iQficey-th \ tlie Princ Lil Accuun[anI General, Ga 3-in~l iri', l itr. -'l-rrr-10352 1 -A udit Bihavn' Ali Porvoriii Cu - 41)3521 Fe[: (D 241611! Fus 24122W., EPA 32416224/5 i>,AG:GOAIFAiLC iS- 11 W¥ IIl'9.2W i' D : -a. 2-il - 1 -'e1 T(F Th,e irectvr Direetrat of Skill DevelopnielIr& Entrepreneurship, ShrIm Shakti 1hus1 n, 3'I'ior.. Iti i Piza Pnkn ujI - ia, Si 1: L. di I : C 1 l - I3Lt- *- t ;k;cd VoeC0lkin; I TralLilg lill pr. Tv n, Ir c I. V| 1 iu- : i: i. il I i il L( C- .:'C.i · Of 13g l!llerice: for eic y'air 2fN S - i 9". I«G iDCT 1.4 1 ( i , JI 9 L:uv" 23t ti iIt LI ýt79{Terms o fýrrr [--W \Ti p -grdati IiT[ inco Ceriire -t [wicnte [C1 3-tI i kinli r t \sisr D)!rc1ir I. rJte of 5k|i Declopinent & Enirpreneur.sip's ztCiNo.2IQ-5 11: S:D l V il.A i6i615 :Latcd I3.9/2fl19. [ lrward hnwith the Audit ec I 1ii ir ! Woil ti IlRumk \ ctional Trini iïiprvrneml [r&c cl ( Vrirl. "i 1-:.adal;u1. i il h Cciii n Åik) l' Icnc" ýcc . T L"h - Nar 20 i 8- I r 1 hicl %V illi ýliiC tLCC : y .Ili..l..·. 2 i--. TCI Lui lld iti - lie TrIiw 01' lie ïcc (TOR) lor v.1nishu ..M) i»y. Acctilanlt Ginueral ]Y : {IJ Audil Lriie i1.Il (ii) Si;ilwmer1, Ol Solice2 11nd ApPli LiiIS OI F.nd. Offirt l) (Ile Piri i-pal A«uiLta t (er"T] I 7~~~~. - 0Æ 331 q-ýfuIA32 I -v: -.=¡'l†T403-921 .\ndit Bhavan V~ . A"Lii4 Inrvuriml Goa - 403521 eL , 2-11611 F;LX- 2-16228., RFliPAIX 241622415 ep rt of ill· C.>.N pirthl. kr .q nd c Auditor G lliieri La o ILn iii To. Th[W Direct' [r. D [iedvomte ur Skill DelC10jIopet & Enutrepre!o c urishp.F Shrtm Sliak i llh:i n fIo" Rex [>Lrt on [110 P rOjec Finaial3 .SttellwLnts \e tuhve audlisd die accOWlruanyilinaincial semi1ILet ijite "VocationaL TTainll1 [Ylii~ ineliPråjC3Ii IPi ' "ipy.ri3dit ni Hf[T' Ilï11 Cefll. i ItCIIC[L (CQE)" .ner I. I9 Iun. k lìa N i 0 'I1i priSs al Sw1erLïefïs of SOkFL -S :W pp I jc i ow unFi and L Ie cCiljïlUon i i i11.1 IO Ot I pi k iOfs I in - [ile Tlïe symmiu1S are die lkespnnsbiiLY of the Projet15 S 1L, l læ 11IZL ( T l'.i 's (O CNpTCS ;LI] Cpillik)ll cii ilw :ýCc1lpaI1yiflg fin:3elaL atilmeJïl5 bmeLCd OLi O r au J t Weh concudu:.1.:u n a%d i d mc villi ii4 Aciiug Siid romu] aled by the t Iï.p!L)|lI :d LI r ri idi . T ~ o sSudard i er uire bM31 WC plan ýiTfd in Lic idi v Ltnin rLi$iZN' :6LIIiCt~1bWu(vditti r li ial ý--iterneliks -LT- [r c l' fle 0| 1 11l 1 -11ii. OL! r LLIl 11 i leS. kil i basi , c v de nc c s,ppDrii njC fne ~1.mï [S ail l icnurcs - LMC f11eidi IL a is d'ýs -ss-ssing ;~CUL1Liii Tin[e s Usedl :ui i R'ýhVIcaIl i hnhmnsesrnad 6b iawL, is w [i ~ ekIJ LiZ'ý 11 Li 1i i ,11ia s,I iCI il l p-CSeILJii-l. \V ea bdeg that nur audh provides n r~iW :km r i S RW DUr HnrMii . l a on r Opnin tLhe [i l anl il F' ilClle Yt se U C i [S i i MI l eLies c"L lie SttiKc, nr,d app e'L,Li1JS f d fn f VO lild Tr n_ iii iir vi)inemiT r C TL Il. pråpradt iion el 1T I'T iMo C ejse of F ceXeence {CO E)"r(T [Le yer Cndd MarclI 201 9 in i!CCOTdnmct W illi C;u\ CTe-101ïl [|d . .rl acu»inl lt 3IfdldI. U ddilLo in U' op,iriOrL. (a: T, Ci pI Lo -I .ZqLIp suppLrti-g dccuìetadllin-m |1Las nceï iiiŠ ai nll tu ti prcr Lt L iJ',jjjlis W rd [Ie | RI r rl itilbuirseiienits m cxwndilLLrs ilcurrd. an (b) lor ineälc xpendniircs ai detud in [TL! -ud ,bservalon5. ii-n ;äppedeåL2 0 tk nuffl rup:.. experi ec ir eHSible fer fñiiaxrrig uilder Lhe LoailCiedl; Agreeilil. I ;rä ture 1 tmu astLot SOLEFMRY lor 17 .7| l -L) (Sle n IA.; |i- -Av k l1 wlpd (Me al I klr. A FlN inc en lì and the ci-mue ed m de u11111s, 'n-" . J nd se i-.: ;w . re-licd LL1 L S!Up port leim b.irsCn lel Li idT lid .or,1: C i ' I1C1- This riport j issuid williO.t prjudicc -j M S r to in( t-nc audit obser\ations :s Repcr CA{ - nr tiitgc Iord Älcfre oiirliameiit Siac La t1T. uålhut ht .IcsEu) Pr. A CuE11I i uh t (M , ELL Felyrmary 2U201 Annexure -1 Statement of Sources and AppEiration of Funds (Project Implcmented by core Goverrirnent departments) Name of Project: VTIP IDA Credit NoA4319-IN lýeconciliation of Clairms to Total Applicatiors of Funds Report for the year ended: 31st October 2018 Amount in Rs.' Ö09 Particulars Curren[ YE.r Previous EHr Project to date Opening 5alånce, If casli balancts are cointroll2d by the entitv((A| N ill Nil Receipts 1-unds received from Governmein thmigh Eudget( ThLsp will rn clude et erri assis-an ce received by gnvernmeiit tor thL' p"-j.uct) *2072,000 -20 000 Funds rec .d: directly by pruja: imlenïei n a ti9ority l'irouG ,-i Fter-ial 3eneficiary Co.ntribut-or- iF Any Total Receirh ( Fi ital Souces