Pakistan Country Assistance Strategy Annex V Page 1 of 6 ANNEX V: PAKISTAN COUNTRY PROGRAM MATRIX (FY03-05) Strategic Objectives & Country Performance WBG Self- Major Related Activities Diagnostic Country Outcome Strategies Indicators Against Strategy WBG Instruments Evaluation of Other Donors Indicators Areas Indicators Macroeconomic Stability · Despite good · Targets from I-PRSP for · Ambitious fiscal · Improved CBR performance · PRSP Progress · Macroeconomic · IMF lead role on support to macroeconomic fiscal consolidation, consolidation to · Higher Tax/GDP Report (FY04-05) Stability short-term macroeconomic management, the domestic savings, debt increase domestic · SACs (FY03-05) · Provinces fiscal stabilization external and savings to finance new · Reduced Fiscal Deficit/GDP space restored domestic public investment and curb · Sustainable current account · Provincial debt are both quite unfavorable public debt deficits Adjustment · Improved Public large and hence dynamics. This hinge Reforms Credits sector management there are still upon the · Continued tight management (FY03-05) of external borrowing concerns over the implementation of CBR · DPR (FY05) fragility of the reform, and measures · Sound financial position of external position to broaden the tax WAPDA · Poverty Assessment and future growth base, including (FY05) prospects. The agricultural income, and September 11 eliminate tax · Public Expenditure shock has also exemptions. The Review (FY03) increased the risks strategy also seeks to · Annual Public to the balance of re-orient expenditures Investment payment position by towards the social Reviews (FY03-05) making more sectors by reducing the uncertain an early costs of domestic debt, · Trade Policy resumption of long- public enterprises, and Review (FY03) term private capital defense spending inflows as well as increased access to international capital markets Restoring the Integrity and Accountability of State Institutions · At the core of the · Improvement in · The Comptroller · Ad-hoc Public Accounts · Country Financial · Improved public · Statistical capacity building poor governance government effectiveness General of Accounts Committees (PACs) have Accountability & sector, accounting, · Accounting and auditing, problem in Pakistan at federal, provincial, and (CGA) has formulated cleared at both the Federal and Assessment auditing, and legal is the leadership's district levels an Action Plan to Provincial levels the backlog of (CFAA II, FY03) reporting capacity abuse of state · Transparent budgetary improve financial Audit Reports not yet reviewed, · PIFRA II (FY04) · Improved public institutions, processes management and take appropriate follow-up sector financial widespread · Reforms of some of the action · CPAR II (FY03) accountability corruption, and · Independent auditing country's fundamental · Furthering transparency and disregard for the · Improvement in overall · Improved institutions of economic accountability through separation of quality of financial procurement and financial Freedom of Information, powers and respect management thru the management: the effective functioning of the for the rule of law MTBF Pakistan Country Assistance Strategy Annex V Page 2 of 6 Strategic Objectives & Country Performance WBG Self- Major Related Activities Diagnostic Country Outcome Strategies Indicators Against Strategy WBG Instruments Evaluation of Other Donors Indicators Areas Indicators Central Bank of Public Accounts Committees, Pakistan (SBP), the agreement to and Central Board of actions on the outcomes of Revenue (CBR), the the second phase of the Auditor General and CFAA, and the establishment Controller General of of a lasting institutional basis Accounts, the police, for the National Accountability the judicial system, Bureau and the civil service; (ii) improved public · Proceedings of the Provincial financial management, PACs opened to the media. accountability, and Promulgation of a Procurement increased Ordinance National transparency and Procurement Authority information on established government activities · Better performance evaluation, to facilitate public merit-based promotions, and · Oversight; (iii) training programs, as well as devolution; (iv) an anti- the implementation of the corruption drive; and (v) reforms of the pay and pension privatization and systems deregulation to reduce incentives for rent- seeking behavior Strengthening the Enabling Investment Climate · Heavy burden of tax · Low tax and regulation · National Accountability · Lower compliance costs · Trade Policy note · Improvement in · Incentives framework administration and compliance costs Bureau, Central Board reported in business · Investment Climate investment climate, · Legal, judicial and regulation, and · Increased value added of Revenue reform to environment surveys study including regulatory institutional frameworks related corruption from competitive reduce tax · Lower levels of effective reforms to reduce · Unstable, distorted · National and · Financial sector and industries administration and protection costs of doing provincial-level capital markets industrial policies corruption costs businessImprovemen · Increased exports · Higher FDI adjustment lending t in banking sector · Anti-export policy · Deregulation Task · Increased availability of · Higher exports supporting relevant corporate bias Force to review and domestic financing for policy reforms simplify regulations governance, · limited availability of · Higher private investment private investment · IFC investments modernization of the financing from weak · Increased employment · Phase out distortionary · Increase in output and and MIGA central bank's core financial sector policies in autos, employment in SMEs and value added from guarantees for functions of price and chemicals, edible oils, · SME sector SMEs · Sound financial position of export-oriented banking system textile, sugar, fertilizer WAPDA & KESC particularly manufacturing and stability · Greater private provision and cement sectors contributing to disadvantaged by services of infrastructure macrostability · Banking sector the above · Introduce lower, · FSAP formula-based and reforms, including Pakistan Country Assistance Strategy Annex V Page 3 of 6 Strategic Objectives & Country Performance WBG Self- Major Related Activities Diagnostic Country Outcome Strategies Indicators Against Strategy WBG Instruments Evaluation of Other Donors Indicators Areas Indicators · High regulatory and · Development of extractive multi-year tariffs setting · WAPDA corporatization · TA to SBP reduced costs, policy risks for industries · Strengthen banking completed · IFC investments in reduced NPLs, private investment regulation, prudential · Effective regulation thru private commercial improved capital in extractive standards, supervision NEPRA banks and NBFIs adequacy, & industries and · Commercial bank restructured balance infrastructure · KESC Privatized · Bank Group financial and sheets support for SME operational financing · Privatization of restructuring and banks, power & gas privatization · Analytical work on utilities, and telecom infrastructure and · Capital market extractive · Expanded access to development industries, micro-credit · Support development of regulatory and · Support to PRSP microfinance, SME pricing frameworks finance · PSAS privatization · Strengthen regulatory advisory mandates frameworks for for FESCO infrastructure and · IFC/MIGA support extractive industries for private · Allow private entry to infrastructure telecoms services · Policy advice on markets and privatize power sector PTCL reform · Complete WAPDA's · IFC investments corporatization and MIGA · Privatize FESCO and guarantees in KESC extractive · Privatize PPL, SSGC, industries SNGC Accelerate Rural Growth · Skewed land · Higher Rural Growth · Policy dialogue · Update knowledge on rural · Rural DPR (FY03) · Full implementation · The Water and Sanitation distribution and low · Improved efficiency of · Support to development · Water Sector of institutional and Program (WSP) is agricultural institutions in irrigation and decentralization · Land and Water Rights Study Report (FY04) physical rehabilitation supported by 15 bilateral productivity drainage strategy reform in 1 major and multilateral donors · Weak link between · Devolution and Delivery of · Provincial On- canal command · Improved and expanded · Water Resource Rural Services Farm Water · Agricultural policies, rural rural growth and (Nara Canal) irrigation and drainage Management Strategy Management credit, irrigation and reduction of rural infrastructure Projects (Sindh, · Improved land and draingage poverty water markets · Strengthened NWFP) community/farmer · NDP supervision · Reduced vulnerability organizations to drought Pakistan Country Assistance Strategy Annex V Page 4 of 6 Strategic Objectives & Country Performance WBG Self- Major Related Activities Diagnostic Country Outcome Strategies Indicators Against Strategy WBG Instruments Evaluation of Other Donors Indicators Areas Indicators Education · Education service · Improved access to, · Support for the · Implementation of Education · National Education · Implementation of · Project assistance(USAID, delivery system in quality of, and equity in Education Sector Reform Strategy Assessment Education Reform AsDB) crisis primary education, moving Reform (ESR) at · Strengthened and expanded (FY03, NEAS LIL) Strategy · Low enrollment, towards the MDG goal of federal and provincial key public health programs, · Adjustment Credit · Improved poor achievements, universal primary levels including Lady Health Workers, for Education governance in social poor quality of enrollment by 2015 · Advisory services and TB-Dots, EPI, polio Sector Reform service delivery education · Closing of the gender gap technical assistance for eradication, malaria, HIV/AIDS, (FY03-05) · Development of a · Very poor in primary and secondary the reforms of higher and family · Analytical work on reliable monitoring governance education by 2005 education planning/reproductive health ESR and system for HD · Support to · Improved governance in social monitoring of outcomes decentralization service delivery MDGs · Successful strategy · Development of a reliable · Support to implementation of monitoring system for HD Provincial Reforms district based delivery outcomes (Sindh, NWFP, of education services · Successful implementation of FY03-05) district based delivery of health · Support to SACs and education services · Support to PRSP (FY03-05) · Support for district delivery of education and health services (FY03-05) Health, Nutrition and Population · Low public · Reduce mortality and · Improving governance · Increase in the % of births Ongoing · HIV/AIDS Prevention · ADB: Women's Health spending and poor morbidity with a focus on and the efficiency of attended by trained providers · Social Action Project effective by Project, Reproductive value for money women and children public expenditure to 25% by 2003-04 Program Project II, Q2 of FY03 Health Project, technical because of · Reduce fertility through devolution to · Increase in the % of fully Northern Health · Lessons of SAPP II assistance for health governance and local governments and immunized children to 85% by Education Project, adequately drawn in sector reform in NWFP management · Country Outcomes in the other measure 2003-04 AAA/policy the ICR · JICA: program to eradicate weaknesses I-PRSP, to be achieved by 2003-04 include: to reduce · Developing effective dialogue neonatal tetanus. · Weak capacity in · Increase in the coverage of · HNP components in the IMR to 65/1000, to district health systems prenatal care to 50% by 2003- Planned adjustment · GAVI: assistance to the the public sector for reduce child mortality to · Focusing on basic care 04 operations are immunization program policy formulation, · HIV/AIDS 17/1000, to reduce the especially effective in programming, · Increase in the % of population Prevention Project; · WHO and other UN TFR to 4.1 children per communicable disease supporting major implementation, with access to LHWs to 90% National and agencies: various technical woman, The I-PRSP also control, child care and reforms and and M&E by 2003-04. Provincial-level assistance programs sets targets in terms of reproductive health multisectoral initiatives in line with · Poor quality of improved coverage of · Developing · Increase in the CPR to 39% by adjustment the government's · DFID and other bilateral private health care water and sanitation, 2003-04 agencies provide support partnerships with the operations with strategies and sought Pakistan Country Assistance Strategy Annex V Page 5 of 6 Strategic Objectives & Country Performance WBG Self- Major Related Activities Diagnostic Country Outcome Strategies Indicators Against Strategy WBG Instruments Evaluation of Other Donors Indicators Areas Indicators services and education, and partnerships with the · Increase in public expenditure health and outcomes. for polio eradication consumer abuse consumption poverty private sector both to on health and nutrition as a education · EU: cofinancing of SAPPII · Important factors improve the efficiency percentage of GDP components; policy and free-standing technical outside the health of government-financed dialogue; Public · Increase in the share of non- assistance program. sector include health expenditure and Expenditure salary expenditures in total poverty, lack of to improve the quality of Review (all government health expenditure education private health care sectors) especially of services · Increase in the share of women, · Improving the government subsidy in health environmental regulatory framework. services accruing to the poor factors, and many [Note: a baseline has to be · Creating mass households lacking established first] awareness in public access to safe health matters water and sanitation · Bridging nutrition gaps in reproductive-age women and young children · Promoting greater gender equity · Capacity building at the Federal level and lower levels Pro-Poor Rural Infrastructure and Services and Social Protection · Very poor rural · Improved infrastructure · Policy dialogue · Rural asset base deepened · Support to PRSP · Strengthened · Rural infrastructure, water infrastructure and quality, efficiency, and (Transport; through rural community-based · Sub-national governance and and sanitation, rural micro social service growth Urban/Water) infrastructure projects and Adjustment improved delivery of credit delivery systems · Community driven · AAA (Peshawar CDS; spread of micro-credit. Programs (Sindh; basic infrastructure · High vulnerability of development of local District level needs and NWFP, FY03-05) services at the local rural poor to service provision capacity assessment level · AJK Community idiosyncratic shocks study) Infrastructure · Rehabilitated · Implement Trade and (FY03) 1 highways, improved Transport Facilitation NHA financial · Highways program management Rehabilitation · Support to Project (FY03) decentralization · Support to Local strategy Gov. Services (FY04-05) 1 Regarding reference to Azad Jammu Kashmir and the Northern areas, the staff of the Bank Group do not intend to make any judgement on the legal or other status of any disputed territories or to prejudice the final determination of the parties' claims. Pakistan Country Assistance Strategy Annex V Page 6 of 6 Strategic Objectives & Country Performance WBG Self- Major Related Activities Diagnostic Country Outcome Strategies Indicators Against Strategy WBG Instruments Evaluation of Other Donors Indicators Areas Indicators Pro-Gender-Equity Policies · Significant gender · National Resettlement · Indigenous peoples · Changes in Laws to promote · Support to PRSP · National · DFID: Women's Political gaps in both literary Plan Policy policy gaps gender equity thru Social Risk Resettlement Plan Participation and Gender and health status · National Gender Policy · Dialogue on gender · Resolution of outstanding Assessment Policy Sensitive Strategy, a · Institutional and (FY03) UNDP-Gender Equality · Support to Resettlement cases · National Gender attitudinal Umbrella Project; Family decentralization · Country Program Policy discrimination Protection and Gender strategy Risk Management · Resolution of against women (FY03-05) Equality Project outstanding · Country Gender Resettlement cases · AsDB: Gender Reform TA Assessment (CGA, grant FY04) Pakistan Country Assistance Strategy Annex B1 Page 1 of 2 Pakistan at a glance 7/12/02 POVERTY and SOCIAL South Low- Pakistan Asia income Development diamond* 2000 Population, mid-year (millions) 138.1 1,355 2,459 Life GNI per capita (Atlas method, US$) 440 460 420 GNI (Atlas method, US$ billions) 61.0 617 1,030 Average annual growth, 1994-00 Population (%) 2.4 1.9 1.9 Labor force (%) 3.0 2.4 2.4 GNI Gross per primary Most recent estimate (latest year available, 1994-00) capita enrollment Poverty (% of population below national poverty line) 33 .. .. Urban population (% of total population) 37 28 32 Life expectancy at birth (years) 63 63 59 Infant mortality (per 1,000 live births) 90 74 77 Child malnutrition (% of children under 5) 38 47 .. Access to improved water Access to an improved water source (% of population) 88 87 76 Illiteracy (% of population age 15+) 54 45 38 Gross primary enrollment (% of school-age population) 69 100 96 Pakistan Male 77 110 102 Low-income group Female 60 90 86 KEY ECONOMIC RATIOS and LONG-TERM TRENDS 1980 1990 1999 2000 Economic ratios* GDP (US$ billions) 23.7 40.0 58.6 61.6 Gross domestic investment/GDP 18.5 18.9 15.6 15.6 Exports of goods and services/GDP 12.5 15.5 15.1 15.5 Trade Gross domestic savings/GDP 6.9 11.1 10.6 12.1 Gross national savings/GDP 13.7 14.2 11.0 12.0 Current account balance/GDP -4.8 -4.7 -4.6 -3.6 Domestic Interest payments/GDP 1.0 1.3 1.6 1.4 Investment savings Total debt/GDP 41.9 51.6 57.8 52.2 Total debt service/exports 18.3 23.3 29.4 26.7 Present value of debt/GDP .. .. 42.5 .. Present value of debt/exports .. .. 249.0 .. Indebtedness 1980-90 1990-00 1999 2000 2000-04 (average annual growth) GDP 6.3 3.7 3.7 4.4 4.4 Pakistan GDP per capita 3.5 1.2 1.2 1.9 1.9 Low-income group Exports of goods and services 8.4 1.7 -2.9 16.0 0.5 STRUCTURE of the ECONOMY 1980 1990 1999 2000 Growth of investment and GDP (%) (% of GDP) Agriculture 29.5 26.0 27.0 26.3 10 Industry 24.9 25.2 23.7 22.8 5 Manufacturing 15.9 17.4 15.5 15.1 0 Services 45.6 48.8 49.2 50.9 -5 95 96 97 98 99 00 Private consumption 83.1 73.8 79.0 76.9 -10 General government consumption 10.0 15.1 10.4 11.0 Imports of goods and services 24.1 23.4 20.0 19.1 GDI GDP 1980-90 1990-00 1999 2000 Growth of exports and imports (%) (average annual growth) Agriculture 4.3 4.4 1.9 6.1 20 Industry 7.3 3.9 4.9 -0.1 10 Manufacturing 7.7 3.5 4.1 1.4 Services 6.8 4.4 5.0 4.8 0 95 96 97 98 99 00 Private consumption 4.3 4.9 7.5 0.9 -10 General government consumption 10.3 0.7 -6.9 7.0 -20 Gross domestic investment 5.8 1.8 -9.2 4.1 Exports Imports Imports of goods and services 2.1 2.5 -5.4 -2.3 * The diamonds show four key indicators in the country (in bold) compared with its income-group average. If data are missing, the diamond will be incomplete. Note: 2000 data are preliminary estimates. The debt figures in this table are from the WB debt reporting system and may differ from those in Annex B7 because they cover calendar years rather than Pakistan's fiscal years (July 1 - June 30). Pakistan Country Assistance Strategy Annex B1 Page 2 of 2 Pakistan PRICES and GOVERNMENT FINANCE 1980 1990 1999 2000 Inflation (%) Domestic prices (% change) 15 Consumer prices .. .. 5.7 3.6 10 Implicit GDP deflator 9.1 6.5 5.9 3.7 5 Government finance (% of GDP, includes current grants) 0 Current revenue .. 18.0 16.2 16.6 95 96 97 98 99 00 Current budget balance .. -1.0 -3.0 -3.5 GDP deflator CPI Overall surplus/deficit .. -6.6 -6.0 -6.3 TRADE 1980 1990 1999 2000 Export and import levels (US$ mill.) (US$ millions) Total exports (fob) 2,365 4,927 7,528 8,191 15,000 Cotton .. 443 2 73 Rice .. 239 533 540 Manufactures 1,371 2,489 6,993 7,579 10,000 Total imports (cif) .. 7,411 9,613 9,602 Food .. 1,066 1,496 896 5,000 Fuel and energy .. 1,163 1,477 2,793 Capital goods .. 1,788 2,921 2,705 0 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 Export price index (1995=100) .. 102 87 84 Import price index (1995=100) .. .. 87 93 Exports Imports Terms of trade (1995=100) .. .. 100 91 BALANCE of PAYMENTS 1980 1990 1999 2000 Current account balance to GDP (%) (US$ millions) Exports of goods and services 2,958 6,217 8,842 9,575 0 Imports of goods and services 5,709 9,351 11,737 11,762 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 Resource balance -2,751 -3,134 -2,895 -2,187 -2 Net income -281 -966 -1,808 -2,018 Net current transfers 1,895 2,210 2,005 1,997 -4 Current account balance -1,137 -1,890 -2,698 -2,208 -6 Financing items (net) .. 1,890 3,952 2,000 Changes in net reserves .. 0 -1,254 208 -8 Memo: Reserves including gold (US$ millions) .. 1,311 2,228 1,606 Conversion rate (DEC, local/US$) 9.9 21.4 50.1 51.7 EXTERNAL DEBT and RESOURCE FLOWS 1980 1990 1999 2000 (US$ millions) Composition of 2000 debt (US$ mill.) Total debt outstanding and disbursed 9,931 20,663 33,886 32,182 IBRD 330 1,816 3,315 3,093 G: 1,519 IDA 821 2,106 3,905 3,828 A: 3,093 F: 3,954 Total debt service 870 1,926 2,940 2,850 B: 3,828 IBRD 58 199 434 408 IDA 9 34 86 93 C: 1,529 Composition of net resource flows Official grants 268 538 573 926 Official creditors 544 913 876 452 Private creditors 167 -63 -477 -361 E: 11,659 Foreign direct investment 68 200 472 471 D: 6,600 Portfolio equity 0 87 28 74 World Bank program Commitments 185 972 808 0 A - IBRD E - Bilateral Disbursements 90 494 628 301 B - IDA D - Other multilateral F - Private Principal repayments 29 92 283 291 C - IMF G - Short-term Net flows 61 402 345 10 Interest payments 39 141 237 210 Net transfers 22 261 108 -201 Development Economics 7/12/02 Note: 2000 data are preliminary estimates. The debt figures in this table are from the WB debt reporting system and may differ from those in Annex B7 because they cover calendar years rather than Pakistan's fiscal years (July 1 - June 30). Pakistan Country Assistance Strategy Annex B2 Page 1 of 1 Selected Indicators* of Bank Portfolio Performance and Management As of 05/03/2002 Indicator 1999 2000 2001 2002 Portfolio Assessment Number of Projects Under Implementation a 23 16 16 16 Average Implementation Period (years) b 4.3 4 3.9 4 Percent of Problem Projects by Number a, c 13 18.8 6.3 18.8 Percent of Problem Projects by Amount a, c 33.8 19.6 20.6 41 Percent of Projects at Risk by Number a, d 13 18.8 6.3 25 Percent of Projects at Risk by Amount a, d 33.8 19.6 20.6 60.5 Disbursement Ratio (%) e 18.2 22.1 30.9 44.3 Portfolio Management CPPR during the year (yes/no) Yes Yes No Yes f Supervision Resources (total US$'000) 3,507 3,384 2,041 (est.) 1,306 Average Supervision (US$'000/project) 106 123 93 (est.) 59 Memorandum Item Since FY 80 Last Five FYs Proj Eval by OED by Number 121 29 Proj Eval by OED by Amt (US$ millions) 8072.8 2894.7 % of OED Projects Rated U or HU by Number 24 24.1 % of OED Projects Rated U or HU by Amt 31.3 28.9 a. As shown in the Annual Report on Portfolio Performance (except for current FY). b. Average age of projects in the Bank's country portfolio. c. Percent of projects rated U or HU on development objectives (DO) and/or implementation progress (IP). d. As defined under the Portfolio Improvement Program. e. Ratio of disbursements during the year to the undisbursed balance of the Bank's portfolio at the beginning of the year: Investment projects only. f. Includes quarterly and biannual portfolio reviews with federal and provincial governmnets. * All indicators are for projects active in the Portfolio, with the exception of Disbursement Ratio, which includes all active projects as well as projects which exited during the fiscal year. Pakistan Country Assistance Strategy Annex B3 Page 1 of 2 Pakistan - Proposed IBRD/IDA Base-Case Lending Program (As of May 15, 2002) Strategic Implementation Fiscal Project Name US$(M) Rewards Risks Year Project IDA (H/M/L) a/ (H/M/L) a/ 2002 b/ Drought Emergency Recovery Assessment c/ 130 M H b/ BSRPP 300 H M d/ AJK Community Infrastructure Services Project 20 H M TA for Banking Sector 27 M L SAC II 500 H H Sindh SAC 100 H H Result 947 2003 Highways Rehabilitation 100 M M HIV/AIDS Prevention Project 20 H H National Education Assessment System LIL 5 H H Education Reform SAC 150 H M Tax Admin. Reform 100 H H Eco Reform TA 25 H H Result 400 2004 PIFRA II 100 H H Sindh On Farm Water Management 50 L M Local Government Support 50 H H SAC III 200 H H Result 400 2005 Local Government Support 100 H H Water Sector Management 100 H M SAC IV 200 H H Result 400 Overall Result 2,147 a/ Indicates whether Strategic Rewards and Implementation Risks are expected to be High (H), Moderate (M), or Low (L). b/ Operations already approved in FY02. c/ $130 million of Drought Emergency Recovery Assessment is a reallocation of existing commitments under SAPP-II and NDP. d/ Regarding reference to Azad Jammu Kashmir and the Northern areas, the staff of the Bank Group do not intend to make any judgement on the legal or other status of any disputed territories or to prejudice the final determination of the parties' claims. Pakistan Country Assistance Strategy Annex B3 Page 2 of 2 Pakistan - IFC and MIGA Program, FY 1999-2002 1999 2000 2001 2002 IFC approvals (US$m) 83.00 55.10 52.10 24.04 Sector (%) FINANCE & INSURANCE 60 100 NONMETALLIC MINERAL 40 OIL, GAS AND MINING 77 TEXTILES, APPAREL & LE 23 Total 0 100 100 100 Investment instrument(%) Loans 77 Equity 100 Quasi-Equity Other 100 23 Total 0 100 100 100 MIGA guarantees (US$m) 147.11 147.54 96.76 80.5 Pakistan Country Assistance Strategy Annex B4 Page 1 of 1 Pakistan - Summary of Nonlending Services As of May 3, 2002 Product Completion FY Cost (US$000) Audience a/ Objective b/ Recent completions Punjab Public Expenditure Review 2001 190 B, G, P K Policy Note on SME 2001 87 B, G, P K Note for Pakistan Dev. Forum 2001 12 B, G, P K Financial Accountability Assessment 2001 110 B, G, P K Oil and Gas Sector Policy Advice II 2001 120 B, G, P K CAS Progress Report 2001 43 B, G, P K TA for Energy Sector Dialogue & Policy Advice 2001 181 B, G K TA for Provincial Health 2001 90 B, G K TA for Immunization and HIV/AIDs 2001 219 B, G K TA for Privatization 2001 333 B, G K TA for Financial Setor Monitoring 2001 115 B, G K TA for Subnational Economic Reform 2002 206 B, G K Joint Staff Assessment - IPRSP 2002 43 B, G, P K Development Policy Review 2002 188 B, G, P K Private Sector Strategy 2002 92 B, G, P K Underway Environment Strategy 2002 124 B, G, P K Transport Sector Strategy 2002 122 B, G, P K Poverty Assessment 2002 582 B, G, P K Country Assistance Strategy 2002 150 B, G, P K Planned Investment Climate 2003 100 B, G, P K Provincial Economic Reform 2003 100 B, G, P K Policy Note to New Government 2003 100 B, G K JSA - PRSP 2003 100 B, G, P K CFAA II 2003 100 B, G, P K CPAR II 2003 100 B, G, P K Oil & Gas Sector Review 2003 150 B, G K Financial Sector Assessment 2003 150 B, G, P K CAS Progress Report 2003 100 B, G, P K Public Expenditure Review 2003 150 B, G, P K Rural Development Policy Review 2003 130 B, G, P K Power Sector Review 2003 100 B, G, P K Sindh Rural Development Policy Review 2003 100 B, G, P K Social Risk Assessment 2003 100 B, G, P K a/ Government (G), Bank (B), public dissenmination (P) b/ Knowledge generation (K)