RP1332 v2 “Approved� ____________ Kazakov G. “Chandir� Mahalla Committee Chairman (Sealed and Signed) Minutes of the Meeting held on Resettlement Policy Framework under the AKWS Project financed by IDA “Chandir� village June 19, 2012 Presided: Kazakov G., “Chandir� Mahalla Committee Chairman Attendees: Kurbonov F., Director of Alat district PE “Suvokova� Atamurodov B., Chief Architect of Alat district Rahimov.A, head of “Yermulkdor� service Mustoqov B., “Ganchi Chandir� MFY chairman F.Ruziev, “Kesakli� MFY chairman Olloqov Z., “Buribek Chandir� MFY chairman R.Ergashev, “Buston� MFY chairman U.Hudoykulov, “Hidreyli� MFY chairman S.Bozorova, Principal of school #7 Sh.Ravshanov, Principal of school #26 M.Atahonov, Principal of school #34 and others (as per list) AGENDA: 1. Resettlement Policy Framework under the proposed AKWS Project Kazakov G., Chairman of “Chandir� mahalla, gave a speech about AKWS Project and actions will be taken under the Project. Kurbonov F. continued and informed participants of meeting on resettlement policy framework under the proposed Project “Improvement of water supply in Alat and Karakul districts of Bukhara region� with participation of International Development Association (the World Bank). He also stated the objectives and components of the proposed Project, reasons for preparation of resettlement policy framework, obligations, which enable people to receive compensations, legislation governing the land use and appraisal of property and damage, as well as indemnifying, legal actions to be taken for effective measures on resettlement. He replied to several questions raised by the participants regarding project implementation. After discussing the issues, the following DECISIONS were made: 1. To assist and support the implementation of AKWSP. 2. To note that all Mahalla chairmen and related organization heads are be responsible for taking legislative actions on proposed resettlement issues during project implementation. 3. The control over the performance of decisions taken in this meeting is entrusted to F.Ergashev - secretary of KFY. The minutes of meeting is written by E. Hotamov