w~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" 1 3 0 P 4-4 INLLVlLI4jiINDj JUINEF 111995 N ~~~~~~~~EAST AS IA & PACIFI REION W 4~~4 TI of Korea Japan Rep of Korea _r ~~~~~~~~I Hong Kong (UK) Macoo (Port) _im t~~ Phili Sri.; nd Lanka , h.0¢ Sfi t Brunei Trust Terr. of the Pacific M \M alaysi a Islands (US) *^-Maldives inga INDIAN P. w OCEAN Indonesia The Emerging Asian Bond Market a The boundaries, colors, denominations and any other information shown on this map do not imply, on the port of The World Bank Group, any judgment on the legal status of any territory, or ony endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. TFHIIE LEMERGIING ASi1AN IBO N D M-&A lKKIET JUINIE 11995 THE WORLD BANK EAST ASIA & PACIFIC REGION The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/THE WORLD BANK 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. All rights reserved Manufacturedl in the United States of America First printing June 1995 Printed on recycled paper Design by Patricia Hord.Graphik Design The findings. interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the author(s) and shoulcd not be attributed in any manner to the World Bank, to its affiliated organizations, or to members of its Board of Executive Directors or the countries they represent. The World Bank (foes not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility whatsoever for any consequence of their use. Any maps that accompany the text have been prepared solely for the convenience of readlers; the designations and presenta- tion of material in them do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Bank, its affiliates, or its Boarcd or member countries concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area or of the authorities thereof or concerning the delimitation of its boundaries or its national affiliation. FOREW'(JRI) The economic performance of East Asia has been a remarkable story spanni ig several decades. The region has enjoye(I macroeconomic stability consistent growth, low inflation, increasing openness to international flows of trade and private capital, and a steaclv reduction in poverty and improvemenit in living standards. Along witlh rapid expansion of productive capacity and extensive structural clhaniges in their economies. the financial sectors of these countries hiave also developed vigorously. The region nIow has a well developedl banking system, andl boasts four of the top twenty stockl markets in the world. However; East Asia's bond markets are relatively small and at an earlv stage of developmiient. The combined size of its bondc markets at US$ 338 billion, or 22 percent of GDP at the end of 1994, was onily one-tlird of the size of ihe region's equity markets. This report has been prepared by vWorld Bank staff and is basecd on studies of bond markets in Chlilna, Hong Klong. Inidonesia, Korea, Mlalavsia. Philippines. Singapore and Thailanid. These studies have been carried out in a col- laborative effort between Bank staff and instituLtionial CouLnterparts in these countries. These studies are circtulat- ed separately as backgrotunid papers. The main objectives of the report are to provide a comprelienisive survey of the East Asian bond markets, identify the best practices that have fostered development of these bond marLkets, and present a broad agenda for reforms that would further contribute to their development in the region. The report fincds great diversity amonig these markets in their size, sophisticationi. regulatory framework and infra- structure. Each of thiese countries has taken significant steps in recent years to improve the functioniing of tlheil bond markets. In some countries, the results are already apparent and the bond markets have begun to grow. In others, more concerted efforts are required. However; it is clear that most of these markets are poised for growtl and, in most cases, the institutional prereqtmisites are either already in place or are being put in place. Market development is essentially an organic process. but one that can be aidledl by appropriate supportive actions by governments. The World Bank hopes that this report will facilitate a dialogue between key market participants, regulators and officials responsible for promoting market development on specific measures that are required for each country. With the riglht measures. we expect the bond markets in thlese countries to grow veryV rapidly and become a major source for financing investmtients in industry and infrastructure that are essential to sustain rapid development in the world's most dlynamic regioni. atanS. Kaji Managing Director The World Bank ACKNO()WLEDGMENT'S This study has been carried out in a eollaborative effort by the World Bank staff and( the couinterparts in eight East Asian countries over a period of ninle monitlhs. This report has been prepared bv a team headedl by Ismail Dalla (Principal Financial Specialist). The team includedl Deena Khatkhate. D.C. Rao. Kali Konduryv Kwang Jun. andc Tern; Chuippe. Subij Lall and Gan- Kleiman macle imiportant contributions to the repoii. The Asian boncd market team wotuld like to express its gratitude to Mr. Gautain Kaji, Managing Director; for invalu- able guidance andl contintLed stipport; Mr. Russell Cheetbiam. Regional Vice President, for full Support; Vinod ThIoomas and Ishrat Husain suecessive Chief' Economists in EAP for getting the studly off the ground and for brinlg- ing it to a successful completion; Callisto Madavo, Pamcela Cox, William McCleary Vineet Nayyai; and Khalidc Siraj for providing guidance and resources to carry out this regional study from the EAT Department; and Francis Colaco, Gary Perlin andl Hans RothenbuLhler for providing constructive comments on the ciraft report. The team would like to express its appreciation to Joseph C.K. Yam. Clief Executive of the Hong Konlg Monetar-v Authiority (HKMA) and And(rew Slheng. Deputy Chief' Executive, for full support and for providinig a platfornm to (is- seminate the study; Loretta Wong of the HKMA for her total dedication in ensuring the adminlistrative arTangemenits for the Hong Kong conference; Cosmas Robless for guidaniee and providing the resources to carry out a parallel study on Inclia; Roger Hall for statistical support and Amy Mendlez, Joyce Rompas, Muriel Greaves, and Patric ia Hord for tlheir valuable contributions in the procluction of' the report. Joost Polak edlited the report. The study woould not have been complete without the support andc close cooperation of ouI counterparts in these countries. We would like to thank Dato Malek Merican. Advisor/Director, tle Arab Malaysiani Merchanit Bank, for valuable guidaniee for the Malaysian study: Ekainol Kiriwat, Secretary Gener-al, Securtities and Exchange Commission of Thailand, for full SUpport andl guidance for the Thailandcl stucdvy Koh Beng Seng, Deputy Managinig Directot; Monetary Authority of Singapore, for valuable comments on the Singapore study: Ronald Young, Presilent, All Asia Capital, Philippines, for agreeing to put together the final report on the Philippines; Priaswijanto Sabrawi of the Institut Pengembangan Analisis Finansial, Ind(lonesia. for the Indoniesiani Report: insup Lee of the Korea Securities Researeh Institute for the Korean study; Priscilla Chiu of the }fKMA for valuable con- tribution to the Hong Kong Report; Anjali KuLmiar of the World Bank for produeing the China Report; andl( N. J. Jhaveri. Chairman of ICICI Securities and Finance Company Ltd.. India. for agreeing to participate in the study and producing the India report on a compressed schedule. N~~~~~~~~~$ ^ ; tso&1S''', THE TAB LE O F C O N T E N TS FK\FC WTIVE Sl NIMAIAH INTRt tl)l(I'llTON 1 '11 ILH lElEMER;ING ASIAN BOND MARKET 6 BPont( Markets in Selected Inditistrial Countries 6 Size and Composition of the East Asiani Bondl Market 10 Investor-s 13 The Pri mar-y Market 13 The Secondlary Market 19 Benc hmiar-k- 23 Role of Creclit Rating Agencies 24 Derivatives 26 Taxation 27 Suinniari and Con1clusions 30 111 IE,lNFCIJI ()\ (OF THE 1111KASIAN BOND[) M ARIKEr 32 Int rodutic tion 32 Securities Market Regulatory Systemiis 32 Goverinim1enit Oversighit ancl Self-Regulatioll 35 Regulationi of Securities Markets. Private Issuers, ancl Intermiediaries 41 Regulatioll of Governm1lenit Securities ancl Interimiedliaries 44 Regulation of Investmnenit Companies 46 Summary and Conclusions 47 TV INTLIINATIONA.1Z ATioN ()F ITHI ENMERGING ASIAN B(OND) MARKET 50 Role of Foireign Portfolio Investmilelit 50 Bondl andl Equity Market Openin'g in East Asia 51 International Bonidl Mar-ket Access bv East Asian Developing CountrieS 51 Summiar-y and(I ConCluIsions 55 \' BOND) \IARKxEFS AND 1()NION-T;\F P()l.l(C 57 Ilntr0du-ttl il 57 Indirect Monetary Controls in Selected IncLustrial Countries 57 Indirect Monetal- Instrumitenits and Monietar-y Policy in East Asian Countries 66 SummalV andl Conclusions 7:2 TABLE OF CONTE N TS, CO NT IN U ED VI LOOKING AHEAD 74 East Asian Econoimiy in 2004 74 Issuers 77 Investors 78 Sulniiiaiw- and Conclisionls 80 ANNEXES A 13ONI) MARKET PROFILE 81 B 'T'HE IN[)USTRIAL COUNTRIES' FXPERIENCE 116 ENDON (OTES 134 SELECTI'EL) BIBLIOGRAPHY 139 TABLES IN TEX'T' 1.1 East Asia: Selected Economic Indicators, 1993 1 1.2 FDI Flows into East Asian Countries, 1990-94 2 1.3 Equity Portfolio F'lows and Bond Issuance to East Asia 2 1.4 Relative Position of Banking Assets, Equity and( Bonds, 1994 3 2.1 Size of the Emerging East Asian Bond Market, End-1994 10 2.2 Size of the Emerging East Asian Bond Market, 1990-94 11 2.3 Main Sectots of the East Asian Boncl Market 11 2.4 Size of the National Governmenit Bondc Sector 12 2.5 Size of the Central Bank Bond( Sector 12 2.6 Size of the State Elnterprise Bonid Sector 12 2.7 Size of the Corporate Bondc Sector 13 2.8 East Asia: Investors in Bonds, 1994 14 2.9 Net Issuance of Bonicis in Selectedl Industrial Countries. 1980-93 14 2.10 Witlhholding Tax for US-Based Instittitional Investors 28 2.11 Indlicative Asian Bond 'Tax Rates 29 3.1 Asian Bond Markets: A Profile of Regulatory Systems 49 4.1 Private Capital Flows to all Developing Couniles: 1989-93 50 4.2 Capital Flows to East Asia, 1985-94 5 1 1.3 Share of Developing Country Bond andl Equity Issues 51 4.4 International Bond Issues by Selected East Asian Countries 52 11.5 Bond Issues in Internationial Markets by Issuer Type in Selected East Asian Countiies 53 4.6 Interinationial Bond Issues by Selected East Asian Countries by Instruments 54 4.7 Average Maturity 55 4.8 Rating of Sovereign Foreign Curieicy Debt, January [995 55 6.1 GDP andl Gross Domestic Fixed Investment, 1994-2004 74 6.2 Capital Structure in Selected East Asian Cotiuitries 75 6.3 East Asia: Indicative Finianicinig Plan of Projected Investmenit 76 6.4 Indicative Size of the East Asian Bondl Market 76 6.5 Indicative Investment Requiremilents in Infrastructure, 1995-2004 78 6.6 Asset Size of East Asian Institutionial Investors 79 6.7 Total Pension Assets in Selected Countries 80 FIGURES IN TEXT 1.1 GDP Growth. 1980-93 1 2.1 Relative Position of Bank Assets. Equities andl Boncis 7 2.2 Bond Market as a Percentage of GDP 7 2.3 East Asia: Secondary Market Trading in Bonds. 199.3 19 2.4 Yield Curves in Selected East Asian Markets 24 1.1 International Bond Issues in Selected East Asian Countries 54 5.1 Instrument Mix and Operation for Selecte(d Countries 59 5.2 Indirect Monetaryv Policy Instrumenits in the East Asian Coiuitries 70 6.1 Composition of the East Asian Bond(: Market in 2004 77 BOXES 2.1 Cagamas 17 2.2 Singapore Interniational Monetary Exchange (S1MEX) 27 L I ST O F AB B R EV I AT I O N S ADB Asian Development Batik AGSD Accredited Governmienit Securities Dealers BDC Bondl Dealers Club BIS Ban k for Internlational Settlements BNM Bank Negara Malaysia BOK Bank of Korea BRI Bank Republic Indlonesia BSP Bangko Senitral ng Pilipinas CMlI Central Money Market Ulit Service CPF Central Providient Fuind( EGAT Electricity GeneratinIg Authority of Thailand EPF Emplovee Providenit Findel GDFI Gross Domestic Fixel lInvestmiient GDP Gross Dotimestic Product GHK Government of [long Kong GOS Government of Singapore GOI Governmlient of Ind(onesia GOK Governmlenit of Korea GOM Government of Malaysia GSIC Governmnent of Singapore Investmiienit Corporation GSIS Government Servic e Insuranice System HKMA Hong Kong Monetary Authority IDR Ind(lonesian Rupiah KLSE Kuala Lumpu)rL- Stock Exchange KDEI Indonesiani Depository ancl Clearing Agency LAF Liquidity ACdjustment Facility MAS Monetary Authoritv of Singapore MIGS Malaysian Governmenit Securities MSB Monetarv Stabilization Bonds MTRC Mass Transit Railway Corporation POSB Post Office Savings Banlk RAM Rating Agencv Malaysia REPO Repurchase Agreemiet it RTG Royal Thai Government SEC Securities andl Exchange Commission SEHK Stuck Exchange of Honig Konig SET Stock Exchange of Tlhailatnd( SSS Social Security System TRIS Thai Rating az](l Information Services C U RRE N CY E Q U IVALE N TS China Year-end 1994 US$ 1.00=Xuan 8.45 Average 1994 USi$ 1.00=Yuan 8.49 Hong Kong Year-end 1994 US$ 1.)0=HK$ 7.74 Average 1994 US$ 1.00=HK$ 7.73 Indonesia Year-end 1994 US$ 1.00:Rupialh 2200 Average 1994 US$ 1.00)Rutpiah 2197 Korea Year-end 1994 LJSi$ I.00OWon 788.70 Average 1994 US$ 1.00=WonA 791.86 Malaysia Year-end 1994 UJS$ 1.00 =Ringgit 2.56 Average 1994 UASS 1.00=Ringgit 2.56 Philippines Year-end 1994 US$ 1.00=Pesos 24.42 Aver age 1994 lUSS 1.0=Pesos 24.15 Singapore Year-end 1994 ULSS 1.00=S$ 1.46 Average 1994 US$ 1.00=S$ 1.53' Thailand Year-end 1994 USS 1.00=Baht 25.09 Average 1994 USS 1.00=Balht 25.10 'i-INIW P-1,7-t ~Nw a, 4"Ai~WM /I"t EXEC UTIVE SU M MARY INTRODUCT ION instruinents like bank deposits afl(l eqluities. The development of bond mar-kets would also encourage f l he World Bank Group has beeni engagedl in new risk managemient products such as interest rate finanicial marlket studcies iii many East Asian' futures ani options. Furthermore, well fuictioning bond countries als an integral part of its ongoinig oper- markets with a broad range of instrumenits wouIld enable ations. The information gathered and the insights central banks to carny out indirect monietaryv policy gainiecd from these stucies, especially on Korea, throIgIl open market operations. Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia and China, have enabledl the Bank to makie an impoltanit contribution to The past financing patterns of the corporate sector; with the formtilation of financial sector developimienit policies heavv relianice on bank finanicinig and internally gener- in its member countries. Most East Asian countries now ated fulIds, is likely to change over time. The shart of have efficient bankinig systems and robust equity mar- bank financing is expected to decline steadily an(l be kets. However, futur-e efforts lie beyoncd the banking substituted by b)0nd( 13o ond instrumenits would become system. and the focus will shift to capital market (level- a more acceptable asset class in the portfolios of 1both opment. especially the bond market. Therefore, the institutional and individual investors. A significanit Bank, in consultation with its member countries an(l change in the region's corporate finan(e patterns is market participants, has und(lertakeni a study of the East alrea(ly taking place because large infrastiucturte and Asian bondi market. The stui'v was carried out over capital-intensive induistrial projects require long-term, October 1994-May 1995 by a Bank team in collabora- fixed-rate debt capital. Projects with long gestation tion with counterparts in meriber eounitries. Country periods are incr-easiligly being uLidertakien by the pri- studlies prepareci by consultants in these countries are vate sector andc their finanieial viability depends on issue(l separately froni this report. achieving acceptable rates of returin wlich, in tur-n depends on1 an appropriate capital structure. The study c oncludes that the East Asian bondc market is Infrastructure projects, for example. are highly lever- poised to grow rapidly (Liurinig 1995-2004 andl is expect- aged with typical (lebt to equity ratios of 3 to 1. This ed to become an important segment of the finiancial trendl is likely to accelerate ctle to institutional andl pol- markets in East Asia. The emergence of the bond mar- icy changes in these counitries' domioestic economic and ket will complement the growling equity markets of tile financial sectors, andc thieir growing international link- region an(l leadl to more complete finanieial markets in ages. Concerted efforts have been made by policy mak- these countries. Vibranit bond markets wonild facilitate ers and( regulators (luring recenit years to implement the financing of massive investmiienit needs of the region, regulatory and financial sector reforimis essential for especially for long-term private fixedl investment robust bolndi markets. These reforimis are at an advanced requiled to sustain the high levels of projected eco- stage in econiomilies suehi as Hong Kong, Korea. nonme growth-average aninlual growth of 7.7 percent- Malaysia. andl Thailaid, but have just begun in) the over the next decade. Moreover, well functioning bond Philippines, Indloniesia, and C(hina. If recent trends markets will allow policy makers andc market partici- continue, the size of the East Asian bond market would pants to manage their risks bettem; improve liquidity, most likely cross the trillion dollar mark by 2004, from and reduce intermediationi costs relative to comparable about US$338 billion at the end of 1994. Macroeconomic Context of the East Asian East Asia's rapidl growth lihs been propelledl by high Bond Market levels of saving andl investimienit. From naroundl 22 per- East Asia has emieigedf as a miaj'or economic power- cent of GDP in 1965. its savings rate has riseni shiarply louse. Witlb a p1opulation of 1.6 hillin f and(l a cornbin1el to 35 pere ent7 roughly 6(0 percent more than the aver- GDP of US$1.3 trilliocn in 1993. the regioni aecounte(d age forl ind(ustrlial countries. In 1993, China, Horig for 6 percent of'globai oLutput, or 27 percent of the total Konu I, hloneesia, Korea. Malaysia, Singapore, aidc GDP (if low- anid mid(dile-incomie counitries as a whole. Thailanidl had( savings rates exceeding :3O percerit of East Asia's GDP is larger tlhan tlhat f France, Italy or G1P Over the past 25 years. investment rose Iv about the Unitedl Kingdoni, andl almost oni-fifth of' US GDP 11 percent annuallv to reacih 35 percent of GDP The The region's oltl)put grew more thlani 2.6 times over net flow of foreign saving into East Asia luiring the peri- 1980-93, witlh an aver-age anilual growth of 7.8 percent. o(I aniotirited to onilv 0.3 percent of GDP ori ore t1han twice the i-ate of global o utplut growtil (11dr- ing this periold. Per capita incomes have also dlouble(l. Tle growth of East Asian finaic ial riarkets (lurirng thlis periocd lhas breen equally impressive. Table I silows Soundl rnacroeeononic rniariageriretit ar(i a stable polit- the key in(licators of the East Asian financial markets ical ci-limate. cornbinedl with low-cost and( higlhly-skillecd for 1993. Finanicial niarkets of mlost East Asian coon11- labor: liave attractedl corporations fromn tire in(lustrial tries have been dIomiiate(d unitil the late 1980s by courrtrres to invest in tile region. Mo st of tils dlirect banks. which servedl as the irrairn corporate firlidig investl merit lhas been in expor-t-orienterl iridtLstries. East soLruce. Since tlhen their e(qity niarkets have growri Asia's export performance over the past qjuarter centu- chrariatically. Hlong Kong. Singapore, Malaysia. aric r-y has been impressive, withi exports of gools arld ser- Thailanidl are now aniorig the worl(d's 2(0 largest stock vices rising more thanl thirtv-foldl to about US$850 bil- niarikets. At the endI of 1994. toital market capitaliza- lion; they now aCcoLiit fo r about 22 pei-(-tnt of worldl tion of the eight East Asian stock ex(-hanges am OUn t- exports As a result. East Asia lhas bIeen able to aeur- ed( to about $1. I trillion, or 71 percenit of GDP coni- mulate riiassive foreigin exchange reserves amounting to pare(l withi total assets of tlie banking systetm of $1.4 US$204 billioni at the encd of' 1994. trillio n or about 92 perc-ent of GDP Tllis growth was Table l: Key Indicators of the East Asian Financial Markets, 1993 (Amount in US$ billion) M121 Banik Assets' EqtritV Mlarket-' Bondl Mlarket' US$ %. of CUP USl §; of' CUP US-S § ofGCP USS % ofCGDP China" 519 88 547 128 41 9 417 11 Hozng Kong' 119 109 2(0 182 385 352 6 5 Indlonesia 69 48 85 59 33 2:3 13 9 Korea 139 42 229 69 139 42 138 42 Malaysia 54 88 60 93 220 342 35 54 Philippines 22 42 28 51 40 74 24 43 Singapore"' .51 92 92 167 133 240 38 70 Tlhailanidl 98 79 1 18 95 130 104 10 8 Germianiy 1.184 65 2.766 145 463 24 1,587 83 Japan 4,633 111 6,338 150 3,000 7 1 2.887 68 Unite(d Kingdoim 885 96 2.10] 223 1.152 122 311 33 Unite(d States 4.01.3 64 3.471 55 5,224 83 6,993 112 1i Internllut wiii Fi,i,,,ui i t ,i ,Stat i-. 2- Enlewrgiing Mat,rkets Datlu,s,,s. Inter,-riti,,na,,l F)nan, e (Ct,rpvralwti-. ., (COI>L,o- ReOtMsI i1,,(i addtl Batik S'tafi fet,,imat es. Ii H,,ung Kiong i niiglleui IA . iigs sector is very small and( institutional investors are an(l the l)part of this used for general budgetary purpo)ses few. The Sttate Planiniin1g Commnissioin plays aii inpor- is referiecl to as treasury bills. Sinie 1994. there has taut r ole in the bond miarket by issuing an anLual seiu- been a significant iincease in tIle volume of treasury rities l)lan. The regulator01 framework is evolving and hill., issue(l, primiaiily due t o the gove iiiniei't s le is ion several institUt ionis are involv ed in regulatinug anl to cease to) finalnce its deficit throughl bolrrOWing from sup)eIvisin1g the issuance of boiiids. Disclosure require- the central lank. Governimienit (lebt issues. at over lients are rncli(iientarv and( will be meanilngless uiiless Y113 billion, increase(d threefol(l oxer 1993. Plannle(d financial statemeneits aie prepared in accordance with issues for 1995 are hiighier still, at Y150 billion. generally aci(epted accountilng principles. Market Enterprise bond issues. meanwlile., were reduced,. miakers andc interimlecdiaries are at an early stage of (develop ment. UJnitl 1990, all dlebt securities in China were placed administratively, andl oni a tiani(lato-x basis. Since thien, Development of a bond miarket iii Chilia is likelv to be the government hias recently experimented withi differ- slow unlless the autIlolitie-s decide to address the above cut methiodls of issue for treasury bills. Thlese inC lucded nienitioime(d constraints. Nonetheless. tile Chin,ese bonid utt(lerwritilig by plrimia'y dealers, sales via local finance niarket Will grow in size bec(ause of tile neetd to finalnCe clepartmients, (lirect placenient with institutions, and( uovernmnenit deficits and( for niassive investmwent certificates allocated by People Bank of Cblia to the req(uilerilelIts in liflastructure headquaiiters of the specialized banks for sales to indi- viduals throlugil their branches. Government bonds are Looking Ahead issuecl at par ancl thle majority carty a predetermiined Inivestmenit Requpirements. Ekast Asia is expected to coupon. There i5 no auction process to dleteriniile the co0ntilule its rapid pace of growth over the next decade. Yieldl in the primary minarket. Coupons ai'e adiniiiistia- lUndler the World Bank's baseline gro tli scenario. tivelv set at a margin above deposit mates of (omiparable regional output is projected to grouw at an annual aver- maturity. withiout referemice to ilie secondary m,iarket age rate of 7.7 percent. shiiilar toi that of the past 15 yield on issues of comparable niaturity. Most govern- years. Financing tihis growth will require the nioluiliza- nienit issues are of thiree eat's oi niore in niatiurit, anl tion if massive amouLii t s of resour ces (or corp rate sin'ce 1992. have hacl a ('oulion relatecd to the inflationi expansion (clominiatecl b ('apital-intensive nanufactLuI- rate. Only two treasuLr bills pav an aninial coupon; the ilg,. upgrading existing infrastrci' tUre stock andl five year 1993 issue andl the scripless issue of 1994. All expanding secviies. andI housinig. Basecd Oi the pro- other bonds pay a redemptioni amioulnt (O'siStilng OfI p il- jected investmwent rates by the 1995 (Globl Economic cipal plus acc'umnulated siniple interest estimated on the Prospects, regionial gross dlomestic fixedl investment iasis of the (O'I)011 at issiUe. (GDFI) is expected to average about :36 percent of GDP which translates into a1 CLuIUlative inkestment of LS$8 A dlrawba(k of the primary issue pr'oess for goverin- trillion over the 1995-2004 pelrio(l. Private gross ment securities in Chinia is that treasur'y bills txpicallx domiestic fixed inivestimienit alone is expected to ai('oulit have been offered in a sniall number of issues, in the for about US$5.0 trillicin. The iulk of projected (;DFl first half of the year, rather thiani in several o'feriiigs will be in Chilia (US$3.3 irillioin). Korea (U.S$2.1 t'il- spread over- the year. Bondl issualnCe genelally takes lion). Tlailand( (IS$93 1 billion), Indloniesia (US$681 several mionithis and has effectively beeni anii on ta) nmar- billion). ancl Malavsia (11S$449 billion). Thie umanllufac- ket. The sale of scripless tleasuLv bills aiiied at wiole- tUlilng sectIOE as the largest sector in niiost East Asian sale investors in 1994 was a step in the righit (lirecti n e'onomiies. will account for the lion's share of this im est- wlhiil' perm i tteud a miiuch shorter issue per'iod. iiienit buit infrastnuCtuie pl e ts amid tIle h1u iiig see tor will also le imipoutanlt c'lai man ts Oc investment fundIs. ix (Given the clecision takeni by maniy governeilinelts to that require long-term debt financing:, (iii) the acivent of encourage the private sector to undlertake infrastructure risk-basedl capital adle(quacy requirements institute(l by investments, raising funds. for these projects will the Bank for Inteinational Settlements (BIS) whielh hias become a major source of growth for bond markets. The strainecl the banking systermi's abilitv to nicet long-term current level of infrastructUre investmenit of about 5 financing needs: and (iv) increased (letinand(i for lonig- percent of GDP in s(oime East Asian countries is not term fixed-incoome investmenit vehicles fronm the adequate to satisfy eurrelit levels of dlemanidl let alonie regioni's institulional investors. rneet future needs. A recent Bank stucdy estlimates that this investment level will needl to increase to abOut 8 In most indlustrial countries firms tenid to finanice percent of GDP whilehi tranislates into an infrastructure expansion throtigh ldebt rathier than equity finaicilig, investmenit of some US$1.4 trillioni between 1995 andl both becaLuse it allows them to retain greater control 2004. In Thailandl alonie infrastruCture investilmelnt over corporate decision-making. ancd large investmenit over the next decade is estimatecl to be well Over re(juiremiienits cannot easily be satisfied bI bank IJS$ 100 billion. domlinatedl by the 14 state-owne(d util- finance, rights issues, or interinallv generate(d fund(s. ity companies. In Malaysia. private investment require- Althiough the commercial banking system played a vital ments under the Seventih Mlalaysian Plan (1996-200() Iole untii recently in financing public ancI private are REM 350 billion (UlS$136 billion). The main factors enterprises in East Asia, its ability to carry o-ut the term makinig for a dramatic increase in dlemiand( for infra- transformation required for new investment has been structure servuiees are ((i) East Asia's rapid indlustr ial- constrained bv asset-liability ;atLity misTateies and izationi with a growing accent on capital intenisive the severe constraints placed on1 bankinig operations by industries, which will reqluire more power anti othier tile BIS-instituted capital adlequacy norms. Tlus, the physical infrastructule; and l(ii) a large andc growing past mo(les of financing will no longer be able to cope backlog of lemanicl for services, froml telephones to with the task of filture financing neeIs. Therefore. water supply andl mass transport, for the region's rapid- greater reliance will be placer1 on financing through Iy growing urban pol)ulation. fixed-income debt instruments in the future. In addlition, there will be neecd for large investments in Issuers. East Asian bond markets with the exception housilg. With East Asia's urban population growing of China andl the Philippines are expected to be dlomi- fromil 19 percent of the population in 1970 to 52 peicent nate(l by the corporate ancd state-owned enterprise see- in 1991, financing of urban housilng has acquired tors in the coming decade. In 1994. East Asian gov- renewedl urgencv. Assuminiig a coverage ratio of 25 per- ernmrienits were the major issuers of boncis andl account- cent and an average cost of US$25.000 per house. e(d for 45 percent of all bord( issues, followed by the clemand for housing finance will be roughly US$160 corporate sector (2:3 percent), the state enterl)rise see- billion in 2004, O(r about 5.3 percent of GDP Limited tor (18 percent), cenitiral bank seCurities (14 percent), housing finanee is now providledl by commercial banks, and( state governments (1 percent). This profile is like- and they will find it increasingly diffiCult to Cope Withl Iv to chan,ge draimiatically diluring the next decale. The future diemandl unless mortgage-backed securities are government b)onidl sector is expected to (decline to about developed. Malaysia is the fir'st country in the i-egioni 33 percent by 1999 and( to about 23 percent by 2004. that has taken the lead in this area by establishing a The governments of Malaysia, Thailandl. Indlonesia. and mortgage-backed securities market in 1986 throughi Korea are expected to have fiscal suIpluses. Hong Kong Cagamas. Additional institutional infrastructure for ancl Singapore liave already accumulated large surplus- mortgage-backed securities markets, such as mortgage es andl will continue to (lo so in the future. insuranice, would further facilitate growth in this market. Goverinimlenits will le tile main issuers of securities only in Chinia aiid the Philippines. The fastest growing see- The region is likely to witness a new trend(I of increased tor of' the bond market will be the corporate sector. reliance on domestic debt finanicin1g brought about by Bondls issued by the corporate sector are projected to the confluence of four major factors: (i) tihe needl to grow from US$77 billion in 1994 to more thiani US$500 mobilize massive amounts of resources to finance infra- billion by 2004. The sector's slhare will increase from structure investments and( housing, both of which 23 percent in 1994 to about 42 percent in 2004. The require long-tern, fixed-rate debt capital: (ii) structur- majol issuers of corporate bond(ls will come from al chianges in the economy from a predominiianitly labor- Malaysia, Korea, and( Thailald. The secondl largest intensive manufacturing to capital-intensive inidustries groul) of issuers will be state enterprises, whielh are in x the process of being corporatizeil as a plrelulde to full thieir operations. The Thai social security fundl is likely privatizationi. Most of the iSsuers in this category will to grow exponentially withi the coverage increasing from be friom Thailand, Malaysia. and Korea. the cuCrrent one million to al)bot five inillion inember-s withilin thie next ten vears.' Social securitv fundsl in Although the contractiual savinigs sector across East Easl Asian eoonomies are projected to grow rapidly Asia has mobilize(l large aiiioints of long-termit over the next decade because of the demographics of resources, its role in capital market dlevelopment has thie region, andc will be a maLjol source of long-terIll thus far -been fairly modest. In the past, these provirlent fUilnld fol industry. The othier maini segment of the con- fundIs were usecd to neet government fuLIdling reqluire- tractual savinig indlustry insurance, is not yet well ments. leavinig their maniagers limitecl f1ree(lomii in asset developIed blut it is likelv to flourish withi the dleregula- allocation. However; mnost East Asian countries have tion of tile financial sectors in countries such as Korea recently movecl toward making the contractual savings and Thailand) The mutuial fund industry is also sectors t iore autononiiotis bv lifting co ntrols on theil expanding rapiidly in East Asia At the end of 1994, tile investment policies. The Singapore authorities are size iff the miutual fundl indlustry was roughly US$20 bil- opening the CPF to professionral mianiagers and alloxwing lionl. Hong Konig. Malaysia, andc Thailand(I have been at more freedoni in investmiienit stiategies, adi MalaYsia's the foleflolit of developing their mutual fund inClustries. providetit fiunid managers are now recquired to invest no Witli the (4lcegulation and the licensing of new furol more than 50 percelnt of thieir assets in governimlenit malnagers. tie size of the Thai mlutual fulldl inlustrv seCurities. Thle dirivinig force behind tile change in thle expanded ten-fold to ablout US$10 luillioin over 1992- asset allocation and investment poiicies of these pelt- 94' In Malaysia, Unlit trusts have experienced cdra- sion plans is the fiscal suipluses of these countries matic growtil, while Ind(lonesia andl Korea are in the especially Singapore, Malavsia. andl Thaialanil. With early stages of `develiO)iig mutual fulllds. new-fouLind freeclom in asset mix amid investimienit deci- sion imakinig. these institutionial investors are now seek- Assumiing that East Asia cian miainitaini its growth rate of ing ti imalximiize risk adjLluste(d returls, f'or WhiCh long- 7 percenit over the next decade and finanicial sector terim fixed-inconie itistrumietints are the most logical reformii progiatms are fiot drastically reversed, tile size choice. of, the institutionial investors (governutient sponsored pentioin plans, social security organizationts and( mutual Investors. tMalaysia, Philippinees and Siingaport have fuLind industries) is estimnatedl to inicease to nearlv relativelv large institutional investors ntiainly thie con- US$400 billion by year 2004. Since the supply of gov- tractual savings sector. Inilonesia, Kiorea amid Tliailandl ernment securitie, in all countries excepit for Chinia and are at an early stage of development. China hias a very the Philippines will be limiite(l tIlese institutions will simall contractual savings sector. At the end of 1994. have to seek Lout othier investment opportunities. tihe total size of dloinestic institutiotial investors-maini- Malax'sia atid Singap)ore hiave alrea(ld takeni the lead in Iv central provident fundfs, social security orgatiizations enaldlino thieir contractual savings institutions to diversi- and( mutiueal funds-was about 1 S$$11)9 billion, with ft their portfolios anid to a liiited exteit, allowecd t lem to Malaysia and( Singapore accounting fol ablout 70 lper- ixmest overseas, itritially within East Asia. These institu- cent. At the cld of 1994, total assets of the CPF in tiOlis are therefolre liklely to emeige as major investors in Singajpore stoo(l at 5$ 55.5 billion (US$38 billion) whille loiig-terinii debt instrumttent t a( I wouIibl proviule a major the EPF in Malaysia hadl accumulated RM 84 billion boost to the dcevelop itnent of corporate bonul imialkets. tUS$33 billion). The ITG started fundi ng it, civil ser- vant pensioni plan in Auigust 1)94, by initroiducing a neix Initernationial Inrvestors. As discussed in Chapl)ter 4. plan that cotmbines defie(l-liectiefit anicl defined-contri- East Asian issuet's have raised large amounts in the biutilln plans. This plan xxill lie funcle(d ani( it is expect- internationial h)oti(i markets in recent years. ed to start with an asset size of US$2 to US$3 billion in Between ] 991 anul 1993. Asian issuiers othel thall 1996. .lapan floate(d US$25.7 billion in fixed-income securi- ties in foreign markets, far milore tIiami these firms raise(d Wi itI the i tcrease in incm onte and aginig of pr ia laltiolis, tlrouLigh shame off>eings. Aciditiomi of' con 'ertible bonds most East Asian couLntries hiave adiop1tedl or are in the issuied (luritig this pelil. l brilIgs tIhe total issues to some proicess of adoptinlg soeial security programs. US$32.7 billion. Lintil recelntly. issuanice of bonds in Iuinlo mesia andr ThailaLiud have demlel oped soc ial sect ii- domnetic licarkets wa. rathet cUlib)etsol)ne and ciostlv tv oranlizatiolis anidl ate in the process of st'engthieninig colpllaYled ti iSSUilIg bonds abrioad. The investor base xi was also Iinittetl. This is likely to change wvith thie reg- investor-s are likely to he instittiflonal investors withlinl the trlati-lV reforms introdluced in the East Asian cotirilies region. especially the contractual savings institutions. aid t ilie changes in investimienit policies of (lomestic institutiolnal investors. The projections intlicate that by 2004, Korea will emerge as the largest bsonid market (ill (iollar terinm ) in The rapid growtil in East Asia's e(Luity mlarkets hias the region lollowed Lv Clina, Thailanidl and( Malaysia. beet influenii ec to a laige extenit ly the increase in ftor- The ranikinig hv percentage of GDP in year 2004) shlows eigoi portfolio in vestllelnt. espetianly' by iii stun tiomial the following ornder: Korea (90 per-en t. Malaysia (68 investors niaiilv from the Unlite(i `tates. Most of these percent). the Philippines (5r9 percent). Thailanidl i35 investment s have lbeen Iiiii te(d to fii-st-tier comipiijan ies lerceInt). Indonesia (14 pcecn t), anicl Chliia (1:3 per- and in many contitries they have alreaidly reached tie cent). Howevei; tIre fastest griowiiig markets are likely lilmit lermiittedl fori fore-iln ownership. In fact. the avail- to Ie Malaysia am I Thailand. alility of fi ist-tiei- shlares hias Lecoine a cotnstrtilit ill Hong Kong. Thailand. antI Korea. Ti address this prob- Agenda for the Future lem. several East Asian cotnirtties have p ertiiitt ed the TIre pirm eeted tapi(d growt iiii the -egion'ils Iond miiaikets isstia nce of conivertiblIe lond s Witli the roiibst macrio- is couti ngenut uLpoi contintiation of sotin (d mac -oeco- econotic n- enivi i-otiitieit in iitost Eaist Asiaai Cioititit-ies 1ii0ii te1c maliagelirelit and po lic y atir ilisttittiionial anl lid iatial ir tLull - onivertiLility oni tlie ea iapital tefot-itis AlthoUgh ugiIIiih C- Stolotties iII the megioni hlave aC-OLiiiuts, thie East Asiair fixed -itincome secLt-ities offer takeii boldl step s to Iboost tIlie c )litid tmarkets. the ner- all aIttaet ie alterniative inviiestlem t oi1ipot vit i or lot 10- essai amid sti lir icetit cond i ti ouns fotl- robList Loud mar- eigil iliVestor-. Hl o weven ri acess to Ilost of tihese tnar- ket s arc n ot yet h'lly in place. Financial sector ret'ornis. kets has leen liuiiite(l (Chapter 4) Let-arise large Inalr- regilatory ref1ittr. l-lildtlrg of suppIortilIg ilistittttiotial kets st ch as Korea ate irelictan t to peirmlit fotei gn port- inifrastrIue tolre Sti ch as cretlit rati lig agencies, effit-ienit frolio inivest tietit ini Louds eI ieause of tile IL m tact Oi1 tlie clearinig atid settlenieiit syste ics. Ion1ti insUtirance. and( exchange rate. There are currently five iniarikeks (Hotig itiarket ititerimedliaries re(qUire fuIrthler developip enit. Koigr g Id(lonesia. MLalaysia. the PIthili ppintes, alltd The growth iale of' thie East Asian botnd iiLiarket will Tlain latid) whit -h ate -oiic pletely op en for foiei gi p ort- deperlid to a large extenit On Iliese coointries' efforts to folio iilvestiletit. However; this is likely to chanaige xvithi systemiatic-ally Imoildi the tiiarket. Some oft thie key builld- the a-ccelerated imuplemirentation of financ-ial se-ttr iiig bloks are discosserl below. refortirs in Chlina. a tid Korea. Finanicial Sector Reforimis. BAondl tiiakels (levelop The com nposition of' East Asiair eapital iiarkets. Iowev- tiost rapidlly ini stable eto:noit ic envii ronmieits atict en: is expec-tedl to change dramatical h over the niext (leregtilatetd financial markets. East Asia is klniown for dec adce ln the more matlte t iaikets of tlie regioti its staIile tiacioecollotinii etivi iolilielit Most etutlitittes (Ho ig Koti g. Koiea. Singaptre, antI Thailatid). growth in tile iegioni hiaxe also moved tdecisively in reenIt vears in eltIIh' illat-ket c apitalization is ex pe'terd to lie i inlar to deregola te thltir fiiizriit-i al se-tots atitI redtIce gOver'i- o thrat H If Iinatute - otiotiiies while iii the deevelohinig ireiiit iiite iveiitiotio (Chapte 5). Mala-sia aLtid Thailandt1 Inaltkets sutil ats Chlinia at(il Indonhesia. the ecqitv' Illar- have dtefiirite pllatis to tarry oti tIle finial stages of kets wvill gm-x lOut b alJ atVit w xill refle t i filt l(hlian- ie-egur lattion. Koreal is sett loi toiiplet e its annoriited tals of these nmia-kets- lBin(I issiraie-. espec iallx it] cor- fitiant ial sec-tor reftorirs liv. 19974 The Philippintes las ptorale. itfrastlCt: tUire a tid hiOrsing sectOrs, lioweeVeln will c-itrpleter most ot if ie finaicial sector iefoinis- stirge ill tIle ligilt oif tile trcd fr t lolig- teliii (lebt fiiialie- Inidtotesia IIhas tiade stiblstanitial ptogress. btit its fi nati- irug. Analyses condin-ted for this reliort inicditate thiait tIre cial itrarkets are still at ani early' stage of developiment. size (if tire Efast Asian liotidl tiiat-ket iouldl groi f ftinoii Cliiia has a great challenige ahead of it to transfotmni its US$3238 billion iii 199-4 tlo iver USi tri-llion by ilie cii(i Otf finantcial nian-ketes tt tiIe level of Othelr East Asiarl etitii- 200(1 (IChapter' 6). Tlit- total size of the tiarket relati%e to tries A tilajto itigtetlieit of tiese liberalizationi pro- GD Pi will still be iniuch lot lr thian iihat ofi irdtuistial cuin- grallis ri itil Ilow has lIeeii tile fteei rig of iiiterest rates oti tries srtilr as the Uniiitedl States (tiver 100 perenit of CGIP assets aiidl liabilities of bianki. lint tiie toverage of ill 1994). Howev-t; nirlik-e the iticiistdlal tomitiies whlere refoiris is beitig exteiidle(d to otiier (lelit iustitliletlits tIle loind urarkets at-e (loiriitiate(I by goiveniniteiit sec -tities. sLilh as goverinmiient set urities. pl-ivate e ormpot-ate biollds, tIose iti East Asin will ble r e-itteredl ol tlre lrivate set toir rild riloney rtia-kel iisrti-riilnlIs- anrmd state enterpipses iii tranisitionm to privatizatioii Most xii Open-milarket type operations, if not full fledIged open- market. Factors that shouldl be taken into accotiuit in market operations, are curienitly pursued in Indlonesia, buildling a regulatory frameiwork include the extent of Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines. andl Thailand. These financial-sector developmenit andl reform, the legal take the form of sale of governmenit bonds or1 central framework, tile missiotn of the regulatory bocdy, and bank securities, puichase or reverse purchase of bills, types of intermedliaries comprisinlg the financial sector. and recyclilig of hank (leposits by central bank and vice Finally, it is critical that the regulations recognize the versa. In Hong Kong and Singapore, money-market economic function of a capital rnarket: capital mobi- intervention by the monetary authorities is carried Out lization ancl the allocation of caapital to its most produc- through buying and selling treasuLy bills, foreign tive uses. In the long-ruinl, this requires the (levelop- exchanige swaps. lendinig in interlbank markets, and( ment Of a regulatory systemi that is designer! to regulate repuLrchase .greements in government boncs. In Hong rather than control or manage thie market and market Kong, Exchanige Fund Bills andl Notes are userl. In gen- participants At an early stage, a proactive regulatory eral, open-mtiarket type operationls are limitedl by the system may be essential to facilitate market dlevelop- thininess of the market and( a lack Of eligible govern- meit. The level andl type of regulatorv modcel arlopterl iienit paper. To get around these problenis. central will also clepenid on the stage of development of sup- banks in Inrionesia. Korea, Malaysia, and thie portilIg institutional infrastructure including the laws. Philippines have issuedc their Own rlebt instrumernts. ani ability to enforce such laws, the prevailing Most transactions occur in the primary itmarket. wlile aCCounltilng system. and the accounitinig standards used open market transactionis in the seconclary market are in the econoniy, the sophiistication of investors anrl extremiiely liniterl thiough arrangements are being ma(le is,uers, and a disClosure based regulatorv svstem. to )roa(len the scope of tile secondary market in these countries. Using au ticOnS to issue government or cen- Hong Konig anil Tliailanidl have most of the institutional tral bank paper in the primary iliarket is bringing their infrastructure in place and lhave imadle notable progress yields to the level of market inter-est rates.' in implementing regulatory reforimls that are eseiential fIor bond niarket rlevelopment andl are movinig towalrd a Indonesia. Korea, Malaysia. the Philippines, Singapore. disC Insure basecl system. Malaysia has all the required ancl Thailand(i have p)hased out tIle use of subsiclizedl infrastruCture and(Ilas carlried out substantial regulato- central bank rliscount facilities to strengthen nmonetarv iy r refor-mils but need.s to streaillille its regulatory systenl control. The thirri type of indirect monetary policy by centralizing approval process anid development ilistuiiilenit, reserve requireillents. requires portfolio function in a single agenci. Korea nee(ds to review its adIjustmenit amonig commlercial hank assets, ancd has bonrl miar-ket regulatoiy system in line withi its plans for been used less frequently with the increasing resort in financial market leregulatioil antI capital account recent years to more flexible open-market operationis opening. Chinia and( Inrlonesia are at an early stage of The reserve requiremienits level has beeln kept to tie blionl mar-ket development an d regulatoryv reforms while minlimLulm in Indoniesia. Kiorea, aincI Malaysia, hut tile Philippines neecis to make its regulatory system remaiilele high in the Philippines ultlil 1993 because of' more developmental and move towardl a disClosure the ineffectiveness of open-market operations in coldi- baserd svstem. In general. a single regulatory bodly for tions wliere central hank losses weere large antI( it COuld a boni(l market will be desirable. as it provides a major inot unidertake openi-illarket operatiolns; this oilstrainit iml)etus for b)od 1iiarket rlevelopmetit andl will bring lias now been renmlove(l. Implellentatioil lbv East Asiani othier arlvanitages, inllCUlillg a m ore clearly rlefine(I reg- counlries of the remaininig financial-sector refornis will ulatolV framieework and lbetter coor(liilationl to dlevelop facilitate clevelopmenit of the bond imarket. tle mar-ket. Alternatively. a joint task foice could le set up to overnee market dievelopmeilt. It is also impiortanlt Regulatory Reforms. In addition to coimpletilng that the regulatory agencies be self funledl. This will financial sector reforiis, it is essential to builrl a ,ound enable themil to attract ail( retaiil rqualifiecl stafl. The an(i cost-effective regulatory environmienit. In most securities cominussiomi in Hong Kong amid Malavsia are East A.ian rmarkets, regulator-y bodies pelforill clual financially independent and tlieil experience should be functions of fowtering the developillent Of the market, reviewedl by other counitries. anii of regulating the market. In building an effective regulatorv syvstemi. several factors ileedl to be taken into Institutionial Infrastructire. It is also necessary for con.imideration. It is critical to establish a regulatory both private an I goverilillelnt policy niarkers to focus on framework that fits tIle Ullqiue needs of eacli emerging tile development of institutional underpinnings for the xiii bliond market including c redit ratinig agencies, efficient shouln(d be consiilered in connection witlh restructuring clearance andl settlemenit systemis. bond insurance, ani(l of policy loans." developmient of stronig networks of interimierliaries that will facilitate primary ancd secondary tradin1g. All East Asian markets except fbr Hong Kong sUffer from a lack of, liqujidity in the secondr a i niarket which Malaysia and Tliailanicl niow have relatively Well ftiulc- impedes secondlarv miarket trading. Sine e bond dealers tioning rating ageneies, while Indoniesia's PEFINDO operate on a small miaigin, a large trading volumtrie is has just commenced operations. Rating agencies in essential to stay in business. With(out an access to fulld- these countries will need time to furtilhe bmild their ing, bond tlealers are generally not in a position to make oirgallzatiot)is and( dlevelop staff to gain tull acceptance market cr carry large iniventori ofbonds. Tle experience of miar-ket participamits. In the case of Korea, the rating of' Ho:ng Kong shoulli be revieWe(l b I tle othler- couLntries. agencies have been in place for- sometimie but hiave niot The Monetary Auth ity has provided liquidlity iln the been functioning as rating agencies because of the reg- bondfic market by allowing MTRC andl the Airport nlatory reqJuirements that all bonds m1ust be guaranteed Authorlit le bt instruinenits to lie used for REPO transac- by financial institutionis. Full deregulation of financial lionis. Thailand(i Currently allovws Only banks to parlici- mar-kets will plrovidle a new lease on life to tlhese agen- pate il tlhe REPO market. Exteiisioni of this facility witi cies. In Clhinia, a coiicerted effort seems to lie nee(led appropriate safeguards to members of' BDC shoul(d to build two or thiee rating agencies at the nationial enhance liquidcity in thie secondary markets. Malaysia level to set the standards for the rest. In the case of the should considler expanding tlhe pailicipation in the Philippines L new ratinig agency with blroad-based REPOfI markets, bv including non-bank dealers which oWn1Cersipi1) is req(uired to service bond ilmarket partici- meet the eligilbility criteria. The same applies to the pants. as the preseiit rating agencV suffers from its owIn- Philippines. which limits REPO transactioins to only ershil) strutcture and the appearance of potential ion- banks. China andl Inidonesia do niot curr-enitly have anii flict of initeest. There is clearly' no need for Hong Kong mechanisms to enhance liquid(lit in the secondary mar- aud Singapore to have local rating agencies. given the ket. Consideration shouldl le given to enhanlcing liquiil- plresence of the major international ratinlg agencies. To itv in these markets. The availabilitv of centralized furlher increase the efficiency of thie r ating agencies seri- Sour ces of iiifor mationi will also fac ilitate tracling activ ity ous consideration shoulcl be given to making the rating f`unction11 vol_ltntarvw andc acdditioinal ratinig agencies shoUld Ani important factor that affects liond market develop- be permitted in niarkets such as Malaysia and Thailand, ment is taxation. In general, tax treatmienit shoild be where the bolion markets are likely grow rapiidly. the saiime both foir stocks and( bonds. The after tax risk adljusted returnt01 oni bond investments shouldl lie Comlliet- One of the important paratimeters in bond ic market devel- itive withi othier iiivestnietil vehicles. In manyv East oiment is a market-based bencliniark that enables Asian COunlries, the tax treatment of' boid instiuLinemits. market particiliants to price bolinds both irimaiy amlI both interest illCome, andcl capital gainis, is niot uniforms. secondrlarv markets. Anitho0ities SliouiliI serioUIsly con- lInimaniy countri,es. there is no cafiital gain tax on e(ltui- si(ler creating suclh benchmarks. Tlhese imiav include ty inivestmienlts anid (liviclendI income is taxecl at low securities issued by a nationial mortgage corlporation. rates. Capital gaiius froi lionl trading, however, are state-enterprise bonds, or repackaging of existing delit taxemI loth at the corlorate anl iii(i \ icdual level. For issLteS of maj or goveriiiiienit wiledl entities (Chapter 2). examinile, in the Phiilippines, interest incolme from bhound Except for Hong Konig, io East Asian countries have investments is subjeCt to a withholdlinig tax of 25 per- market-based benchlmarks for mnaturities ieyondl two ceni. F-urtbermore. unlike stocks, bondis are suibject to years. Malaysia hias imadle an excellent starl thlrouIgh docunmentary staiiili) (titv which increases tran,saction MGS securities and Cagamas. State enterlirise hoods costs andl retards secondary miarket ti-rinIjI1g. Investors in Thailanid cotild be tisedl as benchimarks if they were in Korean lionds are exempt froim a 0).35 percent tralis- iSSUc(l by mnajor enterprises such as the Electricity action levx which applies to euilties wklile iion-lesi- Generatilng Authority of Thailanicl on a regular basis dlenits l)ay initerest ani(l capital gains tax at 25 percent across niaturities. Iln tihe case of tIle Philippines. the which ca(l be loweredl tillotighi tax treaties. Hong Kong govermnment ShlOuld consilder iSSuilng three- to five-vear lias no withilioldinig tax, Ibut profits are taxed at 17.5 fixed-rate instruments lo cireate a yieldl curve. Korea piercent. However. Exchange Ftind( Bills and suprlalia- has a good short-teriui bienchmark. biased on the MSBs. tionial bonds are exempt fronil taxation. Simigapore (loes Creation of a long telm yieldl curve of govenimiiiemit boods niot tax Caliital gailns. althouglh dlivi(lenidis are taxedl at tile xiv marginial 27 percent corporate incomile tax. Honig Konig. Organization of the Report Malavsia anicl Thailanidl have takeni the lead in remilovinig Thlis report is organized into six chapters. Chapter 1 tax disincentives ob libonds. Other East Asian countries provides an introdtuction andc rationale for hbond i market shouild follow suit in eliminiating dliscriminiiatory taxation development. Chapter 2 discusses the size ancl comlipo- of' honds to remilaini competitive. Conisideratioll shoul(1 sition of the East Asian Bonidl miarket in depth. The size also be given for the removal of differential taxation andl struCture of bonIdl mar-kets in eighit economies and( hetween domestic andc foreigin investols, the miain sectors of these markets (i.e. gaovernnlenit central bank, state enterprise, andl private honids) ale Finally, a rohust bond mar-ket redluires well informed discussed An oveiview of eaci countrv's hond iiiarket investors, issuers, market professionals, and regulators. is piresentecl. The organization of the primary andl sec- Each of these key participants needs to have a sOUIInI ondCIalyv hond miIllarkets is examiniecl, fOCuSinIg on1 hovW unidlerstaLidinig of new finanicial instrumients as thiey are thlese markets are o-ganized in eaci] COUnltry andl the introduced to the market, trading mechanisms. proce- suLIp)or-tinig institutional inf'rastiuctnle such as primary dures for clearance, settlemenit, and safekeeping of dealers. ciarket makers, licluiclity supports. credit rat- seCulrities. Tlis task will hecome more OIneloLIs with ing agencies. b menchmarks, andl clearing and( settlemenit the introduction of more sophisticated financing tech- systems. A survey of the status of secondary - markets is niques sutch as repuirchase agreemilenits andcl derivatives. presented andl policy measUIes, that contributed to the Therefore. it is important that thie government am(i the development of these markets, am1l factors impedilng private sector dlevelop traininig programs to meet the their growth are identitied. needks of market participants government regulators, and( self regulator. Regulatory policies affecting bond markets in these econiomies are discussed in Chapter :3 in an effort to Conclusion idenitifv the essential elemenits of a desirable regcLlator-v East Asian economies have madle remarkable progress fi-amework. Chapter 4 examines the impact of the inter- in developinrg their economics andl financial markets, nationalization of tile East Asianl bond markets. The especially the banking systel. If East Asia is to St1s- role of' foreign portfolio investment and its impact on taim rapidl groiwth over the next decade, investment in bondc mtar-kets; regUlatorv and othier factors that facili- cap)ital intenlsive mialIL&factulI-1. nifastructure. and( tate or impede partic ipation in international ondcl mar- hoils ing will need to exIpandcl tremend(oLisJy Financing kets are cliscussed and ilte extent to wJhichi government of investinenit of thils hlcge imagnitude will redplilre suh- issuers, state-owned enterprises ancd private corpora- stantial mobilization of resources on a large scale. tions have heen aile to raise funds in interniationial cap- Given the region's highi saving rate. the investmiienit can ital markets is presented. The relaticoislip between of'f- be financed mostly froivi within the regiin. However: shore markets and( the development of local bhon(l mar- thils will call for mnajcr efforts by the governments and( kets is exploirecl and country risk considerations are regulators in close collahcoralion with maLket partici- disecissed. The use oi' hood markets in tile ondcluct of' pants in the private sector- to accelerate development of monetary policy is cletailedI In Chapter 5. The impor- domestic capital markets, especially hond markets so tance of a rohbist hondul market in concicucting efficient that intermecliatio n of lng terimi savings andl lonig teri open-market operations is clisci1sse(l andl the experi- imvestimienits can le perlormecl efficiently. Most East ence of selected countries is examined to ciraw lessons Asian couinitries have uLn(iertaken majIor policy reforimis for developing coUntries o' East Asia. An assessment of clcuin-g the recent vears. These refor-miis will need to lie tIme prospects fcr h-owdl market growthi ifi East Asiami ac celerateil. In aclclitiom to uniclertakinig the policy czountries amid an agendca for honcl market development reforiris in the financial sector, there is a meccl tci further are presented in Chapter 6. develop institutionmal infrastructure (Credit ratinig clear- ing ˇumcl settlemelnt, custody, liqcuiclitv. henchmark, tax- ation market miakers. andl bond insurance agencies) to foster growth cif East Asian bond markets. xv I N T RO D U C T I O N ith a population of 1.6 billioni and a coin- East Asia's rapid growtth has been propelled Ly highi Iined GDP of $1.3 trillion in 1993, East levels of saving andl investment. Fromil aroundc 22 per- Asia' is now a major economic powerhouse. cent of GDP in 1965, its savings rate has risen sharply In 199:3, these eight countries accounted for 6 pereenit to 35 percent. rouglhly 60 percent miore thani the aver- of global output, or 27 percent of the total GDP of low- age for in(lnistrial couLities. In 199:3, China, Hong andI miniddle-incoome Countries as a wlhole. East Asia's Kong. Indloniesia. Korea, Malaysia. Singapore ancl CDP is larger than that of Franice. Italy or the United Thailand( liadl savings rates above 30 percent of GDP Kingdlomi, ancl almBost a fifti of lIS GDP The region's (Table 1.1). Over the past 25 years investment rose at CDP grew more thiani 2.8 times over 1980-93, withi an about 11 pertcent a year to reach 35 percent of GDP The average annual growth of 7.8 percent (Figure 1): this net flow of foreign savinlg iitc East Asia diuring time peri- was miore tihani twice the rate of global growth. The od amountedl to only 0.3 percent of GDP The regions 1994 econominc growthi is estimated at 9.3 per- Philippines. which has lagged behindCI the other COUn- cent. Per capita incomiies also doubled. antIcl their tries in this group. seemb to have tulirned a corner in growth is expected to accelerate as continullmin econotil- 1994 as its GDP gre-w 4.3 percent. ic progl-ess is bolstered by fallilng 1)opLlation growth. Table 1.1: East Asia: Selected Economic Figure I.l: GDP Growth, 1980-93 Indicators, 1993 (Average annual growth; percent) Pnri -f .lip (CNI' Pr Ci)[' (lPi (ii.. G srits (.ur. .iI 10 (alap,i ih$H (Gr-.iilt [) .ie.t,- Dma-m A-v i L I, S$) I 08(0-0. Sitl -igs -irI [ Bala,i. 8 Chila 490 426 9.6 40 41 -2.7 Honig Koiiig 18,060 11i) 6.5 31 27, - tIodnesia 740 145 5.8 3 1 28 -1.4 Kor-ea 7.66(0 331 1.1 35 :34 (.1 6 - Malaysia 3.140 64 6.2 38 33 -3.3 Philippilles 850 54 1.4 16 24 -6.1 Singapore 19.850 55 6.9 47 44 3.7 4 - Thai anlad 2.110 1]25 8.2 :36 4(0 -5.5 .ioztr,e: t,rlrd Banik. 2 East Asia's success is not linmitedl to growth in produc- tion-exlort perfolmanice has also been outstainiiig. 0 Over the past CLtiarter century. the regioni's exports of CHN KOR THA SGP HKG MYS IDN PHL E.AsiaWorld goods and1 services rose more thani thilrty-fold to abotit $850 billion, and(1 now account for about 22 percent of woild exports. Soon(d macroeconomiic maniagemilenit led bv conservative fiscal policies andl a stable political cli- mate comibined with low-cost andc highlv skille(d labor ttitsi -ell: atiirlt/ [kin sC. have attractedl c orporationis from the indlustrial counl- tries to invest in the region. Most of this direct invest- East Asia's success in attracting foreign capital flows ment has been in export-oriented ind(uistries. As a has not been limiite(I to dlirect investment. While the result. the regionl has been able to accumulate large for- region s export orientationi ai(cl low-cost an(l highily eign exchange reserves amounting to $203.9 billion, or skilledl labor has attracted vast amounts of FDI, its cap- 16.5 percenit of world's foreign exchange resources. ital markets have come of age and( East Asia is now a niajor recipient of foreign portfolio investment. Indleedl. East Asia's share of global foreigl direct investmenlt equity portfolio investment increased timoe than eleveln- (FDI) was about 14 percent in 1980; bx 1990, it hadl foldl wvhile foreigni investment in East Asiani bonds increased to 44 percent. East Asia is now the largest surgedl twelve-fold over 1990-93 (Table 1.3). While a recipient of FDI flows, surpassing Latin America. portion of these portfolio flows has been (sow1li Intler IIIfl leii fLWI Itilf plla nebe andc G;ermaiia l)aniks in linan1e i tig pitivat e Fund 1101/ Su/o,oIm,o Brotiers. iiivest i nenl Figure 2.2: Bond Market as a Percentage of The US corporate sector hias reliecl on debt financing 120 iDP nore thani the othier thiree couLntries because interest expeilses are tax-dedlulctible. wiile clividleilds are not: Othit iiakes it imote attractive for corpom-ate treasurers to 100 - take oii increasedl leverage. Tax dIedutctibilitv cf inter- est paynients is a relatively recenit (levelopiuient in 80 - Japan. Germnaiv and( the tinitecl Kingdom. Inleed. sonime 17 pelreent of private fixed capital formiationi is financ ed througl bond issues in the United States, in 60 - colititast to only 2 p)er(cent in tihe UK and i4 percenit il Japan. 40 _TFie US bond niarsket has been the miost itiiiovative / / anb(onig the iidllistlial couIntries. Two of the niost proini- 20 ineiit itinovations in recent years have been imnirgaged- 1970 1980 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 backed and asset-backed securities, wIhichI dom01inate United Kingdom Japan the UiS boncl miarlket. There have not b)een coomparable - Germany - United States developnient, oms the same scale in the bther thiree countries. thoughi thiere are indlications tilat they will Sour, e: Snlmnonnnnn Bront hers. Io. Ilnern,71t1nnnil mlo-tar) Fundi. sioni follow the trenids in the US bcnd market .a: MF(e n ma nfn/ lm(nlond/.n e.n a/pernent G,f £DP? 7 Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) emerged in the more relevant to Chilia in view of the close United States dluring the 1980s as coniduLits to clhannel involvement of its banks in financing industrial funds from investors to mortgage borrowels. These are development securities backed b)y a pool of mortgages-which are in turn loans secured by specified real property. The * The frequency andl regularity of goverinimlent bond United States mortgage market is the largest in the issues andl the methods usedl in the primary markets worl(1 and also one of the largest components of the lUS differ among the foul countries. Regular issuance dlebt market. andl lias beenefitedl the most from govern- cycles support deeper markets and broaden interest, mient policies. It offers an instructiVe case of public whinch are crucial for- tli(ise governments withi sizable policy fostering the development of capital markets. borrowing prograis. However; varying the size and timilig of issues canl allow governments to captuLe Asset-backed securities are collateralizedl securities, favorable market conditionss All four countries have They are created with underlyiig collateral as varierl as gricitially movedl away from dlirect svnclication to automobile vehicle loans. credit card receivables. market-oriented auctions as their bond markets house equity loans, accouints receivable, boat loais, niaturedl. Withinl the auc ticons both unifoirm and dlis- recreational vehicle loans, andl other types of loans. criminatory pricing of botiis arc prevalent. Asset-backed seculities are small compared to mort- gage-backed securities, buLt a fast growing segment of * The basic principle governing the operation of pri- the US bondc market. mara inarkets in these four countries is similar with minior variationis. Markets for government bonds are All foul bondc markets have been increasingly exposed organized by setting up networks-groups of finian- to internationial bond issues-bothi foreigin bonds (those cial firms acting as primary rlealers in governmenit issued by foreign entities in the host country) and securities which usuially function oni a quidl pro quo Eurocurrency bondis (bonds issued in host-country cur- basis; in exchange for certaini privileges, they agree ren(y. outside of its borders). In teriis of outstanding to bid for primary issues ancl to make secondary amounts, the largest interinational isstue oif bonds is in markets in government debt, subject to rules and the United States, followecd in descending ordert by regulaticons governilig their operation. In cletails, Japan, Germany. ancl the UK. however, the procedlures vary amonig countries. In Japan, for example, the syndicate has no role in the Industrial Country Experiences secounclary market or cential hank monetary policy East Asian countries can driaw important lessons from implementation. In broad terms, the procedures how the bond markets in these foul industrial countries adlopted in market organization are variants of the progressed to their present stage of development, the ones that evolved in the Unitedl States andl their sources of their strength, their characteristics, awcl the essence lies in achieving the objective of maintaini- policy fiamework in which the markets developed. In ing two-sided liquiditv in secondary markets (andl particular, the iidtistrial country experience provides thius, depth in l)rimary markets) andl supervising ancl insights that can be used by the emerging Asian coun- monoitorinig their operations conitinuously annd close- tries in cletermining a mix of sucCessful practices they ly to maintain stability in the bond markets. canl adopt in developing their bonlld markets. Tllese are discussed below: * Most of the transactions in the seconidary markets are over the counter (OTC) except in the UK. * The development of equity ancl boindl markets dlependoiion the overall dlevelopmelnt of the economy * The ability to cngage in repurchases-or REPO- and its financial sector. agreements facilitates maniagement of both long and short positions by securities dealers, andl thtis * Bondl markets in Japan andl Germany are dominated reduces the cost of market-making and( increases by banks. This is mainily because of the historical liquiilty in the markets. The largest repo market is legacy of heavy reliance on the banking system to in the United States; this market is hamperedl in finance growth andl to sonie extent, due to the insti- othier iniduistrial countries by regulatoryv restrictions tutional relationship between private enterprises or taxes, thougi effoits are beiig ma(e to minilnize the amci the universal banking system. [he significanc e rigor of these impediments, if not to eliminate the]. of this characteristic of the. bond market miay be 8 An important reqliisite for efficient functioning of in regard to issuance of muLicipal hoods is the saie the secondary market is thie presence of benchlnark as in resl)ect to government bonds. In Germanx', securities, which are commonly represented in all mnUllicipal bonds are soldl on request and( are kept on four countries. There are variations in the practices offer uLitil the desirecd amouinit is reached. The see- aclopted in desiglating benclhmark se(clrities. how- oniclary niarket in mtcLicipal bonds, is less active evec: In the lUnitedI States, the yiel(d on 30-year thiani that in government and( corporate bonds. bonds is used as the kev benchmark while in Japan. aovernment bonds witli aii original maturitv of ten * There are differences in corporate bond issuance years are considered to be the l)enchlimark securities methlodIs. In the US. such bonds are distribiuted to even thotigih thiey may n ot be the m)ost recently tile public or placed withl iinstitutio nal investors issuec. thrOLIghi uinlerwriting syndicates arranged bhy iinvest- menit banks, often on a competitive basis All pub- * There is no uniforimi systeni for clearing an d settling licly issuecd corporate botinds have to Ice registered government seCurities across fotul coUlntrieS. OsInly withi the 'Securitie. and Excihange Comcnissioll. the US aici tie UK settle transactions in long-termi Gerimiaicy fcllows tile isstce miethods, for corporate governimlenit bonidis bv the next dlay. Book-entry and( bonds which are similar to those csed for intecrna- the relatedl nettinig systems help mi nimii ize risks am(I tional bonds. Icl tie UK. pu)liC issuance of corpor- re(duce the volumile of transactions to be recorded, ate bonds follows the sacme procedlures as that f0r Eurobonds are settledI in a seven-clay periodl during govericinenit bonds. Tlitis, there is a widle choice of wlich thie bonds are helcd in a clearing system such tmethio ds for the issuers of private bonds. as Euroclear or Cedlel. Here again there is diver- gence. In Japan for example. normal settlemelit * Secondary market trading in corporate bonds is occurs on a predetermined cycle ratiler thiani at the mostly in the OTC niarkets in the LUS. thoughi thiey discretioni of the trading parties. are ofteni listed on stock exchanges III Japan. )n thie otlher hlanid, there is n1o active secondary market in * The investor base for governimlenit bonds is icnportant Corporate ancl hank bonds as these bonds ac'e miost- frol tile point of view of ille functioning of sec- ly held by indlivi dual ices tors who hioldl t hem to onclacy markets. The experience in these fcOuL coIcn- niatnrity. In Gerniaciy. a three-tiered trading of cor- tries amply dlemilonistiates that if bonds are held by porate bomnds-official trading, regulated cicarket. institutionlal investols suCch as peilsiocis acnd provi- and unofficial markets-prevails. Whille official anid lent fLIncis. mtitual fcnll(s and insurance compaicies regulated markets are confined to the stock exchange, rather tilhan retail investors-incliv idtials anci house- uniofficial tracisactiocis ace carried out bI telephone holcis-thete is likely' to be greater turnovec; impart- throughLout the country and across bordeis. ing licltidlitv and lengtheciicig the mat L[city stricture. One trenid witlh implication for thle East Asiami bond * Clearance and( settlemecit of corporate bcnds varies markets is that the proportion of bonds heldl by the across the foi)U countries, inot so much in basiC banking system has revealedl a secular (declining structure and foirmat as in piocedural details. In the trend(l Anotlher aspect of the investor base of gov- Unite(d States, the cecitial clearing house pehforms eminiiienit bonds in indLIstrial countries is the growving mtcltilateral nettinig ol tramnsactions for its inemiciems. dlomlinatioin of foreign holders of bonds. Wlile while the dlepositoties provide book-ecitry ticansfer broader markets cah lielp reduce borrowing costs, systems to achieve deliveA' againcst payment foi they also connote a growvicng inteiclependence securities. In Japan. government aci(I corporate acongst financ:ial mnarkets that (an make it (lifficult bIond settlememit procedures are the same. Thie to icilplemineit domestic goals. Germani systeicn reqciies paycmemnt and lelivery' off secccrties Onl the second1 tradcing day folowling the * Municipal bonidl issuance methods are differenit in clay of trade. The UK uses a seven-dav settleccent the United States. Japan anic Germ-1anv. The LUK has fo r tradles in corpocate lbondIs. virltually no mlarket in imunicipal bconlds. In the LJS, thIe volumIle of municipal bond issuance has beeni It is, thus, clear tlhat thlere are ncI ucniform anci univer- highi dute to their tax-exempt status. ProspeCtuses sally accepted rtmles governing the bond ch miakets in mieecl to be filecd and credlit i'atimng is consi(lered these iicnustrial cocimtries. The overarechilig principle is essential by' most investors. In Japan. the procedure thlat the market should operate tracisparemitly. fairly', an d 9 efficiently in consonance witlh risk/reward conisidlera- ltJS$ 161 billion). Singapore (US$45 billion), China tions and to the fuill satisfaction of both the issuers of (US$33 hillion), Malaysia (US$40 hillion), and( andll inlvestors in bolnds. The East Asian econionles Thailand(i (US$14 billion) (Table 2.2). mav, therefore, prefer an eclectic approach to flurtiler- cleveloping their bod nidmarkets. combininig those prac- Table 2. 1: Size of the Emerging East Asian tices and pricedurites that have succeeded well in Bond Market, End- 1994 in(lLIstrial countries, taking into account tihe slage of (US$ billion) their financial market developmen t tile availability of So.f,- S i i'i.i.-> I IaI local institutional infrastiuctUre, atcl othieri const raiilnts G...c ; u. E:i"Im... B- k (liam 24.4 t t 9( (. (. 0.0 33:3 SIZE AND C OMPOSITION OF THE EAST Hunlg Ko,g 0.1 0(. 0(. 6.8 4.7 t.5 ASIAN BOND MARKETl Indlolnesia 1.5 6.8 0.7 9.1 Korea 27..9 2.7 37.4 :32.1 60.8 16t .0 Mata\ ssia 2(.0 0.0 :3.7 2.(t 4.Y :39.5 At the end( of 1994. the size of Easlt Asia's bond maL-ket Pluitippes 24.8 0.0 0.1 0. 0.0 25.1 was arotind lUS$338 billion. repeseitinlg a miere 2 per- Sfigpre 42.3 0.0 0.( 0.0 2.5 44.9 cent of the bond markets in 21 miajol induLIstrial COoIn- Thailand 2.6 ).0 7.6 °.0 3.5 1:3.7 tries, bitt it constitu ted about 40 percent of the borid l2 market of the emeiginig econotlic s estiniiatedl to be Inial 151.() 2.7 5. 47.0 77.1 338.0 aliout US$800 billion. The size of tile Fast As ian b)oidi a Iln/d'.mS Cagalw 1., Iirs. imarket was small in comiparisoil to the regioni's . Yrtilt Sr: The ItT4rd Ba nA market capitalizatioll of US$1.1 tri llioni (71 percenlt of GDP) As a percentage of GL)P it is smiall complaredl to The East Asian bond market coniprises five niail seeC- those in the major indiuistrial counltries (I lintedl States, tors: natioiial governmilent ilondIs, state goveiilrmlent Japan. Gerimiianlv a(lCI thie LJilite(d Kiiig(dloiu). However bonds, state enterprise bonds, central Ibailk securities the growth in East Asian bond markets lias Ieen aiIcl corporate IlsoiicIs (Table 2.3) At the end(i of 1994, impressive. Over 1989-94, these markets grew at an governililleit boods eoilstitute(l the largest segilient- average annutial rate of 20) percent. niore tIlail twvice as alniost olle-half-of the East Asian bond mar-ket. fast as the bond iiiarkets in these foLu- ind(ustrial coun- Corporate andl state enterprise bondls were the iiext tries. Boncd markets in China, Hong Kong. Indonesia, largest segmenits repres'enting 23 andl 18 percent. andl the Philippines have experienced rapidl growth. Iut respectively. Central bank securities acCOunlited for anothi- the size of their bondic( markets is relatively smiall. The er 14 percent andl the reiliainiilig 1 perceilt was issuecl biy phiotileno al growtlh in this groiup of CoLIntries is char- state goverilinlenlts. The importance of these segments acteristic of a nascent market. The relatively iliatirie varies across CouIntries depending oni the stage of develop- bond imarkets of Kiorea. Malaysia, ad Singapore have ment of their bondcl markets anti their governielirts fiscal registered considerably lower growth rates, altho0uLgIh policies. they exceeded those in the il(] ustrial countries. Table 2.1 provicdes aii oiverview of t[ie East Asian Boincl East Asia represents a couLiter example to ind(ustrial Market by country aicl by sectoitr as tif end-1994. country Litend(Is inl that its aoveri-nieiits are dlowilsizilig their roles as primary issuers of bonds due to fiscal suLr- Bonicd iarkets in East Asia hiave been sloiw ti clevelop in pluses Hong Kcaig Singapore. Malaysia ancl TlaYlaticl part because of prudent fiscal policies that limited gov- are leacliing the way in this respect. Corporate issuers einmment debt issuance: andl in part dite to the heavy have begun to minake thleil- mark as the rerlalnil0l relianice of the corporate sector on equ(ity niarkets ancl impediments to bond issuanice are being reimovel. banks to finanice thieir investnienits; tiglhtlv regulatedh Inilastiuctin-e finanlce, where enthanced private sector financial markels witlh extensive goverilnmen t conttols on) partic ipation is in the offinig, is al readlv acceleratilng the interest rates: doniniiance of banks: lack of adlequate reg- growsth in this sector (see Cliapler 6). In the past few ulatorv framework to protect the iiivestors; inadlequate years, many East Asian (ioulntries have nioveth to priva- institutionial inifrastrUcture: anidl barriers to capital fl tms. lize their state-owned enterprises (SOEs) though the modes of privatizatioln have been diffeenit. Most COUiu- A hbondl niarket pirofile of the eight East Asian tries have adopted a partial tlivestiture policy-whichl is ecoilornies is provided in Annex A. Among the East similar to corporaltization-where palts of SOEs have Asian 1onliI markets, thI major markets are Korea been Iirivatizecl, wlhile majority shares hlave been retained 10 Table 2.2: Size of the Emerging East Asian Bond Market 1990-94 (US$ billion) 19'0 §`', GCIP 1992 4% (D 1) 1993 9, G [)P 1994 G% CLDP Ch inaI 23.0 (P.7 40.4 (.6 4 7.4 11. I33.3 6.5 HoI-,o Kong 1.0 1.3 :3 . I 6 .0 5., 11.5 8.7 l,:dwne,ia 1.7 1.6 11.4 8.9 1:3.3 9.2 (.1 5.8 Korelea 88.2 :34.8 121.5 :3.5 1:38.1 41.7 161.0 12.8 Malaysia 27.1 63.3 :32.0 55.2 35.1 54.5 39.5 56.0 Philippines 8.7- 19.6 20.5 :38.7 2:3.7 43.5 25.1 39.3 Singapore 24.8 68.1 :37.4 77.1 :38.4 09.6 44.9 72.4 Thailand 8.4 9.0 8.4 7.6 1(0.3 8.2 13.7 9.8 Total 183.6 18.4 2-14.0 22.5 :312.3 23.8 338.1) 22.3 tGermany114i 11 1 7.3. 142(1 72.1 1587 83.1 1719 89.5 Linited Kiingdloi 257 26.4 247 23.0 . 31 1 :3:3.0 . 366 :35.1 Japan 2116 72.2 2187 97.) 2887 68.5 3443 73.7 LiUited States 51I,8 94.1 (,889 107.6 0(9o3 111.7 7421 110.2 Figure fu,r iidiia ,it . ifti l in w evf/lLde Eui,,l n(A. Sionri f: TI?' Rol-ar Batik ci n .saihiiou Brmitlei', h. n. Table 2.3: Main Sectors of the East Asian Bond Market (US$ billion) 190 19(91 1992 1 9:3 1994 Natioidl Govev,riment 102.2 1 12.:3 1:35.5 146.6 1.51.0 Slaste (.st, einilenit 1.2 :3.2 1.5 2.1 2.7 State Fntetrprises 22.2 32.5 45.6 58.' ).3 Central Bank 23.2 26.8 41.4 18.4 47.9 C rporation :14.8 13.(1 47.6 5.3 77 1 .1 TotaLl 184 218 275 312 338 (tIn Perc en nage Shares I National G11 ;emrntrnt 55.7. 51.6 19.3 46.9 44.7 State (,o ieineillt 0.6 1.5 1.6 0. , ().8 Stalte It:nterpriseC 12.1 14.9) 16. 18.9 1 7.6 Central Ban1k 12.6 12.3 15.1 1I5.5 14.2 Cf r1,poratimi 19.1 1 Q.7 17/.4 18.0 22.8 Total 1()(.( ) 100O(:.0 . 1(0.0 1()().0 fb rr~'.: The 1ild liBintk. bx tihe goverrirenils .,Also, with increasing ulralization atniouIts of the M:lonetrI St,abilizalion Bonds (M585) as ancl rising iIlCO1e,I. dlelilall(l for 11ohsijng i. escalati ng and( part of( its sterilization policy. LJIntil recenit1v inost nitotpage finance is fast becontitg an iti()portalit segnerll MSBs were issuedl at below iniaiket rates tiainly to nion- of these msarkets. Malaysia's Cagatnas Berhia(i iNational hank finaticial institutios. In Inhidonesia the central Mortgage Coporation) is a case in point, hank issueo large aounLts of slhort term notes to tegu- kate nioney supply. The HotIg Koing Motelary AutLhoril At thle end( of 1994. the size of cenitial bank se(curities has initiated the issttuance of bills of varying mlatt oities was about US$18 billion. accotntinIg for about 14 pel- as l)art of ils plan lo dlevelop tIhe domestic bond market. cent of the total East Asian bond miarkel (Talle 2.5). Korea accotu1ted for aboul 67 pertent o(f tils sector: The state enterplirie sector is perhaps the fastest grow- The Banki of Koreia e (BOK) lias been iSSuingla rLlge itig sector of the East Asian bonnd niarket Al the endl of IIl Table 2.4: Size of the National Government Bond Sector (US$ billion) 199() % ([)P 1992 G1 (DP 19/3 6. GDP 1994 G fiDP China 17.1 4.8 22.3 5.3 28. 7 6.7 24.4 4.7 Honig Konig (.0 0.0 o.-4 0.4 0.5 0.4 (.1 0.1 111(onesiia (.0 (0 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 Kolrea 19.2 7.f 25.3 8.2 25.8 7.8 27.9 7.4 Malaysia 24.9 58.2 27.6 47.6 26.8 41.6 28.9 41.0 Philippinles 8.5 19.2 171.4 32.8 22.5 41.4 24.8 38.8 Singapore 24.8 67.9 37.-I 77. 1 38.4 69.6 42.3 68.2 TIaLnild i. 9.0 5.2 4.7 3.9 :3.1 2.6 1.9 Iotazl 102.2 10.3 135.5 11.1 146.6 11.2 151.0 10.( .;souiice: T7iii 1,/rI Bunk. Table 2.5: Size of the Central Bank Bond Sector (US$ billion) 1990 G (DP 19)2 GD CP 1993 .G CDP 199-I (CDP Chlina 0 , .),) 0( 0..() 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Hoing Konlg 1.0 1.4 2.6 2.7 3.6 3.3 6.8 5.2 Ilnldesia 0.8 0.8 1(.(0 7.8 11.1 7.7 6.8 4.3 Korezk 21.3 8.4 25.7 8.3 29.9 9.0 32.1 8.5 Malaysia (0.0 0.0 0.0 2. 7 4.2 2.0) 2.8 Pluilippinles 0.1 0.2 3.1 5.8 1.0 1.8 0.2 0(.3 sinigpore 0)) 0)) (1.0 0.( () 0.( 0.( I.liIilat i (0.0 0.0 (.0 (). (.0 (.0 O.)) O.0 Total 23.2 2.3 41.4 3.4 48.4 3.7 47.9 .3.2 Swin,.: 7i/i.e bIfr/ld B&nA. Table 2.6: Size of the State Enterprise Bond Sector (US$ billion) 1(9(9 (4 C DI 1992 % (GDP 1993 74 CDP 1994 G4 CDP Ch ia (0.6 1. 15.4 3.7 18.7 4.4 9.( 1.8 Ho1,g Knng ()) 0.0 (.0 0.0 0.0 (.0 00 (.0 Indonesia 0.8 0.8 1.3 ] .() 1.7 1.2 1.5 1.( Korea 1]3.( 5.1 2:3.8 7.7 :3(.9 9.3 37.4 9.9 Mtailaysia 1.1 2.6 2.0 3.4 2.2 3.4 3. 7 5.2 Ph1ilippilles (.1 0.2 (.1 0.2 ().1 0.2 0.1 0.2 Singapore 0.(1 (.).) 0.0 0.() 0.0 (.0 (0.0 0.(1 Tlhailat(i (0.7 0.8 .3.( 2.7 5.3 4.2 7.6 5.4 Total 22.2 2.2 45.0 3.7 58.9 4.5 59.3 :3.9 .Soiiirie: 71i Mw,- / IB/an. 12 Table 2.7: Size of the Corporate Bond Sector (US$ billion) ]990 (G ( DP 1992 (4 GDP 1993 4 (lGDP 1994 (. (GlP Chinia 0.0 0.0 0.( 0.0 0. 0.0 Honig Kon,g - - - t.9 1.7 4.7 3.6 Indniesia 0.1 0.1 0.1 0I.1 0.5 0.3 0.7 0.4 Korea 33.6 13.2 44.9 14.6 49.1 14.9 60.8 16.1 Malaysia 1.1 2.6 2.5 4.3 3.4 5.3 4.9 7.0 Philippines (.0 0.( (0.0 0.0 .( 0.0 0.0 0.0 Singaprime - - - - - - 2.5 4.0 Thailiand 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 1.0 0.8 3.5 2.5 Total 34.8 .3.5 47.6 3.9 56.3 4.3 77.1 5.1 Nounse: Thle tthrh/ Mink. 1994. total size of this sector was about LUS$59 billion einment-sponsored compulsory savinig institutiolns such as ITahle 2.61. Koreai lhad the largest share. about 6:3 per- tie Cential Provi(lenit Fund (CPF) in Singapore adlc cent, followed by Chinia and Thailand(l. As the state enter- Malaysia's Employee Priovident Fundc (EPFI are the largest plises were corporatized. the issuance of the SOE bond(s single segments of the investor ulliverse. Financial insti- increased dramatically in recent years. eslpecially in tUtions are the largest investors in Korea, Thailand. andl Thailand. The fundling recquiremilenits ol the state enterpris- the Philippines. The third institutional investor class. es. esIiecialIV utilities are massive and( growing. Malavsia peslsion fundis (for example. GS01 and SSS in tihe is in a similar situationi. bnut has optec1 for fuill privatization Philippines and Civil Seivant Pension Plan andl Social of its state enterprises. Clhinias, policy on state entelprise SecuLitv' Organization in Thailami(l) is the next largest bonds Is currentvl un(ler review hv the Govermilenit. investor in bonds. With a total investmenit of LJS$83.() bil- lion in bonds in 1994, thle contracWtual savings sector was Corporate Bonds: In East Asia, the commercial the major investor in these markets. banking system remainis the single largest lendler to the corl)orate sector. In ilollar terms, commercial banks' Table 2.8: East Asia: Investors in Bonds, 1994 o1t-tanlIding assets have been growing steadily. (US$ billion) However, the corporate bond market has finallv comle of 1. Itr,ildIl >aid trxwl Prir.ale Frn,n jl, .1 (iihr,,- Thin1a age. At the endl of 1994. thie total size of tle corporate triM rrrs,, ri . Isi bond mlarket in East Asia amounte(d to US$77 billion tiuii n.a. n.;3. 4.6 28. 33.3 an iiicrease of 37 percent ovxer 1993. The fastest grow- liong Kiong, .a. n.a. 11.5 n.a. 11.5 ing c orporate bondc markets have been thiose in lndonesia 2.8 0.1 1.8 4.4 9.1 Thailaid, Malaysia, Korea ancl Hong Kong (Table 2.71. Knrt-eL t5.0 39.7 37.6 68.7 161.0 The size of the coporale bond miarket wil lie boosteil Malav i1i 22.7 [.a. 5.5 11.3 39.5 ]; . ~~~trIhilil)liiIies 4.(1 0.5 10.6' 1().0 25.1 as state enterprises are privatized and the prlxate see- Pilippine 4.0 0.5 6. n.a 25.1 `1 n"a~ ore :38.0 ii. it. 6.8 n.. 44.8 tori becomes a miajor player in meeting infrastructure Tlimaildnl( 0.5 1n.a. 12.2 1.0 13.7 requil-emnents of East Asian countries. Toial 83.0 40.3 90.6 124.1 :338.0 I N\ I ,'IST( ) RSi d. llunlf/j .Senijrcal rig Prlhpill'i,. S.,,.,,r.: r,,ilol Bainkl: stafifii ti,rtrite. The bulk of East Asian hondls is hel(d by thiee miajor classes of institutional investors: the contractual saving sector,1 pension fundis andc financial institutionis. Bonicd rHIE PRIMA XR\ M \RKE1l' holdings of individual investors are negligible except in Chilna xvhere individuals are iiiajor holders of govern- In mnany couiitries. tlie inilpetus for bond iniar-ket (level- iienit bonds. The extent to wvhicih each of these investor opmient steirs from governimenits' nee(d to finanice their classes dominates the bnind markets. howeever, v aries fiscal deficits. Indeed, at the endl of 1993. ecentral gov- fromit country to coulnt (Table 2.8). In Malaysil andl eminlenit bonds represented 40 percent of all 1publicly Singapore. the contractual savilig sector conprising g0V- issuecl bonds outstanding in a sample of 21 major bond 13 markets.) As can be seeni froin I'able 2.9. ile net Government Bonds issuaince of governimlenit bonds lias consistentlv out- In Thailaidl. governimenlt bonds were issue(d primalily stripped thit of corporate boindIs over 1980-93. for openi market operations to coittol li(Li idlity in the fitiancial svstemil and( to a lesser extent, to f(indl the btid- In East Asia, the organization of primary maLkets, the get deficit. Given thiat the Royal Tliai Governmient range of issuers andl investors. the instronients avail- (RTG) has been Iunoililig fiseal slirpluises for the last few alble andI bond issuanice miethiodls vary substanitially years. there has been no neecl tO issue LI bOlls sinle across Ceounltries. At onie enic of th1e spectrutli. coontries 1990. As a resuIlt, thlere has bleel nll neled to) set Ip all SoLh as Hong Konig ancl the Phlili)pinles issne bolids in anctioti systemi. HI wever, the Govertinient of Malaysia a mpetitive atietion mairket where plrices are trily ((;GM) starte(d issuing lo IMls to m neet thle investiment market determlined, while at the othie ed icl Chinlese nieedls of tie contractual saving sector, the EPF and to bonds are placec via administiative allocation miechalin- hartially fonl the iietmilget leficit (f tlie Federal isims antd are often priced at below-mnarket yields. Government Jn 1988 GUM appointed 18 lliin ipal dealers-4 oninmercial banks. 7 mnerchanit banks and 7 Table 2.9: Net Issuance of Bonds in Selected (discotint lhonjses-to Lnll(lelwite the prinary issnes of Industrial Countries, 1980-93 Malaysian Goveinilent SeenLities (MGS). which were (US$ billion) ane tioniecd. The principal dlealer nietwo-rk was expandled in 1990 to incIlIde 5 more comniercial banks, bringing ] 98(1 ] (8.5 ]1)9% 1 9911 ()927 1 99.3 ' Uniite'd Statuts the total to 23. MGSs are issuecl with originial matUri- Covernimenit Bonifd4 49.t) 164.8 153.(6 212.9 215.2 178.3 ties of more than one vean MGS (i maturities f I to Corporale Botiis 36.8 106.8 85.1 150.3 109.8 103.) teni years are only (Ifferecl to plrinci)al ilealers whille longer teriml M(GSs are issued at predeteriniiied cotI pons JGpeiti adicl soldl at pai to selec tedl inst it uti oinal inivestors. In (;IIveruneiii Hcoods 1.7 1:3.(0 SO i> 4:3 37,1 t 17 .3 (Irlploiilte Bondcs 20.5 14.2 (:3.8 92.4 1 1 .6 92. Malaysia. prior to 1989, the MGSs weic issuedl at par Oill a stibsCri i)tionI hasis witlIi pie-alnotol n -d C(Il liOls. GermianY Since thlel, M(Gs of iatttiorities III) to tell y earN have Governmenit Blinds 32.2 14.6 -1f.8 t:3.8 :32.8 (18.7 Ieeil i SSeI I t1I1-Otig1i Iest price tler auectiml process. Coirplorate BHods -(1.7 -0.4 -2. 1 -1.3 1t.7 3.1 Malaysian Treastiney Bills (MTB) are issimed onl a lis- Uanited Kiingdonut counit Ibasis tillr ingi tei lers L siibiittedl by tilie pri icpal Goverinimint BHotnt 67.5 64.0 18.4 37.5 40.(t 09.5 dlealers. The 91-day MTBs are issned weekly. tile 182- (:ortrutale Bods 2.5 .5.4 1(,.1 17.7 1 5.9( :32.5 dav MIBs ate fOrtnlitIy. aiid the 364-dav Note: Iiu. cd on (i,haita fruiti .Sft te,/t,nti B-hi(,r,. MTBs are issiied ititoiitlily. The dievel opnient if tihe pri niary dlebt niar-kets in Hong The rest of the East Asian co*titries are ini the miilcle. Koing was greatl\ facilitated b) the initrodiection of the In Inidoniesia, pricing of hond issues often dloes it Exchalige Ftinid Bills and Notes Program in 1990 anicI reflect the trtie cost of capital. as tliev are priredl off [tle creation (If a central cleaniiigali cListody system for ileposit rates of state-ownied banks. which are gioverit- [tie debt miarket. Prior to tile issualne of t lie Exchange leilt colintrollecd. In Malaysia goverltillelit bonds lisef Funtid IBills anid Notes, tIle Government hiadl issued secur- to b)e sol(lI oin a SUbi1sc ription basis witli pre-ali luFillC eel ities oi iil 01 aii occ asionial biasis. In fac t tliere waIs onlN couponi rates. Tlis practice. howeven has changed ami(I a single isstie of goveritle 0t debt hMotiglit to tlie market "loVenillmen t bonds are iOiw o oni)petitively priced. Uif ii iig tihe eitire 1)80s. Siice tilie (Goverinimen t tlor- although governiiient seeturities witll iiiaturities of loliger riially opierated ill fiscal sit)s. it Wtas aLble to a(CrTLe tliami ten veaLs are issued at par atidl at plreletertil ned laige c ash rieserves. Followinii the sueCessfUl ilitrodcdL- cotipoti rates to the EPF aild tlie iiatiotial pensioon fLuil,. tioll of Iiiee- ii onlithi bills in Marchi 1990, the hlie Siligapore glOverIt inent issties bond.s excitisive1 for GIoxeriienit hiculncecl tihe six-tn iontI bills prograii ill flie (CPF at adciiiii stiatively Ileteni-i iiied vielMIs. The vani- (Jetob er 1')9'(). Tenider.' ataecc epted oilly froiii rec og- am e ini C'OtttiNtr practices, howevec. has beenl declitlitig in tiizedi ilealer-s wvhi ai'e perimittedf to sti binit bid.' at thlie the past two vears. as iliost coLintlies o(f tle regiOii are eeon- con peL[it ive au Ctioti. Eachl recoenized clealel tIm st vergilig toIwards transparenit aidl iiarket-driveii isstanilce inaintai n at least t wo accounits with the M(liletacx practices. The f0Ilovvinig sei tio i deseriI)es the i oiitti- Autolion tv: oiie al i iotit for a (lertlet- s ownl hold imigs and( specifi' practiees in East Asia's prilliary tiiarikets. a separate aeCo 1utit for clients. Recognized de(alers toitist 14 comply I withi reguLlationIs issued by the tohietaly raiik- tle tominpetitive biii.t fromil the lowest yiel( to the Autlhi0rity. Iwo-year Exchange Fundl L Notes were intro- Ilighest. What is worth nlotilng in tIlis regard is thlLat the cliledl to the mairket in May 1993 Ii [lie MonetacA governimenit has put in place a svstemi of screeniing and Authority to replace governmenl bottitds as tIhey InatUredi. selecting dealers in governmen1t seculrities who can serve aS martiket-miazlkers anidl thcis Ibster a liqciid alnd Singapore has norimially operated at a fiscal surplus efficienit miarket iii government seCUrities. anid h1as aeCCuiiiulatet Iimassive cash reserves. Thni. the ailil of iSsuinlg governimelit securities is to absorb the Primary mialrkets in Chinia can best be characterizedl as so i)ll lus of ilte CPF ani(I to clevelol) the domestic capital markets in transition fromii a Licentrally pilanned anid iiiarkets. Thie primtary niarket for govMernm1enlt seeCniities admititlratively cointrolled cred it allo( at ion inec han - in essence aCts like a financlial inter-me(liarv by which inm toward a c ompetitive market-driven systemii. A the task of riSk i maniageineiit is lpassed flroii the con- nivriacl of boidis are issued in Chllina. Since 1984. the tracttial saving sector to a goxetilmllenlt investmient cot- volume anidl variety of debt issue in Chinia li as gr-ownI poration, G51C. Subsequent to thle restiLuCtilliig of the ralidly. Total debt issues inicreasecl front Y48.7 niillion issuance miarket in Max 1987/ G0S regularly issueI ill 1981 to Y65.6 niillioi in 1985. aii to YI 13.3 billion varving aioLiHits Of seCUrities. whicl are alhoieled to in 1994. New issneS 1laiiiie(I for. 1995 ait-e Yi50 bil- lie p)L bliC Il1 touglIg primi ary dealeis amIl (cariyv iai-rket litin. Cover i-nment dleblt in C hinia is issuecd priinarily by iieteliiine(d iiiterest rates. Goveli-ieiit securities, ane the Miniistrv of Finance (treasury bonds). and the pall aui t i(ed aiiti non-c olmtiietitive Iid.s art allotted at [lie of tliis dised for gencral biodgetary pH l)lIoSes is i- eferiedi weighteli average price ani( yield of thIe su-esslul (coi- to as treasury bxilI,. Since 1994. tihere has been a sig- petitive bids. Currently. seveii priminary dealers aie nFilia iIll tiICiease ill the voitiLiMC of treasLYc bilIs iss l ed. comimiiitted to iiinaki ig two-way (Iitotes in all goivertinient priiarily (Inle to ttle Goi-erniienit ts decii,loi to c ease to seiU rities alld eti soLiiug li itli(lity iUl the itnaiket inu(lel- fi all( -e its defiC it t hi-iugl I borrowiiig ftoiu the PBC. all conclitioins. COS novw issues 91-clax. 182-dav anti (Covernlillelit debt issties at nmer Y113 billioll. :304-day treasutr bill. aLid two-, five-, aLid seeven-year increased threefoldl over 1993. Planied issues fOr Ibicnds. Loing-dateid botldI are issue(d pri marily to cater 1995 ai-e higlier still. at Y 150 billioni. EnLiteripise bconil to the iieeds of the CPE but often at admiitiistratively issucs. imeaiiwlile. were reduicedl. determinile(1d yields thait aic usalS l II ielow iiiatrket rates. Histoiri ally. all (debt seciurities xcere placedl atlmiinistra- Pi-i may-v imnakets in the Philippines am-e dlomiiinatetI by ti\ \lx, aiid on a mindatorv basis. However, the Miniistv goverin metit issuance. Aliiost tlie eiitil-c domestic dleblit ot Fillalit-e ill 1991 Uisedl an ii ic lel-Wiitiig sn-tlic ate to market coinsists of debt issues by the tiiiomia1 gl oxeri- liim -h a I ionicd issue for tihe fit-st timie Oi all ex perilniell- iiieiit. The government issues treasuir-y bilkx withi miatur- ttil lbais. 'I'le svmdicii ate was entrusted wvitli the issue of ities of 63. 91. 182 and :364 clays. Ccoverinimleiit secCui- Y2.5 liillioni. out of a total of Y 19.9 billion of tue trea- ties ftreasurx bills amidl notes) i thlle Phillippines are Sury litiV lId (tlc0ia iss-le fcr that year. In 1993. utncler- issued x via copetitmetitive atc tiott. The cu-retit atiction wxiti ng faile(i to Sell tlhe lesirecl i tatititi of treasuiv system aii(i (mileaIer netoirk were establishieid iii 1986. bills, dUe to (miiiilmetitioll froi0i tIle booMti iig e(iLitV aiicl The Cover-n men t Sec-rities Depaiartimienit ol tlie c-enitral piotpeity iinaiket s ati l hi gll clleciiiaclt lio-ize(l) ret cii-s ioii bmamik is re.sponsible for mamiagimig the aut-tiOll l )iii Ieliaff enterprise debt. Since thieii, the governmiient hadl revert- of ith miatioiial goveiti fceiit. A comimiiiittee vitit relte- c(l to imatidatctrv admimini strative ilflo( aitiol semitatives f./m,,i the Natiotmal Treasuir. Depa rtmteniit of Finaiit -e f ani the central ibank cdet:cides the tumi0chit Of With Somie ievival in the lbomni iiiarket i 1994, the go- s [itie,s offered it eicii auction, takimig inito acio-itli eriiitenit expei-ilicitetl IV iIiI fonLi cliffctelit itsscaiice the finatc-i ng neecis of tihe gcovernmiieiit auc(i tihe op ell iiet lcocis foi- t ieas i-y bills, ielpresentimig a cciotproimilise mtarket operatiot Ii lireq Micelcits of the C-en tmal iank. Tlhe ietweenm those xxho diesirei itiii-c imarket-oirieditcci isSUinig auctioii is ciondlut-tedl oii a wveeklv basis. The pri milturv prci ecitires awlcl those WIIO (I iOtitecl tlle effectixemless of tile dealerle netwoi-k lias expcatiidedi fiomim an eai ei- 20 to I thie iMItWleritilIg iayStell ill Clhiia. These miiethoids ill( mlicl- curient .30 atn( iicli ides tom tniiierc ial banks andtl invest- e: (it Y1:3 billioin of Six ininoitli ati(l one-year st-ri-less mimetit houses. Oily Ac-credited Cim ierinim t SeCLuities trlesuLr bills vitI uniderwxmitinug agreemiiemits. Tue ctimlder- Dealers (ACS[)s) can palticilpate tlirct-ly ini the aicc- xriters (f ititix of wlioiii were clesiginatec primiary iiealersi tioii' as comiipetitive lidcders. All treascirv alin-Wiols ltie were gi -tln a iweek tc place the lebt. aftieexi which it wvas ciiclnt-ted omi a yiel(i ibasis. The auct itin t omiiiittee listed oiii tlie Sihanliai Stock exchanige; (ii) placemeni t of 15 Y28 billion of two-vear bearer treasury bills via local business and the business is financially viable. Tbe financial departments, wihicih aiiipliedl for allocations. Thte issuer: assisted by a financial advisor, miust file for per- balance of the year s planined issue theni become avail- missioni to issue bonds an(l obtain a credit rating for the able for distribiution via other chaliLnels. The local finaniee issue. The issuing process for a puiblic offering gener- departments signe(i unLliderwriting aureemiienits with ally takes about 60 (lays. Procedures fotr private place- finanlcial institItiolIs at the local level, which theni sold menit of bond issues are much simpler than those fo- the secur-ities to indlividluals and others: liii) direct public offering. The issuer of an unsecured(l delbeniture placement of Y2 billion of five-year bearer treasurv bills only has to register wilti the SEC and(i comply withi the with institutiolns: aiI (i i) allocation of Y7t) billion, cer- regulations for selling/transferring the issue. For tificates of three-year matuiity 1b PBC to the specialized secured andi subordinated delenttjres. the issuer files a banks for1 selling thiough tlieir branches. request to issue with the SEC. If the SEC (Ioes nogt olbject to the issue within seven workinig lays, permis- Goverinimlenit bonds are issue(d at par antI the majority sioin is considered granted. The issuing process fol a carlry a predetermined cou Ton There is no auction private placemernt typically takes about 10-15 (lays. As plrocess to deter-miine the yield in the primiary mark-et. a result, the plivate placeirient market for corporate Coupons are administratively set at are- margini aiove securities in Trhailand has been growinig rapidly. deposit rates of comparable inaturity. without reference Private placemnent accounted for over 50 pemcent iln to the secondary mar-ket yield Onl issues of comparable 1993 and( by 1994. this proportion hias riseni to 60 per- miatti-ity. Most government issues are of thiree years or cent of total corporate bond issuance. miore in iatulitv an(l since 1992. hlave hacd a coupon i-elated to the inflationi rale. A drawback of tihe primary Until 1988, the corporate sector in Malaysia was not an issue pl)rc(etss for government securities in Chilia is that active issuer of bonds. Corporate bond issuance treasury bills typically have been offered in a small niim- incl(led long-terill private bonds w1hieh c:an be ber of issues. in the first half of the year. rather thani in redeeniable, non-converltible, secured or unsecured: several offerings spread over the year: Bond issuance ty- shiort-term i bonds suclh as Revolving Un(le-writti ig picallv takes several montils andl has effectively been an Facilities (RJFs), Note Issuance Facilities (NIFs): andl oni tap market. The sale of scripless treasury bills aimedl Islamic debt securities. RLIF's are popular instrum11enIts at wholesale investors in 1994 was a step in the right in the Malaysian bond mriarkets aid are issued miiaiily to direc tion whicil permitted a miuicil shiortel- issue period. i nanlce corporations workinlg capital requiremnents. The uliderwritteni rate is usuially set between 75 to 100 Corporate Bonds basis points above KLIBOR (Kuala LuniApur Inter-Bank The corpiorate bond sector is the fastest growing seg- Offering Rate). NIFs are similar to RUFs except that menit of the East Asian bond market. Ihe Thiai corpo- they are not un.ldel-Writtell. Most corporate bonds are rate bond marlket is relativelv new but growing rapidly itsued oni a bought dteal basis whlel-e bolIds issuec(l are Historically, the fe w bonds issuedl br private firnis were fuliv subscribed by a pirimna subscriber wiich in tiuin mostly short-term promissory notes and lulls of sells these bonds to eligible investors. Eligible exchange that were guaranteed by commercial banks investors are those that q(ualify uLinler Section 38(113Bc) Prior to 1990, olIv public conplianies and companies iof the Companies Act of 1965. Thus, the primary sub- listed on the Stock Exchanige of Thailanid (SET) were scribers-usually financial institutions-in effect, act allowedl to clo so and conse(lueiitly the nuniiber of pri- as underwriters. Merchant bankers play an imipoltanit vate sector issues was quite liriited. Howevem; alter the role in StrUcturinlg tie (leal. enactmia ent of the Securities andl Exchange Act in May 1992. limitel comipainies were allowed to isstie deben- In 1986. the Malaysiani governiimienit helped launCh tures an( since tieni (ualifie(i companies lhave begun to Cagamiias Berhad, the National MoItgage Corporation. dlo so The volume of new issues by the corporate sec- in an effort to provide liquLicdity to financial institutitnis tor rose twelve-foldc over 1992-94, surpassing the state that proviche hotisinig loanis andl tol ensure continuotis enterprise issuance. supply of mortgage finds. In a relatively short time, Caganias has established itself as a major player in the Public offeliligs of bolds in Thailanidl have to meet sev- dhoimestic bondci market. Its volulle of bondl issues has eral retluirements andl the issue process is cumber- more thani (Juadrupiledh over 1992-94 (see Box 2.1). some. The issuel has to satisfy SEC criteria, which are intedlecd to ensure that the issuer has experience in the 16 It is estliinatetl thazt private capital retluir-emtents in allv shiort-termn commercial paper mtaturin-lg in less thian Malaysia over the niext 2.5 years wilIl be about RM 6.3 one ycarn Lonig-termi commercial paper (miaturities of tr-illion (tJS$2.5 tr-illioni). Traditional 1aorr-owinigs anid up to thriee years) is also issu-ed, alithouigh to a smnaller equtylt financing ar-e unilikely to satisfy this massive extenit. Corporate bond issuiance is almtost nion-existent level of inivestmienit andc ther-efore, bondi issuanic wviii because1 Of thle Corporation Law whichl r-equilres thiat hiave to increase dIramnatically. Another driivinig force for- bond issuiances lie af)proved by two-thiirdis of the shiare- bond issuance is p)rivatization of M,ate enterp)rises. hiolder-s whiile Commitercial paper issties onily' reqluir-e Over- the last sever-al years, GOM hias b3een actively pro- approval by thie boardc. Corporate iSSuiers get ar-OUnd ()otli rivatization: telecommunications, electricity this restriction by suigligti-i o m ril1ae supp)ly. hilghways. ant(i otheri utLility sectors are being which is ini effect, a bond issuance. With a nion-invest- pri-vatlized. In the fuiture, these niewly pri-vatizedI enter- niefnt gradle soverelign rating", the corpor'ate sector- in prises wil beomie maiLjor issuer-s of b)onids, genieral hias limiitedI access to international finanicial miar-kets. However-, blUe-Chip) corporations suchi as the Cor-porate issuiance in thie Pbilippinies is genierally limi- Philippines Lonig Distance Telephone Comipany ani(l the itedi to a hiand(ful of blue-chip corporations andc ar-e LISu Sani Miguiel Corporationi have been able to tap for-eignl capital markets, malinly thirOughl eqUity i_ssueS. Box 2. 1: Cagamas Caganina- Berhail NlZLINitL\sit NMiollnl Mot-tagzii Cltpi1ittioittii fItrtin stattp IIIt chues onII it- I MNtihasd e ot II I ittt:ii OttI,. Ilt JtlIIIitoIt I wit,. forimed ill 1980 with Bil,i Negara NtlAaNsia hihe ceiiiial 1ii Ifo(ii("fiiii - neddfit MCt ol' it, su- ani(l Hatling Ageiie-N baniikl. iiiiittW ialI banikO. fiitatnte Oiinipaniiie.,iii iii'diticid it XIaIzxsiii haLs so faritiacirdledl A -\A tind PI for till its palpei: lbaiiks a-. harelolders. kNitli tNNI lioldIitig a 20) p~ieren share- Alt(imi gh its opti-ratioit- :ire ItigItIx le%cittgrd(. CagLillttsttiS iiitiiitiiii' th'le laoardif, ditilto'i." r iLiiged IWiili itiet rcs,polsibhilIN o- f[IIIL- ikii 8 itcittit Capuitatlet idq~ cay Iatiu' iin]ilai to thii fI ititi(viiiI tat iiglie eiirn;cm anllv> p)('icie.. ioiipiitss iioiiiitees of' BNNLthe l i iiltioi Asswa-izitiin of Bt3nks Iin Nialax-iti. tlt'- A-ciLii1ioii if MC'(liriait B3,iik- ant(I ilie l-.-ociatioit of Fuitlilicti (iiimpaitie- inl MaliNsiti. The C o -irn i OM NNI itolis tie chaii iia i. L"agai iiias I> V((i wm Box Table: Cagam as Bond Issues, I1990-1I994 the % tHtl ftliiiiiiil of I'JtiOidi ig liJI itiiitii Ii liiil ititinsituiiis bN(RM million) in[titlisiiig lliel iiitrtgagie tortfiulios. aIlthough %11 -IECMl eiisHiCit itii fllii(1t05 sijitIxI Of ititaefutlls. CiigLittitis fItirCizis- D't ~i ttHir F,ii' ar i)i,mi i.ti oa e- hiotisill tig l ( ilts fron nii lgae ig itiuii-t sLi('Ifi ti lianks. oiet - BFt'n11 Bo Oo,i N,it-' ot- I'iMfiCiiiiI i1it.iititiiiii- setitCledf iotfiotritioit-. anld theo goNelilitetti-i 1990 400 - - 400 ziIil then ssue iiiiseiinrd iotiitgage-haikeil SeCen jities ii Enrlld 1992 750 1.365 - - 2.1 t5 is. iiiortgagiC patsR-fiasco. Proceeds fimml thle sale of1 hionl-ig lotitli- Ii 1993 980 6711 0 - 1.650 C~iglinilis iaii lie uisedI treelx Ih tile oipigiritor ill gi\,11iiit ignet, hions- 1994 4.7301 - 560 30 5.320 ing ('tan-. or ill oilieIr itioe atitlicitt iirsiiets ith (uigh olar- keiabuilit) of, isz holojds Cagaitia-. has heeit alde to raise It-n 's roTtiat 6.860 2.035 560 30 9,485 lHitild.. tIlitu lotr-iitg itloti"gag raltes.Sor:Te0rd nk SitIIC it- iiiceftliiittt Ctigtittiis hill 1_1issn l NIM ') hilliots Worth oh lt(iiit(Is tepiesenitiig aluoul t5 pen-cot) of [lie toial o-poltoac io l Ilt popiillaiitrN of these houtida [.ers flionlieL ilic 'ittai iliet qifiil- muarket. BoiL l'ixeif atle bmidi- vith titatiuitiie- otf 3;. tutuin 71 xLiis qu~I,lti)l( asseis,aiucl (itotide a sate Itate itll iitvesiors a, illiese andtt f]iatkitg rLiic botids peitgeilI to 0f-nittiiili IKLIttlR KtItali Ittild, litreC ieVtttuuse. it ftii-l n tcti> ll these lOi-iit Istie oiltpi tuitptittit I telLBatik t)ietititg Raie) ire -sni-il0. 'lIIit-ieiiii difis- Aith baLink-giaitantieed fottils. 'Tlis has aiideil hiue ifipid le\elitf- i-.suued. ftgaunlas bI idit ate il-lted hiN %ax ofl teutdlet- tltIItnOlt h tltit ue-lueu iefuIloe 23 princeipal dideaers whoi are obligedtl o s mititi bids atti those Wili tltr- lowest yields tire all'o-aitld ihi afprpriiii le ItIII)iiiiil of ' Wimh rapitdlx tisiug iiimuttiie11 ant VIueteaSed LiilKIiaduiitaiit. dettfliaidl paet Tie Vielil- ott]iliese klidiiill. tutu , te ilose tii ihose, of Iicit- l folusill,g hi unIe, nill I ih d((Liii) o'iiiiiiteii' t miurease. Tlhe iiiiti Iboid,ol-ofsimiiila mttiatiriiies ,i Inaslow as\ield if i go\ eititieCiit imuipue-C.ive pert10tiiiiantcut tf agaiuuuas finis flii is expcie bcil b(it , nl.Wheut Jimnalsie inl shin -ntily. OccaLioiialk. piri\aLie pfloce- fiutihet strengihetliled wi tu iulTeresef eit-fn-1itiiiztit l t 'tIf mor0i'gLigi>C. Ilteliti- ii spf itei'iL l >iis iiC- ttLitde ii ntntbit l,it iliftsitiitiiiS. 'lIe ttLlitsiiitilittg stiii:k rtf h(((iti-ig hittoiii~ in tlc MalmiLX-ii muutiket is, i-iitimaiei Izit tihout (i NI 45-50 I ill ion. of it It ti-it'Is 1.) Iwt-entii CagamaOLu (us establishedi itsell as tIe homuintati ipa\er it thte lti-. ilitis fItu lieett ecuiritizvd. AlthUglt ifite e\i-1Iiii' nMOiagi: MtaLp,im iii bondc tiuuiikeis tintd his breit piofiiabule. Thei 'ou(if l Jtii ito-l -e are Vitilt recontse. (Cag lauta is, ptlmiitiig oIi' fiiuliti-.e clnjoss u-ertatiiil Ctiiiee 1it(ti from11 tlte datOitlti'iiit Such iti, \etttit)io't tItiCI %ithloui IeC-onise ill the (iureII-. 17 Local bond issuance by Hong Kong companies is In Intloinesia. the first plrivate se(ctor bonti issue was hampered by the profits tax oii interest earned and( the brought to the miarket in 1988. Since 1989. there has stamip Luty. There have been only five clomestic corpo- been adn increasinIg trend(l of private bond issuance. Lb rate lbonId( issuances to clate. In recent years, the n1uniI- (late, th1ere have been 26 private issuers active on the ber of interniationial bonicd offerings andl foreign blionds listeI bolonl miarket, anidl an estimate(d 50 in the lirivate listedl on the Hong Koing Stock Exchange (HKSE) has placement bond market. A total of about IDRA1.4 tril- increased dramaticallv. The Hong Konig government lion hias been issuedl in corporate bonds since 1988. has granitecd tax concessions to investors in the bIonds of Coula)irate bond issuance has been hamopered by sever- miultielteral development institulions (i.e., the Worll al regulatory requirements such as guarantees, sinking Bank. IFC, and Asian Development Bank) by foregoinig fulnd(s andl by a lengtlih aicil CuLImbersome issuilig the stanmp dlutv tax and( the payinenlt of the profits tax om plrocess. If ani issuer cannot poiist sufficient collateral. interest payable on the Elong Kong dollar clebt offered the Iond issue needs to lie gLaranitee(. In practice, by tIiese instito tionis. In 1993. the value of internation - liowevet', it is a d efacto req uiricment thilat all non-state al bond offerinigs denominated in Hong Konig dollars sector issuers hlave suffiCielnt collateral backing tleir increased to US$37 millioni, a fefold increase fiom bond issues. Even thioughi regulations are not clear on1 1992. In the same vear. five local companiies issuetl Wl1O cian act as a guartalitor in prac itie,t the onilV accept- Hong Kong (lollar bontls in the local mnaiket. able guaranitors have been the state ban.ks. Thle market perceivees state banks to he hi glilv creditwoirthx by vi itue of' tlie fact thttat thiey are iowted In the goverii- The Korean bonl market is the largest amonig Fast menit. If the Bapepamri (Capital Markets Supervisory' Asian bondc markets-at the end( of 1994. the volunife (of Agency' ) deems that the collateral oftereoted claily oni second(lay market taken out spe-ial insuIrance against the loss of hearer are intell(led to reflect true dermnildlI arul supply of bgon(d certificates. Sucil insurance p)rovides cover for- up bontds oni that day. to aronid 11)DR 2 billion abl oit US3$900,000) per tranis- action, ancl requiires cer-taiii pirOcedIties to he followed Indonesia is in the process of introducing a computer- dulilig telivelix izecd leariiig an(l settlemilenit system to replace its niati- ual System. The ma.ijority of bowlds are tradeld in the SeCulities listed otiilte Philippine Stock Exchange are OTC iiakel, and settleminemit takes place oii a onie-lo- cleared through two clearing baniks. Brokers are olne basis between the parties involved and follows a re(lqiirel to operate withlinl a fouL-lday settlemenit period. payment versus dlelivery svstem. Pavmenit is ma(le iv In 1993. 31 banks operated as tiansfer agenits for thie check or banik tranisfer. aiitl bargaiiis call be struck fBor issuanice of' certificates to new owniers andl ilte cancel- settlemenit aiivwhere between the dlay of tradin, amild ten latiomi of' certificates sol(l. Sinice 1989. goverimeilnt davs after plavinenit is imiadle based oni accrued interest seCurities hiave behen issued in book-enitry form bv tihe to the pavmeimt date. hut the lack of conivelition gives central baik. Startilig in 1996, all ecuityt and( debt rise lo problenis wlieen olders are fillecd thioLugil mIlili- instUltlielit tranisactionis will be c learedl thii rough a new ple trades. The delivery of hearer paper for- settlelieut clearring systeni lieing establishied withi finaicial assis- entails two risks: the risk of theft/loss Itirig traslilirt tance froiii UISAID. A ceiitral depositorv will also be andl tlhe risk of forgery. Market palrticipailts have beenl put inl place ini the seconid lhalf of 1 995 anid anl oversight knowii to hire reputable carriels to ensuLre the safe coimi ttee, the Philippine Central Depository. was (lelivery of palrcels of physical bearer securilieS. recentlyv formed. Insurarlce is available oii amountits of arounid US-Si miil- lionl anlI is also offered in ConjuInction witli blamiket Iiiforiiiatioin Sources. Rolbusl seconidary ; market bankili i businiess ins iLM m-e piolis-ies. tiacliig hiiages on thie availability of cen tiarlized i for- inatiori to all market parliciialits so that brokers andl The In(lonesiani Del)positotiv ad I Clearitig Agency dealers call pirOvide blild ilutotes. In most East Asian (KDEI) came in to existeilce in 1993 Ltinlerl sonsorship P iliies sit Orml il iiiatioil jnfrastriicture is yet not in of the seven state baniks aniI( thie Jakarta ailtl Sulabaya place and, if in existenice, is rtdimLilitamy. a I iiltli stri- stock excharliges, aii I has beerl iracticiiig ietted settle- al countries, cetitralized iMfOrmatiOll sources stich as menl services for shares since thie mmmidcdle of' 1994. Reuters anic Bloorlmberg elisure a level playilig field in Scripless trading will le iritrodu ced in late 1995. Tie tllat all narket tparticiparits have access to the sailme saimie agency is expected to start cenitralizecl clearirig iiiforriiatioin at tue saimie time. East Asian regulators aiid nettedl settlemienit of b(oid(ls liv el-19()5. Iiiitially- sh1otilt eiicourage tile forilation (if succll centralizedi only issues (quiotedl oi the BPI will be inlu-ltded, aiitl this sources tf iifoi-iriLatioti to facilitate tracling activilt will serve as a stimulus fol issuers to list there. In thie first irslatice. boni-l tradhiiig will still be basetl oti tnii-eg- Reserve Requirementis on Bankis. Conmmnertcial isterecl bearer seCLuities, iut thev would le iiiImimObi- banks Ilave ieeim a rimajor iimvestor c-lass in bonds lizedc meaninig tilat to trade the securities they have to throughout the region as tlley cali use their blid hold- be lodIged withi tile IKIDEI. and Tirokers call trade iligs to satisf' stattitotir liquidity reseive requiiemieluts. tIhrougil tlleir KDDEI actcouits. Otller matters thliat lave Therefore, bariks clo ntot trade hoWls for vield riaxi- tol be addlressetl are wiletlier to aclopt a registered/hear- niizatioti. Tile impact of thiese impediiielits imay abate er svstenii aiid holw to settle off-exchliaige trades. ill Ile future as East Asiani CotLitries iredlce thleir iiiaiitlatoiv retliremileits oll banks. Folr example. Safe c ustody services are offeretl by rouighilv 15 large Tlailaid(i hLas redluced its reser-ve requtirements t(i 7 per- iailks tliat form palt of' the (-ustodlials' assotciatioii, and - melit wllile ill tile Philippines, reserve re(li-iremienlts a ilimller of othier bamiks operating tile service oll an acl- were redtucedt from 25 percent in 1993 toi 21 percernt in hoc liasis. Brokers offer free safe custody services for 1994. Alither ielate(d factor is that several East Asian their clieiits, a service iiiailily useed by private inidivid- Cotlutries do not re(luire barnks to mark-to-market theil uals All large institutioiial inivestors have a designiated bolinl portfolios. As a tonseqluence, baniks are rel(taltait 22 to tracle bonds, as tradin,g may' iavincr realize(d losbeb that In the emerging bondl markets of East Asia. however, nee(d to be booked as opposed to holding bonds oii a the development of risk-fiee yield Curves has been cost basis. If banks were required to mark-to-market. somewhat limite(l in Contrast to the situationi in indlus- thev would il more likely tradle those securities which trial countries. The primary -reasoni for the lack of mar- have declined in -alue thelebv minlilmuilz"i the realized ket-based government secuLrit benchmarks has been losses antd investing the proceeds in securities with rel- the fact that most East Asian governimients, except atively' high expected yields. China and the Philippines, have not been active issuers of lionds, in view of their fiscal suIpluses. Since mlost Other factors that imlpede secondary' market trading. bionds are hel(d to matialitv by the contractual saving sec- such as the lack (Of I iluiil benchmarks. ineffective cred- tor and( financial institutionis, seconiclary markets have it rating agencies and discriminatory taxationi on bond been slow to dlevelop. Anothier inmpemimnent to establishing tradling are examined in the ensuiLIg sections. benchmark yield CuLves has been the short uiattiities of bonl issues. For example. the Philippine bondc market is BENCHMARKS clominsated lby 91-day treasurv bills anl corporate bonds are pilcedI off the 91-day T-bill rate. Figure 2.4 illustrates Benchmarks play a crucial role in the efficient func- benchmark yiel(d c urves in East Asian boond markets. tioning of both the primarl andl the secondary' honl markets. They serve a variety of putiposes. Thiey are Interest rate controls are also haiipering the efforts to usecl as a bellwether to gaLige the prevailing interest establish benchmarks in China and Korea. In Korea. rate structure: the miarket's expectations of futule the use of monetar.y Stabilization bonds lMSB) issuerl interest rate movements, inflationi and the associated hy the Bank of Korea offer alterinative benchmarks, risk preiniia; and provide hedging vehicles for some although in a limite(d sense as the matuLities of MSBs underwriting antI( trading risks, anld to identifi that 1po- rlo not stretch beyond two years. It is expected that tionj of issuance e iel(ls Which pertain to creilit ol clefalilt Korea will accelelate its financial reforims ai(l by 1997, risk. Investors in fixedl income securities are exposedl market-based benchmarks should emerge g -With com- to a variety of' potenitial risks" (lependliig on the local plete dleregulatioll of interest rates. In tihe absence of miarkel climate. The nmajor sources of risk include: (i) go vernment securities iti Indlonesia, iomoey market bmusiiness rl sk (ori risk of defau lt); (ii) iitei'est rate risk: (iii) iAitrlInentS i ssue(d by Bank Indonesia, or baInk dep osit liquidity' (orn market stability risk): (iv) purihasing powver rates are possible alterinative benchmarks. The off- risk. anid jv) issue specific risks (reinvestmnent risk, call shore swap rate is anothier indication of fundiiig cost rise. price risk). Given the risks involvedl in fixed income that could lie usedl as a benchmark. securities, the availability of market-based benchlimarks is essential to price these seculities. lni indtustrial CouLntrx Nevertheless the governmenits in East Asia have been niarkets such as the lUnited States. fixed-income securli- taking stepi in recent years tIo develop benchmark ties arc priced oil' US Treasury seczulities. Which are Con- secdtlities. For examnlile. in Hong Kong, the Monetary sidered lsk-fie. A iaigii to co ei Credit risksanclotl Auiloltv starltei the Exchlamige Fundc Bills andl Notes specific issue risks is acidledI to the prevailing yieldl oil program in 199(0 to foster the establishment of a bench- Ieniclmnark securities. Availability of a niarket-lbasedl mark yield c(urve. These securities are issueLd on a reg- bIencluhiark also fai ilitates development of othier tisk ular basis Witil il) to 3-vear maturities ani( are actively nianiagenient i istiLimenteits sulmi as fitmimes am (I options. tratled. The MonIetarn Autthomi tv is in the process of' expandling tile natulity struCture of exchange fund While benchmarks (lo ot iave to le risk-free tleir risk notes ancl hills amci is now planning to issue 5-vear sliotil(l le easily' assessable. The clefininig characteris- securities. The GCOM has helped strengtheni the tic of benchmark securities is their liquiClity (i.e. nar- Cagamias w-hich now, issues 3, 5 awl 7-vear bonds. row bidicl-ask spreads for large tramles), which is oftein associated with regulal ancl large issues High liquidli- These bonds are actively traded and potentially can be ty enalbles miaLket participants to close out their pm)si- use(d as benchimarks. In Thailan(l. the state enterprise ti ons Without in uFrini large lossit yIwicii make tlieni sector bonds itull he u-sec as benchmarks bv encour- i(leal liedgin, vehicles. For benmcihmarks to lie useful, aging a large entity such as EGAT to issue securities oi the size of issuance shouldl be large and( cover the emitire a regular basis across all maturities. Repackaging of maturity spectrum ti( create an ield Curve. IFCT (Industrial Finance Corporation of Thailandl) 23 loans an(l the outstanidinig governimlenit bonds into ne'w Figure 2.4: Yield Curves in Selected East Asian securities could also provide another avenue in tle Markets development of benchimiarks. In the Philippines, the governimlent has been trying to lengthen the maturity Hong Kong: Exchange Fund Bills and Notes structure in an effort to (levelop benclihmarks, whichl 10 (November 1994) may be aided by the recent intiodluction of 3-year float- r ing rate notes. 8- ROLE OF CREDIT RATING AGENCIES A key ingredienit of bondc market development is the 6 - establishment of a credit rating industry. Several Asian countries have begun to take steps to develop domestic rating agencies to boost their bondc markets and ensure 3-mth 12-mth 2-yr 3-yr 5-yr investor protection. China, Indonesia, Malaysia. Philippines, and Thailanidl all have rating agencies. Malaysia: Bank Negara Bills The effectiveness of these rating agencies thus far has 8 (September 8 1993 been however mixed. With rapid growth in its bond market Rating Agency Malaysia (RAM) is well estab- lished and has been successful. The Thai Rating and( 7_ Information Service (TRIS) is relatively new, but has done well in stabilizing its presence in the market. In Korea anid the Philippines, however; rating agencies hlave been relatively less effective despite being in operation for more thiani a clecadle. The Ind(lonesiani rat- s L _ _ ing agency was established only in November 1994 andc 3-mth 6-mth I year its role is still evolving. rhe key issues facing the rat- Malaysia: Cagamas Bonds ing inclustry in East Asia are (liscusse(l below. A more (December 17, 1993) comprehensive review of credit rating agencies is pre- 8 sented in a companion report. Issues in Emerging Market RatingAgencies Role of Government: The role of governmenit is clU- 7 - cial in fostering the development of bond i markets and, especially, c redit rating agencies. In the United States, the government facilitated the development of credit rating agencies. thoughi in an indirect way. by institilt- 6 3-yr 5-yr 7-yr ing regulations that use rating as measuremiienit of risk. The UnJiforimi Net Capital Rule is an example of such a China: Secondary MarketYield Curve regulation. In emerginig markets, the role of govern- ment in promoting credit rating agencies is even more 20 crucial. East Asian governmifents should move deci- sively to eliminate thie remaininig impeclimiienits such as guarantees, to ensure uniform accountling an(l (lisclo- sure requirements7 and to establish prudential regula- tions designe(d to encourage the use of ratings. These issues are highlighted below. 5 l l l l l l l 6 months l.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 - Sep.94 - Dec93 Dec.92 Jun-94 Jun.93 Jun.92 24 Guarantees: Priot to the start of credit rating agen - provided incentives for issuers to be rated aod conI- cies. governments have required that bond issues be trilbuterd to the success of US ratling agencies. In emerg- guaraniteed. In Kor-ea. bonds were required to be guar- iig markets, holwevei: the lack of sophisticated invest- anteed until recently. This has hadl a significant impact ienit cultures andc the fact that miost institutionial invest- on investmenit culture in that Korean investors rely on ment tends to be clustered in the contractual savings see- guarantees rather thiani measuring andl maniaginig credit toor necessitates that prudlential regulations be in place. as risks despite three rating agencies in operation for Indlonesia has done by passing the new pension funid law. almost a decade. In Indonesia. the absence of ratings has forced the Bapepam to iml)ose strict guaranitee and( Profitability: Credit ratiig. over time, can be a prof- sinkinig fuinidI requiLemtents. The result was tihiat a lfimite(d itable business. The opp)ortunity set for ratling arid range of bonds was broughit to the market. Regulators financial inforimiation services is constantly expanding (an accelerate the development of rating agencies by (lue to growth in clebt miarkets. However; since rating eliminiating guaranitee requirements on bond1l issues. agencies are service-oriented enterprises, their comnier- cial success depends on the dlemand for their services Accoutittinig Procedures and Disclosure andl the pride users ar-e willfing to pav. In ini(lustrial COon- Requiremients: The al)bence of a onifonial set of tries, demilandl for rating agency services is firmlv estab- accounting principles and proper disclosuire re(luire- lished an d almost all ratinig agencies have been prof- ments poses a serious threat to the integritv and relia- itable. In an emei-ginig market environimient lihowever, rat- bilitv of credlit ratinigs. Goverinimlenits can facilitate the ing agencies face several challenges in establishinig their rating process by mandatilng these reqJuiremients. In comnmercial viability. They incur losses in tileir initial East Asia. accountinig plroce(lures are, in general. wvell vears of operation (Idle to highi start-up and( operating developed an(l are broadly i n line withi interiationially costs, lack of sufficient uleiiianid for rating an d limitedl accepted stanclarcs. TlhroughlouIt tile region, listenl comil- number of deit issues. For example. in Asian emerging panlies are requirecl to comply' with the local codle of markets, only two rating agencies-CRISIL (Credit acCOUnting ploCeCdures andl standlards of practice. Rating Iniforimiationi Services of Inclia Limited), andl RAM Accounting principles andl the extent of their confornii- of Mlalaxsia-have been profitable wlile ile Philippine ty with interniationial standlarcis of practice. hovwever, rating agency (CIBI) posted its first veai' of profits in nlepend on the stage of (levelopment of theil financial 1994 alter beinlg in existence for more thani a dlecadle. mar-kets. Hong Konig Singapore and( Malaysia hiave the most developed accounting systemils. which are consis- Competition: Withi the exception of Korea. emerginig tent with Interinationial Accountinig Standards: account- East Asian markets liave o(ily onlc ratinii agency in oper- ing procedures in Korea. the Philippines, and Thailanicl ation. A competitive environerilnlt in the rating industry are basenl o1) Interinationial AcCounting Stan(laids, wit h will help) ensuLe olbjective ratings and eliminate rent- some modifications to suit local reluiremilneits. The seeking. Howevei; this may not be practical given the size Indloniesiani anCotUnting practices are based o(I local of these markets. In the absence of adequate nuIliber of recqLiremilenits an(l as suich their conformility withi inter- issuers an d investors, the proliferation of rating agencies nationial standards is somewhiat limite(l. Reflecting the will not be cost effective. Tlher-e mIlst also be enougIl traiisitioiin from a centrally planned to a market ecdondo- qtialifie(d rating analvsts andc otilhe professional staff in thie miyi the Chinese acCOUnting procedUres anci standlarlds local labor market to support more thian one ratilig agencNy are still evolving. With regardl to disclosuie require- Given these limitations andl the costs associated withi menits. c(ertaini mininmumnn stan(laids have to be miet to be establishing rating agencies, most emerging markets listedl on stock exchanges. For bond issues. the slouldl focus thieir attention, at this stage, on strengthen- prospectus requiremient ensures that adenluate infornia- ing existing rating agencies and achieving economies of tion is lisclosedl to the market. scale by pooling resources bothi humiian aind financial. However, in c(oUliltries witll matute or rap)i(lly growilg Pruidential Regulationis: Bond issuers must be (conl- bond markets, new rating ageilcies slholuld be encouraged. viniced that obtairliiig a rating will proIvidle access to a wider investo r base for thieir securities andl hell) reduce Man(latory Ratings: Fi-oin a imlarket development the (ost of issuing debt. The tltite(I States has pru- perspective. maindatory ratinigs can help juLmpl start the dential regulatiolis goverining the quality of investments ratiIng iniulustryv espec(ially wivein investo clemaind for of suCh institutiolis as banks, insuianice companies, creclit ratiiigs is low. Howeveir, maildatory ratinigs may' savings anlI loan associations. These regulationis have discourage issuers from raisilig funds in clebt markets. 25 In Malaysia, the central bank rule(l that all public debt agencies to establish a regional rating companxy Such securities must be rated an(l in Thailandl. the SEC has a company Couldl bri(lge the gap by ratiniu cross-border institute(d a requirement that all ul'seCUre(d deblt must issues or offer seconll( opinions oni the ratings of a be rated. Indonesia adopted a similar regulation in natiotial agency. Also, ill countries wher-e the bond 1994. Experience in Malaysia ancd Thailanicl suggests mar-kets are thinl, establishilig a local rating agency that mandatory ratings ean help the ratinig ii(lustry and( nav not lie economical. Regional agenc ies can miti- contribute to the growth of bond markets. lowever, it gate the issue of lack of breadth and depth ini nationial is essential that ratinig agencies further develop tbeir bsond(I markets and( achieve economiies of' scale in rating techniques and train their staff to gain the accep- improving tbe (Juality and( efficiency of ratings. tanee of market participants. DERIVATIVES Rating Standards: It is generally perceived that rat- inig processes and the analvses of emerging niarket rat- In East Asia, the market for derivative instiumlienits hias ing agencies are not as rigorous as those (of their inter- been mostly limitedl to couilinodlities. The developmelit nationial Counterparts. The lack of highly trainedl pro- of colmlodity futures markets was a natural progression fessional analysts, the absence of uniforimi accounitinig in East Asia. given thie regionl's abundance ii cOrII- an(i dliselosure requiremenits, andl the ability of an mocities such as copra. palm oil, an(l rice. Financial agency to functioni as an independent entity free from futures iave oily recenitly begunitoievolvean(laledoli- political influence all contribute to this criticism. A imated by foreigin excihanige future contracts. The open particular issue is that agencies rate some (lomestic capital aecounts in imianiy East Asial colitutries liave fos- corporations above the country's sovereign risk limit. tered active foreign exchange markets and( necessitaled The inflow of foreign investmenit can h1elp increase the tile (levelopment of currency futures in recent years in blreadlth and liquidity of nascent bliod markets an(i response to increasling dlemandic for effective risk mani- domestic rating agencies can facilitate ilis effort by agemient products. The rapid growth in FOREX futures striving to earn credibility in the interinatio(ial arena. Can lbe, in part. attrlibuted to fund managers wvho use (lerivative instrumnieits such as future. andl options to Role of Institutional Investors: Investors in bond gaini access to these countries without exposure to tile markets tend to be predominantly institUtional. The unidlerlyilig finanieial assets. A recenit Lehimiani Brothers' success of the credit ratinig industry Ii inges On their suiveyd' of institutional investors in(licated that curreni- clemanid for ratings. Indeed, in the Unitedl States anic cv-oriente(i (lerivatives are usecli by most institLitiOlal Japan, the emergence of pension funds, insurance corn- investors withi exposure to East Asia. panmes and mutual funds has hadl a strong positive impact on the use of ratinigs. In East Asia, institutional investors Although Hong Kongg Singapore. Malaysia, tile such as pensioni funds, contractual savings institutionis, Philippines. and( Chilia all have futures exchanges, and insurance companies tendl to be in the public sec tor. active trading has beetn confined to Singapore's A natural tendency for these institutionis is to invest in SIMEX-Singapore International Monetary Exchange government securities. With the expected change in (see Box 2.2). China's domilestic market in treasoLIn their asset allocation policies, these institutioris are like- boild futur-es grew sulbstantially in 1995. ly to provicle a major impetus for thie rating in(lustry The developmeilt of interest rate futures. and( swap mar- Cross-Border Rating: As the region's capital mar- kets has been relatively slow dlue to the fact that the kets become more aiid more initegrated with fuLtiler liII- underlying fixed-income markets are in developmlental eralization of capital flows, issuers will increasingly tap stages and( as such are not active eniough to support (lifferent markets of the region in search of low-cost derivatives market. Howevei; given tIle rapi(l pace of capital and investors will expand their uiiiverse of growtilh experience(d iy the region's bonl(l narkets over investment opportunities to maximize the return on the past five vears, anl tIle expected acceleration in their investmiienits, regardless of wher-e the issuer-s are growthl of' these markets over the next decade. interest based. In such a scenario, rating agencies face an acidi- rate-linked (lerivative instLruLiments will sooni follow. The tional challenge of rating issuers (lomiciled in other Lehmliani Brothers' study also shlowed that investors are countries andl the impact of sovereign risk on their rat- increasingly becoming intereste(l in interest rate swaps. ings. Credit rating on a reciprocal basis may proviile an For example, investmiienit aniagers indicated a five-foldl alternative. Anothier approach is to encourage national suLge in their intentioll to use inlterest rate swaps. Also. 26 the low correlation between East Asiani interest rate Box 2.2: Singapore International Monetary contracts ani( the maljor interest rate contracts in the Exchange (SIMEX) UnitedI States andl the Unite(d King(dom has helped incr-ease foreign interest iii these products. tftLlt large e>tit- i entand. tie t;oxeritit-nt if Siligaptpre hla math- a tol,>tioilt d-cisiott In caIl-r Itt l it TA&VXTION 1need' ,o inlt-rtlattiollal illxe>tors ai itl lo deeu'opsillgptlttr-e irto a regirnal financ ial uerllel: (.onsisteiit isiti llis gall. SIt ME\ Was ekibiilisiteti in 1t84 to elialencc Singapolrt' abiilili it) The fis al regimine-taxes ami I relatedl charges sucLil as plIIovidte opIlistit -Ltled risk ii anallge illelit serI it to irite lila- stamp) (ltity andl registration fees-cowisistentl ranks as tit(il invr ixtlts. Thet- em lng- ta. dIglesigie ltd a itlg tlie line ol a p)riO it issLue for emertginIg 1b(1n t1 market parti itIp i ts. iie (lir ago Nlert-alitile E( ic-alnge lXICLi ati liIp trits maa 0 A recenit surive of foreign ilistitotional ilivestor tif, the( ladle-> * eil-trieti anId testeti S\ t-Itfls *I iiitlr art' atiltle(i at , , , , .1{( gt~~~~~~~~~~~~~lf lalding [ lie ri,.,,,, iial illtegr it ,,f tlle exchllalgct andz prlotect- appl)loacies tod these markets places taxatioll with mnacro- illf'-g rig d tt t I i inll ttstttttier tinltresl-s In ]981~ SIl\IE:\ Il- ttl)ioetet i a itir ecoinornic/cul tency am I ilnterest lately iel(I consi deratiots tti C(:lit-agt Nlt-titntile Ext-lfange ilte SIi1LX-(M MtNl tirill as a decisive elemenit in decision-makilig. A 1992 World 0Offset S\stlcn Mhlithr' srtiidliles tto timlie tolltes. tlltlt Banik wtrking paper idlentifie(d withholdinig tax levels as FrttotittilaL fulittres tiades initialed ill eitliel excialllge lot he a maI lo- harrier to poitfolio all tcationi rei uIi ri lg increases liiuidated ill ol- tran lICrred to ttie olitel; gi inIg Itrarket tarlit- in pretax rates of rettoin-i to be profitable. (ounplicatingia ipant btenIelit ISat-h as extenliid ti- Zidi g 11iHS. II1 (I.e fete - - the tax analvsis are different- es in treatniien ts of resi- likte itta itagl Iti It-it ot oeriligitt risk aLiii t prite illt' It tlttis ill dlenlts andi nonI-r'esident. ilistitotiOnsY and(l indIividuals, (iii er'titi lilte llineS, g't-tle lit ingireii) Ieqd t it-ed ti irallsatt ioll (lelits~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ and> 1;o1X1eSdelt .1SilIIOP Midlg illdiVICLI tI( F,,,U.LIll(e>IS,i treastlry anlI torporate Insttlillielits, antd interest andl tttss. anti a sirgh- lla-gin StItir-. Fittttr a ridtt begiti -lillg of alit t ol c-tia-lf milillionl ctolntracts ill 1()85. tle tiatlillg cap tal ga Os. Diispalities between debt amIn t 1 ii ty wit le\el iitas in i rasetd Iitotie tIiiiai 40( ftolti Io re ail to elr 24 in iI- holding influenc e the broad rarige of secCLi-ities ChOiCes, lioai cI tiats in 19(I4 ( Box FigirIe I as 1(t in tenlatlimnal accrid-s wxh i h pi-ovide for relief agailist dioutble taxationl. (Corporate taxation t an also weigh hieavily on traiclig activity adi liiMileld dledluctilil- Box Figure 1: Trading Activity on the SIMEX it call raise the cost of ealryilig bond portfolios. (Millions of Contracts) Emerging Markets Trends 257 A coniparl.otn Ih region of wxithii holding rates on IInter- est. (ivilencis, antI (capital gaints nv-er the past five vears 20 shtoxs tliat they have falleni in Asia and( elsewvhere as authlorities move to stiinulate securities activities. With the market boOIU (ril- g this pelri0l. a supply-sitle type 15 effect has occurred. Wtvith lower rates gelneratilig increasedi reveniules. Howe\ei. budget deficits in sexer- al countries have grown colillnlensuratelv, aii(I witbi financial iiistitlitionis tvlpi(-ally otinstitiltilg a large part of tbe tax base, niew typees of transaction taxes have 5 beec intrutodIced to raise irevenue aIi(l so ctrIllorate tax oh)] igtiOl tis for secotindlarv trat(lialg hiave of ten it)llill Ii ed I 0 stiff. Tlhey also hal ie hecn Jli(tsell to temptinrarilv cub 1985 1988 1994 c:apitatl inllows-x whic iiiteerfele xxitli iiotietarN anti( exchange iate po1licx by placill g Upwxvaid pressule oii .l,t-,: tl,,,,,t,,,, -trlulh,,rilt o/ imnlgtttrr. Cllrrelicise anI¢l expanllillng itlitley sUl)JlYv. Steep capital gailns iaxes desigiled to flist-olulage Spec- (CUIr-elti. futLales 'll(l OIC1lls ( 011ti 11 rt VV (,II SIME\ ulatiotl hiave b)een slashed (Ltiriiig the iteriodl s l lhex Ntkei litt titii Nikkei-300 Suot-k le titti U- Nikkrei-225j St,,loc Inde,x. Nikklaei-300( Sock l Iri(lex and 1(1- teitileti to stifle sectlrities ativlitx gener-aliv aiiCI Varled e-rriienii 1ttmtl. FItIts cotiarts incilt- witlelv fl-oill initerest ata(l diviteiitl xwithhultling. Tlle hlitiemiotilltir Fluromiak. British PtiL,tl. gt0di ihigz-sit-lfuil fuIel diveigen-e tvas especially pIoitotliiccl ltor foreign0 o ,i gts til MS. I ttH,itg Kontg Stt,-k litniex azit(i telefirti pot investois Wxx-o Undei tOlibIe tax lreaties tall Usuiall t tIliIerIx t- rtItII of]t t L S$/iJtpailt-se 'Iell. Litli on lY tlairn tIoltestic t -crdit tlo Ilte Iattt-r tax ptiaYlictti I t -itei)itti -" 27 Table 2.10: Withholding Tax for US-Based Indoniesia: Withholding tax is 15 percent for local Institutional Investors investors, and( raniges fromii zero to 20( percent for for- Iri I,,-I fC iIi.id, I CapI,i ta I ILIIII eigners depeniding on bilateral treaties. For US-based 1988 1993 1988 19988 988 1993 investors the rate is 15 percent. and for those based in Itltlinesia 15.0 15.0 35.() 15.0 35.0 0.0 countries Witi double tax accords- inCluding Austlia. Korea 12.9 12.0 16.1 15.0 0.0 0(. BelgiuL, Canada, Finilan7d. France. Germany, India. Malaysia 20.0 2(1.0 40.0 0.( (010 0.0 Japan. the Netherlanids. Singapore. Southl Korea andl Philippines 0.0 20.0 5.0 25.0 0.3 0.0 Thailand-the bltirden can be fuliher reduced, with the Thailand 15.0 15.0 25.0 1().0 12.5 15.0 -___ rate for UK investors, for example. being ten percent. Goveiiiiiiieit paper-SBI andc state agenacy bonids-is a: Laig-lermt tapital gattt wli.,t ebd1 s/hrTes. .SautrIe IF( Emaergintg Stik1r,;lfkels biatlbok. 1/981) nd 1994. LI stamp and omilssiol, i)t tered corporates trade on the exchange muist pay a levy of 0.8 percent of transaction value. withi a ceiling of 1 The slhift toward gTreatel uniforlmity in treatment of percent oni le overall brokerage charge. Bearer deben- securities reflects an evolving consensus amonig ture and OTC issues are exemipt f-romil the assessment. investors an(l policy-makers alike for parity to tile extenit possible in all financial assets. including bank The status of zero-c ouponL instrumilenits has receive(d deposits ancl commercial paper, to nliiiiize non-Coin- conllictinig rulings. liitially they were tIlought to niercial distortions. It has alteredl patteris cited in tile escape withholdinIg entiielx. but recent clarification has 1992 W`orld Bank survey in which capital gains levels treated gains as taxable inter-est. Confision stemis from on average were much higher thani othier levies. the absence of capital gains tax at the soirCe. Prey iouslv local investors hadJ to pay a self-assessecd 35 Clarification and simplificationl have also been ImIajor percent capital gains levy on stocks an(l bond.cs whichi objectives as ulnereltainlt,. multiple rulings. anl( fi-e- was wi(dely avoi(ledl thir-otighi transactions with foreign (luelit chanlIges have acte(d as dlisinlcentives to engage- counterparts not liable for the tax. New regulationis ienit and payment enforcemient Ad hoc behind-the- abolisil capital gaiis tax (loimiesti(allv, althoIgIl couoiO scenes deteriniiationi is gradually being replaced wvith income may be taxe(l more heavily thian cleposit trans paren t sustainied corilnlit men ts withl finanie 111i1- incorfie. Fixed -rettirin cross-curirenc interest rate istries and central banks pI)ublishing and dlisselililiatinig swaps are ncot liable for stamp (lutv or withholdinig tax. relevant circtilars for thie first time. These chan,ges lhave been accompanied by rationalization of papervork Malaysia: A 20 perent witlilolcil-g rate is applied anidI filing re(lUirements, ancl the crealion of channels generalla to both domestic and foreign iivesios. v th fIr appeal and complaint. In several cases, supple- no tax on capital gains or stamp uclties on transfer. mentary tax frameworks for offshore centers hiave been These figulres 1hioldI for MGS, Cagamas. ancl corporate shimiultanieouIsly elaborated as conceptual schemnes m(:ove bonds, while treasuIry bills,. zero coupon papei; anid into aCtLial operation. individUal pUrchase of exchianige listed ainLd ulistedl company issues rates by the Ratings Agency of Country Reviews Malaysia are tax exempt. For corporate instruments, no The sulimmlnaries below a(lelress tax concerns first for thie commissions are pairl for tranisfers in the over-the- open markets of Indoniesia. Mlalaysia. the Philippines. counter market, bUt a I percent charge enters if traded and Tlailaicl. followedl by the restrictedl ones of Chiiia, on tile KLSE. and( Korea. The non-emierging miarkets of Hoiog Kong andi Singapore, as well as Japan andl other indliuistrial Tax positions are often arbitraged through the practice countries, are tilen] covered. They briefly highiligiht key of coupon washing: selling bonds before tileir paymelnt aspects with a foCLus oIn withholding deducted at source dlate to buy thiemii back afterward. Cross-currenicy inter- on interest which typically motivates bonidl investors est-rate swaps often routed throughi the Labuan offshiore intoie thani capital gains. Dividend(I rates are also cited center escape tax ancl stamp diuty althouIgh domestic for purposes of' coml)arison whicil incorporate bothl counterparts are subLject to strict exposure limits. dloniestic andc for:eigni investor perspectives. FuLtlher itfIrifiiatioli cain be foundl in thie in(lividtial country Philippinies: Inter-est xithholding rates for T-bills has chapters. recelitlv been raised from 20 to 25 perceit, althouigi 28 transactions are free of capital gains and the final tranis- Korea: Bonds are exempt fiom a 0.35 percent tranisac- fer tax of 0.25 percent of trading value. Howeven: there tion levy which applies to equities and non-residents pay is a corporate tax of 35 percent on boncd dealers. As a interest andl capital gains of 25 pereenit-climbilig to 27 result, there is no incentive to car-ry inventorv. Two- percent for institutionis with establishmilents in Korea- year government paper just introduciledl falls ulider the which (an be reducecl through clouble tax agreements. same regime, although treatmenit of the revamilpedl cor- Residents pay at their respective corporate and interest porate bond market due to start this year is still under incomiie tax levels with a 20 percent rate applicable if review. To dlate, private bond activity has been stifled separately itemizedl for bondis and bank cleposits. From by the 0.5 percent stamp duty which places the instiru- 1995. applroved interinationial organizations will be able ment at a disadvantage with bank deposit holdiligs andl to issue locally, for which tax exemptioni is expected. by the inability of financial institutions to dedluct the interest expenses of carrying securities portfolios. Hong Kong and Singapore: Honig Ko ng has no with- lholding tax. but a profits tax of 17.5 percenit andl stamp Thailand: Domestic investor-s pay 15 percent interest duty of HK$1.5 per HK81.000. fritm whicih exchange withholdilig, and foreigners 10 to 15 percenit dependinig funld bills/government bonds andl offshore/supranation- on relevant tax treaties. which apply to, amonig othier al issues are exemlpt. Singapore dloes not tax capital counitries, Sweden. Denmark. Norwvay. Japan. Germany, gains, although dividends are targeted at the marginal the Netherlands, France, Singapore. South Korea. Italy. 27 pereent corporate income rate. Non-residents are Belgiumi, Pakistan. UK, Indloniesia, the Philippines. exempt fromi withilIding on deposit interest. ansd Poland, Canada, Malaysia. Austria, India, Ireland. applroved Asia-dollar bonnds. whicll also escape nomial Finland and China. A capital gains tax of 15 percent can stamp duLIty wan just halvedl to 0.05 percent of transac- also be reduced, such as in the case of oil-shor-e coUlntry tion valoe. Foreign seeuL-ities firmiis acting for their OWnl funds, when it drops to 12.5 percent. There is no stamp accounts and( overseas clienits in approved lomestic duty, but a 0.1 pereent of transactioni value-0.3 percenlt securities are taxed at a 10 percent concessional rate, foI unit trusts-is imposecd for debenture and state enter- also free of stamp charge. prise bond transactioins through the exchange. Several of the latter are tax exempt ancl bill of exchange dealing Table 2.1 1: Indicative East Asian Bond Tax conducted off-exchange escapes transactioni tax. Rates I -, [n hTltrvt Withhodid... TrnItia,,- liii' Calai' GI i. Ia,n Previously uncertainty in fiscal provisions led to multiple Itldenz 02__ . . - Itlfil\lle>ia (~~~~~)-20) 0.8 0) taxation of individuals as each trade was also subject to a kor-ca 0-20 0.35 25 15 percent levy while corporate and institutional investors Malaysiia1 20 1.0 0 were exempt. Recent clalification manidates that individ- P1ilippilles 25 0.25 0 uals pay 15 percent on only the first trade. Offshore Tliai Tbiailahmd' 10-15 0.1 15 bank CDs often traded through the Bangkok Interinationial d. Tranattion taxes far Wa/d Ysia and Thai/ant re/er to ext/rage trading. Bankinig Facility are free of all withholdling and coiililis- Sour"e: lior/id Bank. sion. Thai baht-US dollar interest rate swaps through this means are also exempt. Withholding ancl associatecl taxes are an important dimension in bond market development. Table 2.11 For the four countries, interest withiloldlinig tax also applies shows inclicative taxes on the bomids in East Asian coun- generally at the above rates for bank deposits. however for tries. Local investors dleciding between bank dleposits, banks and financial institutions, these holdlinigs are often equity. ancl lebt will want to insure that interest, divi- exemipt to the extent they forim the basis of daily activity. cleniis, andl capital gains treatmenit clo not undluly favor asset choices. High interest withholding can c reate a China: Tell perc(ent interest withholding anI(l 0.3 per- dinincelltive to bondc participation and deepening of the cent stamp duty apply but often ncot applied in practice. seCurities sectom: Differences between goverinmetit ancd A moratorium on capital gains ias beeii leclared at least corporate itistrunenits can also impede growth of the throigh 1995. Internationial investor treatment with par- latter, and( preferred statLIs is unniecessary in many tial opening of the market has vet to be determimiled, Asian markets witi low budget deficits. Turnover tax althougi it could parallel the dividenl levy of 20 percenit can also cramp seeui-ities activity generallv. both on- for direct investors, many of whom hlave been recently and off-exchanpge keeping savers confined to tradition- targetedl for audits by revenie authorities. al bankinig products, while corporate tax andc limits on 29 deductions can impedle seconldary trading andc the par- and( corporate bonds . Aniong the issner ullivelSe, his- ticipation of interimle(liaries. torically-i national governments liave cloiiiiiiatedl the pri- mary miarkets. In the last five years. however; there has For overseas investors, taxes join exchange rate trends been a clear shift in tihis trellnd in malny East Asian anid regulatiolns. custody adid other elemenits as primiary countl-ies. In the light of fiscal suIpILIses in all East features in market judgmen.llt They look to eqIual treat- Asian countries except for Chinia andl the Philippines. nietil With doniestic counterparts both in terimis of rates the plroli nence ol the goverinimienit bo1)d( sector has been and payment condlitiois, anid alignimlenit withi emerging steadily declining whiile the state enterllrise. anI cor- markets elsewlhere in the global perspective. In broad porate segilients have been growinlg rapidlx. This treilcl mieasure Asian taxation is competitive with other is expectecd to co ntiI1LIne ovel the next decade with infr-a- developing regions. structur-e ilvestilient and( corporate expansionl beilig the tiaiii lii lvIng forces. In conti-ast. the bonld miarkets in The slow development of Asiaii bond iiiarkets las traiis- China andc the Philippines are dnlminatedl by govern- latedI into scant attentioni to tax dlefinitioni an(l interllre- nienit boldis an(l it is expected that this segmnent of tile tation, presenting both domestic ancI foreigni investors 1)b-o1n( nialket will grow rapidliy iil the future. withi legal antIc administrative uLIcertailnty aiicl complex- ity frustrating enigag ent andl spawning loopholes Among investors, the coitractual saving sectoi; fiiani- bh-llging (lomiestic: reveniue seepage. I mport antly tliese cial ;nst ituLioiis, and pen si oil fuLi(s co iostitutte the lialjo1 complications have often driveni activity off-shore both investor classes. In Korea. Thiailauidl and( tihe in the region ain(i globallv whei-e taxes. wheni they exist PhilipplinMes. the bulk of bonds are hleld by finanacial at all, are lowver andl the associated framileworuk is far institutions, while in Malaysia andl Singapore. the con- better dlefinle(l. tractual savinug sector is tlie Imlaiil investor ill boHlds. These iiistitutio11al investors have acculimulated sast Local maikets ImlUst elisUre Iliat rate dispar-ities are not amoILunIts of investal le funlics andl are expected to reniiaili exacerbatedl by addlitioonal reseacIit anc(l compliiance tlie maiii in vestOIls in bolilds evell tioL)1ugh telil- dO(Ini- clIsts and( that efforts are geared to providling offsetting nalnce is expected to) dledline soniewhait with the emer- pr lt tei nis anid pledictabilit-. A i-ealy tempitatio11 f gef O ece of ne i Institutionalia ivestors suihb as ilmutual on-s hoie developmllenut tdo plr)ceed is the im positioll off hol(Is ailti iIIsuLi-aloC coi ipanies. Bon( issua nce methI- special fiscal incentives. buit such extraolrdiillary Ilea- IoIls vary across East Asia. Tracitionally. n1iost goveril- sures should I e avoi(lecl. Rates shlould remiaini bioadllv iienit bonds weere adilinistrativelv allocatedi ailioil gap- in line with other finalicial iiistirLiiienits so as niot to tive investors sucih as , coniercial Ianks. HI Ievec: skew flows anIdi invite backlashi fi-oil other asset hold- mialny East Asian CouLiitries have liovedi delisively ers, whicll imay agaiii SIMI' suddell tax code changes. toWar(d iSSUilng bOlCdS tilOnghiC conlpetitive alictillls. StUMMARY ANI) CONCLUSIONS A well fu'llCtionilg secondary mlarket requires both SOU 111d1)oiicv framewoi-k ainl efficient SUpportiill illS tfi- Iln 1994. thie size of the East Asiani bondl miarket was tutionial infrastrUcture. These iniclude: ti) niarket base(d US$338 billiol or 22 percelt of GDP Althougil this is benchmarks: (ii) efficient clearing. settlelinent aili s liall relative to world boild maiket, tie growt i in these pay men1t svste his: (iii) liq icli tv su ppoit facilities; (iv) miarkets has been quite illpressive. Il(lee(l this mal- well fulictioning credit ratillg agencies: (vI central ket ouLIbiecl ill size over 1990-94 thotiglo equityv market inlfori-iatioll systemis and (vi) ilon-dhiscrimllatorx taxa- capitalization and( the assets of the biankinig systeul still tion. Most East Asiani couiitries are taking colicrete remain cuite large at 71 and( 92 percenlt of GDfP respec- iieasUties to build sici I ilfrastiuctlire. HoIig Kollg. tivelv- At the country- level, the bond markets in Chiiia Malavsia. anii I Tliailalid lhave ibeell iakiilig progress inl Korea. Iiidollesia. anI( the Philippilles hlave llioie thail idevelopiiig the suppjortiilg illstitutiOlial iiifiastiuctuUre to doubled (ill local cul-i-encv ternis I; TilailaiclI a[1d( facilitate trading activity. To dlevelol vibanit secondlaiY Malaysia liave registered growdil rates in excess c(f 35 markets, 1)I)lic}y miakers ali i-eguilators IliUst address a perCenlt. I1OSt of issties instit utionial il(l policy-orelited. Oil tile iistit Utionlal sidle. the establishiiieiit ol electrornii: The East Asian bond ic market colimprises five distinct clearimi an(d settleiiielit s stelils is a priority. The estab- sectois: iiatiolial goverililietit bonlds, state govermliim.lit lishilleilt of CMI in Honig Kouig l uas reatlv fiacilitated bonds state enterprise bonds centiral bank securities seconidarv v a-ket tradiia The CMLJ is operated by tke 30 Hong Kong Monetary Autiority aiini petforms the role of' Ieen uSilng swap)-rates to price borids-the mnaturities a central custodian aicl clearinIg agent fOr Honig Kong of these swal)s liave been rathier short. The absence of dollar 11 elit instrilienits. This systemil also has interima- liquid sSwap iiiarkets in Asian currencies also limits tional linkages. Malaysia established the SPEEDS vys- theil- use as benchniarks. Securities issUedl IV1 niort- telil to expedite clearing amd settleimeit aim( to ensure gage corporations sucb as Malaysia's Cagamas should the safety andl ac(urac y in transactions. Other bond also be cons,idered. miarkets in thie regi on are also movinig in thils direc tion. althlcOughl progress has sbeen slow. Anothier relatedl issue in fostering the development of' bond markets is creclit rating. Most East Asian couLn- Secondary market liquidity has been thin in East Asia tries now have rating agencies. However, thieir effec- maililvy because of the absence of well-mapitalized mar- tiveniess in providing timely and acCurate informiiationi to ket makers andl the lick of liquicdity sup)ports. It is CrU- the nmarketplace has been mixel. Wlhile rating agen- cial that this issue be addressed qclinckly. To f'acilitate l ies in Malaysia andl Tliailanid3 have been quite sue- market-miiaking activity, dlealer financinLig and li(Lui(lity CessfUl, Korea's rating agencies hiave been ineffective supporis are essential. This mieanis thie creationi of repo lbeCause of the requiremii enit that b)or(d issLies be guaran- mar-kets. and( cenitral bank re(liscouliltilg WilldoWs. Which1 teed. In the Plhilippines, the ownership structure of the have been absent throughout the region. Su1Ch facilities rating agency andl its permeived ineffectiveness hiave CUIrentlCy exist in Hong Kong. Thailani I and Malaysia limiitedl its role. In many couLntries of the regioll, credit also operate sucih fac ilities but thev are lilimiteml to hank5 ratings are now mandatory. This mayv be justit'ied at thlis anml should be expanded to include accredlitedl dealers, time given that the bmmmnd issues are limite(d in numllber andl the issue sizes are relatively siall. Howvevel; as The issue of benclimarks should receive greater attenl- these bond markets niatLnre andl inVestors beCxome more tioin in tlie past The absence of' liqii(I bien h- solustoapi teded ia d(lator-v latill Shld be lifted mar-ks has been a serious constraint in pricing bonds andl coniseCLuelitly has hampered tradintg. East Asian Bond miiaLkets can not thrilxe wilitout active parti(il)a- blonrl markets fame a uLlliIIuC onstrai nt in tlilis airea as tioll fromil in stittilt ionial investol.s. In mailliv coultlies of mnany governments in tlie regimin dlo not issue bonds A the region tIlhere are stritingent regulatorv ie(lquii.eniIentS promisinig alternative WouldC lie to use state-enfterl)rise on their asset allocation and( investmiienit strategies. bonds toi establish benchmark yield curves altlioughl at Commnermial hanks are sublject to highi liquiclity reserve present state-enterprise bond,s clo not have a critical requirements an.I thie contractual saxinig sector hias mass of ouIstalndlilng bonds andl their issuance hias been mandatory requirements to hol(d governmenLt bonds. For sp.oradic. However: this is expected toi change as cor- example, in Singapore, the CPF holdIs abOut 80 percent poralization of state enterh)rises gathers iiioinenitLiin anld of goverinimlenit boids. These rigid asset allocation bond financing beconmes the instiuLilenlt of choice. requirements neecd to be relaxedl to stimulate furthier Another viable approach is to dlevelol) implicit yiell (Ievelop)meilt of' secondarx miarkets. The East Asiaii curves f7rom offshore swapi rates. While this hasa iinmle- governmient'. especially Singapore and Malaysia, have diate potential-Inclonesia and 'I'liailaicl have alrea(ly takeni tIme lead in this area. 31 REG U LAT I O N O F T H E E M E RG I N G AS IAN BOND MARKET INTRODIUION fIrom )both a market-development and a regulatory stanl( point because of the significanit differences in the risks A n efficient and well functioninig bond market associated with capital market instruments and more requires a regulatory system with well-defined tradlitional commercial bankinig. In some countries. objectives, transparent supervisioni procedlures, governmenit-conitiolled banks have played dominant an adequate and clear legal framework, and a well- roles in the financial sector makinig it more difficult to strtictured regulator-y body capable of implemilenlting create the required infrastiucture for securities market policies. Effective regulationi must take into account development and( its regulations. economic costs as well as benefits. Regulation that per- mits markets to perform their imporlanlt econiomic func-- The impetus given to developing securities markets by tion of efficient capital mobilization and allocation is governments and the private sector differs in developed more effective thiani a system that largely relies on gov- and emergilig securities markets. Industijal country eminilient micro-managemnent and( market control. This secuLrities markets usually began as a private response nieans, in operational terms, a regulatory infrastructure to meet an economic ineecl. Their stock exchanges were tiat enables investors. issuers, andi intermeciaries to organizei by private in(lividuals as membership organi- make inforimled dlecisionis in a transl)arent fashion ancl zations to facilitate tranisactions in securities. In con- thus inspires confidence amonig market participants. trast, securities markets in developing countries have This chapter discusses thie existing regulatory frame- more often been established by governinents with spe- work and regulator y models employed in selected cific goals in mind, or governments at least have playedl developed countries and East Asian coumltries and the a role in the development of seeuLities markets to aid important role being playedl by the newly created secu- capital mobilizationi privatization, and othier economic rities commissionis in the region. goals. As a result, the authorities in these coulitries have a larger stake in ensuring successful development SECU RITIESI MARKET RECGULATORY of the market.' This diversity in approachi has natural- SYSTEMIS Iy- led to diversity in regulatory mechanismis. The (lesigin of a regulatory system involves several policy There are important differences between the regulatory options. Will there [le direct governiimlenit regulationi. systems emplovecl to supervise market operations and self-regulation, or some combination of the two? Will to protect investors in developed and those in emerging there be an independent regulatory' body, or will the securities markets. Bond-milarket regulation varies regulatory body be pail of a governimienit miniistry? Will across countries depenidinig oni the level of market and the government be involvedl in the maniagemiienit and finanicial-sector development. legal frameworks, the control of the market? Will functional regulationi pre- extent and quality of self-regtilation, andl the mission of vail or will regulation be conducted by assigning finan- the regulatory body. The extent to which the legal cial institutionis to a regulatoryv body based on the prin- framework and governimienit policies have encouraged cipal type of business tiley condluct? Or will hybrids of developmenit of specialized securities firms and invest- these approaches be used? One of the most inportanit ment banks-as opposed to uLniversal baniks or finan- considerationis is the extent to whilch market forces and( cial conglomilerates-to provide capital market services priivate decisionis will be reliedl on to guide the alloca- is an important institutionial factor. This is important tion of capital in the shiort adid loing ruLis. These poliey 32 conisiderations will affect the type of regulatory regime Contracts is crucial in reducing systemic risk in the that is chosen and the extent to whichi markets will be finaticial markets. able to peiform their basic economic fuLictioni of capital mobilization and allocative efficiency. The enforceability of contracts is especially important for bond mar-ket development. The legal rights and Economic Rationale for Regulation obligations of bond holders andl issuers need to be Tw-o basic economic functions of securities markets clearly (lefinie(l and the provisions of the bond( contract must be recognized in developing a regulatory regime. (norimially referred to as a bond indeniture) must be First. securities markets mobilize capital. Secon,l if enforceable. Ini the United States, for example, the Trust operated efficiently. securities markets provide market lndenitnLe Act re(quires thiat corporate trustees be usedl dliscipline by allocating capital to its most productive for corporate bonds offered to tlhe public. Corporate uses. Achieving allocative efficiency recirli-es that sec- trustees are choseni to represent the interests of bond ondarv-niar-ket prices be determined( in a fair aild trans- holders ani(l have a fiduticiarv obligation to them. Bond( parent maiiner based oni market forces. It is necessary contracts must have certainty with respect to methods to recognize that regulationl has a cost as well as a bell- of inter-est payment and principal repayment. provi- efit. The most dif'ficult task of any regulator is to bal- sions for early retiremiient, and tile integrity of any col- ance the costs andl bemiefits of regulationi by devising a lateral sectlrinlg the bond(i. regulatory regime that allows tile market to perforiml its essential eVco0nomic fuLIctions while protecting Definition of a Security investors. The costs of regulation are bothl direct and( The first step in delineating the role of the securities indirect. Direct costs includle the alminiistiative costs regulatory ibodly is to define the meaninig of the term of operatinlg governmenit reguIlatoryv bodies, thie cost of "secuLity." The legal clefinition of a security is imnpor- self-regulation, and the cost to market participants and( tanit in protectiilg investors and( in defining tile jurisdic- investors of comilplying witi the rules of government arn(d tioin of thie regulatorv bodies supervising the fiiiancial self-regtilatoryl bodlies. Indirect costs are the costs of sectom. This legal definition can be complex.' The most economic misallocation causedl by regulation. failures comnmon forims of securities are stocks, notes, andl to raise capital due to adinillistrative controls or cum- bonds. but Options and( other financial instrunlents can bersoilne regulatory, procedures. aiind costs imposed on also be includled in the definition of a security. the market by preventinlg anti-competitive behavior by mlarket participanits, or cartel arianigemitents that A distinction betweeni monoey-and( bond-market debt increase transaction cost to investors. instr-uimients is norimially lirawni on the basis of maturi- ties. Debt instLiLunents with maturities of less than one Contracts and Property Rights year are norimially define(d as money-market instru- Clearly definie(d property rights andl the ability to iieits: these include negotiable certificates of deposit, enforce contracts are essential to efficient capital mar- commercial papei; interbank loans, short-term govern- kets. Alan Greenspan lhas observed that "the corner- menit paper, and ithiei negotiable dlebt instiumenits. stont of anyv well functioning illarket system is the law While these instiriients are noriimally short-ter-mi. of Contracts. ' For investors to lie willing to sumTeender some-such as variable-rate commercial paper-may funds in exchange for a promise of futuLe returns in the be issued witil maturities of up) to five years. Marketable forimi of interest or divicdend payments, they must have debt instrumenits with matuirities longer than one year confidence that contract terimis will be hoiiored. If conI- are usually categorized as notes or bonds-that is, cap- tracts caninot l)e reanlily enforced, transactions cost will ital-mar-ket debt instruments-depending on the lengtil lie higher. The ability to execute financial transactions of maturitv. Notes iiornlially liave maturities of one to rests oil a legal annl regulatorV structure that fosters five years. while boluds have longer maturities. public confidence in the integritv of thle mnarket. Howeveri in emeiging mar-kets, tIle vast majority of cap- Conitract enforcenlent is also imnportalit to the operation ital-imarket debt instruments hlave maturities of one to of efficient secon(lary lar}kets. Failure to nleliver- secu- five years and are categorized as bondis. Ther-e must be rities or cash within prescribed time fiames for exam- claritv as to the responsibilities and authOr1ity of the ple. cail threateni counterparty performance and resLilt securities regulatory body and those responsible for in large losses to investors in volatile markets amil clai- regulating commercial banks an(i other intermediaries age other market participants, clearing organizations, comprising the finanicial sector. This is impor-tanit to and othier financial markets. Thus. the enforceability of ensure that some isstiers of securities, or similar instru- 33 menLts. and( interme(liaries do not escape regulatioin. monopolistic powers to engage in what other-wise woulcl This is miiost likely to occuIr in instances wlvhere an jiter- be considered anti-comiipetitive activities. A fourtil reg- rieciary-such as a broker-dealer--does not flall withi- ulatocV system einployed in many couLilles is one of in the legal definition of a bank or seciurities firm. The dlirect governrment supervision or contrml over the mar- role of each regulatoryv body must be clear with respect ket withi minimii al reliance oni self-regulation. In emerg- to sujiervisillg money- ail(l capital-market instruments ini seclrities iiarkets, it is important to recogilize that issued by private firts, the goverilillent andl governi- the securities regulatory bodies are usually responsible iiient-owilerl enterprises. The tell secuLitV mfat)l oi mlav foi hoth proilmotinug tihe deVelopMllt am. regulatiltg tile not iicltide futures andl optioiis colntracts, as tIle legal iliarket wlhereas, inii niatuir-e markets their role is gener- lefillitiOll of' a seculiiitx is inot uni forlml throug1luoLt the ally Iimi ted to reguI ation. Most (0 oLitries emplov hybri d regioll. As these miarkets are clearlv interrelated, it mo(lels. Maniv countiies are in traiisition from coitirolle(d wonilri appear highly dlesirable for tile securities coin- environmlents to svstemis that rely miore on market forces rilissioII toC have responsibility over- (ler'ivative prodUCtS to alloc(ate capital, wVill Strogut overnimnent regulatory as tiley are introduced to tie market. oxersigilt to ensuie that pruCletitial standards amcI olher safeguards to protect investors are in place. Organization of Markets Clear rules are essemtlial for efficient financial tranlsac- Regulation in East Asia tions. Securities markets. eithel stock excihange or over- Regulation oil fixedl incoille securities in East Asian the-couLnter tlarkets. requile soome fori-l of organization CouLItries has gOnlle tilroLgil a major- clazilge in recent to ensure that market participalints caii transact withi one vears. lntil 1991 ceiltral banks were largely resplonsi- anlother in a fair and efficient uiailnel: In the absence of ble for rFegulatilg fixeed inioiime securities since they ale direct governimment regulation, stock exchailges hIave onsidileic as deposit subs titute instinilenits. With the historically exercised some form of self-regulatioml over creatioii of tile new Securities cOmillisSiOllS (SeCurities their merbliers to assure that rules of coIdUct are and( Excilaige Commission i ilTlailaniciin 1992 ati the obevetl andl that miemillbers exhibit sufficieilt financial Securities Commission in Malavsia in 199). tile pri- respOIisil)ility to assuLe that transactions can he effect- mary respoilsi bility for fixed iiCoHile sectirities has ecl withlout disruptiilg the market. Somiietinies these ILiles shiftecl to these cOmliiosit)ils. Howevem; tlhe practice iS take tle forni of economic regulation. or even cartel still niot Litilforl-. The regilatory scope of Indollesia's arTangemenits. for the benefit of stock exchaiige ileil- secuLrities regulator. BAPE.PAM is liniited to finanlcial bers. To a large extent, the i-ole of government regUlatioll iilstiumiieilts with iiiaturities exceeiiilig one eaLi; aild time is to assure that these iluies operate in tlet public illterest. central )alnk is responsible for regulatiilg niiojiev iliaket illstrLileilts. In Singapore, all financial instrumitienits are Type of Regulatory Models regtilated by tile Monietary Autilority of Singapore. Hong Several regulatorv m:od(lels are usedf in securities mar- Kong and the Plilippilnes follov tile more co loil path kets. The isost common iS a variant of tIle basic UlS of placilg prihfate-seetor bof1d Oferint s tiSICT rtie juris- iliorlel that allows relat ivelv fiee markets, omipetitioil diictioil of a secLuiities coiniilissi on. In Malaysia, the in the finalncial sector. amid practitioiler-based self-meg- issuailce of miiarketable debt instiuilleilts, ilncludiilg cor- ulatioii accoiilmpaliedl by stroing goverilinmelt oversigilt. porate bonds, still requires approval b)y Banik Negara This modlel has recenitlv begun replacing the miore tra- Malaysia, the ceiltral bailk, as sub)sCLibilng to boldc1s is tlitionial practitiolner-baseCd self-regulatory nilo0lel tilat (leeille(i to be deposit-taking iiicler the 198(9 Balkimlg was ofteni emploveti iLL clevelopecl illarkets alti( in some am(I Financial Inlstitution Act. Furthermlore, approval for eimerging seCtirities illarkets. The traclitioiiail apiproach issuing plIvate-sector b)onld offfelilgs imust lie obltained from to regulating secuLities ilar-kets is basecl oil tile princ-i- ile Seculities Coniuillissioil acld tile Registram of Comillanies, ple that oilv uilimlimal forilial goverii]nlelnt oversighit of whicil hLIS- colsidleralble power over tile registratioil of tile stock exchange aicli market practitiollers is neces- prospectuises nLicler tile ,Companies Act of 1965. In the sary. A thiid iilo(lel-often emiloli(ve(l in couLntLies Witil Plilippines. the SecuLities Commissionl regilates tile issLie newv aLind eierginig securities imarkets-is a regulatory of commllercial pauper I), banks andc non-hank finanlcial regime unldler wlhil-h goverilimleilt exercises extensiie ilstittittions. Notwvillistallniig tllese (livelgeilt practices, tle mlanagelilent ailti co0ltrol over the ser-rities iilarket. In tr-eliI in favor of giing the mauli respoilsibility fori Iond so(ile countries, governmiliient illuailgeileilt alnd coitol ti itiarket at-tivities to tIle SecuritieS COiill iSSiOI1 iS clearly over the market is accomplished with the help of self- eileirginig in tile East Asia regioml. hI Thlailand. SEC lias the renul-utoLy orgaanizatioins-whilich are sonietimies giveii sole respolsibilit fir- reg(ilatimla tile boil( nia--ket 34 GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHT IAND Rule proposals must be publislecd in the Federal SELF-REGUtLATION Register so that the public is afl'or(dedl adlequate oppor- tttlnity to ioninemnt. antI are adopted bI majonity vote The role of regulator' bodies in weculities miarkets is The SEC supervises only the securities markets- influemned by their stage of economnic developiment and inc luCdinIg options, which tIS law definies as secuLittes. institutionial anti degal conlerations. In the Unitedl A separate regulatory body, the Connomdity Futures States, the Securities an d Exchange Comnirission (loes Trading Comiomission (CFTC), supervises commorlitieb not have the legal authority to engage in merit regula- mar-kets. inflhcililig futures contr-acts on stock- indlices tiont or to control the prices or (luantitv of issues brought anti other financial fLttires. The separation of the com- to the miarket. Its mandlate is to ensure orderly func- modities and( securities regulatory bodlies is primarily tinniig of the securities market by settiig clear -Lules for ctie to historical (ircumislance in that commodities issuers antic intermediaries, and to provide ade(uate futureb wer-e once regulated by a biureatu within the US protection for investors throngh dlisclosure re(qUire- Agriculture Department that later became the CFTC. menits and stirveillance of market participants. In cotLn- US law dloes not pelrm1it futures contracts oti incividtual tries with neiw and emerginig securities miarkets, regula- stock. tory aLt,ltlitie, oftell exercise extensive infltenice over the msarket by controlling the number ani( (Litality of Japan based its 1947 Securities andc Exchange Law on issues broughit to the niarket ancl, in soni c ountries, the IfS model.e A Securities BuLeatu to aduiniilister tile determining the price at Which secturities can be iSsLe(l. law was estahlishied withiln the Ministrv olf Finance. A Securities Exchatige Council was forineti in 1952 with Role of Securities Commissions memibers appoititeci by the mininMtry to provide policy Developed Markets. The Unite(d States has the old- advice on inatterl related to the secturities markets. The est and ittost experienced national regulator-v ho(tly in Securities BUtreau supetI zises Japans securities anicl the xorll. Its SEC was established in 1934 withi the futul-es niarkets. with self-reguilationi playing an inipor- passage of the Securities Exchange Act in tie after-milathi taut role in the supervision of tiarket practitioners. of the stock marlket crash of 1929 to adiniliister fedleral Althouglh disclosure principles are well established, seCUttities laws andl protect itvestorS I enstinig that merit regulationi hab been widely practiced in the new markets are fair- anti( honest anti that market plra(tition- issues market. Moreovet; comniiitsstoii Irates on1 the Tokyo ers comply with applicabtle laws andl regulations. The Stock Exchange remilaini fixed, titlike in the United legislation followed the Banking Act of 193:3, which States and lInited lKingdoin. where they are deregulat- generallv requiredi the separation of investment bank- eci. Althotight there are differenci es in the administrationl ing ancl conmmercial banking. and( the SEC (loes not anti( enforcement of securities laws. Japan antI the hlave direct regulatory authority over the secutrities Unitedl States both -elv on self-regulationi withi strong activities of commercial banks. Tlhe courts have held governiment oversight. In Japan. however, the secur-ities that banks are not includlecl witin the clefinitioni of markets have traclitionally leenl subjeit to govel-rlnmlerit "broker-dealer" unler thie 1934 Act. managerinent. The 11S SEC is an independent regulatory hotly headle(d United Kingdom. The practitioner-based self-regula- by a chairnian and four coinmissioners appointed by the torn; niotlel. withottt formal governmenit oversigilt, was presitlent for staggeretl five-year terms with the advice employed by the Lonclon Stock Exchanige until the pas- anti( consent of' the Seniate. Commissioners cannot be sage cf the Financial Services Act in 1986. In addlition removed except for caause. While the SEC is indepeni- to creatinig a inure competitive marketplace by deregu- dlent of other government departments, it is subleit to lating commissioni rates and( permitting foreign owiner- substantial oversight by the US Coingress. anti its rules ship of stock exchange firms, the 1986 Act established antI deciSiOnsS are sUbject to challenges in the courts. Its a Securities and Investments Board (SIB) with exten- annrmal budget is alpproveti by the Office of Managemiielit sive powers to regulate securities and investmenit activ- antid uudget andl the US Cong-ess. ities through a network of self-regulatoryv organizatiols. The SIB, which is self-funtle(l through fees levietl on One unique aspect of tlhe US regulatory regime is its regulated entities, is overseen by the Departiment of very opet an)cl transparent i-le-inakiii process. Trade anclndist.- A-soiie contducting a securities or Comllmission meetings to dlisCuss ancd act on proposed investmienit busimness mniist be sLtpervisecl by a self-regu- rules, or modifications to existinig rules. are publiC. latory organizationi. or by the SIB directly 35 The Bank of England plavs an important role in estab- establishe( in Indloinesia, followed in 1977 by the lishinlg prudential standards for finanicial institutionis Korean SecuLities and Exchange Commnissioni. Since and controlling the issuiance of Sterling-denominiiate(d 1992. securities regulatory bodies have been estab- domestic and interinationial bondis. Before the Financial lished in Thailaid. Malaysia and Chinia. Services Act, the internationial market based in Londoni was subject to only limitedl self-regulation of secondar-y In 1989, Hong Kong reshaped its regulatory system in market operations Also, the issuance of EuLrobonids the aftermath of the stock market crasli andl disruptioIs denominated in currencies other thani the (lollar- was in the futuLes market by creatinig the Securities and often controlledl by the issuer's hiomije governilmelit. Future Conmmissioni (SFC) to replace the Securities Internationial borrowers could issue bonds in the US Colmimilissioll, the Commodlities Tradinig Comimlission domestic securities market or the tlollar Currency see- and tIle Office for the Comimiissionler for Securities andl tor of the Euriobonidl market WithouIt being subject to Comimlodlities Tradinig andc oversee the securities and such controls. futules maikets. The stock exchange andl futures exchiange weere also reconIstituted. The SFC's mission is to Germianv established its securities regulatory body. pronmote confilenice in the efficiency ancI fairness of the thie Federal Securities SUi)eIvisory Office (FSSO) only secuLities andl fuitures markets. support niarket develop- in January 1995. The FSSO has four maini responsibil- mient, especially in relation to capital formiation in Chinia. ities: moiitorinig traclinig and taking enforcemilenit ani) balance regulatory goals against the needt to aecom- actions to prevent unlawful insidler trading: fimoilitori ig modate fiurthier market developmnent andl innovation) disclosure of transactions involving significant share- holders of listed companies; developing rules of good The SFC is an in(lepeiic(ient agency with extensive conduct for market professionals: andl coordinating and authority to regulate the securities an(i fut tires markets. fostering international cooperatioln on securities regula- It has a clear manidate to foster the continluedl develop- tory matters. The FSSO presidenit is appointed by the ineint of the Hong Koinn market. It was established as an president of Germany in consultationi withi the land autonomI0ous statutoryv bodv outside the civil service andl minister: In 1990, the First Market Promotioni Law abol- is largely self-funded,' but is accountable to the gov- islied taxes oil stock exchange turnover, the bill of erinent and reports to the finanicial secretary. The exehanue tax ail(i broadened the investment scope of annial budget must be approvedl by the goverinor ancl Germani inivestmilenit funis. It also abolished approval presented beforle the legislative council. The governor procedtures for issuing domilestic bon(s, which, along appoints its ten directors and( may give policy direction with the eliminationi of the turilover tax, facilitatecd to the SFC. The Hloig Kong Stock Exchanige is a self- (levelopmenit of a market in D-mark commilercial paper. regulatoryv bodv undler the oversight of the SFC; it has Amendimienits to tlhe Stock Exchailge Law created the been (lelegated important regulatory responsibilities legal coiditions that permitted optioins all(I futures over its members, corporate issuers, antI tIle imiarket trading in Gerimiaty. All of these uleasures were initenld- operation. ed to improve the Gerni-ian capital maiket in anticipa- tioni of a nmore competitive Europeani aild global capital Singapore. The Monetar-y Autilority of Singapore marke t in the 1990s. Prior to the cr-eationi of the FSSO, (MAS) is responsible for (levelopinig and regulating there was no special govern-imeint agency in charge of secuLities markets. Before passage of the 1986 secuLities regulation, and thie federal governmlent had Securities Act, the regulatory model employed in veryv little supervison-y authority over the markets for Singapore was practitioner-base(d self-regulationi exer- corpirate securities. The supervision of the stock cised by the Stock Exchange of Singapore (SESi. exchanige was carried out by tile state securities C(om- although certain regulatory responsibilities are delegat- iiissioners. e(d to the stock exchanige andl SIMEX. With respect to futures trading, under the Securities Act, the Monetary East Asian Markets. Most East Asian countries have Authority has substantial powers amId effective contiol recently established commissions to regulate anic over the securities nmarkets and interiulediaries. The develop securities aici bond mlarkets. The Philippines SES supervises regulatoryv recluiremilenlts for iiprulential Securities anid Exchange Commission, established in standards. licensiig, tiailitenailce of books and 1936. is the oldiest securities comlmission in the region. records, financial repoiling, aninual audit, market sur- It was not until 40 years later that BAPEPAM (the veillance, insider tradiilg and mailipulation. Tile SES is Indonesia Capital Miarkets Supervisory Agency) was governed by a ninle-meniber committee under MAS 36 oversight. In addition, the Securities Indlustry, Council, issuers, cross-border investmenit flows, foreign participa- wlhose memiibers are appointed by the governmllenit, tion in the Koreani securities incdustry, and access to the serves as an adlvisoryv body to the Minister of Finance intemnational markets by Koreani issuers and securities an(l administers the Singapore code on takeovers and firms. The Korea Stock Exchange andl the Koreani mergers. The Registrar of Companies and Businesses SecuLities Dealers Association serve as sef-regulatoty administers prospectus requirements for public compa- bodies witlh respect to the operationi of the exchanige and nies, while the MAS regulates Asian dollar bond issues over-the-counter markets and their members. offered in Singapore. The Koreani finanice ministry exercises consiclerable Philippines. The Philippine Securities andl Exchange control over the SEC and SSB in administering the Commission was originiallv basedl on the US modlel. securities laws. Althcough the autlhority to implement However, the regulatory mocdel employe(d appears to be regulatory policies is delegatecd to the KSEC. it must based moore on merit regulation andcl self-regulation is immecliately report dlecisions to the MFE. whichi can not well developed in the Philippinies. A revised cancel or suspendc all, or a part of these decisions and, Philippines Securities Act was enacted in 1982, and in some instanees, may ordler the SEC to take actions. other major laws adniinistered by the SEC include the In acddition to the Securities ancd Exchange Law, the Corporation Code of 1980. the Investmiienit Companyv Commercial Code, the SecuLities Investment Trust Act of 1960, and the Finanicinig Company Act of 1969. Business Law, andl the Law oni Fostering the Market Presidential decree 902A established the SEC as a govern the regulation andl supervision of Korean secu- quasi-judicial bodv with authiority to investigate and rities markets andl participants.' prosecute fraud an(l other misconiduct. adjudicate cor- porate disputes, and interpret the laws it administers. Indoniesia. The Capital Market Supervisoryv Agency No domestic or foreign seCurities, other than exempt (BAPEPAM) was created in Indonesia in 1976 by the securities (i.e., goverlnmenit securities) may be offered Ministr; of FinanCe uLnder broad powers granited to the to the public without being registerecd with the SEC. In Ministry uLnder Law Number 15 of 1952, as amended in addition to acting as a securities regulator-y body. the 1990 andc 1991. Funldamiienital changes in the SEC also serves as a registrar of companies. It has Indolntiesiani regulatory system and capital market juLisdclition over all corporations. partnerships, and occurred xvith the implementationi of the 1990 Capital associations required to register witlh the SEC. While Market Decree. This decree changed the mission of the Philippine's SEC is the oldest in Asia, it has playecl BAPEPAM by tranisferrinig ownership and administra- only a marginal role in clevelopinig the capital market, tion of the Jakarta Stock Exchange fromii the governmiiielnt wlhiclh has been hampered by institutionial and economn- to the private sector an(l expandling BAPEPAM's regu- ic impedillmelnts. In recent years, the governmiiienit has latory responsibilities. Indoinesia now has two private taken steps to improve the economie underpinnings of stock exchaniges undler- the oversight of BAPEPAM. the capital market and the Asian Development Bank has provided technical assistance to strengtheni the SEC. UnItil 1990, BAPEPAM was responsible for the opera- tion of the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSE). The Surabaya Korea. The Korean Securities and Exchanige Stock Exchange was established under private owner- Commission (KSEC) and its executive body, the ship in 1988. Botll JSE andl Surabaya Stock Exchange Securities Supervisory Board (SSB) were established perform self-regulatory funcltionis under the supervision under the revised Securities Exchange Law in 1977. In of BAPEPAM. However, the Ministry of Finance, which Korea, the regulatory modlel employed traditionally has formulates capital markets policy. remains the ultimate been one of government administrationi and control regulator of the capital market. While BAPEPAM is not over the securities markets with self-regulatory bodies an independent agency, it has substantial responsibili- playing an importanit role in the regulatory process. The ty for carrying out the (lay-to-clay supervision of the KSEC andl the SSB are responsible for developing and market, issuers, and foi licensing underwriters, broker- regulating the Korean markets at the direetion of the dealers, andl investmenit maniagers. BAPEPAM has botl Ministry of Finance and Economy (MFE). The SEC chair- regulatory and investigative powers and can take legal man serves as the governor of the SSB. In adldition to reg- actions througlh the Ministry of Finance. Since the 1990 ulating the securities markets and related institutions, the reforms, there has been movemenit away from govern- MFE ancd the KSEC have traditionally exercised consid- mnent administration andl control over the market toward erable direct control over the market, securities firms, a system based more on disclosure principles and pru- 37 dlenitial standards for interimie(liaries. Furtiler movelmlenit in July 1992 by the Stock Exchange Executive in this (ir-ectioni is expected tlin(er a revise(d seculities Council' In Apr-il 1993, the National Electronici law expecte(i to he adopted in the near- future. Traclinig Systeni was launched by Chinia Securittes Tradinu Svstemii Corporation, which is ownie(d by the Thailandl. The 1992 Securities Exchange Act of 1992 Peoples Bank of Chiia, four othier large banks, thiee establishiedl the Thai Secur-ities and( Exchange seCnLittes mompanies. anli the Peoples Insurance Commission. In addition to regulatilng the seCurities Company. Wlilhe CSRC irle iakiig cai affect the oper- business, the SEC has a mandate "to formulate policies ation of STAQS and( NETS. it does not diireCtly regulate to promote and( develop, as well as to suL)ervise" secu- the two electronic trading systems wlhose trading is rities markets, issuers, and( relate(d entities.' Before largely conifined to dlebt instiunients. 12 Local regulatory 1992. the secuirities business was supervised by tile bodies liave also heen established hv municipal gox- Ministry of Finance, the Bank of Tlailanid. and(I the ernments in Shanghai aned Shenzlien.' Stock Exchange of Thailand( (SET). The act gave the SET greater independence to serve as a self-regulatoly Debt securities andl T-bond futures are traded on organization. As a result, the SEC does not regulate the Clilina's two stock exchanges. Prior to the establishment day-to-day operations of the stock exchange; its role is of tihe CSRC, Shanighai and Slienzien had separate to estahlish overall policy andc approve major stock legal fIramieworks goveriniig thei- securities imarkets. excliange regulations. Before the establishment of the Equity securities mu(lst be listed and( tradhed on the SEC. the securities business was suipervisedb he two Slianighai Securities Exclanige or the Slienizhele Stock governmient ministries andl the SEI. resulting in somae Exchange. As is comnion in the region. over-the- mnconststenc y ani( inefficiency in the enforcement of counter tra(ling in listed equities is not permitted. Both securities regulations.'' Thailanidl appears to be in tran- stock exchanges perforim self-regulatoryv functions over sition to a system that will rely plrimnarily on disclosure theirn members. Because Chiina's securities markets are and( jpru(lential standardIs acminlisteredl by tile SEC wilth relalivelv new. securities laiws and( relatecd legal fi-amile- substantial responsibilities foi day-to-dlay market works are still beinig diaftecld. In the absence of a supervision delegated to self-regulatory organizatiois. nationial securities law, administrative nieasures govern the operation of' the seCULrities markets.' Chinia. The China SeCurities Regulator-y Coimimiiissioni (CSRC) was created in October 1992 by the State Malaysia. The Malaysia Securities Coininiissioni was Cotunicil as an executive agency of thle State Counlcil established in March 1993. In atd(1itioni to the regiula- SecuLities Policy Coommittee 1SCSPC). tJnder the dlirec- tioii of the securities businIess, the securities coinmis- tioIn of the SCSPC. the CSRC adiniliisters and supervis- sioIn will have responsibility foir the administr-ation of es the securities mar-kets aid industry, and( folrmlulates thle FutuLes IndLustry Act of 1993 once futures tradilng regulatioins. The Peoples Batik of Chilia (PBC) super- begins in Malaysia. The-e are twvo maini regulatorv visedl Clhina's secuL-ities markets before 1992. The agencies in the finanlcial system-Bank Negara (the CSRC is responsible for regulatinig and( monitorinig central bank) andl the Securities Commiilissiol. Prior to equity andI bond niarkets. The PBC is in charge of the creation of the Securities Commission. there were liceisilig secuLr-ities companies andl mutual fuLics. In six governmental bodies inivolved in capital miarket Chinia. miiost securities com0impallies are operated ibv supIeIvision. ' Two private bodies-the Kuala lJumIupIur banks. The State Planniniig Conmmission (SPC) also Stock Exchanige and the Rating Agency of' Malaysia plays an important role it policy coordination. issuilng (prixate bonds iiittst receive a ratiiig before beint an aninual sectIrities plan in cottjunction with the issued)-are also involve(d in the regulatory process. SCSPC. Finally. the Securities Association( of China-- which inclutdes secUrities firms. trtist and( itivestimnerit Malaysian corporate bolld issIles eCiiLe approxal froum compatnies andl the Shanghai an( Sheizhiemi stock Batik Negara anidl the Securities Comniission. Bank exchanges-serves as a self-regulatory bode. Negara supervises anti regulates the banking systeiii, including the monev markets. The Sectiities In adlditioni to thie two stock exchanges that were Commrtlissioni is responsible for regtilatinig andl cievelop- approved by the State Council to operate on an experi- itig the sectirities indtistry anl markets (lerivatives. mental basis, two cotmputerized electronic over-the- unit ain(i property trust and takeovers. It is a self-fund- counter mal-kets trade bontds. The Secutities Tradinig edi statutory bodl with regulatory, investigative, anid Automated Quotationi System (STAQS) was established enforcemiiemit powers. The commissionl has establishie(d a 38 Securities Industry Development Center to edticate the anci foul associate comimillissioners, all full-time, wio decide investing public. directors, andl shareholders: plromnote regulatory matters oni the basis of majority votes. The chair- professionalismi in research, fuLid maniagemienit. stock- mani ser-ves a, the chief executive officer of the cominussioln broking and the unlderwiting busines,s: anil proniote train- and each of the four associate commnissioners has certain ing programs for regulators in Malaysia avid otiler Asian line responsibilities for managemilenit. The Philippine coiI1- countries. Atho gh merit reguilation is still practiced in mission's market developmenit role does not appear to be as Malaysia, a major goal of the Securities Commission is to strong as in Korea. Thailaid, or Malaysia.I move toward disclosure-based sectuities offerings. As an exeCutive agency create(i by the State Counicil. Governance of Securities Commissions Chinia's CSRC adminiisters and snpervises the securi- Sectirles onmmission governan eI which influenices ties markets under the directorship and supervisioni of the cjtiality of regulationl has varied ac-oss East Asia. the SCSPC. The CSRC is comiposed of a chairmani, two Asian securities regulators have not been as indepen- vice chairman, a secretary general, andl several c'oIml- lent as those in inuoe clevelopedl countries suich as the missioners. " The CSRC acts as an executive ageney for ULnitecd States and( the Ulited Kinglom. Most East the SCSPC. whieh is coomprised of the hieads of 14 min- Asian regulatory bodies play importanit roles in formu- istries andci comimnissions including the ministry of lating stiategy for the developlnent of seCurities mar- Finance, the State Planining Commission, the Ministry kets and i-elatedl institutiols. Goverinimlenit representa- of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation ancl the tion by the minlistry of finance. central bank, and othier State Commissioni for RestruCtul-ilIg the Economic nmil istijes involvedl in finaniial sector developimelit. ystem. The SCSPC is responsible for broad policy for- law, and regulatioll can improve coordination amonig mtilationi with respect to the seenrities markets, andc the policy niakers andl help assuLe that securities markets CSRS for market supervision. There is an interlocking get the attenitioi thiey eqtuire in the early stages of iar- arranigemilenit between the governinig bodies of tile ket developnient. Only in tIle Philippines are goveril- SCSPC and the CSRC. with tile CSRC clhair-man ser-ving mileilt minlistr-ies not representei oil tile goveriliilg board as first deputy clirector of the SCSC. of the semurities regulatory bociv Indonesia's BAPEPAM is not an independent agency The Korean SEC lias ninie commnissioners-six but fullCtionis more as an adjunct to the Ministry of appoinitecl by tile president oil the recomicilletidationi of Finanice. and its chlairimiani reports directly to the minis- the iiiimister of finance and econonv aidi tlthiee ex-offi- ter. Wlile BAPEPAM can make policy reconillenida- cio comminssioners-the goverilori of the Bank of Korea, tions, the miniistry is the ultimate regulator of tile capi- the clairiman of the Korea Stock Exchange and the vice tal market andl is responsible for policy formulatioml for iinister of finance. Tlihee of the appointed conlins- time capital market. BAPEPAM does not have an indle- sioners. iCIcltIdillg the chairimiani. are fuill-tlime stanlding penldlenit governiiig body. comimlissioniers and three serve on a part-timie basis. The governing body ol thie Thai SEC is composed of six Otle of the important factors in establishing the inide- ex-officio memibers-the minister of filanice, whio peildleilce of the SECs is tile degree of financial inde- serves as cllairil,ial the governior of the ceitiral bank. pendence. The Thai and Malaysian securities coimmis- tile perimanelt secretaries of the Ministries of Finance sionls are self-funideci (i.e., transactioni fees on securi- aind Commnerce. aii(i lthe general secretary of the office ties). As a result. they hiave beeil able tc operate more of tile SEC-and fouL to six inenibers appoiiltedi by tile like plrivate institutionis anci hiave beeii able to attract cabilnet on time recommeilniation of the Millistel of and retain ligllly qualified staff. Consequenitly, the Finaice. Only the general secretary is a full-tinie post.IT staff has provided leadersilip in introduciiig necessary reforilis to foster development of their financial mar- The Malaysian Securities Coiimissioii lias an execu- kets. This is a modlel wilich shotild be of iiiterest to tive clairillan, four plublic menibers andl four private- other SECs in the region. sector nieilibers, all appoinlted for three-vear terils. The piublic sector memibers represeilt the MiniLtry of Role of Self-Regulation Fiilaill'e, Bank Negara. Ministry of Primilar-y Industries Developed Markets. In imost industrial COUnltrV aind the Economiic Planililg Ulilit. The private-sector securities markets, iicludilig the Unitecd States. tlilited memiibers are comprlised of two lawyers, one accounltant Kiimgdo i, and Japan, iiuc h of the dlay-to-day regulatioll and one bankem: The Philippine SEC has a llairmiian of the markets is conducted by self-reguIlatory organiza- 39 tions, such as stock exchanges and clearing organiza- regulation. One of the important basic tasks for coun- tions. un(ler the oversight of a government regulatory tries with new and emerging securities markets is to body. US stock exchanges were already regulating their levelop more fully the potential of stock exchanges and members when the SEC was created. Indeed. it is not other private-sector organizations to serve as self-regu- possible to operate an organized seCurities market with- lators. While this recluires the delegationi of responsi- out agreed rules, an(l it is in the inter-est of market prac- bilities to market practitioners to act as front line regu- titioniers to insure that rules of condclut are obeyed so lators. it also calls for strong government oversight. thiat securl-ities transactions are conducted in a fair ancl honest manner. With the passage of the Securities and Thailand, Korea, and( Malavsia rely largely on delega- Exchanige Act of 1934. imluch of the responsibility for tion of authority for market supervision as a pail of self- regulating thie US securities markets was left to the regulation. Indonesia's BAPEPAM permits the two stock exchanges and other self-regulator-y organiza- stock exchaniges iow in private liad(s to regulate them- tions. subject to strong oversiglht in the SEC. IS self- selves. Tlhe Philippines is an exception, but tlhis appar- regulatiig organizations are requiredI to register with ent weakness in its regulatoryv mechanisim may' be cor- the SEC and obtain approval of theil rules. In general. rected with the recent establishment of a new unlifie d stock exchanges are responsible for market surveil- stock exchar'xe. China's Securities Industry lance, the day-to-day supelVisioll of their members, andl Association, in which all securities firms and the two rulte enforcement with respect to their members. Every stock exchanges are members, functioins as a self-regu- broker-dealer registeredI with the SEC must join a self - latoryv body. Chiiia's securities markets andl regulatoryv regulatory organization. Self-regulation also plays an bodies are relatively new and effort is still needed to important role in the United Kingdom and( Japan, and build the infrastructure necessary to support theni. antyone con(Luctilig securities or investimienit i)usiness in Given China's size and its potential for a large andl diverse Britain must belong to a self-regulatory organization, or securities market with a wide range of financial instru- be regulated directly by the SIB. menIs. it could benefit greatly from a svstem of self-regu- latio\n to sup)plemnent government regulatory oversight. Self-regulatorv organizations in both developed an(l emeiginig securities markets can play an important r¢ole Enforcement of Securities Regulations in arbitratiig and resolving (isp)utes among iiaket par- Enfurcement of securities regilations is essential to ticiparnts. Arbitration, which is a contract lal. non-jtidi- protect investors and preserve the integrity fairness, cial method of resolving disputes, is usemI extensively and efficiency of the securities markets. If, for example, by US organizations. and(l can be a fair andl efficient a coun1try does not have the legal and accounting infra- means of resolving disputes andl avoiding the costs of structure for a disclosure-based systemil at the early litigation, which is pervasive in countries with complex stage of market development. this should be recognized legal systems such as the United States. US arbitration at the outset. While the economic benefits of allocative proceedinigs are adinillistiated( by the self-regtilatory efficiency can best i)e achieved through a clisclosure- organizations themselves and, while the SEC oversees based system that relies on market discipline to deter- tile process. it cannot intervene on behalf of or directly mine the merits of seculities offerilgs, such a system represent in(lividual investors, or vacate or mo(lify' an cannot be reliedl upon without the traine(d accountants, arbitration decision. The grounds for judicial review of lawvers, an( analysts essential to the proper functioln- arbitration decisions are quite limited.2' ing of the market. The development of infrastrtucture necessary to make a disclosure-based system effective In emerging securities mima-kets. arbitration offers shoulil be given high priority The short termi objectives pro(mise as a vehicle for enhancing investo)r confideice, such as listing standards caan be reliecd upon to control This would especially appear to be the case in countries time quality of publicly tracded issues. where the court system is n ot well developed, or where judges may' not be well trainiedl in securities law. This is Developed Countries. The enforceement mechanism not uncommon. In miost couLntries in the region, the is the most highly developed in the United States, securities laws are relatively' new, or have been sub- wlhose legal infrastructure has evolved over many stantially modified in recent years. decades. The principal areas in which enforcement actions have been institute(i include insi(ler tradinig; East Asian Countries. Each of the eight East Asian mmiai'ket manipulation; violations in connection with markets covere(i in this studIy has somiie dlegree of self- securities offerings; violations in connection with 40 chaniges in corporate control; and financial tlisclosiire of the issuer or a particular security The regulations ancd reporting. Enforcement actionis initiatedl by the contain cletaile(l disclosure req1uirements. and a gener- SEC generally are preceded by an examination pur- al reciriiemilent that the materials used in conniection suanit to the commission's inspection powers. or by an with an offering not contain any material misstatements investigationi. The SEC is authiorizedl to file injunctive or omissions. Under tthis full-disclosure approach. indi- actions in federal court andl proceed adminiistratively vidUal investors, rather thani regulators, have responsi- against regulate(l entities and certain other persons andl bility for evaluating the merits of an investmilenit As a entities. It is authorized, among othier things, to seek practical matter, however; instittitions andc i ndividual fines anti disgorgement of ill-gotten gains. The staff mav investors often dlepeticl on private analysts. ratinig agen- also provide substanitial assistance to criminal authori- cies. brokers, investment a(ivisors. or other securities ties for criminial prosecution of securities violations, professionals to evaluate the available informatioll International cooperation has becomne important with the about an issuer or the securities being offered. Without increased volume of eross-bor(der sec urities transactionls. acdequate accounting. auditing, antI financial reporting. it is not possible for the seCurities markets to properlk East Asiaii Markets. East Asian markets have grown value a comipany. Investors can be misle(d and ftinds rapidly without strict enforcemenit ancd there have been misallocated in the eColIomII. SeCuritie. issuers are some major securities fraudc cases in Countries such as required to incorporate financial informationi in their the Philippines. and Thailaid. Howevei; East Asian registration statements, periodic reports. anti other doc- countries have made notable progress in improving uments filedl with the SEC andl madle available to the enforcement in recent years. Thailand's enforcemient publir. Greater emphiasis is nioW being placed on the mechanism improved dramatically with the establish- adlequiacy of accounting and disclosure stanclaids in inent of the SEC in 1992. Before the adoption of the both industrial ani( emerginig securities markets as dis- SEC Act, investigation into unfair practices in the stock c lostire-based svsteiis replace goverinimlenit control over market was condluctecl bv the Stock Exchange (if the issuance of securities. Thailandl. but proce(lures for enforcemeiit could be pro- tracted, involving persoinnel fromn the SET. Bank of Merit regtilation is More comlimionl ill East Asia niarkets Thailand and Ministry of Finance. Enforcement respoll- thani in more developed markets. Even the Unitedl sibilities are nCow clearly within the domaini of the Thai States, however, has merit regulationi under the secuLi- SEC.2 In Malaysia. the SEC has important investiga- ties laws of certain states.22 Several of Asia's emeigilig tive and enforcement powers andl serves as the focal miarkets are now in tranisitioni fromi a system of mer-it point for seCurities market enforcemeiit while the pros- regulation to one based primarily on the principle of ecutio)n of cases is referred to the Justice Ministry. In full andl fair disclosure. The Securities Commissioni of the Philippines. the SEC has direct enforcemilenit pow- Malaysia, for example, has set a major goal of evolving ers. ancl in some instances, it mav even act as a quasi- fiom merit regulation to disclosure-base(d regulation. '' judlicial agency. Ill Indonesia. althiough BAPEPAM has investigative powers, it cani take legal action only Withi the establishment of new secCUrities comimissioins through the Ministr-v of Finanice. Honig Kong has also in the region, disclosure standards are improving withi improved its enforcement capability, greater emphiasis now being placed on the qualitv of inforiimationi disclosed to investors. Thailanid's SEC REG[-LATION OF SECUIRITIES MARKETS, Act ha(d a major impact by increasing the emphasis on PRIVA'I'E ISSUERS. AND HINTERMEDIARIES disclosure standards in the public offering of securities. It also liberalized the requiremiienits for public bonid Private Issuers of Securities offerings. Prior to the passage of the SEC Act. compa- DisclosuL-e ancI accounting standards that enable nies not listed on the SET were niot permittedc to issue investors to make informed judgimienits about the pur- bonds in the public niarket. In a public offerilig, the chase arid sale of niew issues of securities are an impor- issuer mIust satisfy the SEC that the issuer has experi- tant element of seeurities market regulation. Efficient enme in the b-Rusiness ancl that the biusiness is finanicial- operation of seconclary markets also depends on a con- ly viable. The issuer muIst file with the SEC for permission tinuous flow of information about companies whiose to issue the bond. The issuing process takes about 60 (lavs. securities are being tracded. The US securities regula- Boncds may also be offered privately if sold to no more tions, the most advanced in this regard. generally focus thani 35 investors (thotigh the number may exceed 35 if oni tihe diselosur-e of inforimiation rathier thani the merits one or more of the investors are amnong 1 institutionls 41 specified by the SEC). In Thailand. a private placeriment Ic offerings As in most countries, goverinimlent securi- recqilres SEC permission, lbut the issuing process takes ties are exempt securities and( are not required to be olily aboutit two weeks. For an unsecured clde)eientiure. per- registerecd withl the SEC. mission to issue is automatic once the bond is regis- tered with the SEC and( regulations for selling andc Issuance requil-emiienits for public securities offerinigs in transferring the issue are complied with. For a securedl Ind(lonesia are not covered undier Indclonesiani Law. andl subordinated dlebenture. permllission is automatic if tlioughi the recluiremilenits for offering securities are like- the SEC d(oes not object within seven business days. Iv to be set forthi in a revisedl securities law. The basic clefinitioni of a pul)blic offerinlg is contained in a 1990 In Korea. thle issuanee of bondcs is limited to listecd c'oill- minlisterial decree, andl BAPEPAM is responsible for vianies or1 companies registered witb the Sec urities andl cletermininig the conditions and procedures for public Exc hanige Commission, and( a comipaniv that is not list- offeriligs, specification of dliselosure stanclards, and for eci on the stock exchange inMust register with the SEC cletermininiig the effectiveness of registiatiol state- before it can issue bonds. To issue bonds, a company nients. BAPEPAM can require that certain stanclar(ls be must mneet registration and( disclosure requirements miet for debt securities, inclUding guarantees or collat- administered by the SEC. The issuing company must eral. or recluire that the leverage ratio of an issuel not file a registration statemeit or a slhelf registration, along exceed a certaini level. It is anticipated that these witI otiher documents such as the guarantee contract fo;r recluilemiienits will change onice a rating agency beconies the payimienit of principal andc interest and( a copy of the operational. The regulations appear to cover only listed undervritinig agreemnent.2 The lead nianager mtist sub- issues andl lirivate placements are not clearly dlefinecl. muit an underwriting plan to the SEC and( the Koreai Tlis iav be a problem for- siort-terimi commercial paper Securities Dealers Association, wsho are authorize)] to that is considered a moiiev-miarket instrunment covered recoinidieicl that the leadl maniager chanige the voIluIe by banking reguilationis andl there is a need to cleveloii ancl time schedule for the public offering if necessary to a dlefinitioni of plivate placements that includles the con- protect investors. After the registration becomes effec- cept of an accredited institutional investor. The new tiveh the issuinig corporation eniter into a contract 'I'hai secuirities law, the Malavsian Companies Act, or with a tranisfer agent for the publication anc i istrilbul- the US concept of a private placement or an offering tionI of bond certificates. Also. copies of the registration undler Rule 144a27 could serve as a basis for defining statetiienit and( prospectus miust be available to the pub- private placements. lic before receivinig applications for subsc riptions from investors. A performance report-available to the pub- Bondl issues in China must be approved iiy the lie-1mIst be filedl with the SEC Once sulbs(cription paV- Securities Administration Department of the State memlts are compileteclr2' Couneil. Wlile bonds offered to public investors muIst lie listed, Cul-renit regulations are unclear on where thiey In the Philippiiies, disclosure reciuir-eminetils are should be listel. The Company Law sets forth basic dis- administrated by the SEC throughL thie registration closure provisions for infoi-rimationi memoranlda that pl'(l(.t Howeveil ther-e is an elemeit cif adichniistration accompainy bond issues. dlocumeiits that must be pro- and( control over the issuance process, anli private vile(d to the State Council to obtain approval, andl the issuers miust disclose information tci inivestor-s coincern- foirm and( content of' bond certificates. Issuers are ing the business history of the companiyX the cqualifica- re(UireCd to mainitain a registrar of bondl hclders. tionS of directors, alonig with auditedl finanicial state- Chlilia's Company Law also containis provisions estab- ments andcl independent valuations of' assets. Issuers lishilmig criteria such aS company asset size. earnings muist also file sworn statements with regarld tco inforiiia- history, and( use of proceeds from the offerinig that must tioni requireil to be disclosecd undcle the SeCurities Act he met in issuing bonids.28 Three types of companies and the riules and regulations of the SEC. Corporate are authorizecl to issue bonds: a companies limited by bonidis are not listedI or tracleci cII tlie Philippines Stock shiares: companies with limitedl lialiility with at least Exchange(PSE), but bond tradin'g is planned. The PSE two sharehciledrs that are state-owneil entities, and is in thie process of developing listing standards, whiehi coimpanies wholly ownedl by the state. Listed ecompanies must lie appicovecl lby tle SEC.2' For the future, it woulcl must issue financial amid accounting reports evelry six appear appropriate to rely uponI a comblination of SEC monithis aill prepare financial reports at tile end of eacih disclosure stand(lardIs aiicl PSE bond listing reqUire- fiscal year that are examined aii verifiedl." Under -eg- iieiits as hie criteria fou dleteriniiing eligibilitv for pLib- ulations adminiisterecd by the CSRC. listecl companies 42 Imlust provide it andl the stock exehange i nierila reiorts market surveillance is a responsibility of the stork withilin 60 clays of the endl of' the first six imonitlhs of eachi exchange with oversilght by the SEC. In Korea. the fiscal year and auditedl aninual relports withiin 120 days Korean Stock Exchanige is responiible for the clay-to- of the end of the fiscal vear. day supervision of tile market for listed securities, wlile the Korean Secturities Dealer Association functions as Chlina offers an iiterestiig example of the diverse iimti- tile self-reaulatorv authority for ithe over-the-counter tutiotis that can be iinvolvetl ill regulatilng aili supervis- Imlarket. In Indonesia, the two stock exchianiges are ing the issuance of bonds. For bonds issued by financial responsible for sutpervisin'g listing ancl trading retluire- instituLtionis aull investimjenit fundis. the Peoples' Batik of mnents: tIlhy caan take action against a melll)er or tile Cllina is in char-ge of inspectionii and approval, while thle tradin'g staff. In China, the PBC has a role ill tile owII- State Planninig Commission hias resplonsibility for bolnds erslil) (i.e., the NETS trading systen), operatioll, aili of'feredl by state investimlelit colmipanies. Bothi agencies regulation of secondarv market trading facilities. must inspect anlt apipirove cential enterprise (i.e., cor- porate) bon(is. Regionial enltei)rise (corporate) bonIds Regulation of Securities Firms andl bondIs issueld by regional investment coillp)anies A numbllber of inter-inledialies anld market pnrofessionals must obtaini approval by provincial or municipal gov- are essential to tile operation of a securities market. ernmeilt wherezeas the Finanice Ministir is in charge of These include broker.. dealcrs, andl undeler-writers of tile issuaance of state treasury bolds. seCur-ities. The functions of a broken: dealer: Or under- writer mnay be prelformed by specialized securities Secondary Market Regulation firriis. investment banks, or diversified financial firmsil Secondary market tradinig plays a very important r-ole in -SuCh as uniVersal banks oi inerchant banks-offer- tIle capital mobilization process. Whiile bolnds are nor- ilg vitie arrays of financial protliicts to investors anti mally listed oil tile stock exihange. traldiig nioiurl-lv issuers.o iiue coiulltrieS Iel-CIlit sevUrities firins anlt OC'Urs in the over-the-counter mar-ket bec-ause of tile uiiv ersal banks to ciomlpete in providing c-api tal mar-ket unliqtue features of bonds. tnlike sto(ks. 1)o01dl buyers services. Comnpetition in tile finanlcial sector can coll- are initereste(i in several variables (yield. price, ratilng) tribute to market efficiencty andl foster tile cievelopjment which have to be factored in tile trade. Standard liUO- of a wicle array of' finallnial ilistrulileits for issuers anti tatiotis are just tile beginilnig of' tile trade. Furthermore, investors. Some e oUItl-ies in East Asia restrict tile type tile volulile involved in bond tradilng generally teiltis to be of entities that canl perforim inivestiileiit bankilg ser- miuch la'rger aiili institUtional in nature. An efficient see- vices, SUchi as uLitlelrwrl-itilig. ol recluire differ-ent liceens- ondary miarket enables investors to trade seciuities after es for brokers anti dealers in securities evenl if the Same n inlitial offerini tg the piublic Tile availability of liquid- enitity ix perf'Orinin, each functio liels reqUile the ity is extremtiely ituportatit for developmenlt of tile boilld Sepalrationl of tile finictionis of brokers atiI dlealers, whicli market. Secondaryv miarket traling, if ColIclted ii aInl effi- mayi imlpecle the developiillent of the dlealerl flinctioil. cienlt anti tranlslparentL nlalnlei: allows securities to ile priced1 by mar-ket supply arIc (leiliaitiI f orces. Market SUIr- In regtilati ig securities firms, it is essential to tlevise veiiicane is niloi-ially tile fiont-lille respoonsibility of tihe registiation, entrv anti financial reponsibifiLv staii- stock excihalnge as a self-regulatory orgallizatioln with tile clardn anidi' reportinlg reclutirelleilts. It is also iiiiitor-talit SeCulities COIIlliiiiSSions ac-ilg inl an Ovelsight capacity to 11111itor the final' iaal eoiltliti on of se' irities firi-iis andI insplert antic examille firills to enisUle tomiipliallce East Asian Markets. In Malaysia. secontlary niarket with capital aili oItiler regt_lattlrx retluireilents. The su pelvisoiOil is carnieti out biv the Sec'urities Ctcr ill ission tyle of )usi ile5s ( Ll(' tell has a ciiret t inipact Oil tile ai(l the Kuala Lumpur StoCk Exchange as a self-regu- lexvel of risk assulletd by firmis tieliveriilg Services to the latory or"anizatiol. 'file st ock excihange lisa( on-going m nioley anlid capital miarkets anId raises inipoultalt issues respolnsibility as tile frollt-lilil regrulator witli oversigiit withi respect to tile i)rotectioil of investors. Customilers of bV tile securities tolilliiissiorl. The Mar ket S;upelrvisioll securities firmns, banks. aili otlier- iiarket professionlals Divisilon of the Sec-Lii ties tOinilliSi I ss oli coduct s uir- nilit be plotectedtfi o(i1 fraudi o otile ril,IwOontlu't o.i ii veillance a ncl coinliaice. It illoIiitto's tratinig to tlete t the evenlt of a fi rnii s lnsolvenlt' iltiusual lprice ai1(1 volii lle mloveimen ts. riiaarkel mnan ii)n- lation, or i nsicier trati1g. It Ilalso lti cu I:s investi gatiols In Korea, seC u ities firin registe'ed wviti ttile Fiilance and(1 eO lel( ts evidelice to SIi l0-t i 1 prosoe utitlicms for seCl u- Miiilstry are tile plrin ipal il terilel (liai es in the private rities law violations. Likewise, il Thailald, secoilldary 1bondl ilarket. ating as unlderwriters, brokers, antid deal- 43 ers in corporate bonds untler the Securi-ities andI companies perforn the function of brokeil dealer and Exchliange Act. Sec ulities finrnis are supervised by the underwriter: Foreign securities firim participationi in the SEC and the SSB. and( by the KSE. andf Korea Securities securities business is restricted by a requiremenit that Dealers Association (KSDA) as self-reguilatory, bodies more than 50l percent of paid-in capital be owlned by a utider the oversight of the SEC. The SEC andl the SSB Koreani indlividual or corporation. In China, all finatn- are responsible for regulatinig securities fiimls, nitolitor- cial institutions, includinig securities companies, are ing their finanicial condition, and condlucting on-site licensed by the PBC. The CSRC has on-going regulato- inspections. Commercial banik participatin(ri in ilte 1bo11d rV responsibilities for the activities of securities firms, market is limiled undcle the General Bankinig Act aiicl whille the principal self-regulatory body over secul-ities re"gulations issue(l by the Monietary Board andl the Bank firms is Chilia's Securities Indlustry Association. of Korea. Commercial and development banks may par- ticilpate in the primary goverilmenlit b)od niiar-ket as REGULATLfION OF GOVERNMIENT SEClRI- memlibers of the Government Bond Und(erwr-itinig TIES AND INTERMEDIARIES Syndlicate, and in the secondary niarket for corporate bonds for their ownI andl their c ustomters' accounts With- Government securities are norimially exempt from regis- in prescr-ilied limits tratiotn andl disClosure recluireniielits with the securities regLlatol-y body. The secontlary market fo- goveineiit In the Philippinies. broker-dealers in sec urities must be securities and issuing procedlures in the primaay niiarket reuistered with the SEC andl meet capital and( finanicial are norimially the responsibility of the cential bank, or resJ)unisibility requtiremilents. Broker-dealers that are similar instittition. Intermediaries in governmienit secu- also members of the Philippines Stock Exchange are rities mayv be regulaled by the central bank or securities subjeect to regulatory oversight by the stoc k exchange. A commission tlependCliiig onl the type of institutioni that 5Securities Investors Protection Fund protects public acts as brokers or clealers in goverinimienit securities. investors in the event of the insolvenicy of a broker-deal- Comimercial banks, deposit-taking companies anti simi- eQ` In addlitioni to broker-dealers, uliversal banks andl lar institutions are normally regulated by the govelrnmlenit investimienit houses provide capital niarket services to authiority responsible for the regtilation of banks and private issuers andl investors in securities. The uinder- finallncial institutionis, while securities firnis or invest- wvritilig activities of commercial banks may lbe carried inenit banks acting as intecirierhiaries ill govermi-enit secu- out in-house lby setting up a department witlilil the bank, rities are regulatedl by the securities regulatory body. or by establishing a separate subsidiary. In adcditioni to uLICerwrVitiing activities, universal blianks may promote Government Securities Dealers anid imnagiaoe imutual fuLiis. Brokers play a role in dlis- Developedl Couitries. Supervision of most major tributing securities as nienibers of uid(le-writirig svnidi- firmirs involved in the secondcary market for government cates. Most dlealers in governmnent securities are corn- securities in the United States is part of the overall mercial blianks As such. they are regulatted by the cen- supervision of these entities. One of the federal bank- tral bank. Broker-dealers registered with the SEC may ing supervisors-usually the Comptroller of the also participate in the governmenit securities market. CuLrrencly-snpervises blianks involvedl in the market. which includes a numiiiber of primiiary dealers. The main Indonesian financial inlstitutionls ar regulated bv the focus of this supervision is to ensure these bliaks' Finance Ministry, except for licensed banks., whicl are finanCial soundWess. Securities firml1s involved in the regulated by tile central bank. The miniistry has dele- market fall undler- thle jurisdiction of the SEC. This gated BAPEPAM thie power to issue licenses for under- supeIvisioll focuses on financial soundiness andl CelS- writers, broker-dealers, andc investimienit maiagers in tonier protectiont although it does not extend to silb- securities. These entities a-e also subject to supervision sicliaries of registered broker-dealers. which in many by the stock exchaniges. In Korea. Thailand, Malaysia. cases are unsupervised. and C iiza, securities lirms are subject to prudential standadcis and other regulationis imposed by regulatory Prior to 1986, US blianks engaged in goverinimienit secuiri- bodies and self-regulation by the stock exchaige or, in ties transactions were suLIject to regulation biy the t[ie case of Korea, tie exchanige and( the Korean apiliropriate bank regulatory authiority. Brokers and Securities Dealers Associationi. In Korea, only a coin- clealers registered withi the U.S. SEC (that may also pany that has obtainied a licenise fromil the Ministry of hiave engage(d in tlhe governnienit securities businiess) Finaice can operate as a seculrities coipanv. Securities Were subject to its supervision. However; firms that 44 weere not financial institutions and conducted a blisi- of custolmers' govelilitelit securities ield by (lealers on ness solely in goverinmenit securities andc otlier exempt behalf of their customers were not adeqIuate. Finally .ecurities (other than mlun1icipal securities) were large- thiere were inacdecquate c hecks andl balances huilt into Iy uniegulated at the federal level because they were the systems to reduce the potential risk exposure to not required to register witli any regulatory agency as a customers. result of their activities. Subsequent to the pabsage of the Governimienit Securities Act of 1986 (GSA), it The mar-ket for government securities in the Uiiited became necessaryv for previously ulnregistered brokers Kingdoni centers around Gilt-Edged Market Makers and dealers in government securities to he register-ed tGEMMs). firms approved by the Bank of England. withI an appropriate regulatoyv bo(dv.i' The GSA gave which also acts as the supelvisory agency and( antlio- autilolity to tile US Secretary of the TreasuIV to proni0ui- rizes and sufIeivises two special types of institutions gate riules and regulationis concerning financial respon- tile inter-dealer-broker and( stock exchanige Ilioey Iro- silility, protection of investors securities andl funids kets wlo transact business with tic GEMMs. Other par- record keeping, reporting aii(l au(citing of government ticipants in the gilts market fall un(ler general invest- securities blrokers anci dealers. 2 Foirmierliv unregulatedc ment regulations, anci Must le authorized bv tile government securities dealers were required to CoMll)lV Seculities and( Investiment Boadcl andl join a self-regula- with capital requilemiienits and othier- regulatorv safe- tory organization. This cloeb not apply tEl firmis operatilIg guardls fo- the first time. However: I'irmiis involved in the off-shore, but covers foreigin firms operating in the miarket bitt brokeriilg or dealing may be exempt country. It also dcoeS not apply to investols in gilts and fromi superVision. Firms operating in governlinent se(cu- other securities. rities outsi(le the Loiteci Stales are also not covered by the super-visory regime." Firms Operating in the market foir treasuries fall under the nioneyv-inaket supervision systei. Firms c onducting Pucblication of qluote, price and trade iilfori-iatioii ha(d wholesale transaction,s in the sterlinig iioiiey mar-ket or in heell incomplete unitil recently but the Federal Reserve tile foreigin exchange or bullionii markets must le listedl by Bank of New York has developed a better niarket sur- the Bank of Englanicimier its wholesale mar-ket supervi- veillanice system in the last two vears that uses eCo- siOI systemi. This listing exteindIs a systeni of chiecks on1 norinic price data to detect aronilalies that may be asso- firmii maniagemiienit. reputatiol, and financial positiols. ciated withi marklet matipulation. USL autlhorities recent- Firms coiMiucting nion-wliolesale moniev-milar-ket transac- ly received authiorizatioli to request reports of large tiOIIS fall uldiler the general secuLrities regulation1/sul)elrvi- position in securities where pricing anomnalies exist. siolo of the SIB andc its self-regulatory organization . The US offers examples of' problenis that can arise in The UK authol-ities moniitor market pailicipanlts intien- the supervisioil (If governiient securities intelille(li- sivelN. GEMMs submlit daily electroniic reports of tieilr aries. In the US, the failure of several unreaulatecd cov- positioll in each gilt issue to thie Bank of England. For ernilleilt securities (lealers between 1975 and 1985 mloney market firitis, the Bank requilires fortnightly caused a nuiLiber- of savings ancl loan institutions. reports on rikk exposures and c apital positiOlns except munticipalities, and school boards to inLur sizable finali- for pure brokers. which submlit itloitlily reports. The cial losses." It is estimate(d that between 1982 and Bank caan also spot (heck firmns to enistIre continuous 1986. ilvestolrs lost $900 millioll due toI the failures of conllpliance with its capital requiremients. UK securities unr1egulate(d government seCurities clealers. The loisses firms also are subjec t to detailedl investor protection resultecd prinlarily from repurchase agreemenit (REPO) rules. Most sec urities firlIs, including GEMMs. are transactionis with the failed goveriniulenit securities (leal- subjeCt to tIle rates of the Securities and Future ers5. In the US, all of the firms tilat faile(d were outside Authority, a self-regtLlat(Iirv (Orgailization uiider SIB. the federal regulatory StruLcture which led to the passage Wholesale mioniey-milar-ket firms are subject to a lighter of the Goveirnilenit Securities Act of 1986 ' regulatory svsteml under the Bank of England. There appears to be at least thiee factors inivolve(d in Japanese banks andl securities firms acting as rmarket the US experience in the early 1980s. First, there was makers for goverilillent bonds must receive permission a lack of regulatoryv supervisioni for an importanlt seg- to operate from the linalnce Ministr,. whicih examines meilt of the secondlary market 'll governlmllelit securities thieir- capital levels and( management before grantilig in both inistances. Second, safeguards for tile protectilil licenses: it also authorizes brokers in thie markets. 45 Tradling in governimlent securities can take place eithler safekeeping receipt, andl this exposes investors to sub- OTC or on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, where all domes- stantial risks. This exposure will be dramatically tic bonds, including governimienit securities other thanl redticed with the planned implenientation of filly-auto- shiort-terii bills, are tradedl" matedc book-entry clearanc.e and settlemilenit of all pri- vate anti government securities. Most dealers andl brokers in securities markets in Germany are banks. In contrast to the United States REGULATION OF INVESTMENT COMPANIES anic Japan. there is no legal dlistinctioni in Germaniy between securnities firms and commercial banks Banks An investimienit company (referred to as Ulnit triusts in are licenised antd supervise(d by the Federal Banking malny countries) is essentially an organization that is SUipervisory Office. Some brokers, however, lall outsidle primiarily engaged in inivesting in] securities. It offers this supervisory systerm and are licensed and super- investors diversification of -isk arid professional invest- vised by one of the eight regionial stock exchianges. The ment managemient. There are several types of invest- implemilenitationi of a newv reglime with a fedleral securi- menit companies, the most comimil(:on are openi-end ties supervisor is uLider- way. (ImuLtual) fuinids andl closed-end fundIs withi a varietv of inivestmenlt olbjectives. Both types of fulicis are pro ini- East Asian Markets nenit in indlustrial andc emeiginig securities markets. Ini [long Klong, dealers in goverinimlenit securities Also. nianv closed-end COUnItr` funds are listedl on inclu(de banks and independent securities dealers, majol stock exchanges around the world that inivest in Theese entities are regulatedl by the Monetary Authioity the emerging seCUrities markets of specific countlries. (banks andl cleposit taking companies) and( the SFC (securities dealers). In Korea, bothi banks (regulate(d by Investimienit company regtilation should reqJuire ttiat: the the central bank) anid securities firms (supervised by purpose. form. and maiagemilenit of investimlelits be the KSEC andc Ministry of FiinaIice) parlticipate as bro- clearlv specified; disClosure to investors be accur-ate kers and dealers in the goverinimlenit securities market. and complete, pricing accurately rellect market condi- All finanicial inistitutionis in Singapore are regtilate(d bi tions: and( higih standar-cis for maniagemiienit and(l financial the Monetary Authority, responsibility be mainitainiel. Investmiienit company reg- ulationis should provide for the registration with thie reg- In the Philippinies, tle cential bank is responsible for ulatorI- body chargedc witi supervisinig investment com- regulating comminercial banks clealing in governiiient panlies. the filing of regulatory reports, monitoriTig., securities and the activities of prinimary dealers in sucih inspections. and examinations. It is also desiralble to securities, whille the SEC regulates dealers in govern- hiave checks oni managemnent throitigh indlepenidenut meait secuLities to tihe extent that they are registered directors, shal-elholcler- elections, andl oiitsiile audidrs. broker-dealers in noni-exemilpt securities. Accredited It would also appear useful to have reasonable restric- aoverninerit securities dealers. commercial banks, andl tions on the use of fundic assets to pomiiote distribuitionis, investmenit houses are sulbjeCt to regulation over their andl limits on the compensation paid to investmient governlIlmenlt securities activities; however, it appears adivisors. Finally. competition ancl innovation ti lte that seconidlaryv market dlealers not falling into one of provision of investinlleit company services to investols these cate,ories mav not I be sul)jet to supervision s houild be ericon L1agedm undcer the regulatory regime. In the spring of 1994, the failure of a secondary, clealer in governimilenit securi- In East Asia, investimienit companies are becomilg ties-apparentiv involvinig the stile of noni-existenit gov- increasingly importait. Their role in capital markets in ernment securities for future delivery-brotight into general an(i in bond niarkets in partieUlar is expectedi cIuestioti the adecluacy of regulatory, supervisiort Thlis tcj increase in the coiming years. Therefore, it is essen- failure was apparently aided by ile Philippine practice tial that they are properly regulated. The investment of usiing confirmations of sale ruicder *vhich secuLilies cornpaiiei in East Asia are nori-ially regulateli by tile are expected to be delivered upi to one or two molithis in securities cumissisoii, the miniistry of finance, or both. the future. These c-onfirimations are used by secondlary In Thailand, undcJei provisio fs ot the 1992 Securlities market dealers in goverinimlent securities due to opera- aiicl Exchange Act, a comipany must be licensed by the tioiiial constraints involvinig the cdelivery of securities at SEC as a securities compaany an(i receive aptiproval to the centr-al bank Most investors dlo not receive secuiri- maniage a mutual tid(l. Befolme offering seculities of the ties pUrIClMased liUt illstead receive a conifirimiationi aniI a fund, a prospectus inust be pireiiared in accordance 46 withi SEC rules and the nianiageinetit company miust Finance authorizes licenses, whille BAPEPAM is respon- app)oint a custodlian. All of the fund's assets must be sible for regulations controlling the operations, of the fuLind deposited with the eustodiani, who is required to be a and( its relationislip to its shareholders. lJp to ncow, onilv comimeri ial bank or qualilie(d financial institu[ioll closed-end fuLicis are permitted. However. regulation is are uldCler the Securities andl Exchange Act. The custodiall, being ameLnledl to pelmit Open-encd1 mutual funds. euoimmon Ily referred to as thle 011utUal luilbl supervisor; miust meet financial responsibility and other regulatory SIMM\ARY ANl) C(O)NCLl SIONlS reqluirements relatling to interinal controls andl the rela- tionshlip between the custodian ai(i the sponssorinug An effective regulatory system should Consider both tile securities comnylly. The cusIodian mnust also file costs and(l benefits of regulation . At the initial stage of repliorts withi the Tliai Securities anti( Exchange market development, regulations shiouldinot le complex Comumission. lintil 1992, onil the Mutual FuLind am I burd-clenisomile, lest thiey impetle the development of Company. which was partially owined lI,v the overn- the capital market. This is especially true ininew mar- menit. was autIorlized to SpoMSor mutual fulnds in kets withiout a large num11belr of trainied lawyers andl Thaialand. With the establishment of the Securities andl accountants or an appropriate institutional framework. Exchange Commission, the mutual funld industry was tieregulatedi andc newv licenses were granted to seven Regulatory bodies in new andl emerging securities mar- maniagement companies. The num11ber of mutual fundis kets normsally vhave two functions: to foster- msar-ket floatedl rose froms ahil nt 10 in 1992 to 87 in 1995. developmient and( to regulate it. The developmental role should focus oll intiotluc ing and( enlCouraging a full Malaysia and the Philippines are trying to encourage range olcapital iariket an( lmoney maket instilimelt. (levelopment of the investimenit comitanv intlustry Once new instruments emuerge. tile regulatory body through legal and( reguilatory refoirms that will expand shiouldl take center stage to see that the rules are tile range of collective investment structules allowe(d bV observed fairly andl transparently so that the pUbliC law. Ind(lonesia is in the process of chaniginig its law to confidence in the Ibond market is enhanced liand sus- permit private investment companies. In contrast. tai necl. Securities o0mi5il1iSSionS haave Onlyi- receitly been Korea has an established securities investment truist established in Malavsia. Thailand, andl China, indusiry. Koreani securities investment trusts and their butChina has not yet adopted a national secturities law. management tompanies are regtilated by the Ministry In Malaysia ani( Tlailandc. the securities cot l5missions of Finance. There are two types of investimienit trusts: are in the process of implementi ng new regulatory Ullit anti open investment trusts.4 A trust company regines. In Iiitloiesia. tile responsibilities of the must obtain a license from thie Finance Ministry, andl Indloniesiani Capital Markiet Supervisory Agency were sig- the manageunen t company is requiired to invest funds nificantlv modlified i 1990 an( a revised capital markets assets primilar-ily in listed securities tlndier the 1993 law is expected to be atlopted in the near future. Malaysian Securities Comimlissioin Act Ullit trusts mtist Thailand. Malaysia. and( Indclonesia appear to be comimlit- file a registiationi statement and a proslp>ecLtus must Ile teti to greater reliance oni disclosure and market nietha- filed wvith tile Securities Coimmnission. The maniagemienit nislis. Iather thanl oni imlenit regulatiotn aiti government company must meet tertain financial respomnsibility control ovelr the issualIce tl securities. Althloughi Korea is requireniuets andl appoint a trust company as an inide- in the process of liberalizing market access, the general penideilt advisor. Prior to the establi.slimnent of the secu- thirust of regulationi has been to rely- on regulatory COin- rities comillissionl, unit investment trusts w*ere regtilatedl trols and merit regulation. Table 3.1 provides a pirfile of y ani inforimial Comimilttee On Unit TrU.sts establishled by the regulatorv svsteni in the East Asiai COUntries the central bank. Onie goal of tlhe Malaysiaii Settilities Comimriiissioni is to expand optportunities for imlvesttors to Regulatory systems can be expecteti to evolve. Clearly. invest in iillit trusts by divelrsifying tile ranlue of c ollec - the extenit and( type of regulationsi neetleti will chalinge as tive investment structures allowed by law, thle set' ulties itiarket i ifr-astIeCt ule anti inlstitUtiolal franlework are put in place, aiici the market evolves. It The 1990 Indloniesiani Capital Marlkets Decree otpeilete the is impoltalnt to tdecide who will peiforill the essential Inldonesian iuivestimienit complai Iaiiybsinless to the private regulatory functions. Often this will imivolve mtore tliali sector; Before 1990, Pr Danareksa. a govermilienlt-owne(l one governiileilt body aitic oine or iuiore practitioner- investment comilpany, was the onIly tomlpany permlittedi to biased self-regulatory organizations. The l nited States. establish an investiienit tounpany. The Milistry' of for example has reliedl on a system of self-regulation 47 Table 3.1: Asian Bond Markets: A Profile of Regulatory Systems China Indloniesia Malaysia Thailandl Korea Plhilippines Singapore Hong Kong Regulator CSRC BAPEPAM SeCurilies SEC SEC SEC( MAS SFiC Co mmissionl Established 1992 1976 1993 1992 1977 1936 1989 Reports to State MOF MOOF MOF MOF MOF MOF Finianie Couonci l iecretaiN Fuiidirig Governimien t Covelrllnerlit Self-Fuiriiled Self-Fundedl Governimienit G;overn ment Self-Funde-d Largely & Fees & Fees & Fees SeIf-Furldledl Prospectus C(SR(C BAPEPAM SEC SEC SEC SEC Stick SFC Filed With ROC Exchanige SEHK BNM Approvals Varies 3 5 2 1 1 1 1 Merit Review Yes Ye s Yes Nr' Yes Yes Nir No Mariditori Rating No Yes Yes No No No No since 1934 with stronig governimenit oversight over the od of tiie as market conidlitiotis(lictate. Designateci reg- securities markets. Thle US model, witi appropriate ulatory autiorities and re(luiremenits for mloney-milarket modificationis. coulcd be emrploved effectively in many instiumilenits must be clear. Regulationis shiotildl also allow emerging secuLities markets. iion-listed comipaniies to issue debt paper providedl thley meet the disclosure andc bond-listing stanidlarcis appliecd The legal infrastructure for bond markets is also italpOr- to pu61lic companies ancl listecl bonidis. tant. Well conceived ancd clearly defined contiact an(l property right laws are essential to the cleveloptnent of In several East Asian countries, over-the-counter tracl- bond markets, as are laws that perinit corporations to ing in equities is not permittedl whicih mav have harimi- issue boicis without requiring banik guaranitees or other ful spillover effects into the bondc markets in which trad- non-essential regulatory requiremilenits that add to the ing is norimially over-the-counter; with clealers plavying a cost of issuance. Unless bondl market contracts can be prominent role. The absence of an over-the-counter enforced. investors cannot be expectedl to palticipate in market may have contributed to the lack of dlevelopiiment the niarket. Also, excessive regtilationi or a(diniiiistiative of a (lealer functioni which is of vital importanice for bondc procedures can impede the development of the market, mnarket dlevelopmenit in niatiy Asiani markets. Anothel as will a lack of clarity as to whiat is expected to obtaini factor that has retar(lecl developiment of (lealer futictions approvals for the issticaie of bonds or othier finanicial andl secondary market trading in govermi-enit (lebt secLl- instruments. Also, the line o( cdemarcation between the rities is the immobilization of significant amoutits of monev and bond itiarkets should be clear, pa4ticularly governiment dlebt throughi requirements that finaticial wheti issuaice requirenienits or procedures are m1ore bUr- instittitions and provident funids liol( significant por- denisomie for bonds thani for moniev market instirLiuienits. tionls of their- assets in the form of those securities. Tlhere is a clear need to clefine thle conditions ulider As more sophiisticatecd instrutients-suchl as dleriva- which private placement of (hebt itstrulimenits will be tives-are introduced into the clebt markets, or the use permittedl. Private plaremenits-offerings to a limitedl of repurchase agreemiients is perinittedl to finaniee posi- nunmber of investors or to sophisticated institutional tiois in securities, it is imperative to (levelop appropri- investors-can reuclue the cost of dleb)t finaniclig. The ate regulatory safeguards, andl programs to edlucate concept of shelf-registrationi should be considered! for investors about the risks ancd rewards of investing in public offerings of debt securities to allow segments of such transactionmm. Also, withi respect to repurchase an issue to be brought to market over a specified peri- agreements. or similar financing tecihinicques. there is a 48 clear ilee(I to ensure that customer funds ancl securities Finally, the suCess of a fledigling bond market is predi- are adleqjuately protected througih prudenitial standards, cated on the existence of well-iniforimied investor, mar- record-keeping, clearance, settlemenit. ancl custo(ly ket professionals, and regulators. Each of these key procedures that adequately protect investors, participants has to have a solid undlerstanidinig of new financial instrumients and thei clharacteristies, trading Governimenits shoulcd choose regulatory models appropli- mechanisimis, and proce(lures for the clearance, settle- ate t(i the stage of development of their bondl markets. If ment and safekeeping of securities. As the market the regulatory fiamework chosen calls for investors to becomies mole sophisticated with the emergence of (lecide on the merits of a particular investmenit based on finanicinig techniques such as repurchlase agreements. thie principle of full and fair disclosure, the necessary or hediging strategies through the use of derivatives, it pre-conditions for SuLch a system mtist be in place. Market is important that both governimlents and( the private sec- efficiency is dimilinishled bv creating one regulatory tor develop training programils that enable market par- regimile on paper (i.e., disclosure-based stan(lardcs) but ticipants andc regulators to uniderstanid the intricacies employing melit regulation in actual implementation. andl complexities of these finanicial pro(lucts. 49 I v I NTERNATIONALIZATION OF TH E E M E RG I N G AS IAN BO N D MARKET ROLE OF FOREIGN PO(RTFOLI() leing facilitate(d by strulctural andl secular (as opposed IN\VESTMENT to ceclical) developments, inchludling the global integra- tion of production: (d) the shift fioni predominantly sov- Introduction ereign to mailily private flows-privxate-to-private flows now represent rotighll 70 percent of the 1993, net flows D his chapter reviews the patterns of plrivate port- to d*eveloping countries. compareld to 47 percent in folio investmenit in East Asian coulitries against 199(); (e) the predonminance of recipients of midicile- trenids in interinationial portfolio flows. Analxysis income countries, which have either avoicle(d the clebt of the underlvilig factors. the retuLirs. and the polic, problemn or dealt with their debt overhanig, andl are now initiatives, in particular in the (domiiestic bond( markets experiencing a surge of private iiivestuient flows. clearly inclicate thal East Asia is Well pokedio fol- fultiher increases in its share of global investable capital Table 4.1: Private Capital Flows toAll thioughl portfolio flows botth in edluity ancl boll(Is. Developing Countries, 989-93 Overview iG8')-3 %6141 1i1')2 '.( L)IP 1iJ'2:V'.;[dP Private capital flows to developing countries has shown Total Pri% ate a spectacular increase in recent vears These flows Capital Flows 412.2 1.9 102.7 2.3 159.2 3.5 increased by four times (luring the 1990-93 period. In Foreigii Direct tinvestiicceit 202.9 01.9 47.1 t .0 66. 6 1.5 199:3, total private capital flows to dleveloping couitries Purifolio Equpitv amounitedl to USt$159.2 billion, a 55 percent incr-ease Flows 76.0 0.3 14.2 (0.3 46.9 1t over 1992. Out of this amountit foreign po(tifolio invest- Debt-creating menits both e(juitv andl lebl-creating flows amounltedl to Flows I ~~~~~Bolld., 762 (.3 12.9 0.3 42.1 0.9 US$45.7 billion, or 58.2 percenit (Table 4.1). Spurre(d oilier 57. ".3 128 0 3 6 0.1 L(Panls ail(l otlhet 57.1 0. 3 28.5 0. 6 3.6 0) 1 by strong growth in portfolio investment flows as xvell as foreigll direct investmtient (FDI). plrivate soturce financ- .¸1,ur(,: The tlorled Buank. ing niow accounts for three-(quarters of aggregate rCsou1Ce floWs to the developin'g wo-ld. The shaie of plrivate capital was less thani one-third of the total until In 1993. total private cal)ital flowvs to the East Asian the late 1980s. countries amouLnted to US$63.1 billion of which USt.28.7 billion, or 45.5 percent wvas in portfolio flows. The strikinig giowth in private capital flows has sevxeral Sixty-thiee percent of the portfolio flows was in equity kev characteristics: (a) the growilng dominance of noin- flows. Por-tfolio investmtienit in bomils of the East Asian deit flows-equity investiienit flows accoulite( for two- Countries amountedl to US$8.2 billion in 1993 (Table thirdls of private capital flows in 1993: (b) xwtithin flows 4.2). ULilike l atin America, portfolio flows to the East fiom private sources. the shift from banik to non-bank Asian bond marikets have been lim1itedl because the sources in the forri of seCuritized flows suLci as bondic major niarkets in the region have been closed to foreign issues; (c strong and sustaine(d growth in FDI, which is portfolio imxvestmelnts. 50 Table 4.2: Capital Flows to East Asia, 1985-94 share of equity issues hlas grown fromil 25.1 percent to (US$ billion) 44.3 percent over the same periodl. The share of East 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Asia in b)oth cases hias grovni at a miore rapid rate as Politic Simourn, 7..2 9.3 8.4 8.8 11.0) 7.9 Table 4.3 illustrates. The funidlamiienital causes of this Offi(ial Devep. change are largely structural. Major contributing fac- Assistance 5.2 8.3 5.7 5.6 6.6 6.2 tors have been: (a) low real interest rates (particularly Other Official in kev ,ource counitries), leacling to improved (levelop- Finance 2.0 1.0 2.7 3.2 4.4 1.6 ing country creditvorthiness; Ib) the sea change in Pri-iate Flows 10.9 20.5 25.6 42.8 6:3.1 82.5 cleveloping countrx policies. including financial and Cormiiien-lal Baiiks 1.0 4.5 5. 1 7.6 -21 1 Commerial Banks 1.0 4.5 5.1 7.6 -2.1 0trade liberalization, fiscal consoliciationi, andcl deregula- Bonds 4.3 0.5 3.6 3.0 8.2 - Othel PriAate 2.2 2.2 1.9 6.2 2.4 - tion; (c) stiLictural changes in global financial markets. Foreign Direct includilig increased financial integrationi of developing Investmellt 3.2 11.0 14.0 20.9 36.5 42.7 countries, growing interinationial diversification of Portfolio Equity 0.1 2.3 1.0 5.1 18.1 17.6 investmenit fun(s, and( easier access by developing Flow'< (coutttries to industrial couLIntry capital markets; (d) Total 18.0 29.8 34.0) 51.6 74.1 90.4 struCtUral factors sucLh as dleregulation of the plrivate sectol; the growth of regionalism in trade ancl invest- .Soaarec: .llanaging Capital FPon. in Eust .lia. 1995.. Tie tt,rld BRliak. menit. disintermediation front the banking system (since the onset of the clebt crisis), and lower costs in traits- portation andl communication: (e) privatization of state- Table 4.3: Share of Developing Country Bond oweetrlis. and Equity Issues 1992 1993 1-9Q3 INTERNATIONAL BONDI) MARRKET ACCESS 1994 BY EAST ASIAN [)EVELOPING CotUNl'lTIES Developing C(ounlry bondl issues in initernalitional mtiar-kets While being the reciplenit of portfolio bond flows.' the (inr billioLs f tISUI9 24.1 53.1 :38. c e o of international tbond issues 7.2%c 11.0% 12.2% COUrtles in tlii stucly have ahro been accessing inter- nationial bonid markets directly for pur)poses of finauic- East Asia ing investmenits. This provides an alternative mnecha- tin billions of US$t 5.2 12.1 15.7 InisIIn for investmenit for international investors. The of`e,,1 initernational bonl i,ssues 1.6% 2.5% 5.tt% trends in internationial bond issues. in tertms of markets, curren(ies. maturities an(l other- factors, can give Develop|ing countrN eq[LlitV iSSUeS tin billions of US$t 5.9 11.5 15.6 important insighits into the level of access ancl integra- ol-,f international equlily issues 25.1% 28.3% 44.3%Y tion that the individLual countries in East Asia have. Froin an investor-'s point of view, this has important Ea.t Asia implications in terms of assessing investmelit potenitial (in billions of USSI 1.5 3 7 in aniy particular COllt l I. '4 of ititeinationial equLitV issues 6.4%i/ 7.4%. 16.2% cu Mernoranduin Item (in billions of US$) CountryTrends Total Ifiternational BotndI Issues 334 481 317 The involvemenit of the East Asian (countries in this Total Interinational Equity Issues 23.5 40.7 35.2 studly in international l)on(l markets has grownI, with the (in billions of tIs$) exception of Singapore. at a spectacular rate. Table 4.4 .Swarce: Wolrld Bh;iik, OECI). adl Euronmanei Bondware. illostiates the trendis in terms of bond issues for selec t- ed (coun-tries in the period 1989 to 1994. The tmodest BONI) AND EQUITY MARKET OPENING IN participation of Singapore in this period (US$530 mil- EAS IASIA lion in 1994) reflects its limitecd need for financing thl-ougih international bond mar-kets for its ownI purposes. The share of (leveloping cOuLntry equity andl bond issues has grown significantly in the last sevxeral years. Of the Of the total bond issues in the periodl 1989 to 1994, the total internati(onlal iSSUeS. b1oI issues by (leveloping Republic of Korea took the single largest share withi 44 countries grew fiom 7.2 percent in 19921 to 12.2 percenit percent of the cumlinulative total. China andl Thailanicd in the first thiree quarters of 1994. Developing countries liacl 18 percelt andl 10 percent shares of the total, 5I respectively. Each of the other countries had a share Korea is the major borrower in interniational market. less than 10 percent. Given the sharp increase in the During 1994, total bondc issues by Korea amouLnte(d to growth rate of bond issues in the countries with smaller US$6.1 billion. Korean companies have had access proportions, it is likely that the countir composition will since 1985 to foreign bond markets. There has been a change over time toward a mlore balanced repr-esenta- recent trendl toward significant liberalization of the tion by all countries. dlomestic capital markets. Traditionally, howevei; the Koreani domestic markets have been restrictedl to for- Table 4.4: International Bond Issues by eign participation. Given the strong growth in the Selected EastAsian Countries Koreatn economily andl the investimienit needs of domestic (US$ billion) corporations, international bond issues were the single 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 most impor-tanit chaninel for inivestinig in Korea. The growthi in internationial bondl issues is likelv to be sus- China 151 0I 258 1.355 2,852 3.452 Indonesia 50 50 393 244 510 683 tamied. but with altemnative channels such as participa- Korea. Republic o:f 288 1.507 2.510 2.878 5.622 6.090 tion in the dlomestic e(uitv and debt markets. it is con- Malaysia 429 20t) 19t 0 958 2,345 ceivable that the enormous growth rates in interinationi- Philipp)inles 0 0 0 20) 1.014 1,134 al bond issues will slow dowin. Singapore 921 115 0 157 0 530 Thail.lla(d 200 0 0 522 1,512 2,326 Mlalavsia's bond issuancee in internationial market Total 2.039 18,2 :3,351 5,156 12.468 16.560 decline(d from US$429 million in 1989 until 1992 (withl ___ _____ ___ ___ no issuanice that year). but in 1994 it issued US$2.3 .Soaurce: Eu ronione Bondwoare aIn,d RiOrld Batik staff estimales. billion in bonds. NMalaysia is considered to be a highly creditworilty country and therefore has been able to As the evicdence indicates, China's internationial bond access interniational markets on very favorable terms. issues have grownI twenity-fol(d in this period in spite of The Malaysian financial markets are very well (level- its absence from bond issuance in 1990. Wlhile China opedl. Malaysia has had a strong foreign presence in its has been the single largest recipient of foreigin direct financial markets both in equitv and domestic bond investmenit among dleveloping countries, it is increasing markets. its use of interniational bond issuance in a major way. This reflects the fact that investment opportunities in The Philippinies did not have any issuaiice until 1992 China are perceived as being extremely favorable. As when it raised US$20 million but that grew to $1,134 China has not allowed foreign portfolio investimienit in its millioni by the encl of 1994. The recenit wave of eco- domestic debt market. interinational issues are the only nomic reforms and the relaxation of portfolio andl direct major chianinel for debt finanicing usinig foreigin capital investment have opened the dcomestic market to foreign by Chinese enterprises. This, howevem; makes it more investor participation. Some interinationial investor-s difficult for smaller enterprises to avail of debt financ- remaini concerned about the macroeconomic perfor- ing in China. It is expected that interniationial bond mance of the Philippines and( the sustainabilitv of cur- issues by China will continue to play an important role renit account. There have also been pressures on the in the future, particularlv until its (lonmestic (lebt niarket exclhanige rate of late, which have further addedl to the has been reformed and is open to foreign investors. general sensitivity of foreignl investors. Howevei; the government is taking measures to restore investor con- Indonesia has seen a steady increase in bond issues in fidence in macroecoinomic sustainability. internationial markets. In terms of absolute amounts, however. Indonesia's involvememit has been relatively Thailanidi icid not issue bonds overseas (luring 1990-93, modest at lUS$683 million in 1994. Amonig developing but in 1994 it raised US$2,326 millioni throughi bond countries in general. andl East Asian Countries in par- issues. Similar to Malaysia, Thailancd is considered a ticular. Indonesia has the most liberal capital accouLit highlly creditworthy counitry and it has relatively easy policy, suggesting that its capital market is well inte- access to interiationial bond markets. Furthermore, the grated with world markets. Given the size and growth Thai bond market has been open to foreign investors potential of its economy, the relatively stable palticipa- since 1986. tion of Indoniesia in international bond issues is more reflective of a funidanienital concentration in equity- As discussed above, whille some cross-country differ- linkecl financing and less so in debt financing. ences in trends remail, it is still trne that bondl 52 issuance hias growni by large amountits in each of the million in 1994. As menitionied before. Malaysian par- above countries. In particular, the last few years (1993 ticipation in internationial bond markets grew largely in and 1991) have seen spectacular gnOvWthl of bond 1993 and 1994. In 1994, 55 percent of the bonds issuance. This should be undlerstood in the context of issue( were by the private corporate sector. Private util- the internationial enviroilnenit. While ceijainly 1993 ities accounted for 26 percent of the bond issues but was a year whleni interest rates in industrial countries thiey had no presence at all in previous years. The and particularly in the United States wer-e low relative Philippines. too. hlac a very recent expansion in temis to the cycle. they had starte(d climbirig thiroughi 1994. of its participation in the international bond markets. In The returns oil US Treasury securities are a reasonable 1994. bond issues were divided between public banks proxv for alterinative returns for interniational iinvestors. and utilities. andl private corporate and utilities. The The fact that all the countries in this stu(ly were able to largest proportion of bond( issues in 1994 by Thailanid increase tleiri- bon( issuIaiice in 1994, andc usually by was by private banks (35 percent of total) hut private large alilounits, points to the potential that the internia- corporate. the (central goverilmenit, public utilities, tioiial fhianicial markets liave to supply investmiient cap- othier private financial institutionis aiicl utilities were all ital to coulntries eveil in the face of rising interest rates quite active. in tile induistrialized cotlItries. It must be kept in minl, howevei; that external shocks, such as the recent tur- Table 4.5: Bond Issues in International Markets moil in Mexico. call have effects inl markets which are by IssuerType in Selected EastAsian Countries seemin'ngly uirelated, and( sorne nieasure of cautioll has (US$ million) to be exercised in jU(lgillg stability of flows. Potifolio flows (lo tend to be somewhat vulnerable in the short run -994 Public Bankig;Fininane 4,466 5.33.5 to external factors. whille being more Ilighly correlated Puitli Cortirate 3,393 1.312 with recil)ient country ful(lanienitals in tile long Lun. Central Governinent 907 2.099 Private Bankikig,Finiao-e 760 5.796 As thie business cycle progresses aiitl iiiterest rates in Private Cnrporite 2,941 2.019 the Unite(d States rise, there may be a slowdowvn in the rate at whiclh bond issuanc e froti the Asiani counitries -- 1 4 5 will he successful. The trenicis so far seemil to ini(licate Aw¢le: Private!Putli( Fiauce (otlier) refirs to Pro-owae/Public non-BHnk the resilienice of this market and bond issuance in inter- fi/ant ini t 1iot7i0iioos. Swiier e: Euromtonei Bondware id VWorle/l Bonk staX7 esuticctes. Inational Inlarkets is likely to continue to see rapid growthi in the ftiture. In sumimiiiary. the types of borrowers whio have issued IssuerTypes bonds In eac h of tilese countries has varied a great deal. The evidence suggests significant dlifferenices in the With the exception of Clhina, the cetitial government cross-country classification of international bond issues hlas not been. the primary borrower ill any of these coun- byn issuer type. The classification of bond issues by tries. But there is significanut dispersioni of borrower issuer type is provide(d in Table 4.5. In Ciiina. for types between public aiti( private entities aionlg all the instance. 47 percent of total internationlal bonds were countries. issuetd by the central governmienit and( 32 percenlt by public banks. The share of other public finaincial iIsti- Major Instruments tutions dlecliiled in Chinla between 1993 and 1994. In In broad terms, bond instinienits can be classified as Indoiiesia 57 percenit of the bond(i issues in 1994 wer-e fixed-rate instrurmentn. floating-rate instirumeits, anti by public banks anti the rest by the private corporate convertible instrtinients. There is significanit variation sector. However, the private corporate sector in in the types of instrUiments that countries have used in Indoniesia was the major bond issuer in inter-niational the course of their international bond issues. Table 4.6 nmarkets until end-1993. The Republic of Korea has presents summary inforniationi on bond issues by had a wider group of issuels. The largest single class of instiument. In Chinia in 1994 the predominailt type of issuers in 1994 was the public baniks with a 44 percent issue was the fixed-rate bond accounting for 88 percent share of the total. Private corporate issuers and private of total dollar value. In Inthlonesia, 57 percenat of the banks accounted for 30 percent anid 17 percent respec- total value was floatiing-rate issues. 37 percenit of the tively of total bond issues. Significantly. Korea also wit- 1994 issues was fixed-rate issues, and the rest coiivert- nesseci the first local authority bond issue, of US$300 ible. In the Republic of Korea, for 1994. fixed-rate 53 issues were 46 percent of the total dollar value and Currency of Denomination floating-rate issues were 44 percent of the total. In In each of the countLies, the curreiiey of issue for the Malaysia, two-thirds of the value of issues was convert- bonlds gives an indlicationi of the tvpe of market and( ible. In the Philippines. the proplortions (of fixecd-rate, investor- base that it is targetinig. A stri;king feature of floating-rate and convertible issues were 46 percent. 24 the cross-couLItry, comparison is that in each of these percent an(l 30 percent7 respectively. Singapore's bond (o0intries, thle US (lollar andl occasionially also the yen issues in 1994 were eqiually dividled between fixed- andl have been thie miajor currenc y of issue of the bonds. In floating-rale issues. For Tliailancl. the largest subgroup the ease of dollar-denominiated issLues. the markets in terimis of the value of issues was on floating-rate would hiave been either the Yankee. Eurodlollar or the terms (43 peretent of the total). Fixedl andl convertible Asia (lollar maL-ket, in general. In the case of the yen, issues were 30 pereent andl 27 perLcent of the total (1ol- thie market of b)llCI placement Imiav have bleen the lar value in 1994. Samurai or the Euroveni market. The breakdown of intern-ationial bondl issues by currency is presented in Table 4.6: International Bond Issues by Figure 4.1. Selected EastAsian Countries by Instruments (US$ million) Figure 4.1: International Bond Issues in Selected EastAsian Countries 199( ]()91 1992 1993 199'1 144 -- (By Currency; 1989-94) Fixedl 141 (985 1.859 3.)28 2000 Floating 114 .370 97( 424 200 tConvertible 23 Ilnlonesia Fixed 485 250 15000 - Floating 50 25 388 Convertiljte 393 244 45 Koriea. Repuiblic of Fixed 827' 1,356 2.285 4.501 2.79t1 10000 _ Floating 530 557 320 580 2.68t GLinveLtibile 150 596 272 541 o18 Malay siza Fixed 20( 958 (0( 5000 Float Iin, 200 Convertible 190 1.545 Philippines 0 Fixed 970 519 CHN IDN KOR MYS PHL SGP THA Floating 265 Coniver'tible 20 i4 351 US$ Yen 0 Can$ * Other Swingap)ore Fixed 75 715 265 Floating 40 63 265 Convertible Thailiiir( CHN: hin X: IrN:l¢ndoeeiu: AKOR: wva:t1J1:): Mlhalir : PHIl Fixedl 3()() 169 696 Phili;ppines: SGiP: Singapopre; TI/M: Thailand Floating 222 110 1.)Ot) "urre: Tle Wierld Baiik. Convertible 1.233 630 Soun re: Eauromoanev Boud/ware and tbrh/d Bank stMuff etimaletas. In 1994. 57 percenit of total bocld issties by Ciiina were (lenominiiate(i in (lollars andl 38 perceent of issues were in As hlie above data suggests, there is significant varlia- ven. The choice of currency for Kiorea in 1994 was siim- tioin amonig countries in the type of issues that they ilar to that of Chilia withi 59 pereent of internationial undlertake. As the table illustrates, even across time bondI isstied in (lollars andc 36 percent in yen. The rest couLIntries have cihanged theil- relative shares of alteriia- of the East Asiaii countries liave stionig preferencie for tive instrumenits. Such cloiees may reflect comparative (dollars since their Currencies are lin;kecl to the dollar. cost advaiitages atic also expectations about the future In 1994. the share of dollar in inter-inationial bond issues prospects and environment that countries andf the inter- of these countries ranges from 100 per-enlt for national miar-ket may hiave. Indloniesia to 76 plercent for Tlailandl. 54 Table 4.7: Average Maturity (Years) inistruments. The trend in Clilna thierefoire has been for 1901) 1 9<9 I zl 1992 1) 1 994 the len-_ thenling of nmatirities of bon0(d InsttriUeollts. Inidonesia's matUri k profile has reilaiMedl Imor-e or less 05$ __ - 5.0t) 7.0) /() stable in the last few years. Ini Korea, too, tihe niatuli- Yell - 5. 5.2 4.5 6.8 ties aCros, Ct[iTeilcies have beell roIghly' sIitable. While tJtbenS - - ~ 5.1) .5.0 Malavsias involvemenit on a large scale is relatively reCe nt. the matari-tx of lbonds in Malaysia is very loni" 111th Ifl es i .L [15$Si 5.0. ( 12.to 53-3 1 U .1) o.t v1) 1 ears) and( lhas reniained in that ranige. The rela- Yell - _ ___ tivelh stable riatlrity trenll( appears to be true of O)tiels - 5.o 4.9 - IhlailaLn(d as Well. K ore 8.8 7.n 8.3 9.3 m.8 Iliformati on0 oii ti e spreads oii int1ernati olnal lond1( isstles Yel 5.0 0.4 5.0 49 4.4 blasedl on a limilitedI sample of relent borrowings b y the OttIelr. 5.01 5.1) 4.6 I.( 1 5.1 East Asian countries siows that the slprleadL Over the benchmarks genierally reflect the relative cre(lit ratings l $ 1(.).) 1(1.0) - 10).0t 9.8 of these ConLltries (Table 4.8). l'he sptreadls pai( by Yell - - (.(t Korea . Malaysia andl Tliailanidi are the lowest (less tlian Oli)er> - - - - (lltO hundred bIasis points) while those In respect of Indon esia atl(I tile Phiilipp inles aric aniolog the hiigdiest I i tijipi5li es (200-350 Ibasis poilits . CIlilia is somiewhere ini Yell between ai(Cl Chinese issueLr also seem to hiave bene- O)h tier - - 3.6 Iite(d froin relativel fiavoiablie te ri1is. Sio"llga fleTal 115$l; 6,.0 5.1) _ - 10).3 Table 4.8: Ratings of Sovereign Foreign ell - - - - Currency Debt, March 1995A ()Itier. _ _~ 3.1) 3. Cotljitr%N,,,1' Staluhrdl( & Pr)or 'i'l8l I tllI\etlilell grlate [L$ - - S.$1 ').3 7.6 (.tiila A3S BBB'A-2 Yel - 7.0 5.0 tiiliie-id BaauS BBB-2 Other> _ . 1) 7.t 6.0 Koiwa. Repi. Al A+2 M,Ila I .ii* AlI A+ .\A+ *I =m! il p,. jie.iillilti0e/ jpr/n'iiil/.li1 III 19W3. hliditl;ltta A2 A) - - tel I ,,.,1, h. .Ssixr,: B1o1lXi;ssI/hllet e[,)% imlestmlen)tgradel I'llilippilic,, ; Ba3B1-1/131BI:2 Terms of New Issues 'fable 4.7 present (Itdta tile average matuiiitx of 1) 'n(l Hauimg 'ilwi, 1lo itil niew/i-gi tile ,id,,n (iro, a.s fiN//l.,: issnes by trllT for eat:h f the ti in . . 11 ,.t 1 hod, i,i 1,,lt2 A,it3 1/ 12 -1 Bufl B,, B.2 Bauq.i ,SNi,ilmdurn & P ..... : Ut I 4 + At t1i- 1+ I 4- BBP+ BBB B: - ve r. rue (lata in this table give soille iiisiglit iitIl tile \ , tVpe of ftiIanCilIg tllal tllese COLtit tries aire avai ling tIllell- * Tl, fire rlill' aip/f.s liretgig uitprrnt , /fid: I/l S,1t11-d atiling selves tof. Tilis qliestion11 is ilil Irtalilt li several I-e ii i ,f1,1 ui.,ii Ui- rui )-i-li ->1 Tlhe eu/u, Afor ,l/,uuii-.r,ii, tttil-le 1)/ 11t u//el t sIons. Otie of t eIiii w11ic i stati Is otit is thiat longer- Tl,, fitrd i */ ' .11 iiiattiritV bonds iiipl y a nalllher niee(l for refinntci iig or 1. si,mN/ osilu/ .... -rolling over( of boildts. Shiort-teriiitistltleiits ileelI to 2. PlS.eir wilitiA. le riolleth over fretLlentlv. especially if tiley are Lised to finanlce lon-terin iiivestilieiit. This i ieLis that the ahil- its (If the countirN to bornruw again Lit favorable terms is SUMMARY AND (CONCLUSIONS sigilfiii Llatlv affected by Sl hilt-teriii flue toatiml1s il tIle ef ololny and thle in t eriat11o1ial eivi1o1inmelit anl] by il. Tiiere has Ileeni a s orge in lie inteniational issuaice of (lWIl liqUidity (onsi(lerlatiOlis. 1llIi(s I\ Last Asii (i 0 llintries, Which11 suggests that tile ItiltI loLarrkets ini East Asia are likelv tI hlay aii impol- Thle average mlatuiriity of b)o11dIs Itll Ciiioia ILls ibeen taLil tilue iii the I apital inflows lo East Asia in the leliegtilellg aeross botil doilar- annd ven-(d1ei(oniliatedl lfuture. The sUet es> in inteinIatioiaLll ilould iss uaoce Iba 55 East Asian countries is reflective of tieir, past ec o tinm- ibig linkages between domiiestic arid glottal markets. icpeerforniance. goodI t-at k reconds in servici ngexter-lial Fiftll. giveii that domestic miarkets are greatly infli- dlebit. anI( the growt iI pote ntial they offer to initerinatliol- ei ced Iby domestic factors, ac ess to these miarkets al portfolio investors. The economies of' East Asia are. would allow better risk management for invesiors whil'e in general, exhibiti ng hiWi growth combined with benefiting bond issuers. Finally the opening ip of' mac roeconomiciii sta1 ility anitI strong funL(dlamienitals. The (lolimestic bond markets results in greater sophistication growthi in private eapital flows is impilolrt ant to fitilier of tihe miarkets ttue to thie tranisfei' of interiied iat]i( grovwtll ill thiese et ollomics. tech lnology. In[ternational boncl issuai o'e hlas lieen iiis ilg rapidly. Allowing ai c ess t(o doiestit lnoi (I markets is aII inllipor- enablinig issuei-s to ateess investillent capital in estab- tault policy illitiative in the East Asian coniltries. Iislie(I bond miarkets. The o)1tlotok f'or tihe East Asian However: thiis xvill req(lire atIclitiio nal reforlms of' tIle issuers Is igeiierallv positive. subfject to tIle Coltitiluatioll domestic securities iiiarkets. Tro functioii efficientl, tIle of sound Iiiacroecoiiom ic policies. Access to dlomestic miarket imechanisilis have to be stre ngtheilnedl. In ternis bond miIar'kets iil the East Asiami Coulitries has beei linm- of the bondl market. Illis illeaiis that vieldis have to lie itedl in the major lilarkets due to tIle policies of tlie (letermli iiiedI bvy iarket forces of supply aiaitIlemiidLa( antI authorities in these imarkets. Thailand, Inidloniesia anI( nott by' aciiii istiative f'iat Also. access to tloliestic Malaysia allow relatively easy ateess to ilteir domiestic miarkets by a dive1sVi-fieid gionLII of imterilati nialI lborrotw- bonld iiiarkets (xvhicll are also expectetl to tlevelop ers aiicl inivestors nleeds to le eneoluragetl. There is a rapiflyf. The boniid illaket in Kor-ea is ii(it open to for- ileelI to builn( maaiket-lbasetd belc hi mark.s to facilitate eign investor-s to aiiy significant tlegree, ani(l Clliia's secoillarv miar-ket trading. T le legal. regulatory, clear- bond mar-ket is currently cllosed to foreign inivestors. ing and settleileiit systeCils siotiltl be traiisfiarenlt anlI efficient. The liilikages to Ottier minarkets (such as repur- I iterinatioiial p articipation in dlolimestit botlil ilar-kets ctihase anid interbanil k illakets) need to be strolig. This shoultl be allowedl andl encotiragetd foir several reasois, also imipl1ies sirilultaiieotis reforni of other marll-kets inl First, it wot Id I broaderi the ilxvestor Ibase, whicli woulnd additiottn to tlie debt iiiar-kct. ConLItrV-sp'eC ili sugges- facilitate tratling. Secontld tIle domecstic illarket is miiolre tiOlls are gixen in Chliapter 2. tliversified inl te riiis of borrowers fi'otil a partit iular CouLItry anid tllerefore f)reseilts better Iportfttlio lianage- Because tof the stroiig fuinitlamimemitals aiclI blright eco- me it i apabaliities for foreign ilnvestors w'lito wisI to ilonlic pi ospfec ts of tIle East Asian counitries, tIiey will tliversify amonig tliffereiit sei tors w'it ili the saiiie cii ou- o111tillie to attract foreigii poirtfolio investiemits. In try. While ih1I)royiViig ftil iiliig fS sihilities. thlis oultt order to riiaiiiage xtolatility tof these flows, comiservative also present a greater tlegr-ee of staiility tot aggregate fistal aiit il ionieta ry polities slionl Il tolitillue to lie fol- floxx' siricte portf'lio reallocation (am i be cloiie anitouig lowet . Given tihe seiisitivitv of iiiai'ket s to eni'ient bouds of tlie saiime countilrl Thirid, maiiv simallei' citi- accoliuit flrospects, special care slio Itd be giveii to ties will liave diffitllty ini atcessi ng internationial Ilonld mainitaiin extei'iial viallilitx. lii atIclitioll, tlie autIlorities iiiarkets blecaUse of' the lack of Mlforilnationi about thelii should pulilishi regularly acCUrate data oii the genieral in the gloial mar-kets. Fttul-til. foreigii partic ipation hiealtIi of tihe ecoiiomiiy anid oii the viabilitv' oIf tle bal- xxotiul imiipart greater tfep lb aticl lti il(litv tot the doliles- antce of' pay melits. tic financiall iiiarket as a wihole, and liell in establishi- 56 v B O N D M A R KETS A N D M O N ETA RY P O L I CY IN'rflODI JCTION Whbile tihe- fiinancial cleieguilatioii b1ecom nes a iiiajor facti- itator' Ifthe bondi t market develotmelinCHt. bothb in regard to D;l his chapter (leals with tile indirect monetarv its size aii(l liversity. the lattei ill tuiin provides differ- policy pJroceclures ill the East Asiall c0nn1itries ent ki (Is of niarket-based instrinUelts ctf nmolnetalr pol- covered in ii is studv. As a prelule, i icl tstfiial ic-' to Sn Istititut e fol tilose di ret t in1strinumen ts wlic hl get cOuntlH exp)eriences in operating iiioiietary policy o(it of til ne wilit a liberalized financial system. Indirect instrulments are 1iisi'ussed. as these coutintries are likely inonetar) policy is exercised throtugh transactionls in to bI tlhe moleIs used bh I the emerginiig imaiket shiort-term i t mone\ market instriuiienits aLind governlmient eeolnmiies in designilnlg iioInetaly' policies, bniis of va iioI-b iliatuniities, anid redi sconlllt op)erationll alt the cential banik. Ceintial bank blxilug and sellling of Eminerge e of d olIc nimarkets is esselitially a p henonliie- goverinimient lion d s and I nioieiy market ilnstFUllien t s nn (I of finanll ial liberalization hii ich creates extensive affects ban k reserves, whit ch alinges ilnlteest rates aniid iucenittives foti inivestors andcl bornrowcers in the finanll ial the at ailalbilitv of c-redit. 'TIhis canL also be at hi eveI by niarkets. Until tlhe early 198l s finaintcial miarkets ini valrNi ig the cost andiI availabilit of' oll-deni an d red is- EaSt AS]all COUlItliC vwere loii siate(I 1)v banking Sys- facilitie- an( chaiigiiig reserve requirelmielits tenis Whi hl sLufferetd fInJlol tx tellsije (-(litit 11 Ol ii tel-est fimposeiI oni tlie banlkinig syslenm. Th[ougli tie initial rates olii bank- deptosits. loans. alici credit allocatioln. impact of these actions i. felt b) banks thlOtugh1 licanges linestors had verv iiiilite( t lioices of finantc ial asset, in piices of governllmenl t lslidIs and( itioinev market for- theii- savi ngs andli borrtw-c liadl liiiii tet c htoices in instinLcllielilts, it is transillmitted soolilel oi latei Lt to ie fina nc ing tlieir inivesticii t ret'j-ii ic ment ts. TI e onset of prices ol' puri'ale-sector boti ds. c hanginig tihe wvhole filniaic ial reftOrils ill recenit years has d ramiiat lea .I)e(11 tin-in of' milarket in teret rate s. (-ha ng,ecl the fiiall ial a ii`0i1oui men1e llt in tllese con0lit ie.ls, providing a wicle ranige of' financial assets ail(l t lies of' INDIRECT MONETARY CONTROLS IN instrulielins available to investors an(lI borrowers and( S ELECTED INDLJS'I'RIAL CoLUNTRIES forginig [lie linlks of their ii iiaiiciaI sxstenl cvith initernaa- tional financial markets. Monteary policy basically Iefels to IllechillIiSIIIS used ly' }centiral baiiks to influenct'e short-teri iiiterest rates andl Delegulatiiig fiiliauicial asset llriiet hlas alloweti iiev e liaik reserves. Unltil the miii-1970, ceitral baliks ill instruimeiits. f'itiii sitort-terii illolie iiiarket intru- tihe iludut rial cotiu i[es ielicl oii iii ixes of clirect antd menits-treasti ry Iills. ctui oiieic ial plapens, certificates iniicli t iiletloids fob thlis lurpose. In ret ent 'eais, h0ow- of deIiosits-to long-termii governlimenlit aiicl c orpijoate evel; tlieii- einphasiY lias shlifte(1 stronglc v tctard i u ii-ect bouds, to IltInris il in tlilietitiVe colillitionis * dle- iictll1o1(.1 t hat imiipart greateri flexiii1itv to molletary pol- rewards are contsistent witli the risks inivolvedl. icy. The basic idea Ullderl-illg icldirct t inoiietai r con- Goveun imien t b1d.i ous, f v r li hic prices alii I silis toi ptrit ocedtires iS t hat a t-entrmal banik cai illflUeice aioinuot s ha(I oftieii ieen iiiandcalted before derlegu-lationl shlort-telri iiiterest rates ini the interlbaik mar-ket- 'omiiimicced, ciolliw lace in ireasinig to' ipetitioIn frolm given tlie tIeiiia i(I forcutiaItal baik liabilities in [lie foirm doimestic alitI externlal finanit-ial instrullients. ot bafnk nottes antIc reserve deposits helcli by bainks fol 57 elearitig puiposes or ritecting reseIve reqnl- ements-I)v aLtljtstedl week-ly as re-qiritetd reserves deviated froin t lhe varyitig the sopI)ly of resel-rves, over whi W iC it haS altIO St pli jelete(I level to aelvieve the (lesiited (legree of iiionie- total onitrol. Tanisactions by iti(livi(loLal banks to tary r(estiainil ol ease, bitt also with a view to l)ertilittilg seci Ue resetives fro-mn otliet soui res tie I otL if) tIle illtel-- t1ictc Sl1iti-t ii StlbliIitv in I bitik bo(rrtiwii g1s at tile lbatik elearing pliocess andc nierelv redlistribtite reserves Fv(leral Reserve. pl)ovi(leed I ttie (tentiral bank. The eentIral bIatik's abili- tV to ton[itl sIlt n-teI ii ititet-est rates IeeiI(ids, tlinler After the 1987 stoek miarket (erasl I lie Fecleral Reserve illcirevt monietaiyv on t ol pirocedtitres. on1 Itow it ean sUopp)le(l IilUitliti gelielrotsly t IIiLIougli 0l)e0-11alrket id (Ice bailnks to seek -etital batik aet)otii it(latimoi at opeaatiorts tairgeted at t[ie ltiMorn of't tle felelral fhI1(il tie iai-gin. A piecoild itii i for effective ceitiiaIl bItalk rate Against t.h I ea kgri, i ot cIkLmLalt appa retit rise in t[lie entitol over bLank resetves is the pressure exerted ott (letiLtid( for te tuired I anid excess tesernes anid a strotig batiks by rhanige, in other itetiis in tlie cetitral batik (lisitit-entive ot the part of baniks to use the diseotit bala twe sheets st t hat banks are left wvitli iio altei at ie wciviilo iv, tihe Federal Reserve tiiade iio attemiipt to avOi(l out tct be (lepeitletit oti ce- ti-al baank aL 01 oioclatit iI. Lll uIIiCxl)e( tecl steel) (let lMe ini aclhiistmilieni aticl season - al lborrowviig. 13% earl- 1988 tiii-lborr owedl reseirve Figo-e 5.1 pitesetits the tiii ii nst itoilelItS usecl ini ll i - operating prt ed lt-es wvere agaiii blought iiito play to rect contirol l)-OCe(tilc.s ill fOtIt- sele(tetl iILcIstrial cuOLti- etironrage t rise ill the fe(leral fntidis rate. tries-the I-ni te(l States, Geri-iatliv Japaiii andl the Unite(d Kiiig(loin . A Irief deseript ot] of blow tiey ate lit tlie Unittcl KingiI(tIm. Itlie Batik oft Eiglaicd '5 prta tir(e use(d is given below. of aminoItiC iiIg I tOii lii iil letic(linIg rites ell(l W-tl [ie 1981 itioiiev iket retOinis. 'ris chalige v aS paLt odf aL Central Bank Credit Facilities effort to ovelro ie a piropenisity to clelay tiiakilig III the Unitetl States a (listHictirti is (Iiwawti betweeti a chiatiges in offi-ial ptstccl rates Ibi petiimittitig t.iiirket systelm as it s v ln w ih tihe ceott-al batik miakes exIciisive jtcIgl Ia ts-ftOitii(td oll Itle basis. a on,oig othet Inliigs, use t)f t cmtrigiht cli)-c lases of set-unities oii tile o)peli mat-- of (levelopmliietiIs ini tihe moti e stoc-k-to exeit more ket to suLp))ly teseives to banks ail(i o(ies i whici ir tie itifluetire cmn ititetest rates. At the sattie tiile, the liqLiclitV of itcliVi(ial batik5 aticl the blankitig systemi aLis antlictI (litl aiiay with thIe atrac ice of dleliberately a whiole is tiiore dlepeidlenit oi (liret-t tetitral baLik Ietad- c-reatini, reserve shortages by issnilng t-CeasoIrv hills ill ing. tli the latteiL tono \ex tiiatket Lites, have beeti seetl to ex(-ess Of exlpecte(l Treiastirv cLashi tiecIs Lit tlhe weekl' le iiioire closely iilitienced by rates oii redlit pray i ile(l a ition anill otf eliex inog tlietii suilseqiuenitlY-eithe by bv the retitral baik. In the ULiiitec States treclit a(ie purlCasin,g t1CasciS'IV tills lit poste(l (leailitig ratts oIr by Livailalble thttougldi discouintilig is riotiome(l by- a(liiiiiis- ICeI(lilig tt) thle (li'sro Lii t tiLikt to itLike effet -ive tle triative coistiLaitits oti batik ise of the Fe(leral Reset-ve's ininimuiti lil(iii g rtLte ch osen by tihe aitit iotities. The cliisC- Ott Will(low tliLit penniiit the tlis5cott it riate to be Batik oi itii to opeI late ati iii let-est riaIe-lase(l Io - tiiaititaiilecl below the dlay-to-clay interIbanik iLite (thie Oatit ec ttiol svsxe- m Eaaliet: it tiriel to confi'te these feuleiJal fitii (Is raIe) fix a variable illigiL . [lie inf]iuem c e - peiLatimis to ve- sb ort-te it i) mailket traisactiolis it) of the tlisctoutit i-ate On miotie\ inLii-ket rLntes hias bills itt iiteltes(t tLateS clt(tel byv tIe clisCioLitt Ib Uses Lit tictreasedl in recent vears. Llillike cliii tg tlie peleocl prin- I[lie initiativx of tlie BtLi k of Fiiglmiiicl, buht tilese LiiLalige- to 1979. when oplet-ni-tiLkct operatititis wvete geaLe(l to Iitetits WCeIe not scUcessfilI in (lisengLgitig loiger-tertii keepingtil ie fe(lerLil fii nd s iLate wit lii ii Li niat r L nnge. iltley-iaiaket riLt S fiii cli i-ct official in fltielices. It caime t c be rec Ogtiize(l that Mi certain c- i iC sISlait es. The 1979 adcfition nf operLatil g ob jectii-es lor i LIt bnk l tet(lurelts that %x iuln peit limit Li (leaLl -ct- tf ial leaLl in teserves hlianige(l tIlis sit tibatiiliy- petiimittilig Init k fcnit,iiig iieIiest rales weix e nieedle(ld Sinc e 1985 tihe cletiLiiicl fol- -Cesc-xes to itflUeni ce niLiket interest rates- Batik tif Engl ilt1 iLis iiivitecl (lis otut houtss IS btorroti The opt-rating target has been iion-Iiiiortwecl reseives, lcoiin it aL Lt minimimtii c lndiiig iLate Iposte(l ilo Ilie iiioiti - wiich is (led ivecl by de(I cIt iIng thle e stiihited( Icit -Vl of iiig f oce clay aml 01 t iii tiaiN OcLasinsi littUl ill tIle claL. IborttOwied teseties of baiiks fioiii the fiie Last (lemiiandt Siic- h lethlilig is effec te(l at Liii iiterc st tate LiltI fcor peci- foi total bLik tesei-ves whicit - is arti-vet at oti tile Iasis d cs ('tlosell bI tile tithilttities.- of the Fcdleial (Opeti-miaLtket (:o i t ee's jiidgineiit abouit the level Of itei est ratLtes likelv to le coiisi steit III Get natiiv iiic(leI arwitigetiienits 1)ieili\iIlii g liltil 1985. xwitli tl c mnolletNi;v gtioitll target- istiaLll Ml. Si ute the (tIav--I-clayIa o L ite. x iket iate oftciI ten(letl to minc-1982, tin- bot-toiwel reserxe ol) iec tives hiave Ieet i-c iLiin juist aLbmt u lie Btm(lesbI a ii ks LIioliaLid rate at 58 Figure 5.1: Instrument Mix and Operation for Selected Countries Market Oieratiisrs ieserst e ttiti,Ii IIg lperIating Reqliir'ellit.5 t F;,.ilili' . i.trijroerit. 1-AI ke,-. I'Pl, eritire, Gerniariv if es,erx I m lr ilei'rerts The di l offiilt ate (l errrinnierit -0eLriritis PrlirmiarN tialn Tliiee tx e- of inlterest uifler-rilrt ltril accor dirig j l-si 1fo1 riiiii,tdr iiludilniri''g i Is-re -shielf ei 01dirfll ldte tell(lel O llCCir wilei to tIre txper liei f I 'l.ls Irlli r i l rIg-l - lIl glls lriieir-llr-o iledl rriarkels. Ilr ililloirrit is liseil Ierillidi. Ii lire till Ifri red iuco litilig eiititiq fes Iiltltriglt ardi the inltelrst rrile is asuIN g-n n.il,, alW o tilr cligildre tisl,- r , of iiirchase. (Glseriiillerrt dreterrmiineri 1,, alictirll. size oIl dIelfolrt. Tie lillrltcial 111i t111tiioirr . s(-il r iiiitie di l enitidl A rOILit11ii teleiifer Visieii iesexre-iel1iiirlirieril- i'firs iit le is 1%llr rill lr.rrmk frill'- frl rLillrgiit lier irrlere-t rite is et ra,ti-, .,,, d,1, ,,,a,,,d Ir(ur- ll Ira slirrl I-tIllil -rlle. (t1uri gburrterruierit [rn lie ainlrriinr is dcforr l. i i 1 121 Iril Irt ruiiketrl ialr-. L.rrr ar bouli1ndn los r-elilli,rr ir5 tifil e arl i a illrixtri-c 11n tiie i lellId p its. 4.(5i raIte I, I rile I Irirgell arirl fIreigri e\ hllige (In ibltir. These tier tB Ii- perier . rlind oli so .irrgs frrr elol ltrlei/-el irrrllot- sd15 Iol 111r 111rigiirg Iali, (onductd refirrit 411. 5 rer erit. trll u r-f, of liurlarr ial firiuirlil s hltl ilt frr rseck. R iteiirr chaseri are in-tititilrlls de-gliedrf iriilieicilrrg IlIr sliuirp rieirlerd bx sale ol In I-lldris teiiirrtririi it iiifi lrtie. - rrlitl-rrril terrrll, reeIV (Ilefireur rl e-.. frill-. iolvigri *XI liallge -us aps. ,i1nr I sirft ,f hrl arllrrritie- i1f lofli ts frontll eiltial bank trr biauk, andI tniled 0.35 (. etit - of eligille 0srriglirllt -Illfr llrl gis elr PiLurrirr-I r111 rfd les Mdriuoetrnlls Ceriirul frruk inrtilkl Kinigdloiii iiul.lilities I, Ire fejrrrsiterl Lit liir letirlialrr iutele't [IriliN ritoriglit, hit rrrarrgeriiril rferd l, [w-ire a sfas: it rerituafl lrrirk. Iiltt tro ilflset rrrlrliigill sonlietilie, lefrir rrl tillrolgil anllflitilorli drerililig at Il-l.lrt d: isho leililel- .ligile,- o . l - lire-splel Ifieid tirile lttel ,-I' , -lIt I.lcil,It incluldi,g glIser-irlrerit irrirkets. iln 1,1x If II,(lr nri. lii ildikk- in liliilililv " - llirii l- will frlixate 'Mtorlig nnllrlrilrlerr11riit lifili-.iltie-. palr let. ulrirl flf,i ullec,1lN elfert ol tilriilig Il (lerni- rsiti f- tshIrla ilrg. rI illati llrilil-. rrilf 1.5 Ilins mialrim it, irf lrats e nf rIerlillg. Japaini Ilrlr 1 1l11,(ll 11.57D: IX il-,,Irrl lnilil (Isf lirielirl hi ilk. NIl i iietiirt s Nalitidti-, iifll-u 111ii iiiiriiie dtitrli: arilIx lirIl li Ililee- I lliluirrlr iil lfrpfels. HIMirr.relill d pellig on t,xp of .Ildirgel iiid i lrg r.tl11llr f irli- efi llr ir i g gg - ellirllil filr.luil-iig ttlILigli frIIIIIAi\ eluir ltilt); iep- airilfd f,rs %rear. trr riiikirug s-lelrl: frills. Ir irxlin fill-. i--iitnrz C. Irl-s-i- refll' geleralkii ris,l llit rrrle ilelllll gIlleiririrlrt lolli.. Piuil-iae- of slollrt- rrllrtd OIIl lrigii rllirt irriin: ioirrries iuztiuket rile-.: aurrd C[I)-. teriri romlriien ial ttr-.l-tiill- iniIl ril - riJtLit-I IsIilis1 ilfridtli frills Ieil] Is b% rbaink- liil nill, dlt irrIl lrtr lvirk biri g. 1,,,1 thli-ligll rIrlIriY dfelveillifreld ill tIre I eiitizti l iaiI, deieli- urirrk,t dzitler-n. initerbanik. fill ru.aikel: hnlesr esen d xld sarr- I l ilirlere iill olI1trigfrt 11il11lilirs rf IIIrriC lC it Ii ll l, bill' drIre-il oir l gI Ilserlllerlt boild,lls I,r,,,k rair ti-e ailrdI B,rk .ll Jrr1ap i to I olfered in Bark If jilt,fai il-l tIre I girlil to I irrrer riiarket tI Iririrtell nilulrnurer of ,til hark rr ifrriin-e-. Ilealei-. firullriral illtititnliorr-, oIn at[ arm t irlrr. Ifl-flril-lrril-till j Illtiliolrial lli'is at r elseleflin lil l p ire,irilig iuururket ale. triwllnlx 'i f-el -s ssi tIn i er,its fllil u-al IJinliliglrt fli hil-ri.- If u1 eurlllulrrit bolrrrrri. 59 Figure 5.1: Instrument Mix and Operation for Selected Countries (continued) M\astiktl Ot(perat-ionls Re-lliile-iiisit.iPiiliii I-) dilles Lliiiteli ll.er%Cn lehItlilel 1tlell], Adi llsll(1111cl ho.l-l-z%i,lg Oilllsllllidlig 11-e.lsllr \,Ilfl'ilN N nmti%\k llell p)altlie ipainlg State, aLI I I [-LIIII lit S a-essz -III I.Shllu-telill ili,,d ledel.ll 11g1,1 Il11agellielil thIiml.gl il t11w -soIn <> i!iilLi-ket. o1nh 1111. fllialisl liijiilit d iweil,: i111,'tS seclirities ihills liioiils. pviiinsiiv n rrLt. IlIe rilaililQ,ger ill Ie F1I1 dIp oild lile- thel cl d l [ed: 1111d 111-1. Ouilighl Imich lii StemI Ope N1 ket *1' L ibb .ll dIvpoS-if'. di-l {lill ;e lael, S .lS .Ill eL " "( s-t I iit i's Acew-.ln(l Ila, leets.aN il. I'l[ 11c LI,, 1saillm,s hoil. -lein miuk1111, -les ill ccontlllaii naII.rkel II, Ill- . o,ice (.1 Se( -tii 6,! wIitli lbatik tiesIIr I l. .. fIIeics l II.. II I. I,III. ail rlltl-'e met.i e. IllhOilr5ie! O n a e p tiign ata t lgle ldei l altl'. Eitt s c li it tIe.enitasi g allt lieen niark e at ai g i elltas o oe llt e l pby tl. alid g iSt les l -k ratirie the la iha -te to. a1.Sitolev illalilcitihaelt ill ae otliti ods elst s le in lerlil m IIaLSn tht l e dlit td Zie pill 1,,, i-.ll cit ten11eb lllcl t Ueth i a I>is.lli e "I 1z I'll.> illeo It";icr it'llheZ o i llilli-oll itild 1si tel i l t it llied it snllll oetn. bsillail, es al e Cl,l fti-h biisnxk reseI v F defic ien-c ies aties let. TsIese Open-Market Operations fr eledti toe itils t i -alnt'isfre n lil it beasi t n tnge as tlie 0bae agi-iarket opel'atio s ti tex ec nut ierat os tr ilg ti ar- BULiRo h atiI raites cl ti-tL o i e rdxe rate eo a level atlove c tiasi, anc salet- are- ot- iat igodes si ale it Gerrs- anlils ai- tklat apptlieda ill its te eijtpary Olleraititonu Th nse ck ratges Japtlt s ut] li'e W I ell ettiresillCed Ill tIle Utenlt d States atikl proideB t a stres n (lisi cieaitive to ille tase lte Lo btittlrid United Kin-doni. Tlieinaiiaccent is on developigieu facilities oXferst in CXC ¢lreaIsn circ ulstaincesn Tlltv jlso te thiguts ar t insTliralentsacti suh a., pSecuase/rIes )La - freec, I itioney-inarket rate s frolinl tleli (leel (lendence ongl tlle titases agreesiaents eitr reierse oeratioris. directedi at Lolmbeard ratles To parevetti exeess li(Ilui(li[V ill the 111211- effecttilo ttt'lipoilO t-V chlanges ill za bsanks reserie post- sea ftirso ausillt- too steel) 2 t ate i ell iont-Ninlarket ox the tiOeS il tre direction b esirel t bvrixte t icetral satiks . tale itunidtesbni-ik bills fiade asailatltle a ta( ilit a Tutetier whtic h it oIfh era baki- ks treastl Ibills-nornl1it tes i Oalt-h igt lt Market Traiisetatiois in Setl- ities aiini tFireded N it aturities -to ihn es t-leil S-AtLI,to fiAlt]iS. Bi -ls. The IStrUs ilt tse-it tsed is thestpe tilfw tih s in the Fiaiteal States ar-e iitliseo log-terin g-let imeks secNtiai- Japatiks ba sic ottFitit-cl -adieon l -ate lies watell k tifl tiaet-s ( ate treasurq it illst [io prit ate papel is atStC'- (Vtil itiotwei taxll bIII rate, In the itid erax i k market Transactions ari icat-liled er-thre-counter, ith the (etarial bai ik credit i tarttioie(l bvic ta ieit I ri esIstlt- bualk if ortess bte klIg placed atith SO-lalled p tiniary Itislie(x li i lt le'ie lbank's cre dlit- oiticol s' stcci- deailers ill treaFtit; I-e euritiest otie otI wirich arei Spe- Futhermlelore, dlecisionts abxout tile (IlilIN alloceationt to ci;alizedl dtepear-tments of nionoey-cellter lbanks. NorinialIv. beai&s are itia(le enitirelY at tlle dliscretion(li f tile BaLiik of dleatler. arec reqluired to) teliiler f'or securities O)f a partic- Japan. wbihil nia,, at atny titiie vvithdrlaw c redlit granitedl U12r ITsL` atldin attirItN. Alloc ation.s take- place at tile p)re6iously to imipose 'repaa llielit pressurc."' Tlle ef'fec- nloOst fdvor-able bgid 1)ri(C e titil tlle dlesiredl aIllOUfIt is' tixe iis t Of tIsing Batik olf Ja pan c redlit iise s as tIlie lIeri- Fttitrhasetd or plated. I'hle iuaiii c hlaratteristit of t lis otI ot' utilizatit i fall. Thus. ictitral batik letniiilr has olperattiont lies in a shiarpl) distiittction irawi betweell becoteic a liexible alitl i)owelx'ttl instrtituienit tilat is still (lcht-tialiagetiielit oiperatioins (cotnictt-ted Fix the ttscI. inr tt (Li itttiitti(II vitlii iiew it tatket iiitrtiietits t t ITteastu r) atLid nitotietao i 1poliy o plertationlis is tisi ig tif Offs'et dlaiV fICt U-Inati itts ini bhank tesetx-e positioriti, or- et purcihase-s ii the seo-niltarv itaiket (ctodttuitetd bx tigliteii or case iliese Fositiotis -The discretion exert ised t Ite Fedeaal Reseive . Trlte Fetdetral Resertx (loes iiot by- th- Batik otf ptait - rcates d t It-ct-tainty aiiioiig Iainks aC(-l-iiei gt-crt-itllt set uiilies ill tiIie pli iialm malketI abiltitt lhow filttire reserve tiecils will 1te iiet. Ini recetit thoitig it tiiax iii effec-t reiledeii seciurities ilirectly. anld xeaus. tliCe tdcregUlltioll I ftle in llIIeV tiarket lias iften i does so, whiet a lart-e rei-c tioti in banik teserves altilowel these tales t(i fritxe sniiewiat tiuotle frielk itt is warantitetd. It genelal. tlhere ate tliiee to ftour oitriglit esl,olise to c hatigitig i)ressUres oii rc'sixre pitsitions tI-ClIaIse Olrel-atiOis in nt-ites ant I botiitds eat-ix yeat; atiit 60 nttt mt ie thani two open-miarket sales. Tranisactionis are lill imarkets of selff-addtressedI ani( self-accepted bills mostl1 in the Ireas rv I- I bil]market ai(il are cat-iedi iut ill Irawi by the Ban k of Japan witi niatuill tes tangin g sucl L WZax that tIleir impact oni tile structure of xieldIs fiom sev eral dax s to a ftew monithis have alsol beeil made is minimilal.1 in tiime to tii je. These inst itlme nts are used to suL)- Iple Olemut ct'hanges iii lendiinig in ti ay'-ti-day Ot' 1ttiU-to- The 1981 ref'ornis ini tlie litite(i King(ll v wei-e liot'i ajustmiien1ts ill b ailk reserve posit iols,. and to off- clesignecl to make tranisac-tionis in treasuLrV bills by tile set seasonal swings. Most of tlie treasury lill issues aire Banik of England the principal ilistrutnenilt for regulalilng still nlorillally takeni [) (lireCtIV by the BLink of Japan. the itioilev nlar-ket. Againist a b ackgrounidl of strolg but the Baiik Silt-e 1981 li as soldc lii mitecl a01OituI ts Of resstiUres om tllOley itar-ket liiqu i(lit' aLic( a (del etedl short-tel-il treasi bills to absor) seasonal surplluses of s Iipl)p1 of' treasuiv bills in the iiaiket that followeit per e - Ianilk reserves. 'Il'e (legr-ee of fieedota ill dleteri'illiii ia Sistelit oxeelfundlIillg (f' tihe goxerilmelit' I bortoiiig tile ti01ilg alldl a tiOllIt (it' the sales liaL itl 'reaseci grad - requirti'emiieits putcI ases of tteaours bills bec 'anie a ti ally. but tile tillirket hLIs riot expanildiedi eniougil to per- tncila l and COt lillLIillg soti'cte of bail reserves. The iln- iiiit I uit ig 01 aty'v significamit scale. I 198) tile BLIatIk ti-al baik's effiort to lengtilen the sholrt average inatitrity ct ill lJapan IjIt'hased cettifitate s of deposits fot' tile first of its iill hlIioltings to lg ecIt ed tic' e til te I tg Li ilfie of J)ilt- tiiile. and it startetd tralnsactiolis il otleilie'( ial plaper ill chaises tiecessitated by reclemil tiolt alt te implieec that 1984. Maiket operLatiois Lt iiffe'entilt 111ttitiesattl( ill ilt- tile cleteritiiiatioil of teriln-milotlex rattes 'oi ull not be left feieil papiers allX the BaLilk oIf'Japanl tii illftiele the teill t tile liaiket. Though tile mari'ket i tul initiat L Uetiel t(i'tit ut i le-ilaiket inteteAt rales aLll I iellj etlstlte in iiltei'est rates. tile res ilsp iblility f'tr makintg ilt'reaˇes tIilt ilteiest tate pIOliCy ilil)tilses ale eflt`et tiieiv tialtsillit- XVas Cleatly passetd back tIt tihe LIitlitiiities. Altei' tile tetI ftl t [li te initerbanilk markiet to iiliai'kets that liaXe lceei (lectsiotI to cease ove ltiuinilng Xvas t kelii illi mid-1 985. opect to pLatii ipatinll lv nl(bilaklilk c Siike e 1)88. willetl Ipen - tile stlctk (If tireastliv tilIs i,. the InIiket. Ih' tlieti iatel Lalrket rates moi ved well above inltee'st rates itl tile tall etloigil to keel) tile illaiket it existet-e. ritse alI the aiill bill airkets. Ti e Batik t tf Japan anLoii i-ct Iilat it Bank tI' E angl dit s holtiilngs of ("(tmillert ial liii fell.s wX tildt fioiil t ilietii 1 ti dectl influetie milv slitrt-telln rates ailt Inatutities f' ntil) to sevell ilay, leaviiig Ing-terin Cermaily's Bunldesbalkilias engagedi since the eaiit'v rates tI) te (leteiriiiiletI lxy mariket flicesi- 1980O, in miajor openl-milarket pMICt hlses. OiilV s)Oiraidi- cally ald tiarely lias i lileldi a large potlfolio of balnilk for- Reversedl Transactions in Seettritie-m aiitl Bills. aly' length of tuile. It COtllIuts toperations dicsigiledl to Reversetd tranisacttitiis aLre i'estlted to iliclreasiliy ini etisitre a steadly imlarket for fixecd-intet est setunties by ilie iititusitlial iotitlAries bct-Ltie tley aire flexible anti tile feteial goveXrilllelnt aili its fLuids. Tile Buildesb'anlk Calil be ii pleiletedi iiuickly' witilblut sigtlitfii'alt l'ffec't has o c asionmally soll imobilizatiol' pa pe'-treasurL o' tilie pric es otf the iidei'lyri g set' LiritieS. linder tIlls bills anti treasurYv discount notes-to a'so'rt Ianuk pltOCIt A it. itL' rhaLses LadI i ales of set cirties are tlect - i'srves. ' etd withi a tcoitirat t ' c'er'sc tlieili at spetcified plices atiti a flittii'-e taite. UIsUAilv tile teitiral blakilkietaiils thi Foi' ilILlilY vea's tile Batik of Japlal followed a poliy' otf iilitiatix'e inl setting tie iiit, tiilliilg anil(i duriatioil of giatdUally iili'easiiig its hi0(litis otf sct'teCUities. iiludll - conlitracts. aLldl iil tdetitlitig -llctilei' tor ietiew tietil ol' to in-g teii-vear- gzoveri-iillelit bond(s, to iiiect rising dleliiaii(I ict tilem iiiiwiliic ni, miattrit, 'riiis ln.,turiimeilt I, usedl io for cential bailk c retdit. 'lese ptI' lases are ilale atfif't'l CIl tc' iite toveltellti ill ile sti)pl of bailk 'eserves fitio dealers andl banlks ilnrotgil a teitider pro eduie that ini- othielr sotitces. Oil somlie o(ccasiolls, pi' Xate miiarkets are tially tock foLtti to five dlays to coimplete . lit tvas siil- aso LliseC i n otber,. special ptotetuies enidotw tile plifie(i to permllit tLay-to-tlay tralnsadtiins. Teidileis hlave tranlisia t iosl wviIll ilimiv of tile (chalIa teristics otf a betolile sma Ill ii in aitrotlint alld ilc 01ie ft'e(tl it. b)it Ilhe setu-ied loal. Sti l revei 'edl sec uLitx tiansai tiOii SL' opeat iotis are still iinot ilotilially useti for shoit-teli' or' ilOW utesd to i ele ilelt i lltetˇtie l )iy polic ies il all foLtiu seasotilal reseive adjuttillelts. Foir stiiootliliig seasolilal inliistritil 'otinitrics. variatiolns inl reseives, tile Baiik (f-Japai hlas folloxvecI a 1lOVel ilMetilot sillte the eatly' 1<7()s (If buyiltg alld sell- Iu tile lilJiteci States, vtlie-i'e t lhc pivate iliaiket hor ing first-c-lass corpctrate lills ailtI bills of finatlncial insti- reversed tralnsaL tionil, inl goxertmilleilt secut ities lias long tLtiOllS with corpot ate bills as collateral in the iiaiket beet Iaig t-id a -tiXc, tile Fedet al Reserve regtiarlxN HoweXveri tile average stoc-k o(f co(illeillt ial lills it sells tises ievei'se(iI Se ClilV tratisat tiCllS foi' attliing to atliI has grolwi little over tuile. Sales in thie call-mctnley anti( withdirawinrig frt oi tblank reserves ill laige autitoiilts for Li 61 ver' short perio(d. While the scale of reverse tranisac- policy stance. Repuichase agreeimenits transactions tions has been geare(l niainly to ol)bectives for hank were condluctedl at approxi mately moithly inteivals reserves, thieir timing has been influenced lv aware- between 1983 andl 1985. lint have since lbecome mior-e ness that the fecderal funds rate cOuld record laige fluC- frequent. tyl)ic ally every week. Sec urities repur-c1hase tuations in the absence oif offsetting Federal Reserve operations take place un(ler a tend(le systemii. Tlere are operations. Reverse purchase transactions can con- thiee types of tendJer. For volime tenders, the central tribite directly to stabilizing interest raltes in that they bank jpresets the interest rate (repurchase rale) and( the ofteni serve to finanice clealer positioins that m1ighit other- amounlt is openi for blid. The total anIouLnt f fLunldIs 1pr- wvise have to be liqui(latedl. The clealers nornially have vided by the central hank is ,enerally a portion of the an option to terminate repurchase agreemiients in total b)idls madle by banks .0 percent). IJncle a(lvance of maturity. an(l tencd to dlo so if market condi- interest rate tenders, both the amioit andl the relur- tions tuI11 out to be easier thani expected; they can also chase rate are open for bids fromii banks. Funds are allot- at times help to mo(lerate fluctuationis in interest rates. tedl at a uniform repuirchase rate equal to the rate at Most operations are in government bonds. which maarginial bid is accleptecl (Dutch auction method). The third tender mietihodl is a iiiix of botlih. The repuIChase The Bank of E;nglaml has in recent year-s periodlically rales. especially those set under an inlerest rate tencleri carried out purchase andl resale transactions withi are closely related to prevailing mioniev mar-ket riates- banks in governmenit securities (am Ii paper relating to txp)ically between the cliscount rate of tIme Bunildesbank at governim1ent guaranteed, fixecl interest rate. shilpUildl- the bottom and( the Lombard( rate at the tol).' ing and export cre(lits) outside the uiarket on mnarket- related terms propose(l by the central bank. These The Bank of Jalan's purchase of lonig-termti government tran,actions, originally usedi only for meeting peak sea- bonds undler resale agreements began in [)ecember sonal liquiclity needs in the market in the main tax col- 1987. The purl)ose of these operations is to increase lection lieriod. came to le emr)loyecl more often to flexibility in maniaginig the supl)lv of hank reserves ani(l redluce the burden of ploviding cash to the lankilng sys- permit better control over intei'est rates in miarkets that tem for norimial rlay-to-day olierations. The use of the are open to partidi pationi by nonlbanks. teehni(lue remaiedl restricte(d bv tIhe availability of suitable (collateral in the banking svstem. Purchase ancl Reverse Foreign Currenicy Operations. Official resale tranisactions in commercial bills with the dlis- spo)t purchases and sales of Foreign exchange are nor- count houses have been conducted moi'e frequeitly. nially linkecl to exchange rate cionsiderations. thoiugh also on terms piroposecd by the central bank, either to they have incidental effects on hank reserves. Howevei: inobilize long-tern hi ills not eligible for purchase by it tiley have implicati oi is foi- monetary polic ies sinli lar- to or whien expectations of decliniing interest rates macle the open-market operations described above. Cential the market unvwilling to offer long-term bills for sale on banks in many indkustrial countries iegard spot foreign ternis acceptable to the central bank. Neither tylpe of exchange transactioiins as an instirumenit of miioniey mar- purcIhase or sale operation dfirectIv contributes to ket pIlicy' designedI to affect the foreign exchange rate. establishing the official view oif interest rates against Outright fowvard liurchases or sales of foreign exchange that of thle market.' that have a (lelayedl iml)act onh bank reserves can also le used as an instirLumtient of nioney market policy. Swap The Gernmani Bun(lesbank announces the terms on operations in the foreign exchange market, miiadle uncler whic-h it is prepared to purchase certain types of contracts to b)uy andl sell foreign CTurmency in the miarket donmestic bills fronm banks undler repurchase agree- at two clifferentx value dates, are seeni in a numLI1ber of niets. Reversecl purchase fromil the Bundlesbank of countries as being moire clearly a stan(lardl instrument securities eligible as collateral for Lombarcl loans of monev omiarket policy. However, amiionig the countries began in 1979. The timing andl frequency of these oper- (disCusse(d here. onilv the United Kingdomi aincl Germany ations, the cLirationi of repuriebase periods, the amount arraiigecl foreigin exchange swaps between thie authori- of fun(ds to be f)rovided to hie banking systemn, ancl tlhe ties andl banks oii a few occasions in the early 1980s. 2 rate of ilnerest charged on the funds are decided under liquidity considerations ancI policy guidelines set by Transfers of Nonbank Deposits Between the Cential Bank Council. Thie decision is generally Central Banks and Banks based on the Bundesbank's estimation of bank reserve In countries whose treasuries normallyl hold cash bal- positions over the next several moiths, given its cuir-enit anc(es in excess of imillediale needls withi the central 62 batik. shifting fund(is to accounts with the banks mnaY be tileianid for bank reseives in ways inieti(le(n to )e con- a convenient way of dealinlg with dlistributionl of bank ducive to achieving moniey market obiectives. reserves, especially wlheni tlieir tiinig a 0(1 expected short cluratioii make it difficullt to counteract themil The period of holdinig reserves andl other technical thllOLughl security transactions. Conceptually, the s'lim- detaiL, relate(d to it have implications for the maniage- plesl andl quickest procedlule for maniaginig banik ment of short-terim mnoniey market rates. In the Ullite(d reserves-tratisferring goverti menit deposits fromil the States, Gerinanyv. anc(l Japan. reserve holdlings are semi- central bank to banks and back-can often he inconi- lagged. wlile they are lagged in the Uniitedl Kingdomi. spicuOusly effected withi little direct impact on short- In fact, thlere is nio contemiporaneous accounting in aniv teriml interest rates. If the intention is to affect ititerest (if the G-10 countries. Thiese hioldinig arianigemilenits are rates, these tranisfers ShoUld be madle conspicuously to considered good for facilitating intetest rate-orienited have an "iannlouIncemient" effect. However, a framileworok moniey mar-ket policies. The length of reserve holdinig is agreement covering the distribUtioll of funds aimonig higlhest in the Ulited Kingdloml (180 (l Is) ancl the low- banks. conditionls of relIllmuneration andt( collateral est in the Ulited States (14 clavs); in Japan. the period re(lniUren]ents is often necessary. Thisi niocle of monietary is 30 days. In Gernianiy and( Japan, the penalty rate for contiol proceditre is used Widely in Germaniv. but not in reserxe edeficiencies above the respective dliscoUnt rates the Unite(d Kingdomn and( Japan. is 3 and( 3.75 percent." The U S Federal Reserve's managemient of Treatsury bal- Indirect Monetary Control Procedures- ances. thIouIgh not seen as a policy inst-mtillelt, Is subl- Divergence and Convergence Ject to Close conisu1ltation between the two organiiza- ProCedures for implelmlenIting monietar-v policies in the tions. On occasion, the Fecleral Reserve aAks the four coultries at-e similar in many respects and clive- TreasuII-V to btlild up., orli'aw clodwni, its balances to gences are of miliol importance. dictated by the speci- assist in managing reserves. Utitler a 1978 agreemient, ficitv of itistitutionial structUres in each of these coun- the Treasury uinlertook to keep the balances oin its tries aLid tieir- istories. The broad contours of indirect accounts at the Federal Reserve (Whichl are usedl for monetalry policy are alike. except in details. makinig payiments) reasonably steadlv arotiuind a speci- fiedl level, leaving its recuinlAilIg balances witlh conmuer- In view of the protninncte given to short-terim inter-est cial banks in "Treasuiry Tax atci Loan" accounits into rates in the lmoney mnarkets in tIlese couLIntries, cialges whichi most taxes are paid. Large short-t-un and tax-sea- in nionetary polity stance are represetitedl by changes soIn sxinIgs iil the Treasury's balance at the Fecl contiti- in the central hank t-ates charged oni their refinancilng ue. nevertheless, paitly because the collateral require- facilities. In Gernially. the disCount and the Lombardl ments miacle comminercial banks utnwilling to accept rate set the tonie for call mioniey rates. The Bank of more thani a negotiated tiiaxilmlictm aniounlt of Treasurv Emigland generally 5upj)lie5 reserve shortages or deposits. In re-cent years int-reased variability in absorbs reserve sUIl)liUses oni a day-to-day basis at the Treasutry balances at the Federal Reserve dlUe to major prevailitig interest i-ate. Wlieni it alters its policy pos- chaniges in the tax laws. tie high level of Treasury boi- ture. it adcjusts the clealing rate below whit-h it refiuses rowi ng. and congressiomial cdelays in inmcreasimig the fed- to buy bills, andc if sufficienit bills aie nmOt offered at that eral debt ceiling have reduced lthe precisioni with which rate, the discount hotise, a-e obliged to borrow mfrttt the the opetn-inarket desk can forecast factors influeniciig Batik of Englanidl at ami interest i-ate dlifferemit froml that reserve developmnents." prevailinig in thle interbatik market. Practices in the lniitecd States andl Japan vary at the mar-gini. Theil moon- Reserve Requirements etary authorities acniiniiister di,count rates, but (lo not Reserve requiretlients, thlougIl n(ot strictly at) indirect -hiana,e thieni frequenitly. Insteac, policy direction is momietaiv instr-titmienit. have been a part ot mioinetary pol- indicated through miovemilemits in market deterinilie(d icy procedures since the 1980s. The difference rates-tlie call tate in Japan andl thie federal futiu(s rate between the use of reserve reqluirenients tlieni and( now in the UIiite(d States-that are influenced througlh mar- is tlial their level has been c-onsiderably reduced in ket operations. these countrie. miore or less to a level that enables banks to nieet tlieii needls for reserves for clearing put- The mnonetary authorities in these four countries imple- poses. Reserve reluiretirents are also resmi-ted to, uniler ment ttiioietarv polities by at-ting oni the supply of bank indirect monetarx to)ntrol procedulres. to influence the ieseives, which in turni infilences short-ter-mil interest 63 rates. Each of the authorities employs either open mar- exchange markets. both of whicih impart flexihility to ket or interbank market operations as its rmajor instru- interest rate determination and effectively integrate menit of reserve managemilenit. Repurchases or matcilhed lomestic monev markets withi foreigi finan cial mar-kets. sale-purchase agreemenits are often usecd for these puir- poses in Germany and the Unite(d States. In Gerimianiy. In the four indciistrial countries (liseCussed abcove cential the same procedure is followec, but the Bundesbank banks (1o not, in practice. exten(l loans to their trea- uses reversed transaction,s in longer terimi securities. suries. However; the central banks in these C(oulitries while the Fed relies on slort-te-rmi matulity hoods, often extenidl credit indirectly to their goverinimients by Reversedl security transactionis (1o n ot play a major role acquiring goverinimlent paper in the secondlar-v market in in Japan or the tlnited Kinigdomi. The Bank of Japanl pursuit of the objective of managinig iiarket interest entered into repuirelase agreemeilts in the late 1980s, rates-or in theil- capacity as maniagers of public lebt. while the Bank of England(i resorts to repurchase agree- Auction pr)ce(lures are lirevaleilt in all foui countries. ments primarily to meet peak seasonal reser-ve In genleral. the lholdinigs of ceiltral banks in these coun- demands: in both the couLitries the emphasis has beell tries. through debt ianiagemeileit piolicies ancl otlier on the outrighlt purchase or sale of securities, operations, have beeni small andl stable. Debt nialiage- illeilt policy was used in the lUnitecl Kingdlomii in the Tile role of discount win(lows for sbort-terim reserve early 1980s as an instrument for directly moderatinig managemenit declined in all fouL Countries dliriilg the the growthi of the bankilig system's balance sheets to 1980s. In Japan, the discount rate is usuallv below the meet targets for a broad mlonetary aggregate (M3). Debt inarket rate and the Bank of Japan ratiolis refinancing maniagemilenit in t[lis context took the fo)rmii of large net or uses it at its liscretion. In GerianLiv the effective rate sales of goveinmilenit paper (mainilv lonig-terimi bonds) is a Lombard rate-a rate charged on five- to ten-day that were norimally unattractive to balnks. Oveiluniling repureilase agreeeileits. In tile Uinitecl States, tlhe reilis- was associated with a net redictionl in tile banking sys- count rate is typically the short-terin market rate ani(l. tenls lIoliiigs of treasuiv bills and( a net improvement for that reason, various non-price methio(ds are used to in the governmilets positioll vis-a-vis the Bank of raise thie cost of disCounts. The Lilite(l King(dom lhas no England-reflected botIl in a huid hIp of goveriiumelit official (liscount wiil(low. though it leni(ls occasionially to deposits at the Bank anc(l a recluctioll in its holclinigs of discount houses at rates cliff erenit from those prevailing governmient securities as tile cential bank acted to ease in tile market. bank reserve positions by progressively addling to its stock of private bills. The resultilng dowiwnwar( plressure Learning from the Industrial Countries' On bill rates in relalion to iilterest rates in the interlbank Experience market anld On l)ank deposits at tiimles has ma(le it cliffi- Countries tlilnkilng of enlulating tlhe indirect moietary cult to imnplenlent changes in interest rate policy control procedures usedl by thlese industrial countries linterest rate sil ort-term treasury bills in Japalhavc should first uniderstand(I thle c0ilditiolIs Ulnler wvlicll been kept so far )below market level that, althougih bills each procedure is usec. Two kindis of contextual coin(li- are in prinfiple marketable, few coul(d actually be sold tions shouldl be kept in nmind. Tile first is the abilitv of to the publi. Bank of Japan purchases have tiot given a cetitral bank to control Littler iteilms Oil its balance e rise to loilg-teri-l bailk reseive control because tile gov- slieet, such as the culTency issued, float, net position ernileilt issues this paper only for tIle purpose of cov- vis-a-vis the goverolilent, anid net fo-eign assets. Tlis is eiling seasonal liqulidlity neecds. For instance, issue because cilalges in these itemis can nieutiralize or offset yiel(Is Oni governimilenit boniIs sol(l to the syndicates of the marginal adijustmleilts in banlk reseives tilat its iidi- finalncial institUtions have in recent years beeil brought rect monetary procedures briilg about. Il tiis Ccloset(r- c'loselt mar-ket x ields. Establising an open market tor tion, the relatioilship between goverinimienit finanice and( shiort-terimi government paper in wliicii the Bank of monetary policy is of crucial iiipol-taice to the effective Japail (Cou(l inteitvere Woulil widen the range anit effec- functioning of monetar-y procedures: if governments tiveiless of its money market imlteivetitioll instruilenlts. inCur liabilities to cential banks to nioletize fiscal deficits, monetary procedlures will le considerably Tile seconi(l coiltextual collnditioll is rep)resenlte(l iby weakened as they will be unalile to make tile reserve dolmestic Iiloiley anld foreigln exchailge Imlarkets, adjlistmetits niee(led to achlieve the inteii(le(l impact Oni cha iges in wilicli have enilanceed flexibility in interest market interest rates. The second is the iiistitutioilal rate (letermiliatioil aii(l elSUredl greater integratioll of and behavioral aspects of the money an li foreign domestic aiicl internationlal mnoney markets. Howevel; 64 the first of these two effects, interest rate flexibility, has in interpreting developments in monetaryv aggregates. been dlistlinctlv beneficial in providing scope for corn- The arrangemilenlts in place for official bill transactionls plex policv strategies; miarket integr-ationi has tendedI to have beeni effeetive in allowing interest rate declilnes in place constiaints on monietary policy insofar as it response to changes in exchange market conidlitiois, but strenigthlenis tile influellCe of expectations oni interest less so in achieving increases in short-term rates. The rate dleten-niniation. Integrationi of markets has raise(d autilorities have also at times wished to resist declines the risk that exchange rate andcl domestic money stock initiate(l by the market. Reductions in the stock of bank or interest rate objectives will more ofteni conle into bills built up by the Banik of Englanid (lurinig the earli- conflict. Such changes. together with a tendency for er period of overfuLiinding have recently proved to be a other- inter-est rates on bank lendinig to respond mor-e flexible institiulienit fol limitinig the shoit-riuin impact of flexibly to chaiges in money-market rates, are likely to large-scale official purchases of foreigni exchange onl ultimately help establish a monetary policy tranismiis- batik reseives. Although the impact on movemienits in sionI meehianiism that relies more on the interest-rate the Batik of Japan's foreign exchanige reserves has at impacts on the tlemilanlll for money and( therefore spend- times been velry large in dollar- terimis in recenit years. the ing, andl less oni the direct cre(dit-allocation effects that impact oii hank- reserves in Japan has remilainiedl small come about with rigid rates on bank loans andl dleposits. relative to dromestic inilueieces andl was readily maniagedl by using the instrunients available to the Bank of Japan. The way foreigin exchange market objectives impinge on As in other large countries, the influence of exchange a COulltl'S scope for the pursuit of in(lependellt tloHIes- market dlevelopilllents on inter-est rates has comile about tic interest rate objectives hias also influenced the mainly by the adaptatiomi of mioney market polius- Malaysia imposes almiost no resictionis on1 capital ing on the borrowers of baniks wvho create the instro- flows that are not financed by local borrowing. In the menits. Bank creditors-niainly depositors-also hiave Philippi nes, capital ai C onLnt contnrols remiiail e(d on the to determinie wliet her they s bould triust banks witli their books in the 1980s but were not vigorouisly enfoicedl. fulIds. Seen in this perspective. the mnost relevalit con1- By 1994 the capital accouL1t was substantially open. siLleratioli is the financial sounidness of the banks to pavi'ig the way for linkinig the doniestic mioniev andl cap- which the central bank len(s through rediscounting. 8 ital markets to internationial financial imarkets. In Korea, on the othier hand, though Soni1c liberaliZatiOnl If the banks are burdened with non-perforniing assets, measures. paiticularly for foreigni direct investmiienit and the central bank shiouldl obviously use extremie caution overseas inivestmentt 1)v resi(deits, were in place by the in usinig indirect mionetary policy inlstrumilenlts. Baniks ill late 1980s, capital aceounlt convertibility has been lito- Singapore. Hong Kong. Malavsia and( thle Philippilles ited. It is likely that these remiailinlg inipedinients to cap- ineasure 01) well as creditworthy institutiois, While ital flows will he eliminate(d by 1997 when its financial those in Chinia have vet to (lean upi their balance dleregulation plan is fully iniplemiented. The exceptioii is sheets. Several Korean banks have plrobleins with non- China, which lhas limitetl the opening of its capital peiforii ng assets, but these are not serious enough to account, thougil it too is nioving gradluallY toward that goal. dleter the central banik from un-ldertaking indirect molle- tary control procedulires." The likelihoo(d of losses fromil Dur ing the 1980s the East Asian ountries adopted bad loan policies has been containedl in almiost all these more flexible exchange rate arranigemients, replacing counitries by mieasures to strenigthieni the supervisory fixedl exchan,ge rates, usualiv pegged to the d(ollar. framiework. Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, an(l Hong Malaysia, Thiailall( andl Hong Konig put in place flexi- Kong have well-honed nionitorinig an(l pluclenitial coIn- ble exchange rate arranigemiuenlts Withl cuLrenies pegged trol niechanisrns to miaintaini the sound(niiess of theil to comnposite baskets. Indloniesia. Korea. the baniks, wiile Ind(lonesia. Korea, ani(l the Philippilnes Phil)lpines. and Singapore have managed-float have introdlicedC measuL-es to strelngthelln sipervisoiry regimes. China's is more akin to a dual exchianige rate. fullCtiolns in thle last few years. These measures include though it ullifie(l its rates recently at a fixedl pality. In centralizing supervisory responsibilities. developing general. thlese exchange arrangemnents corresion(l to and(: ullifyvilng regulatory machi nerx. and( extendilig the International Monetary Fund( classification of su)pervision to nonb)ank finianicial interimle(diaries. In pegged exchange rate regimies. The rates are adljustecd genelal. thle emphIasis of super-visioni has shiftedl from frequently. albeit in small steps, whiile the flexible mnonitorinig routitne operationis to mon itoriiig credlit exchange rates are operated as peggedl rates. The analysis l)roce(ltires ancl bank portfolios, and enforcing essence of these ar-anigemienits however is that the rates, plrulential ratios. Thieir financial systems, thlUs. hiave wvhethier pegged to the dollar or a basket of currencies, gearecl thiemiselves to be sound counterparts that will or operated as a managed float, in fact flinction like enable central banks to conduct opeln-iiarket opera- 68 tio ns or t)pen-miarket type transactioni withlout riskinig domestic prices. which maxi warrant a restrictive adlverse selections and mor-al hazaid plroblems; loiestic nionetary policy. The reverse happens with a tixedl exchalige rate andc a open economy, with a loss of Implementation of Monetary Policy control In domlestic mioney supply by the central bank. The setting in which moinetarv p olicies operate in the In thils case the maiin transmissioni chiannel to be moni- East Asian countries lias hanged dramatically with the tored liv thie monetarv aLithorities is interinational capi- progress of financial liberalization. parlticularly money tal flows.2 and capital mar-ket tevelopmnents. This change in the environimeit has imlplications for thl-ee inain aspects of The important p1oint hel-e is that the model thiat fits the monetary policies-the linkages between monetarN pol- economic ancl finanicial profile of the East Asian COUI1- icy ant Il the lomlestic ec nonoy, the significance of non- tries is the one with more or less stable exchange rates etacy aggregates as a target variable, and the relative in an environnment of freer Capital mobility described effectiveness of monetary policy instruments, earlier in this chapter: Chaniiels of Monetary Policy. A ma.jor imnpact tof Targets of Monetary Policy. Finanicial reforimis have financial liberalization is oii tile Channels thlough ireatedi a n umaber of prolbleits for the conduct of monie- which monetai-y policy is transinitted. Earlier most of the tary policy in the East Asian countries. Interest rate East Asian economies except Hong Kong's were closed, flexibility require5 monetary authorities to decide withi iigilly fixedI exchange riates and credit availability, whether to target interest rates o quantities such as and iiiterest rate-tii the extent they were allowed to credit anId m o)netary aggregates-thoughl dec iding vany-were the only channels available for mnonetary which aggregates to use will reqluir-e striking a balance policies to transmit signal of' nonetary stringency or between targeting nar-ow ioney. which is easie- to con- relaxation. With changes ini the financ ial enviiononienlt in tr l, or tits ig bloader hU ut more diffiCUtlt to track vari- these economies, iiterest rates, exchange rates, and cap- ables that iniClude new financial instrumenlits. ital flows have comae to OCCIup the center stage. The choice among interest rate, exchange rate andl mon- Iniplenimenting a restrictive mnoinetary policy through etary aggregates depen os n the type of exchange rate opein-market operations-or raising rediscount rates or regiute-fixed or floating-and the legree of openness resel-Ve retJuirenients-tendS to culmlinate in rising tf the economy. The experience of the Asian economlies interest rates, which increases dleman d for financial in tlis respect is not uniform. Singapore and Hong assets ancd clalmpens aggregate rleniancl. The othel two Kong relv on the exchange rate as their mntietary poli- channels-the exchange tate andl capital fl iws- cy target. In view of a high degree of substitutability become additional tiausmissiot channels when tile between domneStic and foreign financial assets in their econ omy is open anl( the exthalnige r 111tUate, ecy open ecion ties. inonetary andc cre lit aggregates depeniding on1 imarket conditions. Moitetary expansion, are deniand-determnined and anyv disparity between for instance, through purchases tff securities by the domestic an d foreigin interest rates is removed through Central bank puts dlownwardl pressure on dlomestiC capital flows. Indotnesia, on the tther handl. adloptedl interest rates and( leatis to an outflow of capital. interest rate tat-gets after the finanicial reform in 1983 However, the contiractitinarN impact on itorney sut)ply is Ib teause of its contern that setting monetary targets in offset by a depireciation of the dlomlestic Currency, whichl tlhe mli(dst of financial refirim ail(l large portfolio shifts shifts resources to tradables. Lower interest mates andl wouldl result in instability in interest rates tihat could Consequenit decreases in the Current at-Uct (lefitit have ai a(dverse inipact oi output. The autiorities siift- counterbalance the inliatt of capital outflows. The ed, however tt prttection of interlational reserves as a reverse occurs with ononetary - restr-ainit. The exchange target in the latter half of 1980s. wlhen the Indonesian rate in thIis case, betonies a trani.issitii hiannel of rup1)iahi came Undherl heavy speCUlative attack.22 Ovelrrliding iniportailce. Howex er the interest rate cIlail- Iel can niot ie ignored if inionetarv conlitions abroad In Korea, broadi mnoney (MI2t has been set as a target of becomie a major concern to doinestic iioiletary authori- initnetary policy. The choice of M2 was madle initially ties. A tighteninig of moiletary p)olicy in otler- countries un the grouInd1 that there is nit predlictable relationship raises theil- interest rates, leatling to a outitflw tf capi- between nairow iniotiey atid economic activity. This tal frtmi the donlestic ecnoimy an(id dtwnward pressUte mechanisin hlas recently come into questittn. however: oni its exchanige rate. This pu1-ts up ward pressure on as financial protucts not incmluled in M2. such as 69 Figure 5.2: Indirect Monetary Policy Instruments in the East Asian Countries Vilaiket Opierations C.xrinilties Reselve Reqrieileilelrts RoilisciroltilrgRefilralicirig l rstrirrirelits M itrkets Opelating Prl cedreilir Chinaji Since 1988, resevne Refinancing availaldfe hr Shlit-lerra Treasri-s Devek.liierit I& 1 Irrlre1ileiit Sale. reiqaircrilrcts iir-e set th. fillairciail i tnrtirillils bl ills aerrlial rank Irpeir rilalket zIt 134 of' tirrre dril atll a rirajil fpint is ultes issiledl ill tile irpelatinrls is Ireirig (ielialrlilleliosit. idellialldldlrixel. plirirrrai nrarket[, activlk orllsidlered. - ll rleqerq tly allteril. 011N siiall palrt if tnslx ti,i issules Reniltiareratedi at 9.18 ilnlirlicing is uisedl hlve takeni place pel)erert ilntelest rlte iim lirliilits Soi lari: frel airritiril. We l mil ergth1Cit. Holig Konig Avcvrirrtirig arrarigenirelits. liruidiit ilty jistrileill Exchanige FLiind Bills Pririarn mriarket. Issoued ail reguilar uni er whit Ir a' Iariagerrrerrt fiacility tii iraike late ali Idl'tes i11 riatALlities initersail liMii l Irlilitv Banlk lilldis z. 'er-taiur aaufjt rtierrt tin lo bank it toxri. thee anlf1 ald arLl maraagelie-lt balance ira tIle learinag lirirliflits set ril ill weilrs. Grerririlerrts luiirproses. PlFl'nrciasev accmlilitl IeiLilel biy 19)92 to stabilize shrirt bell bills iSSLeid lI% bank lIB livltiiitN tlie H1lan' KIirg HIBl)R hinthli e rnrlx mice. niarragerrueri M rietairr Artilroiti rarige set fry LAF - Pulpoise is to legLlate I 'iI-offer rite. inuterbairk li(nri(fiti. Liidaiifits is adljitisted Tliotrgr ranot Reserx e thr1ltro<>l. U,Ctn is Iili'eiCiieiit. em fliaiige iilin bI- [Is jlld l eveli allI rex ( ol foal wr, eeks foii 364 gIvei'iLeiitul delpouitts. di s 'lTlills. The C ent-ial Bztiik .1lanlolint,an riia(l idii- -ecuiilie, - Bauik liei ate aniillciiit'ed Nagara I eitific'ate. ili Lilvtniiet. The Late niit ftlll' ilarkel iidormi nedi. Pluippine, Re-erie r ei1iirellieCII Regulai l eilislCi'iltillg. 'P-bills. of all Prillalv esentil iall Tiiiiisai'tioiii, iii i llh ILUIle akii I ilicdl iiilulities. .iitllldl andi Iiate also i'eiitial batik lbill- gu ciilil< uiel .ei'iir-ituen. unlltil ieLeIitlV. blaik bill-' t. lie nei inditlax iuiLrket ale ,itiiglut. Ill pllaedS o%cII illi(l %%Ili( II ha.s beconlle I- egaidlol1 T-bxitt,. Te I.,I) llchao' [.eve-.e rIl-or , (11illJrlitlxe tIll-ee l'ornl- repuiirclhia-- andii in itellnl eals. ireriiii' haae. ieierse 111CLial L-el)llls Ild.lC CII-Chatle dIwh ld( agireemiet. ounlighlt. AMi lion Illelthod< adlrl I,ill' ,,1 emi hallge in,rull-ltenlt. aleV dlisCllll[Vd. Al--- Tlieiain I ir l. XIAS a,lso Iirowis and leld-. ill Ill, iiilelibarik miarket th-ough %ili'ioiui. ageiit bauLk.. bonlids. liave been growing (JUickly andl the relation of Choosinig a Mix of Inilirect Monetary Policy M2 to niacroeconon iic variables sUiCh as GDP anl intlla- Instrtimenits. In consonance with theil- finanlcial liber- tiOli llO longer seenis validl. The Philippines ha5 alization, most East Asian countries have graduallv changed mionietaryv tarnets several tines. Until 1984 net miove(d towarld the use of indilrect imonietary policy domiestic assets were seen as the deterininative vanr- instruimenits. which broadly' comiprise open-niarket able. but this has been changed to base moniey to reflect operations, on-dlelian(d redisCounti ng, andl r eserve the priority attached to iniflationi control andI the nee(d to reqJuiremients. Figure 5.2 pr)esients a synoptic view of conLtain the effects of possible Unanticipated capital the monietary policy instrumlent5 mIix used in East Asia. inflows. Malaysia andl Thailandl have shifted mionetaryv Incdonesia. Malaysia, andl the Philippines have niadle policy targets as theil- circumistances chaigecl. while the greatest advances towar(d etiployinig indirect iiiolle- Clhiia, set. c're(lit as a target in view of its continiued tary policy instIumIenIts, whiile Thailanicd Singapore. adherence to direct ml)netaly' controls.2 Hong Kotig andl Korea hiave taken inportant steps 71 toward this goal. Chilia is still at the planninig stage SUMMIARY AND CONCLUSIONS withi steps being taken to establish thie infrastructure needlecd to condciLiet in(lirect monetary poli(cy procedures. Monietary policy's essential fuLneCtion is to regulate Open-market type ol)erations, if not full fledigedl open- availability of money in order to maintaini price stabili- market operations. are plrevalent in Indlonesia, Korea. ty, conducive to rapid growth of the economy w ithi high- Malaysia, the Philippines, ancl Thailaid. These take est possible level of employment. It is operated in two form of sale of goverinimlenit bonds or central bank secu- ways-direct andl inndirect. Un(ler the first mode, wvhich rities, purchase or reverse [)urchase of bills. and( recy- was prevalent in the most of the East Asian and other cling of bank deposits by central bank and vice versa. leveloping countries ulitil recenitl, cost of msoney, that In Singapore and Hong Koing. money-market interven- is. interest rate andl its (itatitv are controlled through tion bv the m)lonetary authorities is done by buying an(l imposing ceilings in a top-dlown fashioni accordinig to selling treasury' bills, foreign exchange swaps, lending the perception andl judLgmllent of thle mHOnetary authL ori- in Interbank markets, andl repurchase agreements In ties about whiat the economic agents should want. goverimetit bonds. In Honig Kong exciange fuLicl bills Natulally, ost andI availability 'f m)of ey So regulate I an(l niotes are used. In general. o)pen-niarket type oper- tlierefoie ten(I toi be arbitrary ancl CuLimbersonme an(l d(o ations are limite(d by the thininess of the miarket andl a not alvwavs converge withi the market expectations. lack of eligible government paper. To get arounld these Ulidcler indirect moinetary' policy proceil[res. the whlole problems, cential banks in Inclonesia. Ko)rea Malaysia. lecisiont making process is tranisfoirmied. The m onietar-y and the Philippines have issuedl thieil ownI debt instru- policy' s main accent is on regulatling the (uanitity of ments. Most transactions occur in the primar- market, mnoiey through changes in the interest rate. It accom- while open market transactions in the secondary market plishes tliis tb-rough changing its re disC )Lit i'ate oi1 are extremely limitel. thoughi arianigemilents are being throUghl purchase andl sale of government paper. The ma(le to broadeni the scope of the secondary market in chaniges in reserves so ensued theni affect the rates these countries. Using auctiolIs to issue governimilelit ol charged by banks oni their assets ail(I liabilities. In central bank paper in the primary miiarket is b)ringing eitier case, for these instruLimenits to be effective, it is their yields to the level of rnarket interest rates > necessary thal the finanicial systeml possesses adiequtate amounlt of marketable securities-commercial paper Ind(lonesia, Korea, Malaysia, SinIgapore, ancd the and government papers of various miaturi-ities. This Philippines have phasedl out the use of subsidized een- meanis development of a bondc market is a sine qtia ioi tral bank discount facilities to strengtien mnonetary of indirect monetary policy control. This is msore effi- control. These subsidies had been usedl to ensure low- cient. effective andl impersonal in execution because it cost creclit to prioritv sectors, andii central banks often pe)rilits variation inl quianitity of money to be leterminiiiecd found( it clifficult to re(iuee dIiscounlt finalncilig, even by the chawges in its price. The indlustrial coultlries wheni warianted on1 macloeconomic groun(ls because hiave switched over to the use of indirect monletary' the reductions imposed uLIsuIstainable losses onl comI- instrutimenits over a period of time as tleil banking sys- mercial banks. So me of the CouLIntries have narrowecl the tems became more sophisticated an(l competitive: an(i ranige of special (liscount facilities in favor of general- bond ancl stock miarkets grew in size andl (liversity, giv- ized last resort type of lendinig by the eential bank. ing freer play toi market forces. Now the stage has been reached in thieir economies which enables thiemi to fine The third type of indirect m onietaryv policy instirLiuienit tunle their monetary policies to control domestic liquid- used is reseive requlireiienits. Since a change in reserve itvy exchange rates and the external capital flows. requirement recluires portfolio a(ijustinent among coin- Procedures adopted for implementing monietarv poli- mercial bank assets, it is not consideredl to be an effec- cies are gemlelally similar across countries in maniy tive instiumenit arid hias beell used less freq(Uently with respects and Such (livergencies as exist aionig themil are the increasling resort in recent years to more flexible of minolr importance, dictatedc more by the specificity of open-market operations. The reserve requireniments level their institUtional struCtures and historical legacies. has been kept to the nlilniilil in Indonesia, Korea. andl Malaysia, but they remilainiedl highi in the Philippines For countries in East Asia, moving steadily towardis the until 1993 because of the ineffectiveniess of open-mar- use of inmdirect monietary policy instrumilenits, it is essen- ket operationis in con(ditions where cenitral bank losses tial to have a deeper understanidinig of the conditions were large and it could inot undertake open-market oper- undler which eaclh of these plroce(lures is used in the ations; this constraint has now been remiiove(. leading incdustrial countries. The first is the ability of 72 central banks to coitiol other items on the balance Almost all the East Asian countries except China have sbheets. such as currency issued. float, net positioin vis- been able to switch to the indlirect monetary policies in a-vis the governmenit and net foreign assets. This is varying (legrees. Wlhile a great deal of progress is made becatise chianiges in these items can neutialize or offset in this regard, much is yet to be accomplishecl. the marginal adjtistments in bank reserves that the CuLTentiv the accent is nai-lv onl using on-demand indirect monetary procedures bring about. In this coil- rediscouLnting mechaniisimi and REPOs or reverse nection. the relationship between government finance REPOs as part of the open market operations. But a and monietary policy is of crucial importance to the full scale open market operations are still far away in effective functioning of monetary procedures; if govern- most of the countries because of either absence of sec- neiits incur liabilities to central baniks, monetary pro- olldarv imarkets for governient papers or their rudi- cedures are coisicderably weakened as thev are unable nlelitarv natUre, if they exist at all. As argued earlier; to make the reser-ve adjtistmenits neecled to achieve the in this clhapter the existence of bond market is a neces- intenided impact on market interest rates. The second is sat)' condition for effective indirect monetary policy but the institutionial and behavioral aspects of the moniey not a sufficient one. The latter requirement can be sat- an(l foreigin exchange markets. both of which impart isfied only wlheti se(on(1dary market for bonds is madle flexibility to interest rate determination atnd effectively fullv operational with an arrav of policies suggested in integrate (lomestic moniey market with foreign financial Chapter 11. markets. 73 ; xA~~~~~~~~~'&& JTHJ7 VI LOO K I N G AH EA D E ast Asias rapidly growi ng fi ianr ial sector has investments In capital-intensive in(tistries and infra- begun an important transformation as its structure. Tlis shilft xvill recluire a parallel chanige in (onlestic boIld imlarkets assume increased the finlanlcling Iix to emphasize longer-terimi sources of importance besicle the e(quity andl hank finanicinig that fuLicis. That process has alreadly beguInI. While East has fueledI the region's record economic growti in the Asia's ixvesttimenit financing has historically been cdoin- last (lilailer century. Tlis finiancial (leepeiling is being imiatedI by bank ancl e(luity finanlcing. bond0s are becom- brought about by' a conflueLInce of (ij the need to niobi- ing the fastest growin,g source of financing in the 1990s. lize massive amouLIts of lonig-term resources to finance AlthOIugh banks still provide the bulk of investmiienit infraStrUcture inlvestmilenits all(n h1ousing: (tii) structural fuini(ds for East Asian firimis, this study (onClu(les that changes in the economy fri-omi a predominantly lalbor- tihe share of' bonds in new financing will increase intensive mantifactuirinig to capital-intensive inditistiies sharl)v ovxer the next dlecade. that require long-term ndebt financing: (iii) tthe adlvent of risk-based capital aclequacy re(quiremients inistituitecl by 'I'H[F EFAST ASIAN r:(CONOMIY 1 N 2004 the Bank for International Settlemenits, wlhici haxve straiinedn the banking ystevin's ability to mieet long-termli East Asia is alrea(ly a formidable economic powet; ancl financing needs: an(l (iv) increase(d dleimand(I for- long- is expectecl to become eveni more s5) in the next (lecacle. term fixed-inicomie investlimenlt vehicles fromii the W'orld Bank proiectilins' shiow East Asia's GDP groxw- region's inistitutional investors. ing at an aiinual rate of 7.7 percent over the niext dlecade, in contiast to 4.9 percent for the low- andl mid- East Asia has growni dramatically in the last 25 years. dle-incom-te counitries, andl 2.7 percent for the world as andl that growth is expected to continue thiotighi the a wlhole. To sustaini this high groxvtli rate, investment 1995-2004 decade. Growtth is, hoxvever. expecte(l to over 1994-2004 is prolectedl at a total of some US$8 enter a niew l phase that focuses intoire oni longer-terni trillioni. Gross Domestic Fixeil Investmenit tGDFI) as Table 6.1: GDP and Gross Domestic Fixed Investment, 1994-2004 (Indicative Projections; 1994 US$ billion) 1'94 19)9 2004 1995-0 )4 GDP GD[)FI I G DP) CP tDFI (r% GDP) DIP GDFI G DUP) GDRUItLS$8) Toital Pri 'ate lital Private Total Pri'atesi Ti)al Private Korea :377 38 29 522 39) 30 715 40 31 2130 1655 Mallavsia 71 39 24 104 40i 25 152 41 26 449 281 Tliailalt ] 140 tO 30 205 42 32 302 44 32 931 693 Chilin 513 39 19 778 40 21) 1172 4(0 21 3339 1684 Indttolnsia 157 3(0 21 217 30 2(0 297 30 20 681 456 Philitppoines 64 24 17 80 30 22 100 34 25 258 185 T)tal 1322 37 23 190(7 38 24 27:39 39 25 7787 4(53 GDFI= (GtossDornesti( kitxed iniestrie'nt. S,n,n'e: (Gobal F$r'nnnic Pronsper is I 199a. C o rld Bunk. 74 percentage of GDP in 1994 ranged fromii 40 pereent in The region s rapi(l growvthi andl high corporate profitahil- Thailand to 24 percent in the Philippines, with an average ity has enabled East Asian companies to finance a sig- rate of 37 per(ent for the region. The bulk of projected nificanit amilotiit of thieir investmiienit with interniallv gen- investment will take place in Chilia (US$3.3 trillion), eratedl fulicis augmented by short-temin borrowings from Korea (US$2.1 trillion), Thailancl (US$931 billion), commercial banks. Over the coming decade, however, Indloniesia (US$681 billion) andl Malaysia tJS$449 bil- the indtistrial structure in these countries will experi- lion). Giveni that malnufacttirinig is the largest sector in ence a major shilft fiom labor-intensive manufaettirinig most East Asian economies. it will continue to account to capital-intenisive industries. The long gestation peni- for the bulk of investment. However, investmiienit in ods of these projects will strain cash flow., and recduce infrastrutuIrIL-e and the housing sector wvill also be sub- the ability of the private sector to finanice investimienit stantial. with internally gener-ated funds. Resortinig to short-term bank finanicing will not be a soutiid financial practice as In ] 994, the region's (excluding Honig Konig and it will result in sub-optimial capital struCtures. Singapore) GDFI was about U1S$489 billion of which 63 Therefore, corporate treasurers will seek fixed-rate, percent was private investmenit. With enhanced private long-ter-nm resources. The massive investnient require- sector participation in infiastructure projects antI the menits of infrastruCture projects is anotlher criviiig force region s efforts towar(d privatization of SOEs, the private for this transforiniation. Infrastructure projects by C(olponent of GDFI is expected to increase over the nature. require long-term debt financing with dlebt- next decade. Table 6.1 providle World Bank's in(lica- eqluity ratios of the order of 3 to 1. A third factor i, the tive projections of GDFI, both public andl private. availability of lonh-terin fixecl-rate debt capital. The emergence of new (lasses of institutionial investors, Corporate Finance Practices in East Asia such as the contractual saving sector and( private pen- Corporate finance plrati'es in East Asia var- across sion fuLicls, that are natulal investor-s in long-telmill countries arci across sectors. Table 6.2 shIows debt as a fixed-incomie instruments will fuLthier- hasteni the shift part of finanicinig raniginig fromii 59 percent in Thailanidl to toward fixed-income seCuLrities. 72 percent in Korea. Firms in Thailanidl and thie Philippines hiave operated at a leverage level typical of Table 6.2: Capital Structure in Selected East East Asian countries. Inter-est rates in most East Asian Asian Countries countries have been dleregulated. Howevei. in the case Xe [l i a' I'1-t 'li [l i di [ti-t.llt of Korea, leverage has been at the high endl because of d Eiav .vI T'.tI Capit-aI the access of Korean firms to below maarket interest Korea' 1993 260 72 rates fronm the banking svstem. This is likelv to change Ptiliiitiine)' 1994 210 68 with fuill deregulation of the Koreani finanicial markets Thailand 1993 147 59 by 1997. On average, East Asian companies have Iliclia 1994 113 53 financed about 40 percent of their investimient from tUinited States 1994 03 171 63 interniallv generatecl funds (net profit p)lus dleprecia- ___ a: hI;t ,t trporattionts Iisteidotin Kavren Szttk- k i itiatge. tinn). The banking system lias financed. oni average. t: Fir tle largestI 1000cttroratiorr in thef Philippine. anothier 40 percent. The remaininig 20 percent has b : Far 14 litrgest pihlit ttlittlie, it 77liititidi. been tracditionally financed throughi issuaance of new Stiarte.: Koreat: ktra Seeurittes Restar(h ii tRite: Philippiilets: etiuity (10 percenit), domestic bon(ds (9 peice'nt), b01- Phtlippine,t .000: Girramitii BeyondTi lar 2000, 1994 Editionl", Sietriiiies andi( Exchtange Cant nistina : Thai/anti: hiri fitnag Prin at- S''rcftr. rowirig fromt abiroac and. since 1993, foreign 1oti(n Pitrtuiptaion rirIi Imr,prott idig FL/ittera, z in Stte Enitlrprisev, Ritrlti Btnk. isstes. 1994: It/ia: ICIC I Serariit., eridtt Fitd Erte Comniparnt: I niletdI State: De1ptrti 0 enti o/ Ctitrtinwer c. Althotighi d(Joimestic equity markets have grown dIramat- ically with very large market capitalization. tile liqtuid- In the light of the changing patterns in corporate ity in these markets has been quite limited and the finance as discussed above, the shar-e of inter-niall gen- amo unt of fundics raised throuiglh initial p)ulblic offerings eratedl fuinids. bank boriowing, andl bonid issuance in has been relativelv mzodlest. Furtherniore, imost first-tiel corporate investimienit is expe(tetd to chanige substantial- East Asian coml)anies hiave alrea(dy reachied their for- lv ov er the next ten years. An indicative finanicinig plan eign ownershil) limits. Therefore. roost East Asian is shiowin in Table 6.3. This analysis assulmes that the companies are resorting to debt c'apital to finance their share of internially generated fLInds, andl bank borrow- rivestimielits. ings in total finanicinig will tlecliie fronm about 40 per- 75 cent in 1994 to 35 percent in 1999 and to about 30 per- Under our likely scenario, Korea will be the largest cent in 2004. New equity finanicinig, however, is market in the region followed by China. Malaysia, arid assumed to remain at a modest 10 percent of total Thailand by 2004. The fastest growing market is like- f'inancing. Thus, bond financing as a share of total Iy to be Thailand, which is projected to have a seven- f'inancing is expected to increase from about 9 percent fold increase in its bond market during the next decade. ini 1994 to 17 percent in 1999 and to about 26 percent Up to 1994, bond financing was a very small part of by 2004. Under such a financing pattern, the size of Thailand's investment finance accountinig for 11.5 per- the East Asian bond market is projected at over US$1 cent of GDP Traditionally commercial banks have trillion, net of redlemilptions by 2004. Of this aniouit, played a dominant role in Thailand and until 1993, about US$341 billioti and US$766 billion are projected non-listed companies weere not allowed to float bond to be the new issuance amounts over 1995-99 and issues publicly. Howevei; this will change with the cor- 2000-04, respectively. poratization of state enterprises and rapi(l growth of the private sector. The Thai bond market is likely to be Table 6.3: East Asia: Indicative Financing Plan predominantly a corporate market. It is assumed that of Projected Investment the RTG will continue to follow sound fiscal policies (US$ billion; 1994 Prices) and therefore, the needl to resort to bond financing will 1991 1995-99 2010-2(J04 be very limited. China's bonid market is projected to lAcuall PrP.jt( lcid Pr'..ojectedi grow five-fold during the same periodl. Howevei; it will llSS__ 5$ Pinesi LS$ MPercelill [s 1_Percen remilain domninated by the governmient securities market. Total Private GDFI 309 100 2007 tO)D 2946 100 Given Chinia's massive capital requireriients for clevel- opment, the goverinment is likelv to run fiscal deficits F'iiianci'ng - lilreially Genierated Funids 124 40 702 35 884 30 for many years to come. In China. the bond market New EqBity 31 10 201 10 295 10 institutional infrastructure needs to be strengthienied Banit Borrowilig 124 40 702 35 884 30 substantially to unleash its growth potential. Malavsia's SLAb-total 279 90 1605 80 2063 70 bond market is also expected to grow rapidly duLinig the Remainling Gal) 31 10 402 20 884 30 next decade to mieet the capital requirements of priva- Bomids 28 9 341 17 7.66 26 Foreigri Financing 3 1 61 3 118 4 tized entities. The Seventh Malaysian Plan (1996- 2004) estimates a total private investment requirement CDFI: Gross Domnestic Fixed Investmatent of RM350 billioni ($136 billioni). Source: Wobrld Bankstqfjestirnal es. Table 6.4 shows the size of the East Asian bond markets by countryv at the end of 1994 and forecasts for 1999 Table 6.4: Indicative Size of the East Asian and 2004. These projections are derived from a coon- Bond Market' try- and sector-specific analysis based on inforimiatiorn (US$ billion; 1994 Prices) contained in the companiioni countrv studies and the authors' own jud3gment. The analysis furthel assumes E,I -1')9)4 F¸, l-1')() End-20t(4 the mainteniance of sound macroeconomic policies and _IEtinalte) (Prset-ed) (Proi-tLe I continued implementationi of financial-sector reforimi - ._ 1% UOP 1 ° (SOP US$ C- COP programs. The analysis is canTied out for illustrative Korea 161 43 311 59 646 90 purposes only and as such represents a likely scenario Malayvsia 39 56 56 54 103 68 for the East Asian bond market in 2004. Sectoral Thailanid 14 10 36 18 106 35 breakdown of individual bond rtiarkets, similarly, reflects historical patterns of public arid corporate Chinia 33 6 71 9 154 13 finance and the authlors' own judgment. To the extent Indonesia 9 6 19 9 40 14 that tiiese assumptions are subjective, the resulting pmo- Philippines 25 39 39 48 59 59 jections reflect rough order-of-magnitude estimates rather thani being conclusive. Therefore, care must be Total 282 21 533 28 1108 41 taken in interpreting the relative sizes of these bondl markets projected over the next decadle. The size of the o th f t these rit einteraritional frnnil centers. bond markets and their composition will depend on the Source: t,rl(d Bank staf 'estirmautes. pace of reforms in these countries, actual investment levels, and the associated finanlcinig mix. 76 ISSL[EIRS ceit in 2004. The major issuers of corporate bonds will e from Kiorea, Malaysia, and Thailand, as these In 1994 East Asian governments were the majoI issuers countries will undcletake major industrial projects dur- of boncis andl accounted for 45 percent of all outstand- ing the next dlecale. The second largest group of isstiers ing bonds, followedl by the corporate sector (223 per- will be the corporatize(l Mtate enterprises from cent), the state enterprise sector (18 percent). central Thailand, Malaysia, andl Korea. bank securities (14 percent), and state governments (1 percent). This profile will change dramatically during Infrastructure Projects. Infiastiucture financing is the next (leca(le. The government bond sector is expected to form a major l)art of investment in East Asia expected to decline to about 33 j)ercenit by 1999 and( to dluring the next decade. The current level of infra- about 23 percent by 2004, as the governiento of structure investimienit of about 5 percent of GDP is not Malaysia. Thailand, Indoniesia, and Korea are expected adeqjuate to satisfy even the current levels of unsatis- to c ontinue their conservative fiscal policies and miay fied demand, let alonie meet futLire neecis. It is estimat- even achieve fiscal surpluses; the governments of ed that this investment level will have to incr-ease to Singapore andc Hong Kong have alreadly accumulated about 8 percent of GDP to meet the inereasinig demancl. large surpluses andl will continue to lo so in the future. The maini forces propelling clemanidl for infrastructure Onlyv in the Philippines andl China will the governimenlt services are: securl-ities retain their- dominiiance. * Unsatisfiedl dleniand for infrastriuLCture (telecomillmuni- Figure 6. 1: Composition of the East Asian Bond cations. urban housing, transportation, water supply Market in 2004' waste disposals. etc.) remains quite highi in East (Indicative Projections; 1994 US$ billion) Asia. lpgrading of existing infrastiLictuL-e ancd adldi- tionti of new stock and( services will require substan- 800 tial investmieit. 700 * East Asia's rapid indlustrialization andc a clear shift 600 to manufacturing is raising the clemtand for power anI( other physical infrastructure in economies such 500 as Hong Kong. Korea. Singapore. and Thailan.l 400 * The increasingly integrated global miarketplace also 300 ( clemnan(ls a vast ariay of well-funcltioninig infrastruc- tule services to mainitain global competitiveness. 200 The conipetitiveness issue is particularly important in FDI recipient CouLntries, antI this is nowihere more 100 iml)erative thani in East Asia. During 1986-92. FDI Kore_ inflows to East Asia increased six-fold to reach an O 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ estimated $19 billion. The region noow accounts for Korea Malaysia Thailand China Indonesia Philippines about 13 percent of global FDI, anid its share is pro- jeCtecl to cloulble bv the enid of the century. * Corporate State Enterprises c t d U Central Bank * National Government DuL-inig the 1980s, despite liigh gross dlomestic invest- ment, East Asian investmenit in infrastructure averaged al thinlg kinlg andll s ugupure 1n e been en lwcit (ruinu I ,i,ullSi. ill only a bout 4.7 percent of GDI with the bulk of it (2. 1 ew ieuf o/ flit fiiI 11(1 thease (ire inlernufuionilfini( inl ilanlfers. percent) in the power set tor followedl by transportation .Siinrce: ttelil lBunlk Stl aJ es aunt es. (1.6 percent). telecollmunications $0.6 percent) and water and sanitation (0.4 percent) sectors While this The fastest growing sector of the bond L market will be compared favorably with other cleveloping r egions. East the corporate sector Corporate bond(s are projected to Asian investment in infirastr'uetur-e represented a mere grow from $70 billion in 1994 to about $201 billion in 12 percent of gross domestic investment, partly 1999 and about $520 billion by 2004. raising the cur- because of the emphasis placedl on moclernizing ancd porate share fiom 2:3 percent in 1994 to about 42 per- expanding the indlustrial base andl parlly due to high 77 investimenit in social infrastructure such( as education Contractual Saving Institutionis. The contractual and health care. During the early 1990s, ptlliC invest- saving sector across East Asia has been able to mobi- ment in infrastructure rose slightly to about 5 )ercetlt lize large amoxulIts of long-term resources. Singapore of Gl)P However; in the 1990s, infrastructure invest- antd Malavsia have been the pioneers in developing the ment is increasingly being switched to the private see- contractual saving sector. At the end (of 1994. total tor. An estimate based oni an interinal \Torld Bank assets of the Cential Providenit Funid in Singapore stood stti(ly puts the infrastructure investmiienit requirements at $38 billion wthile the Employee Provi(lent Fundl in of the East Asia regioni over the next (lecadle at about Malavsia had aW comuLIlated RM84 billion ($33 billion). $1.4 trillion, which imeans inviestimienit is likely to The Roval Thai Government started funding it, (ivil increase fi-oml about $100 billion in 1995 to about $210 servant pensioni plait in AuguLst 1994. by introducing a billion by 2004. The largest block of the estimatedl nevw plan that combines (lefined-benefit andc clefinecd- level (of investmilenit is in the transportation sector fol- onttribution plans. This plan is expected to start with lowedi by power; telecommunications, and water supply an asset size of $2 to 3 billion in 1996. Thus far, the anicl sanitationi (Table 6.5). A low-case scenario esti- role of the contractual saving sector in capital market mate of infrastructure investment reqluiremenlts will be ilevelopment has been fairly mnodest. In the past. these about $1.2 tirillion. provident fhi ids we-e i-ictially used to imeet governmeiit funding requirements, leaving their managers limitedl INVNE STORS fieedlomii in asset allocation. Howevei; most East Asian CouLntries have recently movedl towarIl miakinig the con- Domestic Institutional Investors tractual saving sector more autonom...ottus by lifting coIn- The size of institutional investors in East Asia is (qltite trols on their investment policies. The Singapore large. At the end of 1994. the total size of instit utionial authorities are opening the Cential Priovi(lenit Fondl to investors-mainly central provident funcis, social secn- professionial managers and( allowiing more fi-eedlomo in rity organizationis and( mutual finds-was about $103 investimienit strategies. andl Malaysia's prcovidlenit fuind( billion, or 8 percent of GDP (Table 6.6). This ratio imnaiagers are now requiledi to invest no more than 50 woulIl he higher if assets of insuranice companies andl percent (If their assets in government securities. The lrivate pension fund(s were included, driving fbrc e behind this chanige is the fiscal surpluses of these counitries, especially Singapore. Malaysia. and Table 6.5: Indicative Investment Requirements in Infrastructure (I1995-2004; US$ billion in 1994 Prices) PNwer Tetecomi Tri)sl)( i-t bater am I Sa riiatli m JIta I LISS B 1 + (.L P LISe B % (LIP LIS$ B c? C.DP t[S$ B '9pC[)P US t GDCP BaseIi ie Grioiwti S enario C:tina 200 2.0 141 1.4 :302 3.0 1l) 1 .() 744 7.4 IndIoneiia .54 2.7 25 1.3 62 3.1 20 1.( 161 8.1 Khorea 1()1 2.1 32 0.7 132 2.7 4 0).1 269 5.6 Malaysia" 17 1.7 6 0.6 22 2.1 1t. 0.4 .50 4.8 Phitippines 19 2.7 7 1.0 18 2.5 4 0.4 48 6.8 Thailand' 49 2.4 29 1.4 57 2.8 10 0.5 145 7.2 Oilier 25 3.1 18 2.2 14 1.7 4 ( ).5 61 7.5 Eatst Asia 465 2.2 258 1.2 607 2.8 145 0.7 147I6 6.8 Low Gmwth Scenarioi (GDP grrowth lower h)y 2 percentage pointis) Chinia 15t) 1.7 11:3 1.3 2(65 3.( 88 1.0 616 7.0 ItflloOesia 5.3 .3.0 20 1.1 61 :3.5 19 1.1 t53 8.8 Ko)rea 80 1.9 26 0.6 1(t6 2.5 3 0.1 215 5.1 Malaysia" 16 1.8 6 0.7 22 2.4 4 ().4 48 5.3 Phitippines 16 2.6 5.5 S(.9 14 2.3 2 0).3 :38 6.1 Thailan&l 38 2.2 26 1.5 52 2.9 9 0.5 125 7.t Other 18 2.5 14 1.9 13 1.8 3 0.4 48 6.7 East Asia 371 2.0 219 1.1 525 2.8 128 0.7 124:3 6.6 a: F.qinats (ucO avalahle/d/ l l /V/fr il/ pi pol i se(I oi 78 Thailand. With new found freedom in investmenit leci- ance companies will blossonm durinig the next decale. sion makiig. these institutionial investor-s are now seek- furthier inc reasing the role of instituitionial investors. A ing long-ter-mii fixed-income instrumentits that minimilze rotighi e.timate shows that the size of the instituItionial theil asset-liability mismatches, opening a new fiel(d for- investors (governmenit sponsored pensioni plans, social fixecl-inicomiie securities. security organizations and mutual funid industries) will increase to around $400 billion by year 2004. Siince Table 6.6: Asset Size of East Asian Institutional miost East Asian governiments cdo not borrow froom these Investors instittitionis to finanice their deficits. these institutions (US$ billion) Iiave been allowec greater freedlonii in thieir asset allo- 9094 2004 l cation. Singapore andl Malaysia have alreadty taken the (Actual) (Projected) lead in enabliig their contractual saving institutions to Cointrac tual Sax ogs Ilnstitiitiones (liversifv thieir portfolios ancd to a limited extent. allow- entiral Providlenit Fond 38.0 99.0 ing themil to invest overseas. initially within East Asia. (Singapore) These institutions are likely to emerge as major investors Employee Proxidenit Fundcl 33.0 134(0 in lonig-term (ndebt instiunienits and provide a big stitn'- tMalavxia) luI, to the developmenti of corporate bondl markets. Pension Funds 555/fAS S(Philippille') 6.0 16.0 International Investors SSO/Civil Servait Pension I .3 37.) Interinational Bond Issiues. As discus,ed iniCliapter iThailaand) 5, East Asian issuers have raised substantial amounits Alt Giveinment Ptans 5.0 1.5.0 in the interniationtal bond markets in recenit vears. td mnflles ia) Betweeni 1991 andl 1993, Asian issuers other than Private Pen.sion Funds 5.7 18.0 Japan floatecl $25.7 billion in fixed-income securities Miiiuat tunds 20.0 81 .(t in foreignl markets, far more thani wxiat thexv raisecd tlhrouglh share offerings. Adding convertible bonids Tolat 109.( 400.0 issued during this period brings the total to some $32.7 ,Sourt(us: World BariA staff etirnales, billion. This trenicd is likely to continue lint issuLlance ill (donestic marketa is likely to expand rapid(lx and( becoome niore cost effective. With the increase in incomiie and aging of populations. most East Asian countries have adopted or in the Foreign Portfolio Investmiient. The rapidt growth in process of adopting social security programs. Indonesia East Asia's equity markets has been influenced to a and Tlia-laiid liave also cleveloped social security or-- large extent by the increase in foreign portfolio invest- nizations andc are strenigthieninig their operations. The ment. especially bh the US institutionial investors. Thai social seCuritx fundl is likely to grow exponential- Most inxestments have been limitecd to first-tier- compa- lv withi coverage increasing from the cuirenit 1 millioen nies andl in many countries, they have already reached to about 5 millioni members within the next ten years.' the limit piermittedt for foreigin ownership. In fact, the availalbility of first-tier shares has becoome a constr-aint Mutiual Funds. The mutual funcl indLustry is also in Tlhailanicd and Korea. To address this problemin sev- developing rapidly in East Asia. At the end of 1994. eral East Asian countries have permitted the issuance the size of the mutual fund indlustry was roughly $20 of convertible bonds. With a robhust Imiacr'oeconloliclC billion. Hong Kong, Thailancl. and Malaysia have been environimilent in most East Asian countries ancl partial at the forefront of clevelopliig tileir mutual fuLn(d indcus- ol full convertibility on theil capital accountsr East tries. Withi the deregulationi and the licensilig of new Asian fixed-income securities offer attractive invest- fundc managers. the size of the Thai mtituial funcl indus- inetit opportunities for foreign investors. Total pension try expian(le(l ten-fold to about $10 billion over 1992- fund assets in OECD countries are very large (Table 94.1 In Malaysia, unit trusts have experiencecd dramiat- 6.7) and allocations for non-domi"estic investment hiave ic growti, while Korea and( Indonesia are in the early been rising. In the case of the Unitedl States. 8 percent stages of developing mutuial funds. was allocated for non-domiestic investment. Allocation to emerging markets was very small, but is expectedi to Given the pace at which East Asian countries have grow. East Asian bolioi markets could be the beneficia- been dleregulatinig their finanicial sectors, private insuir- ries of these flows However: access toi most of tbese 79 markets has been limitecl. For example, large markets SUMMARY AND CONCLU-SiONS such as Korea are reluctant to permit foreign portfolio investment in bonds because of the potential impact on East Asia has macle a remarkable progress in develop- the exchange rate. There are currently only three mar- ing its economies and financial markets, especially kets (Thailand, Hong Kong, and Malaysia) that are banking systems. If East Asia is to sustain rapid growth completely open for foreign portfolio investment. This over the next decade, investment in capital-intensive is likely to change with the accelerated implementation manufacturing, infrastructure, and housing will need to of remaining financial sector reforms in Korea, and the expand tremendously. Financing of investment of this Philippines. hutge magnitude will require substantial mobilization of resources on a large scale. Given the region's high sav- Table 6.7: Total Pension Assets in Selected ing rate, the investment can be financecd mostly within Countries the region. However, this will call for major efforts by (US$ billion) governments andl regulators, in close collaboration with market participants in the private sector, to accelerate 1989 1994 1999 development of dlomestic capital markets, especially United States 2,426 3,760 5,936 bond markets so that intermediation of long-term sav- Japan 513 1,118 1.750 ings and long-term investment can be performed effi- United Kingdom 453 775 1,116 ciently. Most East Asian countries have undertaken Canada 181 238 381 maj or policy reforms during recent years. These The Netherlands 202 264 361 reforms will neecd to be accelerated. In addition to Switzerland 133 191 343 undertaking policy reforms, there is a need to further Germany 84 124 177 develop required institutional infrastructure for boncd Australia 42 82 166 markets (credit rating, clearing and settlement, cus- Sweden 60 78 134 tody, market makers, and bond insurance agencies) to Denmark 33 53 96 foster the growth of a robust East Asian bond market. a: Projected. Soarce: IriterSec Research Corporation, Stanmqbrd. CT 80 AN N EX A S TAT I ST ICA L PROF ILE SiUMMARY TABLES Size of the bond market (local currency) 82 Size of the bond market (US dollars) 83 Outstanding bank assets by country 84 Equity market capitalization by country 85 Size of bond market as a percentage of GDP 86 Outstanding bank assets as a percentage of GDP 87 Equity market capitalization as a percenitage of GDP 88 Size of major boncl markets 89 BOND MARKET PROFILE China 90 Hong Kong 92 Indonesia 94 Korea 96 Malaysia 98 Philippines 100 Singapore 102 Thailand 104 India 106 Germany 108 Japan 110 United Kingdom 112 United States 114 81 Size of the East Asian Bond Market (Local Currency; billions) US$ billion 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1994 China' 105.8 123.4 163.6 232.2 275.0 281.6 33.3 Hong Kong 1.0 7.5 14.6 23.3 46.7 88.9 11.5 Indonesia2 4,658.5 3,251.5 12,739.5 23,555.5 28,111.5 19,978.0 9.1 Korea 51,128.7 63,160.4 78,084.8 95,777.7 111,604.8 126,966.7 161.0 Malaysia 67.7 73.2 77.6 83.5 94.7 101.0 39.5 Philippines 237.2 243.4 332.0 514.6 655.3 612.5 25.1 Singapore' 42.4 43.2 45.3 61.3 61.8 65.5 44.9 Thailand 213.4 213.4 201.0 215.2 261.9 344.6 13.7 Memorandumii Items: India' 1,359.0 1,644.0 1,660.0 1,913.0 2,171.0 2,624.0 83.6 Germanyv 1.456.0 1,700.1 1,946.3 2,286.8 2.746.1 2,664.5 1,719.0 United Kingdom6 143.5 133.7 140.4 163.0 211.5 234.2 365.9 Japan 269,715.0 284,342.0 297,761.0 310,275.0 322,886.0 343,375.0 3,442.7 LUnited States' 4,671.9 5,167.8 5,773.2 6,388.8 6,993.1 7,429.0 7,429.0 I The outstaniding value of state govenillerit bonds was noit available for 1994. The outstanrliiig balance of state enterprise lionds waY inoniplete in 1994. 2 The decrease in the outstandirig bornd amioun t in 1994 was(I tdie to a large d(ecrease in the arnount of rentral ba ik notes oni tstanding in 1994. 3 The 1994 figure is estimiiated. 4 The figures for Inidia are as of Mareh 31 of the year ijdicated. 5 Includes both Eirc, anld interrnatiorial bords. The 1994 figuire is prelirminary. 6 ExcIuCdes Eurosterlinig bonds. The 1994 figure is preliminary 7 Excluides Euroven bonds. Tlle 1994 figuire is preliminary. 8 Excludes Eurodollar bonds. The 1994 figiiure was provided by the Public Securities Association anid is noC-t fIly 1 comparable with prior year totals bec-ause the 1994 figurre does not include foreign bonds. Sources: The World Banik The Emtrerging Asioan Bond Market. JLaIne 1995; Hong Kong Monetary Authority; The Korea SeCUrities Research InIstitLate: The Central Banik of the Philippines; Salomiioni Brothers, Inc.. lIternationo/ Bonrd( Market naloosisi August 1994: Public SecuLlities Association. 82 Size of the East Asian Bond Market (US$ billion) 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 China' 22.4 23.6 30.1 40.4 47.4 33.3 Hong Kong 0.1 1.0 1.9 3.0 6.0 11.5 Indoniesia- 2.6 1.7 6.4 11.4 13.3 9.1 Korea 75.2 88.2 102.6 121.5 138.1 161.0 Malaysia 25.1 27.1 28.5 32.0 35.1 39.5 Philippines 10.6 8.7 12.5 20.5 23.7 25.1 Singapore' 22.4 24.8 27.8 37.4 38.4 44.9 ThailandcI 8.3 8.4 7.9 8.4 10.3 13.7 Total 166.7 183.6 217.7 274.6 312.3 338.0 Memoranidum Items: Indiat 79.8 91.0 64.3 73.0 69.2 83.6 GermainY 856.5 1,141.0 1,280.5 1,;420.4 1,587.3 1,719.0 United Kingdoim8' 231.5 257.1 264.9 247.0 311.0 365.9 Japan' 1,880.2 2,115.6 2.378.3 2,487.2 2,886.8 3,442.7 United States8 4.671.9 5,167.8 5.773.2 6,388.8 6,993.1 7,429.0 I The 0iitstanidlng Vatie Of state gOVerinimle nt bond, Wa, nut available for 1994. The outstanding balanc-e of state enlterprise bond, wat, incomplete in 1994. 2 The decrease in the ouItstanding bond a,itiountt in 1994 wa dt(LK to a large decrease ini the amount of central banik noles itistaitdling in 1994. 3 The 1994 figLre is estifiiated. 4 The [gore, Ior Inilia are as of March 31 of the Near indtl ated. 5 Includes bothi Eor-o anti internatioial bonds. The 1994 ligure is prelintilary. 6 Excldles Etirosterling bonds. The 1994 figuire i, prenilminan,. 7 End Lides Etiroyeli bunds. The 1994 figi re is prelimlitay. 8 ExCIL oles Eurodtllar bonds. The 1994 figure was prssided1 by the Public Securities Assoc iation anti is liot fuilly comparable with pricir year- total, beciause the l')94 figure doe, tint ini lude foreigui bottds. Sources: The Woi Id Batik. The Emerginug 'liamo Bond ,arket. June 1995; Hoing Kong Montetary Autholity: The Korea Seciurities Researcih Institute; The Central Banik of the Philippities: Saloutuon Biothers. hitc.. Interuutional/ BRnd SMarAet Anralsis. August 1994: Public Securities Asoctiation. 83 East Asia: Outstanding Bank Assets (US$ billions) 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 China1 299.3 344.9 403.7 446.1 546.6 387.8 Hong Kong 543.8 671.0 722.4 740.3 784.2 947.3 Indonesia2 46.6 64.1 74.9 80.7 85.0 89.7 Korea 140.3 162.6 183.2 205.0 228.7 282.6 Malaysia 67.2 41.1 48.0 55.1 59.8 70.4 Philippines 17.1 17.3 20.0 24.6 27.9 34.2 Singapore 57.0 64.1 73.2 83.8 92.1 115.1 Thailand 52.5 67.8 81.2 94.8 118.1 153.1 Total 1.223.8 1,433.0 1,608.5 1,730.3 1,942.5 2,080.2 Memorandum Items: India1 117.3 123.4 98.6 115.3 111.3 124.7 Germany 1,819.9 2.431.7 2,572.7 2,650.4 2,766.2 3,253.2 United Kingdomt 1,887.6 2,328.9 2.264.1 2,057.3 2,100.5 2,256.6 Japan' 4,432.1 5,182.6 5.667.9 5,740.3 6,338.1 7,105.6 United States5 2,876.8 3,021.2 3,132.3 3,323.8 3,471.4 3,619.5 1 Only includes tile assets of specialized banks. The 1994 figure is as of March. 1994. 2 Only mr mdc, the assets of deposit olonev banks. Tile 1993 figure is as of March, 1993. The 1994 figure l.s ll estimate. :3 Only mu hides tile assets of deposit nioner banks. *fhe 1994 figure is as If Noveomber. 1994. 4 Only mar lade, the assets of deposit honey banks. The 1994 figure is as of March. 1994. 5 Olli lilt lilies the assets of cr,lllrnereial banks. 6 Only is lade, tile assets of Iliepllsit Immolley banks. oUr C Intel fl ltlonal Nillimetars Fund. /ntec?ultjl,rlol Finoomiol tml1i5tr.l1 I-bog Kong Moimetars Amitliori ty. 84 East Asia: Equity Market Capitalization (US$ billion) 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 China 0.( 0.0 2.0 18.3 40.6 43.5 Hong Konig 77.5 83.4 122.0 172.1 385.2 269.5 Indonesia 2.3 8.1 6.8 12.0 33.0 47.2 Korea 140.9 110.6 96.4 107.4 139.4 191.8 Malaysia 39.8 48.6 58.6 94.0 220.3 199.3 Philippines 12.0 5.9 10.2 13.8 40.3 55.5 Singapore 35.9 34.3 47.6 48.8 132.7 134.5 Thailanid 25.6 23.9 35.8 58.3 130.5 131.5 Total 334.0 314.8 379.4 524.7 1,122.0 1,072.8 Memorandum Items: India 27.3 38.6 47.7 65.1 98.0 127.5 Germnany 365.2 355.1 393.5 348.1 463.5 470.5 Unite(d King(lomii 826.6 848.9 988.0 927.1 1,151.6 1,210.2 Japan 4,392.6 2,917.7 3.130.9 2.399.0 2,999.8 3,719.9 United States 3,505.7 3,089.7 4,099.5 4.497.8 5,223.8 5.081.8 Souires: Initeriatioial Finiance CorF)Mlrlion, Emizerging Stocd Market, Factbook 1994, Jtiane 1994, Monthli Reiew of Ererging Stock Markets, JanLary 1995. anidi Emerging Markets D)alabawe: Mc,nnetary Authonity of Singapiare: Honig Konig MmInetary Authority. 85 Size of the East Asian Bond Market (percentage of GDP) 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Chinia' 6.9 6.7 7.9 9.6 11.1 6.5 Honig Konig 0.2 1.3 2.3 3.1 5.5 8.7 Indonesia 2.7 1.6 5.5 8.9 9.2 5.8 Korea 33.9 34.8 34.9 39.5 41.7 42.8 Malavsia 66.1 63.3 60.6 55.2 54.5 56.0 Philippinles 24.8 19.6 27.4 38.7 43.5 39.3 Singapore2 77.1 68.1 65.7 77.1 69.6 72.4 Thailanid 11.5 9.9 8.1 7.6 8.2 9.8 Meemorandumn Items: India; 29.1 30.6 25.6 27.3 27.6 31.0 Germ-lai h,r India ire ad i)I Nil-it 3 1i of the year iitdit ated. -4 1lt Illiles blh Elt rs alit] iiiler-natiital ollnd.. Ithe 1994 figar' is preliaiiat. 5 Eai.I( ELur,slerlitii 1.I Idi. Tle 11)9)4 figLsie is plelimlltata. 6 Emtliudes Enr niNen Itoittdl. The 199-h figiiie is pielltilitlmna- 7 EsiIndt> ELurioldIlar lawdI. Th,e 19)4 lhignii-e a1 i ddIeil , h- tile 1`e1e1r1ilies I ssl iaallm utati is tint itili- o atttlk rpaible Iilli filiti yeat iaaltal. hIemlise IIIe 1994 figilled-.. ll-tl i ItILtide 10 gir igIl ltmtls. S.iil-ee>: Tlil WArld Baitik. TAhe Etmerging. As-tan Bints Mlit rket. Jilt.- 1015: HMitlg Ktonig NIrtielarn Anililotim I: Th- Korea Se eluiltie Researeh ls1t it ite: Tile ( tIsln-al Bank .It tit Philippiaes: Salstia.l Briltheres. In. .. llerilttitll/ril Bomtil 4-ltrket Atnais, Augustl 19)94: Plit- Se, aLilies As.... jai.lit: Inltentl.li.inal Mitielavy Fiiind. I/iterntlttioali Filiiei,tl Sttltiti,-i: Mo Nletary Autliorit, of Sitigapore: Arah-MalaNsianl MeRhilatlt Bank Berihad. 86 East Asia: Outstanding Bank Assets (percentage of GDP) 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 China' 92.5 97.2 106.2 106.6 128.4 75.6 Hong Konig" 849.7 935.8 873.5 768.7 715.5 718.7 In(loneoia2 49.3 60.5 64.2 63.0 58.8 57.3 Korea' 63.2 64.1 62.9 66.6 69.1 75.1 Malaysia 92.4 96.0 101.9 95.0 92.9 99.9 Philippines' 40.1 39.1 44.1 46.3 51.2 53.5 Singapore 196.5 175.6 173.1 172.7 166.8 185.6 Thailand" 72.7 79.2 82.2 85.0 94.6 109.5 MemorallndLumII itenms: In(lia' 42.8 41.5 39.3 43.2 44.4 46.2 Germanv" 139.1 149.1 149.6 134.6 144.8 169.4 United Kingdoml' 224.3 238.7 223.8 196.9 223.1 216.2 Japan" 154.3 176.8 169.2 156.7 150.4 152.1 ULnited States 55.3 55.0 55.4 56.0 55.5 53.7 I OuilR iricldi[ hlie asets if -peialized.er banks. 'the 1994 bank a-ee figtire is .1. Iii Mal, h. 1994. 2 Only il trCe] L he h eetnt oIf dIe;Iroit lineN liarrks. The 1993 bank anset figtlre ia d' 'If MarkLh. 19:3. The 1914 fligire is dll e,liuiale. .3 011' illintlle' Ilie assets of1 deposit usrey furanks. liThe' H194 hank aiset figure in as u1f Nrveumblirer 1994. 4 (rit' illCilirtes tlle uslet' if delolsit lilroley hanks. rhe t19(4 bank a-, figifiu i. .is ol Mar-h. lt94. 5 (tot1e ilrUtides tie .[ll ete ol 0d1rosit money iebanks. Ttie 1994 GDP figuie was esimljaed. (6 Go''1 irItCRIes the assets-Il oflefu.it ICI,snny harIrk. The 19Q4 GC[ F' figu Ir i.n of SepferprIner. 1994. 7 OuIty i tIl i feMei I ie assets of conimmrer, al Ibank,. 8 Only l,ii Idtles tue as-ets o-l dfepl.iit riille-v baniL. 1t I lides .sAeets te.rrnonirated l lt HK$ andi foreign eirremi ie. S.i'ifl e: Inrieriiationial Mirelan Fuirii. luiteren'iuiin'l Finiincial NSirit. iw: Horng Koog Mmiielaes Atilfarits: Mirlriarv AitrihLihiit1 of Sri gaiore: Arabi-Mal,N,iarr Merifrant BauLk Beilial. 87 East Asia: Equity Market Capitalization (percentage of GDP) 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 China 0.0 0.0 0.5 4.4 9.5 8.5 Hong Kong 121.1 116.3 147.5 178.7 351.5 204.5 Indonesia 2.4 7.6 5.8 9.4 22.8 30.2 Korea 63.5 43.5 32.8 34.9 42.1 50.9 Malavsia 105.0 113.6 124.4 162.1 342.1 282.7 Philippines 28.1 13.4 22.5 26.0 74.1 86.9 Singapore' 123.4 94.0 112.5 100.6 240.4 216.9 Thailand 35.5 27.9 36.3 52.0 104.5 94.0 Memorandum Items: India 10.0 13.0 19.0 24.4 39.0 47.2 Germans 27.9 21.8 22.9 17.7 24.3 24.5 Unitedl Kingdom 98.3 87.0 97.8 89.1 122.3 115.9 Japan 153.1 99.6 93.5 65.5 71.2 79.6 United States 67.4 56.3 72.4 75.7 83.4 75.4 I The 1994 CDP figure was estimated. Sources: liuterrnationial Finance Corporation. Emergirg Stock Markets Factbook 1994. June 1994. hlonihly Reuiew n. Ermerging Stork Markets. Januiary 1995 anid Enzerging Market Dtakase: International Monetary Fniul. Inaerriationnl Financial Statistir.: Monetary Antihority of Singapore: Honig Kong Monetar Authority: Arab-Nlalaysian Merchant Bank Berhad. 88 Size of the Major Bond Markets atYear-End 1993 (Nominal Value Outstanding; US$ billion) C,et ra I As a Pot. Ca.st. Other Total of Public Ageto-y St.t,' (-oep. Dtme-tiltill. Boiidlslt Pri ate P1,hl,.l5 Issies ill Central & Gust. & L)c al (thu,. PuLiely Foreign FurE)- Place. Bnrud Market Issied All Ma,k,et, Coot. G.ndrantv Coot. Cots.) Iro-d Blondl. Btd,o U.nlos.-. U.S. Dollar $7.547.2 46.3 $2,274.8 $1,898.9 $988.4 $1,455.3 $249.7 $126.0 $554.1 - Japanese Yell 3.044.0 18.7 1,J54.6 176.3 74.1 314.9 700.17 66.3 157.2 536.1 Deulschemnark' 1.590.8 9.8 500.9 61.8 60.3 1.8 762.4 - 203.6 - 367..7 Italian Lira 780.7 4.8 620.3 15.1 - 2.2 112.9 1.2 29.0 - Frenlch Franc 748.6 4.6 331.5 215.5 3.9 103.4 - 4.9 89.3 U.K. Sterlinig 436.6 2.7 282.2 - 0.0 25.1 - 5.9 123.4 Canadiani Dollar 393.0 2.4 149.8 - 113.9 52.3 0.8 0.6 75.8 Belgian Franc 301.3 1.8 159.2 12.8 - 7.4 101.9 19.5 0.4 Dutel Guilder 227.5 1.4 142.0 - 2.6 49.6 - 6.1 27.2 Danishi Krone 227.4 1.4 72.9 - - - 151.5 - 3.0 - Swtss Franc, 200.7 1.2 17.3 - 15.4 29.9 54.7 83.4 - 85.0 Swedish Krona 186.4 1.1 61.8 - 0.6 8.7 112.5 - 2.9 55.4 European Culnrency Ulnit 144.6 0.9 49.3 - - - - - 95.3 - Spanish Peseta 144.4 0.9 100.9 5.3 - 19.0 9.7 9.4 - Australian Dollar 106.1 0.7 50.2 19.2 - 19.4 - - 17.3 - Austrian Schillinig 87.8 0.5 32.5 2.1 0.4 2.8 47.5 2.5 - 7.0 Norwegian Krorie 40.8 0.2 13.2 2.9 5.8 2.7 15.8 0.3 0.0 - Finnish Markka 3:3.7 0.2 12.7 - 1.2 5.7 12.9 - 1.2 Portuguese Escudo 28.6 0.2 20.0 - 0.4 2.5 3.9 1.8 - Irish POUnd 21.4 0.1 20.0 0.6 - 0.4 - 0.1 0.3 New Zealand Dollar 15.0 0.1 10.2 1.6 - 1.8 - 0.1 1.2 Total' $16,306.6 100.0 $6.476.3 $2,412.1$1,267.0 $2.104.9 $2.336.9 $1.709.3 $1.051.5 Excliange rates prevailing as of December 31. 1993: Yeni 111.85/USS: DM 1.7263/US$; Lira 1,704,/US$: Frenck h France 5.8955/US$: Sterling 0.6751/USS:CS 1.824/USS: Bfi-36.11/VSS: Dn 1.9409LUSS: Dkr6.773,/US$; Sfr 1.47951USF; Skr8.3035,TS$; Ecu 0.89181kUSS; Pta 142.21/USS; AS 1.4769/USS; ATS 12.143,'USS; Nkr 7.518,US$S Ftitk 5.78451US$: Ese 176.81/1-US$: tristi Potind 0.70881US$; and NZ$ 1.7895/UlS$. 1 Itieludes straight. convertible, and floating-rate dlelt. 2 The Geriaii botitd market does tot dlstiuigtuish between Eutro and Foreigir uitenuational issues. 3 TheI total for internatiotial bonids includes bothi foreigni and euro brondo. 4 For tlhe privately placed category. an unspecified arimouinit of privately placed tssries of the private sectors exiuts. SUnree: Salomon Brotihers, Ino.. Internationial Bornl Market 4nalyamr. ALguIst 1994. 89 Bond Market Profile: China Sovereigni Rating Standard & Poor's: BBB Moodv's: A3 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 (Billions of YIuan): Natioinal Government 76.9 89.0 106.0 128.3 166.4 20(5.8 State Government 0.0 0.0 9.5 15.5 0.0 NA State Enterplrises" 28.9 34.4 48.1 88.4 108.6 75.8 Central Bank 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Corporate 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (.0 0.( Total 105.8 123.4 163.6 232.2 27 5.0 281.6 Total (US$ billion) 22.4 23.6 30.1 40.4 47.4 33.3 Total lBond:1s as a 9% of GDP 6.9 6.7 7.9 9.6 11.1 6.5 Bond.s as a C% of Equity Mkt Cal) - - 1,485.8 221.2 116.9 76.6 Bo1nds as a 9% of Bank Assets 7.5 6.9 7.5 9.1 8.7 8.6 Bonds as a %i of East Asian Bond Market 13.4 12.9 13.8 14.7 15.2 9.9 MemoraniduLm1 Items: EqIritv Market Capitalization (US$B) 0.0 0.0 2.0 18.3 40.6 43.5 GDP (US$BI 323.8 355.0 380.1 418.5 425.6 513.0 Stock Market as a .c of GDP 0.0 0.0 0.5 4.4 9.5 8.5 Exchange Rate (End of Period) 4.72 5.22 5.43 5.75 5.80 8.45 (Yuan per (US$) Appree./-Depree. of Exchange Rate -26.8 -10.6 -4.0 -5.9 -0.9 -45.7 (Percent) Total Bank Assets (IS$B)' 299.5 344.9 403.7 446.1 546.6 387.8 Batik Assets as a 9% of GDP 92.5 97.2 106.2 106.6 128.4 75.6 Total Asiani Bortcl Market Size (US$B) 166.7 183.6 217.7 274.6 312.3 338.0 I For Ctliiia. iiaiorial government bondrs are comprised ot treasulry bords. The 1993 outstaidiing balance for treaso iv bonds does noit equal tast sear's balance plLa inet liew isses, beecause of a difference betweell tie redeniptioin ariiotioit atid( settlemiielit alount, owirig to a split year adjustriieit. 2 The 1993 tioore toi state enterprises is atl estiritate since tre total outstanding tatance is corret anrt seoeral categories of the state enterprise balance were atissinig tar 1993. tie tnitrecontriled balance betweeni treas,ury bonds aitirl tie total nitstanrinig balance was placed iii the slate enterprise categor in orde t.o reConll[ile t igLire or 19913. True figutre for 1994 was the result of bonids issaned by tue newly establiolhed State Developrirenrt Baik tor olher linancial institurtionis. This figirre woivid hbae been higiier hail adiditirtal irifoririation beeii avaiiabte il ire ountstandirig bonid) atitouoits for tIher state etiterprises. ;3 1)ts t ii ivides tilne asstos ofr speialized banks. The 1994 figrire is as of March. 1994. Source: Salomoin Brotlihers. Sumnntrc qof Selerret Socereign Ratings, Oc-tober 31. 1994: The World Batik. The Emerging .4iin B,,Rn Market. Jirire 1995: Ititerriatioiral Firance Corporatiort. Enwieging Stock Markers Faertbook 1994. Jtioie 1994. arid Moron/ic Rev ieu oj Enrerginig Stock M1arkett. January 1t995: Inttelriatiorrr Mrretary Fititi., /ntecriltial Finunial Statittias. 90 China: Exchange Rate (Yuan/US$) I _ 8_ 6 4 - - 2 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 So.urc,: Inlternlationllal Moiietat, ui9.1 9 1 Bond Market Profile: Hong Kong Sovereign Rating Standard & Poor's: Al Moodv's: A3 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 (Billions of Hong Kong Dollars): National Government 1.0 0.0 0.6 3.0 3.6 0.6 State Government 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 State Enterprises 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Central Bank2 0.0 7.5 14.0 20.3 28.1 52.3 Corporate NA NA NA NA 15.0 36.0 Total 1.0 7.5 14.6 23.3 46.7 88.9 Total iUS$B) 0.1 1.0 1.9 3.0 6.0 11.5 Total Bonds as a % of GDP 0.2 1.3 2.3 3.1 5.5 8.7 Bonds as a % of Equity Mkt Cap 0.2 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.6 4.3 Bonds as a % of Bank Assets 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.8 1.2 Bonds as a % of Asian Bondl Mkts 0.1 0.5 0.9 1.1 1.9 3.4 Memorandum Items: Equity Market Capitalization (US$B) 77.5 83.4 122.0 172.1 385.2 269.5 GDP (US$B) 64.0 71.7 82.7 96.3 109.6 131.8 Stock Market as a % of GDP 121.1 116.3 147.5 178.7 351.5 204.5 Exchange Rate (End of Period) MHK per US$) 7.81 7.80 7.78 7.74 7.73 7.74 Apprec./-Deprec. of Exchange Rate (Percent) 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.1 -0.1 Total Bank Assets (US$B)' 543.8 671.0 722.4 740.3 784.2 947.3 Bank Assets as a % of CDP 849.7 935.8 873.5 768.7 715.5 718.7 Total Asian Bond Market Size (US$B) 166.7 183.6 217.7 274.6 312.3 338.0 I nIplied rating. 2 Central bank bonds are comprised of Exchamige Funid Bills anid Notes, which are issiued by the Honig Kong Momietarm AuthoritN. 3 hinludes assets tenoniiniated ill HKS and foreign currencies. Sources: Salonmon Brothers. Siuninmary- of.Selecteml Socereign Ratings. October :31, 1994: Hong Korig Monietary Authtmrity; International Monetary Fuid. Inzerntational Financial Statistics. 92 Hong Kong: Exchange Rate (HK$/US$) 8 7.5 7 I I I I 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Hong Kong: Inflation Rate 12 10 8 4 2' 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Sourct: ltitrrlatiol.Il Morieiar, Fuiul. 93 Bond Market Profile: Indonesia Sovereign Rating Standar(d & Poor's: BBB-' Moody's: Baa3 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 (Billions of Rupiah): Nationial Governmenit 0.0 0.( 0.0 (.0 0.0 (.0 State Governm]lenit 0.0 0.( (.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 State Enterprises 1.195.0 1,560.0 1,645.0 2.764.0 3,659.0 3.375.0 Central Bank' :3,301.0 1,529.0 10,942.0 20,599.0 23,435.0 15,053.0 Corporate 162.5 162.5 152.5 192.5 1,017.5 1.550.0 Total 4,658.5 3,251.5 12,739.5 23,555.5 28,111.5 19,978.0 Total (lS$ billion) 2.6 1.7 6.4 11.4 13.3 9.1 Total Hooids as a .e of GDP 2.7 1.6 5.5 8.9 9.2 5.8 Bonds as a % of Equity Mkt Cap 112.7 21.1 94.0 95.2 40.4 19.2 Bonds as a % of Bank Assets 5.6 2.7 8.5 14.2 15.7 10.1 BoIncds as a % of Asian Bond( Mikts 1.6 0.9 2.9 4.2 4.3 2.7 Memorandloto Items: Equity Market Capitalization (lJS$B) 2.3 8.1 6.8 12.0 33.0 47.2 GDP iUS$B) 94.5 106.0 116.6 128.0 144.7 156.7 Stock Malket as a % of GDP 2.4 7.6 5.8 9.4 22.8 30.2 Exchange Rate (End(1 of Periodl 1,797.00 1,901.00 1,992.00 2.062.00 2,] 1l).00 2.20)0.00 (Rupiah per U2S$) Apprec./-Deprec. of Exclhanige Rate (Percent) -3.8 -5.8 -4.8 -3.5 -2.3 4.3 Total Bank Assets (tiS$B)' 46.6 64.1 74.9 80.7 85.0 89.7 Bank Assets as a % of GDP 49.3 60.5 64.2 63.0 58.8 57.3 Total Asiani Bond Market Size (US$B) 166.7 183.6 217.7 274.6 :312.3 338.0 t toip)iteit rat1ing. 2 Altttitohti ecl-al tank totes ale ot1 tertilnicaltv delilletd as lbiodtid areortling to Inrdotesias t:apital utatke ts law. we late det-idett 1to itiut1de thei[ he[t ill Or'der to, imaintaitn cottsislenr witti ottier aunrie. tables- 3 lnit. ind ttrs the assets tr teltesil motey ttantks. The t9S93 ligtie is a, .f Mart-ti. t 993. The 1994 figuile is all estinin.tt The 1itLtbe l was rderied to ILJlttilitihg tIle 1993 figure by tIS percent. Souroe-: Saltutiott Brothers. Suimtttitt of Se/tlted .Souereieign Rotinga DOltbtier 3]1 1 94; rhe Worldt Banik, The Etterging .4Atiat Bondi Market.. Jtinie 1995: ttinteialjonal Fintantte CIsotporat itll. Emerging Sto,-k Markets Iit`tk;ook I 991-4 j ite 1994; Itternatittital Mlonolar F1I'id, Internotiorttl Fiznnciai l S.w/titt s: Intttoiationilat Fi nattce Cotlmralton tionhIki Ret i- of Etttergittg Stick Markets, Jattitat. t 905. Investors in Bonds (as of Third Quarter 1994) (billions of Rupiah) Holder Amoun1t Percent Taspe r 1.350.0 27.0 Astek 321.0 6.4 Other state pension fundls 300.0 6.0 Private pension funds 435 .0 8.7 Life and non0-life insuranice coy's 463.0 9.3 Banks 1,000.0 20.0 Othiel 1,131.0 22.6 Smit e: Ttte Wirld Batik. 94 Indonesia: Exchange Rate (Year-End) (Rupiah/US$) 2500 2000 1500 1000' 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Money Market Interest Rates 20 15 10 5 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 UIndonesia UUnited States Indonesia: Inflation Rate 12 10 8 6 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 ,uv:Interiaiional Wn,lAaii FLind. 95 Bond Market Profile: Korea Sovereign Rating Standard & Poor's: A+ Moody's: Al 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 (Billions of Won): National Government 10,688.7 13,742.1 17,083.0 19.948.1 20,825.2 21,979.8 State Government 618.2 825.3 1,102.3 1,384.3 1,735.3 2.127.2 State Enterprises 6,195.8 9,284.7 15,020.7 18,797.3 24,953.1 29.535.2 Central Bank 17,305.4 15,240.5 13,496.5 20,264.0 24,201.8 25.340.4 Corporate 16,320.6 24,067.8 31,382.3 35,384.0 39,889.4 47.984.1 Total 51,128.7 63,160.4 78,084.8 95,777.7 111,604.8 126,966.7 Total (US$ billion) 75.2 88.2 102.6 121.5 138.1 161.0 Total Bonds as a % of GDP 33.9 34.8 34.9 39.5 41.7 42.8 Bonds as a % of Equity Mkt Cal) 53.4 79. 7 106.5 113.1 99.1 83.9 Bonds as a % of Bank Assets 53.6 54.2 55.4 59.3 60.4 57.0 Bonds as a % of East Asian Bond Market 45.1 48.0 47.1 44.2 44.2 47.6 Memoranclum Items: Equity Market Capitalization (US$B) 140.9 110.6 96.4 107.4 139.4 191.8 GDP (US$B) 222.2 253.7 294.2 307.9 330.8 376.5 Stock Market as a % of GDP 63.5 43.5 32.8 34.9 42.1 50.9 Exchange Rate (End of Period) 679.60 716.40 760.80 788.40 808.10 788.70 (Won per US$) Apprec./-Deprec. of Exchange Rate (Percent) 0.7 -5.4 -6.2 -3.6 -2.5 2.4 Total Bank Assets (US$B)' 140.3 162.6 185.2 205.0 228.7 282.6 Bank Assets as a % of GDP 63.2 64.1 62.9 66.6 69.1 75.1 Total East Asian Bond Market Size (US$B) 166.7 183.6 217.7 274.6 312.3 338.0 1 Onily includes tile assets of deposit miolney banks. Sources: Salonnon Brothers Surnnarlof Selected Sovereign Ratiogs, October 31, 1994: The Korea Securities Research Inistituite; Ilternational Finarice Corporation, Enaerging Stock Markets Facitbook 1994, Junie 1994: International Monetary Flnd, International Financial Statstics: Interrnational Financee Corporation, Month/v Review of Enzerging Stock Tfarkets. Janiuary 1995. Holders of Bonds (as of Third Quarter 1994) (Billion of Rupiah) 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Financial Sector' - 34.397 40,663 52,398 69,907 Banks - 17.496 20,713 24.280 29,504 Insurance Companies 1,812 3.096 5,417 6.238 6,878 Non-life Insurance Companies 622 974 1,170 1.356 1,275 Securities Companies 264 193 173 167 279 Major Funcds - - - - 3305 Investment Trust Companies 11,413 12,638 13,190 20,357 28.666 Government - 521 789 952 2,100 Corporation - 1,802 5,418 5,075 2,644 Inclividual - 3,324 5.681 5,011 3,110 I Financial sector, government, corporation, and individual figures are estimates. Sourne: The World Banik. 96 Korea: Exchange Rate (Year-End) (Won/US$) 1000 800 6001 l l l l 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Money Market Interest Rates 20 15 10 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 * Korea * United States Korea: Inflation Rate 10 8 6 4 2 6 o I l l 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Source: Ijiteriatiorial Monetarv Fund. 97 Bond Market Profile: Malaysia Sovereign Rating Standard & Poor's: A Moody's: A2 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 (Billions of Ringgit):' National Government 63.5 67.3 70.5 72.0 72.3 74.1 State Government 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 State Enterprises 2.5 2.9 2.6 5.1 5.9 9.5 Central Bank 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.2 5.0 Corporate2 1.6 3.0 4.5 6.4 9.3 12.5 Total 67.7 73.2 77.6 83.5 94.7 101.0 Total (US$ billion) 25.1 27.1 28.5 32.0 35.1 39.5 Total Bonds as a % of GDP 66.1 63.3 60.6 55.2 54.5 56.0 Bonds as a % of Equity Mkt Cap 63.0 55.8 48.7 34.0 15.9 19.8 Bonds as a % of Bank Assets 71.6 66.0 59.4 58.1 58.7 56.1 Bonds as a % of East Asian Bond Market 15.0 14.8 13.1 11.7 11.2 11.7 Memorandum Items: Equity Market Capitalization (US$B) 39.8 48.6 58.6 94.0 220.3 199.3 GDP (US$B) 37.9 42.8 47.1 58.0 64.4 70.5 Stock Market as a % of GDP 105.0 113.6 124.4 162.1 342.1 282.7 Exchange Rate (End of Period) 2.70 2.70 2.72 2.61 2.70 2.56 (Ringgit per US$) Apprec./-Deprec. of Exchattge Rate (Percent) 0.6 0.0 -0.7 4.0 -3.4 5.2 Total Bank Assets (US$B) 35.0 41.1 48.0 55.1 59.8 70.4 Bank Assets as a % of GDP 92.4 96.0 101.9 95.0 92.9 99.9 Total Asian Bond Market Size (US$B 166.7 183.6 217.7 274.6 312.3 338.0 I The 1994 figuires are preliminary. 2 The corporate bond category is comprised of private debt securities, which do niot inctude short term cormmiriercial paper. Sources: Salomon Brothers. Suminary ol Selected Sovereign Ratings, October 31. 1994; The Wortd Bank, Thie Enzerging Asian Bond Mlarket. Junle 1995: tlteniational Monetary Fo,nd. roternaaional Firmnncial Szauistic; Arab-Malaysian Merchanit Bank Berhad. Distribution of Malaysian Government Securities by Holder (RM'mil) 1980 1990 1991 1992 Jun.93 Public sector Federal government 443 353 353 302 302 State government 12 0 0 0 0 NEFPEs 274 5.337 5.437 4.935 4,935 Social security institutions Employees provident fund 8.582 36.118 38.266 39,628 39,589 Insurance companies 501 1.437 1.928 2,888 3,278 Social security organization 260 1.354 1.355 1,565 1.533 Financial institutions Central bank 1,627 2,199 1.260 336 330 Commercial banks 2,446 7,846 8.496 8.680 8.206 National savings bank 924 1,595 1,601 1.867 1.919 Other financial institutions 1,478 5,385 6,085 5.960 5.246 Other 41 129 129 129 129 Total 16.587 61.752 64.910 66.289 65,466 Sounre: The World Bank. 98 Malaysia: Exchange Rate (Year-End) (Ringgit/US$) 3.0 2.5 2.0 I 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Money Market Interest Rates 10 8 6 4 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 * Malaysia United States Malaysia: Inflation Rate 5 4 3 \ 2 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Sour e: 1International Monetary FKnrd. 99 Bond Market Profile: Philippines Sovereign Rating Stanclard & Poor's: BB- Moodv's: Ba3 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 (Billions of Pesos): National Governmenit' 225.2 237.5 282.3 435.5 624.0 605.7 State Governmenit (0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 State Enterprises 5.9 1.9 2.2 2.4 2.3 2.2 Central Bank 6.0 4.0 47.5 76.7 29.0 4.6 Corporate 0.0 0.0 0.0 (.0 0.0 0.0 Total 237.2 243.4 332.0 514.6 655.3 612.5 Total (US$ billion) 10.6 8.7 12.5 20.5 23.7 25.1 Total Bonds as a % of GDP 24.8 19.6 27.4 38.7 43.5 39.3 Bonds as a % of EqLitV Mkt Cap 88.1 147.3 122.1 148.6 58.7 45.2 Bonds as a % of Bank Assets 61.9 50.2 62.2 83.5 84.9 73.3 Bonds as a % of East Asian Bondl Market 6.3 4.7 5.7 7.5 7.6 7.4 MeniorandIm Items: Eqoitv Market Capitalization (US$B) 12.0 5.9 10.2 13.8 40.3 55.5 CDP (US.$B) 42.6 44.3 45.4 53.0 54.4 63.9 Stock Market as a % of GDP 28.1 13.4 22.5 26.0 74.1 86.9 Exchange Rate (End of Period) 22.44 28.00 26.65 25.10 27.70 24.42 (Pesos per US$) Apprec./-Deprec. of Exchange Rate (Percent) -5.2 -24.8 4.8 5.8 -10.4 11.8 Total Bank Assets (US$B)2 17.1 17.3 20.0 24.6 27.9 34.2 Bank Assets as a % of GDP 40.1 39.1 44.1 46.3 51.2 53.5 Total East Asian Bondl Market Size (US$B) 166.7 183.6 217.7 274.6 312.3 338.0 I Treastonv bills make tlp a large percentage of national governmnenit bhornds ottstanding. Fo)r exaontile, in 1994 treasoir hv illa(le Lip over 60 percent of national government honds outstanding. 2 Oitily incindes the assets of deposit nioney vbnks. The 1994 figalre is as of Novmbein 1994. SONir" es: Salonion Brothers. Summary of Selected Sovereign Rating.,. Octoher 31, 1994. Thie Central Bank of the Philippines; International Finialice Corporation, Emerging Stock Mlarkets Faotbook /994, Juloe 1994: International Mlonetaro Fund(l. Itrteratimilonu Financial Statistics: tntemational Finance Corporation, Alonthl/ Rer ieu of Emerginig Slock MIfarkets, Jannary 1995. 100 Philippines: Exchange Rate (Year-End) (Pesos/US$) 30 25 20 - 15 1 I I I I 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Philippines: Inflation Rate 20 10 5 0 -5 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Somclee: Inlternlationial Monllelarv FLiii(l 10 1 Bond Market Profile: Singapore Sovereign Rating Standard & Poor's: AA+ Moodv7s: Aa2 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 (Billions of Singapore Dollars): National Government' 42.4 43.2 45.3 61.3 61.8 61.8 State Governimlenit 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (.0 State Enterprises 0.0 0.0 0.0 (..0 0.0 0.0 Central Bank 0.0 (.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Corporate NA NA NA NA NA 3.7 Total 42.4 43.2 45.3 61.3 61.8 65.5 Total (LJS$ billioni) 22.4 24.8 27.8 37.4 38.4 44.9 Total Bonds as a % of GDP 77.1 68.1 65.7 77.1 69.6 72.4 Bonids as a %c of EquitY Mkt Cap 62.5 72.4 58.4 76.6 28.9 33.4 Bonds as a % of Bank Assets 39.2 38.8 37.9 44.6 41.7 39.0 Bonds as a 91 of'East Asian Bond Market 13.5 13.5 12.8 13.6 12.3 13.3 Memorandum Items: Equity Market Capitalization (US$BI 35.9 34.3 47.6 48.8 132.7 134.5 CDP (US$B)1/ 29.1 36.5 42.3 48.5 55.2 62.0 Stock Market as a 91 of GDP 123.4 94.0 112.5 100.6 240.4 216.9 Exchange Rate (End of Period) (S$ per US$) 1.89 1.74 1.63 1.64 1.61 1.46 Apprec./-Deprec. of Exchanige Rate WPercent) 2.9 7.9 6.3 -0.6 1.8 9.3 Total Bank Assets (US.$B12/ 57.2 64.1 73.2 83.8 92.1 115.1 Bank Assets as a 91 of GDP 196.5 175.6 173.1 172.7 166.8 185.6 Total Asiani Bond Market Size (lS$B) 166.7 183.6 217.7 274.6 312.3 338.0 I The I(914 figuIre is estlimaoted. 2 Only ineidee the assof deposit mane' bank Sources: Sloliir Brothers. Su, rs of et, ted Sarcreign Ratigs. October 3t. 1994: the \Wrld Baik. The Emezrging A.sia, B,telb .iv(irket. Jtic 1995: In ticrational Nlotncai F-uid. Idtnerialiornl Fr,l Eiru,tal Slblti,iis: Morletau-, AnlioritNx of Singapole. Singapore Government Debt by Holders' (Millions of Singapore Dollars) 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Domiiestic niie(liLnrt an(d long-term debt Goverinmenit bonjds2 Central providient fund 30.120 32.120 32.120 32,120 45.620 Commiiercial banks' 3,251 5.053 5.934 6.403 6.946 Post office savings bank 1.107 1,135 1.215 1,429 1.604 Insur-ance companies 848 1.014 1.137 1,386 1.812 Other 1.647 1.177 744 472 129 Advance deposits4/ 2.257 3.672 8.138 13,720 5.928 Treasury bills and( deposits Commercial banks' 2.161 1.773 1.989 3.362 4,660 Othel 199 127 81 108 280 Total domestic debt 41.590 46,071 51.358 59,0(00 66.979 I Net outstanding at urobninal valle. 2 Tax-fiee and taxable joonco for varwitig periods of miatuimity ranging fr,,n' 2-20 yelrs and bearing ratec o, interest hetween 4 3,/4 perceit amirtd 1/4 percent. 3 Inelrlinig tioliti gs ol Developmuent Bank .- Singapore. 4 [Deposits plaedl bv (lie CPF and POSB in the CG,verninent s aeonntm wilii the MAS fa futurie suibs,riptions (ci goincrnimlenc SreLities. Soun n: The World] Banlk. 102 Singapore: Exchange Rate (Year-End) (S$/US$) 2.5 2.0 I .5 1.0 1 I l 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Money Market Interest Rates 10 8 4 2 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 USingapore MD United States Singapore: Inflation Rate 5 4 3 2 0 - I 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 'otircI,: InIternlidi jnal Wlnetatv Fundl. 103 Bond Market Profile:Thailand Sovereign Rating Standard & Poor's: A- Moody's: A2 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 (Billions of Bait): National Government' 201.4 195.2 150.8 133.9 100.7 66.2 State Govermiient 0.0 (.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 State Enterprises 12.0 18.2 50.2 76.2 134.9 190.4 Central Bank 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Corporate 0.0 (.0 0.0 5.1 26.3 88.0 Total 213.4 213.4 201.0 215.2 261.9 344.6 Total (US$ billion) 8.3 8.4 7.9 8.4 10.3 13.7 Total Bonids as a % ol GDP 11.5 9.9 8.1 7.6 8.2 9.8 Bonds as a % of Equity Mkt Cap 32.4 35.3 22.2 14.5 7.9 10.4 Bonds as a % of Batik Assets 15.8 12.4 9.8 8.9 8.7 9.0 Bonds as a % of East Asian Bond Market 5.0 4.6 3.7 3.1 3.3 4.1 Memoranduni Items: Equity Market Capitalization (US$B) 25.6 23.9 35.8 58.3 130.5 131.5 GDP (US$B) 72.3 85.6 98.7 111.5 124.9 139.8 Stock Market as a % of GDP 35.5 27.9 36.3 52.0 104.5 94.0 Exchange Rate (End of Period) (Baht per IJS$) 25.69 25.29 25.28 25.52 25.54 25.09 Apprec./-Deprec. of Exchange Rate (Percent) -1.8 1.6 0.0 -0.9 -0.1 1.8 Total Bank Assets (US$B) 52.5 67.8 81.2 94.8 118.1 153.1 Bank Assets as a % of GDP 72.7 79.2 82.2 85.0 94.6 109.5 Total Asian Bond Market Size (US$B) 116.7 183.6 217.7 274.6 312.3 338.0 I Natio(nal governmeni securities fay inclute state goverinillent securities as sell. 2 tInly includes the assets of deposit money banks. Sources: SulmimoI Brotliers. Surmary' of Selected Soeereign Ratings. Octobe .31. 1994: The World Bank, The Emerginig Asian Bond Market. Jumie 1995: tInternatjional Finanice Corporatioti. Ermerging Stock Markets Farthook 1994. Junie 1994: tntertialiorial Mcinetarv Fund, Jnternational Financial Statistics: Intemiational Finance Corporation. Monthlv Reeieu of Emtierginrg Stock Markets, January 1995. 104 Thailand: Exchange Rate (Year-End) (Baht/US$) 30 25 \ ~ 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Money Market Interest Rates 15 12 _ 6 ~" 3 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1 Thailand U United States Thailand: Inflation Rate 8 7 6 4 3 2 4 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Smirce: Internatimnal Molletare FoLrd. 105 Bond Market Profile: India Sovereign Rating Standard & Poor's: BB-' Moody's: Ba22 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 (Billionis of Rupees):" National Government' 695.0 877.0 767.0 865.0 1,045.0 1.399.0 State Government 107.0 129.0 155.0 190.0 225.0 261.0 State Enterprises 277.0 348.0 438.0 528.0 571.0 634.0 Central Bank 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Corporate 280.0 290.0 300.0 330.0 330.0 330.0 Total 1,359.0 1,644.0 1,660.0 1,913.0 2,171.0 2.624.0 Total (lUS$ billion) 79.8 91.0 64.3 73.0 69.2 83.6 Total Bonids as a % of GDP 29.1 30.6 25.6 27.3 27.6 31.0 Bonds as a % oif Equity Mkt Cap 292.2 235.7 134.7 112.2 70.6 65.6 Bonds as a % of Bank Assets 68.0 73.7 65.2 63.3 62.1 67.1 Bonds as a %( of East Asian Bond Market 47.8 49.6 29.5 26.6 22.2 24.7 Memoran(lumti Items: Equity Market Capitalization (US$B) 27.3 38.6 47.7 65.1 98.0 127.5 GDP IUS$B) 274.0 297.1 251.1 267.1 251.0 270.0 Stock Market as a % of GDP 10.0 13.0 19.0 24.4 39.0 47.2 Exchange Rate (End of Period) 17.04 18.07 25.83 26.20 31.38 31.38 (Rupees per US$) Apprec./-Deprec. of Exchange Rate (Percent) -14.0 -6.1 -42.9 -1.4 -19.8 0.0 Total Batik Assets (US$B) 117.3 123.4 98.6 115.3 111.3 124.7 Bank Assets as a '- of GDP 42.8 41.5 39.3 43.2 44.4 46.2 Total Asiani Bond Market Size (US$B) 166.7 183.6 217.7 274.6 312.3 338.0 I trImpliedl raliiig. 2 Oii review f0r pjss]ible ulpgracle. 3 All fixed incire figures are as of March 31 of the vear ijclicaited. 4 National gverrnnienit bonls ouitstandirig incilude treasury bills oitstarldilig. 5 Ooiy, includes the assets ,,f deposit money boioks. The 1994 figure is as of Noveniber: 1994. SOLr' es: Salotiorn Brotrers. Surranarv ofSelected Sov.ereigrn Rltings. October 31. 1994: The World Banik. The Emerging Asian Borrd Market, Jaiine 1995: tileriatiorial Finriace Corporatior, Ertmerginrg Stock 11ark;ets Farls7ook 1994, jLine 1994: Internatilonal Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics: rliter nationat Fitrarnce Corporatio, M11ontli, Review ol Emerginrg Stock Markets, Janiuary 1995. 106 India: Exchange Rate (Year-End) (Rupees/US$) 35 30 25 20 15 10 1 I I I I 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Money Market Interest Rates 20 15 10 5 0' 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 *India BUnited Sataes India: Inflation Rate 15 12 9 6 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Sou,rce: lIiterinationial Monietary Funid. 107 Bond Market Profile: Germany Sovereign Rating Standard & Poor's: AAA Moody's: Aaa 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 (Billions of DM): National Governmenit 374.6 450.2 520.4 662.2 864.7 NA State Government 37.0 40.4 47.7 76.8 104.1 NA State Enterprises 57.3 64.7 75.1 93.4 106.6 NA Central Bank 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NA Corporate 763.4 903.6 1,043.6 1.159.2 1,319.3 NA Total2 1,456.0 1,700.1 1,946.3 2,286.8 2,746.1 2,664.5 Total (US$ billion) 856.5 1,141.0 1,280.5 1.420.4 1,587.3 1,719.0 Total Bonds as a % of GDP 65.5 70.0 74.5 72.1 83.1 89.5 Bonds as a % of Equity Mkt Cap 234.5 321.3 325.4 408.0 342.5 365.4 Bonds as a % of Bank Assets 47.1 46.9 49.8 53.6 57.4 52.8 Bonds as a % of East Asian Bond Matket 513.6 621.6 588.0 517.2 508.3 508.6 Memoranidum Items: Equitv Market Capitalization (US$B) 365.2 355.1 393.5 348.1 463.5 470.5 GDP (US$B) 1,308.0 1,630.5 1,719.5 1,969.5 1,910.8 1.921.1 Stock Market as a % of GDP 27.9 21.8 22.9 17.7 24.3 24.5 Exchange Rate (End of Period) (DM per US$) 1.70 1.49 1.52 1.61 1.73 1.55 Apprec./-Deprec. of Exchange Rate (Percent) 4.5 12.4 -2.0 -5.9 -7.5 10.4 Total Bank Assets (US$B)Y 1,819.9 2,431.7 2,572.7 2,650.4 2,766.2 3.255.2 Bank Assets as a % of GDP 139.1 149.1 149.6 134.6 144.8 169.4 Total Asian Bond Market Size (USSB) 166.7 183.6 217.7 274.6 312.3 338.0 I Imrplied ratinig. 2 Althougth the total bond figures include internationial NM bonds, tie initernational bonds were not iricluded in tihe previous Five categories. Ttiese bonds include both Euiro anid Foreign international bonds. Since the West Germani market (toes not distiniguish between Euro and Foreign interuiational bonds, Euro bonds coutd niot be broken out in order to maintaini consistency with other tables in this report. The 1994 Figure is preliminary. 3 Olily inicludes the assets of deposit money baniks. Sources: Salomon Brothers. Summary of'Selected Sovereign Ratings, October 31. 1994; Salomoni Brothers, Itc., International Bond olarket Analysis. August 1994: Iiteniationial Finanice Corporationi. Emerginzg Stock Markets Factbook 1994. Junie 1994. Ititeniational Monetary Fund, International Financial Statistics; International Finance Corporation). Enseiging Market Database. 108 Germany: Exchange Rate (Year-End) (DM/US$) 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 1 1 1 1 l I l 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Money Market Interest Rates 10 8 6 4 2 L li l l l l l I 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 I Germany U United States Germany: Inflation Rate 4.0 _ 3.5 3.0 _ 2.5 2.0 1.5 I .0 0.5 0.0 1-'IllllI -0.5 - 1.0 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Sour(e: Inteimatiorial Monelary Ftirjil. 109 Bond Market Profile: Japan Sovereign Rating Standard & Poor's: AAA Moody's: Aaa 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 (Billions of Yen): National Government 153,957.0 156.427.0 161.117.0 166,108.0 173,878.0 NA State Governlment 6,958.0 7.210.0 7.379.0 7,666.0 8,286.0 NA State Enterprises 19,973.0 19.992.0 19,847.0 19,965.0 19.717.0 NA Central Bank 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NA Corporate 83,827.0 94.957.0 103,231.0 110,036.0 113.588.0 NA Total' 269,715.0 284,342.0 297,761.0 310,275.0 322,886.0 343,375.0 Total (US$ billion) 1,880.2 2,115.6 2,378.3 2,487.2 2,886.8 3,442.7 Total Bonds as a % of GDP 65.5 72.2 71.0 67.9 68.5 73.7 Bonds as a % of Equity Mkt Cap 42.8 72.5 76.0 103.7 96.2 92.5 Bondls as a % of Bank Assets 42.4 40.8 42.0 43.3 45.5 48.5 Bonds as a %k of East Asian Bond Market 1.127.6 1,152.5 1,092.2 905.7 924.4 1,018.5 Memnoran(dum Items: Equity Market Capitalization (US$B) 4.392.6 2,917.7 3,130.9 21399.0 2,999.8 3,719.9 GDP (US$B)Y 2.871.7 2,932.1 3,350.2 3.662.4 4,214.2 4,672.6 Stock Market as a %S of GDP 153.1 99.6 93.5 65.5 71.2 79.6 Exchange Rate (End of Period) (Yen per US$) 143.45 134.40 125.20 124.75 111.85 99.74 Apprec./-Deprec. of Exchange Rate (Percent) -14.0 6.3 6.8 0.4 10.3 10.8 Total Bank Assets (USJ$B) 4.432.1 5,182.6 5,667.9 5.740.3 6,338.1 7.105.6 Bank Assets as a % of GDP 154.3 176.8 169.2 156.7 150.4 152.1 Total Asian BomI( Market Size (US$B) 166.7 183.6 217.7 274.6 312.3 338.0 I Althotigi tie total bond figuores iictlude foreigii bonds, tttese bornd, were not included in the previous five categories. For the pirposes ol this reptort. Euroyen bonds are tiot considered to be part of the domiiestic btondl miarket and are therelore not inCIlIded in this table. The 1994 figorl-e is preliminia. 2 The 1994 figuire is as of September. 1994. 3 Onily ictludes the assets of (lels.sit ittoiey banks. Sources: Salomion,ll Brothers. Suztmary ofSelected Socereigi Ratings. Octoser 31. t994: Saltonon Brother. tule ..Irtlernzationa-l Bond tIrrket .Analysis, ALigist 1994: Itterinationat Fititance Corp),ratiott, Entergiig Stack ,Markets Foetboak J994, Jtie 1994: Iiternationial Mlonletary Futi. .Inierrational Finaincial Statistics; Itnteritatimoal Financ e Corporat ln. Etiterging Market Database. 110 Japan: Exchange Rate (Year-End) (Yen/US$) 250 200 IO 100 501 1 1 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Money Market Interest Rates 10 4 2 I l l 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 * Japan U United States Japan: Inflation Rate 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1 0lI, -0.5 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 SoIlle e: Inlt, ialiol al Ntlorwetai, FLnil. l l Bond Market Profile: United Kingdom Sovereign Rating Stant:lard & Pror's: AMA Moody's: Aaa 1989 199( 1991 1(92 1993 1994 (Billions of Pountds): National Governimenit 123.7 115.0 122.4 144.1 190.5 NA State Government ().00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NA State Enterprises 0.( 0.0 0.0) 0.( 0.( NA Cential Bank ).() (.( 0.0 0.( (.0 NA Corporate 15.6 14.5 1:3.8 14.9 17.0 NA Total 1 143.5 133.7 140.4 163.0 211.5 234.2 Total (US$ billion) 231.5 257.1 264.9 247.0 :311.0 365.9 Total Bonds as a % of GlDP 27.5 26.4 26.2 23.6 33.0) 35.1 Bonids as a % of Equity Mkt Cal) 28.0 :30.3 26.8 26.6 27.() 3(0.2 Bondls as a %( of Bank Assets 12.3 11.0 11.7 12.0) 14.8 16.2 Bondls as a % of East Asian Bond Market 138.8 140.1 121.7 89.9 99.0 108.3 Memoranidum Itemis: Equity Market Capitalization (LS$B) 826.6 848.9 988.0 (927.1 1.151 .6 1,210.2 GDP fUS$B) 841.4 975.5 1,011.5 1,044.7 941.4 1,043.9 Stock Market as a % of GDP 98.3 87.0 97.8 89.1 122.3 115.9 Excliange Rate (End of Periiod) 0.62 0.52 0.53 0.66 0.68 0.64 (Poundcs per US$) Apprec./-Deprec. of Excrhange Rate (Pernent) -12.2 16.1 -1.9 -24.5 -3.0 5.9 Total Bank Assets tUS$Bt2 1.887.6 2,328.9 2,264.1 2.()57.3 2,100.5 2.256.6 Bank Assets as a % of GlDP 224.3 238.7 223.8 196.9 223.1 216.2 Total Asian Bond Market Size (US$B) 166.7 183.6 217.7 274.6 312.3 338.0) I AlIthough Ithe totat bon ItIiguires inclu Ide floreig[o honds. Ihe,w boItIs Wer-e 001 iItII ld II I i 1 l e, i ios liii categories. Fol the I orfloses '>o this ie it.p EbroSterling bonds are not consideredt to be pad of the dolnlresti bfroid miarket arid atrc tterefolo rll iriit il, ed i( i this [ abiS The 1994 figure i, prelAilinnar. 2 Onily inic ludes the assets of detrosit rironey buhisk. 'Ithe 1994 figuir-e is a., .,f Marsh. 1994. Soluri es: Satilorioi Brott1rs, Sumitars ,f .Seleted .Srocrepign Ratings. October 31. 1(94: Silioion Broth,i,er,. tin., nterninrt l B .. i ld Market ,lorif.'s, Auigust 1994; tiuterlat iroial Fiirarice Corjoratioi. Emrecging Stock Murket., thai t... k 1994, J ai e 1994: tioteroatimi nal Monrretari Firid. Inrentaliorl,! Filrwiicl Stazistics: tInternationatl Fiiraiie Cortporation. Errierging Markut Dalabase. 112 United Kingdom: Exchange Rate (Year-End) (Pounds/US$) 0.8 0.7 0.6 - 0.5 I I l 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Money Market Interest Rates 20 15 5 10 - - 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 * United Kingdom U United States United Kingdom: Inflation Rate 10 8 6 4 2 01 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 113 Bond Market Profile: United States Sovereign Rating Standard & Poor's: AA,' Moodv's: Aaa 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 (Billionls of Dollars): National Government 1,514.8 1.668.4 1.881.3 2,096.5 2.274.8 NA State Government 768.5 815.3 870.4 926.1 988.4 NA State Enterprises 1.267.1 1,445.9 1,577.9 1,734.0 1.898.9 NA Central Bank 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 NA Corporate 1.055.2 1,162.6 1,357.6 1.528.7 1,705.0 NA Total2 4,671.9 5,167.8 5.773.2 6,388.8 6,993.1 7.429.0 Total (US$ billion) 4,671.9 5,167.8 5.773.2 6,388.8 6.993.1 7,429.0 Bonds as a % of GDP 89.8 94.1 102.1 107.6 111.7 110.2 Bondls as a % of Equity Mkt Cap 133.3 167.3 140.8 142.0 133.9 146.2 Bonds as a % of Batik Assets 162.4 171.1 184.3 192.2 201.4 205.2 Bonds as a % of East Asian Bond Market 2801.8 2815.2 2.651.3 2326.5 2239.3 2197.8 Memorandum Items: Equity Market Capitalization (US$B) 3.505.7 3,089.7 4,099.5 4.497.8 5,223.8 5,081.8 GDP (US$B) 5.204.5 5,489.6 5,656.4 5.937.3 6,259.9 61738.4 Stock Market as a % of'GDP 67.4 56.3 72.4 75.7 83.4 75.4 Exchange Rate (End of Period) 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.(0 1.00 Apprec./-Deprec. of Exchange Rate (Percenlt) 0.0 0.( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total Bank Assets (US$B8) 2,876.8 3,021.2 3J132.3 3,323.8 3.471.4 3,619.5 Bank Assets as a % of GDP 55.3 55.0 55.4 56.0 55.5 53.7 Total Asian Bond Market Size (US$B) 166.7 183.6 217.7 274.6 312.3 338.0 1 Imtplied ratiig. 2 Althougti the total bonid figures jiletude foreign tbonds. these hbods wele not il-ItLIled ill tie previoun five categories. For the purtoses of this report. Eurodoltar bonds are iiot considered to he pait of the domiiestic bond miiarket anid are therefore iaot included in this table. 'te 1994 figure was providedt by the Pu bl ic Securilies Association. This tinuber is ott ltllty comparable witlh prior year totals because the 1994 figuLr does tot icltide foreign bonds. 3 (OIilv incluides the assets of commercial banks. Sources: Salonoul Brotiers, Suaiiiiury of Sele, ted Sovereign Ratings, October 31. 1<(94; Salomon Brottiers, tnc.. Internati/lal Bond Market .Analcsis ALugilsl 1994: ttternational Finance Corporation. Emerging Stork Markets Factbook 1994. June 1994: ntternational Monetary Fund, Internationol Fira(nciail Statistics: Putilic Securities Association: Intuernaticital Finaice Corporation. Emerging Market Datatase. Distribution of Holdings of Mortgage-Backed Securities by U.S. Institutions (in Percent) Institution Percentage Holdings Thrifts 23.4 Banks 21.0 Pension Funds 9.7 Life Insurance Companies 14.4 Dealers. Mutual Funds. Asset Managers, Propet-tv & Causality Insurance Cos. 31.5 Soiree: The World Baik. 114 United States: Money Market Interest Rates 10 4 ' _ 2 I I I I I I I 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 United States: Inflation Rate 6 5 4 3 2 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Souic(e: I ntemational klnelary Fund. 115 A N N E X B T H E I N D U STR IAL C O U N TRY EX P E RI E N C E IN'I'RODL CTION imperatives and stages of financial-sector developfment in each ConLntry. At one end is the ULited States, wlhel-e E overniniienits and government agencies provided bondic market development has I)een autonoious. the main inipetLs for bondl market developiment respondling to profit incentives ani( a rlesir-e to minimii ize in the major indUstrial coul1tries bK acting as the transaction costs of financing investmienit. Japan the leaclling issuers of b)onls. In the afterimiathi of Worlcl represents the otlher extremie, with the government W'ar 11 most of these gov ernments rani large and contin- assumiilig an active role in shaping the profile of bond illg budget deficits, first to finance the resiRnCtUring of market dlevelopimenit to make it ronformi to its overall thleil econom01ies anld illell to sLstaill social welfare atctiv- strategy of econoamic developmient As bond miar-kets ities. As a result, the ratio of government debt to GDP evolve, however: techniques Of' iSSuinlg bondFls, market rOse sharply to about 43 percent in 1980. SoFm)e indlus- orientation, am! inierinationial linkages seem to converge. trial countries, including Japan and the U nited Kingdomil, have scaledl clowin thleir fiscal deficitl. hot Thi, Anniex focuses on hloxw the bonid markets in these counitries with bigger deficits-sucl1 as the LUlited four countries progressed to theil present stage of States, and Gerimianly in the wake of the heavy fiscal bur- developmient. the sources of theil- strenigti, tleil- char- (leni of unificatio n-have not been abmle to. andl the acteristics. anlI thie polict franiiewor-ks in which the delbt!GDP ratio) across the major inidustIrial countries mIlarkets developed. The anlalysis is designied to p1rovide rose to 68 percent in 1994. Tlhis rapidly growing delt insighits that can be used liv thie East Asian economies raised the stakes for the governments trying to mitililize in rileterinininig a mix ofb est plractices thev cani adopt to its cost. wlicih ten(led to increase wxxhen sales were con- make thieir- bondc markets grow faster by maximilizinig iiq- finer to doimest ic markets am Ix propelled govern menits to uit(Ilt atinI transparency creating a broad investor base. seek a wcider iivestor- base in the inter-niationial markets. and( establishing ef'fectixe informration channels to) assess risk/returll plosl)eCts. Among the indcustrial croumtries with sizal tIe bond mar- kets, four-the Unitecl States, Japan. Gerimianiv anti the BOND MARKETS IN THE U_NITED STATES, UK-are the Iroost prominent. The US bond Imlar-ket is JAPANN. GERMANY. ANI) THE I K the laigest, and( has the most developed andc sophisti- catetd issuilig techniques, secondary markets, transac- Bonds con1stitute a significant segmenit of Ithe maL-ket for- tioii tranisparenc(_ bond diversitv, regulatorv instri- finanicial assets in the four indlustrial couLntries. In the menits and apparatus. and innxovations. Thoughl there Uniitecd States bond-s andl stocks weere 110 and( 75 per- are broad similar-ities in the patterns of bond miarket ement of GDP in 1994, and( they weere almiost at the same dexelopment across the fOlur countries, there are signif- leel in Japan. The Germani market for bonds xvas a lit- icant differences in tile organization and path of bond tle less thani 4 times the market for stocks. whille the UK market development A pace-setter in these markels stock mar-ket was almost thiree timies the market for has alwvavs been goveminillenit securities, whichl general- bonds. Total Iank assets as a plroportion of GDP were IV lay the groundwork for tie evolutirto of In intl markets, highiest at 216 percent in the U K, follorwed by Japan thougIl the role of the governinent in indludCing theil- (152 percent). Genniyaiv (169 percent), andc the Unllitedl dlevelopment varied accortling to the instituttionial States (54 percent) (Figure 1). The highi ratios of bonds to 116 GDP in Japan and( Germany reflects the fact that banks in tures-are important in Germaniy and Japan. while the those couinties raise a large plro)polion of their resources miaini issuers of bonds in the Uniitecd States are non- in the bond markets. as disCLussed later in this section. financial corporations. This difference in issuer profiles reflects the role Japanese an(l Germiian banks have taken Figure 1: Bonds, Equity, and Banking Assets as as the miaini institution,s financing private-sector invest- a Percentage of GDP (1994) wenit: large investimienit len(linig led themi to issue bondis to raise resources additionial to del)osit mobilization. 250_ Figure 2: Bond Market as a Percentage of GDP 200 - (US$ billion) 1 20 ISO 1 00 100 80- 50 60- 0 Japan Germany United United Kingdom States 40 - *Bank Assets Equities * Bonds 1( The size and growth of bond miiarkets in these countr1ie 1970 1980 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 sinee 1970 in relative and absolute terilns is presentedl in Table 2 adid Figure 2. US bonds have grown in size ail(l - United Kingdom Japan diver-sity since 1970s. The value of bonls in the US mar- - Germany _ United States ket increased fromit US$485 billion in 1970 to US$7.429 billion in 1994. risiniig fromil 48 p)ercent tio 110 percent of Tlhe corporate sector in the Unlitecd States has in the past GDP The Japanese bond i mar-ket recorded an ilicrease resolted to debt financing miore thani the other thiee fromiI US$47 billion in 1970 to US$3,442.7 billion in countijes )e(ause interest expense al-e tax-deductible, 1994, rising from 2:3 to 74 percent of GDP? The German whille dividends are not: thli miakes it more attractive for and lUK bond miarkets have been of mor-e moo(lest (linleni- corporate treasurers to take oni illcreasecl leverage. Somile sions. Gerimian bulnds stoodl at 90 )er(cent of' GDP in 17 percelnt of private fixed capital foriliation is financed 1994, but in absolute teriis were less tllan hlilf the value thrlough bond isssues in the lUnitedl States, in cointrast to of the Japailese bond(i miarket. The UK'. bond/1'GDP Irtio, only 2 percent in the UK and( 4 percelnt in Japal.' on tile othier halidcl reniai ned nore or less constalit at aLibout :35 )er(ent. dlespite a six-fold rise in the anionilit of All foul bondl mar-kets have been increasingly exp)osed bond.& outstandiing between 1970 and 199:3. to intelilational abold issues both ftoreign bond-those is,uetd only in the host COUlntry-and EuLo-currellnc Government seC ulities liave been the mainstay of the bonds issued in host-coLitltr curlrelnCy in more thani one bond markets in all fouL Couiltries (Table 3). In 199:3 coniltry. In terilms of outstanoliilig amnounts, the largest thlev were thie highest as a proportionl of GDP in tIle intenliationial issue of bonds ib in the Ulnited States. fol- LUnitecl States (45 percent) ancl lowest in the Gerilviall lowed in dlesceendinig order by Japan, Germa-ny. ailol the (29 peiceit). Municipalities and local governiimenits UK Of the total iilteritationial bonds. Eturo-currency hax e b een prominent issuers of bondc only in thle 1)kinis (idominate in the Unitecd States, Japan and( UK: Unitedl States. Corpo)ro-ationis lave been tile largest thieir share iin Geiriani interilationial issues is also sub- issuers of >i -lnd. after governelents in the ULitiied States, staiitial. though it is difficult to be precise about the an.l to a lesser extent. Japan. Within the corporate aniioiuit as Gerilianly (does not separate (lata for interna- bond cla,,s, bIank bonds-alternat ivelv cal led debell- tional alnd EulFO-C urlel y(V bondIs. I 1 7 Table 2: Bonds Outstanding (US$ billion)* United States 1970 198() 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Government Bonds 236.8 574.5 2.094.3 2,303.2 2.556.2 2,824.0 - Municipal Bond(s 131.1 288.0 815.3 870.4 926.1 988.4 - Corporate Bond(s 117.1 339.8 1.085.3 1,241.6 1,351.4 1,455.3 Mortgage Boncls 0.4 112.2 1.097.3 1,272.0 1,451.6 1,599.4 Interniationial Bonds - 63.8 598.7 626.7 655.1 680.1 - Foreigni Bonds - 75.6 86.1 103.7 126.0 - Eurodollar Bonds - 63.8 523.1 540.6 551.4 554.1 Total Bonds 485.4 1,378.3 5,690.9 6,313.9 6,940.4 7 ,547.2 7,429.0 Japan 1970 1980 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Governmenit Bonds 20.4 364.9 1,312.6 1,445.4 1,491.6 1,730.8 Municipal Bonds 1.3 17.7 53.6 58.9 61.5 74.1 - Corporate Botnds 25.6 176.7 706.5 824.5 882.1 1,015.5 - Mortgage Bondis 0.( (.0 (.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Inteinationial Bondis 0.0 9.4 142.3 173.8 176.8 223.5 Foreigni Bond9s (0.0 8.8 42.8 49.4 52.1 66.3 - Euroveni Bonds - 0.6 99.4 124.4 124.7 157.2 Total Bonds 47.4 568.6 2.215.1 2.502.6 2.611.9 3.044.0 3,442.7 Germany 197 0 1980 199( 1991 1992 1993 1994 Government Bondis 6.7 60.4 344.6 392.8 468.2 562.6 Municipal Bonds 1.9 6.4 27.0 31.5 47.6 60.3 - Corporate Bonds 34.4 213.3 604.8 688.4 718.2 764.2 - Mortgage Boncis 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Internlational Bonids 5.3 40.4 161.4 171.2 183.0 203.6 - Total Bondis 48.4 320.5 1,137.9 1,283.8 1,416.9 1,590.7 1,719.0 United Kingdom 1970 1980 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Governinenit Bonds 47.2 195.1 221.7 229.0 217.9 282.2 Municipal Bonds 1.0 2.4 0.( 0.0 0.( 0.( - Corporate Bonds 13.2 12.6 28.0 25.8 22.5 25.2 - Mortgage Bond(s 0.0 (.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 International Bonids - 1.9 115.9 131.1 110.8 129.3 - Foreigi Bonds - 0.2 7.9 7.7 6.0 5.9 EuLosterlinlg Bonds - 1.7 108.0 123.5 104.8 123.4 - Total Bonids 61.3 212.0 365.5 385.9 351.2 436.7 365.9 Soui*rce: .Salumnwlz Brliher5, Int'. Inlfernltii- alttiI MtJItlal- Fundsl. * 1964 totals fi,r eUi.. U rlad Japan dfo not li-juldt(e Eurro Bonds. 118 Table 3: Government Bonds (US$ billion) Countnry 1970 % otfGDP 1980 N InofGAP 1993 '%J of GDP U.nitedl States 236.8 23.4 574.5 21.2 2,824.0 45.1 Japan 20.4 10.0 364.9 34.4 1,7.30.8 41.1 Germany; 6.7 3.7 60.4 7.5 562.6 29.4 U.K. 47.2 38.0 195.1 36.2 282.2 30.0 Table 4: Municipal Bonds (US$ billion) Cou(itrv 1970 %l of GDP 1980 9cof GDP 1993 % ofGDP Ulite(l States 131.1 13.0 288.0 10.6 988.4 15.8 Japani 1.3 0.6 17.7 1.7 741. 1.8 Germaniy 1.9 1.0 6.4 (.8 60.3 3.2 U.K. 1.( 0.8 2.4 0.4 0.( 0.0 Table 5: Corporate Bonds (US$ billion) Country 1970 % of GDP 1980 9ˇ of (DP 1993 k of GDP United States 117.1 11.6 339.8 12.5 1,455.3 23.2 Japan 25.6 12.6 176.7 ]6.7 1,015.5 24.1 -bank (leb.(a) 17.3 8.5 128.3 12.1 7(00.)7 16.6 Gernian 34.4 18.6 213.3 26.3 764.2 40.0 -bank deb.(a) 32.3 17.5 211.0 26.1 762.4 39.9 U.K. 13.2 10.6 12.6 2.3 25.2 2.7 Table 6: Mortgage Bonds (US$ billion) CountLr 1970 % of GDP 1980 % ot'GDP 1993 % of (DP Unitedl States 0.4 0.0 112.2 4.1 1.599.4 25.5 Japan 0.0 0.0 0.( 0.( 0.0 (.0 Germ-laniy 0.0 (.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.( U.K. (.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (.0 0.0 Table 7: International Bonds (US$ billion) Country 1970 2c of G(DP 1980 % of ;DP 1993 % of GDP Unitedi States NA NA 63.8 2.4 680.1 10.9 Japan 0.0 0.0 9.4 (.9 223.5 5.3 Germianv 5.3 2.9 40.4 5.0O 203.6 10.7 U.K. NA NA 1.9 0.4 129.3 13.7 NSuire :S0a'mnon Brt,lt/,rs. Ilc. Intlernlioninl loneiary hind. 119 GOVERNMENT SECURITIES kets in theil relationships with [lie Fed's tradiiig desk andel provide the tratinhg dlesk wvith market inforniatiOnl Primilary Markets. Markets for governimen bliond.s are and( analysis tlia i iiiay be cisefUl to the Feel in IoIiillUlat- Oftell Orgallized by setting ciii networks-groUips of ing awl iiiimilementing inotietaly puliey.- financial firms acti ng as primary clealers in government seCUciities. In these foLul eOLIntrieC networilks usually- Jaipaii system lias analogoLus arrangements tindler- operate oii a q plO qu0 o hasis: in exehlange for certain which a large groi p o(f firmlis constitLIte an issuing svin- privileges, which vary across Col111trieS, thev agree to (licate for Japanese bonis. Over (O) firis Lare mendbteis make secondary miarikets in gover-in went clebt, suij ec t to of the syyndid ate. iICiLdclilng banks, seenir-ities firms, anl the I-nles andl reguelaltions goveriniig t lieii opeiations. ilnsuiraniee comi ian iies: a sepaarate giomi p of abitout 35 fli iis negotiales the tenis of' synd ic atedi govern menmt The L nitecl States lias a long trad ition of pr-imnary ileal- bond issues v ithi the Ministry of Financ e. The pirimiary ers iii governnieiit bonds, of which there are now 39. obligation (if 01 nV ieate ineiilers is to accept theil allo- The F'edleral Reserve Bank of' Ne'w York elesigniates rations of' b)omdls. ti lilke in the Uiiite(l States, the svn- themlIl, am I th are i-e re(ltUiiet te( he ai -tie ini botb hprima- dlic ate in Ja;pian liaS n1o nole iii the secl oidary ima ekee Ot i-v atiid seconlary mnarkets. The New York Feel reltLliies ienitraI ha li ilk nionetancv pi ii y imiplemiienitation, lI irty tliat primary dlealers iiiake iiarkets inz all mat m i-itx-V set- p erreint of, ]0-year bonds al-e svildicateel andI the rest tirs of treasLIcIv see nirities. anel st iplates eat-li primial-v ailntio nieel togetiei- withi otiher go verlimierit Ion(ls. elealer's shiare in total seeonilary iiiarkets. Dealers ale Syndli'ateel boods are solcl at tlhe weighted axerage also expected ti dlemiomistrate tIleie iiremtillUed rollilnlit- price of the auctioei. lIi extchange for ae(-ep t ig tlieil went to tlie niaiket fiir secLirities b! lvih cliing mieaii ig- shares lf s\ndl icated boniids, synilciate m ii hers are fully in all bonl auLrtioliS. If a (lealet- fails to (lo so, the Offeiedl two pIivileges: txClnIsive aL-Cess to autitions f0i Fed typically 'centarts lini witli a reimindler of i boni els. receive eommiilissiolls fioll bhoth tite synidicatee Uti nelervwitinlg obli gation. P'i-j iia v ilealei-s al-eOLnlit for aMidel aLl- tiOleel peortiOillS of thle telm-y ear lo Inds. a iiia'oteity of thle trailinig vOLIume iii the seCoiicladr mnar- ket. t lotigii there are apperoximniately 1 700 br'o Ikers antI Gerimia in s primaiii Ililarket systtemi' iS- a valiant on the lealers tiadiiig in that mlarket. The p rimnary; dealers aniel Japamiese. Germany lais set t l) a -OiIisoitILIII ti' 1(9 soeine oti ei- market partic ipants i-ely on ii tei- lealem iiemibes-similam to tie .lapanese synelic ate-thrOI gli broklerage hotiuses (cur-nentIv seveii) to tradIe ini tlie nma- whic lh Ib nds aie sold. Most long-terill biondss aie sold ket fir aovem-n melit setu-ities. Inter-dIealer iiokers thr igli tlhe e-elnsoiti14In wi thI adi a ttioe i aiid sale 1by the ompile tlie lest lbid anicl ask pric es plrvill I dby eleal- B unites bank oil t ap; !a investens -aii lniiv tlie i at ers anlI iiiake t liis inifOrmationi available via c ompiuiter. i lose to auctio n Ipric e. Iik- in tlie Jap aniese sxsltrem Ulilike the dlealeis. tlie blokers dlo iiot take pOsitiOcs the cli sostitmiii brsei aclicisact-pttleipt shareofs iilieat- themselves, btit i-atier niatch the bie s plac-ed witli tlle ii e(I ioic b s at tlie price e deter-iminiecl Ii tlie aciLt illties, bv the dealers. The iileiitities of ilte clealer-s wlio sutb- which imiay iiot haxe any relalion to the auctioin plirie. A nit price quotes are kept coiifi(lctitial. olmlissioin is paiil oll the sale (If tlese bonds. but iiot oii tiose alIIOC ated thiiougiA the autio liO ti tal): these In 1991 aii irregular episode Ociu-rredl wheln a pirimiarxy sal s hatve inore the cliarat-ter olf a privilege thani ai lealter puiictliasedl goverrinieiit bo Ins beyoiidl tlie Iiiiiit bl)il ation. In atldditioni. clii slsrtium meiimlers enjoe set as otine of the privileges. Since thien the tIS aUtliOri- other privileges: exctlusive at-c-ess to gOvemniieiit bonid ties Iiave staled lia k severnaI of clealhe i pmivileges a iil ac-ti tns, illifoiiiiat I I' ll tigli icgcila Iileetillg xxith the obligations. iain1v withi a view to ilicreasilig compeli- Btumnlesbaik, relir-lihase agreeIiellts Irepios) aiiil o)per- liven ess ini the governiment boiid elarket. Ihe n ia or altion of 11l BUcimilesbaiik for financ iiig tlhei i goveriiienlit remaininlg privilege is exclusive actess lti some of the setCiitie's ;itirciases.' intelr-dealer blokei sc-reelns. th Ilighl thiis ext -llus ivit is slowly fatlimg away. Tlhey also forii tle c o-dul tit thi rLgh t 'lie priiiary delealtr equivalemits i thlie Lliiitecl Kingdo lmi whiicl the Feel cou nel ts its lloiletLam-y- p ilit- . The ioilig- aie the gilt-ecdged miarket itiakers ((G-EMMs) whiich atioii that eacli primary cleaaler sliitillc mailitainLi at least iegan iperatilig after the Big BL1n, in 1986. GEMMS 1 percent of tlie total tran sac-ti ons of all Priin ary deales aile a ( rOsS betweei tlie LJS svstemii aiic thlose in Japai vitli thei ec stCls mers has lieemi ren ielveil. PriPiiiaLi-y eal- andcl jeraiZiy. T lieex are e reIUiieel te to iiake iniarkets foll ers I LISt miiainitaiii suftic iemit pr-esei -e in tihe secindarI gilts-esselit allv all miarketable im ediunii- aiicl lung- iiiau-ket to enmable tlieiii to make reaisoniallx g,Oodl into- terii tJK governmtilet securities Itut ielo sblirt-t eri-i trea- 120 surv bills. GEMMs have ino role in monetary policy' some mlattirities issuedI (quarterly and others isuLled operation. The principal obligationi of GEMMs is to monthlly. Predictable issue c alendars are maintainedl. inake contiLious markets in gilts of all types. including linikedi closely to the maturity schedule of outstandinlg indlex-liiked gilts, and participate inl gilt auctionis. bonds. Auctioni details, including the Luanltitv on offer and whetber or not bonds will repliesenit a new issue or GEAMMs receive a package of privileges in exclianlge for a "reopellilg" (i.e., ani incremental offer of previously their market-making activities. They have the exclusive isste(Il coupon bonds at a reoffered price) are published right to (leal in gilts withi the Bank of Enigland(l. and they onlv' a few day's in advance. The UK anid Japan ai'e mayi borrow from it. They also have tile exclusive righit Moderately irregular: UK auctions are nionthilv or everyv to borrow gilts. which tlhey dlo through special stock two mlontls, while Japan liolds one every molnthi or exchange moniey brokers. In additioni, GEMMs have (luartei: German auctions zii-e irregular. However;, there exclusive use of special inler-dealer brokers bilit do not is no sanctity to the frequency of bond issues. ancl tilmI- have anx' special privileges relating to gilts autions, inig is ultiiately goverine(d by' tle exigencies of niation- except that oilvy they ma1V submit bids by telephone in al situations. reaction to late-breaking mlarket developments. There are four lasii techili(tLes for issuing honids in The foregoing discussion aboUt the working of primaly domestic markets: auction. direct synidication, tal), ndl( markets in the foulr Countlies shows thie role (healers uLndlerivw-itteni sylndication. Urn(lerwritten syn(lication is play in each country. The systemis restrict entryV of firms used for Euroinarket aLndl global issues, while the other inItO tile governImilent seCulrities niarket andl( make tlheir thlice are used for domestic issues. The CouLntmies nse participation il onie part (Of tile imariket conitinigenit on all thiree in vax'v,i ng combinations (lable 8). The US partic ipatinug in otilrs. In essenme, tie priminarry market niuthioiities have Used botil Linifo&iIi price and discrimini- ar--atigetieiits ar-e motivateclilaillly by tle objective of nItOl-V aLctiois. They' are mIovinig more toward the for- nmaintaining liquidlity in secondary markets aidc stiper- mer- because of seveiral ilncidents of inaiiipulationi in visinig andl muonitoring their operations continuously discrimilnator auctions in 1992. Geiniiativ and( Japan andl closely to mainitaini stability in the bond iimarkets. have resorte(d to syndication as well as auctio0s. aill tleier auctions hadve relied o il bhli iinliform and di s- The four CouLAtries (liffem; at tlhe miaigin. in freqLuenIcy of criImiiiatory pricing. tliouigli they' xvere applied to (liffei- bond issues and( the metilodIs used for themi. Basically emit tyj)eb of niatunities. Gerimiaily anic thie U mlted there ai'e t iuee timuing patterns-irregu Lar iiitem-val Kingdolim allow tap Sale ol' onIs oil 5 iffeienit matul rities moderately regular and completely' regular. The iietli- throingi their cential balks. The plirie of' lionlds onl tati od(s of issue range fiomi au(Ction to sVyilicatioll and( nonu- sale, as mienitioniedl earlier, is the weighte(d average competitive bidding. By andl large. all ('our couiltries obtaiined in the auctio iiiL maket. hiave graduall' iulove(l awav fromii direct syndication to market-oriented auctionIs-which are adopted as bond The United States and( the UK use "wlhen-issuedl mai- markets matuire and acquire width and (leptil. Withlinl kets as a Sort of fuitures market for discoverinlg the like- the auctions, there are furtiler distinictions, such as Ulli- ly prices for bonds. Wheni-issIueCd tradling is "the ciondi- foriml pricinig or discrimi ininat ory pliciilng. U ndler the first. tioniual tiadi ng that takes place durinig ilte inteival all seCurities are sold at one price, whiie uliuler- dis- between the ailnoun(iemilet (late an(dtile auctioil late. cr'imninlatOt' Systeiils each wiiinilng bidder pays the Trading begilsb in these nuarkets xvhenl the details about price he bid." the auction are anilouLie(eCl, including thie ailounit to be issued and the miaturity. In both countries-this market Frequenccy of' bond issue is cleteniulinie(d Iy governmlent iiechanislln does iiot exist in Gernianiy ancl Japan-this fundinig re(Luil-eilenits anci maiket conditions, including peiiod is about tell clavxs before tile bomuds are issued. Iiar-ket depth. Thle interest of investors- andl tradlers cami The deepest ain mIost relevant when-issued goverin- often be cultivated ai(l iiiaiiitainie(l through regularity iuieuit bond market is in the Ulnited(l States, whiere it in the c(alen(lar. stiructUre anli cLuainititv of seCurities operates like tradIinig iti a futuLes market, as positions offered, Thjose governlillelits with relatively smaller may be taken ancI covered nialx' tiiimes before the actu- borrowing programs can applroa('h the miar-kets mniore al settleiienit dates, Whell-issueed securities also dlis- flexibly respoin(1iiig to opportunities to iii iniiize tihe place the iiost recently i'ssuec government bond &, a c-st of individual issues. Of the four coun1tries, tile benchmark. In manyv auctionis the aggregate size of Uniitecl 'States hiol(ds bonhd auctions most regularly'. withi outstanding positionis in the when-issued market Sut- 121 stantially exceeds the quanitytv of securities to he sold Working of the Second(lary Markets. An efficient in that auctioni at somie point between the (late of seconlary mnarket is essential to a r(obust bond market. announiicemenit of auction and the (late on wlhicil the It helps inicrease issue of l(itiods and their (iiversitv. as securities are delivered. In The UK anyonie can partic- it provides liquiditx that makes it possible for securities ipate in the wheln-issue(d market andl the Bank of hol(lers to realize cash value wheni the prospects for England does not regulate it except for normal supervi- risks and returins change. One major measure of liquid- sion of market makers and( brokers. itv in the secondaryi market is the volumile of transac- tions. The highler the volume, the greater are the oppor- tunlities to buy or sell of securities at competitive Table 8: Techniques for Issuing Domestic prices. Increased volulime also reduces the carinvilig cost Government Securities in Four Industrial of market makers, and raises thieir profit margins, (Iraw- Countries ing more firnis into the market. Table 9 shows that the (Methods of issuance) volume of tranisactionis in the markets of the four COulnl- tries have been risinig rapidtly since 1980s. Thie United States Discriminatory auction. Uniform- sharpest increase in tranisactioni volumile in governmilenit price auction (ttwo- an(l five-vear securities as been in Japan. The US market, as to be niotes, on an experimental basis) expectetl, had the largest voluLime and( it hias been steadily rising. Except in The UK, most of the transac- Japan Combination of liscriminatorv tiOllS in securities are over the couiter (OTC). The UK auction and syndicate (ten-year stock exchanige relies on nlealers postilIg quotes, rathier Japanese Governimlenit bond) thiani the orler-miatching processes coimIonllV fouLndl in the exchanges.i TherefOre the exchanige functions in Svndicate (five-year Japanese the same way as the OTC market. In the countries Government bond) where OTC prevails, government bonds are not required to be listed on the exchanges. andl the bulk of Discriminiiatory autctiol (varlious transactions takes place outsi(le the exchanges. In see- Securities) ondary markets. inter-dealer brokers are lalgely instru- menital in augmenting the tianisactionis, as they special- Uniformi-price auction (financving bills) ize in gathierinig price qtiotes fromt government seculi- ties dealers andl conlveVilig theli withouIt attribution Germany Combination of syn(licate. through the services to wwhicih all nlealers have access. Cential Bank discriminatory auction, and tap sales bv central bank The ability to engage in repurchase-or REPO- (Buiilelesanileilleni) agreellmelnts facilitates' invenitory mlaniagemilenit by secu- rities (lealers, and tiltIs reduces cost of market-miiakinlg Disc rinihivnatorv auction variotis and inc reases liqui(lity in cash miar-kets. The US repo sec urities) market for governmilenit bonds is veryv large; there are also REPOs in government agency secutiities ancl mioii- Tap sales by central bank (variouls gage-backed securities. Repo niarkets in other inidus- securities) trial countries are substantially smaller: in imianyv couIn- tries repo miar-kets and secuLities lendting markets are [!nite(l Kingdoom Discriminatory auction (Treasury hampered by regulatory restrictions or taxes. In Japan. Olills andI some gilts) repo transactions are knowin as gensaki. The market for gensaki on short-term governimenit securities is active. Unihirm-price auCtionl Withl mini[imL The maini borrowers of funcis in this market are securi- price (somile gilts, infrecquenitly) ties firms. Gensaki in longer-termi securities are less Tap sales by central bank (some gilts) common, as these repos are considered bond transac- tion that attract tax. In Germany banks borrowingl ftunlds thiroughi repo tranisactionls face reserve requireinenits on those funls. andc domestic repos are virtually nono-exis- N,nurie. Bank: of England: lthlu. Alihnistri / ore.zFrv; *nd Bnoker tent. In The UK there is nio market for repos in gilts between private parties. anrd there is onil a limitedl 122 miarket in gilt borrowing. Only gilt-edged miarket-mak- slhort-term securities. In all fouL countries computer- ers may borrow gilts, anil thev must do so through the ized book-entry systems are lise(l to avoidl cumbersome stoclk exchanige moniey brokers. The Bank of Englanidl physical transfer of seculitien. In the Unitedl States starte(l in 1994 to use giuts REPOs as a regular open- securities transaction clearing is (lone through the tnarket device. Government Securities Clearinig Corporation (G5CC). a nelf-regulating organizationi registered with tie Table 9: TransactionVolume in Government Securities and Exchange Commission. The GSCC nets Markets trades andl payientts,. and( securities transfers are made (Daily Average in US$ billion) thiougil the wholesale bank payments system knowin as Fedwire, which is coniniecte(d to the book-entry' system 1980 1990 1993 organize(d by the Federal Reserve." United States' 13.78 76.72 119.56 The Fedwire and( the book-entry systei help remove the Japan risk of non-paymient andl reduce the volume of transac- Over-the-counter 1.38 44.11 57.62 tions to be recorded. Having a book-entry' systemil for imarket in Tokyo securities reduces risk by facilitating delivery-versus- Transactions in' 0.03 0.92 0.19 payment nettlements. The Fedwire payment system. stock exchanges thirotigh rnaking netting possible. reduces the number of Gerimianiv" 3.93 9.67 payments broker, and( (lealers neecd to make. Thle Eiioclear andi( Cedel clearing systems facilitate inter- Ulnited Kingdlon< 1.39 6.75 9.48 nationial settlemenits by linkinig domiestic an(l interna- tional clearing nystemrs. /0) Da)ta tijuste/df far ilot,tti ltorlig/i. ill/ Wrilnsatitatts it/dnitne 1,ir Jnpait. Gernlan'. riiid Fro(mie tire esinititedl In Jh 1,1J1F Ufnh tim th In the UK gilt-edged securities are noriimally settled on t1lZlintitl itltime i/daw. thie next business day after the (late of tracle. BY spec'ial (/i) Pt iatir'-ici t/eaers (rana tit/tn. of unitatiri e initireis.1- .' ft 3 Ba/a tiritmi 9ranZ,!h .. rig/U tnirs(Jif ti-A ..t.ani'.-t:f titeri. 1990. arrangemients it is also possibble to trade in sei urities for Dw. t U(l tIIlesigi 1989fi,mni eight doyilesti, .ctwkri-v hallge.,: mcple 1990 . t, titain Ta/cm Sit A E.thangt'. future settlements, but this period cannot be greater (di ./whISrl;eange tImrinterfiar bttdit at tlte' Fietertl Caisrnimei. tiLanl t ltee weeks. Fri/er.l Riilai/a,-s- tndt! Federal Past (itt. -e re lntcrna/tahu .-tlrcar EU ott In/crn/ Sea Maktsiun m-sterling bond(is are settlecd in a seven-(la period S('lur t: llnt,rmliZonllr '\1,Slletanr fiind.l Inlternatlfionl<, Capital, 3llrkets. ELr-se 1 /994. (luriig which the bonds are lheld in the clearing system as Euroclear andl Cedel. Japanese settlemenit prome- A striking feature of the volume of traisactioins in the (lures for both government anli private bon/ds are qulite secondary niarket withi important implicatioits for pri- (lifferent fronit those in the Unitedl States. Normal set- vate bond isnues is thiat tlte most freqlueitt tranisactionts tlemienit in Japan occuis omt a predletermninedl cycle are centered on benchlimark necurities, wlieic are tile ratlter thian at the (liscretionu of the trading parties. ntost recently issued securities of a particular maturity. There are six official settle/ienit dates every' mito/ntilt Benchiiiarks in thie four countries are miost conlillonl/ n each with an asnociate(d trading period, an/cl the average represeittecl by ten-year bond(s, the yields on which are time between tra(le an(l settlenimenit (dates is muLICh lon0Ier used for inter-couiitty' comparisons. Non-bencbinark in Japan thani tii(ler thle "next dlay nettle` convention of securities are traded lens frequenltly. There are varia- UlS markets. The paities can also arranige forivard set- tions in the practices adopted in designationi of bench- tlemieimt ar(I skip one or miore delivery (lates. Settlemenit mar-k bonds. In Japan. for imstance. Japartese govern- (an be effected in several wavs. Designated finai/cial tenit bon(is with an original maturity of teit years are institutionn can settle trades throtighi the Baink of mnsi(leredl the benclihmark, even though they may' not Japan's net systeim. wltieli is a wi-e tramtsfer- system siam- be tilose most recently issued. ilar to the US Fedwire, or they (an be settled in tIme san/e mairter as the US (leliver-y-ver-sus-payaimenits sys- There is ino uniform systei for clearing am(t settling tern. Registerecd bond transactiomis can also be settlecl goverimiilent securities across the four countries. Only throtugh a Letter of Transfer (LT) System which is a the United States andl tile UK settle transactionis in delivery-free/pay-systemLf Unider thin the seller cdeli ers long-term goveri/i/ienit bonds by the next day. Other an LT to the buyel two day's before ilie settlementt date countries take longer, except for clearing tranisaction,s in through Iis agen/t bam/k ancl the buyer endorses it ancl 123 Table I0: Holders of Central Government Debt in Selected Industrial Countries (A) (In Percent of Total Debt Outstanding) UJ.S. (b) Investors 1980 1992 1993 1994(j) Domestic banks 0O 18.19 10.35 10.57 10.3( Domestic insturance companies 3.89 6.95 7.69 7.99 Domestic indlividUals (g) 19.(( 10.18 10.17 10.46 Othel doilmestic holclers (h) (i) 37.31 50.34 48.5() 48.34 Domestic nioniev mlarket fundis. unit trusts, etc. 0.57 2.81 2.64 1.92 Foreigni anti( international 21.04 19.36 20.13 20.90 Germnany (c I (d) Investors 198( 1992 1993 1994'(j) Domestic banks (f) 69.66 54.31 54.10 56.18 Donmestic insurance companies - - - Domestic indlivi(luals (g) Othelr domestic holdlers (h) i) 21.20 19.41 12.29 12.41 Domestic ni:ionev market funds. Ullit trusts. etc. - - - Foreigin and( international 9.14 26.28 33.61 31.41 U.K. (e) Investors 1980 1992 1993 1994(j) Domestic banks (f) 17.18 6.17 8.39 10.13 Domestic insurance conipanies 30.36 36.62 38.84 34.36 Domestic individuals (g) 16.34 8.94 7.13 5.89 Other dlorestie lihol(lers (h) (i) 26.7 0 30.18 26.59 29.64 Domiiestic nionev market funlds. Ullit trusts, etc. 0.5o3 0.64 1.16 0.98 Fooreigin ancl intelniationial 8.89 17.43 17.58 19.00 (a) Dat-ta asof 1/h,h U oI fir ri e ited1 Kiniigdomih; emd--reir dIal fi)r all ot/I err in lltrie. It estor inlot ni (IlIait iln ( is 1l jl, il,ile f,;r Japon. (/1) "ca 11cc I alrnid at par r necac itglisn lI nnls ale inla(ded ait (uirre,nt edelnl/tOiy'l iailuc. i I i/1 n`FiMrl ( aorriltat. Equalizaltion of Biurdlenis Fund. F/P Spinal Fund.tl Lander gv'ernlinlls. an1d 1o,a1 authorijie., (f;ir 198(0 and 198(): ., Fiedral (,iwer,, ilient. Gernilon I ;i it Fuinld. Debt- Prewessing ki,ii,i. ERP 'Spec ial Fii r1l. Rt..t (Genmini Lain/er golrernnilnews. Fail German laii(le, £olverninl-nl. I ttst Getmililoi Ia' l authw,, itie.,. and Eai st G,.rinan ll loa / atll hitie, fiar 1(192). (dl Ecluwhding pul/icw atlhoit ie' 1in itnal ii,deltcd,e..: and holdingrrs!J Ba/und ilhanA. (ci JTwat ri arkei holdings ao/ gilit (/) F;)r U.K.. iricludhles buiutlig nsoleieties ain citcr t .1 . inslifulianal investors. Ig) Fi,r .S.. irncludest Ia in- bond1s (1r11l 1,1i/Ir sthe rilies. (h1i) ;ir Getilil In . iiicIi( I 1 des1 ml o( tIeII yril. fil I/It, /111I ilo/Icer. Wi) Fur Ui. K.. in, aludcs / . ill/i/ li c t,,clor i,laiutriala ennl colin.rincial Iallpalies. puill/iic triastee. nill lvariolus initr/luporaIc bculies. clIldl Ilhl/ (inlulling resi(l/aa it. (j) As./ o'Sieptciber .3/ 1/994. (k) 4As at jline. 1 994. S.Jolo'(: Intern1ational 1ii,nletil r 1I'i(Il. Inte.rna,tional / Capital iIarkets. 1994. Den l.a/Ic Bund/esbanik. Ih,iil/a1th e Rporl. JIulia r: l)lJ.I DApaicirtl o/ah TrecIsunr: Trealar BuILIIIin., Decwinl br. 11994. Bari if Englandi .Statistital 11,cract. Pairt . 1(994. submits it to tie Bank of Japan. On the settlemenit (late, The sellinig party either releases tradles directly inlto the the central hank registers the bonid in the buyer's name. stock exchange coniptiter, oir alterinatively coonvevs to The Baank of Japain is considering changing to the sys- the stock exchanige tliose itemiis it canin (I) jJapani WIi Gernimainx Idi) LI. K. (e) ElI t198U Eii(i 1992 FY 19() FY 1992 Eii( 1N)81 Eiiii 1992 ELidl 3-1081 ErLiil 3-1993 (-1 Year, 48.6( 34.65 17.73 6.75 0-3 Years 43.68 25.53 0-5 Yeals 81.11 71.24 28.85 47.78 66.38 54.71 27.74 27.65 0-1(0 Years 89.47 83.62 1()0.(( 92.40 98.15 97.99 0-15 Years 100.00 96.41 100(00 99.68 57.69 72.20 0-20 Years 95.01 87.38 1(0.00 99.98 10() 00 99.68 All 100.00 10(.(( 10(.00 10(0.0( 10(.(0( 1(0.00 100.00 100.00 (a) /11 dlebt val/edl at nuainiil(ll mluetut urenti ma r al i tlucf. (Ih) .1arelalla e (etilr'nl goi eminent tb I e/iti' hl l r pri ilel iril ,urt. ( o Jtain'sltt '-tilrtil gcermntijid tcid'titit.zin /finin, tug fhi/i., unitd granil - in -zizA on/dI. l) Pall/li( /tiid.i at iFt,iing /htitjltt iitei hi i/th, Fedl/ (G.ti'rnur'itl. candil Geriuin nut / nitti Fiul. (Cutrirat 1 (Xiii I (r'imin Equailizaltinit aund. ElP S.i,,-ial Fund, Trehuhad /tri itlzzluiin agent t. Lun/ier pil i nintil,' 1it alhiwiclullriliv. Fetiri i l Ent (iind ei1 Ge itit iir 1nailetii' Fecu Pl f f/ir,e. Ie) Mark-lt /utitlidintg cs,lentral paretiiteiiltan! gui eciriiittitl-gttacltitle't/ nincaidethit'icii tclii's. .Saitcie: ihli'fitaliital tlaotitarc Fn;rtl. Ilnleriulit,al 'ii :tlackel.i. / (,i. 125 rising again in 1994, signifying the increasinig integra- longer thani five years rose from 34 perent to 45 per- tion of bondl markets in the induistrial countries, cent ini the same period. Patternis of bond holdings-and changes in thiose pat- The UK displays a different pattern. The proportion of terns-are significanit ini terms of liquiclity, tranlsactioni dlebt below 5 years miaturity has remaine(l imiore or less costs, anidl the interdependence of bond markets, which unchanged but the proportion in the 5-15 year ranige new entranits in1to these mlarkets have to take into has risen at the expense of longer-terim dlebt. In 1993. account. A declinie in indivicdual holdings suggests a 72 pereent of UK debt hacl matulity lbelow 15 years, in rise in institutional holdings. To the extent that this contrast to 58 percent in 1980. OCCurs, bondl li(uiditV tenids to inerease, as instituitioll- al holders turn1 over theirc debt more freciquenitly thiani What conles out prominently from the goveinnienit bond individlual households. This helps sustaini the bond mciarkets in Japaii and Gerimianiy is that they have a markets, in adldition to creating alertness amionig matiurity structure concenitrated in 5-10 vear bonds. investors to} nioniitor- small differenitials in bond yields. Very often tihe list of benchmarks ineludes a ten-vear Bond( market volatility also increases because of the bond. Since it is tra(led frequenitlv the market yieldl tendency of instittitionial hloldlers to tra(le betweeni dlif- iniformationi is used for interinationial comparison, ancl is ferenet markets miore reliable and up-to-date thani other securities. The growin'g exposure of industrial COuntlry bond miar- Yield Ciurve. Yield curves for 1993 and 1994 in all kets can alsco lower the cost of debt for a couniitrv as the fotir counitries are represenite(d in Figul-es 3 and 4. They miar-ket broadens. While this can improve a Country's relate to boncis of 3 imloInths, 2, 3. 5, 10. and 30 years. fiscal situation, it increases interdependence and( can In 1993 the United States andl The UK clisplay more or make it dlifficult to implement domestic goals wlile less norimial yield cLiuves, risilig with lengthening bond accommodating imipulses emanating fromi the conse- matuLities. Japan hla(d a yieldl Curve that remainiedl flat quences of monetary andl fiscal developments in othier for bondc maturities u0) to 3 years and( rose in bonds of countries. longer maturities. Germiianiy's yield curve was inverted. withi short-term rates renilaininig hiigher thani tile yield on Maturity Structiure of Governnenit BondlFs. Table bonds of 2, 3 andl 5 year maturities but tiltedl upwards II presents data, soinewhat limiiitec in cletal, oi the milatu- thereafter mainly because of a monetary restraint to lity structure of govermi-enit del)t in the four countries for curl) inflationi that followedC ullification. 1980 and 1992. It shouild be notecl thiat these inaturity profiles reflect only central government debt, except for Figure 3: Yield Curves for U.S., U.K., Japan, and Gerniany, whicih includes all govermilenit debts. Germany for 1993 8 Maturities lengtheniedl significantly in the United States (Itirinig this period: the pl)rolortion of dlelbt of less thall onie vear declinedl fromii 49 percenit to 35 percent, wvhile 6 dlebt of greater thani ten years mnaturity icncease(l from 9 11 to 16 percent; and debt of niaturity of over 20 years increasedl sharply friomii 5 to: 13 percent. Tlhere is evi- dence that this patterni has reversed since 199:3, with 4 seculities Illovilig toward the slhorter encl of the maturli- ty matrix as the US government parel clowni long-teriii 3 issues in preference of short terni-paper to benefit fronli prevailing low short-terim interest rates. At the other 2 extreme, thie maturity stiucture of Japanese dlebt sholt-tI ened between 1980 and( 1992 as del)t of five years and I less increased from 29 percent to 18 percent of tile 3 Mo 2 Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 10 Yr 30 Yr total. In the same period, Germany s mattiuity plrofile was extended. The proportion of debt of less tilhan thiee German Govt. U.K. Govt. Bnchmark years matulity (heclinied sharply to 26 percent in 1992 fromii 44 percent in 1980. whille the proportion of dlebt - Japan Govt. US Treasury 126 In 1994, howevet; the pattern of yield Curves across the are issuecl by state an( local governm111ents and( th1eir four countries was more or less similar-yields rose agencies. Interest income front municipal bonds is tax- withi n iaturities but levelecd off on I- onds of 30i vears. exempt both1 at federal level and the issuling state level. The UK was somethlilng of an exception, as its the vieldl Tlhere are two basic types of municipal bonds: general cuIve was norimial on bondis in maturities up to 2 year, obligation bolinls andc revenue bonds. The foirmer are but flat thereafter. sectiretl by the issuer s general laxinig power, the latter are issue(d t) flinarice pjrojecs anti enterprises andl Figure 4: Yield Curves for U.S., U.K., Japan, and hacked by thle revenues expected to he geneiatel by Germany for 1994 tIlose plroiects. Both are ratecl bv thie credit agencies. General obligation l)otl(ls a(tluired rntowe popularity 10 dcuinig the 1980s andl now the markets for general obligation htonds antI( revenue honods are evenly hal- an e . ULtilii 1983. Il1)li itpal boonids were mailill bear- 8 er b)ond(s, but since tIlenl thiey have been isstedl only in registered foried n *hchih makes themi suitaltle for book- ( entry clearance antI( settlements. Municipal bonds are typically issuecl in denom i natiolln of $5,000 ancl inter- 6 est Oti themii-often exempted fromn taxes-is p)aicl semli- a aninuallv. In general municipal bonds are metliunii- and long-terill: only 13 tti 14 percent of themii carry maturi- 4 / ties of 13 itiotills Otr less. " In Japaln the governments of the largest metrottolitan areas andl plrefecttures are allowetl to issue bonIds puillicl' or tIlloughIl plivate placenients. Tlheir importance fromi the investot)s poinit 2 I I I I 1 1 of view is inot compalrale to that in the Unitedl States 3 Mo I Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 10 Yr 30 Yr because of tlifferent tax incentives. Ustial niaturities are between 7 antI 15 years. 'German Govt. U.K. Govt. Bnchmark In Gerianiy nlllicil)al bonds are floate(i bn local Japan Govt. 'U.S Treasury . i authorities In a somesewliat rounIdal)1 ut wa%: public sec- tor credlit institutionis lend( to local authiltiities an(d in 0'I'HEII SEGMI ENTIS OF TIIE L)OMESTIC tuii- reflianice these loIans through issuing bonds of BONU ) \ARKET thieir owi. These are generally called bank boncis but in effect are 1)0n1(1 issueci to finanice the neecds of tile local As observed earlier, other noni-goverinimlenital segments authorities. Theese Ionds are both in bearer and regis- (f the bond market are m)ost prominiiIenit in the United tere(I foriirs-tlie latteri has been steadily increasing States and Germany. less so in Japan ancl the UK. This over tile years. Norimiallv these honds are in a miaturity segmeiit is generally subdivided into a miar-ket for range of 10 to 15 years tIhogIh occasioinallyinmunicipals ni1Unic;iPal bonds, andI private bonds Issued IY cor)Pora- in niaturity of 1 year or 10-15 years are floated. Though tionis an( baniks. Thoughl these markets across the foul not listetl otn the stock excianige, thiey are sold on the countries have many similarities. there are important tver-the-ctounter market. In The LJEK the market for differences in institutional features. maturitx struc- nunitijpal l bon(ls has been shrinikinig in receiit years: tures. nietihods of issualIce. tradintg in the secondalry this harld m natters from the investor s pOnllt (If view as market, andl regulatolrV control-s. they are perceived to he of low credlit-quality in view of the political iniluenice of local goverinimlenits. Also thiere Municipal Bond Market is no incentive for local authlorities to issue LoICnds, as Mu-nicipal bonds are thle third lmost important categolr' they hiave been able to raise resources at very attractive in tile Unitetd States (16 percelit of GDP) (Table 4). after rate a0,(I for very loItig periods. direc tlyv f til the central goveil-ltieiit anidi corporate bonds, hbIt hardly exist in government via the Pulbli Works Loaan Board. Much (If The UK. In Japan ancl Germany', they are equal to 2 tot this borrowing hias leeii use(l lv the local authorities t(I 3 pe'c ent of GDP In the LUnite(I States municipal loniils redleei the outstanding mutlli i)al honds.' 127 Procedures for Issuing Municipal Bondls in the about the size of this mnarket, as tradling is carried out Primary Market. Procedures for issuing municipal off the exchange, it is believed to be two to three times bonds are governed bv the objective of ensurinig high larger than the primary market. Buying andl selling bondl quality and investor- confidence. In the United decisions are taken over the telephone. The most sig- States the first requiremenit-after obtaining a legal nificant characteristic of mnunicipal bond trading is the opinion from bon(d attorneys specialized in municipal vast number of issues dealers are required toi track. law-is for the issuing authorities to file a prospectus which naturally results in a thin maL-ket for maniv with the Municipal Securities Rule Making Boardl andl municipal issues. MuNLiCipal h)mnd lealers are often circulate it to potential investors. Issuers also have to associated with large securities firimis or commercial procure ratings fromii a repjutable credit ratinig agency. banks. but there are also specialized firiis. Bond lro- The issuiers may insure the bonis, btit this is not oblig- kers play a kev role in secondary market, acting as atorv. Local govermilents can issue bonidis either pub- agents for clealers. Brokers are respected as much for- licly or to a small group of investors. In the forimier case, the anonymity they maintain as for the informatio they the issue is undlerivritten by an investimienit bank or the possess. Unlike (lealers. they clo not carr invenitories of nullieipal bond (lepartment of comimereial bank. The bonds or earni incomiie fromil brokerage comnunissions." un letwriting ageney unl(lertakes the risk of retainintg Japan's m11un1icipal bonid secondary Imlarket practices are unsold bonds. The issue plrice is cleterminie(d eithel- by generally similal to those used for bank debentures anid competitive bidding or thirough negotiatiois with the corporate bonds. The trading volume in these bonds is underwvriters. In the case of c oinpetitive bidding, the very low, as tiley are privately placed. In Germany the lowest bidl has to be accepted. Some tIS state govern- tradlinlg networks usecd for municipal bonds are on a par ments man(late comipetitive bidding for general obliga- with those employed for othel- fixed-income secul-ities. tion bonds. In Japan, the issttuiig procedure folr innicii- although willi sonie differences: local authorities are pal bonds is more or less tile same as that for issues of exempted frMilm prospectus re(liielmielits if less thani government bondls in the primary market dcisCussed ear- three years have elapsedc since the pUbliCatiMn of a sim- lier in this Aninex. By an d large, the underwriting synl- ilar pr1osp)ectus. licate is the favored methiodl of issue. Of late, somIe changes in this procedure. such as emphasis oni the over- Corporate Bond Market all performance of a firmii in bond Underwriting ancd dleal- The plrivate bond i market consists generally of tWo sub- ing are introduced to give syndlicate partiCipants greater niarkets, corporate and(l bank bon(1 markets. Tlolugh incentive to improve issuance terimis and( placememlts. bowls issued in these miarkets differ friom each other in certaini characteristics, they are broa(lly alike. The LIS Local governiilents in Geriianv offei ] uni(ipal bondIs corporate bond market is the most advanced, and both to hanks-which eitber take tihemii as assets or Japan's has been gathiering speed since 1980s. Japan. offer them to other investors-an(l to noni-banik like GeriianLv has a sizable amiounit of bank bonds. The investors. The bondis are soldl oni re(quest. There is no LJK's private bond miarket is (Iloiinate(d by corporate fixecd (ate for these issues, Which remains on offer until issues, though it is moclest compared to that in tile the desired amount is reachel, or the coupon ihas to be Ulnitedl States. changed because market rate variations can no longer be adljustedl for by changing the issue price. The only In the Unite(d States corporate bonds are the maill risk lies in tile failule to place the reqlUiredl amount of instrument for raisinig debt financing. It is nlot Lnustial bondis in the (lesignatecl time period. ancd it is fully to findc corporate bond ls witi maturities of 25 to 3(1 borne by the issuiig local authority. Local authorities in years. They have the same general characteristics as the UK municipal bondl market hacl employed the "offer governllmlent bonds. There are liffereiit types of corpo- for sale" method, but as nlote(l earlier. there has beeil no rate bonds-straight debt, coilvertible bonds with or issuance lately. In the event of a resumption of aetivi- without varranits attachled. subordlilnated dlebeiitUles. ties in this market. the issues may follow the techniqIules and( asset-backed secuLities, Whiich gained plromiinenme used by issuers of corporate bonds (see below). (luriig the 198l s. Secondary Market Trading. The secondlary mar-ket Japan's corporate bondiii market has been slow to level- for municipal bonds in the UnitedI States is large, withi opI. as the financial envir-onimiient. niltil recently was not some issues tradedl very actively, although the maj'ority congenial to corp)orate issues. Eligibility standlards of issues are not. Although it is difficult to te precise have been greatly relaxedl in recent years, ancl corporate 128 bond( is`ues have grown in volumie andl dixersitv. This is reached before filing a registration statemient withl the evi(lent fromil a sharI) increase in bond( issuinig *comipa- SEC. The underwriters then negotiate with the issuer inies from onily 2 in 1979 to over 800 in 1 993. Japanese the termiis of the offerin'gs. whicb are on a firimi commit- corporate 1oijls, like those in the tinitecl States. are iienit tasis uLd(e-r Which the uiiIlewviriters assume the botth straighit andc conxertible bontls wuith warranits. The miarket risk. There are also alterinative best efforts elijibility stan(lards for convertible bonds are general- arrati"eniients. whlicll enable issuers to assuLIle tihat risk. Iv less rig)orolis than tlbose for the stiaighit bondIs. Seasoned isso el's ofteen utii(leittake self-regist ia lion. Corporate IondIs aire more tliversifi ecl in t heil i'ataui-ities uintler wh ichi tliev can begin offerinIg a portion of' the than go verioinenit bonds. Convertible bonds, in partii'u- bonds when niarket conditions, are more favorable. lai; are offered in miatulities of 4. 6. o.5 7, 8 9 10. 12 Lrage iSSLel c i iake pulii prelimiinary andl 15 years. In adIclitiotl to 'oti)iorate bondhs. a large prospectuses containing all relexanit inforiliatioti except ilttul iber of bank debenltures aire isueLd by thiee lolig- offer pric'es and( CoupOins. wlic'hl enables ulinlerwriters to telnill credit banks (thie In(uistrial Baniik of .Iapan. the engage in plre-issue selling. All corporate issues have to Long Tenil Cretlit Bailk of Japaii aild the Nippon Credit le registeied witii the SEC: this however. does not Baank), aid three smaller specialized finalalcial itnstitu- apply to plivate placemIelIts. tiois; the fIiIds tllev raise through bOIdtl IssuLe. at'e red i- rected lo iimake h ilg-telill fixe I initemest loains.'' Japanas procedtu-te f;or issuinilag bonds dilfered fi-otil tiat in the [Iniitecl States uLitil 1979. h)ut las since been The private debt fiiarket in (Cermiially is also (loniiiliate(l alig-ieil wxitl the t.S illetlioil. Llntil 1979 corporate hY the Iank onids. bearer al(il registered-the latter issueLs Were re(uiLedI to issue b)01o(dS Oil a seculred basis, hlave beeti gradually incleasinig iti reeent years. wlith enitaileti designlatfilg a bank. norl tvallv i the aill Coilpared to batik boilds, (Ceriliml 'ori'porations ais zui Ianik. to act as a nialnager of issuer collateral oii behalf issutilig glnuL) play a milloir role in domiestic tdebt mia'- ol' on(l holder's. That requirileVini t was (ispenlsedI witIl. kets. The leasoils for tllis are tniaiiv anld varied. First. Furtherniore, the issue of IonIds can le [ll(lerwritteii, in the sWuav of tile ulliversal bLankiflIg tradlitioli is very poiv- aiddlitioll to) the securities firimls, byli bLks and( trust erful in (Ietterin i iiig coiporate practices. all I is liaiii- bailks. by settinig lilt subsidialies. widell nilng the scope aai fe(d by a powetfuil baLIk lobhy. Sec ond(. en inbeisoiille for co(illletition. Baiik deheblttires are solcl thirough regulation,s liake issuallce timie-'Oi)lillilng am(i costly. direct suibserip)tioi. The issmiiig bailk ailmioflices tIle lThirid, efe-it m'eguLILitiolns dleter corporations Iromli isSUilng terills amIc aDLiilt of issues tio the public. Investors pur- boindIs. Coinseqlueitly, tleme i1Ls beell a growitlg tei ilell- chlase tleilii at ballks om' seCt -itiCs fir'Ill liv sLibillittilng cv to resort to foYreigil su bsiclbiaries in the EUI i'iil0t m Imai- app lic ation fomils. Alm1ost all disC oulit bo1nds are sol(d to ket toi issue corlpoLate blionds. as Japaliese mi ioroationls midlividcluals did unltil recently andc for the samie reasons. Corp(o'ate boild. in thlie UK. th ltLIl fillite(I in Vil-ilu tue i o'0i11ted to Isisue iletIltiocs fom' 'orltoLate Ionldls in Gernuari ate siili- the lUnitel States amid Jaiiani are availalile in twot formlls: ilar to those useud for iitteinationial on(ls. There is a debelitume tit](] unsecuret loans. The deb`lLiture mill-ket slight dIifferenlce ill baiik 1I(1 wi issues. ULpom applica- coiisists of iolIds seureUd, il Miost Ct'ie.. Oll tile assets tioi, issuers of tamlk Ionuds are assigriedl spe ial status of the (oi)illani lofteni phrotlerty). However, a few% sec Uri- ati 'freqLue`it issuer-s tindler Germiian banking laiw. This ties Iiave Ieell issued tlhat hlave priotr call Oil ilie gener- status enaLles tlieil to issue a mlulIIl)el of bondis based al reVeLiue of tIle issinier. Investilleilt truists are aiioiigst Oil a general plrosl)ectus usually pu)blishied evely thliee the iost active aiicl iilovative issuem's in this ialiilket. Nears and a vei'x short iiufoi-imiatio plospe tous fo'i indi- hlaviiig issue(i prefer'etl stock. debelitures witll stepped vi(tual bonds. Tleme are two wavys of iSsuimig bOlndS in COulII)oIs. iti(lex-limikedl issuers aLid zerio-co'olili bomihns. The LJK: offer foit sale amiiI private pla'emenit. Uimder the stiowililg tlie COlItilnuOus inlnovatitnlls in the Li K's com'pii- first. see ciuties are olfered form sale. in a lIllallt' sin illar fate tlebit ilaiket. to tlihat for giovelnIIIenit tonds. Hoixvere the exact terlms of the isSuLe are usually ueteiniiietl oII Wednesdav Primary Market. Corporate boids in thie UiS market eveniiig before first tradimig Liiin are tlemiveti by the cal- are nolimlally distrib-Ited tio tIle publiC Or plaCed vithi cuilLitilig a spreald oxer a designiatedl gilt-etlged security. inslilsit lioal investors t h1'i iiill IIIiewvritirig syIIlic ates The mh ost co' mo111l fmo'ir of issianoce foti plivate place- arraniged by investmilelit baliks: t'omil)etitive hiidifii, is illelit is for the lead mialiagers to apprtoacihl investors raiely resoi'-te( to. Fot ti pulici offeri-ilg olf co'l)late witii a potemitial issue, onI Moiclay tlroutugil Wedlesdlay debt, an agleeliletlt anmiotlg it de'rwrxitems is nolni il'l to findI fil'ill (111elxvi tiiig. There is a re(qLiiremenit tlhat 129 some portion-aroLIuInd 10 percenit of the uniderwlv-itteni Clearance andl settlemenit of private bonds in the sec- issue-be placed with miarket makers to allow themii to ondlary market varies across the four countries, not so meet thie demiiandi of investors otlihe thani the instittitionis rncUh in basic strIcture andi forat as in procedural with whichl mnost of the debt is placedi. (letails. All corporate. bonds in the llnited States are cleared throughi the National Securities Clearing Secondary Market Tradinig. In the ULitecd States. Corporation, which was established in 1977: before thioughi corporate bonds are listed oni the stock thieni each stock exchanige and( the OTC market liadi a excihanae. most tradlinig occurs in the OTC market. separate c learing 11ouse. Most corporate bonds are Trading in corporate bonds can start imimlediately after immobilized at the Depository Trust Company wlich they are issued in the primary market. The OTC market works closely withi the NSCC and others at different consists of several dozen clealer firms that miake whiole- agencies. The clearing house performs n]ultilateral net- sale markets in c orporate bonds. The National ting of transactions for its members, while thie deposito- Association of' Securities Dealers mainitainIs a com0lput- ries dlemilaterialize securities and provide book-entry erized systemil in wlhlii rlealeis enter theil bids and securities transfer systems to achieve delivery against offers for issues in wlhich they miake a market. In Japan I paymienlt for securities. Government and( corporate set- the seconcdary mar-ket for corporate andl bank bonds is tlenlent procedures are the samne in thie Japanese bond of little consequences. as these bonds are mlostly hield market. by inidividual inivestors who keep thiemi ulitil maturity. makinig thiemil largely illiquid. In Germaniy. all bondls are The German system requires payment and delivery of tra(ledl on the secondarvy market, which is three- secuLities on the second tra(ling day followinig the tracl- tiered-official bank trading. the regulated niarket. and( ing day. Tile selling party eithier releases tracies direct- the unofficial market. While offic ial and regulated mar- lv into the stock exchange coliputer or conveys to the kets are confinie(d to the stock exchange. unofficial stoclk exchange those items it caninot deliver and( transactions are carried out by telephone throughout approves all othiers for release: on tie value-date, thie tile country and across borders. All private bond issuers stock exchange Computer starts tile settlement-seCuri- have to submit prospectuses detailing full and relevanit ties aCCouLnt andl crediting the cash accouLit at the cen- inforimiationi as a preco)n(dition for a(iilissioni to the tral secuLities (depository and vice versa for the buyer: excilange. Trading is conducted by tile offic ial brokers. Thie (laily lbalances of the cash accounits of banks are For most bonds, a so-called single quotation is estab- automatically settled lIv or(ler of thle cenltral secuLities lisihe(d at which all transactions are settleil. For some depository at the local office of the German cential convertible bonds arid bondIs withi warrants attached. bank. The same proce(lure is adopted for transactions continuious quotations are maintainied. In continuous between two banks that are members of different price tradling transactions miav be effeeted at any time Germiani stock exchanges (settiiiieit of cross-citv durinig the bouIrse trading hours. The significance if traders). The value-dlate for the settlement if off-stock official tradinig for private bonds is maiginial, as a large excilaige trades is negotiable. The UK rises seven-day proportion of transactions is off-exchange. In the regu- settlemenit for traders in corporate bonmis and mullicipal lated market7 tra(le in lionds that are not officially quiot- bonds. Forwar-dl settlement can be (lone with the agree- edl takes place oil tile stock exchange floor. As a ruile, menit of the nlarket-nilakers pirovided it is restricted to these are low-tuLIrover securities issued in small vol- no 1io10e thiani thiee weeks. unies or bonds that are not issued in official market for cost reasons Admission to the market is contingent on Mortgage and Asset-Backed Securities fulfillinig certain re(luirements. such as full lisclosure. The US bondI market has been the most inniovative guarailtee of orderly tradinig. etc. Tradinig in tile regu- amoiig the infltistlial countries. Two of the nIost pronij- lated imiarket is hliandled by the free brokers an d tile nenit ininovationis in recent years hiave lieen mortgaged- banks. The third tier-thie unofficial market-is trad- backed and( asset-backed secul-ities. wxiich (loliiinate iiig in bonids amonIg banks and free brokers. It is regu- tile US liond market. There hiave not been comparable lated not by the stock exchanges inut iy the German developinlents oni the same scale in other tilree coun- civil an(l commercial codes. Bonds tradedI in this mar-ket tries, thougi there are in(lications that tliey will soon includle those tra(le(l in the official and regulate(d markets follow the trend Is in the US bond market. an(l those not eligible for listing in those markets. 130 Mortgage-back-ed securities (MBS) emeigedl in the providle adclitionial support to the conventionial loan Unitedi States during the 198()s as conduits to chaninel miarket, partic ularly among the savings institutions fuLnics from investor's to mortgage borrowers. These are which were its original owners. Fannile Mae andl securities backecd by a pool of miortgages -which are Freddie Mae--now with identical governmient char-ter-s- in turn loans secured by specified real property. The -currently purchase a substantial majority of the mout- United States mortgage market is the largest in the gages originatedl in the lIS. Somie are financed on the world and also one of the largest components of tile US corporation , balance sheets. lut nm ot are pooled and debt mar-ket, andc has benefited the most fromil govern- financed by the sale of securities backed by the casl menit policies. It offers an instructive ease of public flow of tile mortgage pools (suCh seculities representilng policy fostering tlhe development of capital markets, contingent liabilities if the (FI)orations). The creation of these fe lerally sponsored enterprises coiltributeci to Thrifts, commercial banks aiid mortgage banks are the tIlie establishment of a vibrant secondary nmarket for largest originators of motrtgages. The process of (reat- niortgage-backed Iecurities by setting product stan- ing securities. collateralize(d by mortgages can happen dards for lend(lers and( investors, and( by p-oviding criti- in two wavs: the mortgage oriiiliator can issue secuLi- cal mass ti the markets. ties backed by a pool of mortgages, or the mortgage originator can sell the niortgages tii a (Fdn(luit. The two Mortgage-backed seculities can be (livi(ledl inito two major co0ldu(its are the federally sponsored Federal broad classes: mortgage pass-tllrouglls. and( mortgage- Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Fred(lie Mac) andi derivative seCurities. The -plaini vanillaa" miotgage Federal National Mortgage Association (Fanniie Mae): pass-through secur-ity is tile mor-e coimmol. Mortgage private con(dUits (InOt sponsored by the federal governi- pass-throughl securities replresent an und(ividled interest ieilit) include Citimiae, aild the Collateralize(d in the cash flows of a pool or pools of mortgages. Mortgage SecuLrities Corporation. The MBS imiarket is Derivative mnortgage-backed instrlililetits are create(l dominiiatedl by the feclerally sponsoredI agencies. by iSSuinlg securities structured so that their caslh-flow Mortgage-backed securities are attractive to a wiile characteristics are appealing to a broadI class of ranige of investor classes. Investors include banks, investors depend(ling Fil ilte natur-e of theil liability thrl-fts. life insuranlce companies. pension funlcds. m-utu- structure A l1ost of (lerivative mtortgage-backed securi- al funids, asset nianagers, and dealers.' ties are created fromii mortgage pass-throughs. These includce Collaterized Mortgage Obligations (CMOs). To establish andc mainitaili a liqui d secondary market for Real Estate Mortgage Investmenit Condluits (REMICs). mnortgages, the US Conigress created the Federal andc strippe(l mortgage-backed securities such as Nationial Mortgage Association (FNMA or Fanniie Mae) Interest Only (lOs) ainci Principal Only (POs). Anotlier in 19:38 as an agency of the federal govermeit. By class of securities. called mortgage-backed bonds was mainitaitaiiig a bli( for goveerillielit guarantee I popular in the mid-1980s. hUt i, C.1ur-rentlilVot issue(i in (FHA/VA) miortgage loais, FanLiie Mae encouraged qua-ntity. other secondlarv miarket traders to buy and . ell im1o1l- gages. Its standards were applied to most loans (even A.set-backed securities are collateralize(l by pools of thiose not sold). a1thlough Fanniie Maecs prilicipal pUl)- non-mortgage receivables and struCtured to pass cllase activity in mortgages took place durinllg riSilng tlhroulgh pavmeiets, oftenl protected through non-collat- interest rate cycle. wlhenl (lepositories experienced dlif- eralizationi ancl the establishment of subordiniated cred- ficulty in retailinig deposits. In 1968. Congre.ss divid- it classes. They are created with Ulnderlying collateral e(l FaLinie Mae into two separate organizations: the fed- as varieci as autonliobile vehicle loans, cre(lit card erally-owned Government National Mortgage receivables. house equity loans, account receivable. Association (GNMA (Fr Ginnie Mae), whicli anolIg boat loans, recreational vehicle loans. ancl otIler types other busillesses would po1l FHA/VA loans into Ginnie of loans. Asset-backed seCurities are smlall compared to Mae pass-through securities: aiid a ilew, privately- nmortgage-backed securities, but a fast growing segment oWilecl but government-sponsore(d Fannie Mae. which of the US bond iimarket. As -ilev 'ave levelopedl using wa:. to focus as well on providhing secondary Ilar-ket techlnology onice limited to tlie milor-tgage secuirities tliar- sup)port for coiivenitionial (i.e. nonl-FHAf\A guarani- ket--but withouIt the domiiiianit governmlent-sponlsored teeci) loans. In 1970. the Federal Home Loani Mortgage enterprises--asset-b)acked securities market growth Corporation (FHLMC oir Freddie Mac) wa .. created to may be particularly instructive to developing markets. 131 INTERNATIONAl BOND MARKETr LINKAGES stire re(uiLIrement of the SecuLrities an( Exchange (Coriiii 5sloi. The iSSIiiIg IjlOC edtUre for Samtillai alncl As tdomiestie bondc market development gathers speed, Tibias In nids varies. Sainirais ar-e issueIld indler the the dlegree of internationalization tends to grow. The hotight-deal systemii of the EuLLopean mIodel ltinler which UJnitedl States was the first to forge interniationial liiik- the leacd manager has complete discretion in tile al loca- ages, with its (doiimianit private sector an(l long history tiOll of the issue anion1 g x'1nt licate memibers anidl the of a permissive and(l receptive attitude toward the free issuer alonie (leterinilies the terimis andl ( conditions of the flow of capital across its, borders. The other three (nouLn- issne. The pWroc&edres for Tibias is simple hut is sul bject tiies have followed suit as their (domnestiC LbouIC markets to restrictions: oiily 49 inxestors can buy tilhemi anidl cer- Ieveloped skill am(l capital iiia rket inftrast rcturen T.his taill investors sue Ih as purivate corporations and iiidci- initeriatioimalizationi is teflectedl in b otith fOreig gn hond 5s VidtUals, Lare eXCluded . IsSUe of' thlesee )o lS 1'4is regillite(I andc EL rt C ITemI -y cut-renc vIEuro - (11)1 h dollar liondtls. v [l tie Ministrv o*f Finance. A imajor cliterio ti se(d lLv thle in inistry is that these hmornIs shLould LIot iose seriouis The dlegree of internationalization of the LIS boind mat- c( inpetitiolnt to governlim ient bolidis. ket ihas r iseni since 1()74. whelii the interest e(qualizattionl tax. whichi prevented foreign issties froi oii comingi to the The first Euro-yeii bontd Iwas i ssuetd lb\ a foreigil coilto- tiS bond miiarket was eliminated. Howe\cr; this tax ration in 19,14. With a view to protecting SamuLai spawned the Eurobon di i aarket-tiLiniilv in TIhe UK- Londs. the Min istrY of Fin atn-e liiniits isstiees of E Lo-Vell xvhic h providedlelt an off-shore mearis of raising capital Londs to six or seveni a yeari though these i-tiles have thirouigi dlollar-dlenoniinatetl bojoltds. DLtiring the 1980)s. been relaxed cotisitlerablv since 1()84. The list of eligi- the US bowicl mat-ket becam ite miie losspitabl e to foieigio Ilte foteigii isstie is exten (le(l to fo teigil m ciLII) ilpal gox- Ibondis ialso calle(I Yanikee Ibond:ls). whiici have mia(le eitille iits, goverimi te t ageticies aii(I lprivate torpora- rapicl strides sint e tlheti. A mnajo- fit ctor iiilitatilig ill tiotls. Pt-iv ate agenc ies xviti doI Ilie tA' ratinigs are autto- favxor of Vanikee botids lias heell the adaptation by the mnatically qLtaILifi e(d to isSlie S tIIh hon1 s, S while tIi (se SE( of Rtile 14 4A. tilidet' which q-Ialified ilislit1tiolIal witih single -k.V ratings inltit itteet standlartIs befo)re htLtVers-stici as large l)eLisiOll fitulIs. ilnsu .a tic e COil- issue. Pl iC 1 isstie(d Elu o-Yell boduds ai-c cal le(I patties. aml(I iinti tual futtisd I that Iinaliage at least $1 00 Sliogitii lorids. Though Sailltrai Ibotid s arte listed ol i the in ill ill seCLiti es of tion-affiliated cominpalties oil a Tokto Stoc k ExcIlatige. thete aie tIraded mostlx ill the discretiotiarv basis- ae atle to sell securities to eacth OTC miarkets, as thiey are in Ibearer formn. Trading in the otih xr itliotit havii" tco go tirouii-gh Ittrinal I-egistti Oil setitolarv inmarket is Iiitiited lhet atuSe I in(l(ls are h el(i bV xwitli the SEC. Furthermore. in ] 994. the SEC streain- the invesItos almost till IMiatUrity. Hoxvevet; a varianlt of Iihuedl registiatioti aid(l repitO-tllig re(qUntefliClet) for fbi- Satmnurai horn call Dai tuVo Il otl has lieeii ib it iotlcet I eigti contmian ies. lii recen t vears. E rtObotld Offetil igs il let -i-itlv. the settlemienit of whiclih is CatiiTet IOtt tIiroiigl the US titaiket l)v ULS coil)porations lttve in t-easetl stib- Eutot lear ot Cerlel systeii to atttact more fotiei ailels statiiiallv as a teestilt of faxorltble e oniotmic cii-Cult1- aitLn i ictease liqtui(lit. stat C-es, s, tCii- as Iowel. in tel-est i-ates al(l a colige iail regdlatorv regimtoe. TI e methiotIs of is s tiing Van kee azii( Thle ii ai;ket hor foreign I buolns in Cetiniaini l as exltandl- Eurolboilirds in the -orimary tiarket, atidl the workinigs of e(r trelilelidlotisly since 1983. largely as a restilt of the lie seconidarx tna iket fti- theiii. are the same as those aibolition0 of tile tot)olt tax, a Ilnoti tel teilt of 10) pIe- for thlie private btid matieke. (ceCII witlilltildin g Ltx oti (rotmtestit iotitd issues. c re(li(c- t oin of the min iiiniuti inmattiiitv fol )till iI ll(iii(ls an(l pri- -Sinte the 1970s Jaiani has u-eiiiove(l Imiost of thie imlpe(l- valte platemitenits Lo two \ears. at(il the abolition of the imenits tIhat leld til) Itlle elitmV of fitrei,gi corpoationis ill ciltpillsor pelienod of no1tice to I the Btunldesbanuk foit tiew its domiiestic boilod miatket. aticl ioth fIbe i git issuantce oti issties. Gerinlya s cominplete fuece(loin in capital moove- the Japatnese boti r niamket ait(l Ipanitese issuante oni tilleiit nican I thete is llO legtal disti tion lietxveet the ititettitatioiial iiiatiket rose sutIstalatially oVer 198(0- (OiIInesti(c tltd filreignl I)iIVePs of b:ordls as flOreig,i lotids 1993. Foireeigii issutets cani float xeii-rleniodn ii natet IIond s are V iilliIioti s xvitIi EtitiobO(Ids.. Indlustrial fitiiis aln(d in Japain thiough citlie t- P 1ili( offeti igs (Stiti tiai i-ti LtInks we ie the titost (lottiiitlilIt in iSSti ing foreigil lbouds. biotid s) ot lrivate placemenits (TiIiias Lotnis). TiLi as TIte p)eferre(l tilatitiV l;fo- tieMw issie hIa lie, e ten hmoids xxere origitially- not allowe(d to le less thiati onte veta rs. tInii'gl isSlies it atI rtIIge tlp to seveni \ears have tiiii-cl of Siiin ti tai iondtls. bltt tliis pac tice xv ws dis tolitin - inc reasedl in tespiunse to iiivestoti preferein-es. The itet- tied ill 1986. Tiblias bontts are exemi it fhori tie (fisi lo- erogente it of tlie itssuies-xi t iei (liffetelit refinanlit- 132 ing requirelmients-results in a comipaatively even dis- pILblic. The FRNs are issued by billdinIg societies to tribition of redemiption diates over the entire remaining- fitndl their floating rate imortgage portfolios. The Euro- life spectrum. The lea(J manager of a Deutsce1 mark- sterlinig boiids ar-e issued by 1UK corporations. whlichI ilejiominiiatedI bond issue must be a bank incorporated re5ort to the EurocurlelnCV market to make their issues inl Germaniy aiind it nimut be floatedl in Germiianiy. Every atitactive to interniationial investors, thereby expanding lead matiager hias to inforim thie Bundeslbank of the their investinent base. The usual matturity of MBS is 25 issue, amiounit. terimis andl placing mietihodl. Pub]ii bonIdIs year-. Thie method of issue of' all types of for-eigtn and hlave to be listed oin a iGerniail exchange anid pri ate Euro-sterling bondsl is a blought deal methiodl similar to placements hiave to be ititrocdnced in the regtilatedI miar- that in Germiany, wilti leadl managers as prominenit ket. Bidding procedures are mlost common in the pri- actors. In recent years. however, there has been a sig- mary miarket. Syntdicatioin andl placilng procedures are nificant change, and a fixed-price reoffer system has thllesae for bolnds issued throughl bidding aiim1 thiose replaced the earlier one to some extent. Uinder this sys- issueld tiroughi an established relatiojislill) between tem tile manager of the deal agrees n(ot to offer boticls blorrdwers anl iSbUHlig 11OUseb. The secondarv iailket below an agreed price until the svn(licate is blroken. for these bonds functions in the same way as that for This system wtas iitrodUcetd lo eliminiate the practice othiell boi(ls in Gerimianly. atdopted by somie iiaaiagers with ino placing caplacity of dumipinig the bondsl. Thie periotd of syndication can be as In ilte UIK internationalizationi of the bond iimarket lias sliort as a day,iv Or ut to thiee weeks, dependincg oii the proceed(le faster since the sweeping "Big Bang'' finanL- success achieved in placing the deal. Eurosterlinig cial deregulation of the 1980s. There are various types fixed-rate bIionds are (Iuoteti withi between 8/32 and( of foreilan and Euro-sterfin', bonds ranlgilig from fixedl 161:32 spteads, which narrow (Iuriilg lperiods of high rate five-year bonds to (lifferenti kinds of' floatinig rate turln>Over and( rise wlhell turniover is low. Most FRNs arc notes (FRNsl. convertible bolind aii( nioitgage-backedi qtioteud at spreads omf 5 lo 10 basisl points. Settlememit in secuLities. Matulities liave ranged fioimi 5 to 30 years: tile Eulr0-sterlin" niarket uses a seven-day periocl ancl there are eveii stlmie perpetuial FRNs. The MSBs were tIle edLCrities are bel(c in a tleariilg system stichi as starte(d by tIle Mortgage Corlporationii set iip by Salonimoin Euroelear Or Cecle1. B i-tlleis in 1987 to proxvide mortgage financi iig to tile 133 ENDNOTES Executive Summary I Dc'fined to incrludte: China. Hon)ig kicug. Iccdoncc.ia, Ko.creac. Vailti sia. Philippinecs. ."icgap/or C circcl Thacilandrc. 2 The disctincc-tion bet II c'en cciocce an (Ic bccicl (ccIrorkc't i,cstrcinceccts isncorcccccl II cleterccc iced lii dcc lengtlh of ccict II ric oqf i,cscicnenits. Dc'lt inc crci- cccecic.c iitih cccaturit ie. ic/less tlheicc o,cce ei r (i re ncrcicnilli dcine ac'c cc. cccoc' c cccark-ec incstrue nccctscc/ wi/c' tIiose withi/ cccger cccortcc ri/ic's firec referr,'c to uc. notcsc cr /iocccls (i.e. c-ccpit(ic ,cc1crI:c' decbt iccst lilni cccs)/. Cap1itocl (ccci cket iccs/nnrccc'its (cr, corccccc//l cIcc.sific'c (is eit/icr icondcs or' not/s clpendcciccg onc c/cc ltengthi ccfcccccutn/c: Nocc/s c rc' delbt inc.crinei,c,ts wit/i ciacit c iie. of,, cccco/cfiv-c ccears while /ccnd(s Icci e lconger matu/icri/ic's. In ciccergicig lcnccicnccrkct c. t/ce cast nccJrciccit co cef-cpital cici(rhcet c/c/t iccstrucciecnts iir c Ic'icictucri/ic's cclless t/raci seccn c ecirs ccnd c/cie tiscieilc rc'/irredl as bccccils. Ticcrc'ficre. ccciiless spc'cficflccc lcicclic-c'tecl. thics rep/cort doecs cc0oo/kccc cc cdis/iccc/ionc betwceecn cicces cincl /condcs. .3 Kccccdurs, fcc/i. Ecast A iii cicic tic c Pcccfifc: Icncestcmecct icc loIccastruccc cre - Pcist Trendcls ccccc hluB/cre Reqccuir'eccntsc. Vcrcld Bcc ci. /1c/4. 4 Thccci/ccccc. Scccical Secciri/c Scstc'cccn-Issues ccnc Opit icccs. Dececci/ev 22. /994. 5 Icc April 1995, thcc RTG cc cnocucccec guidlclicne.s f/cr li(ccisinig cicw icisuiraccc c'cccccpccccic',c Ic Thcailcacnc: hcicreusiccg Priciate .Sc'c- c Pccrtuic ai//c//icd i cccc Icciprcc icig Efjfiinc-ic'r icc Slctc/ Ecnterpcriscces. VIcrlcd Bcank. 7 Tice Eccccocicnist: Sit rci ccif -lsiccci Ficccccce: Aoccv'cinch'c 12. 1994. cc Cccrlicng. R. C. *'Reloriics ccf lccc'/ietrc Icnstrccccencs icc Socith Ecist A.c icc icic/li clei icc Frccccecuor/csficr lcccnctcc r Slccbilit Pcclicc Issues. iccnc Cccloitr',Lrer vEplienc'cs. tEcdt f/cu/inc. 7T ccd Ccc l acctreclli. C. Ici/c'cccticccccl Ml'cccetcf ri Fccccl. Waishinicg/ccc. DC, 1 994: IWincg. C. H. WcarAet-Bcsec .5 c .ctc'cc. of Alccccc'tc cc Ccccct oc icc Dvlcpcc,iccg Cccccccri,'s: / pecrcctincg Prccc'clcrc's cci cI( Re'latced Issic cs. 11rkicig Puapec Ncc. 401. Ilc rcccctiiccncl M nci tccrc Ficicil. Ro/s/cicngtccc. DC.. I 99]: *fcchccstccc. R. B. ccncd Br'cii.k Ot.P iflccictcuri Ccci[rccl Prccc'crcres cc cccl Ficnccccicc / lce/rccis: A4ppioa,c/c c. is.ccncs cc ccc R'cent/ Er/criecrcucs icc Deveclccpiccg Cccii it Tic's. ' /99/ cc/. cit. 9 iccrc'c Ficccicrcicc Scc/crlmSt lc, ffccc/l B/cccck. Jcccc cci( rc 199.3. Chapter I I1I)c'ficncc /cc ici-/clicle: ('Chicnci. .llN.V Hoccig Kcccg: IlIct;: cIclccesic.ic: IDN: lccrc'c: icUR? llclc cdu cc: 11 }: Tic c Philippicces. PIlL: .Sicngc/ccrc: 'S'P:- cicicl Thccilcccnc: TH4. 2 Tue Ecccccccci.c/: Sicrvic of Isiccci Ficciccc-c'e: Ncccc'cc/ccr 12. 1994. .3 Sccs/cciccicng Rcopidl /)ie pe//ccc'c icc Eacst 4cic cc ccc c/cc PoCififl . IRode/c Book. / 993. 4 cccncum Ki. a/c/. East Ascia cndicicte Pccific.: Iccre./cccc'cc ilc lnfic ii.ct urctrir - - Pccct Tre'ccd. cc cccl Ficicirc' Rccire ccicin nts. ItidcrT Bcacnk. 1994. .3 Shicilincg. icc/ic cacnc Win/cg. lccc. llcnaicr4icg Cap Jitccl Flccwcs icc Eccsc Aisic,. Rcrlcd BcccLc/.1995 cs Thacilcaccc: Icc recsi., icePic -c/c'Sc'c /cc Pccr/ic ipcccicccc cccc Icmprocvicng E/ffi'ipieci ccicc Scc/c Ecn/erpcrisec. fIlccdc Bccck. Chapter 2 -IA cccccrc h,rcicscire cccaii o1ho n r e csic h fh egirt EcistAsicc cc c ccccc/ies i.d cncc ndi/ inicc icc 1e ccccc ni/cc ncc ccocicit ri Tc'por/s.. 2 J. St~iglit. ''Tice 1Rcc/c of /he S/cc/c icc Ficancicaicl iciT/ct. Prcc-ceclinigs of1h tiiPlccrlc Boick. Acnniuacl Ccccl/'c me-' ccc Dec c'lcccpicnt Ecociicinicc.S HtOTdc Bccck/c 199.3. .3 I ciic'clSt-cc/cs. icJucpcn G,rTcccccc. 1/Ila: Froccccs. I cu/edl Kincgcdcoc. Canuciclc. Beclgiuicc. Ncthier/cciid.. DAecmccirl. Scwitzec/cccc, Sccc'lc'c. A'usii.- .tracliac. .3ti,t rici. Ncorcc-i ci F/icc/cccccl. Pcccr/iguvcsc'. lice/ cl cici c an ccci Zcilcauic. 4 (.'ccii/rccct/icc .~ii l ccicgs5c'tcr is c/,'ficiccI /c) iccc-/iicl'ccrcc//)ccicc icil. c c cins cracc c mcccaciccics. ccd c icccicl secucri/c- ccccccizcaticcc.c 5 Benuci ic/cs. Rcc.aciric. Hcci Big is tic c' -cclc Bcccccl Maciket? -1994 Up/daitc. cIcrcccc-ticcciocc / Bocicl Maici/c' .1 ncah.cis. Saonciocn Bcciotc'rs. Nel ccc ock. 7 b ' cie Handcccck of Fi.tid lrc cocccc Secucitiencs. Ircacuk J. Fci/ccczci &- irricng 11. Pcclc-lwk. 7 Icc thec I ccitc'c S/cites, tico cc ipcs if cli.cclcccurc'. citrellnee icc: / ii iccit icc d ci.clccsire cit d/rc ficic't oficsgistroticcc c, s's-cc i/ic's: ccd cclii) cn cccr/c cccs distlccsuirc. Icc gc'cercal. icicticc d cisclcosucre rc'ccires tici cth /rc'Tcgisd/ccicoc s/cac'cIeccts cncci/ciic ccccctecica/ficaiacc lcic iccforccicioicc (icc cccccc' tuctcccic'ci cicic iccicicceshcc'ct) accicl ciccficl ciuiciciat iccicc cccciccc cccc-ic niccccg theic'/csiccc'." ofthtirepT'islccccc. cmucnccgc'cce'cc. cucic cc'r-cicc cc'ciici colcdcers. I cc c/er tic c Sc' -niccc/e's ccc an c c-/iccg Acifc-t. f;cccf rIt es qfof ccciniicccs cdi.cclccccce, cc1 rc' r'cccirc'c: / ii p/cricccic rc'pcccst (iii pircxi coiccictactioni: (iii) tc'ncdcr cuf//rs: cicril(cI Il icisicler- /frcccicig /crcric-iccs. /3 Icciut i/i ncccul Icr /c//ir Recpccrt (4 uic/Pr."Pic-ic i. 19T9.5 Lec'ccmccc Broc/thcrs. 134 Chapter 3 I Chui ppe. Terfre M. and Alkia., Alir-hacl. ''BR'gulolion of.e-rti. Iarei cn Re-ent TrendN oiid Their lIlplicat ionir/ir Eineigiiig llork'ts.s W1PS 1369. Waor/rI Bank. aiinciii 1992. 2 Greernspain .Van. Ci/ia, i(rain of Board ofCoi ermnor of'the tS l'i-derul Rpeieres Nistenm. Reiinu k5 tie! ire 16 1Il -Inanuo Con i'ren e at thet In/erniitioirli/ Or)grt~ izolion of Se,'icrities Cinmiiss%ioin.. D. C. Nepler'inhi/r24,1 90)1 .3 In flit, ( ie lu i o ea l.tinder 5cr ian 21]), of/leNecria'l ie.i III oif1933 aserecan is defliited/as ''an note. stork. trera riu stroA. bond. debeateni c. eividencie of indiehledi/es.s, cer-lifcir ofjinterest or pa urlipatioiii In aini pro/iU-shiarin p agrenemen. ro/loterol ImI ru rcrl ifuiite. preor- ga nization I-er/dir-cit Irir subiscriptiont. IrrinsferriiIr slia re, in lestinent I iintrac,ioi I iig-lIrait IN erlifiroale. ,er/i/, acIte, of i/rpasitfin a ecuri n: flat-- lionI iiundiiided int'reNt ini oiL, gais or al/ur minejiiral rirghls. rn ne pat. ral,it/.srat/die. opitioni or prili/lege on one~ seenuriti. r erli i/cate of drpo it. or groeiii or indi'. of seuri-a int, ichurring anii jinlerest IAhervinl or lio d on I/ie rui/iui thlierofj, or i ne pua . (r l c ir/it ddicile. opiploi, or pro irge enttered iWio oa i nauo(iio/ oi 'a Ncrdiris err hongr related lIo fitrrigin itrrenc1 oi; in generral, ui it infereNt or onlrn r ntrOinioin/ Akinowi aO uI ..erun/. oronecertificate of 'iiterr.r l par prttipution ill. terniporra t w interoim certi uu-ale,for. Trecipt for. guairaiiei' of. or wari riiii of rip/it to puiirl/iose. oari of q/ihefirepo,ing. -4 Seraritic s Markelits in Japani. Chnip/er XI I. Se,c-trilies Acininia, i/ration. Jripciit Sri Rittit i.r Researchi In.ttitate. 196(2. pp. 248-2537. 3 4n(, ao(l Rr1por/. S~eri-ti ri lrs ai Fitlitres Coirnittis, irri. Htopg Kotig. 1 r94: An ii1 a7l Report. Hotig Kong Sto, A- xFh. iniige. I/oiig koin,. / 9')4: Clraner. C'liff60ri. Regitlution of Sreit-ritir., 1aArkts iii Hontg Kong. Moing Kontg. 1(94: aiizil Sirs-itriis aund Futuires Commitiisioni of Hong Konig Brief iiig bn Dleborahl Guites of the SFC (it /1,' Regional Re'gultoir.s Work./Ilop. PrlIiotg. M/alalw, r aio. J iit n 9. 1993.5 6 IThe SFC i.s fit ndedt/ hi- / of't/u'seenuri/ii's aiil fI~It ir'r lutiket,r aii tl an ui ii iia/t grant front the poterntiiirit. brom the nioirhrl pi rt itioiner. there it risa/utorn lris i on stork iiiri p r an itd fitaure., / oasoc irois (ritrrent/e ait (01)60 per,r -l a nd HA$ .0 lO p/er.1futures r toltracll (1(ifntfeer iinu i/ihargpe firr .ervi(res pier'fortied lii thefiaitiis rontreit) andi.lfi'e.i (itiiilii ch rge fir srvri,r p'e/i'friwini'( hi the regitlateor hod/i utnde'r th/ i rti- inance-s admliiiistrer ed thifle SEC. 7 Korea Stoc A E.ihlani,'e. Seoid. Korea . .'niplrimu r 1 912, ppi .5-1/2 ririi,I 4Au,i uind C/h lppo. op. ' it. pp) '20-22 /3 TI,e 1968 Liit oni Fitstering the Capitol MairAet it as en orterl to piriiiomor drrelopmaenti of tili', r pitrif innirkt i, rut Cmoutragiii isimpunies to git pti /tir- ounti to ilimui ti/ii pau-tir-ipti/oni tif'intli'idual in ucslr/arin iiit/i miiir ket. It proviidei a iut uind a/ihcr iiireii/iie cfjor listed cuanipmiteis. 4tIno. thi SiLC is ieimpowe-ired to tdesip ntte conmpilii's r'ligil i/il,' gto /it/lir rittd. iff tie, essors. re,sminiiit 'iitIi (it thee, ito goi /piilii. Seer: Ktrc'r Stork F., /hariuge, o/i. it/.. fitt /tage' 7. 9 fimoi/onr/ Se(riiatie.i Mltrkr'ts a ilir Reguliitiona. Brielf iig pri'si'ir'i lie Stoiouurrn Pr,tirhinalonii.S tcurilir's itnd F lu,r -it' Crnmiiti.srroni rrf flihiilid tr/itt the regioritii/ Rr'giilitors itorkslhop1. Penring. .1i/o/atsita. tintuon rt . lQ(94. 11/ fT ' See-uities A', a-/tringe of T/hci/oaid. Bruitghok. Thaoi/lcand 1994. p/i, 1-5. I I ST4QS /, i.r oat /teeii rable to.fimtuiotn its uril fi/i ti teiaitter iaarkett d/uir t't t/ie /irA rrfi itl rdeituiie tel',ot mimticrit lioins neicttouk.f~iu site/i ri irir- Art. AN (I result. Sf4Q n).', ioptetsirteirs on featr trainciig floon. 12 Qaiilit i secu-itie r i/i. iot firs/eel ott I/tie S/uarng/ai iiiri i S/ieiuz/ieni stock- rexianges (I .e.... c-rla in C s/hariers t or' eligibile tlo iriide rot /lie, vefc'i ioii icr er- thie-ro niit/e inarhet S/i iks listled oui ir) th it-o stock eiht Itmiget um' not t'ligih/i' tr I rrirl oi eIr the r oiunier /rretiise sirli cAirco ngi' /ios if miO sitp- ril, on tn-uii igi'-li.rtr't irssirs. Coiiiequieniit/u it/ile the r'e is coip/ti't/ihon ti i i/i/ ii uit istiingrs d/ualulistintgs tire notirmiii iteid iii tii'eit erirvit regut Itttur eit -ir,tiiiirh / 3 LotcnIasat-rit ir'. corriiitisionus iii S/ianglhti anti hii l hi'z/'i litiitrninicpfgie i ni entrgitlrttiio.r tr4otu, firtp i est/ ' ur'itri/ii' mirAer.S. The S/torng 4111IC'Ilctli/irs Coiiuiuu issirti tindi the' S/i rnzher Ser-aritiers Comnitiisiiin do rtntt /hore mii it/ ai iii ctreis-a t mere ) nt a titiinut riwrtiiitir,' rep' utittioti rot honiit anduiu/etii seitritri/ii'. T/,r' trtf of /,, th e fa regiifatttrr /hdi ifi Shuoiip/t iii cii ith glertui'e/ i /rlooAinig ot t/t sti irtitrv crf/l" gao erniiii hoa id of /h r S/ioiriglirii Secit ri/irsN commatissitoi ri/tirli irs c-ompt;osed oflIthe i ire itii dir off S/iiutigluie i. I/l ~u'S tonghoi Brruir Al oft In' Pi'opli'.t Bunk rof"Clinii . /lir Sli(iiigighoi P/annin, g C ntn,iil/er'. t/hedieputli l d er-tor of Ihi Shoutgli ii Coiiiimis sioni olt Rest rt/itriing. the Sliurighl i Buicttre ut /o t fe M/ittistu of Einuiri u t- e I/' unt ticipal 4ti/itiiig Ba et it. te S/iln ighiti Erurigri Ini ,iines/i,'t (intiniiiision. -lhtuitcipoi U?ffice if Iii tire. t/ie Dire'rtor of"tIe(l /f jice- ftht Ctoimtisiision. /)eputi .'ne r/ani Gi enerar l o/ftit,' hiit it-ipo(l Guterritnicril rt's,potsihfe.for reasNit r nudr thle S/thunghti Brarirh/ of'"I/ti' Stolt e Siet Mua iigeniireit Bitrndit. 14 Ini t/ie tbi.r rit-t of'i ncitiotiial r,irti x i/is i. Ch/in A iiic Ju/i 1994 Gciti/paiu Lriit- conroinO , pmtntirimisc / cliti ,itno italls twtuit h/ / c'roi-ere'd In haset a ri/u'.s stottuti. Fo r tinsltnce. t/l e Co prtut nti fri it iit'5 otl nI(llshiaruer issidl o /1/i lepuiiliic mult' befit/It i iu/'dint/riu anut/ / cired wth/l a /irrrrpr'r- / t.r. T/i,' Inu ale ir preoi ile,r tict(t oeili/d/onil di ai r' milt he' riflredl itiil I (I i o mr ut/ n /iN e,s/''ill/ f/tti fiti / /re t/hrere /rriou i mris iur.i ii/ut /rott ccni i rut i liii. elri/ps'd suint -et/r Ih st l i. hirt' offlering. 1.3 Sepr: ) i-C/iein Zlri u iit (/an Do M3. ''C/iniit's Eim,rrgiiig ,Se(rilriie.N f1akl/,Art"' 'ii Co i/tin Ittuterto rf IIorblr Buisitiess, 101t. AX/N. A o. 2. tSumminer 1994.pfp. /113- 121 tiind D)iogutritg Bri. ''TIi,' CNRC cirdc Chiniiui.s S/ick /rikret." Ch iinri Setni rite Rr'giilattir Craumi,, ssiott. Beijinig. C/imiui Apiil 2.3. /994. 16 0 i 'csrneir//lci. i ri/w edi n ,/ api tltri mat irket rrOtturatioin hefJirr tli' I/o/ol ut Sect-i itir's Comiiu siiiertn 'ii es/t e Itt it/ted in 1993 uterr: //ir Copiitol Is tites Coimmiittee i-i/nlis/il o/ F'uinance : I/ie TctAnt,ieu Pa iiel eititl tIhe Erii`igii Ilii rit iii nu CaMil iiitr'r (Pri mu' Wilui tl'i- Dc/aidrtnein/): the Regis/rn r of('Cwnt/aenies: t/ie A/in it/i of Iru/ertia(tiori(ir 'Irridi anid lnudtsrin. and Boatk A r'girat al/o i sto. I 7 .4t tlhe 'i/ti S~EC. t/ln'rr is ci rp/iatt aIr U/i-if' t/ the SEC /tlnlt Iris s't itup eiS cii ifncfepiritlfeutt oigrptutizatin it it/the gri t -n irril-.,e(r-r'a rn i/lt (hrgr of"t/ic rdmiuisiia./ctite cffitir.s oft/lit' ri/firr'. // TI rlTlt P/iiiphi itlipp tn s ha Ii Cctpitcl I/t iAket /)e-'telpmieui Coortnl i nii/ig Comtiit/ee iln irh i'ld h)it tte SAL' lnd min/ac/iig the Dr'parttneat of"Finani,ce. Bri iigkot Sruitrnif. Bitreau ti / of nternail Revnun ii. (riu Il r'e Offir-'c f /oi' /h ioiurolre Coatniiyls.ioli nt. rep1re.r'teuu tiv-es fi-isui ht/i e ublct / a/r' iel tlite PIri/ippines ."i/ckc/ Er-/c h t,tg uniic F/NE X r'irsen'in/ii tMe priivate ti'r-tor. 'ire: Ser-mtitir's rriic/ EY-/iiigi' 'Ctimiiissionu. Fifi i-S"re-rnt/h bitnti Repoirt. Wriir.P/iiliptpinies. 1993. (it 1icigi' 21] / 9 Dtiutpucatg. Bri. Thet f' CR cutilCl un'/ dsi StokIar--hcrket. C/i iitc, Secrt-itrles Regultcicin Criittiis tutu. Beijiig. (C/i liii. Apri 2.5. 1994. 1 35 201 'e,ice nu e_xamiple: h i(ii Fiern lInvstor Should &c noi': A Handbook friin I/i he S .S 'nurities a aid Eu/hanlge Commin'ssion. I4a.shiin/stoun D. C.. Oc-tober 1990. at page .5. 21 .'(ui*litus 0111 ESlb uchrige LomnilSsionI a/i/i ailOillt. op). cit. pp. 2-A. 22 Each u/the 5(0 Lnitied Stites States hois a .10rwities lair, and same i'na,ito in eat regulaltion prorisionas. Mucih ft, hle ooer,lirliu ou work betwener the L S SEC and( thl, staites is carried ont nader i/ic awlspites of Ithe, Nurh Amierita(it S~ecurities, A/nim in tatur.s A.ssi, i jtot j. (tit oprlia aiajon af state, territorial e111el prit inc'iai securities rcgu/lator.i in /the I nited States. Canai/a. k Vies una d PuertoiHRe a. 'Nee: The Rule of the .50 States ini Regulation of thie Glabal Srecnrities ilaAlret., Report to thie MM(t/ Ati aoi(l Lanfife-irei of the liitarmaat atal Organ lnt ion of .~eiiritlies Comma issionis. Ifashington. D.C.. NSIi'trifier 1991. 23 Mu/asiaua Scrurities Mlarket. up). cit.. page I /. 24 In Korea. moist lor/poralt buinds are gua rainteed, aniii eiii iSsainitg cur/lorationl tiuriiiu11 taut iaat.i ili itii afin iiiltl itistiutiiton Such aIS a mn - mei(reial bhunk. nierliant haul:. ur secarities.firm u.s a nourontol; aiii with ihaul b tikio ait uis pliliiig agri'i foir prinicipiil a irii intterest. 25 Koreati Sttiik Exch mhge. op.r'it.. pp/I 20-24. 26 A/though til corpoirate boit(i lhis hietren igSta'red w4ithi the SEC Siace 199], prii iate curpoiratiotis issue bohl/ slitort- aull luiig-tterii comillercia piipii' talt is r-eqa iredi tle be registeredl wit/i t/ie SEC. 11111 prht tite p)lacitml nt'tt ofdr/it (iii.e issued til inistiilutiinil/ itiestors. There are Severtal imip/edimienits to i.isiiilig (slrporll,t boitids. The P'hiippini,te ilmtli/iil lair maike's it Colisler til get ap/prola i friiti diitrluolders fbr thie iSsa illme of bouardi ofdit~e or'tr. A lso. there nm.11 /h1 a In ure SltrinlgenIit]li erit reiewls foie oirpolrlitl hon111 issues. Neil'rtheless. it doaei iioit lipp/e'li tlhatI tIll SEC hi ls illii/edeci thiie t clo'ipmletnt uf thle 'or/poralte /h010 iiitrket . 'I/u talikof /emaldiiil fu otrpitrtie botll s ill th2e pacst lois, primiirirle ll i/ill'u to, 27 VS. SEC Rufe 144A. ua/opted ill / 90. lhd t/iht effctl ufm Iitkitig t/i e I .5 prlital' /lllin'iieil mairikt' lir' mor is'.,ssib/e to furt'ignantdii iloiitn'Stic i.suiicrs hr erpiiaduing o/p/ptrt unit it's fill issuers tI fl iui'twi/la/ witlhout goinig tilsiulg/ lrii rm l reg-ist r iut itiiii l/ the SEC. lalie 14441 prn ues ci *'safi' hiarhor'' where/u qiilifified/ ilistitulit nIill Inll 11. (it.c. iiu gt' inistituiotnal/ iiiie.tlirs 5i0/i 0.1 ~in5 rulince collipal 10s Ii nd invitstlinil'l tulti'lO- itiies tha(t u'il (101/( inirest al leuaut $10(0 iiiillhio ia seiiritie.s of1lilnl-tf/filiatet (onl llitiaest uf St't alit S i es ar'ihil tIl su'l seculrities oilce f/i'redl tI ot/ter quallified/ ismas tiulnla I uvers. Rnubi 144A hail. iatdI the I .S pririile-p/titeiiint'tlii m rket mIlie comtpetitil Ivi' li I/iti,' Eumill/I lilt iki e /t. of t/Il issiulr musi.t tiolt he less itoll( RMB3IO iill diuli ($3.5 tmillioti twI'/iri's a itmtli/it Iii il (l te Shiaslires Iwliit/iIie II ii Itas.set i il/ia' uf t Itoait RI/B13o tmlillioti (S6.9 miii l/on: (21 tIle itutril ca/ia' of buiiis i.ssiieidIl tal iolt eAteld 40 pserceniit ofloittl niet asst't aO./ tiitring te lit'tire, yIrs fImior tol the t1ffiriiig. t/, ar oertge i/istribiitedl profits iu lt liesufficient toIl e'i oe u it'lar s Iintt'rrst ii lli /the h ln.u: (4) fiue ri a iisitd iii l h, i e s- ell iti ito/llutriii's iihi, h/ rumpli/ wit/i pioli ie,.s oftit'c statii: (5j fi li/5' rtiist'i iiii nlIt he iise/ tol lcver l'issi's. m/b titii nu-prlhuiiitte 'r/i'iuitdil't'.5 ('Indilitolls pre'sciribed'li lite Sttite Coiicdio'i/ r t/i e i.ssli , c~11 ofl/1,111.S. natitoi o~ffiiitiniti ta coni/dit ius tn/ (Ii profit i/istri/uiolt i lali itnttillt 30 P/i iippiiie.i Cri/itlil AItikAit Stiuk '31 / tm/er /1.S'. GSA of' 19ill6h ui gl-rtimletit Seuri iit ts hrokcr hr lcl'ti/' i.s /lf iii eli to hi' aiii etfltt iii t/li'lilig a fitliali'ill inlltiiittlfio. Il/i l/ iltts (is ai lrIl:t'kr or ideiit'r ini ''11erlmii'nt sel'tiiei is. Th e passacge' of'd t GS (.iA iti 9/80 reut'/ired/. fur thle first limei. /lpivit iou liii u - re'gisteredI'/liil:trs antit t/t'tlers t/iat liriiiit tileir biisiiiess tol gtol'lrnmllelt andt It/eir iexii/pt .secuiritie'. (eutitlup i muicipalt stIltit iesi tto rt'gi.Str wat/iithe I .5. NEC' and11 jlilt ii se(lf-rcgiu/turi lIsiiga izwoton (- ''R(-) '. U nfer i/il I .5. regil httiri Sc'he'mei. u/I firolers aln1 l/c'leri regi.slterl'l ii it/i tii', Setu ii iis tand1 L'.'i-iaigt' Commliilission lilt' req/uired (l' istot jtoiin ti leat'ts ilni st/f -rcgualutm i lirgaizaiction [i.e.. a Stock ee(al /tii4I'I /o ' the Volumeti As.Sticitillt of Secauniti's Dealers t'NA ISD''). Tlit' CSA ti/so spe'if jeci thlctfiriis- iepitSerdi us gt'neral si'i( wiien ts brok'crs ar I/eller.s oir a. tan tiipaif semiuri- tie's irtiker.s or 1/e(l/ers, mazst taitmfi- tIeV.S. SEC if 1/ini I -aidiict gllivlrlttlent stuliritie.s tti.onlctitul.i - slI. fililn, ,ieil in.listui tlions. fii( ttili ilg inl tIle cltplit-it to ti hirker ior Ieli/ler ill goviieCrnment S,i ulints. erl' likeniise rl't/uiredli gi sl'1,11 none iif their st(it 0. (lii a gIllrtlielmet seuli rfities rita/er) toIlt/icir lpi/lliprital' rgiulatitlrn (gii, g i .32 it/i re's/pect to fitauriti-id res/llsifilil.iti hrii/er-diealvi t re'gitl'rdt'l lit/i iei, I .5. NEC tiiiistisilil/pli iiit/i it', iet I a/li/til rtle fir lthe piiirposei- i! icoiiip/1ith~ u'thi/e 'iuuii respetlvcp talirie iiitre ruens pi rfth i litptoptalfit' G a r'i ira instits.t/ons1 III /ain i I tiithll ~u i'ritlii ito muinil'tir I/ei lr. ihe lSIt regulationus. '33 l'or a t-oii/reh/ieisli'' dis.u'nsii,t of thle regulli/ti ot I goiierniiiiiu seculirnls miiir/'ts Ind dieailers iui 'oi rnmtiliw wSi'l iies, vl't: Goiiernimll'l SI s-unieis Ae t't of1.15. HIouse olf Rl'prI'Selitities lep'/lt. (9L2.58. ClOt/ Co'ngI.ressi. 1st Sesin.iii la ihiing"tin. D.C(... "ep/tl'mhi/t' l). / 985: Jointu Repo a nt'i tlt, Gturermniieli 'het-lritil's .l/lrket. Ie/iporliim'l uftI 'litti;vsu ri Set'i'it it's iitl/ EvhngIcli Cr nmliui on. unl ii i/tle Boiia nIuf(,ot erniors of'ile /it' dertt/ Re.uerre .'i'stemi I 'S Governmeni'tt Prinfitil W fit I'. HuShinigttii, 1.C(., Ju lnuari 1)92: Stlidiu of t[lie Efti'utii ells.s of' t/ie Iiipleiime'ntaiition ift/h e Colerlmlnet Sri-uriies Ait If/ 19ile Prepilr,ld li~ tIle Iepa rt 'lite u/i/il' ;ratisii ii: Se ri n it t., andi Eec/i tge Comm111issioni. Bo,ardl oif'GlIcermirs of'i/it' P"lIirail Rescii'e Sistein. Uoishiin gtili . D.C.. Oc'tobeir /9190: 1/il Guic11n1 ivi r 'n- livtis Act if / 14t6: -A Historiia/ PI'r.s/p'i ive. T/imaiiesj. L,bs.jr.. Pratiti(ioitig Lirillis)litie (iJ. Eligell e 3/ri rti ii 111dHRbert I.. Pozen15. C't- C/ilmii1it I- NwI'll'lr. /0817. /1/. 22,3- 21/8: The Coirlirnml'tt Secu'rities it. of' / 0/3(. Report iof tIle (Climili e itr nIt Banuking, Houisiiig. iiiic ( rIlliA/i 4fiir. .34 BetlieenJl lit/ 11)75 and11 April / 985 tlit'fis//ainiii., uinirtgi/atl'd guelmeini tilt riii ii tis det'tlerr.iied: Fiiiaiiciti/i Co~rporatiion of Kan lsas (itO Mo. i / 7.5,. Wintersi golI'iiir liet 'e(-rit i's (19)771 - /)rsol/le goierinmtrnt Ne,miiCitmS (19/ 2)8 . A 11b1a11 n-Rfal/ (11 2)~2 . Lioti Capitol Gonip. iti . / 98-11. E.S.4. gol'1rlimienit 'tel rit il's I 98.5 ati ii evtiel. Breslter & Si i i/ii tlli Ase M5')i nilligl'lln' Corpori'atioti 1985,. 136 .3.5) t repun hast' (igreemenet ("RkEPO"') is a tranisirt-tion in u/icih/ the own-ier u/set uril ics ells lthem ito anot/her port) (iiriel agrees ito ri'puiri/ise t/i e Sit/ tit'ti equii/itae rci-irities on a .rpm -ified i/ole. ai I spe( ified pri ie. As (tigrerei to hb Itic parties to the transafl(iton. most REPOs orie etitei eif ititoi oil t f of rterrtighit. or- short -term itoski .ht/ Iirig-tieriin REPt)s iire ntot uniicommiionr. In d th ... repiiurr hfisie igi ecuienilr or1e tlhe /srfIiui-/ l metin,) h ' wichjrh gormentl vcutritler delers obla'injuo rding.fi)r thieir imeto 'ories ini securities. REPtsOre hiit tooir the hIlepest souirce of fifridirigluir irii i'ritri.r iii ricorities. Coitequeritli. tilie use of h /o -u tec/hi riiiue corntrihutes to t/he r'ficierii If t/ i'tIh ioertitient1 se(i ri- tie, runarkel. Dealersr iri goo errintenit set -urit i e u/so engoge infi i r,vrw REPt) tirsistir ins uin i/t /ii( /lr' dle ier is the' tiiu i /Jit piri-/teiser oufscc u- titiet) tit) o0/it iit set-iritlies Iloilotirec nereded to i/c/ti er ser i-irrites. or to itngrige in ot/her REPO) trorisu, tiotis. A3 Prior to tlhe prisroge o?ft/he U S. GSA of,1 9/6. lt/e hick of regg/uatioti otidi uitprivisiorn resulted fiomi /the claossificattiorn of *'giivernmniit secuiri- lii's '' us crcempled/ ~recrities (ItS dci eirii in ii t/ e et -ion 31ato 1 2t of I/ie Seturities tcihiargi' -Act of 1 934. -I It/tog/i t/he iast itoiojriti of goirrt- rmt'rt wcturinis /hoskr'rs otnd i/tea'lers ucre s iihj'ct ti outeftirriif of fi'r/r'rai gitr'rrfirnerit regulaitioin. /brokers or- rler /ers /that ekeutedf trarnsacttirns e. -/hitsir-r/s in) I.. goir -criimrte itnt s rit'vs ui're not Suiijet-t tot superi is iin he intd Fi/ereoa regit/uitonmi rget,i. 37 IA/,1F litterraiti rirrl Cait/ottl Mirirets: Der' r'/i/irir'nts. Prrn-pn'its tirnt1 Poit/It Issuer. [ait/ingittot. I).C_'. 1994. 38 IJIE A/id. .39 I.Samo Jornat/hatn. andr Ejiri. Tlatis/ti, Jaipanese Set-u n r's Ia/tic/t. Er-noritin Burns, / 9C0 Jra/ani ."tn'riiriis Rr'srrirfth Intittiti'r. Securuities WaurA't iii Jtt/pit /9925 41) 'Firanir i l i-t C/(eriter Gerirititi: Ufurilet/iting Corndritioins rund Reternt Developmenctt. '' IA/out/i Repor-t oft/i'lc D uts, -/t Buniiiiha/nk/. Moorie/ If 992. 41 T/ie /ptinici/pai difittctiorni iet-ecn i/ic it-uo y o fe q iii ts is I/tiLl ito tic/iit ion tina It rnt/i' toi a iun it in r'trivir'it rust rifler it /ha5 hrern r'staih- fir/ie cr1 h-il a/c ditiorrnis tin priii-i/it/it ari' alowh ed oii er t irii'i it/fil r'sp'rI tot oipenl in rest itierill t iSts. T or ifiiit trusts. h,erief ledii t'rtt f(ir ies mittst he /iitr'r ono tili' Kirtrir Slot-/n Ex-ihuiiruoc,,. 4ri tilt estori iii an tii pen ifir estritciat trust ii enititlecr loii r/ti cit r'pur r-/rarse of its rent iftates (itt oIu tiutu /unisi oil u i/it' lt st 's fiet itw Ie t'it/te. Chapter 4 I 'icr' or dfetalcis rinti 'omipre'henstit' ifist-tsritn Joit/tr S/1i i/hg ii/ nl hi i unriig. l/t,tiiuging Capi/ital/ F/out. V-orld Brink. ]995 Chapter 5 bink~ eltbihirte di/iw-ussioii.i oft/he indr/tirilciri untrio Ies exper/tieici-es in /ic tise of idit/ (ire ittotielcari uImlir r inr.inntriietllS. see I/icfidtl(ituiri: /~ iir'shtawi. J. T. rundI iindrln Brig/i P C/i ttugi's In Centltial Bant/n Aturite I/tc/r'tl t)/ir'riing Proscrr-r/rr' iii I/ic 1 980Us Buaofkfir ifi ntitt fuioriri ''t/rin.Er ntriirit Pupit/i Nit 23 Bitt/i' 1 99: Khaitk/attt, [)r'r'iai Indir/ier Monirtctr C o.'uitrol iii Selectedl Conrin es .'ririieographf). T/he Modtrl Bruit [ahitsiniglint. DC. / 992: Jtthtnstonr R. B. andt Brck'/. O. P ' lrrrneian Controtul Pror/durr's arirl Firirtiii itt1 Ref onuis." -I/iprrir/ch.n I.stsu's canir Rert'nt Er1r'p en s iii Dr' oini/rtig Cnutittries ini P Crtllit'r (r'd/ F'intOut ial s tIcrns rinti Dr've'lopmente s ii Ifri -4.ia T/r I' ir/r/ BciriA. lfthiniiigtoit. DC. 1 r)r)( 2 A tees him-. I. Tindir lout/(eui Ber-g/i P C/airgr's itn Ciritritl Bann MontIc A/eticket Opeftitirig Pro,d-r'r i rs inii te / 9801/ (opcits.) .3 Dirt/Icr. HI'. 'C/tongi's ini Wonitt -V/tirc/nt ii itiniiitsi rr Pint ertlires ini Gerirtit 'a ii-It/'/ inotle ii C/uittiigt' itAtn t M oe unarki' In.strumren'rts ctirir Pron-cifurt's: 1)/uet-tit i's ini rIr/ piit io-tttiii. '' Bitnii frtr Iiiterciatioii(tt ScI'thtriit'nt,. Biste/. 19,6. 4 Gi~lbert RA 4. O'perritirig Print-r/tres fnr Conduc/tintrg Iloneivt'rr Poit/t. ' Rr'ricie of Fer/erril Rescri Buttnko t Lointis. Fehrrctr 198-5: Battteci ). it nil.. T/ie Condt/uct of -lloretitc Po/ticr ini I/t' Valojr Irir/urstrirt/ (.intines: Ifistritii iertls (ttrtt O/uniting /'rtrner/it ts. Interrnatirtnal AlonelarIc Eunnn/. llrtshiiigton. /)C. /990. 5 Aiir'es/atui. JJ' Ti rut cI rid/ur Berg/i. P Change~rs ifi Cenituuil Beitil.ihirlnie Ittr/ti' Op/errtling Pretit -edur'rs iii 1 930s.'tis pi-ti. Brilt cii 1). et iii., Tue Condr/uct q? l-/lo etatr Pr/iio ini /ti' 1im Iit/nrdastil~ia/ Counirtries: Inst iriritris rtndr Operr' ting Prtrril,dres. 0/i (it. 6 Detttsn-/he Bunde/shrrtn/A. '-T/h' Bunde/r'i/rani 'u Tisnti ivnn ,ot iii Secur-itr ts I tiiif' Ri'pitri-/hrse Agreenttenits.' M/toi/il Re'/port. Waii 1 9/3.3 'Suzuk/i ) I for'lrit'ttc Conlrtrul i/er-/hrtfisrin itt Jaipaur' ini. fell/ i i P Hoopiir' et it1.. Bomd itf Co ot-ernrios ofth Iit' Ft'r/cl Rewrv'te S-ist'n. Financrial ˇtt'r Itr.s ini Open Er-tt fiitiitc: EtinpiriecalA.naitssi tint1 Poit/.It /srie.s Ihi, /iirgrtoif. /1G. /90. /3 Btitti'i. D. it cii. 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