23079 CONSULTATIVE GROUP ON INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH * OCTOBER 2001 CGIAR'S ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2001 TO DELIVER This year's Annual General Meeting * October 29: Reserved for committee 2001 SIR JOHN (AGM) is being held October 29-No- meetings, including a meeting of the vember 2 at WVorld Bank headquarters Intenm Executive Council. A special CRAWFORD in Washington, DC. More than 400 exhibit We Can Feed the WVorld and MEMORIAL LECTURE participants have registered. Keep It Green wvill be launched [see re- The AGM, a first for the CGIAR, re- lated story on p.21. 'Our numbers have doubled since 1960 places International Centers Week and * October 30-31: CGIAR stakeholders' to 6.1 billion," notes the soon-to-be-re- the Mid-Term Meeting. The meeting is meeting, including a discussion of the leased The State of World Population 2001 designed to save costs, increase efficien- world food situation; a Centers' forum report from the United Nations Population cies (shorter duration, tighter structure, ("Research Impact: Today and Tomor- Fund (UNFPAr . More people are using focused agenda, and electronic circula- row"); and briefings on the state of leaving a bigger "footprint" on the earth- tion of background papers), and agricultural R&D worldwide, regional than ever before. streamline decision-making. Daily priority-setting exercises, the johannes- This year's Sir John Crawford Memorial highlights of the meeting are as follows: Continued on page 7 Lecture, will be delivered by Dr. Nafis Sadik on October 31, 2001 at 6 pm in the World Bank's 'H" Building Auditorium, 1912 G Street, NW, Washington, DC. A NEW FAO-C GIAR INFORMATION photo ID is required for entry. Dr. Sadik is Special Adviser to the Secre- FINDER DEVELOPED tary General ofthe United Nations and for- mer Executive Director of UNFPA. Her Information is not knowledge. For can be browsed by Center and thematic speech, 'Feeding the World, Sustaining the the CGIAR, a knowledge-intensive or- area. A work-in-progress, CGIAR CeI- Earth: The Critical Importance of Population ganization by definition, the challenge ters and Secretariat collaborated with Issues," will explore the full import of these is to sustain the fount of agricultural FAO to develop this tool and are adding numbers on a broad array of significant knowledge and ensure that the various data continuously ronmental protection and call attention to streams of information and data gener- In addition, a new effort for global the importance of addressing women's ated by its scientists add up to knowl- knowledge sharing is gaining ground. needs and involving them directly in mak- edge that helps solve real-world farm- With support from the Organizational ing and implementing development policy. ing problems. Change Program, CGIAR librarians and The lecture, sponsored by the Australian In cooperation with FAO, a knowledge management professionals are Government, honors the memory of Sir "CGIAR Information Finder" has working to develop a knowledge-sharing John Crawford, a distinguished civil ser- been developed. Available by clicking strategy that better disseminates knowl- vant, educator, and agriculturist who was on http:I/waicent.fao.orgICGIAR, it pro- edge and increases access to CGIAR- one of the founders of the CGIAR.+ vides access to a CGIAR database that held knowledge. Priorities include: Continued on page 2 CGIAR NEWS 4- PAGE 1 FINDER Contnuedffrom pag 1I * Joint acquisition of subscriptions and document delivery7 using ARIEL, * Development of a CGIAR-wide catalog of library holdings, including serials, * Development of a directory/database A major highlight of the CGIAR's A large number of Bank staff and of CGIAR publications and scientific Annual General Meeting 2001 will be a special guests, such as ambassadors of electronic resources, special exhibit illustrating the theme member and host countries, members * Development of a directory/database |"We Can Feed the World and Keep It of the U.S. Congress, and other U.S. of CGIAR experts and their special- | Green," which wvill be on display in the government officials, World Bank exec- izations, and impressive, 13-story atrium of the utive directors, and media, are expected • World Bank's main complex building. to visit the booths to learn how CGIAR image database that will include the Leading dignitaries including James research provides real solutions to 21"- best images of each Center as well as D Wolfensohn, World Bank President, century problems. In addition to the in- bther pimaes (of mehenteas, sasf f Carole Brookins, World Bank US Exec- tegrated CGIAR-Future Harvest display other pictures (of meetings, staff, I logos, and so on). I utive Director, and Andrew Natsios, and 16 Center displays, the exhibit will | USAID Administrator will join Ian highlight six thematic areas. xcellent progress has been made. Johnson to launch the exhibit at 6 p.m. The CGIAR exhibit runs October Five newT information products are | on October 29. 29-November 2.AJi available online: * CGIAR Centers Active Journal Col- lection - an online inventory of C CNOMIN G S AND GOINGS IN journal subscriptions (available by clicking on http://ciat-libraryciat. THE CGIAR FAMILY cgiar.org/revistas/revistal.asp) Task managed by CIAT. f. The CG1AR familv is joined by a Farewells * CGIAR Serials Database- - common bond, unified in the continu- S. Baharsjah, IRRI; Ian Bevege, Aus- (http:/1Na7Aaiv. icrisat.org/text/partner- 1. .' ' ships/srls/srls.asp) Task managed by ing fight against poverty, hunger, and tralia; Lukas Brader, IITA; Christian ICRISAT. environmental degradation. As is true Castellanet, France, CGIAR NGO *CRSAT. Ifor anv family transitions are in- Committee (NGOC); Ananda * CGIAR Core Collection Database - a evitable. We must welcome old and Dalodom, Thailand; Hank Fitzhugh, compendium of historical documents ' c new friends, bid farewell to those who ILRI; Bruce Howell, Canada; Iss,a searchable by title, author, date, kev- searchable by title, author, date, *ey- are moving on, record achievements, Kalantari, Iran; Tetsushi Kondo, Japan; words, typfe and othernparameters.a words,. tye,g andother paramtr. and, sometimes share the burden of PeterJ. Matlon, UNDP; Inge Nordang, hTtpa/searchncgared orGIARSearchformtasp) |sorrow as well. Norway; Rajendra S. Paroda, India; Per Task managed by CGIAR Secretariat. Pinstrup-Andersen, IFPRI; Timothv * CGIAR Centers Scientific Information l Resources-an SQL database of meta- I Condolences Reeves, CIMMYT; Juan Lucas Re- data about Center-produced scientific in- Two giants of the family - Ralph strepo, Colombia; Pedro Sanchez, formation that is intended to be used to Cummings, Sr. and John L. Dillon 1CRAF; Jeffrey Sayer, C1FOR; and locate information on a common sub- passed away this year. We applaud Emmy Simmons, USAID. ject. (http1/132.ipgri.cgiar.org/cginmen- their steadfast support to the CGIAR. torv). Task managedby IPGRI. Their legacies wvill live on through the Welcome * CGIAR Library Gatewav - a portal Cummings Lab at the Indian Agricul- Luis Arango-Nieto, Colombia; page to CGIAR Center libraries and tural Research Institute (IARI), and the Aslak Brun, Norway; Jonathan Conly, information sources (http://wwxv John L. Dillon Social Science and USAID; Jorge Mario Diaz, Colombia; int.cgiar.org/library/cglib.htm). - Aquatic Resources Economics Labora- Dennis Garrity, ICRAF; Peter Hart- tory at ICLARM, Penang. mann, IITA; Mahmoud Hojatti, Iran; Continued on page 6 PAGE 2 , CGIAR NEWS AkR SC"F NV\ARDS 2<0 1 Mobilizing top-quality science, rele- System. Ever)' year, five prizes are vant to the special needs of poor, tropi- awarded, each consisting of a certificate cal farming communities worldwide is and cash prize of $5,1000. After an ex- tR, the CGIAR's unique niche. Since its es- tensive review of the nominations re- tablishment more than three decades ceived from 16 Centers, winners were ago, recognition and honors for CGIAR chosen by a distinguished Evaluation scientists and researchers have come and Selection Panel: Kurt Peters, Chair. from far and wide. Most recentl,v CIM- CGIAR Committee of Board Chairs; MYT and IFPRI have garnered the Emil Javier, Chair, CGIAR Technical 4 prestigious World Food Prize, winning Advisory Committee; Robert Good- the CGIAR this much-coveted prize for man, Chair, Collaborative Crop Re- two consecutive years. search Program, The McKnight Foun- The CGIAR Science Awards pro- dation; and Mauricio Antonio Lopes, gram (formerly the CGIAR Chairman's Head, Department of Research and De- Science Axvards) xvas established in velopment1 Einbrapa. Brazil. 2000 CGIAR Science Award to ICARDA Sc1e9tce Awards) was estabrshex cl velopment, EmTrapad Braznt. for "Outstanding Scientific Article" by S. 1996 to honor scientific research excel- The aNards wfll be presented by7 Ceccaielli et al., "A mnethiodological lence and achievements in the CGIAR CGIAR Chairman lan Johnson during stady on participatory barley breeding," the Annual General Meeting. published in Euphytica, a leading journial. The article reports oni a signif- icanit innovation in participatoty plant I N T H I S I S S U E ICRISAT: Hari C. Sharma, breeding involvinig farmers in nine Outstanding Scientist Syrian villages. 1 CGIAR Annual Meeting Combating pests that decimate vields and negatively affect the well- I FAO-CGIAR Information Finder developed being of farm families has been the 'LRI-, Alex Kahi, Promising focus of Hari Sharma's 20-year career. Young Scientist 1 Nafis Sadik Crawford Lecturer His expertise spans a diverse range of Being raised on a crop-and-live- 2 AGM Exhibit topics, including insect bionomics, stock farm in the Kenvan highlands has host plani resistance, natural pesti- given Alexander Kigunzu Kahi a better 2 Comings & Goings in CGIAR cides, biotechnology, biocontrol, insect appreciation for She challenges con- Family toxicology, and integrated pest man- fronting smallholder farmers who relv 3 CGIAR Science Awards 2001 agement. Hari's work has focused on on livestock for income and nutrition. chickpea, sorghum, and pigeonpea. In Dr. Kahi, a senior lecturer at Kenva's 4 Honors and Awards a classic case of win--win strategies, his Egerton University, was an ILRI gradu- 6 Per Pinstrup-Andersen wins work is helping to increase farm pro- ate fellow from 1993 to 2000. In July World Food Prize ductivitv while cutting the use of pesti- 2000 he earned a Ph.D. from Hohen- cides, thereby reducing environmental heim University Germany, and gradu- 6 Highlighting Centers' pollution. Dr. Sharma received his aca- ated mnagnra cum laude. "Brilliant" was demic training at the Indian Agricul- the term his examiners used in assess- …-- __ -- ---- - r- - tural Research Institute (IARI) and has ing his performance in the oral exami- Editor: Sarwat Hussain served as a vrisiting scientist at the Uni- nation. His research combines genetic Published bv the CGIAR Secretariat versit)y of Wisconsin-Madison and the and economic analyses and simulation Tel: (1-202) 473-8951 Queensland Departrment of Primary In- models to assess alternative options in Fax: (1-202) 473-8110 dustries, Australia. livestock breeding, work that is being E-mail: cgiar@cgiar.org Design: Iseman Creative, Inc. (Yvltinucdl on rcge 7 CGIAR NEWS PAGE 3 H(ONORS AND ANARDS CtMMYT trial technological innovation (Concurso Elvira 0. Tan Memorial Award for 2001 * David Hoisington, Director. Applied de Innovacion Tecnologica Agroindus- for their paper "Bangus Fry Resource Biotechnolog and Bioinorm s Ptrial 2000). The award recognizes their -Assessment in the Philippines." (Ban- Bgotechnology and BMoinsormatics Pro- work in developing a rural pilot plant gus, or Milkfish, is the Philippine "na- -ram, and Michael Morris, Assistant Di- frpouto fXao yu sn lnlfs ' rector, Economics Program. won the for production of vacon syrup using tional fish.") American Association of Agricultural simple technologv * Just Faaland was awarded an honorary Economists Award for the best article ICARDA doctorate in economics bv the Univer- puhlished in the AAEA.s journal Choices * Surendra Beniwal, Regional Coordinator, sity of Malaya. * A. Mujueeb-Kazi, Principal Scientist, ICARDA-Central Asia and the Caucasus * Saad Nassar, formerly Director General Wheat Program, was accepted as a Fel- Regional Program and Head of CGIAR of the Egyptian Agriculture Research low of the Third WNorld Academy of Sci- Program Facilitation Unit, was elected Center, was appointed Governor of Fay- ences and a Fellow of the Crop Science Honorary Professor of the Kyrgyz Agrar- oum Governate in Egypt. Society of America. ian Academy, Kvrgyzstan. CRISAT * Shivaji Pandey, Director, Maize Program, . Adel El-Beltagy, Director General, was * Andre Bationo, formerly with the Nat- was accepted as a Fellow of the Crop elected 'Academician' by the Kyrgyz ural Resource Management Program, Science Society of America and the Agrarian Academy in recognition of his was decorated with a Commandant a American Society of Agronomy contributions to agricultural research l'ordre du Merite Agricole du Niger. the - Sanjaya Rajaram, Director, Wheat Pro- and development of the CGIAR- highest civilian award by theGovern- gram, was awarded the "Padma Shree' ICARDA collaborative research activities ment of Niger. bv the Government of India (the award in Central Asia and the Caucasus. T I 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h ICIA-China project on strains of is the third highest honor granted to * Rajendra S. Paroda, newly appointed peanut viruses, epidemiology and con- civilians) for raising wheat production Head of CGIAR Facilitation Unit and trol of virus diseases in peanut received in the developing and industrialized Coordinator of ICARDAs Regional Pro- China's National Award for Science and world. He also received the Inaugural gram for Central Asia and the Caucasus, Technology. Crawford Fund Derek Tribe Award for was conferred Honorarv Membership of leadership in wheat breeding. the Crop Science Society of America. * Anand Kumar, former ICRISAT-Niamey Site Leader, was decorated with a Comn- * Surinder K. Vasal, Principal Scientist, * M.C. Saxena, Assistant Director General mandant a l'Ordre du Merite Agricole Maize Program, won the Chinese (At-Large), was conferred an honorary du Niger the highest civilian award by Friendship Award (the highest honor doctorate (D.Sc.) by Chandra Shekhar the Government of Niger. accorded bv the Chinese Government to Azad University of Agriculture and a foreign national) for his outstanding Technology Kanpur, India. * K.B. Saxena, Pigeonpea Breeder, received contributions to the betterment of con- China's highest national award for out- ditions in China. * S.VR. Shetm i Team Leader, standing contribution to the countrv's Villegas, Cereal Chemistn(re- ICARDA/Yemen Joint Project, won the economic development for reviving farm- * Evangelina Villegas, Cereal Chemist (re- Indian Society of Weed Science Medal in ' interest in pigeonpea as a source of tired), was named Mexico's Woman of recognition of his contributions to "Eco- fodders fuelr soil conservation, and food. the Year and given the Lazaro Cardenas friendlv Weed Management Options for Award of the National Polytechnic In- Sustainable Agriculture." IFPRI stitute for achievements in developing * Per Pinstrup-Andersen, Director Gen- nutritionally enhanced quality protein ICLARM maize (QPM). * Mahfuz Ahmed, Bing Santos, Oyie Ip Umali,JunJun Torres (ICLARM),J. ILRI Toledo (South East Asian Fisheries De- * Simeon Ehui and his wife Mamou Ehui * CIP and the Universidad Nacional velopment Center, Aquaculture Depart- received Purdue University's Distin- Daniel Alcides Carrion of Oxapampa, ment), and N. Lopez (Bureau of Fish- guished Agricultural Alumnus Award, Peru, won first prize in the Peruvian eries and Aquatic Resources, Govern- the first time such an award has been CITA-2000 competition for agro-indus- ment of Philippines) received the Dr. given to a couple. PAGE 4 CGIAR NEWS '+7.'%4 * IK.L. Heong, EntomologistAPM Special- the Honorary FclIow Award from the * Pablo E} zaguirre, Senior Anthropologist, ist, received a Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) Crop Sciencc Society of the Philippiuics. w,as elected to the Board of the Interna- degree b the University of London. * Wvalfrido C. Mendoza. Securit\ Supertvi- tional Society of Ethnobiologv * Gcne Hettel, Editor ancl Head, Comnmu- sor, was awarded a plaque of recognition * Percy Sajise, Regional Director for Asia, nication and Publicati(ons Services, won b\ the Association of Safety Practitioners the Pacific, and )ceania, was accepted the Bronze Aw,vard for WNriting (Lao of the Philippines (ASPPI).. as a Fellow of the World Academv of Art PDR-The "cmwr jewld" in rice biodivcr- * HaroldJ. Nesbitt. Agronomist and Team and Science. siLv' pnijcct) in a speclized publication Leader, Cambodia-IRRI Australia Pro- * IPGRI was awarded a Gold Medal and (the IRRI Web site) from the U.S.-based ject, receivcd the Distinguished Collabo- Agricultural Communmcators in Educa- ration Award from Prime Minister Hun the Al-Bassel plaque at the 10th Damas- tion (ACE). Sen of Cambodia. cus Invention Exhibition, Syria. for its S of EH,g oia ed contributions to the conservation and * James F Hill, Agronomist and Head, * Marn Grace A. Rayco. General Account- sustainable use of plant germplasm. Crop, Soil, and Water Sciences, was ing, wvas named Girl Scout of thc Philip- named a Fellow of the Agronomy Soci- n Pines National Youth Achiever. etv of America. Joseph E Rickman. Head, Agricultural * Mushed Alam, Research Scholar, received * Joel D. Janiva, Assistant Scientist, Martin Engineering and Experiment Station. re- the Outstanding Contribution Award Mortimer, Weed Ecologist, James E. Hill, ceived the Officer Award for Collabora- from CIGR (International Commission Agronomist, and Carmelo 0. Garcia, Re- tion from Prime Minister Hun Sen of for Agricultural Engineering) for the searcher. Crop, Soil, and Water Sciences, Cambodia. paper, "Pesticide application techniques w on the Best Paper Award in Weed Sci- of rice farmers in the Philippines and op- ence given by the Weed Science Society * Sant S. Viriani, Plant Breeder, receiv-ed tions to improve application and protcct of the Philippines, Inc. Collin M. Piggin, multiple honors: the environment" (co-authored with ACIAR, co-authored the paper. - Fellow of the Crop Science Society of M.A. Bell, M. Mortimer, R. Bakker, E.C. E Edwin L. Javier, INGER Coordinator. re- America, Castro, Jr., and E.B. Razote). ceived the Officer Award for Collabora- - Third World Network of Scientific Or- *Rob Bakker, Affiliate Scientist, received the tion from Prime Minister Hun Sen of ganizations (TWNSO) Award in Agri- Outstanding Contribution Award from Cambodia. culture, and CIGR (International Commission for * Gurdev S. Khbush, Principal Plant - Recipient of the Rcscarch Fellow Award Agricultural Engineering) for the paper, Breeder, received multiple honors: for 2001 by the Fedcration of Crop Sci- 'Improving productivity in direct-seecded rice: the role of mechanization" (co-au- - Gopalan Oration Award and Gold ence Socicties of the Philippincs. thored with J. Rickman and M.A. Bell). Mcdal from the Nutrition Society of India, * RolandJ. Buresh, Soil Scientist, was * Francis Idachaba was conferrcd the named a Fellowv of the Agronomy Soci- - Special award from the Federation of Kogi State Merit Award by the Gover- etv of America and a Fellow of the Soil Crop Science Societies of the Philip- nor of Kogi State, Nigeria. Science Societv of America. pines, * Ron Cantrell, Director General, received - China International Scientific and the Crop Science Societyr of America Technological Cooperation Award in * Kanavo F Nwanze, Director General. Award for International 'Service. Beijing, wvas bestowed a national honor (Coii- mander in the Ivorian Order of Merit) * Mike Cohen, Entomologist, and Remv - International Cooperation Award from by the Government of Cote d'lvoire. Aguda, Assistant Scientist. Entomologv the Deputy Prime Minister of Egypt, and Plant Pathology (with E.P Alcantara - (appointment) Honorarv Professor of * Patrick Montv Jones, Kouami Miezan, of the National Institute of Molecular Bi- the Chinese Academiy of Agricultural Sitapha Diatta, and Mark EtsOa wfere ologv and Biochemistry, Universitv of Sciences in Beijing. and the Ivori n Odrori the Phlppns-o BaoIn . eno the Ivorian Order of Merit) bv the Philippines-Los Balos and D. Dean of (appointment) Honorary Professor of Government of Cote d'voire. the Ohio State Universitv Department of U R Biochemistry), won the Philippine Asso- Uzbek Rice Research Institute, *Dlphine Koudou, star of WARDAs ciation of Entomologists Best Poster 'k'Bintu" video, was made a Knight in Award during the 32nd Pest Manage- * Julian Lapitan, Manager, International the Ivorian Order of Merit. ment Council of the Philippines 2001. Programs Management Office, received CGIAR NEWS PAGE 5 PER PINSTR-UP-ANDERSEN WINS 2001 WORLD FOOD PRIZE Per Pinstrup-Ander- Danish Agricultural University receiv- CGIAR, said, "Per is an outstanding sen. a citizen of Den- ing a bachelor's degree in agricultural economist whose work has addressed mark and Director economics. Motivated by the desire to one of the most compelling moral General of the Wash- learn more about global agricultural dilemmas of our time: the persistence of ington-based International Food Policy policy he continued his education at hunger in a world of plenty." Reifschnei- Research Institute (IFPRI), was Oklahoma State University, earning der noted that "The award is a fitting awarded the World Food Prize for 2001 master's andI doctoral degrees. No tribute to him [Per], and to IFPRI, for for his contributions to the improve- stranger to the CGIAR, he had worked innovative contributions in addressing ment of agricultural research and food at CIAT before joining IFPRI. In addi- complex issues of food security, intellec- policy and to the raising of the status of tion, he has worked at the International tual property rights, and subsidies." the poor and hungry all over the world. Fertilizer Development Center in Al- "Per's intellectual leadership in the He is the first agricultural economist to abama and the Royal Veterinary and field of food security is widely ac- win the prize. Agricultural University in Copen- knowledged," said World Bank Rural "Dr. Pinstrup-Andersen's life's work hagen, Denmark, as well as in Cornell Development Department Director has been characterized by a deep per- University's Food and Nutrition Policy Robert L. Thompson, adding his sup- sonal desire to alleviate the suffering of Program. port for the nomination. "He [Per] is a persons without sufficient nutritious "This prestigious award is testi- man of vision whose work has been in- food," said Ambassador Kenneth M. mony to Per"s achievement of excel- strumental in improving public food Quinn, President of the World Food lence in addressing the problems of policies that benefit the poor and hun- Prize Foundation. He was speaking at a hunger and food insecurity in the gry around the world." simple ceremony held on August 27, world," said Ian Johnson, World Bank Click on www.worldfoodprize.com, 2001, at Grand View College, an edu- Vice President and Chairman of the www.cgiar.org, and www.tutureharvest.org cational institution established by Dan- CGIAR. "His leadership has helped for more infornation. 'O- ish immigrants in the 19th century in shape the thinking of a new generation Des Moines, Iowa. of food policyrmakers around the world." Pinstrup-Andersen was raised on a Joining the chorus of congratula- farm in Denmark. He studied at the tions, Francisco Reifschneider, Director, WELCOME Coninuedfrompcgc2 David Kaimowitz, CIFOR; Angelina Highlighting Centers' Contributions Kamba, Zimbabwe; M.A. Hamid Miah, Bangladesh; Peter Matlon, Rockefeller Nourishing a PeacefulEarth: This issue of "CGIAR News" Foundation: Toshinori Mitsunaga, The CGlAR's Contributions, spotlights outstanding honors Japan; Mutizwa Mukute, Zimbabwe, is a new report that en- and awards received by sci- NGOC; Patrick Mulvany UK, NGOC; capsulates th collective _ entists and researchers for Frank Pinto, UNDP; Antonio Quizon, capsulates the collective entists an.d researchers for Philippines, NGOC; Carlos Sere, ILRI; work of the 16 CGIAR- work carried out at the Cen- Alan Schlac'hter, Canada Panjab Singh, supported Centers in ad- ters and with CGIAR partners. India; Somsak Singholka, Thailand, and dressing food security and For more in-depth coverage of Meryl J. Williams, ICLARM (incoming development issues. The report the Center's work, accomplishments, Chair, Center Directors Committee) and CD-ROM will be widely disseminated and impacts, see the e-report "Special Re- For changes and additions, please in the lead-up to next year's World Sum- port from the Centers" on the CGIAR web- send an email to cgiar@cgiar.org . The mit on Sustainable Development 2002, site, www.cgiar.org. This e-report will list does not include changes expected also referred to as Rio+10. be updated periodically. 4 immediately prior to, or after the An- nual General Meeting. 1 PAGE 6 CGIAR NEWS NI[-F[ ING cCoiitinecdirom patge I CGIAR SCI ENNCE A\VARDS 2001 con.tinued (too page 3 burg Earth Summit, gender and diver- adapted for smaliholder sheep produc- rice breeding program. The team-two sitk, program initiatives, and the 2001 ers in Africa and Asia. Dr. Kahi is an assistant scientists, a secretary, and five SirJohn Crawford Memorial Lecture outstanding example of a young scien- research technicians-have worked [see related story on p. 1]. tist who is devoting his career to solv- with the program for periods ranging o November 1: Business meeting of the ing problems of the poor and building from eight years to more than two CGIAR (closed). Discussion items in- human capital in his home country decades. Their teamwvork has facilitated clude the external reviews of IITA, a smooth and continuous supplv of the Systemwide Livestock Program, CIAT Outstanding Partner- new and improved parental lines and financing plans, and proposals on ship for Sustainable Land hybrids, advancing the frontiers of CGIAR reform including the appoint- kManagement of Acid Soil nowledge about hybrid rice technol- ment of a CGIAR Executive Council. Savannas ogy. One member of the team. Leonida * November 2: First meeting of the new America's savannas contain much of Nazarea, is a 35-y ear veteran of IRRI. CGIAR Executive Council (ExCo). I the earth's remaining land suitable for The AGM agenda follows up on the new agricultural production. Partner- IRRI: Outstanding Scientific decisions made at the last Mid-Term ing wvith researchers from national agri- Article Meeting, held in Mav 2001 in South , cultural research institutes and univer- 'A stunning new result.' from 'one Africa. At that meeting members de- 1 sities in developed and developing of the largest experiments ever' was cided to implement proposals for a dv- countries, a team from CIAT (R. how the Ne laink TUnes described the namic repositioning of the CGIAR to Thomas, M. Fisher, I. Rao, M. Ayarza, IRRI and Yunnan Agricultural Lniver- better enable it to face the challenges of E. Amezquita, E. Barrios,J. Sanz, and] sity. partnership. The paper Genetic the 21st century. The change program Jimenez), together with France's Insti- diversitN and disease control in rice," is based on four actions: tute of Research for Development published in the prestigious journal * Launching of 'challenge programs" (IRD). has characterized the agroecol- Naturc, demonstrated for the first time on major development topics that ogy of acid soil savannas, developed that rice blast, a debilitating disease, draw on traditional CGIAR strengths sustainable land management prac- can be tackled without resortinig to and that elevate the significance of tices, and identified indicators of land heavy use of fungicides. Taking a cue CGIAR research by aligning it more quality The work wvas done over a pe- from traditional farmers practices. clearlv with international develop- riod of seven years, 1994-2000, and IRRI researchers (Hei Leung, Tom Mewv ment goals and fostering broader re- has been instrumentl in helping pro- Paul Teng, and Zonghua Wang), in search partnerships, tect this vast but fragile agricultural partnership with Chinese collaborators * Transformation of the Technical Ad- frontier. A notable spin-off of the col- (Youyong ZhuL, Hairu Chen, Jinghua visorv Committee into a Science laboration is the training of 51 students Fan, Yunyue Wang, Yan Li. Jianbing Council to ensure that CGIAR sci- and the awarding of 27 bachelor's, 14 Chen, JinNiang Fan, Shisheng Yang, ence continues to meet the highest master's, and 10 doctoral degrees. Sev- and Lingping Hu) and Christopher international standards for qualitv entv-five percent of the degrees were Mundt (Oregon State UniversityT). de- and development relevance, awarded to students from developing signed a varietal mixture planting * Establishment of an Executive Coun- countries. scheme in which one row of suscepti- cil to streamhine decision-making i ble glutinous rice was interplanted and reduce the number of meetings IRRI: Outstanding Scientific every four to six rows with blast-resis- held each year, and Support Team tant, commercially available hybrid rice * Creation of a System Office to bring A team made up of Carlos Casal, varieties such as Shanyou 62 or cohesion through an integrated com- Reynaldo de la Cuev'a, Luisito Shanyou 2. The net result xx as a munication. public awareness, and Caracuel, Julito Talay, Rodolfo Toledo damping of the rice blast epidemic fund-raising strategy E Alejandro Manio, Juan Alzona, Oscar Outcomes of the AGM will be , Gonzales. and Leonida Nazarea con- posted on the CGIAR Web site. tributed to the success of IRRI's hybrid www.cgiar.org, shortly after the meeting. C S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CGIAR NEWS *tTPAGE 7 CGIAR Chairman ' . CGIAR-SUPPORTED FUTURE HARVEST CENTERS Ian Johnson International Center for Tropical * International Food Policy Research Agriculture (CIAT) Institute (IFPRI) CGIAR Director Cali, Colombia Washington, DC, United States Francisco Reifschnefder , . Phone: (57-2) 4450000 Phone: (1-202) 862-5600 www.ciat.cgiar.org wwwifpri.org Cosponsors v Food and Agriculture Organization.of * Center for International Forestry * International Institute of Tropical Food and Agriculture Organization of: Research (CIFOR) Agriculture (IITA) the United Nations: Bogor, Indonesia Ibadan, Nigeria United Nations Development Programme Phone: (62-251) 622 622 Phone: (234-2) 2412626 w.cifor.cgiar.org wvwwiita.cgiar.org The_W6rld Bank International Center for the Im- * International Livestock Research CGIAR Members ' provement of Maize and Wheat Institute (ILRI) (CIMMYT) ' Nairobi, Kenya Countries . 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