lr SHAH & SHAH ASSOCIATES CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 702, ANIKET, _Nr. MUNTCIPAL MARKEt, - ROAD, NAVRAI\GPURA, C.G. AHMEDABAD If]O 109, I-iiwiri, (,,+6-r4-j-J FAX: (-)/, .,, t0,,9Bl Emall' ca(drsndt -! r r.. ! ,r ^n we have audited the attached Balance sheet of sEWA MANAGER Nr scHool pHAsE rr PRoJEcr' executed by setf Emproyed Ahrnedabad as at 31st December, women,s Association (sEwA), _ 2olz and arso the Income & Expenditure Account for the year ended on that date annexed thereto. l'hese financial statements responsibility of the organisation's e.e the management. our responsibirity is to express opinion on these financiar statements an based on our audit. we have planned and performed the audit to obtain rer,sonabre assuranc{, r*j.i!i whether the financial statements are free of materiar misstatement. An aLrcjir t1..,,1r..<:.; examining evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financiar we believe that our audit provides Srrrri,,,,.rr,... a reasonable basis for our opinion. We further report that: 1. we have obtai'red all the information and explanations rvhich to the hFjir r.'i knowledge rjr-if. and berief were necessary for the purposes of our audit. 2. The Balance sheet and Income & Expenditure Account deart with by tiris repoi-r are in agreement with ihe boo