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT TO THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS ON A PROPOSED LOAN TO THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA FOR A NATIONAL HTGHWAY PROJECT 1. I submit for your approval the following memorandum and recommenda- tion on a proposed loan to the People's Republic of China for the equivalent of $380 million to help finance the National Highway Project. The loan would be at the Bank's standard variable interest rate, with a maturity of 20 years, including five years of grace. The proceeds of the loan would be onlent to Hebei and Henan Provinces for 20 years, including five years of grace, at a rate equivalent to 85 percent of the rate payable to the Bank by the Borrower with a 0.75 percent per annum commitment fee on the unwithdrawn balance. Hebei and Henan Provinces would bear the foreign exchange risk. 2. Country and Sector Background. China has consistently achieved strong economic growth since structural reform commenced in the late 1970s, which has placed severe pressure on the transport sector and revealed serious capacity constraints limiting development and trade in important corridors. Past transport investment, limited to a low 1.5 percent of GDP, concentrated mainly on railways leaving highway networks underdeveloped. Railway capacity constraints coupled with emergence of a strong, diverse rural industry sector as well as growing interprovincial trade and mobility has greatly accelerated demand for road transport facilities, which are gaining prominence in recent investment plans. This pattern is true of Hebei and Henan Provinces, which contain 151 million people, applying especially in the heavily traveled north- south corridor along National Highway 107 (NH107) connecting Beijing and Hong Kong. 3. Investment in and operation of China's highway network is chiefly a responsibility of provincial and local governments guided by the central State Planning Commission and Ministry of Communications. In addition to improve- ment and maintenance of local networks, the government's current highway plan- ning and investment strategy centers on the phased development of a national trunk highway system (NTHS). In the long term, 12 interprovincial trunk roads totaling 30,000 km would be upgraded in stages to bring early relief to bot- tlenecks in congested corridors serving heavy demand, including this proposed biprovincial undertaking by Hebei and Henan for NH107. To date, only a tiny fraction of the NTHS program has been addressed under the Eighth National Development Plan (1991-95) but investment is expected to accelerate sharply during the Ninth Plan period. Issues slowing the modernization and expansion of China's highway infrastructure, and being addressed through the Bank's assistance program, include institutional reform, financial constraints and inexperience in planning and construction of intercity expressways. 4. Both Hebei and Henan Provinces, in addition to ensuring adequate road maintenance, have given priority to improving their trunk road systems as well as expanding their interconnecting and rural road networks to provide better access and thereby stimulate economic activity and personal mobility. - 2 - Importantly, to ensure more efficient planning and utilization of their high- way investments, they are also giving attention to removing administrative and physical barriers to interprovincial trade as well as improving their highway planning capabilities and interprovincial coordination of highway construction works. 5. Prolect Obiectives. The project has been designed to (a) relieve transport congestion and improve the integration of interregional commerce by assisting in the development of a key element of the NTHS in the principal North-South transport corridor; (b) facilitate access within the area of influence, ensuring that the benefits of improving the trunk road extend to a wide area by rehabilitating and expanding the critical sections of the major roads interconnecting with the section of National Highway 107 concerned; (c) strengthen the interprovincial coordination of trunk road operations and promote the free flow of goods and travelers between Hebei and Henan by imple- menting a coordination program and providing technical assistance for inter- provincial traffic facilitation; and (d) improve road investment planning, by improving highway capacity guidelines, and construction management and mainte- nance by strengthening the provincial highway agencies and providing technical assistance. 6. Proiect Description. The project comprises (a) the construction of the 340 km Shijiazhuang-Xinxiang four-lane divided, access-controlled highway, of which 216 km are in Hebei Province and 124 km in Henan Province; (b) an Interconnecting Roads Improvement Program (IRIP) in Hebei and Henan for upgrading 14 provincial highways (160 km) interconnecting at interchanges with the Shijiazhuang-Xinxiang highway; (c) construction supervision of the highway and the IRIP components; (d) the coordination of the interprovincial highway operations and a study of facilitation of interprovincial traffic flows; (e) a study of highway capacity; (f) staff training; and (g) purchase of equipment for highway operation and maintenance, road laboratories, road data bank, and pavement management system. 7. Proiect Implementation. The proposed project would be carried out by Hebei and Henan Provinces. The project cost is estimated at $894.7 million equivalent, with a foreign exchange component of $390.0 million equivalent (44 percent), excluding taxes and duties of about $12.4 million equivalent. Taxes and duties would not be financed from the proceeds of the loan. The Bank would finance $380.0 million equivalent (97 percent of the foreign exchange and 42 percent of the total cost), of which $240.0 million would be for Hebei Province and $140.0 million for Henan. Retroactive financing of $1.2 million is recommended for consultants for training and supervision of the highway construction. Expenditures incurred after February 1, 1994 would be eligible for retroactive financing. The project costs and financing plan are shown in Schedule A. Amounts and methods of procurement and disburse- ments, and the disbursement schedule are shown in Schedule B. A timetable of key project processing events and the status of Bank Group operations in China are given in Schedules C and D, respectively. The Staff Appraisal Report, No. 12552-CHA dated March 22, 1994, is being distributed separately. 8. Proiect Sustainability. China has a good record in the sustainabil- ity of its highway investments, including those financed by the Bank. The physical components of the project would be sustainable subject to adequate budgetary and institutional support from the Provinces to assure an appropri- ate level of maintenance. Revenues for road maintenance are expected to con- tinue to increase with traffic, and toll revenues from the proposed highw&y would provide additional resources. Toll levels would be determined taking into consideration the full cost recovery for expressway maintenance and oper- ation, and maintenance capacity will be improved under the project. A sus- tainable flow of economic benefits from the project is also expected. Since the late 1970s China, and the area of influence of the project in particular, have experienced a high rate of economic growth, which translated into very high transport demand. The existing highway's antiquated design, heavy con- gestion, and resulting high transport costs would ensure that, with the traf- fic volumes expected in the future, the project's flow of economic benefits would be sustained. 9. Lessons Learned from Previous Bank/IDA Involvement. The lessons learned from the implementation of previous Bank Group-financed highway proj- ects of over $1 billion include the need for careful review of highway design with the help of external assistance, adoption of stricter prequalification criteria for contractors, advance preparation of bidding documents, and early definition of the organizational arrangements for construction supervision. The le3sons learned have been incorporated in the formulation of the proposed project. A team of international consultants has been involved in the prepa- ration and review of the hi^hway design. The procurement preparation process for this project has been running parallel with project preparation, reducing the risk of initial delay in implementation following effectiveness of the Bank loan. Furthermore, the selection of foreign supervisors and other prepa- ratory work for construction supervision is under way, assuring timely mobili- zation of the supervision personnel. Highway contracts under the project Would be sized and packaged to attract international and large, experienced Chinese contractors. 10. Rationale for Bank Involvement. The Bank's involvement in the high- way sector is consistent with the Country Assistance Strategy for China pre- sented to the Board in August 1993, and with its further elaboration in the report: Highway Development and Management Issues, Options, and Strategies (Report No. 11819-CHA), dated February 24, 1994. Infrastructure bottlenecks, and in particular inadequate transport infrastructure, were cited as one of the key constraints to growth. It was also noted that, given the severe imbalance in the Chinese transport system toward the railways, priority will be given to the development of the NTHS and the upgrading of the provincial road networks. Highway lending will also bs expected to address environmental protection, resettlement, road safety, improved methodologies for investment analysis, and transfer of technology for design and implementation. Further- more, the Bank will provide assistance for institutional development, sectoral reforms, enhancement of the quality of construction and modernization of high- way operations and its management. 11. The proposed project complies with the Bank's Country Assistance Strategy for China, as presented to the Board on August 3, 1993. Central to the Bank Group's assistance strategy for China is the support to economic reforms and the modernization of productive sectors. By helping China to plan and build the NTHS, of which the project highway is a key element, the Bank supports this essential long-7erm solution to the country's serious transport - 4 - problems, removing bottlenecks, facilitating interprovincial traffic and pro- moting long-distance transport. This would help arrest a growing regionalism while furthering the liberalization, facilitation and cost reduction of trans- port--key requirements for market-oriented reforms to succeed. The lack of interprovincial coordination for the preparation, implementation and operation of interprovincial highways is a pressing issue. Appropriate coordination arrangements were affirmed during project preparation and will be further developed during its implementation and operation under a coordination strengthening plan. 12. Further to the basic objective of system integration, priority attention is given under the project to the improvement of interconnecting roads at all interchanges of the project highway. The project will thus help to counter the prevalent GOC approach to confine the development of the NTHS to the trunk roads themselves, benefIting long-distance, end-to-end traffic and seriously limiting any sharing in the project benefits by the area along- side the expressway. The project would also introduce institutional and tech- nical improvements to highway planning and management. Growing attention is being given to removing administrative and physical barriers to interprovin- cial trade, and to strengthening the development and management of the highway system. The project's traffic facilitation and highway capacity studies will provide guidance, both to the provinces and to the country, on ways to plan and implement better cooperation in highway improvements and utilization, thus supporting key objectives of the Bank's highway sector assistance strategy. 13. Agreed Actions. During negotiations, agreement was reached with the Borrower regarding the onlending arrangements for the proceeds of the loan to Hebei and Henan Provinces. Assurances were also obtained from Hebei and Henan Provinces concerning: (a) the improvement of interconnecting roads in the Shijiazhuang and Anyang areas; (b) the undertaking of interprovincial traffic facilitation and highway capacity studies, and a staff training program; (c) the organizational arrangements and execution of a Highway Operation Coordina- tion Plan; (d) the execution of Environmental Action Plans (EAPs) satisfactory to the Bank; (e) resettlement under the project in accordance w'th plans sat- isfactory to the Bank; (f) the auditing of project accounts anc the Special Account by independent auditors; and (g) submission of recommendations regard- ing the rationale for setting appropriate toll levels for the Shijiazhuang- Xinxiang Highway. 14. Environmental/Resettlement Aspects. The Environmental Assessments (EAs) have been prepared for Hebei by the Highway Research Institute and for Henan by the Henan Provincial Environmental Protection Institute. Both EAs were completed in 1993. The assessments indicate that the highway will not affect ecologically sensitive areas and, if appropriate actions are taken, the project will result in no adverse environmental impacts. Based on the find- ings of the EAs and discussions between representatives of the Hebei and Henan Provinces and Bank staff, Environmental Action Plans (EAPs) have been prepared that specify the measures and organizational monitoring arrangements required to mitigate potential adverse effects on the environment during the construc- tion and operation of the highway. The EAPs have been reviewed by Bank staff and found to be satisfactory. Major preventive measures are incorporated in the bid documents for execution under the civil works contracts for both prov- inces and include actions to mitigate social disruption and potential impacts - 5 - on air quality, noise, water management and control of traffic. The highway construction may also affect areas of archaeological significance. Comprehen- sive cultural relics surveys of these areas have been conducted and programs to find and excavate those relics have been implemented (including 1 million borings at the 13 potential sites) to avoid adverse impacts. Approximately 19,225 persons are expected to be affected by the constructior, in Hebei, and 9,699 persons in Henan, taking the right-of-way of both the expressway and the interconnecting roads into account. Temporary land use will affect 10,589 persons in Hebei and 344 persons in Henan. All affected by the construction of the highway will be adequately compensated and, when necessary, resettled in accordance with Resettlement Action Plans that have been submitted to the Bank and found to be satisfactory. 15. Prolect Benefits. The main quantifiable benefits associated with the development of the highway and the IRIP roads include a decrease in traf- fic congestion along the existing highway, reduced travol distances and jour- ney time, and improvement in the condition and capacity of the interconnecting provincial highways, as well as savings in road maintenance costs and improved safety. Benefits from the project would accrue to inter- and intraprovincial trade and people's mobility in the form of lower transport costs and reduced travel time and accident rates. Many of the road users are own-account opera- tors for the producer enterprises and, mostly in the rural areas, a growing segment of privately owned operators and farmers, who would capture the bene- fits of the project directly. Public freight and passenger services are also likely to respond to increased competition so that transport costs savings would be passed on to the users. At minimum, reduced operating costs would hold future price increases down. Lower transport costs and travel times are expected to increase the proximity of the two provinces to the large consumer markets of Beijing and Tianjin, thus generating the benefit of substantial additional trade. Passengers would, in addition, enjoy the time savings and greater riding comfort offered by the project. 16. Institutional benefits accrue from better highway management, main- tenance, and utilization through the establishment of a highway coordination plan, the study of highway capacity and the study of interprovincial traffic facilitation, and the provision of modern maintenance equipment. Prom these project components, substantial (but unquantified) benefits are expected to accrue to infrastructure users through better planned and maintained highways with associated lower vehicle operating costs, and to the provinces through more cost-effective use of investment funds. The proper design of the project highways should reduce the number of accidents, and reduced congestion on the project's existing road should improve conditions for local traffic, including bicycles and agricultural vehicles. 17. Risks. Based on Bank experience with ongoing highway projects, the main risk is implementation delays, particularly for the highway components. Particular attention to the preparation of engineering and especially to the prequalification of contractors is expected to mitigate such risk. Both the Hebei and Henan implementing agencies have some experience in expressway con- struction and with implementation of Bank-financed highway projects. The preparation of the project has benefited substantially from the Bank's similar previous experience in China, as well as from the involvement of MOC, and the assistance of foreign experts in the road design and the preparation of bid- - 6 - ding documents and technical specifications. Packaging of contracts to attract large, experienced contractors and the careful formulation of supervi- sion arrangements for regular implementation monitoring and effective quality control are expected to be sufficient safeguards to minimize delays. Inter- provincial traffic faces the potential risk that border-crossing impediments would curtail its growth, thus preventing the project from realizing its full benefits. The coordination of expressway operation and the study of interpro- vincial traffic facilitation are appropriate initial steps for the removal of these impediments. 18. Recommendation. I am satisfied that the proposed loan would comply with the Articles of Agreement of the Bank and recommend that the Executive Directors approve the proposed loan. Lewis T. Preston President Attachments Washington, D.C. March 22, 1994 - 7 Schedule A Page 1 CHINA RATIONL HIGHWAY PROJA£C Estimated Costs and Financing Plan ($ million) Local Foreign Total Works Expressways Civil works 24i'.4 242.6 454.0 E&M works 8.1 32.4 40.5 Interconnecting roads 21.0 13.5 34.5 Subtotal 270.5 288.5 559.0 SuDervision of Construction Expressway 5.5 6.0 11.5 Interconnecting roads 0.8 - 0.8 Subtotal 6.3 6.0 12.3 Eauiiment Expressway operation & maintenance 2.8 18.4 21.2 Central laboratory 0.1 0.6 0.7 Environmental monitoring 0.3 0.4 0.7 Interconnecting roads maintenance 0.5 5.8 6.3 PMS/RDB 0.1 0.7 0.8 Subtotal 3.8 25.9 29.7 Staff Training General training U.1 1.2 1.3 Supervision training 0.3 1.0 1.3 Subtocal 0.4 2. 2.6 Studies Highway capacity 0.5 0.5 1.0 Interprovincial traffic facilitation and coordination 0.1 0.4 0.5 Subtotal 0.6 0.9 1.5 Base Cost La 281.6 323.5 605.1 -8- Schedule A Page 2 Local Foreign Total Physical contingency 27.7 29.4 57.1 Price contingency 154.6 37.1 191.7 Base Cost with Continencsisa 463.9 390.0 853.9 Land Acquisition & Resettlement Expressway 35.4 - 35.4 Interconnecting roads 5.4 - 5.4 Subtotal 40.8 - A0.8 Total Project Costs 504.7 390.0 894.7/b Financina Plan Hebei Provincial Government 252.8 7.2 260.0 Henan Provincial Government 139.6 2.8 142.4 Central Government 112.3 - 112.3 TBRD - Hebei Province - 240.0 240.0 IBRD - Henan Provinice - 140.0 140.0 Total Financing 504.7 390.0 894.7 La Identifiable taxes and duties of about $12.4 million are not shown in the project costs. Lb Of which $570.9 million in Hebei Province and $323.8 million in Henan Province. -9- Schedule B Page 1 CHIN NATIQNAL HIGHWAY PROJECT Procurement Methods and Disbursements ($ million) Procurement method Total ICB LCB Other NBF project cost Civil Works Highway 713.9 26.5 5.5lb - 745.9 (319.8) (11.6) (2.8) (324.2) Interconnecting roads - 50.1 - - 50.1 (16.4) (16.4) Eguipment 17.6 - 11.0Lc 5.7 34.3 (17.6) (11.0) (28.6) Consultants and Training la Supervision of construction - - 17.7 - 17.7 (7.3) (7.3) Highway capacity study - - 1.4 - 1.4 (0.7) (0.7) Traffic facilitation study - - 0.6 - 0.6 (0.4) (0.4) Training - - 3.0 - 3.0 (2.4) (2.4) Land Accuisition and Resettlement - - - 40.8 40.8 Total 731.5 77.5 39.2 46.5 894.7 (327.4) (28.0) (24.6) (380.0) NBF - Not Bank-financed. /a Selection of consultants according to the Bank's guidelines. /b Direct negotiations with the local electricity companies. /a Local and international shopping and limited international bidding. Notes: (1) Figures in parentheses represent the amounts financed by the Bank Group. (2) All figures are rounded and include estimated physical and price contingencies but exclude the cost of land acquisition and reset- tlement, which is shown as a separate component. - 10 - Schedule B Page 2 Disbursements Catesory Amount Percent ($ million) Works Highway 242.6 502 of total expenditures E&M Supply & Installation 32.4 80S of total expenditures Interconnecting Roads Improvement Program 13.5 39Z of total expenditures Equipment 25.9 1002 of foreign expenditures, 1001 of local expenditures (ex-factory cost) and 75S of local expenditures for other items procured locally Consultants/Training 9.1 1001 of total expenditures Unallocated 56.5 Total 380.0 Estimated Disbursements. Bank Group PY 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 ---------------- ($ million) --------------- Annual 65 76 80 76 64 19 Cumulative 65 141 221 297 361 380 - 11 - Schedule C CHINA NATIONAL HIGHWAY PROJECT Timetable of Key Proiect Processint Events (a) Time taken to prepare: 22 months (b) Prepared by: Hebei and Henan Provincial Communica- tions Departments (c) First Bank Group Mission: March 1992 (d) Appraisal mission departures June 29, 1993 (e) Date of negotiations: February 28, 1994 (f) Planned date of effectiveness: June 30, 1994 (g) List of relevant PCRs and PPARs: PCR 10749, June 29, 1992, Highway Proj- ect, Ln 2539/Cr 1594-CHA Th.e report was prepared by Jos6 M. Veniard (Senior Operations Officer, Task Manager), with Hatim Hajj (Senior Transport Specialist) and Yasuhiro Kawabata (Consultant). Peer reviewers for the project were Renato Schulz (Senior Econ- omist), Paul Cadario (Chief Administrative Officer, Institutional Aspects) and Michel Ray (Senior Highway Engineer). The Division Chief is Richard Scurfield and the Department Director is Nicholas Hope. , , , , ; R , x ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IBRD 24851 I I B1211 00 04 00 '00 oo '00 '00 00J e RUSSIAN FEDERATION KAZAKHSTAN oz5 I | ULANBMTAR IZBEKISTAN ALMA MONGOLIA ArA so Coh.| FRUNZE Ssh anho . Ch on g0h ol c - KYRGYZ " U, o0 REPUBLIC N JAPAN TAJIKISTAN \ -. D REP X \ - - - t / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DEM. REP 'e Dosdoon OF KOREA The boundaries, colors. - > %Rp , ' REP OF denominatiosaday 'es i on this ma p do not TI49 ˇKOE other infcormaction shown T r o 0( o r. t4h,, & ^ | \ Sho.gyi 'Zhngy i ch.i Qingh, CIAl ROADS W-qj LIAONINGAN ON RALRAD s < 1 /-/h u o ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~BEIJING n J ng- T. Sh.nyog T.oDotog A MUNICIPALITY NAlOnAL CAPITAL 4(r * BEIJING ,tSn 4 6r- \ < t>DinGxi7t 3 tz J) '.\ uM TANJIN-ng Ybngdiug UNICIPT 1Ai H 0ncheng 5 7aix2 1x00n ( os HEBEI TRANSPORT SYSTEM FTo> Amin,9 IJi ROICALOD p g S Xion Yt SHANDONG RAILROAOE 38- 1' 1 1 fF8D ~~ 36 XJ | PROVNCE BOUNDARtE5~, h~ X 36- h~~~~~~~~ igi NATIONALu Hi.IGHWNAYIN BONDROJECT E~~~~~~~~~Bii HEE TRNPR SYSTEM5'i 710 ffi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~RJC ROAD IF _ g~~~~~~~~~/. NAnBNA KLTROADS IBRD 24853 iio ~~~~~~~~~~~112' H EB8E I 6,l 36 SA X CHINA36 .~~~ ~~ne ~~NATIONAL HIGHWAY PRO.2ECT HENAN HIGHWAY TRANSPORT SYSTEM To ChoA; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ -PROJECT ROAD HANDONG ~~~~- NATIONAL ROADS RIVERS c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-PROVINCIAL ROADS RIVER PORTS ____RURAL ROAD2S PROVINCE RAJLROADS BOUNDARIES 1' AIRPORTS INTERNATIONAL T. Vaon 310 34.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y 34- L"h Iz 3A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 SHAkANXI Y"1"JI i.0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~lE J~- MONOOLLA 32' 112' oWAO- ., . - SEPT&ABIER 1993 CHINA NATIONAL HIGHWAY PROJECT . H, oC,8 BEIJING-SHENZHEN HIGHWAY G, j aoochang i s Xian SHIJIAZHUANG - XINXIANG SECTION S PROPOSED PROJECT- 3U-r- SHIJIAZHUANG-XINXIANG EXPRESSWAY Luancheng \ ulu INTERCONNECTING ROADS PROGRAM-- INTERCHANGES Zhoo NA11ONAL ROADS Yuan:h n PROVINCE ROADS ----RAILROADS 42 AIRPORTS Zanhuang BRIDGESngi 2 ~~RIVERS PREPECrURE BOUNDARIES PROVINCE BOUNDARIES L X nh e - - - INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARIES Nangongr 0 25 50 81KoMERS Nei Qiu zi."rr#s8 sf"WT, H E B E zt ho Oo." fT .d o btlol , o,.n , ood , I,oo, oo44 37-t&fn>;2f7> -rQ «-of k S \ i v Ren n Guangz ngnghe 7Qiu Xion T. c^eangAi NHANDANhuang o QrXX -agingfeng / 'SHAN ON To ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ i + ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Darm)t g S H A N X I s ' "u ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' t4_ -- o = < f = = i [. Sun; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tion u HnGZ X KiFeng 1- | To Wsbon tX <9-c-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ss so~io I l;X' I,S bAC~~~~~~~~~ui ian\-