IOFMIAL r nocXumn T The WYorld Bank 1818 H Street N.W (202) 473-1000 INTERNTIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AqD DEVEP aWhinnton D " 6433 Cable Address: INTBAFRAD INTERN GTIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATIC N U.S.A. Cable Address: INDEVAS Date: C y to , 2 o t Mr. Jorma Suvanto Director for Southern Africa Mi iistry of Foreign Affairs cf tl e Rcpublic of Finland P.(). Box 541 Fl-)0023 Government FINLAND Amendment No. 5 Supplemertal Contribution to the Trust Fund Administration Agreement between the Repub,ic of Finland represented by its Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Internati6nal Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Developmevt Association concerning the Creating Sustainable Businesses in the Knowledge Economy Single Donor Trust Fund (TF 071399) Dear Mr. Suvanto: 1. We refer to the Trus Fund Administration Agreement between the Republic of Finland represented by its Ministry for Foteign Affairs (the "Donor") and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development a id the International Development Association (collectively, thc "Bank"), regarding the Creating Sustainable Businesses in the Knowledge Economy Single Donor Trust Fund (the "Trut Fund') (TF 071399) effective as of March 10, 2010, as amended (th,. "Administration Agreenieni"). 2. We are pleased to a,knowl.dge, on behalf of the Bank, the intention of the Donor to make a supplemental contribution tc the Trust Fund in the amount of one hundred thousand Euro (C 100,000) (the "Supplemen al Contribution"). 3. The Donor shall depisit the Supplemental Contribution into such bank account de;ignated by the Bank prompily following countersignature of this Amendment by the Donor and submission of a paymeni reques by the Bank. 4. When making the dposit, he Donor shall instruct its bank to include in its payment details information (remittUncc advice) field of its SWIFT payment message, information indicating: the amount paid, thit the payment is made by Donor for TF No. 071399 (Creating Sustainable Businesses in te Knowledge Economy Single Donor Trust Fund), and the date of the deposit. In addit.on, the Donor ;hall provide a copy of the Donor's deposit instruction to the Baiik's Accounting Trust Funds Dirision by e-mail sent to or by fax sent to (202) 614-1315. 5. Immediately upon receipt of the Supplemental Contribution., the Bank will convert such funds into United States Dollars. 6. All other terms of the Administration Agreement shall remain the same and shall apply to the Supplemental Contribution. 7. The Bank will disclose this Amendment and related information on this Trust Fund in accordance with the World Bank Policy on Access to Information. By entering into this Agreement, the Donor consents to disclosure of this Amendment and related information on this Trust Fund. 8. Please confirm your understanding to the foregoing, on behalf of the Donor, by signing, dating, and returning to us one of the enclosed originals of this Amendment. Upon receipt by the Bank of the original of this Amendment countersigned by you, this Amendment will become effective as of the countersignature. Sincerely, INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT erardo Corrochano Director Europe and Central Asia & Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship Global Practice Financial & Private Sector Development CONFIRMED AND AGREED: REPUBLIC OF FINLAND represented by its MINISTRY FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS By: Date: 1 . /, A /'3 Jorma Suvanto Director for Southern Africa