WORLD BANK PROJECT YEAR ENDED 21 DECEMBER 2017 sca Ye 136 . Supreme Audit Office Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Auditor's Report Date: 27 October 20 18 l i Ministry of Finance (oernment of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Kabul. Independent Auditor's Report on the Financial Statenents 1. We have audited the accompany ing stateients of Cash Receipts and Payments (the -Financial Statements-) of Kabul Urban Transport Efficieney Improvement Project. Grant \number: 11017061. World Bank Project ID: P131864. (hereinafter referred to as the -Projecf) tor the linancial year ended 30 Qaws of Solar Year 1396 (21 December2016 to 21 December 2017), and the suimmary of signiticant accounting policies and other explanatorv notes. The Ministry of Finance's Responsibility for the Financial Statements 2 The Ministry of inance (the "Ministry") is responsible for preparation and fair presentation of the Financial Stateniens in accordance w ith International Public Sector AccountinU Standards 4Fmancial Reporting under the Cash Basis of Accounting, Ihis responsibilNity includes designing. implementing and mai ntaining internal control relevant to Ilie preparation and fair presentation of the financial statenients which are fiee from material misstatement. whetlier due to firaud or error: selecting and applying appropriate accounting pol icies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circunistances. . ln addition to the responsibility for the preparation and presentation of the financial statenents deseribed ahove. the Ministr