- - - - - - - EASTERN NILE TECHNICAL REGIONAL OFFICE (ENTRO) REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2017 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GLOSSARY OF TERMS - AWF Africa Water Facility BAS Baro - Akobo - Sabal Proiect - CIWA Cooperation in Jnternat1ona1 Waters 1n Afnca - ENCOM EN SAP C-astern Nile Council of M1111ster'> Eastern Nile Subs1d1ary Action Plan - ENTRO IDEN Eastern Nile Technical Regional Offln' lntegrc1ted Development of Eastern Nile - N - CORE NB! Nile Cooperation for Results ProJect Nile Basin Initiative - NBTF Nile Basin I rust Fund - NELSAP CU Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Progrum Coord1nat1on Unit NEPAD - IPPF NEPAD · Infrdstructure Project Preparation Fc1c1llty - Nile Sec Nile Basin Secretariat - - - - - - - - - - - - EASTERN NILE TECHNICAL REGIONAL OFFICE (ENT RO) REPORTS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages - OFFICIAL AND PROFESSSIONAL ADVISOR PART 1 ENTRO MANAGEMENT REPORT 3 - 1 1 Background 1.2 ProJects objectives 4 4 - 5 - PART 2 AUDIT OBJECTIVE, SCOPE, METHODOLODY AND RESULTS 2.1 Audit objectives 6 - 2 2 2.3 Audit scope Audit methodology 6 6 - 7 - PART 3 2.4 Results of the audit SfAIFME'NT OF MANAGEMENT'S RESPONSIBILITY 7 8 - PART 4 INOEPENDl:NT AUDITORS' REPORT TO THE MANAGEMENT OF ENTRO ON THE FINANCJAL STATEMENTS - 4.1 4.2 Independent auditors' opinion Statement of financial position 9- 11 12 - 4 3 Statement of receipt und payments 4 4 Notes Lo Ult! f1r1ancial statements 14 - 20 13 - ANNfXES 21 - 24 - - - - - - - 2 - - - EASTERN NILE TECHNICAL REGIONAL OFFICE (ENTRO) REPORTS ANO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - OFFICIALS AND PROFESSIONAL ADVISORS - MANAGEMENT Fekahmed Negash Executive Director - Dr Omer MohameU A. Elawad Ayi1k De-Juac Bol Juac Senior Regional 1-'rowct Coordinator/ Head Water Resources Developmen t Unit Regional Finance and AUm1rnstration Head - REGISTERED OFFICE - Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office P.o.Box 27173 - 1000 Dessie road - Addis Ababa - AUDITORS HST, Chartered Certified Accountants , - Mina Ru1lding, Wallo Sefer, PO Box 1608, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - BANKERS - Commcrc1al Bank of t:th1op1a P O Box 255 - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia LEGAL ADVISORS - Dr Berhane Gebray and Associate, Corporate Lawyers and Cur1sullants - - - - - 3 - - - EASTERN NILE TECHNICAL REGIONAL OFFICE (ENTRO) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - 1 CNTRO MANMAGEMENT REPORT - 1.1 Background The Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (ENTRO) was established by Eastern Nile Council of - Ministers (E-NCOM) in 2002 for advancing the cooperative development of the water resources w1thm the context of Eastern Nile Subsidiary Action Plan (EN SAP). The main tasks of ENTRO include: - 1. 2 3. Support for EN SAP Management; Secretariat support to ENSAP and ENCOM; Llc11son with donors and partners, dnd 4. Management and coordination or lntegr·ated Development of Eastern Nile (!DEN) - Eastern Nile Subs1d1ary Action Plan (ENSAP) 1s an investment program under the Basin Initiative. The Eastern Nile Council of Ministers (ENCOM) representing Egypt, Eth1op1a, South - Sudan and Sudan leads the program. ENSAP seeks, JS obJect1ves, Lo achieve joint Jct1on on the ground of poverty allev1atron, economic growth and reversal of environmental degradation. The first ENSAP project 1s the Integrated Development of Eastern Nile (IDEN) project and - 1rnt1ates a regional, integrated, multipurpose progrum through a first sel of investment, which confers tangible, w1n-w1r1 qams and demonstrates joint action between the !:astern Nile countries. - PreparJt1on of ENSAP investment project 1s funded through grants from the World Bank, African Development Bunk, und the GovernmPnt of Canada, France, Norway, the Netherlands and Japan. ENTRO has its own operational budget, financed by the member of Governmente> and through various aid programs. - 1.2 Brief descrrpt1on<; of FNTRO's major on-going projects are as follows. Project oh1cct1ves - 1 2.1 Nile Cooperation for Results ProJect (N-CORE) The objective of the proJect is to fac1l1tate cooper alive water resource management and - development 1n the Nile Basin. The proJect has their components. PART A Advancing Nile Basin-wide Cooperation iJnd Analysis which provides support to the NBJ in bac;m-w1de core functions of facil1t;Jt1ng cooperation and waler resources management. - This part is implemented by Nile-SEC. PART B. Promotion of Sustainable Development and Planning m the Nile Equutonal Lakes - Region which provides support to NE31 1n its efforts to advunce investment opportun1l1es 1n the Nile Equatorial I akes. NELSAP CU is responsible to accomplish this sect1or1. - PART C Enhancing Eastern Nile Plannrny and sustainable development providing support to NB! rn promoting cooperative act1v1t1es, water resource management and sustainuble development m the Eastern NIIP This part 1s executed by ENTRO. It includes the following act1v1ties. - - - 4 - - - EASTERN NILE TECHNICAL REGIONAL OFFICE (ENTRO) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) - 1.2 1 ENTRO MANMAGEMENT REPORT (Continued) Nile Cooperation for Results ProJect (N-COR[) (Continued) - a) Carrying out a program aimed at 1mprovmg public domain access to the Eastern Nile knowledge base including. - • developing analytical and forecasting tools for investment preparation and flood and drought management; • enhancing knowledge partnership with stakeholder nelwor·ks; and • promoting regional cooperation ad 1v1t1es. - b) Carrying out a program aimed at promoting sustainable development and growth m the Eastern Nile such as technical assistance to improve dam safety, a:,sisldflU:! in Lt1e preparation of new watershed management projects, and the prov1s1on of trammg to the networks of environmental and social specialists. The programme 1s financed by the Nile Basin Trust Fund and the Cooperation in International - Waters in Africa Trust Fund w1U1 budqel'> or USO 13 8 million and USO 14 5 million respectively. The grant from N13TI is closed in Dec 31, 201S However, the grant from CIWA continues to November 2020 Irnt1ally 1 Part C of the proJCCl has a total grant amount of USD lM which with proJect closing date April 2017 Subsequently, the grant has amended to USO - 1.25M without changmg the closmg dale. However, the project 1s amended again by increasing the scope of the act1v1t1es and the grant amount An additional fund amount of USD 3.4M is added to the previous grant amount and bring the total grant amount to USO 4.65M Subsequently, the grant closing date 1s extended from April 30, 2017 to November JO, 2020 - Add1t1onal act1v1t1es under ltll'> component will build on the momentum generated by ENTRO's successful flood forecasting, regional dam o.afety, and MSIOA process. The component will - include support for ENTRO to (1) continue and expand issuance of seasonul und daily flood forecasts to governments, communities, NGOs, 1nclud1ng µoteritially to South Sudan, (i1) build technical capacity in new national darn <,afety offices, including through strengthening the working partnership of a regional network of darn operators, (111) provide 111creased real-time and technical data and analysis to countries, (1v) scale-up ENTRO's young profess1onc11s - program and academic partnerships to continue building a new set of leaders in the Eastern Nile, among others; and (v) undertake an evaluation of the success of various p1lot l1vehhood- based mtegratPd watPr'ihf'd management interventions conducted by [NTRO, to inform riparian-led scale up of select best and most viable practices, as well as training of - 12 2 pract1t1oners on lessons learned Baro-Akobo-Sobat Multipurpose Wc1ter Resource, Development Study Project - The proiect encompasses act1v1t1es structured in to four output areas, namely: (1) Development of integrated water resources management and development plan for BAS sub-basin based on a comprehensive assessment of options through a Strategic Social and - Environmental A'isessment (SSFA) a,; well as through a technical, economic, financial and 1nst1tut1onal assessment; ( 2) Ident1f1cat1on of 1nvec;tment packages and feas1bi11ty study of selected priority investment projects with wm -win benefits and thc1t build trust and confidence among the EN countries, (3) ProJect 1dent1f1cation of medium and long- term multi- - purpose development proiects (water supply and o.anitat1on, hydropower, 1rngat1on, navigation, flood control), and (4) Stakeholders consultation and engagement including engagement of potential financing agencies as well as the private sector in resource - mob11i1at1on for implementation of short-term proJects and for project preparation of medium and long-term projects. The total cost of the project 1s estimated at ( 2,500,000 mc1de up of manly of consultancy services for undertaking the study. The proJect will be implemented over a period of 36 months from grant effectiveness. The project will be financed by an Africa Water Facility (AWf) grant of Euro 2,000,000 and a NEPAO-IPPF grant of USO 667,000 (equivalent Euro 500,000). The proJect will be clo<,ed on August 2017 - 5 - - - EASTERN NILE TECHNICAL REGIONAL OFFICE (ENTRO) - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 2 AUDIT OBJECTIVES, SCOPE, METHODOLOGY ANLJ 1-H:SUL JS - 2.1 Audit obJect1ves The objective of the audit is to express an opinion on the Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office financial statements for the period ended 30 June 2017. Tt1e audit includes but not - l1m1ted to the following tasks • Perform reviews of the accounting records and ascertain whether the laid down financial - procedures are complied with; • Review, evaluate and comment on the orqan11at1on's compliance to the World Bank guidelines. Review and evaluate the organ1zat1on's accounting pol1c1es and admm1strat1vc controls and - report any s1gnif1cant weaknesses, together with recomrnendat1ons for improvement and ensure that the respective account;-, rnar1udl 1;-, upddled in accordance with the respective guidelines; Determine whether the management and f1nanc1al systems, including internal controls, within the components are adequate for df1c:ient ,md prudent management of funds; - • Comment on the use of fund':> VI':> a vi':> dpµruvecJ budget;, in reldl1un to the agreement between the organization and donors; Assess the compliance with admin1strative/legal/f1scal issues regarding local employees contracted under the proiects, • RelurnmencJ po':>':>ible irnprovernenl':> dnd/or dcl1on;-, m any area on financial management and especially areas where weaknesses were noted; and • Follow up on the status of prior period audit r·ecomrnendat1ons. - 2.2 Aud1l scope The audit scope required us to carTy out suff1c1ent audit steps and procedures to ensure that - 2.3 the audit obJect1ves were met for the period ended 30 June 2017. Details of the steps and procedures arc given below Audit Methodology - We conducted the audit in accordoncC' with lnternut1onol Stundords on Aud1t1ng. Those standards require that we comply with eU1ical requ1remer1L':> dm.1 pldn dfld perform Lhe dudil Lo obtain reasonable assurance whether the fmannal statements are free from material misstatement. - Internal controls Evaluated s1gn1f1cant internal controls to obtain a ;-,uffluent underc,Landing of the design of - rf'levant controls, pol1nes and procedure,; and whether they have been in operation during the period under review. Compliance with agreement terms and applicable laws and regulations - Reviewed, assessed and reported on compliance with the terms and cond1t1ons of the agreement - Repre':>enldl1or1':> by grdr1Lee':> Obtained spec1f1c written representations from management - - - 6 - - - EASTERN NILE TECHNICAL REGIONAL OFFICE (ENTRO) - NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 2 AUDIT OBJECTIVES, SCOPE:, METHODOLO(jY AND RESULTS (Continued) - 7.3 Audit Melhodology (conlmued) Contractual obligations - • Appraised relevant documents such us agreements between Nile Rasin Trust Fund with Nile Basin lrnt1at1ve as well as documents concerning rights and obligations with il view to providing a comprehensive appraisal of prnJects - • Verified compl1ancc of projects exrend1tures with relevdnt terms of agreements as well as all the applicable rules. • Verified compliance of the rec1p1ent with the lerm'> and conditions of the agreement with the donor. • Ensured timely subm1ss1on of interim unaudited f1nanc1al reports for the proJect as stipulated 1n the agreement Rece1rts and disbursements - Verified compliance with the d1sburc.ements and procurement procl'dures set up for ENTRO. Implementation - • Examined whether the expenditures are classiried in accordance with the budget or the proJelt proposal where the latter forms part of the rnntract with the recipient. Reviewed bank statements and accounts of the rec1p1ent and other relevant books of - • accounts and assessed whether they show a complete view of the income received and expenditure incurred 1n arrordance with generally accepted pr1nuples. Venfied arid confirmed that all commitments are genuine, with the relevant agreements disclosed w1th1n the financial records and dre for the pursuance of agreed PrOJCct obJect1ves. • Examined a representative sample of payments transactions of and within the Project 1nclud1ng accurc1cy und completeness of records • Verified individual ProJect accounts and gave an opinion and/ or advice regarding the manner - they are operated. Other income sources • Establ1sf1ed whether other income gcncratf'd by the Proiect, such as interest, in-kind/local - • contributions, exchange gains, etc., have l.ieer1 used 1n furtherance of the ProJect ObJect1ves Verified that contributions made towards proJect act1v1t1es were made and used ir1 accordance with relevant agreement. - 2 4 2.4.1 Results of the aur11t Summary of results by audit obJecl1ves - (1) Reach an opm1on as to the validity of the f1nanc1ill <.taternents. In our opinion, except for the effect of thf' matter refereed in the audit opinion section 4, the f1nanc1al statemer1ts give a tnie and fair view of the sources ;;ind uses of funds - in accordance with the de.counting pol1c1cs set out on note 4 4 and in conformity with the grunt agreement (11) Report on the financial management and internal controls f1nd1ngs We reviewed the internal control structure and except for the matter referred tn the audit opinion section 4 and management letter 1<,sued separately, we concluded that the system was adcquutc to meet the need<; of the program - - 7 - - - - EASTERN NILE TECHNICAL REGIONAL OFFICE (ENTRO) 3 STATEMENTS OF MANAGEMENT'S RESPONSIBILITIES - The management of Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office is responsible for preparing lhe financial statements for each financial year which gives a true and fair view of the Organization as at the end of the year and of the operating results for that year. The management of Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office is required to ensure the organization - keeps proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the organization. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the organization. - The management of Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office 1s responsible for the preparation of these financial statements that give a true and fair view in accordance with the financial reporting provisions of the World BiJnk, the accounting policies stated rn section 4.4 of this - report and for such internal contrnls as the managemenl determine are necessary to enable the preparation of the financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. - The management of Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office accepts responsibility for the financial statements which has been pr·epar-ed using appropriate accounting policies supported by reasonable und prudent Judgments and est1matec; 1 1n conformity with the financial reporting provisions of the World Bank, the accounting policie,; stated in note 4.4 to the financial - statements. The management of Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office 1s of the opmion that the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of the financial affairs of the Organization und of the results of its activities. I he management ot Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office further accepts responsibility for the mainlenance of accounting records which - may be relied upon in the preparation of the f1ncrnc1al statements, as well as adequate systems of internal financial control. The management also accept,; re,;ponsibility for· - i) ii) designing, implementing and maintaining such internal control as they determine necessary to enable Lhe pre~enlation of fmancial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due Lo fraud or error; selecting suitable accountmg policies and applying them consistently; and - iii) making accounting estimates and Judgements that are reasonable in the circumstances. Tt1e management certifies that, to the best of their knowledge, the information furnished to - the auditors for the purpose of the audit was correct and is an accurate presentation of ENTRO's financial transactions. Nothing has come Lo the attention of ENTRO Management to indicate that the ENTRO will not - remain a going concern for at least the next twelve mo ths from the date of this statement. Signed on behalf of the manugemcnt by: - \\\(ti,( Fekahmed Nega Ay11k uac Bol Juac - Executive Din:ctor 28 December 2017 Regional inance and Administration Head - - 8 - - - - Audit HST, Chartered Certified Acco(.in\:.rnt,, and Authorized Auditor~ i'i, )· i,,rl·I: l'·t·1.1"1il1tJ1:fw· l"f.,)·11 ·.rs {' I\ 'I' ·I:!!' ·/·/..·I· J.'.'l :,:111· / ..1;, ·t·1 :· T - - - 4.1 INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT TO EASTE'RN NILE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF FASTERN NILE TECHNICAL REGIONAL OFFICE (ENTRO) - Opinion on the financial statements - We huve audited the accompanying financial statemtc!nls of Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (ENTRO), set out on pages 12 to JU which comprise the statement of financial position as at 30 June 2017 and receipts and payments for the year then ended, and a summary of - significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes. In our opm1on, except for the effect ot the matter referred to in the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, the accompanying financial statements give a true and fair view of the cash - receipts and expenditure of the Organi1at1on and the funds at and for the year ended 30 June 2017, were utilized for the purpose defined in Lhe funding agreement and in accordance with the accounting policies set out 1n note 4.4 to the statement and the financial reporting prov1s10ns of the World Bank. - Basis for Qualified Opinion Shown on the financial statements is balance due from member- countries amounting USO - 1,142,900 that has been outstanding for more thun a year and no prov1s1on has been made to reduce the balance to its collectable amount. Consequent, receivable shown on the financi.:11 statements is overstated by tile ~me amount. - We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs). Our responsibilities under those standards ore further described 1n the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial StaterneJ1ts section of our report. We are independent of ENTRO in accordance with lnternat1onal Ethics Standards Board for Accountants Code of Ethics for - Professional Accountants (JESSA Code), together with other ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements 1n Eth1op1u, and we havf' fulfilled our other ethical respons1b1lities in accordance with lt1ese requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained 1s sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. - Report on other requirements In all materials respects, we confirm that: - External funds hilvf' been used m accordance wilh the conditions of the relt:!vcmt financing agreements, with due attention to economy and eff1c1ency, and only for the purposes for which the financing was provided; - ii Goods and services finanLed have been procured in accordance with the relevant fmancmg agreements and the financiers' procurement policies and procedures, iii. All necessary supporting documents, records, and accounts have been kept m respect of all Project ventures including expenditure reported using statements of expenditure - iv. (SOE) method of disbursement; Designated Accounts have been mamtamed m accordance with the provisions of the relevant financing agreements and disbursement letter and funds disbursed out of the Accounts were used only for the purpose intended in the financing agreement; - - T r•I I,',''·, 1 ', 11 ···I., ·:, ',.'; I . \ ( '1 (_" l 'I! 9 1'(1Rox1EU8 - - - INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT TO EASTERN NILE COUNCIL Of- MINISTERS ON THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF EASTERN NILE TECHNICAL REGIONAL OFFICE - (ENTRO) (continued) Report on other requirements (Continued) - ii. fhe t1nanoal statements have been µrepdred in accordance with the orgun1zut1on's accounting policies and relevanl World Bank gu1dcl1nes, National laws und regulations have been complieU with, and that the financial and acrnunl1ny procedures approved for the pro1cct; and There 1s verifiable ownership by ENTRO or beneficiaries in line with the f1nuncmg "' agreement in respect of assets procured - Managements' Responsibility for the Financial Statements fNTRO's management is rt:spons1ble for Lile preparation of f1nonc1al statements that give a true and fu1r view 1n uccordanrP with m accordance wilh the financial reporting provisions of the World Bank, the accounting policies stutcd in section 4.4 of this report and for such - internal controls as management determine Me necessary to enable the preparalion of financial statements thal are free from mdtenal misstatement, whether due to fruud or error. In preparing the financial statrments, the managemer1l a1·e responsible for d'>sess1ng the - ENTRO's ability lo continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applJCable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the managemenl either intend to l1qu1date or to cease operdt1or1s, or have no reJl1st1c alternative but to do so - Auditors' Responsibilities for the Audit of the financial Statements Our obJect1ves are to obtain 1easor1dble d'>'>Urance about whether the financial stutcments as a whole arc free from material misstatement, weather due to fraud or error, and to issue an - auditor's report that includes our op1111on Reasonable asc.uranLe i'> d high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in acmrdanre with ISAs will always detect a material m1sstutcment when 1t exists Misstatements car1 arise from fraud or error and are considered material 1f, individudlly or m the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to - influence the econom1r dens1ons of users taken on lhe basis of the'>e fir1dm.idl statements. Ao, part of an audit in accordance with ISAs, we exercise professional Judgment and maintain professional sccpt1c1sm throughout the audit We also· - • Identify and assess thf' risks of material misstatement of the financidl statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that 1s suffic1e11l amJ dppropnate to provide a basis for our opinion I he risk of not detecting a material m1sstalemer1t reo,ullmg from fraud is higher than for - • one resulting from error, as fraud may rnvolve collusion, forgery, 1ntent1onal omissions, m1srepresentat1ons, or ttie override of internal control Obtain an understanding of intl'rnal control relevant to the audit m order to design audit - procedures that are appropriate m lhe circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on lhe effectiveness of U1e Company's internal control. - • Evaluute the appropn.::iteness of uccountmg rolines used and the reasondbleness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made hy thP management. - • Conclude on the appropriateness of the management''> U'>e of the going concern basis of accounting and based on the audit evidence ohta1ned, whether a material uncertamty exists related to events or conditions that may cast s1gn1f1cant doubt on ENTRO's ab1l1ty to continue as a grnng roncern. If we conclude that a material uncertamty exists, we are - required to draw attention in our auditor's report to the related disclosures 111 the financial statements or, if such disclosures are madequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtamed up to the date of our dud1lor's report. However, - future events or conditions may cause ENTRO to cease to continue as a gomg concern. - '" - - - INDEPEND ENT AUDITOR S' REPORT TO EASTERN NILE COUNCil OF MINISTER S ON THE FINANCIA L STATEME NTS OF EASTERN NILE TECHNIC AL REGIONA L OFFICE - (ENTRO) (continued ) Auditors' Responsi bilities for the Audit of the Financial Statemen ts (Continue d) - • Evaluate the ovcr.:ill presentatio n, str-ucture and content of the financ1;:il statements mclw.Jing the disclosures , und whethr-r the financial statemer1l represents the underlying transaction s and events 1n u manner that ach1evcsfa 1r presenlal1o n. ~· "•~, , - We communic ate with the mcinugem ent regarding, among o~i ~~1atte;s>u1e planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, includiTlg any s1gmf1Cilnt def1c1encie internal control that we identify during our audit · . -· · · ·- ' s in - Addis Ababa 28 Decernber 2017 11.sr HST, Chartered Certified A'ccouritan ti·cind Authorized Auditors (Auditor,;' ot Eastern Nile -T_edi·n1r:al'Rt.'gional Offiu:!) - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 - - EASTERN NILE TECHNICAL REGIONAL OFFICE (ENTRO) - 4.2 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION - Current Assets Note 2017 2016 - Cash and bank balances Reccivnbles 47 4.8 USD 898,091 2,342,Ut! USO 882, 735 2,120 114 - Total Assets 3,240,209 ~,002 849 - Current Liabilities Payables - 4.9 803,207 1,020,934 Fund balance - Accumulated fu11d balance Total Funds and Liabilities 2 437 002 3,211),209 1,981,915 - ~Jl_Qf,849 - - These financial statements on pages 12 to 20 were approve by ENTRO management on 28 December 2017 and signed on its behalf by: I - 1LUL,_ - Fekah~~t~egash Ay1ik De-Ju"iic Bol Juac Executive Director Regional Finance and Administration Head - - - - 12 - - - - EASTERN NILE TECHNICAL REGIONAL OFFICE (FNTRO) - 4 3 STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS - INCOME Note 2017 2016 - USO USO Member rountries contribul1or1s 864,00ll 728,001 Nile Basin Trust Fund - 757,391 285,49/ Other donors' contribution 1,403,?S/ 772, 733 Reserve fund 25,/13 Other income 74,7L 4,650,000 603,135 1,022,023 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22 - - - l::ASll::H.N NIU: TECHNICAL Rl::G!ONAL OFF-JC!: (l:::NTkOJ DFSJGNATEO ACCOUNT RECONCILIATION STATEMENT - CIWA-NCORE des1onated account reconc1l1at1on statement ANNEX-3 Currt;>r1cy. USD - Acrnunt number. 1000106187073 Depository bank: Commercial I-lank ot I th1op1il, !Ill) POBox2S5 Addis Ahaha, Fth,op1c1 Gr,mt aqreernent. TF 013767 - Currency UrnterJ Stctes Dolldrs (US$) 201/ 2016 - Opening cash balanLe Add - Advance to and documentat,on of DA Direct payment 757,385 285,497 - Funds available during year Less wrn '>HJ - Increase/Decrease 1n cash transferred to I:: 1ti account 39,693 Costs paid from USD DA 489,4n on 81 1g7 Clns,nq hank halanrf' /4/):l)] 1 UJJ,ll Ur1i-Jre~e11led Lhewu<=~ al 30 Jur1e (1,828) (22,424) Uncredited rheques at 30 Jur,e - Closing cast1 balance ot 30 Jur11= 246 022 81 197 - - - - - - - 23 - - - EASTERN NILE TECHNIC AL REGIONAL OFFICE (ENTRO) - BUDGET UTILIZAT ION REPORT AS AT 30 JUNE 2017 ANNEX-4 Currency: USO RUOG[T H.EV!SED UTILIZATI ON VARIANCE - CIWA - Nile Cooperatro n for Results ProJcct EU GIZ 8]1,112 418,683 662,SOO 603,135 227,977 41 H,683 - 662,500 BAS MPWRDP 2,082,573 l,4S4,704 628,370 Riparian Countries Contributio n 7'>5,017 587,516 167,501 Re'>e.rve fund - 4,749,884 2,644,854 2,105,030 - - - ' ( - - - - - - - - 24