Document of The World Bank FOR OMRCLAL USE ONLY A/V 3 7 3- S Rqort No. P-6329-TUN EMORANDUM IND RECONENDATION OF THE PRESIDEWT OF TUIE INrERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPlM TO THE EXECUT DIRECTORS ON A PROPOSED LOAN IN THE AMDUNT EQUIVALEZT TO US$29 MILLION TO THE REPUBLIC OF TUNISIA AND A PROPOSED LOAN IN THE AMOUNT EQUIVALENT TO US$29 MILLION TO SOCIETE NATIONALE D'EXPLOITATION ET DE DISTRIBTION D'EA WITO THE GUARANTEE OF THE REULIC OF TUNISIA FOR A WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE PROJECT JULY 6, 1994 MICROGRAPHI CS This documeot has a restricted dstribution and deir official duties Its contets oay not ote Report No: P- 6329 TUN Type: MOP CURRENY } 3 Q 'AL- ' (As of April 1994) Tunisia Dinar, D - 1,000 Millimes D 1 US$0.9 US$1 1.09 ABBREVIATIONS ft - foot m = meter ha hetare mm = millimeter Km = kilometer Mm3 million of cubic meters inh = inhabitant m3/sec = cubic meters per second lcpd = liters per capita per day mi = minute ,MEASURES AND EQUIVALENT McW: System -U.K. Syswm Kilometer (Km) = 0.62 mile (mi) Meter (m) = 3.28 feet (ft) Cubic meter (i3) 220 gallons (g) Million cubic meters/year Mm3lyear) = 0.603 million gallons per day (mgd) Liter (1) = 0.220 gallon (g) Liters per second (l/so) = 19,000 gallons per day (gd) G-LOSSARY OF ACRONYMS AFESD = Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development ANPE = Agence Nationale pour la Protection de l'Environnement DGR = Direction GW6rale du Genie Rural IBRD = International Bank for Reconstruction and Development KfW = Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau LRMC = Long Run Marginal Cost MoA = Ministry of Agriculture NDF = Nordic Development Fund NIB = Nordic Investment Bank OED = Operations Evaluation Department ONAS Office National de l'Assainissement RDE = Regie de Distribution des Eaux SPF) = Saudi Fund for Development SIDA = Swedish International Development Authority SONEDE = Soci&t6 National d'Exploitation et de Distribution des Baux FISCAL YEAR January 1 - December 31 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY UBLIC OF nSI EIGXHT WATER SUPPLY PRQg Loan andfProect Summ;0 IRepublic of Tunisia and Soci Nationale d'Exploitation et de Distnrbution des Eaux (SONEDE), with the guamntee of the Republic of Tunisia. Beneficiaries: Socidtd Nationale d'Exploitation et de Distribution des Baux (SONUDED Office National de I'Assainssement (ONAS). Amounltg: Republic of Tunisia: US$29 million SONDE: US$29 million Temes: Bank's standard variable interest rate, with 17 years maturity, including 5 years of grace. nening Terms for QNA: Same as World Bank Loan to the Republic of Tunisia, with ONAS bearing the foreign exchange risk Coinanciers: Nordic Development Fund (NDF) and Nordic Investment Bank (NIB). Amount: US$ 10.7 million equivalent. Eina ig Plan: US$m n IBRD 58.0 NDF/NM 10.7 Governent 17.0 SONEDE 17.2 ONAS 8.0 Total 112.2 E3conomic Rt of :Retur Greater Tunis 17 percent Poverv Cabgory: NA giaff Appiali R-eport No. 12939 mv: IBRD 25630 Ths docum has a resricted distion and may be used by recipiens only in te peofimu o# tihir ofa dut Its ots ents not ote be tisclosed wi World an auozao. MEMORANDUM AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCION AND 'EVELOPMENT TO THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS ON TWO PROPOSED LOANS, ONE TO 'HE REPUBLI-C OF TUNISIA AND ONE TO THE SOCIETE NATIONALE D'EXPLOITATION ET DE DISTRIBUTION DES EAUX FOR A WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE PROJECT 1. I submit for your approval the following memorandum and recommendation on two proposed loans each in the amount of US$29 million to, repectively, the Republic of Tunisia and SONEDE (with the Government guarantee) for a total of US$58.0 million to help finance a Water Supply and Sewerage Project. The loans would be at the Bank's standard variable interest ae, with a maturity of 17 years, including five years of grace. Part of the proceeds of the loan to the Republic of Tunisia (US$9.0 milion) would be onlent to ONAS on the same terms applicable to the Republic of Tunisia, with the foreign exchange risk to be borne by ONAS. The project wiU be co-financed by NDF and NIB. 2. BackgroMun. Centrally located on the southern rim of the Mediteranean Sea, Tunisia is a middle income country, with a population of approel 8.3 million. The Tunisian economy is highly dependent upon available water resources for irrigation, tourism, industry and human use. As a semi-arid country, water resources are scarce and in some areas, particulaly in the South, water demand exceeds locally available fresh water resources. Scarcity is often further compounded by the high saliity of groundwater resources. To keep pace with increasing water demand, the development of water resources has been given high pnority by the Government and significant funds have been allocated to water supply and sewerage projects in the Eighth Development Plan 1992-1996. The Plan's overall objective is to maximize the efficient use of scarce water resources, improve the efficiency of the water and sewerage utilities and improve public health to allow for a c_atinuous and stable development of economic and human activities. Given the constmiints on water resource availability, greater emphasis should be put on demand management and economic criteria for resource allocation among competing demands. 3. Water resources policy and allocation are the responsibility of the Ministry of Agnculture (MoA) assisted by the National Water Committee (NWC) which reviews sector programs and determines regional priorities. A Water Code enacted in 1975 regulates the protection and allocation of water resources. It is comprehensive legislation aimed at preserving the resources base and also provides regulations for withdrawing groundwater. 4. Responsibility for the planning, design, construction and operation of water supply systems in urban areas and large wral centers is assigned to the Societ6 Nationale d'Exploitation et de Distribution des Eaux (SONEDE). SONEDE is the National Water Supply Authority, an autonomous public entity overseen by MoA. SONEDE's capacity to implement policies and programs is strong and it is managed by experienced and dedicated staff. Over the years it has made substantial contributions to the improvement of the water sector. -2- 5, Planning, design and construction of water supply works in small villages is the responsibility of the MoA's "Direction Gdn6rale du G6nie Rual" (DGR). Operation and maintenance of those works are carried out by the Offices of the Provincial Authorities (governorates). The DOR is also overeeig the creation and activities of the Water Users Associations (AIC) that the Government is promoting for nrial areas. 6. L'Office National d'Assainissment (ONAS), also an autonomous public enterprise, presently under the tutelage of the Ministry of Environment, is responsible for sewage collection, treatment, and disposal in urban agglometons, and industial and touristic zones. IThe DGR is responsible for sanitation in rural areas not covered by ONAS, and the municipalities are in chargt. of solid waste collection and disposal, and storm drainage. 7. Ewj= Qbjem. The vroject aims to assist the Govenment in: (a) implementing a suitable demand mement progrm and insdttuon building measures. As these actions are taking shape, the technical and financial capacity of both SONEDE and ONAS will improve, maldng them more autonomous and self financing; (b) providing safe, adequate and easily accessible water supply and sanitation services in urban and rral areas, by rehabilitaing and expanding exsting facilities with particular focus on low-income households; (c) promoting the reuse of trated sewage for irrigation and industrial use; and (d) encourag SONEDE and ONAS to conact some of their opeations to the private sector (i.e., operation of water and sewage treatment plants, water desalination plants, execution of connection works, maintenance and studies). 8. Project Description. The project has four main components: (a) Institutional development with a view to enhancing water resources management, and the financial viabiity and efficiency of both SONEDE and ONAS. This component includes staff training, studies, technical assistance, purchase of equipment, and a campaign to raise public awareness on better use of water and sanitation services; (b) b n and expansion of the water supply systems in Greater Tunis; (c) provision of piped water systems to approximately 320 small villages (about 200,000 people) in riral Tunisia; and (d) construction of sewage treatment facilities in the towns of Tozeur, Tataouine and Jemmal-Zermeddime. 9. Prect Implementation and Financing. SONEDE would be responsible for design, constuction, operaton and maintnance of water supply systems to be included under the project in Greater Tunis and in rual centers. SONEDE would be resonsible for appraising the sub-pioects in the rurl centers with specific selection critena. ONAS would be responsible for implementing the sewerage components. Two Bank loans talling US$58.0 milion would be made to the Government and SONEDE. The Bank would finance al of the foreign exchange and part of the local curency portion of the water supply component (US$49.0 million), and the sewerage component (US$9.0 million). Funds for the urban water supply component (US$29.0 million) would be lent to SONEDE under the same Bank terms and conditions as those for the loan to the Government. Funds for the mral component would be provided by the Government to SONEDE on a grant basis (US$20.0 million). Funds for the sewerage component would be onlent to ONAS, also under standard Bank terms and conditions. The Nordic Development -3 - Fund (NDF) and the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) would partcipate in the financing of the Tataouine and Jemmal-Zenmeddime sewage treatment plants for US$10.7 million. The loans would be made under each co-financiers respective standard terms and conditions. 1Q. BUMjec Sustainability. The exitng instutions, SONEDE and ONAS, have competencies to operate the fiilities and equipment provided under the project. In addition, the project will provide tainng and technical assistace which are geared towa developing mechams to achieve opertional efficiency and financial sustability. 11. Lessons fm Previous Bank InyolvAement. To date, the Bank Group has made twelve loans and one cred for a total amount of US$263.5 million to the urban water supply and sewerage sectors in Tunisia. Two of these projects, Seventh Water Supply and Third Urban Seweae, closed in 1993, having largely accomplished their objectives. Water supply and sewerage proJects have been sucessfly implemend, allowing the establishment - f strong institutional aements and a major expansion owater and sewerage services in the country. One hundred percent of the urban and 32 percent of the nual popuations (Genie Rural provides an additional 33 percent in mral areas) have been provided with water supply services by SONEDE. Eighty percent of the cities and about 25 percent of rural areas have sewerage sees. The Govemment is strongly committed to maintainig this high level of water sevices to the urban popuon, providing the remaining nwal areas with public water supply and making similar coributons to the sewerage sector. 12. The Otions Evaluation Department (OBD) has published a Sector Opeations Review on the Water Supply and Waste Disposal Progam in Tunisia (Report 4146, October 1982), claiming this program as one of the Banrk's most sccessfil in the water supply sector and the situation to date remains excellent. A recent MENA utilities review considered SONEDE and ONAS to be the best performers in the region. Up to now the Government has concentrted its efforts on providing the majority of urban and nual populations with quality water supply and sewerage semes. The new strategy is to focus on demand management and approriate tariff increases and improving efficiency in operations, insttution building and cost recovery elenents incwlded in the proposed Water Supply and Sewerage Project. 13. RaiQona&le for x I!mt. The Goverment is keeily aware that Tunisia faces a severe water shortage within the next decade, and it bas committed itself to implementing a long-term strategy to satisfy the c:untry's water needs until the year 2010. This sategy has been devised within a compesive polcy and institutional frmework that is in line with the Bank's Water Policy Paper, the MENA Water Strategy and the Country Assistance Strtegy presented on May 11, 1993. The Bank's assistance strategy for Tunisia is to support the Government's efforts to strengthen the management and conservation of its water resources. The proposed project is the result of a continuing dialogue between the Government and the Bank. Although commendable achievements have been made in the level of water senis in urban areas, more remains to be done in mobilizing resources, implementing adequate cost recovery schemes and improving the dficiency of, and private paricWon in SONEDE and ONAS operations. In rual areas, apprxmately 35 percent of the populaon are not served, and water -4- systems operated by SONEDE sfill require institutional, organizational and fimancial strengthening. 14. A water setor review is curmenly being carried out by the Bank in parallel with prparation of the proposed project. The objective of this study is to highlight the critical importance of comprehensive water resources development in the country and addre the main issues in the water sector. The work will include preparation of a coordiated approach for water sector activities and folow up on th recommendations of the recently approved Bank Water Policy Paper and the MENA Water Strategy which specify an integmted seetorial approach to water management. 15. Lu&.and Actons Commitment from the Goverment, SONEDE and ONAS were obtained on the following: (a) Sector Development Policy Letter. The Government will provide a letter of Sector Development Policy no later than December 31, 1998, for the water supply and sewerage sectors in Tunisia with explicit reference to the issues of cost recovery, tariffs, cost containment and efficiency measures. This letter would be submitted to the Bank once the ongoing sector studies carried out by tht Tunisians, the Bank and other donors have been completed; O) 'Contrat PQgramme "(CP). SONBDE has signed a performance contract with the Government setting forth their respective responsibilities in the water supply sector. This contract covers the period up to year 1996. Agreement was reached at negotiations that a new CP covering 1997 to 2001 will be signed no later than December, 1998; (c) Cost ==. SONEDE and ONAS' overall tariffs should be sufficient to allow full coverage of operation and maintenance costs and a self-generated contibution to capital investments of at least 30 percent and 13 percent reectively. In order to maintain SONEDE's and ONAS' financial viability, agreement was reached on the following objectives: (i) annual tariff increases of not less than 7 percent and 15 percent for SONEDE and ONAS, respectively, so that SONEDE reach the LRMC not later than June 30, 2P-2 and ONAS achieve full recovery of its operation and maintenance cost and make a reasonable contribution to its investment costs; and (ii) given the Government's political will to further expand SONEDE's operations into mral areas and the impact of such policy on the national budget, agreement was reached at negotiations on new selection critera for rural water supply sub-projects and implementation of a cost accounting system, including a separate one for rural operations, no later than December 31, 1996. This scheme would allow the mid-term review to assess and adjust, if needed, SONEDE's future role in the mrl sector, (d) Govermentamars. Agreement was reached on a payment schedule of equal amounts over five years with payment of first tranche in fiscal year 1995; and (e) Private sectorM1Qipatin. The role of the private sector in the operations of SONEDE and ONAS is presently limied. Agreement was reached with SONEDE to carry out a study on different options related to private sector participation in potable water services. This effort is being coordinated with USAID which is presently carrying out a study on private participation in the sewerage sector. 16. Eny=iinnmental Apct The proposed project has been reviewed and placed in environmental screening category B, consistent with the provisions of the Operational Directive 4.01, Annex E, "Environmental Assessment". An environmental analysis was undtaken by ONAS and SONEDE and showed that the project would have a series of very positive environmental impacts mainly on public health and sanitation. These are related to the provision of sewage treatment facilities in four towns of Tataouine, Tozeur and Janznel-Zermeddine. The provision of improved water services to Greater Tunis and the provision of quality water supplies to about 320 viages (200,000 people) is also a highly positive action. The sub-projects to be executed to that end will not involve any intemational waterways. Few negative impacts associated with the project have been studied. These are related primarily to the construction of facilides and the need for a proper diosal of sludges for the waste treatment plants. A mitigatg plan has been preared to address these negative impacts. In addition, the Project will not cause any resetflement as a consequence of the construction of such facilities. 17. Pojt Benefts. The project would: (a) help in setting up a comprehensive demand management program and improve the cost recovery mechanisms, decrsing the level of Government support and allowing SONEDE and ONAS to generate more revenues for their activities; (b) provide safe and accessible water to about 200,000 people living in rual areas; and (c) hnprove the water services in Greater Tunis and sewerag, services in the touistic areas of southern Tunisia which will atuact tourists and foster more economic activity. The proposed project would raise the existing water supply to a more acceptable qualty as well as posidtvely impact on the health of the population served. 18. Risk&. The main risk is the Government not living up to its obligation to aly the appropriate tariffs. Measures to mnmize this ri are the agreements reached with the Government to assist SGCFrDE and ONAS in implementing adequate tariffs policies throughout the project implementation period. 19. Recommendation. I am satisfied that the proposed loans would comply with the Articles of Agreement of Bank and recommend that the Executive Directors approve them. Lewis T. Preston President Attachments Washington, D.C. July 6, 1994 -6 - Schdule A Page 1 of 2 WATRSUPP LY AMNDEERAG PROJECT Swuwm.IgjPecL gLst-naties an Pinancing Plan Cost Bstimates (April 19941 US$1 = DT 0.9 - VlDTion-1 - US miliIon Coat Eslb_ F Local __0 m TOW Foreign LI S_-TO _ Cu_ + Tax + Water SuAnlV Tuais 21.71 8.01 29.71 5.14 34.85 19.21 7.05 26.26 4.53 30.79 Rural Water SupplHes 18.14 10.01 28.15 4.79 32.94 15.65 8.64 24.29 4.13 28.41 Demand Manigeman 2.36 .09 2.44 .69 3.13 2.08 .08 2.15 .61 2.76 Stud 2.37 .26 2.63 .18 2.82 2.18 .24 2.42 .17 2.59 Tota Wat Supply 44.57 1837 62.94 10.80 73.74 39.12 16.00 S5.12 9.43 64.55 Tosr Sewea Trat_u Plant MT) 2.72 1.69 4A0 .61 5.02 2.44 152 3.96 55 4.51 Tataouine - SWT 3.66 2.28 5.95 .84 6.78 3.28 2.04 5.32 .75 6.07 Jeal-Zameddle STP 3.91 2.36 6.28 .85 7.13 350 2.11 5.61 .76 6.37 Sudies 4.26 .47 4.73 28 5.02 3.92 .44 4.35 .26 4.61 1iaitoca Devalopued .52 .03 SS .03 58 .46 .03 .49 .03 .51 Toal Seweae 15.07 6.84 21.91 2.62 245' 1359 6.13 19.72 1.35 22.07 Total Project (April 1994 Prices) 59.64 25.21 84.8S 13.42 98.27 52.71 22.13 74.84 11.78 86.62 Physcal Congen 8.95 3.78 12.73 2.01 14.74 7.90 3.33 11.23 1.77 13.00 PriceIaultion 5.46 5.80 11.26 1.86 13.12 4.69 4.96 9.65 159 11.24 Toal Pjet (Curte Pricm) 74.05 34.79 108.84 1729 126.13 65.30 30.42 9S.72 15.14 110.86 -7- Page 2 of 2 WATE SUPPLY AND S-WERAGE- PROJECT Summary Project Cost Eimates and Financing Plan ProjectFinancing Plan Million - % of Project Lendin, Terms cost DT US$ IBRD 65.9 58.0 52.3 17 years including 5 years of grace at the sandaid variable rate, Co-Financiers NDP/NIB 12.1 10.7 9.6 Sftndards NDF/NIB terms Goverment 19.4 17.0 15.4 Government Budget SONEDE 19.6 17.2 15.5 Own contibution ONAS 91.2_ Own contrbution TOTAL 126.11mQ -~~~~~~~~~e9" 8 - Page 1 of 3 WA=ER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE PR OJlEC Jnounts and Methods of Fnocursment (US$ molion) 2wJLect e1ement ICB LCB Other NBF* Total 1 Civil works and 6.45 27.78 8.93 43.16 Pie construction (3.42) (13.89) (17.31) 2 Equipment and 26.90 9.78 1.50 4.90 43.08 material (22.73) (7.13) (1.35)** (31.21) 3 Studies, TA and 9.48*** 9.48 training (9.48) (9.48) TOTAL 33.35 37.56 10.98 13.83 95.72 (26.15) (21.02) (10.83) (58.00) * NBF: Not Batik financed * Comparative hopping * Pcued in acoordance with Bak Guidelines Note: Figures in parent an the respective amoun financed by the Bank [ow -9 - Page 2 of 3 W.ATR _UPY AND SEWE-RAGE PROJECT Baid Lo Disbursement Categories (US$ milion) Category Amount of credit % of expenditure UJS$ million to be financed 1. Civil works and 15.5 100 percent of foreign epdiues Pipeline constnuction and 50 percent of local expenditus. 2. Supply of maerials 28.0 100 percent of forign expenditures and equipment and 70 percent of local ependitmes. 3. Studies, T.A. and 8.5 100 percent. training S. Unallocated 6.0 TOTAL 58.0 - 10- SCHEDULE Pag 3 of 3 REPUBUC OF MNISLA WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE PROJECT E"*muedBRD Disbursement US$ Millon I F 19 1996 17 J.2 1999 2 2Z1 Annual 5.11 11.60 12.88 11.04 7.40 5.15 3.62 1.20 Cumulave 5.11 16.71 29.59 40.63 48.03 53.18 56.80 58.00 - 11 - Page 1 of 2 REPUBUC OF TE-ISIA WATER SUPPLY AND SEWEAGE PROJECT meAble of Key Project Processg Timetable of Events: Time takn to prepar the Project : 21 months Prepared by Ministy of Agriculture, SONEDE, ONAS, Consiltants and Bank assistance. Identficatilon March 1993 Appmisal December 1993 Negotiatdons June 1994 Planned Board Date July 1994 Planned Effectiveness Date : January 1995 - 12 - Page 2 of 2 REPUB-UC OF TUNISIA WATER SUPPLY AN R ZVBAGE PROJECT LisA of Relevant PCRs Loan NQ. Propject; PCRl)ate PCRJPPAR No, 2255 Urban Sewerage M November 1993 2368 Rural Water Supply VI March 1994 Duo fM looiuzl~q7 -. 13 - (eaoe I of 2) The Slatus of Bank Group Operations In tunisIa Statement of iank Loans and IDA Credits (As of March 31. 19941 US$ Million Amount Loan or F:iscal Gee scancdiato) CreditNo. Year Borrower BPuac" bnk IDA Undisbur Seventy-two loans and 10 credits fUlv disbursed 1,484.92 75.10 Of which SALa. SECALs. and Progm Loans la 2781 1987 Repubgc of Tunida Indusry &Trade Policy 150.,0 2754 1987 Republic of Tunisa Agrulture ector Adjustment 150.00 2962 1880 Republi of Tunista SAL I 150.00 3109 1990 Republic of Tunisia PERL 130.00 Sub-total 580.00 Disbursina Loans 2567 1985 Republic of Tunida Irrigation Management improvement 17.00 3.97 2605 1986 Republic of Tunisla Gab" irrigation 19.20 0.88 2735 1987 Republic of Tunisia Energy Conservation 4.00 263 2736 1987 Republic of Tunida Fourth Urban Development 30.20 425 2870 1988 Republi of Tunisa ForeyDevelopment 20.00 4.72 2896 1988 Republic of Tunisia Highways Maintenance & Rehabilitaion 6800 0.71 2911 1988 Repubic of Tunisia 2nd SMS Industrial Development 28.00 1.57 3023 1988 ETAP Petroleum Explaration 3.00 1.56 3064 1980 Republic of Tunisia Education&Training 95.00 18.74 3064 1989 Republic of Tunisia Fifth Urban 58.00 6.03 3 3078 1080 Republk of Tunisia ASAL II 84.00 519 S327 1990 Republic of Tunisa Research & Eiension 17.00 11.66 3255 19a1 Republic of Tunisia Employment8Trsining Fund 12.00 372 3307 1931 Repubic of Tunisia Population & Family Health 26.00 20.87 3308 1 F91 RepublIc ofTunisia Hospital sarch Support 30.00 27.71 3418 1092 Republic of Tunida Gas nfrastructure 60.00 37.34 * 3424 1902 Republic of Tunisia Economi & Financi Reform 250.00 80.00 3450 1892 Republic of Tunisa Higher Education 75.00 71.89 3507 1993 Republic of Tunisia Municipal Stor" 76.00 66.79 3601 1993 Republi of Tunisia Second Forestry bo 69.00 ,9.00 3861 1904 Pepublic of Tunisia Agriulture investmen Sector Loan 120.00 120.00 671t40 1994 CommeriSa Banks Private Inesment lb 120.00 120.00 3691 1994 Republic of Tunisia Development of Mt. NW Region lb 27.50 27.50 TOTAL 3,162.82 75.16 714.01 Of which has been repaid (opny amorqIatIon) 953.03 21.44 Tota held by Bank and IDA 2,190.79 68.72 Amount old 34.82 of which repaid 34.82 Total Undisbursed 714.91 SAL. SECAL or Program Loan la Appmoed aftr FY80 lb Not yet effective N:.WN1DFrTUN-MOP - 14 - Schedul D (nage2 of 2) Statement of IFC tnvedments In Tunisbh lAs of March S1.1t94) dlnal tross Commitment Rscal (US$ Million) Year Obiloator Tn of Buiness Loan Equity Total 166 SocieteNational.s Developmet Finance Company - 230 2.i) 7018 d'hI_nement (now 3DET) 196 COFIT Toutism (now BNDT) Deveopmen Fne COmpany - .0 0 9.00 1978 Socekt d'Etkdes et Toursn - .17 8.17 de Deveoppement du Sousse-Nord 1 Soclete IndusRelle Textiles and Fibers 10.00 3.72 1S.72 des Texties (SITEX 1968 Adwya S.A Pharmaceutias 2.06 0.80 2.36 1987 PRou Edilzzla Pretabrcated 1.13 0.42 1.66 Indusdalluata Panels (REIT SA.) 1987 COMETE Enineering Engineeting Senvices - 0.04 0.04 1688 Societe des Industies Textsi& Rbers 2.45 2.0 4.55 Texiles Reunies A. (SITEF) 1991 Societe Monastilienne Textils and Fibers 3.64 1.28 492 des Textls (SOMOTEX) 892 SGoiete MaDbnre de ZnclLsad Mne 14.00 2.15 16.15 Bougrlna 1998 ideal Sanitaire Manufatuing a 1.01 3J9 Totdal gross commitment 36.00 25.49 61.65 Les cancellatons, tbmInatons, repayments. saes and exchange adjusunnts 8.67 13.65 22.32 Total ommitments hed by IFC 27.39 11.84 30.23 of which undisbursed 2.70 - 2.70 Does not include particpants 7 r -' TUNISIA EIGHTH WATER SUPPLY PROJECT - Mediterraneon HUITIEME PROJET EAU POTABLE 5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ea1 8Ti WATER SUPPtY PROJECT: REME PROIET EAU POTABLE: I GREATER A FINANCDT GRAND TUNIS (EAI POTABLEU, 2INANM BIRD O STP IBRD FINANCED SrEp, FINANCEMENT BIRD S TP 1R FINANCED ST'P,e PINANCEMENT BEI O STP, NOT/NINB FINANCED STEP , PINCEMENT, NOT/NIB oo PLANNED ATH SEWERAGE PROJECT 4EME PBOJET D'ASSAINISSEMENT PROGRAMME: E PRIOEITY PROGRAM 3 PROGRAMME PRINCIPAL STP PROJECT. DUCIWEED PROCE S P301sT STE: PROcEDE LENiLLEV EAU n ONGOING PILOT STATION: DUJCKWEED PROCESS STATTON PILOTE EN COURS, PROCEDOE LENTMLLE D'ELAU |EEVATIONS IN MRTERS: ALTITUDES EN METRES: CSN IMSA ECOULEMENT PERENNLE -rAO AL RIVERBSY |...... lIUEA EC GLS EN T IN ERM TTEN T 2 NG--o A lRfV 0fftV&'h &lv ig 35 OUTE NCIPALES .35, RN MAJSAUS GVEURNORAE IOJNARL PENIEE DES GGVERITS - -34, 3A4 -33. 32*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3- -32-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 7. 8 K:. ~~~~~~~~~~LIBYA ALGERIAGlW I L I YA ,.o..n 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~9