64594 United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: Horn of Africa Emergency Health and Nutrition Project SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Meeting of the Executive Directors September 15, 2011 The Executive Directors approved a grant in the amount of US$ 30 million to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in support of the Horn of Africa Emergency Health and Nutrition Project, and the exceptional application of the Fiduciary Principles Accord (FPA) in this particular case (IDA/R2011-0278). Executive Directors welcomed the collaboration among development partners in addressing the drought-related crisis in the Horn of Africa and noted that this partnership approach is aligned with the third pillar of the Bank’s Africa Regional Strategy. They expressed support for the objectives of the project which leverage emergency response in targeted refugee camps in Kenya and Ethiopia, and noted that the project is consistent with the sub-region’s medium-term human development goals. They urged Management to work closely with the authorities in Ethiopia and Kenya to address any governance and fiduciary concerns so that such future interventions could potentially be deployed using country systems.                                                               This summary is not an approved record.