The World Bank Strengthening Capacities and Institutions for PIM, PPPs and DRM (P169908) REPORT NO.: RES47044 RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF STRENGTHENING CAPACITIES AND INSTITUTIONS FOR PIM, PPPS AND DRM APPROVED ON APRIL 14, 2020 TO UGANDA AND ITS TRUST FUNDED FINANCING GRANTS STRENGTHENING OF FINANCING OF PUBLIC INVESTMENTS (TF0B1153) SUPPORT TO THE PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTERNSHIPS (PPP) UNIT IN UGANDA ( TF0B0069) ENHANCED DOMESTIC REVENUE MOBILIZATION FOR IMPROVED FISCAL OUTCOMES (TF0B0125) STRENGTHENING PUBLIC INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT - CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE FOR PIM TRAINING (TF0B1422) STRENGTHENING PUBLIC INVESTMENT (PIM) IN UGANDA (TF0B0404) MACROECONOMICS, TRADE AND INVESTMENT AFRICA EAST Regional Vice President: Hafez M. H. Ghanem Country Director: Keith E. Hansen Global Director: Marcello De Moura Estevao Filho Practice Manager/Manager: Vivek Suri Task Team Leader(s): Rachel K. Sebudde, Moses Misach Kajubi, Shyamala Shukla The World Bank Strengthening Capacities and Institutions for PIM, PPPs and DRM (P169908) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS BE Bank Executed CoE Centre of Excellence CPF Country Partnership Framework DRM Domestic Revenue Mobilization EoI Expression of Interest GDP Gross Domestic Product IBP Integrated Bank of Projects IFMIS Integrated Financial Management Information System MDAs Ministries, Departments and Agencies MEFMI Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute MFPED Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development NDP National Development Plan PBS Program based Budgeting System PDO Project Development Objectives PIFS Public Investment Financing Strategy PIM Public Investment Management PIP Public Investment Plan PPP Public Private Partnership RE Recipient Executed SoE School of Economics TF Trust Fund ToR Terms of Reference URA Uganda Revenue Authority The World Bank Strengthening Capacities and Institutions for PIM, PPPs and DRM (P169908) BASIC DATA Product Information Project ID Financing Instrument P169908 Investment Project Financing Environmental and Social Risk Classification (ESRC) Moderate Approval Date Current Closing Date 14-Apr-2020 30-Mar-2022 Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency Uganda Revenue Authority,PPP Unit,Project Analysis and Public Investment Management,Makerere University, College of Business and Management Sciences, School of Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development Economics,Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development - Debt Policy and Issuance Department (DPID) Financing (in USD Million) FIN_SUMM_PUB_TBL SUMMARY Total Project Cost 0 Total Financing 0 Financing Gap 0 DETAILS -NewFin3 The World Bank Strengthening Capacities and Institutions for PIM, PPPs and DRM (P169908) Project Development Objective (PDO) Original PDO This proposed project is to strengthen institutions in management and financing of public investments, including through public-private partnerships and introducing best practice governance in tax expenditure management for better revenue outcomes. OPS_TABLE_PDO_CURRENTPDO Summary Status of Financing (US$, Millions) Net TF Approval Signing Effectiveness Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed TF-B1422 25-Oct-2019 24-Jan-2020 11-Jun-2020 30-Mar-2022 .81 .63 .18 TF-B1153 18-Sep-2019 24-Jan-2020 24-Jan-2020 30-Aug-2021 .21 .08 .14 TF-B0404 17-May-2019 29-Oct-2019 29-Oct-2019 30-Mar-2022 .71 .52 .19 TF-B0125 11-Apr-2019 30-Oct-2019 09-Jul-2020 30-Mar-2022 .33 .33 0 TF-B0069 03-Apr-2019 30-Oct-2019 30-Oct-2019 30-Mar-2022 .91 .58 .33 Policy Waiver(s) Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)? No ABSTRACT 1. This restructuring paper seeks management’s approval for changes on two subcomponents: (i) additional financing of US$ 511,000 to subcomponent TF0B0404: “Strengthening Public Investment Management (PIM) in Uganda” and (ii) No cost closing date extension of subcomponent TF0B1153: “Strengthening of Financing of Public Investments” from August 30, 2021 to March 30, 2022 . The two subcomponents fall- under component 1 “Strengthening Uganda’s PIM environment” of the project “Uganda: Strengthening Capacities and Institutions for PIM, PPP, and DRM (P169908). The project is financed from the Multi-Donor Trust Fund to Support Implementation of Government of Uganda’s National Development Plan (TF073022). Subcomponent under TFB0404 is implemented by the Project Analysis Planning/PIM (PAP/PIM) department, and subcomponent under TF0B1153 is implemented by the Debt Policy and Issuance department (DPID), both departments of the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. 2. The main objective of the project “Strengthening Capacities and Institutions for PIM, PPPs, and DRM” is to strengthen capacities in management and financing of public investments, including through public-private partnership and in improved domestic revenue mobilization. The project is implemented through standalone grants aimed at building institutional capacities to manage the wide range of technical aspects of public investment management. In line with the strategic objective of raising returns on pubic investments, the key activities supported by these grants support three critical areas of strengthening management of public investments in Uganda: (i) strengthening the legal and regulatory frameworks, The World Bank Strengthening Capacities and Institutions for PIM, PPPs and DRM (P169908) building institutional systems, and strengthening capacities across ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs), including a stronger gate-keeping role of the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development; building in-country capacity for PIM training and capacity building by instituting a PIM centre of excellence in the country; and strengthening financing of public investments; (ii) strengthening government capabilities to identify, prepare and procure PPPs and improve the process for decision-making on PPPs; and (iii) support stronger domestic revenue effort by closing knowledge and technical gaps, including supporting preparedness for the next generation of efficiency and revenue raising reforms. 3. The subcomponent, funded by grant TFB0404 and implemented by the PAP Department of the MFPED, supports the following activities: (i) the formulation of the PIM Policy, (ii) the development and rolling out of the second phase of the Integrated Bank of Projects (IBP Phase II) and (iii) strengthening PIM capacities in key institutions of government. It is also central to coordinating project activities to maximize synergies across the different components of the PIM program and sustain the PIM reform agenda, beyond the project timeline. 4. During the recent supervision missions, the mission established that additional resources will be required to complete implementation of two of the activities under this subcomponent i.e. (i) the development of the second phase of the Integrated Bank of Projects (IBP phase II) and (ii) strengthening PIM capacities in key institutions of government. Government has formerly requested for this funding as par attached letter, dated June 15, 2021. The additional resources will be used as follows: (i) US$ 47,009 added on subcomponent for development of the IBPII; (ii) US$ 48,341 for management and coordination of PIM reforms; and (ii) US$ 214,567 for the second module of the PIM training. 5. In addition, Government has requested the Bank for financial support to undertake a special audit on the Covid-19 expenditures undertaken during the first three quarters of FY20/21. The COVID-19 crisis has adversely affected the financing and delivery of the public investment program, partly due to revenue shortfalls, while a large part of additional pandemic related funding financed public investments. Understanding how these additional resources were utilized, including whether they adhered to the established processes (including PIM processes) to maximize value for money and return on investment, is crucial for the continuity of the public investment program and will inform the PIM policy. The audit is one of the commitments by Government under the World Bank emergency COVID-19 Development Policy Operation (DPO) and the International Monetary Fund Rapid Credit Facility (RCF). The TF Joint Steering Committee has approved the allocation of US$ 200,000 under its Rapid Response Window, to allow government to undertake this special audit. This financing will be channeled through the grant TF0B0404, for purposes of rapid disbursement and ensuring work is down quickly. 6. Therefore, total additional financing onto grant TF0B0404 will amount to US $ 511,000 to cover the funding gap on the Strengthening PIM component and support to the Covid-19 expenditure audit, in particular to establish whether additional public investments utilizing COVID-19 resources followed due processes to maximize value for money and return on investment. 7. The subcomponent, funded by TF0B1153, and implemented by DPID of the MFPED, supports the following activities: (i) development of a public investment financing strategy; (ii) development of guidelines for expression of interest for entities wishing to participate in financing of public projects; and (iii) building capacity in loan negotiations guidelines. Due to further delays in implementation, especially of items (ii) and (iii), occasioned by COVID-19 and related restrictions, including a second lockdown, these activities are not expected to be completed by the closing date of August 30, 2021. Government has requested for extension of the closing dates for the project and the grants financing it to allow completion of activities. The World Bank Strengthening Capacities and Institutions for PIM, PPPs and DRM (P169908) 8. Both the additional financing of TF0B404 and no-cost extension of the closing date for TF0B1153 are critical to the successful completion of the identified activities, and ultimately achieving the project development objectives. I. PROJECT STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING A. PROJECT STATUS 9. The project comprises three components, funded by five different grants, which were processed at different times. The status of each of these components can be summarized as follows: (a) Component 1: Strengthening Uganda’s Public Investment Management Environment comprised of three sub- components, including: (i) Strengthening Public Investment Management (PIM) in Uganda. This is funded through grant TF0B0404, which became effective October 29, 2019, to support activities including development of the PIMs Policy, the development of the second phase of the Integrated Bank of Projects (IBP Phase II), training at least 40 public sector officials involved in the management of public projects, and coordinating project activities to maximize synergies across the different activities being funded by the trust fund. The draft PIM Policy is being reviewed by Cabinet and the development of IBP phase II is underway. By May 30, 2021, the grant had disbursed US $ 521,798.7 out of the total amount of US $ 712,575. (ii) Strengthening Public Investment Management (PIM) training. The activities funded by grant TF0B1422 support establishment of a PIM Centre of Excellence (CoE) at Makerere University, to build in-country capacity for sustainable PIM training. Makerere University signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development, following which it allocated office space to the PIM CoE, and set up the initial structures of the PIM CoE, including sections for PIM training (both short and long courses), PIM research, impact evaluation, and CoE administration. An Interim Manager for the CoE is working with SoE existing staff and consultants to set up the CoE. By May 30, 2021, the grant had disbursed US $ 205,000 out of the total amount of US $ 810,000. (iii) Strengthening of Financing of Public Investments. The activities are funded by grant TF0B1153 signed on January 24, 2020, with the aim to support MFPED develop the public investment financing strategy (PIFS), develop guidelines for expression of interest for entities wishing to participate in financing public investments, and train government officials in loan negotiations. The development of the PIFS commenced in September 2020 and is expected to be approved by MoFPED top management by end of July 2021. Procurement of contractors to handle the two other activities is under way, but delayed. By May 30, 2021, the grant had disbursed $ 75,000 out of the total amount of US $ 210,000. (b) Component 2: Support to the build capacities for public private partnerships (i) Support to Public Private Partnerships (PPP) Unit, Uganda. Grant TF0B0069 was signed in October 2019 finances the contractual appointment of advisors to raise the capacity of the PPP Unit within the MFPED to support The World Bank Strengthening Capacities and Institutions for PIM, PPPs and DRM (P169908) contracting authorities (MDAs) in the preparation, management and implementation of PPP projects, and to support preparation of at least two PPP projects with the goal of successful mobilization of private sector financing. Recruitment of four out of the five PPP advisors has been concluded by May 30, 2021, and the grant had disbursed US$ 578,755 out of US $ 910,000. (c) Component 3: Strengthen capacities for Domestic Revenue Mobilization This component of the project has only one subcomponent ‘Enhanced Domestic Revenue Mobilization for improved fiscal outcomes’. It is financed by Grant TF0B0125, signed in October 2019 and aiming to provide diagnostics and tax policy tools to support Government of Uganda in formulating a strategy to mobilize more revenues, and support change management within the revenue administration body to smoothly move into second generation reforms. The grant only became effective July 9, 2020, following a long delay in signing the subsidiary agreement between MFPED (the borrower representative) and URA the implementor. This component of the project aims to support efforts to enhance domestic revenue mobilization, needed to finance public investments in a more sustainable manner. The grant executed by URA aiming to enhance tax administration, is complemented by another Bank-executed grant mainly focusing on technical assistance to close gaps in tax policy. The grant executed by URA comprises of the following subcomponents: a. enhanced domestic revenue administration by redesigning the eTAX system, rebuilding ICT/business analysis/data science skills, and undertaking change management readiness assessment. By the time of the most recent supervision mission held March 2021, the status was as follows:  eTAX2 user requirements : The contract for the consultancy to redesign eTAX system, prepare user specification and procurement bidding documents, was awaiting Solicitor General approval. URA has already used inhouse capacity to draft the expected changes in the business processes. The work is expected to be completed within four months after signing the contract.  URA Enterprise Wide Contact Centre: The contract for the consultant to support implementation of the contact center including its quality assurance, was awaiting Solicitor General’s approval1. The team, composed of ten URA staff, had also completed four (4) peer learning activities in Uganda and Kenya2 to gain insights on how contact centers operate and inform the setting up of the contact center for URA.. b. Change Readiness Assessment: The terms of reference (ToR) for the assessment had been prepared and were to be submitted to the World Bank for review. c. Capacity in ICT, Data and Business Analysis: The terms of reference for the three major categories of trainings had been developed and potential trainers identified. The plan includes both virtual and physical training methods to benefit about 20 URA staff. The grant amount of US$330,000 has been fully disbursed to URA in line with the agreed work plan. B. PROJECT MONITORING, REPORTING AND EVALUATION 1 Due to delayed Grant effectiveness, user requirements and bidding documents for the contact center were developed using alternative funding. Implementation is now ongoing. 2 The URA team carried out peer learning visits to MTN Uganda, Contact Centre International and Kenya Revenue Authority both located in Kenya. The World Bank Strengthening Capacities and Institutions for PIM, PPPs and DRM (P169908) 10. The performance indicators for the project for all original components of this project, listed in table below are considered adequate in terms of performance achievement and shall not be changed over the project period. However, a new performance indicator relating to the support for the COVID-19 expenditure audit has been added. Component Performance indicator Component 1: Strengthening Uganda’s Public Investment Management Environment 1.1: Strengthening a) A PIM policy and recommendations for revisions to the broader legal Systems and framework Institutions for PIM in b) Development of Phase two of the IBP, and linking this to other existing Uganda (TF0B0404) Government Systems to establish a full PIM cycle (e.g. IFMIS, PBS) c) A critical mass of PIM Experts developed. d) Audit Report of COVID-19 expenditures 1.2: Strengthening a) Four core SoE staff trained as ToT, at Queens University in specialized systems for sustainable training in PIM PIM training - Centre of b) Centre of Excellence for PIM training internationally accredited Excellence for PIM c) 50 MDAs technical staff from different regions of the country trained and training (TF0B1422) certified in PIM based short courses including: project preparation, appraisal and feasibility analyses, contract management, monitoring and evaluation d) Tailored curricula and standardized training materials for short and long- term PIM training covering the whole project cycle (identification to ex-post evaluation) developed e) PIM course rolled out into the University curriculum at undergraduate and graduate levels, and to nine other Universities offering economics and related training in the country f) Three Impact Evaluations/studies conducted to rigorously assess the effects of selected three public investment projects to test the effectiveness of the training received 1.3: Strengthening a) A Public Investment Financing Strategy (PIFS) prepared by December 2019 Financing of Public that links financing modalities to appropriate types of projects prepared for Investments in Uganda execution b) Guidelines prepared by end December 2019 for the analysis of Expressions (grant TF0B1153) of Interest (EoIs) to finance Government programs c) At least 17 MOFPED staff trained in loan negotiations skills Component 2: Support to the build capacities for public private partnerships Support to Public a) A robust legal framework for preparation and implementation of PPP Private Partnerships projects put in place; (PPP) Unit, Uganda - b) Institutional strengthening of selected MDAs conducted in preparing, Contractual managing and implementing PPP projects; and appointment of 3 c) At least two PPP projects identified through screening and appraising of the Advisors for PPP proposals submitted to the PPP Uit, and robust feasibility studies PPP(TF0B0069) prepared for these projects. Component 3: Strengthen capacities for Domestic Revenue Mobilization a) URA’s eTAX 2 two user requirements and procurement documentation The World Bank Strengthening Capacities and Institutions for PIM, PPPs and DRM (P169908) Enhanced Domestic b) Current/Future State of Domestic Tax Processes plus Systems Mapped Revenue Mobilization for improved fiscal outcomes (RE - TF0B0125) 11. In addition to the original indicators that are considered adequate and hence not changing over the project period, a new performance indicator relating to the support for the COVID-19 expenditure audit has been added. C. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING 12. The restructuring of the project relates to two subcomponents: (i) provision of additional financing to subcomponent 1.1 Strengthening PIM in Uganda, funded through grant TF0B0404; and (ii) a no-cost extension of the closing date for subcomponent 1.2 Strengthening of Financing of Public Investments, funded through grant TFB1153 from August 30, 2021 to March 30, 2022. Accomplishments to date signal strong Government commitment to execute the activities as planned, amidst the disruptive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. 13. Subcomponent 1.1 Strengthening PIM in Uganda, funded by grant TF0B0404 and implemented by PAP Department of MFPED, aims to support the development of the PIMs Policy, the development and roll out of the second phase of the Integrated Bank of Projects (IBP Phase II), training public sector officials involved in the management of public projects, and coordinating project activities to maximize synergies across the different activities being funded by the trust fund. 14. Overall, this subcomponent of the project has recorded significant progress. Implementation of activities commenced with the formulation of PIM policy and a draft policy has was already been submitted to the Cabinet. The PIM Policy is expected to be approved by Cabinet by end of August 2021. 15. The development of the IBP2 system is also on track, and once completed will ease management of processes under the entire PIM cycle - from inception to evaluation of completed projects. The IBP system is expected to deliver four sub- components that will be internally linked and interfaced with other systems (AMP, PBS, IFMS, e-GP and PMIMS). Due to the revenue shortfalls occasioned by the COVID-19 pandemic, MFPED failed to secure US$ 47,009 of the CRI contract to develop the IBPII, previously expected to come from its own resources. 16. The capacity building activity focuses on training of GoU staff and stakeholders in public investment appraisal. The activity is to be delivered in two phases and expected to be completed in July 2021. Phase 1, covering financial appraisal and risk analysis, was completed in November 2020. Phase 2, dealing with economic and stakeholder analysis had been scheduled over the period June 21 – July 2, 2021, but has been pushed forward due to the on-going second lockdown due to COVID- 19. However, full execution of this phase of training requires additional funding, given that Government failed to mobilize its own budget resources for this activity, due to the revenue shortfalls and huge spending pressures due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects. The World Bank Strengthening Capacities and Institutions for PIM, PPPs and DRM (P169908) 17. The capacity of the PAP Department to coordinate project activities to maximize synergies across the different components of the PIM program and sustain the PIM reform agenda beyond the project timeline, is also heavily constrained as it has remained unfunded. 18. Overall, recent supervision missions established a huge funding gap and agreed to explore avenues from within the TF to support these activities. Government has formerly requested for this funding as par attached letter, dated June 15, 2021. The additional resources will be used as follows: (i) US$ 47,009 added on subcomponent for development of the IBPII; (ii) US$ 48,341 for management and coordination of PIM reforms; and (ii) US$ 214,567 for the second module of the PIM training. 19. In addition, Government has requested the Bank for financial support to undertake a special audit on the Covid-19 expenditures during the first three quarters of FY20/21. The COVID-19 crisis has adversely affected the financing and delivery of the public investment program, partly due to revenue shortfalls, while a large part of additional pandemic related funding financed public investments. Understanding how these additional resources were utilized, including whether they adhered to the established processes (including PIM processes) to maximize value for money, is crucial for the continuity of the public investment program. The outcome and lessons are also expected to inform the formulation of the PIM policy, which is the first component of this grant. The audit is one of the commitments by Government under the World Bank emergency COVID-19 Development Policy Operation (DPO) and the International Monetary Fund Rapid Credit Facility (RCF). The TF Joint Steering Committee has approved the allocation of US$ 200,000 under its Rapid Response Window, to allow government to undertake this special audit. This financing will be channeled through the grant TF0B0404, for purposes of rapid disbursement and ensuring work is down quickly, to inform the finalization of the PIM policy. 20. The Bank has secured savings from within the TF that can be used to provide the additional funding of US$ 511,000, of which US$ 311,000 will support the completion of IBPII development and deployment, training, and stronger coordination and management of PIM reforms by MoFPED; and US$ 200,000 to enable the MoFPED undertake a special audit of the COVID-19 expenditures for the first three quarters of FY20/21. Therefore, total additional financing onto grant TF0B0404 will amount to US $ 511,000 to cover the funding gap on the Strengthening PIM component and support to the Covid-19 expenditure audit. 21. Subcomponent 1.2 Strengthening of Financing of Public Investments, for which a no-cost extension is being sought, has also made good progress, although it has been affected heavily by COVID-19 and related restrictions. The development of the PIFS commenced in September 2020, and the final draft is to be approved by top management before the end of July 2021. Procuring of the contractor for the EOI guidelines as well as procuring the training institution is underway but delayed due to the COVID-19 restrictions and the withdrawal of the contractor from the assignment. One contractor developing the PIFS, had also been expected to handle the other two activities (i.e. EOI guidelines and training in loan negotiations). The contractor has informed MFPED that due to unavailability of its consultant to travel and undertake activities, it will not be able to commit to the assignments. MFPED has since initiated the process for identifying another firm to carry out the remaining parts of the assignment. Even when the contractors have been secured, the actual activities and training may be delayed on account of the COVDI-19 related challenges, including travel bans, health impact on both staff and consultants, and current ongoing downsizing of operations in public offices to 10% (due to lockdown), and limitations on consultations, among others. Consistent with the request from MFPED in February 2021, an additional seven months to the grant time is The World Bank Strengthening Capacities and Institutions for PIM, PPPs and DRM (P169908) expected to provide sufficient time to complete these activities, unless new shocks or effects of COVID-19 are extended beyond this time. II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES 22. The proposed changes are as follows: 23. Additional financing of up to USD 511,000 will be added to subcomponent 1.1TF0B0404 “Strengthening Public Investment Management in Uganda. As summarized in table below, the total grant amount for subcomponent 1.1 will be increased from U$$ 712,575 to US$ 1,223,575 and subsequently, the total project amount will be increased from US$ 2,975,575 to US$ 3,486,575. Grant Grant Amount Proposed additional financing RE - TF0B1153 US$ 210,000 US$ 210,000 RE - TF0B0069 US$ 910,000 US$ 910,000 RE - TF0B0125 US$ 333,000 US$ 333,000 RE - TF0B1422 US$ 810,000 US$ 810,000 RE - TF0B0404 US$ 712, 575 US$ 1,223,575 Total Project Amount 2,975,575 US$3,486,575 24. It is proposed that the Closing Date for grant TF0B1153, financing subcomponent 1.1 Strengthening of Financing of public investments be extended from August 30, 2021 to March 30, 2022. This new date remains within the closing date for the project P169908, which this grant is financing. Other grants financing the project are not affected by this extension as indicated below. The World Bank Strengthening Capacities and Institutions for PIM, PPPs and DRM (P169908) Grant Original closing date Proposed new closing date RE - TF0B1153 August 30, 2021 March 30, 2022 RE - TF0B0069 March 30, 2022 March 30, 2022 RE - TF0B0125 March 30, 2022 March 30, 2022 RE - TF0B1422 March 30, 2022 March 30, 2022 RE - TF0B0404 March 30, 2022 March 30, 2022 25. The additional financing for TF0B404 and the no cost extension of the closing date for TF0B1153 will enable smooth implementation and completion of project activities. 26. The audit of COVID-19 expenditures is expected inform authorities and stakeholders how the additional COVID-19 related resources were invested, including whether they adhered to the established processes to maximize value for money and return on investment. It is hence crucial for the finalization of the PIM policy. 27. No other new activities or extension into new geographic area are expected as part of the project restructuring. The borrower is not expected to prepare any new instruments at this stage, but the relevant ones will be prepared once activities have been identified. 28. All the Environment and Social Standards requirements (ESS1 and ESS10) have been fulfilled, risks remain low, while performance is satisfactory. The restructuring is not likely to impact the risk rating or performance and the project remains at low risk and is performing satisfactorily. 29. The Task Team confirms that the requirements of OP/BP13.30 (additional financing and extension of closing date) have been met. Specifically, as required under the OP: (i) the project objectives continue to be achievable; (ii) the performance of the Recipient continues to be moderately satisfactory due to the delayed start of project activities notwithstanding and COVID-19 related challenges to implementation; (iii) there are no outstanding audits or IFR for the Project; (iv) an agreeable action plan has been developed; and (v) an annual review of compliance with project implementation modalities will be done. III. SUMMARY OF CHANGES Changed Not Changed Components and Cost ✔ Loan Closing Date(s) ✔ The World Bank Strengthening Capacities and Institutions for PIM, PPPs and DRM (P169908) Additional Financing Proposed ✔ Disbursement Estimates ✔ Implementing Agency ✔ Project's Development Objectives ✔ Results Framework ✔ Cancellations Proposed ✔ Reallocation between Disbursement Categories ✔ Disbursements Arrangements ✔ Change in Overall Risk Rating ✔ Legal Covenants ✔ Institutional Arrangements ✔ Financial Management ✔ Procurement ✔ Implementation Schedule ✔ Other Change(s) ✔ Economic and Financial Analysis ✔ Technical Analysis ✔ Social Analysis ✔ Environmental Analysis ✔ IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_COMPONENTS_TABLE COMPONENTS Current Current Proposed Proposed Cost Action Component Name Component Name Cost (US$M) (US$M) Strengthening Uganda’s Public Strengthening Uganda’s Public Investment Management 1732575.00 Revised Investment Management 2243575.00 environment environment Support to PPP Unit 910000.00 No Change Support to PPP Unit 910000.00 Enhanced Domestic Revenue Enhanced Domestic Revenue 333000.00 No Change 333000.00 Mobilization Mobilization The World Bank Strengthening Capacities and Institutions for PIM, PPPs and DRM (P169908) 2,975,575.0 TOTAL 3,486,575.00 0 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_LOANCLOSING_TABLE LOAN CLOSING DATE(S) Original Revised Proposed Proposed Deadline TF Status Closing Closing(s) Closing for Withdrawal Applications TF-B0069 Effective 28-Feb-2021 30-Mar-2022 TF-B0125 Effective 28-Feb-2021 30-Mar-2022 TF-B0404 Effective 28-Feb-2021 30-Mar-2022 TF-B1153 Effective 28-Feb-2021 30-Aug-2021 30-Mar-2022 30-Jul-2022 TF-B1422 Effective 30-Jun-2021 30-Mar-2022 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_ADDITIONAL_FINANCING_TABLE ADDITIONAL FINANCING Source Currency Amount USD Equivalent UK-DFID Trust Fund to Support USD 511,000.00 397,960.00 Uganda's NDP(UGDP) Existing Net Commitment USD Amount 2,975,575.00 Total 3,373,535.00 OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_DISBURSEMENT_TABLE DISBURSEMENT ESTIMATES Change in Disbursement Estimates Yes Expected Disbursements (In US$) Fiscal Year Annual Cumulative 2019 0.00 0.00 2020 0.00 0.00 2021 2,131,990.00 2,131,990.00 2022 1,354,585.00 3,486,575.00 2023 0.00 3,486,575.00 The World Bank Strengthening Capacities and Institutions for PIM, PPPs and DRM (P169908) Note to Task Teams: End of system generated content, document is editable from here.