The World Bank
                            Sichuan Water Supply and Sanitation PPP Project (P168025)

                                   Appraisal Environmental and Social Review Summary
                                                                Appraisal Stage
                                                         (ESRS Appraisal Stage)
Public Disclosure

                                            Date Prepared/Updated: 02/08/2020 | Report No: ESRSA00451

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                               The World Bank
                               Sichuan Water Supply and Sanitation PPP Project (P168025)

                     BASIC INFORMATION

                     A. Basic Project Data

                     Country                       Region                           Project ID                     Parent Project ID (if any)

                     China                         EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC            P168025

                     Project Name                  Sichuan Water Supply and Sanitation PPP Project

                     Practice Area (Lead)          Financing Instrument             Estimated Appraisal Date       Estimated Board Date

                     Water                         Investment Project               12/12/2019                     3/3/2020

                     Borrower(s)                   Implementing Agency(ies)

                                                   Jingyang Project
                                                   Management Office

                     Proposed Development Objective(s)
                     The objectives of the Project are to improve access to water supply and sanitation services and improve the quality
Public Disclosure

                     and efficiency of water supply and sanitation service delivery in select peri-urban and rural areas of Jingyang District
                     of Deyang City in Sichuan Province.

                     Financing (in USD Million)                                                                                         Amount

                       Total Project Cost                                                                                                    154.40

                     B. Is the project being prepared in a Situation of Urgent Need of Assistance or Capacity Constraints, as per Bank IPF
                     Policy, para. 12?

                     C. Summary Description of Proposed Project [including overview of Country, Sectoral & Institutional Contexts and
                     Relationship to CPF]
                     This project will be the first water sector PPP project supported by the World Bank Group in China. The approach
                     developed under this project is intended to be replicated throughout Sichuan province and China. The project seeks
                     to transform services through the creation of an integrated WSS utility that will be established through a special
                     purpose vehicle project company (Project Company) by the winning bidder under the PPP. In line with international
                     best practice, the PPP partner is being competitively procured (procurement is expected to be completed by the third
                     quarter of 2020 and financial close is expected before the end of 2020) and the PPP agreement is designed to be
                     output and performance based, to incentivize efficiency, customer service and expanded coverage. The PPP

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                              Sichuan Water Supply and Sanitation PPP Project (P168025)

                     agreement will require the PPP partner to partly finance the infrastructure investments, to ensure that the PPP
                     partner is invested in the project and is incentivized to achieve efficiency gains and connect households to the WSS
                     networks. The prequalification criteria have been developed to ensure that only bidders with relevant operating
                     experience are eligible to bid. SOEs are not precluded from bidding and market sounding carried out in preparation of
                     the procurement indicated potential interest from SOEs and private companies. The Project Company will be
                     required to hire existing members of the workforce that wish to transfer.

                     Component 1: Institutional Strengthening and Infrastructure Investments to Improve WSS Services in Jingyang District
                     This component has three key activity areas:
                     a.        Establishment of a Modern, Integrated WSS Utility: The project will support the establishment of the WSS
                     utility (described above) and the systems and equipment to enable full WSS service delivery. Establishing the utility
                     includes preparing and executing the PPP transaction as well as setting up and developing the institutional systems
                     (e.g. management, personnel, administration, billing and accounting, etc.). Project support will also include
                     developing an integrated smart water management platform and installing smart meters to enable the Project
                     Company to monitor, manage, and operate WSS system assets efficiently. Establishing a modern, efficient WSS utility,
                     with the smart management platform and metering, provides the incentives and tools to reduce NRW, energy
                     consumption, and GHG emission – thereby improving climate change resilience.
                     b.        Establishment of WSS Utility Customer Service Mechanisms: The project will support the WSS utility to setup
                     and conduct ongoing citizen engagement activities, including a community-based customer satisfaction survey,
                     community meetings on WSS service quality, and WASH behavior change campaigns. The project will also support
                     establishment of customer feedback mechanisms within the WSS utility, including a customer call center and a
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                     smartphone app to address complaints, questions, requests for repairs, and general feedback the services provided.
                     All of the citizen engagement activities and customer feedback mechanisms will be overseen and managed by a
                     customer relations officer designated within the Project Company, and in coordination with a social focal point within
                     the Project Management Office (PMO) (see Section III, Institutional Arrangements).
                     c.        Support for Engineering Works: The project will support engineering works for both water supply and
                     sanitation, as listed below. All investments under the project will be implemented and operated by the Project
                     Company, providing the JDG with one interface and contracting party, rather than the many contractors and
                     operators it currently oversees.
                     i.        For improved access to higher quality and more efficient piped water systems (RMB 235 million): The project
                     will support consolidation and upgrading of the current 40 groundwater treatment facilities operated by different
                     providers to a more integrated configuration using two newly constructed centralized surface water treatment plants
                     (WTPs), with capacity of 25,000 m3/d (Bailong WTP) and 2,000 m3/d (Xinliu WTP), and operated by a single service
                     provider. The project will also support: protection of drinking water source sites and water intakes/wells, construction
                     and rehabilitation of pipe networks to expand the network and reduce losses/NRW (including 150 km of transmission
                     main, 700 km of distribution pipe, 330 km of household connection pipe), and installation of 82,000 smart meters.
                     These investments are linked to the project goals for climate change mitigation and adaptation. The project will also
                     fully finance the costs of household water supply connections (targeting to cover 94 percent of households).
                     ii.       For improved access to higher quality and more efficient sanitation (RMB 507 million): The project will
                     support upgrading of four existing wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) with total capacity of 12,000 m3/d, and
                     construction of 12 new WTTPs with total capacity of 735 m3/d. The project will support construction/rehabilitation of
                     760 km of trunk sewer pipe, 1,100 km of household service pipes, and 51 wastewater pump stations (42 new and nine
                     existing). In hilly areas, the project will support construction of individual household septic tanks to serve 6,712

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                              Sichuan Water Supply and Sanitation PPP Project (P168025)

                     scattered households. The project will fully finance the costs of household sewer service connections and septic
                     tanks, for a total of 50,850 households.
                     iii.     Other works: There will also be improvements to public facilities, providing disabled access. Recent projects
                     in China have also demonstrated that making small investments in community public areas to enhance residents
                     experience creates an environment where households become more willing to connect. The FSR design includes
                     some small investments for rehabilitation, “greening,” and beautification of public areas for this purpose.

                     Component 2: Institutional Capacity Building and Technical Assistance (TA) for PPP Oversight, Project Management,
                     and Scale Up of the PPP Approach
                     This component has four key activity areas:
                     a.       Engagement of a Project Manager / Independent Engineer: The Project will support the hiring of an
                     independent engineer (consultant) to oversee the performance of the PPP Agreement, to supervise infrastructure
                     construction, and to supervise the environmental and social management of the project. The independent engineer
                     will also be responsible for verifying the KPI results and the energy and water efficiency gains reported by the Project
                     Company against the targets in the PPP Agreement.
                     b.       Local Government Capacity Building for PPP Oversight and Project Management: The public counterpart to
                     the Project Company (especially HUDC and the PMO) will have key functions that are not delegated to the Project
                     Company, including implementation of WSS policy and regulations, regulatory oversight of the Project Company,
                     business planning, tariff setting, long-term asset management, and WSS system planning. The project will include
                     capacity building activities to support HUDC and the PMO carry out these functions, such as: project management and
                     PPP oversight training, technical training, financial management and PPP procurement training, as well as study tours
Public Disclosure

                     of successful water sector PPP projects in China and abroad. Project management and implementation support will
                     include: management of and coordination with the independent engineer, establishment and operation of a
                     monitoring and evaluation system, monitoring of Project Company KPI and efficiency performance, and acquisition of
                     office equipment, vehicles, and other operating resources
                     c.       Coordination of Citizen Engagement Activities: The project will support the PMO to supervise and monitor the
                     citizen engagement activities and customer feedback mechanisms executed by the Project Company (described in
                     Component 1-b). The PMO will designate a social focal point to coordinate closely with the Project Company on the
                     community-based satisfaction survey, the community meetings, and the operations of the customer call center and
                     smartphone app (see the Institutional Arrangements discussion in Section III).
                     d.       Documentation and Sharing of Project Experience (including Lessons Learned and PPP Project Templates): The
                     project will support technical assistance activities to identify mechanisms for scaling up the PPP approach developed
                     under this project to other areas across Sichuan and China. In particular, the Project’s overall lessons in institutional
                     strengthening and structuring the PPP will be highly relevant to upstream PPP policies in China, including the
                     implementation and investment decisions under the ongoing Sichuan Province Three-Year Action Plan (see Section I).
                     Specific TA activities include: (i) preparing a summary report on experiences and lessons learned in PPP project
                     preparation and procurement; (ii) preparation of PPP template documents to be used in the scale-up and replication
                     of the project approach (e.g. model contracts, bidding documents, project management tools, etc.); and (iii)
                     dissemination events/publications at the provincial / national level.

                     D. Environmental and Social Overview
                     D.1. Project location(s) and salient characteristics relevant to the ES assessment [geographic, environmental, social]

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                              The World Bank
                              Sichuan Water Supply and Sanitation PPP Project (P168025)

                     Jingyang District (Jingyang) is the main district of Deyang City, located in the northeast edge of the Chengdu Plain in
                     Sichuan Province, about 70 kilometers northeast of Chengdu City, the capital city of Sichuan. The topography of
                     Jingyang District slopes from the northwest to the southeast. The landform in the west is primarily formed by the
                     alluvial plain, while the east has rolling terrain. This region is situated amidst the upper tributaries of the Yangtze
                     River, and is a priority area for pollution control and water quality improvement. The total population of Jingyang is
                     over 750,000, with about 250,000 living in rural areas. In 2016, the district had total economic output of RMB 298
                     billion. Despite some rural water and environmental protection projects in the 2000's, accelerating urban
                     construction and development pose significant challenges to the local water environment in Jingyang.

                     Jingyang District is in the region influenced by the subtropical humid and semi-humid climate characterized with
                     distinct seasons and rich precipitation, which gives rich water resource to Jingyang. The earthquake risk is moderate
                     given the seismic degree being 7, and the flood risk is low in the project area as it is on the upstream of the Tuojiang
                     River and Jialingjiang River.

                     The total area of Jingyang District is 648 km2. The district is the main urbanized area of Deyang Municipality, including
                     4 urban communities namely Jingyang, Gongnong, Chengbei, and Chengnan, 10 towns by the name Huangxv,
                     Xiaoquan, Bolong, Dexin, Yangjia, Tianyuan, Xiaogan, Xinzhong, Shuangdong, and Hexinzhen and 1 township called
                     Donghu Xiang. The project will be developed in the outskirts and rural area of the Jingyang District to provide service
                     for the total population of 250,000, living in the 10 towns and 1 township. Citizens in the 4 urban communities already
                     have sufficient water supply and will not be serviced by the project. Under 2% of people in Jingyang District (4,700)
                     are ethnic minority based on their formal documentation and the remainder are Han Chinese. People with ethnic
Public Disclosure

                     minority registration status in the project area live in urban and peri-urban areas, are generally intermarried with the
                     Han majority, adopt the cultural norms of the broader economy and community. They do not form a distinct social
                     and cultural group within the community, nor do they have collective attachment to land, customary institutions
                     distinct from the broader society or a distinct language used in the community. Therefore, these people do not meet
                     the ESS7 definition of ethnic minorities.

                     Approximately 73 percent of the population in the project area currently has access to a piped water supply system
                     (211,600 people), in line with the national average of 73 percent. The current quality of piped supply, however, is
                     intermittent and unreliable and water quality also poses potential health concerns. The water source is mostly
                     shallow aquifer groundwater, along with some local reservoirs, both of which can be easily contaminated. Naturally
                     occurring iron and manganate content in the groundwater exceed standards. Water quality testing is sporadic, with
                     the district lacking appropriate equipment and personnel; and drinking water sources are not properly protected from
                     encroachment and pollution, posing further risks to drinking water hygiene and safety. Non-revenue water (NRW) is
                     high at around 32 percent and the systems are typically small-scale, incomplete, and scattered. Even though the
                     water supply systems are relatively new (having been largely re-built after the 2008 Sichuan earthquake), the focus
                     (including funding allocations) has been on construction rather than operations, maintenance, and service delivery.
                     This has led to premature breakdowns of systems, affecting service and sustainability.

                     Only 15 percent of the population in the project area is connected to a formal sewer system (43,350 people), with the
                     rest of the population being served by septic tanks and onsite treatment, many of which are not well designed or are
                     malfunctioning. There are six recently commissioned wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and 154 anaerobic tanks
                     (large septic tanks) in the project area. These WWTPs all reportedly meet required standards but are operating sub-
                     optimally due to over-design and insufficient inflows (inflows are only 10-15 percent of design capacity). The local
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                              Sichuan Water Supply and Sanitation PPP Project (P168025)

                     government has no capacity to operate the WWTPs and they are currently operated by the construction companies
                     that built them, under year-to-year contracts. Local government has not focused attention until now on building
                     sewers and connecting households to the wastewater system. Some households in the area use septic tanks (most
                     are functioning), otherwise wastewater is discharged directly into nearby rivers without treatment – leading to
                     environmental pollution, and broader public health risks downstream. Wastewater tariffs are only charged in a few
                     parts of the project area.

                     The project has been designed to address the environmental and social risks covered by the ESF. To this end, the
                     following E&S assessments/management tools have been prepared by the client;

                     -        Social Impact Assessment
                     -        Environmental impact assessment
                     -        Environmental and Social Management plan
                     -        Resettlement Action Plan
                     -        Resettlement Policy Framework
                     -        Labor Management Procedure
                     -        Stakeholder Engagement Plan
                     -        Environmental and Social Commitment Plan

                     D. 2. Borrower’s Institutional Capacity
Public Disclosure

                     The Government of Jingyang District has very limited experience in managing projects financed by international
                     financial institutions. The staff of the government has limited technical capacity themselves. Their capacity largely
                     depends on the quality and capacity of the technical teams hired. For this project, the government of Jingyang District
                     has established the PMO for implementing the project, with staff all from the government agencies. However, the
                     coordination and monitoring of the environmental management, particularly for the contractors/sub-contractors,
                     require the full-time input of staff. In addition, given the implementation arrangement of the project, a private
                     company (SPV) will be procured by the PMO at the beginning stage of the implementation. According to the FSR, all
                     IBRD loan will be on-lent to the SPV company, who then will take over the responsibility for construction and
                     operation of the project, including the preliminary design and the final design. It is widely recognized that the SPVs at
                     market in China are capable of managing the environmental and social issues associated with the water and
                     sanitation facilities at similar size to the project. A staff of the PMO will be designated to incorporate such
                     requirement into the bidding document and contract for the SPV. A capacity training plan has been developed and
                     incorporated into the ESMP for the PMO staff, the SPV and the contractors to strengthen their capacities of
                     environmental management in the construction and operation stages of the project.

                     A PMO has been established for daily work during the preparation of the project. Four young staff from the EPB and
                     the DRC are designated to work under the PMO and coordinate the ESIA preparation. Experienced EIA consultants
                     were engaged to prepare the ESIA. A social consultant team has been commissioned to assist PMO to undertake
                     social assessment and stakeholder engagement. The Bank’s social specialists provided hands-on assistance to the
                     social team in order to undertake proper social assessment and prepare required ESF instruments of acceptable
                     Land acquisition and resettlement for this project will be implemented at township level by a resettlement office
                     comprising township officials and village representatives, led and guided by county land bureau. Land acquisition and
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                              Sichuan Water Supply and Sanitation PPP Project (P168025)

                     resettlement will be in accordance with the Resettlement Plan (RP) and Resettlement Framework (RF) by local land
                     bureaus who have (or can readily recruit) appropriately skilled and experienced staff.


                     A. Environmental and Social Risk Classification (ESRC)                                                           Substantial

                     Environmental Risk Rating                                                                                         Moderate
                     The project covers both physical and non-physical activities. The physical activities include the construction,
                     upgrading, and rehabilitation of municipal wastewater and drinking water facilities, and rehabilitation and
                     beautification of public areas of eleven villages in the project area. The size of each specific facilities ranges from very
                     small (less than 50m3/day) to medium (25,000m3/day), with the average capacity being 900 m3/day, and the total
                     capacity of the water supply and wastewater treatment being 27,000 m3/d and 22,000 m3/d respectively. The
                     locations of the activities are generally in rural areas already intensively disturbed by human activities, without
                     involving critical natural habitats and legally protected cultural heritages. The treated effluent of the wastewater
                     treatment facilities will be discharged into three rivers which are identified as natural habitats with low biodiversity
                     value. In addition, a small pumping station will be built in vicinity of a small temple built by villagers recently. This
                     temple is not a legally protected cultural heritage.
Public Disclosure

                     Overall, the project will have positive environmental and social benefits in terms of reducing the water-borne
                     diseases and water pollution in receiving water bodies by providing clean drinking water and collecting and treating
                     the wastewater. The adverse environmental and social impacts of the project in construction stage include noise,
                     dust, solid waste and wastewater, soil erosion, and the social disturbance, such as the traffic and road safety. In the
                     operation stage, the project will produce odor, noise and sludge, occupational health and safety concern due to
                     bacteria/pathogens within the wastewater treatment facilities and working in confined space. These impacts are
                     expected to be at limited magnitude given the size of the project.

                     The non-physical activities involve the technical assistance and construction of cloud platform. Implementation of the
                     non-physical activities essentially will not cause any adverse environmental impacts, except some dismantled water
                     meters. The technical assistance is limited to capacity building through trainings, project management, and
                     dissemination of the lessons and experience on water service PPP through workshops, and this project will not
                     implement any recommended actions.

                     The environmental impacts are moderate, site-specific, predictable and/or reversible. These adverse impacts can be
                     readily and reliably managed through the environmental mitigation hierarchy. Per the Environmental and Social
                     Directive, the environmental risk for this project is classified as Moderate.

                     Overall, the Jingyang District Government (the client) has good experience and adequate capacity in managing
                     environmental issues associated with the wastewater and water facilities at the size commensurate with this project
                     in line with domestic requirements. But it has little experience with the IFIs and international E&S standards. The
                     PMO has been committed to allocate adequate resources in terms of budget and full-time staff to coordinate and

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                              Sichuan Water Supply and Sanitation PPP Project (P168025)

                     procure a qualified SPV. The ESMP has been prepared in which a training plan has been developed for the staff of the
                     PMO to strengthen their capacity and knowledge on environmental management. The SPV company will be procured
                     through a competitive procedure where the adequate environmental and social management capacity is to be a
                     critical criterion. The ESMP also sets out a training session for the SPV company on environmental management to
                     facilitate the transition from the PMO to the SPV company.

                     Social Risk Rating                                                                                                Substantial
                     The client commissioned a social assessment team to conduct social impact assessment to identify risks based on
                     aspects specified by the ESF, and the social assessment report indicates that a total of 1.25 hectare (18.7 mu)
                     collectively owned land will be acquired to accommodate installation of water supply and waste water treatment
                     facilities, impacting 179 persons from 58 households.

                     A water source protection plan is still pending approval, which is expected to further increase the total amount of
                     restricted land by an estimated 4.67 hectare (70 mu) in order to protect water quality. There are existing facilities
                     invested by both public and private participants, such as 3 waste water treatment plants currently being constructed
                     by different companies, and 34 water supply stations/centers which will be consolidated. There are 115 staff
                     employed by these existing facilities. Their future employment and livelihood are expected to be impacted when this
                     project is planning to consolidate these existing facilities, which will reduce staffing level. At time of appraisal, a draft
                     transition plan is being formulate, and the final plan has been included in the ESCP as an action point to ensure that
Public Disclosure

                     the retention or retirement of existing employees does not cause livelihoods loss to affected persons. The
                     environmental baseline in the project area is overall not sensitive or vulnerable, with project implementation
                     expected to affect mainly areas with existing human habitat and infrastructure footprints.

                     The client’s internal management structure in relation to water supply and waste water treatment is complex, calling
                     for coordination among different agencies, a challenge faced by most previous projects in China. A few key
                     stakeholder agencies, such as labor bureau and administration of workplace safety, are missing from the currently
                     identified and invited list by the PMO. Given the institutional complexity, the lack of experience of the PMO in
                     implementing Bank financed projects, and that the social consultants already commissioned will be among the first to
                     observe new ESF requirements, the amalgamated social risk for this project is classified as Substantial at time of
                     project appraisal. A more hands-on approach has been adopted to assist the social assessment team in conducting
                     social impact assessment, which was focused on all ESSs and in particular ESS1 and ESS10.

                     B. Environment and Social Standards (ESSs) that Apply to the Activities Being Considered

                     B.1. General Assessment

                     ESS1 Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts
                     Overview of the relevance of the Standard for the Project:
                     The environmental and social specialists reviewed the environmental and social instrument, including the EIA, SIA,
                     ESMP, ESMF, RAP, RPF, SEP and ESCP, the Feasibility Study Report, and conducted site visit. The environmental and

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                              Sichuan Water Supply and Sanitation PPP Project (P168025)

                     social instrument is prepared following the ESF and the EHSGs of the WBG, and relevant requirements of China,
                     covering all the project activities including TA. Given that the borrow pits/deposit sites cannot be determined before
                     appraisal and the site and alignment of water/wastewater facilities may be subject to modifications at the
                     preliminary design stage, the ESMF and RPF have been prepared. In addition, the water source protection plan for
                     the drinking water source from which the project will take water has not been finally determined, although a
                     comprehensive action plan has been drafted to protect the drinking water source, the E&S documents will be
                     updated/prepared according to the ESMF and RPF for the protection actions.
                     Overall, the project will have positive environmental and social benefits in terms of reducing the water-borne
                     diseases and water pollution in receiving water bodies by providing clean drinking water and collecting and treating
                     the wastewater. The project will largely improve the efficiency of the wastewater treatment plants in the project area
                     from current 20% to 80%.
                     The adverse environmental and social impacts of the project in construction stage include the noise, dust, solid waste
                     and wastewater, soil erosion, and social disturbance/community safety due to increased traffic, construction
                     workers, and construction of pipeline in villages connected with gas supply. In the operation stage, the project will
                     produce odor, noise, wastewater, solid waste, limited amount of sludge, and occupational health and safety issues.
                     The project will not use liquid chlorine to disinfect the effluent of wastewater treatment facilities and the drinking
                     water. UV, ClO2 and sodium hypochlorite will be used which are not toxic to human beings and the environment. This
                     project will not cause significant land conversion and will not involve any critical natural habitats and legally
                     protected cultural heritages.
                     The assessment focuses on the sludge management and the treated effluent from WWTPs in the operation stage.
                     The sludge was sampled from the existing wastewater treatment plants to be renovated by the project and the
Public Disclosure

                     results show that the sludge is not toxic and can be applied in municipal greening. The preliminary quantity estimate
                     indicates that only 12 t/d with 80% water content will be produced by this project. A sludge management plan has
                     been developed as a part of the ESMP. The sludge to be produced by the project will be transported to a sludge
                     disposal facility being constructed (not developed in anticipation of the project and therefore not considered an
                     associated facility). Due diligence review of the sludge disposal facility has been made and found no legacy issues.
                     The treated effluent from the wastewater treatment plants will be discharged into three rivers of Mianyuan, Shiting
                     and Kai, which are currently receiving wastewater discharge after limited treatment. The river sections within the
                     assessment area are identified as natural habitats but with low biodiversity value. Through site survey and
                     consultation with relevant government departments per the SEP, it is confirmed that there are neither rare and
                     valuable species nor the sites for breeding, spawning and wintering for fish. The water quality in the three rivers
                     currently is good and meets the standard of China for sustaining common natural habitats (Class III of surface water
                     quality). But they are facing the risk of degradation due to the increasing discharge of wastewater along the rivers.
                     Although the project, which will construct and upgrade wastewater sewers and WWTPs, will improve the water
                     quality in the three rivers by collecting and treating the wastewater in the project area, the water quality in areas
                     downstream of the outfalls may be degraded due to the concentrated discharge of pollution loads by the project
                     WWTPs, thus threatening the natural habitats in these areas. The impact of the treated effluent has been assessed in
                     line with the ESS 6, and it is found that very limited areas of the rivers will be marginally affected by the discharge of
                     the treated effluent from the project WWTPs, but the function of the rivers will not be degraded by the project.
                     A village level cultural heritage will be affected by the project. This is a small temple built by local villagers in year
                     2010 for good harvest blessing. A small pumping station will be built by the project just 5 m from this temple that will
                     cause dust, noise, vibration and bad behavior of workers to this temple. These impacts are to be moderate and

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                     readily mitigated by good engineering design and measures. Mitigation measures including the code of conduct for
                     workers have been developed.
                     This project will not take water from reservoirs. Nearly all of the project water will be taken from the Renmin Canal
                     which was built in 1958 to transfer water from the Minjiang River to irrigate farms in the Chengdu Plain. A water
                     resource study has been completed by the Deyang Municipal Government, indicating that the impact on the
                     downstream users by the project is negligible.
                     The section of Renmin Canal within Deyang Municipality is zoned for supplying drinking water and irrigation water.
                     The water quality analysis shows that the water quality in the Renmin Canal is being polluted by the domestic
                     wastewater directly discharged by the households near the canal. A water source protection plan has been prepared
                     by the Deyang Municipal Government which stipulates comprehensive actions including a water source protection
                     zone to be established and wastewater interception works for the households, etc. The details of the actions are
                     subject to further evaluation by the local expert panel. A provision has been incorporated into the ESCP to cope with
                     this issue.
                     Due diligence has been conducted on the existing water and wastewater facilities to be rehabilitated or upgraded by
                     the project. The due diligence covers the legal compliance and the environmental performance including the sludge
                     management. It is found that there are no major legacy issues, but the EA permits for the existing water facilities
                     were not issued by local EPB. This issue has been recognized by the local EPB, which issued an official document
                     permitting these water facilities to continue operating until they are upgraded or rehabilitated by the project. The EA
                     for this project covers all the existing water facilities and will be reviewed and approved by local EPB through the
                     domestic procedure. Thus, this legacy issue will be addressed after the environmental permit is granted by local EPB
                     based on its review of the EIA and ESMP prepared for this project.
Public Disclosure

                     The SEP has been disclosed at the early stage of the EA preparation on March 6, 2019 at local website, and disclosed
                     at the website of the Bank on March 24, 2019. All the environmental and social documents have been disclosed
                     locally at the website and the places easily accessible to the public on September 4, 2019 and at the website of the
                     Bank on December 6, 2019. The consultation with stakeholders, i.e. affected people/entities and relevant
                     government agencies have been conducted in two rounds per the SEP in March 2019 and July 2019 respectively.
                     Local laws and practice regulating labor and working conditions is adequate based on initial social assessment.
                     Jingyang PMO has commissioned 43 project workers and 30 contracted workers to prepare this project. A Labor
                     Management Procedure has been prepared to guide management of these workers at preparation stage. Labor
                     management system of participating private sector will be assessed when these entities are being selected. Labor
                     management of contractors will be managed through the bidding process, with sound labor management system as
                     requirements in the bidding document
                     Social impact assessment indicated that Land acquisition/resettlement cannot be avoided, and a RAP and RPF has
                     been prepared. The RAP will be implemented once project is approved to address confirmed land acquisition and
                     resettlement. Since the draft water source project plan was only made available at a later stage and pending for final
                     approval, this plan will cause around 4.67 hectare (70 mu) additional land to be restricted from agricultural activities,
                     therefore an RPF has been prepared to guide implementation of this additional restriction. Land use procedures of
                     some existing water stations and waste water treatment plants have not been properly completed. It has been
                     decided that all these facilities will complete proper land use approval process prior to project construction starts.
                     Over 100 employees are currently working for existing facilities that will be consolidated after project
                     implementation. SEP has included consultation with these employees, and ESCP has included a transition plan as an
                     action to ensure proper arrangements for these employees so that no economic losses will occur as a result of project

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                     The social assessment indicates that presence of ethnic minorities as described in ESS7 is not identified.

                     ESS10 Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure
                     The SEP has been developed and disclosed at the early stage of the project preparation on March 6, 2019 at the local
                     website, and on March 24, 2019 at the Bank’s website. Then the SEP was updated in September 2019 after receiving
                     feedbacks from stakeholders including end users of water such as individual families on water pricing, employees of
                     existing facilities to support project construction through reaching a transition plan, public institutions and
                     enterprises who are big water users, and households affected by land acquisition who indicated their support to the
                     project as long as proper compensation is paid following local standards. The SEP includes the summary of the project
                     and the potential environmental and social impacts and proposed mitigation measures; the identification and
                     analysis of the stakeholders, especially the stakeholders to be directly affected and have direct interests, and the
                     vulnerable groups/individuals; the strategy and plan for information disclosure and consultation, especially for the
                     vulnerable; response, reporting and GRM. Two rounds of information disclosure and consultation have been
                     conducted per the SEP in March 2019 and September 2019 respectively. All of the environmental and social
                     documents have been disclosed locally at the website and the places easily accessible to the public on September 4,
                     2019, and at the website of the Bank on December 6, 2019. Concerns and suggestions raised by the stakeholders
                     have been recorded and responded by the PMO, and reflected in the updated SEP.

                     Based on the site survey, the key stakeholders have been identified at the early stage of the EA preparation. They are
Public Disclosure

                     the residents/schools near water supply facilities and wastewater treatment plants and networks who are to be
                     affected by the traffic safety, noise and dust, etc. in construction and operation stage; the villagers whose temple will
                     be affected by a small pumping station; the rural and agricultural bureau who is in charge of the management of
                     water ecology; the EPB who is in charge of the establishment of outfalls of WWTPs, and environmental impacts; the
                     water resource bureau, in charge of soil erosion control, water resource, and permit for pipeline crossing rivers; the
                     management of the Renmin Canal, in charge of water quantity and quality management in the Renmin Canal; traffic
                     bureau, in charge of traffic management; cultural bureau, in charge of management of cultural heritages above
                     county level; railway bureau and highway bureau, respectively in charge of permitting pipelines crossing railways and
                     highways. These stakeholders have been consulted via the interviews, public meetings and questionnaires, developed
                     based on the analysis of their demand and features. The first round of consultation was carried out in March 2019 for
                     screening and scoping purpose. The stakeholders’ views and comments were solicited by the EA team after the local
                     disclosure of the project information. Generally, most of them are supportive of the project, and the relevant
                     government agencies gave specific comments and advices for project design, e.g. siting, location of protected cultural
                     heritages, locations and status of natural habitats, etc., but some villagers raised concerns on wastewater and noise
                     control. These comments, advices and concerns have been adopted to inform the development of the EA preparation
                     by the EA team. Through the internal liaison mechanism within the client, the technical team learned these issues
                     and considered them in the project design. The second round of consultation was carried out in September 2019
                     after the draft EA instruments were disclosed locally, e.g. placing the hardcopies at township offices, and the website
                     of the district government. No comments and concerns have been received so far.

                     key government agencies include housing and urban-rural development bureau (where the PMO is hosted,
                     responsible for water supply to urban areas and waste water treatment), water resources bureau (responsible for

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                     water supply to rural areas), planning commission, finance bureau, EPB, labor bureau, administration of work safety,
                     land bureau, and possibly forestry, civil affairs, ethnic minority affairs commission for confirming status of ethnic
                     minorities in Jingyang District, and public health bureau. Existing facilities including current WUAs managing water
                     supply centers/stations established at township level, and three waste water treatment plants invested by private
                     companies, have been included into the project. These facilities have over 90 employees, whose livelihoods may be
                     affected depending on how the project will absorb these facilities. The Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) has been
                     developed and disclosed at the early stage of the preparation. These key stakeholders have been engaged and
                     consulted during the project preparation by means of interview, hearings and questionnaires. The private entities are
                     regarded as the key stakeholder for this project and will be engaged during the implementation stage. An ESCP has
                     been prepared to include actions addressing risks identified. The GRM will have a dedicated component to respond
                     to complaints related to construction nuisance, especially since there will be civil works to connect households to

                     A Stakeholder Engagement Plan has been prepared to guide the engagement process.

                     B.2. Specific Risks and Impacts

                     A brief description of the potential environmental and social risks and impacts relevant to the Project.
                     ESS2 Labor and Working Conditions
Public Disclosure

                     Around 50 direct and contracted workers have been involved to prepare the project. The physical activities will
                     involve limited number of direct workers, contracted workers, and the TA will involve limited number of direct
                     workers and contracted workers. The number of contracted workers at peak time is about 60 to construct planned
                     facilities. In addition, government staff will be involved in the early stage of the project implementation. Given the
                     nature and size of the project, the potential occupational health and safety are determined to be largely associated
                     with the operation of the wastewater facilities, e.g. physical damage by height fall from the tanks and the confined
                     space such as manholes that trap or engulf the operational staff, as well as the infection by pathogens and bacteria in
                     wastewater treatment plant causing acute diarrhea and extraintestinal infection for operating workers. The
                     occupational health and safety measures have been developed, including the entry permit and the first aid, etc., and
                     integrated into the ESMP and the ESCP. In addition, a labor camp will be established near the Bailong Water
                     Treatment Plant with the total number of workers around 60 persons. A Labor Camp Management Plan has been
                     developed and incorporated into the ESMP, which provides measures and conditions to accommodate the workers
                     by clean drinking water and food, and disease control.

                     The labor management procedure for direct workers and contracted workers has been developed as part of the
                     ESMP. The GRM has been established separately for this ESS2 in the ESMP. The labor management procedure and
                     the GRM on ground will be established prior to the employment of the first workers, and these requirements have
                     been incorporated into the ESCP.

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                     At Huangxv town, a prison with around 10,000 prisoners has been identified. The project will provide services to the
                     prison in terms of water supply and waste water treatment. Consultations with local justice department confirmed
                     that no prisoners will be allowed outside the prison for the whole duration of serving time. This project will not use
                     any products or services (including labor) from the prison.

                     A Labor Management Procedure has been prepared for use during implementation.

                     ESS3 Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management
                     This project will not be located in water scarce areas, and the water consumption in the project area will not be
                     significantly increased during construction or operation of the project. Conversely, groundwater resources will be
                     conserved by using more surface water to replace the groundwater in this project. In addition, this project will
                     neither consume large amounts of energy and raw materials, nor use or procure pesticides. The project will largely
                     improve the efficiency of wastewater treatment in the project area from 20% to 80%.

                     This project will not produce toxic or hazardous waste but general wastes, such as spoils and domestic wastewater in
                     construction and operation stages. The sludge from existing water treatment plants has been tested and qualifies as
                     general municipal waste. These general wastes will be readily managed by good engineering design and mitigation
                     measures, using existing handling, transport and disposal systems. The due diligence conducted by the EA team
                     indicates that there are no legacy issues related to pollution.
Public Disclosure

                     This project will produce the dewatered sludge of 12 t/d with 80% water content in the operation of the facilities for
                     wastewater treatment and water treatment. The sludge was sampled from the existing wastewater treatment plants
                     to be renovated by the project. The heavy metal content in the sludge is compared with domestic and international
                     standards; contents in heavy metals and other potential pollutants are such that the sludge is not toxic and can be
                     applied as topsoil or soil enrichment for municipal greening purposes. The baseline survey for wastewater collection
                     areas has confirmed that no industrial wastewater will be collected by the project. Alternatives have been developed
                     to explore the means to minimize/reduce the amount of sludge. A sludge management plan has been developed as a
                     part of the ESMP and is referred to in the ESCP. It covers the sludge quantity estimate, handling, transportation and
                     disposal arrangements, and supervision requirements. The monitoring for sludge quality on regular basis has been
                     incorporated into the environmental monitoring plan. The sludge of the project will be transported to a sludge
                     disposal facility at a capacity of 100t/d to produce compost for municipal greening. The due diligence review of the
                     sludge disposal facility indicates that the EA has been completed in compliance with China’s requirements and the
                     facility will become operational before March 2020, and the quantity of the sludge from this project is considered in
                     the design of the disposal facility. The due diligence confirmed that this sludge disposal facility is not associated
                     facilities to this project as the viability of the sludge disposal facility is not determined by this project in terms of
                     sludge quantity.

                     In addition, the project will create a total water supply capacity of 27,000 m3/d, of which 21,600 m3/d will be
                     converted to wastewater requiring collection, treatment and disposal. This demand has been considered in the
                     project design, where the wastewater treatment facilities with a total capacity of 22,000 m3/d are to be
                     constructed/rehabilitated under this project to accommodate the wastewater produced by the project.

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                     During the construction, small amount of diesel would be used in the power generation equipment with medium
                     power rate (about 200 kW) at construction site in case that electricity connection is not available. Safety measures
                     have been developed for the use of diesel, particularly on the storage and security. During the operation, liquid
                     chlorine will not be used for disinfection. UV, ClO2 and sodium hypochlorite will be used which are not toxic to
                     human beings and the environment.

                     ESS4 Community Health and Safety
                     The section of Renmin Canal within Deyang Municipality is zoned for supplying drinking water and irrigation water.
                     The water quality analysis shows that the water quality in the Renmin Canal meets most of the indicators of the
                     standard for drinking water purpose, except some indicators such as fecal coliform, NH3-N and TP, which are deemed
                     from the wastewater directly discharged by the households near the canal. The water source protection plan has
                     been prepared by the Deyang Municipal Government which stipulates comprehensive actions including a water
                     source protection zone to be established and wastewater interception works for the households, etc. These actions
                     have been incorporated into the ESMP and will be updated upon the final version approved. Implementation of the
                     actions may produce noise, duct, wastewater and general solid wastes in construction stage, and noise in operation
                     stage. Besides, establishment of the protection zone may block the traffic on the small roads along the canal. This
                     protection plan is being reviewed by an expert panel. The ESCP includes a commitment of the Deyang Municipal
Public Disclosure

                     Government that the approval of the protection plan should be obtained from the expert panel prior to the start of
                     the construction of the water supply plants and the E&S documents will be updated/prepared according to the ESMF
                     and RPF. In addition, two small existing water treatment stations will continue taking groundwater to supply drinking
                     water of 250 m3/d to villagers remote from the centralized water treatment plants under the project. The water
                     quality of the groundwater is good but high in hardness. Softening process will be adopted by the two stations under
                     the project to reduce the hardness to the standard. Local EPB will establish protection zones around groundwater
                     potable water sources and supervise the management of the water quality. The water supply plants under this
                     project will set up backup water supply system including back water sources according to national requirements, and
                     the management of the backup system will be part of SPV’s operational plan.

                     This project will not take water from reservoirs; hence dam safety aspects are not relevant. Nearly all of the project
                     water will be taken from the Renmin Canal which was built in 1958 to transfer water from the Minjiang River to
                     irrigate farms in the Chengdu Plain. A water resource study has been completed, indicating that the project will only
                     take 0.6% of the average flow rate in the Renmin Canal, and the management of the canal agreed to this study and
                     issued the permit for this project to take water from the canal. This permit also has confirmed that the water amount
                     to be taken by the project has been considered in the annual plan of water transferred from the Minjiang River. This
                     means that the management will transfer adequate water from the Minjiang River in the high demand season to
                     compensate for the water quantity taken by the project. Thus, the impact on the downstream users by the project is

                     The water supply and wastewater pipelines will be constructed along the roads that will disturb the local traffic
                     during the construction phase. In addition, the increased traffic of vehicles transporting equipment and materials on

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                     the roads near the communities, particularly schools, may pose safety impact given the rural context. Thus, a traffic
                     management plan has been developed as an integral part of the ESMP and ESCP, which also contain a traffic safety
                     awareness program for the affected schools and communities where the awareness of traffic safety is particularly
                     weak in rural areas. In the operation stage, repair and maintenance of pipelines and manholes may pose safety risk
                     to local communities in terms of open ditch and open manholes etc. measures have been developed to protect the
                     communities from being injured by the repair and maintenance works.
                     Up to 60 workers will be introduced to the site for construction of the facilities given the overall size of the project.
                     Local people will be largely hired, so the potential impact of influx of workers on local communities is minimized. The
                     procedure for management of contractors/subcontractors has been prepared and incorporated into the ESMP and
                     the ESCP where the code of conduct and monitoring and reporting system are provided. However, a workers’ camp
                     will be established near the Bailong Water Treatment Plant with about 60 persons. The location of the camp is
                     selected far from surface waters and sensitive social receptors such as villages and schools. A worker camp
                     management plan has been prepared and incorporated into the ESMP and ESCP where the code of good conduct,
                     hygiene management and disease control measures including GBV prevention have been provided. Social assessment
                     screened risks of GBV and concluded that given the largely urban and peri-urban character of the area and the
                     location of the camps that the GBV risks will be low. Notwithstanding this, the contractors will be required to sign
                     Codes of Conduct and the external monitor will be required to monitor compliance. The ESMP requires that worker
                     camps provide clean and safe living and working environment for both female and male.

                     This project will not affect any ecosystem services for the communities and will not involve any dams. The risk of
Public Disclosure

                     water-borne diseases will be reduced by the project by providing clean drinking water and collecting and treating
                     wastewater. Local endemics information indicates that the morbidity of kidney stone is high in the project area due
                     to the high content of hardness in the drinking water. This project will use surface water low in hardness to replace
                     the groundwater high in hardness to reduce the morbidity of kidney stone in the area.

                     Construction of water pipeline in villages may accidentally break gas pipeline causing explosion. The mitigation
                     measures have been developed and incorporated into the ESMP, including the identification of gas pipeline corridors
                     with gas supply companies prior to construction, and the use of gas detection devices, etc.

                     Use of well-trained security personnel at the sites is very limited and there are no armed security personnel in China
                     for civil facilities.

                     ESS5 Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement
                     The social assessment indicates that a total of 2.95 hectare (44.18 mu) land will be acquired to accommodate project
                     activities, including 1.70 hectare (25.48 mu) state land and 1.25 hectare (18.70 mu) collectively owned land. A total of
                     179 persons from 58 households will be impacted by the collectively owned land. Two enterprises will be resettled
                     affecting 2 persons from 2 households. The water source protection plan is expected to be finalized during early
                     implementation. This plan is expected to further increase land restrictions in order to protect water source, and it is
                     estimated that a further 4.67 hectare (70 mu) land will be restricted for agricultural activities. An RPF has been
                     prepared to address land acquisition that can only be confirmed at implementation stage.

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                     Due diligence reviews of existing facilities indicated that these water stations are on land provided through
                     community level agreements, in most cases many years (even decades) ago. In any event, these facilities were not
                     developed in anticipation of the Bank supported project.The status of these land holdings will be further validated via
                     the community consultation process and legal review where relevant during implementation.
                     The RAP and resettlement framework prepared has been informed by consultations with the affected persons, and
                     the draft RAP and RPF has been disclosed to all stakeholders before finalizing.

                     ESS6 Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources
                     The project is located in the rural area around the urban developed area, and the project area has already been
                     intensively disturbed by human activities. The project will not involve any critical natural habitats. The treated
                     effluent from the wastewater treatment plants under the project will be discharged into three rivers of Mianyuan,
                     Shiting and Kai, which are currently receiving wastewater discharge from rural and urban areas. The river sections
                     within the assessment area are identified as natural habitats but with low biodiversity value, which is composed by
                     local common species dominated by carp, chub, and bighead. Currently the section of Mianyuan River within the
                     assessment area is zoned for aesthetics and industrial water supply, while another two are not zoned for any
                     beneficial use. Through site survey and consultation with relevant government departments per the SEP, it is
                     confirmed that there are neither rare and valuable species nor the sites for breeding, spawning and wintering for fish.
                     The water quality in the three rivers currently is good and meets the standard of China for sustaining common natural
                     habitats (Class III of surface water quality). But they are facing the risk of degradation due to the increasing discharge
Public Disclosure

                     of wastewater along the rivers. Although the project, which will construct and upgrade wastewater sewers and
                     WWTPs, will improve the water quality in the three rivers by collecting and treating the wastewater in the project
                     area, the water quality in areas downstream of the outfalls may be degraded due to the concentrated discharge of
                     pollution loads, thus threatening the natural habitats in these areas. Alternative locations for wastewater outfall have
                     been explored but the outfalls discharging into the three rivers are the only one feasible technically and financially.
                     To understand to what extent the water quality will be impacted by the concentrated discharge of treated effluent
                     from the project WWTPs, static modelling of the effluent impact on water quality in the three rivers has been run and
                     show that the water quality will be marginally affected in a very limited area downstream of the outfalls, without
                     degrading the water quality and functions in the rivers. Conversely, the water quality of the rivers will be improved
                     by the project, which will help achieve the net gain of biodiversity in the long term. The pollution loads likely to be
                     reduced by the project for the three rivers has been estimated, as COD 107.40 t/a, NH3-N 15.77 t/a, TN 23.36 t/a and
                     TP 0.95 t/a.

                     In addition, this project will neither introduce alien species nor purchase and use natural products.

                     ESS7 Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities
                     The social assessment confirms that no ethnic minorities as defined by World Bank ESF in project sites has been

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                     ESS8 Cultural Heritage
                     Screening on cultural heritage was conducted at the early stage of the EA preparation via site visit and consultation
                     with relevant government departments per the SEP. This project will not affect any legally protected cultural
                     heritage. However, at village level some cultural heritage will be affected. This is a small temple built by local villagers
                     in year 2010 for good harvest blessing. A small pumping station will be built by the project just 5 m from this temple.
                     Dust, noise, vibration and bad behavior of workers may do detriment to this temple in construction stage, and noise
                     and vibration in operation stage. These impacts are to be moderate and readily mitigated by good engineering design
                     and measures. The villagers have been sufficiently consulted with adequate information on the potential impacts
                     disclosed. The villagers are very supportive of the project even there is the risk on their temple integrity. The
                     potential impact on the temple has been adequately analyzed and mitigation measures developed. It is expected that
                     there would not be material damage to the temple provided that the mitigation measures are implemented.
                     Alternative analysis for the siting of the pumping station indicates that this site is the only one feasible
                     environmentally, socially and financially. Mitigation measures including the code of conduct for workers have been
                     developed. Consultation with the local villagers has been conducted per the SEP and all the villagers agreed to this
                     site selection option. The chance find procedure has been developed and incorporated into the ESMP and the ESCP.
                     No intangible cultural heritage has been identified by the social assessment.

                     ESS9 Financial Intermediaries
                     This project will not involve any FIs.
Public Disclosure

                     C. Legal Operational Policies that Apply

                     OP 7.50 Projects on International Waterways                                                                              No

                     OP 7.60 Projects in Disputed Areas                                                                                       No


                                          DELIVERABLES against MEASURES AND ACTIONs IDENTIFIED                                         TIMELINE
                     ESS 1 Assessment and Management of Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts
                     ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: SPV Corporation will establish adequate environmental and social
                     management system and capacity in line with the Good International Industry Practice (GIIP) of the                 06/2020
                     World Bank.

                     The PMO should ensure the SPV will establish an adequate and appropriate Environmental and Social                  12/2024
                     Management System (ESMS) in line with the GIIP of the World Bank before the SPV can commence its

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                     duties agreed in the SPV contract, and PMO should monitor and supervise to ensure the SPV will
                     operate and maintain the ESMS through its contract period.

                     Update, adopt, and implement, the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment that has been
                     prepared for the Project, in a manner acceptable to the Bank.

                     Prepare/update E&S documents based on the updated information on the water source protection

                     Prepare/update E&S documents based on the updated information on water source protection plan.            06/2019

                     MANAGEMENT TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS : Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP)
                     including Sludge Management Plan (SMP), Occupational Health and Safety Management Plan
                     (OHSMP), Labor Camp Management Plan, Traffic Management Plan (TMP), Contractor Management
                     Procedure, Labor Management Procedure, Environmental Codes of Practice for Generic Civil Works
                     (ECOP), Specific mitigation measures for sensitive receptors (EMP), Resettlement Action Plan (RAP),
                     Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) and SEP.

                     Screen any proposed activities in accordance with the ESMF prepared for the Project, and, thereafter,
                     draft, adopt, and implement the activities ESMP, as required, in a manner acceptable to the World         12/2020
Public Disclosure

                     Obtain or, where appropriate assist in obtaining, permits, consents and authorizations including
                     "Opinions on Project Siting", "Preliminary Opinions of Land Use", "Approval of Environmental Impact
                     Assessment", "Approval of Soil Conservation", and "Establishment and Approval of Water Resources          06/2020
                     Protection Areas" etc. applicable to the Project from relevant national authorities and comply or cause
                     to comply with all required conditions, and maintain in full effect for project implementation.

                     SPV Corporation: Executing the ESMP and ESMF                                                              12/2024

                     Jingyang District Government: Executing the RAP and the RPF.                                              12/2024

                     ESS 10 Stakeholder Engagement and Information Disclosure
                     A draft SEP and Stakeholder Engagement Framework (SEF) has been prepared and disclosed before
                     Update, adopt, and implement Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP).

                     PROJECT GRIEVANCE MECHANISM: Prepare, adopt, maintain and operate a grievance mechanism, as
                     described in the SEP.

                     ESS 2 Labor and Working Conditions
                     LABOR MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES:                                                                              06/2020
                     Develop HR policy and other relevant corporate documents compliant with GIIP. Develop, update,

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                     adopt, and implement the Labor Management Procedures (LMP) for the Project. LMP should be
                     revised once PPP is established.

                     Finalize the Transition Plan to manage retention and redundancy of 115 staff employed by existing
                     water facilities.

                     Prepare, adopt, and implement occupational, health and safety (OHS) measures specified in the ESMP      12/2024
                     regarding possible occupational health and safety impacts

                     Establish, maintain, and operate a grievance mechanism for Project workers, particularly requiring no
                     use of child labor, non-discrimination and provision of equal work opportunities and no forced labor    12/2024
                     upon engaging employees.

                     ESS 3 Resource Efficiency and Pollution Prevention and Management
                     Pollution prevention and management measures will be covered under the ESMP to be prepared
                     under action 1.2 above. Review wastewater treatment plants upgrading designs and designs for the        12/2020
                     for the two water supply plants to meet GIIP requirements.

                     Prepare, adopt, and implement including the sludge management plan specified in the ESMP.               12/2024

                     Confirm water supply network leakage reduction. Review and agree on sludge management final
Public Disclosure

                     design. Monitor the efficacy and efficiency of wastewater treatment plants.

                     Prepare the borrow pits management plan per to the requirements specified in the ESMF                   12/2020

                     ESS 4 Community Health and Safety
                     TRAFFIC AND ROAD SAFETY: Adopt and implement a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) specified in the
                     ESMP; Jingyang District Traffic Management Bureau takes the leading role in implementing the TMP        05/2020
                     and coordinates with the relevant media in publicizing meas

                     COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY: Prepare, adopt, and implement measures and action to assess and
                     manage specific risks and impacts to the community arising from Project activities e.g. behavior of     05/2020
                     Project workers, risks of labor influx, response to emerg

                     GBV AND SEA RISKS: Provide the non-local employees with education on local social and cultural
                     practices to avoid the risks of gender-based violence (GBV) and sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA);    05/2020
                     providing female employees with safe living facilities

                     GBV AND SEA RISKS DURING PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION: No hazardous articles likely to lead to
                     emergencies are identified during project investigation.

                     ESS 5 Land Acquisition, Restrictions on Land Use and Involuntary Resettlement

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                     RESETTLEMENT PLANS and RESETTLEMENT POLICY FRAMEWORK: Prepare, adopt, and implement
                     resettlement plans (RAPs) and resettlement policy framework (RPF) in accordance with ESS 5.

                     TRANSITION PLAN: Prepare a transition plan through consultations with all affected stakeholders for
                     employees of existing facilities which will be consolidated and merged as result of project                  06/2020
                     intervention. The plan needs to be agreed by WB task team.

                     GRIEVANCE MECHANISM: A grievance mechanism (GM) is already established in the RAP and
                     grievance channels and contact information are already disclosed to the affected persons.

                     ESS 6 Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources
                     BIODIVERSITY RISKS AND IMPACTS: three rivers, .e.g. Shiting, Mianyuan and Kai, will receive treated
                     effluent from the Project. Prepare, adopt and implement the measures covered in the ESMP to ensure           06/2020
                     the net gain of biodiversity in the long term.

                     ESS 7 Indigenous Peoples/Sub-Saharan African Historically Underserved Traditional Local Communities

                     ESS 8 Cultural Heritage
                     CHANCE FINDS: Prepare, adopt, and implement the chance finds procedure described in the ESMP
                     developed for the Project.
Public Disclosure

                     Cultural heritage: Prepare and execute measures for protecting the Temple in Songbai Village.                06/2020

                     ESS 9 Financial Intermediaries

                    B.3. Reliance on Borrower’s policy, legal and institutional framework, relevant to the Project risks and impacts

                     Is this project being prepared for use of Borrower Framework?                                                      No

                     Areas where “Use of Borrower Framework” is being considered:
                     Although China has an advanced E&S Framework, its use for the project is not recommended due to the limited
                     experience of the implementing agencies in implementing and applying ESF and its associated environmental and
                     social standards. Also, a comprehensive assessment of the borrower framework has not been completed.

                     IV. CONTACT POINTS

                     World Bank
                     Contact:            Victoria Hilda Rigby Delmon          Title:             Senior Counsel

                     Telephone No:       5720+13656 /                         Email:   

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                     Contact:            Gang Qin                            Title:          Senior Water Supply and Sanitation

                     Telephone No:       5788+7767 /                         Email:


                     Implementing Agency(ies)
                     Implementing Agency: Jingyang Project Management Office

                     V. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT
                     The World Bank
                     1818 H Street, NW
                     Washington, D.C. 20433
                     Telephone: (202) 473-1000

                     VI. APPROVAL

                     Task Team Leader(s):           Victoria Hilda Rigby Delmon, Gang Qin
Public Disclosure

                     Safeguards Advisor ESSA        Ekaterina Romanova (SAESSA) Concurred on 10-Feb-2020 at 10:44:5 EST

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