LEBANON   Lebanon
ECONOMIC   Sinking
           (To the Top 3)

                              Spring 2021

               Middle East and North Africa Region
       Economic Monitor
          Lebanon Sinking (To the Top 3)
            )‫لبنان يغرق (نحو أسوأ ثالث أزمات عاملية‬
Le Naufrage du Liban (Top 3 des pires crises mondiales)

                         Spring 2021

   Global Practice for Macroeconomics, Trade & Investment
             Middle East and North Africa Region

          MONITOR   Document of the World Bank

                                                      The Delibera
Acronyms .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . vii
Preface  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . ix
Executive Summary  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . xi
‫الموجز‬  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Résumé  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . xix

1.  The Policy Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2.  Recent Macro-Financial Developments .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 3
     Output and Demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
     Fiscal Developments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
     The External Sector  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
     Money and Banking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

3.  Global Crises Comparators: Looking for the Minimum .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 19
     Per Capita Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
     Depreciation-Inflation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
     Fiscal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
     Debt  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
     External Position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
     Overall  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

4.  Outlook and Risks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
     The FX Subsidy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
     Large Scale Interruptions to Vital Public Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

Special Focus I: FX Subsidy Reform in the Deliberate Depression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
   Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
   Macroeconomic Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
   Design a Broad-Coverage Subsidy Reform Compensation Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36

              Implementing Broad-Coverage Subsidy Reform Compensation Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
              Complementarities between the BC-CT Program and other SSN Programs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

     Special Focus II: Public Service Delivery in the Deliberate Depression  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 41
        The Electricity Sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
        Water and Sanitation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
        Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43

     Annex  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 47
        Forecasts of Lebanon’s Real GDP Growth Using MIDAS Regressions: An Update for 2020 and 2021                                                                                                                                                           47
        Dynamic Response of Inflation to Currency in Circulation in Lebanon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
          Unit Root Tests  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 51
          VAR Variables in Difference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
          VAR Variables in (Log) Levels  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 53
          The Cointegrated VAR: Vector Error Correction Model .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 55
          References .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 57
        Global Financial Crises Episodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
          The Argentinian Banking Crisis of 1980  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 58
          The Philippines Financial Crisis of 1981  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 59
          The Mexican Debt Crisis of 1981–82  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 60
          The Chilean Banking Crisis of 1981 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
          The Venezuelan Banking Crisis of 1994 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 63
          The Argentinian Financial Crisis of 2001–02  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 64
          The Uruguayan Banking Crisis of 2002 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 64
          The Greek Financial Crisis 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
          References .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 67

     List of Figures
        Figure 1	 While the Contraction in Real GDP Commenced in 2018, it Accelerated Sharply in 2020 . . . . . . .4
        Figure 2	 Net Exports are Expected to Be the Sole Positive Contributor to Real GDP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
        Figure 3	 Firm Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
        Figure 4	 Large Shortfalls in Revenues Will Induce a Significant Deterioration in the Fiscal Position . . . . . 10
        Figure 5	 Valuation Effects from Exchange Rate Depreciations Will Pressure the Debt-to-GDP Ratio . . . . .10
        Figure 6	 A Steady Depletion in the Gross Foreign Exchange Position at BdL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
        Figure 7	 Ratios of C1, C2b, Luxury and Other Imports Were Stable Until the Period
                   Leading to the Crisis…  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
        Figure 8	 …when Ratios of C1 and C2b Imports Rose at the Expense of those for Luxury
                   and Other Goods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
        Figure 9	 A Sharp Depreciation in the Exchange Rate along with Surging Inflation and Narrow Money 13
        Figure 10	 Inflation in Basic Items is a Key Driver of Overall Inflation, Hurting the Poor and
                   the Middle Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
        Figure 11	 Food Expenditure Shares by Deciles for Lebanese Nationals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
        Figure 12	 Heavy Deleveraging of Assets (Private Loans) and Liabilities (Private Deposits)
                   in Financial Sector  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
        Figure 13	 A Steady and Sharp Deterioration in Credit Performance as Measured
                   by NPL Ratio for Banks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    Figure 14	 Lebanon’s Real GDP is a More Accurate Reference Point for the Start of
               the Financial Crisis than Real GDP/Capita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
    Figure 15	 Real GDP Per Capita for G8 Plus Lebanon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
    Figure 16	 Real GDP Per Capita for G8 Plus Lebanon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
    Figure 17	 CPI Indices for G8 Plus Lebanon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
    Figure 18	 Overall Fiscal Balance for G8 Plus Lebanon  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
    Figure 19	 CPI Indices for G8 Plus Lebanon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
    Figure 20	 Overall Fiscal Balance for G8 Plus Lebanon  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
    Figure 21	 Gross Debt for G8 Plus Lebanon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
    Figure 22	 Current Account Balance for G8 Plus Lebanon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
    Figure 23	 A Steady Depletion in the Gross Foreign Exchange Position at BdL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
    Figure 24	 Upon Removal of FX Subsidy, Direct Effects on Inflation Are Substantial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
    Figure 25	 Proposed Monthly Benefit Amount (US$), and Coverage (%), by Year  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
    Figure 26	 Compensation Program Outlay and Net Savings from Phase I Subsidy Withdrawal, US$ mn                                                             37
    Figure 27	 Evolution of High Frequency Indicators Used to Nowcast and Forecast Lebanon’s
               Real GDP Growth in 2020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
    Figure 28	 Growth of High Frequency Real Economy Indicators Used to Nowcast and
               Forecast Lebanon’s Real GDP Growth in 2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
    Figure 29	 Time Series Dynamics of the Variables in Changes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
    Figure 30	 Responses to a 1 Percent Increase in the Growth of Currency in Circulation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
    Figure 31	 Time Series Dynamics of the Variables in Log Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
    Figure 32	 Responses to a 1 Percent Increase in the (Log of) Currency in Circulation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
    Figure 33	 Responses to a 1 Percent Increase in (the Log of) Currency in Circulation from a VECM . . . . . .57

List of Tables
   Table 1	 Average Change in Full-Time Employees by Gender for All Firms Surveyed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
   Table 2	 Summary of Fiscal Accounts Showing Actual Numbers, WB Estimates and
              Government Budgets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
   Table 3	 Crisis Severity: Percent Decline in Per Capita GDP, Duration of Contraction,
              and Years to Full Recovery in 25 of the Worst Systemic Banking Crises, 1857–2013 . . . . . . . . . 20
   Table 4	 Selected Macroeconomic Indicators for Lebanon; 2016–2021  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
   Table 5	 Cost of FX Import Subsidy and Impact of its Removal  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
   Table 6	 Real GDP Growth Forecasts for 2020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
   Table 7	 Candidate Predictor Variables for the Real High Frequency Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
   Table 8	 Forecasts of Real GDP Growth for 2021 Using Real Activity Indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
   Table 9	 Forecasts of Real GDP Growth for 2021 Using Real Activity and Financial Indicators . . . . . . . . . 51
   Table 10	 Unit Root Tests  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
   Table 11	 Cumulative Effect of a 1 Percent Increase in Currency in Circulation on Inflation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
   Table 12	 Cumulative Effect of a 1 Percent Increase in Currency in Circulation on Inflation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
   Table 13	 The Johansen (1988) Trace Statistic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
   Table 14	 Cumulative Effect of a 1 Percent Increase in Currency in Circulation on Inflation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

List of Boxes
   Box 1	    The Impact of Multiple Crises on Formal Firms and the Labor Market in Lebanon . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
   Box 2	    Lebanon’ 2021 Budget Draft Proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
   Box 3	    Impact of Crises on Poverty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
   Box 4	    The Most Recent Financial Operation by BdL with Commercial Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14

                                                                                                                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS              v
AER	     Average Exchange Rate                   LBP	     Lebanese Pound
BdL	     Banque du Liban                         LEM	     Lebanon Economic Monitor
BoP	     Balance of Payments                     MIDAS	   Mixed-Data Sampling
CA	      Current Account                         MoET	    Ministry of Economy and Trade
CBP	     Central Bank of the Philippines         MTO(s)	  Money Transfer Operator(s)
CBV	     Central Bank of Venezuela               NGO(s)	  Non-governmental Organizations
CD(s)	   Certificate of Deposit(s)               NID	     National ID
CFF	     Compensatory Financing Facility         NIR	     Net International Reserve
CPI	     Consumer Price Index                    NPL(s)	  Non-performing Loan(s)
CSI	     Crisis Severity Index                   NPTP	    National Poverty Targeting Program
DBP	     Development Bank of the Philippines     NSSF	    National Social Security Fund
ECB	     European Central Bank                   O&M	     Operation and Maintenance
EdL	     Electricité du Liban                    PEP(s)	  Politically Exposed Person(s)
EFF	     Extended Fund Facility                  PISA	    Programme for International Student
EFF	     Extended Fund Facility                           Assessment
EMU	     European Monetary Union                 PMI	     Purchasing Manager’s Index
ES	      Enterprise Survey                       PNB	     Philippines National Bank
ESSN	    Emergency Crisis and COVID-19           PoB	     Port of Beirut
         Response Social Safety Net Project      POS	Point-of-Sale
FCV	     Fragility, Conflict, and Violence       Pp	      Percentage Points
FI(s)	   Financial Institution(s)                PSI	     Private Sector Initiative
FSBS	    Fund for the Stability of the Banking   RDNA	    Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment
         System                                  SBA	     Stand-by Arrangement
FX	      Foreign Exchange                        SDC(s)	  Social Development Center(s)
GDP	     Gross Domestic Product                  SSN	     Social Safety Net
GFSM	    International Government Accounting     TB(s)	   Treasury Bond(s)
         Standards                               TD(s)	   Time Deposit(s)
GNI	     Gross National Income (per capita)      UN	      United Nations
GNP	     Gross National Product                  US$	     United States Dollar
GOL	     Government of Lebanon                   WE(s)	   Water Establishment(s)
GRM	     Grievance Redress Mechanism             WSS	     Water Supply and Sanitation
IADB	    Inter-American Development Bank         xM 2020	 First x months of 2020
IMF	     International Monetary Fund             yoy	     Year over Year


        he Lebanon Economic Monitor provides             (Senior Economist). Special Focus II: Public Service
        an update on key economic developments           Delivery in the Deliberate Depression, has been led by
        and policies over the past six months. It also   Wissam Harake (Senior Economist), Sameh Mobarak
presents findings from recent World Bank work on         (Senior Energy Specialist), Amal Talbi (Lead Water
Lebanon. The Monitor places them in a longer-term        Resources Management Specialist), Sally Zgheib
and global context and assesses the implications of      (Senior Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist), and
these developments and other changes in policy on        Nathalie Lahire (Senior Economist). The Lebanon
the outlook for Lebanon. Its coverage ranges from        Economic Monitor has been completed under the
the macro-economy to financial markets to indicators     guidance of Christos Kostopoulos (Lead Economist),
of human welfare and development. It is intended for     Eric Le Borgne (Practice Manager) and Saroj Jha
a wide audience, including policy makers, business       (Country Director). Zeina Khalil (Communications
leaders, financial market participants, and the          Officer) is the lead on communications, outreach and
community of analysts and professionals engaged in       publishing.
Lebanon.                                                         The findings, interpretations, and conclusions
       The Lebanon Economic Monitor is a product         expressed in this Monitor are those of World Bank
of the World Bank’s Lebanon Macroeconomics,              staff and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
Trade and Investment (MTI) team. It was prepared         Executive Board of The World Bank or the govern-
by Wissam Harake (Senior Economist), Ibrahim             ments they represent.
Jamali (Consultant) and Naji Abou Hamde                          For information about the World Bank and its
(Economic Analyst) with contributions from Lars          activities in Lebanon, including e-copies of this publi-
Jessen (Lead Debt Specialist), Haocong Ren (Senior       cation, please visit www.worldbank.org.lb
Financial Sector Economist), Zeina El Khoury                     To be included on an email distribution list
(Private Sector Specialist), Angela Elzir Assy (Labor    for this Lebanon Economic Monitor series and
Market Specialist), Ganesh Kumar Seshan (Senior          related publications, please contact Alain Barakat
Economist), Bilal Malaeb (Economist), Fahmina            (abarakat@worldbank.org). For questions and com-
Rahman Dutta (Social Protection Specialist) and          ments on the content of this publication, please
Haneen Ismail Sayed (Lead Operations Officer).           contact Wissam Harake (wharake@worldbank.org)
Special Focus I: FX Subsidy Reform in the Deliberate     or Christos Kostopoulos (ckostopoulos@worldbank.
Depression, has been led by Haneen Ismail Sayed          org). Questions from the media can be addressed to
(Lead Operations Officer), and Wissam Harake             Zeina Khalil (zelkhalil@worldbank.org).


          he Lebanon financial and economic crisis         is less due to knowledge gaps and quality advice
          is likely to rank in the top 10, possibly        and more the result of a combination of (i) a lack of
          top three, most severe crises episodes           political consensus over effective policy initiatives;
globally since the mid-nineteenth century.                 and (ii) political consensus in defense of a bankrupt
This is a conclusion of the Spring 2021 Lebanon            economic system, which benefited a few for so long.
Economic Monitor (LEM) in which the Lebanon crisis         In the face of these challenges, Lebanon lacks a fully-
is contrasted with the most severe global crises           functioning executive authority and is currently in the
episodes as observed by Reinhart and Rogoff (2014)1        process of forming its third Government in a little over
over the 1857–2013 period. In fact, Lebanon’s GDP          a year. This debilitating institutional void has lasted
plummeted from close to US$ 55 billion in 2018 to          over 8 months so far.
an estimated US$ 33 billion in 2020, with US$ GDP/                 The social impact of the crisis, which is
capita falling by around 40 percent. Such a brutal         already dire, could rapidly become catastrophic;
and rapid contraction is usually associated with           more than half the population is likely below
conflicts or wars. Even prior, the World Bank has long     the national poverty line. Those paid in Lebanese
identified Lebanon as a Fragility, Conflict & Violence     Lira—the bulk of the labor force—are seeing potent pur-
(FCV) State, and as such, the dire socio-economic          chasing power declines. Phone surveys conducted in
conditions risk systemic national failings with regional   the end of 2020 by the World Food Program found
and potentially global consequences.2 This illustrates     that 41 percent of households reported challenges
the magnitude of the economic depression that the
country is enduring, with sadly no clear turning point
on the horizon, given the disastrous deliberate policy     1	
                                                                Reinhart, Carmen M. and Kenneth S. Rogoff (2014),
inaction.                                                       Recovery from Financial Crises: Evidence from 100
        In the Fall 2020 LEM, Lebanon’s economic                Episodes, American Economic Review: Papers &
crisis was termed The Deliberate Depression.                    Proceedings 2014, 104(5): 50–55.
For over a year, Lebanese authorities countered an
                                                                In Amin’s Maalouf’s Le Naufrage des Civilisations,
                                                                translated as The Wreckage of Civilizations, the
assailment of compounded crises—namely, the coun-
                                                                Lebanese author highlights how the failings of the
try’s largest peace-time economic and financial crisis,         Levant are propagating into a failing of all civilizations.
COVID-19 and the Port of Beirut explosion—with delib-           Maalouf, Amin (2019), Le Naufrage des Civilisations,
erately inadequate policy responses. The inadequacy             French & European Publications, Inc., April 2, 2019.

      in accessing food and other basic needs. The share                  Real GDP growth is estimated to have con-
      of households having difficulties in accessing health      tracted by 20.3 percent in 2020, on the back of a
      care rose from 25 percent (July-August) to 36 percent      6.7 percent contraction in 2019. In a large part due
      (Nov-Dec). The unemployment rate also rose among           to COVID-19, the tourism sector has been particularly
      the respondents, from 28 percent in February (pre-         hit; tourist arrivals fell by 71.5 percent, (yoy), over the
      COVID) to nearly 40 percent in Nov-Dec.                    first five months of 2020 (5M-2020). Meanwhile, con-
              Lebanon, with a history of civil war and con-      struction permits and cement deliveries (proxies for
      flicts, faces realistic threats to its already fragile     the construction and real estate) suffered respective
      social peace. As previously argued (World Bank,            declines of 26.9 percent (yoy) and 44.7 percent (yoy)
      20163), the key overarching constraints to develop-        over the first 10 months of 2020 (10M-2020).
      ment in Lebanon are i) elite capture hidden behind the              An ostensible improvement in some fiscal
      veil of confessionalism, and ii) conflicts and violence,   indicators (as a percentage of GDP) masks an
      with these two having a symbiotic relationship: they       actual deterioration. Revenues are estimated to
      feed and strive on each other. Demonstrations, while       have declined sharply as a result of the severe eco-
      more modest in numbers, have recently grown angrier,       nomic contraction, with the ratio to GDP falling further
      erupting in cities across Lebanon to protest against       due to an inflation-driven increase in nominal GDP.
      the dire economic conditions; vital routes are being       However, this is more than offset by a larger decline
      cut off causing significant disruptions to mobility and    in current expenditures, which benefited from: lower
      livelihood; increased crime rates threaten personal        interest payments (due to the Eurobond default and
      security; national fragmentation can allow infiltration    a favorable arrangement with BdL on domestic debt);
      of sinister groups with grave security implications.       cuts in transfers; and also a denominator-led GDP
      Hence, there is growing wariness of potential triggers     effect. Hence, while the 2020 overall fiscal balance is
      to social unrest.                                          estimated to have improved by 0.7 percentage points
                                                                 (pp) to reach –4.9 percent of GDP, the primary bal-
                                                                 ance deteriorated by 2.3 pp to –2.8 percent of GDP.
      Recent Economic Developments                                        The sharp economic contraction implied
                                                                 a commensurate drop in imports, and conse-
      Monetary and financial turmoil are driving crisis          quently, an anticipated narrowing of the current
      conditions, more palpably through interactions             account deficit. During 10M-2020, merchandize
      between the exchange rate, narrow money and                imports shrank by 45 percent, which drove a 54.8
      inflation. Acute exchange market pressures in              percent decrease in the trade-in-goods deficit. We
      Lebanese markets are reflected by heavy fluctuations       estimate that the current account deficit fell by 10 pps
      in the US$ banknote exchange rate, which temporarily       to reach 11 percent of GDP in 2020, compared to a
      breached LBP 15,000/US$, before falling back down.         medium-term (2013–2019) average of 22.5 percent of
      This is within the context of a multiple exchange rate     GDP. Nonetheless, the sudden stop in capital inflows
      system, which includes the official exchange (LBP          has implied a steady depletion of foreign exchange
      1,507.5/US$) as well Banque du Liban’s (BdL)               (FX) reserves at BdL, which exacerbates constraints
      platform rate set at LBP 3,900/US$. Overall, the World     on imports.
      Bank Average Exchange Rate (AER) depreciated by                     The burden of the ongoing adjustment/
      129 percent in 2020. Exchange rate pass through            deleveraging in the financial sector is highly
      effects on prices have resulted in surging inflation,      regressive, concentrated on smaller depositors,
      averaging 84.3 percent in 2020. Meanwhile, the stock       the bulk of the labor force and smaller busi-
      of currency in circulation increased by 197 percent,       nesses. De facto lirafication and haircuts on dollar
      even as broad money supply (which includes bank
      deposits) declined, with the latter weighed down by        3	
                                                                      World Bank (2016) “Lebanon Systematic Country
      deleveraging in the financial sector.                           Diagnostic”.

deposits are significant despite BdL’s and banks’          public services: electricity, water supply, sanita-
official commitment to safeguarding deposits. The          tion and education. The Deliberate Depression has
burden of the ongoing adjustment/deleveraging is           further undermined already weak public services via
regressive and concentrated on the smaller deposi-         two effects: (i) it has significantly increased poverty
tors, who lack other source of savings, the local labor    rates expanding the demography that is not able to
force, that is paid in lira, and smaller businesses. The   afford private substitutables (the way citizens had pre-
banking sector is advocating for mechanisms that           viously adapted to abysmal quality of public services),
incorporate state owned assets, gold reserves, and         and are thus more dependent on public services; and
public real estate in order to overhaul their impaired     (ii) threatens financial viability and basic operability
balance sheets. This constitutes a bailout of the          of the sector by raising its costs and lowering its
financial sector and is inconsistent with restructuring    revenues. Specifically,
principles that protect taxpayers and depositors.
These principles include bail in solutions based on        •	 Severe shortage of foreign currency threatens
a hierarchy of creditors, starting with banks share-          termination of private sector contracts for
holders. Government can also apply a wealth tax (on           power plant maintenance and temporary power
financial and real assets) as a tool to progressively         generation. Meanwhile, Electricité du Liban
restructure the financial sector.                             (EdL) revenues, which are in Lebanese pound,
                                                              are shrinking because of increasing technical,
                                                              commercial and collection losses. EdL is likely to
Special Foci                                                  increase rolling blackouts to manage its cashflow
The financial and economic crisis has intensified          •	 In 2020, the Water Establishments (WEs)
Lebanon’s fragility and fragmentation, increasing             witnessed serious depletions in supplies,
the risk to social and civil unrest. The crisis               revenues, and financial and human resources,
has exacerbated long-term national deficiencies               while affected by an upward spiral in costs. Due
including institutional weaknesses, failed economic           to reduced water supply from the WEs in 2020,
and social policy, and dismal public service delivery.        people have had to rely more on other costlier
In such an environment, there is growing weariness            and less convenient water alternatives, such as
of triggers for social unrest. In this LEM, we highlight      water tankers and bottled water, whose prices
two potential economic triggers that are under                have surged.
increased scrutiny, and which can have significant         •	 The breakdown in sanitation services risks
social implications.                                          intensifying the spread of water-borne diseases,
        The first Special Focus examines Lebanon’s            adversely impacting an already vulnerable public
FX subsidy for critical and essential imports,                health.
which offers a serious political and social chal-          •	 Compounded crises have placed Lebanon’s
lenge. On the one hand, the current FX subsidy                education sector under severe strain. The
is both distortionary, expensive and regressive. It           increase in poverty rates is leading to an exodus
exerts considerable stress on Lebanon’s balance of            of students from private to public schools—this
payments. On the other hand, the subsidy prevents             year alone, 54,000 students (11 percent of public
the prices of these products from increasing, which           sector students)—as well as higher student drop-
would exacerbate inflationary-depreciation pressures,         outs, especially from the most marginalized
further striking at residents purchasing power.               households. Further, the most recent school
        The second Special Focus discusses the                closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic have
impact that the crises are having on four basic               effectively cost students a “lost year” of learning.

                                                                                               Executive Summary      xiii
‫ية‪ .‬وقد أظهرت‬
‫مسوحات أجراها برنامج األغذية العاملي عرب الهاتف يف أواخر ‪ 2020‬أن‬
‫د‬‫ية وس ّ‬
                   ‫وتهم الرشائ ّ‬ ‫الساحقة للقوى العاملة — تراجعاً بالغاً يف ق ّ‬

          ‫‪ 41‬يف املئة من األرس يصعب عليها الحصول عىل املواد الغذائ ّ‬
                                                                                        ‫عل األزمة االقتصاديّة واملالية التي ترضب لبنان من بني األزمات‬
                                                                                        ‫يا منذ أواسط‬             ‫ً‬
                                                                                                       ‫وربا من بني األزمات الثالث‪ ،‬األكرث حدة عامل ًّ‬
                                                                                        ‫القرن التاسع عرش‪ .‬إنّها إحدى خالصات تقرير مرصد االقتصاد‬
                                                                                                                                                        ‫العرش‪ّ ،‬‬        ‫ل‬

‫حاجاتها األساسيّة األخرى‪ .‬وارتفعت نسبة األرس التي تواجه صعوبات يف‬                       ‫اللبناين لربيع ‪ ،2021‬الذي يقارن أزمة لبنان مع األزمات العامليّة األكرث‬
‫ية من ‪ 25‬يف املئة (متوز‪/‬يوليو‪-‬آب‪/‬أغسطس)‬                ‫الحصول عىل الرعاية الصح ّ‬        ‫ة وفق رينارت ‪ Reinhart‬وروغوف ‪Rogoff (2014)4‬خالل الحقبة‬                              ‫حد ً‬
‫إىل ‪ 36‬يف املئة (ترشين الثاين‪/‬نوفمرب — كانون األول‪/‬ديسمرب)‪ .‬كام أن‬                      ‫‪ .2013–1857‬يف الواقع‪ ،‬تراجع إجاميل الناتج املحيل يف لبنان من حواىل‬
‫دل البطالة ارتفع يف صفوف املشمولني باملسح‪ ،‬فانتقل من ‪ 28‬يف املئة‬                 ‫مع ّ‬   ‫‪ 55‬مليار د‪.‬أ‪ .‬يف العام ‪ 2018‬إىل حواىل ‪ 33‬مليار د‪.‬أ‪ .‬يف العام ‪،2020‬‬
‫يف شباط‪/‬فرباير (ما قبل كوفيد) إىل حواىل ‪ 40‬يف املئة يف ترشين الثاين‪/‬‬                    ‫مع تراجع إجاميل الناتج املحيل للفرد بالدوالر األمرييك بنسبة حواىل ‪40‬‬
                                                   ‫نوفمرب — كانون األول‪/‬ديسمرب‪.‬‬         ‫با ما يُعزا مثل هذا االنقباض القايس والرسيع إىل نزاعات‬               ‫يف املئة‪ .‬غال ً‬
‫ية‪،‬‬‫يواجه لبنان‪ ،‬وهو ذو تاريخ حافل بالنزاعات والحرب األهل ّ‬                              ‫نف البنك الدويل لبنان عىل أنّه‬            ‫أو حروب‪ .‬وحتى قبل ذلك‪ ،‬لطاملا ص ّ‬
‫الهش أصالً‪ .‬فوفق تقرير التشخيص‬        ‫ية تُهدّ د سلمه االجتامعي ّ‬     ‫مخاطر واقع ّ‬      ‫دد الظروف االقتصاديّة‬         ‫دولة هشاشة‪ ،‬ونزاع‪ ،‬وعنف‪ ،‬وبالتايل‪ ،‬قد تُه ّ‬
‫املنهجي للبنان (البنك الدويل‪ ،) 2016 ،‬يعترب العنرصان التاليان من القيود‬
                                                                                        ‫واالجتامعيّة املرتدية بانهيار وطني منهجي تكون له انعكاسات محتملة‬
‫ية التي ت ُعيق عملية التنمية يف لبنان (‪ )i‬الحكم الطائفي‪ ،‬أي تويل‬             ‫األساس ّ‬   ‫جسد حجم الكساد االقتصادي‬             ‫مم يُ ّ‬ ‫ي االقليمي والعاملي‪ّ ،5‬‬  ‫عىل املستويَ ْ‬
‫الحكم من قبل طبقة نخبوية تستخدم ذريعة الطائفية قناعاً لها و(‪)ii‬‬                         ‫الذي يشهده البلد‪ ،‬من دون بارقة أمل بتغيري تلوح يف األفق‪ ،‬نظرا ً إىل‬
‫النزاعات والعنف الناجامن جزئياً عن رصاعات واسعة النطاق يف منطقة‬                                                            ‫التقاعس املتعمد عن اتخاذ السياسات املالمئة‪.‬‬
‫الرشق األوسط‪ ،‬وهام عنرصان عىل عالقة متكافلة مع بعضهام البعض‪،‬‬                            ‫وصفت األزمة‬      ‫يف تقرير مرصد االقتصاد اللبناين لخريف ‪ُ ،2020‬‬
‫دة غضب التظاهرات‬          ‫يتغذيان وينموان من بعضهام البعض‪ .‬وازدادت ح ّ‬                  ‫مد»‪ .‬عىل مدى‬        ‫رض لها لبنان بأنّها «الكساد املتع ّ‬    ‫االقتصاديّة التي يتع ّ‬
‫جا عىل الظروف االقتصاديّة املرتدية وإن‬           ‫الناشئة يف املدن اللبنانيّة احتجا ً‬    ‫أكرث من عام‪ ،‬كانت السلطات اللبنانية تواجه وابل األزمات املتعاقبة‬
‫مم أعاق‬ ‫عا؛ وقُطعت الطرق الحيويّة‪ّ ،‬‬           ‫كانت أعداد املتظاهرين أكرث تواض ً‬        ‫يام أكرب أزمة مالية واقتصاديّة يشهدها البلد يف زمن السلم‪،‬‬                     ‫— ال س ّ‬
‫دد أمن‬   ‫دل الجرمية يُه ّ‬   ‫التنقّالت وكسب لقمة العيش؛ كام أن ارتفاع مع ّ‬               ‫وكوفيد–‪ ،19‬وانفجار مرفأ بريوت — بسياسات غري مالمئة عمدا ً‪ .‬وال‬
                                                                                        ‫تعود هذه االستجابات غري املالمئة إىل نقص يف املعلومات أو إىل توجيهات‬
‫‪Reinhart, Carmen M. and Kenneth S. Rogoff (2014), Recovery 4‬‬                            ‫دة‪ ،‬منها(‪ )i‬غياب اإلجامع‬          ‫خاطئة‪ ،‬بل هي نتيجة توليفة من عوامل ع ّ‬
‫‪from Financial Crises: Evidence from 100 Episodes, American‬‬                             ‫عالة؛ و(‪ )ii‬االجامع السيايس يف الدفاع‬          ‫السيايس بشأن مبادرات سياسات ف ّ‬
    ‫‪.Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings 2014, 104(5): 50–55‬‬                          ‫دا‪ .‬ويف وجه هذه‬        ‫مفلس‪ ،‬أفاد البعض لفرتة طويلة ج ً‬      ‫عن نظام اقتصادي ُ‬
‫‪ 5‬يف كتاب أمني معلوف ‪ Le Naufrage des Civilisations‬الذي تُرجم يف‬                        ‫التحديات‪ ،‬يفتقر لبنان إىل سلطة تنفيذيّة تعمل بشكل كامل وهو يف طور‬
‫االنجليزيّة إىل ‪ ،The Wreckage of Civilizations‬يُسلّط الكاتب اللبناين الضوء‬             ‫تشكيل حكومته الثالثة يف أكرث من عام واحد بقليل‪ .‬ويستمر هذا الفراغ‬
                ‫عىل فشل الرشق املتفيش الذي يؤدي إىل فشل الحضارات كلّها‪.‬‬
‫& ‪Maalouf, Amin (2019), Le Naufrage des Civilisations, French‬‬
                                                                                                              ‫وق من أكرث من ‪ 8‬أشهر وحتى هذا التاريخ‪.‬‬       ‫املؤسيس املع ّ‬
                            ‫‪.European Publications, Inc., April 2, 2019‬‬                 ‫قد يُصبح األثر االجتامعي لألزمة‪ ،‬الصعب أصالً‪ ،‬مأساويًّا‬
‫‪.”World Bank (2016) “Lebanon Systematic Country Diagnostic 6‬‬                            ‫جح أن يكون أكرث من نصف السكان دون خط الفقر الوطني‪.‬‬                        ‫برسعة؛ يُر َّ‬
                           ‫(البنك الدويل (‪ )2016‬التشخيص املنهجي يف لبنان)‪.‬‬              ‫يشهد الذين يتقاضون رواتبهم وأجورهم باللرية اللبنانية — أي الغالبية‬

      ‫در أن يكون عجز الحساب الجاري قد تراجع ‪ 10‬نقاط مئويّة ليبلغ ‪11‬‬                        ‫نُق ّ‬          ‫الناس الشخيص؛ وقد يسمح التفكّك الوطني باندساس مجموعات ذات‬
      ‫دل عجز‬   ‫ة مع مع ّ‬   ‫يف املئة من إجاميل الناتج املحيل يف العام ‪ ،2020‬مقارن ً‬                                                                             ‫نوايا سيئة‪ّ ،‬‬
                                                                                                          ‫مم يولّد انعكاسات خطرية عىل مستوى األمن‪ .‬وبالتايل يزداد‬
      ‫متوسط األجل (‪ )2019–2013‬نسبته ‪ 22.5‬يف املئة من إجاميل الناتج‬                                        ‫القلق‪ ،‬يف لبنان‪ ،‬من العوامل التي ميكن أن تؤدي إىل اضطرابات اجتامعية‪.‬‬
      ‫املحيل‪ .‬ومع ذلك‪ ،‬أدّى التوقّف املفاجئ يف التدفقات الرأسامليّة الوافدة‬
       ‫إىل تراجع مضطرد الحتياطي مرصف لبنان من العمالت األجنبية‪ّ ،‬‬
                                                                ‫يفاقم القيود عىل الواردات‪.‬‬                                                                                ‫التط ّ‬
                                                                                                                                     ‫ورات املاكرو‪-‬اقتصادية واملالية األخرية‬
      ‫عتب عبء التكيف الجاري‪ /‬تقليص ميزانية القطاع املرصيف‬                     ‫ي َ‬‫ُ‬
      ‫ية الساحقة‬     ‫يا بشكل كبري‪ ،‬يُركّز عىل املودعني الصغار‪ ،‬والغالب ّ‬             ‫تراجع ًّ‬             ‫تضح ذلك بشكل‬           ‫ية والنقديّة ظروف األزمة‪ ،‬و ي ّ‬      ‫تقود االضطرابات املال ّ‬
      ‫عتب ترصيف الودائع إىل اللرية‬         ‫ُ َ‬ ‫ي‬  ‫الصغرية‪.‬‬     ‫واملؤسسات‬    ‫العاملة‪،‬‬    ‫للقوى‬             ‫ية‬‫ّ‬ ‫النقد‬ ‫والكتلة‬      ‫ّم‪،‬‬ ‫خ‬ ‫والتض‬ ‫الرصف‪،‬‬    ‫سعر‬    ‫بني‬ ‫التفاعل‬     ‫ملموس من خالل‬
      ‫اللبنانيّة واالقتطاع من الودائع بالدوالر األمرييك أمرا ً واقعاً‪ ،‬بالرغم من‬                          ‫مبعناها الضيق‪ .‬تنعكس الضغوط الحادة لسوق الرصف عىل األسواق‬
        ‫اإللتزام الرسمي من قبل املصارف ومرصف لبنان بحامية الودائع‪ .‬يُ َ‬
      ‫عتب‬                                                                                                 ‫ية عىل شكل تقلّبات كبرية يف سعر رصف الدوالر األمرييك مقابل‬                     ‫اللبنان ّ‬
      ‫عبء التكيف الجاري‪ /‬تقليص ميزانية القطاع املرصيف تراجعيًّا ويُركّز‬                                   ‫اللرية اللبنانيّة‪ ،‬الذي تجاوز بشكل مؤقت ‪ 15‬ألف لرية لبنانيّة‪ ،‬قبل أن‬
      ‫عىل املودعني الصغار‪ ،‬الذين يفتقرون إىل مصادر ادخار أخرى‪ ،‬والقوى‬                                     ‫ددة تشمل‬     ‫يرتاجع مجددا ً‪ .‬ويندرج ذلك يف سياق نظام أسعار رصف متع ّ‬
      ‫العاملة املحلية التي تتقاىض أجورها ورواتبها باللرية اللبنانيّة‪ ،‬واملؤسسات‬                           ‫سعر الرصف الرسمي (‪ 1‬د‪.‬أ‪ 1507.5 = .‬ل‪.‬ل‪ ،).‬باإلضافة إىل سعر رصف‬
      ‫يات تشمل أصوالً متلكها‬          ‫الصغرية‪ .‬يدعو القطاع املرصيف إىل وضع آل ّ‬                           ‫منصة مرصف لبنان البالغ ‪ 1‬د‪.‬أ‪ 3900 = .‬ل‪.‬ل‪ ،.‬وبشكل عام‪ ،‬تراجع‬
      ‫الدولة‪ ،‬واحتياطي الذهب‪ ،‬والعقارات العامة من أجل إصالح ميزانيّاتهم‬                                   ‫متوسط سعر الرصف الذي يحتسبه البنك الدويل بنسبة ‪ 129‬يف املئة يف‬
      ‫مم يُشكّل عملية إنقاذ من القطاع العام للقطاع املايل‪ ،‬ال‬                  ‫الضعيفة‪ّ ،‬‬                 ‫مم أدّى إىل زيادة‬     ‫العام ‪ .2020‬وأث ّرت تقلّبات سعر الرصف عىل األسعار‪ّ ،‬‬
      ‫تتامىش مع مبادئ إعادة الهيكلة التي تحمي دافعي الرضائب‪ .‬وتشمل‬                                        ‫التضخّم ليبلغ ‪ 84.3‬يف املئة يف العام ‪ .2020‬ويف موازاة ذلك‪ ،‬ازداد مخزون‬
      ‫ية الدائنني‪،‬‬ ‫هذه املبادئ حلول إنقاذ مبشاركة داخل ّية عىل أساس هرم ّ‬                                 ‫العملة املتداولة بنسبة ‪ 197‬يف املئة‪ ،‬حتى بعد تراجع الكتلة النقديّة‬
      ‫يكن للحكومة أن تفرض رضيبة‬                 ‫ءا من املساهمني يف املصارف‪ .‬كام ُ‬         ‫بد ً‬            ‫مبعناها الواسع (التي تشمل الودائع املرصفيّة)‪ ،‬والتي تأث ّرت بدورها‬
      ‫ية) كأداة من أجل إعادة‬       ‫ّ‬ ‫املال‬  ‫واألصول‬    ‫ة‬‫ّ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫العقار‬ ‫األصول‬ ‫(عىل‬  ‫الرثوات‬  ‫عىل‬                                                                ‫بتقليص ميزانية القطاع املرصيف‪.‬‬
                                                      ‫هيكلة القطاع املايل بشكل تقدمي‪.‬‬                     ‫يُقدَّ ر تقلّص منو إجاميل الناتج املحيل الحقيقي بنسبة ‪20.3‬‬
                                                                                                          ‫يف املئة يف العام ‪ ،2020‬إثر تقلّص بنسبة ‪ 6.7‬يف املئة يف العام ‪.2019‬‬
                                                                                                          ‫رض قطاع السياحة إىل رضبة قويّة بشكل خاص‪ ،‬ناجمة إىل حد‬                       ‫وقد تع ّ‬
                                                                  ‫مجاالت الرتكيز الخاصة‬                   ‫بعيد عن كوفيد – ‪19‬؛ وتراجع عدد املسافرين الوافدين بنسبة ‪ 71.5‬يف‬
                                                                                                          ‫املئة (من سنة ألخرى)‪ ،‬عىل مدى األشهر الخمسة األوىل من العام ‪2020‬‬
      ‫ية من هشاشة لبنان وتفكّكه‪ ،‬مام زاد من‬                        ‫زادت األزمة املالية واالقتصاد ّ‬        ‫يات تسليم‬     ‫(‪ .)5M-2020‬ويف موازاة ذلك‪ ،‬شهدت تراخيص البناء وعمل ّ‬
      ‫خطر االضطرابات املدنية واالجتامعية‪ .‬وزادت األزمة من أوجه الخلل‬                                       ‫االسمنت‪ ،‬وهي من مؤرشات أنشطة قطاعي البناء والعقارات‪ ،‬تراج ً‬
      ‫ية‬  ‫ية‪ ،‬والسياسة االجتامع ّ‬            ‫الطويلة األمد‪ ،‬مبا يف ذلك مكامن الضعف املؤسس ّ‬               ‫سنويًا قدره ‪ 26.9‬و‪ 44.7‬يف املئة عىل التوايل‪ ،‬خالل األشهر العرشة األوىل‬
      ‫واالقتصاديّة الفاشلة‪ ،‬والخدمات العامة السيئة‪ .‬ويف ظل هذا السياق‪،‬‬                                                                                       ‫من العام ‪.)10M-2020( 2020‬‬
      ‫يزداد القلق‪ ،‬يف لبنان‪ ،‬من العوامل التي ميكن أن تؤدي إىل اضطرابات‬                                    ‫تحسن ظاهري يف بعض املؤرشات املالية‬               ‫يخفي ّ‬        ‫يف الواقع‪ُ ،‬‬
      ‫َي‬ ‫ي محتمل ْ‬     ‫اجتامعية‪ .‬يف هذا التقرير‪ ،‬نسلّط الضوء عىل محركّني اقتصاديَّ ْ‬                      ‫در تراجع‬           ‫را فعل ًّ‬
                                                                                                                    ‫يا‪ .‬يُق َّ‬         ‫(كنسبة مئويّة من إجاميل الناتج املحيل) تدهو ً‬
        ‫ية ملحوظة‪.‬‬         ‫يكن أن يكون لهام انعكاسات اجتامع ّ‬                ‫قيد التدقيق املتزايد‪ُ ،‬‬      ‫االيرادات بشكل حاد نتيجة االنقباض االقتصادي الشديد‪ ،‬مع تراجع‬
      ‫ينظر مجال الرتكيز األول يف دعم الرصف األجنبي يف لبنان‬                                               ‫النسبة إىل إجاميل الناتج املحيل بشكل أكرب بسبب زيادة إجاميل الناتج‬
      ‫ياً‪.‬‬        ‫يا وسياس ًّ‬
           ‫يا جدّ ّ‬               ‫يا اجتامع ًّ‬  ‫مة‪ ،‬والذي يشكّل تحد ً‬     ‫ية وامله ّ‬‫للواردات األساس ّ‬     ‫املحيل اإلسمي الناجمة عن التضخّم‪ .‬لكن‪ ،‬يُقابل ذلك تراجع أكرب يف‬
      ‫عتب دعم الرصف األجنبي الحايل تشويهيًّا‪ ،‬ومكلفًا‪ ،‬وتراجعيًّا‪.‬‬                       ‫من جهة‪ ،‬يُ َ‬     ‫مم ييل‪ :‬انخفاض تسديدات الفوائد‬              ‫النفقات الجارية‪ ،‬التي تستفيد ّ‬
      ‫فهو يشكل ضغوطًا كبرية عىل ميزان املدفوعات يف لبنان‪ .‬ومن جهة أخرى‪،‬‬                                   ‫(بسبب عدم سداد اليوروبوندز وبسبب ترتيب مالئم مع مرصف لبنان‬
      ‫مم يزيد من ضغوط‬                    ‫يحول الدعم دون زيادة أسعار هذه املنتجات‪ّ ،‬‬                       ‫د من التحويالت؛ باإلضافةهنا أيضاً إىل أثر‬             ‫بشأن الدين املحيل)؛ والح ّ‬
      ‫ية للمواطنني‪.‬‬          ‫ّ‬  ‫رش‬
                               ‫ائ‬     ‫ال‬  ‫د أكرث من القدرة‬  ‫التضخّم‪-‬انخفاض قيمة العملة‪ ،‬فيح ّ‬             ‫ارتفاع إجاميل الناتج املحيل (الذي يؤدي إىل انخفاض النسبة)‪ .‬وبالتايل‪،‬‬
      ‫رق مجال الرتكيز الثاين إىل وقع األزمات عىل أربع خدمات‬                            ‫ويتط ّ‬             ‫تحسن امليزان املايل الكيل للعام ‪ 2020‬بقدر ‪ 0.7‬نقطة مئوية ليبلغ‬               ‫مع ّ‬
      ‫ية‪ :‬الكهرباء‪ ،‬وإمدادات املياه‪ ،‬والرصف الصحي‪ ،‬والتعليم‪.‬‬                                ‫عامة أساس ّ‬   ‫‪ -4.9‬يف املئة من إجاميل الناتج املحيل‪ ،‬تراجع الرصيد األويل ‪ 2.3‬نقطة‬
      ‫مد بشكل أكرب الخدمات العامة الضعيفة أصالً‬                         ‫فقد أضعف الكساد املتع ّ‬                                           ‫مئويّة إىل ‪ -2.8‬يف املئة من إجاميل الناتج املحيل‪.‬‬
      ‫فتوسع بشكل ملحوظ عدد‬                    ‫ّ‬     ‫الفقر‬  ‫الت‬  ‫د‬
                                                                ‫ّ‬ ‫مع‬   ‫زيادة‬    ‫ريْن‪)i( :‬‬ ‫من خالل أث َ‬    ‫أدى االنقباض االقتصادي الحاد إىل تراجع متناسب يف الواردات‪،‬‬              ‫ّ‬
       ‫السكان غري القادرين عىل تكبّد كلفة الخدمات البديلة الخاصة (السبل‬                                   ‫وبالتايل‪ ،‬من املنتظر أن يؤدي إىل تقلّص يف عجز الحساب الجاري‪ .‬خالل‬
       ‫ية الخدمات العامة‬               ‫يف مع نوع ّ‬    ‫التي اعتمدها املواطنون يف السابق للتك ّ‬             ‫األشهر العرشة األوىل من العام ‪ ،2020‬تقلّصت واردات السلع بنسبة ‪45‬‬
       ‫املرتدية)‪ ،‬فباتوا يعتمدون بالتايل بشكل أكرب عىل الخدمات العامة؛ و(‪)ii‬‬                              ‫عا يف عجز التجارة يف السلع قدره ‪ 54.8‬يف املئة‪.‬‬             ‫مم ولّد تراج ً‬ ‫يف املئة‪ّ ،‬‬

‫التكاليف‪ .‬وبسبب تراجع إمدادات املياه من مؤسسات املياه يف العام‬                           ‫تهديد االستمراربة املالية للقطاع وعمله األسايس من خالل زيادة‬
‫ة وأقل‬ ‫‪ ،2020‬كان عىل املواطنني االعتامد عىل بدائل أخرى أكرث كلف ً‬                                                             ‫تكاليفه وخفض إيراداته‪.‬‬
‫مالءمةً‪ ،‬عىل غرار صهاريج املياه وقوارير املياه‪ ،‬التي ارتفعت أسعارها‪.‬‬                                                            ‫وبشكل خاص‪،‬‬
‫دد تراجع خدمات الرصف الصحي بزيادة انتشار األمراض املنقولة‬                      ‫	•يُه ّ‬
              ‫با عىل الصحة العامة الهشّ ة أصالً‪.‬‬   ‫ً‬ ‫سل‬   ‫ّر‬ ‫ث‬‫يؤ‬    ‫مم‬
                                                                     ‫ّ‬  ‫املياه‪،‬‬  ‫يف‬      ‫ية بإنهاء عقود القطاع الخاص‬                                      ‫	•يُه ّ‬
                                                                                                                         ‫دد االفتقار الحاد للعمالت األجنب ّ‬
‫	•شكّلت األزمات املتعاقبة ضغوطًا كبرية عىل قطاع التعليم يف لبنان‪.‬‬                        ‫لصيانة محطات توليد الطاقة الكهربائيّة وتوليد الطاقة املؤقت‪ .‬ويف‬
‫دالت الفقر إىل نزوح جامعي للطالب من املدارس‬                ‫تؤدي زيادة مع ّ‬               ‫الوقت نفسه‪ ،‬تتقلّص إيرادات رشكة كهرباء لبنان‪ ،‬التي هي باللرية‬
‫الخاصة إىل املدارس الرسمية — بلغ هذا العام وحده ‪54000‬‬                                    ‫اللبنانيّة‪ ،‬بسبب الخسائر الفنية والتجاريّة املتزايدة وتلك املرتبطة‬
‫دل‬ ‫تلميذ (‪ 11‬يف املئة من تالمذة القطاع العام) – باإلضافة إىل مع ّ‬                        ‫بالجباية‪ .‬ويُتوقَّع أن تزيد مؤسسة كهرباء لبنان من فرتات التأنني يف‬
‫رسب مدريس أعىل‪ ،‬ال سيّام من األرس األكرث تهميشً ا‪ .‬إىل ذلك‪ ،‬خرس‬               ‫ت ّ‬                ‫التغذية بالتيار الكهربايئ إلدارة القصور يف تدفقاتها النقديّة‪.‬‬
 ‫ً‬ ‫مؤخ‬   ‫أبوابها‬  ‫املدارس‬   ‫إقفال‬  ‫مع‬ ‫ّم‬ ‫ل‬ ‫التع‬   ‫من‬  ‫ا‬ ‫م‬
                                                        ‫ً‬ ‫عا‬   ‫ً‬ ‫ا‬ ‫فعلي‬  ‫التالمذة‬        ‫	•يف العام ‪ ،2020‬افتقرت مؤسسات املياه إىل اإلمدادات وااليرادات‬
                                                ‫بسبب جائحة كوفيد‪.-19‬‬                     ‫واملوارد البرشية واملاليّة بشكل خطر‪ ،‬يف ما شهدت زيادة مضطردة يف‬

                                                                                                                                                        ‫الموجز‬      ‫‪xvii‬‬

        a crise économique et financière qui sévit            an, les autorités libanaises ont été assaillies par une
        au Liban est probablement l’une des dix,              série de crises successives — à savoir, la plus grande
        voire l’une des trois pires crises que le             crise financière et économique du pays en temps de
monde ait connu depuis le milieu du XIXe  siècle.             paix, la COVID-19 et l’explosion du Port de Beyrouth
Telle est la conclusion de l’édition Printemps 2021 de        — auxquelles ils ont apporté des réponses politiques
l’Observatoire économique du Liban (ou LEM, pour              délibérément inadéquates. Inadéquations qui mal-
Lebanon Economic Monitor), dans laquelle la crise au          heureusement ne proviennent pas d’un manque
Liban est considérée comme l’une des crises mondiales         d’informations ou de mauvaises directives mais d’une
les plus sévères au regard de la liste établie par Reinhart   combinaison (i) d’un manque de consensus politique
et Rogoff (2014)7 durant la période 18572013. En effet,       à l’égard d’initiatives de politiques effectives  ; et
le PIB du Liban a chuté de 55  milliards de dollars en        (ii) d’un consensus politique qui défend un système
2018 à environ 33  milliards de dollars en 2020, avec         économique en faillite — un système qui a profité à
une baisse d’environ 40 % du PIB par habitant. Une            certains pendant longtemps. Face à ces défis, le pays
telle contraction, si brutale et rapide, est d’habitude       est actuellement doté d’un pouvoir exécutif qui n’est
attribuée à des conflits ou des guerres. La Banque            pas pleinement fonctionnel, attendant la formation
mondiale a longtemps considéré le Liban, et ce, bien          de son troisième gouvernement en un peu plus d’un
avant la crise, comme un pays en situation de fragilité,      an, et est paralysé par un vide institutionnel qui dure
conflit et violence (FCV). À ce titre, il est possible que    depuis plus de 8 mois.
les conditions socio-économiques difficiles que connaît               L’impact social de la crise, déjà désastreux,
le pays risquent d’entraîner une faillite systémique à        peut rapidement devenir catastrophique; plus de
l’échelle nationale, avec d’éventuelles conséquences          la moitié de la population serait en-dessous du
mondiales.8 Ceci illustre la magnitude de la dépression
économique que le pays subit, et, malheureusement,            7	
                                                                   Reinhart, Carmen M. and Kenneth S. Rogoff (2014),
le fait qu’aucune perspective de changement ne soit                Recovery from Financial Crises: Evidence from 100
à l’horizon eu égard à l’inaction désastreuse mais                 Episodes, American Economic Review: Papers &
                                                                   Proceedings 2014, 104(5): 50–55.
néanmoins choisie des politiques.                             8	
                                                                   Dans l’ouvrage d’Amin Maalouf (2019), Le Naufrage des
        Dans l’édition Automne 2020 du LEM, la                     Civilisations, l’Académicien et auteur libanais montre
crise économique que traverse le Liban a été qua-                  comment les échecs du Levant se transforment en un
lifié de Dépression Délibérée. Pendant plus d’un                   échec de toutes les civilisations.

     seuil national de pauvreté. Ceux qui sont payés en        et l’augmentation rapide de la masse monétaire,
     livres libanaises — soit la majorité de la main-d’œuvre   sont des conditions génératrices de crises.
     — ont vu et voient leur pouvoir d’achat se rétrécir       Les sévères pressions du marché de change sur
     comme une peau de chagrin. Selon des sondages             les marchés libanais sont illustrées par de lourdes
     téléphoniques menés fin 2020 par le Programme             fluctuations du taux de change de la livre face au
     alimentaire mondial  (PAM), 41 % des ménages ont          dollar américain, qui a temporairement dépassé
     rapporté des difficultés à accéder à la nourriture        LBP 15 000/US$, avant de baisser à nouveau. Ceci
     et à d’autres besoins fondamentaux. La part des           s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un système à taux de change
     ménages connaissant des difficultés à accéder aux         multiples, qui comprend le taux de change officiel à
     services de santé est passée de 25 % en juillet-août à    LBP 1 507,5/US$, ainsi que celui de la plateforme
     36 % en novembre-décembre. Le taux de chômage a           de la Banque du Liban (BdL) à LBP 3 900/US$. En
     également augmenté parmi les répondants, passant          général, le taux de change effectif moyen calculé
     de 28 % en février (avant la COVID) à environ 40 % en     par la Banque mondiale (AER) a baissé de 129 %
     novembre-décembre.                                        en 2020. L’impact des fluctuations des taux de
             Le Liban, historiquement touché par les           change sur les prix a provoqué une recrudescence
     conflits et la guerre civile, est confronté à des         de l’inflation, enregistrant une moyenne de 84,3 % en
     menaces réalistes qui mettent en danger sa                2020. En parallèle, le stock de monnaie en circulation
     paix sociale déjà fragile. Comme il a été mis en          a augmenté de 197 %, même si la masse monétaire
     évidence par le passé (Banque mondiale, 20169), les       au sens large (qui comprend les dépôts bancaires)
     principales contraintes au développement au Liban         s’est réduite en raison du désendettement du secteur
     sont i) l’accaparement des ressources par l’élite,        financier.
     sous couvert de confessionnalisme et ii) les conflits             La croissance du PIB réel a connu une
     et la violence — ces deux facteurs entretenant une        contraction de 20,3 % en 2020, aggravant celle
     relation symbiotique, l’un se nourrissant de l’autre      déjà importante de 6.7 % observée en 2019. Le
     pour se développer mutuellement. La colère des            secteur du tourisme a été particulièrement touché,
     manifestations, bien que plus modestes en nombre,         en grande partie en raison de la COVID-19  ; les
     est récemment montée d’un cran, émergeant dans            arrivées de touristes ont baissé de 71,5 %, (d’une
     des villes à travers le Liban pour protester contre       année sur l’autre), durant les cinq premiers mois de
     les conditions économiques exsangues. De ce fait,         2020 (5M-2020). Dans le même temps, les permis
     l’accès à des routes vitales est coupé, entraînant des    de construction et les livraisons de ciment (moyens
     interruptions prolongées qui entravent la mobilité et     intermédiaires pour la construction et l’immobilier)
     réduisent plus encore les moyens de subsistance ;         ont baissé de 26,9 % (d’une année sur l’autre) et de
     l’augmentation des taux de criminalité menace la          44,7 % (d’une année sur l’autre) durant les dix pre-
     sécurité des personnes ; et la fragmentation nationale    miers mois de 2020 (10M-2020).
     peut permettre l’infiltration de groupes menaçants, ce            Une amélioration apparente de certains
     qui aurait des implications graves sur la sécurité du     indicateurs fiscaux (en pourcentage du PIB)
     pays. Les politiciens-timoniers du Liban, bloquant la     masque une détérioration effective et notoire.
     barre du pays, le rapprochent ainsi inexorablement        Les revenus ont baissé de manière significative
     de récifs meurtriers et d’un naufrage tragique.           en raison d’une sévère contraction économique,
                                                               le ratio au PIB se détériorant davantage à cause
                                                               d’une augmentation du PIB nominal due à l’inflation
     Les récents développements                                galopante. Toutefois, cette situation est largement
     économiques                                               compensée par une baisse plus importante des

     Les turbulences monétaires et financières, et             9	
                                                                    World Bank (2016) “Lebanon Systematic Country
     plus concrètement le taux de change, l’inflation               Diagnostic”.

dépenses courantes, ayant bénéficié des éléments             des principes de restructuration visant à protéger les
suivants  : des paiements d’intérêts inférieurs (en          contribuables et les déposants. Ces principes com-
raison du défaut de paiement des Eurobonds et d’un           prennent des solutions de cautionnement basées
arrangement favorable, bien qu’illusoire au niveau du        sur une hiérarchie de créditeurs, à commencer par
secteur publique consolidé, avec la BdL concernant           les actionnaires des banques. Le gouvernement peut
la dette intérieure) ; des baisses de transferts ; et d’un   également imposer un impôt sur la fortune (actifs
PIB sur la base d’un dénominateur. Ainsi, alors que le       financiers et biens immobiliers) comme moyen de res-
solde budgétaire global de 2020 a progressé de 0,7           tructurer de manière progressive le secteur financier.
point de pourcentage (pp) pour atteindre –4,9 % du
PIB, le solde primaire a régressé de 2,3 pp, atteignant
–2.8 % du PIB.                                               Les champs d’intérêt particuliers
        La contraction économique accrue signifie
une baisse conséquente des importations, et                  La crise économique et financière a accentué la
donc, une réduction anticipée du déficit du compte           fragilité et la fragmentation du Liban, augmentant
courant. Durant les dix premiers mois de 2020                ainsi le risque de mécontentement social et civil.
(10M-2020), les importations de marchandises ont             La crise a exacerbé les déficiences nationales à
régressé de 45 %, provoquant une baisse de 54,8 %            long terme, y compris les fragilités institutionnelles,
du déficit lié aux échanges de biens. Nous estimons          la politique socioéconomique tenue en échec
que le déficit du compte courant a baissé de 10              et la mauvaise prestation des services publics.
points de pourcentage pour atteindre 11 % du PIB en          Dans un tel contexte, le pays connaît une lassitude
2020, à comparer avec la moyenne à moyen terme               grandissante face à d’éventuels facteurs susceptibles
(2013–2019) de 22.5 % du PIB. Toutefois, l’arrêt sou-        de déclencher un mécontentement social. Dans cette
dain et soutenu des flux de capitaux entrants signifie       édition du LEM, nous mettons l’accent sur deux
un épuisement continu des réserves de change (FX)            éventuels éléments déclencheurs qui sont de plus en
à la BdL, accentuant par là-même les contraintes sur         plus l’objet d’une attention particulière, et qui auraient
les importations.                                            des implications sociales de grande envergure.
        Le fardeau de l’ajustement en cours/du                       Le premier champ d’intérêt particulier
désendettement dans le secteur financier est                 concerne la bonification des réserves étrangères
particulièrement régressif, concentré sur de                 au Liban pour les importations essentielles
petits déposants, la plus grande majorité de la              et critiques, ce qui constitue un véritable défi
maind’œuvre, et des entreprises de taille plus               sociopolitique. D’une part, en plus d’être onéreuse
modeste. De facto, la « lirafication » et les « haircuts »   et régressive, la bonification des réserves étrangères
(les « ponctions ») sur les dépôts en dollars sont           a présentement un effet de distorsion et exerce en
importants, malgré l’engagement officiel de la Bdl et        outre des pressions considérables sur la balance des
des banques à sauvegarder les dépôts. Le fardeau             paiements du Liban. D’autre part, elle empêche une
de l’ajustement en cours/du désendettement dans              augmentation du prix de ces produits, ce qui accen-
le secteur financier est particulièrement régressif          tuerait les pressions générées par l’inflation et la
et concentré sur de petits déposants qui n’ont pas           dépréciation et porterait un coup au pouvoir d’achat
d’autres sources d’épargne, une maind’œuvre locale           de la population.
rémunérée en livres libanaises et des entreprises de                 Le deuxième champ d’intérêt particulier
taille plus modeste. Le secteur bancaire appelle à la        porte sur l’impact que les crises ont sur quatre
mise en place de mécanismes qui tiennent compte              services publics de base : l’électricité, l’eau, les
des biens de l’État, des réserves en or et des actifs        services sanitaires et l’éducation. La Dépression
immobiliers publics afin de rétablir l’équilibre de          Délibérée a davantage fragilisé les services publics
ses bilans déficients. Il s’agit d’un renflouement du        déjà vulnérables de deux façons : (i) elle a augmenté
secteur financier qui ne s’inscrit pas dans le cadre         de manière significative les taux de pauvreté,

                                                                                                               Résumé     xxi
       élargissant ainsi la portion de la population n’ayant         en eau, de revenus et de ressources financières
       pas les moyens de se payer des biens et services              et humaines, qui est venue s’ajouter à la
       privés de substitution (ce qui était la manière dont la       flambée des coûts. En 2020, en raison de cet
       population s’était auparavant adaptée à la prestation         approvisionnement limité, la population a été
       de services publics de mauvaise qualité) et étant, par        obligée de recourir à d’autres alternatives plus
       conséquent, davantage dépendante des services                 onéreuses et moins pratiques, telles que les
       publics ; et (ii) elle menace la viabilité financière et      citernes d’eau et l’eau en bouteille, dont les prix
       l’opérabilité fondamentale du secteur en augmentant           se sont envolés.
       ses coûts et en baissant ses revenus. L’on retient plus    •	 La dégradation des services d’assainissement
       particulièrement les éléments suivants :                      risque d’intensifier la propagation de maladies
                                                                     transmises par l’eau, ce qui affectera de manière
       •	 Une sévère pénurie de devises étrangères                   négative la santé publique déjà vulnérable.
          menace la résiliation des contrats du secteur           •	 Les crises successives auxquelles le Liban a été
          privé pour l’entretien des centrales électriques           confronté ont exercé de sévères pressions sur
          et la génération provisoire d’électricité. Dans le         le secteur de l’éducation. En raison des taux de
          même temps, les revenus d’Électricité du Liban             pauvreté élevés, les élèves ont abandonné les
          (EdL), qui sont en livres libanaises, ont été réduits      écoles privées au profit des écoles publiques —
          considérablement en raison des pertes techniques           cette année seulement, 54 000 élèves (11 % des
          et commerciales et du manque de paiements                  élèves du secteur public). À noter également :
          collectés. Il se pourrait donc qu’EdL augmente             un taux d’abandon scolaire plus élevé,
          ses coupures de courant rotatives afin de pouvoir          particulièrement au sein des ménages les plus
          gérer son manque de flux de trésorerie.                    marginalisés. En outre, la récente fermeture des
       •	 En 2020, les Offices des Eaux ont connu une                écoles en raison de la COVID-19 a fait perdre aux
          grave pénurie en matière d’approvisionnement               élèves une année d’apprentissage.


        ebanon faces a dangerous depletion of               the local labor force and smaller businesses. De
        resources, including human capital since            facto Lirafication and haircuts on dollar deposits are
        brain drain has become an increasingly              ongoing despite BdL’s and banks’ official commit-
desperate option. Over a year into the financial crisis,    ment to safeguarding deposits. The burden of the
Lebanon has yet to identify, least of all embark upon, a    ongoing adjustment/deleveraging is regressive
credible path toward economic and financial recovery.       and concentrated on the smaller depositors who
In fact, Lebanon lacks a fully-functioning executive        lack other source of savings, the local labor force
authority and is currently in the process of forming        that is paid in LBP, and smaller businesses. The
its third Government in a little over a year. Meanwhile,    banking sector is advocating for mechanisms that
social discontent has spilled over to street action         incorporate state-owned assets, gold reserves, and
even under COVID-19 conditions; internal political          public real estate in order to overhaul their impaired
discord and fragmentation continues; and geopolitical       balance sheets. This constitutes a bailout of the
tensions complicate solutions. In consequence, highly       financial sector and is inconsistent with the restruc-
skilled labor is increasingly likely to take up potential   turing principles that protect taxpayers. These
opportunities abroad, constituting a permanent social       principles include bail in solutions based on a hier-
and economic loss for the country.                          archy of creditors, starting with banks’ shareholders.
        Lebanese authorities and the IMF began              Government can also apply a wealth tax (on financial
discussions in May 2020. The discussions even-              and real assets) as a tool to progressively restructure
tually stalled as differences and inconsistencies           the financial sector.
emerged within the Lebanon team regarding the                      Lebanon urgently needs to adopt and
Government’s financial recovery program. IMF dis-           implement a credible, comprehensive and coor-
cussions await the formation of new Government.             dinated macro-financial stability strategy, within
        The burden of the ongoing adjustment/               a medium-term macro-fiscal framework. This
deleveraging in the financial sector is highly              strategy would be based on: (i) a debt restructuring
regressive, concentrated on smaller depositors,             program that would achieve short-term fiscal space

    and medium-term debt sustainability; (ii) comprehen-     confidence and stability in the exchange rate; (iv) a
    sively restructuring the financial sector in order to    phased fiscal adjustment aimed at regaining confi-
    regain solvency of the banking sector; (iii) adopting    dence in fiscal policy; (v) growth enhancing reforms;
    a new monetary policy framework that would regain        and (vi) enhanced social protection.


Output and Demand                                          is the lowest PMI recorded since it was first published
                                                           in 2013 (see Box 1 for the impact on firms and labor
The compounded crises, namely, the financial               market). Meanwhile, the real estate sector has been
crisis, COVID-19 and the Port of Beirut (PoB)              subject to two offsetting factors; on the one hand, con-
explosion, have had staggered impacts on                   struction permits and cement deliveries—considered
output and with differentiated magnitudes. Due to          to be indicators of future and ongoing construction,
insufficient high frequency data, precise identification   respectively—suffered respective declines of 26.9
of each of those impacts is a challenging task. In         percent (yoy) and 44.7 percent (yoy) over 10M-2020.
order to draw empirical conclusions, we resort to a        On the other hand, throughout 2020 real estate
combination of methodologies and models. To gauge          sales thrived as some depositors sought means to
the impact of financial crisis along with COVID-19         utilize their otherwise untransferable bank deposits.13
effects, we use Mixed-Data Sampling (MIDAS)
methods to assess the state of the economic cycle          10	
                                                                 World Bank (2020), Beirut Rapid Damage and Needs
using available high frequency measures of economic              Assessment, August 2020.
activity (See Annex A). The World Bank had earlier
                                                                 According to the RDNA, the disaster event is estimated to
                                                                 cause (i) up to 0.4 and 0.6 percentage point (pp) declines in
estimated the economic impact of the PoB explosion
                                                                 the growth rate of real GDP in 2020 and 2021, respectively,
through a Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment                      due to losses in the stock of physical capital; plus potentially
(RDNA).10,11                                                     (ii) import constraints that could subtract an additional of 0.4
        Real GDP is estimated to have contracted                 and 1.3 pps from growth in 2020 and 2021, respectively.
by 20.3 percent in 2020 (Figure 1).12 High frequency       12	
                                                                 This represents a slight downward revision from the Fall
indicators support a substantial contraction in eco-             2020 LEM which projected a 19.2 percent contraction in
                                                                 real GDP growth for 2020.
nomic activity. BLOM’s monthly Purchasing Manager’s        13	
                                                                 The financial sector facilitated real estate purchases using
Index (PMI), which captures private sector activity,             pre-October 2019 dollar deposits under conditions of capital
averaged 41.1 over 2020—PMI values below 50 rep-                 controls (and therefore, lack of alternatives to get those
resent a contraction in economic activity. In fact, this         deposits out), leading to an increase in such purchases.

               While the Contraction in Real GDP
    FIGURE 1 •                                                                    Net Exports are Expected to be the
                                                                        FIGURE 2 • 
               Commenced in 2018, it Accelerated                                   Sole Positive Contributor to Real GDP
               Sharply in 2020
                                                                                                        Real GDP Components
                                    Real GDP Growth (%)                    15
        20                                                                 10








         5                    3.9







        –5                                                                –25

      –10                                                                 –30
      –15                                                                        2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020e
                                                                                  Private Consumption                  Government Consumption

             2020 –20.3
      –25                                                                         Gross Fixed Capital Investment       Net Exports
                                                                                  Statistical Discrepancy              Real GDP Growth

    Sources: CAS and WB staff calculations.                             Sources: CAS and WB staff calculations.

    Real estate registration fees increased by 104.8                    Fiscal Developments
    percent in 2020. The retail sector suffered siz-
    able losses, due to a combination of the financial                  An ostensible improvement in fiscal indicators
    crisis and the COVID-19 lockdown measures. BTA                      (as a percentage of GDP) masks an actual
    Fransabank retail trade index (in real terms) declined              deterioration. While both revenue and expenditure
    by 73.1 percent over the first nine months of 2020                  sharply contracted as a ratio of GDP due to the
    (9M-2020).                                                          crisis, the net impact on the overall fiscal balance
           On the demand side, net exports was the                      was positive. Revenues are estimated to have
    sole contributor to growth in 2020, for the second                  reached 11.5 percent of GDP in 2020, down by a
    year in a row (Figure 2). According to Custom’s data,               staggering 9.1 pp of GDP from the previous year.
    the merchandise trade deficit was reduced by 54.8                   This deterioration was the result of a two-pronged
    percent (yoy) over the first 11 months of 2020 (11M-                development. First, depressed economic activity
    2020), benefitting from a 45.4 percent (yoy) retraction             induced significant reductions in tax and non-tax
    in imports and despite a 4.2 percent (yoy) decrease                 revenues in nominal terms. Second, a substantial
    in exports. The improving merchandise trade balance                 increase in nominal GDP—as a sharp increase in
    has been partially offset by a deterioration in the                 the GDP deflator more than offset the contraction in
    trade in services balance, as a result of COVID-19’s                real economic activity—created a denominator effect,
    substantial impact on the tourist sector; tourist arrivals          adding to the sharp decline of revenues as a percent
    decreased by 71.5 percent (yoy) in the first five                   of GDP. Similarly, expenditures are estimated to have
    months of 2020, and hotel occupancy rate (published                 fallen to 16.4 percent of GDP in 2020, down by a
    by Ernst & Young) averaged a mere 16.6 percent                      mammoth 14.8 pp of GDP compared to 2019. This
    over 9M-2020. Similarly, private consumption, which                 fall is primarily attributed to a decrease in current
    averaged 92.3 percent of GDP over 2015–2018, is                     expenditures, which benefited from: lower debt-
    estimated to have taken a severe blow in 2020; Byblos               servicing costs due to the default on foreign debt;
    Bank/AUB’s consumer confidence index declined                       a favorable arrangement with BdL on its holding
    by 65.1 percent in 9M-2020, compared to the same                    of Treasury Bonds (TBs); lower transfers; and a
    period in 2019.                                                     denominator-led GDP effect. As a result, overall fiscal


Impact on Firms
The World Bank conducts Enterprise Surveys regularly in active member countries. It conducted one such survey in Lebanon in 2019/2020;
this happened to be a pre-crisis survey, as the country would be subsequently hit by compounded crises—the financial crisis, COVID-19 and
the August 4th explosion at the Port of Beirut (PoB). To assess the impact on firms from these crises, a follow up survey was conducted in
Lebanon in November 2020.
From the surveys, we find that almost one out of five firms originally surveyed are confirmed or assumed permanently closed,c
manufacturing firms that remain open are operating at 35 percent of capacity, and almost half of the firms have been affected by the PoB
explosion. As illustrated by Figure 3, 16.6 percent of firms surveyed are confirmed or assumed permanently closed, while 72 percent
have been temporarily closed at some point since the beginning of the pandemic due to Covid-19, with a 10 week average closure period.
Further, 46 percent of all surveyed firms—both in Beirut and elsewhere—have been affected by the August 4 explosion either directly or
indirectly. In fact, 22 percent of firms had to close temporarily because of the explosion and 17 percent experienced interruption of their
supply chain.
Four out of five firms say their sales declined significantly together              Firm Status
                                                                         FIGURE 3 • 
with demand. Since the beginning of the financial crisis (October
2019), 79 percent of firms surveyed reduced sales (nominal)               100%
by an average of 69 percent, with small firms bearing a greater            90%     19%      15%                18%
                                                                                                                             31%                  29%      29%
impact. In reflection, firms reported a 74 percent drop in (real)          80%
demand for their products and services. The lack of demand is              70%
affecting the manufacturing sector the most severely; 81 percent           60%              62%                                        62%
                                                                                   60%                         63%
of surveyed manufacturing firms reported a drop in sales that is           50%                                               45%
equivalent to 70 percent on average. Exporters were also hit               40%                                                                    56%      66%
hard. One out of four firms reported an average 70 percent drop            30%
                                                                                                                              4%       6%
in exports. However, 20 firms were able to increase their exports;         20%     5%         7%                3%
                                                                                                                             21%                  3%
half of these firms were in the manufacturing sector, mainly food          10%     17%      16%                16%                     19%
                                                                                                                                                  13%              1%
and machinery, but also in retail and ICT. This increase could be           0%                                                                             4%


                                                                                                             Wholesale &




linked to the improved competitiveness resulting from the severe
unofficial depreciation of the currency, or the drop in domestic
demand due to the crisis, forcing firms to look for customers
                                                                               Share of Firms with Unknown Status or Refused to Answer
More than half of firms surveyed are experiencing liquidity                Share of Firms Open            Share of Firms Temporarily Closed
challenges. Since the beginning of the financial crisis, 55                Share of Firms Confirmed and Assumed Closed
percent of firms experienced a decline in their cashflow and
around 75 percent of firms decreased sales and purchases on Source: 2021 Follow up to the Enterprise Survey.
credit. Only 13 percent of firms reported relying on banks or
financial institutions to finance their liquidity shortfalls. Instead,
28 percent of firms are financing their needs through equity, and 8 percent through delayed payments.d
The future looks bleak and uncertain. One out of four firms does not think recovery is possible. Twenty-four percent of firms expect to fall
(further) into arrears and default on liabilities in the next 3 months, projecting their survival at less than 7 months or 27 weeks, given current
costs. In sum, and according to firms reported expectations, one out of four firms will have to exit by June 2021.
COVID-19 adaptation is relatively low, with few firms ramping up online operations. Around 6 percent of firms have either started or
increased their online activities, while 8 percent increased online delivery. A relatively higher share of firms (18 percent) have started to
increase or has already increased remote work. There is a significant gap between small and large firms, with the latter showing more
capacity to adapt.
Firms surveyed rank credit guarantees, tax deferrals and exemptions for social security contributions as the most helpful policy potential
responses. But preferences vary by firm characteristics and by gender ownership. When asked “What would be the most effective policy
to help firms cope with the crisis?” 30 percent of firms indicated credit guarantees, 18 percent pointed to tax deferrals and 16 percent
of firms expressed a preference for exemptions to National Social Security Fund (NSSF) contributions. Small firms preferred credit
guarantees, with tax deferrals in second place, while large firms preferred NSSF exemptions at a slightly higher rate than tax deferrals.
Meanwhile, 34 percent of male owned firms ranked credit guarantees as more effective, while 43 percent of female owned firms ranked
NSSF exemptions as their top choice.

                                                                                                                                               (continued on next page)

                                                                                                            Recent Macro-Financial Developments                           5

       Impact on Jobs
       The multiple crises exacerbated unemployment. One in five workers lost their jobs since October 2019, while 61 percent of firms surveyed
       decreased the number of permanent workers by 43 percent on average. Medium-size and large firms laid-off a larger number of workers:
       76 percent of large firms surveyed downsized by an average of 37 percent, while 70 percent of medium firms downsized by 43 percent.
       That smaller firms shrunk relatively less could be due to the different nature of the relationship between managers and workers, or the fact
       that small firms may have less flexibility in scaling back production. These numbers cover only formal firms. The impact is expected to be
       worse amongst informal firms and micro-sized formal firms, which are not included in the survey.
       Only 16 percent of workers in the survey sample are women; in large firms, the female share of workers is only 10 percent (Table 1). The
       crisis appears to have hit female employees relatively less than male employees. The net job loss was 2 percentage points (pp) lower for
       women than men on average (5 pp less in the case of small firms, but 1 pp more in large firms). Although the crises can impact women’s
       access to economic opportunities in different ways, the pandemic-related school closures are likely to have made it particularly difficult
       for women to juggle work and care responsibilities. In addition, the firm survey shows that 10 percent of business affected by the PoB
       explosion were female-owned, out of which more than half (54 percent) were of small size and 29 percent were medium sized. This loss of
       women-led businesses diminishes future employment opportunities for women. According to a study conducted by Stand for Women, half
       the businesses that closed will not be able to reopen without some form of assistance.e

       TABLE 1 • Average Change in Full-Time Employees by Gender for All Firms Surveyed

                                                                                                                                                         Average percentage
                                                                                                                                                          change in full-time
                     Size                     Number of                                      Average percentage of females to total
         (in full-time employees)               firms               Average size                      full-time employees                                  Male              Female
        5–19                                      219                       8.4                                    16%                                    –25%               –20%
        20–99                                     123                     37.1                                     20%                                    –30%               –27%
        100 or more                                 37                  171.3                                      10%                                    –22%               –23%
        All firms                                 379                     24.8                                     16%                                    –27%               –25%

       Relatively few firms surveyed have resorted to other labor adjustment measures, such as reducing salaries, benefits, or working hours.
       Only, 13 percent of firms have decreased salaries by around 45 percent, while 29 percent of firms increased salaries of their employees
       by around 40 percent. Note that these nominal increases were in fact negative in real terms, as inflation reached triple digits during this
       period. Additionally, according to the survey, 23 percent of firms have decreased benefits to their workers, by 79 percent on average,
       while 41 percent of firms have decreased working hours by 36 percent on average (the other 59 percent of firms reported no change to
       workers’ hours).

         This Box was prepared by Zeina El Khoury (Private Sector Specialist, FCI) and Angela Elzir Assy (Labor Market Specialist, Jobs Group, SPJ); with inputs from Elizabeth
       Ruppert Bulmer (Lead Economist, Jobs Group), and data analysis by Reyes Aterido (Consultant). Survey design was supported by Patricia Haydamous (Economist, ETC). The
       survey was implemented in collaboration with DEC Enterprise Analysis Unit. The survey and analysis are funded through the Lebanon PROSPECTS Partnership.
         Unless otherwise stated, the analysis is based on the November 2020 follow-up survey to the standard Enterprise Surveys (ES). This follow-up survey aims to measure the
       impact of multiple crises (the financial and COVID-19 crises and the explosion at the PoB) on the private sector, by combining the baseline ES data collected with the follow-up
       data. The survey topics cover the following dimensions: sales, production, labor, finance, preferred support policies, future prospects and business closures. Of the 532
       originally surveyed firms, only 379 were reached between November and December 2020. Surveys were phone-based, and multiple contact attempts were made.
         There are two estimates of the share of firms that have closed, the share of firms that were confirmed to have closed since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared (3.6
       percent), and another wider definition of closed firms, which includes the firms that closed since the baseline ES, and also the firms that could not be contacted during fieldwork
       [either those with non-functioning phone lines (2.8 percent), or did not answer multiple calls (10.2 percent)] and therefore are assumed to have closed (16.6 percent).
         Fifty-two percent of firms experiencing liquidity shortfalls reported that they used “other” sources of cash flow shortages. Given that all formal sources of financing
       operations are included in the response options, we assumed that a large proportion of firms did not finance their shortages but rather either reduced operation costs or
       financed through informal channels like family or friends.
         UN Women, 2020. Gender Alert on COVID-19 Lebanon.

deficit is estimated to have shrunk to 4.9 percent of      a large part of the macro adjustment, even if not by
GDP, a narrowing of 5.6 pp of GDP from 2019, and           design from policy makers, is de facto taking place
compared to a medium-term average of 8.6 percent           through (1) an inflation tax on the revenue side (for
(Figure 4). However, the primary balance is estimated      items other than those where the tax is set in fixed Lira
to have worsened in 2020, reaching –2.8 percent            terms such as most fees);16 and (2) a real cut on the
of GDP, compared to –0.5 percent in 2019, and a            expenditure side. Both are blunt instruments, but with
medium-term average of 0.5 percent. This widening          high inflation they generate a huge and fast adjust-
is surprising for countries that are in sovereign          ment. Hence, as is illustrated by the 2021 Budget
default as financing shortages usually forces them to      proposal (Box 2), keeping the overall deficit at the
run a primary balance. In the case of Lebanon, BdL is      same nominal number implies a sharp consolidation.
providing the required financing for the government,               Public debt ratios, which were already noto-
notwithstanding its own financial difficulties.            riously unsustainable, are further aggravated by
        Fiscal data available over the first eight         the economic crisis. Debt-to-GDP is estimated to have
months of 2020 confirm fiscal distress, despite            reached 174 percent by the end of 2020, increasing
the apparent improvement in the overall bal-               by 3 pp from the 2019 ratio. The sharp depreciation
ance. Revenues were down by 20.2 percent (yoy)             in the local currency has implied a significantly lower
over 8M-2020, with across the board decreases in           dollar value for domestic debt in 2020, lowering the
tax and non-tax revenues. VAT and custom revenues          dollar value for total debt (the numerator in the debt-
were highly affected by the contraction in economic        to-GDP ratio); this is, however, more than offset by a
activity, registering respective decreases of 49.7 per-    significantly lower denominator, GDP in US$, due
cent (yoy) and 34.5 percent (yoy); telecom revenues        also to the currency depreciation, leaving a slightly
were also down by 56.5 percent (yoy) in 8M-2020.           larger debt-to-GDP ratio.17 The expected worsening
Meanwhile, total expenditures declined by 18.4             of the exchange in 2021 will further exacerbate this
percent (yoy), over the same period. This was partly       dynamic (Figure 5). So, whereas the surge in inflation
a result of a 58.9 percent (yoy) decrease in interest
payments driven by (i) a 87.9 percent (yoy) decline        14	
                                                                 The agreement entails non-payment of coupon
in foreign debt interest payments, an implication of             obligations on Treasury bonds held by BdL.
the Eurobond default; and (ii) a 41.3 percent (yoy)        15	
                                                                 This is driven by a combination of lower oil prices, falling
decrease in domestic debt interest payments due to               demand due to economic crisis, and increased power
a preferential agreement between BdL and Ministry                cuts as tool for savings by EdL.
                                                                 This effect on the revenue side in Lebanon, however, is
of Finance.14 Decreases of 37.1 and 39 percent (yoy)
                                                                 weakened by a combination of (i) a large chunk of the
in transfers to EdL,15 and municipalities, respectively,         tax base is on imported goods, which for tax reasons are
also contributed to the total decline in expenditures.           still valued at the official, thereby generating artificially
Hence, while the overall fiscal deficit narrowed by              lower revenues; (ii) a collapse in compliance; and (iii) the
13.1 percent over 8M-2020, the primary balance                   Tanzi effect—the reduction in the volume of tax collection
deteriorated by 409 percent, flipping from a surplus             and a deterioration of real tax proceeds being collected
                                                                 resulting from high inflation in a country.
of LBP 555 billion to LBP –1,713 billion.
                                                                 Tanzi, Vito (1977), Inflation, Lags in Collection, and the
        High inflation rates drive a sharp fiscal                Real Value of Tax Revenue, Staff Papers, vol. 24, March
adjustment. For nominally fixed fiscal items, more               1977, IMF, pp. 154–167.
typically expenditure items, high inflation induces not    17	
                                                                 Taken at the official exchange rate, the share of foreign
only a reduction of the ratio to GDP, but also a reduc-          currency-denominated debt to the total outstanding
tion in real terms. For fiscal items that are indexed to         stock of debt was 36 percent by end-2020 (amounting to
                                                                 42 percent of GDP), mostly held by domestic banks; for
inflation, more typically revenue items, high inflation
                                                                 illustration, if one were to use instead a simulated exchange
will induce a nominal increase in these items (in                rate of LBP 3,555/US$, foreign currency-denominated
principal maintaining real value), thereby partially             debt would surge to 57 percent of the total outstanding
offsetting the denominator-led GDP effect. Hence,                stock of debt (amounting to 100 percent of GDP).

                                                                                Recent Macro-Financial Developments              7

       The 2021 budget draft proposal targets an overall fiscal deficit equivalent to 2.4 percent of GDP, and a primary deficit of 0.8 percent of
       GDP.b This marks a consolidation when compared to 2020 estimates for the overall and primary deficits of 4.9 and 2.8 percent of GDP,
       respectively (Table 2). Nominally, total revenues and expenditures, and thus the overall fiscal balance, in Budget 2021 are largely unvaried
       from those in Budget 2020; only the primary balance deteriorates, signaling the re-allocation of savings from interest payments to primary
       In the 2021 draft, total revenues are projected to continue contracting to 7.3 percent of GDP, compared to 11.9 percent in 2020. The
       change is mainly due to a denominator-led effect, resulting from a rise in nominal GDP; in fact, revenues in both 2020 and 2021 budgets
       are almost unchanged (LBP 14,176 billion in 2020 and LBP 14,140 billion in 2021): the carry-over of the depressed economic activity in
       2020 and the continued sharp fall in 2021 are dragging down revenue collection, notwithstanding the inflation-creep “tax” that is common
       in rapid and high inflation environments.
       Tax revenues represent the main component of total revenues, budgeted to reach 5.4 percent of GDP in 2021, compared to 8.4
       percent of GDP in 2020 budget; in nominal terms the 2021 budget marks a nominal increase in tax revenues—LBP 10,493 billion
       compared to LBP 9,966 billion, which is, however, well below the projected 100 percent in inflation for 2021, so tax collection is falling
       in real terms.
       The budget draft proposes new measures, including a newly introduced “national solidarity tax” and an adjustment to tax on interest profits.
       The “national solidarity tax” imposes a (i) 1 percent tax on deposits between US$1 million and US$20 million; (ii) 1.5 percent on deposits
       greater than US$20 million but less than US$50 million; and (iii) 2 percent on deposits greater than US$50 million. This tax applies to
       equivalent deposits in LBP, calculated at the official exchange rate of LBP 1,507.5/US$, as well as to deposits in other foreign currencies.

                 Summary of Fiscal Accounts Showing Actual Numbers, WB Estimates and Government
       TABLE 2 • 

                                                                 2019              2020             2021              2020             2021
        Central Government Finance (in percent of GDP)           Actual                WB estimates                  Budget         Budget draft
        Revenue (including grants)                                 20.6              11.5              6.9             11.3               6.3
           o/w. tax revenues                                       15.5               8.1              4.9               8.4              4.9
        Total expenditure and net lending                          31.2              16.4             12.2             15.4               8.5
           Current                                                 29.9              15.2             10.9             14.9               8.2
            o/w interest payment                                   10.0               2.1              1.4               4.0              1.4
           Capital & net lending (excluding foreign financed)        1.3              1.2              1.3               0.4              0.3
        Overall balance (deficit (–))                             –10.5              –4.9             –5.3             –4.1              –2.2
        Primary balance (deficit (–))                              –0.5              –2.8             –3.9             –0.1              –0.7
        (in LBP bln)
        Revenue (including grants)                               16,678           13,706           14,750            13,396           13,572
           o/w. tax revenues                                     12,533            9,593           10,500             9,966           10,493
        Total expenditure and net lending                        25,180           19,492           26,132            18,232           18,259
           Current                                               24,152           18,090           23,356            17,738           17,524
            o/w interest payment                                  8,067            2,504             2,949            4,695             3,106
           Capital & net lending (excluding foreign financed)     1,028            1,402             2,776              493              735
        Overall balance (deficit (–))                            –8,502           –5,786          –11,382            –4,836           –4,687
        Primary balance (deficit (–))                             –435            –3,282           –8,433              –141           –1,581

                                                                                                                                (continued on next page)


   World Bank estimates suggests that, as of December 2020, this tax can generate revenues in the amount of around LBP 165 billion on LBP
   deposits, and a US$750 billion on dollar deposits.
   Another measure is a tax on interest income paid on bank deposits, certificates of deposit and treasury bills, which currently stands at 10
   percent. The adjustment proposed imposes a 30 percent tax on the part of interest rates that exceeds 3 percent and 5 percent on US$
   and LBP accounts, respectively. This effectively targets the financial sector’s interest earned from government bonds. Bank customers’
   deposits will largely be exempt since interest rates on US$ and LBP deposits have generally fallen below these thresholds.
   Expenditures in 2021 budget draft are also projected to drop, to 9.4 percent of GDP, compared to an estimated 16.4 percent of GDP in
   2020. In nominal terms, expenditures would rise by a mere 0.2 percent compared to the 2020 budget, but would fall by 84.1 percent in real
   terms (when considering the official aggregate Consumer Price Index). Sharp nominal cuts in spending (33.8 percent) arise in debt service
   thanks to the Eurobond default and favorable arrangement with BdL. Capital expenditures are projected at 0.4 percent of GDP, marking a
   49 percent increase in nominal terms, from those in the 2020 budget.
   Notable new expenditure items include: (1) the rescheduling arrears due to the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) to be paid in equal
   installments in Treasury Bonds over the next 20 years, with the first such payment due in September 2021; (2) in a bid to encourage
   employment of Lebanese in firms, the Government will pay, on their behalf, their due contributions to NSSF for a period of two years, as long
   as (i) they are hired before December 31, 2021; (ii) they were either unemployed or entering the job market for the first time; and (iii) each
   employee’s salary does not exceed LBP 18 million per year; (3) the amount of bank deposit guaranteed by the National Deposit Guarantee
   Institution increases to LBP 300 million, from a previous LBP 75 million; and (4) an obligation for banks to pay new foreign currency
   deposits in the currency of the deposit, upon the request of the involved person, in a bid to attract new deposits in foreign currencies.
   Relatedly, new deposits in FX will be exempt from tax on interest income, in hope of attracting FX deposits to the banking sector.
   Irrespective of new expenditure items, the proposed 2021 budget allocations to primary expenditures constitute a decrease of around 12
   percent compared to what are estimated for 2020. We note that our projections suggest the persistence of exceptionally high inflation
   rates in 2021. This predisposition can either (i) degrade the proposed budget’s creditability, due to expected social pressures and real
   costs resulting from the high inflationary environment; or, if forced through, (ii) further entrench the severe decline in purchasing power for
   another year.

     The budget draft proposal has yet to be discussed by Cabinet and will need to be ratified by Parliament. Hence, measures and numbers in the budget draft are subject to
   revisions by Cabinet and Parliament before the budget is passed as a law.
     It is important to note that these numbers exclude a transfer to EdL in the amount of LBP 1,500 billion (0.7 percent of GDP), since this transfer is considered by the Ministry
   of Finance as a treasury advance, and is therefore excluded from Central Government fiscal balance. Since EdL has no capacity and poor prospects of ever repaying this and
   previous Treasury advances, under international government accounting standards (GFSM), they should be recorded as transfers.

is rapidly eroding the real value of domestic debt, the                                         current account deficit took place. Specifically, over
sharp depreciation of the currency continues to make                                            11M-2020, a 44 percent decline in merchandize im-
Lebanon’s sovereign debt burden unsustainable.                                                  ports more than offset a 5 percent drop in exports,
                                                                                                shrinking the trade in goods deficit by a drastic 54.8
                                                                                                percent in one year. Net remittances is estimated to
The External Sector                                                                             have increased from 6.1 percent of GDP in 2019 to
                                                                                                9.7 percent of GDP in 2020. The increase is a result
As foreign financing of the current account (CA)                                                of (i) a sharp decline in US$ GDP (a denominator
deficit came to a sudden stop in late 2019, a                                                   effect); (ii) large decreases in remittances outflows,
massive contraction of the CA took place in 2020                                                as foreign workers in Lebanon suffer from the eco-
driven by a sharp contraction in imports. Fol-                                                  nomic contraction; and (iii) some remittances inflows
lowing the de facto introduction of capital controls,                                           incentivized by the well-documented “insurance”18
the sovereign default, capital inflows into Lebanon
stopped. While BdL made use of its limited foreign                                              18	
                                                                                                      The “insurance” behavior suggests that diaspora
exchange reserves in 2020, a forced and massive                                                       increases remittances back home in case of natural
adjustment/re-sizing of the previously massive                                                        disasters.

                                                                                                                           Recent Macro-Financial Developments                         9
                Large Shortfalls in Revenues Will
     FIGURE 4 •                                                                                                            FIGURE 5 • Valuation Effects from Exchange Rate
                Induce a Significant Deterioration in                                                                                  Depreciations Will Pressure the Debt-
                the Fiscal Position                                                                                                    to-GDP Ratio

                                               Fiscal Aggregates (% of GDP)                                                                                              Gross Public Debt
                      5                                                                                                                     100                                                                            250
                      3                                                                                                                      90
                      0                                                                                                                      80                                                                            200

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Percent of GDP (%)
                     –3                                                                                                                      70

                                                                                                                              US$ Billion
                                                                                                                                             60                                                                            150
                     –8                                                                                                                      50
      Percent (%)

                    –10                                                                                                                      40                                                                            100
                    –13                                                                                                                      30
                    –15                                                                                                                      20                                                                            50
                    –18                                                                                                                      10
                    –20                                                                                                                       0                                                                            0

                                                                                                                                            External Public Debt (US$ bln)         Domestic Public Debt (US$ bln)
                                                                                                                                            External Public Debt, at an            Gross Public Debt (US$ bln)
                                                                                                                                            Illustrative Exchange Rate,            Gross Public Debt as
                                    Overall Fiscal Balance                                                                                  as a Percentage of GDP (rhs, %)        Percentage of GDP (rhs, %)
                                    Primary Fiscal Balance, Excluding Interest Payments                                                     External Public Debt, at Official Rate, as a Percentage of GDP (rhs, %)

     Sources: Lebanese authorities and WB staff calculations.                                                               Sources: Lebanese authorities and WB staff calculations.

     and other countercyclical19 behaviors observed in                                                                      not publish net reserves, which are estimated to be
     countries with large diasporas. Nominally, howev-                                                                      significantly negative.
     er, remittances inflows are estimated to have been                                                                             A high import ratio for the consumption
     negatively impacted by an impaired banking sector—                                                                     basket, along with the shortage of dollars in the
     the traditional conduit for remittances—and the CO-                                                                    market suggest an implicit tradeoff between
     VID-19 global impact. Overall, we expect the current                                                                   (i) importation of goods and services and
     account deficit in 2020 to contract, falling by almost                                                                 (ii) BdL’s stock of foreign exchange reserves. This
     10 pps to reach 11 percent of GDP, compared to a                                                                       compelled authorities to prioritize imports. First, and
     medium-term (2013–2019) average of 22.5 percent                                                                        early on in the crisis, BdL identified a list of highly
     of GDP.                                                                                                                critical goods (denoted as C1 goods)—namely, fuel,
            The sudden stop in capital inflows,                                                                             medicine and wheat—to be backed by its stock of
     coupled with a smaller but still large current                                                                         foreign exchange reserves at the official exchange
     account deficit, has steadily depleted BdL’s                                                                           rate.20 The Government followed suit in July 2020 with
     foreign exchange (FX) reserves (Figure 6). By                                                                          a list of other critical goods, issued by the Ministry
     January 2021, gross FX reserves at BdL (excluding                                                                      of Economy and Trade (MoET), which BdL agreed
     gold reserves) reached $23.5 billion, declining by                                                                     to back up at the platform exchange rate (LL 3,900
     $13.8 billion since end-2019. BdL’s gross position
     includes US$5 billion in Lebanese Eurobonds and                                                                        19	
                                                                                                                                      During economic hardships in the home country,
     an unpublished amount lent out to banks since                                                                                    expatriates can also boost transfers back home in
     October 2019. Much of the remainder is required                                                                                  support of family.
     reserves on banks’ customer FX deposits, which is
                                                                                                                                      BdL set up a mechanism via commercial banks whereby
                                                                                                                                      importers of highly critical goods can exchange LBP for
     estimated at US$16.7 billion. Critically, BdL’s gross
                                                                                                                                      dollars at the official exchange rate for 85 to 90 percent
     position differs widely from its net reserves (i.e., gross                                                                       of the cost of their imports, while sourcing the remaining
     FX reserves at the central bank net of FX liabilities to                                                                         15 to 10 percent from the market at the US$ banknote
     others); contrary to other central banks, BdL does                                                                               rate.

           A Steady Depletion in the Gross
FIGURE 6 •                                                                                     Ratios of C1, C2b, Luxury and other
                                                                                     FIGURE 7 • 
           Foreign Exchange Position at BdL                                                     Imports Were Stable until the Period
                                                                                                Leading to the Crisis…
                                    Gross Reserves at BdL
           50,000                                                                                                      Critical and Essential Imports
           45,000                                                                                          100%
           30,000                                                                                           80%
 US$ mln

           25,000                                                                                           70%

                                                                                      % of Total Imports
           10,000                                                                                           50%
            5,000                                                                                           40%
                0                                                                                           30%
                     Foreign Currencies              Foreign Securities                                      0%
                     Gross FX Reserves               Compulsory FX Reserve                                   2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Sources: BdL and WB staff calculations.                                                                            Critical 1     Critical 2b    Luxury   Other
Note: Compulsory FX reserves are World Bank estimates based on published data, and
a 15 percent required reserve ratio on FX deposits in commercial banks.              Sources: Customs, MOET, BdL and WB staff calculations.

per US$). This list was updated in November 2020 to                                  FIGURE 8 • …when Ratios of C1 and C2b Imports
include almost half the number of items that were in                                             Rose at the Expense of those for
                                                                                                 Luxury and Other Goods.
the original list. Hereafter, the original list will be called
C2a while the latest will be called C2b.                                                                               Critical and Essential Imports
       An examination of historical and recent                                                             100%
trends for C1 and C2b imports are revealing.                                                               90%
The shares of C1, C2b, luxury and other imports to                                                         80%
total imports are presented annually from 2011 to                                                          70%
                                                                                      % of Total Imports

2019 and monthly over 2019–20 in Figures 7 and 8,                                                          60%
respectively. Figure 7 illustrates relative stability in the                                               50%
respective shares until 2019. Meanwhile, as foreign                                                        40%
exchange constraints became binding, the ratios                                                            30%
of C1 imports, and to a lesser extent C2a and C2b                                                          20%
imports, rose at the expense of those for luxury and                                                       10%
other goods (Figure 8). The average monthly values                                                          0%
over the January 2019 to October 2020 period for C2a

and C2b are US$180 and US$161 million, indicating
unsubstantial savings by the second MoET list.                                                                     Critical 1     Critical 2b    Luxury   Other
       Importers from across the economy com-
                                                                                     Sources: CAS and WB staff calculations.
pete for access to these FX-backed facilities.
However, less transparent demand is also well-docu-
mented in countries with capital controls and multiple
exchange rate systems; specifically, corruption and                                  Money and Banking
misclassification of imports to benefit from cheap
foreign exchange. As importers adapt to capital con-                                 Monetary and financial turmoil are driving crisis
trols and more depreciated black-market rates, this                                  conditions, specifically through interactions
incentive will grow.                                                                 between the exchange rate, narrow money and

                                                                                                                    Recent Macro-Financial Developments           11
     inflation. Acute exchange market pressures in             As inflation has surged during that same period,
     Lebanese markets are reflected by heavy fluctuations      real interest rates in the country are highly negative
     in the US$ banknote exchange rate,21 which breached       across the board.
     LL 15,000/US$, before falling back down. This is                   Since the eruption of the financial crisis,
     within the context of a multiple exchange rate system,    BdL has been almost an exclusive policy maker,
     which includes the official exchange (LBP 1,507.5/        with the exception of a brief period in which
     US$) as well BdL’s platform rate set at LBP 3,900/        Government defaulted on its Eurobond obliga-
     US$. Overall, the World Bank calculated Average           tions and unsuccessfully proposed its Financial
     Exchange Rate (AER)22 depreciated by 129 percent          Recovery Plan. The Fall 2020 LEM listed in detail
     in 2020 (Figure 9).                                       the slew of BdL circulars, which formalized BdL’s
              Limited economic utility for electronic dol-     crisis management strategy. The main BdL policy
     lars, along with scarcity of dollar banknotes, and
                                                               initiatives/updates since then include (i) a new
     minimum incentives to save in LBP, all rendered           financial operation; (ii) an announcement by BdL
     the economy heavily cash-based in local currency.         to allow commercial banks to conduct currency
     In 2020, the stock of currency in circulation increased   exchanges at the market rate; and (iii) the expiration
     by 197 percent (yoy), even as M2 increased by a           of a deadline for commercial banks to meet Circular
     mere 6.3 percent, while M3 declined by 1.4 percent.       154 provisions.
     The latter two money supply measures reflect the                   In March 2021, BdL announced a new
     deleveraging that is going in the financial sector (see   financial operation. Details of this operation and
     below).                                                   an illustrative example are presented in Box 4. In
              Exchange rate pass through effects on            this most recent operation, BdL offers banks FX in
     prices have resulted in surging inflation, hitting        exchange for LBP, increasing its liabilities in FX and
     the poorest and most vulnerable the most. The
     12-month inflation rate has risen steadily and sharply
     from 10 percent in January 2020, to 89.7 percent in       21	
                                                                     The US$ banknote market has become a main supply
     June 2020, 120 percent in August 2020, and most                 channel for dollars for both real and financial activity,
     recently, to 157.9 percent in March 2021. Inflation is          as commercial banks heavily restricted withdrawals and
     a highly regressive tax, disproportionally affecting            transfers of customers’ dollar deposits.
     the poor and vulnerable (Box 3), and more generally,      22	
                                                                     The AER is derived by applying consumption-based
     people living on fixed income like pensioners. This is          weights on the official, the platform and the US$ banknote
                                                                     exchange rates. For a detailed derivation please refer to:
     especially so in Lebanon’s case where basic items of
                                                                     World Bank (2020), The Lebanon Economic Monitor:
     the consumption basket are primary drivers of overall           The Deliberate Depression, Fall 2020. Since then, we
     inflation. In fact, the main contributors of inflation          make adjusted the AER per the following:
     are food and non-alcoholic beverages, followed by               We account for a reduced MoET list of subsidized goods
     clothing and footwear, and then furnishing and house-           starting in November 2020.
     hold equipment (Figure 10); prices for these basic              Beginning in August 2020, 75 percent of the non-
                                                                     imported services is linked to the official exchange
     consumption items have surged by 254.3, 289.8 and
                                                                     rate (compared to 100 percent prior), while 25 percent
     389.7 percent, respectively, in 2020.                           is linked to the platform rate. The reason being is
              The severe restrictions on capital outflows            that, around that time, certain prominent hospitals
     have given the monetary authorities room                        and universities announced that they will start billing
     to lower interest rates. From October 2019 to                   according to the BdL platform rate.
     December 2020, BdL lowered interest rates on
                                                                     This refers to dollar deposits from prior October 2019,
                                                                     which are subject to strict capital controls and can
     banks’ LBP and dollar deposits by 639 and 567
                                                                     generally be withdrawn only in LBP at the platform rate
     basis points (bps), respectively. Banks’ lending rates          (LBP 3,900/US$), a significant haircut compared to the
     in LBP and US$ have mirrored this effect, falling by            value of the dollar being traded in the parallel banknote
     342 and 332 bps, respectively over the same period.             market.

FIGURE 9 • A Sharp Depreciation in the Exchange                                                           Inflation in Basic Items is a Key
                                                                                               FIGURE 10 • 
           Rate along with Surging Inflation and                                                           Driver of Overall Inflation, Hurting
           Narrow Money                                                                                    the Poor and the Middle Class

                   Exchange Rate-Currency in Circulation-Inflation                                                           Contributions to Overall Inflation in 2020
           5.0                                                           4.0                                     100.0
                                                                         3.0                                      60.0


           2.5                                                           2.0
           2.0                                                                                                    20.0
           1.5                                                                                                     0.0
           0.5                                                                                                   –20.0
             0                                                           0
                                                                                                                Headline Inflation growth     Food & Non-alcoholic Beverages
                                                                                                                Clothing & Footwear           Furnishings, Household Equipment
                                                                                                                Transportation                Alcoholic Beverages & Tobacco
                                                                                                                Communication                 Water, Electricity, Gas, & Other Fuels
                    US$ Bank Note Rate           WB Average Exchange Rate                                       Owned Occupied                Health
                    Inflation Rate (rhs)         Currency in Circulation (rhs)                                  Actual Rent                   Education                        Other

Sources: CAS, BdL and WB staff calculations.                                                   Sources: CAS and WB staff calculations.


       The multiplicity of crises affecting Lebanon is likely to have                                Food Expenditure Shares by Deciles
                                                                                         FIGURE 11 • 
       an escalating impact on poverty. After remaining in the single                                for Lebanese Nationals
       digits for over a decade, average annual inflation ballooned to
       84.3 percent in 2020, while average food inflation alone grew                                     40%
       by a record 254 percent over 2020. The annual rates do not
       fully reflect the rapid rise in monthly inflation wherein the year-                              35%
       on-year inflation rate reached 146 percent in December 2020
                                                                                         Food Share

       with a corresponding food inflation rate of over 400 percent.                                    30%
       The growth in food inflation is particularly concerning, as food
       consumption forms a larger proportion of the expenses incurred                                   25%
       by poorer households (Figure 11).
       The deteriorating purchasing power is causing households                                                                            20.2%
       to struggle in making ends meet. Phone surveys conducted                15%
       during November and December 2020 found that 41 percent                        1       2       3      4     5     6     7     8     9   10
       of households reported challenges in accessing food and other                              Per-Capita Expenditure Deciles (HBS, 2012)
       basic needs. The share of households facing difficulties in
                                                                         Source: Staff calculation using HBS 2012.
       accessing health care was at 36 percent, up from 25 percent
       in July-August 2020. Unemployment rate also rose among the
       respondents, from 28 percent in February 2020 (pre-COVID) to nearly 40 percent in the Nov-Dec period.
       The absence of timely and relevant data makes it very difficult to reasonably predict the state of poverty in the country. The last household
       budget survey was completed in 2011–2012 under conditions very different from the state of the country today. The pandemic has further
       heightened the vulnerability of the poor whose living, working and health conditions place them at greater risk compared to wealthier
       segments of the population. Under highly inflationary conditions, poorer households have limited means of preserving their purchasing
       power and are likely to resort to a variety of last-resort coping strategies, including ceasing their medications, borrowing at extortionary
       rates and selling of assets to simply put food on the table. Tentative projections using the older data suggest that well over half the
       population is likely to be under the national poverty line.
       The economic crisis and resulting rising in poverty raise an urgent need for social assistance. High levels of poverty can have a long-lasting
       impact on Lebanon’s human development and increases vulnerabilities across the lifecycle. Adequate social assistance will therefore be critical
       both in the short term to provide emergency relief, and in the medium-long term to improve resilience to shocks among vulnerable Lebanese.
        This box has been prepared by Ganesh Kumar Seshan (Senior Economist, EMNPV), Bilal Malaeb (Economist, EMNPV), Fahmina Rahman Dutta (Social Protection Specialist,
      HMNSP) and Haneen Ismail Sayed (Lead Operations Officer, HMNSP), under the guidance of Johannes G. Hoogeveen (Practice Manager, EMNPV).

                                                                                                                                 Recent Macro-Financial Developments                   13

        The most recent financial operation employed by BdL involves the following steps:
        1.	   Banks discount medium- to long-term LBP Time Deposits (TDs) and/or Certificates of Deposits (CDs) at a discount rate of yield plus
              up to 1 percent.
        2.	   With the proceeds from the above operation, banks buy US$ at LBP 1514/US$ from BdL and deposit this amount at their US$
              current account with BdL, receiving zero interest rate.
        3.	   Banks are also required to unwind LBP financial engineering structures at least equivalent to the US$ amount bought (at least 1 to 1
              ratio). The unwinding process consists of discounting at par LBP TDs as well as their linked LBP Repos.
        4.	   Banks would sign an undertaking to sell back to BdL the amount US$ bought at the electronic platform rate upon the first demand
              from BdL, through discounting US$ TDs and CDs.
        5.	   The amount of US$ the bank is committed to sell back to BdL will be reduced by the amount of US$ the bank sells to BdL under
              Circular 151, from January 2021 until the call back date (as per Central Decision Council amendment).
        For illustrative purposes, we present a simplified example.
        Steps 1–3 are Spot Transactions
        Suppose step 1 involves discounting LBP 1,514,000 in face value divided evenly between TDs and CDs. Long term average interest rates
        for LBP TDs and CDs are around 3.5 and 8.5 percent, respectively. Hence the average yield for step 1 is 6 percent (= 0.5*3.5 + 0.5*8.5).
        Moreover, we assume the average maturity for these TDs and CDs is 10 years. Hence, the present value for this operation is calculated by
        discounting (i) coupon payments, which we are assuming annual; and (ii) the face value payment at maturity, such that:

                                          6%*(1,514,000) 1,514,000
                                                        +          = LBP 1,514,000 = US $ 1000 (at LBP 1,514 /US $)
                                            (1+ 6%)n      (1+ 6%)n

        Hence, banks use the proceeds to purchase US$1,000 from BdL, which is deposited at a non-yielding current account with the central
        Further, per step 3, banks unwind LBP 1,514,000 of financial engineering TDs and repos by discounting at par. These TDs were created
        as part of BdL’s financial engineering operations in which BdL lent banks LBP at 2 percent annual rates on the condition they were placed
        as TDs with BdL earning 10.5 percent annually. Hence, the net return on these TDs for banks was 8.5 percent annually. Hence, as earlier,
        we discount (i) the annual net return on these TDs; and (ii) the repayment of loan principal at maturity; this generates a present value of
        LBP 1,514,000.
        Steps 4 and 5 are Future Transactions
        At future dates, banks are obliged to sell back US$ 1000 minus whatever dollars they sell under Circular 151, herein denoted by X. The
        dollar value is exchanged to LBP at the platform rate of the time, denoted by E, and which is currently at LBP 3,900/US$.
        The combination of steps constitutes a call option for BdL to buy back the US dollars, albeit, with undefined terms, due to uncertainty over
        key parameters, such as X, E, and time to expiration of the call option. Hence, for simplification purposes in this illustrative example, we
        assume away the accounting and pricing implication of the call option for BdL, and symmetrically for Banks.
        Hence, according to the numbers used in this illustrative example, a balance sheet analysis suggests (with spot transactions in light green
        background and future transactions in white):

                                           BdL                                                                Banks
         Assets                Liabilities                                       Assets                            Liabilities
                               LBP –1,514,000                                    LBP –1,514,000
                               US$ +1000                                         US$ +1000
         LBP –1,514,000        LBP –1,514,000                                    LBP –1,514,000                    LBP –1,514,000
                               US$ –(1000-X)                                     US$ –(1000-X)
                               LBP +[($1000-$X)*E]                               LBP +[($1000-$X)*E]

                                                                                                                                 (continued on next page)


For BdL:
At spot
•	 BdL’s liabilities are lower by LBP 3,028,000 (=1,514,000+1,514,000) but higher by US$1000.
•	 BdL’s assets are lower by LBP 1,514,000
•	 Net impact on BdL’s capital would thus be
  •	 Positive (i.e., capital increases) if the exchange rate is lower than LBP 1,514/US$
  •	 Negative (i.e., capital decreases) if the exchange rate is higher than LBP 1,514/US$
Over time
•	 BdL’s liabilities are lower by LBP [1,514,000+1,514,000-($1000-$X)*E] but higher by US$X.
•	 BdL’s assets are lower by LBP 1,514,000
•	 Net impact on BdL’s capital would thus be
  •	 Positive (ie. capital increases) if the exchange rate is lower than
     LBP (1,514,000)−(1000−X)*E per US$
  •	 Negative (ie. capital decreases) if the exchange rate is more than
     LBP (1,514,000)−(1000−X)*E per US$
For Banks:
At spot
•	 Bank’s assets are lower by LBP 3,028,000 but higher by US$1000.
•	 Banks’ liabilities are lower by LBP 1,514,000
•	 Net impact on banks’ capital would thus be
  •	 Negative (i.e., capital decreases) if the exchange rate is lower than LBP 1,514/US$
  •	 Positive (i.e., capital increases) if the exchange rate is greater than LBP 1,514/US$
Over time
•	 Banks’ assets are lower by LBP [1,514,000+1,514,000-($1000-$X)*E] but higher by US$X.
•	 Banks’ liabilities are lower by LBP 1,514,000
•	 Net impact on Banks’ capital would thus be
  •	 Negative (ie. capital decreases) if the exchange rate is lower than
  •	 LBP (1,514,000)−(1000−X)*E per US$
  •	 Positive (ie. capital increases) if the exchange rate is more than
  •	 LBP (1,514,000)−(1000−X)*E per US$
From an income perspective, and according to the numbers used in this illustrative example, in the absence of this operation, banks (BdL)
would be earning (paying) a return of
•	 an average of 6 percent from LBP TDs and CDs;
•	 an average of 8.5 percent from LBP TDs and repos;
for a total of 14.5 percent on LBP instruments. Meanwhile, in this operation
•	 14.5 percent earnings on LBP instruments for banks are eliminated; hence BdL saves 14.5 percent;
•	 BdL does not pay interest on Banks’ dollar deposits;
Overall, from an income perspective, and according to the numbers used in this illustrative example, BdL saves (banks lose) 14.5 percent

                                                                                             Recent Macro-Financial Developments            15
     decreasing it in LBP, with the exchange occurring            •	 This would be based on the current “Sayrafa”
     at the official exchange rate. It then compels banks            platform, which is now set at LBP 3,900/US$.28
     to sell this FX back to BdL (whether directly or via            Indeed, after the Baabda Palace announcement,
     the ongoing Lirafication scheme24) at the platform              BdL sent a “Request” to banks and exchange
     rate, which is currently set at LBP 3,900/US$. With             dealers to register on Sayrafa.
     the caveat that a comprehensive assessment of this           •	 This is not meant to completely replace the
     operation is more accurate from a hindsight per-                parallel market.
     spective, as it is able to better capture interactions       •	 It is not clear how close the Sayrafa rate would be
     and incentives that might not be clear at this point,           to US$ banknote rate; or how responsive it would
     we present some preliminary observations:                       be to changes in the banknote rate.29
                                                                  •	 Transactions would be restricted to exchange of
     •	 As a spot transaction, the operation will cancel             currency notes only (LBP and US$).
        out LBP assets and liabilities that resulted from         •	 On the demand side (of FX): the announced
        BdL’s previous financial operations.25                       intention is to allow access to only those engaged
     •	 As a spot transaction, BdL will incur an FX liability        in “legitimate economic transactions”, (i.e.,
        to banks and hence worsen its net international              traders/industrialists/businesses, for trade and
        reserve (NIR) position. Since the FX offered by              business activities).
        BdL to banks is not real liquidity, or “fresh dollars,”
        its use is limited to closing banks’ FX positions
        with BdL (i.e., banks’ deleveraging schemes such          24	
                                                                        BdL has regulated that dollar deposits that existed
        as Lirafication).                                               prior to October 2019 can be withdrawn only in LBP
     •	 As a spot transaction, this operation will worsen               at the platform rate, thereby effecting Lirafication and
        (improve) BdL’s (banks’) capital position.                      a haircut (up to 70 percent) on these deposits. More
     •	 Over time, all things equal, this operation will                formally, Circular 151, as part of a sequence of circulars
                                                                        (148, 151, 549, 565), allowed the withdrawal of pre-
        interact with Circular 151, with a likelihood that,
                                                                        crisis deposits at exchange rates that are higher than
        on the net, BdL will increase its FX liabilities.               the official rate, but lower than the US$ banknote rate.
        Commercial banks’ deleveraging, as incentivized                 This rate eventually settled at the platform rate, which is
        by Circular 151,26 would be occurring                           currently set at LBP 3,900/US$.
        irrespective of this operation and will not be            25	
                                                                        In previous financial engineering schemes, BdL incurred
        further incentivized by it. Hence Step 5 in Box 4.              LBP liabilities, which were offered as an incentive to
                                                                        commercial banks to purchase Eurobonds from BdL,
        The most recent financial operation by BdL with
                                                                        allowing BdL to raise its gross foreign exchange reserves
        commercial banks27 suggests that this operation                 by tapping into commercial banks’ foreign assets.
        would prevent a larger overall reduction to BdL           26	
                                                                        These deleveraging schemes have resulted in reductions
        FX liabilities that would have occurred in the                  in customers FX deposits with banks, which effected
        absence of this operation.                                      commensurate reductions in banks’ FX deposits with
     •	 Over time, and after banks have sold back this                  BdL, and hence, reductions in BdL’s FX liabilities, and
                                                                        improvements in BdL’s NIR.
        FX liquidity to BdL, BdL would have replaced the          27	
                                                                        Step 5 states: the amount of US$ the bank is committed
        LBP liability with currency in circulation.                     to sell back to BdL will be reduced by the amount of
                                                                        US$ the bank sells on an annual basis to BdL under
           Also in March 2021, a Baabda Presidential                    Circular 151.
     Palace announcement stated that BdL will start               28	
                                                                        In fact, the Sayrafa platform was initially set up by Circular
     allowing commercial banks to conduct currency                      149 (April 3, 2020), in which BdL announced a special
                                                                        unit comprising BdL, banks and exchange bureaus that
     transactions similar to legal exchange dealers, at
                                                                        exchanges foreign currencies. The Sayrafa was intended
     a rate to be set by the Central Bank’s electronic                  as electronic board that publishes exchange rates.
     platform. While information on this has been scarce,         29	
                                                                        Minister of Finance, in an interview to a TV channel,
     notable factors include:                                           mentioned the rate LL10,000/US$.

•	 On the supply of FX: the sources for US$                FIGURE 12 • Heavy Deleveraging of Assets (Private
   banknotes to be exchanged through this platform                      Loans) and Liabilities (Private
                                                                        Deposits) in the Financial Sector
   are not clear. Options or combinations thereof
   include:                                                                          Bank’s Deposits and Loans (% yoy change)
   •	 Commercial banks’ own FX liquidity.                                   30
   •	 A new set-up where exporters are incentivized
        to repatriate FX dollars they have been

                                                             Percent (%)
        depositing in foreign banks.                                       –10
   •	 BdL’s own FX reserves.                                               –20
         Ultimately, if BdL wants to control/influence                     –40
the US$ banknote rate, then it has to find a suf-

ficient supply of FX to inject at a rate lower than
the banknote market rate, so as to attract buyers                          LBP Credit Outstanding            FX Credit Outstanding
of dollars. Essentially, this would act as a more                          to Private Sector                 to Private Sector
                                                                           Private Sector Deposits in LBP    Private Sector Deposits in FX
traditional FX intervention in the market in defense
of the exchange rate. In such a case, it can be used       Sources: CAS and WB staff calculations.
as a monetary tool to mop up currency in circulation
from the market, as more orthodox monetary tools are
ineffective.30 However, even if currency in circulation           Conditions in the financial sector continue
is reduced, this operation would be inconsistent with      to deteriorate, while a consensus among key
other policies (Lirafication and monetization of the       stakeholders on the burden-sharing of losses has
deficit), making the overall monetary stance of BdL        proven to be elusive, and is further complicated
unclear. This can weaken the impact of a reduction in      by the lack of progress in government formation.
currency in circulation on inflation. A larger question    Customer deposits at commercial banks declined
would be, in absence of a more comprehensive and           by US$19.8 billion (or 12.6 percent) in 2020, further
sustainable solution, would BdL/banks spend from           deepening the liquidity shortage. Liquidity needs in
their very valuable (i.e., limited and dwindling) FX       the banking system have been met mainly through
resources?                                                 deleveraging and reduction in net foreign assets.
         Officially, BdL did not extend the deadline for   Deleveraging had resulted in banks’ domestic credit
Lebanese commercial banks to meet new param-               portfolio shrinking by US$12.1 billion (or 27.5 percent)
eters set by BdL via Circular 154; that deadline           during the same period (Figure 12), mainly in foreign
was February 28, 2021. Key stipulations of Circular        currency loans, although it partially reflected cus-
154 include: raising bank capital by 20 percent; banks     tomers settling loans backed by real estate collateral,
to place funds in correspondent banks amounting to         using deposits locked up in bank accounts.
a minimum of 3 percent of customers’ FX deposits;                 Lending from BdL has allowed Lebanese
banks to convince customers to repatriate 15 percent       commercial banks to pay off liabilities to
of deposit outflows above US$500,000 since end-
2017; banks’ shareholders and politically exposed
persons (PEPs) to repatriate 30 percent of deposit         30	
                                                                     In more conventional monetary and financial conditions,
outflows above US$500,000 since end-2017. BdL and                    increasing policy rates can be used to effect monetary
the Banking Control Commission are reported to be                    tightening. However, this is no longer an option as the
                                                                     banking system is dysfunctional and the monetary
currently undertaking a bank by bank examination
                                                                     transmission channel impaired. In addition, under
of compliance. There is a lack of clarity on follow up               capital controls, monetary authority has more flexibility
and next steps, and there have been no subsequent                    in not increasing interest rates as capital is captive even
initiatives since the passing of the deadline.                       with hugely negative real interest rates.

                                                                                         Recent Macro-Financial Developments                 17
     correspondent banks in order to retain linkages           FIGURE 13 • A Steady and Sharp Deterioration in
     to the global financial system. As of December                         Credit Performance as Measured by
                                                                            NPL Ratio for Banks
     2020, commercial banks’ placements in and liabilities
     for non-resident financial institutions (FIs) amounted                                                NPLs by Sector
     to US$4.7 and US$6.6 billion, respectively, compared                Total Credit Portfolio
     to US$6.8 and US$8.8 billion in December 2019.
     Foreign correspondent banks have significantly                                  Housing
     tightened conditions and reduced lines to Lebanese              Financial Intermediation
     banks. As a condition on continuing to transact via                          Retail Trade
                                                                            Wholesale Trade
     correspondent banks, commercial banks have had to          Contracting and Construction
     pay down liabilities to these banks, partially financed            Processing Industries
     by lending from BdL. This allowed a marginal                                            0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
     improvement in the net position of commercial banks                                                 Dec-19         Dec-20
     at non-resident FIs, which nonetheless remained
                                                               Sources: BdL and WB staff calculations.
     negative at –US$1.8 billion in end-2020, compared
     to –US$2.1 billion in end-2019.
            Large losses associated with the sover-
     eign exposures of the banking sector remain               19.6 percent a year earlier. NPL ratio for construction,
     unresolved. Exposures to the sovereign amount to          processing industries and wholesale and retail trade
     70 percent of total banking assets or roughly 250         reached 51 percent, 50 percent and 43 percent,
     percent of 2019 GDP. These include US$110 billion         respectively (Figure 13). Provisioning coverage was
     in BdL instruments, US$10 billion in Lebanese gov-        at just over 50 percent as of end-2020. Continued
     ernment Eurobonds and US$11 billion in domestic           deterioration in the quality of the remaining credit
     government securities at the official exchange rate.      portfolio (US$40 billion at the official exchange rate
            The credit portfolio of the banking sector         and 61 percent denominated in US$) would be
     has substantially deteriorated during recent              expected, given the lack of progress in government
     months. The non-performing loan (NPL) ratio—that          formation and necessary restructuring and reform.
     is, gross NPLs including unearned interests as a          Losses arising from the rapid deterioration of assets
     percentage to total loans—stood at 33.0 percent (37.7     quality, although paling in comparison to the losses
     percent for FX loans) as of end-2020, compared to         from sovereign exposures, will need to be addressed
     13.3 percent at end-June 2019 before the crisis and       in a comprehensive balance sheet cleanup.


             e continue to monitor the Lebanon                of crisis or the year of the financial crisis. There
             financial crisis in the context of Global        are cases where the downturns start earlier but
             Crisis Comparators.31 In this LEM, we            these are less frequent.
compare the Lebanon crisis with the most severe            •	 A substantial number of these crises are not
global crises episodes as observed by Reinhart                “pure” banking crises in that these unfold
and Rogoff (2014), henceforth referred to as R&R.32           alongside a currency crash and often involve a
Based on the most extensive financial crises database         sovereign default as well.
available,33 R&R calculate a crisis severity index (CSI)
for a sample of 100 crisis episodes over the 1857–         31	
                                                                 The Fall 2020 LEM, entitled The Deliberate Depression,
2013 period. The CSI is computed based on (i) the
                                                                 compares Lebanon’s macroeconomic fundamentals in
depth of the crisis episode—the peak-to-trough decline           the lead-up to the crisis to two groups of global crises
in real GDP per capita, and (ii) its duration—the number         comparators: the Asian crisis countries of 1997–98, and
of years it takes to reach the prior peak in real per            a more eclectic set of crises that occurred in the 2000’s
capita income. Specifically, for each crisis episode:            [Argentina (2001), Greece (2008), Ireland (2008),
                                                                 Iceland (2008) and Cyprus (2012)]. We conclude that,
                                                                 leading up to the crisis point, Lebanon’s macroeconomic
CSI = −1*(peak-to-trough percentage change) +
                                                                 fundamentals were weak compared to these global
number of years from peak to recovery to prior peak              crises comparators, suggesting that the adjustment
                                                                 process will be more painful and will take longer, even
       R&R’s 25 most severe crises and associated                with optimal policy measures in place.
results are presented in Table 3. Some notable find-       32	
                                                                 Reinhart, Carmen M. and Kenneth S. Rogoff (2014),
ings include:                                                    Recovery from Financial Crises: Evidence from 100
                                                                 Episodes, American Economic Review: Papers &
                                                                 Proceedings 2014, 104(5): 50–55.
•	 A typical recurring pattern across time and space       33	
                                                                 Reinhart, Carmen M., and Kenneth S. Rogoff (2009),
   in these cycles is one in which economic activity             This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly.
   reaches a peak either the year before the onset               Princeton: Princeton University Press.

               Crisis Severity: Percent Decline in Per Capita GDP, Duration of Contraction, and Years to Full
     TABLE 3 • 
               Recovery in 25 of the Worst Systemic Banking Crises, 1857–2013 (Reinhart and Rogoff, 2014)

                                                                         Peak to Trough          Peak to Trough          Peak to Recovery                                     Double Dip
             Rank             Year                     Country              % change                  # years                  # years                    CSI                 Yes or No
         1            1926                     Chile                           –46.6                       3                      16                      62.6                    Y
         2            1931                     Spain (civil war)               –34.6                       9                      26                      60.6                    Y
         3            1983                     Peru                              –32                     11                       25                        57                    Y
         4            1931                     Uruguay                         –36.1                       3                      17                      53.1                    Y
         5            1893                     Australia                         –28                       8                      20                        48                    Y
         6            1929                     Mexico                          –31.1                       6                      16                      47.1                    Y
         7            1921                     Italy                           –25.5                       3                      21                      46.5                    Y
         8            1890                     Brazil                          –21.7                       4                      21                      42.7                    Y
         9            1923                     Canada                          –30.1                       4                      10                      40.1                    N
         10           1890                     Uruguay                           –21                       2                      19                        40                    Y
         11           1981                     Philippines                     –18.8                       3                      21                      39.8                    Y
         12           1980/1985                Argentina                       –21.8                     11                       18                      39.8                    Y
         13           1929                     India                             –8.2                      9                      31                      39.2                    Y
         14           1929/1933                US                              –28.6                       4                      10                      38.6                    Y
         15           1994                     Venezuela                       –24.2                     11                       14                      38.2                    Y
         16           1939                     Netherlands                       –16                       6                      21                        37                    Y
         17           2009                     Greece                            –24                       6                      12                        36                    Ya
         18           1931/1934                Argentina                       –19.4                       3                      15                      34.4                    Y
         19           1931                     Poland                          –24.9                       4                        9                     33.9                    N
         20           1929/1931                Austria                         –23.4                       4                      10                      33.4                    N
         21           1981                     Mexico                          –14.1                       7                      17                      31.1                    Y
         22           1920                     UK                              –18.7                       3                      11                      29.7                    Y
         23           2001                     Argentina                       –20.9                       4                        8                     28.9                    N
         24           1980                     Chile                           –18.9                       2                        8                     26.9                    N
         25           2002                     Uruguay                         –18.9                       4                        8                     26.9                    N
                      Average                                                  –24.3                       5                      16                      40.5
         This is listed as N in Reinhart and Rogoff (2014), since until its publication, Greece had not yet experienced its double dip which subsequently occurred in 2016.

     •	 Out of the 100 episodes, 63 were in advanced                                                           Lebanon’s real GDP per capita has been on a
        economies and 37 in emerging economies.                                                          continuous decline since the onset of the Syria war
     •	 While emerging market peak-to-trough average                                                     in 2011, with a much sharper drop commencing in
        output declines are about 5 percent larger than                                                  2018 (Figure 14). Prior to 2018, Lebanon’s per capita
        those in the advanced economies, they are not                                                    GDP declined as a direct consequence of the war in
        statistically significantly more protracted.
     •	 A double dip34 is observed for 45 percent of the whole                                           34	
                                                                                                               A double dip is when the post-trough, but pre-recovery
        sample and two-thirds of the most severe crises.                                                       growth is interrupted with a real GDP contraction.

neighboring Syria; both real economic activity slowed     FIGURE 14 • Lebanon’s Real GDP is a More
appreciably,35 and population increased significantly                  Accurate Reference Point for the
                                                                       Start of the Financial Crisis than
due to the refugee influx.36 R&R calculations of crisis
                                                                       Real GDP/capita
depth and duration, and hence, the CSI, depend on the
identification of peak year—the year in which the per                                                           Real GDP per Capita
capita real GDP reached a pre-crisis peak. However,
due to the impact of the Syrian crisis, and in order                        5%
to more accurately gauge the depth and duration of

                                                            Percent (%)
the Lebanon financial crisis, it would be unbalanced                       –5%
to identify the peak year in Lebanon by the pre-crisis                    –10%
peak in real GDP per capita as in R&R. Instead for the                    –15%
Lebanon episode, we identify the peak year by the pre-
crisis peak in real GDP, which is 2017.

        The Lebanon financial crisis is likely to rank
                                                                                           Real GDP Growth                                      Population Growth
in the top 10, possibly three, most severe crises                                          Real GDP/Capita Growth
episodes globally since 1900. In order to compute
                                                          Sources: CAS and WB staff calculations.
a CSI for the Lebanon financial crisis, we make
assumptions commensurate to (relatively) good and
bad case scenarios. In the good case scenario, we
assume: (i) real GDP per capita trough occurs in 2021     Annex C for each of these episodes. To the extent
at the World Bank projected growth rate (–9.5 per-        data is available, we plot each macroeconomic indi-
cent), inducing an overall –35.1 percent peak (2017)      cator for the G8 plus Lebanon over the years leading
to trough (2021) change in real GDP per capita; and       to the crisis point and observe dynamics in years that
that (ii) it takes 12 years for Lebanon to recover to     follow.37
2017 real income per capita levels, the average crisis
duration of those cases ranking 16–25 in Table 3. The
good case CSI would be 47.1, ranking the Lebanon          Per Capita Output
episode 6th after Australia (1893) and aligned with
Mexico (1929) in Table 3. In the bad case scenario,       While Lebanon’s real GDP per capita has faltered
we assume: (i) real GDP trough occurs in 2022 at an       since 2011, 2018 marks the beginning of a much
additional 5 percent annual contraction in real GDP,      sharper decline. Only Argentina (01) and Uruguay
resulting in an overall –38.6 percent peak (2017) to      (02) share Lebanon’s consistent negative growth in
trough (2022) change in real GDP per capita; and
that (ii) it takes 19 years for Lebanon to recover to
2017 real GDP levels, the average crisis duration of
                                                                    Annual real GDP growth fell from a pre-Syria war average
the top 10 cases in R&R. Bad case CSI would be 57.6,                of 4–5 percent to 1.8 percent over the 2011–2017 period.
                                                                    Total population expanded by 27.3 percent from 2010
ranking the Lebanon financial crisis third after Chile
                                                                    to 2017.
(1926) and the Spanish civil war.                         37	
                                                                    In these charts, the indicator is plotted from 3 years prior
        We also cross-compare key macroeco-                         to crisis year (t–3), to 5 (or 6) years post-crisis (t+5 or t+6),
nomic indicators for Lebanon with those for R&R’s                   of course going through crisis year (t). In such a way,
relatively more recent episodes. Specifically, we                   even when crisis years differ (say 2009 for Greece and
compare Lebanon to the following R&R episodes,                      2001 for Argentina), plotting in reference to a crisis point
                                                                    rather than the calendar year superimposes the same
henceforth referred to as G8: Chile (1980), Argentina
                                                                    indicator for Lebanon with global crises comparators
(1980), Philippines (1981), Mexico (1981), Venezuela                on one chart. This allows us to cross-compare how the
(1994), Argentina (2001), Uruguay (2002) and Greece                 macro indicator developed as the crisis is approached,
(2009). A summary of crisis events is presented in                  and how it evolved afterwards.

                                                                Global Crises Comparators: Looking for the Minimum                                                                 21
     FIGURE 15 • Real GDP Per Capita for G8 Plus                                           FIGURE 16 • Real GDP Per Capita for G8 Plus
                  Lebanon                                                                                Lebanon

                                             Real GDP per Capita Growth                                                          Real GDP per Capita Growth
                     10                                                                                     10
                      5                                                                                      5
                      0                                                                                      0
      Percent (%)

                                                                                             Percent (%)
                     –5                                                                                     –5
                    –10                                                                                    –10
                    –15                                                                                    –15
                    –20                                                                                    –20
                          t–3     t–2    t–1       t       t+1   t+2   t+3    t+4    t+5                         t–3     t–2    t–1    t     t+1    t+2    t+3    t+4    t+5

                                Chile '80              Argentina '80      Philippines '81                              Venezuela '94       Argentina '01         Uruguay '02
                                Mexico '81             Lebanon '19                                                     Greece '09          Lebanon '19

     Sources: WDI, CAS and WB staff calculations.                                           Sources: WDI, CAS and WB staff calculations.

     per capita real GDP in the period leading to the crisis                                by the Lebanon financial crisis. To the extent
     point (Figures 15 and 16). While the contraction in                                    data allows, we examine the trajectories of both the
     real GDP commenced in 2018, it accelerated sharply                                     exchange rate and inflation in G8 plus Lebanon.
     in 2020. However, Lebanon stands out in magnitude                                      Crisis-related currency depreciations were most
     of the contraction at time t and t+1. Further, the                                     severe in Argentina (80) (Figure 17), and to a lesser
     protracted nature of the crises in the G8 countries                                    extent in Mexico (81), Venezuela (94) and Argentina
     is reflected in the difficulty for these economies to                                  (01) (Figure 18). Exchange rate depreciation in
     regain growth in their per capita GDP. Only Argentina                                  Lebanon has so far been comparable to the latter
     (01) and Uruguay (02) amongst the G8 were able to                                      three. Loss in value for local currencies was relatively
     regain consistent per capita growth by t+2.                                            moderate in Chile (80) and the Philippines (81),
             The contraction in Lebanon’s real GDP                                          and mild in Uruguay (02). Meanwhile, Greece (09)
     per capita is already worse than any of the                                            had successfully retained membership of the Euro
     G8’s Peak to Trough changes. The contraction                                           monetary area.
     in Lebanon’s real GDP per capita from its level in                                             Inflation in Lebanon, long subdued since
     peak year 2017 had already reached an estimated                                        the early nineties in reflection of exchange rate
     27.9 percent by 2020, and is projected to be 35.1                                      stability,38 has come to resemble the worst of
     percent by 2021. This is significantly larger than G8                                  G8 episodes. Exchange rate pass-through effects
     Peak to Trough changes in per capita GDP: –24.2                                        on prices have implied a correlation between cur-
     percent for Venezuela (94); –24 percent for Greece                                     rency depreciations and inflation rates. Due to data
     (09); –21.8 percent for Argentina (80); –20.9 percent                                  limitations, we examine inflation in a subsample of
     for Argentina (01); –18.9 percent for each of Chile                                    the G8 episodes, namely, Chile (80), Philippines (81),
     (81) and Uruguay (02); –18.8 percent for Philippines                                   Mexico (81), Uruguay (02) and Greece (09). Among
     (81); and –14.1 percent for Mexico (81) (Table 3).                                     this subsample, inflation was most severe in Mexico
                                                                                            (81), relatively moderate in Chile (80) and Philippines
                                                                                            (81), and mild in Uruguay (02) and Greece (09). This

     A potent depreciation-inflation dynamic is a key                                       38	
                                                                                                       This is the case since the last exchange rate collapse,
     driver of macroeconomic instability for half of                                                   which saw the currency depreciate by over 400 percent
     the G8 episodes, a characteristic also shared                                                     from January 1990 until Fall of 1992.

FIGURE 17 • CPI Indices for G8 Plus Lebanon                                          FIGURE 18 • Overall Fiscal Balance for G8 Plus
                                    Exchange Rates
               150                                                900                                                                Exchange Rates
               130                                                800                                250
               110                                                700                                200
 Percent (%)

                                                                        Percent (%)
                90                                                                                   150

                                                                                       Percent (%)
                                                                  400                                100
                50                                                300
                30                                                                                    50
                10                                                100                                  0
               –10                                                0                                  –50
                      t–3 t–2 t–1     t   t+1 t+2 t+3 t+4 t+5                                               t–3   t–2   t–1           t      t+1   t+2    t+3     t+4    t+5

                     Chile '80       Philippines '81       Mexico '81                                          Venezuela '94              Argentina '01         Uruguay '02
                     Lebanon '19     Argentina '80 (rhs)                                                       Greece '09                 Lebanon '19

Sources: WDI, CAS and WB staff calculations.                                          Sources: WDI, CAS and WB staff calculations.

correlates to the extent of exchange rate volatility in                               FIGURE 19 • CPI Indices for G8 Plus Lebanon
each of these episodes. Notably, at time t, Lebanon’s                                                                              CPI Indices
inflation rate is even starker than that of Mexico                                                   300                                                           1,800
(81) (Figure 19); specifically, Lebanon’s inflation rate                                                                                                           1,600
in t+1 (2020) was 84.3 percent, while in Mexico (81) it                                              200                                                           1,200
                                                                                       Percent (%)

                                                                                                                                                                           Percent (%)
was 58.9 percent.39 Even though official inflation data                                                                                                            1,000
for Argentina (01) is lacking, the failure of the cur-                                                                                                             800
                                                                                                     100                                                           600
rency board rendered inflation a main vulnerability in                                                                                                             400
the post-crisis period.                                                                                                                                            200
                                                                                                       0                                                           0
                                                                                                            t–3 t–2 t–1        t      t+1 t+2 t+3 t+4 t+5

                                                                                                           Chile '80       Philippines '81            Uruguay '02
Fiscal                                                                                                     Greece '09      Lebanon '19                Mexico '81 (rhs)

                                                                                      Sources: WDI, CAS and WB staff calculations.
Lebanon’s overall fiscal balance stands out as
a main vulnerability in the lead-up to the crisis,
comparable to Greece’s fiscal position on the                                         emerged from their crises. The overall fiscal balance
eve of its crisis. Due to data limitations, we examine                                for each of Chile (80) and Mexico (81) deteriorated
the overall fiscal balance for a subsample of the G8                                  by around 10 pp of GDP (Figure 20). For the former,
episodes, namely, Chile (80), Mexico (81), Argentina
(01), Uruguay (02) and Greece (09). From this                                         39	
                                                                                                 In the period leading up to the crisis, Mexico’s inflation
subsample, only Chile (80) enjoyed fiscal surpluses
                                                                                                 rate fluctuated between 17.5 to 29.1 percent annually,
in the lead to the crisis point. Meanwhile, Mexico (81),                                         while Lebanon’s hovered between a minor deflation and
Argentina (01) and Uruguay (02) entered the crisis                                               a moderate 6.1 percent.
with a modest deficit position, whereas Greece (09)’s                                 40	
                                                                                                 A noteworthy event in the Greek episode is that data
fiscal deficit was in double digits (as a percentage of                                          revision by the authorities on October 2009, which
GDP), as was Lebanon’s.40                                                                        entailed a sizeable increase in the projected fiscal deficit
                                                                                                 from 4 to 12.5 percent of GDP, constituted a trigger to the
        An ostensible improvement in Lebanon’s
                                                                                                 Greek crisis. The data revision came amidst concerns
fiscal indicators (as a percentage of GDP) masks                                                 raised by Eurostat—the statistical office of the European
an actual deterioration. There were variations in                                                Commission—regarding the quality of Greece’s fiscal
the fiscal performances of the G8 subsample as they                                              data on five occasions over the period 2005–2009.

                                                                                           Global Crises Comparators: Looking for the Minimum                                            23
     FIGURE 20 • Overall Fiscal Balance for G8 Plus                                      FIGURE 21 • Gross Debt for G8 Plus Lebanon
                                                                                                                                    Gross Debt
                                           Overall Fiscal Balance                                     250
                   0                                                                                  150

                                                                                           % of GDP
      % of GDP

                 –20                                                                                    0
                       t–3     t–2   t–1       t     t+1   t+2      t+3      t+4   t+5                      t–3   t–2   t–1     t       t+1      t+2   t+3      t+4   t+5

                             Chile '80             Mexico '81             Argentina '01                       Chile '80             Philippines '81          Mexico '81
                             Uruguay '02           Greece '09             Lebanon '19                         Argentina '01         Greece '09               Lebanon '19

     Sources: WDI, CAS and WB staff calculations.                                         Sources: WEO and WB staff calculations.

     this reflected a similar deterioration in the primary                                GDP) for a subsample of the G8 episodes, namely,
     balance, driven by larger primary expenditures (from                                 Chile (80), Philippines (81), Mexico (81), Argentina
     23.5 percent of GDP in t–1 to 31.1 percent in t+2). In                               (01) and Greece (09). Leading to the crisis year, the
     the Mexico (81) case, however, the primary balance                                   public debt-to-GDP ratio was below 60 percent for
     first deteriorated significantly (by about 6 pp of GDP                               the G8 subsample (Figure 21), with the exception of
     from t to t+1) but eventually improved into a surplus.                               Greece.41 However, in all cases, the debt-to-GDP ratio
     Interest payments, on the other hand, surged from                                    deteriorated in varying degrees, even for Greece,
     1.6 percent of GDP at t–1, to 8.5 percent at t+2.                                    which benefitted from a large haircut on its public debt.
     Meanwhile, the overall fiscal positions for Argentina
     (01) and Uruguay (02) each improved by around 3
     pp of GDP from t to t+3. In both cases, this reflected                               External Position
     commensurate improvements in the primary balance.
     While an improvement in Lebanon’s overall fiscal bal-                                A deteriorating current account balance in the
     ance seems to resemble that of Argentina (01) and                                    lead to crises is a recurring feature in emerging
     Uruguay (02), it masks an actual deterioration. This                                 economies, and we see evidence of this in
     deterioration is partially driven by crashing revenues                               the G8 countries (Figure 22). A worsening of the
     and despite significantly lower interest payments as                                 external position raises risk exposures to external
     a result of the Eurobond default and non-payments                                    shocks and increases dependence on more volatile
     on coupon rates for Eurobonds and TBs held by the                                    portfolio financing. The current account balance
     central bank.                                                                        for large commodity exporters, in this case Chile
                                                                                          and Venezuela, would be highly dependent on
                                                                                          international commodity prices and are more exposed
     Debt                                                                                 to commodity price shocks. While commodities are
                                                                                          also important exports for Argentina, Uruguay and
     Public debt in Lebanon has consistently been                                         Mexico, it is so to a much lesser extent; for these
     one of the highest globally (as a ratio of GDP),                                     countries, consumption and investment are significant
     and as a result, a key source of macroeconomic
     instability, comparable to only Greece among the                                     41	
                                                                                                  The 60 percent of GDP is the debt ceiling identified by
     G8 episodes. Due to data limitations, we examine                                             the Maastricht Treaty, which set macroeconomic targets
     the central Government gross debt (as a ratio of                                             for countries to qualify for the Euro membership.

FIGURE 22 • Current Account Balance for G8                                   the current account balance. This channel, however,
             Plus Lebanon                                                     was not available for Greece, as its strategic objective
                                  Current Account Balance                     was to remain in the Eurozone. Instead, the correction
             20                                                               in the Greek external position occurred as a result
             10                                                               of an internal adjustment mechanism, typically more
              5                                                               painful and prolonged.
 % of GDP

            –20                                                               Overall
                  t–4 t–3 t–2 t–1         t   t+1 t+2 t+3 t+4 t+5 t+6         Lebanon’s financial crisis stands out as a
                    Chile '80             Argentina '80     Philippines '81   particularly arduous episode even when compared
                    Mexico '81            Venezuela '94     Argentina '01     to some of the most severe crises observed since
                    Uruguay '02           Greece '09        Lebanon '19
                                                                              1900. In estimating the R&R CSI for the Lebanon
Sources: WDI and WB staff calculations.                                       financial crisis, we make reasonable assumptions on
                                                                              its depth and duration. The results suggest that the
                                                                              Lebanon crisis is likely to be of the 10, possibly three,
                                                                              most severe global crises episodes, as observed
drivers for current account balance through imports. It
                                                                              and examined by Reinhart and Rogoff (2014) over a
is noteworthy that of the G8 countries, only Argentina
                                                                              period surpassing a century and half. This is further
(01) and Uruguay (02) did not experience a worsening
                                                                              confirmed when we compare select macroeconomic
of the current account balance up to the crisis point.
                                                                              indicators for Lebanon with those for R&R’s relatively
       A clear implication of the crises in most
                                                                              more recent crises.
G8 countries is a sharp correction in the external
                                                                                     As such, we expect the adjustment process
position. Only Chile (81) deviates as prices of min-
                                                                              to be more painful and to take longer, even with
erals, oils and metal were falling in 4 of the 5 post
                                                                              optimal policy measures in place. As it currently
crisis years.42 For Mexico (81), the Philippines (81),
                                                                              stands, however, the absence of a comprehensive
Venezuela (94) and Argentina (01), the correction in
                                                                              and consistent adjustment strategy can only make
the current account balance occurred as a result of
                                                                              this more difficult.
depreciations in the exchange rates, which increased
the competitiveness of their economies. Mild
depreciation in Uruguay (02) corresponds to mild                              42	
                                                                                    According to UNCTAD, Free Market Commodity Price
post-crisis correction in the current account balance.                              Indices, the annual percentage change in the price for
Noteworthy, Argentina (80) currency collapse cor-                                   minerals, oils and metal, was –15.6, –12.2, 7.9, –8.1,
responded to only a minor post-crisis improvement in                                –4.6 percent from 1981 to 1985, respectively.

                                                                                Global Crises Comparators: Looking for the Minimum           25

        ubject to extraordinarily high uncertainty,       Lirafication and monetization of the fiscal deficit, will
        we project real GDP to contract by a              continue to be critical to the inflationary environment.
        further 9.5 percent in 2021. Our projections      Assuming that in 2021, the Lebanese pound suffers a
(Table 4) assume that COVID-19 conditions carry           comparable depreciation in the US$ banknote market
through 2021, while macro policy responses remain         as it did in 2020, we expect inflation to remain highly
inadequate. We also assume a minimum level of             elevated in 2021, possibly surpassing 2020 rates.
stability on the political and security scenes, but               On the fiscal front, a continued collapse in
refrain from assuming runaway inflation-depreciation,     revenues is expected to lead a deterioration in
which is a realistic scenario. For more empirical         Lebanon’s fiscal position compared to 2020. On
discussion on our projection, please refer to Annex A.    revenues, we assume marginal nominal increases
        As mentioned earlier, monetary and                compared to 2020, as the economic contraction is
financial turmoil are driving crisis conditions,          expected to be less severe and high inflation boosts
more acutely through interactions between the             collection in nominal (but not real) terms. Very high
exchange rate, narrow money and inflation. The            inflation rates will drive a denominator-led shrinking
unusual centrality of this dynamic on the macro           of the revenues-to-GDP ratio by a projected 4.6 pps,
framework is an important caveat regarding our mac-       to reach almost 7 percent, compared to a medium-
roeconomic outlook for 2021. In an attempt to pin         term average of 20.7 percent. On expenditures, and
down the framework and help narrow the confidence         despite proposed 2021 Budget numbers, we factor
intervals for our outlook, we undertake crisis-specific   a 30 percent increase in nominal primary spending,
econometric estimations; specifically, we assess          due again to inflationary pressures. As a ratio of
the response of inflation to changes in currency in       GDP, however, primary current expenditures are also
circulation using multivariate time series models. The    projected to decline due to the same denominator-
results, which are presented in Annex B, suggest that     led effect. Based on this, the overall and primary
a 1 percent shock to currency in circulation gener-       balances are expected to deteriorate in 2021.43
ates a response of 0.80 pp increase in the inflation
rate over a twelve-month horizon. Hence, policy           43	
                                                                That suggests that BdL will have to keep financing the
with implications on narrow money supply, such as               deficit which will accelerate its FX reserve losses. Hence,

             Lebanon’s recession is likely to be arduous           Therefore, the removal of the subsidy will have significant
     and prolonged given the lack of policymaking lead-            social implications due to direct and indirect effects
     ership and reforms. Lebanon’s GDP/capita has fallen           on residents’ purchasing power. Further, Lebanon’s
     by around 40 percent over the 2018–2020 period and            political economy suggests that, much like solutions (or
     is expected to decline further. Hence, Lebanon’s World        lack thereof) to other burdens and deficiencies, there is
     Bank income classification is likely to be downgraded         a high likelihood of suboptimality. Possible scenarios
     from an upper-middle income economy, which should             and associated social implications include:
     enjoy a GNI per capita of between U$4,046 and
     US$12,535, to a lower-middle income status.44                 a.	 An orderly FX subsidy removal. This would involve
             Lebanon faces realistic threats to its already            effectual political and security coordination,
     fragile social peace. Angry demonstrations have                   along with its replacement with a more effective
     been erupting in cities across Lebanon, protesting the            and efficient pro-poor (targeted) program. In this
     depreciation of the local currency and the associated             case, social implications can be mitigated.
     very high inflation rates, as well as general economic        b.	 Non-coordinated FX subsidy removal. This can
     and political conditions. While numbers have not been             involve BdL unilaterally halting the subsidy, with
     large, these demonstrations have been spread across               minimal political and security coordination. In this
     the country, and have cut off important roads and                 case, BdL will carry the political cost, and can
     highways, thereby causing significant disruptions. A              involve increased demonstrations targeting BdL.
     more recent phenomena has involved scuffles in super-             The political class can pass on the blame and
     markets and angry protests outside over access to                 feel somewhat relieved, but to many, the obvious
     subsidized products. This is even occurring in high end           responsibility of the political class will remain.
     supermarkets. Further, the volatile situation allows for      c.	 Disorderly FX subsidy removal due to depletion
     parasitic groups that can be of a more sinister nature            of FX reserves at BdL. This traverses subsidy
     to usurp legitimate popular discontent creating grave             management to constitute a balance of
     security implications. This is in addition to Lebanon’s           payments crisis within a balance of payments
     long-term sectarian fragmentation. Hence, there is                crisis—the complete depletion of FX resources in
     growing wariness of potential triggers to social unrest. In       an economy that has been trying to ration these
     this LEM, we highlight two potential economic triggers.           resources to pay for critical needs. It can trigger an
                                                                       inflationary-depreciation spiral and cause import
                                                                       shortages. Naturally, there are definite significant
     The FX Subsidy45                                                  social and possible security implications.

     The first Special Focus of the LEM examines
     Lebanon’s FX subsidy for critical and essential               Large Scale Interruptions to Vital
     imports, which offers a serious political and social          Public Services
     challenge. On the one hand, the current FX subsidy
     is both distortionary, expensive, and regressive. Its         The second Special Focus of the LEM discusses
     elimination and possible replacement with a more              the impact that the crises are having on four basic
     effective and efficient pro-poor (targeted) program
     would improve Lebanon’s balance of payments,
     meaningfully extend the time-till-exhaustion of                     the fiscal trajectory is contingent on BdL having sufficient
     remaining BdL reserves, and help cushion the impact                 reserves to continue to finance the government.
                                                                         Latest available Gross National Income per capita for
     on Lebanon’s poor and middle class. On the other
                                                                         Lebanon is for 2019 US$7,380.
     hand, the subsidy prevents, in the very short-term,           45	
                                                                         For a more detailed analysis on the FX subsidy, please
     the prices of these products from increasing, which                 refer to: World Bank (2020), Lebanon Subsidy Reform
     would exacerbate inflationary-depreciation pressures.               Note, December 2020.

TABLE 4 • Selected Macroeconomic Indicators for Lebanon; 2016–2021

                                       2013    2014     2015        2016         2017         2018         2019 Est.    2020             2021
Real sector                                              (annual percentage change, unless otherwise specified)
  Real GDP                               3.8     2.5      0.2         1.5          0.9       –1.9–             6.7      –20.3             –9.5
  Real GDP per capita   1
                                        –2.8    –3.2     –3.9        –1.2         –0.6         –2.5           –6.8      –20.7            –10.0
  Agriculture (share of GDP)             3.9     4.4      3.8         4.0          4.5          4.4            5.0        5.0              6.0
  Industry (share of GDP)               14.2    13.4     12.7        12.8         12.3         12.0           10.6       13.5             13.5
  Services (share of GDP)               70.9    71.3     72.0        71.5         71.6         72.2           74.3       77.6             78.3
  Net indirect taxes (share of GDP)     11.0    10.9     11.5        11.7         11.6         11.4           10.1         3.9             2.2
Money and prices
  CPI Inflation (p.a)                    2.7     1.2     –3.7        –0.8          4.5          6.1            2.9       84.3            100.0
  Money2                                 9.0     6.0      5.1         7.3          4.2          3.0           –6.7      198.0            125.0
Investment & saving                                         (percent of GDP, unless otherwise specified)
  Gross capital formation               27.6    24.9     22.2        22.7         21.4         20.8           18.5       10.0              8.1
    o/w private                         25.8    23.4     20.8        21.3         19.9         19.1           17.2        8.8              6.8
  Gross national savings                 2.1    –1.3      5.1         2.2         –1.5         –3.5           –2.7       –1.0             –1.1
    o/w private                         –1.8    –3.9      1.0        –1.0         –4.8         –5.3            7.9        2.7              2.9
Central government finance                                  (percent of GDP, unless otherwise specified)
  Revenue (including grants)            20.1    22.6     19.2        19.4         21.9         21.0           20.6       11.5              6.9
    o/w. tax revenues                   14.3    14.3     13.7        13.7         15.5         15.4           15.5         8.1             4.9
  Total expenditure and net lending     29.0    28.9     26.9        28.6         28.6         32.0           31.2       16.4             12.2
    Current                             27.3    27.3     25.5        27.3         27.1         30.3           29.9       15.2             10.9
     o/w interest payment                8.1     8.7      8.9         9.3          9.4          9.8           10.0         2.1             1.4
    Capital & net lending (excluding     1.8     1.5      1.4         1.4          1.5          1.7            1.3         1.2             1.3
    foreign financed)
  Overall balance (deficit (-))         –9.0    –6.3     –7.7       –9.3–          6.7       –11.0          –10.5        –4.9             –5.3
  Primary balance (deficit (-))         –0.9     2.4      1.2         0.0          2.7         –1.2           –0.5      –2.8–              3.9
External sector                                             (percent of GDP, unless otherwise specified)
  Current account balance              –25.6   –26.2    –17.0       –20.5       –22.9        –24.4          –21.2       –11.0             –9.2
    Trade balance                      –28.4   –29.9   –22.9–        23.6       –24.7        –24.8          –24.9       –17.9            –21.9
     o/w export (GNFS)                  44.5    40.0     39.7        37.3         36.0         35.7           35.4       26.9             41.9
       Exports of goods                 11.0     9.5      8.0         7.7          7.6          7.0            9.3       12.1             18.7
       Exports of services              33.5    30.6     31.7        29.6         28.4         28.7           26.1       14.8             23.3
     o/w import (GNFS)                  73.0    69.9     62.6        60.9         60.8         60.5           60.3       44.8             63.8
       Imports of goods                 45.3    42.5     35.2        35.0         34.7         34.4           35.0       27.5             39.2
       Imports of services              27.7    27.4     27.4        25.9         26.1         26.1           25.2       17.3             24.6
                                                                                                                       (continued on next page)

                                                                                                                       Outlook and Risks          29
     TABLE 4 • Selected Macroeconomic Indicators for Lebanon; 2016–2021 (continued)

                                                         2013           2014           2015           2016           2017           2018         2019 Est.   2020             2021
           Net private current transfers:                    3.4            4.9            6.8            4.8            2.3            2.5          5.6        9.6             16.7
             Net remittances                                 5.0            5.8            7.2            6.6            5.2            4.2          6.1        9.7             16.5
           Net income receipts                             –0.6           –1.2           –0.9           –1.7           –0.5           –2.1          –1.9       –2.7             –4.1
         Capital accounts                                      0              0              0              0              0                 0         0         0                0
         Gross reserves (months of imports                 11.7           13.1           13.8           15.2           15.6           14.3          14.3       19.8             10.6
      Total public debt
         Total debt stock (in million US$)              63,490         66,564         70,325         74,900         79,530         85,139         88,900     58,082           43,958
         Debt-to-GDP ratio (percent)                     135.3          138.3           140.8          146.3          149.7          154.9         171.0      174.0            197.2
      Memorandum items:
         GDP (in million US$)                           46,909         48,134         49,939         51,205         53,141         54,961         51,992     33,383           22,297
     Source: Government data, and World Bank staff estimates and projections.
       Population figures, which include Syrian refugees registered with the UNHCR, are taken from the United Nations Population Division.
       Prior to 2020 this is M3, including non-resident deposits; 2020 and after, this is M0 (currency in circulation).
       Gross Reserves (months of imports GNFS) = (Imports of Goods & Services / Gross Res. excl. Gold)*12.
       Total Imports using the BOP data from the Quarterly Bulletin of BDL.

     public services: electricity, water supply, sanitation                                          further undermined this set up via two effects: (i) it has
     and education. While Lebanon’s public service                                                   significantly increased poverty rates, expanding the
     delivery has long been notoriously deficient relative                                           demographic that is not able to afford these private
     to its upper middle-income status, long established                                             substitutables, and are thus more dependent on
     mitigation measures and private substitutables have                                             public services; and (ii) it threatens financial viability
     traditionally filled the gap, particularly for those with                                       and basic operability of the sector by raising its costs
     economic means. The Deliberate Depression has                                                   and lowering its revenues.


         he real question regarding BdL’s FX subsidy       Background
         for imports of critical and essential goods, is
         when and how to remove it, not whether. This      Policymakers in Lebanon are considering a shift
note shows that the sooner the subsidy is replaced         away from the FX subsidy for imports of critical
with a cheaper and more effective compensation             and essential goods, towards direct transfers to
scheme, the better for the economy and for people’s        households. The decision to remove the FX subsidy
welfare. This is because the current FX subsidy is         for imports of critical goods and essential food and
both distortionary, expensive (costing an estimated        other items (henceforth referred to as essential
US$287m/month), and regressive (i.e., benefits             items) should be based on the most efficient and
predominantly wealthier consumers). Its elimination        cost-effective use of pro-poor public spending. The
and possible replacement with a more effective and         subsidy concerns import of critical goods—energy,
efficient pro-poor (targeted) program would improve        medicine, wheat—and essential items (as identified
Lebanon’s balance of payments, meaningfully extend         by the MoET. The estimated cost of the subsidy
the time-till-exhaustion of remaining BdL reserves,        amounts to a monthly average of US$287 million
and help cushion the impact on Lebanon’s poor and          (Table 5).46 Maintaining the current subsidy scheme
middle class. This note suggests a broad-based cash        accelerates the steady depletion of FX reserves at
transfer program as one such option, which should          BdL and reduces the time available to undertake
be in place prior to subsidy removal. However, while       reforms to avoid a forced and disorderly adjustment
the removal of the FX subsidy would be welcome, it         of the exchange rate. On the other hand, the subsidy
is a mere short-term patch as only a comprehensive         prevents, in the very short-term, the prices of these
reform package that is consistent with a credible
macroeconomic framework can prevent the country
from running out of reserves and being forced into         46	
                                                                 This is distinguishable from the total value of the subsidy,
a disorderly and highly disruptive exchange rate                 which amounts to an estimated US$437 million per
adjustment.                                                      month.

     products from increasing, which would exacerbate                                           and health externalities—namely, local air pollution,
     inflationary-depreciation pressures. The question                                          congestion, accidents and roadway wear and tear.
     policymakers ought to consider is: can a cheaper and                                       Hence, there is a socio-economic benefit in replacing
     more effective compensation scheme be immediately                                          the regressive portion of the subsidy with a targeted,
     implemented to both protect poor and vulnerable                                            and therefore cheaper, transfer program.
     households, and gain some time to protect the                                                      Inflation is a highly regressive tax, dispro-
     official exchange rate until a comprehensive set                                           portionally affecting the poor and vulnerable,
     of policy reforms that are consistent with a stable                                        and more generally, people living on fixed
     macroeconomic framework can be introduced?                                                 incomes, such as pensioners. This is especially
                                                                                                so in Lebanon’s case where key basic items of the
                                                                                                consumption basket are primary drivers of overall
     Macroeconomic Considerations                                                               inflation, which has reached 145.8 percent in 2020.
                                                                                                In fact, the average yoy inflation rate over 2020
     As it stands, half of the cost of the FX subsidy                                           for food and non-alcoholic beverages was 254.3
     is directed toward energy items, which are                                                 percent, while that for clothing and footwear was
     regressive in nature. Higher-income earners are                                            289.8 percent, and 386.7 percent for furnishings and
     more likely to consume more fuel, and thus profit                                          household equipment.
     more from the subsidy. The gains associated                                                        Lebanon’s sudden stop in capital inflows
     by implicitly subsidizing road transport are not                                           has implied a steady depletion of FX reserves at
     distributed fairly; by income, the poorest 20 percent                                      BdL, notwithstanding the introduction of informal
     of the population receives only 6 percent of the                                           capital controls (Figure 23). As of end-February
     subsidy, while the richest 20 percent receives 55
     percent.47 Finally, low fuel prices encourage over-                                        47	
                                                                                                      UNDP, 2015, “Fossil Fuel Subsidies in Lebanon: Fiscal,
     consumption, adding to negative environmental                                                    Equity, Economic and Environmental Impacts.”

     TABLE 5 • Cost of FX Import Subsidy and Impact of its Removal

                                                                                                                BoP Impact due to Estimated Reduction in Demandd
                                 Estimated                                                                                                                      Low
                                   2020      Subsidized                                  Subsidy in           Cost of                                      elasticity-high
                               consumptiona  exchange % subsidizeda                        valueb            subsidyc       High elasticity Low elasticity passthrough
         Product                 ($, mlns)  Rate1 (LL/S)  (%)                             ($, mlns)          ($, mlns)        ($, mlns)       ($, mlns)       ($, mlns)
         Fuel EdL                   1,000             1,515                90%                900                661                 NA                NA                 NA
         Gaz (LPG)                    110             1,515                90%                 99                 73                 80                39                 66
         Mazout                     1,195             1,515                90%              1,076                790               867                418                717
         Other fuel                 1,070             1,515                90%                963                707               776                375                642
         Medication/supplies        1,300             1,515                85%              1,105                811             1,067                455                780
         Wheat                        150             1,515                90%                135                 99                 57                57                 96
         Essential items              960             3,900              100%                 960                303               367                367                612
         Total                       5,785             1,911               91%               5,238             3,444              3,213              1,710              2,913
       Source: Ministry of Economy and Trade (MoET).
       Calculated as: (estimated 2020 consumption) * (the subsidized exchange rate).
       Calculated as: [(the average black market exchange rate—the subsidized exchange rate)/ (the average black market exchange rate)] * (subsidy in value).
       Calculated as: (estimated 2020 consumption) * (percentage change in demand per selected scenario per product) Average black market exchange rate in 2020 is assumed at 5,700

FIGURE 23 • A Steady Depletion in the Gross Foreign Exchange Position at BdL

                                                                                                                                                Gross reserves at BdL
 US$ mln

                                                                   Foreign currencies                                   Foreign securities                                  Gross FX reserves                                     Compulsory FX reserve

Sources: WB staff calculations based on WDI data.

2021, BdL’s gross foreign asset position reached                                                                                                                          Demand effects resulting from the removal
US$22.9 billion, declining by US$14.4 billion since                                                                                                               of subsidies are a key factor for an impact on
end-2019, and by US$1.2 billion from end-2020. The                                                                                                                the balance of payments (BoP). In principal, the
gross position, however, differs widely from its net                                                                                                              absence of demand effects, dragged by the fall in
reserves (i.e., FX reserves at the central bank net of FX                                                                                                         income and increase in prices, would leave the BoP
liabilities to others).48 BdL’s gross position includes                                                                                                           unchanged by the removal of subsidy. To estimate
US$5 billion in Lebanese Eurobonds, an unpublished                                                                                                                the impact on demand, we use country specific,
amount lent out to banks since October 2019, and                                                                                                                  product-based, income and prices elasticities of
required reserves on banks’ customer FX deposits                                                                                                                  demand as presented in Seale et al (2003).50 Notably,
(estimated at US$16.7 billion).                                                                                                                                   the study finds that energy products and medical care
         BdL officials have warned that falling FX                                                                                                                are generally elastic for most countries, including in
reserves will force the central bank to halt its sup-                                                                                                             Lebanon; that is, if consumers’ incomes decline by
port for imports of critical goods and essential                                                                                                                  half, or if product prices increase by 50 percent, then
items at lower exchange rates. The officials indi-                                                                                                                demand for these products declines by half or more.
cated that in the next few months BdL’s FX reserves                                                                                                               Meanwhile, demand for food items are relatively
will drop to the level of the Required Reserves on                                                                                                                inelastic; that is, if consumers’ incomes decline by
banks’ customer FX deposits. Should BdL abandon                                                                                                                   half, or if product prices increase by 50 percent,
its support for imports of critical goods and essential                                                                                                           then demand for these products declines by less
items (i.e., including energy products, medicine and
food essentials), importers will be forced to fully revert
to the US$ banknote market rate49 for the needed                                                                                                                  48	
                                                                                                                                                                        BdL, contrary to other central banks, does not publish
hard currency. New imports would thus be priced at                                                                                                                      net reserves.
the going US$ banknote market rate, exacerbating                                                                                                                  49	
                                                                                                                                                                        This refers to the street market access to dollar
inflationary pressures and potentially stoking an                                                                                                                       banknotes, which has depreciated the Lira by up to 90
inflationary-depreciation spiral. In fact, in anticipation                                                                                                        50	
                                                                                                                                                                        James Seale, Anita Regmi, and Jason Bernstein (2003),
of higher prices, importers, retailers and customers                                                                                                                    International Evidence on Food Consumption Patterns,
are already hoarding critical and essential goods,                                                                                                                      United States Department of Agriculture, Electronic
bringing forward price and volume implications.                                                                                                                         Report from the Economic Research Service.

                                                                                                                                        Special Focus I: FX Subsidy Reform in the Deliberate Depression                                                                                                                     33
     than half.51 We shall preclude from our simulations        and disorderly exchange rate adjustment. The
     EdL due to the company’s obvious deficiencies, spe-        sudden stop in capital inflows has induced a more
     cifically the severe and chronic shortages in power        direct trade-off between the stock of FX reserves at
     supply and tariff regulations that distort the impact      BdL and the import bill. As a result, the BoP relief
     on demand. Further, there is uncertainty regarding         shown will reflect on the foreign exchange reserves
     the elasticities for these consumption goods in the        at BdL. We stress that the improvement in the BoP
     Lebanese economy. Specifically, other literature           position and the extension of reserves are temporary
     suggest that energy products and medical care are          and come at the expense of worsening economic
     inelastic goods.52 For robustness, we also re-run          activity and declining standard of living.
     simulations based on relative in-elasticities of energy            As a result of subsidy removal, inflationary
     products and medical care.53 We shall henceforth           pressures would materialize via direct and itera-
     refer to simulations based on Seale et al (2003) as        tive effects. Through the direct effect, the inflation
     High Elasticity Scenario, and those that assume the        rate would increase as prices for critical goods and
     inelasticity of energy products and medical care as the    essential items reflect the higher US$ banknote
     Low Elasticity Scenario. We proceed by (i) assuming        exchange rate.55,56 Additionally, an iterative effect
     that income contracts by 20 percent across all sce-        arises from an increased demand for dollars in the
     narios; and (ii) simulating two scenarios for product      dollar-note market, which further depreciates the
     price increases: a 50 percent increase in prices of        currency, fueling inflation. With surging inflation,
     energy products, medicine and food items, and a 100        demand for narrow money increases. Meeting this
     percent increase (dubbed the High Passthrough).
     Hence, we present three scenarios:
                                                                      According to Seale et al. (2003), income elasticities of
     1.	 High Elasticity Scenario: a high elasticity scenario         demand for Lebanon are 0.632 for food, beverage and
         that assumes a 20 percent contraction in income              tobacco, 1.2 for gross rent, fuel and power, and 1.357 for
                                                                      medical care. The authors also present price elasticities
         and a 50 percent increase in prices of energy
                                                                      of demand for Lebanon, which are –0.511 for food,
         products, medicine and food items;                           beverage and tobacco, –0.971 for gross rent, fuel and
     2.	 Low Elasticity Scenario: a low elasticity scenario           power, and –1.098 for medical care.
         that assumes a 20 percent contraction in income        52	
                                                                      Accurate elasticities can be derived from more recent
         and a 50 percent increase in prices of energy                and comprehensive Lebanese household surveys which
         products, medicine and food items;                           are not available.
                                                                      Toward that end, we assume income (price) elasticities
     3.	 Low Elasticity-High Passthrough Scenario: a low
                                                                      of demand for Lebanon to be 0.5 (–0.5) for gross rent,
         elasticity scenario that assumes a 20 percent                fuel and power and 0.5 (–0.5) for medical care.
         contraction in income and a 100 percent increase       54	
                                                                      Here we omit a High Elasticity-High Passthrough
         in prices of energy products, medicine and food              scenario that assumes a 20 percent contraction in
         items.54                                                     income and a 100 percent increase in prices of energy
                                                                      products, medicine and food items. The reason is that
                                                                      when price elasticity of demand is at or lower than –1, a
            Removal of subsidies on imports of critical
                                                                      100 percent increase in prices would wipe out demand,
     goods and essential items can lead to some BoP                   which is not a realistic outcome.
     relief. The sharp declines in consumption of the           55	
                                                                      We note that energy products are final and intermediate
     subsidized products translate into BoP relief; all three         goods, and changes to their prices impose economy-
     scenarios suggest improvements to the BoP, ranging               wide effects.
     from US$1.7 to US$3.2 billion depending on the
                                                                      While this will naturally reflect on volumes imported—
                                                                      since consumers will cut down on purchases, and there
     scenario (Table 5).
                                                                      will be some substitutional effects for food products that
            Based on the above, the removal of subsidy                can be manufactured locally (a process likely ongoing)—
     can meaningfully extend the time-till-exhaustion                 being critical goods, they will still be demanded in
     of remaining BdL reserves, thus delaying a forced                substantial volumes.

FIGURE 24 • Upon Removal of FX Subsidy, Direct Effects on Inflation are Substantial

 CPI index

                                                                CPI, status quo scenario (Dec 2020 = 100)                                                      CPI, sudden stop scenario (Dec 2020 = 100)

Sources: WB staff calculations based on WDI data.

demand with a corresponding increase in money
supply—BdL’s current response—would lead to exac-
                                                                                                                                                          There are also stock implications, whereby high inflation
                                                                                                                                                          imposes a wealth effect via transfers from creditors to
erbated pressures on the exchange rate. Moreover,
                                                                                                                                                          debtors; ceteris paribus borrowers would owe less—
under panic conditions, inflation and exchange rates                                                                                                      and hence, creditors would receive less—in real terms
are key observables that drive sentiment, and their                                                                                                       than what was determined at the time the contract was
deterioration re-enforces the inflationary-deprecia-                                                                                                      signed. Consequently, public debt denominated in local
tion cycle.57                                                                                                                                             currency would be worth less in real terms, providing a
        Removing the subsidy is estimated to                                                                                                              fiscal benefit.
                                                                                                                                                          We note that this estimation does not take into
increase inflation through the direct effect by 24
                                                                                                                                                          consideration the iterative effects, which can potentially
percentage points (Figure 24).58 This inflationary                                                                                                        drive an inflation-depreciation spiral.
impact is frontloaded, hitting hardest the first months                                                                                          59	
                                                                                                                                                          The AER is calculated using consumption-based
and diminishing over the course of the year. We                                                                                                           weights applied on multiple exchange rates, specifically,
caveat that this does not account for the impact on                                                                                                       the official exchange rate, the platform rate at BdL and
inflationary expectations and other related iterative                                                                                                     the US$ banknote rate. For further details on the AER,
                                                                                                                                                          please refer to: The Lebanon Economic Monitor, Fall
effects, which are likely to be forceful dynamics. The
                                                                                                                                                          2020, The Deliberate Depression.
inflation results are generated from an estimated                                                                                                60	
                                                                                                                                                          The exchange rate pass-through rate on inflation is
AER59 and an exchange rate pass-through effect on                                                                                                         calculated by first dividing the inflation rate by the AER
prices of about 50 percent60 applied to the following                                                                                                     depreciation rate for the same month and multiplying by
two scenarios: (1) a hypothetical continuation of the                                                                                                     100. This generates a series of pass-through rates for
                                                                                                                                                          the time period August 2019 to September 2020, which
FX subsidy through 2021, which we will refer to as the
                                                                                                                                                          we averaged out. The estimated exchange rate pass-
Status Quo Scenario;61 and (2) a full termination of                                                                                                      through rate will likely change as more actual data are
the FX subsidy on January 2021, dubbed the Sudden                                                                                                         populated.
Stop Scenario.62                                                                                                                                 61	
                                                                                                                                                          This scenario is used for illustrative purposes and is not
        The Government of Lebanon (GOL) needs                                                                                                             a likely option. Sharply falling FX reserves at the central
to prioritize a comprehensive, consistent and                                                                                                             bank precludes the option of continued support for the
                                                                                                                                                          full list of critical goods and essential items.
credible macroeconomic stabilization plan, the                                                                                                   62	
                                                                                                                                                          The Sudden Stop Scenario assumes (i) the subsidy is
fiscal part of which should include a social safety                                                                                                       eliminated on January 2021; and (ii) the US$ banknote
net (SSN) component. Given Lebanon’s rapidly                                                                                                              exchange rate deteriorates to LL 10,000 per US$ by
and continuously deteriorating macroeconomic                                                                                                              January 2021, stabilizing thereafter.

                                                                                                                               Special Focus I: FX Subsidy Reform in the Deliberate Depression                                                                                          35
     conditions, a social safety net by itself will be         compensation program proposed is of a ‘broad
     insufficient, and indeed, as shown above, can             coverage’ nature.67 In year 1, the broad-coverage
     trigger additional macroeconomic risks. Lebanon           subsidy reform compensation scheme (Broad
     needs to incorporate a SSN into a macroeconomic           Coverage-Cash Transfer [BC-CT]) could aim to
     stabilization strategy that prioritizes the arrest of     cover approximately 80 percent of the Lebanese
     hyperinflation, currency depreciation and prolifera-      population. To ensure progressive coverage, the
     tion of multiple exchange rates. This strategy would      BC-CT will seek to exclude the top 20 percent of
     be based on: (i) a debt restructuring that would          the population as they are better able to absorb the
     achieve short-term fiscal space and medium-term           price increases and can afford to pay for the cur-
     debt sustainability; (ii) comprehensively restructuring   rently subsidized items at market price. The broad
     the financial sector in order to regain solvency of the   coverage approach would involve identifying and
     banking sector; (iii) creating a new monetary policy      excluding the top 20 percent of the population (in
     framework that would regain confidence and stability      terms of income/economic wellbeing) and covering
     in the exchange rate; (iv) a phased fiscal adjustment     the remaining 80 percent of the population. Unlike
     aimed at regaining confidence in fiscal policy;           traditional poverty-targeted programs that seek to
     (v) growth enhancing reforms; and (vi) enhanced           identify the poor (bottom 10–40 percent, depending
     social protection.                                        on the country), in this case, the identification of the
                                                               richest 20 percent would be based on affluence
                                                               tests (i.e., markers of affluence to identify the ineli-
     Design of a Broad-Coverage Subsidy                        gible) such as asset filters, dwelling ownership and
     Reform Compensation Scheme63                              characteristics, and formal incomes. Preliminary
                                                               analysis undertaken by the World Bank points to
     Governments often use generalized subsidies as a          the potential use of indicators such as number of
     tool to lower the cost of living for poor households      rooms/bathrooms per household member, dwelling
     and to shield households from price fluctuations—         area per household member, and thresholds for
     Lebanon is not alone in this approach. However,           wages and other formal income for such an afflu-
     subsidies are a blunt and inefficient instrument, and     ence test. Implementing such an approach would
     some are regressive, benefiting the rich more than the    require careful integration of data across multiple
     poor. International experience shows that a shift from    databases to ensure reliability and automation of
     generalized subsidies to direct support to the poor       eligibility decisions. In subsequent years, as the
     could result in an improvement in public welfare.64
            The subsidy reform being considered by
     the GOL aims to replace implicit FX subsidies             63	
                                                                     The proposal in this section reflects the recommendations
     for fuel, medicines, wheat and essential items                  of the World Bank and not necessarily what GOL will
     with direct cash transfers to Lebanese resident                 adopt.
     households.65 The direct cash transfers should offer
                                                                     Ruslan Yemtsov and Amr Moubarak “Assessing the
                                                                     readiness of Social Safety Nets to Mitigate the Impact of
     some compensation to households to purchase items
                                                                     Reform”; World Bank Good Practice Note 5.
     at market prices (which will increase following the       65	
                                                                     This section refers to the GoL subsidy reform proposal
     withdrawal of subsidies as discussed previously) and            as presented by the Minister of Economy and Trade in
     should not be restricted in their use (allowing greater         April 2021 and published on the MoET website. As of
     autonomy and a dignified freedom of choice on the               the publication of this note, the GOL has not reached
     best use of assistance while offering compensation              a decision on what kind of scheme will replace the
                                                                     generalized subsidies scheme.
     for the anticipated increase in prices).                  66	
                                                                     Especially as higher fuel prices will lead to increases in
            As the withdrawal of FX subsidies will                   prices of several other goods and services.
     result in a considerable price shock66 that will          67	
                                                                     Covering the majority of Lebanese households though
     be felt by large sections of the population, the                not attempting universal coverage.

population adjusts to the new (market) prices for           FIGURE 25 • Proposed Monthly Benefit Amount
the currently subsidized items and as economic                           (US$), and Coverage (%), by Year
recovery begins, the coverage of this compensa-
                                                                               60                                                             90%
tion program may be progressively reduced, along                                         80%
                                                                                    50                                                        80%
with the level of benefits (per adult and per child) to                        50                 70%
ensure a smooth phasing out of the compensation                                                 40          40
                                                                               40                                 60%                         60%

                                                              Benefit Amount
program that dovetails with more sustainable and

                                                                                                                         30         30        50%
                                                                               30                                             45%
assured financing for a targeted safety net program                                      25                                                   40%
                                                                                                     20           20
that covers around 30 percent of the population                                20                                                         30% 30%
                                                                                                                           15             15
over time.                                                                                                                                    20%
       We specifically (and demonstratively)                                                                                                  10%
analyze one proposal of a benefits scheme under                                 0                                                             0%
                                                                                    Year 1      Year 2     Year 3       Year 4      Year 5
which Lebanese adults (age 23 and above) receive
                                                                               Amount Adult          Amount Child             % Population Covered
US$50 per month in year 1 of the compensation
program, US$40 in years 2 and 3, and US$30 in
years 4 and 5. Children get half this amount. The cov-
erage progressively declines from 85 percent of the         FIGURE 26 • Compensation Program Outlay and
Lebanese population in the first six months, to 75 per-                  Net Savings from Phase I Subsidy
cent in the next six. Over the next 4 years, coverage                    Withdrawal, US$ mn
declines to 70 percent, 60 percent, 45 percent and
                                                                                    Adult $50         Adult $40               Adult $30
30 percent of the population, respectively (Figure 25.)                 3,500 Child $25       Child $20          Child $15
                                                                                                              2,906       3,060
       The scheme described represents compen-                          3,000                         2,751                       2,592
                                                                        2,500              2,407
sation equivalent to 41 percent of the average                                    1,835
Lebanese household’s monthly consumption                                1,500
                                                                              1,536      964

expenditure in Year 1, 28 percent in years 2 and                        1,000                                                   779
                                                                                                   620      465
3, and 21 percent in years 4 and 5, reflecting a                          500                                          311
substantial level of support to recipient households                        0
                                                                                Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Average 5 Years
(compared to most unconditional cash transfer pro-
                                                                                       Cash Transfer Program Outlay ($ mn)               Savings ($ mn)
grams in upper-middle income countries that provide
22 percent of beneficiary welfare).68
       One option we model is a phased
approach to subsidy removal: Phase 1 is removal
of FX subsidy for the MOET essential items and              million. The removal of phase I subsidies and the
fuel (except for EdL) to take place in January 2021.        introduction of the cash transfer compensation as
Phase 2 is removal of fuel subsidy for EdL along            described will result in a net savings of an average
with a reform of EdL’s pricing reform to take place         annual value of around US$2.6 billion over the
on Jan 2022. Phase 3 is removal of medication               5-year period.69
subject to broad medical coverage for Lebanese                     BC-CT financing options and associated
citizens to take place in January 2023.                     risks necessitate a credible medium-term mac-
       Figure 26 shows the required outlay of               roeconomic framework. In principle, financing
the program and the resulting savings against               options for the BC-CT include: (i) money printing by
Phase 1 of the removal of subsidies. The bud-
getary outlays start at US$1.5 billion in year 1 (80        68	
                                                                       World Bank (2018) The State of Social Safety Nets 2018.
percent coverage) and decline to US$311 million                        Washington DC: The World Bank.
in year 5 (30 percent coverage); equivalent to an           69	
                                                                       These savings do not account for administrative costs of
average annual expenditure of around US$779                            implementing the compensation program.

                                                    Special Focus I: FX Subsidy Reform in the Deliberate Depression                                            37
     the central bank (i.e., monetization); (ii) budgetary         communication is critical for successful subsidy
     allocations; and (iii) international assistance.70 In light   reforms. In Jordan, for example, a widely cast and
     of BC-CT’s large financing needs, monetization risks          well-designed communication strategy played a
     significantly exacerbate current macroeconomic                crucial role in addressing uncertainties and managing
     conditions, further entrenching macroeconomic                 expectations during the 2008 and 2011/12 subsidy
     instability. This option will lead to further deteriora-      reforms. Making an effective use of available
     tion in monetary conditions, potentially stoking the          channels to project transparency, clarity on the role
     afore described inflationary-depreciation effects.            of the program, public information on objectives,
     Alternatively, fiscal financing via additional (unfunded)     operational rules, and results are necessary to tackle
     budgetary allocations would not be qualitatively dif-         information asymmetries and concerns of different
     ferent from the monetization option; currently, the           stakeholders. Bringing in different stakeholders in
     fiscal deficit is de facto monetized. The previous            the design of the program would enrich the scheme
     two options are also likely to preclude effective             and its acceptability. Reforms can succeed only
     international assistance (option iii), which can only be      if an informed public accepts and supports the
     as part of a credible medium-term macroeconomic               reform’s rationale. Clearly communicating who will be
     framework. As mentioned above, this framework                 impacted, and how, is vital to generate public buy-in.
     should include: (a) a debt restructuring program
     that would achieve short-term fiscal space and                Identification and Beneficiary Selection
     medium-term debt sustainability; (b) comprehensivly
     restructuring the financial sector in order to regain         The BC-CT scheme would aim to cover the
     solvency of the banking sector; (c) creating a new            Lebanese population residing in Lebanon only
     monetary policy framework that would regain confi-            (which refers to individuals who spend at least
     dence and stability in the exchange rate; (d) a phased        183 days in the country). The program is proposed
     fiscal adjustment aimed at regaining confidence in            to involve a simple mobile-based registration (self-
     fiscal policy; (e) growth enhancing reforms; and (f)          declared information) to be completed by the
     enhanced social protection (i.e., the BC-CT program).         applicant. No household visits will be undertaken. The
                                                                   program will require ownership of a National ID71 (NID).
                                                                   Individuals who do not have a NID will be required to
     Implementing a Broad-Coverage                                 obtain an NID before registering. The program should
     Subsidy Reform Compensation                                   provide two different registration options: (i) online
     Scheme                                                        through citizen interface (for individuals who can
                                                                   access the internet72) or (ii) physical visit to one of the
     Delivering a broad-coverage cash transfer (BC-                registration sites which could include the LibanPost,
     CT) scheme requires careful design, transparent               and the Social Development Centers (SDCs), or the
     implementation, and adequate financing. It
     involves the following broad steps: (i) consultations
     and communications; (ii) identification and beneficiary       70	
                                                                         For illustrative purposes here, we assume each of
     selection; (iii) payment of benefits; and (iv) monitoring           these options are utilized exclusively, when in practice
     and grievance redress mechanism (GRM).                              there are financing modalities that use combinations
     Consultations & communication                                 71	
                                                                         Initial assessment indicates that 78 percent of the
                                                                         Lebanese population have NIDs, World Bank Technical
                                                                         Mission for a Digital Transformation Project, ID4D,
     A well-prepared communication and out-reach
                                                                         Sept 2019.
     campaign must precede and accompany the                       72	
                                                                         Share of population who uses internet is 75.9 percent
     subsidy reform program. International experience                    (penetration rate), Internet usage, Broadband and
     demonstrates that well-planned and consistent                       Telecommunications report by Internet World Stats, 2016.

use of registration trucks. Each entry point will use         to the financial institution(s) based on the applicant’s
the same “basic delivery system” accessible through           preferred payment choice. Giving recipients the
a mobile compatible citizen interface. A selfie-              choice of the financial service provider often improves
based registration will be utilized for onboarding to         customer experience by incentivizing providers to
the program.73 During the registration, additional            offer the best services, while allowing governments
information will be requested to exclude well-off             to cut on costs and avoid lengthy procurement
segments of the population.                                   processes.75 For recipients opting to receive physical
        The exclusion criteria will be based on               notes, identification information, including biometrics
a phased approach whereby in Phase I basic                    where possible, will be used for authentication at
demographics and information on income and                    disbursement time, hereby ensuring that the applicant
assets will be collected for immediate exclusion.             and whomever is redeeming the funds are the same
Households who pass the eligibility for Phase I will be       person.
onboarded and start receiving the benefits based on                  It is important to note that the payment
their preferred payment modality (see payment sec-            mechanism depends on whether GOL opts for
tion). Phase II exclusion will be a recurrent process and     a restricted or an unrestricted use of funds. The
will commence 3 months after the onboarding. Detailed         above applies to an unrestricted use of funds, whereby
demographics, information on employment, the value            recipients can spend the funds without any condition,
of assets and ownership, etc. will be collected at Phase      be it digitally or in physical notes. It is not possible to
II for exclusion purposes. The program should con-            use transfer to bank accounts as a payment modality
struct interlinkages with other governmental databases        if funds are restricted in their use.
at Phase II depending on technical availability and IT
infrastructure. A call center and a back-office team          Monitoring & GRM
need to be developed to perform random spot checks
(up to 3–5 percent of beneficiaries) to decrease poten-       An effective GRM and an effective monitoring
tial fraud and/or under/misreporting (which would be          system is critical for the success of any social
communicated via a set of outreach and communica-             safety net program and for establishing channels
tion activities). The back-office team will also manage       of trust with the communities. A back-office
the program’s GRM to ensure fairness, transparency,           team needs to be put in place to manage appeals,
objectiveness, and accessibility.                             complaints, data updates, etc. through a GRM
Payments Mechanism

Upon registering for the program, applicants                  Complementarities Between the BC-
will be able to choose their preferred payment                CT Program and Other SSN Programs
modality among the options currently available
in the Lebanese market, receiving funds: (i) on an            The main targeted SSN program in Lebanon is the
individually or jointly held bank account (58 percent         National Poverty Targeting Program (NPTP) which
of Lebanese residents being banked);74 (ii) on a              is being scaled up. The scale up will be financed
physical or virtual banking card, with funds redeemed
at automated teller machines (ATMs), or digitally
spent for purchases on point-of-sale (POS) devices;           73	
                                                                    For each HH member, a photo of the NID and a selfie will
or (iii) in LBP physical notes, with funds redeemed                 be taken to create a user profile in the system. Please note
                                                                    that this option is only valid for polycarbonate type of IDs .
through money transfer operators (MTO) agents                 74	
                                                                    Financial Inclusion Demand Side Survey Report, BDL,
and/or LibanPost offices. Other payment modalities,                 2018.
including mobile wallets, can be added once available         75	
                                                                    The Future of G2P Payments: Expanding Customer
in the market. The GOL will send the payment orders                 Choice, CGAP, 2019.

                                                      Special Focus I: FX Subsidy Reform in the Deliberate Depression                39
     through a US$246 million World Bank supported            time-bound. The NPTP/ESSN is a long-term sustained
     Emergency Crisis and COVID-19 Response Social            SSN program aimed at protecting extreme poor house-
     Safety Net Project (ESSN) and support from donors.       holds facing multiple shocks. The two programs, which
     The ESSN aims to provide cash transfers and access to    can carefully be run in parallel, are complementary to
     social services to 147,000 extreme poor and vulnerable   each other with gradual dovetailing over the next 4–5
     Lebanese households (approximately 20 percent            years, especially as the necessary delivery systems are
     of the population), as well as top-up cash to 87,000     developed. The BC-CT program is likely to be financed
     children ages 13–18 who are at risk of dropping out      by GOL and will entail a gradual reduction in coverage
     from school. In addition, funding from donor partners    over 5 years. By year 5, the level of coverage would be
     will support an additional 50,000 households reaching    in line with a sustainable GOL-financed social safety net
     a total of 200,000 of the poorest households—i.e., 27    program as the current crisis subsides. The 4–5-year
     percent of the Lebanese population.                      horizon will also enable a smooth (rather than abrupt)
            While the BC-CT and the ESSN have simi-           reduction of coverage, as well as the establishment of
     larities and can both be considered types of SSN         a fully functional SSN delivery system (including social
     programs, they have different (albeit related)           registry, GRM, and payments system). The proposed
     objectives and could be run in parallel. The             timeframe is also suitable for the transition to a new
     BC-CT is a compensation for subsidy reform aimed         macroeconomic framework, allowing it to settle in and
     at the general public and likely will be temporary and   support an adequate and robust social safety net.


        ebanon is enduring a severe and prolonged            therefore more dependent on public services; and (ii) it
        economic depression. These conditions                threatens financial viability and basic operability of the
        transverse the financial and economic spheres        public services sector by raising its costs and lowering
to directly impact the wellbeing of residents. Critical to   its revenues. In this Special Focus, we shed light on 4
this wellbeing is delivery of essential public services.     basic public services: electricity, water supply, sanita-
A sharp deterioration in basic services would have           tion and education.
long-term implications, incurring permanent damage
to human capital, which should be a matter of grave
concern. Mass migration, loss of learning, poor health       The Electricity Sector
outcomes, and lack of adequate safety nets, among
other consequences, would lead to a human capital            The electricity sector has been suffering for
catastrophe, from which recovery would be very               decades from a financial deficit that required
difficult. Perhaps this dimension of the Lebanese            constant annual budgetary transfers of US$1–2
crisis makes the Lebanon episode unique compared             billion to EdL. Using simple back-of-the-envelope
to other crises comparators presented in the report.         calculations, these cumulative deficits amount to
        Lebanon’s public service delivery has long been      around US$40 billion as of 2020, a considerable
notoriously deficient relative to its upper middle-income    share of public debt.
status. Nonetheless, long-established mitigation mea-
sures and private substitutables have traditionally filled
the gap, particularly for those with economic means.
                                                                   This Special Focus section is a product of the Lebanon
                                                                   country team, led by Wissam Harake (Senior Economist),
The Deliberate Depression has further undermined this
                                                                   Sameh Mobarak (Senior Energy Specialist), Amal Talbi
set up via two effects: (i) it has significantly increased         (Lead Water Resources Management Specialist), Sally
poverty rates, expanding the demographic that is not               Zgheib (Senior Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist),
able to afford these private substitutables, and are               and Nathalie Lahire (Senior Economist).

            While EdL’s generation production has                                           A SECTOR IN CRISIS:
     already fallen significantly by 19 percent (yoy)
                                                                Annual budget transfers               US$1–2 billion
     over the first 11 months of 2020, more rolling
                                                                Accumulated budget transfers          US$40 billion, almost half of
     blackouts are expected, starting in April, if extra-
                                                                as of 2020                            the national debt
     budgetary allocations of 1,500 billion LBP ($996
                                                                Generation decline                    19% year-on-year over the first
     million at the official rate) for EdL to purchase fuel                                           11 months of 2020
     are not approved by parliament. This reinforces
                                                                Collection losses increase            20%
     existing socio-economic inequalities. Meanwhile,           over 2020
     EdL revenues, which are in Lebanese pounds, are
                                                                EdL cashflow decline                  50% compared to 2019
     shrinking because of increasing technical, commer-
                                                                EdL accrued arrears to private        $320 million at the end of 2020
     cial and collection losses that exacerbate the impact      sector power barges, operation
     of the related non-cost recovery tariffs that have         and maintenance contractors, and
     remained unchanged since 1994. This financial drain        distribution service providers

     in 2020—collection losses of 20 percent and decline        Private diesel generators             Cost of up to US¢30/kWh, 13,200
                                                                                                      labor force
     of EdL cashflow of 50 percent compared to 2019—is
     expected to get worse. EdL is likely to increase rolling
     blackouts to manage its cashflow shortfalls.
            The fragile condition of EdL is exacerbated         of private generators. As such, consumers may start
     by a severe shortage of foreign currency needed            cutting back on using private generators because of
     for maintenance of power plants and purchase               economic pressures, which may affect this industry’s
     of temporary generation. There are already                 estimated 13,200 labor force.
     accrued arrears to the power barges, operations and               Urgent action to address these issues is
     maintenance contractors, and distribution service          needed to avoid the sector’s complete collapse
     providers, estimated to be US$320 million at the end       in the immediate future. In the short-term, there
     of 2020. Many of these private sector contractors          is a need to address EdL’s cash shortfall to avoid
     have threatened termination of their contracts unless      increased blackouts.
     paid. Suspension of operations of these contrac-
     tors will dramatically affect electricity production; 15
     percent is generated from the Karadeniz barges and         Water and Sanitation
     40 percent from Deir Amar and Zahrani power plants
     operated and maintained by PrimeSouth. Moreover,           The WEs have witnessed serious depletions in
     contracts for the barges and distribution service          supplies, revenues, and financial and human
     providers end in September and December 2021,              resources. At the same time, WEs are affected by an
     respectively, without clarity on the plan going forward.   upward spiral in costs in the aftermath of the economic
            To manage decreasing supplies from EdL              crisis (since October 2019), the ongoing COVID-19
     over the past year, consumers have been forced             pandemic (since March 2020), and the Beirut Port
     to increase their dependence on expensive and              explosion (August 4, 2020). Further, the water supply
     highly polluting private diesel generators, which          and sanitation (WSS) service delivery has suffered
     have an estimated cost of up to US¢30/kWh.                 from weakened institutions, limited mobility (due to
     This is expected to intensify as EdL’s increases its       COVID-19 lockdown), lack of funds, limited human
     dependence on rolling blackouts as a cash manage-          resources, and reduced subsidies due to the economic
     ment tool. To make matters worse, as the economic          crisis. The WEs are struggling to sustain their level of
     crisis continues to deteriorate and the BdL’s foreign      services by increasingly depending on their own funds
     currency reserves become increasingly depleted,            and the short-term support available from humanitarian
     the Government is seriously considering lifting diesel     actors (UN and NGOs) that help maintain the pumping
     subsidies, which would significantly increase the cost     systems and purchases of chlorine for water treatment

plants. Moreover, due to ongoing water shortages and        the delivery of WSS services through delays in
intermittent water supply from the WEs—with hours           addressing breakages and repairing leaks and
of supply further reduced in 2020—people have had           assets, possibly leading to the non-operation of
to rely more on other costlier water alternatives such      treatment plants. WEs might start diverting funds
as water tankers and bottled water. The cost of these       from resource monitoring to other immediate O&M
alternatives is increasing. For example, since 2020,        needs. Consequently, there is a risk of intensified
the cost of supply from water tankers increased by          spread of water-borne diseases, adversely impacting
about 35 percent, while prices of bottled water almost      an already vulnerable public health system. Thus,
doubled.                                                    there is urgent need for the following:
       More specifically, WEs are facing the fol-
lowing challenges:                                          •	 Reliable electricity supply is one of the main
                                                               limiting factors in ensuring operational continuity
•	 Lack of coverage for operation and maintenance              of WSS service delivery. WEs require electricity
   (O&M) costs further exacerbated by poor and                 to produce, treat and distribute water supply
   falling collection rates. Even prior to the economic        and continue treating wastewater. Thus, the
   crisis, the applicable yearly flat fee (approximately       Government of Lebanon should prioritize power
   LBP 295,000) already failed to cover the full               supply to WEs during this crisis despite delayed
   cost of O&M. The crisis further exacerbated the             payments to avoid shutting-off of the pumping
   situation, leading to a 20 percent fall in collection       stations and treatment plants.
   in 2020 compared to 2019.77                              •	 Maintaining the WSS services at a minimum
•	 Increase in service delivery costs. Financial crisis        operating capacity to safeguard public health.
   conditions—including FX shortages and sharp                 The ongoing humanitarian support can include
   depreciation of the local currency—along with an            contracting out emergency rehabilitation of WSS
   inefficient FX subsidy on fuel imports compounded           systems to construction firms (where and when
   by rising global oil prices, have led to fuel supply        possible) and providing spare parts (e.g., pumps,
   shortages in the country. All this has resulted in an       motors, pipes, valves, fittings, repair clamps,
   increase in the service delivery costs.                     transformers) and consumables (e.g., chemicals for
•	 Poor incentives for staff. Staff are paid in LBP.           water treatment and disinfection, fuel, lubricants).
   As such, very high inflation rates have resulted in      •	 Continue sustaining the flow of funds to procure
   sharp declines in their real wages. In addition, the        the spare parts and consumables. Standby
   WEs have struggled to pay salaries and statutory            financing mechanisms from the Government
   commitments to retirees resulting in an adverse             are needed to sustain the flow of spare parts
   impact on staff morale.                                     and consumables to WEs, to maintain personnel
•	 Delays in implementing ongoing work paid in                 (e.g., operators and technicians) and must be
   US$. The WEs are facing challenges and delays               equipped and able to meet the capital costs of
   in paying contractors in US$, which are needed              system repairs and rehabilitation.
   to import the necessary goods and equipment,
   thus delaying or blocking the work.
•	 Limited availability of stock of materials. The          Education
   available stock of material and equipment at WEs
   is limited and will not sustain beyond the next          In 2021, Lebanon’s education sector has to
   few months. The need to import replenishments            respond to five major crises, rather than just
   necessitates access to FX.

       Should the situation continue to dete-               77	
                                                                  This is according to unaudited 2020 accounts for the
riorate, these challenges will seriously impair                   Beqaa Water Establishment (BWE).

                                               SPECIAL FOCUS II: PUBLIC SERVICE DELIVERY IN THE DELIBERATE DEPRESSION    43
     one—the Syrian crisis, economic collapse, political           financing.84 Expected austerity measures implemented
     instability, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the PoB               by local universities, will lead to a further decline in
     explosion—putting severe strain on an already                 higher education quality, likely exacerbating a brain
     struggling education system. Pre-COVID-19 learning            drain as youth graduates seek employability abroad,
     levels were already comparatively low, with only              particularly in critical sectors such as medicine.
     6.3 years of learning taking place, once schooling is
     adjusted for actual learning.78 The most recent school        Impact on learning
     closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic—with schools
     closed over 75 percent of the school year between             The recent Programme for International Student
     January 2020 and February 202179—will likely lead to a        Assessment (PISA) (OECD 2019) and Trends in
     further and significant decrease in learning. Effectively,    International Mathematics and Science Study
     students are facing a “lost year” of learning.                (TIMSS) (IEA 2020) show Lebanon as one of the
                                                                   lowest ranked countries in the region in terms of
     Impact on access to education                                 student learning outcomes. Time trends show that
                                                                   learning outcomes have consistently declined over
     The many crises severely impacted demand                      the last decade, pointing at systematic issues with
     for education and student retention, especially               quality of education. While quality of education is low
     as many parents can no longer afford private                  overall, learning outcomes are highly unequal across
     education for their children. School completion               the country. The differences in the quality of individual
     rates in primary (78 percent) and lower secondary             schools are very large—more than in other countries—
     education (59 percent) have already been declining            and disproportionately affect students in public schools
     over the last years,80 with completion rates being            and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds. The
     significantly lower among poorer students.81 The              prolonged school closures and interrupted education
     burden of education in Lebanon, which enrolled about          service delivery will have long lasting negative effects
     1.2 million students in 2019/2020, falls on parents’          on learning for all children, exacerbating inequalities
     shoulders, who pay a combined US$1.5 billion                  and impacting the most marginalized.
     annually, with the government paying an additional
     US$1.2 billion (World Bank 2017).82                           Impact on equity in education
             This school year alone, 54,000 students
     (11 percent of public sector students) transi-                The    prolonged      school     closures   have
     tioned from private to the public schools, putting            disproportionately affected the most marginalized
     additional strain on a public education sector,
     which already faced severe constraints in terms of
     available school infrastructure, education quality            78	
                                                                         World Bank Human Capital Index (2020). Learning-
     and service delivery.83 It is estimated that through                adjusted years of schooling.
     this shift, the private sector is losing at least 8 percent
                                                                         This amounts to 154 days of full closure according to
                                                                         World Bank & UNICEF 2021.
     of its financing, either through per-student tuition or       80	
                                                                         Abdul-Hamid and Yassine 2020
     direct subsidies that are linked to enrollment.               81	
                                                                         Only half of 18-year-olds from the lowest economic
             The contraction in the economy and                          quantiles completed school prior to the economic crisis
     increase in poverty rates will likely lead to more                  in the country (CAS 2020).
     parents shifting their children to public schools             82	
                                                                         Households private expenses comprise fees for private
     in the coming years, as well as higher student                      schools or out-of-pocket expenses in public schools,
                                                                         such as transportation costs and textbooks.
     drop-outs, especially from the most marginalized              83	
                                                                         Most public schools are located in the poorest areas,
     households. These large-scale shifts will change the                where demand is greatest.
     setup of the Lebanese education sector fundamen-              84	
                                                                         World Bank. 2020. “Emergency Social Safety Net Project
     tally, necessitating re-evaluation of education sector              Appraisal Document.”

students, who had little access to continued                access to broadband and computers needed for
learning. Since February 2020, schools were mostly          online education, to resourceful home environments
closed and remote learning the default for most             needed to support learning, up to the misalignment
months. Remote learning requires availability of IT and     between resources provided by the education sector
other resources. About 60 percent of students either        and education needs.
do not have a computer or have to share it with at
least 3 other family members. Recent estimates show         85	
                                                                  Gajderowicz, Tomasz, and Maciej Jakubowski.
that only about 50 percent of students are connected              Forthcoming. “PISA In-Depth Analysis of Results
to online learning.85 Inequities in the education system          for Jordan and Lebanon (draft).” Washington, DC:
have been further exposed with the pandemic—from                  World Bank.

                                               SPECIAL FOCUS II: PUBLIC SERVICE DELIVERY IN THE DELIBERATE DEPRESSION   45
Forecasts of Lebanon’s Real GDP                              Forecasting Real GDP Growth for 2020
Growth using MIDAS Regressions:
An Update for 2020 and 2021                                  The high frequency indicators used to nowcast and
                                                             forecast Lebanon’s real GDP growth in 2020 are:
                                                             annual growth rates in claims of the commercial
Introduction                                                 banking sector on resident customers, outstanding
                                                             lines of credit for imports, non-resident deposits and
The forecasts of Lebanon’s real GDP growth for the           resident deposits (Figure 27). That is, in the MIDAS
year 2020 and 2021 are updated based on the new              setup, our vector of high frequency indicators is,
incoming data for the high frequency indicators. The          x tH = (cl , lc , nr , r ) , where cl, lc, nr and r denote,
data on the high frequency indicators are available for      respectively, annual growth rates in claims of the
the first eleven months of 2020 at the time of writing.86    commercial banking sector on resident customers,
The data for real GDP growth are available until 2019.       outstanding lines of credit for imports, non-resident
        In forecasting growth in 2020 and 2021, we           deposits and resident deposits. We also aggregate
make a distinction between the utility of financial versus   the information from the four high frequency
real economy indicators. Financial indicators are likely     indicators using principal components analysis. More
to better first capture financial crisis dynamics, making    specifically, we extract the first principal component
them more relevant leading indicators for 2020 than          from the four indicators and use it to forecast real
real economy indicators. However, over the course of         GDP growth for 2020. The MIDAS model, which uses
2020, the financial sector became increasingly inop-         the first principal component of the four indicators,
erative and segmented from both the local and global
economy. Meanwhile, real indicators increasingly             86	
                                                                   In the previous update to the MIDAS forecasting exercise,
capture the extent of the economic crisis and become               the data on the high frequency indicators were available
more relevant leading indicators for 2021.                         until May 2020.

     FIGURE 27 • Evolution of High Frequency Indicators Used to Nowcast and Forecast Lebanon’s Real GDP
                  Growth in 2020

                     Growth in Claims on Resident Sector                     Growth in Outstanding Lines of Credit for Imports
       30                                                      80
        0                                                       0

      –10                                                     –40
      –40                                                    –120
            08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20                  08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
                       Growth in Nonresident Deposits                                   Growth in Resident Deposits
       60                                                      30
       40                                                      20
      –20                                                     –10

      –40                                                     –20
            08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20                  08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

     is referred to as the factor augmented MIDAS             TABLE 6  •  Real GDP Growth Forecasts for 2020
     model. The low frequency variable of interest in the
                                                                                                         Real GDP growth forecasts
     nowcasting or forecasting exercises is y tL = (gdpg )                                                       for 2020
     where gdpg is the growth rate in GDP.
            The dynamic (i.e., multi-step-ahead) forecasts
                                                               Growth in non-resident deposits                     –12.6%
     of real GDP growth rates are generated using an
     ADL-MIDAS model, which is employed to introduce           Growth in resident deposits                         –14.8%

     dynamics. The high frequency indicators are available     Growth in claims on the resident                    –13.5%
     until November 2020.
            Forecasts of real GDP growth for 2020 are pro-     Growth in lines of credit for imports               –14.4%
     duced from the ADL-MIDAS using each of the above          Factor Augmented MIDAS                              –20.3%
     high frequency indicators. The forecasts of real GDP
     growth are provided in Table 6.

     Forecasting Real GDP Growth for 2021                             This poses an immediate challenge: The set
                                                              of candidate high frequency indicators of economic
     Under the assumption that the constraints relating       activity that can be used to forecast real GDP
     to import demand are less binding in 2021 and that       growth is sizeable. Tiffin (2016) employs a machine
     the bulk (but not the entirety) of the adjustment in     learning approach to identify the best predictors of
     the banking sector occurs in 2020, the set of high       economic activity. More specifically, Tiffin (2016)
     frequency indicators is enlarged to encompass real       resorts to random forests, Least Absolute Shrinkage
     activity indicators.                                     and Selection Operator ridge and elastic net

TABLE 7  •  Candidate Predictor Variables for the                                    Forecasts of Real GDP Growth for 2021
                                                                           TABLE 8 • 
Real High Frequency Indicators                                                       Using Real Activity Indicators

                                                         Observations                                                                Forecast for 2021
 Candidate predictor variables                           available until
                                                                            BDL Coincident Indicator (annual change,                     –19.6%
BDL Coincident Indicator (annual change, percent) (CI)     2020:09          percent) (CI)

World Bank Coincident Indicator (annual change,            2020:09          World Bank Coincident Indicator (annual change,              –16.0%
percent) (WBCI)                                                             percent) (WBCI)

Cement Deliveries (annual change, percent) (CD)            2020:09          Cement Deliveries (annual change, percent) (CD)               –9.9%

Customs Receipts in Real Terms (annual change,             2020:09          Customs Receipts in Real Terms (annual change,               –24.5%
percent) (CR)                                                               percent) (CR)

Import of Petroleum Derivatives (annual change,            2020:09          Import of Petroleum Derivatives (annual change,               –8.7%
percent) (PI)                                                               percent) (PI)

Incoming Freight at the Port of Beirut (annual change,     2020:09          Incoming Freight at the Port of Beirut (annual change,        –8.7%
percent) (IF)                                                               percent) (IF)

Outgoing Freight at the Port of Beirut (annual change,     2020:09          Outgoing Freight at the Port of Beirut (annual change,        –7.1%
percent) (OF)                                                               percent) (OF)

Primary Spending in Real Terms (annual change,             2020:08          Primary Spending in Real Terms (annual change,                –6.7%
percent) (PRIM)                                                             percent) (PRIM)

regressions to select the best predictor of quarterly                      nowcast of 2020 (i.e., it is a dynamic forecast). This
GDP growth from a pool of noisy high frequency                             translates into more uncertainty. Further, the forecast
indicators.87 The MIDAS setup is different from that                       of real GDP growth for 2021 will not reflect any
used in Tiffin (2006). Tiffin (2016) predicts quarterly                    positive developments on the policy front given that it
GDP using quarterly indicators and, therefore, does                        builds on an extrapolation of time series dynamics.88
not mix low and high frequency data. Nonetheless, a                        The forecast of GDP growth for 2021 should therefore
subset of the candidate predictor variables that are                       be used with these caveats in mind. The advantage
entertained by Tiffin (2016) is considered in addition                     of using a large pool of predictor variables is the
to the four high frequency indicators considered                           ability to generate a large set of forecasts of real
previously. The candidate predictor variables are                          GDP growth, which can then be combined. This will
provided in Table 7 and illustrated in Figure 28.                          attenuate uncertainty related to the forecast.
       The nominal series are deflated by the                                      As noted in Timmermann (2006), combining
Consumer Price Index (CPI). The data for the CPI are                       forecasts is desirable for a number of reasons.89 First,
available starting in January 2008. The availability of                    identifying the best performing model is not a straight-
the CPI data dictates the starting date of the MIDAS                       forward endeavor. Therefore, combining forecasts
forecasting exercise to be January 2009. The same                          provides diversification gains. Second, the combined
starting date is employed for all of the models to place                   forecast is more robust to structural breaks in the
them on an equal footing.                                                  individual forecasting models. Third, given that every
       Forecasting Lebanon’s real GDP growth for
2021 is more complicated and subject to considerably
more uncertainty than nowcasting real GDP growth                           87	
                                                                                 Tiffin (2016) notes that machine learning methods
for 2020. To start with, none of the high frequency                              are particularly adept at prediction and that the best
                                                                                 predictor is determined based on its out of sample
indicators are observed for 2021. Therefore, monthly
                                                                                 predictive accuracy.
forecasts of the four high frequency indicators for                        88	
                                                                                 This extrapolation embeds mean reversion, but this is not
the year 2021 should be generated. In addition, the                              sufficient to reflect the positive effects of policy action.
forecast of real GDP growth for 2021 builds on the                         89	
                                                                                 This discussion is based on Jamali and Yamani (2019).

                                                                                                                                               Annex     49
     model is likely to be misspecified, combining forecasts    2016). Fourth, Timmermann (2006)’s synthesis of the
     will alleviate the effects of misspecification in indi-    empirical literature suggests that combining forecast
     vidual forecasting models (Elliott and Timmermann,         yields gains in predictive accuracy relative even to

     FIGURE 28 • Growth of High Frequency Real Economy Indicators Used to Nowcast and Forecast
                  Lebanon’s Real GDP Growth in 2021

                                  CIG                                                      WBCIG
       40                                                       40

       20                                                       20
      –40                                                       –60
      –60                                                       –80
            2008   2010   2012   2014    2016    2018    2020         2008   2010   2012   2014    2016   2018   2020
                                  CDG                                                      CRG
       80                                                       120


      –80                                                       –80
            2008   2010   2012   2014    2016    2018    2020         2008   2010   2012   2014    2016   2018   2020
                                  PIG                                                       IFG
      100                                                        60
       75                                                        40
       50                                                        20
       25                                                         0
        0                                                       –20
      –25                                                       –40
      –50                                                       –60
            2008   2010   2012   2014    2016    2018    2020         2008   2010   2012   2014    2016   2018   2020
                                  OFG                                                      PRIMG
       80                                                       120
       20                                                        40

        0                                                         0
      –60                                                       –80
            2008   2010   2012   2014    2016    2018    2020         2008   2010   2012   2014    2016   2018   2020

the best performing individual forecasting model. The                    Forecasts of Real GDP Growth for
                                                             TABLE 9  •  
simple mean, the trimmed mean and the median are                         2021 Using Real Activity and Financial
three simple forecast combination methods that can
be applied in this setup.                                                                                              Forecast for
        Dynamic forecasts of the growth in the high           Indicator                                                   2021
frequency indicators are generated from a well-              BDL Coincident Indicator (annual change, percent) (CI)      –19.6%
specified Autoregressive Moving Average model. The           World Bank Coincident Indicator (annual change,             –16.0%
forecast sample begins on the month following the            percent) (WBCI)
last for which an observation on the high frequency          Cement Deliveries (annual change, percent) (CD)             –9.9%
indicator is available. The forecast sample for the          Customs Receipts in Real Terms (annual change,              –24.5%
high frequency indicators ends in December 2021.             percent) (CR)
The set of high frequency candidate predictors is            Import of Petroleum Derivatives (annual change,             –8.7%
x tH = (ci , wbci , cd , cr , pi , if , of , prim ).         percent) (PI)
        The time series dynamics of the high frequency       Incoming Freight at the Port of Beirut (annual change,      –8.7%
indicators of economic activity are provided.                percent) (IF)
        The simple average of the forecasts for 2021 is      Outgoing Freight at the Port of Beirut (annual change,      –7.1%
–12.65 percent whereas the median is –9.32 percent.          percent) (OF)
        The growth forecasts using the main high             Primary Spending in Real Terms (annual change, percent)     –6.7%
frequency indicators are provided in Table 9.                (PRIM)

        Again, given that the import constraint is likely    Growth in non-resident deposits (NR)                        –10.5%
not binding in 2021, the GDP growth forecast for 2021        Growth in resident deposits (R)                             –11.3%
obtained from the growth in lines of credit for imports as
                                                             Growth in claims on the resident sector (CL)                –8.9%
a high frequency indicator is dropped from the forecast
                                                             Growth in lines of credit for imports (LC)                  –12.6%
combination. Combining the forecasts from Tables 8
and 9 yields an average growth rate of –11.6 percent in
2021 and a median growth rate of –9.90 percent. If the
forecast of real GDP growth obtained with lines of credit    Dynamic Response of Inflation to
for imports is included in the forecast averaging, the       Currency in Circulation in Lebanon
average growth rate for 2021 becomes –12.05 percent
while the median growth rate is –10.22 percent.              This section offers an assessment of the response of
                                                             inflation to changes in currency in circulation using
References                                                   multivariate time series models. The variables of
                                                             interest are the percentage change (growth) in the
Elliott, G., & Timmermann, A 2016. Economic                  currency in circulation, inflation and the percentage
      Forecasting. Princeton University Press.               change in the World Bank coincident indicator. The
Jamali, I., & Yamani, E. 2019. Out-of-sample exchange        coincident indicator is employed to control for real
      rate predictability in emerging          markets:      economic activity.
      Fundamentals versus technical analysis. Journal
      of International Financial Markets, Institutions       Unit Root Tests
      and Money, 61, 241–263.
Tiffin, A. 2016. Seeing in the dark: a machine-learning      We begin the exercise by testing for stationarity for each
      approach to nowcasting in Lebanon. IMF Working         of the series using the augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF)
      paper WP/16/56, International Monetary Fund,           (1979) and the Phillips and Perron (PP)(1988) tests. The
      Washington DC.                                         null hypothesis for both the ADF and PP tests is that the
Timmermann, A. 2006. Forecast combinations. Hand-            series contains a unit root. The ADF test is known to
      book of Economic Forecasting, 1, 135–196.              exhibit low power when the alternative is near unit root

                                                                                                                             Annex    51
     behavior (Elliot et al., 1996). Therefore, the ADF test with   TABLE 10  •  Unit Root Tests
     GLS detrending of Elliott et al. (1996) is also employed.
                                                                                                           ADF             PP      ADF-GLS          ZA
     The existing literature shows that the ADF–GLS test has
                                                                     Growth of currency in                –3.29       –11.29*** –2.62           –5.49***
     good power properties against near unit root behavior.          circulation
             The crisis dynamics pervading the post
                                                                     Inflation                          –4.33***       –7.46*** –4.18*** –6.27***
     October 2019 period imply that the series might be
     subject to a structural break. Therefore, the Zivot and         Percentage change in the          –12.96*** –13,08*** –4.01*** –5.36***
                                                                     World Bank coincident
     Andrews (ZA) (1992) test, which allows for a break in           indicator
     the intercept and the trend, is also employed.                 Notes: This table provides the results from the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF), Phillips
             The results from the unit root tests suggest that      and Perron (PP), Elliott, Rothenberg and Stock (1996) ADF test with GLS detrending
                                                                    (ADF-GLS) as well as the Zivot and Andrews (ZA) (1992) tests.
     all three series are stationary. The tests also indicate
     that the growth in currency in circulation can be char-
     acterized as a stationary variable that is subject to a        in circulation is significant. More specifically, the
     structural break. The Perron (2006) test designates            response of inflation peaks five months following the
     August 2019 as the break point.90                              shock and remains positive and significant. The growth
                                                                    in the WBCI exhibits a negative response to the shock
     VAR Variables in Difference                                    to currency in circulation. This response is significant
                                                                    in the two to five months following the shock.
     Let M0t, Pt and WBCIt denote, respectively, the                        The cumulative effect of the shock to the cur-
     level of the currency in circulation, the CPI and the          rency in circulation on inflation for the entire forecast
     World Bank Coincident Indicator index. The natural             horizon (12 months) can be computed by accumu-
     logarithms of the currency in circulation and the              lating the responses in inflation. The effect is provided
     price level are denoted, respectively, mot and pt. The         in Table 11. The results suggest that a 100 percent
     percentage change in the WBCIt is computed as                  increase in the currency in circulation increase prices
                     WBCIt −WBCIt −1 .                              by 129 percent annually, which averages about 10.75
     wbgt = 100 x
                           WBCIt                                    percent per month.
              The vector of variables in the VAR is thus
     y t = [ Δm0t , Δpt ,wbgt ]’. Namely, the vector of variables
                                                                    VAR Variables in (Log) Levels
     yt includes the percentage change in the currency in
     circulation, inflation as measured by the percentage
                                                                    The robustness of the results is assessed by estimating
     change in the CPI, and lastly, the percentage change
                                                                    the VAR model in log levels. More specifically, the VAR
     in the World Bank Coincident Indicator index. The
                                                                    in log levels comprises in the following order: mot, pt
     VAR model is estimated using percent changes in
                                                                    and wbcit, where wbcit is the natural logarithm of the
     the variables to circumvent non-stationarity.
              A recursive ordering (Cholesky decomposi-
     tion) is employed to identify the VAR. An optimal lag                       Cumulative Effect of a 1 Percent
                                                                    TABLE 11  •  
                                                                                 Increase in Currency in Circulation on
     length of five is used based on the Akaike Information                      Inflation
     Criterion (AIC). The analysis is carried out at the
     monthly frequency over the period January 2008 to                Percentage increase in currency
                                                                               in circulation                          Cumulative effect on CPI
     September 2020. The times series of the variables are
     displayed in Figure 29.                                                            1%                                        1.29%

              The effects of a shock to currency in circula-                          100%                                        129%
     tion are assessed using impulse response analysis.
     Figure 30 provides the responses of each of the vari-
     ables to a 1 percent shock to currency in circulation.         90	
                                                                          Other unit root tests that account for a break include Lee
              The response of inflation and the World Bank                and Strazicich (2003) as well as Lumsdaine and Papell
     coincident indicator to a 1 percent shock to currency                (1997).

            Time Series Dynamics of the Variables in Changes
FIGURE 29 • 

                                                                            Growth of Currency in Circulation
                    2008        2009        2010        2011        2012        2013        2014        2015        2016        2017        2018        2019        2020







                    2008        2009        2010        2011        2012        2013        2014        2015        2016        2017        2018        2019        2020

                                                                    Change in the World Bank Coincident Indicator
                    2008        2009        2010        2011        2012        2013        2014        2015        2016        2017        2018        2019        2020

Notes: This figure provides the time series of the variable used in the estimation of the VAR. The shaded area is the post October 2019 period, which corresponds to the period of the
financial crisis.

World Bank coincident indicator.91 The variables in                                                    The effect of a 1 percent increase in the
log levels are displayed in Figure 31.                                                          currency in circulation on inflation is gauged by exam-
       Again, the effects of a shock to currency                                                ining the response of the logarithm of the CPI. The
in circulation are gauged using impulse response
analysis. Figure 32 provides the responses of
                                                                                                       The variables in log levels are non-stationary. However,
each of the variables to a 1 percent shock to cur-
                                                                                                       empirical analyses of the macroeconomic effects of
rency in circulation. The sample period is January                                                     monetary policy shocks commonly use a specification in
2008 to September 2020 and the optimal lag                                                             log levels. See, for example, Faust (1998) and Christiano,
length of the VAR is determined using the AIC.                                                         Eichembaum and Evans (1999). Such a specification

                                                                                                                                                                               Annex     53
                 Responses to a 1 Percent Increase in the Growth of Currency in Circulation
     FIGURE 30 • 

                                                                                     Response of MOG to MOG





                             0            1            2            3            4            5            6            7            8           9            10          11
                                                                                      Response of INF to MOG






                             0            1            2            3            4            5            6            7            8           9            10          11
                                                                                     Response of WBCIG to MOG
                             0            1            2            3            4            5            6            7            8           9            10          11

     Notes: This figure provides the responses of each of the variables to a 1 percent shock to currency in circulation. The 95 percent confidence intervals are constructed using the
     bootstrap method.

     results are summarized in Table 12. A 100 percent                                                             Cumulative Effect of a 1 Percent
                                                                                                      TABLE 12  •  
     increase in the currency in circulation increase prices                                                       Increase in Currency in Circulation on
     by 76 percent, annually averaging 6.33 percent per                                                            Inflation
     month.                                                                                             Percentage Increase in Currency
                                                                                                                 in Circulation                                 Effect on CPI
     The Cointegrated VAR: Vector Error                                                                                     1%                                      0.76%
     Correction Model                                                                                                   100%                                         76%

     The response of inflation to a shock to currency in
     circulation is examined next via a cointegrated VAR                                                   is not invalid, but care must be exercised to account for
     or vector error correction model. Figure 31 suggests                                                  cointegrating relation if such long-run relations are present.

            Time Series Dynamics of the Variables in Log Levels
FIGURE 31 • 

                                                 log of Currency in Circulation
             2008   2009    2010   2011   2012     2013       2014       2015     2016   2017   2018    2019    2020
                                                           log of CPI
             2008   2009    2010   2011   2012     2013       2014      2015      2016   2017   2018    2019    2020
                                                          log of WBCI






             2008   2009    2010   2011   2012     2013       2014      2015      2016   2017   2018    2019    2020

that the logarithms of the currency in circulation and           where r is the number of cointegrating vectors under
                                                                              –Τ∑ i =r +1ln    ˆi )is the estimated ith ordered
                                                                                           (1– λ
the CPI may exhibit a long-run cointegrating relation.          λ trace (
                                                                 the     r)=
                                                                        null hypothesis   and
       The presence of a cointegration relation in               eigenvalue of the matrix Π. The trace statistic tests
the VAR in log levels is tested using the Johansen               the null hypothesis that the number of cointegrating
(1988) approach. More specifically, the existence                vector is r or less against the alternative hypothesis
of cointegrating vectors can be examined using the               that there are more than r cointegrating vectors. The
trace statistic:                                                 trace statistic is reported in Table 13.
                                                                           The null hypothesis of no cointegrating vector
                                           ˆi ) ,(5)
            λtrace (r ) = –Τ∑ i =r +1ln(1– λ
                                                                 is marginally rejected (at the 10 percent level). The
                                                                 null hypothesis of one or less cointegrating vector

                                                                                                                        Annex     55
                 Responses to a 1 Percent Increase in the (log of) Currency in Circulation
     FIGURE 32 • 

                                                       Response of LMO to log of MO






                    0      1        2             3   4         5         6            7   8     9      10      11
                                                       Response of LCPI to log of MO






                    0      1        2             3   4         5         6            7   8     9      10      11
                                                      Response of LWBCI to long of MO






                    0      1        2             3   4         5         6            7   8     9      10      11

     is not rejected. The null of two or less cointegrating                  A VECM is estimated and the response to a one
     vectors is rejected at the 5 percent.                            standard deviation shock are provided in Figure 33.
                                                                      The 95 percent confidence bands are generated
                                                                      using Monte Carlo simulation.
                                                                             The impulse response analysis suggests that
     TABLE 13  •  The Johansen (1988) Trace Statistic
                                                                      a 1 percent shock to currency in circulation gener-
                                Trace statistic                       ated a response of 0.80 percent increase in CPI over
         r =0                       28.30*                            a twelve-month horizon. This result is summarized in
                                                                      Table 14. Hence, an increase in currency in circulation
         r ≤1                       12.86
                                                                      by a 100 percent results in an 80 percent increase in
         r ≥2                        4.66**

            Responses to a 1 Percent Increase in (the Log of) Currency in Circulation from a VECM
FIGURE 33 • 

                                                             Response of log of MO to log of MO
               0                 5                 10                   15            20           25       30          35
                                                             Response of log of CPI to log of MO
               0                 5                 10                   15            20           25       30          35
                                                            Response of log of WBCI to log of MO
               0                 5                 10                   15            20           25       30          35

the price level, annually, which averages about 6.66                           References
percent per month.
                                                                               Christiano, L. J., Eichenbaum, M., & Evans, C. L.
                                                                                       1999. Monetary policy shocks: What have
TABLE 14  •  
             Cumulative Effect of a 1 Percent                                          we learned and to what end?. Handbook of
             Increase in Currency in Circulation on                                    Macroeconomics, 1, 65–148.
             Inflation                                                         Elliott, G., Rothenberg, T. J., & Stock, J. 1996.
  Percentage increase in currency in circulation        Effect on CPI                  Efficient tests for an autoregressive unit
                                                                                       root. Econometrica, 64(4), 813–36.
                       1%                                  0.80%
                                                                               Faust, J. (1998). The robustness of identified
                      100%                                  80%
                                                                                       VAR      conclusions   about    money. In

                                                                                                                             Annex   57
            Carnegie-Rochester         conference        series    central bank, however, was not properly equipped to
            on public policy (Vol. 49, pp. 207–244).               supervise a banking sector that grew precipitously.
            North-Holland.                                                 At the monetary policy level, a crawling peg
     Johansen, S. 1988. Statistical analysis of cointegration      system became a main stabilization tool to rein in
            vectors.  Journal of Economic Dynamics and             inflation; pre-announced devaluations of the Perso was
            Control, 12(2–3), 231–254.                             hoped would reduce uncertainty and guide tradable
     Perron, P. 2006. Dealing with structural breaks.              prices along international prices (with non-tradables
            Palgrave Handbook of Econometrics,  1(2),              following). Exchange rate policies “had important
            278–352.                                               effects on the soundness of the financial system,
     Lee, J., & Strazicich, M. 2003. Minimum Lagrange              directly by influencing the capital flows and the value
            multiplier unit root test with two structural          of the foreign debt of firms, and indirectly by dramati-
            breaks. Review of Economics and Statistics,            cally changing many relative prices in the economy—in
            85(4), 1082–1089.                                      particular, asset prices” (Balino 1991, pg. 71).
     Lumsdaine, R. L., & Papell, D. H. 1997. Multiple trend                Enterprise indebtedness increased signifi-
            breaks and the unit-root hypothesis. Review of         cantly, leading to business failures and soaring levels
            Economics and Statistics, 79(2), 212–218.              of NPLs, which increased from 1.7 percent in 1975
     Phillips, P. C., & Perron, P. 1988. Testing for a unit root   to 11.7 percent in 1980 in the primary sector and
            in time series regression. Biometrika,  75(2),         from 3 percent in 1975 to 12.8 percent in 1980 in the
            335–346.                                               manufacturing sector (Balino 1991). The rapid dete-
     Sims, C. A. 1980. Macroeconomics and reality.                 rioration in the bank-lending portfolio in 1980 spelled
            Econometrica 48(1), 1–48.                              trouble for the banking sector.
     Zivot, E., & Andrews, D. W. K. 2002. Further evidence                 The crisis broke on March 18, 1980 with the
            on the great crash, the oil-price shock, and the       failure of Banco Intercambio Regional, one of the
            unit-root hypothesis. Journal of Business &            largest private banks in the country. This failure
            Economic Statistics, 20(1), 25–44.                     struck at confidence in the domestic private banking
                                                                   model, prompting a reallocation of deposits to State
                                                                   banks and foreign affiliates. Further, the interbank
     Global Financial Crises Episodes                              lending market froze. Despite a retroactive increase
                                                                   in deposit insurance, uninsured Peso deposits
     The Argentinian Banking Crisis of 1980                        exceeding 100 million Pesos were lost. Dollar deposi-
                                                                   tors in failed institutions suffered a complete loss. The
     Prior to 1976, the Argentinian economy contended              central bank was forced to intervene to rescue three
     with high inflation, balance of payments pressures            major banks, two of which were ultimately liquidated
     and fiscal deficits. Since 1976, and in a bid to address      (Balino, 1991).
     these chronic imbalances, policymakers undertook                      The adverse developments in the banking
     short-term and structural reforms that predominantly          sector strained the crawling peg regime. The
     affected the financial sector.                                exchange rate devalued by about 23 percent on
            A rapid liberalization of the financial sector         June 2 owing to losses in foreign exchange reserves
     was in full swing in 1977. The central bank gradually         at the central bank. A two-tiered exchange rate regime
     loosened prudential regulations relating to capital           emerged: a commercial rate set by the central bank
     requirements, asset immobilization and limits on bank         and a market determined rate for financial markets.
     lending. It also eased its heavy regulatory oversight         Confused and inconsistent exchange rate policies
     on the establishment of new banks as well as new              ensued by subsequent governments; first liberaliza-
     branches of existing banks. The changes effectively           tion and unification in December 1981, and then the
     transformed the Argentinian banking sector from               reintroduction of a dual exchange rate system in July
     a 100 percent to a fractional reserve system. The             1982, before unification again in November 1982.

       In response to the crisis, authorities pursued a               The large capital inflows stoked inflationary
three-pronged solution. “First, they had to take emer-       pressures and pushed real lending rates below zero
gency measures to avoid a bank panic; second, they           in 1980, further enticing credit growth and a misal-
had to search for longer-term solutions to the private       location of resources. An overreliance by enterprises
debt problem and its effects on financial institutions;      and the nongovernment sector on debt to finance
and third, they had to find ways to restructure the finan-   expansion doubled the outstanding debt between
cial system.” (Balino 1991, pg. 92). The emergency           1972 and 1980 and quadrupled foreign currency
measures included liquidating Banco Intercambio              denominated debt. The external imbalances and the
Regional, establishing a new credit facility as well         sharp rise in foreign savings as a percent of GDP
as retroactively increasing the deposit insurance.           made the Philippines economy vulnerable to shocks.
The central bank also intervened with three troubled                  In January 1981, confidence in the financial
banks on April 28, 1980. The authorities addressed           system of the Philippines was shaken by fraud in the
the private debt problems via maturity extensions            commercial paper market—an episode that became
and refinancing schemes. Despite the central bank’s          known as the Dewey Dee affair. The confidence crisis
success in stemming the run on deposits, the crisis          rapidly spread from the periphery of the financial
had far-reaching consequences and resulted in the            sector to its core. Rippling through the system, it first
liquidation of 71 financial institutions between 1980        caused a collapse of the commercial paper market,
and 1982.                                                    failures of nonbank money market institutions and
                                                             the crash of the two largest investment houses
The Philippines Financial Crisis of 1981                     belonging to two major holding companies, which
                                                             also subsequently failed. Wealth holders reacted by
The Philippines crisis followed a boom-bust                  shifting savings to the commercial banking sector.
phenomenon typical of those analyzed in crisis               The loss of confidence consequently afflicted the
literature (Nascimento 1991). Over the 1970’s, The           thrift banking system and precipitated failures in
Philippines experienced high growth rates in its real        rural banks. As the year progressed, it became
Gross National Product (GNP). It was a demand-               readily apparent that the Dewey Dee affair had
driven economic boom that reflected an investment-           lasting effects on public trust in the financial system
intensive development strategy by the Government.            as it triggered bank runs, capital flight and a “flight to
        In order to finance this boom and attract            quality” towards the (perceived) relative safety of the
foreign capital, The Philippines authorities and the         commercial banking sector.
Central Bank of the Philippines (CBP) embarked                        In this first phase of the crisis, between 1981
over the 1972–81 period on a liberalization pro-             and 1983, authorities’ priority focused on containing
gram in the financial sector and the capital controls        the spread of financial distress. The CBP extended
regime. The authorities and the CBP relaxed                  emergency lending to quasi banks through a special
controls on foreign capital, facilitated the entry of        rediscount facility. An Industrial Fund, co-financed by
foreign banks and encouraged the establishment               Government budget and the CBP, was also estab-
of “universal” banks—commercial banks whose                  lished and, in early 1982, replaced with a special
activities encompass, in addition to retail banking,         rediscount window. The CBP used the rediscount
securities transaction and investment banking. The           window to extend medium and long-term loans
CBP introduced important changes to prudential               to universal banks and to the Government-owned
regulations by lowering banks’ capital requirement           Philippines National Bank and Development Bank
from 15 percent in 1972 to 6 percent in 1980,                of the Philippines. These two banks accounted for a
thereby encouraging loose lending practices.                 significant share of credit to the private sector. The
An investment (and credit) boom ensued and the               Government also provided emergency lending and
external debt burden increased from 31.3 percent             equity contributions to nonfinancial public corpora-
of GDP to 48.9 percent in 1980 (Nascimento 1991).            tions from 1981 to mid-1983 (Nascimento 1991).

                                                                                                                Annex     59
             However, increasing uncertainty in the political   Bank of International Settlement (on behalf of main
     climate and unfavorable external conditions caused         central banks), and commercial banks, both large
     a balance of payments crisis in the second half of         and small. Significant linkages to the global financial
     1983. Faced with these adverse developments, the           system implied serious implications of a Mexican
     Government declared a moratorium on external debt          default to its commercial creditors; indeed, this fact
     repayments on October 1983. This renewed the run           ironically bestowed some leveraged on the Mexican
     on banks and deprived the Philippines from external        negotiating position. The role of commercial banks in
     financing.                                                 this mechanism can be considered as a progenitor of
             The CBP injected reserve money to meet the         later participations in crisis resolutions (i.e., Greece,
     increase in currency demand and provided extensive         bail ins etc.).
     monetization of the fiscal deficit. This policy stance             In 1970s, on prospects of expanded volumes
     caused inflation to jump from 12 percent in 1983 to        of oil exports, the Mexican Government borrowed
     50 percent in 1984, and led to a crowding out of the       heavily in foreign currency from commercial markets to
     private sector. Inflationary pressures and accelerated     finance a rapid rise in public expenditures (Dornbusch
     depreciation in the Peso in 1983 and 1984 exac-            and Werner 1994; van Wijnbergen 1991). The rise in
     erbated financial difficulties of the corporates and       expenditures stoked inflationary pressures, caused
     increased distress among banking institutions.             an appreciation in the real exchange rate and led to
             The Government extended emergency lending          a rapid accumulation of debt; inflation averaged 20.6
     and equity contributions to Government financial           percent over the 1972–1981 period (Dornbusch
     institutions from 1983 to 1985. The assistance aimed       and Werner 1994). Meanwhile, the external debt
     at financing acquisitions of distressed institutions and   of the public sector, a significant part of which was
     facilitating the conversion of debt owed to Government     short-term, increased at an annual rate exceeding 30
     financial institutions into equity (Nascimento 1991).      percent from US$4 billion in 1973 to US$43 billion in
             The volume of CBP assistance soared from           1981 (Boughton 2001).
     3,054 million Pesos in 1981 to 13,549 million Pesos                The Mexican economy faced a significant external
     in 1985 (Nascimento, 1991). The financial crisis,          shock as the price of oil, its major export, declined by
     which erupted in 1981 and lasted until mid-1987,           65 percent between 1981 and 1986 (Cantu, Park and
     resulted in a major contraction in the financial system.   Tornell 2015) due to a softening in the demand for oil
     In total, the authorities intervened with 128 rural        (Boughton 2001). The tightening of monetary policy in
     banks, 32 thrift institutions and 2 private banks. The     the US and Europe—in a bid to combat inflation—in the
     Government-owned commercial banks, PNB and                 late 1970s pushed world interest rates higher than 15
     DBP, became practically insolvent in 1986 and their        percent (Cantu, Park and Tornell 2015) exacerbating
     non-performing assets were transferred to the Asset        Mexico’s financing difficulties.
     Privatization Fund, a special purpose entity created               On February 17, 1982, the authorities
     to manage impaired assets. Between 1985 and 1986,          announced that the central bank will temporarily
     CBP finally brought inflation under control by main-       withdraw from the foreign exchange market. The
     taining a tight policy.                                    Peso immediately depreciated by more than 40 per-
                                                                cent (Boughton 1991), worsening Mexico’s external
     The Mexican Debt Crisis of 1981–82                         debt servicing prospects. By April 1982, capital flight
                                                                accelerated and Mexico’s largest conglomerate,
     The intrigue and distinction of the Mexican debt crisis    Alfa Industrial Group, defaulted on debt payments of
     rest with its globally systemic nature that necessitated   US$2.3 billion (Boughton 1991).
     a complicated multi-stakeholder coordination and co-               On April 20, Mexico’s Minister of Finance,
     financing mechanism. This mechanism involved, in           Silva Herzog, announced a stabilization program that
     addition to Mexican authorities, the US Government,        lowered the fiscal deficit by 3 percent by year-end.
     multilateral organizations, especially the IMF and the     This announcement, however, was insufficient to

stem the crisis. Faced with dwindling foreign cur-       Bank of International Settlements was announced on
rency reserves, the Bank of Mexico drew US$800           August 28. The IMF conditioned a Mexico program
million on a swap line with the Federal Reserve. A       on a clear contribution by private creditors, which
large debt repayment was looming in August 1982          involved rolling over the debt and extending further
and prospects for meeting this obligation appeared       credit to close a US$ 7 billion funding gap. Once this
impossible (Oks and van Wijnbergen 1994). In July,       was secured, an IMF Extended Fund Facility (EFF) of
commercial banks expressed increasing reluctance         US$3.75 billion was announced on December 23.
to roll over their maturing debt or to extend more
funding to Mexico. This caused a widening in spreads     The Chilean Banking Crisis of 1981
relative to the LIBOR.
        Mexico’s political transition, from outgoing     Following the overthrow of the left-leaning,
President Lopez Portillo to President-elect Miguel de    democratically elected President Salvador Allende by
La Madrid following presidential elections on July 4,    General Augusto Pinochet on September 11, 1973,
1982, complicated and increased vagueness around         Chile embarked on an intensive market-oriented
political consensus on a crisis management strategy.     liberalization of the economy; indeed, “the dictatorship
It was not clear the extent to which Herzog had a        that supplanted Allende used its powers to open the
political mandate from his superiors to structure a      economy and to give market economics as free a rein
strategy and negotiate with the IMF, US and other        as Latin America had ever seen” (Boughton 2001, pg.
counterparts; decisions made in Mexico City contra-      346). This developed to be one of the more prominent
dicted those made by the Mexico negotiating team         macroeconomic liberalization case studies, especially
(Boughton 1991).                                         espoused by free-market proponents.
        By August, the crisis was in full swing. On              Prevailing conditions at the time of the coup
August 4, 1982, the Bank of Mexico drew a three-         included a stagflationary economy with rising
month loan of US$700 million on a swap line with the     government expenditures, import controls and an
Federal Reserve. A dual exchange rate system was         overvaluation of the currency, with black-market rates
announced on August 5 with the aim of restricting        that were over 10 times the official rate. Pinochet
speculative capital flows. At that point, it became      handed economic management to the so-called
apparent that Mexico’s debt problems could not be        “Chicago boys”—a group of Chilean economists
resolved solely via negotiations with commercial         educated at the Department of Economics of the
creditors. Instead, on August 12, authorities closed     University of Chicago. The economic team, led by
the foreign exchange market, restricted banks’ for-      finance minister Sergio de Castro, undertook fiscal
eign exchange operations to the Bank of Mexico at        consolidation and structural reforms that succeeded
a rate that was less favorable than the market rate,     in raising growth to 7.5 percent. The reform program
and paid out dollar-denominated deposits in Pesos.       was supported by the IMF in January 1974 via a
In addition, commercial creditors, the US Treasury,      one-year stand-by arrangement (SBA) of about $95
and the Federal Reserve were notified that Mexico is     million as well as a Compensatory Financing Facility
unable to honor the principal debt payment.              (CFF) that allowed for weathering the effects of export
        The implication of a Mexican default on its      shortfalls and the 1973 oil supply shock.
international commercial creditors directly threatened           The economic team proceeded with the liber-
the global financial system. Faced with that fact, a     alization of domestic markets, including the following:
concerted, multilateral funding effort was required      removal of controls on interest rates and credit
to stem the crisis. Such an effort was underway by       growth; lowering of reserve requirements; reduction
August 15. The US Treasury extended a line of credit     of barriers to entry into the banking sector, including
of US$1 billion to Mexico, while the US Department of    for foreign banks; the privatization of previously
Agriculture offered credit guarantees of US$1 billion    nationalized banks; open access to foreign borrowing
on August 15. A US$925 million bridge loan by the        by private banks and businesses. Chile, however,

                                                                                                          Annex     61
     did not adequately adapt and update its supervisory         confidence. Despite official reaffirmations of the peg,
     capabilities and prudential regulations over the            authorities could not honor this commitment; on June
     financial sector; “supervision continued to focus on        13, 1982, the Minister of Economy, Luis Francisco
     reviewing compliance with accounting rules and              Danus, announced a devaluation in the Peso of about
     related regulations, but did not concentrate on the         18 percent vis-à-vis the dollar. Danus also announced
     overall risks affecting the operations of each bank”        that the Peso would continue to be depreciated at
     (Larrain 1989, page 10).                                    a fixed rate vis-à-vis a basket of the currencies. The
             Starting in 1978, these changes resulted in a       crawling peg regime subsequently collapsed on
     substantial accumulation of foreign currency debt           August 5, 1982 causing a run on bank deposits and
     by the private sector. Buoyed by the high economic          forcing the authorities to float the Peso.
     growth, on June 29, 1979, the crawling peg regime                   The depreciation of the Peso severely ham-
     was replaced with a firm peg. The move to a firm peg        pered firms’ ability to repay or service their foreign
     aimed at establishing a nominal anchor to counter           currency debts to the banking sector. Non-performing
     stubbornly high inflation rates. Nonetheless, inflation     loans soared from 2.3 percent in 1981 to 18.4 percent
     and inflation expectations continued to be elevated         in 1983. Domestic banks borrowed more in foreign
     and the firm peg resulted in a further loss of com-         currencies to honor their obligations to foreign banks.
     petitiveness and a widening current account deficit.                On January 10, 1983, Chile secured a 24-month
     Indeed, the current account deficit stood at 18.9           SBA from the IMF in the amount of US$550 million,
     percent of GDP in 1981 (Larrain 1989).                      and drew an additional US$325 million CFF. This,
             Toward end-1981, domestic and external factors      however, was insufficient to reverse the spiral. On
     helped plunge the economy into a recession and made         January 14, eight financial institutions (seven banks
     the debt burden more formidable. Difficulties included      and one finance company) became insolvent and
     a decline in copper prices, Chile’s main export. Further,   required intervention, 3 of which were subsequently
     an increase in global interest rates stalled the domestic   liquidated. A bank holiday was declared. At that stage,
     credit boom and led to soaring domestic real interest       the IMF program was off track.
     rates in a bid to stanch capital flight. By year-end, the           On March 22, 1983, the new finance minister
     current account deficit stood at 15 percent of GDP and      announced an emergency economic program, which
     the annual lending rate reached 63 percent (Boughton        consisted of accelerating the Peso’s devaluation, fiscal
     2001). This made the servicing of bank loans more           measures and the tightening of foreign exchange con-
     challenging for debtors and forced the central bank to      trols. In addition, a US$1.3 billion funding and public
     supply liquidity to the banking sector.                     debt rescheduling package, supplanted with a bridge
             A systemic banking crisis was in full swing by      loan from the Bank of International Settlements, was
     November 1981 (Laeven and Valencia 2014); eleven            agreed upon with the banks. In light of the agreement
     financial institutions were intervened between 1981         with the banks, the IMF disbursed based on a new
     and 1982 and eventually liquidated (Larrain 1989).          shadow program on July 27.
     These institutions accounted for about 14.5 percent                 Efficient and sensible restructuring of the
     of deposits in the banking sector. The two largest          banking sector and the credit portfolio were critical
     banks were put into receivership and their assets           for an accelerated recovery. This included bank
     were transferred to other institutions. The govern-         re-capitalization and incentives for recouping bad
     ment and shareholders absorbed the losses of the            loans. Further, debt relief was offered to borrowers
     failed institutions and depositors were compensated.        who were assessed to be “productive.” These inter-
             The pressures on a weakened banking sector          ventions were expensive; the cost of foreclosure of
     were exacerbated by adverse macroeconomic                   insolvent institutions was 10.6 percent of the GDP
     developments in 1982 and 1983. Rising fears of              and the cost of portfolio purchase under conditions
     an impending devaluation were met with a cabinet            of repurchase reached 6.7 percent of the GDP
     shuffle on April 11, 1982, aiming at shoring up             (Sanhueza 2001).

The Venezuelan Banking Crisis of 1994                       adopted a crawling peg. The rising interest rates
                                                            precipitated a recession, reduced bank lending and
In the period preceding Venezuela’s financial crisis,       led to an increase in non-performing loans from 4 per-
the country’s banking system was oligopolistic              cent in 1991 to 10 percent in 1993 (Garcia-Herrero
in nature, composed of a large number of                    1997). Higher interest rates did not curtail the outflow
specialized banks belonging to financial groups             of deposits to the offshore banking sector. Indeed,
that were ultimately owned by a few individuals. This       deposits decreased in real terms by 11 percent in
concentration encouraged lax supervision, resulting         1993 relative to 1991 (Garcia-Herrero 1997) and
in low capitalization and incentives to divert losses       banks siphoned their liquidity to their offshore facili-
and problem loans to offshore branches, which were          ties. Despite liquidity injections by the CBV, rumors
subject to even less supervision. This created large off-   concerning the health of the banking sector continued
balance sheet items for Venezuela’s financial sector,       unabated at end-1993.
which was not monitored by authorities. Moreover,                   The crisis broke with the collapse of Banco
the share of state banks was relatively low compared        Latino in mid-January of 1994, the second largest
to other Latin American economies; as of June 1993,         bank in terms of deposits, prompting a run on two
private banks held about 90 percent of total assets,        other banks that belonged to the same financial group.
with the largest six banks holding 52 percent of the        This affected over 10 percent of commercial banks’
total (Garcia-Herrero 1997).                                deposits. Hence, panic soon spread to other banks.
        The state of the macroeconomy in the 1980s          The Deposit Guarantee Fund reacted by assisting
reflected anemic growth and rising inflation. This          the distressed banks and the CBV continued to inject
resulted in negative real interest rates causing            liquidity into the banking sector. The resources of the
disintermediation and capital outflows; in the late         Deposit Guarantee Fund were depleted by February
part of the decade, large amounts of deposits were          1994 and the foreign currency reserves of the CBV
transferred to banks’ off-shore facilities. In 1989, the    diminished considerably amid an unrelenting run on
Venezuelan government, in coordination with the IMF,        deposits and capital flight.
launched a macroeconomic adjustment program in a                    The authorities responded by passing a law
bid to stimulate the economy. The program consisted         on March 1994 to protect depositors, nationalizing
of abandoning interest rate controls and shifting to        Banco Latino and reopening it with withdrawals
indirect monetary policy tools, as well as the unifica-     limits on deposits that were frozen, even those in
tion and floating of the Bolivar.                           off-balance sheet accounts. The Deposit Guarantee
        Nonetheless, the resurgence of inflationary         Fund injected the equivalent of 3.6 percent of GDP
pressures led the Venezuelan authorities to rein-           to cover the losses of Banco Latino (Garcia-Herrero
state the peg in 1990. Two coup attempts in 1991            1997).
and political instability throughout 1992 aggravated                These actions proved insufficient to shore
capital flight and made the economy more vulner-            up the public’s feeble confidence in the banking
able. An exchange rate crisis occurred in October           sector. Deposit runs continued in light of fears of
1992 following the loss of about US$1 billion in            partial deposit freezes, devaluation and exchange
reserves (Garcia-Herrero 1997). The Venezuelan              rate controls. When the CBV ceased supplying the
economy depended heavily on oil exports and the             Deposit Guarantee Fund with liquidity in June 1994,
weakening demand for oil in 1993, political uncer-          eight distressed financial institutions, accounting for
tainty and loose fiscal policy weighed negatively on        21 percent of deposits, had to be intervened despite a
the economic outlook and exerted pressure on the            massive liquidity injection of 6 percent of GDP by that
Bolivar.                                                    date (Garcia-Herrero 1997). In an attempt to restore
        Amid these adverse conditions and due to            confidence in the banking sector, the authorities
a significant loss in reserves, the Central Bank of         established a Financial Emergency Board. However,
Venezuela (CBV) tightened monetary policy and               the financial distress of the Deposit Guarantee Fund

                                                                                                             Annex     63
     continued to weigh heavily on confidence in the              liquidity held by banks and international reserves. As
     public sector.                                               the system lacked a lender of last resort in dollars, the
            In the following weeks, capital flight led to         financial system was inherently unstable, subject to
     a large loss of reserves at the CBV. The authorities         bank runs (Kiguel 2016).
     responded by fixing the exchange rate, and insti-                    In the period just prior to the abandonment
     tuting price and exchange rate controls. Rumors              of the currency board (1998–2001), the economy
     surrounding two large banks—Banco Consolidado                witnessed a deep contraction, exposing mounting
     and Banco Venezuela—renewed the deposit run and              vulnerabilities in the economy. The hard peg and
     the authorities decided to nationalize both banks. In        a lack of fiscal space precluded countercyclical
     December, two additional banks—Banco Progreso                macroeconomic measures. In response, in January
     and Republica—were in distress. Authorities closed           2001, the IMF approved an augmentation of
     the former and nationalized the latter. Further,             financing, boosting an existing SBA program, to
     the liabilities of Banco Progreso were migrated to           an equivalent of US$14 billion, centered on fiscal
     the nationalized banks (Banco Latino, Venezuela,             adjustment and accelerated structural reforms
     Consolidado and Republica) without a corresponding           (IMF 2003). However, this failed to achieve stability.
     transfer of assets (due to large one-sided off-balance       So did various attempts by the Government for
     sheet items in the form of deposits that suddenly            voluntary debt arrangements. The IMF approved a
     appeared), thus placing enormous pressure on the             new program, disbursing US$5 billion immediately
     four banks which continued to experience deposit             and pledging another US$3 billion in support of
     withdrawals.                                                 prospective debt restructuring.
            The passage of a Financial Emergency Law                      The crisis broke with a run on private deposits,
     in July 1995, which gave broader powers to the               which fell by more than US$3.6 billion (6 percent of the
     Financial Emergency Board and eased restrictions             deposit base) over November 28–30, 2001. The authori-
     on the liquidation of impaired assets at the Deposit         ties responded with a wide range of controls on banking
     Guarantee Fund, succeeded in mitigating, but not             and foreign exchange transactions. As the economy
     completely resolving, the banking crisis. Deposit flight     faltered, social and political unrest ensued, forcing the
     continued, albeit at a slower rate, and a small bank         resignation of President de La Rua on December 20,
     was intervened in August 1995.                               followed by 4 other (Congress-appointed) Presidents
                                                                  within 3 weeks. On December 23, President Sáa
     The Argentinian Financial Crisis of 2001–02                  declared a default on Government debt; on January
                                                                  3, 2002, President Duhalde announced the end of the
     The Argentine Currency Board—via the so-called               convertibility regime (IMF 2003).
     Convertibility Law—pegged the Argentine peso to the
     U.S. dollar at a parity from March 1991, until its failure   The Uruguayan Banking Crisis of 2002
     in January 2002 (Spiegel 2002). Argentina adopted
     the hard peg in an attempt to eliminate hyperinflation       On the eve of the crisis, Uruguay’s banking sector,
     and stimulate economic growth following a                    which consisted of two large public banks—Banco
     tumultuous economic performance in the 1980s.                de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay and Banco
     While successful initially, it became a main constraint      Hipotecario del Uruguay—and approximately thirty
     on the economy’s competitiveness in general, and             private banks, was widely regarded as sound and
     on countercyclical macroeconomic management                  healthy (de la Plaza and Sirtaine 2005). The banking
     in particular. Moreover, there was a large degree            sector, however, was highly dollarized on the asset
     of financial dollarization in the economy with the           and liability sides and, although not as highly exposed
     banking system functioning mainly in US dollars. The         to the sovereign as its neighbors, it was prone to
     banking system’s dollar-denominated, short-term              external shocks and to cross-border bank runs due
     liabilities exceeded its stock of dollar assets—namely       to its exposure to Argentina. On the liabilities side,

foreign currency deposits constituted 90 percent of       May of 2002. The deposit withdrawals, which were
total deposits in the system, with the latter amounting   no longer confined to specific banks, accelerated
to US$ 15.4 billion (representing 83 percent of           in May and June of 2002. On June 21, 2002, Banco
Uruguay’s 2001 GDP). Further, 47 percent of foreign       de Monteviedo-Caja Obrera, the third largest private
currency deposits were held by non-residents. The         bank experienced severe liquidity shortages causing
dollarization of assets reached 75 percent of the total   the authorities to intervene. As sentiment deteriorated
loan book of the system, with the latter amounting to     further in July 2002 and government spreads widened,
US$ 11.5 billion. The banking sector also suffered        the bank run extended to local currency deposits. By
from currency mismatches as 71 percent of foreign         the end of July 2002, a cumulative 38 percent of total
currency loans were extended to residents, the vast       deposits had been withdrawn from the system. The
majority of who earned in Pesos (de la Plaza and          majority of banks had become technically insolvent
Sirtaine 2005, pg. 4–5).                                  (de la Plaza and Sirtaine 2005, pg. 11).
       A weakening macroeconomic environment                       Faced with declining foreign currency reserves
weighed on banks’ profitability. Uruguay had              due to liquidity support to the banking sector, the
experienced a prolonged recession since 1999              authorities were forced to abandon the crawling peg.
and recurrent fiscal deficits were financed by            As a result, the Peso immediately depreciated by 27
issuing mostly foreign currency denominated debt.         percent forcing the authorities to declare a five-day
Government debt increased from 38 percent of              banking holiday on July 30, 2002; by then, the Peso
GDP 1998 to 58 percent of GDP in 2001. The fixed          had lost 57 percent of its value.
exchange rate regime (Roubini and Sester 2004),                    The bank run had turned into a system-wide
which weakened external competitiveness, became           credit crunch; credit to the non-financial sector
untenable with devaluations in the currencies of          shrunk by 37 percent in 2002, greatly contributing to
Uruguay’s two largest neighbors and trading partners,     a GDP contraction of 10.7 percent for that same year
Brazil and Argentina, in 1999 and 2001, respectively.     (de la Plaza and Sirtaine 2005, pg. 11). The two public
In the lead up to the banking crisis, the Uruguayan       banks were in a perilous position. The Banco Galicia
economy was characterized by a high level of foreign      Uruguay had been suspended and the government
currency indebtedness and a significantly overvalued      took control of the Banco Commercial and Banco de
exchange rate vis-à-vis its major trading partners and    Montevideo-Caja Obrera.
the rest of the world.                                             In the first stage, the authorities’ response to
       The crisis broke in December 2001 when             the crisis consisted of: provision of ample liquidity
Argentina imposed deposit freezes (“el corralito”).       support via already established lender of last resort
Two of Uruguay’s largest private banks—Banco Galicia      facilities; the restructuring and/or liquidation of
Uruguay (a subsidiary of an Argentinian bank) and         troubled institutions; and the expansion of the
Banco Commercial—which combined accounted for             crawling exchange rate band from 6 to 12 percent.
around 20 percent of the deposit base, came under         While this response appeared to stem cross-border
intense pressure due to their exposure to Argentinian     bank run, the deepening of the crisis in June and July
depositors and debt. Deposit withdrawals continued        2002 compelled the authorities to scale up and better
unabated as the crisis in Argentina deepened.             target their response.
       By March 2002, deposit withdrawals, mostly                  The central bank of Uruguay subsequently
by non-residents (i.e., Argentinians), amounted to 12     prioritized liquidity support to core banks, which
percent of the deposit base (de la Plaza and Sirtaine     played an instrumental role in the payment system;
2005). Argentina’s tightening of its deposit freeze in    non-core banks, which were mostly Uruguayan
February 2002 (“El Corralon”) as well as Uruguay’s        branches of foreign banks, were to rely on liquidity
downgrade from investment grade prompted a                support from their headquarters abroad. In light of the
second wave of withdrawals by residents and non-          central bank’s diminishing scope to act as a lender of
residents totaling 18 percent of deposits in April and    last resort, the authorities established in June 2002 a

                                                                                                            Annex     65
     US$2.5 billion facility, the Fondo para la Fortificacion        crisis, Greece was gripped with deep twin structural
     del Sistema Bancario (FFSB), to provide equity and              deficits, lack of competitiveness as wage growth
     liquidity support to the core banks. The FFSB was               outpaced productivity growth and a real exchange
     funded by an augmentation of the SBA with the IMF,              rate overvaluation (IMF 2012a).
     other multinational institutions and the government.                    The onset of the global financial crisis exacer-
             The FFSB ultimately proved to be insufficient           bated the mounting imbalances of the Greek economy.
     and was suspended. Following the five-day bank                  After the failure of Lehman brothers in September
     holiday that was declared on July 30, the authorities           2008, the spread between the Greek Government
     announced on August 5, 2002 the creation of US$1.4              bonds and the German bunds soared to 100 basis
     billion stabilization fund, the Fund for the Stability of the   points (IMF 2013) and led to downgrades by Standard
     Banking System (FSBS), that was funded by the IMF,              and Poor’s. A main trigger to the Greek episode was
     the World Bank and the Inter-American Development               data revision by the authorities in October 2009, which
     Bank (IADB). The FSBS was sufficient to fully back the          entailed a sizeable increase in the projected fiscal
     remaining US$ deposits at core banks (Seeling 2007;             deficit from 4 to 12.5 percent of GDP.92 This roiled
     de la Plaza and Sirtaine 2005). The establishment of            markets further, weakened confidence in the Greek
     the FSBS, coupled with maturity extensions of dollar            economy and prompted a downgrade by Fitch (IMF
     deposits in the public banks and changes to macropru-           2013). The loss of confidence in the Greek economy
     dential regulations, succeeded in stopping the bank             prompted capital outflows from the banking sector
     run. The IMF’s exposure (of US$1.3 billion) to Uruguay,         estimated at 30 percent of the deposit base. It also
     relative to GDP, was its largest to date (Seeling 2007).        suspended Greece’s access to financial markets by
                                                                     significantly widening yields on Greek bonds to unaf-
     The Greek Financial Crisis 2009                                 fordable rates.
                                                                             Given that Greece is an EMU member, a
     Greece’s accession to the European Monetary Union               nominal currency devaluation that corrects the built-
     (EMU) in 2001 did not correct structural imbalances             up imbalances was not possible. Instead, under the
     that included large internal and external deficits              Troika of the IMF, the European Commission and the
     coupled with a low growth environment. Public sector            European Central Bank (ECB), Greece underwent a
     net borrowing averaged around 7 percent of GDP                  very sharp internal devaluation, including a reduction
     annually in the Euro-but-pre-crisis period (2002–               in the wage bill and pension benefits. A deep reces-
     2008), compared to 6.7 percent in the pre-Euro                  sion ensued over the next decade.
     period (1994–2000). Public debt remained relatively                     In return, the Greek authorities secured a €30
     stable over the former period fluctuating between               billion SBA from the IMF in May 2010, complemented
     100 and 110 percent of GDP. Externally, the current             with a cooperative package of financing from the
     account deficit rose from a pre-Euro average of 3.3             European Union amounting to €110 billion (IMF,
     percent of GDP to Euro-pre-crisis average of 10.5               2012b). The SBA was underpinned by a stringent
     percent. Moreover, external debt also rose decidedly            fiscal consolidation program that aimed at putting
     from about 100 percent of GDP end-2003, to 133                  Greek debt on sustainable footing. However, key
     percent by end-2008. Clearly, the EMU facilitated               SBA macro-fiscal targets, namely, fiscal and current
     easier access to foreign financing for both the public          account indicators, failed to be met. The SBA was
     as well as the private sectors; by 2009, private sector         subsequently cancelled in 2012 and was replaced
     external debt stood at 175 percent of GDP (IMF                  with an Extended Fund Facility (EFF) arrangement
     2017a). The adoption of the Euro also adversely
     affected the Greek economy’s competitiveness                    92	
                                                                           The data revision came amidst concerns raised
     relative to its trading partners, given that wages in                 by Eurostat—the statistical office of the European
     the European periphery countries rose relative to the                 Commission—regarding the quality of Greece’s fiscal
     core countries (Hale 2013). Hence, on the eve of the                  data on five occasions over the period 2005–2009.

on March 15, 2012, also under the Troika. The EFF                 1982 Mexican Debt Crisis for Greece | VOX,
arrangement included financing of about €173 billion              CEPR Policy Portal (voxeu.org).
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       Critically, and as a prior action for the EFF, a           2002 Uruguayan Banking Crisis, World Bank
Private Sector Initiative (PSI) was announced on June             Policy Research Working Paper 3780, World
2011 for a voluntary debt swap of Greek sovereign                 Bank, Washington DC.
bonds involving a haircut on private creditors who         Dornbusch, R., Werner, A. 1994. Mexico: stabilization,
were represented by the Institute of International                reform, and no growth. Brookings Papers on
Finance. This haircut, which was subsequently imple-              Economic Activity, 253–315.
mented on March 2012, was equivalent to a 53.5             Garcia-Herrero, A. 1997. Banking crises in Latin
percent cut in the face value (principal) of the bonds,           America in the 1990s: Lessons from Argentina,
corresponding to an approximately €107 billion                    Paraguay, and Venezuela. IMF working paper
reduction in Greece’s debt stock.93                               WP/97/140, International Monetary Fund,
       The internal adjustment proved harsh and                   Washington DC.
counter-productive, as macro-fiscal targets remained       Hale, G. 2013. Balance of Payments in the European
elusive due to unaccounted for economic contrac-                  Periphery, Federal Reserve Bank of San
tions and an unsustainable public debt that persisted             Francisco Economic Letter.
despite the PSI. This translated into social pain and      IMF 2003. Lessons from Argentina, Washington DC,
political instability. A banking sector crisis ensued             October 2003.
in 2015, which required the introduction of capital        IMF 2012a. Greece: Request for Extended
controls. Once again, the EFF program faltered                    Arrangement Under the Extended Fund
and was eventually cancelled in January 2016 (IMF                 Facility, Washington DC.
2017a). The prolonged economic contraction helped          IMF 2012b. Press Release: IMF Executive Board
drive the debt-to-GDP ratio to a peak of 180 percent              Approves €30 Billion Stand-By Arrangement
of GDP in 2016. In July 2017, the IMF approved a                  for Greece.
precautionary €1.6 billion SBA for Greece (IMF             IMF 2013. Greece: Ex-Post Evaluation of Exceptional
2017b). This time the program explicitly noted that,              Access Under the 2010 Stand-By Arrangement,
without debt relief, Greece’s debt would continue to              Washington DC.
be unsustainable.                                          IMF 2017a. Greece: Ex-Post Evaluation of Exceptional
                                                                  Access Under the 2012 Extended Arrangement,
References                                                        Washington DC.
                                                           IMF 2017b. Greece: Request for Stand-By
Balino, T. J., T. 1991. The Argentine Banking Crisis              Arrangement, Washington DC.
       of 1980. In Banking Crises: Cases and Issues,       Kiguel, Miguel 2016. Argentina’s 2001 Economic
       edited by V. Sundararajan and Tomâs J. T. Balino,          and Financial Crisis: Lessons for Europe,
       International Monetary Fund, Washington DC.                Brookings, June 2016.
Boughton, J. 2001. The Crisis Erupts. In Silent            Laeven, L., and Valencia, F. 2014. Systemic
       Revolution: The International Monetary Fund,               Banking Crises. In Financial Crises: Causes,
       International Monetary Fund, Washington DC.                Consequences and Policy Responses, edited
Boughton, J. 2001. The Mexican Crisis: No                         by Stijn Claessens, M. Ayhan Kose, Luc Laeven
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                                                                                                              Annex    67
            and Fabian Valencia, International Monetary       Sanhueza, G. I. 2001. Chilean Banking Crisis of the
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            and the Authorities’ Reaction: The Philippines.         edited by Charles Enoch, Karl Habermeier and
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     Oks, D., and S van Wijnbergen 1994. Mexico after the           lessons for Asia, Federal Reserve Bank of San
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