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Vertical and Horizontal Redistribution : The Cases of Western and Eastern Europe (English)

European countries have the world's most redistributive tax and transfer systems. Although they have been well equipped to deal with vertical inequality -- that is, fostering redistribution from the rich to the poor -- less is known about their performance in dealing with horizontal inequality, that is, in redistributing among socioeconomic groups. In a context where individuals may not only care about vertical redistribution, but also about the economic...
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Bussolo,Maurizio; Krolage,Carla; Makovec,Mattia; Peichl,Andreas; Stockli,Marc; Torre,Ivan; Wittneben,Christian.

Vertical and Horizontal Redistribution : The Cases of Western and Eastern Europe (English). Policy Research working paper|no. WPS 8657 Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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