The World Bank Enhancing Sierra Leone Energy Access (P171059) Appraisal Environmental and Social Review Summary Appraisal Stage (ESRS Appraisal Stage) Public Disclosure Date Prepared/Updated: 11/24/2020 | Report No: ESRSA01173 Nov 24, 2020 Page 1 of 14 The World Bank Enhancing Sierra Leone Energy Access (P171059) BASIC INFORMATION A. Basic Project Data Country Region Project ID Parent Project ID (if any) Sierra Leone AFRICA WEST P171059 Project Name Enhancing Sierra Leone Energy Access Practice Area (Lead) Financing Instrument Estimated Appraisal Date Estimated Board Date Energy & Extractives Investment Project 11/16/2020 1/28/2021 Financing Borrower(s) Implementing Agency(ies) Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority, Ministry of Finance Proposed Development Objective Public Disclosure The Project Development Objective is to increase electricity access in Sierra Leone. Financing (in USD Million) Amount Total Project Cost 52.70 B. Is the project being prepared in a Situation of Urgent Need of Assistance or Capacity Constraints, as per Bank IPF Policy, para. 12? No C. Summary Description of Proposed Project [including overview of Country, Sectoral & Institutional Contexts and Relationship to CPF] The proposed new proposed project would include: (i) the electrification of selected district capitals through connecting to the national transmission network and the expansion of existing distribution networks; (ii) the electrification of one district capital through deployment of solar PV and battery storage capacity, and the electrification of productive business, schools and health facilities in rural areas through standalone PV systems; (iii) technical assistance to support the financial turnaround of the sector and to further enhance institutional development through developing human capitals; (iv) technical assistance to support private sector in operating and expanding isolated grids, human capital development and implementation support. Nov 24, 2020 Page 2 of 14 The World Bank Enhancing Sierra Leone Energy Access (P171059) D. Environmental and Social Overview D.1. Detailed project location(s) and salient physical characteristics relevant to the E&S assessment [geographic, environmental, social] There are fifteen (15) districts in Sierra Leone, of which the project will principally be implemented in seven district capital towns and adjoining communities. Project activities include the construction of sub-transmission and distribution lines of 66 kV, 33 kV and shield wire with a total length of about 135 km to connect the distribution networks in three district headquarters towns ( Kabala, Kailahun, and Pujehun) to the Sierra Leone section of the 225 kV Côte d'Ivoire -Liberia-Sierra Leone-Guinea (CLSG) transmission line network which is in the final stage of construction to provide electricity to Freetown and is partly financed by IDA. These lines are detailed as follows: i) a single circuit 33 kV distribution line of about 35 km, including a 15 MVA 33/11 kV transformer, connecting the distribution network in Kabala with the 225/33 kV Fadugu substation of the CLSG line; ii) a single circuit 66 kV sub- transmission line of about 100 km, including a 66/33/11 kV transformer of 20 MVA, connecting the distribution network in Kailahun with the 225/66 kV Kenema (Kenema District) substation of the CLSG line; and iii) a shield wire of about 25 km connecting the distribution network in Pujehun with the shield wire along the CLSG line to supply the communities and villages along the CLSG corridor. The Project plans to construct the 66 kV and 33 kV lines mainly along existing public roads to minimize social and environmental impacts. The precise route selection and design of the sub-transmission and distribution lines will be completed following detailed survey. But the general routings of the lines have been selected to avoid passing through Gola North or Gola Forest (North or South), although it makes the lines longer than the shortest distances in some cases. The Gola Rainforest National Park lies within the Upper Guinea Forest ecoregion and comprises the largest area of intact rainforest remaining in Sierra Leone. GRNP is home to over 330 bird species, and is one of the few areas that holds an almost complete selection of the endemic birds of the Upper Guinea Forests, including several bird species of conservation concern. Although not likely, there is a Public Disclosure possibility that some sections of the routing may be close to forests, wetlands, and other natural areas. The project will also encompass expansion of the distribution networks in Waterloo and surrounding communities, Makeni, Magburaka, and Koidu. The additional activities in each town and community include the construction and installation of: (i) 11 kV distribution lines; (ii) distribution transformers; (iii) low voltage distribution lines; and (iv) service lines and connections to, and meters for, households, commercial, industrial users and public institutions. In Moyamba (Moyamba District), the project is tentatively considering implementing a solar PV system with a capacity of 600 kW plus 1800 kWh of battery storage. Similar solar PV systems with mini-grids will be installed in a number of large settlements/communities which are yet to be selected, and the size of each system is yet to be determined. However, a total of 2 MW solar PV capacity is expected to be installed under the subcomponent. Solar PV systems and associated accessories are also expected to be installed in about 200 health facilities and 500 schools across the country. At this stage, the size of each solar PV system and the location of each health facility and school has not been determined. However, depending on the size of the health and education facilities, the solar PV sizes are expected to range from 1 kW to 20 kW with a total capacity of around 2 MW. Work on the solar PV systems will include: (i) PV solar panels arranged in arrays; (ii) PV module mountings; (iii) battery storage, (iv) DC-AC inverters; and (v) underground cabling, control building and other office buildings. For the development of small solar systems, such as schools and hospitals, panels will be installed on their rooftops. The project areas are largely rural or peri-urban, agrarian and less endowed with basic human services and socioeconomic infrastructure such as health, education, water, and electricity. Work in such environments without adequate consultation and information disclosure could spur misinformation and affect community support for the Nov 24, 2020 Page 3 of 14 The World Bank Enhancing Sierra Leone Energy Access (P171059) project. Based on field observations, the built environment in some of the district capitals are sparse with low population densities. This is expected to facilitate the installation of power distribution networks and solar PV panels with less displacement impacts. Poverty: The pace of poverty reduction in Sierra Leone has slowed in recent years and poverty remains disproportionately rural (78.5 percent) and the largest poverty reduction occurred in urban areas outside of Freetown. Poverty fell by 1.5 percentage points annually over 2003-2011 and by 0.8 percentage points over 2012- 2018, reaching 56.8 percent in 2018. While the share of food-insecure Sierra Leoneans decreased from 49.8 percent to 43.7 percent (between 2012 and 2018), 3.2 million people remain food-insecure. COVID-19 will likely put additional stress on poor households due to decreasing food production, shortages in food imports and higher food prices. Furthermore, poverty rates for households with access to electricity are between 13.5 and 20.2 percentage points lower than those without electricity access. Extreme poverty in rural areas increased by 4.3 percentage points (2012- 2018) and three (out of 15) districts have poverty rates above 80 percent. Gender Issues: Sierra Leone has deep gender disparities and ranks 134 out of 150 countries on the UDNP Gender Equality Index. This rank reflects existing trends in gender inequalities in terms of access to resources and participation in economic life. Physical and economic displacement from project activities may exacerbate existing disparities and worsen income levels if adequate mitigation measures are not implemented. About 25.1 percent of all households in Sierra Leone are female headed and in project areas women are mostly in change of farming, agro transformation, conservation and commercialization of their products. D. 2. Borrower’s Institutional Capacity The national Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority (EDSA) is the main implementing agency (IA)and responsible Public Disclosure for implementing the electrification of the district headquarters. The Ministry of Energy (MoE) will lead the implementation of solar PV component as well as the technical assistance component. As the supervisory ministry of the energy sector, MoE will also oversee the overall coordination of the project. The MoE and EDSA will assume the responsibility for environmental and social risk management including monitoring compliance with agreed mitigation measures and actions that will be outlined in the project Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP). The institutional capacity of the two key IAs (EDSA and MoE) were assessed with the goal of identifying opportunities for strengthening identified gaps in environmental and social risks management of the project. Both MoE and EDSA are involved in implementing ongoing energy sector projects funded by the Bank, and presently maintain internal units and staff for managing environmental and social impacts of projects. Under the Bank-funded Electricity Supply Utility Reform Project (ESURP), the MoE has a PMU with technical staff and consultants. EDSA also has the Health, Safety, Social and Environment unit (HSSE) which includes one Environmental Specialist. Despite the accumulated experiences of the IAs in delivering similar operations, the assessment identified some gaps including staffing. The earlier recommendation to institutionalize E&S management unit in EDSA has yet to be fully implemented. EDSA has an environmental specialist and is in the process of finalizing recruitment of a social development and gender specialist. EDSA needs to acquire additional equipment, conduct targeted trainings, implement an environmental and social management system (in line with ESS1) with improved monitoring and management of environmental and social risks and impacts. It also needs to have adequate funds for Resettlement Action Plans (RAP) implementation and compensation payment, develop robust Grievance Readdress Mechanism (GRM) and build capacity for handling Gender Based Violence (GBV). The institutional capacity for implementation and sustainability risk is rated substantial as the capacity in both EDSA and MoE is still weak despite some enhancements made under the previous and existing IDA funded projects. The risk Nov 24, 2020 Page 4 of 14 The World Bank Enhancing Sierra Leone Energy Access (P171059) will be mitigated through: (i) completion of the recruitment of the social and gender specialist to strengthen the capacity of the Health, Safety, Social and Environment unit (HSSE) of EDSA; (ii) intensified and comprehensive training and capacity building for MoE’s and EDSA’s staff; (iii) continued engagement of international safeguard specialists in various fields to assist MoE and EDSA to implement the project and enhance staff capacity; (iv) implementation of an integrated E&S information management system to file and enhancement of E&S reporting and coordination in MOE and EDSA; (v) budget allocations for RAP implementation to be internalized as part of project cost; (vi) establishment of a digital GM to combine with existing traditional systems for complaints uptake and resolution; and (vii) GBV service provider to be contracted to ensure confidential uptake and response to SEA/SH complaint. II. SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL (ES) RISKS AND IMPACTS A. Environmental and Social Risk Classification (ESRC) Substantial Environmental Risk Rating Substantial The overall environmental risk is rated substantial, although no significant irreversible impacts are expected, considering: (i) the sub-projects uncertainty (mainly solar power generation and mini-grid solutions, and routing of power lines) at this stage; (ii) the inadequate institutional capacity of the borrower to manage environmental risks and impacts of the project; and (iii) the scope, the nature and the magnitude of the interventions, impacts and risks from project activities associated with sub-transmission lines, low voltage distribution lines; storage and disposal of used Li-ion batteries and solar panels, and land requirement for large solar panel arrays. Construction related environmental risks may emanate from transportation and storage of materials, digging trenches for underground Public Disclosure works, waste generation, loss of vegetation, soil erosion, use of creosote chemical on wooden distribution poles, and occupational, health and safety risks for workers and the public among others. Overall, the project will have positive environmental impacts. The electrification works will enhance access to electricity, improve living conditions and transform the local economy. These benefits would displace the prevailing household expenditure on candles, kerosene, batteries or small diesel generators. In addition, electrification may service economic activities, generate employment, and improve air quality as households switch from kerosene to clean lighting. The main negative environmental impacts of this project include the transport, storage and disposal of batteries and solar panels associated with the installation, operation and decommissioning of solar PV systems. The off-grid component involves the construction of a 600 kW solar PV plant with battery storage capacity in the town of Moyamba and a number of communities, the installation of solar PV systems in health facilities and schools. Construction of sub-transmission and distribution lines and low voltage lines may result in site clearing and soil excavation that could lead to air and noise pollution, loss of vegetation and fauna, habitat disruption and disturbance, soil disturbance and erosion, generation of solid waste, risks of occupational health and safety of workers, risks to community health and safety, and risks to cultural heritage. The general routing of the Right of Ways (RoWs) for the 66/33 kV lines are selected mostly along existing roads and to avoid any ecologically sensitive or protected areas (such as the Gola Rainforest National Park) and the relocation of residential houses, and to minimize environmental and social impacts, although which makes the lines longer than the shortest distance in some cases. The route surveys for the 66kV/33kV transmission and distribution lines are not complete at this stage, however, there is the likely that some section of the routing may be close to forests, wetlands, and other natural areas. Nov 24, 2020 Page 5 of 14 The World Bank Enhancing Sierra Leone Energy Access (P171059) Environmental, health and safety risks are associated with vegetation clearances, occupational and community health and safety concerns during the stringing process, and damaged and end-of-life batteries and solar panel disposal from off-grid technologies. Social Risk Rating Substantial The social risk rating is substantial. Although the social impact is expected to be moderate, this rating takes account of the inadequate institutional capacity of the borrower to manage social risks and impacts of the project and the potential for land acquisition, physical and economic displacement which may result from the proposed construction of about 135Kms of sub-transmission and distribution lines connecting the CLSG line, service lines to households from the GoSL distribution networks and those proposed for mini-grids and standalone solar PV system deployment. Public land is expected to be available for the large solar PV system of the project in Mayomba, although the precise legal status and use of the land needs to be further verified. Land areas of 50-200 square meters will be required to house the solar panels, power storage batteries, inverters and other hardware for solar PV systems under the mini-grids and for health and school facilities. Land availability will be a key criteria for the selection of the locations and sites of the mini-grids and health facilities. Nevertheless, this may create land use change and the construction activities may trigger temporary disruption of access and economic activities. Although sub-transmission and distribution lines will be routed along existing public roads, permanent and temporary land might be required during construction activities. In same instance, the installation of transformers as well as pole planting/stringing of distribution of networks may require partial or full demolition of structures belonging to local populations as well as impacts on trees, crops etc. Further, installation of distribution and sub-transmission lines can have many undesirable community Public Disclosure health and safety impacts, including, among others, dust, noise, and vibration from construction vehicle transit, and communicable diseases associated with the influx of temporary construction labor. The operation of live power distribution lines and substations may generate impacts such as electrocution hazards from direct contact with high- voltage electricity or from contact with tools, vehicles, ladders, or other devices that are in contact with high-voltage electricity, visual impacts, noise and ozone, etc. Construction and operation of sub-transmission and distribution lines passing through community areas which will not be connected and benefitting from the project can lead to situation of social conflict and unrest among the communities. The project was also filtered for Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH) risk with the World Bank’s standard SEA/SH risk assessment tool and this showed a low risk score of 12.25. Social impacts associated with project activities will generally emanate from the construction of both electric networks and standalone solar PV facilities, including risks associated with non-compensation for affected crops and trees, influx of labor into targeted areas, lack of adequate consultation of affected persons and access to functioning grievance redress mechanisms, and social exclusion. Whilst the risks profile is quite moderate, the risk rating takes account of contextual GBV risks, the wide geographical scope of the project (which may challenge supervision), and past experience of the project implementing agencies relative to social impacts of projects including lack of funds to discharge resettlement obligations. Past operational experience in the MoE and EDSA shows that these two institutions are consistently challenged by inadequate staffing, finance and logistical constraints, and if not well managed could potentially amplify the project’s social risks level. Accordingly, the Bank will support capacity development of the implementing agencies through component 3. Nov 24, 2020 Page 6 of 14 The World Bank Enhancing Sierra Leone Energy Access (P171059) B. Environment and Social Standards (ESSs) that Apply to the Activities Being Considered B.1. General Assessment ESS1 Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts Overview of the relevance of the Standard for the Project: The civil work activities in solar PV installation and associated building construction, the installation of power lines and power pole constriction activities may generate environmental and social impacts such as involuntary displacement, labor accidents, child labor impacts and construction related health and safety concerns for both laborers/workers and surrounding local communities. A recent World Bank GBV portfolio review in Sierra Leone revealed disturbing prevalence of GBV and sexual exploitation against women. Without adequate measures, the presence of workers in local communities during works may create conditions for intimate relationships with the potential for sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA). The scope and specific routes of the power lines are not yet defined nor identified, therefore an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) and Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) have been prepared to provide guidance on the appropriate instruments such as Environmental and Social Impact Assessment /Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESIAs/ESMPs) and, where necessary, Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs) will be prepared. The ESMF and RPF will be disclosed prior to appraisal. The Environmental and Social Commitment Plan, drawn and agreed upon with the borrower, will set out the substantive measures and actions that will be required for the project to meet environmental and social requirements over a specified period of time. These measures shall be implemented within the specified timeframes and the status of implementation will be reviewed as part of project monitoring and reporting. The ESMF will make use of the general and sector-specific Environment Health and Safety Public Disclosure Guidelines (EHSGs) for the identified subprojects in relation to occupational and community health and safety. ESS10 Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure Construction and rehabilitation of electricity infrastructure will impact the social and economic life of people and their environment. For any such project to be sustainable, stakeholder engagement has to be conducted throughout the life cycle of the project. As part of the project preparation, the MoE has initiated preliminary consultations about the project with key institutional stakeholders including the authorities of the national Energy Generation and Transmission Company (EGTC), EDSA, city authorities in the selected district capital towns, local hospitals, industry and hotel operators. Ahead of project appraisal, the ministry had consolidated the outcome of these consultations into a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) to be implemented throughout the project life. The scope of the SEP has been tailored to be proportional to the nature and scale of the project risks and impacts and expanded to include local community members. The SEP will be disclosed pior to appraisal Given the ethnic and social disparities in the target districts, the SEP outlines differentiated strategies for ensuring effective engagement and disclosure of project information to local communities and PAPs. The SEP also takes account of existing gender disparities and its implications for access to services at the local level. Consultation and engagement with local communities will go beyond risks, and include focus on the unique needs of women, children, persons with disabilities, and youth especially as it relates to access to service connections and lightening of public spaces. In addition, the SEP has budgeted for and include mechanisms for receiving and addressing grievances from project-affected persons. As part of the of the implementation of the SEP, EPC contractors will be required to hire and maintain community liaison Nov 24, 2020 Page 7 of 14 The World Bank Enhancing Sierra Leone Energy Access (P171059) officer(s) with responsibilities for engaging communities and responding to issues related to employment of community workers. B.2. Specific Risks and Impacts A brief description of the potential environmental and social risks and impacts relevant to the Project. ESS2 Labor and Working Conditions This ESS requires that workers' health and working conditions are considered very important in the workplace and that they are treated fairly and in a non-discriminatory manner and also treated with equal opportunity. The project will be employing contract staff, community labour, and primary supply workers as appropriate. The occupational health and safety hazards specific to electric power transmission and distribution projects primarily include live power lines, working at height, electric and magnetic fields, and exposure to chemicals. Other impacts include, among others, exposure to physical hazards from use of heavy equipment and cranes; trip and fall hazards; exposure to dust and noise; falling objects; work in confined spaces; exposure to hazardous materials; and exposure to electrical hazards from the use of tools and machinery. The project shall institute and operationalize a system for workers to lodge and seek redress for work related complaints and grievances they may have. The grievance redressal system shall be incorporated in the Labor Management Procedure. A Labor Management Procedure will be prepared, and the project will ensure the adoption of appropriate protocols for hiring staff, ensuring transparency and fairness in staff remunerations, wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE) and operation and maintenance of machinery, tools and equipment. The project will endeavor to mitigate the Public Disclosure negative impacts of the dangers the workers will be exposed to through the provision of gloves, safety boots, coveralls and goggles, and First Aid Kits on site as well as constant awareness on the need for the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). EDSA and its contractors will be required to periodically train their staff or conduct refresher training to ensure that the staff is up to date with knowledge of new or latest equipment. The project ESMF has provided guidance for further assessment of various risks associated with labor and working conditions and include risks mitigation measures that are consistent with the objectives and requirements of this ESS. Contractors will be required to prepare Labor Management Plans. Contractors will be required to have OHS specialists in their team and will prepared site-specific OHS plans before mobilization. ESS3 Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management This standard is relevant. The proposed electric energy investments are anticipated to have overall positive impacts on the improvements of energy access and the reduction of greenhouse gas emission. However, the mini grid solution component of the project (component 2a) consists of the construction of a small solar PV plant with storage capacity in the town of Moyamba and the distribution lines would be mounted only on poles (mainly wood). The construction of distribution lines for Component 2 will involve handling, storage, and use of wooden poles. Such poles are often treated with chemical preservatives, and creosote is one such preservative that is commonly used. These chemicals have the potential to contaminate yards, soil and ground water to levels that would disallow the use of such groundwater for drinking purposes. Nov 24, 2020 Page 8 of 14 The World Bank Enhancing Sierra Leone Energy Access (P171059) Liquid and solid waste could be generated from excavated soil, oils from construction machinery, concrete blocks, metal and glass pieces, etc. There could also be air emissions from heavy vehicles and machinery, and fugitive dust generated by compaction and construction activities. Due to the increase in electricity access at the household level, electricity bulb use will increase. Consumers will increase their demand for bulbs some of which may be mercury- containing bulbs. The increased use and number of new households using bulbs will increase the number of wastes from used bulbs. Currently, promoted bulbs have less or no mercury which was a concern in the old energy- inefficient bulbs. However, the glass can still pose a health hazard to the communities if not properly disposed of. Potential human health risks could occur from the leaching of materials from broken photovoltaic modules. Leaching from cracked or broken modules may occur while the modules are still in service or after they have been disposed of. The other health risks associated with PV installations relate to the batteries which have a high Lead (Pb) content. Serious personal health concerns will arise if Lead from the batteries come in contact with humans, especially children. Therefore, how the batteries are stored, transported, handled during use domestically, and then disposed at the end of the life cycle is crucially important. The project ESMF has assessed potential impacts, addressed identified concerns and proposed mitigation measures consistent with the requirements of ESS3 along with the World Bank’s applicable Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines. Other necessary mitigation measures and actions could be proposed in subproject ESIAs/ESMP and reflected in the ESCP at the appraisal stage if any major actions are required from the GoSL in relation to the application of ESS3. ESS4 Community Health and Safety Public Disclosure This standard is relevant since the implementation of project activities involves civil and engineering works, vehicular movement, as well as the operation of tools and machinery. These activities may expose project affected persons and local communities to notable risks such as noise and dust pollution, traffic congestion, and vehicular accidents. A recent World Bank GBV portfolio review in Sierra Leone revealed disturbing prevalence of GBV and sexual exploitation against women. Worker-community interactions may create or exercebate the conditions for sexual exploitation and abuse, gender-based violence, transactional sex and transmission of COVID-19, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDs. Prior to appraisal, the GoSL will conduct GBV assessment and incorporate appropriate mitigation measures. As part of ESIAs, GBV assessment will also be conducted. The ESMF provides guidance for further assessment of various risks facing local communities and include risks mitigation measures that are consistent with the objectives and requirements of this ESS. The ESMF also provides for the use of the general and sector- specific EHSGs for the identified subprojects in relation to community health and safety. ESS5 Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement This standard is relevant since construction and rehabilitation of electricity infrastructure will demand land, and this may involve restrictions on land use, economic displacement (loss of land, assets, or access to assets leading to loss of income sources or other means of livelihood). Land acquisition for project installations and involuntary resettlement from project activities is expected to be moderate. The construction and installation of the mini grid (component 2a) in Moyamba may require land acquisition. While the right of ways (RoWs) for subtransmission lines and distribution networks remain uncertain, it is expected that the routing and stringing of the lines may cause economic displacement through impacts on farmlands, crops, and economic trees. In addition, the planting and stringing of Nov 24, 2020 Page 9 of 14 The World Bank Enhancing Sierra Leone Energy Access (P171059) power distribution networks within the various townships may result in partial demolition and/or relocation of structures. The engineering designs and the exact footprints of the project installations have not been determined. The Resettlement Policy Framework will guide the preparation of Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs) when the designs are initiated and finalized. The Framework will include measures for reversing impoverishment and loss of income which may occur with displacement and involuntary resettlement. The implication here is that the project should improve the living conditions of poor or vulnerable persons who might be affected by the project rather than living them in abject poverty or in a state that is worse off than they were before project activity(ies). ESS6 Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources This standard is relevant but it is unlikely that the project implementation will involve adverse impacts on biodiversity and living natural resources. However, considering the uncertainties of the specific location and routes of the power lines at this stage, the relevance of ESS6 remains to be further assessed during sub-project preparation. The ESMF outlines procedures for screening project activities that will identify potential risks to biodiversity. If required, the project will ensure prepare, adopt, and implement an ESMPs that incorporates biodiversity protection or stand-alone Biodiversity Management Plan, in accordance with the guidelines and in a manner acceptable to the Bank. ESS7 Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities Public Disclosure This ESS is not relevant in the project area. There are no known Indigenous Peoples in the project area. ESS8 Cultural Heritage This standard is relevant. Construction works for power lines and Solar PV plant will involve some excavation, earth movement and impounding. These activities typically may lead to encountering historical items and artefacts which may be of significant cultural and religious interests to the local population. Although the chances for these encounters during works is considered low, the borrower will ensure that EPC contractors avoid interference with known cultural heritage sites; failing that they will identify and implement measures to address these impacts in accordance with the objectives and requirements of this standards. The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment will determine potential impacts (if any) on archaeological relics, fossils, human graves, shrines, sacred trees or groves. A Chance Finds Procedure has been outlined in the ESMF and will be included in subproject ESMPs. ESS9 Financial Intermediaries ESS is not relevant for this project. The project involves no financial intermediaries. C. Legal Operational Policies that Apply OP 7.50 Projects on International Waterways No Nov 24, 2020 Page 10 of 14 The World Bank Enhancing Sierra Leone Energy Access (P171059) OP 7.60 Projects in Disputed Areas No B.3. Reliance on Borrower’s policy, legal and institutional framework, relevant to the Project risks and impacts Is this project being prepared for use of Borrower Framework? No Areas where “Use of Borrower Framework” is being considered: The operation will not use the Borrower’s E&S Framework in the assessment, development and implementation of sub projects. The project will comply with relevant national legal requirements. IV. CONTACT POINTS World Bank Contact: Jianping Zhao Title: Senior Energy Specialist Telephone No: +1-202-458-0171 Email: Public Disclosure Contact: Alassane Agalassou Title: Senior Energy Specialist Telephone No: 5342+3342 / 232-79-171110 Email: Borrower/Client/Recipient Implementing Agency(ies) Implementing Agency: Electricity Distribution and Supply Authority Implementing Agency: Ministry of Finance V. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Nov 24, 2020 Page 11 of 14 The World Bank Enhancing Sierra Leone Energy Access (P171059) The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20433 Telephone: (202) 473-1000 Web: Public Disclosure Nov 24, 2020 Page 12 of 14 The World Bank Enhancing Sierra Leone Energy Access (P171059) VI. APPROVAL Public Disclosure Nov 24, 2020 Page 13 of 14 The World Bank Enhancing Sierra Leone Energy Access (P171059) Task Team Leader(s): Jianping Zhao, Alassane Agalassou Practice Manager (ENR/Social) Sanjay Srivastava Cleared on 23-Nov-2020 at 17:18:21 GMT-05:00 Safeguards Advisor ESSA Nathalie S. Munzberg (SAESSA) Concurred on 24-Nov-2020 at 08:31:44 GMT-05:00 Public Disclosure Nov 24, 2020 Page 14 of 14