76524       Republic of The Gambia: IDA/IFC/AfDB Second Joint Partnership Strategy CHAIR’S SUMMING UP Meeting of the Executive Directors April 4, 2013 Executive Directors discussed the joint IDA-IFC-AfDB Joint Partnership Strategy (JPS) for the Republic of The Gambia for the period FY2013-2016 and welcomed its alignment with the Government’s Program for Accelerated Growth and Employment (PAGE) (IDA/R2013-0061[IFC/R2013-0067]). Directors support the focus on the two pillars of PAGE, namely (i) enhancing productive capacity and competitiveness and (ii) strengthening the institutional capacity for economic governance and public services. They welcomed the selectivity of the JPS program, reflecting a set of common actions for the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the World Bank Group in agriculture and economic governance, complemented by activities in each organization’s area of comparative advantage. Directors appreciate that the JPS will enhance World Bank Group- AfDB coordination, avoid duplication of effort, and combine technical expertise. They urged the World Bank Group and the AfDB to support the government in developing a framework for external partner coordination to harmonize aid flows and leverage resources and expertise. Directors underscored the critical need for stronger, inclusive growth to reduce poverty, create jobs, and achieve the Millennium Development Goals (especially Goals 4 and 5). They welcomed the emphasis on increasing agricultural productivity for food security and trade, combined with nutrition services to address immediate needs. Directors appreciated the JPS focus on strengthening governance as a core objective for achieving development goals and noted that the Government’s commitment to reform is important. Directors noted the need to strengthen public sector capacity and welcomed World Bank Group and AfDB support in areas such as public financial management and statistical capacity development. Directors strongly emphasized the importance of the private sector for economic growth. They urged the IFC to facilitate improvements in the business climate including support for a robust framework for public-private partnerships (PPPs). They noted the potential for Gambian participation in regional projects and further development of the energy and infrastructure sectors. Directors welcomed the proposed series of joint budget support operations to build on progress made during the first JPS in budgeting, reporting and procurement, support to the education, agriculture and rural development sectors, and targeted social safety net operations to address vulnerabilities to climate change and future crises. They noted the country’s vulnerability to external shocks and the need to manage fiscal risks and levels of debt. Finally, Directors looked forward to the Progress Report for updates on important operations in the critical energy and agriculture/rural development sectors, which are currently in the early stages of preparation.                                                               This summary is not an approved record.