WPS7777 Policy Research Working Paper 7777 Factor Endowments, Technology, Capital Mobility and the Sources of Comparative Advantage in Manufacturing Shushanik Hakobyan Daniel Lederman Latin America and the Caribbean Region Office of the Chief Economist August 2016 Policy Research Working Paper 7777 Abstract Using data on net exports and factor endowments for source of comparative disadvantage in manufacturing, more than 100 countries, this paper studies the rela- and skilled labor is a source of comparative advantage in tionship between factor endowments and comparative the global sample. However, skilled labor is a source of advantage in 28 manufacturing sectors between 1975 comparative disadvantage in economies with low human and 2010. The authors allow for systematic technologi- capital, whereas it is a source of comparative advantage cal differences across countries, including differences in in the sample of countries with high human capital. The factor intensities across countries with different ratios of authors attribute this heterogeneity to the rise of capital skilled labor over unskilled labor. Capital seems to be a mobility across countries, particularly since the mid-1990s. This paper is a product of the Office of the Chief Economist, Latin America and the Caribbean Region. It is part of a larger effort by the World Bank to provide open access to its research and make a contribution to development policy discussions around the world. Policy Research Working Papers are also posted on the Web at http://econ.worldbank.org. The authors may be contacted at dlederman@worldbank.org. The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. The papers carry the names of the authors and should be cited accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank and its affiliated organizations, or those of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent. Produced by the Research Support Team Factor Endowments, Technology, Capital Mobility and the Sources of Comparative Advantage in Manufacturing∗ Shushanik Hakobyan Daniel Lederman Fordham University World Bank . JEL Classifications: F11; F14 Keywords: Factor Endowments; Rybczynski; Specialization; Productivity ∗ The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the World Bank’s Research Support Budget and from the Office of the Chief Economist for Latin America and the Caribbean of the World Bank. The authors thank two anonymous referees who provided comments on the initial research proposal and to Francisco Carneiro for his patience and insightful comments. 1 Introduction In theory, abundant endowments of labor are associated with specialization in labor-intensive manufacturing, as long as trade costs are not prohibitive. In fact, the success of East Asia’s most dynamic economies is attributed precisely to their ability to integrate into the world economy through the efficient use of the one factor of production that they had in good supply: labor (World Bank, 1993). China’s progress and ability to reduce poverty in large scale and the East Asia region’s quick recovery from the late-1990s economic crisis, for example, have been based to a large extent on a model that relies on importing capital and know-how and exporting goods and services that require a great deal of labor (Gill et al., 2013). On the other hand, some countries such as the Dominican Republic are labor abundant and the economy has grown fast, but poverty and unemployment remained high. This is a very different story from that of East Asia and one that is suggestive that some countries might not be using efficiently their most abundant factor of production. This paper explores the relationship between factor endowments and comparative advan- tage. In particular, we test the null hypothesis that the products exported by labor abundant countries are not labor intensive, but rather capital-intensive. In that context, we estimate Rybczynski coefficients for the world and for subsets of countries and test whether Rybczyn- ski coefficients are different across different types of countries. We then use the estimated coefficients to assess whether the countries with a low or high ratio of skilled over unskilled labor have a comparative advantage in products that are capital-intensive or labor-intensive. This paper studies the factor intensity of tradable industries across countries and over time. It is consistent with two neo-classical theories of international trade, namely Ricardian and factor proportions models. Ricardian theories rely on the assumption that countries differ in production technologies, whereas factor proportions models presume that countries utilize similar technologies in production and thus the patterns of trade of an economy are driven purely by international differences in relative factor abundance. There are two strands of empirical trade literature related to these models. The first one examines the implications 2 of the factor proportions theory under the assumption that all countries can access the same technologies. The second assumes Hicks-neutral technological differences across countries. Under the first strand, Harrigan (1995) focuses on the production side of the factor proportions model and uses data on manufacturing output and factor endowments for 20 OECD countries during the period 1970-1985. The findings strongly suggest that capital abundance and unskilled labor are sources of comparative advantage in most sectors, but the evidence on the effects of skilled labor (and land) is rather weak. Schott (2003), on the other hand, investigates whether developed and developing coun- tries specialize in different subsets of products as a result of their differences in factor endow- ments. Using value-added, capital stock, and employment data from UNIDO for up to 45 developed and developing countries across 28 manufacturing industries (aggregated into HO aggregates based on input intensity) in 1990 he finds that labor abundant countries produced relatively little of the most capital-intensive goods. Batista and Potin (2014) extend Schott’s work to explain the dynamics of industrial specialization over time by examining a panel of 44 developed and developing countries over 1976-2000. They find substantial Rybczyn- ski effect in that countries that accumulate capital produce fewer labor-intensive goods and more capital-intensive goods. They further find that poor labor-abundant countries that accumulate capital diversify their output by moving away from labor-intensive industries to capital-intensive industries, while rich capital-abundant countries that accumulate capital specialize in the production of highly capital-intensive goods. Romalis (2004) uses a factor proportions model to examine whether it could explain the structure of commodity trade by integrating a multicountry version of the Heckscher- Ohlin model with Dornbusch et al (1980) model with a continuum of goods and Krugman (1980) model of monopolistic competition and transport costs. His approach assumes no factor intensity reversals and fixed factor shares within industries and across countries. His results corroborate the following two predictions. First, countries tend to capture larger production and trade shares of products that use their abundant factors more intensively. 3 Second, countries that rapidly accumulate a factor see their production and export structures systematically shift towards industries that use that factor intensively. In the second strand of trade literature, Harrigan (1997) was the first to empirically test the factor proportions theory assuming that technological differences across countries are Hicks-neutral and industry specific. He uses manufacturing output shares in GDP and factor endowment data for 10 developed countries across 7 industries (Food, Apparel, Pa- per, Chemicals, Glass, Metals and Machinery) for the period 1970-1988. The results are roughly consistent with those presented by Leamer (1984, who uses net exports as the proxy for the dependent variable) and Harrigan (1995) and suggest that capital and medium- educated workers are generally associated with larger manufacturing output shares, while non-residential construction and highly educated workers lead to lower output shares. The seminal paper by Harrigan (1997) improves substantially upon previous empirical work, but his data shows little cross-country variation as high-income OECD countries have similar factor endowments and sectoral output shares. Harrigan and Zakrajsek (2000) over- come this drawback and exploit the cross-country variation by expanding the sample to include 28 OECD and non-OECD countries and 12 industries over a longer period (1970- 1992). Their evidence is broadly consistent with the neoclassical theory in that human and physical capital abundance raise output in the heavy industrial sectors, while physical capital lowers output in food and apparel-textiles. In a similar vein, Fitzgerald and Hallak (2004) use a cross-section of 21 OECD countries in 1988 to estimate the effects of factor endowment on the pattern of manufacturing special- ization, but allow factor accumulation to respond to productivity. Their results suggest that the failure to control for productivity differences across countries produces biased estimates of the Rybczynski coefficients. Their model generates robust results that explain two-thirds of the observed differences in the pattern of specialization between the poorest and richest OECD countries. Using a similar approach, Redding (2002) concludes that in the short run, common cross-country effects such as technological progress are more important in ex- 4 plaining observed changes in specialization than factor endowments. Over longer periods, factor endowments become relatively more important and account for most of the observed variation in specialization. This evidence is consistent with the idea that changes in relative factor abundance occur gradually and take time to affect the structure of production. Morrow (2010) builds on Romalis (2004) to augment the model with Ricardian TFP differences, and estimates the model using panel data across 20 developed and developing countries, 24 manufacturing industries, and 11 years (1985–1995). He finds that both pro- ductivity differences and the interaction of factor abundance with factor intensity play a role in determining international specialization patterns with little evidence that relative produc- tivity levels are systematically higher or lower for skilled labor abundant countries in skilled labor intensive sectors. Furthermore, he finds that differences in factor abundance are more potent than differences in Ricardian productivity in determining patterns of specialization. Our paper contributes to the existing literature in at least two ways. First, we examine a large number of countries with considerable heterogeneity in their endowments of capital, skilled and unskilled labor. The existing literature has focused on mostly homogeneous groups of countries such as OECD countries or a small number of countries due to limited availability of production data. Since we are using trade data, we are able to expand our sample to include more than 100 countries. Second, we allow for the possibility of changes taking place both in export-oriented and import-competing industries, thus controlling for potential general equilibrium effects, by relying on Leamer (1995). The paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 discusses the empirical strategy and describes the data. The results are presented in Section 3. Section 4 concludes. 5 2 Estimation Strategy and Data 2.1 Econometric model Our approach is grounded in neoclassical theories of international trade, and there is vast academic literature in this vein (Fitzgerald and Hallak, 2004; Schott, 2003; Harrigan, 1997). The empirical relationship between factor accumulation and exports can be due to the adop- tion of technologies (which determine factor input requirements in production), the overall level of economic efficiency in an economy, or the rate of factor accumulation (i.e., industries employing skilled labor intensive technologies will not emerge in economies with insufficient skilled labor). In turn, technology adoption and factor accumulation can be determined by various economic, social and institutional phenomena. Broadly speaking, the empirical Rybczynski function for a given industry can be specified as follows: xcit = αi0 + βi1 Kct + βi2 SLct + βi3 U Lct + βi4 Tct + γit + cit (1) where the subscript i represents industries, c countries, and t is the time period, K , SL, U L and T are endowments of capital, skilled labor, unskilled labor and arable land, respectively, the dependent variable x is output or exports, and γt is the year fixed effect. The intercept term captures any other factor of production that is not explicitly included and is industry- specific (we estimate equation (1) for each industry separately). The parameters of interest in equation (1) are the β s, which can be interpreted as the inverse of technologically determined factor input requirements (i.e., the amount of each input required to produce and export one unit of a final good) in a given industry. To allow for the possibility that changes in the economy take place both in export- oriented and import-competing industries, we control for consumption effects by following Leamer (1995) as follows: N Xci = A− 1 w ci (Vc − sci V ) 6 where N Xci is the net exports of country c in industry i, Vc and V w are the vectors of endowments in country c and in the world, respectively (which could potentially include different numbers of factors of production), sci is the consumption share of industry i in country c in total world consumption of that industry, and A is the input-output matrix, with unit factor requirements as its elements. Hence, our estimating equation is the following: N Xcit = αi0 +βi1 (Kct −sci K w )+βi2 (SLct −sci SLw )+βi3 (U Lct −sci U Lw )+βi4 (Tct −sci T w )+γit + cit (2) In this specification, all variables are observable except for consumption shares. We use the following two approaches to estimate consumption shares and construct the independent variables: (1) We assume homothetic preferences across countries so that we can approximate sci by the ratio of country c’s consumption to the world consumption, sci ≈ Cc /Cw . (2) We further allow consumption shares to vary by country’s level of development by assuming that they are a function of country c’s GDP per capita in year t. As with most applied economic analysis, there are several concerns worth pointing out. First, the β s can differ across countries within industries due to differences in technology adoption (Cusolito and Lederman, 2009) or due to differences in aggregate economic effi- ciency (or total factor productivity) which can be seen as a scaling factor for the observed factor endowments. As eluded to above, one of the key assumptions underlying neoclassical trade models where comparative advantage is driven by factor endowments is that tech- nologies are identical across countries. This implies, importantly, that a unit of labor or capital in one country is just as productive as a unit of labor or capital in the United States, for instance. In an attempt to address these estimation challenges, we follow the approach taken in Fitzgerald and Hallak (2004) and use existing estimates of aggregate TFP to adjust each country’s factor endowments by the TFP differential with respect to the US to net out 7 productivity differences across countries. Another assumption of neoclassical trade models is that the number of goods equals the number of factors of production. The existing literature interprets the constant in the empirical equation as capturing the average effect of all omitted factors of production. The inclusion of country fixed effects consequently is then equivalent to assuming that the number of omitted factors of production can vary across countries. We estimate the model with and without fixed effects (see Fitzgerald and Hallak (2004) for a discussion of this issue). We are interested in exploring differences in β s between different subsets of countries: high income vs. low income, capital or skilled labor abundant vs. unskilled labor abundant. To account for a common error structure, we interact all the regressors with the indicator variable for the each such group. This is essentially a test of the assumption that all coun- tries utilize the same technologies for each industry (after adjusting for cross-country TFP differentials as in Fitzgerald and Hallak (2004)) or they belong to the same diversification cone. 2.2 Data The data set used in this paper contains information on net exports in 28 three-digit ISIC manufacturing industries, endowments of capital and arable land, employment of skilled and unskilled workers for a sample of 129 countries over the 1975-2010 period. The Data Appendix provides details on the data set construction and highlights the limitations on the country and time coverage of the sample imposed by data availability. One such limitation is the availability of educational data in five-year increments. Thus, the data set is a panel of countries by industry over 5-year periods, with factor endowments measured at the initial year of each period, and net (gross) exports averaged over 5-year period. We construct employment of skilled and unskilled workers using population and edu- cational attainment data from Barro and Lee (2010). Skilled labor refers to workers be- tween ages 25 and 64 who completed high school (secondary) education. The data on trade 8 come from UN Comtrade (accessed via WITS), capital stock, total factor productivity and consumption from the Penn World Tables, and arable land from the World Development Indicators (WDI). See the Data Appendix for details. Table 1 reports the summary statistics for endowments of capital, skilled and unskilled labor, arable land (unadjusted for productivity differences) and total factor productivity in our sample over time (Panel A). Panel B and C report the same statistics for two subgroups: countries with high skilled-unskilled ratio and those with low ratio in 2000. We split the sample into two subgroups by skilled-unskilled labor ratio using the median for this ratio in 2000.1 The number of countries for which data are available has gradually increased from 45 in 1975 to 107 by 2000, and arguably data for more unskilled labor abundant countries became available in later years. Yet the summary statistics shows that the average number of skilled labor stock exploded over this period. Keeping in mind changing set of countries over the years, the skilled labor endowment for an average country has increased from 7.3 to 25 million, while the unskilled labor endowment of an average country hovered around 30 million. Similar pattern albeit less striking is observed for capital endowment which for an average country stood at 0.9 and 2.2 million US dollars in 1975 and 2010, respectively. Comparing Panel B and C, we see that even through relatively high skilled labor abundant countries tend to have on average larger endowment of skilled labor and smaller endowment of unskilled labor (by construction), much of the changes in skilled labor endowment over time was driven by the group of relatively low skilled labor abundant countries. Skilled labor endowment for an average country in the later group increased from 2.1 million in 1975 to 14 million in 2010, compared to same statistic for the group of relatively high skilled labor abundant countries which only changed from 10 million to 24 million. Table 2 summarizes sectoral net exports in million US dollars and as a share of GDP in 1975 and 2010. There is significant variation in the sectoral trade patterns within industries 1 We have chosen year 2000 because of data availability. We have also ranked countries by skilled-unskilled labor ratio in each of the available years and the rank correlation across different years is above 0.98. 9 and across industries within countries. 3 Results Table 3 contains the first set of results, which correspond to the unadjusted Rybczynski equations, sector by sector for each of 28 sectors. The dependent variable is net exports, with independent variables constructed as in equation (2). In turn, Table 4 shows the results from the productivity-adjusted Rybczynski equations where the independent variables are constructed using raw factor endowments multiplied by TFP, as in Fitzgerald and Hallak (2004). To assess how the productivity adjustment affects the estimated coefficients, we rank industries by factor intensity (from most factor intensive to least) and then compute rank correlations for the specification that includes both country and year fixed effects (from Tables 3 and 4). We find little correlation between the ranking of industries by skilled and unskilled labor intensity (0.33 and 0.58, respectively), whereas the ranking of industries by capital intensity is almost reversed (-0.64) suggesting that adjusting for productivity makes a difference.2 Therefore, our discussion of results below focuses on the estimates presented in Table 4. Three sets of results are reported in Table 4: controlling for only year fixed effects, only country fixed effects, and both country and year fixed effects. Recall that country fixed effects are included to allow for the possibility that the number of omitted factors of production varies across countries. The year fixed effects are included to capture any time varying factors common to all countries such as common shocks in any given year or common changes in price levels over time. We use rank correlations to assess the importance of inclusion of country and year fixed effects. The coefficient estimates from Table 4 suggest that the inclusion of year fixed effects does not alter the ranking of industries by their factor intensity, as the 2 The ranking by land intensity is the least affected by the productivity adjustment, with the rank corre- lation standing at 0.75. 10 rank correlation between the two sets of estimates is close to 0.99. However, the omission of country fixed effects changes the ranking of industries quite a bit. In particular, the rankings are completely independent when industries are ranked by unskilled labor intensity. A quick glance at the estimates from specifications with country fixed effects and with country and year fixed effects in Table 4 also reveals that the two set of estimates are qualitatively the same and we focus our discussion on the latter. A positive estimated coefficient on, for example, skilled labor for a particular industry means that skilled labor abundance is associated with net exports of that industry, or is a source of comparative advantage. Likewise, a negative coefficient on skilled labor indicates that skilled labor abundance is a source of comparative disadvantage or associated with net imports in that industry. Generally speaking, the only strong inference is that capital and land are found to be a source of comparative disadvantage in most industries. The coefficients on capital are statistically significant and negative for 11 industries, and positive for only 4 industries, with coefficients for the remaining industries being imprecisely estimated. The coefficients on land are statistically significant and negative for 13 industries and positive for 4 industries. The effect of skilled labor is always positive whenever statistically significant, suggesting that skilled labor abundance is a source of comparative advantage for 6 industries. The effect of unskilled labor is difficult to sign because of imprecisely estimated effects with large standard errors. These results are consistent with findings by Fitzgerald and Hallak (2004) that after adjusting for productivity differences, the coefficient on capital is more often negative than positive. The above results are based on the assumption of homothetic preferences across countries allowing us to impute the consumption shares. We further assume that consumption shares vary by the income level of countries and include GDP per capita in our preferred specifica- tion. Table 5 reports the results from the productivity-adjusted Rybczynski equations that control for income level of the country. The estimates are qualitatively the same as in Table 11 4 and hence we proceed with our preferred specification. To allow for the possibility of more than one diversification cone, we specify an indicator variable for countries with high skilled-unskilled labor ratio in 2000 and interact it with our factor endowment measures.3 We augment our main regression with these four interaction terms, and report the results in Table 6. All the regressions include country and year fixed effects. The last two columns indicate whether the difference between estimated coefficients for capital and skilled labor are statistically different from zero across the two groups of countries. For the majority of industries, the estimated coefficients on skilled labor are sta- tistically different between the two groups of countries, while the difference in the estimated coefficients on capital are only statistically different from zero for about half of the industries. To summarize the results so far, we find strikingly heterogeneous effects of capital, skilled and unskilled labor abundance on net exports across countries with high and low skilled to unskilled labor ratio. There are a variety of reasons that could explain such heterogeneity. First, the restrictions on capital mobility have been gradually removed over time whereas the restrictions on labor mobility still persist. Therefore, it is possible that capital has become more mobile over time flowing to countries where it could complement abundant unskilled labor. This would lead to the coefficient on capital to be similar across two groups of countries as is the case in half of the industries in our sample. Figure 1 shows the foreign direct investment-gross capital formation ratio in high and low/middle income countries over the last 40 years. This ratio was relatively stable for both groups of countries up until the early 1990s, but has grown significantly since then. Additionally, the ratio has been much more volatile for the high income group relative to the low/middle income group. There seems to be a structural break in the series in the early 1990s. To account for the potential changes in capital mobility across countries, a la Jones (2000), we split the sample into pre- and post-1995 sub-samples. We estimate our preferred specification using these sub-samples 3 We also explored the possibility of more than one diversification cone by splitting the sample by capital- unskilled labor ratio. The set of countries is similar to that grouped by skilled-unskilled labor ratio, and most importantly the Rybczynski coefficients are qualitatively the same. These results are available upon request. 12 and the coefficient estimates on capital and skilled labor for two sets of countries with high and low skilled-to-unskilled labor ratio before and after 1995 are reported in Table 7. Before 1995 capital was a source of comparative disadvantage in all industries of coun- tries with low skilled-to-unskilled labor ratio (estimates for 10 industries are statistically significant and negative) whereas it was a source of comparative advantage in a handful of industries in countries with high skilled-to-unskilled labor ratio (out of 14 statistically significant coefficients on capital, 9 are positive). Furthermore, the difference between the estimates on capital of the two groups of countries is statistically different from zero for all industries with positive and statistically significant coefficient on capital. However, while the number of industries with a negative coefficient on capital has not changed in countries with low skilled-to-unskilled labor ratio after 1995 (estimates for 9 industries are statistically significant and negative), there are now 4 industries where capital is found to be a source of comparative advantage. In contrast, after 1995 the results are more mixed for countries with high skilled-to-unskilled labor ratio; in about half of the industries for which the estimates are statistically significant, capital is a source of comparative advantage and in the other half it appears to be source of comparative disadvantage. Additionally, the differences between the two groups of countries are no longer as significantly different as before 1995, providing some support for increased capital mobility in later decades. Yet, the pattern of comparative advantage based on skilled labor became increasingly dif- ferent across these two groups of countries over time. Before 1995, skilled labor was a source of comparative advantage in almost all industries with statistically significant coefficients across both subsets of countries. After 1995, it continues to be a source of comparative advantage in countries with high skilled-to-unskilled labor ratio, but becomes a source of comparative disadvantage in a large number of industries in countries with low skilled-to- unskilled labor ratio. Another explanation for wide heterogeneity in the estimated coefficients is the possibility that countries with high and low skilled-to-unskilled labor ratios produce different varieties 13 within the same commodity categories, with the former using more capital-intensive tech- nologies than the latter, leading to the patterns of comparative advantage observed in the data. This is consistent with the findings in Schott (2003). In Table 8 we evaluate the goodness of fit of our preferred estimations for the sample of low human-capital economies and for the sample of high human-capital countries. The first set of columns reports summary statistics for the group of countries with a low skilled-unskilled labor ratio, followed by the high-skill sample. For each group of countries, the table shows the observed average net exports for each industry, the mean regression residuals reported in Table 6 for each group of countries, and the ratio of the mean residual over the observed net exports. Table 8 suggests that the model does a relatively good job at explaining cross country variation in net exports. Most of the ratios of the average industry-specific residuals over the observed average net exports are relatively small – on average about 0.09% and 0.61% for the sample of low-skill and high-skill economies, respectively. Only for handful industries, the average residuals are larger than 4% relative to net exports; for example, the model over- predicts the size of net exports in Tobacco industry for low-skill economies and in Petroleum refineries and Glass manufacturing in high-skill economies, whereas high-skill economies are observed to have less net exports in Non-ferrous metals than the model predicts. Hence, we conclude that the model with heterogeneous Rybczynski coefficients seems to provide an acceptable set of predictions for both sub-samples. 4 Conclusion This paper makes two contributions to the literature. First, it extends the empirical literature on the estimation of factor proportions as determinants of international trade patterns to a large set of diverse economies, including developing countries. By relying on trade data, rather than on production data, and by following Leamer (1995), the estimation sample 14 includes more than 100 countries, thus providing richer evidence than the existing literature that relies predominantly on data from high-income economies. Second, the paper pays special attention not only to the role of Hicks-neutral international technological differences, but also to the role of systematic technological differences across countries with different relative factor endowments. More specifically, the paper provides evidence concerning the differences in Rybczynski coefficients across countries with low and high ratios of skilled labor over unskilled labor. The resulting evidence seems relevant for understanding global patterns of trade spe- cialization. As in Fitzgerald and Hallak (2004), we find that controlling for Hicks-neutral technological differences across countries is quite important. In particular, capital does not seem to be a "friend" of manufacturing after one controls for international TFP differences that affect the productivity of all factors of production equally. However, skilled labor seems to play an important, favorable role, on average, when one assumes that there are no sys- tematic technological differences across economies with different human capital endowments. However, the evidence also suggests that allowing for differences in the Rybczynski co- efficients across countries changes the picture significantly. Developing economies, with rel- atively lower endowments of skilled labor, exhibit statistically significantly different coeffi- cients than their high-skill counterparts within industries. In addition, these differences could be associated with the rise of foreign direct investment since the 1990s, when its importance relative to domestic investment rose particularly in low- and middle-income countries. From the viewpoint of low-skill economies, which developed comparative advantage in several man- ufacturing industries, the evidence implies that export-oriented manufacturing industries do require substantial numbers of unskilled workers relative to skilled workers. In turn, we con- jecture that specializing in manufacturing exports that are in part driven by foreign direct investment is unlikely to raise the skilled-labor premium, precisely because these industries seem to be relatively intensive in the use of unskilled labor in economies with relatively low abundance of skilled workers. 15 References [1] Batista, Catia, and Jacques Potin (2014). “Stages of diversification in a neoclassical world,” Economics Letters 122 (2): 276-84. [2] Cusolito, Ana P. and Daniel Lederman (2009). “Technology adoption and factor pro- portions in open economies: theory and evidence from the global computer industry”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series 5043. [3] Djankov, S., C. 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We use the World Bank classification to group countries into “high income” and “low and middle income” subgroups. 18 Table 1: Summary Statistics of Endowments and TFP TFP Capital, Skilled Unskilled Arable land, Number of $mln labor, mln labor, mln mln hectares countries Panel A: All countries 1975 0.84 0.86 7.29 27.74 13.69 45 (0.46) (2.20) (24.82) (72.98) (36.32) 1980 0.82 0.85 7.06 23.48 11.36 65 (0.41) (2.44) (25.28) (68.28) (31.28) 1985 0.75 0.88 9.62 36.46 12.72 71 (0.27) (2.46) (29.27) (123.14) (32.80) 1990 0.72 0.95 11.08 33.26 11.14 85 (0.26) (2.67) (33.32) (123.57) (30.30) 1995 0.63 1.18 15.27 31.56 12.00 98 (0.28) (3.09) (43.50) (121.77) (30.39) 2000 0.63 1.25 18.33 29.29 10.91 107 (0.35) (3.51) (55.54) (118.59) (28.69) 2005 0.67 1.65 21.76 30.73 11.16 105 (0.35) (4.67) (61.46) (128.44) (28.46) 2010 0.67 2.19 24.55 32.86 11.12 104 (0.32) (6.00) (63.34) (144.67) (27.88) Panel B: Relatively high skilled labor abundant countries 1975 0.80 1.12 10.17 16.50 12.03 29 (0.21) (2.69) (30.64) (23.83) (35.29) 1980 0.83 1.32 11.45 14.64 11.01 34 (0.23) (3.27) (34.43) (20.74) (33.18) 1985 0.75 1.29 13.09 14.43 10.74 36 (0.21) (3.35) (37.31) (19.91) (32.23) 1990 0.76 1.32 13.34 11.53 8.93 45 (0.22) (3.54) (37.39) (17.17) (28.71) 1995 0.66 1.65 17.42 10.76 11.29 52 (0.25) (4.04) (41.74) (15.74) (31.15) 2000 0.68 1.72 19.66 8.93 10.63 54 (0.31) (4.58) (46.12) (12.96) (29.78) 2005 0.72 2.13 22.58 8.08 10.72 52 (0.29) (5.77) (50.50) (11.56) (29.08) 2010 0.70 2.48 24.28 7.30 10.20 53 (0.23) (6.25) (54.36) (10.35) (27.95) Panel C: Relatively low skilled labor abundant countries 1975 0.92 0.38 2.08 48.10 16.70 16 (0.73) (0.58) (3.18) (117.81) (39.11) 1980 0.82 0.33 2.25 33.17 11.74 31 (0.54) (0.58) (3.76) (96.37) (29.60) 1985 0.75 0.45 6.05 59.13 14.75 35 (0.33) (0.73) (17.47) (172.54) (33.72) 1990 0.68 0.53 8.53 57.70 13.61 40 (0.30) (0.93) (28.32) (177.20) (32.18) 1995 0.60 0.66 12.85 55.07 12.79 46 (0.30) (1.25) (45.75) (174.98) (29.83) 2000 0.58 0.77 16.98 50.05 11.18 53 (0.37) (1.82) (64.16) (166.21) (27.83) 2005 0.62 1.17 20.96 52.96 11.59 53 (0.40) (3.23) (71.08) (178.46) (28.11) 2010 0.63 1.88 24.82 59.43 12.08 51 (0.39) (5.77) (72.05) (203.94) (28.04) Notes: Standard deviations are reported in parentheses. Panel A reports summary statistics for capital, labor (skilled and unskilled) and land endowmwnts by year for all countries in our sample. Panels B and C report the same statistics for countries with skilled to unskilled labor ratio above and below the median in 2000, respectively. 19 Table 2: Summary Statistics: Net Exports in 1975 and 2010, million US dollars and as a share of GDP (%) Million US dollars Share of GDP (%) 1975 2010 1975 2010 Sector Description Mean St. Dev. Mean St. Dev. Mean St. Dev. Mean St. Dev. 311 Food manufacturing -36.3 1537.7 538.8 7757.3 0.30 1.23 -0.32 2.34 313 Beverages 9.4 487.4 38.0 2127.7 0.00 0.16 0.01 0.35 314 Tobacco manufactures 24.5 145.9 -3.2 764.5 0.00 0.10 -0.03 0.18 321 Textiles -1.4 520.9 335.5 7117.2 -0.21 0.68 -0.28 0.44 322 Apparel -84.1 889.2 -80.9 13746.3 0.18 0.93 -0.02 0.79 323 Leather products -8.5 111.7 -32.0 2752.4 -0.01 0.06 -0.06 0.27 324 Footwear -35.2 536.9 -76.9 2915.3 0.01 0.13 -0.05 0.18 331 Wood products -125.9 658.3 45.6 1617.9 0.07 0.40 0.07 0.57 332 Furniture -20.8 281.9 60.5 5346.0 -0.01 0.08 -0.02 0.38 341 Paper products 7.0 1035.9 6.5 2287.9 0.02 0.64 -0.13 0.65 342 Printing and publishing 5.7 179.8 27.4 747.9 -0.04 0.07 -0.04 0.27 351 Industrial chemicals 133.3 1442.4 -755.6 9930.6 -0.28 0.79 -0.40 2.37 352 Other chemical products 73.3 606.0 44.6 7605.8 -0.13 0.22 -0.33 2.54 353 Petroleum refineries -285.6 1836.8 951.1 12567.6 0.27 2.76 -1.03 5.22 354 Misc petroleum and coal prod. 8.3 189.9 -0.5 337.3 -0.01 0.04 -0.02 0.04 355 Rubber products 6.4 267.7 18.1 2067.8 -0.04 0.08 -0.12 0.29 356 Plastic products -15.8 207.1 42.6 4903.0 -0.01 0.11 -0.18 0.27 361 Pottery, china, earthwear -3.0 117.6 25.6 853.0 -0.02 0.03 -0.02 0.04 362 Glass products 1.5 107.1 15.1 987.6 -0.04 0.07 -0.06 0.12 369 Non-metallic mineral products 19.1 268.4 107.8 1917.7 -0.04 0.18 -0.15 0.27 371 Iron and steel 241.4 2140.5 83.8 5122.7 -0.19 0.66 -0.34 0.80 372 Non-ferrous metals -143.6 737.2 -224.1 9213.6 0.15 0.65 0.67 2.76 381 Fabricated metal products 114.6 830.8 181.5 9566.3 -0.18 0.30 -0.42 0.52 382 Machinery except electrical 705.0 4304.6 88.6 29106.5 -0.75 1.08 -1.45 2.19 383 Electrical machinery 203.2 2107.2 -2664.9 26089.3 -0.23 0.41 -1.08 4.99 384 Transport equipment 508.7 4448.5 1092.7 28773.0 -0.70 0.94 -1.28 2.57 385 Professional and scientific equip. -10.4 603.6 -42.2 5373.8 -0.08 0.24 -0.09 1.24 390 Other manufacturing -83.3 535.5 18.9 8691.0 -0.05 0.14 0.04 1.83 Number of countries 45 103 45 103 20 Table 3: Unadjusted Rybczynski equations Dependent variable: Year fixed effects Country fixed effects Country and year fixed effects Net exports Capital Skilled Unskilled Land Capital Skilled Unskilled Land Capital Skilled Unskilled Land Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Food -1.36*** -0.04 -5.19 0.52*** -0.86** 4.03 24.40 0.33 -0.86** 4.55 24.59 0.38 Beverages 0.45* -1.22 4.34** 0.02 0.37*** 17.31*** -3.34 0.24** 0.37*** 17.51*** -3.58 0.25** Tobacco -0.27*** 6.30** -1.85** -0.01 -0.12 4.72 -1.09 -0.11 -0.12 4.72 -1.11 -0.11 Textiles 1.40* 5.77 23.96** -0.78*** 2.11*** -9.88 64.41*** -3.40*** 2.10*** -10.97 65.83*** -3.45*** Apparel 2.92** 53.19 52.44*** -1.06** 4.33*** 52.36* 122.32*** -5.24*** 4.32*** 49.91* 125.14*** -5.36*** Leather and leather products 0.57* 1.20 8.58*** -0.15 0.78*** 0.08 24.55*** -0.96*** 0.78*** -0.47 25.18*** -0.99*** Footwear 0.87*** 5.67 13.21*** -0.22*** 0.94*** 11.81** 23.30*** -0.91*** 0.94*** 11.30** 23.87*** -0.93*** Wood and wood products 0.21 10.59* 1.93 0.24*** 0.20 14.47** 10.52 0.00 0.20 14.53** 10.47 0.01 Furniture and fixtures 1.57*** 13.86 17.80*** -0.37** 2.07*** 23.76 32.24** -1.80*** 2.06*** 23.05 33.08** -1.83*** Paper and paper products -0.06 -10.13** -4.89*** 0.35*** -0.27*** -10.99** -1.04 0.72*** -0.27*** -10.70** -1.32 0.74*** Printing and publishing 0.11*** -1.40 1.20*** -0.11*** 0.16*** -1.86 -0.13 -0.06 0.16*** -1.85 -0.14 -0.06 Industrial chemicals 0.35 -4.19 -25.61** 0.57 -0.67 2.24 -74.07*** 3.54*** -0.65 3.07 -75.00*** 3.56*** 21 Other chemical products 0.19 9.51 4.83 -0.42*** 0.60 44.02*** -27.33* 0.42 0.60 45.02*** -28.29* 0.47 Petroleum refineries -0.51 84.42** -17.74* 1.01*** -2.76** 70.16* -25.13 -0.46 -2.76** 70.53* -25.46 -0.44 Misc petroleum, coal products -0.04 -1.61** -0.45** -0.01 -0.06** -2.76** -0.60 0.09*** -0.06** -2.73** -0.63 0.09*** Rubber products 0.82*** 1.68 6.89*** -0.23*** 0.84*** 7.85* 0.61 -0.52*** 0.84*** 7.77* 0.72 -0.52*** Plastic products 1.13** 1.93 17.47*** -0.50*** 1.58*** -3.55 35.46*** -1.88*** 1.57*** -4.33 36.40*** -1.91*** Pottery, china and earthwear 0.24*** -0.28 3.67*** -0.10*** 0.26*** -1.62 7.62*** -0.31*** 0.26*** -1.75 7.77*** -0.32*** Glass and glass products 0.33*** -2.53 3.45*** -0.12*** 0.36*** -4.62** 8.14*** -0.30*** 0.36*** -4.73** 8.28*** -0.30*** Other non-metal mineral prod. 0.67*** -2.26 7.35*** -0.19*** 0.75*** 0.84 14.28*** -0.58*** 0.75*** 0.70 14.45*** -0.58*** Iron and steel 2.47*** 7.07 11.90*** -0.22 1.51*** 1.09 18.22* -1.16*** 1.50*** 0.27 19.14** -1.21*** Non-ferrous metals 0.23 -1.16 -18.70** 1.19*** -0.54 -2.38 -44.70*** 3.85*** -0.53 -1.69 -45.93*** 3.89*** Fabricated metal products 3.00*** 4.88 34.19*** -1.11*** 3.72*** 1.17 61.50*** -3.49*** 3.71*** -0.12 63.04*** -3.56*** Machinery 12.65*** 1.69 96.88*** -4.22*** 14.34*** 53.83 50.89 -7.33*** 14.33*** 51.86 53.33 -7.43*** Electrical machinery 9.27*** 43.11 76.89*** -2.33*** 9.36*** 117.51* 34.16 -5.25*** 9.37*** 114.06* 37.81 -5.47*** Transport equipment 11.36*** 46.41 56.18* -2.49*** 9.35*** 214.98*** -200.72** 2.34 9.37*** 218.34*** -204.95** 2.52 Prof. scientific equipment 0.50 -4.39 -2.16 -0.15 0.18 7.35 -36.34** 1.21*** 0.18 7.92 -36.99*** 1.24*** Other manufacturing 2.31*** 35.87** 31.88*** -0.59*** 2.61*** 44.55** 65.48*** -2.75*** 2.60*** 43.01** 67.27*** -2.82*** Notes: Coefficients on capital and land are divided by 1,000 and 100, respectively. ***, ** and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level. Table 4: Productivity-adjusted Rybczynski equations Dependent variable: Year fixed effects Country fixed effects Country and year fixed effects Net exports Capital Skilled Unskilled Land Capital Skilled Unskilled Land Capital Skilled Unskilled Land Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Food -1.83** -80.08** -35.88** 1.55*** -1.63 -23.10 -18.84 0.87 -1.89 -33.19 -25.31 1.09 Beverages 0.53 -0.15 22.69*** -0.04 -0.44 34.95** -17.06 0.11 -0.47 33.65** -17.94 0.14 Tobacco -0.44*** 6.14 -10.91*** 0.03 -0.52*** -2.37 -11.30*** 0.17 -0.54*** -3.16 -11.88*** 0.19 Textiles -2.61* -67.85 -25.40 -0.97*** -2.23*** -115.74 80.22** -3.48*** -2.33*** -119.60 77.99*** -3.43*** Apparel -6.96*** -176.05 -45.51 -1.13*** -6.95*** -92.01 40.58 -6.29*** -6.96*** -92.45 40.53 -6.33*** Leather and leather products -1.06** -44.10 -8.98 -0.13* -1.39*** -48.03 6.56 -0.79*** -1.40*** -48.42 6.38 -0.79*** Footwear -1.00*** -40.79* 3.15 -0.31*** -1.21*** -8.72 7.11 -1.30*** -1.19*** -7.99 7.62 -1.32*** Wood and wood products -0.74*** -24.29 0.03 0.51*** -0.77** 27.40 -9.50 -0.28 -0.81** 25.84 -10.53 -0.25 Furniture and fixtures -2.05*** -62.07 -12.29 -0.53*** -2.66*** -29.80 0.04 -2.20*** -2.70*** -31.36 -0.91 -2.18*** Paper and paper products 0.51** -17.31 4.70 0.65*** 0.75** 8.58 0.22 0.52* 0.74** 8.29 0.03 0.53* Printing and publishing 0.10 6.33 1.09 -0.22*** 0.07 -2.58 1.24 -0.12 0.07 -2.84 1.08 -0.12 Industrial chemicals 4.73*** 184.65** 58.47** -0.26 4.44*** 148.21*** -24.88 2.65** 4.70*** 158.23*** -18.62 2.45** Other chemical products 1.32* 106.31*** 37.52*** -1.03*** -0.08 125.83*** -23.64 -0.31 -0.24 120.31*** -27.35 -0.18 22 Petroleum refineries 1.72* 261.67*** 80.46*** 1.04** 1.12 187.00* 134.22 3.62 1.01 182.15* 131.20 3.72 Misc petroleum, coal products 0.13*** 2.38 0.90 -0.02* 0.17*** -1.38 1.12 0.08* 0.18*** -1.23 1.22 0.07* Rubber products -0.06 4.68 7.43 -0.53*** -0.23 0.42 10.78 -0.72** -0.24 0.13 10.61 -0.72** Plastic products -1.97** -72.03 -20.93 -0.64*** -2.00*** -79.68 10.21 -1.99*** -2.04*** -81.34 9.23 -1.98*** Pottery, china and earthwear -0.33*** -14.12 -2.41 -0.15*** -0.31*** -15.25 4.10 -0.33*** -0.31*** -15.53 3.94 -0.33*** Glass and glass products -0.10 -8.18 0.33 -0.21*** -0.13 -21.45 11.89** -0.21 -0.14 -21.63 11.81** -0.21 Other non-metal mineral prod. -0.22 -19.34 4.32 -0.29*** -0.32 -6.75 16.43 -0.99*** -0.34 -7.64 15.91 -0.98*** Iron and steel -0.14 -7.82 16.06 -1.07*** -1.04 -77.88 51.01* -0.06 -0.99 -76.08 52.28* -0.12 Non-ferrous metals 0.13 -73.29 -15.33 1.74*** -0.38 43.38 - 3.75*** -0.34 44.56 - 3.76*** 217.30*** 216.73*** Fabricated metal products -2.78 -93.09 -21.02 -1.81*** -3.12** -117.71 42.59 -4.25*** -3.19** -120.46 41.02 -4.22*** Machinery -2.35 -32.30 13.27 -8.98*** -5.14 -129.43 35.59 -12.81*** -5.30 -134.71 32.66 -12.78*** Electrical machinery -4.17 -37.01 20.81 -5.85*** -8.51 -12.97 -68.06 -7.84** -8.04 5.83 -56.47 -8.26** Transport equipment 9.06** 515.14*** 270.61*** -8.31*** 5.31 691.38*** -77.54 -6.89 5.21 687.06** -80.16 -6.80 Prof. scientific equipment 1.83*** 87.10*** 29.66*** -0.86*** 1.31* 56.84* -24.72 1.06 1.32* 57.24* -24.55 1.06 Other manufacturing -2.89*** -39.73 7.56 -1.07*** -3.46*** 1.81 43.08 -3.45*** -3.43*** 3.02 44.06 -3.52*** Notes: Coefficients on capital and land are divided by 1,000 and 100, respectively. ***, ** and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level. Table 5: Productivity-adjusted Rybczynski equations: Controlling for GDP per capita Dependent variable: Year fixed effects Country fixed effects Country and year fixed effects Net exports Capital Skilled Unskilled Land Capital Skilled Unskilled Land Capital Skilled Unskilled Land Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Labor Food -1.89** -80.62** -36.33** 1.56*** -1.78 -26.75 -20.96 0.95 -1.84 -32.46 -24.95 1.08 Beverages 0.53 -0.17 22.67*** -0.04 -0.47 34.25** -17.46 0.13 -0.48 33.56** -17.98 0.14 Tobacco -0.47*** 5.93 -11.08*** 0.04 -0.56*** -3.42 -11.91*** 0.19 -0.57*** -3.63 -12.12*** 0.20 Textiles -2.76* -69.02 -26.37 -0.94*** -2.50*** -122.33 76.40** -3.33*** -2.47*** -121.79 76.89** -3.38*** Apparel -7.14*** -177.49 -46.70 -1.10*** -7.16*** -97.12 37.62 -6.18*** -7.10*** -94.63 39.44 -6.28*** Leather and leather products -1.07** -44.21 -9.07 -0.12* -1.43*** -48.89 6.07 -0.77*** -1.42*** -48.65 6.27 -0.78*** Footwear -1.01*** -40.87* 3.08 -0.30*** -1.23*** -9.06 6.91 -1.29*** -1.21*** -8.27 7.48 -1.32*** Wood and wood products -0.78*** -24.63 -0.25 0.52*** -0.80** 26.64 -9.94 -0.26 -0.82** 25.83 -10.53 -0.24 Furniture and fixtures -2.10** -62.48 -12.63 -0.52*** -2.78*** -32.68 -1.63 -2.14*** -2.77*** -32.42 -1.44 -2.16*** Paper and paper products 0.45* -17.85 4.25 0.67*** 0.79** 9.49 0.75 0.50* 0.78** 8.85 0.31 0.51* Printing and publishing 0.12 6.45 1.19 -0.22*** 0.06 -2.81 1.11 -0.12 0.06 -2.88 1.06 -0.12 Industrial chemicals 4.68*** 184.23** 58.12** -0.25 4.42*** 147.69*** -25.18 2.66** 4.47*** 154.75*** -20.37 2.53** Other chemical products 1.03 103.95*** 35.58*** -0.97*** -0.63 112.58*** -31.32 -0.01 -0.65 114.07*** -30.49 -0.03 23 Petroleum refineries 1.33 258.54*** 77.89*** 1.11** 0.49 171.69 125.35 3.96 0.52 174.82 127.52 3.89 Misc petroleum, coal products 0.14*** 2.43 0.94 -0.02* 0.19*** -1.04 1.32 0.07* 0.19*** -1.08 1.30 0.07* Rubber products -0.04 4.80 7.53 -0.53*** -0.25 -0.06 10.50 -0.71** -0.25 -0.03 10.53 -0.72** Plastic products -2.06** -72.71 -21.49 -0.63*** -2.14*** -83.12 8.21 -1.92*** -2.13*** -82.63 8.59 -1.94*** Pottery, china and earthwear -0.33** -14.17 -2.46 -0.15*** -0.33*** -15.67 3.86 -0.32*** -0.32*** -15.65 3.88 -0.32*** Glass and glass products -0.09 -8.16 0.34 -0.21*** -0.13 -21.46 11.89** -0.21 -0.13 -21.53 11.86** -0.21 Other non-metal mineral prod. -0.22 -19.37 4.29 -0.29*** -0.33 -7.11 16.22 -0.99*** -0.33 -7.50 15.98 -0.98*** Iron and steel -0.16 -7.93 15.96 -1.06*** -1.05 -78.09 50.89* -0.06 -1.02 -76.50 52.07* -0.11 Non-ferrous metals 0.24 -72.38 -14.58 1.72*** -0.11 50.02 - 3.60*** -0.13 47.68 - 3.68*** 213.45*** 215.16*** Fabricated metal products -2.89 -94.02 -21.79 -1.78*** -3.32** -122.72 39.69 -4.13*** -3.30** -122.10 40.20 -4.18*** Machinery -2.50 -33.51 12.28 -8.95*** -5.70 -142.88 27.80 -12.51** -5.63 -139.74 30.13 -12.66*** Electrical machinery -3.99 -35.50 22.04 -5.89*** -8.24 -6.51 -64.32 -7.99** -8.16 4.06 -57.36 -8.22** Transport equipment 9.46** 518.34*** 273.25*** -8.38*** 5.33 691.76** -77.32 -6.90 5.33 688.89** -79.25 -6.84 Prof. scientific equipment 1.87*** 87.39*** 29.90*** -0.87*** 1.31* 56.79* -24.75 1.07 1.30 56.96* -24.69 1.07 Other manufacturing -2.91*** -39.90 7.41 -1.07*** -3.46*** 1.91 43.14 -3.45*** -3.42*** 3.22 44.16 -3.52*** Notes: Coefficients on capital and land are divided by 1,000 and 100, respectively. ***, ** and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level. Table 6: Productivity-adjusted Rybczynski equations by country groups: Low vs. High skilled-unskilled labor ratio Dependent variable: Low skilled-unskilled labor ratio (54) High skilled-unskilled labor ratio (54) Difference significant? Net exports Capital Skilled Labor Unskilled Land Capital Skilled Labor Unskilled Land Capital Skilled Labor Labor labor Food -5.58* -118.02 -103.50* 5.80* -1.56 -44.46 28.56 -0.73 Beverages 0.26 12.58* 0.26 -0.12 -0.27 83.49*** 0.42 -0.13 *** Tobacco -0.37*** -14.76*** -3.00 0.44*** -0.62*** 6.25 -23.79 -0.06 Textiles -2.24*** -175.91*** 106.51*** -6.70*** -0.12 104.33*** 18.76 -0.99*** ** *** Apparel -6.05*** -297.17*** 86.60** -10.30*** -2.07 457.34*** 164.17** -4.56*** ** *** Leather and leather products -1.20*** -83.97*** 19.90*** -1.54*** -0.62** 46.00*** 5.37 -0.39* * *** Footwear -1.13*** -45.39*** 10.46 -2.15*** -0.15 99.39*** 47.27** -0.92*** ** *** Wood and wood products -0.48** -14.55 -3.76 -0.41 -0.13 113.83*** 42.44* -0.51 *** Furniture and fixtures -2.16*** -162.36*** 33.86*** -3.22*** -0.44 256.17*** 42.47 -2.01*** * *** Paper and paper products 0.23 -3.17 -12.59 1.13** 0.84* 9.49 16.65 0.28 Printing and publishing -0.06 -10.07*** 1.68 -0.34*** 0.30*** 18.27** -7.92 0.13 *** *** Industrial chemicals 6.34*** 115.91 17.94 4.03 4.02*** 176.69*** 30.90 0.26 Other chemical products -0.14 33.33 12.03 0.65 0.20 234.31*** -117.52 -0.66 ** 24 Petroleum refineries 5.09*** 318.61*** 234.15*** -3.35* 0.58 170.86 -56.27 7.54 Misc petroleum, coal products 0.07 4.00** -2.61*** 0.07 0.15* -10.41*** 2.06 0.13** *** Rubber products -0.10 -29.31*** 23.44*** -1.45*** 0.44 80.85*** -2.32 -0.26 *** Plastic products -1.87*** -145.18*** 32.91** -3.72*** -0.41 101.89*** -10.69 -0.82* ** *** Pottery, china and earthwear -0.33*** -27.83*** 6.29** -0.58*** -0.01 17.43*** 5.74** -0.16*** *** *** Glass and glass products -0.22*** -31.50*** 12.77*** -0.76*** 0.31*** 18.37*** 10.33 0.23* *** *** Other non-metal mineral prod. -0.06 -37.04*** 27.93*** -2.06*** 0.54*** 89.92*** 25.63** -0.41** *** Iron and steel -1.05 -115.18*** 59.90** -2.51*** 0.81 91.87** 59.83 1.58* *** Non-ferrous metals 1.94** 39.11 -218.27*** 4.30*** -0.48 67.61* 61.75** 1.32 ** Fabricated metal products -3.08*** -288.21*** 91.21*** -7.84*** 0.79 326.38*** 5.70 -1.75 ** *** Machinery -8.50*** -885.79*** 181.77** -19.38*** 8.79 1,485.95*** -199.38 -6.58 ** *** Electrical machinery -3.94** -615.09*** 167.00*** -9.78*** -0.08 1,210.54*** 16.64 -10.27** *** Transport equipment 0.03 41.24 39.25 -3.31 12.69 1,686.22*** -546.89 -6.05 *** Prof. scientific equipment 0.95 -9.88 -1.56 2.77*** 1.22 101.63* -111.89 0.20 * Other manufacturing -2.70*** -126.35*** 82.85*** -6.34*** -0.34 358.19*** 91.81* -2.15*** * *** Notes: The regressions include country and year fixed effects. Coefficients on capital and land are divided by 1,000 and 100, respectively. ***, ** and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level. Table 7: Productivity-adjusted Rybczynski equations by country groups before and after 1995 Dependent variable: Low skilled-unskilled labor ratio (54) High skilled-unskilled labor ratio (54) Difference significant? 1975-1990 1995-2010 1975-1990 1995-2010 Capital Skilled Labor Net exports Capital Skilled Capital Skilled Capital Skilled Capital Skilled 1975- 1995- 1975- 1995- Labor Labor Labor Labor 1990 2010 1990 2010 Food -1.59*** 205.08*** -6.39 -108.23 -3.32** -305.19*** 1.76*** 341.88*** ** *** *** Beverages -0.05 -18.23 0.47** 11.04 -0.59 0.36 -0.73 41.79 * Tobacco 0.01 -9.47 -0.22* -14.00** -0.39 -113.87** -0.57*** 76.62*** * * *** Textiles -0.59** 175.19*** -2.26* -138.61** 0.38 120.15 -1.24*** 38.70* *** Apparel -1.17** 397.64*** -4.60** -261.08*** -3.54** 287.20* -4.27*** 175.43** *** Leather and leather products -0.05 44.18*** -0.91*** -75.56*** -0.36 72.26** -0.95*** -0.30 *** Footwear -0.11 143.29*** -0.83** -50.07*** -0.27 154.08** -0.89*** 8.51 ** Wood and wood products -0.82** 141.24** 0.09 -0.38 -1.36* -97.03** 0.88*** 110.08*** * *** *** Furniture and fixtures -0.37*** 56.35*** -1.71*** -149.51*** -0.07 13.71 -2.39*** 163.75*** *** Paper and paper products -0.22 86.61 -0.02 2.98 0.46 -36.93 1.90*** 74.30** *** ** Printing and publishing -0.01 -8.52 -0.18* -12.05*** 0.31* -20.06 0.34** 32.16* * *** ** Industrial chemicals -1.25 -61.88 6.78** 29.22 1.55 -174.59 4.36*** 217.41 25 Other chemical products 0.10 -64.66 -0.15 43.16* 0.69 -8.68 -0.39 419.56** * Petroleum refineries -1.13 -173.51** 7.16*** 452.72*** -1.23** -119.16** 3.63 600.83* Misc petroleum, coal products -0.03 0.79 0.06 4.96** -0.10 -10.86 0.35*** 2.69 *** Rubber products 0.10 26.46*** -0.28 -34.04*** 0.80*** 80.07*** -0.91 -10.15 *** *** Plastic products -0.18 128.18*** -1.17** -149.16*** 0.18 71.38** -1.18** 76.57* *** Pottery, china and earthwear -0.05 12.55 -0.18** -29.89*** 0.12* 28.99*** -0.11*** 10.85*** ** *** Glass and glass products -0.15*** 23.29*** -0.17 -29.16*** 0.43*** 25.31*** 0.05 -4.41 *** * Other non-metal mineral prod. -0.57 6.47 0.02 -35.29** 0.46 14.76 0.28** 92.67*** * *** Iron and steel 0.42 -118.21** -0.25 -65.96 -0.69 16.86 -0.72 -157.57** * Non-ferrous metals 0.66 19.01 2.90** -57.63 -1.89** -230.14*** -0.28 146.61 *** ** *** * Fabricated metal products -1.65*** 125.06*** -2.13 -268.27*** 1.66*** 170.35*** -1.49 264.24** *** *** Machinery -1.30 -244.39 -7.43 -785.50*** 24.57*** 1,518.48*** -5.73 701.34 *** *** ** Electrical machinery -2.59*** 108.65** -2.42 -621.19*** 16.14*** 1,804.55*** -14.93*** 511.37 *** ** *** *** Transport equipment -0.55 35.74 1.64 50.75 22.53*** 1,848.37*** -2.70 304.45 *** *** Prof. scientific equipment -0.60* 23.73 1.46 -48.96 2.03* -65.55 0.68 162.81 ** Other manufacturing -0.91* 339.37*** -1.45 -104.00 -0.20 353.55*** -2.07*** 138.73* ** Notes: The regressions include country and year fixed effects. Coefficients on capital and land are divided by 1,000 and 100, respectively. ***, ** and * indicate significance at the 1%, 5% and 10% level. Table 8: Average Net Exports and Residuals for two groups of countries Low-skill Economies High-skill Economies NX (mln $) Mean res Ratio NX (mln $) Mean res Ratio Food 265.6 -1.12 -0.42% 64.1 2.02 3.15% Beverages 52.7 0.01 0.02% -23.8 -0.03 0.12% Tobacco 2.5 0.15 5.91% 28.6 -0.45 -1.57% Textiles 358.2 0.00 0.00% -215.7 -1.04 0.48% Apparel 1,009.7 1.60 0.16% -1,192.4 2.59 -0.22% Leather and leather products 137.0 -0.99 -0.72% -222.5 -0.48 0.22% Footwear 220.3 0.94 0.43% -311.9 -0.01 0.00% Wood and wood products 7.2 0.02 0.33% -46.4 -0.19 0.40% Furniture and fixtures 234.0 -0.29 -0.12% -232.4 0.48 -0.21% Paper and paper products -299.4 0.57 -0.19% 245.2 -0.30 -0.12% Printing and publishing -0.6 -0.01 1.21% 4.0 -0.11 -2.84% Industrial chemicals -1,368.4 -2.87 0.21% 629.0 3.97 0.63% Other chemical products -318.2 0.87 -0.27% 372.2 2.42 0.65% Petroleum refineries 223.2 1.03 0.46% 65.3 10.38 15.90% Misc petroleum, coal products -22.9 0.06 -0.27% 21.4 -0.20 -0.92% 26 Rubber products 13.9 -0.30 -2.13% -2.4 0.08 -3.29% Plastic products 142.3 0.33 0.23% -228.0 -0.40 0.17% Pottery, china and earthwear 56.8 -0.12 -0.21% -47.4 -0.17 0.36% Glass and glass products 15.0 0.10 0.67% -1.1 -0.11 9.77% Other non-metal mineral prod. 125.4 0.19 0.15% -62.5 -0.27 0.43% Iron and steel -149.6 1.80 -1.20% 224.6 -0.15 -0.07% Non-ferrous metals -456.1 -4.35 0.95% 102.4 -4.32 -4.22% Fabricated metal products 192.3 -1.78 -0.92% -170.7 0.14 -0.08% Machinery -726.7 2.33 -0.32% 828.3 7.37 0.89% Electrical machinery -444.3 3.94 -0.89% -1,054.2 1.79 -0.17% Transport equipment -604.0 3.00 -0.50% 1,772.3 -15.23 -0.86% Prof. scientific equipment -438.5 0.57 -0.13% 286.6 -4.45 -1.55% Other manufacturing 478.2 0.47 0.10% -759.1 0.42 -0.05% Average across Industries N.A. 0.22 0.09% N.A. 0.13 0.61% Average for DR RCA>1 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Correlation between NX and Mean Residuals 0.08 -0.38 Number of country observations 318 357 Note: N.A. = Not Applicable. A Data Appendix A.1 Exports and Imports The data on trade come from UN Comtrade (accessed via WITS) and cover 129 countries and 28 ISIC manufacturing industries over the 1976-2014 period. We construct 5-year average exports and imports for each country-industry pair. For the first period in our data set we average available 4 years of data (1976-1979). The resulting data set contains average exports and imports by country and industry over eight 5-year periods (1975-1979, 1980-1984, 1985- 1989, 1990-1994, 1995-1999, 2000-2004, 2005-2009, and 2010-2014). The panel is balanced for 49 countries and unbalanced for the rest due to insufficient time or industry coverage. For example, data for Albania, Armenia, Estonia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz Republic are available starting in 1995, for Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Latvia and Lithuania, among others, starting in 1990. Trade data impose the main constraint on country coverage of our final sample. A.2 Stock of Skilled and Unskilled Labor The data on international educational attainment come from Barro and Lee (2010). We use secondary and tertiary completion ratios and population data for each age group to compute stock of skilled and unskilled labor between ages 25 and 64. These data are available for 146 countries in 5-year increments between 1950 and 2010. Educational attainment data availability imposes the main constraint on the time coverage of the sample. For this reason, we construct our data set to include 5-year averages of trade data and initial factor endowments at the beginning of each 5-year period. A.3 Capital Stock The data on capital stock and total factor productivity (TFP) come from the Penn World Tables, and are available for 166 countries from 1950 to 2011. We use capital stock and 27 TFP in 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010 as initial values for each 5-year period. For 142 countries, the capital stock data are available for all years. For 24 countries (primarily former Soviet republics and East European countries), the capital stock data are available since 1990. TFP data are missing for about 56 countries. A.4 Arable Land The data on arable land come from World Development Indicators (WDI) and span 205 countries over the 1975-2010 period. We use 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010 data as initial values for each 5-year period. A.5 Final Sample The final sample contains data on exports and imports for 28 ISIC manufacturing industries over the period 1975-2010 in 5-year averages, as well as total factor productivity, capital stock, stock of skilled and unskilled labor, endowment of arable land at the beginning of each 5-year period (1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010) for 108 countries. The data availability by country and year is reported in Table A1. 28 Appendix Table A1: Data Availability Country code Years Country code Years Country code Years ARG 1980-2010 IDN 1975-2010 RUS 1995-2010 ARM 1995-2010 IND 1975-2010 RWA 1995-2010 AUS 1975-2010 IRL 1975-2010 SAU 1975-2010 AUT 1975-2010 IRN 1995-2010 SEN 1975-2010 BDI 1990-2010 IRQ 2000-2010 SGP 1975-2010 BEN 1990-2010 ISL 1975-2010 SLE 1980, 2000 BGR 1990-2010 ISR 1980-2010 SRB 1990-2010 BHR 1990-2010 ITA 1975-2010 SVK 1990-2010 BLX 1975-2010 JAM 1975-2010 SVN 1990-2010 BOL 1975-2010 JOR 1980-2010 SWE 1975-2010 BRA 1980-2010 JPN 1975-2010 SWZ 2000-2005 BRB 1980-2010 KAZ 1995-2010 TGO 1975-2010 BWA 2000-2010 KEN 1980-2010 THA 1975-2010 CAF 1980-2010 KGZ 1995-2010 TJK 2000 CAN 1975-2010 KOR 1975-2010 TTO 1975-2010 CHE 1975-2010 KWT 1985-2010 TUN 1980-2010 CHL 1980-2010 LKA 1975-2010 TUR 1985-2010 CHN 1985-2010 LSO 2000-2010 TZA 1995-2010 CIV 1975-1985, 1995-2010 LTU 1990-2010 UKR 1995-2010 CMR 1975-2010 LVA 1990-2010 URY 1980-2010 COL 1975-2010 MAR 1975-2010 USA 1975-2010 CRI 1985-2010 MDA 1990-2010 VEN 1980-2010 CYP 1975-2010 MEX 1985-2010 ZAF 1975-2010 CZE 1990-2010 MLT 1990-2010 ZWE 1980-2010 DEU 1975-2010 MNG 1995-2010 DNK 1975-2010 MOZ 1990-2010 DOM 1990-2010 MRT 1995-2010 ECU 1975-2010 MUS 1980-2010 EGY 1980-2010 MYS 1975-2010 ESP 1975-2010 NAM 2000-2010 EST 1995-2010 NER 1975-1980, 1995-2010 FIN 1975-2010 NLD 1975-2010 FJI 1980-1990, 2000-2010 NOR 1975-2010 FRA 1975-2010 NZL 1975-2010 GAB 1980, 1990-2005 PAN 1985-2010 GBR 1975-2010 PER 1975-2010 GRC 1975-2010 PHL 1975-2010 GTM 1985-2010 POL 1980-2010 HKG 1975-2010 PRT 1975-2010 HND 1985-2010 PRY 1980-2010 HRV 1990-2010 QAT 1980-2010 HUN 1990-2010 ROM 1985-2010 29