The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program - Solomon Islands (P151777) Integrated Safeguards Data Sheet Restructuring Stage Restructuring Stage | Date ISDS Prepared/Updated: 12-June-2018| Report No: ISDSR24350 Regional Vice President: Victoria Kwakwa Country Director: Michel Kerf Senior Global Practice Director: Karin Erika Kemper Practice Manager/Manager: Iain G. Shuker Task Team Leader: Cary Anne Cadman The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program - Solomon Islands (P151777) . I. BASIC INFORMATION 1. BASIC PROJECT DATA Project ID Project Name Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program - P151777 Solomon Islands Task Team Leader(s) Country Cary Anne Cadman Solomon Islands Approval Date Environmental Category 22-Dec-2014 Partial Assessment (B) Managing Unit Is this a Repeater project? GEN2A PROJECT FINANCING DATA (IN USD MILLION) Total Project Cost Total Financing 9,750,000.00 9,750,000.00 Financing Gap 0.00 OLD_FIN_DTL Financing Source Amount International Development Association (IDA) 9,750,000.00 Total 9,750,000.00 2. PROJECT INFORMATION Current Project Development Objective The objective of the Project is to strengthen the shared management of selected Pacific Island oceanic and coastal fisheries, and the critical habitats upon which they depend. . The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program - Solomon Islands (P151777) 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The restructured Solomon Islands: Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program (SI PROP) Project is organized in three components, as follows: Component 1: Sustainable Management of Oceanic Fisheries The objective of this component is to strengthen the capacity of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to sustainably manage its shared tuna fisheries. Towards this objective, activities supported under this component include: i. Design, construction and outfitting of an enforcement center in Noro. ii. Electronic Monitoring System for Long Line Vessels: design, supply and installation of equipment, including ICT hardware and software, for an Electronic Monitoring System (EMS) in up to 25 long line vessels; training in the usage of the EMS equipment; and, legal advice to inform necessary refinements to the supporting policy and regulatory framework. iii. Expansion of the Observer Program: expansion of the number of observers trained and certified to Pacific Islands Regional Fisheries Observer (PIRFO) standards; expansion of the number of de- briefers trained and certified to PIRFO standards to the recommended 1:5 ratio; and, operating costs of the observer management offices. iv. Expansion of the Compliance Officer Program: expansion of the number of compliance officers trained and certified. v. Design (only) of the Honiara enforcement center may be considered for financing under this component if a viable site is identified and firmly secured for construction by MFMR within a suitable period permitting full design to be produced prior to project closure. Component 2: Sustainable Management of Coastal Fisheries This component supports Solomon Islands to sustainably manage defined coastal fisheries, focusing on those with the greatest potential for increased benefits. Specifically, this component will finance the following activities: i. A nationwide frame survey to provide a baseline study of the country’s coastal fisheries. ii. Fisheries Resource Assessments and Fisheries Environmental Risk Assessments. iii. Development, implementation and monitoring of fisheries management plans for key species, including technical assistance to review relevant regulations and ordinances. The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program - Solomon Islands (P151777) Component 3: Project Management This component supports active day-to-day project management activities, including: financial management, procurement, safeguards and monitoring and evaluation tasks associated with efficient project implementation through to closure. This component specifically finances the Project Support Unit staffing complement and their operating costs necessary to execute the project effectively. . 4. PROJECT LOCATION AND SALIENT PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS RELEVANT TO THE SAFEGUARD ANALYSIS (IF KNOWN) The Solomon Islands has a population of 623,3001 citizens spread across 10 provinces with over 70 distinct languages. Over 90 percent of the country’s territory is ocean, with an Exclusive Economic Zone of more than 1.3 million square kilometers. This area includes tremendous natural resources, such as tuna fisheries that provided an estimated US$51 million2 in revenues to the government in 2014, as well as supported local processing and livelihoods. The coastal fisheries throughout the archipelago support food and livelihoods, with a per capita fish consumption roughly twice the global average. The Solomon Islands coastal zone contains some of the most biologically diverse ecosystems in the world. Its estuaries, beaches, mangroves, coral reefs, sea grasses, algal beds and many small island ecosystems support a wealth of marine resources. Many economically important marine fish, invertebrates and seaweed are found within these ecosystems. Traditionally, Solomon Islanders have derived about 90% of their protein from the sea. Today, many continue to do so. Fishing and gleaning of coral reefs provide important sources of animal protein. IUCN listed six priority areas for conservation and protection: Are’Are Lagoon and Maramasike Passage, Arnavon Islands, Indispensable Reef, Marovo Lagoon, Ortega Passage and Rennell Island. With the exception of Rennell Island, all are representative of the marine environment. Despite these recommendations very little scientific work has been carried out in these areas 5. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS SPECIALISTS ON THE TEAM Joyce Onguglo, Social Safeguards Specialist Nathalie Suzanna Noella Staelens, Environmental Safeguards Specialist SAFEGUARD_TABLE 6. SAFEGUARD POLICIES TRIGGERED Safeguard Policies Triggered Explanation The aim of the project is to help improve coastal Environmental Assessment (OP) (BP and marine fisheries environmental and Yes 4.01) resource quality in the Solomon Islands in order to increase the sustainable economic benefits 1 2 The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program - Solomon Islands (P151777) generated by the goods and services from healthy coastal and marine ecosystems. As such, the overall impact of the project is expected to be highly positive and none of the eligible investments include activities that would generate significant risk or irreversible adverse impacts in the coastal or oceans fisheries targeted by the program. However, some investments under Components 1 and 2 may generate minor to moderate site specific and time bound adverse environmental impacts that can be readily mitigated through standard mitigation measures, when screened properly. At the regional level, the PROP project managed by the Forum Fisheries Agency envisages regional TA for sustainable financing of large scale marine protected areas, which may lead to potential minor environmental impact downstream. The Interim Guidelines on the Application of Safeguard Policies to TA Activities in Bank-Financed Projects and TFs Administered by the Bank is applied. Mechanism for administering safeguards in TA activities will include integration of safeguard policy requirements into the Terms of Reference of studies. As such, the safeguard documentation prepared for the project applies equally to the TA component(s) and Terms of References for the TA activities will be approved by the Bank to ensure the consultancy outputs comply with the Bank safeguard policies. The specific project investments that may generate minor to moderate adverse impacts include: small scale infrastructure works for fisheries enforcement and works to allow for inspection of fish catch at landing sites and restocking of beche-de-mer as well as establishment of the associated small scale drying facilities. Potential adverse impacts will be limited to waste management, construction noise, and health and safety of workers. The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program - Solomon Islands (P151777) The original PROP Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) was prepared to guide investments that may generate any adverse environmental impact. A screening form is used to screen for environmental and social impacts. The ESMF will be updated to reflect the revised scope of works. Performance Standards for Private No Sector Activities OP/BP 4.03 Project activities will not involve significant loss or degradation of natural habitats. Most of the project activities will be in coastal and marine (within the EEZ) areas of the Solomon Islands, which are known sites rich in biodiversity. All activities are designed to enhance positive and sustainable returns to Natural Habitats (OP) (BP 4.04) Yes these important habitats. The project ESMF contains measures to properly manage the risks of any unforeseen adverse environmental impact on natural habitats, including critical natural habitats, as well as measures to enhance the project's positive environmental outcomes The project may involve activities that affect mangrove forests. All impacts are expected to be positive, but to ensure suitable management of any unforeseen adverse impacts, the original ESMF includes a screening form to ensure that Forests (OP) (BP 4.36) Yes the negative impacts on mangrove forests of any downstream activities from the project TA are addressed, and any positive impacts enhanced. The TOR for the studies proposed will integrate OP 4.36 policy requirements. The project will not purchase, distribute, apply Pest Management (OP 4.09) No or dispose of pesticides, including bactericides. The project will not involve any major civil works. It will support the construction of an enforcement center for fisheries surveillance (under Component 1) in Noro, Solomon Islands Physical Cultural Resources (OP) (BP and possibly support design (only) of an No 4.11) enforcement center in Honiara. Additionally, small scale infrastructure works are foreseen to allow for inspection of fish catch at landing sites and restocking of beche-de-mer and establishment of the associated small scale The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program - Solomon Islands (P151777) drying facilities. Given the small scale works involved, the policy is not expected to be triggered. A chance finds procedure is included in the ESMF and ESMP. The policy is triggered for the Regional PROP as some countries participating in the program have Indigenous Peoples (IPs). The policy applies to Solomon Islands as IPs are present in the country. But since they are the Indigenous Peoples (OP) (BP 4.10) Yes overwhelming majority of project beneficiaries, a separate Indigenous Peoples Plan (IPP) is not required. The elements of an IPP will, however, be integrated into the project design. Guidance for integrating elements of the IPP into overall project design is included in Annex B of ESMF. Project activities may require small-scale coastal land acquisition. It is expected that market-based or voluntary donation will be the common approach. Any voluntary land donations will meet the World Bank requirements through the application of the Voluntary Land Donation Protocol appended to the ESMF in Annex D. Although it is considered unlikely, certain project activities may involve the involuntary acquisition of land and/or removal of assets. Accordingly, the policy will be triggered and a Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF, Involuntary Resettlement (OP) (BP presented in Annex C has been prepared. Yes 4.12) Subsequently, Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plans will ensure that all affected persons are compensated for involuntary acquisition of land and/or removal of assets at full replacement cost. In case of downstream establishment of the MPAs, which could potentially restrict access to resources, IAs will select appropriate safeguard instrument(s) according to the responsibilities defined in the ESMF (and in particular the Annex on Process Framework). To address potential restriction of access to resources, a Process Framework (PF) has been The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program - Solomon Islands (P151777) prepared in compliance with requirements stated in OP 4.12 (See Annex E of the ESMF). Neither this project nor the possible downstream investments from project’s TA will Safety of Dams (OP) (BP 4.37) No involve building dams nor depend on an existing dam. Following discussion with LEGEN and the RSA, it was agreed that there will be no impacts Projects on International Waterways No from this project or its possible downstream (OP) (BP 7.50) investments on international waterways as described under OP 7.50. Any project activities in areas which may be Projects in Disputed Areas (OP) (BP No disputed will be declared ineligible and not 7.60) included in the project. KEY_POLICY_TABLE II. KEY SAFEGUARD POLICY ISSUES AND THEIR MANAGEMENT A. SUMMARY OF KEY SAFEGUARD ISSUES 1. Describeany safeguard issues and impacts associated with the Restructured project. Identify and describe any potential large scale, significant and/or irreversible impacts. The overall impacts of the project are expected to be highly positive and none of the investments include activities that would generate significant risk or irreversible adverse environmental or social impacts. The project includes investments for both physical works and soft activities such as technical assistance. The physical investments and soft activities will be implemented at sites across the country. Some technical assistance will be implemented at a regional level led by the regional PROP managed by the Fisheries Forum Agency. Examples of the type of activities (salient physical characteristics relevant to the safeguard analysis), which have the potential to incur adverse environmental or social impacts are as follows: - Component 1, Subcomponent 1: design and construction of an enforcement center for fisheries surveillance in Noro and may include design (only) of an enforcement center in Honiara. The construction works in Noro may generate minor site-specific and time-bound adverse environmental impacts that can be readily mitigated through standard mitigation measures, if screened properly. - Component 2, Sub-component 2 may include support to restock beche-de-mer if deemed a viable method to sustainably restore stocks. If so, hatchery facilities based on native brood stock would be used. Support would include supplying fishers with juveniles to restock near shore habitats. This activity will not involve introduction of non-native species nor involve the purchase, distribution, use or disposal of bactericides during implementation. However, investments in the area of small enterprise development associated with bêche-de-mer valued added processing may include installation of small scale civil works (e.g., solar dryers) for drying. The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program - Solomon Islands (P151777) The scale and likelihood of adverse impacts arising from these activities is limited, and the types of mitigation activities are well-known and proven. As such, the project is classified as Category B. 2. Describeany potential indirect and/or long-term impacts due to anticipated future activities in the project area. The specific impacts of project activities will be identified during the preparation of the individual subprojects. The ESMF provides guidance for the project implementation agency on the preparation of appropriate safeguard instruments to respond to the potential impacts found during the preparation. The ESMF will be updated to account for the reduced scope of works in the restructured project. 3. Describe any potential alternatives (if relevant) considered to help avoid or minimize adverse impacts. 4. Describemeasures taken by the borrower to address safeguard policy issues. Provide an assessment of borrower capacity to plan and implement the measures described. An updated ESMF will be prepared to reflect the restructured nature of this and the other PROP projects in order to outline the process by which potential adverse impacts will be identified and robust instruments prepared for each subproject by each of the project implementing agencies. Project implementation will involve a single agency as the national focal point entity: the Solomon Islands Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resource (MFMR). The Project Coordinator has been provided with training on the requirements of the existing ESMF. The World Bank will continue to provide necessary training and development of staff to the Project Support Unit following restructuring to build their capacity and provide support during actual scoping and implementation of subprojects. The Bank’s Interim Guidelines on the Application of Safeguard Policies to Technical Assistance (TA) Activities in Bank- Financed Projects and Trust Funds Administered by the Bank will apply for the TA provided by the project. Accordingly, Terms of References for the TA activities will be approved by the Bank to ensure the consultancy outputs comply with the Bank safeguard policies. 5. Identify the key stakeholders and describe the mechanism for consultation and disclosure on safeguard policies, with an emphasis on potentially affected people. The ESMF requires an inclusive, participatory community needs assessment process, screening criteria, and forms to document broad community support and consensus on priority subprojects. Subproject Consultation and Action Plans will be developed in the early part of implementation of each subproject. Community consultations will be facilitated and documented by suitably qualified personnel in the Project Management Unit. Ongoing monitoring and community consultations by such personnel will assess whether broad community support is maintained during implementation. The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program - Solomon Islands (P151777) Project stakeholders include both men and women from affected communities whose livelihoods are implicated and/or who depend on migratory and coastal fisheries; the private sector (fishing industry from harvesting through to value chains / processing and investment); the public sector (national ministries, regulatory and trade promotion authorities); and international bodies including regional fishery bodies. The numbers and specificity of stakeholders can only be determined once the precise nature and location of the activities under each subproject are identified. ESMF Disclosure: The final version of ESMF was disclosed on October 23, 2014 and is available through the World Bank website (, as well as through the website of the FFA. The ESMF will be updated to reflect the revised scope of works after the restructuring and will be circulated for review and approval. The revised version of the updated ESMF will be disclosed and available on the Bank’s website in due course. SCLOSRE_TABLE B. DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS ENV_TABLE Environmental Assessment/Audit/Management Plan/Other Date of receipt by the Bank Date of submission for disclosure 23-Sep-2014 23-Oct-2014 For Category ‘A’ projects, date of distributing the Executive Summary of the EA to the Executive Directors “In country� Disclosure Country Date of Disclosure Solomon Islands 23-Oct-2014 Comments RESETTLE_TABLE Resettlement Action Plan/Framework Policy Process Date of receipt by the Bank Date of submission for disclosure 23-Sep-2014 23-Oct-2014 “In country� Disclosure The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program - Solomon Islands (P151777) Country Date of Disclosure Solomon Islands 23-Oct-2014 Comments INDIGENOUS_TABLE Indigenous Peoples Development Plan/Framework Date of receipt by the Bank Date of submission for disclosure 23-Sep-2014 23-Oct-2014 “In country� Disclosure Country Date of Disclosure Solomon Islands 23-Oct-2014 Comments COMPLIANCE_TABLE C. COMPLIANCE MONITORING INDICATORS AT THE CORPORATE LEVEL EA_TABLE OP/BP/GP 4.01 - Environment Assessment Does the project require a stand-alone EA (including EMP) report? Yes If yes, then did the Regional Environment Unit or Practice Manager (PM) Yes review and approve the EA report? Are the cost and the accountabilities for the EMP incorporated in the Yes credit/loan? NH_TABLE OP/BP 4.04 - Natural Habitats Would the project result in any significant conversion or degradation of No critical natural habitats? If the project would result in significant conversion or degradation of other (non-critical) natural habitats, does the project include mitigation N/A measures acceptable to the Bank? IP_TABLE The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program - Solomon Islands (P151777) OP/BP 4.10 - Indigenous Peoples Has a separate Indigenous Peoples Plan/Planning Framework (as appropriate) been prepared in consultation with affected Indigenous No Peoples? IR_TABLE OP/BP 4.12 - Involuntary Resettlement Has a resettlement plan/abbreviated plan/policy framework/process Yes framework (as appropriate) been prepared? If yes, then did the Regional unit responsible for safeguards or Practice Yes Manager review the plan? Is physical displacement/relocation expected? No Is economic displacement expected? (loss of assets or access to assets that TBD leads to loss of income sources or other means of livelihoods) FO_TABLE OP/BP 4.36 - Forests Has the sector-wide analysis of policy and institutional issues and No constraints been carried out? Does the project design include satisfactory measures to overcome these No constraints? Does the project finance commercial harvesting, and if so, does it include N/A provisions for certification system? PDI_TABLE The World Bank Policy on Disclosure of Information Have relevant safeguard policies documents been sent to the World Bank Yes for disclosure? Have relevant documents been disclosed in-country in a public place in a form and language that are understandable and accessible to project- Yes affected groups and local NGOs? ALL_TABLE All Safeguard Policies The World Bank RESTRUCTURING ISDS Pacific Islands Regional Oceanscape Program - Solomon Islands (P151777) Have satisfactory calendar, budget and clear institutional responsibilities been prepared for the implementation of measures related to safeguard Yes policies? Have costs related to safeguard policy measures been included in the project Yes cost? Does the Monitoring and Evaluation system of the project include the monitoring of safeguard impacts and measures related to safeguard Yes policies? Have satisfactory implementation arrangements been agreed with the borrower and the same been adequately reflected in the project legal Yes documents? III.APPROVALS Task Team Leader(s) Cary Anne Cadman Approved By Practice Manager/Manager Iain Shuker .