AUDITOR'S REPORT Audii Completion Date: 03.11.2019 The Secretary, Ministry of Primary and Mass Education Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka. i. We have audited the accompanying Financial Statement (FY 2018-2019) of the "Reaching out of School Children (ROSC) Project-H1" financed by IDA Credit no 5166 BD as of 30"' June 2019 and for the years then ended. According to ISSAI 1570 the preparation of Financial Statement is the responsibility of management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial statement based on our audit, ii. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statement is free of material misstatement, An audit includes examining on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statement. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. iii. In our opinion, the Financial Statement gives a fair view in all material aspect of the financial position of the "Reaching out of School Children (ROSC) Project-LI" financed by IDA Credit no 5166 BD as of 30"' June, 2019 and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the cash basis of accounting followed by the Government of Bangladesh. iv. The Project accounts has properly presented the expenditure and receipts for the year ended at 30-06-2019. v. Revised Opinion Status: Unqualified. (Taslema fna) Deputy Director For Director General Foreign Aided Projects Audit Directorate Phone: 88-02-9361788 [Ref. Project A udit AlIonual, FA PAD. Page: -4.7 1] 5 Reaingiil Out of Scohool CJhildlren (ROt.SC) P>haseI Prjc Directoralte Of -rirflary EdLCation Mirpur-2, Dhak-a-1216 FJNANCIAL STATEMENT As on 30 June, 2019 ___________(Figure in Lakh Taka) Comnulative C;urrent Cumnulative .-ourcs Notes PrIor Period up Perod Current Period to June 2018 (2018-19) up to June 2019 vment of Bangladesh 1 3,679.81 714.81 4,394.62 i n Trom Developmuent partner 2 81,305,56 13,894,33 95,199,89 une resourcees 3 sh opening balance CONTASA-Loan 4 7,725,29 tal Resourcos 84>986,37 22,334,43 99,594 51 Fxpenditure and Cash 1. Manpower 485.87 122,57 808 .44 2. Education Grants 46,317.30 11,024.04 57,341,34 3. Education Allowances 19,029.61 4,394.17 23,423.78 4, Vehicle 108.7 108.71 5. Equiprent 35.03 35.03 6. Furniture 13.74 13,7.1 7, Goods (Printing & Others) 119.10 119.10 8 Traning and Capacity Building 2,399,56 340.80 2,740«36 9. Oversease Training 554,25 22 1.81 776.07 10. Norkshop 678,50 119.40 797.90 1. Consultancy 1,946.81 596.90 2,543.71 12< 3lationary 13.8 6.25 20 0 13 Fuel 111.88 18.96 130.84 14. Maintenance 45,91 9 .21 55.12 15. Registration of Vehicle 2.42 2,42 16, Monitoring (LGED) 4,049.49 697.49 4,746.98 17 Sonali Bank Service Charges 1,102.54 411.87 1,514.41 18. Traveling allowance 35.56 9.89 45.45 19. Contingency 209,99 26,67 236.66 Total Expenditure 77 260.08 18,000,03 95,260,11 Cash Closing Balance CONTASA/Operating-Loan 7,725 29 4,334.40 4,334,40 Operating Account (PA) _ _ Operating Account (GOB) _ Total Expenditure and Cash 84,985,37 22,334.43 99,594,51 Rý~~Aui Complex (ut t' C0u1C0l0fÅ sugcDkuffi Reacching Out of School Children (ROSC) Phase-1) Project PROJECT FINANCIAL STATEMENT As on 30 June, 2019 i 'VERNIENT OF BANGLADE8H i Is re allocated by lhe Government of Bangladesh to cover GOB's share of eligible project expenditures, as ied in the Project Proforma and in the Annual Developmei Programme for each of the project. Any allocated iIo that have not been expend: lnceptioni to 30 Jhne 2018 For tho Year 2018-19 locoption to 30 Jne 2019 ; merit by GoB 7117.76 1120 0 8237.76, Sefund to GoB 3437.95 40519 3843.14 Il . :xpenses 3679.81 714 81 4394.62 . LuaN FROM DEVELOPIENT PARTNER The IDA has provided funds to the project,to cover itsshare of eligible project expenditures, These funds, which must be repaid to (name lender/donor) after the conclusion of the project, have been drawn by the project: InCeption to,30 June 2018 For the Year 20,10-19 Inception to 30 June 2019 Inilial déposlt (Advance) against Credit 10000,00 0,00 10000.00 DPA (Direct Paymont) 0.00 0.00 RIPA Loan (SOE Procedure) 71305,56 14394.33 85699.89 RPA (Nlon SOE procedure) 0.00 0,o0 0.00 Other 0.00 0.00 Loss:- Refund to Donor 0.00 500.00 500,00 Total 81305. 6 194,33 95199.89 3. OTHER RESOURCES Other resources consist of the following: nception to 30 June2018 For the Year 2018-19 Ineeption to 30 June 2019 Projeet Revenue Exchange gainsilosses Total 0:00 0.00 0,00 4, CASH-- The project rmaintains 2 bank accounts, an irmprestlopeniting bank accountl, or revolving fund, which is kept at Sonali B3ank to hold ftinds advanced by IDA, and an operating accountiig, which is kept at a commercial bank to hold funds advaneed by GOB . Year.and cash balances were as follows (in lakh taka): Inception to 30 June 2018 For thoYear20*18-19 - Ineoption to 30 June 2019 CONTASA/Operating-Loan 7725«29 433440 4334.40 Operatin9 Account (PA) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Opetation Account (GoB) Total 7725.29 4334.A0 4334.40 A dP s Au Dit O inanina o8at C, ui Corip)ex (65 Floo') eting0 AUDIT OPINION ON IUFR We have audited the Statement (I UFR) of the "Reaching out of school children Project (ROSC- 11)" for the year ended on 30"' June, 2019, submitted to the World Bank for reimbursement of expenditure in accordance \vith the IDA Credit no -5166-BD. The aUdit w,\as condLuctedl following the International Standards on Auditing accordingly, it included such tests of the accounting records and Supporting documentation, review of systems of internal control, so far exists, and adopting necessary auditing procedures that we considered essential under the circLmllstances. * The particulars of withdrawal on the basis of interim un1audited financial report (IUFR) as submitted to audit is attached herewith (Attached). * Withdrawal applications were submitted by the project authority to the World Bank for re-embracement / replenishment of fund for the year 2018--19. * The presentation and submission of claim to IDA by the project authority on the basis of IUFR was valid and SLIplported dOCUmIllents. In our opinion, the presentation and submission of claim to IDA authority on the basis of IUFR was valid and can be relied upon by IDA. (Taslema ultana) Deputy Director For Director General Foreign Aided Projects Audit Directorate Phone: 88-02-9361788 7 SPECIAL ACCOUNJT ST-ATEMENT FY 2018-19 For the year ending 30th June 2019 Account No: SNDS (CONTASA) 1608936000693 Depository Bank Sonäali Bank Limited Address Foreign Exchange.Corporafe D.hakå Related Loan 1 Grant Agreement No IDA Credit No: 5166 D CURRENCY BDT PART-A ACCOUNT IACTiiiTy. BDT*(lakh) Beginning balande as ån-Juy 08 7 7725.2g- ADD: Total arnount depoiäted by -he Wofld 1n 1 3894 Total interest earningsif dåpbsited in account Total-amounft recoveéd DEDUCT Total ainådnt withfraw. 17,28.2 Tötalservice charges If ot included,bove n amountwthdran vi- Ending balanke in 30- Juhe 2019' 4,334.4o PÀRT-B ACCOUNT RECNäILIATION: D Lakh) Ariount vaed y World' Bank-: 10;00.00 2Les Total'arnút rdòoened by. World-Bank 500,00 3 EOual Present obtatdingarnt d ned to the pecial Adunt ãtso.lyear bnded 3061019 900.0Ô 4 Ending talériòëof.Séll Aaj ount at :3sa y'earpnded3e0" 2019' 43 5 Plus :Amournf claijjYd andhot yet & editée fiscal Vér énd,30-' 62019 Aplication No Lnount 6.Pls: (:) Arnoúnt.Withdrav n and not yet diaim, 5,165.60 b)Recovered Arnoö-t_ 7.Less:liitérést -ariiini(if Inclùdéd in Sþecial Accournt). _______________ 8. Plus;:Service h4rges(!' not in ludd inlines-5:and 6 above) 1 9Equal: Total ad.aéic to SoéåläAcount accöOntéd for at fisca yerdereded.03000-920199 50Q00 Flnanc;al Managemant conaii.ind dS&dth r i(8080)? Drectorata of Prmary EdueMöin i4tW 1'' ~,' ' ~ (Md. Erakul Islam Audi! and Accouns officer AUDITOR'S REPORT ON SPECIAL ACCOUNT(CONTASA) S \We have audited the Special Account Statement of "Reaching Out of School Children (ROSC) Project-Il" for the year ended 30th June 2019, under the provision of IDA Credit No-S 166-BD on 30' June, 2019. * Our audit has been carried out in according with International Auditing Guidelines. Accordingly our audit included such review of system of internal control tests of the accounting records and supporting documents, Verification of account balance and other auditing procedures that we considered necessary under the circumstances. * Accompanying Special Accounts Statement was prepared on the basis of cash deposits and withdrawals for the purpose of complying with the Credit agreement. * In our opinion, the special account statement reflects the actual position of cash deposits and withdrawals including opening & closing balances. (Taslemn SuTrand) Deputy Director For Director General Foreign-Aided projects Audit Directorate. Phone: 88-02-936 1788 8 Audit opinion on SOE No claim was submitted by the proJect authority to IDA on the basis of SOE for the fiscal year 2018-2019. So, comments cannot be formed on SOF. (Tas!em au tana ) Deputy Director For Director General Foreign-Aided projects Audit Directorate. Phone: 88-02-9361788 9