International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Development Association SecM92-1278 FROM: Deputy Secretary October 1, 1992 MONTHLY OPERATIONAL SUMMARY OF BANK AND IDA PROPOSED PROJECTS (As of September 15, 1992) ... ·.·- . . . •. ~;' ·, '.\. ~-{\:· . . . '..-, _... ·.. .. : ~ ' -·. ; ·.. · . ': . .~ . :\ -~<:: )/· ~ ·: '·. - ,, ) ~ _.\ .•. •: ' ' ~- , .. ::,- .... ,.. . '' ...... ~ . ·,,· ,_ t. ,•:i :,.1, .,_·. : .·- -. ,.• .. : ... ...'·.' ·.. ·~.·; .·.,,. -.- ... . ... , . ·, .. _ _ ...•!:_··~- '· .. ··'· .. •.,•)'· . ·.. \·:·_';_ ..,. .. __ . '; . ~·. . .. ,•:-.. · ,.'. ·:';_ --~·1ht~bution:(·.( :,:-·_- · · ., · j_,.:.-. ' ,:,· .. ',,. '_i ''··1 :.>: _._:~· :-'"'". .' ,E;,~~utive\~-~:tecfors· and Alternates. < office of: the· President ._-._' - E;~:cutive v):ce Pre~_idents·>-IFC a#:d MIGA.· er Country 1 Amount & '.ementing Probable ,Stage of Processing and lCY I Lender 1 Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 IKHSTAN ,t'd) .stry of Energy 100.0 Energy Sector - Project will comprise To be determined, Identifl.cation mission F.uel Resources (Bank) one or both of the following: scheduled for O~tober (a) contributions to the financing of a ,1992. crude oil export pipeline; and/or (b) rehabilitation and modernization of the power sector and existing petroleum production facilities. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. ,e determined 80.0 (R) Agriculture Sector - Project would Consulti,:,g services will Identification mission (Bank) identify and introduce reforms and be required, planned for end September investments based on best technical, 1992. financial, economic and environmental proposals. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. ,·e determined 50.0 (N) Energy/Environment - Project is To be determined. -Pre-identification (Bank) likely to: (a) extend metering to completed June 1992. consumers; (b) rehabilitate ,energy i Preparation tentatively supply systems and units; (c) develop scheduled for October gas storage facilities; and· (d) improve 1992. district heating systems. Environmental Assessment Category C. ,e determined 20.0 Human Resources -·Project will focus on To be determined. Project under (Bank) health reform, social insurance prepa'ration. restructuring, monitoring poverty ·I cap~city., and employment services and '· training. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Lstry of About' (R) Rehabilitation - Will finance Consulting services will Negotiations completed anpe 45.0 essential imports through a pre- · be required for September 14, 1992; (Bank) identified imports component and implementing parts of Board Presentation technical assistance needed for tlie Goverrunent 1 s re£orm scheduled for October 20, implementation of a,:, economic refo,rm ·program. 1992. program. Environmental Assessment Category NIA. / 20.0 (N) Human Resources Development - To be determined. Identification mission (Bank) Project will focus on health reform, tentatively scheduled for social insurance restructuring, January/February 1993. monitoring poverty capacity, and employment services and training. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. ------------------~--~--~~·'4;~----~ - 72 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and !t: :· Agency 1 Lender 2 Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 ::i POLAND (Cont'd) Ministry of Transport and 150.0 (Bank) (R) Roads - Project would support and speed up the modernization and ., To be determined. ' Appraisal mission completed. Appraisal Maritime Economy transformation of the sector with report under preparation) and the National special emphasis on the national road (Cofinancing may be Highways network and the administration required.) Administration responsible for it, GDDP. Project would specifically: (a) improve the road network; (b) continue support for the development of modern management tools in GDDP; (c) introduce competitive bidding for road works; (d) improve road safety; (e) support increase of road user charges to better correspond to economic costs; and (f) initiate development of modern combined transport l systems. Environmental Assessment Category B. f~ 1 ·,. ··\ Ministry of 300.0 (R) Agricultural Sector Adjustment - To To be 'determined. Negotiations completed on Agriculture and (Bank) support Government reforms in the June 2, 1992. Board Food Economy agricultural· sector. Environmental presentation scheduled Assessment Category C. for December 1992. To be determined 150.0 Cogeneration - Privatization ~f combined Consulting s·ervices will Appraisal mission (Bank) heat.and power plant. Environmental be required under one completed. Appraisal Assessment Category B. turn-key contract. report under preparation': I To be determined 150.0 Coal Sector Restructuring Environment - Consulting services will Project under · (Bank) Project will: (a) improve ef:hciency of be required for mining preparation. coal mining sector through rationaliza- specialists. tion, privatization and restructuring of mines, including closure of unprofitable mines; (b) reduce pollution from' ongoing· mining operations and consumption of coal 1(coal cleaning); and (c) improve framework of regional development of deal Yith projected layoffs. Environmental Assessment Category B. · Ministry of About (R) Financial Sector Adjustment - To be determined. An appraisal mission is Finance 300.0 Further support for the government's tentatively scheduled for (Bank) economic transformation program October 1992. focussing on restructuring of the (Cofinancing with EBRO financial sector. Environmental possible.) Assessment Category C. Ministry of About Housing I - To support development of a Consultants for Approved by the Executive Construction and 200.0 market-based housing system through the assisting in project Directors on June. 25, Spatial Economy (Bank) creation of housing finance services, implementation 1992. and an increased role for the private preparation from (Cofinancing from EBRO, sector in housing construction. Japanese Grant Facility, USAID and others Environmental Assessment Category C, USAID, UNDP, and others. expected,) To be determined 150.0 (R) Agroprocessing and Marketing Consulting services will Identification under way. (Bank) Export - The project would finance be required agroprocessing and marketing joint (100 staffweeks in food ventures with the European Community processing technology, (EC) countries in view of plans for domestic and export Romania to become an EC associated marketing), country. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 73 - Country, Amount & ,enting Probable Stage of Processing and • 1 Lender • Project ' Consulting Services · Action on Procurement • ~ d) ry of Labor 130.0 Employment and Social Protection - The To be determined. Pre-appraisal mission cial (Banlt) project would support development of scheduled for November tion employment, training, and social 1992. assistance services to ease transition to a market economy. Environmental Assessment Category C. ECOM 100.0 (R) Telecommunications - The project To be determined. Appraisal mission (Banlt) would provide for: (a) rehabilitation scheduled for November and expansion of exchanges, external 1992. cables and long distance networks in urban and rural areas; (b) spare parts and equipment; and (c) institutional development. Environmental Assessment Category D.. determined 150.0 (R) Oil/Gas Restructuring - The Consulting services will Appraisal mission (Banlt) objectives of the project are to provide be required. tentatively scheduled for assistance to the Government in the early November 1992. restructuring of sector entities with a (Cofinancing will be view to: (a) promoting private sector r_equested.) investments in the petroleum subsector; (b) enhancing the domestic production of oil a~d gas; upgrading the efficiency and capability of the oil and gas transmission and distribution networks; (c) addressing the environmental pollution of soil and groundwater-in oil and gas producing areas; and 1 (d) assisting in establishing an effective energy pricing policy. Environmental Assessment Category B. determtned 110.0 Municipal Environment - The project will To be determined. Identification mission (Banlt) include: (a) funding for construction planned for early 1993. of new and/or completion of existing municipal infrastructure and facilities; (b) technical assistance to local governments: and (c) technical assistance to central government institutions responsible for implementation of local government reform. Environmental Assessment Category B. try of 150.0 (R) Transportation - Civil works, To be determined. Appraisal mission planned ?Ort (Banlt) materials, equipment, technical for December 1992. assistance and training for road rehabilitation and maintenance; track maintenance equipment and spare parts, computers and telecommunications; and. training for railways. Environmental Assessment Category B. try of About (R) Education - To support reform Consulting services will Appraisal mission 125.0 implementation in: (a) educational be required. tentatively scheduled for tion (Banlt) assessment/testing; (b) primary and November 1992. secondary curriculum and teaching · . quality; (c) educational materials; and (d) education management and financing. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 74 - Member Country, ·Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and Agency 1 Lender 1 Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 ~ (Cont'd) RENEL/Regia 200.0 (R) Power and 9oal Subsectors Consultant selection for Preparation unde·r way. Autonoma a (Bank) Rehabilitation and Modernization technical inspection of (Cofinancing will be Lignitului (RAL) (formerly Power and Coal/Lignite thermal plants and for requested.) Subsectors Rehabilitation and other feasibility Modernization) - The project would studies now in progress. provide assistance to (a) RENEL (the power utility) for: (i) rehabilitation of thermal power plants, (ii) reinforcement and expansion of power transmission system, and (iii) modernization of load dispatching system; (b) RAL (lignite producing entity) for rehabilitation and restructuring of lignite mines; (c) address environmental issues of po~er generation and lignite mining; and (d) upgrade institutional capabilities. Environmental Assessment Category A. To be determined 250.0 CR) Financial and Enterprise Sector To be determined. Pre-appraisal mission (Bank) Adjustment - The project would introduce scheduled for November systematic reforms in the banking 1992 after September 1992 sector, strengthen public debt election. management and monetary control, create an effective capital ownership function, and ensure efficient design and implementation of enterprise privatization and exit mechanism. Environmental Assessment Category C, Ministry of 175,0 (R) Industrial Restructuring - To be determined. Appraisal mission Economy and (Bank) Redesigned to become development finance tentatively scheduled for Finance, Ministry operation·, including pre-shipment export late September 1992. of Resources and finance facility and permanent working (Cofinancing may be Industry, National capital and investment finance. Policy required.) Agency for elements include support to Privatization and privatization, private sector Small and Mid-Size development, industrial sector Enterprises, restructuring strategy and enterprise participating restructuring programs. Technical banks assistance for both policy and financing parts. Environmental Assessment Category B. RUSSIAN FEDERATION The State 100.0 (N) Employment Services and Social Consulting services will Preparation mission Committee on (Bank) Protection II - Project will finance be required. tentatively scheduled for Employment, further computerization and other January 1993. Ministry of Social assistance for this extension of social Protection security systems. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined, Ministry of Health 130.0 (N) .Health - To develop and support the Consulting services will Identification mission (Bank) implementation of heal-th sector reform be required. tentatively scheduled for and finance key equipment imports. January 1993. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. ---------------------- -----"'·'---·'-." - 75 - Country, Amount & anting Probable Stage of Processing and Lender• Project' Consulting Services Action on Procurement• ! ~ L) Letermined 400.0 (N) Private Sector Development - Support To be determined. Identification scheduled (Bank) for policy and institutional reforms to for February 1993. enterprises and financial sectors and to encourage private sector development. Environmental Assessment Category C. :y of 300.0 Oil Transmission and Gas Flaring - To be determined. Identification mission to rand (Bank) Project will hep reduce oil and gas depart October 9, 1992. . Resources losses in the environment and improve Financing of efficiency in oil and gas transmission. US$30 million under Environmental Assessment Category A. Global Environmen~ Facility (GEF) has been requested, Let ermined 200.0 (R) Gas Transmission Rehabilitation To be determined. Preparation mission (Bank) (formerly Gas Transmission) - Project scheduled for will focus on increasing the efficiency September 21, 1992. and safety of the existing system through the rehabilitation/replacement of pipelines, compressor stations, protection facilities and metering. Envi~onmental Assessment Categoryi To Be Determined. let ermined 200.0 (R) Gas Distribution Rehabilitation To be determined. Preparation mission (Bank) (formerly Gas Distribution) - Project scheduled for would rehabilitate and upgrade gas September 21, 1992. distribution systems in major urban areas. Project would also introduce gas metering and appropriate pricing policies for domestic and industrial ,.. consumers to encourage the use of efficient technologies. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. :y of 400.0 Munici_pal Services and Urban Transport - To be determined. Preparation under way. ,rt (Bank) The project would: (a) increase bus, trolley, _and train service capacities; (b) assist in developing selected public transport systems on a financially sustainable basis; and (c) indirectly spur development of a stronger domestic industry for manufacturing public transport vehicles. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined, ry of 200.0 Agriculture Marketing and Distribution - Consulting services will Identification mission Lture, (Bank) Project will increase efficiency in the be required. planned for September 14, ry of Trade value added of food products as they 1992, pending response terial move off the farm to the consumer. from Government agency. ::es Project would address issues in processing, transport, storage, handling, inventory control, automation, etc. Environmental Assessment Category ~- ate 70.6 (R) Emplqyment Services and Social Long and short-term Appraisal mission in the tee on (Bank) Protection I (formerly Services and co_nsultants to assist in field. ment, Social Protection) - Build labor market design of employment ry of Social policy and management capacity, services. tion establish labor market service delivery, staff and worker training. Environmental Assessment Category C. -------~··~ c• - 76 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and Agency 1 Lender 2 Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurement• RUSSIAN I FEDERATION (Cont'd) State Property 100.0 (R) Privatization - To provide full Consulting services will Appraisal mission in t~e '. Agency (GK!) (Banlt) range of facilities and assistance be required. field, (equipment, human resource_s and other administrative needs) to quickly initiate the wide scale implementation of the privatization program. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of Fuel 500.0 · (R) Oil Sector (formerly Petroleum Consulting services will Appraisal mission , and Energy (Banlt) Sector) - Project will support oil be required for tentatively scheduled for, 1 producing operations in Western Siberia. procurement, October 19, 1992. Project components include well financial/accounting and A PPF of US$0.9 million workovers, well completions, new wells, oil field technical is being sought. replacement of gathering lines and assistance. (Cofinancing of about related technical services. US$295.0 million being Environmental Assessment Category A. sought.) ·Ministry of 600.0 Rehabilitation - Will finance essential Consulting services from Approved by the Executive, Finance (Banlt) impo=ts through foreign- exchange market the United Kingdom Know- Directors on August 6, (Department for component and a pre-identified imports How Fund to finance 1992. Interaction with component. Environmental Assessment procurement procedures. International Category B. Financial Institutions) To be determined 500.0 Agriculture Sector I - To develop and To be determined. Appraisal mission (Banlt) support the implementation of scheduled for November 2, agricultural sector r~form and finance 1992. imports of critical agricultural inputs. Environmental Assessment Category, To Be Determined. Ministry of 300.0 (R) Highway Rehabilitation· and Consulting services will Identification mission Transport, Federal (Banlt) Maintenance - Execution of a three-year be required for studies completed. Pre-appraisal Highway Department program of urgently needed road and preparation of mission scheduled for rehabilitation and maintenance, bidding documents. September 22, 1992. technical cooperation for policy advice and training on highway issues. Environmental Assessment Category B. _To be determined 180.0 (Banlt) (R) Informatics - The project will, (a) support the Government in settling Consulting services will be required. Identification mission scheduled for end I information policies and making September 1992. recommendations for policy agenda; and (b) provide analysis of developments in information flows and services. Environmental Assessment Category C. To be determined 240.0 (R) Energy Conservation - The project To be.determined. Preparation mission (Banlt) would provide for, (a) equipment scheduled for November materials and services for improving the 1992. efficiency with which energy ls produced and consumed; and (b) institutional development. Environmental Assessment Category D. --'------'------'-----------~--'---------,I..----- ______ . . : . ~ - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . L . - - 77 - Country, Amount & nting Probable Stage of Processing and Lender 2 Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurement• 250.0 (R) Istanbul Water Supply and Sewerage Feas·ibility study for Second preparation (Bank) III - Water supply, sewerage and part of the project mission tentatively drainage system. Environmental expected to be financed scheduled for December Assessment Category B. by Nordik Investment 1992. Bank. Master Plan for (Cofinancing will be water supply and required.) sewerage is required. 'I of Health 100.0 (R) Health II - Project will strengthen Consultants have been Preparation mission (Bank) public health services in selected. scheduled for September Central/Eastern Anatolia, and assist in 1992. dece'ntralization of state hospitals administration. Environmental Assessment Category C. About (R) Antalya Environment - Project would Consultants have been Second preparation •lity 70.0 include water supply, sewerage, solid selected. mission tentatively (Bank) waste and coastal zone management scheduled for November components and assist the Antalya 1992. Municipality in establishing an appropriate policy and institutional framework for environmental management. Environmental Assessment Category B. of 100.0 Basic Education - Project would support Consultants likely to be First preparation mission Education (Bank) the expansion of basic schooling (Grades required for completed. Second through 8) to improve system coverage implementation. preparation mission and relieve overcrowded schools, with tentatively scheduled for particular effort to raise the school November 1992. attendance of girls. Environmental Assessment Category C. About (R) Coal Pollution Abatement - This Consulting services will Appraisal report under :ity 120.0 projP.ct, to be developed by the Turkish be required for project preparation. cy (TEK) (Bank) Electricity Authority (TEK) is to reduce preparation and (Cofinancing expected.) sulphur and NOX pollution from TEK's implementation. lignite thermal plants. Environmental Assessment Category B. 'I of About (R) E. Anatolia Watershed Rehabilitation Consultants have been Appraisal mission '/, Ministry 72.3 - Improved erosion control, recruited to assist with completed. Post culture and (Bank) reforestation, sustainable dry land preparation. _Consul tan ts appraisal mission planned £fairs- farming and pasture management programs may also be required to for November 1992. in upper Euphrates' watershed, studies assist in execution. Negotiations tentatively and research. Positive environmental scheduled for February impact expected. Environmental 1993. Assessment Category C. (A Global Environment Facility (GEF) component may be attached to this project -- see Annex C.) y of Health About. Health III - Creation of a National To be determined. Preparation postponed 100.0 Hygiene Institute and support for pending Government (Bank) development of a regional network to decisions on technical public health laboratories. and political options. Environmental As~essment Category C. - 80 - Member Country, "Amount ~ Implementing Probable Stage of Processing~ 3 Agency 1 Lender 1 Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 ARGENTINA (Cont'd) Direccion General 20.0 Second Tax Administration - To complete Consulting services Approved by the Executiv I Inpositiva (DGI) (Bank) the modernization process of the will be required for Directors on April 14, Direccion General Impositiva (DGI), development of software 1992. Argentine's main revenue agency. The and management project will cover a four-year consulting development institutional infrastructure development services. on all aspects of DGI. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministerio de 150.0 Maternal Child Health and Nutrition - Consultant services will Project preparation undJ Salud y Accion (Bank) Human resource maintenance through not be required at way. Social health and nutrition support for present since UNICEF is vulnerable groups. Environmental supporting project Assessment Category C. preparation. Direccion Nacional 300.0 (R) Road Maintenance - Avoidance of: Consulting services will Appraisal mission de Vialidad (Bank) (a) costly road repair and reconstruc- be required for road scheduled for tion; (b) unnecessary increases in design, supervision, September 24, 1992. vehicle operations cost. Improvement of institutional coordination and cooperation between improvement and agencies (national and provincial). training. Improvement of road activity funding. Envi=onmental Assessment Category B. Ministerio de 100.0 (R) Buenos Aires Health Development - Consulting services will Project preparation undej) Salud y Bienestar (Bank) Project will provide support for major be required. way. City of Buenos Social institutional and policy reforms. Aires component already Environmental Assessment: To Be identified. The provi~c, Determined. of Buenos Aires will be identified in October 1992. Entidad Binacional 300.0 (R) Yacyreta II - Completion of Yacyret~ To be determined. Board documents have bee, Yacyreta (EBY) (Bank) first six units, technical assistance distributed. for the execution o·f the resettlement .and environment management programs, and Procurement: The civil assessment of private capital participa- works and engineering tion in EBY; and implementation of the contracts for YACYRETA, first phase of the associated awarded under a previous transmission system. Environmental loan, including 1992 Assessment Category A. invoices proposed for retroactive financing of up to US$60.0 million. BARBADOS Ministry of 20.0 (R) Structural Adjustment (SAL) - To To be determined. Project preparation undei:- Finance and (Bank) support trade liberalization, tax way. Economic Affairs reform, rationalization of public expenditures, including a review of the Government's divestment program, and to support social policies and the safety net. The loan would complement -stabilization and adjustment efforts being undertaken with the IMF and the IDB. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. ---- ______c.-~--~·-----------------------~___.! - 81 - r Ccnm.try_, .Amount ~· Probable Stage of Processing and 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement ' , l Lender 2 Project !!Q§ 'd) try of 20.0 (R) Human Resources - To strengthen the To be determined. Appraisal report under tion, (Banlt) post secondary technical training and preparation. try of related teacher training through· A PPF of US$500,000 will n.ity provision of improved facilities, provide financing. opment and equipment, and staff training and the re articulation between the training program and the labor market. Environmental Assessment Category C. e Electricity 9.0 Power Development - This project would To be determined. Project under (BEB) (Banlt) ·assist in the financing of: (a) the preparation. construction of a 115 kv transmission grid running from the border with Mexico to Belize City and Belmopan; and (b) consulting services to assist the Government in (1) the preparation of regulatory framework for the power sector; and (11) the preparation of plans for the privatization of BEB. Environmental Assessment Category B. try of 15.0 Belize City Municipal Infrastructure - Consulting services will Preparation studies to· .gn Affairs, (Banlt) Will help the city to rehabilitate and be required for project begin in September 1992 ,mic develop its infrastructure, strengthen preparation activities. and to be completed in opment and its administrative capacity, and promote April 1993. .tion economic growth. Environmental Financing is provided b; Assessment Cat~gory B. a PPF of US$800,000. itry of 8.0 (R) Private Sector Development - To To be determined. Appraisal mission ,mic (Banlt) provide a line of credit and technical scheduled for late . opment, assistance in support of: (a) private September 1992 . :al Banlt enterprise investment and development;• and (b) policy reforms to enhance the enabling envirorunent for sustained and efficient private sector development, and to make the financial sector more efficient and competitive. Envirorunental Assessment Category B. stry of Energy 120.7 (N) Energy Sector Deregulation, Consulting services will A first preparation Hydrocarbon (IDA): Restructuring and Engineering· - The main cover all activities of mission is scheduled for objective is to help the Government the hydrocarbon sector, September 23, 1992 to ) deregulate the hydrocarbon sector, and will be done through October 8, 1992. restructure Yacimientos Petroliferos foreign and local Detailed project schedule Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB), and consultants and is to be determined. strengthen MEH and the new streamlined firms. IEPS has been reviewed. YPFB. Environmental Assessment Category Second preparation £. mission is planned for November 1992. A PPF and Japanese Grant Facility funds will be used to carry out studies and to support'MEH • • ---------------------··-- ., ··''. ~- ··---- - 82 - Member Country, Amount ~ Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement • ~ (Cont'd) I To be determined 31.1 (N) Child Development and Nutrition - To be determined. Project preparation unde! I (IDA) Project seeks to implement a national way. program of childhood development and nutrition interventions aimed at increasing the educational and nutritional level of children under five, and stimulating employment among poor urban and semi-urban women. Environmental Assessment Category C. To be determined 20.5 Municipal Development - Policy reform Consulting services Preparation under way. (IDA) and institutional strengthening in the required for project Financing is provided by area of municipal finance and preparation activities. a PPF of US$1,500,000. management. Line of credit for investment projects in municipal infrastructure and services. Environmental Assessment Category B. To be determined 43·. 4 (R) Public Enterprise Reform and Private Consulting services will Project under (IDA) Sector Development - To assist the be required for assess- preparation. Government's program of privatizing ment of major sector. public enterprises, establish appropriate regulatory framework and help remove legal constraints inhibiting private enterprises. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministries of 25.0 Education Reform - Support the To be determined. ::;:ect preparation under! Planning and (IDA) Government's planned reform of the Coordination/ education system and decentralization of Financing is provided by Education and public education services. a PPF of US$950,000. Culture Environmental Assessment Category C. Fondo Nacional 4.7 (R) Environmental Technical Assistance - Consultants will be Negotiations scheduled f Para el Medio (IDA) Will strengthen key environment-related required for for October 30, 1992. Ambiente (FONAMA) institutions; and develop the human environmental legal and resources necessary to plan, evaluate regulatory work and Financing is provided by I\ and implement' action programs and environmental impact a PPF of US$680,000 and a develop an effective legal and assessment/training. Japanese Grant Facility regulatory system for environmental of US$314,000, and a protection and natural resource second PPF of US$350,000. management. Environmental Assessment Category C. To be determined 37.3 (R) Environment, Industry and Mining - To be determined. Project preparation under (IDA) Further support for mining sector reform way. program and development of private sector in an environmentally sound manner. Environmental Assessment Category B. Federal Railway, Up to Railway Reform - Restructuring of RFFSA To be determined. Identification under way. Export Company 250.0 and rehabilitation of track in major (RFFSA) (Bank) railway corridors to enable privatization of railway services. Environmental Assessment Category B. ! I I ----------------------- -------- - 83 - er Country, Amount ~ ementi.Dg Probable Stage of Processi.Dg and icy 1 Lendar 1 Project • Consulti.Dg Services Action on Procurement • :IL t'd) e determined Up to (R) Metropolitan.Transport (Rio de Consulting services will Board presentation 128.5 Janeiro) - The decentralization of the be required for scheduled for (Bank) Companhia Brasileira de Trens Urbanos engineering work, November 10, 1992. (CBTU) from the federal government to supervision and the state, Rio de Janeiro, to phase out institutional federal subsidies. Includes substantial strengthening. institutional and managerial reforms·. · · Emphasizes modal integration; and. financial 'policy reform. Environmental Assessment Category B. ode Up to (R) Water Quality and Pollution Control To be determined·. Negotiations scheduled nvolvimento de 125.0 (Minas Gerais) - To-assist sector for early October, 1992. s Gerais (Bank) authorities in most congested areas in :G) developing methodologies to tackle the cleaning of environment, and specifically to save the scarce water sources for human consumption and agriculture. Environmental Assessment Category A. :o de Up to (R) Minas Municipal Development - To be determined. Pre-appraisal mission :nvolvimento de 250.0 Introduce policy and institutional scheduled for October·· ,s Gerais (Bank) reforms in· selected municipalities and 1992. municipal water companies in the State of Minas Gerais; and improve services in selected urban subsectors. Total project cost is US$300.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. lAERO Up to INFRAERO Reform - Finance time-slice of To be determined. Project under 100.0 INFRAERO's investment program and preparation. (Bank) support sectoral regulatory reforms. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Lsterio Infra- Up to Telecom Reform - Assists with To be determined. Project under rutura 200.0 restructuring, modernization and preparation. (Bank) expansion of telecommunicat·ions services. Will also finance a time- slice of sector investment program and address sector-wide pol icy .issues. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. panhia Vale Up to Environmental Conservation and To 'be determined. Appraisal report under Rio Doce 60.0 Rehabilitation - Supports the _preparation. (Bank) environmental program of Compania Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) which includes: (a) an industrial and mining pollution control component; (b) natural resources component; (c) a research and ·development component for the preservation of ecosystems; and (d) socially-oriented investments.·· Environmental Assessment Category B. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ..·.._•-L - - - - 84 - Member Country, Amount a;. Implementing Probable Stage of Processing ancl 3 Agency 1 Lender 2 Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement • BRAZIL (Cont'd) Departamento Up to Federal Highway II - Will support Consulting services Project preparation under Nacional de 250.0 decentralization of highway will be required for way. Estradas de (Bank) administration and private sector engineering and work Rodagem (DNER) involvement in highway construction, supervision, and for operation and maintenance. Would also institutional help finance the federal highway strengthening. rehabilitation and maintenance programs. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Up to (R) N.ortheast Basic Education II - Will Consulting services will Negotiations tentatively Education and 220.0 support basic education in four be required in the areas scheduled for November States (Bank) Northeast states. Environmental of education management, 1992. Assessment Category C. textbook provision, and (Cofinancing of educational evaluations. US$1.4 million has been approved with Japanese. Grant Facility.) I ! Secretaria de Up to Land Management IV (Mato Grosso do To be determined. Project preparation Agricultura, 75.0 Sul) - To improve natural resources way. under 1 Pecuaria e (Bank) protection in Pantanal's watershed and Abastecimento do generate sustainable productivity gains Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul through improved land management and soil conservation in the State of Mato I (SECAP-MS) Grosso do Sul. Category D. Environmental Assessment 1 Ministerio de Up to (R) Transport Sector Reform - Assist To be determined. Project has been removed Infras-Estrutura 275.0 Government in implementing a package of from the Lending Program Secretaria (Bank) regulatory reforms across the transport at the Government's Nacional dos sector, including a privatization request. Further Transportes program, and in financing high priority reporting will be investments incluped in the federal discontinued. transport program. Environmental Assessment Category B, Brazilian Urban Up to (R) Metropolitan Transport - Sao Paulo - Consulting services will Approved by the Executive Rail Company 126.0 The decentralization of the CBTU from be required for Directors on March 31, (CBTU) (Bank) the federal government to the state, Sao engineering work, 1992. Loan was signed on Paulo, to phase out federal subsidies. supervision and September 3, 1992. Includes substantial institutional and institutional managerial reforms. Emphasizes modal strengthening. Short Procurement: Bidding integration, and financial policy list of consultants is documents have been reform. Environmental Assessment under preparation. prepared and first call Category B. for bids expected after loan signing. Secretaria de Up to Water Quality and Pollution Control (Sao To be determined. Approved by the Executive Energia e 223.0 Paulo and Parana) - Help sector Directors on July 2, Saneamento (Sao (Bank) authorities to address water pollution 1992. Paulo), Secretaria issues through a self- sustained de Planejamento investment project in the most congested (Parana) areas of Brazil, to develop methodologies to tackle the cleaning of environment, and specifically to manage the scarce water sources for human consumption and agriculture. Environmental Assessment Category A. - 85 - ier Cotmtry, Amount , .ementing Probable Stage of Processing and 3 Consulting Services .cy I Lender 2 Project Action on Procuremsnt • :!!, .t'd) o Nacional de Up to Privatization and Capital Market No consulting services Appraisal report under nvolvimento 315.0 Reform - Develop capital markets in required. preparation. ,omico e (Banl<) coordination with financial sector .ale (BNDES) strategy and to support preparatory work by Brazil's Privatization Commission and BNDES in the privatization of public enterprises. Environmental Assessment Category B. .stry of Health Up to Quality Assurance - Support for To be determined . Project preparation under 125.0 strengthening Government's normative and way. (Banl<) regulatory roles in health and epidemiological surveyance. Environmental Assessment Category C. ,o Nacional de Up to (R) National Industrial Pollution Consulting services will Approved by the Executive mvolvimento 50.0 Control - The project consists of: be required by state Directors an May 28, tomico e (Banl<) (a) a line of credit for financing of environmental protection 1992. Loan signing is . ale (BNDES) pollution abatement investments by agencies . scheduled far State enterprises identified in approved state September 21, 1992. .ronmental industrial pollution control strategies: (Cofinancing with EXIM 1cies and (b) technical assistance for state anticipated.) environmental protection agencies. Environmental Assessment Category D. lsterio de Acao Up to Water Sector Modernization - Finance To be determined. Approved by the Executive Lal 250.0 investments and bring about sector Directors on March 10, (Banl<) policy reforms, improved operations 1992. investment planning, and pricing. Environmental Assessment Category B. > Grosso State Up to (R) Mato Grosso Natural Resource To be determined. Approved by the Executive cetariat of 205.0 Management - Project would assist the Di'rectors on June 18, :ming (Banl<) Government in: (a) improving the 1992. Loan was signed an policy, regulatory and investment September 16, 1992. framework for sustainable development~ in Mato Grosso: (b) financing intensifica- tion of agriculture in areas with sustainable development potential, forest management and conservation, environmental and tribal protection: and (c) providing continued support for small farmer community projects, infrastructure and social services. Environmental Assessment Category B. Up to (R) Hydrocarbon Transport and Processing Consulting services Approved by the Executive roleo 260.0 - Assistance to PETROBRAS to develop: will be required to Directors on June 26, · .sileiro S .A. (Banl<) (a) high priority product distribution provide PETROBRAS with 1991. Loan signing :TROBRAS) facilities: (b) programs ta enhance an in-house capability tentatively scheduled for natural gas utilization to reduce far assessing: (a) risk late October 1992. product lasses and for mare efficient in connection with energy utilization and environmental operations; (b) air Procurement: Advance control: and (c) technical assistance in. quality; and contracting up to transportation planning, industrial risk (c) pollution. US$60.0 million and and safety analysis and measures to retroactive financing up improve the safety and environmental to US$25.0 million. conditions of transportation and refinery operations. Environmental Assessment Category A. --- ---- ,...., - ',• -- - 86 - Member Countz:y, Amount ~ Implementi.Dg Probable Stage of Processi.Dg and Agency I Lender 2 Project • Services Action on Procurement ,• ~ (Cont'd) Sao Paulo State Up to (R) Land Management III (Sao Paulo) - To To be determined. Appraisal mission Secretariat of 75.0 generate environmental benefits and scheduled·for late Agriculture and (Bank) sustainable productivity gains through October 1992. Supply improved land management and soil conservation within about 2,000 microcatchments involving 120,000 f~rmers in Sao Paulo. Environmental Assessment Category D. Rondonia State Up to Rondonia Natural Resource Management - To be determined. Approved by the Executive Secretariat of 167.0 Project would assist the Government in: Directors on March 17, Planning (Bank) (a) improving the policy, regulatory and 1992. investment framework for sustainable development in Rondonia; (b) financing agricultural intensification in established areas, forest management support, forest extractive activities, environmental and tribal protection; and (c) providing continued support for small farmer community projects and social services. Environmental · Assessment Category D. Ministry of Up to (R) Northeast Basic Education III - The To be determined. Project preparation under E~ucation 250.0 project will support basic education in way. (Bank) up to five states in the Northeast. Environmental Assessment Category C. Departmento de Up to (R) State Highways Management·Project - Consultant services will Negotiations scheduled Estradas de 200.0 Rehabilitation and periodic maintenance be required for for November 2, 1992. Rodagem (DER) in (Bank) of state highways and strengthening of engineering, selected states state highway department's maintenance construction superv~sion Retroactive financing , capabilities in the states of Alagoas, and technical would be considered up'to Mato Grosso do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul assistance. lOX of the loan amount 1to and Santa Catarena. Includes a help start implementation component to strengthen the state of project components. highway agencies environmental capacity. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Up to Irrigation Subsector II - Private To be determined. Project preparation on Agriculture, 175.0 Irrigation (follow-up to Irrigation hold pending Government• s' National (Bank) Subsector I) in Northeast. assignment of priority to: Irrigation Environmental Assessment Category B. project. Secretariat CARIBBEAN REGION Caribbean 11.0 (R) CDB VI - New global line of credit To be determined. Project under Development Bank (Bank) for CDB to be on-lent mainly for OECS preparation. 11.3 countries. In addition to continued (IDA) support for infrastructure development, project would seek to help promote small and medium, industrial agriculture and conmerc.ial private fi:rms, expand the scope of the financial system and modernize overall intermediation. Environmental Assessment Category c. r -------- -----------------------~~- - 87 - ,r Country, Amount 5 omenting Probable Stage of Processing and ,y •. Lender• Project • Consulting Services Action on Procurement • iBEAl'I' REGION 'd) determined 11.0 (R) OECS Waste Management - An OECS To be determined. Project preparation under (Bank) regional project addressing priority way. 9.1 investments in both solid and liquid (Possible financing from (IDA) waste as well as policies and the Global Environment institutional issues related to waste Facility (GEF) and COB -- management. Environmental Assessment see Annex C. ) Category A. bean 7.5 OECS Regional Education -·Raising the To be determined. Project preparation under opment Bank (Bank)/ standards and efficiency of primary and way, 7.6 secondary education and increasing (IDA) access to post-secondary technical education through cooperation with the private sector. The project would cover all OECS eligible countries. Environmental Assessment.Category C. Directorate 300.0 (R) Transport Infrastructure Sector II - Mainly local consultants Pre-appraisal mission 1istry of (Bank) Project to finance maintenance and will be hired. scheduled for end October : Works (MOP) further development of national road 1992. system. Project is a follow up to Road Sect~r II (Ln. 3120-CH). Environmental Assessment Category B. Lon Nacional 18.0 CR) Environmental/Institutional Consulting services will Board presentation adio Ambiente (Bank) Development - Strengthen the be required. scheduled for institutional capacity of the National November 1992, Environmental Commission to develop policies, strategies, and action plans at the national level, and sectors engaged in environmental activities. Environmental Assessment Category C. :erio de 119.0 (R) Health Sector Reform - Improvement Consultants are engaged Negotiations tentatively (Bank) of the coverage and the cost- in implementation start- scheduled for early effectiveness of basic health services up. October 1992, through reforms of key health sector policies, conduct of studies and·of Retroactive financing of innovative programs in select health up to USSll.9 million was service areas and rehabilitation of some proposed to finance health facilities. Environmental consultant services and Assessment Category B. start-up of civil works. Lon Naclonal 45.0 (R) Irrigation Development - To be determined. Negotiations completed. !go (Bank) Rehabilitation of existing irrigation Board presentation systems, and possible development of new scheduled for March 1993. irrigated areas. Environmental Assessment Category A. determined 20.0 (N) Agricultural Information System and Consulting servi~es will Project under (Bank) Marketing - Project will develop the not be re.quired, · preparation, institutional capacity to provide market information throughout the country and to support the development of the wholesale markets and marketing of produ~e, oil seeds and cereals, Environmental Assessment Category C. --------------------~·--·_;. ---- .. ' - - - -- . . . - - - -· - - - - - - - - - - - - 88 - Member Country, Amount " Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and 3 Agency 1 Lender 1 Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement • COLOMBIA (Cont'd) To be determined 100.0 Departmental Roads - The project will To be determined. Identification mission (Bank) provide: (a) technical assistance to pending. Project strengthen the capability of preparation will begin departmental agencies to plan and upon approval by the implement road investments and Government of the new law maintenance, and of the central highways for decentralization of agency to oversee and advise the transport sector. departmental road agencies; and (b) implementation of balanced programs of paving, rehabilita~ion and maintenance of roads in four pilot departments. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Depart amen to 40.0 (R) Natural Resource Management To be determined. Appraisal mission Nacional de (Bank) (formerly Forestry and Environment scheduled for December Planificacion Protection Program) - To assist 1992/January 1993. (DNP)/future financing a timeslice of Colombia's Ministry of the Tropical Forestry Action Plan in the Environment Western Cordilleras & Pacific coast for: (a) watershed protecti~n; (b) national parks management; (c) natural forest management: (d) afforestation incentives·; (e) education, training and forestry research; and (f) technical assistance, studies and institutional stre.igthening. Environmental Assessment Category B. Departamento 20.0 Technical Assistance - ·The project aims Consulting services will Preparation expected to Nacional de (Bank) to improve management systems in be required. start in November/ Planeacion monitoring and delivery of key December 1992. infrastructure and social services. Possible components include: (a) financial management - development of systems and procedures for accounting, budgeting, cash management, auditing and ~valuation; and (b) institutional development - restructuring of administrative systems at the central sector ministry, implementing agency and sub-national levels. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 200.0 (R) Secondary Education Expansion - To To be determined. Appraisal mission Education (MOE) (Bank) improve the coverage, quality and cost scheduled for December effectiveness of secondary education. 1992. Environmental Assessment Category C. To be determined 300.0 Financial Sector and Capital Markets To be determined. "Project preparation under (Banlt) Development - To support sector reforms way, to improve the structure efficiency and competitiveness of the financial system, and to remove the existing constraints to capital markets development. In addition to policy support and technical assistance, loan would include multi- sectoral credit line. Environmental Assessment Category C. . _____ - -~~------------------- - 89 - r Country, ilmount & · Probable Stage of Processing and r I Lender 1 Project • Consulting Services Action on Procurement • LIA d) ry of Health 50.0 Municipal Health Services - ·To be determined, Appraisal mission (Bank) Decentralization of basic health care scheduled for November services and improvement of nutritional 1992. status of vulnerable groups. Environmental Assessment Category C. a de 182.0 Pollution Abatement and Sanitation - Consultants will be Financial/institutional eta y (Bank) Improve sanitary conditions in the required. action plan and arillado Bogota river. The project would environmental impact include: major sewerage and drainage studies to be prepared networks; initial works for abating before appraisal. pollution of the Bogota river; secondary water supply networks; and consultancies and training, Studies to control environmental impact under way. Envi.ronmental Assessment Category A. let ermined 200.0 Export Development - Project will To be determined. Appraisal report under (Bank) support the components of the preparation. government's economic modernization program focusing on trade facilitation policies, institutional strengthening measures and financing mechanisms to foster Colombia's non-traditional exports. Environmental Assessment Category B. y of 60.0 Agricultural Technology Transfer - To Consulting services will Preparation under way. ture (Bank) improve agricultural productivity be required for primarily of small-scale farmers through extension research strengthening of applied research.and training and the system for extension of technology institutional through municipalities in accordance strengthening. with Colombian decentralization reforms. Environmental Assessment Category C. rio de 266.0 National Highway Sector III - Consultants will be Approved by the Executive t1blicas y (Bank) Rehabilitation and paving of priority required for road Directors on March 26, rte (MOPT) sections of the national highway maintenance management, 1992. network, through financing of a time supervision of works,· slice of MOPT Investment Program over and studies of the road Retroactive financing 1992-1995. River works to close construction industry, totalling US$18.7 million secondary river channels in a 200- decentralization of is included for kilometer stretch of the middle national road network expenditures incurred Magdalena River. Also, technical and river maintenance after September 1991 for studies, training and technical dredging. approved civil works and assistance. Environmental Assessment consultants. Category B. (Fonda 200.0 Agriculture Credit - Provide a general To be determined. Appraisal report under (Bank) line of cr~dit for agriculture to preparation. uniento del FINAGRO for rediscounting through commercial banks and other financial Retroactive financing is iorio), and institutions. ·Crerinto, restructuring of the po'rt been engaged for way. Transport authority and rehabilitation of selected feasibility and (Cofinancing will be roads and bridges. Environmental engineering studies of required.) Assessment Category: To be determined. the port and for the restructuring of the port authority. Ministry of Public 40.0 (N) Road Rehabilitation - The project Consulting services will Identification under way. Works (Bank) would finance a time-slice of the be required. Government's 1994-1997 road rehabilita- tion and maintenance program. Environmental Assessment Category: To 'Be Determined. ------~----------- - 99 - •r Country, Amount ~ ementlng Pr~bable Stage of Processing and :y l Lender 2 Project • Consulting Services Action on Procurement• •try of Health 50.0 (R) Nutrition and Envirorunental Health - Consulting services will Identification/sector (Bank) Will support the Goverrunent's targeted be required for final ·study mission in the nutritional assistance programs and will design and engineering. field. improve access to potable water in rural areas through rehabilitation, upgrading and expansion of small scale water supply and sanitation systems, in order to improve the health status of the rural population. Envirorunental Assessment Category C. ,oracion de 60.0 (R) First Urban Water Pollution Control Consulting services will Identification mission in ,s Sanitarias (Bank) (formerly Sewerage) - The project will be required for final the field. lPOSANA) improve health and infrastructure design and monitoring of services to the low income population of water pollution control. Asuncion. It will provide collection and adequate sewage disposal services to about 250,000 inhabitants, increasing services from 40X to 60X to the year 2010 population. Envirorunental Assedsment Category B. istry of 3.0 Public Enterprise Reform - To provide The bulk of the project Project under ance (Bank) technical assistance for implementation cost will be deployed to preparation. of the Goverrunent's policy for finance consultancy privatization, including the services. establishment of regulatory bodies, financial consultancies for valuation, and investment banking/agency services to implement company sales. Envirorunental Assessment Category C. ,isterio de 45.0 Natural Resource Management I - Will To be determined. Appraisal report under :icultura (Bank) improve farm incomes and assist with the preparation. conservation of natural resources with specific 'measures to benefit indigenous communities in departments of Alto Parana and Itapua. Envirorunental Assessment Category A. tional 23.0 (R) Third Rural Water Supply - To Consulting services will Approved by the Executive nitation Service (Bank) improve living conditions of rural be required for Directors on ENASA) population by providing potable water institutional, financial September 10, 1992. and sanitation to about 250,000 people. and technical Envirorunental Assessment Category B. assistance. Q .nco Central 50.0 (R) Private Sector Development - Loan to Consultants likely to be Project has not been (Bank) channel credit to a wide range of final required. removed from the Lending borrowers. The loan will also support Program, as previously the liberalization of the financial reported. Further sector through strengthening the project processing regulatory and supervisory framework, delayed pending reform of monetary policy tools, discussions with the establishment of freely determined Goverrunent. interest rates, and the strengthening of the Central Bank. Technical assistance will be included to strengthen the Central Bank, primarily the Superintendency of Banks. Envirorunental Assessment Category B. - 100 - Member Country, Amount~ Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and Agency 1 Lender 2 Project > Consulting Services Action on Procurement • PARAGUAY (Cont'd) Ministerio de 50.0 Road Transport - Road construction Technical assistance and Appraisal report under Obras Publicas y (Bank) improvements and rehabilitation to training for preparation. Government Comunicaciones increase efficiency and capacity in institutional obtained a Project (MOPC) transporting agricultural products and development, detailed Preparation Facility institutional support for the engineering, advance to finance reorganization and modernization of MOPC environmental impact consulting services. and its highway directorate. assessments, transport Environmental Assessment Category B. studies and also staff training in the use of computer software for engineering applications would be provided during project preparation and implementation. Consultants for detailed engineering and to assist with project preparation have been contracted. Proposals for preparing environmental assessments were received on July 24, 1992. Ministry of Energy 30.0 (N) Energy and Mining Technical Consulting services will Pre-appraisal mission in and Mines (Bank) Assistance - Project will strengthen the be requi-red for the the field. Ministry of Mines and Energy so that it preparation of can carry out the sector reform and environmental guidelines privatization program. Project would for power, hydrocarbons_ include technical assistance for and mining. preparing legislation/regulations, power sector investments, envirorunental reviews, etc. Environmental Assessment Category C. To be determined 200.0 Municipal Development - Project will To be determined. Identification under way. (To be strengthen institutional and policy deter- reform in selected municipalities, mined) including the metropolitan region of Lima, and improve services in selected urban subsectors. Environmental Assessment Category B. Privatization 22.0 (R) Privatization Technical Assist·ance - Consulting services will Project preparation under Commission (COPRI) (Bank) Technical assistance will be in support be required for way, of the privatization adjustment loan, preparing the companies Environmental Assessment Category C, for privatization and for sectoral policy and regulatory reforms. Servicio de Agua. 150.0 Lima Water Privatization Rehabilitation To be determined. Identification in Potable y (Bank) - To reduce supply bottlenecks resulting progress. Alcantarillado de from unreliable and unpredictable Lima services, minimize health hazards; and promote increased efficiency through improved institutional and commercial practices. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 101 - ,r Country, Amount I. ,menting Probable Stage of Processing and ,y 1 Lender 2 Project ' Consulting Services ·Action on Procurem2nt 4 .'d) .tization Up to (R) Privatization Adjustment. - Consulting services will Appraisal mission ssion (COPRI) 250.0 Privatization of public sector not be required. scheduled for October 7, (Banlt) companies, especially in mining, 1992. telecommunications and hydrocarbons, including related policy and .regulatory reforms. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. determined Up to (R) Power Sector Adjustment To be determined. Project preparation under 200.0 (formerly Power Sector Reform and way. (Banlt) Rehabilitation) - Policy, regulatory and institutional reforms, including privatization, of the public sector enterprises in power. Environmental Assessment Category C. determined Up to Basic Health and Nutrition - The project To be determined. Project preparation under 125.0 will protect the poor during economic way. (Banlt) adjustment, by strengthening financing and delivery of targeted health ·and nutrition programs. Environmental i Assessment Category C. I ,I determined Up to Primary Education - The project will To be determined. Identification in 100.0 support improvements in quality of progress. (Banlt) primary and pre-primary education. Environmental Assessment Category C. try of Up to (R) Transport Rehabilitation - To be determined. Preparation mission in ~art and 100.0 Infrastructure rehabilitation in the field. :iications (Banlt) transport, railways and ports sector, including highways. Environmental Assessment Category B. try of Up to Financial Sector Reform - To strengthen Consulting services will Approved by the Executive ny and 400.0 financial sector policies and be required for Directors on June 17, ,e (Banlt) institutions, thereby promoting privatization, banlts 1992. competition and efficiency. portfolio restructuring, Environmental Assessment Category C. and improved efficiency in financial intermediation. try of 300.0 Trade Pol icy Adjustme~t loan to Consulting services Approved by the Executive :ny/Finance (Banlt) support government trade reform. will not be required. Directors on February 4, Environmental Assessment Category C. 1992. try of 300.0 SAL - Reforms in the areas of fiscal Consulting services Approved by the Exec~tive :ny/Finance (Banlt) policy, public administration, customs ·will not be required. Directors on March 26, and tax reform, labor markets, financial 1992. sector and agricultural marketing. Environmental Assessment Category C. -------- -·--· -·· -- - --- - 104 - J!iember Count%J1, Amount & Xmplem,mting Probable Stage of Processing and: 3 Agency 1 Lender 2• Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement • VENEZUELA (Cont'd) Instituto Nacional Up to (R) National Parks Management - Assist To be determined. Negotiations tentatively de Parques 60.0 the Government in implementing the scheduled for mid-Octooer (Bank) national systems of parks, to strengthen 1992. institutional capacity of INPARQUES/ MARNR for environmental education programs and involve the local communities in the preparation and implementation of management plans for parks and other conservation units. Environmental Assessment Category C. Direccion de Up to Agricultural Extension and Training - To be determined. Project preparation under Asistencia Tecnica 80.0 Strengthen agriculture technology way. of the Direccion (Bank) dissemination and agricultural training General Sectoria system. Environmental Assessment de Desarrollo 'Category C. Agricola, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Production Ministry of 150.0 (R) Highway Management - Supports Consulting services will Negotiations scheduled Transport and (Bank) institutional reforms aimed at gradually be required for for October 1992. Telecommunications decentralizing responsibilities for engineering, highways and would finance a time-slice construction supervision Retroactive financing of the rehabilitation program for the and technical would be considered up to sector in the 1993-97 period. a~sistance. 10~ of the loan·amount to Environmental Assessment Category B. help start implementation of project components. Consejo Venezolano Up to (R) Urban Transport I - Strengthening of Consulting services Appraisal mission in the de Transportes 100.0 the urban transport sector institutional required in the area of field. (MTC) (Bank) framework, financing mechanisms and traffic management and 0 local coordination. Infrastructure and co~trol , transport traffic management investments in six planning and urban municipalities and the Caracas transport economics. metropolitan region. Environmental Assessment Category B. Fundacion Gran 58.0 Student Loan Reform - Will support Consulting services will Approved by the Executive Mariscal de (Bank) student loans mainly for graduate be required for Directors on June 23, Ayacucho, studies in specialized fields of study. placement and management 1992. Fundacion Escuela Environmental Assessment Category C. of overseas graduate de Gerencia students, technical Social) assistance and training. Ministry Up to Irrigation Subsector - Establishment of To be determined. Preparation under way. Agriculture and 100.0 economically and financially viable Livestock, and (Bank) irrigation policies and support for Ministry of privatization and rehabilitation of Environment and public irrigation systems. Renewable Environmental Assessment Category: To Resources Be Determined. ·-1- - 105 - r Country, Amount S. menting Probable P' Stage of Processing and I Lender 2 Project • Consulting Services Action on Procurement• ~ 'd) determined Up to Power Sector Investment I - Would Consulting services are Project preparation under 220.0 support a program for institutional required in the area of way. (Barut) technical and financial rehabilitation thermal repowering, of the power sector, and would consist conversion to gas and of: (a) rehabilitation repowering and distribution loss conversion to gas of thermal power reduction program. plants; (b) reduction of technical and non-technical losses; (c) construction of transmission lines and sub-stations; and (d) technical assistance and training. Environmental Assessment Category B. ry of Health Up to (R) Endemic Disease Control - Would Consulting services will Negotiations completed. 94.0 stre,1gthen public endemic disease be required in design of Board presentation (Bank) control programs and epidemiological information system and scheduled for surveillance. Environmental Assessment computerized November 10, 1992. Category B. epidemiological mapping. erio del Up to Caracas Water Rehabilitation and To be determined. Preparation under way. te y los 100.0 Privatization - Rehabilitation of os Naturales (Bank) existing water supply facilities and bles (MARNR) support of the privatization of the Caracas water system operation. Environmental Assessment Category B. determined Up to Hospital Modernization - Investment in, To be determined. Project preparation under 100.0 modernization of hospital management way. (Bank) infrastructure and equipment, along with policy changes to improve efficiency and quality of health care. Environmental Assessment Category B. ry of Family Up to Low Income Barrios Improvement - To Consulting services to Approved by the Executive 42,5 counterbalance the effect of the be· determined at post Directors on June 23, (Bank) Goverrunent's macroeconomic adjustments' appraisal. 1992. program on the urban poor, the project would finance investments to improve infrastructure and studies in the slum areas of the country's major cities. Environmental Assessment Category B. ------~------- --- --- _,_... '.._ - 106 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and Agency 1 Lender 2 Project' Consulting Services Action on Procurement~ V. MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA REGION Ministry of 250.0 (N) Housing and Construction Critical Consulting services will Appraisal mission Housing (MOH) (Bank) Import - Project will help: be required. scheduled for (a) accelerate the completion of a September 25, 1992. sizable portion of the public social housing stock; and (b) provide technical assistance focussing on sector policy reform, formulation and implementation. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 75.0 Employment and.Vocational Training - To be determined. Preparation under way. Employment and (Bank) Quality and efficiency improvements in Vocational basic education. Assessment of quality Training teacher training and provision of pedagogical materials. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Ministry of 175.0 Agricultural Sector Adjustment - Would To be determined. Project preparation Agriculture (Bank) support medium-term agricultural starting in September adjustment strategy through reforms in 1992. policies relating to land markets, prices, input and output marketing, and trade policy. Would identify studies for further reforms. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 50.0 Irrigation Management Support (IMSP) - Consulting services will IEPS has been circulated. Equipment and (Bank) Project would support infrastructure be required. Housing rehabilitation and institutional strengthening of regional authorities responsible for operating existing large scale irrigation system. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 75.0 Municipal Development - Strengthen local Consultants services are Project preparation under Interior and (Bank) capacities in planning, budgeting and required to prepare a way. Environment implementing investments in training program for infrastructure, housing and each wilaya and to study environmental protection and public the feasibility of services; increase generation-of local investments in priority resources to reduce dependence on environmental sub- central government budget. projects. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 50.0 Basic Education Institutional To be determined. IEPS issued on June 28, Education (Bank) Development - Contribute to enhanced 1991. Project quality and efficiency in basic preparation under way. education by improving effectiveness in targetted institutions (grade schools and teacher training institutes). Environmental Assessment Category C. ,)? ---------------------------------- - . ~-- --·---- - 107 - Country, Amount & nting Probable Stage of Processing and Lender 2 Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 r of 57.0 (R) Sahara Development - To assist Consul ting s~.rvices Approved by the Executive ture and (Bank) government in defining and implementing will be required, Directors on r of an environmentally balanced water September 24, 1991. Date 1t development plan of Northern Sahara; to of signing to be strengthen organizations dealing with determined. Project water management and control and to implementation being increase agricultural production prepared by the Borrower. through: (a) technical assistance and preparation of studies; (b)' institution building; (c) rehabilitation of water extraction and d_istribution systems, and on farm development in existing oases. Environmental benefits will result from improved drainage, integrated pest management practices, proper use of available water resources, and better water management. Environmental Assessment Category B. :iat d'Etat 50.0 Toxic Wastes - Provides technical Preparatory· consultant Identification ~ission :herche (Bank) assistance to strengthen the study expected by March tentatively scheduled for :ique et a institutional framework for 1993 .· mid-1993. ,nnement environmental management, and assistance to industry for temporary storage of hazardous wastes and surveillance systems. Will also assist Government with establishment of water resource management system and water pollution surveillance. Environmental Assessment Category C. ' of 250.0 (R) SAL I - To support implementation of Consultants likely to be Pre-appraisal rescheduled (Bank) trade, price, tax and enterprise reform required. for November 1992. measures. Trade reform will focus on rationalizing ta,iffs and liberalizing foreign exchange allocation. Price reform will support liberalization of price-setting in concert with the establishment of a mechanism to protect vulnerable groups' access to essential goods and services. Fiscal reform will focus on rationalizing direct and indirect taxes. Enterprise reform will focus on physical restructuring and financial rehabilitation. , of 125.0 Highways VI - (a) improve Wilaya To be determined. Project under ,t (Bank) capabilities for road management and preparation. strengthen ME and Wilayas in program monitoring; (b) provide a more adequate balance between contracted and force account maintenance and foster increased competitiveness in the contracting of road works; and (c) rationalize transport sector planning and policy making. Appropriate conditions would be incorporated in the standard tender and supervision documents covering drainage and erosion, cultural property, borrowing pits, and materials disposal. Environmental Assessment Category B. - - -----~-·----~ - 108 - Member Country, Amount & Imp1ementing Probable Stage of Processing arui· Agency 1 , Lender 2 Projects Consulting Services Action on Procurement:'• ALGERIA (Cont'd) Ministry of 100.0 (R) Urban Transport Enterprise - To be determined. Project under Transport (Bank) Expansion of the provision of bus preparation. Fe~sibility services in main Algerian cit'ies, studies to start ·e~rly, through the: (a) rationalization of 1993. enterprises operating and management practices; (b) rehabilitation of existing bus fleets and acquisition of new buses; and (c) training and technical assistance for enterprise operations and financial management, and for the preparation of traffic management studies. The project is foreseen to have a positive'impact ,on the environment, mostly as a result of reduced engine emissions arising from improved operation and maintenance of the bus fleets. Further measures to mitigate vehicle pollution, including fuel substitution. would be pursued through a study. Environmental Assessment Category B. EGYPT. ARAB REPUBLIC OF Ministry of About Basic Education - Expanding access to Consulting services will Project appraisal Education 45.0 primary education and improving the be required.· scheduled for (IDA) quality, relevance and resource September 30, 1992, efficiency of the primary education programs. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of About (R) Matruh Resource Management·- Consulting services for Appraisal mission Agriculture and 21.6 Promotes sustainable agriculture in feasibility study were tentatively scheduled for Land Reclamation (IDA) northwest coastal zone by improved financed through November 1992. management of rainfall and of Japanese and UNDP rangelands. No adverse environmental grants, impact is expected. Environmental Assessment Category B/C. Principal Bank for About (R) Agricultural Modernization - To To be determined. Project appraisal Development and 150.0 support promotion of improved technology postponed until January' Agricultural (Bank) packages, including selective 1993 to allow time for Credit mechanization of production and financial analysis of the processing. Environmental Assessment implementing agency. Category B. Helwan, Tourah and About (R) Helwan Industrial Pollution/Energy Consulting services will Project appraisal mission National Cement 50.0 Conservation - Debottlenecking and be required. scheduled for·October/, Companies (Bank) modernization at three cement plants, November 1992. 50.0 training and environmental protection (Cofinancing from KfW and (IDA) components and policy reforms covering DANIDA.) ! pricing, distribution and management. Total project cost about US$250.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category B, _______________________________ ____________________________ :_~,;,'•.,.._ - 109 - Country, Amount & nting Probable Stage of Processing and Lender 2 Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurement• y of About Nubaria Agriculture Intensification - Consultant services Project preparation under ture and 40.0 Intensify crop production, raise yields, likely to be required. way. Government to clamation (Bank/ and introduce oilseed crops in West complete field studies IDA) Nubaria reclaimed lands. Social impact for drainage and ~ositive. Environmental Assessment agricultural component. Category B. y of About (R) Private Sector Tourism Consulting services will Yellow cover appraisal , Tourism 140.0 Infrastructure and Environment not be required. report under preparation. nent (Bank) Management - Project would support the (A US$4.75 million grant ty Government in improving the policy was obtained from the environment for the tourism sector Global Environment through further investment Facility (GEF) -- see rationalization and deregulation, and Annex C. The GEF privatization of the tourism portfolio. component has been Would provide catalytic financial appraised as part of the support for infrastructure development main project.) in major tourist areas sponsored by the private sector in order to mobilize long-term financing from commercial banks on a limited recourse basis and venture capital for equity investments. Environmental impact studies have been undertaken. Environmental Assessment Category A. 'I of About (R) Railways III - To assist Government Consultant services will Further processing of rt 200.0 in improving efficiency of railway be required for project unlikely. (Bank) operations. It includes track renewal financial and tariff Government has not and supply of spare parts for traction, studies, traffic included project in the rolling stock and workshop equipment, costing, economic agreed program. replacement of old locomotives and analysis and coaches and other similar equipment. supervision. The project would yield environmental gains through diversion of traffic from roads to railway and replacement 0£ old locomotive with diesel and electric powered units. Environmental Assessment Category C. y of 125.0 Elementary and Guidance Education - The To be determined. Project is in on (IBRD) project would help improve quality in identification/ elementary and guidance education with a preparation stage. particular focus on improving girls'. education, notably in poorer rural areas. It would also provide civil works, materials, equipment, fellowships and technical assistance. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. .etermined 125.0 Primary Health Care and Family Consulting services will Project is in (IBRD) Planning - The project would help be required in manpower identification/ improve health status and reduce development and preparation stage. fertility through expanded improvement 'training, information in the primary health care/maternal and education communications child health, and family planning in family planning, and services. Environmental Assessment health information Category C. systems. - 110 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and Agency 1 ' Lender 2 Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurement <, ~ (Cont'd) Ministry of 175.0 Irrigation Improvement - Project would Consulting services Pre-appraisal mission Agriculture/ (Banlt) support _,actions to improve irrigation likely to involve water completed July 1992. , Ministry of Energy operati6ns in four provinces. The management, studies Appraisal report under and Water components would include: (a) invest- related to environmental preparation. ments for improving, extending and aspects monitoring and completing on-farm developments serving evaluation as well as about 100,000 ha net irrigable area feasibility studies for spread over four subprojects, together second irrigation with institutional support for improving improvement project. extension operations adaptive research and providing farm machinery, for strengthening planning, training and technical assistance, and for project administration. Support would also be provided for studies on technical and policy issues related to the irrigation subsector. Environmental Assessment Category B. TREC About (R) Power Sector Efficiency Consulting services will Negotiations under way. 150.0 Improvement - Project would include: be required to supervise (Cofinancing will be (Bank) (a) conversion of Qom gas turbines to construction and required.) combined cycle operation; undertake studies. (b) substations and transmission lines; and (c) engineering and project management; and (d) studies and training. Environmental Assessment Category B. Council for 150.0 (N) Emergency Recovery - The project Consulting services for Identification was Development and (Bank) would finance part of the Goverrunent's project preparation have completed in August 1992. Reconstruction three year emergency recovery program to been committed. Project pre-appraisal (CDR) and other rehabilitate essential physical Additional services will mission scheduled for ·sector ministries infrastructure and possibly, housing and be required to support October 1992. Appraisal social facilities. The project would project management and mission scheduled for also strengthen existing institutions in implementation in the January 1993. charge of planning, financing and following sectors: implementing emergency reconstruction water, waste water, projects. Environmental Assessment solid waste, transport, Category: To Be Determined. power, telecommunica- ions and public buildings. Financing ls expected to be provided by the EEC. Ministry of 50.0 (R) Social Housing Development - The To be determined. Appraisal mission Housing (Banlc) objective of the project is the scheduled for October 16 reduction of poverty stricken areas and to November 6, 1992. assistance to low income families. This will primarily be accomplished by the provision of serviced lots. Environmental Assessment Category B. -------------------------------- - 111 - ~ Country,_ Amount & nenting Probable Stage of Processing and r ' Lender 2 Project ' ·Con!'ulting Services Action on Procurement• 12 d) determined 150.0 Social Priorities Support - Project To be determined. Identification scheduled (BaJ;lk) ·would s~pport: (a) implementation of for September/October the social action program (d~fined under 1992. SAL II); (b) address systematic issues and cross-sectoral constra·ints in the public management of human resources and social sectors; and (c) improvement of the provision of basic social services to disadvantaged groups. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. ry of Public 70.0 Industrial Training - Project would: To be determined. Project preparation under (Bank) (a) emphasize linkages between the way. employers in the industrial sectors and Financing from the the training institutions; (b) promote -Japanese PHR Fund in-company training: and (c) provide approved. human development to enterprises. Environmental Assessment Category C. ry of Abo:ut Rural Poverty Reduction and Environment Consulting services are Project preparation under or, 30.0 Protection - The project would. provide required for project way, including IEPS. ion Generale (Bank) for economic opportunities and social preparation. llectivites • services to the rural poor, in s particular in mountain areas, while at the same time protecting the biodiversity environment. Also, construction of a rural road ~ccess network as a key condition for Bank support. Environmental Assessment Category D. determined 25.0 (R) Irrigated Areas - Agricultural To be determined. Pre-appraisal mission (Bank) Support - Project would provide funding sc!feduled for October for: (a) strengthening extension 1992. services of the regional irrigation authorities (ORMVA) and promote the participation of farmers' organizations and the private sector in the development and dissemination of improved technology: (b) an applied research program: (c) staff and farmer training: (d) complementary investments to extend soil testing and develop appropriate mechanization: (e) establishment of a monitoring system; and .Cf) studies. Environmental Assessment Category B. :ry of 150.0 (R) Second Agriculture Sector Investment Consulting services are Preparation mission 1lture and (Bank) (ASIL II) - Loan is in support of a required for project scheduled for October .an Reform tranche of Morocco's investment program preparation/appraisal. 1992 . in agriculture. It would also promote further sector policy and institutional reforms. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Det'ermined. - 112 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and Agency 1 Lender 2 Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurement• ~ (Cont'd) 100.0 Wastewater Irrigation - The project Consulting services will IEPS issued. I Ministere de l'Information et de l'Interieur (Bank) would be a follow-up to the implementation of sewerage and primary be required for project preparation, including Government's proposals awaited for I treatment facilities for Casablanca, the preparation of interministerial Agadir and Khouibga, and would include: environmental impact coordination for project\ (a) additional treatment as required; studies. studies. (b) irrigation systems; and (c) institutional development aiming to set up appropriate organizations for implementation, operation and maintenance. Environmental Assessment Category AID. Ministere de 40.0 Labor Market Intermediation - To be determined. Appraisal mission l'Emploi (Bank) Development of labor market information postponed until July and intermediation mechanisms to 1993. increase mobility and access to jobs, facilitate small-scale job creation, and promote in-service training. Environmental Assessment Category C. ONPT 100.0 Second Telecommunications - To support· Consulting services Staff appraisal report \ (Bank) sector restructuring (including may be require<1;. issued. Negotiation~ l promotion of private sector investment tentatively scheduled for in value-added services and development end September 1992. of a new legal and regulatory framework) and to finance expansion of network, with possible parallel financing from multilateral and bilateral agencies. Environmental Assessment Category B, To be determined 20.0 Higher Education Funding Reform - Aims To be determined. Appraisal mission ' (Bank) at diversifying higher education scheduled for October financing by promoting cost efficiency, 1992. and supporting qualitative improvements. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 75.0 National Watershed Management - To To be determined. Project being identified. Agriculture and (Bank) improve land use and natural resources Background studies unde'r Agrarian Reform management in mountain areas and reduce way. siltation in reservoirs and associated hydraulic infrastructure. Main components would include: (a) institutional and organizational development; (b) improvement of legal framework for land use ·in mountain areas; (c) investments in selected watersheds: (d) applied and adaptive research and extension; and (e) technical assistance and training. Environmental Assessment Category D. Credit I11111obiler 100.0 Housing Finance III - Project aims to To be determined. Preparation will follow Hotelier (CIH) and (Bank) improve housing conditions in low income Bank sector strategy Commercial Banks communities, further develop the housing paper to be completed in (To be determined) sector, and encourage commercial banks FY94. to participate in mortgage lending in the context of the reform of the financial sector. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. - - 113 - r Country,. Amount &. nenting Probable Stage of Processing and , l Lender 2 Project • Consulting Services Action on Procurement• ~ 'd) )ther Banks 100.0 (R) National Rural Finance - Project Consultant services are IEPS approved. Project (Bank) will provide line of credit and required in WID pre-appraisal under way. assistance to Credit Agricole of Morocco activities, banking (Cofinancing meeting (CNCA) to: (a) develop the sustainable training, institutional completed for July 1-2, foundations of a high quality and building, an~ crop 1992.) competitive intermediary within a insurance. progressively liberalized financial system in the country; and (b) support rural/agro-industry investments by the private sector. Environmental Assessment Category B. , National de 500.0 (R) Fifth Water Supply - Rehabilitation Consulting services will ·Appraisal mission Potable (Bank) of Regies to achieve full sustainability be r~quired for final completed in April 1992. Regies, and and reinforcement extension works, design, bidding Appraisal scheduled for unent social connections studies, technical documents, bid January 1993. assi~tance and training. Improvement of evaluation works hydrologic and meteorologic data supervision and punctual gathering and analysis, and a sanitary technical assistance. education campaign and pilot rural water supply project. Environmental · Assessment Category B. cry of 175.0 (R) Second Large Scale Irrigation - Consultants will be Project appraisal, ,lture (Bank) Will complete the infrastructure rehabil required. completed. Green cover itation and management restructuring of scheduled to be sent to the Regional Offices for Agricultural Regional Vice President Development. Environmental Assessment on September 25, 1992. Category B. cry of About (R) Municipal Finance I - Project aims Consulting services will Appraisal mission .or/Fonds 150.0 to improve urban infrastructure, and be required for the ·scheduled for · .pment (Bank) continue improving local management and development of October/November 1992. ,al intergovernmental finance. information systems for Environmental Assessment Category B. the central government to oversee the local sector. :ry of 50.0 Secondary Education - Quality and To be determined. Identification mission :ion (Bank) efficiency improvements in general scheduled for FY93. seconda~y education. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. :ry of 80.0 (R) Agricultural Sector Investment Consulti~g services will Identification mission 1lture (Bank) (ASIL) - Would support policy reforms in be required. scheduled for ·end four key areas: (a) irrigation and September 1992. water use efficiency; (b) natural resources; (c) marketing/agroindustry; and (d) land tenure. Would also finance priority investments in the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture in.these same areas. Environmental Assessment Category B. ·' - 114 - Member Country, ·Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and i Agency 1 Lender 1 Project' Consulting Services Action on Procurement• !!U!!fil! (Cont'd) 1 Ministry of 70.0 (R) Second Forestry Development - To be determined. Preparation completed anc Agriculture (Bank) Project would improve quality ·and report expected quantity of wood production, reduce soil momentarily. Appraisal erosion and preserve wildlife through: mission scheduled for (a) forest management; (b) forest October 1992. plantation; (c) pilot forestry projects; (d) forest pasture and range improvement; (e) nature conservation and development of Ichkeul Park; and (f) institutional development. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 25.0 Northwest Rural Poverty Alleviation - In Consulting services FAO/CP identification/ Agriculture (Bank) addition to consolidating the main will be required. preparation mission infrastructure components, objectives reports received. Bank would be to: (a) alleviate poverty of preparation mission I rural areas in undeveloped northwest tentatively scheduled for' I region; (b) promote women in development end November 1992. as women contribute significantly to region's productive activities; (c) increase the rural population's income and employment opportunities; and (d) improve the environment through soil and water conservation and erosion control. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministere de 65.0 National Flood Protection - The project Consultants' terms-of- Preparation under way. l'Equipment et de (Bank) would have the following objectives: reference prepared and l'Habitat (a) developing a national strategy for consultants flood control and protection; prequalification carried (b) minimizing flood damages by the out. construction of appropriate infrastructure; improving flood control operations and maintenance; and improving cost recovery. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministere de 112.0 (R) Integrated Water Resources Consultants will be Prepar~tion under way. l'Agriculture (Bank) Development (formerly Northern Tunisia required for technical Appraisal mission Water Resource Mobilization and assistance in water scheduled for October Management) - The project would promote management. 1992. an integrated development and management of surface water, groundwater, and wastewater in filling the demand for urban supply and irrigation. It would include physical works for water storage, wastewater treatment and reuse, rehabilitation and installation of meters, studies and technical assistance. Environmental Assessment Category A. Development and 80.0 Industrial Finance - Provide long term Consultants will be Project preparation under Commercial Banks (Bank) financing to industry and enhance required for way. (to be determined) competition in Tunisian banking system. institutional Technical assistance envisaged for development of institutional development of participating banks. participating banks. Environmental Assessment Category B. _: 115 - er Country,. Amount & ementing · Probable Stage of Processing and cy' Lender 1 Project ' Consulting Services ,· Action on Procurement 4 SIA ~·d) >nal Bank for 50.0 (R) National Rural Finance - ·The loan Consultants required for IEPS issued. Preparation :ul ture (BNA) (Bank) supports: (a) consolidation and training specialists and mission completed. expansion of rural banking systems institution bJilding, Preparation report (credit and savings); (b) development of received but not institutional capability of BNA and completed. diversification of credit operations (Cofinancing from EIB and into private rural non-farm and export Kredit Anstalt fur promotion activities. Environmental Wiederaufbau (KfW) Assessment Category B. possible.) Retroactive financing of up to 10% is planned. ,teres de 80.0 Highway Sector - The scope of this Consultants required for Project preparation under 1ipement et de (Bank) project has been broadened to include technical assistance and way. 1itat/ improvement, rehabilitation and im~lementation. ,ports/ maintenance of priority sections of ,ulture trunk and urban roads to better support sectoral strategy and to respond better to economic needs. Environmental Assessment Category B. ,teres des 80.0 (R) Transport Sector - Project would: Consultants required for Further preparation ,ports and de (Bank) (a) increase prod_uctivity promote sub-sectoral expertise awaiting Government 1ipement/ modeaiization and rehabilitation in and technical assistance clearance. 1itat railways, ports and airports; and to Ministry of (Possible financing from· (b) improve read transport organization Transport. 'the Global Environment through deregulation, road safety Facility (GEF) -- see measures, and road user charge Annex C.) adjustments. Environmental Assessment Category B. :try of 75.0 (R) Municipal Sector Investment - Consultants required for Approved by the Executive '.ior (Bank) Improvement of municipal finance and technical assistance Directors on July 2, management, and municipal infrastructure component. 1992. investments. Environmental Assessment Category B. I I REPUBLIC OF ,try of 15.0 Livestock Development - Increasing To be determined. FAO/CP preparation report ,ulture and (IDA) productivity of indigenous livestock due October 1992. : Resources through broad actions to improve quality and output centered on: (a) selective upgrading of breeding stock, rehabilitation of rangelands and expanding forage and feedstuffs production; (b) developing extension and veterinary services: and (c) modernizing processing facilities. Environmental Assessment Category B. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - -----~-- ....... ,_...._ ...... :;; -· ------- ------ - 116 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and 3 Agency .' ..Lender 2 Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement' YEMEN I REPUBLIC OF (Cont'd) Yemeni General About Energy/Power - As a result of the Consultants will be Project identification Electricity 10.3 1.lllification of People's Democratic required to supervise under way. Corporation (YGEC) (IDA) Republic of Yemen and Yemen Arab construction. (Cofinancing may be . Republic, the project content -is being required). revised. The current tentative scope consists of urban rehabilitation, line loss reduction and technical assistance components. No negative environmental or social impacts are expected. Environmental Assessment Category B. National Water and ·About Taiz Water Supply and Sewerage System Consulting services for Project preparation under Sanitation 30.0 Rehabilitation and Reinforcement - feasibility studies and way. Pre-appraisal. Authority (IDA) Rehabilitation and reinforcement of the master plans including mission completed. water utility NWSA and water production technical assistance and Appraisal mission and distribution facilities and training. scheduled for June 1993. extension of sewerage system to improve Project Preparation water supply and sewerage services in Facility advance of Taiz. Issues: water resources US$1.5 million approved management, cost recovery, technical to finance: assistance and training. Environmental (a) feasibility study and Assessment Category B. master plan finalized; (b) water resource exploratory drilling (ongoing); and (c) equipment for measurement and leak detection. ( ·"""---·-·----- ---------------------------- - 117 - er Country,. Amount & ementing Probable Stage of Processing and ,y 1 Lender 2 Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 VI. SOUTH ASIA REGION . adesh Water 65.0 (N) Cyclone Shelter - The project will To be determined . Project preparation under .opment Board (Bank) include: construction of 1,000 to 1,500 way. multi-purpose cyclone shelter-cum-school buildings, and complementary physician infrastructure to facilitate the functioning of the shelters for cyclone evacuation and relief; and support for community NGO involvement in the operation of shelter services. Environmental Assessment Category B, adesh 50.0 (N) Fourth Telecommunications - The Consultants employed Project under raph and (IDA) proposed project would: (a) assist the under the Japan Grant preparation. hone Board GOB with telecommunications sector Facility funds are (Cofinancing will be ) reforms, including development of sector carrying out required, but has not yet policies and regulation to improve telecommunications been determined,) sector performance and increase private sector reform study. sector participation; (b) assist BTTB•s The project would transition from a Government board to an provide the necessary autonomous commercial entity; and consulting services to (c) improve quality of and increase implement the recommen- access to telecommunications services. dations for sector Environmental Assessment Category B. restructuring. try of 30.0 (R) Non-Formal Education - The project To be determined. Project under tion (IDA) would: (a) increase the availability of preparation. Pre- non-formal education to the poor, in appraisal mission particular to women; (b) ensure the tentatively scheduled for quality of non-formal education to be October 1992. delivered; and (c) improve management structures for efficient instructional delivery of Government and Non- Government education providers. Environmental Assessment Category C. adesh Power 80.0 East/West Interconnector - Project would Engineering design and Project preparation under opment Board (IDA) provide for the second power bid document preparation way. transmission interconnection .between for interconnector is East and West zones, and would also basically completed. strengthen the transmission system in System study for the West Zone. The interconnection strengthening would be constructed across the Jamuna transmission system in River and would be used to transmit west zone in progress, electricity generated using indigenous gas in the East zone to the West zone to substitute for electricity generated using imported liquid fuel oil. Environmental Assessment Category B, ,try of Jute 150.0 Jute Sector Adjustment - Restructure Consulting services will Appraisal mission (IDA) jute manufacturing industry by be required for project scheduled for second downsizing capacity, retrenching excess implementation. quarter of FY93. labor, closing uneconomical mills, improving management, privatization and financial restructuring. Environmental Asse3sment Category: To Be Determined. - 120 - Member Country, Amount&. Implementill3 Probable Stage of Processing and Agency 1 Lender 2 Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement• BANGLADESH (Cont'd) Chittagong Water 20.0 Chittagong Water Supply and Sanitation Recruitment of water Project processing Supply & Sewerage (IDA) III - Objectives are to assist CWSSA to supply and sewerage deferred, pending Authority (CWSSA) become a more efficient and effective design/supervision Government's reaction to institution through rehabilitation/ consultants by CWSSA a proposed reform optimization of existing facilities and will commence in January program. improved technical, financial, 1993. managerial and administrative capabilities. Project has been revised and now includes an institutional reform program to improve CWSSA•s financial and operational performance, efforts to reduce unaccounted for water, limited expansion of the water production facilities, extensive rehabilitation of water distribution system, and technical assistance and training. Positive environmental impact by improved sani:ation across income groups and by treatment of domestic, commercial and industrial waste water. Environmental Assessment Category B. Jamuna 150.0 (R) Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge - Consultants will be Appraisal mission to be Multipurpose (IDA) Construction of a major multi-purpose required for project scheduled. Bridge Authority (road-energy telecommunications bridge management and civil (Cofinancing from ADB for across the Jamuna (Brahmaputra) River to works supervision. US$150.0 million; and reduce transport costs and support the Japan). Northwest's economic integration with the rest of the country. Total project Procurement: Civil works, cost estimated at US$528.0 million. components to be financed Supplementary Environmental studies by IDA, and co- under way. Some involuntary financiers. Pre- resettleme'nt will be required. qualification completed. Environmental Assessment Category A. Bidding documents completed, bids invited on September 1, 1992. Bangladesh Power 136.0 (R) Power Rehabilitation - Project Consultants will be Board presentation Development Board (IDA) includes: rehabilitation of selected required for supervision scheduled for power plants, grid substations and of project implementa- December 15, 1993. transmission lines to restore rated tion. IDA's no objection Project processing generating capacity/extend plant life to negotiate with dependent on power and improve system efficiency/ selected consultants has sector's improved reliability of supply; and installation been issued, performance and p~ogress of capacitors in selected areas of with reforms. distribution system to reduce losses/ improve voltage. Environmental Procurement: Bid Assessment Category B. documents being finalized. Retroactive financing being considered. BOGMC 100.0 (R) Gas Infrastructure - (a) integration Experts on gas network Pre-appraisal mission (IDA) of gas grid (Bakhrabad-Ashuganj analysis, pipeline completed in August 1992. pipeline); (b) compression facility; engineering and Appraisal mission (c) upstream drilling and development; environmental safety scheduled for November (d) grid control and operations safety covered by Japanese 1992. systems; and (e) technical assistance in Grant Facility. gas network management. Environmental Assessment Category A. J - 121 - Country, Amount & ,enting Probable Stage of Processing and Lender 2 Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurement• Department 5.0 Third Forestry - To support To be determined. Appraisal report under (IDA) environmental protection and management, preparation. and improve the sustainability of (Cofinancing from SOC and natural resource use through collaboration with IFAD afforestation of vulnerable roadsides, possible.) management and protection of forest and grassland areas, and management and restocking of forest areas designated to supply urban, industrial and institutional needs. Environmental Assessment Category B. oent of 110.0 (N) Agricultural Development - Rajasthan Consulting services will Project was formerly 1an (IDA) - Project would assist the state be required. combined with the ADP government in promoting accelerated Karnataka Project. growth in agriculture through policy Negotiations tentatively reforms, improved planning, and scheduled for October 3, investment in the sector consistent with 1992. the state's revised agricultural strategy. Environmental Assessment Category B. 1ent of 75.0 Orissa Water Resources Consolidation To be determined. Project preparation under :ion, (Bank) (WRCP II) - To support a state level way. Pre-appraisal 1ent of 125.0 investment program to improve dependent upon state' (IDA) performance of irrigation and expand Government progress, irrigation and drainage; improve tentatively scheduled for operation and maintenance; complete and May/June 1993. rehabilitate irrigation schemes; and reform sector institutions. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. cy of Health 90.0 (R) Blindness Control - The project To be determined. Preparation under way. (IDA) would reduce cataract blindness by I raising ophthalmic surgical capabilities in fixed facilities and camps, while promoting public awareness. Environmental Assessment Category C. ,ents of 150.0 (R) Population IX - Support of family Expatriate consulting Preparation under way. & Family (IDA) welfare program in the states of services will not be , (states of Rajasthan and Assam. Components to required. 1an and include service delivery, civil works, communications, and program management. Environmental Assessment Category C. Department 125.0 (R) AP Forestry - Development of Consulting services are The first preparation Pradesh (IDA) statewide forestry project in Andhra being provided by a mission is completed. A Pradesh which will comprise Dutch firm using Dutch second preparation institutional reform, plantation Trust Funds. mission is in the field. development, national forest management, wildlife conservation and biodiversity. Environmental Assessment Category B. ·----------- ------ - - - - 122 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and Agency 1 Lender 2 Project • Consulting Services Action on Procurement •. ~ (Cont'd) National Power 350.0 (R) NPTC Power System - The principal Consulting services will Appraisal completed in Transmission (Bank) objectives would be to: (a) rationalize be required for the June 1992. Appraisal Corporation (NPTC) organization of the transmission sector preparation .and report under preparation. and promote coordination and inter- implementation of regional and inter-state power trading coordination and control through regulatory, tariff and system projects and institutional reforms; (b) support technical assistance for NPTC•s institutional development and NPTC•s development: help introduce financial performance targets and commercial arrangements for NPTC; and (c) support NPTC in implementation of its least cost investment program. Environmental Assessment Category B. To be determined 200.0 Gas Infrastructure Development - Oil and To be determined. Project is in early stage (Bank) gas distribution °infrastructure or coal of preparation. mining rehabilitation/development to promote efficient production and distribution of fuels and/or restructuring of coal industry. l Environmental Assessment Category B. \ Government of Kerala, KUDP Project Management Unit ~ ?5.0 (Bank)/ 75.0 (IDA) (R) Kerala Urban - Project seeks to improve urban financing, management, and efficient resource utilization in provision of urban services. Will also \ To be determined. Pre-appraisal mission delayed. Timing to be determined. ' ·focus on improvements in finance, traffic and transport, water supply, and sanitation and environmental improvements. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Central Water 200.0 Natio~al Water Management II/0 & M - To be determined. Draft IEPS is scheduled Commission/State (IDA) Second phase of project to improve water for March 15, 1993. Departments of control and delivery on existing Irrigation irrigation schemes. Project would extend improvements to additional states. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. National 300.0 NHPC Baglihar Hydroelectric - The To be determined. Project is in pre- Hydroelectric (Bank) project aims to increase hydroelectric feasibility stage. Power Corporation generation in the northern region, (NHPC) improve maintenance of NHPC•s hydro plants, and prepare feasibility studies for potential hydroelectric plants. It comprises: a 450 MW hydroplant at Baglihar; upgrading of existing NHPC hydro plants; and training in maintenance and project management and feasibility studies. Environmental Assessment Category A. To· be determined 300.0 Power - SEB Restructuring - Promotes To be determined. Project is in its early (Bank) major changes in the structure and stage of preparation. operations of a group of state electrical.boards. Environmental Assessment Category C. ____ ___,_____ - 123 - Country, Amount & nting Probable 1 Stage of Processing and Lender 2 Project • Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 Sarovar 225.0 Sardar Sarovar Canal•s II - ·Project To be determined. IEPS issued December Nigam, (Bank) provides funding for construction of 1991. Further Bank overnment 150.0 water delivery and drainage works of the processing awaits rat) (IDA) ongoing 1,8 m ha command area of the deliberations on findings Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP). Its of the Morse Team review components include: canals, drainage of SSP•s ongoing networks and minor network blocks; canal 'resettlement and hydro generation and pump plants; canal rehabilitation and operations control and communication environmental components equipment; rehabilitation of canal- under Cr. 1552/Ln. 2497- affected people; and training and IN (Dam and Power) and technical assist~nce, Environmental Cr.. 1553-IN (Water : Assessment Category A. 0 Delivery and Drainag e), Natural 350.0 CR) Oil and Gas Development II - The To be determined. Project is in the Biss ion (Bank) primary objective would be to provide preparation stage. technical and financial support to ONGC I_ for.speeding up the development of its oilfields with the help of joint · ventures. The second objective would be to assist the Government in the implementation of further reforms in the oil and gas_ sectors that would give commercial considerations more weight in the decisions taken in these sectors. Environmental Assessment Category A. ,nts of 100.0 CR) Agriculture Development IV - Project To be determined. Project is in pre- Ld Madhya (IDA) will assist state governments in policy feasibility stage. IEPS reforms and investments in priority scheduled for February subsectors. Environmental Assessment 1993. Category: To.Be Determined . , of 92.0 . Rubber - Project would expand rubber Limited consultant Approved by the Executive ,, Rubber (IDA) sector through: (a) replanting of old services are required, Directors on July 2, :overnment low yielding rubber (40,000 ha); (b) new 1992. rubber plantings (30,000 ha); (c) productivity enhancement on existing rubber small holdings (60,000 ha); (d) support for establishment ff new rubber processing factories; and (e) institutional support for the Rubber Board including research, training, women and tribal development and extension, monitoring and evaluation. Environmental Assessment Category B. ,termined 400.0 (R) Social Safety Net Adjustment To be.determined. Initiating memo (IDA) (formerly National Renewal Fund) distributed on Ass·istance for strengthening social September 4, 1992, safety nets related to the potential Appraisal mission consequence of adjustment. departure scheduled for Environmental Assessment Category C. September 28, 1992. mt of '150.0 ICDS III - Project will further To be determined. Project not yet ,lfare and (IDA) strengthen integrated child development identified. ,velopment, services. Environmental Assessment , of Human Category C. nent ----""·-~- -------- ---- -------- - 124 - Men.iber Country, Amount & Implementing · ,Probable Stage of Processing and Agency 1 Lender 1 Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurement• ~ (Cont'd) Directorate 110.0 Leprosy Control - Project would develop To be determined. Pre-appraisal mission General of Health (IDA) a leprosy control intervention in scheduled for October Service Ministry selected districts targeting an expected 1992. of Health & Family caseload of 1.5 million individuals. Welfare Would also provide for multi-drug therapy, health education, training, infrastructure, disability care, and support to information. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 400.0 CR) Trade Adjustment I. - This is a Consulting services will Preparation mission date Finance (Bank) policy based operation which aims at be required. to be determined. supporting India's trade liberalization policy. Environmental Assessment Category N/A. 1 Nodal agency not 300.0 Public Enterprises/Private Sector Consulting services will Dialogue is continuing on 1· yet determined (Bank) Development I - To support the be required for the _enabling policy Government's efforts at reform of restructuring planning. environment. central public sector enterprises Restructuring studies for] (CPEs). The enabling policy environment a number of selected CPEs • seeks to induce greater efficiency in have been completed. ] CPEs through inter alia divestiture and elimination of budgetary supports. The project will include adjustment actions at the enterprise level, including restructuring, workouts, divestitures, etc. Environmental Assessment Category :!!., National Thermal 400.0 (R) NTPC Power Generation - The proposed To be determined. Pre-appraisal mission Power Corporation (Bank) project would comprise: (a) a four to completed in June 1992. (NTPC) five year time-slice of NTPC•s least Appraisal dependent upon cost investment program of new. coal and fulfillment of conditions gas-based power stations for which full by GOI and NTPC. funding has not yet been arranged; (b) support to NTPC to undertake one or more joint sector operations; (c) implementation of an Environmental Action Plan (EAP); and (d.) technic::al assistance for strengthening of NTPC's environmental management capability and implementation of the EAP. Environmental Assessment Category A. Department of 75.0 Haryana Water Resources Consolidation To be determined. Project preparation under Irrigation, (Bank)/. (WRCP I) - To support a state level way. Pre-appraisal Government of 125.0 investment program to improve mission dependent upon Haryana (IDA) performance of irrigation and expand state progress targetted irrigation and drainage; improve for May 1993. operations and maintenance; complete and rehabilitate irrigation schemes; and reform sector institutions. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. - 125 - ::ountry, Amount & r,.ting Probable Stage of Processing and l 2 Lender Project ' Consulting Services Action _on Procurement • mt of 100.0 UP Sodic - Project would reclaim about To be determined. Project appraisal planned =adesh (IDA) 65,000 ha of sodic land in about 10 in November 1992. districts, focusing mainly on privately owned lands to bring them to double- Procurement: To be cropped irrigated arable production, and determined. tree and pasture development on about 4,000 ha of community land. It would assist pilot programs in developing alternative cropping systems based on fruit trees and aromatic plant cultivation. It would provide institutional support to the project implementing agencies, Environmental Assessment Category B. ,nt of 117 .o (R) Bihar Plateau - Project would To be determined. The project has been (IDA) strengthen GOB•s development planning prepared by the and evaluation capabilities, identify Government of Bihar with and support the development of minor Bank support. Appraisal irrigation for increased agricultural completed. Yellow cover production in mostly tribal areas, staff appraisal report improve village water supply and rural issued. Package to roads, and involve local NGOs in the Regional Vice President selection of beneficiary activities and September 18, 1992. assist in their implementation. The project would also create employment Procurement: To be opportunities for women. Environmental determined. Assessment Category B, ,nt of 100.0 (R) ADP - Karnataka - Project will To be determined. Project is in preparation :a (IDA) assist the Government of Karnataka in stage. Environment policy reforms and investments in Impact Statement (EIS) priority subsectors. Environmental scheduled for March 1993, Assessment Category B. ,nt of About Karnataka Rural Water Supply & Consultants have been Appraisal mission ,velopment, 100.0 Environmental Sanitation - Would improve recruited. scheduled for October ,nt of (IDA) health and productivity in rural areas 1992. through provision of rural water _supply, environmental sanitation and health education services in Karnataka. Project would focus on improving environmental sanitation. Environmental Assessment Category B. , of 200.0 Port Modernization - Project will focus To be determined. Draft preparatory study Transport (Bank) on port modernization and productivity received. Final report improvements with no major new expected end September construction works. Environmental 1992. Assessment Category B. (Trust funding obtained for review of ship waste disposal and require- ments, oil pollution contingency planning situation, and hazardous material handling in ports.) - 128 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing.and Agency 1 Lender 2 Project-' Consulting Services Action on Procurement• !!mY (Cont•d) Ministry of Water 100.0 (R) Narmada River Basin Development - Studies on environmental Project documents have Resource (IDA) Assistance for catchment treatment in issues and water been drafted. Further (Narmada Control the Sardar Sar·ovar Project catchment modelling. Also, processing on hold Authority), State area, in Madhya Pradesh (M.P.); and in technical assistance for pending outcome of Boa~d Governments of the middle Narmada basin. Assistance fisheries and discussion of the'Morse Madya Pradesh, for fisheries development in the Sardar participatory rural Commission Report. Gujarat and Sarovar reservoir, in the Narmada appraisal techniques. Maharashtra estuary, and the Sardar Sarovar command area. A village development fund to support reset'tlement assistance for management of wildlife sanctuaries in Guj'arat. Technical assistance for training and basin wide environmental management. Environmental Assessment Category C. Government of About (R) Subernarekha (Orissa) Irrigation - To be determined. Project processing Orissa, Department 155.0 To develop a new irrigation system for deferred pending of Irrigation (Bank) about 100,000 ha including the agreement on seasonal 125.0 construction of three buffer reservoirs, distribution of wate:i:· (IDA) major and distributory canals, field between Orissa and Bihar channels, on-farm development and to and tangible proof of provide additional agricultural support implementation of services, improved irrigation water resettlement plans. J management, and environmental protection Further reporting will b works. An environmental impact discontinued. assessment has been prepared. Environmental Assessment Category A. Government of West About (R) Kangsabati Irrigation Study by water Government disagrees wit!! Bengal, Department 30.0 Modernization - To rehabilitate and management (Plan of FAQ conclusion that of Irrigation (Bank)/ upgrade an existing irrigation system of Operations and proposed 3-small dams are 60.0 up to 340,000 ha by construction of Maintenance) consultants not feasible and propose (IDA) works including an additional spillway is targeted for reformulation. FAQ is, and related e~hancement of storage completion at end of reviewing reformulation utilization of Kangsabati Dam, lining of June 1992. proposal and will include the canal system and providing improved the Plan of Operations water operations management and on-farm and Maintenance (POM) development, construction of diversion study results when weirs for reuse of return flows; completed. Project development of drainage and potential processing deferred, groundwater (conjunctive use), ' pending Government's facilities; and provision of confirmation of steps agricultural support services, training taken to conclude the and implementation support. Limited a_bove and address other environmental impact. Environmental issues. Further Assessment Category B. reporting will be discontinued. G,overnment of 250.0 Rural Credit - The project would To be determined. Dependent on financial India, NABARD (Bank) supplement GOI resources for sector reform adjustment rural/agricultural lending. Project program. Identification objectives would include identification mission scheduled for and implementation of appropriate September 1992 to engage reforms now required to revitalize rural authorities in dialogue lending and to make it more sustainable about rural finance and and effective. Environmental Assessment required systemic Category B. adjustments. __ ] =================================-=-=-=-=-=--=_'.:::...:'.::-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-=-=-=-=-=~~~-=-=-=-=-=- ' - 129 - , Country,. Amount & nenting Probable Stage of Processing and r I Lender 2 Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurement• 'd) :ry of 250.0 (R) Industrial Energy Conservation - To To be determined. Due to delays in project r, Department (Bank) formulate plans for energy conservation processing reappraisal to ,er in selected industries; to establish take place. Reappraisal mechanisms and institutions needed to tentatively scheduled for identify and implement the sub-projects, FY93. to improve efficiency of processes including substitution of petroleum- based fuels by other sources of energy; I and to minimize dependence on unreliable supplies of power, etc. Project will have a beneficial impact on the .J environment through reduced specific energy consumption, and therefore reduces harmful gas emissions per unit of output. Environmental Assessment Category C. :ry of 60.0 Public Resource Management - The project To be determined. Initial EPS scheduled for :e (IDA) would support Government's institutional November.1992. and structural reforms in public Preparatory work under resource management. The project would way. have three components: (a) improving efficiency of public revenue mobilization; (b) improving public expenditure planning, implementation and control; and (c) supporting selected sectoral policies and expenditures on operations and maintenance. Environmental Assessment Category C. try of 16.5 Higher Education - To support ongoing To be determined. Pre-appraisal mission tion and (IDA) reform at Tribhuvan University (TU) scheduled for November ,e through enhancing planning and 1992. management capacity, improving physical facilities and means of instructional delivery and assisting TU and the Ministry of Education and Culture in preparing the introduction of higher secondary education. Environmental Assessment Category C. ~ /~ - try of 25.0 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation - Consultants (both local Project processing under· ng and (IDA) Improvement of rural water supply and and international) are way. cal Planning sanitation under the new policy currently being guidelines with greater involvement of recruited to finalize user committees and non-governmental project preparation. agencies. Project would involve the rehabilitation of about 300 existing schemes and construction of 70 new ones. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 130 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and Agency 1 Lender 2 Project • Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 ~ (Cont'd) Sunsari Morang Irrigation 28.0 (IDA) (R) Sunsari Morang New Headworks - To address the serious siltation problem Consultants have been· retained to assist with Negotiations completed. Board presentation _ ! Development Board with the ongoing Sunsari Morang detailed design and scheduled for I, Irrigation II project (Credit 1814-NEP). construction supervision December 15, 1992. The project would: (a) construct a new of the new headworks. intake about 1300 m upstream of the existing intake; (b) increase capacity \ of existing desilting basin; ' (c) construct a microhydro unit; (d) supply dredging equipment; I (e) undertake institutional strengthening and train project staff; (f) provide technical assistance for detailed design and implementation; and (g) undertake environmental protection activities. Environmental Assessment Category B. Department of 57.0 (R) Road Maintenance - Project includes: Consulting services will Preparation mission in 1 Roads (IDA) (a) support of institutional development be required for the field September 9-30, in the road sector; (b) support for a preparation of road 1992. ODA and the Swiss·), three to four year road maintenance (300 km) maintenance and Development Cooperation program; (c) rehabilitation of priority rehabilitation program, have agreed to ·! trunk and feeder roads; (d) pilot labor policy action program participate during pre- / based district road rehabilitation; and workshop, assessment of appraisal (scheduled for\ (e) technical assistance for planning road construction February 1993) and and budgeting exercises as well as to industry, and appraisal missions. develop technical capacity for preparation of pilot A PPF has been granted in engineering design and supervision of labor-based district the amount of US$360,000 works proposed. Environmental road rehabilitation. to engage consultant Assessment Category B. Consultants for services for preparation preparation study of activities. Government labor-based component is currently evaluating under UNDP funding have consultant proposals been appointed. under a PPF. (Cofinancing is being explored.) i I Department of 40.0 Irrigation Sector - To: (a) construct Consulting services to Project •••••••, , ~ uru1 •• j Irrigation (IDA) small and medium farmer managed surface be provided by way. schemes and rehabilitate exist-ing farmer individual consultants managed surface schemes in the Hills and financed under an on- Terai areas; (b) construct farmer-group going UNDP project. I managed groundwater schemes on the ~, I Terai; (c) institutional development support. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Health 12.9 Population and Health - To improve To be determined. Appraisal report under (IDA) health conditions and reduce population preparation. growth by strengthening of family (Japan T.A. Grant planning and maternal child health Facility agreement signed programs. Environmental Assessment on March 17, 1992.) Category C. Government of 30.0 Financial Institution Development - To Consultants may be ·New Government has asked Nepal (IDA) support the formulation and financing of required. More that the project concept industrial development programs of high information on be reviewed/re-appraised. priority, and to.develop a more viable consultant requirements and competitive industrial financing will be known at a later system. Environmental Assessment date. Category B. - 131 - !r Country,. Amount & !menting Probable Stage of Processing and :y I Lender • Project • Consulting Services Action on Procurement• :•d) . Electricity 115.0 Hydro Power (Arun.i III) - 402 MW run-of- Consultants·have been Project appraisal ,rity (IDA) river hydropower plant with associated appointed. ·. ·tentatively scheduled for transmission facilities and December 1992, institutional strengthening of the Nepal (Cofinancing from ADB, Electricity Authority. Action Plan to Swedish Agency for ameliorate the hydro project's International Technical environmental impacts is under· Economic·Cooperation preparation and will be implemented in (BITS), KfW, ODA (UK), conjunction with this project. ,OECF, UNDP, Nordic Environmental Assessment Category A. Development Fund, the ( Governments of Belgium, Finland and Italy and possibly the Governments of Austria and France as well as Export Kreditamnden (Swe~i~h Export Credit Agency),) determined 200.0 (R) Social Sector Adjustment - The Consulting services will The project has been (IDA) project would improve human resource likely be required. identified. development and alleviate poverty through improved social services and non-formal education (particularly women), Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. mal Cresent 135.0 '(R) Karachi Hydrocracker - Project would ·'consultants have been Pre-appraisal mission )leum Limited (Bank) assist' in mobilizing r.esources for appointed to undertake a scheduled for October ~) cofinancing·private sector investments process·configuration 1992. in development of the refinery' · review.· Review would be subsector. Project would also promote: completed prior to (a) efficiency and ensure petroleum initiating bidding products supply while reducing process for engineering, environmental pollution; and · procurement and (b) institutional strengthening of construction contract. project company. Financing will be A pre-qualification provided on a limited recourse basis to notice has been issued ·a private joint venture company, the to pre-qualify i;>otential National ere.sent Pe.troleum Limited suppliers of critical (NCPL), with responsibilit~,to design, and complex equipment in build, finance, own and operate a accordance with Bank hydrocracker compl.ex in Karachi. NCPL guidelines, would be reguired•to completed an environmental assessment of the hydrocracker complex. Environmental Assessment Category A. e determined About (R) Nutrition - The project would Consultants with Identification mission 51.5 finance nutrition education, expertise in nutrition, completed. (IDA)" micronutrient ani· growth promotion agroindustry, rural programs, institutional development,· and ··sociology, health applied research, · Environmental management, andlor Assessment Category C. conmun"tty development will likely· be required. ,ctorate of About NWFP Primary Education - The project Consultants likely to be Project under iary Education, 80.0 will support primary education develop- required. preparation. ,rnment of (IDA) ment in the northwest frontier provinces :hwest Frontier (NWFP), It will likely support policy rinces measures and planning management reforms. Environmental Assessment Category C. ---·-- ---- - ~---- - 132 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and Agency 1 Lender 1 Project s Consulting Services Action on Procurement " PAKISTAN (Cont'd) Environment & 80.0 Agriculture Environment/Forestry II - To be determined. Identification under way. Urban Affairs, (IDA) Protection and management of Provincial . environmental resources in Punjab and Forestry northwest frontier provinces (NWFP). Departments The project seeks to strengthen environmental institutes and pr.emote social forestry. Environmental Assessment Category B. To be determined About Priv;te Sector - To assist the To be determined. Project under 100.0 Government and financial institutions in preparation. (Barut) delivering better instruments for credit delivery to the·private sector and to all sectors. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Directorate of About (R) Balochistan Primary Education - Will Consulting services will Appraisal mission Primary Education, 91.0 support primary education development in likely be required for scheduled for late Balochistan (IDA) Balo~histan with particular emphasis on implementation. September 1992. Department of· girls• schooling. Project will support Education policy measures, planning, and management reforms to increase .girls• access to schooling. Environmental Assessment Category C. Water and Power 200.0 Ghazi-Barotha Hydropower - Project would Consultants (comprising Project feasibility study Development (Barut) provide for construction of: (a) a a joint venture of 5 completed in May 1991. Authority Barrage, on Indu.s River, about 7 km d/ s firms) have been working Preparation of detailed of Tarbala dam; (b) a 53 km long single on project:preparation designs and tender concrete lined p9wer channel; (c) a since February 1990. documents for civil works power complex with 1450 MW power house is in progress and (5 units of 290 MW each) and associated scheduled to be completed infrastructure facilities including by end 1992. 500 kv circuits. Environmental (Cofinancing from Japan Assessment Category A. expected, i.e. OECF, EXIM.) Environmental About (R) Punjab Urban Environment - Arrest Consultants ha~e begun Preparation being Protection Agency 50.0 decline of urban environment through project preparation. undertaken during 1992 of Punjab, Water (Barut) hazardous waste control, ground-water and appraisal planned for and Sanitation 81.0 resource protection, public··awareness April 1993. Agency (Lahore (IDA) and EPA strengthening. Project will (Will also include a Development comprise investments in toxic/hazardous waste-to-energy component Authority) waste clean up and processing, by the Global Environment industrial wastewater collection and Facility (GEF) -- see treatment and technical assistance for Annex C.) institutional strengthening. Environmental Assessment Category A. Pakistan About Telecommunications Sector Consulting services will Preparation has been Telecommunications 150.0 Restructuring - Project would assis.t in be required for delayed pending decisions Corporation (PTC) (Barut) the restructuring of telecommunications preparation and on Barut investment in the sector including PTC privatization·, implementation of the sector. regulatory. reform and sector project. liberalization and support investment aimed at optimizing PTC•s telecommunications network and improving network efficiency and quality of services. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 133 - ,er Country,. Amount & .ementing Probable 1 Stage of Processing and lCY Lender 2 Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurement• .rtments of About Family Health II - To increase the Consultants likely to be Appraisal report under th, 78.3 availability and quality of maternal .required for preparation preparation. chistan and (IDA) health services including family and implementation. ab planning, improve the quality and integration of primary h_ealth care services, and strengthen institutional capabilities in Punjab and Balochistan. Envirorunental' Assessment Category C. e determined About (R) Private Sector Energy Development II To be determined. Project preparation J 160.0 - Will focus essentially on suspended pending (Banlc) strengthening institutions in Pakistan resolution of issues which will participate in private sector under ongoing project investments in the energy sector. (Private Sector Energy Envirorunental Assessment Category C. Development Ln." 2983- PAK), (Cofinancing expected. Donors to be identified.) rand Power About Power Sector Development - Consulting services Appraisal complete~ July lopment 200.0 Implementation of a time-slice (FY93-96) will be required. 1992. Project ority (Banlc) of WAPDA•s least-cost investment documentation under program, and restructuring' and preparation. privatization program for WAPDA. Would (Cofinancing from Asian also include a technical assistance Development Banlt, Japan's component, Environmental Assessment OECF, and EXIM Banlc are Category B. committed, Other cofinanciers are to be identified.) stry of About Public Sector Adjustment - Would support To be determined. President's report under n.ce 100.0 Government's adjustment program, preparation. (Banlc) particularly efforts to redu9e the role (Cofinanci~g expected 100.0 of the public sector in the economy, from Japan.) (IDA) Components include privatization of public enterprises, restructuring of public expenditures to provide adequate funding for basic social services and infrastructure, tax reform, and policy reform in the social sectors. Environmental Assessment Category C. rnment of About (R) Hill Farming - .The project, covering To be determined, Appraisal mission , Jammu and 51. 0 Azad Jammu and Kashmir is designed to scheduled for end October rnir, (IDA) raise the productivity of subsistence 1992. rtment of farming and cash crop production through culture and diss~minating environmentally friendly al Health farming technology aimed at slowing or reversing the natural resource degradation. Through proven technical packages, the project would enable farmers and groups of farmers to improve agriculture, livestock and forestry. The project would also strengthen extension and animal health services, adaptive research and link roads. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 134 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and 1 Agency 1 ·Lender 2 Project Consulting Services Action on Procurement• PAIUSTAR (Cont•d) Water and Power About (R) ·Eastern Sadiqia (South) Phase I - Consultants will be Approved by the Executiv'i Development 54.2 Subsurface and surface drainage, water required for project Directors on July 2, ' Authority, Punjab (IDA) conservation through canal lining, implementation. 1992. Date of loan Irrigation provision of interceptor drains, and signing to be determined. Department watercourse improvement in the Fordwah/Eastern Sadiqia (South) canal command area in Punjab Province. Phase 1 would include water conservation measures, a monitoring program, and additional preparation work for the subsurface drainage system to be implemented under a separate Phase 2 project. Environmental effect of Phase 1 expected to be positive. Environmental Assessment Category B. Government of About (R) Environmental Protection and Consultants will be Approved by the Executive Pakistan - 33.3 Resource Conservation - Protection and required for project Pirectors on June 11, ' Environmental and (IDA) management of environmental resources in implementation. 1992. Date of loan Urban.Affairs Pakistan. Positive environmental impact signing to be determined) Division expected. Environmental Assessment Category D, National Housing About Low-Income Communities Infrastructure - Consultants have been Appraisal mission Authority together 70.0 Area upgrading and basic urban services appointed. scheduled for April 1993; with respective (IDA) for squatter communities. To facilitate A PPF advance of Provincial mechanisms for land markets and shelter US$1.3 million has been Governments development in urban and high density approved to provide rural areas. Land tenure and user fees technical assistance. for services to be addressed. Positive Funds obtained from Japan environmental impact expected. and Switzerland for Environmental Assessment B. preparation. (Cofinancing of up to US$10.0 million may be required for implementation,) Government of About CR) Sindh Urban Policy Reform - This is Consultants have been Appraisal report under Sindh (GOS) 20.5 ·the first of five projects included in appointed, preparation. (IDA) the Sindh Special Development Program. (U.S. Trade & Development As -part of an overall fiscal and Program (US$500,000) and: administrative policy.and -i~stitutional Japanese Grant Facility , adjustment program for the Sindh grants (US$1.8 million Province, the project would include: equivalent) have been (a) institution ~uilding and adjustment approved for financing components for the Government of Sindh, project preparation,) and local governments; (b) investments for preparation of engineering studies and final designs for the subsequent investment operations; and (c) a small amount of civil works for pilot demonstrations in key policy areas. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 135 - / r Country, Amount & nenting Probable , I Stage of Processing and Lender z Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurement• id Gas About (R) Domestic Energy Resource· Development Consultants will be Approved by the Executive 1pment 180.0 - Support of oil and gas development in required for projec_t Directors on June 30, :ation (OGDC) (Banlt) identified joint ventures and.corporate implementation. 1992. Loan signing to be restructuring of OGDC. Environmental scheduled. Assessment Category A. (Cofinancing confirmed with USAID (US$1.7 million), and with IDB (US$17.7 million).) Retroactive financing of US$18.0 million proposed for the cost of drilling the delineation wells and consultancy services from February 1991. ry of Policy 40.1 Poverty Alleviation/Employment II - The Consulting services will The project has not yet ng and (IDA) project would facilitate access to likely be required. been identified. ,entation resources for self employment by the poor. determined so.o Vocational and Technical Education and To be determined. Identification mission (IDA) Training - Support for training at planned for October 1992. various ,levels and in different sectors ·to meet the needs of the labor market. ·Rationalization of technical education. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. dustry 30.0 Agricultural Diversification - To be determined. Initial Executive Project cal (IDA) Reconunercialization of rural ·summary to be issued ance agricultural markets is the project early October 1992. tion objective. The project would seek to created) promote this through financing investment and technical assistance in newly identified areas of opportunity in agro-industry, either in exotic crops or. areas from which the Government has now withdrawn. Environmental Assessment Category B. ry of 100.0 Structural Adjustmerit -·To address broad determined. Preparation under way. e (IDA) policy reform agenda aiming at improved private sector incentives, including liberalization of external and internal trade and divestiture of the vast public enterprise sector. Environmental · Assessment Category: To Be Determined. determined so.o General Education II - The project will Consulting services will Project has not yet been (IDA) support the implementation of policy iikely be· required. identified. An updated reforms and investment programs to make assessment will be the education system more responsive. to submitted in 1993. the needs of the labor market. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 136 - Member Country, Amount, Implementing Probable Stage of Processing and Agency 1 Lender 1 Project ' Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 SRI LAHltA (Cont'd) Mahaweli Authority 30.0 Mahaweli Rehabilitation - Institutional To be determined. Initial Executive Project, of Sri Lanka (IDA) restructuring, form~tion of farmers• Summary (IEPS) to be (MASL) organizations, introduction of improved issued mid-September operation and maintenance, and 1992. rehabilitation and improvements of irrigation and drainage facilities. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Road Development 3S.O (R) Highway Maintenance - Will aim to: Consulting services will Project under Authority (RDA) (IDA) (a) strengthen road maintenance be required for preparation. capabilities; (b) address human resource preparation of A PPF of US$0.5 m'illion and institutional development issues: maintenance program, may be requested. and (c) restructure the local feasibility studies, and (Cofinancing will be maintenance contractor industry. Would maintenance explored.) also finance: (a) technical assistance: reorganization and (b) part of a five year program of management study. periodic maintenance and rehabilitation Consultants for project program; laboratory tools and preparation to be maintenance works; and (d) training fin~nced under possible ) components. Environmental Assessment PPF and.bilateral Category B. grants. Ministry of so.o Private Sector Development - To promote Consulting services will Project under Finance/Ministry (IDA) the development of the private sector ·be required for policy preparation. of Industry through policy and tariff reform, reform, institution' Sciences and provision of term credit and related building, and provision Technology technical assistance. Environmental of technical assistance Assessment Category B. to implementing agencies. Ministry of 24 .. 3 (R) Community Water Supply and Request for proposals Negotiations completed., Housing & (IDA) Sanitation - Strengthen planning/ for multi-year · Board presentation Construction & programming capability of Government and consultancy have been scheduled for mid- Community Water & local authorities: develop mechanisms sent to short-listed November 1992. . Sanitation Program for Government policies on cost recovery firms, to provide A PPF for US$0.7 millio~ Unit (CWSPU) and operations and maintenance; develop ·technical/management has been approved to responsibilities for operations and support, to CWSPU program provide technical maintenance capability in the local unit during project assistance for project authorities and user groups; to promote implementation. preparation. involvemen_t of NGOs, the private sector, women; increase coverage of water and sanitation in rural and small community subsector1 and improve public health through provision of safe drinking water and adequate sanitation. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 20.0 (R) Transport I - To include procurement Consultants were Project processing will Transport/Road (IDA) of equipment, spare parts and repairs appointed. be delayed indefinitely. Development for railway operations: improvement of Further reporting will be Authority traffic management in Colombo discontinued. Municipality; and technical assistance Consulting services are for transport planning. Total project being financed under an cost US$286.0 million. Environmental :IDA Project Preparation impact is expected to be positive. Facility advance for a Environmental Assessment Category B. total of US$906,000. (Cofinancing from OECF of 1 US$80.0 million has been: approved.) - 137 - VII. HEW PROJECTS ADDED IN THIS ISSUE I. AFRICA REGION COUNTRY AND IMPLEMENTING AGENCY Ministry of Public Health Health II 2 Cotonou, Benin Telephone: 33 04 64 BURKINA FASO To be determined Population and AIDS 4 CAMEROON Ministry of Education/ Private and Community 6 Front National du School Development Developpement de l'Education Primaire (FNDEP) Telex: 978-8551 CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Ministry of National Education Education IV 8 Telephone: 612-388 COTE D'IVOIRE To be determined Rural Infrastructure 9 ETHIOPIA Ethiopian Roads Authority Rural Roads 11 (ERA) ~ · 251-1-514-866 Telex: 976-21180 Central Banlc Financial Sector 15 Fax: 2244-41717 Ministry of Public Works Highway Sector III 17 P.O. Box 30260 Nairobi, Kenya Telephone: 721-022 Ministry of Local Government Urban Transport 17 P.O. Box 30004 Nairobi, Kenya Telephone: 28411 - 138 - I. AFRICA REGION (Cont'd) / COUNTRY .ARD IHPI.EMERTIHG AGENCY TANZANIA To,be determined Mining Technical Assistance· 33 Ministry of Works Roads II 33 Holland House Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania Telephone: 376-419 ~ · 41392 Ministry of Conmerce, Export Promotion 35 Industry and Cooperatives and Development No. 6/8 Parliament Farmer's House P.O. Box 7103 Kampala, Uganda Fax: 256-41-245-007 ~ · 61183 II. EAST ASIA, PACIFIC REGION Ministry of Forestry Forest Resource 40 No. 18 East Street Development Hepingli, and Protection Beijing, China 100714 ~ · 86-1-421-7796 Telephone: 86-1-422-9944 ~ : 22237 CFEC CN Ministry of Science Environmental Technology 53 and Technology Development Seoul, Korea ~ · 503-7673 Telephone: 503-7624 III. EUROPE .ARD CENTRAL ASIA REGION To be determined Agricultural Sector · 64 Adjustment To be determined Energy/Environment 69 - 139 - ) './ III. EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION •(Cont'd) COURTRY .ARD IMPLEMDTilfG AGENCY LITHUANIA T~ be determined Human Resources 69 Development MOLDOVA To be determined Rehabilitation '!O To be determined Institution Building 70 To be determined Agriculture 70 RUSSIAN FEDERATION The State Co11111ittee on Employment Services 74 Employment, Ministry of·, and Social Protection II Social Protection Bozmani Pereylok Fax: 7-095-261-2464 Ministry of Health Health 74 Vadkovsky Line 18/20 101474 Moscow Telephone: 289-42-54 To be determined Private Sector 75, Development UKRAINE To be determined Institution, Building . 78 To be determined Rehabilitation 78 To be determined Social Protection 78, ' Ministry' of Communications Telecommunications To be determined Agriculture· 78 Ministry of Environmental Environment 78 Protection Vul. Kreshchatik Ukraine [!!: 044-229-8.383 Telephone: 044-228-0644 - 140 - / IV. LATIH AMERICA AND CARIBBEAII REGIOH ARGERTIHA Ministry of Cultural and Basic Education Quality 79 Education Improvement and Equity Improvement Pizzurno 935 (1020) Cap, Federal - Araentina f!3: _ 322-8668 Telephone: 814-3785 Ministry of Eneray ' Energy Sector Deregulation, 81 and Hydrocarbon (MEH) Restructuring and Engineering 1322 Avda. Meal Santa Cruz Eng. Ovuro Ed, f. Palacio de Comnunicasis Piso 12 ~ · (011) 591-2-324-843 Telephone: (011) 591-2 Telex: MEH 3390 To be determined Child Development 82 and Nutrition COLOMBIA To be ·, determined Agricultural Information 87 System and Marketing Ministry of Public Works Road Rehabilitation 98 Apatado 2694 Pan~a City, Panama Ministry of Energy ·and Mines Energy and Mining 100 Av. Las Artes s/n Technical Assistance San Borja, Lima - Peru Telephone: (51-14) 75-1613 To be determined Water Supply 102 r - 141 - VI. MIDDLE EAST AND HORTH AFRICA REGION COURTRY AND lMPLEMEHTIHG AGENCY ALGERIA Ministry of Housing (MOH) Housing and Construction 135 rue Didouche Mourad 106 Critical Import '':,: Alger, Algerie f!!!: 213-2-74-75-43 LEBAHOJf Council for Development Emergency Recovery and Reconstructi~n (CDR) 110 and other sector ministries:, f!!!: 1-212-478-1622 --..,: Telephone: 1-212-478-1630 VI. SOUTH ASIA REGION BANGLADESH Bangladesh Water Cyclone Shelter 117 Development Board WAPDA Building, Motijheel C/A f!!!: 831821-29 Telephone: 862-330 Bangladesh Telegraph Fourth Telecommunications, and Telephone Board i17 36/1 Mymensingh Road Dhaka, Bangladesh f!!!: 880-2-833-003 Teleuhone: 880-2-831-500 .I!!.l!!: 642-020 Government of 'Rajasthan 'Agricultural Development 121 Pant Krishi Phavan Jaipur 302 005 Cable: AGRI RAJ ~ : 3652 44 SECTT IN Telephone: 520-254 / I-2 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country.· EQ. GUINEA Project ID No: 3EQGPA014 Project Natural Resource Management and Conservation Appraisal Date Feb. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $10.00m Board Date Jun. 14, 1994 Managing Division AFlAG Sector: ·Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: To be determined Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 25, 1992, MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The project's overall objective would be to assist the Government to implement a national natural resource management plan in order to assure both an optimal production level from the forest and conservation of th~ · environment. In. support of the above objectives, the project would include the following components: (a) preparation and implementation of° a natural resource management program; (b) conservation and management.of natural forests; (c) establishment and management of protected and multiple use areas; and (d) institutional strengthening of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: ',.l Establishment of sound environmental practices is a major focus of the project. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: Still to be determined •. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: r According to the OD 4.01 guideline, this project is under Category A. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Separate EA is required. EA will be prepared with technical support from Norway Consultant Trust Fund. Work will start in March 1993. REMARKS: The following studies were undertaken under a .Japanese Grant: (a) environmental impact of forestry exploitation on the Island of Bi~ko; (b) pilot community forestry program. The Norwegian Trust Fund is s.cheduled to ,- finance the following studies: (a) review of concessions policy, forest fees \ and taxes; (b) review.of foresty and environmental protection policy; (c) review of proposed integrated management area in Rio Muni; and (d) environmental assessment. I-3 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A".PROJECTS Country · : GUINEA Project ID No: 3GUIPAOSS Project Natural Resources Management Appraisal Date Sep. 17, 1993 Total Project Cost: $30.00m Board Date Apr. OS, 1994 Managing Division AFlAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Date EA Category Assigned: March 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Forestry rural development. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: To be determined. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: Small-scale irrigation of bottom lands. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: To reduce encroachment on forests. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: An Environmental Action Plan is being prepared from which components will be identified for financing. REMARKS: See '.'status". · I-6 ERVIllOHMEHTAL DATA SHEET POil CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country s NIGERIA Project ID No: 3NIRPA169 Project : Industrial Pollution Control Appraisal Date : Jun. 10, 1993 Total Project Cost: $120.00m Board D~te s Jun. 07, 1994 Manag~ng Division: AF4IE ··Sector: Power Lending Instruments Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Banks Date EA Category Assigned: June 24, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: To be determined. ·· MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Control and reduction of industrial pollution~ identifying polluting industries •. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Selection of pollution control technology. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Conduct an EA. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: The .project will address pollution issues in the country caused by industrial effluents, SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Too early to determine EA schedule. REMARKS: None •. I-7 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country SENEGAL Project ID No: 3SENPA095 Project : Urban IV Appraisal Date Jan. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $59.00m Board Date Jul. 13, 1993 Managing Division: AFSIN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: f',pecif ic Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Sep. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: Hov. 27, 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Three main components: (a) institutional development on both central and local government levels; (b) physical investments encompassing public infrastracture and facilities; and (c) project management for the recurrent costs. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The situation of environmentally dangerous living conditions and the low quality of public services, principally of housing, water and sanitation. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Industrial hazards and uncontrolled pollution usually in the Cap Vert Peninsula. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Sectoral Environmental Assessment Study (Diagnostic of the Sector). JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: The project is an "A" because a number of similar development activities with potentially cumulative impacts are planned for a variety of specific "city projects". SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The consultant carried out the preliminary study and agreement should be obtained from the government on the proposed methodology. The sectoral urban environmental assessment study will be included in the project's feasibility study, whose start-up is planned for October 1992. REMARKS: None. I~lO ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY II AII PROJECTS . Country : UGANDA Project ID No: 3UANPA084 Project : Cotton Subsector Appraisal Date Jul. 01, 1993 · Total Project Cost: $20.00m Board Date Jun. 28, 1994 Managing Division : .AF2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: ·(a) Policy and regulatory improvements; (b) support to research; (b) private sector development initiatives; and (d) support to production activities. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: (i) Contamination due to use of chemicals and pesticides; (ii) air pollution due to cotton dust and lint; and (iii) excessive exposure to cotton dust leading to respiratory diseases. · OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: (i) Increased draught power (livestock) leading to overgrazing; and (ii) intensification of cotton production may lead to so11 erosion. PROPOSED-ACTIONS: A thorough environmental assessment planned prior to appraisal. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Category "A", because there are major environmental issues. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: EA start-up da~e around October 1992. REMARKS: None. I-11 ENV;T,RONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPAlOS Project : Shanghai Port Restructuring and Development Appraisal Date : May 21, 1992 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date Jan. OS, 11993 Managing Division EA2TP Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Feb. 29, 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: \ MAJOR .PROJECT COMPONENTS: ) Construction of two new terminals at Luojing and Waigaoqiao on the Yangtze River; Purchase of equipment for both the new-a'nd existing terminals; Implementation of measures to upgrade operations and management, including financial management; An action plan for .restructuring the existing port facilities on the Huangpu River to rationalize their use. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The water quality of the Huangpu and Yangtze Rivers and their tributaries and inland waterways ,linked to them is poor due to a combination of uncontrolled sanitary sewage, storm water drainage and industrial effluents from small enterprises, leading to·contaminated underlying sediments. Thu~ an issue is to ensure that the construction of new terminals will not contribute to the further deterioration of the quality of the water and related ecosystems • . The other related issues are: impact of additional traffic on roads that will serve the new terminals, both during construction and in operation after ·commissioning, and safety measures to deal·with it; · management.and monitoring of construction to protect the environment; and monitoring and management of air quality at the new coal handling terminal at Luojing. ' As· new facilities are brought into operation, use of the older terminal in the city center for cargo handling would be gradually phased out: this will have a positive impact on the environment in the Shanghai urban area. The safe disposal of dredged material resulting from ongoing maintenance dredging in the present port area, which is not i~ any way affected by the proposed ~roject, will continue to be a matter of concern. Ai~ pollution from coal handling at one of the terminals on the Huangpu River is an environmental hazard, as are illegal discharge of ships' wastes and oil spills caused by m.arine · accidents. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: The impact of dredging and the disposal of dredged material iri the on-going p~oject has bee~ studied by the Chinese authorities and reviewed by I-18 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS and Monitoring plans) and a resettlement plan that includes this additional information and that conforms with the Bank's EAOD and involuntary '·resettlement requirement. The preappraisal and appraisal mission reviewed the environmental and resettlement related aspects of the project. This included the Environmental Action Plan submitted by Benan Province. Additional information requested of Benan Province by the pre~ppraisal mission ,included: (i) identification of organizations responsible for responding to spills and accidents involving toxic and hazardous materials, and training and equipment required to respond safely and effectively to such incidents; (ii) an environmental survey (to be conducted by .the Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau) of quarries and borrow areas identified as possible sources of materials for road works to.ensure that they can be operated in an environmentally acceptable manner; ~nd (iii) preparation of guidelines for contractors specifying hours of permissible operation to minimize noise !~pacts in areas of human habitation and congregation. The February 1992 appraisal mi~sion received and reviewed this information along with t.he environmental and resettle~ent .related aspects of the project. · The Appraisal Mission also reviewed the preliminary EA .for the_ Sanmenxia Border Road and the provincial codes of engineering practice for betterment, capacity improvement and rehabilitation of provincial, county and rural .roads to ensure that adequate provision is made for environmental management of these works. . JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVI~ONMENTAL CATEGORY: The expressway is a major civil engineering projects that·will pass through or near populated and historically significant areas. It will also require some land that would otherwise be useful for agriculture., ' - SCHEPULE OF .CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The Environmental Assessment of the Kaifeng to Louyang segment of State Expressway 310 is completed, as is the draft environmental action and resettlement plans descri~ing the_handling of environmental. impacts and land compensation·and resettlement requirements. Supplementary· information on the resettlement plan and on management of potential environmental impacts of the expressway, the preliminary EA and management plan for the new section of provincial road within the project, and detailed resettlement plan have been 1 reviewed by the Appraisal Mission. Details of implementation of the action and resettlement plans were also discussed and finalized by the Appraisal Mission. REMARKS: An independent monitoring program for assessing implementation of the RAP is being developed. I-19 ENVIRONMENTAL D~TA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country CHINA . _ . Project ID No: 4CHAPA190 Pr~ject Yangtze Basin Water Resource ' Appraisal Date Oct. 20, 1993 Total Project Cost: $450.00m Board Date : Jun. 14, 1994 Managing Division EA2AG ,. Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: In P!eparation Date EA Cat~gory Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Hubei Province - (a) dike rehabilitation, main drain improvements, pumping stations, and wat~r control. monitoring systems 'for 286,000 ha; (b) completion and rehabilitation of canal systems for 278,000 ha; and((c) agriculturS:l subprojects for livestock~ forestry at:1d aquaculture.: ( Hunan Province - (a) co!Dpletion of irr:igation_and. drainage sys,:ems, pumping station rehabilitation, and renewal and expansion.of power lines and transformers for 250,000 ha; (b) construction of the Jiangya Multipurpose Dam and 300 MW power plant, and resettlement of 2,000 families; and (c) completion of irrigation systems for S0,000 ha. Chang Jiang Water Resources Commission (CWRC) - procurement and installation of equipment for flood forecasting and monitoring system in the upper and middle Yangtze, including telemetry rainfall arid streamflow 'stations, groundstations for meteorological and communications satellites, microwave stations, and central data processing. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The project is in the early identification stage, and an environmental reconnaissance has not yet been carried out. Potential issues include: inundation of the forest of the Jiangya Reservoir, water quality changes, . water use conflicts, and increased use of agrochemicals. Some 2,000 families will require resettlement for the Jiangya Reservoir. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Unidentified pending environmental reconnaissance. PROPOSED ACTIONS: An initial environmental reconnaissance will be carried out in conjunction with the next full preparation mission in early 1993. The reconnaissance will identify environmental issues (Jiangya Dam and others), review environmental work on the project to date, identify further environmental analysis needed for improved project design (if so indicated), and assess monitoring and mitigation plans. If necessary, the environmental reconnaissance will help prepare suitable terms of reference and work schedules for remaining environmental work required for preparation. HEPA ·will be consulted. The preparation mission will also assess the extent of resettlement required and review resettlement progress and plans. I-22 ' . ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS REMARKS: - , Control of· toxic industrial effluent by means of industrial renovation and pretreatment to meet pretreatment standards will be essential if these combined domes.tic/industrial biological treatment facilities are ·to operate successfully. Cost recovery for pollution control will also be an essential feature ·of the pr~ject in order to provide an economic incentive to the polluting industries to reduce pollution and water usage. I-23 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA203 Project Sichuan Gas Development & Conservation Appraisal Date Jan. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $1,000.00m Board Date Jan. 11, 1994 Managing Division EA2IE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Jan. 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: Feb. 13, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) Appraisal and development of gas fields, rehabilitation of aging fields; (b) upgrading of gas transmission/distribution systems; (c) product upgrading, energy conservation and pollution control measures at selected fertilizer plants; and (d) TA and training. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The proposed project would have significant environmental benefits: increased gas supply and utilization would reduce coal consumption, which would in turn reduce emissions of S02, CO2, and particulates. In addition, reduced gas leakage in the transmission and distribution systems would reduce emissions of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Nevertheless, various safety and environmental considerations require special attention, including treatment and discharge of wastewater from well drilling, gas production and utilization as well as safety concerns in the operation and maintenance of gas pipelines. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The only other environmental issue is one of worker safety and training, both of which will be enhanced through this program. PROPOSED ACTIONS: An environmental expert has assisted the identification mission in defining the terms of reference for an EA report. An international consultant has been contracted to assist the Chinese authorities in the prepration of the EA report. Further, various preinvestment studies are being carried out with the assistance of international consultants, and the project design and implementation will conform with international engineering and safety standards as well as sound environmental practices. One of these studies would be financed under the preinvestment facility of the Global Environmental Fund (GEF). JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: According to OD 4.01, since this project will eventually entail rehabilitation (construction) on a large scale, over a wide area, an "A" category is mandatory. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: ,I ·I-26 1 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY I "A" PROJECTS Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA216 Project : Second Shanghai Metropolitan Transport Project Appraisal Date : Jan. 06, 1993 Total Projee:t Cost: $600.00m Board Date Dec. 07, 1993 Managing Division: EA2TP Sector: Transportation· Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Oct. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: To be determined but likely to include: Extension of upgrading/construction of Inner Ring Road (IRR) work commenced under first project to provide additional 23.7 lans of urban arterial road. Current design is 2 x 2 lans viaduct over six lane ground level road. Extension of the traffic management component and the non-motor vehicle (NMV) route component of the first Shanghai Metropolitan Transport Project (SMTP I), to the whole area within the Inner Ring Road. This would involve line marking, signage, channelization, traffic signals, and junction remodelling •. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Resettlement of some 5,500 households, and some 450 factories. Potential increased noise and air pollution adjacent to IRR. Potential for induced development. Impacts during construction. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Potential for vibration. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Shanghai Municipal Government to transmit Draft Resettlement Action Plan, Environmental Action Plan·and Environmental Monitoring Plan to Bank·for review by end ·September, and Preliminary Emergency Response Plan by mid-October. · JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Substantial resettlement and potential increa~ed noise and air pollution. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Draft Environmental Impact statement for the IRR prepared by Shanghai Municipal Government provided to Bank Mission in November 1991. Executive Summary scheduled to be produced by end August 1992. REMARKS: None. I-27 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country i CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA220 Project : Fujian Provincial Highway Project Appraisal Date 1 : Jun. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $300:00m Board Date Mar. 15, 1994 Managing Division EA2TP Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Banlc: February 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: Apr.28, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) Construction of a four-lane access controlled highway ~etween Xiamen-Quanzhou (76 Ian); (b) assistance for the development and improvement of provincial and country roads with the framework of the Province's road investment program under the 8th and 9th FYPs; (c) assistance for the institutitonal development and needed resources for the strengthening of the provincial road construction industry; (d) procurement of equipment for highway operation, road maintenance and for.collection and analysis of data to facilitate the determination of road investment priorities; and (e) TA for construction supervision and staff training. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: I The EA for the Xiamen-Quanzhou highway _would assess air·, noise and water pollution and other environmental risks which may emerge during the construction and operation of the highway as well as.the extent of social I disruption. The EA would identify measures to be taken at the design, implementation and operation stage of the highways and for each potential environmental risk a clearly defined plan would be drawn up identifying the entities responsible for actions. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Some resettlement of people living and working in the right of way is envisaged. PROPOSED ACTIONS: During the course of the EA consultation with affected people will be carried out, and during project preparation the necessary surveys and a resettlement action plan will be completed. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE ·FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY:· N/A SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY_A'ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The Fujian Provincial Environmental Institute and MOC's 2nd Marine Engineering Survey and Design Institute has been carrying out the EA· assessment and an outline of an Environmental Impact Assessment report was fssued at the end of June 1992. The report was reviewed in the Bank, and the Bank's c9mments were forwarded to theJFujian Provincial Transport Department I-30 ENVIRONMENTAL DA.TA SHEET FOR .CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS institutions; (b) prepare an environmental sector study; (c) prepare regional environmental sector studies in selected provinces .to establish criteria for screening existing plants for closure, retrofitting and/or expansion; (d) an action plan including criteria and timetable for plants to be retrofitted and shutdown should be provided by MCI; and (e) an EA in accordance with GOC regulations will be prepared for each new or retrofitted plants. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: EA requirement for the individual project components has been discussed with MCI. TORs and action plan were prepared and agreed during the Identification Mission which took place in March/April 1992. REMARKS: The proposed project would establish a major milestone in the development of the Chinese fertilizer sector, as it addresses almost all major current issues including environment and energy consumption, and would assist in accelerating the restructuring and modernization of the fertilizer industry. The project would have a major positive environmental impact on the whole sector by: (a) significantly reducing energy consumption and environmental pollution in about 30 selected small-sized ABC (causing significant ammonia and carbon dioxide emissions due to decomposition, high transportation costs, very labor intensive) by high-grade urea (almost 3 times more concentrated); (b) significantly reducing energy consumption and environmental pollution in about seven selected medium-sized nitrogen fertilizer plants; (c) creating demonstration models for the modernization/ rehabilitation of a large number of similar plants in future; (d) providing international expertise and technology for the proposed phosphate complex at Yunfu to ensure high performance and emission standards connnensurate with international codes; and (e) institutional deyelopment to strengthen local management, engineering and equipment manufacturing capabilities and create a better awareness of environmental protection and to facilitate a higher standard in preparing environmental impact assessments. I I I I-31 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 4INSPA189 Project Semarang-Surakarta Urban Development Appraisal Date : Nov. 01, 1992 Total Project Cost: $150.00m Board Date Jul. 13, 1993 Managing Division EA3IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Oct. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) Improvements of urban infrastructure and services including water supply, drainage, sanitation and sewerage, solid waste management, urban transport, and KIP; and (b) supporting TA for implementation assistance, financial strengthening, and institutional development in the cities of Semarang and Surakarta. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The preliminary EAs have identified the following project elements as major environmental issues and have recommended that detailed EA studies (ANDALs) be carried out: (a) Semarang -- (i) solid waste landfill site, selection and development; (ii) first phase of sewage collection and treatment system including sludge treatment facility; and (iii) resettlement of several hundred people due to Kali Banger drain construction; (b) Surakarta -- rehabilitation of existing sewerage schemes and construction of treatment facility. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: Ensure that detailed EAs are carried out in accordance to agreed TOR and that recommendations of EA studies -- including management and monitoring actitivities -- are incorporated into project design; where necessary, the actions for compliance with good environmental management and protection will be required to be taken ahead of loan effectiveness. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: N/A SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASS~SSMENT: The Government of Indonesia's ANDAL procedures for assessing environmental impacts, which have been accepted by the Bank as satisfactory, have been used for carrying out preliminary environmental assessments (PILs) of all investment proposals. TOR for the detailed assessments required for the four project components listed above have been reviewed and agreed by the Bank. The ANDAL studies have been initiated during August 1992 and will be completed by December 1992 (i.e. prior to appraisal) using information and I-34 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS use of pesticides and agro-chemicals. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Proposed project is given environmental Category A rating as it could, without the planned mitigation measures, have some adverse impacts on the environment in view of the various planned activities including large-scale drainage and flood control, ·new land development and use of pesticides. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: EA.i process was started in June 1991 and draft EA reports· for each of the three project sites are being revised following review by the Bank. The EA process is expected to be completed by October 31, 1992. _REMARKS: Consultations on the environmental/social impacts of proposed project between Government and local NGOs/representatives of groups which.would be affected by the project are underway. The Bank is requesting the. government's permission to release EA after it has been revised. I-35 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country INDONESIA Project ID No: 4INSPA281 Project Gas Utilization II Appraisal Date Jan. 04, 1993 Total Project Cost: $350.00m Board Date Jun. 15, 1993 Managing Division EA3IE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Date EA C~tegory Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (1) Development of gas fields, transmission and distribution infrastructure in Java for supply of natural gas for power generation and industrial/commercial usage (2) Technical Assistance and institution building to maintain the development. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Risk to public safety, resettlement and impact on natural resources, tourism, archaeology. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The project will in fact alleviate urban pollution by substituting liquid hydrocarbon fuels with non-polluting natural gas. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Use strict international accepted standards for engineering and constructions. Incorporate results of EA into engineering; consult affected groups and NGOs. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Possible impact on safety, resettlement and natural resources. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: To be determined REMARKS.: N1A I-38 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS service sectors have been received by Bank and reviewed in June 1992. The ANDAL, RKL and RPL were satisfactory. A draft resettlement plan and proposals for final consultation with project-affected people were reviewe4 by appraisal preparation mission of 7-8-92; these are generally satisfactory, but require tuning for review during appraisal. Government is preparing an Environment Assessment summary, based on the ANDAL~ RKL and RPL, which would be submitted to the Bank, prior to appraisal, about October 1992. REMARKS: Borrower has to permit release of EA prior to appraisal and determine date and method of making EA available to affected groups and NGOs. Project- affected people/businesses have been surveye·d to determine compensation/ resettlement needs and substantial consultations with them have already been made. , I-39 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROjECTS Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 4~NSPA315 Project : Biodiversity Conservation Appraisal Date : Jan. 08, 1993 Total Project Cost: $35.00m Board Date : Jun. 29, 1993 Managing Division: EA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan ,_ Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The GEF project will consist of two parts: Part A is an Integrated Conservation and Development Project (ICDP) focussing on Kerinci-Seblat national park and neighboring areas, and Part Bis composed of several smaller supporting initiatives of high priority, as identified under the National Biodiversity Action Plan, including ex-situ conservation, policy studies/and conservation awareness creation an~ education. I ,, MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Impacts associated with possible resettlement and development activities such as road construction in and near the park. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: . This project will address forest, land and soil degradation and loss of biodiversity in one of Indonesia's major protected areas , (Kerinci Seblat National Park covering a·range of ecosystem types, including lowland tropical and sub-alpine forest) along with agricultural encroachment, logging, mining, hunting and poor park management. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Although protection of environment and conservation of biodiversity are the principal objectives of the proposed project, environmental impact assessments will need to be carried out with respect to any resettlement required and the various development activities to be included in the project. These would be screened, in particular, for their impact on the park. · ! JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Since the project may include a small component of resettlement, the project has been rated A. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: A preliminary ··~anagement plan for Kerinci Seblat National Park has. been prepared, and boundary revisions and various inventories of communities, flora and fauna in and around the park, as well as spatial and land use planning, are in progress. Full assessment of environmental issues and conditions, and potential impact of project activities, including environmental management and monitoring, have to be further developed during 1-40 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS project preparation. REMARKS: The required environmental assessment studies would be carried out by consultants, with the Bank as executing agency. The !CDP and the conservation awareness program would together address the fundamental issue of how to incorporate local people in planning and implementing biodiversity conservation. In the !CDP, a census currently underway will'provide a basis for working out any conflicts between the activities of local inhabitants and the biodiversity conservation and watershed protection· functions of the park_. Preparation of the ICDP also includes the exploration of possible mechanisms through which, local people could particulate in identifying, planning, and implementing project activities. • I-41 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : KOREA Project ID No: 4KORPA168 Project Petroleum Distribution and Sector Improvement Appraisal Date. Sep. 14, 1992 Total Project Cost: $800.00m Board Date Feb. 23, 1993 Managing Division EA1IE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date fo':r: receipt of EA by Bank: Under revhion Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 13, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The project consists of ,petroleum products pipeline network, in varying sizes ranging from 10 to 24 inches in diameter, with approximate length of 11,000 lano The network also includes· pump Stations, petroleum Storage tanks, pipeline communic~tion facilities and loading and unloading terminals. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Atmospheric emissions of hydrocarbons; rivers and underground water contamination from routine operation and during accidents; risk to the public during accidents mainly at tanks farms and loading terminals; negative-· impacts on natural resources, archeology and tourism; resettlement; social impacts at terminals due to high traffic volume. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: (a) Use strict, internationally accepted standards for engineering, construction and operation of the system; (b) incorporate the results and recommendations of the EA into the engineering of the system; and (c) consult affected groups. ' JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Possible adverse 'impacts on safety, natural resources, social environment and resettlement. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The borrower has prepared an Environmental A.ssessnient Report, and submitted it to the Bank for its review and comments. The Bank has transmitted some of its preliminary comments to the borrower, to bring it in lin~ with OD 4.01 requirements. REMARKS: Environmental and safety benefits: (a) reduce marine pollution r,esulting from oil· leakages during operation and accidents when using sea transport; and (b) reduce rail and road hazards by minimizing land transportation. I-42 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : MALAS:YSkIAR d Project ID Ho: 4MAYPA110 ·.! Project arawa oa s Appraisal Date : Apr. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date Mar. 15, 1994 Managing Division EAlIH Sector: Transportation, Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: June 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The project consists of upgrading of trunk and feeder roads (135 Ian) and construction of a new road (25 Ian) through tropical lowland forest; improvement I of drainage and pavements; axle load control program; technical assistance to enhance project planning, management and supervision capabilities of the Sarawak Public Works Department; and improving road maintenance management capabilities. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: New road construction; - Conversion of tropical forests; - Drainage; - Resettlement and Rehabilitation; Land use options. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: H/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: A detailed Environmental Assessment will be undertaken to determine the impact of the project in the area. Particular attention will be paid to the tropic,al forest, resettlement and rehabilitation of any people displaced as a result of the proposed new road construction. Appropriate mitigation actions to minimize adverse effects to the environment and appropriate actions for Resettlement and.Rehabilitation will be included in the project for implementation. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL. CATEGORY: The proposed project includes new construction in an environmentally sensitive forested area with populations of indigenous people. SCHEDULE OP CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The preparation of the Environmental Assessment and Resettlement and Rehabilitation plans i~ line with proposed actions will be undertaken by· Consultants financed by the Japanese Grant Facility to Malaysia. Terms of Reference for the EA have been submitted by Government and reviewed by the Bank. Detailed comments have been provided to Government and a final review of the TORs will be carried out once revisions have been made. A short list I-43 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS has been prepared and Bank comments provided. Letters of invitation are expected to be issued shortly. The study will be undertaken under the supervision of the Economic Planning Unit and the Sarawak Public Works Dep~rtment. REMARKS: None. I-44 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country PHILIPPINES Project Iri No: 4PHLPA175 Project Cas~cnan Transbasin Appraisal Date : Jun. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $1,260.00m Board Date : Jul. 12, 1994 Managing Division: EAlIE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending I I Date for receipt of EA by Bank: 3rd Quarter, 93 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) a 197m.high rockfill dam and a storage reservoir in the Casecnaµ basin; (b) a 25.7 lan long transbasin tunnel; (c) a 156 MW hydro power station at the end of the tunnel and adjacent to the Pantabangan reservoir; (d) an increase of the maximum level and storage of the Pantabangan reservoir and of the capacity of existing Pantabangan and Masinay hydro power stations with additional 100 MW and 12 MW respectively; · (e) improvements· in the irrigation of an ongoing 102,300 hectares and the development in additional year round irrigation of some 92,300 hectares of agriculture lands in three / independent services areas; (f) watershed management for the Conways and Pantabangan ·reservoirs; and (g) Resettlement of the population displaced by the Conway reservoirs. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: (a) environment considerations during construction including pollution from construction operations, housing and other facilities for workers, and induced development; (b) maintenance of adequate downstream flows and control of flooding of the Cagayan River; (c) watersh~d management, including reforestation; (d) control of soil salinization, water-logging and excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers in the service areas; (e) resettlement and relocation of affected populations including tribal people; and /. (_f) loss of biological resources by inundation. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: The project has been delayed until a new consultant's study is completed. The proponents (the National Irrigation Administration and the National Power, Corporation), as part of the feasibility , I I-45 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS studies, are to develop an environmental management plan in consultation with the affected groups. This . would demonstrate how environmental measures· will be effectively integrated with project design and implementation and provide details on budgetary scheduling and manpower requirements for implementing the necessary measures. · JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: N/A SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: An Environmental Impact Assessment 1 (EIA) and an Environmental Perception Study (EPS) have already been prepared for the proj~ct. The documents identify and assess the major environmental impacts likely to be generated by a project of this nature and extent. During the -preparation mission the environmental issues will be re-examined and procedures, including terms of reference for further studies if need be, will be agreed to develop both a relocation resettlement plan and a comprehensive environmental management plan which will be monitored during project supervision. REMARKS: None. 1-46 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : PHILIPPINES Project ID No: 4PHLPA179 Project Leyte-Cebu Geothermal Appraisal Date Oct. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost.: $500.00m Board Date Jul. 12, 1994 Managing Division EAllE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: October 1991 Date EA Category Assigned: .MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The project includes two major components: (a) development of the geothermal field by PNOC to 200 MW capacity; and (b) the generation and transmission of electricity by NPC, including: (i) 3 modular (55 MW) geothermal plants; (ii) substation; (iii) a high voltage transmission line (about 130 Km) operating at 132 or 220 KV, with a 32 Km submarine· cable section. ·MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The main issues are: (a) adequate disposal of the geothermal liquid or brine; (b) air pollution from th~ discharge of non-condensible gases; (c) some flora removal for the construction of wells; (d) subsequent ~atershed protection to prevent immigration of people into the sensitive forested areas; (e) safe environmental construction; and (f) local population acceptance of the project. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A . ' PROPOSED ACTIONS:. The following actions have been taken: (a) the project de,sign mandates that all extracted liquids. be reinjected back into the same geothermal reservoirs, using deep wells specially drilled for this purpose; (b) small amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas may discharged primarily from the power station, but ground-level concentrations will be below health standards limits. To increase diffusion of such gas, it would be exhausted at high elevation. To avoid any smell nuisance, approximately 20 families in this scarcely populated area (for both Leyte-Cebu and Leyte-Luzon project) will be relocated with adequate compensation, to outside a one kilometer radius from the wells area that may be so affected; (c) the area to be used should be minimized. The wells are cased in thick steel to a depth of about 1,000,meters, to avoid any contact with aquifers or superficial waters. PNOC have already established a watershed protection program in Leyte including about 60 staff. This program should be maintained to avoid migration to this forest; . I 1-47 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS (d) proper construction techniques and environmental protection during construction are included in the EIA and would be included in the tender documents. Its implementation would be supervised by DENR and local NGOs; and (e) the local people, the Barangay Government and the Regional Development Council have been consulted and endorsed the project. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: N/A SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The EIA ·c for up to 440 MW) has been discussed with local groups, has been endorsed by the Regional Development Council and has been reviewed by the Bank. There are no serious pending issues. The EIA"for the transmission line should also be completed soon, but no serious problems are foreseen, since the transmission follows existing roads and there are no important forests in Cebu island. REMARKS: As explained above, the consultation process with local people and NGOs is going on, and would be enhanced once the environmental monitoring starts through involvement of BGOs in the process. Based on new Local Government Law, the local population would greatly benefit from the project, since 1% of the gross revenues would be transferred annually to them. 1-48 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country PHILIPPINES Project ID No: 4PHLPA196 Project Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Appraisal Date : Nov. 16, 1992 Total Project Cost: $115.00m Board Date Jun. 08, 1993 Managing Division EA1IN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Date EA Category Assigned: June 11, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: 1 The proposed project would include: (a) development of two sanitary land fill sites; (b) construction of four transfer stations; (c) procurement of long haul ·equipment and equipment for landfills; (d) rehabilitation of equipment maintenance workshops; and (e) technical assistance (consultancies). MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The project would face the environmental issue of leachate from the landfills an'd poss_ibility of groundwater pollution. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: (a) Gas from proposed landfill and existing dumps to be closed; (b) windborne smells and fugitive waste from the landfills and transfer stations and from trucks in transit; and (c) noise, litter, exhaust fumes and other nuisances from the transfer truck movement. PROPOSED ACTIONS: The consultants engaged for the design of landfill and transfer stations have as part of their terms of reference undertaken an Environmental Assessment of each of the facilities. The EAs have been submitted to the Environmental Management Board and its comments have been incorporated in the final design of the facilities., JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY:. Project will address solid wastes problem of Metro Manila. Earlier it was assigned D category and thus grandfathered for .EA. However, in the revised rating system, it-has been classifed category A thus EAs will be done to cover project components, risk of ground water and river/stream pollution. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The Government has conducted an environmental assessment of the proposed landfill sites during site election •. The Bank received and reviewed the Environmental Impact Statements (landfills in March 1992 and transfer stations (revised) in August 1992) and forwarded comments to MMA in March, 1992. The EIS for the first Transfer Station was found very satisfactory; a revised version responqing to the Bank's comments was received in August 1992. The landfill consultant has still to design the I-49 ERVIRONMERTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS leachate treatment~works. REMARKS: I A large majority of residents within 1 Ian radius of the 2 landfills and the 1st Transfer Station were interviewed. Public:hearings were held with public leaders and residents' representatives regarding the Transfer Station July to September 1991. ·Three public hearings were held at the Carmona landfill, conducted by MMA arid DERR during March 1992 • • I-50 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET·FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country PHILIPPINES Project ID No: 4PHLPA202 froject Leyte Luzon,Geothermal Appraisal Date Jul. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $1,100.00m Board Date : Jul. 12, 1994 Managing Division: EA~IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: October 1991 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The proposed loan will partly finance the development of the geothermal field at Leyte (A), the construction of a power generation plant (8*55 MW) and the implementation of 473 km transmission to Luzon with a 23 km subsea part. The Bank will review the environmental reports from the two entities, before negotitation, to show that there is compliance with the regulations and standards of the Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) of the Philippines, in the design, and these are satisfactory to the Bank. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Discharge of geothermal fluids into local streams has to be controlled carefully so that stream arsenic and boron content are within safe limits. In the operational phase, the fluids will be reinjected into the deep reservoir. Hydrogen sulfide and other non-condensible gases from the power station will be evacuated through high stacks and at the same time ground concentrations in plant areas will be monitored and alarm systems installed. Noise levels could occasionally be high when steam vented for pressure stabilization, but staff will be protected by being inside air conditioned control rooms. Staff housing colonies will be located far from the development. The geothermal sites are in remote areas away from habitations. Some relocation of people along the transmission line corridor is likely. NPC will take adequate measures to resettlement and compensation of these affected. Leyte development will open new areas of forested parts of the Togonan Reservation. PNOC will adopt necessary forest protection strategies in cooperation with,other agencies of the government such as DENR and the armed services as well as non-government organizations and groups involved in environmental safeguards. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: NPC and PNOC have completed the EAs for the generation of 440 MW and the Environmental Summary has been distributed to the Board (June 30, 1992). For power transmission, EAs have to be don~ after route surveys. Bank will monitor th~ progress in the obtaining of the,certificates from time to time. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: N/A I-51 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY. "A" PROJECTS SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: 'Draft EA's for construction and operation of Ley~e A steamfield and power station have been submitted to the Bank for review. REMARKS: The Energy Sector Loan (Loan No. 3165-PH) had addressed the strengthening of EMB and upgrading of its quality through technical assistance, training, acquisition of sophisticated tools and instruments and adoption of sta~dards, practices ~nd procedures from other countries as would be useful and relevant to the Philippines. Bank staff have also reviewed EMB guidelines, for example EIS Scoping Guidelines for geothermal projects and have made suggestions. I '- 1-52 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : THAILAND Project ID No: 4THLPA145 Project Industrial Pollution Control Appraisal Date : Feb. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $90.00m Board Date : Sep. 28, 1993 Managing Division: EAlIE Sector: Industry Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for rec~ipt of EA by Bank: Sep. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: Apr~ 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The proposed project would have four components: (i) construction of central industrial waste treatment facilities for areas with high concentration of chemical andrelated industries, including Suksawat and Rangsit; (ii) completion of final engineering and construction of another two ~reatment systems to be selected among the prefeasbility studies being prepared for Poochao, Samingprai, Teparak, Krathumban and Sampran; (iii) const"tuct'ion of collection, treatment and disposal systems for toxic/hazardous waste at Chonburi and Rachaburi, (iv) funding of waste reduction and pollution abatement schemes for individual industries; (v) training in industrial pollution and environmental management; and (vi) technical assistance to review the institutional management and financial framework of the sector, including the purchase of monitoring and sampling equipment. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The project would reduce significant industrial pollution, which is a serious and rapidly growing problem in the project areas. However, unless some concessional financing is provided by foreign donors, the project approval, its implementation and its benefits may suffer considerable delays. Additional issues include: (i) adequate legal and institutional framework; (ii) adequate system for cost recovery, at least for operation; (iii) project design to avoid or reduce environmental damage; and (iv) the inclusion of the transhipment of toxic waste in the port of Bangkok (which is a contentious issue), is also important, but its priority and the preparation of engineering studies is to be discussed with Government. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: After several uncontrollable delays, consultants have been hired to prepare the feasibility and final engineering for.the project. After basic 'design is established an EA will be completed. :Any environmental problems identified will be incorporated in the final design. Other actions regarding issues already identified include: (i) to ensure that the legal and institutional.framework is adequate, a DABIDA grant of $700,000 is proposed to finance studies and technical assistance to DIW and the NEB. These studies will be completed by mid-1993; (ii) adequate cost recovery for operation and part of the capital expenditures is needed to ensure the project sustainability. For this purpose the feasibility/final engineering I-53 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS study will provide recommendations, which are expected to be similar to the ongoing pollution charges implemented for the 11 Industrial Estates, where pollution fees are based on the BOD and volume of was.te; (iii) the location o1 the treatment facilities, the type of treatment, the odor and atmospheric emission, the final sludge disposal, etc. will require attention during the engineering studies to prevent or mitigate potential environmental damage. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: ' N/A SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The contracts for the final feasibility and subsequent final design were signed on April 1992 (being financed by a Japanese Grant). The consultants will prepare an EA for review by the Bank and DIW at the completion of the final feasibility stage before the initiation of the final design (expected by Dece~ber 1992). REMARKS: Bank preparation missions, and the support of an environmental - professional in the Resident Mission would supervise the project preparation and the consultants' study. · ' I-54 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A".PROJECTS Country : . EGYPT \ Project ID No: SEGTPA184 Project Power Sector Investment Appraisal Date May 25, 1993 Total Project Cost: $780.00m Board Date Jun. 14, 1994 Managing Division MN2IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: May 1993 (tentative) Date EA Category Assigned,: May 12, 1992 7 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: I - Supply and Installation o~ a 600 MW Thermal power station; II -_Installation of transmission lines and substations (including line , loss reducing equipment); and III- Technical Assistance. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: · Proximity to Mediterranean coast and urban areas; SOx, NOx and particulate emissions, ambient air and water quality. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: ' Screening of gas pipeline and transmission line corridors. PROPOSED ACTIONS: / To be developed during preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment Report. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Installa~ion of a major thermal power station with the associated transmission lines, substations and natural gas pipeline. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENYIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: To be developed after return of supervision mission in December 1992. REMARKS: To be developed. \' 1-55 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : EGYPT Project ID Ho: 5EGTPA187 Project : Tourism Infrastructure and Environment Appraisal Date : May 18, 1992 Total Project Cost: $140.00m Board Date : Nov. 10, 1992 Managing Division MH2IH Sector: Tourism Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: July 15, 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 19, 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Provision of infrastructure (water supply, sewerage, solid waste, road improvement), berthing facilities on the Hile, improvement of resource management and protection of biodiversity on the Red Sea Coast. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Those normally associated with solid and liquid waste disposal in touristic areas; especially sensitive areas are along the Red Sea and the Nile River. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: None. __J PROPOSED ACTIONS: Environmental assessments are being carried out for all touristic zones being developed under the project. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Strengthening environmental management in tourism development zones is a specific project objective and the project is designed to avoid significant environmental stress related to town development. , , r SCHEDUL~ OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Out of 4 sub-components, satisfacoty EAs have been received for 2 components. The other tw~ nee~ further work. Revised drafts expected first week of October 1992. REMARKS: None. 1-56 ' ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Count'ry : IRAN Project ID No: SIRNPA046 Project : Railway/Ports Appraisal Date : Jan. 27, 1993 Total Project Cost: $600.00m Board Date : Jul. 06, 1993 Managing Division: MH2IN Se~tor: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Jan •. 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: June 01, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Improve capacity and efficiency of ports and railways by constructing a railway line, a workshop for locomotive maintenance, and provision of port equipment. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: None. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Railroad track alignment would require a review by the Antiquities Department. PROPOS.ED ACTIONS: Environmental impact study will be carried out during preparation. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Environmental impacts are expected to be limited, since the railway passes through sparsely populated semi-desert areas; and the ports component will improve operations by provision of equipment and thus reduce long duration queues by ships which often cause environmental pollution at ports. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: EAs expected to be completed by Jan. 1993. REMARKS: None. I-57 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country .: IRAN. Project ID. No: 5IRNPA050 Project Tehran Sewerage Appraisal Date : Nov. 18, 1992 Total Project Cost: $650.00m Board Date : May 18, 1993 Managing Division MN2IN .Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage· Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Feb. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 18, 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Provision of sewerage system for Tehran including collection, treatment, and effluent reuse systems. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: No major environmental issues are foreseen. TJiose normally associated with sewerage and effluent reuse will be addressed through proper design. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Those normally associated with construction. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Being defined in Environmental Assessment ' report. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: The large size of treatment. plant and.effluents are the main reasons for the EA category "A". SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Preliminary draft EA report was reviewed in August 1992. Revised draft assessment, expected in October, will also be reviewed. REMARKS: None. I-58 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : IRAN Project ID 'No: SIR'NPA052 Project Gae Development Appraisal Date : Dec. 08, 1992 Total Project Cost: $970.00m Board-Date : May 25, 1993 Managing Division MN2IE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Statue: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: 'Nov. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPO'NE'NTS: Gathering and processing of flared associated gas and technical assistance for development of gas sector. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: 'None. r· OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Rieke of offshore pollution, pipeline failure, other facility accidents. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Due attention in the design and operation of project facilities. JUSTIFICATIO'N/RATIO'NALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: A - to comply with current Bank procedures. EA under preparation by implementing agency. ~CHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: EA under preparation completed by 'November 1992. REMARKS: · I-59 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR.CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country MOROCCO Project ID No: 5MYCPA156 ~ Project : Sewerage and Wastewater Treatment Appraisal Date : Oct. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $70.00m Board Date ~ul. 05, 1994 Managing Division MNlIN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Nov. 1, 1992 -Date EA Category Assigned:" Nov. 12, 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The Sewerage and Wastewater Treatment Project (SWTP) would precede a Wastewater Irrigation Project (WIP) for Casablanca, Khouribga, Agadir, and Settat. The SWTP would include: (a) implementation of sewerage and primary wastewater treatment facilities; and (b) institutional development aiming to set up appropriate organizations for project implementation, operation, and maintenance. The WIP would include secondary and tertiary wastewater treatment facilities and irrigation systems for about 4,750 ha. to be irrigated with the treated wastewater originating from the SWTP. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Environmental issues include: (a) determining appropriate project design; (b) th~ development and use of standards and guidelines for the safe and sound operation of the project, in particular aiming to protect the health of operating personnel; (c) development of necessary legislation; and (d) the implementation of any required measures to protect the environment against possible negative effects caused by the project. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: None identified at present. PROPOSED ACTIONS: . I ' • i I Project preparation for SWTP has begun as part of the ong6ing Sewerage ' Master Plan Studies for Casablanca and Agadir, Loan 2826 MOR.- Khouribga and -I Settat SWTP will be financed under the new loan and not by 2826 MOR as _ previously stated. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: The major negative impacts from this project could be: (a) extensive marine pollution from the sea outfalls discharging from the SWTP; (b) pollution of aquifers which supply both cities with drinking and irrigation water; and (c) adverse effects on a National Park at Agadir in which the Sewage Treatment Plant will be located. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Suitable consulting firms have been selected by the GOM to undertake the environmental impact studies for the SWTP. The studies are expected to start in December 1991. Financing will come from the ongoing Bank Loan 2826 MOR - I 1-60 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Casablanca Sewerage. REMARKS: Ho information available at present. \ / I-61 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : TUNISIA Project ID No: STUBPA149 Project Northern Tunisia Water Resource Mobilization Appraisal Date Sep. 30, 1992 Total Project Cost: $700.00m Board Date : Mar. 16, 1993 · Managing Division MNlIN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Sept. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 12, 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: A. Sidi El Barrak dam on the Oued Zouara 2 kms inland from the coastline. B. Additional works to protect rural population against flooding, realignment of roads and railway. C. Rehabilitation, replacement and installation of new measuring equipment. D. Extension (Tunis) and new construction (Nefza) of waste water treatment plants. E. Training, technical assistance, studies, sector-wide MIS a~d acquisition of computer equipment and sofware for integrated water management. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Entire or partial property loss and physical isolation of some 740 families following the submersion of housing, land, roads and railroads due to the dam and reservo·ir construction. Reservoir pollution risks from ,[ I wastewater discharge from Nefza. Loss of flora and fauna in the area to be submerged by the reservoir. An indirect beneficial effect of the Sidi El Barrak dam project would be the availability of additional fresh water to preserve the National Park of Ischkeul, which is currently the construction of several dams in its basin. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Disturbance and disruption of services during construction. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Detailed resettlement plan to be developed before appraisal. Wastewater treatment plant for Nefza. Environmental mitigation and monitoring plan to be prepared before appraisal. Implementation arrangements and schedule to be agreed at negotiations and constitute part.of project conditionality. Creation of three protected areas in the reservoir watershed. Relocation of railway and roads and construction of additional roads. Proper planning and staging of project works. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: -- Dam Construction Project is alw~ys Category "A". There were no changes from initial classification. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT& I-62 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS First EA draft was prepared in June 1991 accompanied by.socioeconomic survey of affected population and social impact assessment submitted to the Bank in January 1992. The preappraisal mission of May 1992 submitted comments, discussed the reports, and provided instructions and guidelines for completion of EA, resettlement plan and consultation process before appraisal. Completion is expected by September 1992. REMARKS: To be developed before appraisal. I-63 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS . i Country : ARGENTINA Project ID Ho: 6ARGPA116 Project : Yacyreta II Appraisal Date : .Mar. 16, 1992 Total Project Cost: $2,890.00m Board-Date Sep. 29, 1992 Managing Division: LA4IE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan· Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Jan. 28, 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: Sep. 25, 1991 I MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (1) Yacyreta hydroelectric dam civil works; (2) first phase of the transmission system; and (3) T.A •. for design and implementation of the Plan of Action for Resettlement and Environmental Management. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Impact of the large Yacyreta reservoir on the population and environme~t, including loss of wildland ecosystems, involuntary resettlement, and water _/ quality problems. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Effects . of migratory fish and other aquatic life, inundation of cultural properties, potentially increased public health risks. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Continued monitoring of actions agreed in the Electric Power Sector Project (Loan 2998-AR). Additional mitigatory measures have been identified in the EA study and included in the updated version of the P.A. for R&EM JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Category A is appropriate for a large hydroelectric dam project. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The EA executive summary was circulated to EDs on May 21, 1992. REMARKS: EBY has held meetings with HGOs in June and August 1992. The outcome of - these meetings will be reflected in an Annex to the EA. 1-64 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country BRAZIL. Project ID No: 6BRAPA327 Project : Water Pollution Control - Minas Gerais Appraisal Date Jun. 29, 1992 Total Projec_t,Cost: $308.00m Board Date : Nov. 17, 1992 Managing Division LAlIN · Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Apr. 30, 1992 Date EA Ca;egory Assigned: June 19, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Self-sustained investment project in the most congested areas of Brazil to develop methodologies to tackle the cleaning of environment. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Save the scarce water resources for human consumption and agriculture. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Contribute to the development of institutional capacity to create water management agencies. PROPOSED ACTIONS: - invest in infrastructure - agree on instruments to recover costs and finance water agency. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Resettlement and public health. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENr: Final EA - April 30, 1992. REMARKS: - Government has given permission for release of EA. 1-65 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : CHILE Project ID Ho: 6CHLPA036 Project : Irrigation Development Appraisal Date Mar. 23, 1992 Total Project Cost: $112.SOm Board Date : Mar. 16, 1993 Managing Division LA4AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Sep. 1991 Date EA Category Assigned: Apr. 20, 1988 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Public investment in rehabilitation, modernization and construction of small and medium-sized irrigation schemes. Enhanced implementation of the Irrigation Development Law which supports private investment in sma,11 scale and on-£ arm works. Support to strengthen user associations in operating and maintaining irrigation schemes. Strengthening, as appropriate, public agencies involved in -irr~gation, including their capacity to assess and mitigate for dealing with these issues. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The draft sectoral EA has identified a series of potential problems associated with irrigation, including salinity and drainage problems, water quality and agro-chemical contamination, displacement of population by reservoirs and threats to biodiversity in newly-irrigated areas. Further, these aspects will be conditioned by broader long-run issues of intersectoral conflicts over land and water use. - OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: The project would ensure that the above issues. are dealt with a rational and systematic £,ashion in the course of subproject ar{alysis and selection, with participation by beneficiaries and affected groups. Cost recovery and strengthening of user groups _would also contribute to improved use efficiency and water conservation. These groups would also be involved in monitoring water quality. Finally, long-run multiple water use planning would be addressed in river basin studies. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Project would include various sub-projects with different degrees of environmental impact. Some sub-projects could be classified as an A for purposes of EIA, therefore entire operation is considered an A project. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: I-66 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS A first draft of the sectoral EA was reviewed in September by LATEN and LA4AG. The draft was also presented to and discussed with several local non-governmental organizations working in issues of the environment and rural development. In March 1992, a revised draft was sent to the Bank and an executiv, summary forwarded to the ~oard. REMARKS: A draft of. the summary ( in Spanish) was circulated to numerous l~cal non-governmental organizations (NGOs) involved in environmental issues and rural development in Chile, who were invited to participate in a meeting under the auspices of the Ministry of Planning (MIDEPLAN) to discuss and comment on the issues raised. The summary was sent to the following NGOs: Consultorias Profesionales Agraria Ltda. (AGRARIA), Comite Nacional de.Pro. Defensa de la Fauna y Flora (CODEFF), Centro de Investigacion y Planificacion del Medio Ambiente (CIPMA), Grupo de Investigaciones Agrarias (GIA), Instituto de Ecologia Politica (IEP), Instituto de Educacion Rural (IER), and Instituto de Promocion Agraria (INPROA); the meeting was attended by. CODEFF, INPROA, IER and AGRARIA on December 3, 1991 in the office. of . MIDEPLAN. Profiles of potential investments under the project will be circulated to interested local NGOs and affected groups during March-April for comments. .i I-67 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEE~ FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : COLOMBIA Project ID No: 6CLMPA192 Project : Pollution.Abatement a~d S~nitation Appraisal Date May 17, 1993 Total Project Cost: $500.00m Board Date Jul. ·2s, 1994 Managing Division LA3IN Sector: Water Supply and Se,;,7erage Lending Instrument: Specific Inv~stment Loan Stat¥s: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: April, 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: J~n.30, 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The. project would include:_ major sewerage and drainage networks; initial works for abating pollution of the Bogota river; secondary water supply networks; and consultancies and training. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: While the long-term impacts are environmentally beneficial, issues to be'addressed include: (a) impact of sewage.and storm drainage works _upon threatened wetlan~s in the project area; (b) short and long-term impact of works upon residents along works corridors; (c) removal and safe disposal of construction wastes and (possibly ;oxic wastes), dredging sludges from some existing sewage and storm drainage channels. · OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Short-term environmental impacts (dust, noise, air pollution) of construction process. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Protection of threatened wetlands in Park system which could protect rare species and improve environmental quality are being studied. Land acquisition strategy and resettlement plan being finalized; solutions for removal and safe disposal of construction wastes and dredging sludges being developed. / JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: The project classification "A" is correct\ All former class "D" (Environment - enhancing) projects are classed as "A" under the new (October 3, 1991) version of the OD 4.01. Projects involving works of the dimensions foreseen in this project are certainly classed as "A"s. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: EA TORs for proposed works components reviewed by Bank, November 1991. EA for proposed works components prior to appraisal. REMARKS: EA TORs were reviewed and progress will be monitored by Bogota V Project Steeri~g Committee, made up of: Proponent; Regional Autonomous Corporation ·, 1-68 llWI1lONMi;RTAL DATA SHEET FOil CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS (CAlt) with overall responsibility for natural resources in the project area; the City 9f Bogota Environmental Office (DAMA) with close links to local NGOs, universities and neighborhood associations; City Services Department (EDIS) responsible for garbage disposal and management of urban public places1 National Planning Department Environmental Policy Division (DNP-DEPAC)1 Regional Government of Cundinamarca. The EAs will be reviewed with and released to the public. l II ' 1 l 'i' I I \ I I ,1 I I-69 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : CARIBBEAN RE Project ID Noa 6CRBPAOl3 Project : OECS Waste Management Appraisal Date : Sep. 15, 1993 Total Project Costa $85.SOm Board Date : Jul. 14, 1994 Managing Division: LA3IN Sectors Other \ Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Statues Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Sep.15, 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: Sep.18, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Solid Waste; Liquid Waste; and a regional component to establish a workable institutional framework for regional·coordination to imple~ent. the other two components. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Environmental degradation of the Caribbean Sea. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: Improve waste management in the OECS countries and provide reception facilities in support of the "Special Area• designation under IMO in support of MAB.POL ANNEX V. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: To ensure the environmental integrity of the proposed landfill sites and waste water solutions financed under the project.· SCHED~E OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: June 1993 - EA start-up date REMARKS: To be developed. I-70 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : DOMINICAN R. Project ID No: 6DOMPA035 Project Power II Appraisal Date ' : Sep. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $150.00m Board Date . Jul. 14, 1994 . Managing Divis,ion : LA3TF Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Dec.15, 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: Sep.18, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) Coal-fired thermal plant, capacity abo~t 125 MW; (b) Coal port terminal; . . (c) Rehabilitation of thermal plants and of transmission and distribution lines; and (d) Institutional strengthening. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES:· Sulphur emissions. Coal ash disposal. Institutional weakness on all aspects including EA. ' OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: To be determined. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Impacts.of pollutants in gaseous .and liquid discharges from the proposed coal-fired power plant as well as solid waste disposal issu·es need to be evaluated in the EA study. The EA study will also encompass the coal port terminal, where dust emissions are a potential.·. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: No action on EA taken so far. A 1985 study requires assessment and updating. No TORs yet agreed upon. A PPF may be required. ~xecuting agency: possibly CDE. REMARKS: None. >- I-71 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : JAMAICA Project ID No: 6JAMPA069 Project Water Supply and Sewerage Appraisal Date : May 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $55.00m ·Board Date : Jan. 15, 1994 Managing Division: LA3IR Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: 3rd Qtr 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 18, 1992' MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Sewage collection, treatment and disposal for Kingston metro area; solid waste management; pollution monitoring programs. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Pollution in Kingston Harbor caused by untreated sewage discharges; leachate intrusion into the Harbor from solid waste dump sites and non-point sources of pollution (stormwater runoffs, etc.) OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: 12-month feasibility study commenced in November 1991 aimed at quantifying pollutional loads, and prescribing solutions to alleviate problems; proposed project will be based on recommendations of this study. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: The project will be aimed at controlling pollution (waste-related) in the Kingston Harbor; it will impact on several subsectors (improved sewage, drainage, solid waste, etc.) for the Kingston area. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: EA will be prepared as part of the feasibility study; starting date - Dec. 1992; First Draft - Aug. 1993. REMARKS: None. 1-72 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : MEXICO Project ID No: 6MXCPA111 Project : Rainfed Areas Development Appraisal Date : Jun. 15, 1993 Total Project I '- Cost: $400.00m Board Date : Feb. 15, 1994 Ma~aging Division: LA2AG Sector: Agridulture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: May, 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 16, 1992 MAJOR·PROJECT COMPONENTS: (i) Tropic'al land development: (a) drainage; (b) irrigation; (c) .land clearing; (ii) Rural development: (a) stores; (b) roads, and (iii) agricultural research and extension. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: l Impact of tropical land development on sustainable productivity. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Fertilizer and pesticide use PROPOSED ACTIONS: Adequate design, execution, and maintenance of works JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: The project will encompass a group of subprojects in the tropical southern part and temperate highlands of Mexico. These subprojects will comprise grazing and currently cropped areas including some that will be subject to clearing of vegetation. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Ongoing in Project Tropical Agriculture II (Loan 2658-ME). REMARKS: Hone •. I-73 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECT$ Country i : PARAGUAY Proj ec·t ID No: 6PARPA07 l Project : Natural Resource Management I Appraisal Date : Jun. 08, 1992 Total Project Cost: $87.60m Board Date : Jan. 15; 1993 Managing Division: LA4AG Sec~or:, Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: June 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: April 20, 1990 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Regional agricultural development in the Departments of Alto Parana and Itapua (norte) including consolidation of settlements, infrastructure, agricultural services, environmental protection and institutional strengthening. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: ..I Deforestation for agricultural purposes, without proper land use planning or use of proper soil conservation technology; indigenous communities; in~reasing population pressures on land resources. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS':. Detailed design of watershed management and resource conservation to be undertaken using PHRD grant during· the late stages of project preparation. :I JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Important environmental issues, which can be dealt with directly in the project's design. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: · The EA preparation process was discussed with the borrower during· the pre-appraisal mission (Feb 11-29, 1992). The draft report was provided to the appraisal mission in June 1992, and the final version p~us English language summary~ere provided at the end of·July 1992. REMARKS: The Government of Paraguay has given its permission to release the EA · report. I-74 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country · 1 PERU Project ID No: 6PERPA123 Project : Lima Water Sector Restructuring &'Rehab. Appraisal Date : Feb. 22, 1993 Total Project Cost: · $200.• 00m Board Date I Jul. 28, 1993 Managing Division: LAlIN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instruments Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: 2nd quarter 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: June 11, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: An institutional component to: help Peruvian authorities to privatize Lima's Water Quality Company (SEDAPAL); (2) finance sector restructuring, technical assistance, and training; (3) assist the GOP in setting up a water· basin management unit.~ investment component to help finance rehabilitation of critically damaged infrastructure, infrastructure for safe disposal of sewage into the ocean, and service quality improvement. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: The two major environmental problems are: (1) the direct discharge of· cholera contaminated sewage on Lima's seashore; (2) the exhaustion and contamination of Lima's ground water aquifer; (3) the lack of an institutional and regulatory framework to address environmental planning and management. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Mining activities waste and cholera contaminated sewage are·currently being poured into the Rimac River,_upstream from Lima's water treatment plant. Irrigation of vegetables with highly contaminated water. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Studies to create a comprehensive management unit for the water basin are being proposed to authorities to set and enforce environmental standards and decide on conflicting uses of water. The construction of submarine outfalls is being proposed as the most efficient action to solve the current discharge of sewage on Lima's seashore. Potential environmental problems will , be thoroughly studied and mitigating measures proposed. An environmental assessment of the proposed submarine outfalls will be carried out by March 31, 1993. Rehabilitation of sewage collectors will help prevent cholera's propagation. Group water extraction will be metered and a water tariff or charge, reflecting water's opportunity cost, will be approved. JUSTIFICATION/RATIORALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: No major adverse environmental problems are envisaged. Potential problems could only appear related to the construction of the submarine outfalls and, if this is the case, they will be mitigated through appropriate engineering practices. Contamination of the Rimac River will be properly· evaluated and a mitigation progr_~ proposed. 1-75 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS SCHEDULE OJ!' CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: To be developed. Estimated to start first quarter 1993 REMllltS: Rone. I-78 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country CZECHOS. Project ID No: 7CZKPA011 Project : Environment I , I Appraisal Date Jul. 08, 1993 Total Project Cost: $300.00m l Board Date May 28, 1994 Managing Division EC2EE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: June 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: 1. Municipal services (water, sewerage and solid waste) in 8 cities. 2. Hazardous waste incineration in two locations_. 3. Mining reclamation program. 4. Activities to implement environmental master plans in Northern Bohemia and Northern Moravia. 5. Institutional strengthening and technical assistance, including feasibility studies for next project. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Siting and design of hazardous waste disposal (incineration) facilities at Ostrava (Czech Republic) and Sala (Slovak Republic). OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: ( Design of municipal wastewater treatment plants to meet receiving water standards. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Hazardous waste component will require full EA prior to appraisal. Wastewater treatment plants (and possibly other investments under components 3, 4,. and 5, not yet identified) will require adherence to internationally accepted standards. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Potential dangers from hazardous waste disposal, especially.under abnormal or emergency conditions, are inherently high and public awareness is low; this component is clearly "A" category. If this component is dropped or deferred, the project would revert to a "B" rating. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Procedures for undertaking EA work, including the need for public participation, have been discussed with component sponsors and Terms of Reference agreed. Consultants, under an EC/PHARE grant have been selected for the Ostrava incinerator and scoping session has been held. A draft report should be ready by the scheduled appraisal date. A more elaborate EA is required for the Czech Republic facility because the present site is probably not acceptable. I-79 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS REMAJUC.S: Borrower has been advised of the need to release EA. _A formal reply is awaited but is not expected to be a problem. ' )--\ I-80 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : HUNGARY Project ID No: 7HUNPA045 Project Energy/Environment Appraisal Date Oct. 05, 1992 Total Project Cost: •· $2_?4.00m Board Date Apr. 26, 1993 Managing Division EC2EE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Sept. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The project involves: (i) the construction of one or two gas fired combined cycle co-generation plants; (ii) strengthening through the upgrading of MVM's (the Hungarian Electricity Company) Energy Management System, (EMS) at the ~ational Despatch Center and Regional Despatch Centers; (iii) technical assistance to upgrade the human resources management, training and generally the institution building capacity in the power sector; and (iv) assistance to reinforce the environmental management and monitoring capability in the sector through development of a master plan (including implementation of the accepted recommendations) and air quality monitoring ·program an~ related training. / MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: (a) Atmospheric emissions and standards compliance at the power ' stations; (h) noise; and (c) disturbances to the terrain and properties during construction •. Considerable uncertainty exists regarding legal procedures to obtain formal licenses for constructing projects such as under consideration. The process includes approvals for environmental measures, some from municipalities, others from state government authorities. Due to the current situation some administrative problems are expected. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: Environmental assessment is proposed for component (i). JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: N/A SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL,ASSESSMENT: Environmental assessment of component (i) is to be included in the feasibility studies; draft report taking into account some of the preliminary comments of the Bank and detailed comments from MVM are expected by September 1992. Details of EA requirements were discussed in detail during May-June mission and good quality EA for one of the components I-81 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS has already been received by the Bank. REMARKS: . · None. I-82 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA 'SHEET FOR CATEGORY •An PROJECTS I Country ROMANIA . Project ID. No: 7ROMPA104· Project Powe~/Coal Rehabilitation Appraisal Date Jan. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $600.00m Board Date Dec. 07, 1993 Managing Division EClIE Sector: Other Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: May 1993 Date EA Category Assigned: Apr. 15, 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Rehabilitation of thermal plants;.modernization of load dispatching system; transmission system reinforce~ent; rehabilitation ·and restructuring lignite mines; environmental protection; and technical assistance. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: ' Increase emissions of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen from rehabilitated coal and lignite power plants; EIA will also establish possible environmental impact of increased lignite mining on groundwater and land use. · OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Ash disposal. PROPOSED ACTIONS: Environmental impact assessment study including recommendations on remedial actions. JUSTIF,ICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Increased environmental impact from increased product of power from lignite fired plants. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Draft Ter,:ns of reference - 6/19/92; final TOR - October 1992; consultants' selection - Nov. 1992; first draft report - Apr. 1993. REMARKS: Romania Environmental Strategy paper completed by Bank and Government. Others to be determined. / I-83 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FORCATEGORY"A" PROJECTS ' Country RUSSIA Project ID No: 7RUSPA008 Project Oil Sector Appraisal Date Jul. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $750.00m Board Date Oct. 27, 1992 Managing Division t EC3IV Sector: Energy . Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan. Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Sept. 1992· Date EA Category Assigned: April 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: (a) Workover.and rehabilitation of shut-in production oil wells; (b) completion of wells already drilled and con~ection of th~se to the surface infrastructure; (c) drilling. new wells .in existing fields; (d) replacement of oil gathering lines and production flow lines; (e) provision of oil field services; and (f) technical assistance and training. I MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: J No major issues,, as project area is on existing fields and does not involve "greenfield" sites. In fact, one project component, replacement of oil gathering lines and production flow lines will reduce oil leakages and thus address an important environmental concern. Also, introduction of western technology will have a mitigating effect on the environment. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: To be determined as part of the Environmental Assessment. PROPOSED ACTIONS: To be determined as part of the Environmental Assessment. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: As required under, OD 4.01--this is an oil production projec_t •. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A.ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: ' Draft EA report being translat~d into English--summary will be available late .September. REMARKS: None. ( --·- - · - - - - - - - - - - ' - - I-84 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country BANGLADESH Project ID No: 8BANPA176 Project : Jamuna Multi Purpose Bridge Appraisal Date : Mar. 15, 1993 T~tal Project Cost: $528.00m Board Date : Jan. 04, 1994 Managing Division SAlEI Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Completed Date EA Categorr Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: This project aims to stimulate economic growth by· providing land transport of electricity, passenger and freight traffic and, potentially, natural gas and telecommunications between the northwest quadrant and the eastern half of the country. Components include a four lane bridge, bridge approaches,. river training works -technical assistance and training. · MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Potential pollution and erosion during construction; ·interference with drainage; increased river bank erosion; disruption of agricultural practices including loss of agricultural land requiring involuntary resettlement; possible impact on fisheries, wildlife, navigation, and reduced dry-season crop yield through closure of northern Dhaleswari River; risk of explosion or fire from gas pipeline; seismic risks; risk of accident during road transport of hazardous materials; bridge and adjunct highways may induce uncontrolled development. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: An EA has been prepared as part of the feasibility study. Construction would be planned •nd managed to minimize impacts during construction. Plans now being formulated for resettlement and for mitigating impacts on drainage, fisheries and1 agriculture, and for controlling land use would be implemented. An environment cell has been established in the implementing agency, expert consultants would be provided and its staff trained. · JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: Potential impacts are significant. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Supplementary resettlement, fisheries and wildlife studies and plans are under preparation. Studies on mitigation of effects in the upper Dhaleswari and the master plan are in-progress. Mitigating measures will be incorporated into final planning and design for implementation. The ·' initial EA is available now. The other studies would be available prior to I-85 ENVIROMMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS appraisal. REMARKS: The affected people have been initially consulted as part of the studies for Dhaleswari River closure mitigation and the involuntary resettlement process, and this will be continued as part of the project preparation process. i I-86 I i I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS I Country :· BANGLADESH Project ID No: 8BANPA200 Project Gas Infrastructure Development Appraisal Date Nov. 07,· 1992 Total Project Cost: $130.00m Board Date Mar. 23, 1993 Managing Division SAlEI Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Sept. 30, 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 1992 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Yet to be confirmed, based on gas network analysis planned for the August 1992 preappraisal mission, but is expected to include: natural gas transmission pipeline, load dispatch center, telecommunications equipment and technical assistance/training. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Possible issues related to safety, resettlement, impact on natural resources (river crossing, wet-land). OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: R/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: The 1991 preliminary EA for the gas pipeline component will be up4ated to conform to the Bank's procedures and take into account the results of.the gas network analysis. The recommendations of the complete EA including the other'project components, and a timetable for their implementation, would form part of the conditionality for this project. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: The project may have significant adverse impacts that may be sensitive and diverse. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Revised EA (first draft): September 1992 Final EA received by Bank: October 31, 1992. Curent sta,tus :, The Bank was formally requested by the Government on June 7, 1992 to mobilize the necessary expertise to carry out the EA. REMARKS: 1. A wider assessment of environmental and operational safety and practices.: for the entire petroleum sector would be implemented under the LPG-project approved by the Board in June 1991. 2. Natural gas is a cleaner fuel compared to fuel wood and kerosene presently used. · I-87 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS ·· Country : INDIA Project ID No: 8INDPA323 Project : Oil and Gas Sector Development II Appraisal Date : Nov. 30, 1992 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date : Mar. 16, 1993 Managing Division: SA2EG Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank:--'Oct. 16, ·1992 Date EA Category Assigned: MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: • (a) The main objective of the project is to assist ONGC in increasing its oil output and improving the efficiency of its operations through joint ventures with international oil companies. (b) In parallel, the project would provide financial support for well- workovers and the rehabilitation of oil field infrastructure. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: ·»rilling and transport of oil from offshore oilfields poses a number of environmental hazards, including discharge of liquids from platforms, oil spills, solid waste disposal, leakage from oil pipelines, noise and vibration, disruptibn of marine life during construction. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: During the preparation of the.Gas Flaring Reduction project it was found that ONGC's safety arrangements for offshore operation are inadequate. Agreement was reached with ONGC to carry out safety audits for all of its offshore operations. Preparation of the term~ of reference for these audits (by Det Norske Veritas, Norway) is currently under way. The task is expected to be completed by March 1993. - / PROPOSED ACTIONS: ONGC's approach to dealing with environmental and safety hazards in the oil fields.Coffered for joint ventures or development under production sharing agreements) and with respect to well workovers will be assessed in- the course of project appraisal. In case remedial action is required, appropriate conditions will be included. Care will be take~ to avoid any ·"' overlap with the safety audits underway for ONGC's offshore operations. The issues that would need to be addressed further include India's legislation regarding the environment (as far as oil projects are concerned) and ONGC's ov~rall preparedness for environmental disasters. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: i Possible adverse effects on environment and Required by OD 4.01. safety. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: ------- ------------ 1-88 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS To be prepared. REMARKS: None. l-89 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : INDIA Project ID No: 8INDPA422· Project .: NTPC Power Generation project Appraisal Date : Sep. 04, 1992 Total Project Cost: $7,463.00m Board Date Mar. 30, 1993 Managing Division: SA2EG Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Oct. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: April 15, 1992 ) MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The proposed project would comprise: (i) a four to five year time-slice of NTPC's least cost investment program of new coal and gas-based p~e~ stations for which full funding has not yet been arranged; ii) support to NTPC to undertake one or more joint sector operations; iii) implementation of an Environmental Action Plan (EAP); and iv) technical assistance for strengthening· of NTPC's environmental management capability and implementation of the EAP. ( MAJOR ENVJ;RONMENTAL ISSUES: . Increasing environmental awarenes.s has resulted in a tightening of air emissions and waste water standards as well as additional requirements for the resettlement and rehabilitation of people affected by the operation and construction of NTPC power stations. The objective of the environmental component of the proposed project is to strenghten NTPC's institutional capability to manage environmental issues. ' project would The . ' not only ensure that new investments are carried out in accordance with Government's and Bank's standards, but also that NTPC's existing stations are upgraded to meet increasingly tight environmental standards. Moreover, whenever found necessary ongoing resettlement and rehabilitation programs would be brought in line with current standards. Major environmental issues are related to (i) adherence by NTPC to air emission and waste water standards for all its existing and planned power stations; (ii) mining and ash disposal management related to the coal fired stations; (iii) resettlement of people affected by the construction of new ) ' power plants and; (iv) impact of proposed NTPC investments on overall physical and broader social environment, particularly in areas with significant industrial and energy activities, such as the Singrauli area. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL. ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: Based on the results of an extensive mission by environmental consultants, which included field visits to 9 existing and proposed power station sites and discussions with NTPC staff, a specific Environmental Action Plan (EAP) to be implemented under the project has been formulated in consultation.with NTPC staff. The draft action prog~am.includesz (i) the / 1-90 I ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS strengthening of NTPC's environmental management capabilities through internal organiational changes at headquarters as well as at the regional and plant levels; (ii) a detailed action plan of mitigatory measures to be implemented under the project in respect of existing and planned NTPC power stations; (iii) where necessary, the upgrading of R&R schemes for people affected by the power stations currently under construction by NTPC. I Full Environmental Assessments (EA) will be carried out by NTPC for all projects to be financed under the proposed time slice. However, only for those projects which are scheduled to start· during the first year the EA will be completed' before appraisal. For projects which are scheduled to start later, Bank funds will only be disbursed against if satisfactory Environmental Assessment (EA) has been completed. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: All power generating stations to be ~onstructed by NTPC fall in the A Category. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: * NTPC has resubmitted in August 1992. the full EA and EAS for Rihand II, Vindhyachal II and Faridabad power stations based on comments made by the Bank. The reports are currently being reviewed within the Bank. * The draft EAP and TOR for technical assistance to strengthen the environmental department are currently being reviewed by NTPC man~gement. Agreement on the EAP, technical assistance and training requirements is to be 'reached at negociations. REMARKS: NTPC in consultation with the concerned State Governments, has · initiated the series consultative meetings with affected people and NGO's concerned. for the Rihand II Vindhyachal II and Faridabad projects. The first consultative meetings were held in early July 1992. Environmental conditions to be met before appraisal and negotiations: i) NTPC to submit Environmental Assessments (EA) and Environmental Assessment Summaries (EAS) satisfactory to the Bank for those project components scheduled to start during the first year of the project i.e. Rihand II, Vindhyachal II and Faridabad; (ii)'GOI to submit the environmental clearances (including forest clearances) for the associated transmission lines for the project components to be taken up in the first year of the project (Rihand .II, Vindhyachal II, Faridabad); (iii) NTPC to submit the EAP including the strengthening of its environmental department and the terms of reference for technical assistance with time table for implementation and appointment of key personnel sufficently in advance to allow review within the Bank before negotiations. I-911 , ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country INDIA Project ID No: 8IHDPA441 Project Bombay Sewage Disposal Appraisal Date Jan. 15, 1993 Total Project-Cost: $200.00m Board Date : May 25, 1993 Managing Division: SA2IN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Aug. 1992 Date EA Category Assigned: Sep. 30, 1991 r MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: Completion of facilities for the safe disposal of sewage from the Greater Bombay urban ~rea, comprising two three-kilometer long, three-and-a- ha!£ meter diameter marine outfalls to dispose of sewage_from two of Bombay's seven drainage zones; two aerated lagoons to treat sewage from two more drainage zones. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: (i) Only the first stage of a system for·the disposal of Bombay's sewage will be developed under this project; this will provide for discharge of sewage at relatively shallow ocean depths and at three kilometers from the shore line after preliminary treatment for the removal of grit and screenings; this combination of treatment and outfall length will represent a tremendous improvement over present conditions under which raw sewage is discharged at the shore line. However it will not conform to established international practice, and conventional water quality standards, particularly with respect .to bacteriological levels, will not be met under this first stage of construction. (ii) The quality of effluent from'the aerated lagoons, to be constructed under this first stage of development, will be equivalent to that provided by conventional primary treatment of sewage; again, the improvement over present conditions will be dramatic but the discharge of this effluent to a tidal creek will not conform to established international practice and conventional water quality standards. OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: Facilities to remove grit and screenings from sewage from all of the seven drainage zones serving the Greater Bombay urban area have been constructed or are under construction. Measures for the safe disposal of these wastes are unsatisfactory at present and create an adverse envi~onmental impact. PROPOSED ACTIONS: (i) Oceans outfalls - By monitoring the performance of t~e first stage works the extent and.nature of future works needed to meet the appropr~ate water quality standards will be identified. Provision will be made in the first stage to increase the length of the outfalls and/or construct additional treatment facilities in the future. (ii) Aerated Lagoons - The basis of lagoon design is modular, and provision, including the reservation of adequate land areas, is to be made under this first stage of development for extension of the lagoons to meet the desired water quality,standards in the I-92 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS future., Measures for the safe disposal of wastes comprising grit and screenings will be identified as part of the environmental assessment and will be implemented under covenanted action in the proposed project. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: This project is designed to assist Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay to reduce·a serious, adverse environmental impact resulting from the present practice of indiscriminately discharging untreated sewage and sewage effluent to water courses and to the shoreline. Because of the magnitude of the facilities required to effect such improvements, only an initial stage will be implemented under the project. Although this will vastly improve the present situation it will not initially meet with internationally accepted environmental standards. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: In September 1991, the Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay engaged consultants t'o prepare an environmental management plan for optimum improvement of environmental quality achieved by the construction of the two outfalls and lagoons~ An initial assessment of the existing receiving water quality has been_ prepared. The environmental assessment will be completed by December 1992. REMARKS: The Municipal Corporation of Greater Bombay is obtaining permission of the government of India to release the EA. ' '-- . \ ! I I-93 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "A" PROJECTS Country : INDIA Project ID No: 8INDPA449 Project : Renewable Resources Development Appraisal Date : Jun. 29, 1992 Total Project Cost: $440.00m Board Date ~an. 12, 1993 Managing Division: SA2EG Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment.Loan Status: Standby Date for receipt of EA by Bank: Dec. 1991 Date EA Category Assigned: August 1991 MAJOR PROJECT COMPONENTS: The project will involve installation of: (a) irrigation-based mini-hydros; (b) non-conventional energy systems, i.e., wind farm and solar ' photovoltaics; (c) expansion of bagasse-based papermill. MAJOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: (a) There is a need to address noise, odors, occupational health safety, fire fighting, disaster managment, and resettlement problems in the existing and expanded papermill; (b) no significant negative environmental issues have been identified for the renewable energy systems to be installed. The proposed systems are small-scale and non-polluting leading to reduced dependence on fossil fuel ~or energy and enhanced opportunities for development of rural areas~ OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: N/A PROPOSED ACTIONS: (a) Based on plant site'visit and results of EIAS, the following. mitigatory actions were agreed with TNPL: in-plant design measures to minimize discharges of odorous compounds; installation of electrostatic precipitators on the power boiler; installation of external treatment systems to reduce suspended solids, BOD and COD to·acceptable levels; conduct of a safety audit of chemical storage and handling; Lining of existing water treatment ponds to avoid further seepage; Resettlement of 86 families from village of Kurukkapalayam affected by seepage of existing lagoon; (b) IREDA, the financial intermediary for renewable energy sub-projects, would require ,_ that as condition for obtaining financing, developers ensure that the project would meet acceptable environmental and social impact standards, environmental clearances are secured and that appropriate consultation with affected groups are made. JUSTIFICATION/RATIONALE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CATEGORY: The papermill expansion project can have potentially adverse environmental impacts arising from the chemical pulp production process. SCHEDULE OF CATEGORY A ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: An EIA study for papermill was conducted by HEERI; government ----------------~-----------------'._:1 I-96 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : ANGOLA Project ID No: 3ARGPA001 Project : Fisheries Resources Management Appraisal Date : Jan. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $75.00m Board Date : Sep.· 14, 1993 Managing Division: AF3AG- Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby· Date EA Category Assigned: Country : BURUNDI Project ID No: 3BUIPA048 Project : Natural Resource Management Appraisal Date : Jul. 02, 1993 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date Jan. 25, 1994 Managing Division AF3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Sector Adjustment Loan Status: Lending Date EA 1 Category Assigned: Nov. 4, 1991 Country BURUNDI Project ID No: 3BUIPA063 Project Social Action Appraisal Date : Jun. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $22.lOm Board Date : Mar. 16, 1993 Managing Division AF3PH · .. Sector: Population Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: June 04, 1992 Country : CAMEROON Project ID No: 3CAMPA068 ·Project : Agriculture Research II Appraisal Date : Jan. 15, 1993 Tot·al Project Cost: $25.00m Board Date Aug. 17, 1993 Managing Division: AFlAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : CAMEROON Project ID No: 3CAMPA082 Project Transport·Sector Project Appraisal Date : Jan. 20, 1993 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date : Jun. 15, 1993 Managing Division: AFlIN Sector: Public Sector Management 1 Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Staridby Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 27, 1991 lI I ), I I-97 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS . Country : CAMEROON Project ID No: 3CAMPA087 Project : Urban Ma~agement Improvement Appraisal Date Aug. 26, 1993 Total Project Cost: $40.00m Board Date Jun. 07, 1994 Managing Division AFlIN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: July 31, 1991 Country : CAPE VERDE Project ID No: 3CAPPA015 Project Transpor~ Infrastructure Appraisal Date ·: Jun. 29, 1992 Total·Project Cost: $35.00m Board Date : Dec. 01, 1992 I Managing.Division AFSIN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 27, 1991 r I Country COMOROS ·Project ID No: 3COMPA015 Project Population & Human Resources Appraisal Date Mar. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $14.00m Board Date Nov. 16, 1993 Managing Division AF3PH Sector: Population Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country DJIBOUTI Project ID No: 3DJIPA013 Project Transport Rehabilitation Appraisal Date Jul. 02, 1993 Total Project Cost: ·$17.00m Board Date Feb. 15, 1994 Managing Division AF3IN Sector: Transportation Lend·ing Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country ETHIOPIA Pre)ject ID No: 3ETHPA068 Project : Peasant Coffee Development Appraisal Date : Jun. 09, 1989 Total Project -Cost: $150.00m Board Date Jun. 22, 1993 Managing Division: AF2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: I-98 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS _Country .: ETHIOPIA Project ID No: 3ETHPA096 Project : National Seeds Appraisal Date : Feb. 20, 1992 Total Project Cost: $55.00m Board Date : Dec. 15, .1992 Managing Division AF2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending.Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country ETHIOPIA · Project ID No: 3ETHPA097 Project Fertilizer Sector Appraisal Date : May 04, 1993 Total Project Cost: $60.00m Board Date · Dec. 21, 1993 Managing Division: AF2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt 1 Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending " Date EA Category Assigned: June 23, 1992 Country ETHIOPIA Project ID No: 3ETHPA102 Project Calub Energy Development Appraisal Date Aug. 04, 1992 Total Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date : Apr. 06, 1993 Managing Division AF2IE Sector: Industry Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: . ·, Country GHANA Project ID No: 3GBAPA087 Project : Telecommunications III Appraisal Date Jul. OS, 1993 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date : Fe~. 22, 1994 Managing Division AF4IE Sector: Communications Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: June 24, 1992 Country GHANA Project ID No: 3GBAPA091 Project Water Rehabilitation II Appraisal Date Jul. 09, 1993 Total Project Cost: $44.00m Board Date Jul. 12, 1994 Managing Division: AF4IN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Jan. 1992 I J I-99 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country :· GHANA' Project ID No: 3GHAPA092 Project : Rural Water/Works Appraisal Date :- Jul. 09, 1993 Total Project Cost: $42.00m Board Date Apr. 12, 1994 Managing Division: AF4IN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Oct. 1991 Country GHANA Project ID No: 3GHAPA098 Project Livestock Services Appraisal Date May 07, 1992 Total Project Cost: $41.00m Board Date Dec. 08, 1992 Managing Division AF4AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: June 23, 1992 Country GHANA Project ID No: 3GHAPA101 Project Tertiary Education Appraisal Date Mar. 16., 1992 Total Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date Dec. 15, 1992 Managing Division AF4PH Sector: Education Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Jun:e 23, 1992 Country GHANA Project ID No: 3GHAPA104 Project Urban III Appraisal Date ·: Apr. 30,. 1993 Total Project Cost: , $48.00m Board Date Feb. 15, 1994 Managing Division AF4IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Main~enance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Oct. 1992 Country : GHANA Project ID No: 3GHAPA110 Project E~vironmental Resource Management Appraisal Date :.Feb. 29, 1992 Total Project Cost: $37.20m Board Date Oct. 13, 1992 Managing Division : AF4AG Sector: Agricu1ture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 1991 I-100 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : GHANA Project ID No: 3GHAPA121 Project : National·Electrification Appraisal Date : Oct. 30, 1992 Total Project Cost: $150.00m Board Date - Mar. 23, 1993 Managing Division: AF4IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : GHANA Project ID No: 3GHAPA124 Project Urban Transport Appraisal Date Nov. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $240.00m Board Date .: May 25, 1993 Managing Division: AF4IN Sector: Transportation Lending. Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Oct. 21, 1991 Country GHANA Project ID No: 3GHAPA125 Project : Highway Sector Appraisal Date Aug. 09, 1993 Total Project Cost: $250.00m Board Date Mar. 01, 1994 Managing Division AF4IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 1991 Country GUINEA BIS. Project ID No: 3GUBPA035 Project Natural Resources Management AppraisaL Date : Jul. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $20.00m Board Date May 17, 1994 Managing Division AF4AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Ass~gned: May 1992 Country : GUINEA Project ID No: 3GUIPA052· Project Road Sector Management Project · Appraisal Date Jun. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $30.00m Board Date Dec. 22, 1992 Managing Division AFlIR Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 15, 1990 I-101 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS 0 Country GUINEA Project ID Ho: 3GUIPA057 Project : Urban Environment & Sanitation Improvement Appraisal Date : Jun .•. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $60.00m Board Date : Feb. 01, 1994 Managing Division AFlIB Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specitic Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Sep. 01, 1992 Country COTE DIVOIRE Project .ID No: 3IVCPA102 Project· Rural Equipment Project Appraisal Date : Feb. 01, 1994 Total Project Cost: $60.00m Board Date Jun. 28, 1994 ·1 Managing Division AFlAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby I Date EA Category ~ssigned: .J "' Country COTE DIVOIRE Project ID Ho: 3IVCPA115 Project : Road Maintenance & Rehabilitation Appraisal Date Jun. 10, 1992 Total Project Cost: $180.00m Board Date Dec. 22, 1992 Managing Division AF1IH Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category ~ssigned: 5/12/92 Country KENYA Project ID Ho: 3KEHPA102 Project Urban Transport Appraisal Date Sep. 01, 1992 Total Project Cost: $155.00m Board Date Jul. 27 ,- 1993 Managing Division AF2IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status:. Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 20, 1992 Country LESOTHO Project -ID Ho: 3LESPA030 Project Infrastructure Maintenance Appraisal Date Feb. 01,· 1993 Total Project Cost: $30.00m Board Date Jan. is, 1994 Managing Division: AF6IH Sector: Transportation Lendi~g Instrument: Specific Investment Loan - Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 1, 1991 l_ I-102 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : MADAGASCAR Project ID No: 3MAGPA067 Project Energy II Apprais~l Date Oct. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $80.00m Board Date Jul. 12, 1994 Managing Division AF3IE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 26, 1991 Country MADAGASCAR Project ID No: 3MAGPA068 Project Transport Sector Development Appraisal Date Sep. 30, 1992 Total Project Cost: r$80.00ni Board Dat8i, : Feb. 23, 1993 Managing Division:, AF3IN, Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country MADAGASCAR Project ID No: 3MAGPA092 Project Petroleum Sector Adjustment Appraisal Date Jun. 15, 1991 Total Project Cost: $70.00m Board Date Jan. 13, 1993 Managing Division AF3IE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 26; 1991 . ·, Country MADAGASCAR Project ID. No: 3MAGPA096 Project Urban II Appraisal Date Jul. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $90.00m Board Date : Apr. 12, 1994 Managing Division AF3IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument:.Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country : MADAGASCAR Project ID No: 3MAGPA098 Project :. Water Sector Appraisal Date Board Date Managing Division Dec. 01, 1993 Sep. 06, 1994 AF3IN Total Project Cost: '$55.00m Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage I ~\ Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: j '' l I-103 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : MADAGASCAR- Project ID No: 3MAGPA108 Project : Export Crop Promotion Appraisal Date Jul. 02, 1993 Total Project Cost: $30.00m Board Date : Feb. 15, 1994 Managing Division: AF3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt 'Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country MALAWI Project ID No: 3MALPA074 Project : Agricultural Services Appraisal Date : Jun •. 25, 1992 Total Project Cost: · $50.00m Board Date : Mar. 30, 1993 I Managing Division: AF6AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending I Date EA Category Assigned: ) Country : MALAWI Project ID No: 3MALPA081 Project National Water Development Appraisal Date Jul. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $25.00m Board Date : Mar. 02, 1994 Managing Division AF6IN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Apr~ 1990 r r Country : MALI Project ID No: 3MLIPA048 Project : Infrastructure/Transport Sector Appraisal Date May 01, 1993 Total'Proje~t Cost: $85.00m Board Date Nov. 3.0, 1993 Managing Division AFSIN Sector: Tr~nsportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 27, 1991 Country MOZAMBIQUE Project ID No: 3MOZPA037 Project : Rural Rehabilitation Appraisal Date Jun. 25, 1992 Total Project Cost: $32.00m Board Date : Mar. 16, 1993 Managing Division: AF6AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan ~.· Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: 1~104 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country .MAURITANIA Project ID No: 3MTAPA058 Project : Construction Capacity & Employment Appraisal Date : Jun. 25, 1992 Total Project Cost:. $19.00m Board Date Mar. 30, 1993 Managing Division AF5IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investmen~-Loan Status: Lending Date.EA Category Assigned: Feb. 27, 1992 Country : NIGER Project ID No: 3NIGPA044 Project Transport Sector II Appraisal Date : Nov. 25, 1990 Total Project Cost: $193.50m Board Date Dec. 07, 1992 , Managing Division AF5IN ' Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 27, 1991 Country NIGER Project ID No: 3NIGPA061 Project : Private Irrigation Appraisal Date : Jun. 19, 1991 Total Project Cost: $13.50m Board Date Sep. 29, 1992 Managing Division: AF5AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned:- Country NIGERIA Project ID No: 3NIRPA078 Project Power VIII· Appraisal Date Sep. 06, 1991 Total Project Cost: $429.00m Board Date : Mar. 30, 1993 Managing Division AF4IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan. Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country NIGERIA Project ID No: 3NIRPA131 Project Multi State Water II Appraisal Date : Apr. 09, 1993 Total_Project Cost: $160.00m Board Date May 10, 1994 ,, Managing Division-: AF4IN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage' Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby I Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 1991 \ I V \ I ~ I-105 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CAµ:GORY "B" PROJECTS Country : NIGERIA Project ID No: 3NIRPA142 Project Railways Appraisal Date : Sep. 21, 1992 Total Project Cost:. $250.00m Board Date Jµl. 20, 1993 Managing Division: AF4IN . . Sector: Transportation. Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 26, 1991 Country : NIGERIA Project ID No: 3NIRPA163 Project Lagos Urban Transport Appraisal Date : Sep. 28, 1992 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date : Nov. 16, 1993 Managing ion AF4IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Sta~us: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 1991 r; Country RWANDA Project ID No: 3RWAPA045 Project Communal Development Appraisal Date Sep. 10., 1993 Total. Project Cost: $50.20m Board Date Sep. 13, 1994 Managing Division AF3IN ,Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Stand~y Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 26, 1991 Country RWANDA Project ID No: 3RWAPA052 Project Energy Sector Rehabilitat~on Appraisal Date : Apr. 24, 1992 Total Project Cost: $55.00m, Board Date Jan. 12, 1993 Managing Division: AF3IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending· Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 26, 1991 Country : RWANDA Project ID No: 3RWAPA054 Project : Agricultu~al Research. II · Appraisal Date : Oct. 31, 1992 Total Project Cost: $31.00m Board Date Jun. 15, 1993 Managing Division AF3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt l Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status~ Standby Date EA· Category Assigned: Sep. 23, I992 I-106 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS ) Country. : RWANDA Project ID Ro: 3RWAPA058 Project : Water Supply III Appraisal Date : Sep. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $39.00m Board Date May 17, 1994 Managing Division: AF3IR Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country : RWANDA Project ID Ro: 3RWAPA073 Project : Private Sector (APEX) Appraisal Date : Jun. 29, 1992 Total Project Cost: $31.00in Board Date Mar. 23~ 1993 Managing Division: AF3IE Sector: Industrial D,evel/Finance Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: June 17, 1992 Country , SENEGAL Project ID Ro: 3SERPA076 Project : Water Supply III Appraisal Date Mar. 28, 1991 Total Project Cost: $298.00m Board Date : Feb. 23, 1993 Managing Division AFSIR Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country , SENEGAL Project"ID No: 3SENPA094 Project , Small Business & Financial Support Appraisal Date Sep. 30, 1992 Total Project Cost: $30.00m Board Date : Jul. 01, 1993 Managing Division: AFSIE Sector: Industry Lending Instrument: Specific Inves~ment Loan Status: Lending Date EA.Category Assigned: Country SEYCHELLES Project ID Ro: 3SEYPA006 Project Environment & Transpor-t { Appraisal Date : Jun. 29, 1992 Total Project Cost: $64.00m Board Date : Nov. 24, 1992 ' ~:/·(, Managing Division AF3IR- Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby i.\/' Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 26, 1991 j ,, I-107 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country ·: SIERRA LEONE Project ID No: 3SILPA021 Project Roads Rehabilitation & Maintenance Appraisal Date Apr. 20, 1992 1otal Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date : Dec~ 29, 1992 Managing Division .AF4IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Oct. 21, 1991 Country SWAZILAND Project ID No: 3SWAPA0~2 Project Urban Development I Appraisal Dat~ Apr. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: .$50.00m'. Board Date : Dec. 15, 1993 Managing Division AF6IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned:· r Country TANZANIA P~oject ID No: 3TANPA108 Project : Telecom III Appraisal Date · Jun. 09, 1992 Total Project Cost: $120.00m Board Date Mar. 09, 1993 Managing Division .AF6IE ' .. Sector: COUDDunications Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country TANZANIA Project ID No: 3TANPA115 Project Private Sector Development·. Appraisal Date Jan. 10, 1994 Total Pr.oject Cost:- $50.00m Board Date Jun. 15, 1994 Managing Division AF6IE Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance . Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: June 25, 1992 Country TOGO , Project ID No: 3TOGPA039 Project_. : Lome Urban. Development Appraisal Date Jun. O~, 1992 Total Project Cost: $25.00m Board Date Mar. 02, 1993 Managing Division AFlIN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: May 15, 1990 ·J I I-108 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B"'PROJECTS Country : UGANDA Project ID No: 3UANPA030 Project Transport Rehabilitation Appraisal Date Jan. OS, 1993 Total Project Cost: $67.00m Board Date Jul. 13, 1993 Managing Division AF2IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country UGANDA Project ID No: 3UANPA045 Project : Agricultural Research and Training Appraisal Date Jun. 23, 1992 Total Project Cost: $45.00tn Board Date Dec. 15, 1992 Managing Division: AF2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Apr. 20, 1992 Country : UGANDA Project ID.No: 3UANPA064 Project : Small.Towns Water Appraisal Date Nov. 16, 1992 Total Project Cost: $55.SOm Board Date Jun. 08, 1993 Managing Division AF2IN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: June 23, 1992 Country UGANDA Project ID No: 3UANPA098 Project : Agricultural Extension Project Appraisal Date May 04, 1992 Total Project Cost: $15.00m Board·Date Sep. 29, 1992 Managing Division AF2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument': Specific Investment Loan , Status: Lending Date EA'Category Assigned: Country. ZAMBIA Project .. ID No: 3ZAMPA060 Project Power Rehabilitation Appraisal Date Mar. 30, 1993 Total Project Cost: $40.00m ~ Board Date Jan. 20, 1994 I Managing Division AF6IE Sector: Energy .j Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Standby f Date EA Category Assigned: Feb. 14, 1991 ) I I . I I I-109 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : ZIMBABWE Project ID No: 3ZIMPA046 Project Urban Transportation Appraisal Date : Jan. 14, 1991 Total Project Cost: $240~00m Board Date : Mar. 23, 1993 Managing Division AF6IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Ins·trument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : ZIMBABWE Project ID No: 3ZIMPA049 Project Small-Scale Enterprise Appraisal Date : Jul. 20, 1992 Total Project Cost: $30.00m Board Date : Apr. 06, 1993 Managing Division AF6IE Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan· Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 18, 1992 r Country : ZIMBABWE Project ID No 3ZIMPA056 1: Project Wildlife Conservation Appraisal Date : Jul. 15,' 1993 Total Project Cost: $150.00m Board Date : Jul. 15, 1994 . Managing Division : AF6IN Sector: Tourism Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 1991 Country : ZIMBABWE P~oject ID No: 3ZIMPA066 Project : Telecommunications Appraisal Date : Aug. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $353.00m Board Date Oct. OS, 1993 Managing Division: AF6IE Sector: Communications Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 31, 1992 I-110 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" .PROJECTS Country CHINA Projec; ID No: 4CHAPA064 Project Zhejiang Multi-Cities Development Appraisal Date Feb. 14, 1992 .Total Project Cost: $253.20m Board Date Dec. 08, 1992 Ma~aging Division EA2EH Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrume~t: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA102 Project : Changchun Water Supply & Environmental Appraisal Date May 17, 1992 Total Project Cost: $205.00m Board Date Dec. 08, 1992 Managing Division EA2EH Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Apr. 17, 1992 Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA126 Project : Shanghai Industrial Enterprise Reform Appraisal Date Jul. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $350.00m Board Pate Feb. 01, 1994 Managing Division EA2IE Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 19, 1992 Country CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA127 Project Tianjin Industrial Development Appraisal Date Jun. 21, 1992 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date Mar. 16, 1993 Managing Division EA2IE Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: ,. Country CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA151 Project Forest Resource Development and Protection Appraisal Date Jan. 20, 1994 Total Project Cost: $500.00m Board Date : Aug. 30, 1994 , Managing Division: EA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending 1 Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 25, 1992 I I-111 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PRO.JECTS ' . Country CH~NA Project ID Ho: 4CHAPA164 Project Sixth Railway Project Appraisal Date .Jun. 30, 1992 · Total Project Cost: $1,180.00m Board Date Mar. 30, 1993 Managing Division: EA2TP S~ctor: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : CHINA Project ID Ho: 4CHAPA167 Project : .Jiangsu Chemical Sector Appraisal Date : Feb. OS, 1990 Total Project Cost: $333.70m Board Date : Nov. 17, 1992 Managing Division: EA2IE Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Al[lsigned: ,. ,.. \ Country : CHINA Project ID Ho: 4CHAPA174 Project Southern .Jiangsu Environmental P.rotection Appraisal Date .Jun. 15, '1992 ·· Total Project Cost: $301.40m Board Date Feb. 02, 1993 Managing Division ~2IE Sector: Industry Lending Instrument: Specific Investment·Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: .June 1992 Country : CHINA Project ID Ho: 4CHAPA177 Project Fertilizer &. ,General Process Equipment Manufactur·ing Appraisal Date : .Jun. 15, 1993 · Total Project Cost: $430.00m Board Date .Jul. 19, 1994 Managing Division EA2IE Sector: Industry· Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country CHINA Project ID Ho: 4CHAPA178 Project Electronics Appraisal Date .Jul. 01, 1993 Total Project Costs $330.00m Board Date : Mar. 08, 1994 Managing Division EA2IE Sector: Industry Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediar7 Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: I ·I I-112 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA179 Project : Shenyang Engineering Industry _ Appraisal Date :· May 15, 1993 _Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date : Feb. 15, 1994 Managing Division :·. EA2IE · Sector: Industry Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA180 Project Shanghai Environment Appraisal Date May 10, 1993 Total Project Cost: $600.00m Board Date Apr. OS, 1994 Managing Division EA2EH Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA189 Project ·: Red Soils II Land Rehabilitation Apprai_sal Date Apr. 04, 1993 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date Hov. 23, 1993 Managing Division: EA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA194 Project Technology Development Project Appraisal Date : Mar. 30, 1993 Total Project Cost:_ $200.00m Board Date : Sep. 14, 1993 Managing Division: EA2IE Sector: Education Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Len~ing Date EA Category Assigned: \ Country CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA197 Project : Housing and So.cial Security Reform Appraisal Date May 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $1,250.00m Board Date Mar. 01, 1994 Managing Division: EA2EH Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status:·tending Date EA Category Assigned: Feb. 6, 1992 1.,.113 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : CHINA Project ID No: 4CHAPA221 Project Grain Distribution Appraisal Date : Nov. 29, 1992 Total Project Cost: $1,000.00m Board Date : Jun. 01, 1993 Managing Division: EA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country INDONESIA Project ID Ho: 4INSPA220 Project Forestry III Appraisal Date Jul. 01, 1993 · Total Project Cost: $120.00m Board Date May 03, 1994 Managing Division EA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 27, 1992 r I. Country : INDONESIA Project ID Bo: 4INSPA246 Project : Highway Sector II I Appraisal Date· Jan. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: . __ $650.00m Board Date . Jun. 22, 1993 / Managing.Division: EA3IB Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Len9ing Date EA Category Assigned:. Sept. 4, 1992 Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 4IBSPA252 Project Kalimantan Urban Development Appraisal Date : Oct. 01, 1993 · Total Project Cost: $100~00m Board Date .: Jun. 28, 1994 Managing Division: EA3IB Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country INDONESIA Project ID Ho: 4INSPA255 Project : · Java Irrigation and Water Management Appraisal Date Oct. 10, 1993 Total Project Cost: $2.40.00m Board Date Jun. 28, 1994 Managing Division: EA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Sta~dby Date EA Category Assigned: Apr. 15, 1992 I-114 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY. "B" PROJECTS Country : INDONESIA _Project ID Ro: 4INSPA280 Project Rural Electrification II Appraisal Date Mar. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $600.00m Board Date : Sep. 21, 1993 Managing Division EA3IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Apr. 06, 1992 Country : INDONESIA Project ID Ro: 41NSPA283 Project : Treecrops Smallholder Development II Appraisal Date Oct. 25, 1993 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date Jul. 26, 1994 Managing Division EA3AG Sector: Agriculture &-Rural Devt Status: ·standby I Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Date EA Category Assigned: Country : INDONESIA Project ID No: 4INSPA285 Project Land Administration Appraisal Date Aug. 08, 1993 Total Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date : May 31, 1994 Managing Division: EA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Apr. 8, 1992 Country INDONESIA Project ID No: 4INSPA286 Project Watershed Management and Conservation Appraisal Date Oct. 16, 1992 Total Project Cos.t: $100.00m Board Date : Apr. 20, 1993 Managing Division: EA3AG Sector: ~griculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA C!tegory Assigned: Oct. 29, 1990 Country : INDONESIA Project ID Ro: 4IRSPA291 Project Water and Sanitation for Low Income Communities Appraisal Date Nov. 30, 1992 Total Project Cost: $1,00.00m Board Date Jun. 22, 1993 Managing Division EA3PH Sector: Population Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending . Date EA Category-Assigned: Mar. 26, 1992 I ~ ,.I ·1 l ( I-115 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : INDONESIA Project ID Ho: 4IHSPA300 Project : Ground Water Development. Appraisal Date : Sep. 01, 1992 Total Project Cost: $90.00m Board Date Feb. 16, 1993 Managing Division EA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending In~ttument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Feb. 25, 1991 Country INDONESIA Project ID No: 4INSPA307 Project E. Indonesia Kabupaten Roads Appraisal Date Oct. 01, 1992 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date Mar. 16, 1993 Managing Division :. EA3IN Sector: Transportation . Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Sta~us: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country INDONESIA Project ID No: 4INSPA308 Project Cirata Hydro Phase II Appraisal Date Jun. 25, 1992 Total ~roject Cost: $200.00m Board Date , Feb. 16, 1993 Managing Division EA3IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country IND.ONES IA Project ID No: 4INSPA310 Project : Integrated Pest Management Appraisal Date : Nov. 09, 1992 Project Cost: $60.00m Board Date Jun. 22, 1993 Managing Division EA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt. Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Da~e_EA Category Assigned: March 1992 Country LAO, P .D.R. Project ID No: 4LAOPA018 Project Industrial Credit II App~aisal Date : Jan. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $15.00m Board Date Oct. 04, 1993 Managing Division EAlIE Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending: ,Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: --'-------------------------------··--------~ I-116 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : LAO, P.D.R. Project ID No: 4LAOPA020 Project : Forest Management and Conservation Appraisal Date Nov. 19, 1991 Total Project Cost: $24.90m Board Date Oct. 06, 1992 Managing Division EAlAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: 10/31/91 Country LAO, P.D.R. Project ID No: 4LAOPA021 Project : Provincial Grid Integration Appraisal Date Nov. 05, 1991 Total Project Cost: $41.00m Board Date Oct. 06, 1992 Managing Division EAlIE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 28, 1992 Country : LAO, P.D.R. Project ID No: 4LAOPA028 Project : Northern Rural Development and Watershed Management Appraisal Date : Sep. 07, 1992 Total Project Cost: $15.00m Board Date Jun. 08, 1993 Managing Division: EAlAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Sector Adjustment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: 11/8/91 1 Country : LAO, P.D.R. Project ID No: 4LAOPA029 Project- Telephone System Expansion Appraisal Date : Mar. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $40.00m ·Board Date : Sep. 14, 1993 Managing Division: EAlIE Sector: Communications Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: ' Country : PAPUA NEW G. Project ID No: 4PAPPA046 Project Petroleum Exploration Technical Assistance Appraisal Date : Jan. 15, 1992 Total Pl;'oject Cost: $13 .• SOm Board Date· Oct. 13, 1992 Managing Division: EA3IE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Technical Assistance Loan Status: Lendi~g Date EA Category Assigned: Jan. 10, 1992 I-117 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : PHILIPPINES Project ID Ho: 4PHLPA151 Project Land Reform Support\ Appraisal Date. Oct. 20, 1992 Total Project Cost: $25.00m Board Date Jun. 08, 1993 Managing Division EAlAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loa~ Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 8, 1992 Country : PHILIPPINES Project ID Ho: 4PHLPA153 Project Water Supply., Sewerage and Sanitation Sector II Appraisal Date : Jan. 10, 1993 Total Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date : Jun. 22, 1993 Managing Division EAllH Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country PHILIPPINES Project ID No: 4PHLPA184 Project Irrigation Operations Support II ' : Appraisal Date Aug. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date Mar. 02, 1993 Managing Division: EAlAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country PHILIPPINES Project ID Ho: 4PHLPA188 Project : Rural Infrastructure Appraisal Date Oct. 15, 1992 Total Project _Cost: $145.00m Board Date Jun. 08, 1993 Managing Division EAllN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country THAILAND _ Project ID No: 4THLPA147 Project : Di9-tribution System and Energy Efficiency Appraisal Date Mar. 19, 1992 Total Project Cost: $436.00m Board Date Oct. 06, 1992 Managing Division: EAlIE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 27, 1991 I ' I-118 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : VABUATU Project ID No: 4VANPA013 Project Petroleum Exploration T.A. Appraisal Date Jan. 27, 1993 Total Project Cost: $4.00m Board Date : Jun. 01, 1993 Managing Division: EA3IE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Technical Assistance Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: June 10, 1991 J I J J 1-119 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B!' PROJECTS Country : ALGERIA ·Project ID No: 5ALGPA036 Project : Highways VI Appraisal Date :. Sep. 04, 1993 Total Project Cost: $260.00m . . Board Date : Mar. 01, 1994 Managing Division: MNlIH Sector: Transportation Lending Instr~ent: Sector Investment and. Maintenance . Status: Lending Qate EA Category Assigned: Oct. 22, 1991 Country : ALGERIA Project ID No: 5ALGPA095 Project Agricultural Sector Adjustment Loan Appraisal Date Sep. 25, 1993 Total Project Cost: $175.00m Board Date : Apr. 19, 1994 Managing Division MHlAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Sector Adjustment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Country : ALGERIA · Project ID No: 5ALGPA097 Project : Irrigation Management Support Appraisal Date : Sep. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date Jan. 08, 1994 Managing Division: MNlAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country ALGERIA Project ID No: 5ALGPA105 Project Housing and Construction Critical Imports Loan Appraisal Date.· : Sep. 25, 1992 Total Project Cost: . $250.00m Board Date Dec. 29, 1.992 Managing Division MHlIN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country : EGYPT Project ID No: 5EGTPA147 Project Helwan Pollution Control Appraisal Date : Oct. 22, 1992 Total Project Cost: $250.00m Board Date May 11, 1993 Managing Division I MN2IE Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Jan. 1992 I.;.120 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country EGYPT _ Project ID No: 5EGTPA172 Project· Matruh Resource Management Appraisal Date Oct. 20, 1992 Total Project Cost: $35.00m Board Date Jul •.. 01, 1993 Managing Division: M'N2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan. Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 19, 1991 Country : EGYPT Project ID No: 5EGTPA176 P~oject : Agricultural Modernization Appraisal Date : Sep. 15, 1992 'Total Project Cost: $164.50m Board Date : May 18, 1993 Managing Division :·M'N2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument:-Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: May 27, 1992 Country IRAN Project ID No: 5IRNPA038 Project :. Irrigation Improvement Appraisal Date : Oct. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $485.00m Board Date : Mar. 30, 1993 Managing Division M'N2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status:.Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 16, 1992 Country IRAN Project ID No: 5IRNPA041 Project : Power Sector Efficiency Appraisal Date Jan. 16, 1992 Total Project Cost: $379.00m Board Date 'Nov. 03, 1992 Managing Division: M'N2IE Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned:.Mar. 26, 1992 Country : IRAN Project ID No: 5IRNPA043 Project 'Natural Resources Development Appraisal Date Jul. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $250.00m Board Date Jan. 25, 1994 Managing Division M'N2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan St_atus: .Standby · Date EA Category Assigned: I-121 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country JORDAN Project ID No: 5JORPA046 Project : Transport III Appraisal Date : Mar. 06, 1992 Total Project Cost: $73.00m Board Date ~ar. 09, 1993 Managing Division MN2IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country .LEBANON Project ID No: SLEBPA013 Project Emergency Reconstruction Appraisal Date Jan. 03, 1993 Total Project Cost: $lS0.00m· Board Date Mar. 30, 1993 Managing Division MN2IN Sector: Other / Lending Instrument: Emergency Reconstruction Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 26, 1992 Country MOROCCO Project ID No: 5MYCPA087 Project : Supply V Appraisal Date Jan. 20, 1993 Total Project Cost: $496.00m Board Date· Sep. 07, 1993 Managing Division .MNliij Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 13, 1992 Country MOROCCO Project ID No: SMYCPA~90 Project Telecoms Restructuring Appraisal Date Mar. 09, 1992 Total Project Cost: $1,110.00m Board Date Nov. 03, 1992 Managing Division MNlIE Sector: Communications Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Feb. 18, 1992 Country MOROCCO Project ID No: 5MYCPA114 Project Second LSII Appraisal Date : F.eb. 10, 1992 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date Mar. 30, 1993 Managing Division: MNlAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 30, 1991 I-122 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS ,Country MOROCCO Project ID No: 5MYCPA136 Project Private Sector Development Appraisal Date Sep. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date Aug. 08, 1994 Managing Division MN1IE Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country MOROCCO Project ID No: 5MYCPA139 Project National Rural Finance Appraisal Date Apr. 05, 1993 Total Project Cost: $850.00in Board Date Jan. 25, 1994 Managing Division : MNlAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country MOROCCO Project ID No: 5MYCPA142 Project Rural Roads Appraisal Date :Nov. 17, 1993 ·Total Project Cost: $374.00m Board Date Jul. 12, 1994 Managing Division MNlIN Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country MOROCCO Project ID No: SMYCPA152 Project : Irrigated Areas Agricultural Services Appraisal Date Mar. 25, 1993 Total Project Cost: $40.00m Board Date Jul. 27, 1993 Managing Division MNlAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: June 20, 1991 Country Project Appraisal Date MOROCCO Municipal Finance I Nov. 15, 1992 Project ID No: 5MYCPA170 Total Project Cost: $3()0.00m j I I' Board Date 1 Sep. 21, 1993 1,. Managing Division MN1I~ Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: FIL Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 12, 1991 \cl I-123 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country. TUNISIA Project ID No: 5TUNPA130 Project National Rural Finance Appraisal Date Jan. 11, 1993 Total Project Cost: $170.00m Board Date Jul. 20, 1993 Managing Division MNlAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country TUNISIA Project ID No: 5TUNPA134 Project Transport Sector Development Appraisal Date Jul. 31, 1993 Total Project Cost: $150.QOm Board Date Feb. 08, 1994 Managing Division MNliN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 13, 1991 r' Country TUNISIA Project ID No: 5TUNPA135 Project : Second Forestry Development Appraisal Date' Oct. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $150.00m Board Date May 18, 1993 Managing Division MNlAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status:_Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Oct. 31, 1991 Country TUNISIA Project ID No: STUNPA143 Project NW Rural Development II Appraisal Date : Jul. 15, 1993 Tota.l Project Cost: $50.00m Board Date Apr. 12, 1994 Managing Division MNlAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt, Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country YEMEN Project ID No: SYEMPA214 Project Livestock Development Appraisal Date : Sep. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $30~00m Board Date Apr. 26, 1994 Managing Division MN2AG Sector:Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 20, 1992 _____________________________ , · ~ - - - - - - - - - - - :___ I-124 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : ARGENTINA Project ID No: 6ARGPA068 Project Capital Markets Development Appraisal Date :· Sep. 13, -,1992 Total Project Cost: $800.00m Board Date Aug. 15, 1993 Managing Division LA4TF Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Lending_ l, Date EA c·ategory Assigned: Jun. 12, 1992 Country ARGENTINA Project ID No: 6ARGPA083 Project Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Appraisal Date Sep. 30, 1992 Total Project Cost: $560.00m Board Date I Nov. 12, 1993 Managing Division LA4IE Sector: Transportation l Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 13, 1991 Country BELIZE Project ID Ho: 6BEZPA011, Project : Power Development Appraisal Date Nov. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $15.00m Board Date : Apr. 12, 1994 Managing Division LA3TF Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: April 9, 1992 Country BELIZE Project ID No: 6BEZPA012 Project Belize City Infrastructure Appraisal Date May 15~ 1993 Total Project Cost: $7.50m Board Date : Jan. 15, 1994 Managing Division LA3IH Sector: Tourism Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 13, 1992 Country Project Appraisal Date .Board Date : BELIZE Private Sector Development Sep. 08, 1992 t{ar. 16, 1993 Managing Division: LA3TF · Project ID No: 6BEZPA013 ' .· Total Project Cost: Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance $8.00m 1 ,l i '"\/ Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 6, 1991 -· 1-125 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : BOLIVIA Project ID No: 6BOLPA064 Project : Public Enterprise Reform and Private Sector Devt Appraisal Date Jun. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $44.SOm Board Date : Mar. 15, 1994 · Managing Division LA3TF Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 18, 1991 Country : BOLIVIA Project ID No: 6BOLPA084 Project Municipal Development Appraisal Date : Apr. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $25.00m Board Date : Jul. 01, 1994 Managing Division LA3IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific.Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Sep. 3, 1992 Country BRAZIL Project ID No: 6BRAPA165 Project State Highways Management Appraisal Date Apr. 30, 1990 Total Project Cost: $475.00m Board Date : Sep. 29, 1992 Managing Division LAlIN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Aprill, 1988 I I Country BRAZIL Project ID No: 6BRAPA299 I Project : Environmental Rehabilitation; Conservation (CVRD) Appraisal Date Mar. 17, 1992 Total Project Cost: $138.00m Board Date Managing Division Jun. 30, 1993 LAlEI Lending Ins,trument: Specific Investment Loan Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 7, 1991 Sector: Other Status: Standby / J Country : BRAZIL Project ID No: 6BRAPA3ll Project : Minas Municipal Development Appraisal Date : Feb. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $250.00m Bo~rd Date : Oct. 15, 1993 Managing Division: LAlIN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 20, 1992 I-126 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGOB,Y "B" PROJECTS Country CHILE Project ID No: '6CHLPA063 Project Health Sector Appraisal Date : Jun. 2.2, 1992 Total Project Cost: $299.00m Board Date Mar. 16, 1993 Managing Division: LA4HR '----Sector: Population Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Jul 26, 1990 Country CHILE Project ID No: 6CHLPA085 Project : Second Transport Infrast.ructure and Privatization Appraisal Date Mar. 08, 1993 Total Project Cost: $1,400.00m Board Date Jul. 16, 1993 Managing Division LA4IE Sector: Transportation I Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 10, 1992 Country . .COLOMBIA Project ID No: 6CLMPA189 Project .Natural Resource Management Program Appraisal Date Jan. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date Oct. 15, 1993 Managing Division LA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Aug.27 1992 Country COLOMBIA Project ID No: 6CLMPA191 Project Export Development Appraisal Date Jun. 22: 1992 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date Dec. 08, 1992 Managing Division LA3TF Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 20, 1990 ~:j \_ _,. Country : COLOMBIA Project ID No: 6CLMPA193.-_-, Project Bogota Transport Appraisal Date Jun. 18, 1990 Total Project Cost: $119.SOm Board Date Jul. 15, 1994 Managing Division LA3IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Speci~ic Investment Loan Status: Standby Date-EA Category Assigned: Rov.23, 1991 I-127 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country COLOMBIA Project ID No: 6CLMPA196 Project Agriculture Sector Credit Appraisal Date Apr. 20, 1992 Total Project Cost: $500.00m Board Date : Jan. 12, 1993 Managing Division: LA3AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 12, 1989 Country COSTA RICA Project ID No: 6COSPA047 Project Water Supply and Sewerage II Appraisal Date Aug. 31, 1992 Total Project Cost: $40.00m Board Date May 30, 1993 Managing Division: LA2IE Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category A~signed: Nov. 20, 1991 Country ECUADOR Project ID No: 6ECUPA068 Project : Private Sector Development Appraisal Date Dec. 12, 1990 Total Project Cost: $252.00m Board Date Nov. 24, 1992 Managing Division LA4TF Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 07, 1990 Country EL SALVADOR Project ID No: 6ESLPA03-l. Project Agriculture Sector Investment Appraisal Date Sep. 30, 1991 Total Project Cost: $61.20m Board Date Dec. 15, 1992 Man~ging Division LA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 14, 1990 Country GUATEMALA Project ID No: 6GUAPA042 Project Social Investment Fund Appraisal Date Jan. 28, 1990 Total Project Cost: $95.30m Board Date Oct. 27, 1992 Managing Division LA2HR Sector: Population Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Jan. 13, 1989 - - - - - - - ·.. - t - I I I-130 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : 'MEXICO ,Project ID No: 6MXCPA182 · Project Rural Financial Sector Appraisal Date Feb. 16, 1992 Total Project Cost: $800.00m Board Date Nov. 24, 1992 Managing Division: LA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending ·Instrument: Financial Intermediary Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Sep. 22, 1989 Country : MEXICO Project ID No: 6MXCPA206 Project : On-Farm and Small Scale Irrigation Improvement Appraisal Date : Apr. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: .. $900.00m Board Date : Sep. 15, 1993 Managing Division: LA2AG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 12, 1991 Country : NICARAGUA Project ID No: 6NICPA046 Project : Infrastructure Appraisal.Date Feb. 15, 1993 TotalPrQject Cost: $26.30m . Board Date Jul. 01, 1994 Managing Division LA2IE Sector: Transportation ._ . . . Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan. Status:. Standby ') Date J1!A Category Assigned: Nov.20, 1991 Country NICARAGUA Project ID No: 6NICPA053 Project Social Investment Fund Appraisal Date Jun. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $45~00m Board Date Nov. 17, 1992 Managing Division: LA2HR Sector: Population Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status.: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 16, -1992 Country : PARAGUAY Project ID No: 6PARPA066 _:. Project T~ansport Appraisal Date : Jun. 13, 1992 Total Project Cost: . $105.00m I Board Date Nov. 24, 1992. Managing Division: LA4IE Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Jan. 30, 1990 ,. I ,, Ii I-131 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country PARAGUAY Prpject ID No: 6PARPA073 Project Water Supply Appraisal Date Feb. 17, 1992 Total Project Cost: $36.30m Board Date Oct. 15, 1992 Managing Division LA4IE Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: June 27, 1991 Country PERU Project ~D No: 6PERPA117 Project Infrastructure Rehabilitation Appraisal Date Jan. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $275.00m Board Date Sep. 15, 1993 Managing Division LAlIN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Dec. 16, 1991 Country PERU Project ID No: 6PERPA120 Project Basic Health ·and Nutrition Appraisal Date Jan. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date Jun. 15, 1993 Managing Division: LAlHR Sector: Population Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: June 12, 1992 , Country VENEZUELA ~reject ID No: 6VENPA031 Project : Urban Transport I Appraisal Date Sep. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date Jun. 15, 1993 Managing Division LA1IN Sector: Urbanization Lending Instrument: Specific Investme~t Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Nov. 2, 1990 Country VENEZUELA Project ID No: 6VE'NPA036 Project : Hospital Modernization Appraisal Date Dec. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $200.00m Board Date Jul. 15, 1993 Managing Division LAlHR . Sector: Population Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: April 3, 1992 ~ - - - - - - - ---------- - - -- - - - - - ----- ---- - - - - ------- I-134 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country : HUNGARY Project ID Wo: 7HUNPA031 Project : Roads Appraisal Date Apr. 20, 1992 Total Project Cost: $136.70m Board Date : Dec. 22, 1992 Managing Division: EC2IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Sector Investment and Maintenance Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Mar. 24, 1992 Country : HUNGARY Project ID Nd: 7HUNPA056 l Project Private Farming Support Appraisal Date : Jul. 01, 1993 Total Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date : Mar. 16, 1994 Managing Division EC2AW Sector: Other .' Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Sep. 23, 1992 ( Country : POLAND ,,- Project ID No: 7POLPA036 Project Roads Appraisal Date : Jun. 29, 1992 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date Feb. 13, 1993 .Managing Division EC2IN Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date E4 Cat~g~fY Assigned: Country : POLAND r, ,Project ID No: 7POLPA043 Project : Cogeneration Privatization Appraisal Date : May 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $366.00m Board Date Jan. 07, 1993 M~naging Division EC2EE Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country POLAND . Project ID No: 7POLPAP47' Project : Forestry Development Project· -:, Apprais,al Date : Jun. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $250.00m Board Date : Jan. 22, 1993 Managing Division: EC2AW Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: i. " ;, I ·~----- I I-135 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" P~OJECTS Country : ROMANIA Project ID Ho: 7ROMPA081 Project : Transport Appraisal Date : Dec. 04, J992 Total Project Cost: $150.00m Board Date : May 27, 1993 Managing Division:" EClIH Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan. Status: Standby ' Date EA Category Assigned: Country : ROMANIA Project ID Ho: 7ROMPA084 Project : Industrial Restructuring Appraisal Date Sep~ .21, 1992 · :,'Total Project Cost:· $200.00m Board Date Mar. 18, 1993 Managing Division EClIE Sector: Industrial Devel/Finance Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 25, 1992 Country : ROMANIA Project ID No: 7ROMPA085 Project : Municipal Environment Appraisal Date Oct. 15, 1993 Total Project Cost: $110 .OOm \ Board Date : Jul. 06, 1994 Managing Division: EClIH Sector: Transportation Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan_ Status1: Lending r-·'1 Date EA Categ9ry Assigned: r-\" . - <' Country ROMANIA Pt.~ject ID Ho: 7ROMPA087 Project : Oil/Gas AGH Restructuring Appraisal Date Oct. 09, 1992 Total Project Cost: $130.00m Board Date Jul. 07, 1993 Managing_Division EC1IE _Sector: Energy Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan· Status: Lending Date EA Category As~igne~: June 1, 1992 ·-, Country : RUSSIA Project ID Ho: 7RUSPA007 Project : Highway Rehabilitation &: Maintenance Appraisal Date Aug. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $300.00m Board Date : Mar. 16, 1993 Managing Division: EC3IV Sector: Transportation L~nding Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 14, 1992 I-136 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B~ PROJECTS Cc:>q.ntry : -TURKEY Project ID No: 7TUIU>Al94 Project Bursa Environment Appraisal Date : Jun. 25, 1992 Total Project Cost: $250.00m Board Date Mar. 09, 1993 Managing Division: EClIN Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage tending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Aug. 21, 1990 Coµntry .TURKEY Project ID No: 7TURPA206 P~oject Coal Pollution Abatement Appraisal Date : Jun. 26, 1992 Total Project Cost: $220.0oin Joard Date Mar. 25, 1993 Manag:f_ng Divisio.n : EClIE Sector: Power < l iending Instrument: Specific investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: Count~y : TURKEY Project ID No: 7TURPA222 Project : Antalya Environment Appra~sal Date Nov. 01, 1993 ·Total Project Cost: $170.00m Boal:'d Date : Aug. 11, 1994 Mat!-~ging Division EClIN Sector: Water Supply an.d Sewe~age ,,,. Lending Inst;~ent: Specific Investment Loan Statqs: iending .: l)~t~tM,, Category Assigned: Sep. 1991 ·--, ' N 'I - ~\~\ ,·. ,· . Date ~ Category Assigned: :\, ___ r ..- 1 r \ .,-... Country NEPAL f\ J· · Project ID No: 8NEPPA095 Project Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Appraisal Date Sep. 15·, 1993 Total Project Cost: · $25 .oom Board Date Apr.-01, 1994 Managing Division SAlEI . ,Se~tor: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan f'> Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: July 1990 ..,. :~ -: ~ ,; .-: I -"\ · ....... -~-'\ ', Country NEPAL Project ID No: 8NEPPA096 '·) Project Sunsari Morang Headworks Appraisal Date Sep. 15, 1991. Total Project Cost: $30.00m Board Date : Oct. 20, 1992 · Managing Division: SAlAG Sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending I ''-·· 1 Date EA Category Assigned: · I t, I ( ====~=================================-----'---------..~- I-141 ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET FOR CATEGORY "B" PROJECTS Country PAKISTAN Project ID No: 8PAKPA223 Project Low-Income Communities Infrastructure Appraisal Date Sep. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $135.00m Board Date Jul. 03, 1993 Managing Division SA3EI Sector: Urbanization Lending I~strument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: July 1, 1992 Country PAKISTAN Project ID No: 8PAKPA232 Project Hill Farming Development Appraisal Date Sep. 30, 1992 Total Project Cost: $69.60m Board Date May 25, 1993 Managing Division SA3AG Sector: Agriculture&. Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Country PAKISTAN Project ID No: 8PAKPA233 Project Power Sector Development Project (WAPDA X) Appraisal Date Jun. 15, 1992 Total Project Cost: $4,577.00m Board Date Dec. 08, 1992 Managing Division SA3EI Sector: Power Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: Feb. 28, 1991 ·" . I· Country PAKISTAN Pr.oj ect ID No: 8PAKPA256 Project Ag Env./Forestry II Appraisal Date Sep. 01, 1993 Total.Project Cost: $100.00m Board Date May 01, 1994 Managing Division SA3AG ,. ·sector: Agriculture & Rural Devt Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Status: Standby Date EA Category Assigned: June 03, 1992 . Country SRI LANKA Project ID No: 8SRIPA081 Project : Community Water Supply & Sanitation Appraisal Date Feb. 03, 1992 Total Project Cost: $27.20m Board Date Sep. 29, 1992 Managing Division SA3EI Sector: Water Supply and Sewerage Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan Statue: Lending Date EA Category Assigned: I-144 LISTING OF CATEGORY ncn PROJECTS Africa TOGO 3TOGPA063 Education Management & Research UGANDA 3UANPA060 Education V 3UANPA070 Health II & AIDS· ZAMBIA 3ZAMPA052 Education Rehabilitation ZIMBABWE 3ZIMPA057 Agricultural Services East Asia and CHINA 4CHAPA095 Rural Health IV Pacific 4CHAPA153 Agricultural Support Services 4CHAPA161 Effective Teacher Training Services 4CHAPA186 Reform, Institutional Support & Preinvestment Project 4CHAPA217 Financial Sector INDONESIA 4INSPA215 Community Health & Nutrition III 41NSPA253 Skills Development 4INSPA269 Book and Reading Development LAO, P.D.R. 4LAOPA024 First Health 4LAOPA027 Education Sector Development l MALA~SIA 4MAYPAQ97 Polytechnic Development 4MAYPA100 Health Development 4MAYPA112 Primary Secondary Education Ill PAPUA NEW G. 4PAPPA047 Education Development 4PAPPA054 Population PHILIPPINES 4PHLPA161 Women's Health & Safe Motherhood 4PHLPA181 Export Development SOLOMON IS. 4SLIPA014 Education III r...·, Middle East and - . ·. . ALGERIA-"·,./·' l· . SALGPA083 Basic Education Institutional '·~ .. North Africa i (. . ,. Development EGYP;! S!~TPA180 Basic Education IRAN' S~RNPA040 Elementary and Guidance Education SIRNPA0-48 P~pulation/Health JORDAN .MOROCCO SJORPA081\;l:lea' II :1 SMYCPA151 ·Labdz: Mar1>.~5~~:n.t:~rim. SMYCPA157 Environment Technical rAssi~tance ~ i ' , ,. .-... - : \ Latin America and Caribbean ARGENTINA 6ARGPA072 Education Sector I 6ARGPA105 Maternal Child Heal~h and Nutrition .. 1 ;\ ·'/ ,·· BARBADOS 6BARPA019 Human Resources it.; d. BOLIVIA 6BOLPA072 Education Reform Project BRAZIL 6BOLPA088 6BRAPA214 6BRAPA239 6BRAPA261 6BRAPA267 Environment Technical Assistance North East Basic Education II North East Basic Education III Land Management III (SP) Quality Assurance :I I' i I 6BRAPA314 Land Management IV (MS) ~ 1-145 LISTING OF CATEGORY "C" PROJECTS Latin America and CHILE 6CHLPA088 Environmental/Institutional Caribbean Development COLOMBIA 6CLMPA173 Munucipal Health Services 6CLMPA187 Secondary Education Expansion 6CLMPA201 Technology Transfer 6CLMPA205 Financial Sector & Capital Market Development 6CLMPA207 Agricultural Information System & Marketing COSTA RICA 6C0SPA060 Basic Health & Nutrition CARIBBEAN RE 6CRBPA010 CDB VI 6CRBPA012 OECS Regional Education DOMINICAN R. 6DOMPA051 Private Sector Development ECUADOR 6ECUPA099 Technical Assistance - Environment GUATEMALA 6GUAPA035 Health Nutrition Project GUY.ANA 6GUYPA035 Private Sector Development JAMAICA 6JAMPA076 Small Farmer Development 6JAMPA077 Education Reform II 6JAMPA082 Private Sector Development I 6JAMPA083 Private Sector Credit MEXICO 6MXCPA199 Transport Air Quality Management ~MXCPA221 Initial Education 6MXCPA228 Highway Rehabilitation and Safety 6MXCPA229 Labor Market & Productivity Enhancement NICARAGUA 6NICPA045 Health PERU 6PERPA112 Power Sector Privatization URUGUAY 6URUPA063 Education Reform j .. , --- 6URUPA064 Public Adminis,tration Reform VENEZUELA 6VENPA039 rBl?lsic Education 6VENPA043°' Agricultural.Research Extension 6VENPA.O:SO National Parks Management Europe and Central ALBANIA 7-ALBPAOOl Albania Employment and Social Asia / Protection . ,-.~ ·-,,BULGARIA . ·-. 7BULPA001 Human Resources I ( ' CZECHOS. 7CZKPA007 Telecoms HUNGARY 7HUNPA043 Financial System Modernization II 7HUNPA046 Telecommunications Ill 7HUNPA050 Health and Social Services POLAND 7POLPA029 Telecom I I 7POLPA038 Education Restructuring ROMANIA 7ROMPA083 Financial & Enterprise Sector Adjustment 7ROMPA086 Employment & Training 7ROMPA094 Education 7ROMPA098 Telecommunication RUSSIA 7RUSPA009 Privatization I-146 LISTING OF CATEGORY "C" PROJECTS Europe· and Central TURKEY 7TURPA152 East Anatolia Watershed Asia Rehabilitation 7TURPA183 Health III 7TURPA193 Employment & Training 7TURPA205 Health II 7TURPA208 Basic Education South Asia BANGLADE.SH 8BANPA163 Nutrition 8BANPA222 Female Secondary School Assistance 8BANPA227 Non-Formal Education INDIA 8IHDPA370 Primary Education 8INDPA392 Integrated,Child Development Systems (!CDS II) 8INDPA454 Leprosy Control t NEPAL PAKISTAN 8NEPPA082 8PAKPA214 Population/Health Sindh Urban Policy Reform I 8PAKPA239 Family Health II l. 8PAKPA240 Balochistan Primary Education 8PAKPA253 Nutrition 8PAKPA254 NWFP Primary Education I l rf'-., -J I . . . '',_·~ . . . . __r-~ ..:1i \ s::,: 1 ....... ;'"'\ ~·· {"\ " .:"' i ( ._ . ';~ I <., ·i I I ~:1 't, --S·.·-~ ·-,.I f~· . , n\ __,.,r'1 "-'¥ '· " .,, "'\ \ .. . ' la J .( I-147 LISTING OF CATEGORY "T" PROJECTS Africa ANGOLA 3ANGPA015 Private Sector BENIN 3BENPA057 Health II BURUNDI 3BUIPA071 Telecom III CHAD 3CHDPA049 Transport Sector II ETHIOPIA 3ETHPA098 Telecom VII GHANA 3GHAPA116 Vocational Skills and Apprenticeship GUINEA BIS. 3GUBPA037 Bissau Water and Sanitation KENYA 3KENPA134 Transport Corridor 3KENPA138 Informal Sector MADAGASCAR 3MAGPA056 Irrigation Rehabilitation II MALAWI 3MALPA084 Education Sector III MALI 3MLIPA066 Banking/Finance NIGERIA 3NIRPA139 Livestock III 3NIRPA152 Technical Education 3NIRPA158 Irrigation Development 3NIRPA171 Rural Marketing (ADF) TANZANIA 3TANPA098 Roads II UGANDA 3UANPA049 Export Development 3UANPA090 FSAC II ZIMBABWE 3ZIMPA064 Energy Efficiency (Energy I) East Asia and CHINA 4CHAPA187 Songliao Plain Pacific [•-- 4CHAPA195 Prov. Management 4CHAPA219 Shanxi Coal Conserv & Env -· INDONESIA 4INSPA279 Industrial Technology Development 4INSPA292 ~ SECTOR III MALAYSIA 4MAYPA115 .Non-Formal Education PAPUA NEW G. 4PAPPA04S Forest'.Management & Conservation Middle East and EGYPT 5~GTPA089 Engineering Industries North Africa .. .. ~MO_RQCCO 5MYCPA130 Industrial Training 5MYCPA146 ASIL II Latin America and BOLIVIA 6BOLPA069 Hydrocarbon Caribbean Deregulation/Restructuring & Engineering ECUADOR 6ECUPA075 Irrigation HONDURAS 6HDSPA046 Social Sector MEXICO 6MXCPA157 Highway Improvement PERU 6PERPA109 Irrigation Rehabilitation III TRINIDAD & T 6TRIPA028 Environmental Protection & Forestry VENEZUELA 6VENPA042 Irrigation Rehabilitation I-148 LISTING OF CATEGORY "T" PROJECTS Europe and Central ALBANIA Asia 7ALBPA002 Health Rehabilitation l l 7ALBPA006 Financial Int. Loan· POLAND 7POLPA017 Railways 7POLPA04l Power Supply TURllY 7TURPA213 Energy Conservation 7TURPA227 Istanbul Water Supply and Sewage Ill South Asia BANGLADESH 8BANPA127 S.E. IRRIGATION. · INDIA 8INDPA317 Kerala Urban 8IBDPA379 Water Resource Consolidation 8IBDPA426 Agricultural Development Karnataka 8IBDPA456 Health II 8IBDPA463 Population IX PAKISTAN' 8PAKPA265 Private Sector Credit SRI LARKA ~SRIPA095 Private Finance Development .t'-,..r'~\ (A') ~.....,_~..............~·-:~ ;·' '.,-;- /!· . . ..,. ,-::> .- .-'· '': ) 1, ', -~-'.' ! i . \ : 1[ ,;.. . ANNEX II GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY - QUARTERLY REPORT ON INVESTMENT PROJECTS The Global Environment Trust Fund (GE1) under the framework of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established in the Banlc on March 14, 1991 to assist developing countries by way of grants and concessional financing in carrying out programs to protect the global environment. The GEF is a three-year pilot program designed to demonstrate cost-effective, innovative technologies or approaches to mitigate selected global environmental problems. It has four objectives for the operations of the Facility: a) reducing and limiting emission of greenhouse gases which cause global warming; b) preserving the earth;s biological diversity and maintaining natural habitats; c) arresting the pollution of international waters; and d) protecting the ozone layer from further depletion. However, projects to reduce emissions of ozone depleting substances will largely be funded from the Bank's Ozone Layer Protection Trust Fund which receives funds from the Interim Multilateral Fund under the Montreal Protocol. GEF is a cooperative venture among national governments, the World Banlc (for investment projects), the United Nations Development Programme-UNDP (for pre-investment studies and technical assistance), and the United Nations Environment Programme-UNEP (for scientific and technical advice). Further, the Bank has been asked to administer the program funded by GET, and in its capacity as Trustee, the Bank is also authorized to enter into Cofinancing Arrangements with potential cofinanciers. This quarterly Annex II provides information on investment projects that have been reviewed by the GEF Participants (Donors) and have been approved for further processing by the Bank, as well as investment projects that are in the project pipeline to be presented for review at subsequent GEF Participants' meetings . . ··.· •. - 1- ,r-_.__,,.. I l \ l \, 'l I I \ I 1 j J, j ~\, ~~I fl ! . . ... j ' >t. ' l GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY ANNEXll-1 QUARTERLY REPORT ON INVF.STMENT PROJECTS (As of September IS, 1992) c.....,.., A!l3CUlll($a) GEFProJ GEF 1.p1c...11q A Pll'OOalllc (Frer:00 tected Areas Mgmt. JWo,diverslty To be determined WorkProgr11111 'l"t \ I (GEF) 11.5 (National Forestry Management~, and Conservatioh) rProt~ted areas system development ( ' ·"~".'·and miinag~~nt training; environmental Yellow cover report under revision . . _ (IDA) .) , monitoring ail~ evaluation and community i ,r participation. In conservation programs ., I /. '·'1 ' PHILIPPINES 30.0 Geolbermul Energy 1,>ev'elopment Global w;;.:,;;:lng To be determined WorkProgl'IIIII p \ Nari Power Corp. (GEF) (Leyte Cebu Geothermal Power) CO2 avoidancirthrough replacement Appraisal scheduled for Phil. Nari Oil Corp. 40.0 of coal-based powerplant,t:i!Jlt \ I (GEP cofln. sought) 200.0 geothermal energy ·· t, , November 1992. '1·\i, I I ' ~"'I ~ Bank '.'\1 • ,...,,,.I":"' ·,~," I 'ry PBILll'PINES 20.0 CouervalioD of Priority Biodiversity •--,..c:v - To be determined ,.,- ._: r'l.r,~ l't,, Work ~g'.- -~--! I \ DeplofEnv. (GEF) Protected Ar.... Implementation of tbe Integrated MODSep.1992 '·~~"l & NBL Resources 1S8.0 (Environment and Natural Protected Areas System to preserve and Associa!Ald Bank/IDA \,,.... -~ ) (Bani.) Resources Sector Adj. Prog.) rehabilitate foresrs, coral reefs, and Project approved --, - ~ \t 66.0 w.,_tlands. on June 21, 1992. t_ "I ~ (IDA) ~~i)'" . \' . .J THAILAND 15.0 Electricity Conservation Global Warming To be determined Work Program ,,' ·r I I (GEF) (l'o be determined) Energy end-use efficiency Appraisal scheduled 15.0 for Oct. 1992. (GEP Cofln. sought) Pre-investment 11tudy or 1'" SS95,000 bas been epp'OVed by UNDP. ol.l THAILAND 10.0 !Forest Blodlverllity I Blodivenity To be determined ProJeet Plpcll""' :.. (GEF) 20.0 (Land Reform !'lld Forest Protection) Integrated community development and biodiversity protection, endangered forest Project under preparation. I (Bank) biodiversity, policy and wt. strengthening i- /,· I I I I I GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY ANNEX 11-3 QUARTERLY REPORT ON INVESTMENT PROJECTS (As of September IS, 1992) Amount($m) GEFProJ GEF & Probable (Free-otandingl Objective & Con•ulting or Stage Pr0<:esslng • and Lender Associated Bonk Pro eel Pro· eel Descri !Ion Servlce• Action on Procurement IMNA&ECA ALGERIA 10.0 El Kala National Park Biodiversity To be determined Work Program (GEF) (Free standing project) Ramser site wetlands conservation, Project under preparation endangered species, migratory birds, Appraisal scheduled deer, archeology for March I 993 BYELORUSSIA 1,0 Forest Biodiversity Biodiversity To be determined Work Program (GEF) (Free standing project) Unique forest species, relic stands, air MOD Oct. I, 1992. pollution threat, gene banks, preservation CZECHOSLOVAKIA 4.3 Planning and Management or Blodivenlly To be determined Work Program (GEF) Czech and Slovak Reserveo Establishing and financing sustainable Appraisal scheduled (Free standing) network of protected areas; "Ecological for Oct. 1992 Bank of Europe" program EGYPT 4.8 Red Sea Control Zone MgmL International Waters To be determined Work Program (GEF) (Tourism Sector Restructuring & Ecotourism impact management protection Yellow cover meeting 12S.O Privatization) policy and incentives for sustainable use, on Sep. IS, 1992. (Bank) building block for regional cooperation under Red Sea convention, coral reefs IRAN 2.0 Transport Energy Global Warming To be determined Work Program (GEF) (Free standing project) Transport fleet efficiency upgrade, Appraisal scheduled for strategic planning, global environment November 1992. coefficient of urban management systems design <;'-'1..,-_ MEDITERRANEAN 10,0 Porto W asle Disposal International Walen To be determined '\work Program Regional Sea (GEF) (Algeria-Third Ports Project, Coordinated regional damage control from /c' :(1-ppraisal scheduled for _...-.'i_ Pollution Proj. Morocco-Ports Sector; oil spills and oil pollution, emergency response ( ·N~>'',30, 1992. r ·. r Algeria Tunisia-Trans. Sector planning, strengthening regional ( 'i Development Project) cooperation for marine pollution Morocco Tunisia control \'_'.._ p._1 / _,,) 1,, r"' PAKISTAN 11,0 Waste to Energy Systems Global Warming'. r'"J ...._ ·· ·1 .P· V' "{io be determined Work Program (GEF) (Punjab Urban Environ. Proj.) Landifll gas recov_ery/utilization, Appraisal scheduled major methahe;source globally ·, for March 1993. 100 (Bank) t;'i. _, .. l(~ 30.7 (IDA) POLAND 25.0 Coal-to;Gas Conversion Global Warming To be determined Work Program District Heat (GEF) (fleat·Supply,R~s_tru_cturing, Energy efficiency, natural gas, Appraisal scheduled for Corporation 340.0 ]'- _ ,end Conservation) ~. - ' small scale industry, household energy November 1992. r··---···~-.(Bankl. ' . _/ ROMANIA 6.0 Danube Della International Walen To be determined Work Program (GEF) (Rural Credit Danube Delta) WeUands management; rare European Appraisal scheduled migratory birdlife; Black Sea hydrologic/ for December 1992 biological filter. TURKEY 5,0 Genetic Biodiversity Biodiversity To be determined Work Program Ministry of (GEF) (East Anatolia Watershed Preservation of predecessor genetic MOD January 1993 Agr. & Rural 100.0 Rehabilitation Project) stocks of new world cereals. Affairs, Min. (Bank) of Forestry GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT FACILITY ANNEX 11-4 QUARTERLY REPORT ON INVESTMENT PROJECTS (As of September 15, 1992) Amount($m) GEFProj GEF &Probable (Free-standing.I Objective & Consulting Stage of Processing • and Lender Associated Bank Pro eel Pro eel Descri lion Services Action on Procurement LAC BOLIVIA 4.5 Biodiversity Conservation Proj. Biodiversity To be determined Work Program FONAMA (GEF) (Free standing project) Protected areas management, education, Negotiations scheduled and training, demarcation, legislation and policy for Sep. 21, 1992. actions, indigenous people knowledge systems for design of ecosystem management. BRAZIL 30.0 National Conservation Unit Biodiversity To be determined Work Program IBAMA (GEF) (National Environment) Conservation units, megadlversity Appraisal tentatively scheduled for Jan. 1993. BRAZIL 23,0 Biomass Gasification/Gas Turbine Global Warming To be determined Project Pipeline CHESfl! (GEF) (fo be determined) Gasification of low value residues and IBPS January 1994 7.0 energy crops for high efficiency (UNDP GEF TA) electricity generation CARIBBEAN 15.0 OECS/Pollution of International loteroatiooal Waters To be de term lned Project Pipeline REGION (GEF) Waters Regional pilot port waste reception, To be presented to GEP 9.0 (OECS Waste Management) land based-garbage, disposition and Participants lo Dec. 1992. \ (Bank/IDA) recycling, framework for regional coop. i CARIBBEAN 5.5 Wider Caribbean Initiative Car International Waters To be determined Project Pipeline REGION Waste Disposal To be presented to GEP (Pree standing) Participants In Dec. 1992. ECUADOR 6.0 Biodiversity Protection Biodiversity To be determined Work Program (GEF) (fA Environment) Technical assistance and training for Appraisal to be scheduled (Bilateral preparation and execution of management ..:I co financing plans for seven conservation units ·~t /"'~UADOR tr ,\ sousl.!t);f'-7 2.5{, . · . · )!IOTROSA/ENDESA Afforestation Global Warming To be determined Work Program ;,\ ---, .( 1.-, n(~EF) · (IFC Project) Carbon sequestration, Indigenous Approved on June 18, ., :·J ' ~ "v-o._J ' '(, \ hardwood species, mixed plant/multi- 1992 '., ·" ·\ purpose trees, private sector I, •. \ JAMAICA 3.8 '"\.., ~ .A Demand Side Management~ . '',Global Warmmg To be determined Project Pipeline i1, ". '' 4 (GEF) (Free standing projeci)·;· · Carl!Pn sequestration, biomass power, Appraisal Dec. 1992 ,,';, ) lntegrared demand management ) I' ·"'.;,,,-) ~ ' /." I MEXICO 10.0 Electric Power Encl-Use Efficiency Global'·W arming IIEE from Wash. D.C Work Program Comlslon Federal (GEF) (fransmlssion ahd Demoris~ation of energy efficient were contracted Appraisal scheduled ,. de Electrlcidad Distribution Project) lighting t~hnologles anli'ilrganizational (CPE) --;-,---"'· ~ ~~ '• development for program deljvery for November 1992 and marketing techniques. ·'1_ .r:\ '" ~ I ~,.,_ •.• ,-.,,~~~ PERU 4.0 Trust Fund for Conservation Unit Biodiversity \."'"\..,-AF"';,;,,,,· To be 'dete~ined . Work Program . I Min. of Agr. (GEF) (Pree standing project) Endemism, sustainable protection, · ~r"'.\, "' ) • Classification of GEF projects based on processing status: a) Projects In GEP Work Program are those that have been presented for review by Participants at semi-annual meetings of the GEF and have been retained for further processing and appraisal. b) Projects In GEP Pipeline are those projects which have passed the three critical hurdles to be Included In the GEP Program but are not scheduled for approval before the . '·•\ .~ ;~ ,, . next semiannual meeting of Participants and have not been presented to the Particpants for their review. The three hurdles are Government's formal request for the project, passing a technical review, and clearance for eligibility by the GEP Implementation Committee. Projects in this category are necessarily less certain In terms of content and costs " than those in the GEF Work Program. 1> ,(I ... /< Cl \ I I I