INTEGRATED SAFEGUARDS DATA SHEET APPRAISAL STAGE Report No.: ISDSA10297 Public Disclosure Copy Date ISDS Prepared/Updated: 28-Aug-2014 Date ISDS Approved/Disclosed: 02-Feb-2014, 30-Aug-2014 I. BASIC INFORMATION 1. Basic Project Data Country: China Project ID: P133116 Project Name: China-Qinghai Xining Water Environment Management Project (P133116) Task Team Ximing Zhang Leader: Estimated 20-Mar-2014 Estimated 25-Sep-2014 Appraisal Date: Board Date: Managing Unit: GEDDR Lending Investment Project Financing Instrument: Sector(s): Wastewater Collection and Transportation (60%), General water, sanitation and flood protection sector (30%), Agricultural extension and research (5%), Water supply (5%) Theme(s): Water resource management (60%), City-wide Infrastructure and Service Delivery (40%) Is this project processed under OP 8.50 (Emergency Recovery) or OP No 8.00 (Rapid Response to Crises and Emergencies)? Public Disclosure Copy Financing (In USD Million) Total Project Cost: 246.60 Total Bank Financing: 150.00 Financing Gap: 0.00 Financing Source Amount Borrower 96.60 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 150.00 Total 246.60 Environmental A - Full Assessment Category: Is this a No Repeater project? 2. Project Development Objective(s) The Project Development Objective is to reduce water pollution and pilot potential sustainable reuse of wastewater in Xining Municipality. Page 1 of 13 3. Project Description The project will be implemented over a period of five years and will finance priority investments in Xining Municipality. The project will consist of the following five components with a total Public Disclosure Copy estimated project base cost of US$ 237.5 million and total financial required USD$246.6 million, including an International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) loan of US$150 million: (a) construction of stormwater and wastewater collection systems; (b) comprehensive stormwater management and river-bank environment restoration; (c) integrated gully and canal improvement; (d) demonstration of treated wastewater reuse; and (e) project management and capacity building. Annex 2 shows the detailed project description. Annex 7 shows the map of the project activities. Component A: Construction of stormwater and wastewater collection systems (estimated cost US $139.8 million). This component will reduce water pollution by construction of 128 km of wastewater and rain water collection pipes along rivers and urban wastewater distribution networks, including (i) construction of 34 km of stormwater and wastewater collection pipes (DN800-DN1000) from Datong Wastewater Treatment Plant to Ningda Road toll gate along Beichuan River for No. 5 Wastewater Treatment Plant; and construction of 16 km of stormwater and wastewater collection pipes from Yangjiawan Village to Duoba along Xichuan River for No. 4 Wastewater Treatment Plant; and (ii) construction of 34 km of wastewater collection pipes for No. 3 Wastewater Treatment Plant, and the affiliated access road and other urban facilities , and construction of 44 km of stormwater collection pipes in Beichuan Area. Component B: Comprehensive stormwater management and river-bank environment restoration (estimated cost US$ 35.9 million). This component will apply “Low-Impact Development” strategies, greening and landscaping, to increase natural infiltration and reduce peak run-off and non- point source of pollution to Beichuan River. The targeted area is a core urban area but with no sound wastewater collection system and no environmental protection facilities. Many of the river banks have been turned into waste disposal sites with building rubble, waste soils, and garbage being Public Disclosure Copy dumped causing serious pollution inflows to the Beichuan River during the rainy season, particularly during the first sets of heavy rains. A systematic approach is being adopted to treat this area through a set of project activities including (a) LID storm water management in Beichuan Area; and (b) River-bank environment restoration along the banks of Beichuan River. Typical LID features, such as increased vegetation covers, vegetative swales, bio-retention basins, permeable pavements, and water re-use, will be incorporated into the storm-water management and rainwater harvesting system. These investments are in line with the recent directives issued by the Ministry of Construction (MOC) that requires the introduction of “low impact development” (LID) strategies to manage stormwater when possible. Typical stream-bank restoration work includes residue soil cleaning, and planting of diversified native vegetation along stream-banks; construction of porous walk path, access roads and green byways; installation of lighting systems, environment sanitation facilities, greening of the water supply catchment areas; and other environmental amenities. This will further enhance the water quality in the receiving water body of Beichuan River. Component C: Integrated gully and canal improvement (estimated cost US$28.7 million). This component will stabilize gully/canal bank slopes and reduce BOD, COD, and TSS discharge into surface water by improving the environment along canals and gullies. The main project activities include (i) integrated improvement of 10.4 km Chaoyangdian Canal with wastewater collection pipes, access road, affiliated structures and environment sanitation facilities; (ii) integrated improvement of 0.9 km Liujia Gully with channel normalization, slope protection, and box culvert Page 2 of 13 construction; and (iii) integrated improvement of 0.9 km Shengou Gully with canal normalization, slope protection, wastewater collection pipe construction, and environment sanitation facilities. Public Disclosure Copy Component D: Wastewater reuse (estimated cost US$1.8 million). This component will pilot the reuse of treated wastewater by construction of a transfer station and pipes, as well as Technical Assistance (TA) in the areas of reclaimed wastewater policies and technologies. The project activities will include: (i) construction of treated wastewater pumping station and affiliated monitoring facilities with a capacity of 5,000 m3/day at No.5 Wastewater Treatment Plant (under construction, to be commissioned in 2014) and approximately 5 km of water transmission pipes; and (ii) technical assistance for study on economy and policy schemes for stimulating reclaimed wastewater reuse, and study on impact of reclaimed wastewater reuse on domestic soil and vegetation. This component is important to the province and municipality in taking the lead in the determination of the most cost effective methods of reclaiming water in such a water scarce region. With the ever widening gap between water resources and water demands in this region, it is extremely important to assist the municipality in developing its roadmap towards water reclamation and reuse, in line with the 2030 objectives set out in the Urban Development Strategy. Component E: Project management and capacity building (estimated cost US$31.3 million). This component is intended to improve Xining’s capacity in integrated water environment management. This component includes (i) project management activities: construction supervision, and Management Information System (MIS); (ii) consulting services: study on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E); technical support on integrated water and environmental management, reclaimed wastewater policies, regulations and technical issues; and technical and management workshops ; and (iii) domestic and overseas training and study tours. 4. Project location and salient physical characteristics relevant to the safeguard analysis (if known) The proposed project is located in Xining, the capital of Qinghai Province in the western part of China. Public Disclosure Copy Xining is located in the eastern part of Qinghai province and in the Huang River Valley of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with an average altitude of over 2,200 meters. Huangshui River arises in Haiyan County of Qinghai Province and discharges through Qinghai and Gansu before confluences with the Yellow River on Hekou Town of Gansu. The total length of Huangshui River is 374 km. Huangshui River flows through Xining from west to east. Beichuan River is a tributary of Huangshui River, which is originated from Datong County of Qinghai Province and flows into the Huangshui River at Xining, with a total length of 154 km. The urban population is about 1.2 million concentrating on the built up areas in a total size of 104 km2. All the physical activities are in the urban and peri-urban area of the Xining Municipality. The project will not involve any international river. 5. Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists Songling Yao (GURDR) Yongli Wang (GURDR) Feng Ji (GENDR) Yan Sun (GWADR) 6. Safeguard Policies Triggered? Explanation (Optional) Page 3 of 13 Environmental Assessment OP/ Yes See section II A(1) BP 4.01 Public Disclosure Copy Natural Habitats OP/BP 4.04 No A review of the critical natural habitats, including protected wetlands in Qinghai Province has indicated that all the national and provincial listed significant natural habitats are well far away from project affected area and that no critical natural habitat will be affected by the project activities. The riverine areas where the environmental restoration activities and wastewater collection pipelines are to be constructed do not support important aquatic habitats or fish species that are economically or ecologically significant and do not contain any significant wetlands. The project design includes infrastructure design measures to ensure that impacts to these areas are minimized. Forests OP/BP 4.36 No This project will not have impacts on the health and quality of forests; nor affect the rights and welfare of people and their level of dependence upon or interaction with forests, nor aim to bring about changes in the management, protection, or utilization of natural forest or plantations. Pest Management OP 4.09 Yes See section II A(1). Physical Cultural Resources OP/ No The project will not adversely affect sites with BP 4.11 archeological, paleontological, historical, religious, or unique natural values. Chance finds Public Disclosure Copy during construction might occur and relevant clauses are included in all construction contracts. Indigenous Peoples OP/BP 4.10 Yes Although most project activities are located in urban Xining city, a few ones will and would go to Datong and Huangshui counties, where there are ethnic minority villages. So the policy is triggered. Because specific locations of these activities, like some sewers, are not clear or subject to change in the next stages, the particular impacts on any ethnic minority villages could not be identified at this stage. Therefore, an ethnic minority development framework (EMDF) was prepared to guide any possible ethnic minority development plan (EMDP) in the project implementation. Involuntary Resettlement OP/BP Yes The four project components involve physical 4.12 activities, which need land acquisition. The activities consist of construction of reclaimed Page 4 of 13 water plant, roads, installation of sewers and reclaimed water pipe, rehabilitation of river bank, as well as treatment of some gullies. Furthermore, Public Disclosure Copy five activities, linking to the project, entail land related issues. So Involuntary Resettlement will be triggered. Most resettlement impacts by the project and linkage activities can be clearly now scoped, investigated, planned or reviewed, for which a RP was prepared. At the same time, resettlement impacts for some sewers and stormwater pipes could not be determined and so a RPF was developed. The RP not only cover resettlement to be done in next stage, but also resettlement completed or ongoing currently, for which resettlement planning, due diligence review or monitoring were conducted in the project preparation. The project directly acquired land 2.4 mu permanently and 403 mu temporarily and will not cause any house or structure demolition. However, the linkage activities have resulted in permanent land acquisition by 3615 mu with impacts on 6761 persons, including relocation of 1348 households with 6495 persons. Public Disclosure Copy Safety of Dams OP/BP 4.37 No This is an environmental project, the project will not finance construction of new or rehabilitation of any existing dams (or related facilities) as defined under this policy. Projects on International No No project activities will be located in Waterways OP/BP 7.50 international waterways. The policy is not triggered and no actions are required. Projects in Disputed Areas OP/BP No No project activities will be located in disputed 7.60 areas. The policy is not triggered and no actions are required. II. Key Safeguard Policy Issues and Their Management A. Summary of Key Safeguard Issues 1. Describe any safeguard issues and impacts associated with the proposed project. Identify and describe any potential large scale, significant and/or irreversible impacts: The project is classified a Category A project, and triggers Environmental Assessment (OP4.01) and Pest Management (OP4.09). EA and EMP have been prepared in accordance with Chinese EA regulations and the Bank safeguards policies. Page 5 of 13 Environmental Assessment (OP4.01): Xining PMO has engaged an EA consulting institute (i.e. Lanzhou University which is accredited the First Class in EA) to conduct the environmental Public Disclosure Copy assessment in accordance with Chinese EA regulations and the Bank safeguards policies. The EA shows that there is no ecological sensitive (e.g. nature habitat, nature reserves etc.) or culturally sensitive site in the project area of influence. The EA includes analysis on construction related impacts, operational impacts, potential risks, cumulative and indirect impacts. The project will bring about overall environmental and social benefits, such as (i) leading to reduction of sediments and pollution loads discharging into Huangshui River; (ii) conserving water resources by the use of reclaimed water; (iii) reducing non-point sources pollution by the application of LID practices; and (iv) contributing to the improvement of public health and visual quality. With respect to the cumulative impacts, the project itself is a set of mitigation measures to address the existing environmental problems (i.e. water pollution, and lack of water resources). Key Valued Ecosystem Components under consideration include water quality and water resources. The EA determines that the project will not adversely affect these VECs, but alleviate the pollution discharged to the rivers. Adverse impacts during construction are related to construction activities such as disposal of spoil, soil erosion, nuisance of dust and noise, and disturbance to traffic and local communities etc. The construction related impacts will be short-term, temporary and site-specific, and can be readily managed with good construction management. Adverse impacts during operation mainly include traffic noise nuisance, vehicle emission, and road safety associated with the newly built roads. The improvement of environment and infrastructure may increase land value, and accelerate urbanization process in the project areas, especially the Beichuan Area. Risk assessment covers leakage of sewer pipelines, and road safety, but these risks are minor. The pilot use of reclaimed water may have some concerns on public health, soil salinization, toxicity of heavy metals, and nutrients overload into groundwater. But these impacts are not considered significant and can be effectively reduced to acceptable levels through good design and specific mitigation measures proposed in the EMP(see II.A(4) below). Public Disclosure Copy Pest Management (OP4.09). The re-vegetation of Beichuan River Bank and the gullies likely result in the use of pesticides, although none will be procured as part of the project. This raises issues of improper use of pesticides. A Pest Management Plan, as part of the ESMP, has been developed. Social side The project will generates environment benefit for the citizens and directly promote social capital and physical capital of the citizens, via providing sanitary services, using reclaimed water, channeling rain water, improving roads, promoting riverside landscape, etc. On the other hand, the project probably results in some adverse impacts such as land acquisition and resettlement will be entailed by construction of the above activities, and further social disturbance during construction period, etc. Further in some project areas there are ethnic minority villages, which may get impacts from the project. So the Involuntary Resettlement and Indigenous people policies were triggered. The four project components involving physical activities need land for construction. Component 1, Construction of storm water and wastewater collection systems, and Component 3, Integrated gully and canal improvement, will need land acquisition, while Component 2, Comprehensive Stormwater management and river-bank environmental restoration, and Component 4, Promotion Page 6 of 13 of treated wastewater reuse, will use land acquired in linkage activities. The project directly acquired land 2.4 mu permanently and 403 mu temporarily and will not cause any house or structure demolition. However, there are five linkage activities consisting of NO.3, 4, and 5 Public Disclosure Copy WWTPs, Yinjiagou Landfill and Beichuan Plot Development Project, which have resulted in permanent land acquisition by 3615 mu with impacts on 6761 persons, including relocation of 1348 households with 6495 persons. Furthermore, the project probably to some extent generates social disturbance in project construction period, i mpacts on gender and other vulnerable groups. 2. Describe any potential indirect and/or long term impacts due to anticipated future activities in the project area: The improvement of environment and infrastructure may increase land value, and accelerate urbanization process (e.g. attract people and future investments for recreation, residential, commercial buildings) in the project areas, especially the Beichuan Area. 3. Describe any project alternatives (if relevant) considered to help avoid or minimize adverse impacts. Alternative analysis has been conducted in the EA and feasibility study, including storm water treatment options, scale of reclaimed water facility, and the “without-project” situation. Measures to avoid or minimize resettlement impacts were adopted in the project preparation stage, including pipe-jacking technology to avoid house demolition, sewer/pipe installation by section to minimize construction disturbance scope and period, utilization of unused land to avoid farmland use, etc. 4. Describe measures taken by the borrower to address safeguard policy issues. Provide an assessment of borrower capacity to plan and implement the measures described. Environmental Measures Public Disclosure Copy Based on the EA, a stand-alone Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) has been developed to avoid, minimize, mitigate and compensate the potential adverse impacts. The ESMP specify mitigation and enhance measures for the project activities, including that (i) Environmental Code of Practices (ECOPs) for civil work contractors will be included into the bidding documents and civil work contracts; (ii) LID practices for storm water management and road safety design have been incorporated into the project design; (iii) the induced impacts such as waste and wastewater generated in the Beichuan Area have been taken into account in the project design and in the ESMP. The land use plan for Beichuan area has been updated and approved by local government; and (iv) with respect to the concerns on the pilot use of the reclaimed water, the water will be used for watering the areas along the newly built roads. The potential negative impacts will be mitigated to an acceptable level by adopting the well-proved wastewater treatment technology for the WWTPs and by equipping with disinfect units. The WWTP effluent will meet strict water quality standards (e.g. TP, TN, TDS) after disinfection. A specific TA activity –impacts of reclaimed water on soil and vegetation is included in the project. Monitoring on the effect of the reclaimed water on the soil and vegetation is included in the ESMP. This arrangement is considered adequate. Three WWTPs (one in operation, two under construction) will receive sewage collected via sewers to be financed under the project. As part of EA process, due diligence for the WWTPs and their sludge disposal at the existing Yinjiagou Sanitary Landfill have been conducted confirming that Page 7 of 13 the WWTPs are in compliance with Chinese regulations. With respect to the Pest Management, the Project will (i) be vegetating the areas using non- Public Disclosure Copy invasive species; and tree species selection procedures have been developed; (ii) promote the use of biological or environmental control methods; and (iii) improve local capacity to apply knowledge to minimize use and to safely and properly apply pesticides. ESMP implementation will be managed by Xining PMO. An environmental and social management unit will be established in the PMO with dedicated safeguards staff. Civil work contractors and supervision companies will be required to assign qualified environmental staff to their team to ensure effective implementation of the ESMP. PMO, under assistance of on-site environmental supervisors, local EPB and external monitoring institution, will supervise the implementation of ESMP. To improve local capacity, the ESMP proposes capacity training activities for civil work contractors, PMO, environmental supervisors, and monitoring institutions etc.. The ESMP also specifies monitoring plan, environmental supervision and the budget for the ESMP implementation. Social Measures With Hohai university assistance, the PMO has prepared a RP/RPF, an EMDF, and a social assessment report to handle potential social issues. For the resettlement related issues under the five linkage activities, due diligence review was conducted and documented in the RP for resettlement undertaken prior to Bank involvement in the project. Further for the ongoing resettlement implementation in a linkage activity, Beichuan Plot Development Project, an external resettlement monitoring report was prepared also. All the documents were reviewed by the Bank TT several times and the final draft versions are found compliant with the Bank requirements. Involuntary Resettlement: Resettlement to be done under the Component 1 and 3. Only some land will be used for the project construction, among which 2.4 mu collective land will be permanently Public Disclosure Copy acquired with impacts on 35 households, and 329 mu collective land and 75 mu state-owned land will be temporarily acquired, with impacts on 91 households by the collective land use. For the permanent land acquisition, resettlement measure provide for full replacement cost which includes cash compensation based on latest land price determined by Qinghai Provincial Government. As for the temporary land use, compensation for collective land covers annual land output compensation plus land restoration fee and compensation for state-owned land is to restore the land after use. There is no need to provide social security program for the affected due to minor land loss. Component 2 and 4 will use land previously acquired by two linkage activities, resulting in permanent land acquisition by 3420 mu with relocation of 1382 households, among which one activity, the Fifth WWTP, almost completed its resettlement. A due diligence review in the RP was conducted and concluded that 64 mu collective farmland was acquired in early 2013 and affected 34 households with 135 persons in Shuansupu Village, and that resettlement packages, covering cash compensation, on job training and social security program, was completed, and that the interviewed villagers were satisfied with the resettlement implementation. The review identified the social security program was not fully completed, and suggested to continue monitoring in the RP and in the project external monitoring arrangement. On the ongoing resettlement in the Beichuan Plot Development Project, a due diligence review in Page 8 of 13 the RP was conducted and found that the total resettlement under the activity consists of 3357 mu collective land acquisition with impacts on 6495 persons in 1348 households, and on 38 small businesses, who will lose all their farmland, house and business, that 1343 houses, 724 mu land Public Disclosure Copy and 38 small businesses were acquired or demolished. The report also indicated that all the affected households will obtain replacement residential house by 50 m2 per person plus commercial building areas by 20 m2 per person within the residential areas helping livelihood restoration. The remaining resettlement work covers relocation of 5 households, land acquisition for 2633 mu, social security program for all the affected and replacement house construction. For ensuring full restoration of the affected, an external resettlement monitor was required to start external resettlement monitoring on this activity, and the first external resettlement monitoring report was prepared as a document of social preparation package. The monitoring report done to date by Hohai University concluded that all the affected was fully investigated and consulted, that the compensation was compliant with relevant laws and was fully disbursed to the affected villages in a transparent manner, that the land taking and house demolition was done only after the full payment, and that relevant job training program for those who lost land were freely provided. At the same time, the monitoring also indicated that social security program for those who lost land should be started as early as possible, that land compensation should be paid to the affected households as soon as possible from the village committees, that the PMO should ensure timely completion and transparent reallocation of the replacement houses, and that the PMO should provide restoration choice for the affected businesses, moving to development zone or rebuilding in other places. These recommendations have been adopted and committed by Xining Government in its commitment letter. The monitor will follow up these issues in next stage. As for the other three linkage activities, due diligence reviews were also conducted and documented in the RP, which found that: i) 133 mu collective land for No.3 WWTP was acquired prior to 2000 and the relevant resettlement was fully done and there is no pending issues found; ii) Yinjiagou Landfill utilized unused stated-owned land and there is no resettlement issue; iii) No. 4 WWTP acquired 62 mu land covering 52 mu collective land with impacts on 32 households with 131 persons and 6 agencies. The review concluded the resettlement was satisfactory with except of Public Disclosure Copy social security program, and that the external resettlement monitoring should cover the implementation of the social security program in next stage. Monitoring and grievance redress arrangement: Monitoring mechanism including internal and external monitoring was designed and agreed in the RP, with contents such as institutional arrangement, monitoring indicators/frequency, monitoring report format, etc.. On the ongoing resettlement under Beilun Plot Project, Hohai University has been entrusted and started and will continue the external monitoring. A complete grievance redress system was designed in the RP including elements such as responsible agencies, contact information, etc.. Ethnic Minority: There are ethnic minority villages present in project areas, especially in suburb of Xining City, but the particular impacts on any ethnic minority villages could not be identified at this stage because specific locations of such activities as some sewers are not clear at this stage or subject to change in the next stages.. Therefore, an ethnic minority development framework (EMDF) was prepared to guide any possible ethnic minority development plan (EMDP) in the project implementation. Other social issues: the standalone SA focused on evaluation on affordability of wastewater fee, gender issue, among others. The evaluation indicated water related to fee takes about 1.56 percent of average household income, which is affordable, but for poor households the percentage is about Page 9 of 13 2.44. So the SA recommended that the subsidies for poor households should be maintained after the project. On the gender issue, the SA in its Chapter 8 described baseline information of women, identified demand of and impacts/risks on women in the project construction and operation, and Public Disclosure Copy prepared an action plan on women issue. The action plan includes employment opportunities provision for women, right protection for women in resettlement process and provision of lighting and other facilities in the project for women. Xining has an ongoing Bank financed project. For this proposed project, a Project Leading Group (PLG), which is chaired by the Mayor of Xining and comprises senior officials from relevant municipal agencies, has been established to oversee the preparation and implementation of the Project. A Project Management Office (PMO) has been established in Huangshui River Integrated Management Committee in Xining. The PMO will be responsible for project management, detailed designs, social and environment safeguard preparation, monitoring and evaluation etc. in accordance with Bank guidelines. The PMO will include adequate dedicated staff for overall social and environment management. The PMO and its consultants received safeguard trainings in the project preparation, and will continue to receive more training and technical guidance during project implementation. The social work under the project involves several components managed by various government authorities, so the coordination among the involving stakeholders is quite important. Therefore, a division chief was required to be assigned to effectively coordinate the social work. Further a resettlement information system covering all the components will be established to assist resettlement supervision and monitoring. Training programs on project preparation were conducted in the project preparation, and relevant training on resettlement issues were covered in the RP and will be conducted in next stage, expended to relevant staff from involved authorities such as bureaus of Land, House, Labor to enable them understand the WB policy and adequate resettlement implementation. Further, Hohai University was engaged to work on the social aspects, which provided valuable assistance and guidance to the PMO in the social document preparation and capacity building. Still another, in project implementation stage, an experienced Public Disclosure Copy external resettlement monitor will be entrusted to provide more technical assistance to help the PMO strengthen its capacity of resettlement implementation and monitoring. 5. Identify the key stakeholders and describe the mechanisms for consultation and disclosure on safeguard policies, with an emphasis on potentially affected people. The key stakeholders include projected affected people, experts, and government agencies. During the EA preparation, two rounds of public consultation were undertaken: the first round at the beginning of EA preparation (EIA TOR) in May 2013, and the second round in September 2013 after the first draft EA and ESMP were prepared. Consultations were carried out through questionnaires, interviews and meetings with project affected people, experts, and government agencies. Local people generally supported this project and provided specific comments, such as (i) construction impacts on local communities; and reclaimed water quality. Main feedback and concerns from the public have been addressed in the project design and the ESMP’s mitigation measures. In accordance with the Bank’s information disclosure policy, prior to project appraisal, the latest safeguards documents, including EA and ESMP, were made available in the project areas (e.g.village committees) and are accessible at PMO. The documents were disclosed on the website of the Xining municipal government on December 5, 2013, and at the Bank InfoShop on Dec 24, 2013. All stakeholders related to the project were engaged in consultation process in the EMDF Page 10 of 13 development, resettlement planning and social assessment, via media, information sheet, meetings, group discussion, questionnaires, etc. All the documents, especially resettlement plan, were explored based on the consultation process, disclosed among the affected, and modified in line Public Disclosure Copy with feedbacks. The documents were locally disclosed with an announcement on local newspaper on Dec 18, 2013, and sent to Infoshop on Dec 24, 2013. B. Disclosure Requirements Environmental Assessment/Audit/Management Plan/Other Date of receipt by the Bank 17-Dec-2013 Date of submission to InfoShop 24-Dec-2013 For category A projects, date of distributing the Executive Summary of the EA to the Executive Directors "In country" Disclosure China 05-Dec-2013 Comments: Resettlement Action Plan/Framework/Policy Process Date of receipt by the Bank 17-Dec-2013 Date of submission to InfoShop 24-Dec-2013 "In country" Disclosure China 18-Dec-2013 Comments: Indigenous Peoples Development Plan/Framework Date of receipt by the Bank 18-Dec-2013 Date of submission to InfoShop 24-Dec-2013 "In country" Disclosure Public Disclosure Copy Comments: Pest Management Plan Was the document disclosed prior to appraisal? Yes Date of receipt by the Bank 17-Dec-2013 Date of submission to InfoShop 24-Dec-2013 "In country" Disclosure China 05-Dec-2013 Comments: If the project triggers the Pest Management and/or Physical Cultural Resources policies, the respective issues are to be addressed and disclosed as part of the Environmental Assessment/ Audit/or EMP. If in-country disclosure of any of the above documents is not expected, please explain why: C. Compliance Monitoring Indicators at the Corporate Level OP/BP/GP 4.01 - Environment Assessment Page 11 of 13 Does the project require a stand-alone EA (including EMP) Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] report? Public Disclosure Copy If yes, then did the Regional Environment Unit or Practice Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] Manager (PM) review and approve the EA report? Are the cost and the accountabilities for the EMP incorporated Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] in the credit/loan? OP 4.09 - Pest Management Does the EA adequately address the pest management issues? Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] Is a separate PMP required? Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] If yes, has the PMP been reviewed and approved by a Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] safeguards specialist or PM? Are PMP requirements included in project design?If yes, does the project team include a Pest Management Specialist? OP/BP 4.10 - Indigenous Peoples Has a separate Indigenous Peoples Plan/Planning Framework Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] (as appropriate) been prepared in consultation with affected Indigenous Peoples? If yes, then did the Regional unit responsible for safeguards or Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] Practice Manager review the plan? If the whole project is designed to benefit IP, has the design Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] been reviewed and approved by the Regional Social Development Unit or Practice Manager? OP/BP 4.12 - Involuntary Resettlement Has a resettlement plan/abbreviated plan/policy framework/ Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] Public Disclosure Copy process framework (as appropriate) been prepared? If yes, then did the Regional unit responsible for safeguards or Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] Practice Manager review the plan? The World Bank Policy on Disclosure of Information Have relevant safeguard policies documents been sent to the Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] World Bank's Infoshop? Have relevant documents been disclosed in-country in a public Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] place in a form and language that are understandable and accessible to project-affected groups and local NGOs? All Safeguard Policies Have satisfactory calendar, budget and clear institutional Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] responsibilities been prepared for the implementation of measures related to safeguard policies? Have costs related to safeguard policy measures been included Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] in the project cost? Does the Monitoring and Evaluation system of the project Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] include the monitoring of safeguard impacts and measures related to safeguard policies? Page 12 of 13 Have satisfactory implementation arrangements been agreed Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] with the borrower and the same been adequately reflected in Public Disclosure Copy the project legal documents? III. APPROVALS Task Team Leader: Name: Ximing Zhang Approved By Regional Safeguards Name: Peter Leonard (RSA) Date: 29-Aug-2014 Advisor: Sector Manager: Name: Ousmane Dione (SM) Date: 30-Aug-2014 Public Disclosure Copy Page 13 of 13