INTEGRATED SAFEGUARDS DATA SHEET IDENTIFICATION / CONCEPT STAGE Public Disclosure Copy Report No.: ISDSC15764 Date ISDS Prepared/Updated: 30-Nov-2015 I. BASIC INFORMATION A. Basic Project Data Country: Philippines Project ID: P157976 Project Name: Second Philippines Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) Support Project Team Leader(s): Bryan Christopher Land Estimated Date 01-Jan-2016 of Approval: Managing Unit: GEEDR Lending Lending Instrument Instrument: Sector(s): Other Mining and Extractive Industries (100%) Theme(s): Other public sector governance (100%) Financing (in USD Million) Total Project Cost: 1.5 Total Bank Financing: 0 Financing Gap: 0 Financing Source Amount Public Disclosure Copy Extractives Global Programmatic Support 1.5 Environment C - Not Required Category: B. Project Development Objective(s) The proposed development objectives of the project are to a) support the Philippine Government in its ongoing efforts to use the EITI process as a tool for increasing the transparency of its extractives sector, and b) increase civil society engagement through its participation on the MSG and through EITI outreach activities. C. Project Description The EITI is premised on the following: 1. Revenue from extractive industries should be regularly published and independently verified; 2. Publication of data should be managed and overseen by a multi stakeholder group (MSG) composed of government, industry, and civil society; and 3. Data should be effectively shared with the country’s citizens and stimulate an informed debate about how natural resources are governed. To operationalize this, the extractive industries such as oil, gas, and mining are required to publish what they pay to the government, while the government is also required to publish what they collect from these industries. In addition to providing reconciliation of these figures, the Independent Administrator is also tasked with providing a detailed overview of the extractives value chain to contextualize this data, and also provide meaningful recommendations for improving both the EITI reporting process and the broader sector policy environment in the country. Listed below is a summary of the activities that will be funded under the proposed EGPS grant, based Public Disclosure Copy on discussions and requests from the EITI National Coordinator, MSG members and the Philippines Government: I. Publication of the Third and Fourth EITI Reports, including development/socialization of reporting templates, production of summary reports, translations, printing, and national launch conference. II. Capacity-building activities for the MSG, technical working group, Secretariat and other EITI stakeholders, including report analysis workshops, communications and public engagement training, international outreach activities, training of local-level stakeholders (government, regional offices, community groups and industry) on EITI implementation, and capacity-building activities specific to the MSG (particularly newly appointed representatives) and National Secretariat staff. III. Improving public understanding of the management of natural resources revenue and availability of data: a. Communications outreach and public engagement activities; b. Maintenance and further development of EITI website to integrate PH-EITI’s ongoing open contracts portal, and other potential open data tools; IV. Strengthen natural resource-related revenue management systems: a. Collaboration with ongoing Open Government Partnership programs to improve procedures and information collection/sharing infrastructure in relevant agencies; V. Create opportunities for dialogue and constructive engagement in natural resource management in order to build trust and reduce conflict: a. Regular MSG meetings for continued implementation of EITI and candid discussions of Public Disclosure Copy other relevant sector governance issues between government, civil society and industry. b. Regular forums and dialogue with outside stakeholders to review/update national EITI priorities and reflect them in the annual EITI Workplan. D. Project location and salient physical characteristics relevant to the safeguard analysis (if known) The Project will provide only TA and there are no physical investments on the ground. Consultations, trainings and dissemination activities will take place in both the capital as well as regions affected by extractive industries, with a broad set of stakeholders, including communities and civil society and community-based organizations and oil/gas and mining companies. The proposed grant will only support the multi-stakeholder group and government agencies to make recommendations related to improving transparency and reporting on financial and sector-specific information and will not make recommendations related to investments for specific sites. Studies or reports developed under this grant will not contribute to further infrastructure investments or policy interventions related to investment promotion in the oil, gas, or mining sectors. E. Borrower’s Institutional Capacity for Safeguard Policies No safeguard policy is triggered. F. Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists on the Team II. SAFEGUARD POLICIES THAT MIGHT APPLY Public Disclosure Copy Safeguard Policies Triggered? Explanation (Optional) Environmental Assessment OP/ No This is a technical assistance project focused BP 4.01 specifically on improving the institutional management of extractive industries, including relevant consultations and training. There are no physical investments being supported under the project. Neither will the TA directly result in any specific studies, plans, program or strategy which may have an impact on the environment. The grant will not finance technical studies or assessments linked to oil and gas; mining and gemstones, or hydropower sectors development or relevant infrastructure. Since none of the project activities have any direct impact on the ground and have zero environmental footprint, nor will it have an indirect impact on a future activity involving construction or infrastructure development, the category is proposed to be C. Natural Habitats OP/BP 4.04 No This policy is not triggered as project activities are not expected to have any impacts on natural habitats (critical or non-critical). Forests OP/BP 4.36 No This policy is not triggered as project activities are not expected to have any impacts on the management of forest. Public Disclosure Copy Pest Management OP 4.09 No This policy is not triggered as the project will not finance the procurement or use of pesticides. Physical Cultural Resources OP/ No This policy is not triggered as project activities BP 4.11 are not expected to have any impact on physical cultural resources. Indigenous Peoples OP/BP 4.10 No This policy is not triggered given that the proposed TA is not confined to specific geographic areas to be able to identify the presence of IPs and their collective attachment. However, as with the first PH-EITI project, this proposed TA will continue ensuring the representation of Indigenous Peoples in the MSG as well as in consultations and capacity- building activities related to ensuring transparency and accountability in the extractives sector (Please see attached letter from Bantay Kita). Involuntary Resettlement OP/BP No This policy is not triggered given that project 4.12 activities are not expected to cause any physical or economic displacement nor any restriction in access to natural resources. Also, the project will not support formulation of studies, plans, Public Disclosure Copy programs, and policiesthat can cause involuntary resettlement impacts by themselves or through their implementation. Safety of Dams OP/BP 4.37 No This policy is not triggered given the project is not financing any dam construction or rehabilitation nor any activities that rely on the operations of existing dams. Projects on International No This policy is not triggered given the project is Waterways OP/BP 7.50 not financing any activities in international waterways as defined by the policy. Projects in Disputed Areas OP/BP No This policy is not triggered given the project is 7.60 not financing any activities in disputed areas as defined by the policy. III. SAFEGUARD PREPARATION PLAN Appraisal stage ISDS required?: No IV. APPROVALS Team Leader(s): Name: Bryan Christopher Land Approved By: Safeguards Advisor: Name: Peter Leonard (SA) Date: 30-Nov-2015 Practice Manager/ Name: Paulo De Sa (PMGR) Date: 02-Dec-2015 Manager: Public Disclosure Copy 1 Reminder: The Bank's Disclosure Policy requires that safeguard-related documents be disclosed before appraisal (i) at the InfoShop and (ii) in country, at publicly accessible locations and in a form and language that are accessible to potentially affected persons.